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GW1-2021-02385_Well Construction - GW1_20210722
PfintFOrrn . VMg.I.C®N$1'!t?IC7['Y®1!T ItT.C®YtID�('�1-11 For Internal Use O y L Well Conductor Wormatioti: Ganj-Thompson w z \Venn CommcwName PROM M.. DESCRUNIMN 4418-A ici6t f, A INC WaII CmdaeadanNi®Lae M.0UTI;RCASIliG t&N131 L1lVER mL1e:'=.:;.'.:..: : ':• Aqua Dnll, Inc. . ' IL IL 5 ht. 1 Company Now IL 1NIVSRCASIIVGOR•TUBINC' 2.Well Construction Permit9:W ��•Cys-71e-.,-.�&)7 FROM m a fM ail applfaWc mW c nmuclonpmmta(Le.UiC Cmmryt&*M Vartw=ete,1 R ft hL 3.Well Use(cheek well use): IL & Watersu PPl9 Wall: ]PROM To F DD HMZR I SlArSIM Agricultural unicipeUPubiie (L 06 ta. Geothermal(HestinpCoolingSupply) 151teddential Water Supply(single) fL. R IL IndusbWCommemial Ditesidetuial Water Supply(shared) L GROUT Litt tion on A%A Non-Water Supply Weil:. © M fL Moni Reco & ft. eehoa. ft. % A9iniferRecharp 13GtoundwaWltemediation quifbrStontgeandRees 19 SA1VD/GRAVELPAGK very DSaliaity Beerier FRO Aquifer Test cStormwater Drainage tZ Uf mental Tecmology [3Subsidence Control R ft. bL Geothermal(Closed Loop) 13Tracer �2LD=..LINGLOG atkd&. ddttiortatsheetstf Geothermal(HeatirWCoolingRemer) Other( lem ttnder#21 Reataelm) FROM TO assenm7tox tL R. ( $ 4.Date Wells)Completed: Well m# r 5Aa Well Location: / k R. f1S'L]Ct]I' C-L[14P T\�*�6J'�1� iL fL Faolityroam�Naato Facititymo(ifappucable) a S fL ` & PbPWdAddreac.C$y.andVp J. C=tY PetrelIdetai cati6a No.mM 13�4V�r r�i;Cn SL Latitude and longitude io degra dminutesiseconds or decimal degrees: ofweu Hcd one WRong is n acim) 22. cation: .� of N Z1V� '1�1 yO.J `1At W ..�•'IJt''1� '! (, -Lam.—Z) 6.Is(am)so wins ermeaent or DT mporaty Si efC egwen Contraeter Dee 7.La this a BY d vft dale form,I hereby een0 dhm the Imil(s)war hMV)ConsOvow a aacordana repair to an existing wall: Dyes or No efth 15A NCAC 02C.0160 or 15ANCACO2C.0100 Weff 0niv acdonS/x*r,$w d thpr a �jjdrtr[saxpal'JHlamhmrnrmJ/waotrmtlonhiJ6rntaHaiandewlc/ndw Holum ofdx copy ofviRxemdhar been prmldedmdwwdlowner. wpatrander#21NMI& orwrdrc back offhisfoim 23.Site diagram or additional well details: S.For GeoprobdDPT or Closed-Loop Geotberand Wells haft the some You may use the back of this pop to provide additional well site details or well construction,only LOW-1 is needed. Indicuo TOTAL NUMBER.ofwelis won details. You may also attach additional pages ifnecessery.-. dulled 5UBMlTTAL WSPRUCITO Y�yS 9 Total well depth below land surfacer (R) Win, For All Wells: Submit this femh within 30 days of completion of wall roramhfpfe,neflsl/staUdapdtt(Jd/�era�t(e:ao�ple-3(�200•aadz(aj1o0� txnstructionto thefoAowing: • I 1R Static water level below top of casio& �� (ft.) Division of Water Resenrcesi,fuformadon Processing Ualk lfanterle►rJlsabaneetrstnpr use•_" 1617 Mail Service Centel•,Raleigh,NC 27091617 1L Borehole diameter: (a (in.) 24b.For Infection Wells: in additlon!to sending the form to the address in 24a t above.also submit one copy of this form wits t►30 days of completion of well 12.Well conduction method: A.0 YID construction to the following: Cr a angel mtmy.came,dampus%em) FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 •13a-Yleld(gpm) Method of test: 1 cko-�,(W- 24c.For Water Sunoiv&.election We[ls: In addition to.serubs the fort to t the address(es)above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.Disititlietion type:, Amounts 1Gnz- completion of moil construction to the ebunty health department of the county where constructed. ' FotmGW 1 NonhCarolamDopmameatof6mritoamentolQnaluy-DivisionofiVeerltesmaeee Revtred?�2-ZD16