HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140044 Ver 1_Year 7 Monitoring Report_2021_20220228 Mitigation Project Information Upload ID#* 20140044 Version* 1 ......................................................................................................................................................................... Select Reviewer:* Erin Davis Initial Review Completed Date 02/28/2022 Mitigation Project Submittal - 2/28/2022 ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Is this a Prospectus,Technical Proposal or a New Site?* 0 Yes O No Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Email Address:* Lindsay Crocker lindsay.crocker@ncdenr.gov Project Information ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ID#:* 20140044 Version:* 1 Existing ID# Existing Version Project Type: • DMS Mitigation Bank Project Name: Hofler County: Gates Document Information ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: Hofler_95355_MY7_2021.pdf 11.36MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Print Name:* Lindsay Crocker Signature:* MHofferonitoringProperty Report Monitoring Year 7 DMS Project ID #: 95355 DMS Contract #: 004628 UA0 GatesSAGE CountyAID# S, NorthW-2012-Carolina1393 Submitted February 2022 ter,* { _ '� N y +k ) r x `r 4 Nv .a„A � f r y !, r I � .r, 1, NC Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Submitted by: ALBEMARLE RESTORATIONS, LLC P.O. Box 176 Fairfield, NC 27826 (252) 333-0249 Ecotone,Inc. ecotone 410.420. (P) 6t; 410.420.6983 6983(F) 'IIecological restoration February 25, 2022 Lindsay Crocker Eastern Regional Supervisor NC DEQ Division of Mitigation Services 217 West Jones St. Raleigh, NC 27603 RE: Hoffer Monitoring Year 7 Report Dear Ms. Crocker, Ecotone, Inc. has addressed the comments made on December 15, 2021 by DMS for the above referenced project. The following is a point-by-point response addressing those comments. Additionally, an updated copy of the MY7 Report will be submitted. 1. Please provide narrative or show on map exactly where the ditch plugs were lowered Ecotone Response: Locations of where ditch plugs were lowered are now depicted on the CCPV on Page 12. 2. Provide list of tree species planted(number and N. Please notate which oaks were planted instead of describing a "mix of oaks. " Describe or show exactly which areas of the site were planted. Ecotone Response: Tree species types, numbers and percentages as well as a description of the areas planted have been added to Page 5 of the Report. 3. Provide date of planting, method, nursery, and tree type (bare root, gallon, etc.) in report. Ecotone Response: All trees planted were hand-planted bare root seedlings. Nurseries and tree types are included on Page 5. 4. Table 2. Add the date that ditch plugs were modified. Provide before and after pictures with date stamp. Ecotone Response: Ditch plugs were modified on November 24, 2020. This is included in Table 2,page 9 of the report. 5. In MYS, vegetation plots ranged from 0-364 stems per acre; with an average of 162. The adaptive management plan indicates that Abermarle planted 6,000 over 23 acres, which is about 260 stems per acre if the site was planted uniformly. In MY7, vegetation plots ranged from 0-445; with an average of 200 stems per acre. In the early part of the growing season in MY7, gauges are showing no hydrology, which would give the trees time to establish. Please provide an explanation of lack of survival for these trees if possible. Ecotone Response: While hydrology was more favorable to tree survival after the additional 6,000 trees were planted in April 2021, competition with herbaceous vegetation was not favorable to success of trees. Because herbaceous vegetation had FOREST HILL 129 Industry Lane Forest Hill,MD 21050 www.ecotoneinc.com Page 2 of 3 several years to become fully established without competition from trees, the height and density of the herbaceous vegetation likely hindered establishment of trees. Tree species and planting spacing could also play a role in overall counts. At the request of COE, species other than cypress were planted but survival was not as successful as cypress plantings. Additionally, some areas of the project were planted at 12x12 foot spacing while others were planted at 15x15 foot spacing. 6. The visual assessment table shows 12.79 acres as bare areas. Show these areas as a shapefile on your CCPV. Ecotone Response: Table 5 on page 13 shows 0.00 acres of bare areas and 12.79 acres of low stem density areas. These areas have been marked on the CCPV, included on page 12 of the report. 7. Page 16,pictures in the report are from MY6. Update for MY7. It is suggested that Abermarle include photos of Adaptive Management work and current conditions. Ecotone Response: Photos of each vegetation plot have been added to the photo section with time stamps from August 2021. 8. Adaptive Management plan called for 10-15 additional random 10x10m vegetation plots. Provide this data in report or explain why this did not occur. Ecotone Response: The additional 10-15 vegetation plots were not surveyed, which is an oversight. The monitoring work was conducted by a subcontractor and the additional 10 plots were not indicated in the agreement. This can be added to the monitoring plan for 2022. 9. Update bottom section of Table 1 to the non-riparian wetland column. Ecotone Response: This table has been updated to reflect the correct acreage of non- riparian wetland. Electronic Comments: 1. Please include a figure representing the low stem density areas and areas of poor growth rates or vigor and include these features in the CCPV. Ecotone Response: The areas of low stem density (12.79 acres) and the 23 acres of poor growth/vigor are indicated on the CCPV included on page 12 of the report. 2. The start of growing season line for gauge 1 is misplaced. Also,please include the start of growing season date in all groundwater gauge figures. Ecotone Response: Start of growing season line for gauge 1 has been fixed. Start of growing season dates have been provided for all groundwater gauge figures. 3. Please review the reported consecutive days for wetland gauge data. Gauge 7,for example, appears to show only 40 consecutive days after 9/24. Ecotone Response: Maximum consecutive hydroperiods have been reviewed for all gauges and updated in Table 8. Gauge 7 now shows a period of 61 days and Gauge 9 shows a period of 87 days. Thank you for your consideration of these monitoring report comments. We appreciate your assistance with our project thus far, and we look forward to working with you to complete the review process. Feel free to contact us at 410-420-2600. Page 3 of 3 Sincerely, I c Laura S. Calvert Ecologist Ecotone, LLC Table of Contents 1.0: Project Summary 3 1.1: Project Objectives 3 1.2: Project Success Criteria 3 1.3: Project Setting 4 1.4: Mitigation Components 4 1.5: Project Timeline 4 1.6: Design Approach 4 1.7: Project Performance 4 1.8: Methods and References 5 Vicinity Map 6 Appendix A: Background Tables (1-4) 7 Appendix B: CCPV, Veg. Condition Assessment Table, Site Photos 11 Appendix C: Vegetation Plot Data(Table 6),Natural Stems Count (Table 7) 32 Appendix E: Hydrologic Data 37 Appendix F: Comments and Responses, COE Permitting Determination 50 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 1.0: PROJECT SUMMARY 1.1: Project Objectives The project objectives of the Hofler property per the approved mitigation plan are as follows: • Enhance water quality by providing shading from forest cover, which will reduce thermal impacts associated with excess algae growth and decreased dissolved oxygen concentrations • Slow runoff rates and provide storage and desynchronization of overland flow before it reaches Lassiter Swamp,located directly north of the project,by restoring the wetland complex • Provide nutrient attenuation and uptake by restoring dense vegetation interspersed with shallow diffuse flows, thus improving downstream habitat • Provide minimal earthwork and disturbance, as determined through preliminary site analyses, to the area to accomplish designed wetland topography • Impact existing ecological communities as little as possible. No remnant wetland communities exist on site and no impacts to wetlands or riparian buffers will occur due to the restoration project. 1.2: Project Success Criteria Wetland hydrology data must consistently document the appropriate hydroperiod has been restored for all areas proposed for wetland mitigation. The targeted hydroperiod for the Hofler Property is 6% or greater. Planted vegetation will be considered successful if at least 320 three-year-old planted stems/acre are present after year three.At year five,density must be no less than 260 five-year-old planted stems/acre. At year 7, density must be no less than 210 seven-year-old planted stems/acre. Additionally, planted vegetation must average 10 feet in height in each plot at year 7. Per the recommendations of the NCIRT, the following understory species were incorporated in the planting schedule on the condition they be exempted from the minimum 10-foot height criterion and exempted from the calculation of average height as a measure of that success criterion: Button bush (C. occidentalis), Sweet Bay (M. virginiana), Wax myrtle (M. cerifera), and Laurel oak (Q. laurifolia). These species will be included in the calculations for the survival criterion. All vegetative monitoring will follow CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation-Version 4.0. Additionally, the project will strive to establish a variety of hydrologic regimes ranging from shallow inundated areas to intermittently saturated conditions, restoring diffuse flow patterns through what will ultimately be a forested wetland. The successful establishment of these conditions, mimicking nearby reference wetlands will help determine the overall success of the project. Page: 3 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 1.3: Project Setting The Hofler property consists of +/- 345 acres, of which 27 acres have been designated for this project. The site consisted of a rectangular tract of land primarily being used for cotton and small grain production. The prior converted wetlands on the site had been extensively ditched and drained, lowering the local water table and diminishing aquatic habitat and water quality. The site drained from south to north to an unnamed tributary of Lassiter Swamp and Bennets Creek upstream of Merchants Mill Pond. The project site along with the surrounding areas has undergone expansive hydrologic alterations and excessive sediment and nutrient inputs from agricultural production resulting in overall water quality degradation. The vicinity map is included with the CCPV in Appendix B. Table 4 in Appendix A contains additional information regarding the project's location and attributes. 1.4: Mitigation Components The mitigation components are 23 acres of non-riparian wetland restoration with a credit ratio of 1:1 (Restoration:WMU),please refer to Table 1 for more information. 1.5: Project Timeline Construction commenced on August 12th, 2014 with the installation of recommended erosion control practices and was completed on Oct. 14th, 2014. Planting was officially concluded on May 6th, 2015 (Table 2). Refer to Table 2 in Appendix A for the Project History and Reporting Timeline. 1.6: Design Approach A natural design approach focused on mimicking nearby wetlands, including non-riparian hardwood flats and swamp forests both in hydrologic regime and vegetative diversity. Grading was specifically formulated to provide storage for overland flow while creating densely vegetated plots interspersed with shallow diffuse flows. All of these features contribute to nutrient and sediment attenuation, improving downstream habitat and promoting diversity of ecological communities. The reference area for this project is a nearby mature hardwood flat with the same soils and topography and similar hydrologic function. The reference area is within Merchant's Millpond State Park. 1.7: Project Performance Hydrology was successful over the entire project site. Monitoring in year 7 shows that the site closely followed the hydrology of the reference site. The hydrology charts are included in Appendix E. Page:4 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Rainfall was lower than normal during early spring (March-May) and fall (September and October) and higher than normal throughout the summer months due to storm activity (June-August). In this, year seven of monitoring, tree survival was found to be higher than in year 6. Ten of the eighteen permanent plots showed a survival number of planted stems that did not meet the year 7 success criteria, down from fourteen of eighteen in year 6. The overall average survival for the site was 200 planted stems per acre. However,the count of natural plus planted stems averaged to 523 stems per acre, which is the highest count to date and indicates that the site is making progress towards being an established forested wetland. The oaks continue to struggle against the very heavy herbaceous vegetation. The cycle of resprout, dieback and resprout continues to take its toll. The cypress stem count seems to have stabilized, with only a few stems lost. Their shade tolerant nature has helped them overcome the dense vegetation. Per the recently approved adaptive management plan (see Appendix F), 6,000 trees were planted during the 2021 planting season on April 8,2021. The majority were cypress(66%, 4,000 count), since they are able to survive the harsh competition. The cypress trees were sourced from ArborGen's Coastal Plain nursery. The remaining 2,000 included 1,000 willow oak (16.7%) and 1,000 swamp white oak (16.7%). The oaks were sourced from the Virginia Department of Forestry nursery. All trees planted were bare root seedlings and were hand planted. 13.8 acres of the southern region of the site, encompassing plots 1- 3, 11-16 and 18, were planted with 3,800 cypress at 12 ft spacing. 3.8 acres of the northwestern region of the site,encompassing plots 4-7,were planted with 200 cypress and a mix of 500 willow and swamp white oaks at 15 ft spacing. 5.1 acres of the northeastern region of the site,encompassing plots 8-10 and 17,were planted with a mix of 1500 willow and swamp white oaks at 12 ft spacing. Also, per the approved plan, the ditch plugs were lowered to promote drainage from the site. The goal is to create a slightly drier environment which will help lessen the stress on the trees. 1.8: Methods and References Monitoring methodology did not differ from the approved Mitigation Plan. Vegetation assessment was done according to the level 2 protocol specified by the Carolina Vegetation Survey. Hydrology monitoring wells were installed per ERDC TN-WRAP-00-02 "Installing Monitoring Wells/Piezometers in Wetlands" dated 2000. Groundwater levels were recorded using the U20-001-01 water level data loggers manufactured by Onset Computer. The loggers were installed in the wells per the manufacturer's instructions. Page: 5 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Vicinity Map Mil - •— ,.. , ill 1:Erl 1 1' I ILS S-11 . -.. k . r - ..- ...' ---- P• - • ,4 . ..,-•". 1 • r•li.4 — „11111 -b • . 't• . , --... . --•-•=7:-(11..,. EMI cif: ,. ill. lily i 1 -i -7-,,,, at...S-linbiir!;, ' -- ...• . I Ref. Site f: . . 1111111A1 ar r .. . .. 'ft" I • • / . Men:Am-as 4/ miiipand S;a te Park --6P • '7r- . . .,, ",.. Hofler Project Site * _ - 11111r. •,., '•-,,,. 1 . •- -1 1 • .'• .,„ ..„,.. .11`.• .... .1,i.J .. v , 1.. 4. .. " j. •'. ' .. • Allillo.. . •. 1 .I. .II. j'•,•.. ._ - . , . . e • • _ .-- . as IL ,_ '111 *- . 1 . - ,•.,,,i o.„ . ;. • rip . .. . . •:„...- . :. , • , lit ,. - I. • Page: 6 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Appendix A: Background Tables Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contacts Table 4. Project Information and Attributes Page: 7 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Table 1.Project Components and Mitigation Credits Hofler Project#95355,Contract#004628 Mitigation Credit Summations Riparian Non-riparian Nitrogen Phosphorous Nutrient Stream Wetland Wetland Buffer Nutrient Offset Offset Overall Credit 23 Project Components Project Existing Restoration Component - Footage or Footage or Restoration Restoration or Mitigation Mitigation or-Reach Stationing Acreage Acreage Level Rest.Equiv. Ratio Credits Notes Wetland 1 23 23 Restoration 1:1 23 Length and Area Summations Restoration Stream Non-riparian Buffer Level (Linear Feet) Riparian Wetland(acres) Wetland(acres) (square feet) Upland(acres) Riverine Non- Riverine Restoration 23 Enhancement Enhancement I Enhancement II Creation Preservation High Quality Preservation BMP Elements Element Location Purpose/Function Notes Page: 8 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Table 2.Project Activity and Reporting History Hofler Property Wetland Mitigation Project#95355 Data Collection Actual Completion Activity,Deliverable or Milestone Complete or Delivery Project Institution N/A May-12 Mitigation Plan May 2014 July 2014 Permits Issued May 2014 July 2014 Final Design Construction Plans May 2014 July 2014 Construction N/A October 2014 Temporary S&E mix applied to entire project area N/A N/A Permanent seed mix applied to entire project area N/A October 2014 Containerized and BR Planting over entire project area N/A May 2015 Baseline Monitoring Document(Year 0 Monitoring-baseline) May 2015 Sept.2015 Year 1 monitoring November 2015 November 2015 Year 2 monitoring November 2016 November 2016 Year 3 monitoring November 2017 November 2017 Year 4 monitoring November 2018 November 2018 Year 5 monitoring November 2019 November 2019 Year 6 monitoring November 2020 November 2020 Modification to ditch plugs: lowered per AMP guidelines November 2020 November 2020 Supplemental planting over entire project area _ April 2021 April 2021 _ Year 7 monitoring November 2021 November 2021 Table 3.Project Contacts Hofler Property Wetland Mitigation Project#95355 Designer Ecotone,Inc. Primary Project design POC Scott McGill(410)420-2600 2120 High Point Rd,Forest Hill,MD 21050 Construction Contractor Jennings Land Development Construction contractor POC Rodney Jennings(252)202-6954 156 Trotman Rd. Camden,NC 2791 Planting Contractor Carolina Silvics,Inc. Planting contractor POC Mary-Margaret McKinney(252-482-8491) 908 Indian Trail Road Edenton,NC 27932 Seeding Contractor Woods,Water and Wildlife,Inc. Seed planting contractor POC Ed Temple(252)333-0249 P.O.Box 176, Fairfield,NC 27826 Seed mix sources Earnst Conservation Seeds,LLP,Meadville,PA Nursery stock suppliers Carolina Silvics(from various sources) Monitoring Performers Axiom Environmental Wetland and Vegetation POC Phillip Perkinson(252)908-1545 218 Snow Avenue Raleigh,NC 27603 Page: 9 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Table 4.Project Information and Attributes Project name HOFLER PROPERTY County GATES Project Area(ac) 27.0 AC Project Coordinates(Lat and Long) +36°25'48.44",-76° 39' 10.91" 4.1 Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic province INNER COASTAL PLAIN River basin CHOWAN RIVER BASIN USGS Hydrologic Unit 8- 03010203 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03010203040040 digit DWQ Sub-basin BENNETTS CREEK LOCAL WATERSHED Project Drainage Area(acres) 103.8 Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 5% CGIA Land Use Classification Annual Row Crop Rotation 4.2 Wetland Summary Information Parameters Wetland 1 Wetland 2 Wetland 3 Size of Wetland(acres) 23.0 Wetland Type (non-riparian, riparian riverine or riparian Non-riparian non-riverine) Mapped Soil Series BnA&PnA Drainage Class Poorly drained & very poorly drained Soil Hydric Status Hydric Source of Hydrology Surface and Ground Hydrologic Impairment 44.8'to 155.2' Native Vegetation Community Percent Composition of Exotic Invasive Vegetation N/A 4.3 Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documents Waters of the United States—Section 404 N N/A Appendix F Waters of the United States—Section 401 N N/A Appendix F Endangered Species Act N Y Historic Preservation Act N Y Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/ Coastal Area N Y Management Act(CAMA) FEMA Floodplain Compliance N Y Essential Fisheries Habitat N Y Page: 10 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Appendix B: Current Condition Plan View Table 5. Vegetation Condition Assessment Table Site Photos Page: 11 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 • 7 • s 10 .. 67 ain Gauge 4 -_ 121g - 13 a 18 • VOW m 13 '' r 2 15 :; t„} • 14 Alp Source: Esri, Max.ar, °1i",Eatatii@kr Geographer,Coal to o o LtepA, ,AeroGG3O©,021k -and-the GIS User©CRIMIIThitv,Mgt M ©ugh,QCF OpenStreetMap contributors,aRiti Big Mg N. P community Legend VegPlots Wet! Guages Hofler Restoration Project Easement Bndy /Area g Current Condition Plan View of Poor Growth Rate/Vi or Low Stem Density Hydrology Met g Criteria Unmet Project # 95355 - Ditches Well Location o Hydrology Not Met Feb. 2022 Criteria Met Power Line PIg Lowered Hydrology Part. Met Table 5 Vegetation Condition Assessment Planted Acreage 23 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined %of Planted Vegetation Category Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage 1. Bare Areas Very limited cover of both woody and herbaceous material. 0.1 acres None 0 0.00 0.0% 2. Low Stem Density Areas Woody stem densities clearly below target levels based on MY3,4,or 5 stem count criteria. 0.1 acres None 10 12.79 55.6% Total 10 12.79 55.6% 3. Areas of Poor Growth Rates or Vigor Areas with woody sterns of a size class that are obviously small given the monitoring year. 0.25 acres None 0 23.00 100.0% Cumulative Total 10 23.00 100.0% Easement Acreage2 27 Mapping CCPV Number of Combined %of Easement Vegetation Category Definitions Threshold Depiction Polygons Acreage Acreage 4. Invasive Areas of Concern4 Areas or points(if too small to render as polygons at map scale). 1000 SF None 0 0.00 0.0% 5. Easement Encroachment Areas3 Areas or points(if too small to render as polygons at map scale). none None 0 0.00 0.0% Page: 13 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 ,__, mow m _ : ra r'- 1 1/4/20 View looking northeast across project ,, i 'fi,� ,''" 's�`qr •, �' • ,, t t r 5h ,re W tea•'• . ? ,ti ' , ve y ,ri g.� = fir , ,e 1 1/4/20 View looking north/northeast Page: 14 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 " : x: 4 f.- +�' , a`v^w u ihk t ,d Ir+cv d# "'N p � ea0 ";', 1 i[ ty^4r r- �YF�t'3`+°+';i0 ` Y ,idA 3 .k � yb d 7 "+ aw, '.y tNa mn# pC w ) 9 1 ,t d..:CW 4 a 9 �w r wd { �".. View looking northeast. Footprint of old ditches still visible. View looking east. Shows footprint of old ditches. Page: 15 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hoffer Property,Project ID#95355 View looking south. 11/4/20 View looking northwest. **Aerial photos from 2020 (MY6) See supporting documents for photos of vegetation plots. Page: 16 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 • F F � �T1.F3 '. �T ri IIIIIII w M �'Y s` { e N L ti IIIII xs `ki ''fir' .. ,,,, , ,„ 1 �. -- .. r_. w ry _ -- a E.i _+r� .. R ,, -; i ' �r�rx 'fit.. I 4 's N. 1. 44 0/1".‘74-t- r . i "x Y ';.a'te' r• - . w l' � . _. "a z r•R ... v e+ ` ., S, ,rr �gr{ _ iiiiiiii 44t tik Ditch Plug 1 11/24/2020 Page: 17 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Ilimig"1"" , , '. •Vt. ti i.-'} 17' I"' .4t t = - ':S '-ma,� 3 x ..-Lv k d a -.e �p - �, 4�P •�'I yet -:'". ' ...l'%.:1;:._._... .4,44:'1-,.:roX5?_...i.-4c-; -,:_i.,.-4:.,,,..:,_T,„,':-:,,,T) ..-:'...0.:".„-7,72E,., -r;..... . _ ir ' F 4 : : , \S Km! F /,....VA42a . o 4u, x , - ill rya:. 1 -. . 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Ditch Plug 5 11/24/2020 Page:21 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 y • 6 ti qra � . F ST, ,... f' ya;. 'r ' y -, - ` _ i s ! y- �i` y/, ...--....,...,-.: .00. ✓ - . F 7-......,:". 7'Opp iiiirm, • �` . _ . • Page:22 Ditch Plug 6 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report 11/24/2020 Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 "" .i i a t killik !' r gitii : -. ;: , ,„ „, i . ,, V. 2021 .08 26' Vegetation Plot 1: August 26, 2021 • jil .. , . . ,, , ,, ,, , , . . . , , _ _ . 20,21/08/26 ". Vegetation Plot 2: August 26, 2021 Page:23 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 , . ,. • _ fr� � • •• „_20211 08/;2`6 Vegetation Plot 3: August 26, 2021 \ P ?021/08/26 - ,, - • Vegetation Plot 4: August 26, 2021 Page:24 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 11111 / '� .L 1 d Vegetation Plot 5: August 26, 2021 P � J. y f5r Y IN4 Vegetation Plot 6: August 26, 2021 Page:25 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 4 . c x?,4 t-" :1I —7 iii ,,,,,...„,i,,. . ..., ,,,,,..., _ „„../. (_,......,7:,-...,„,,„„,!...",-, ..,.- -. ci: ..._ i ,,.., ,, , a , ...... .., .,...._., , .1 ,p, ,.,,,,, Vegetation Plot 7: August 26, 2021 • Vegetation Plot 8: August 26, 2021 Page:26 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Vegetation Plot 9: August 26, 2021 \ \ I , F Vegetation Plot 10: August 26, 2021 Page:27 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 • .1 - • `� / • Vegetation Plot 11: August 26, 2021 UMW • • uh 1( , 5f 6 e fiw I 'h Y 91 7' iOrAkAle �c z ` p A AMP b'e gdi u.1.441 � � 9 ��1rr31' �u , � '. Vegetation Plot 12: August 26, 2021 Page:28 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 1 :-.‘, :1[ cl'} _ ; r-I 1{ T �!}r 7 Y 1~ r 'li t Vegetation Plot 13: August 26, 2021 1 . Vegetation Plot 14: August 26, 2021 Page:29 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 ti f � 1 1 1 1 � / _ #mil 4�_ i �� i` �V�` /: , Vegetation Plot 15: September 2, 2021 ;,fig ,11 1 � " _. � Jh • J :;• b - • Vegetation Plot 16: September 2, 2021 Page: 30 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 A \ I )I I • I 2021 A00/02, ,• Vegetation Plot 17: September 2, 2021 ' • • .00• • • - ----- - 4 4' ke',L ovievrr Nu 4 ; Af'fiC `I Cid 171;* Urt ii,jorog,,, , . .7, • ••,04 *P"'X' 14" ••• 1,4 Yirr•C ' ,0? •• . e _ Vegetation Plot 18: September 2, 2021 Page: 31 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Appendix C Vegetation Plot Data Page: 32 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Table 6. Project Code 95355. Project Name:Hofler Current Plot Data(MY6 2021) 95355-ab-0001 95355-ab-0002 95355-ab-0003 95355-ab-0004 95355-ab-0005 95355-ab-0006 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 7 8 13 22 5 3 Celtis occidentalis common hackberry Tree Cephalanthus occidentali common buttonbush Shrub 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Morella bayberry shrub 1 1 1 Morella cerifera wax myrtle shrub 1 1 1 Myrica sweetgale shrub Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree 1 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 3 Quercus nigra water oak Tree Quercus palustris pin oak Tree Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 1 1 1 Sambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 1 3 3 3 •Stem count 3 3 10 4 4 12 6 6 19 8 8 31 6 6 11 11 11 14 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 3 3 4 1 1 2 2 2 3 5 5 7 5 5 6 5 5 6 Stems per ACRE 121.4 121.4 404.7 161.9 161.9 485.6 242.8 242.8 768.9 323.7 323.7 1255 242.8 242.8 445.2 445.2 445.2 566.6 Page: 33 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Table 6, continued. Project Code 95355. Project Name:Hofler Current Plot Data(MY6 2021) 95355-ab-0007 95355-ab-0008 95355-ab-0009 95355-ab-0010 95355-ab-0011 95355-ab-0012 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 6 3 6 11 14 12 Celtis occidentalis common hackberry Tree Cephalanthus occidentali common buttonbush Shrub 1 1 1 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree Morella bayberry shrub Morella cerifera wax myrtle shrub 1 1 1 Myrica sweetgale shrub 2 2 2 1 1 1 Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 3 3 3 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus palustris pin oak Tree Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 3 3 3 1 1 1 Sambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 Stem count 8 8 14 4 4 7 4 4 10 7 7 18 0 0 14 3 3 15 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 5 5 6 3 3 4 2 2 3 3 3 4 0 0 1 2 2 3 Stems per ACRE 323.7 323.7 566.6 161.9 161.9 283.3 161.9 161.9 404.7 283.3 283.3 728.4 0 0 566.6 121.4 121.4 607 Page: 34 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Table 6, continued. Project Code 95355. Project Name:Hofler Current Plot Data(MY6 2021) 95355-ab-0013 95355-ab-0014 95355-ab-0015 95355-ab-0016 95355-ab-0017 95355-ab-0018 Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 7 3 3 1 7 12 Celtis occidentalis common hackberry Tree Cephalanthus occidentali common buttonbush Shrub Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree Morella bayberry shrub Morella cerifera wax myrtle shrub Myrica sweetgale shrub Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree 1 1 1 Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 Quercus nigra water oak Tree Quercus palustris pin oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree Sambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 3 3 3 2 2 2 4 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 Stem count 3 3 10 2 2 5 6 6 9 2 2 3 4 4 11 8 8 20 size(ares) 1 1 1 1 1 1 size(ACRES) 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 Species count 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 3 4 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 Stems per ACRE 121.4 121.4 404.7 80.94 80.94 202.3 242.8 242.8 364.2 80.94 80.94 121.4 161.9 161.9 445.2 323.7 323.7 809.4 Page: 35 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Table 6, continued. Project Code 95355. Project Name:Hofler Annual Means MY7(2021) MY6(2020) MY4(2019) MY3(2017) MY2(2016) MY1(2015) MY0(2015) Scientific Name Common Name Species Type PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T PnoLS P-all T Acer rubrum red maple Tree 143 _ 7 Celtis occidentalis common hackberry Tree 1 1 1 Cephalanthus occidentali common buttonbush Shrub 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 Magnolia virginiana sweetbay Tree 6 6 6 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 8 6 6 6 8 8 8_ 9 9 9 Morella bayberry shrub 1 1 1 Morella cerifera wax myrtle shrub 2 2 2 Myrica sweetgale shrub 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 10 10 10 9 9 9 15 15 15 15 15 15 Nyssa sylvatica blackgum Tree 1 1 1 _ Pinus taeda loblolly pine Tree 1 Quercus bicolor swamp white oak Tree 4 4 4 6 6 6 14 14 14 19 19 19 20 20 20 25 25 25 36 36 36 Quercus laurifolia laurel oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 7 7 7 Quercus michauxii swamp chestnut oak Tree 18 18 18 15 15 15 37 37 37 67 67 67 35 35 35 49 49 49 55 55 55 Quercus nigra water oak Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 9 9 12 12 12 13 13 13 23 23 23 34 34 34 Quercus palustris pin oak Tree 1 1 1 Quercus phellos willow oak Tree 5 5 5 5 5 5 13 13 13 19 19 19 18 18 18 26 26 26 30 30 30 Sambucus canadensis Common Elderberry Shrub _ Taxodium distichum bald cypress Tree 40 40 40 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 31 31 31 31 31 31 35 35 35 Stem count 89 89 233 72 72 72 122 122 122 172 172 179 142 142 142 191 191 191 230 230 230 size(ares) 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 size(ACRES) 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.44 _ 0.44 Species count 12 12 14 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 Stems per ACRE 200.1 200.1 523.8 161.9 161.9 161.9 274.3 274.3 274.3 386.7 386.7 402.4 319.3 319.3 319.3 429.4 429.4 429.4 517.1 517.1 517.1 Page: 36 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Appendix E Precipitation Records Hydrographs Table 8. Hydroperiod Summary Table Page: 37 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 9 Hofler Project on-site precipitation 8 — 30-70 Percentile Gra•h — — Gates County, NC, 2021 7 :. e - - ' atological Coop Murfreesboro, NC M m .....H. , I— 6 In ai L U C c PI2' 4 0. Piu a ,_ -add h. di= \ 3 N 2 1 I Ill i .milmi 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec — 2021 Totals 30th%^ 70th%^ Page: 38 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Hofler Monitoring Gauge #1 (20962824) 1 1 Start of growing season (3/9) End of growing season (11/6 4- a) a) a) c) 0 � r*. " 4\1 C 0 Ln 0 61 consec. days 14100400,1 L _2 W W W Cn Cn 01 01 O) O) O) d7 v v v v v CO OD CO CO CO CO CO CO CO N \ OD \ N N W N m N m N O O O O CO Ui NN.) Ui N Co N o) N NNUi N Co N N O7 N O N.) N N N N O O N N N O N N N O N N.) O O NJQNJNJ N O O N N N N O O O N N O O O NJDDNJNJpoor.) O O O N O O O N N O O O O N N N NJ N N — — N N N — N N N — N N N — 1 N N N — N N N — — N N N N O O O N N N � 1 � Date —Water Surface Elevation —Required Elevation Page: 39 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Hofler Monitoring Gauge #2 ( 21048571) 1 '- Start of growing season (349) End of growing season (11/6) ► 4- a) a) 4- a) • 0 ropeniersowsesem.nowsiestaikom 0 L^ o 67 consec. days 0 aJ cs cei) -1 11)11611/11.0kiii. rt+ cc _2 W W W CJi CJl CJl (J1 6) 6) O) O) CO CO CO CO CO CO CD CO CO \ N - W - N N o \ N N co \ \ N - co \ N N C\J1 \ N N coo \ N W O O P. O CO CJl ' 01 N CO W O �I O �l - CJi N Co N Co O) a) W O �l N N N N N N N N N N o, N N N O O N Ni N O N N N O N N N O O N N N O Ni N N O O N Ni Ni Ni O O O N N O O O N O O O N O O O N N O O O N O O O N N O O O O N N N Ni N N — — N Ni N — N N N — N Ni N —k — N N N - Ni N N — - Ni Ni N N O O O 1 � � Date —Water Surface Elevation —Required Elevation Page:40 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Hofler Monitoring Gauge #3 (20962764) 1 t 0- St.rt •f g o ing se:so En• o gr•w ng ,e•so (3/') (11/6) a) C.) cts � 0 ° s1 con-ec days a) ns m i co co Cn Cn cn cn O) O) O) O) CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO N 00 N N N N CO N CO N N U1 N N Co N W O\ O O O N Cn Cn N Co W O �I �l Cn N Co N Co W C� W N O �l N N N N.) N O N N) N N N.) Cb N N N O O N N N O N N N O N N N O O N N N O N N N O O N N N N O O O N N O O O N O O O N O O O N N O O O N O O O N N O O O O N N N N N N — — N N N — N N N - N N N — — N N N - N N N - - N N N N O O O Date —Water Surface Elevation —Required Elevation Page:41 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Hofler Monitoring Gauge #4 (10065547) 1 - Start of growing season (3/9) End of growing season (11/6) t ► a 64 consec. days 0 r" . "/*1 I rt+ cc _2 co co co 4 4 - CJi CJl CJl (J1 6) 6) O) O) CO CO CO CO CO CO CD CO CO W - N N o - N N co \ - N - co -- N N C\J1 \ N N coo \ N co O O P. O CO CJl ' 01 N CO W O �I O �l - CJi N Co N Co Cr o) W O �l N N N N N ry N N N N N o, N N N O O N N N O N N N O N Ni N O O N N N O Ni N N O O N Ni Ni Ni O O O N N O O O N O O O N O O O N N O O O N O O O N N O O O O N N N Ni N N — — N Ni N - N N N - N Ni N —k — N N N — Ni N N — - Ni N N N O co) O 1 � � Date —Water Surface Elevation —Required Elevation Page:42 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Hofler Monitoring Gauge #5 (10065546) 1 - Start of growing season (3/9) End of growing season 4 (11/6) ► 4- a) 35 consec. days aJ (- #%0 0 - 0 L^ O aJcts > I -1 a� v y.+ -2 W W W Ul C11 CSl (J1 6) Cr) CA O) - v v v v CO CO CO CO CO CO (D CO CO - - N - W - N N o - N N co \ - N - co -- N N C\J1 \ N N coo \ N W O O P. P. CO CSl ' Ui N CO W O �I O �l CSi N Co N Co O) O W O �l N N N N N ry N N N N N o, N N N O O N N N O N N N O N Ni N O O N N N O Ni N.) 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N � � 1 Date -Water Surface Elevation -Required Elevation Page:44 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Hofler Monitoring Gauge #7 (20962765) 1F Start of growing season (3/9) End of gro ing season (11/6) ► t c 1 consec. days a) a) : 0 11 0 L^ O a) 11 ' J V W W A A U1 Cn cn CJ1 O O O O v v v v v 00 00 CO CO CO CO Cfl CO O N N N N co 00 N N Cn � � N N CD � N W co 01 U1 N CO COO �l N) O �I -P r, U1 N Co N Co O) N N3 O� W O �I N N.)R r N N N N N N N N —` cc' N N O O N N N O N N N O N.) N.) N O O N N N O N N N O O N N.) N.) N.) 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O N N N O N N N O O N N N O N N N O O N N N N.) 4' O O O N N O O O N O O O N O O O N N O O O N O O O N N O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N O 0 0 Date —Water Surface Elevation —Required Elevation Page:47 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Hofler Monitoring Reference Gauge (20962760) 1 Start of growing season (3/9) End of growng season (11/6) 4 °' I rot fl A v � 67 consec days O o -1 a) m m J -2 -3 co co co Cn Cn Cn Cn rn rn rn rn o0 OD OD OD CO CO CO CO CO \ \ N OD N N \ N N CO N OD N N cn N N CO —s N W O O O O op 01 j j of N coo j co O N N N C31 N coo N..) N CO W N N W Co O NJ NJ N N N O O N) N N O N N N) O N N N O O N N N O N N N O O N N N N O O O N N O O O N O O O N O O O N N O O O N O O O N N O O O O N N N N N N N N N N N N - N N N — — N N N — N N N — — N N N N O O O N N N Date —Water Surface Elevation —Required Elevation Page:48 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Table 8.Hydroperiod Summaries by Year Max Consecutive Hydroperiod within 12"of Soil Surface:Percent of growing season and Date Montitoring Gauge WETS table:Murfreesboro NC Growing Season 3/9 to 11/6(243 days) Number 2015 Dates %G.S. 2016 Dates %G.S. 2017 Dates %G.S. 2018 Dates %G.S. 2019 Dates %G.S. 2020 Dates %G.S. 2021 Dates %G.S. 1 14 4/11-5/14 5.8 97 3/9-6/13 39.9 103 3/14-6/26 42.4 101 3/9-6/17 41.6 75 3/9-5/23 30.9 120 3/9-7/5 49.2 61 9/3-11/3 25.1 81.6 2 9.1 4/15-5/6 3.7 53 9/3-10/25 21.8 59 4/23-6/20 24.3 67 3/9-5/14 27.6 69 3/9-5/17 28.4 56 8/1-9/25 23 67 8/28-11/3 27.6 54.3 3 12.8 6/25-7/25 5.2 64 9/1-11/3 26.3 103 3/14-6/24 42.4 99 3/9-6/15 40.7 74 3/9-5/22 30.5 97 3/9-6/12 39.8 61 9/3-11/3 25.1 73.0 4 12.8 6/25-7/25 5.2 65 8/30-11/2 26.7 102 3/13-6/22 42 99 3/9-6/15 40.7 75 3/9-5/23 30.9 105 3/9-6/20 43 64 8/31-11/3 26.3 74.7 5 24.7 6/4-8/2 10.2 99 3/9-6/15 40.7 120 3/9-7/6 49.4 127 3/9-7/11 52.3 77 3/9-5/25 31.7 91 3/9-6/6 37.3 35 9/29-11/3 14.4 82.0 6 14 6/25-7/28 5.8 97 3/9-6/13 139.9 103 3/14-6/24 42.4 101 3/9-6/17 41.6 75 3/9-5/23 30.9 101 3/9-6/16 41.4 39 9/25-11/3 16.0 75.7 7 23.5 6/2-7/28 9.7 98 3/9-6/14 40.3 110 3/9-6/26 45.3 100 3/9-6/16 41.2 77 3/9-5/25 31.7 104 3/9-6/19 42.6 61 9/3-11/3 25.1 81.9 8 14 _ 6/25-7/28 5.8 98 _3/9-6/14 40.3 109 3/9-6/25 44.9_ 101 3/9-6/17 41.6 77 3/9-5/25 31.7 112 3/9-6/27 45.9 61 9/3-11/3 25.1 81.7 9 11.5 4/15-5/12 4.7 , 98 3/9-6/14 40.3 113 3/9-6/29 46.5 182 3/9-9/6 74.9 78 3/9-5/26 32.1 107 3/9-6/22 43.9 86 8/9-11/3 35.4 I 96.5 Reference Reference site deemed unsuitable,data removed per DMS 29 3/9-4/6 12 32 4/4-5/5 13.2 64 3/9-5/12 26.3 31 3/9-4/7 12.7 8/28-11/3 27.6 44.6 Precip Total 30.02 63.84 54.86 34.04 46.21 64.04 42.86 Within 30%/70%Range Y N N Y Y N Y Meets or exceeds success criteria N/A Not available-Gage pulled or yet to be installed by this phase M Malfunction,Data overwritten or Unretrievable Page:49 Year 7(2021)Monitoring Report Hofler Property,Project ID#95355 Appendix F Year 6 Approved Adaptive Management Plan USACE Permit Needs Determination Hoffer Property-Adaptive Management Plan, Revised 09/25/20 Albemarle Restorations, LLC, (AR) is proposing the following Adaptive Management Plan (AMP) for the Hofler Property (DMS Contract #004628) for the North Carolina Division of Mitigation Services(DMS)and Interagency Review Team(IRT)review and comment. This AMP has been revised based on the comments received from the IRT team on June 23, 2020, in which the IRT requested that a revised AMP be submitted that addressed the issue of excess hydrology that has stressed planted stock. As such AR is submitting the following AMP to address both the hydrologic stressor and planted vegetation performance: 1. Lowering the existing ditch plugs to an elevation of 33.7' or approximately 4" per plug. Per the approved as-built, the restored wetlands range in elevations from 33.91' to 33.71', with the average being 33.8' as designed. The ditch plugs were built to elevation 34.0' per design, approximately two tenths above the finish grade of the wetlands. We selected elevation 33.7' instead of 33.8'to try and reduce ponding in any isolated depressions. This remedial action should promote better off site drainage, helping to reduce inundation and ponding into the growing season, which will facilitate better tree survival and growth. 2. Conduct tree planting this winter (20/21) using bare root and/or containerized (based on availability) Bald cypress at a rate of 200 trees/ac or more to bring the stocking up to required levels in underperforming areas. These areas consist of the lower half of the project site, represented by plots 1, 2 and 11-18, as identified in the MY5 Monitoring Report (pg. 11). Additional tree planting across the entire site may occur based on seedling availability. Bald cypress was chosen because of its ability to grow in wet conditions,tolerance to competition, and past performance on site. 3. Conduct 10-15 additional vegetation plot (1/100th ac)surveys across the site this year.These will be randomly located outside of existing survey locations to better assess tree height, density, and survivorship. Continue Hydrologic and Vegetation monitoring for additional three (3) years (MY8, MY9 & MY10) to ensure achievement of success criteria. Intent to Approve Revised Adaptive Management Plan/ NCDMS Hofler Site/Gates Co.!SAW- 2012-01393 1 message Browning,Kimberly D C1V USARMY CESAW(USA)aKimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil> Fri,Oct 23,2020 at 1:30 PM To:"Tugwell,Todd J CIV USARMY CESAW(USA}"<Todd.J.Tugwell@usace.army.mil>,"Davis,Erin B"<erin.davis@ncdenr.gov>,"Wilson, Travis W."<travis.wilson@ncwildlife.org>,"Haywood,Casey M CIV(USA}"<Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil>,"Bowers,Todd (bowers.todd@epa.gov)'<bowers.todd@epa.gov>,"Matthews,Kathryn(kathryn_matthews c( fws.gov)"<kathryn_matthews@fws.gov>, 'Wells,Emily'<emily wells@fws_gov>,"Lekson,David M CIV USARMY CESAW(USA)"<David.M.Lekson@usace_army_mil>,"Barnes, Kyle W CIV USARMY CESAW(US)' <Kyle.W_Bames@usace.army.mil>,"Smith, Ronnie D CIV USARMY CESAW(USA)" <Ronnie.D.Smith@usace.army.mil>,"McLendon,C S CIV USARMY CESAW(USA)"<Scott.C.McLendon@usace.army.mil>, "maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org"<maria.dunn@ncwildlife.org> Cc:"Baumgartner,Tim"<tim.baumgartner@ncdenr.gov>,Ashby Brown<ashby.brown99 a@gmail.com>,"Allen,Melonie" <melonie.allen@ncdenr.gov>,Scott McGill<SMcGill@ecotoneinc.corn>,Mane Brady<mbrady@ecotoneinc.corn>,"Crocker, Lindsay" c Lin dsa y.Crocker@ ncden r.gov> Good afternoon, The 15-day comment review period for the NCDMS Hofler Mitigation Site Adaptive Management Plan(SAW-2012-01393)closed on October 22,2020.Per Section 332.8(0)(9)of the 2008 Mitigation Rule,this review followed the streamlined review process.All comments received during the review process are below. IRT Comments on the Hoffer Site Adaptive Management Plan: The proposed AMP aims to address previously mentioned concerns of excessive hydrology and resulting vegetative mortality.We concur that replanting,additional hydrology monitoring,and additional veg monitoring(MYB-10)may help meet performance standards.The IRT requests that a diversity of species be planted,rather than the proposed single species.The IRT agrees that if the excessive site hydrology is appropriately addressed,additional species should be suitable for this site. Please note that the original vegetative performance standard at MY7 was set for at least 210 stems per acre with an average height of 10 feet still applies.There is concern that this will be difficult to meet.Failure to meet this standard may lead to an adjustment of credit to account for vegetative density and vigor concerns. It is our intent to approve this adaptive management plan provided you address IRT concerns listed above.Please contact the mitigation office if you have questions. Respectfully, Kim Browning Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I U.S.Army Corps of Engineers NT on DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ot.. WILMINGTON DISTRICT.CORPS OF ENGINEERS �.. fig DARLINGTON AVENUE VJIL MINGTON,NORTH CAROLINA 28403-1343 REPLY TO ATFEHTTAN OF July 21,2014 Regulatory Division Re:NCIRT Review and USACE Approval of the Hoffer Property Wetland Mitigation Site Plan;SAW- 2012-01393;NCEEP Project#95355 Mr.Tim Baumgartner North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program 1652 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1 6 52 Dear Mr.Baumgartner: The purpose of this letter is to provide the North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) with all comments generated by the North Carolina Interagency Review Team (NCIRT) during the 30-day comment period for the the Hoffer Property Wetland Mitigation Site Plan,which was reposted and closed on April 5,2014. These comments are attached for your review. This mitigation plan was originally posted in January, 2014, Comments posted identified numerous concerns with the projects(see attached memo). Because of these comments,the plan was revised in March 2014,and reposted on March 6,2014 for a second review. The deadline for comments was April 5,2014. An initial review of the comments revealed that many of the comments from the first round of comments had not been addressed in the March mitigation plan revision. Prior to making a determination as to whether to approve this project, a third copy of the mitigation plan, dated May 2014, was received on May 29, 2014, This plan has subsequently been reviewed in light of the comments provided by NCIRT members during the review. Most of the comments have been addressed in the recent version of the plan, including concerns regarding well placement,vegetation plots,appropriate hydroperiod, and the proposed species list for planting. Based on these modifications, we have determined that major concerns identified with the Draft Mitigation Plan have been addressed,and the mitigation plan is considered approved with this correspondence. Nevertheless, we believe it is important to note that the location and method of construction at the proposed site are not preferred,and effort should be made to avoid this type of project in the future. As a general rule,we do not believe that building berms around a restored wetland is an appropriate way to reestablish hydrology on a site. To begin with,this is not true restoration as you are establishing an entirely new hydrology regime on the site. Water flow into and out of the wetland is severely restricted by the berms,and the outflow elevation for the entire site is controlled by"ditch plugs/check dams"(see discussion on page 23 of the mitigation plan dated May 2014). In addition,there is the potential that berms may be breached in the future though natural or anthropogenic means, which could affect the hydrology of the entire site. Lastly,constructing a wetland site in the middle of an agricultural field is not ideal as it drastically limits the connection between the site and forested wetlands adjacent to or downstream from the project. In this case,water flowing from the site must travel through more than'/4 mile of ditch before it reaches the forested headwaters of Lassiter Swamp, limiting the benefit of the project and the ability of the site to fully achieve the stated goals of the mitigation plan. The Final Mitigation Plan is to be submitted with the Preconstruction Notification (PCN) Application for Nationwide permit approval of the project along with a copy of this letter. All changes made to the Final Mitigation Plan should be summarized in an errata sheet included at the beginning of the document, As it was determined that the project does not contain jurisdictional waters of the U.S., construction for the project does not require a Department of the Army permit;however,you must still provide a copy of the Final Mitigation Plan,along with a copy of this letter,to the appropriate USACE field office at least 30 days in advance of beginning construction of the project. Plisse note that this approval does not preclude the inclusion of permit conditions in the permit authorisation for the project. Additionally,this letter provides initial approval for the Mitigation Plan, but this does not guarantee that the project will generate the requested amount of mitigation credit. As you are aware,unforeseen issues may arise during construction or monitoring of the project that may require maintenance or reconstruction that may lead to reduced credit. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter,and if you have any questions regarding this letter,the mitigation plan review process,or the requirements of the Mitigation Rule,please call me at 919-846-2564, Sincerely,. Trr,6,1 � _ ,} TUGWELLTQUO.JASON.1448429293 2014.07.21 14:23:23-04'00' Todd.Tug well Special Projects Manager Enclosures Electronic Copies Furnished: NCIRT Distribution List NCEEPIHeather Smith NCEEPILin Stu Ed Temple From: Smith, Heather[heath er.c.smith©ncdenr.goy] Sent: Monday.July 21.2014 3:24 PM To: edtempleipvol.com Subject: FW:NCEEP Draft Mitigation Plan Approval Letter with Comment Memo 1 Hofler Property Wetland Mitigation Project/Gates County/SAW-2012-01393(UNCLASSIFIED} Categories; Red Category Ed, Here is the clarification email. Sincerely, Heather Smith Eastern Project Manager Ecosystem Enhancement Program 919-707-8496 heather,c.smith@ncdenr.gov Physical Address: 217 West Jones St., 3rd Floor, Suite 3000A, Raleigh, N.C. 276@3 Mailing address: 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1652. Parking and visitor access information is available on the EEP website. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Original Message From; Tugwell, Todd SAW [mailto:Todd.Tugwelt usace.army.mil] Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 3:17 PM To: Baumgartner, Tim Cc; Smith, Heather Subject: RE: NCEEP Draft Mitigation Plan Approval Letter with Comment Memo / Hofler Property Wetland Mitigation Project / Gates County / SAW-2012-01393 (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE No, that was an oversight. No need for a PCN. Todd Original Message From: Baumgartner, Tim [mailto:tim.baumgartnertncdenr.gov) Sent: Monday, July 21, 2014 3:02 PM To: Tugwell, Todd SAW Cc: Smith, Heather Subject: [EXTERNAL] RE: NCEEP Draft Mitigation Plan Approval Letter with Comment Memo / Hofler Property Wetland Mitigation Project / Gates County / SAW-2012-01393 (UNCLASSIFIED) Todd, Thanks for the letter. We are a little confused. The last paragraph of the letter says to submit a PCN. There is no PCN needed for the project because the site is not currently jurisdictional. Do they submit a PCN anyway or was this an oversight? Thanks Tim Tim Baumgartner, CPESC Deputy Director of Operations Ecosystem Enhancement Program Department of Environment and Natural Resources Office - 919-707-8543 Cell - 919-218-2557 From: Tugwell, Todd SAW [mailto:Todd.TugwellOusace.army.mil] Sent: Monday, Duly 21, 2014 2:43 PM To: Baumgartner, Tim Cc: Xu, Lin; Smith, Heather; Fritz Rohde (Fritz.Rohdegnoaa.gov); Chapman, Amy; Baker, Virginia; Beter, Dale E SAW; Biddlecome, William J SAW; bowers.todd0epa.eov; Crumbley, Tyler SAW; Karoly, Cyndi; Cox, David R.; Hall, Dolores; Emily lernigar fws.gov; Alsmeyer, Eric C SAW; Kull, Eric; Gibby, Jean B SAW; Greer, Emily C SAW; Jones, Scott SAW; Higgins, Karen; Kathryn MatthewsOfws.gov; Marella Buncick (Marella Buncick0fws.gov); McLendon, Scott C SAW; Gledhill-earley, Renee; Sollod, Steve; Wilson, Travis W.; Wheeler, Tracey L SAW; Wicker, Henry M JR SAW Subject: NCEEP Draft Mitigation Plan Approval Letter with Comment Memo / Hofler Property Wetland Mitigation Project I Gates County / SAW-2012-01393 (UNCLASSIFIED) Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Mr. Baumgartner, 2 Attached is the approval letter for the Draft Mitigation Plan for the Hafler Mitigation Project, along with all the comments that were generated during the IRT's review of the project on the Mitigation Plan Review Portal. Please note that this letter approves the ❑raft Mitigation Plan. The site was determined to have no waters of the U.S., s❑ a permit is not required for construction; however, a copy of the final mitigation plan should be provided at least 30 days prior to construction an site. Also, please ensure that the Final Mitigation Plan is posted to NCEEP's documents portal so that all members of the IRT have access to the Final plan. Please let me know if you have any questions about the process or the attached letter. Todd Tugwell Special Projects Manager Regulatory Division Wilmington District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 11495 Falls of Meuse Road Wake Forest, NC 27587 (919) 846-2564 Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE Classification: UNCLASSIFIE❑ Caveats: NONE 3