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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0030759_Annual Monitoring_20210512MERITECH 9 Environmental Laboratories Laboratory Certification #165 Client: Smith Creek / City of Raleigh Meritech Ill#: 05062146 Project: Annual PPA Analysis: OS/1 I/21 ClientSamplelD: Effluent Analyst: VWV Sample Collection: 05/05/21 Dilution Factor: 1 Report Date: 05/12/21 EPA 624.1 VOLATILE ORGANICS Parameter Benzene D ichlorobrom omethane Bromoform Methyl Bromide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether Chloroform Methyl Chloride Chlorodibromomethane 1,2-Dibromoethane 1,1-Dichloroethane l,2-13ichloroethane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene l,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,I-Dichloroethylene trans-1,2-Dichloroethylene 1,2-Dichloropropane cis-1,3-Dichloropropylene trans-1,3-Dich I oropropylene Ethylbenzene Methylene chloride 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Tetrachloroethylene Toluene 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene Trichlorofluoromethane Vinyl chloride Additional Compounds Acrolein Aerylonitrile I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. Result < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < I.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < I.00 ug/L < I.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L <50.0 ug/L <10.0 ug/L Lab( ra ory Rep entative 642 Tamco Road *Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 * Client: Project: Client Sample ID: Sample Collection: Report Date: Laboratory Certificate #165 Smith Creek/City of Raleigh Annual PPA Effluent 05/05/21 05/18/21 Meritech ID#: 05062145 Analysis: 05/17/21 1 xtraction: 05/12/21 Analyst: PM Dilution Factor: 1 EPA 625.I SEIVIIVOLATILE ORGANICS Parameter Result Parameter Result Acenaphthene <10 ug/L Fluoranthene <10 ug/L Acenaphthylene <10 ug/L Fluorene <10 ug/L Anthracene <10 ug/L Hexachlorobenzene <10 ug/L Benzidine <50 ug/L Hexachlorobutadiene <10 ug/L Benzo(a)anthracene <10 ug/L Hexachloroeyclopentadiene <50 ug/L Benzo(a)pyrene <10 ug/L Hexachloroethane <10 ug/L Benzo(b)fluoranlhene <10 ug/L Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene <10 ug/L Benzo(k)fluoranthene <10 ug/L Isophorone <10 ug/L Benzo(g,h,i)perylene <10 ug/L 2-Methylnaphthalene <10 ug/L Benzyl butyl phthalate <10 ug/L Naphthalene <10 u Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane <10 ug/L Nitrobenzene <10 ug/L Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether <10 ug/L N-Nitrosodimethylamine <10 ug/L Bis(2-chloroisopropyl)ether <10 ug/L N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine <10 ug/L Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate <10 ug/L N-Nitrosodiphenylamine <10 ug/L 4-Bromophenylphenyl ether <10 ug/L Phenanthrene <10 ug/L 2-Chloronaphthalene <10 ug/L Pyrene <10 ug/L 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <10 ug/L 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene <10 ug/L Chrysene <10 ug/L Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene <10 ug/L 4-Chloro-3-methylplienol <10 ug/L 1,2-Dichlorobenzene <10 ug/L 2-Chlorophenol <10 ug/L 1,3-Dichlorobenzene <10 ug/L 2,4-Dichlorophenol <10 ug/L 1,4-Dichlorobenzene <10 ug/L 2,4-Dimethylphenol <10 ug/L 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine <50 ug/L 2,4-Dinitrophenol <50 ug/L Diethyl phthalate <I0 ug/L 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol <50 ug/L Dimethyl phthalate <10 ug/L 2-Nitrophenol <10 ug/L Di-n-butyl phthalate <10 ug/L 4-Nitrophenol <50 ug/L 2,4-Dinitrotoluene <10 ug/L Pentachlorophenol <50 ug/L 2,6-Dinitrotoluene <10 ug/L Phenol <10 ug/L Di-n-octyl phthalate <10 ug/L 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol <10 ug/L 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine <10 ug/L I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. r��,,,, i� Laboratory Representative 642 Tamco Road *Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 * Meritech, Inc. Environmental Laboratory Laboratory Certification No.165 Contact: Mike Loveless & John Silveri Client: Raleigh- Smith Creek PO Box 590 Raleigh, NC 27602 Report Date: 5/20/2021 NPDES #: NC0030759 Project: Annual PPA Date Sample Rcvd: 5/6/2021 Meritech Work Order # 05062145 Sample: Effluent Composite 5/4-5/21 Parameters Result Analvsis Date Reportine Limit Method Total Dissolved Solids 235 mg/L 5/11/21 10 mg/L SM 2540C Ammonia, total <0.1 mg/L 5/11/21 0.1 mg/L EPA 350A TKN 1.41 mg/L 5/13/21 0.20 mg/L EPA 351.2 Nitrate/Nitrite, Nitrogen 2.82 mg/L 5/12/21 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 Nitrogen, total 4.23 mg/L 5/13/21 0.20 mg/L EPA 353.2 Antimony, total <0.025 mg/L 5/13/21 0.025 mg/L EPA 200.7 Arsenic, total <0.010 mg/L 5/13/21 0.010 mg/L EPA 2003 Beryllium, total <0.005 mg/L 5/13/21 0.005 mg/L EPA 2003 Cadmium, total <0.002 mg/L 5/13/21 0.002 mg/L EPA 2003 Chromium, total <0.005 mg/L 5/13/21 0.005 mg/L EPA 2003 Copper, total 0.003 mg/L 5/13/21 0.002 mg/L EPA 2003 Magnesium, total 3.11 mg/L 5/13/21 0.005 mg/L EPA 2003 Mercury, total <0.0002 mg/L 5/18/21 0.0002 mg/L EPA 245A Nickel, total <0.010 mg/L 5/13/21 0.010 mg/L EPA 2003 Phosphorus, total 0.157 mg/L 5/12/21 0.020 mg/L EPA 2003 Selenium, total <0.010 mg/L 5/13/21 0.010 mg/L EPA 200.7 Silver, total <0.005 mg/L 5/13/21 0.005 mg/L EPA 2003 Thallium, total <0.020 mg/L 5/13/21 0.020 mg/L EPA 2003 Zinc, total 0.076 mg/L 5/13/21 0.010 mg/L EPA 200.7 Hardness (titration) 40 mg/L 5/13/21 1 mg/L SM 2340B EPA 625.1 BNA Attached 5/17/21 625A Meritech Work Order # 05062146 Parameters Sample: Effluent Grab Result Analysis Date 5/5/21 Reporting Limit Method Cyanide, total <0.005 mg/L 5/10/21 0.005 mg/L EPA 335.4 Oil &Grease (HEM) <5 mg/L 5/10/21 5 mg/L EPA 1664B Phenols, total <0.010 mg/L 5/18/21 0.010 mg/L EPA 420.1 EPA 624.1 Attached 5/11/21 EPA 624A 1 hereby certify that 1 have reviewed and approve these data. Laboratory Representative 642 Tamco Road, Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 tel.(336)342-4748fax.(336)342-1522