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GW1-2021-02770_Well Construction - GW1_20210805
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be weed-for single or multiple wells For Jntemal Use ONLY: 1.Wen Coatrwotor Infor tnation: Ronald E.°Keeter Jr.. la WATERZ0rM i FROM TO I DFSCRIMON Welt Contractor Name _ iti 1L I 2960-A fL tl: NC Well Coubacmr Certification Number IS OMER CASING O&OrrasalOrwred wed OR L IlOMR FROM TO DIAbtLTFE• THICR2rEtt TMAL Southeastem Pump &Well Service Inc. _I Il _ Company Name 2.Well Coast (J�J 16�tIatli�CAQaJG OR iT1BIIt>G V FROM TO DUdfUM THICKNM MATEMAL . nution Permit I!: ft. R List all applimbk weft mnstrwction prnnibr(is.Corerry,Smm.VarierrcR era) ft: R Ea. 3.Wen Use(cbft*well me? 17.SCtt> N Water Supply Well: FROM To DIA&MM i 6LOTSG� D UCIOYffit MATERIAL OAgriculturai ❑Mu ' ' blic % It. 1 le ❑Geothermal(lieating/Cooling Supply) ideatial water Supply(single) tt. r to ❑IndustrinVCommercial OResidealiai Water Supply(shared) 11�17T FROM TO MMEBU t3 L EMPLACEME(tT LWHOD AMOUNT (3krigation © fL Non-water Sup*Well: OMmrtoting OR,—„-, R R Well: ft. R OAguif r Recharge OCuvondwater Remedistion 1A SANDAMAVEL PACE FROM TO I MATERIAL EMP!ACIIYIEIrr M1CfHOD OAquifer&mgeeodRecovery OSatinityBarrier & & OAgoiferTat OStamwaterIhainage R OF�mimmtal Technology OSubsidenee Control ft OGcothamal Closed 7ADRILLiNGLOG afEse;addlannaleltsetsP ( Loop) OTrawrQ FROM To DZ0CRWTION color. .dfhaiet PM rain sulk ate Micatheamal(l3 • - Retma) 130thcr(cKplain under021 Remadm) n & tf: 4.Date Wetl(s)Completed �: iG .Weil Locpjiop: ' P ,�y rL IL M R POFecw7' / Name ^ FacilityII�1(ifepplleabb) tt ft. ft. hrimi Addm!M City,suet Zip 2L HEMABHH 1 1 essin9 Ufa �r Pameliaemsca6anNo.(FII� 1�#01�' gmr- old 5b.Latitude and ImWitsde in deg ws/minuta/secoads ordecimal deg ees: 22. cation: (if well field,one leuloog is sU[B ) W r-u Signature,of eerdw Well Camhaero, 6 la(are)the weals} Pemtneat or OTemporary BY s+8-9 d-f-M I hereby 994*Hsi the voft was(wcm)cacrtrucred in accnrdmoce with 114 NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NGlC!02C.02W Well Conripuction Sraadardt and that a 7.L this a repair to an wishing well- OYes or o copy wf thtr mcmd her been prnvukd ro the wen owmr. Ifthb @ arrpai,fi!<avt6rown well rnnaavctanv¢ormation mrd esplavr thR rwmre of du ►epmr wider#21 remarb section or or the bmat of tWform 23.Site diagram or additional well details: r You may use the back of tl>m page to provide additional well site details or well &Number of weft consh•rsoted: 1 construction details. You may also-sch additional pages if neceemuy. Formakilik nyeetim orrorrwaerrsupplywensONLYwith the same eawrbuaeen,you can submdonsform. 24 SubmkW IDshvcfiome 9.Total well depth below land eurfaee: 'V L/ . (1L) 24e. For AD Wens: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For nuaiple wet&lhr an depths ifdiffn4nt(-ample-3@200rr'and 2®1M) construction to the following: 10.Static water level below top of easgng: V M) Division of water Qua t lifformation Processing Unit, 4'*w adrr level is above ear ft use a w � 1617 Mail Service Ceder,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter. t (in) 24ls For Iniwxtlon 3ye1tx in addition to sending the form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well 12.Wee construction method: 1 lJ 11 LJ l/�� construction to the following: (La.mwget:rotary,eabK directpulk etc.) - I Division of Wetter Qua t!,Underground Injection Control Program, 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 NUB So 9 Coder,Raleigh,NC 276WI636 - 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test 24e.For Water Sunoh do Rotas W Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es)above; also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Dgdnfeetion type: Ate; completion of well construction to the county health d9m1mcat of the county where constructed. I' Form GW-1 North Carob Department of Environmext and Natural Resources—Division of Water Quality Revised Jet 2013 Aug o� Zoti1