HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-02587_Well Construction - GW1_20210512 / 061 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD "J Fer I tt mal vsc ONLY: Tttis fmm can be osdlfar sft)c or mWuple mils 1\\ 1.Wei)6nimetor.informatlow \ Robert Miller rst M b1-t:Rtprlq!i \Ye11 Co+4nlctor Na►ne h. h, f h. 7 2675-A NCRdlCortrnAorCcr1fft 1nNmabcr S OUIRRCA_ ft ntv�mrH ORI1Ki.R 1tea6 owl Ta nrAt tFM TttrMTM MA7RrAr. SAEDACCO Inc 0 fL as, (L 6° hh SCE-40 PVC Cnt�tnrs.•NAarte ls:1 rrj R;aua NG 'ot►ermtdeletrd4" FROM TO I ouatrrtut I TntCi NTM I MAWRIAL 2.Wdi Conorucctlim Permit#: 0 h. 103+ (1. 2° SCE-40 PVC lla 0114AWirriblr urff prAmifs ax.County.-swes'IroNalwe.11*6ari etc) ft, rL it►. 3.V4dl i se(ckdc wOl use): x Water Supply Wdl: FROM TO ptAJ tIVTRFt st drat: 7r11 MAt'Etttnt.. C1Agricalltntal 0141t11fiClp01i1'ubllC 10311. 108' h; 21 in' .010 SCH-40 PVC DGeothemral(tieatingNCooling Supply) DResidential Water Supply{single) h Dlndustrini/Con miercial DResidential Wtttcr Supply(shared) i IGRO UT 196M TA ?4ATRRUIL EetPLACEhrSW 1.r MOD A Art OUW 01ni tion 0 h. 85, IL Portland Tremie Nor-Water Supply lYeti: o h. 99, Ft. Portland Tremie tSiivltwnitati Olt�m ' Injection Veil: in. tt 0Aquiferitcchnip OGmundRnter Romediation 14=,S FROM � nrnrrartu.- rrtiw� �tr.�rMr�ttnn G1Aiittifcr Stomp and Recovery OSal ni»'8mrior 101' h. 108' 1L FILTER SAND #2 []Attttifcr 7'cst O$tormw�iterlTrtittngc 0ExpertrtrcntaI Tvclmotog OSobsidtarc Cv"l A. ft. U]tUAJNG7Atf dincl,tAd 1001141$ti Iif DGeodiermal(Closed Loop) OTracer FROM TO 095MWTION osbr.r+aNn �a+mom AM ft) DGeothet nal ti /Coofi Retum) Mther( lain under#21 Reram s) 0 ft. 108. (L 4.Date Well(s)Completed.- 5/5/21 WdI1D#TW-1 h. tL t y s•°� So.Well Location: ft. fL � � - ky.j .w L- Mt. Vernon Cubbard h, h. An � Facility)0n,oerName Facrlity ID8(ifappiioabte) vFH h. ft: 2930 Hudlow Road, Forest City, NC, 28043 A. (L �o;$vf!' �ili?fl ► af.£?�S!C3� izl PlosicalAddmss:City.and Zip 21.1 ►1Axt S Y e Rutherford Sentonite seal from 99-101+ t oatay Pared Ideteil9e;rtion 90,(PIN) Sb.Uttltude and Lw ngftnde in degrecs/mimttcstiscconds or dechnal dc9rCes: 2L Q liftcatinw (ifu-ellIkKone1>;ltdag S+ttllekill) 35.414702 N -81.912510 W _ 5/6/2021 SiBmtnre of i•:ad��a��- _ .�. 6.1s(arc)the wdl(s)* zPelmanent or oTemporan' s*6d+,K fo,,,, 1 hrmb}•certify flifAt flit NY1l{sJ xros�wrrt)curssnniled in dCfbllfdTle e with 7 M NCAC 02C.01 M or 1SSA AICAC MC.p200 U ell Constn#Mon Smndtrrrla and theta 7.Ist63.ga repair toon existing well: oyes or MNo r-vFrr thErrrcurrdlarts4rralimrlrltufmthenrtlmower, if ft+4s b a rgw4r.fill Deft fir►welt cowinnvion hTft anrinn and expfals the wwre r'rthr nlartiraedert-71 remorix 8rdiw or on flit hrr1:atlas farm 23.Site diatram or addidovat weli details: �You may we die back of this page to pttnide additional well site details or well S.Number of wells constrncted: 1 construction details; You in ay also anach additional pages if n=saty. Fro►muN#e,InicraoAi orWM-parer wFph bras OALYn�rh.duamityt+oastrurrla�r,yor subndt Me foal. SURNUTIAL IN i1C17aN8 9.Total welt depth below land surface: 108 (fI,) 24s. Por A Welh: Sabnit this forum uithin 30 days of aotnpletion of Well FortsAdtlplt wylls lift aflll V A7 cam unction to thy:foiimring; 10.Static water tcvet below-top of easing: (t,) Division of Water Rt:so'ureet.Information Processing Unit, 1f xalet kVe1 is aboir c J14,,1 ate"a 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh.NC 276h9-1617 11.Borehole diamettx:10.25^/6^ (in,) 24b.Egr init WO Weiic ONI M In addition to sending the fortn to the addness in 24aabove.also s*tuit a copy of Ads faun wilbin 30 days of completion of AwAl 12.Aral construction method:Auger/Mud Rotary ctntst uction to the lbQowilig. tire.suet,rotary,cabit dirrd prash cftj Division of Water Resource's:Underground Injedlon Control Program, FOR WATER S11PPLlr'%TJAS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center.Ratet .NC 27699-I636 13a.Vidd(gpm) Method of test: 24C.For Water SapplS&Infection Wells: Also subnttt one c'of this foma witbin-30 days of eontplelion of 13b.Disiufallon type Amount: well construction to the county health depadmcnt of the county when: constructtxi. { Farm('s11r-t Nodh Camlim Dagottrwo of fm mtimma anti Notural Resomocs-Dhsion of Water Resatroft Revised Aipg 2013