HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-02809_Well Construction - GW1_20210923 WELL CONSTRUCTION REM� (�GW-1) For Internal Ilse Only: �.
L Well Contmetor Information: -
L S !S t r-,t Cj 0.ti 14.WATEAZOM.:..
won Nam FRAM To mtcw ON
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NC Well Catift Nmnber yS.OIJ?ggCA3IlVG : Wells)ORTim
I�.t_t�rv-+ iv :_/ �E�^ FROM R To R DIAbIIS188 T MAIEAi6I.
CompavyName .,. ... rs...'ds ...
16.INDTBA'CASS1IdGOATD81riG(•,. : _ ..•
2.wen coneitnetioaPermittit: LA) -F 0l0703 a-OZV Flom To DnAn>zrrn Baas �
ur aL! ooeesn:rdtae pareeuo K�tuC Cower Smxe Ym tree:,ex) R 5 R !✓ im Y y`
3.Well Use(Cheek well User R in.
Water Svpply we&. '17?SCltBBNi: {�', •�r� n t'.t ni. _.t ."^-ti:F'C:�3 ::r.r:i:'1::
OAgdc ultuml CMtmicipaMblic S R I in.
c3GeodmMal(HeatmsCoolmB Suppbr) dential Water Supply(single) R R in
Chleb rial/Commecial tR=dentWWawSupp1y(sbwDd) 18.GROITf
i7 CWeM>100000GPD FRAM To TBRIAL a►�ldcsa>�rrMerBODateMouxr
Noa-Water Sap*
Wen_ O R 3 ' R -Ni;i*- M: !
CMaoiLotmg ORecovery R R br 11 r) ,
Injection Welh
CAgtdw OGmundwaberRemedistiom
OAquiSrr Staasge and Recovery OSaIm4.y Banner FROM I TO I MATffit1A1. IINPFAC>41@1 r MiJBAD
CAquiSlr Test CSW=wstr Drainage $ ti
13&perbxwW Tcc noloigy ❑ ubsid a Control R R
CQeo&umd(Closed Loop) OTracer =20'DH1I.LING LOG atJaefi iiiditianalstil!!s if-"
❑Geothe®al(Sestmg/Cooliog Retttm) COther(explain wader#21 Remadm) FROM To DffiCR>p1ION whet >. > ate.
4.Date Well(a)Complitod: J- wen m# R
52.Wen Location: ' ROak Ir.-M
Fsclty/Qwnw Nemee Fhm&y III#(ifappbrable) R R
3 3 i � �� t d �t Z► E- Ni;�d►�,-v✓41 I v R R .
P*sicdAddrvmCitl,aed4 R R �yrocessing
*CA Kip
Paeeel Meaftficad=NM(MO
5b.Latitude and loneitade in degas/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees:
CtfweeII Se1d.one bdloag is sue) 22.Certification:
6.15(are)the wel(s): permanent -or CTemporary I � Signaane o eII�Comiacaoz Diu
ByjiVft defrfwn IherrbymrafyA vt the wedl(s)vas(enae)a omvucmdDiaesmefmaoe WA*
7.Is this a repair to an etdatiag welt •Oyes or J*No IsA ACAc o2C Alpo or 15AArAc o2C A2oa wea Cpmrrnena+&-*n t and dart a copy
IftTds 8 a repalr,�l!aa,brorR well aooetDraeNan Dybraraaan and espdaat the rwnae ofthe of thls xao+dhar brae p�+fdrd w die wr!!mnng�
ioider t 21 u+emarts seeCott or an the buret afthfsfonn 23.Site diagram or additional well details:
S.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells baying the same You may use the bade of this page to provide additional sell cow info
constnictirn,a aly 1 GW 1 is needed.lndiciw TOTAL NUMBER of wens (add'See ove'in Remarks Boz).You may vbD attach additional pages if ne mery.
9.Total well depth below land surface: 5 Z 1) ( ). Submit this GW-1 within 30,days of wa completion per the following:
For Dnrt*kwallsksiab'depdaff4ftreru(eza no-3Q200'aed2@100')
10.Static wager level below top of eating (�) 24a. For An Wills: Original fors to Division of Water Resomeos (DW4
1f Static
rs water
Le�. op c/ )motion Processing Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617
1L Borehole diameter. I O jm,) 24b.For Ink:ion Weft Copy to DWR,Un&goumd bjadion Cool M3C)
Program,1636 MSC,Raleigh1 NC 27699-1636.
12.Well construction method: L< D' Q hA /-1 F1' 24c.For Water Sovuh and Oven-Loon Geothermal Aemrs Wells:Copy to the
CLG+qM-any,caW duact per,etr-) county eavM=menW bea= or the county vmee mstauea
FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water Wells p"cing over 1 GPD:Copy to.DWR,CCPMA.
13s.Yidd(gpm) Method of test .'Y Permit Progoam,1611 C, 11
13b.D--' I etion type: Amount: W
Form GW 1' Nmtfi Carolina Deparmoent ofEavnonm=tal Qudtty-Divmon of water Resomoes Raviaad 6b-2018