HomeMy WebLinkAbout20201942 Ver 2_Cox Pond BPDP_20220223From: Merritt, Katie To: Andrea Eckardt Cc: Woioski. Paul A; Baker. Caroline D Subject: DWR Comments - Cox Pond BPDP Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2022 4:17:54 PM Attachments: Cox Pond BPDP Comment Summarv.Ddf Cox Pond BPDP DWRedits.Ddf Hey Andrea, Pursuant to Titles 15A NCAC 02B .0295 and 15A NCAC 02B .0703 (e), a provider shall submit a project plan proposal to the Division for review and approval that includes specific elements of the project. On October 20, 2021, Wildlands Holdings III, LLC (Wildlands) submitted a Bank Parcel Development Package (Plan) for the Cox Pond Site, to the Division, for review and approval. According to the initial review by DWR staff of the subject Plan, some elements were either not provided, not explained thoroughly, not accurate or lacking in sufficient information. Therefore, until DWR receives an updated Plan addressing all comments and edits provided in the attached 1) comment summary and 2) PDF version of the document itself, DWR cannot finalize the review of the Plan or issue an approval of the Plan. In an effort to be as efficient as possible at providing comments to IRS during this busy time, I have provided my comments in a different format. Attached are the comments & edits provided within the actual PDF of a condensed Plan (without Appendices) as well as a comment summary. When Wildlands is ready to submit their final project Plan, please include a summary of all Wildlands' responses to the DWR comments acknowledging how Wildlands addressed the comments. Please upload the final Plan using our Mitigation Project Information Upload Form through this link: http.,,,;,/�Cd,C7C�d,C,q,,I�Cov Forms VIa.i ation Information U load . Please note the DWR ID# 2020-1942 (version 2) on all electronic submissions for this project. Thank you for your patience during this time and if you have any difficulty reading though the comments or edits please let me know. Katie Katie Merritt Nutrient Offset & Buffer Banking Coordinator 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Office: 919-707-3637 Work Cell: 919-500-0683 Website: htt s: de .nc. ov about divisions water -resources water- ualit - ermittin 401-buffer- ermittin -branch I.2...N.::....a.li..S.ua.r re t Paleiolh. NC 27620 :I..6.:I..7......M.a i.I....arv...ica.. a.inIa. R...Ra1a%.glh. NC 27699-1617 rr ad correspondence, to and fr wtm this Esc/</rr ss is ,crbject to the Nrw ?V? u";amfrrra Public , �'rrr;otVs Law andmay ay be, disclosed to thhV t a? ties, Summary of Comments on Cox Pond BPDP_DWRedits.pdf am Number: 1 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 3:50:06 PM add that this WUP is a requirement of the certified Animal Feeding Operation associated with permit # AWS960144 issued by the Division of Water Resources. Number: 1 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 3:52:00 PM existing conditions should call out the unstable banks, sink holes, and active erosion noted in the site viability letter. add language to this section speaking to that. If you know where those areas are along the UTs, then add call outs on a supporting figure Number: 1 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 3:54:29 PM report in ft2 Number: 2 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 3:53:49 PM update table after updating Table 9 Number: 3 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 3:55:02 PM also reference Table 9 in addition to Figure 7 since that's where you show the deductions. Number: 1 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 3:56:54 PM DWR approved the new WUP? Do you have documentation supporting that? It is not normally a formal "approval" from DWR so unless you have documentation that DWR approved the WUP, remove this text. On a side note: I have already followed up with DWR staff about this WUP and verbally they have said it's fine and complies with all the numbers in the permit. Page: 11 Number: 1 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 3:57:36 PM there should be at least one subcanopy species in this plan Number: 1 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 3:59:39 PM text implies no buffer credit on east side of UT4 where width is only 30 feet. modify language to provide clarity here. Indicate no NOC can be generated in areas where riparian restoration is less than 50'. Number: 2 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 4:01:33 PM A add a statement that the total amount of credits that can be converted from riparian buffer credit to nutrient offset is represented in Table 9 and will be documented in the AsBuilt report. . 0. y Number: 1 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 4:02:05 PM there are comments made on Figure 7 that will result in changes needed to the crediting areas on this table. Number: 1 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 4:04:21 PM the measurement of widths for crediting purposes is to be taken perpendicular and landward from top of bank of the feature since that's our policy for measuring as per the MBI. Only the radius should be included when the feature origin begins on the property and has no other features coming into it. Therefore, remove the radius off UT3 at Ditch C origin and change buffer to nutrient offset within that area Number: 2 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 4:03:18 PM remove the radius off UT3 at Ditch C origin and change buffer to nutrient offset within that area Number: 3 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 4:06:47 PM if Ditch A continues above the CE boundary, the diffused flow deductions need to be applied the same way as on Ditch B Number: 1 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 4:05:07 PM make edits based on comment on Figure 7 Page: 27 Number: 1 Author: kymerritt Subject: Sticky Note Date: 2/23/2022 4:05:12 PM make edits based on comment on Figure 7 A TArk Rk FEAMT01-0 M;-D VG UAC October 2021 COX CAN MITIGATION BANK PARCEL Wayne County, NC �DWR Project Number 2020-1942 Q : I 100 I PREPARED BY: IL 1) L A N L) S Wildlands Engineering, Inc. 1430 South Mint Street, Suite 104 Charlotte, NC 28203 Phone. (704) 332-7754 Fax: (704) 332-3306 Bank Parcel Development Package Neuse River Basin TABLE OF CONTENTS 1J0Project Introduction ................................. ............................... ........................................................ 1 1.1 Parcel Description .................. ........... ................... ........... ................... ........... ................... ...... 1 2/0 Mitigation Project Summary ... ---........... -------........... ------........... ------.2 2.1 Project Goals ----....... --------....... --------....... --------....... ----.2 2.2 Existing Parcel Coniditions--.... ........... -------........... ------........... ------.2 23 Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation and Nutrient Offset Mitigation ... -----....... ------..3 14 Alternative Mitigation ------........... -------........... ------........... ------.4 2.5 Watershed Characterizathzm---... —.... ....... --------....... --------....... ----.4 2.6 Soils ................... ....................... ....................... ....................... .............5 2.7 Existing Vegetative Communities .... .... ....... -------....... --------....... ----.6 2.8 Threatened and Endangered Species ...... -------........... ------........... ------.6 2.9 [mkmna| Resources ----------_---------_---------._-------..7 2.101 REMA Fkoodplaiin Cunnm|ia:mce.... ........... -------........... ------........... ----....... 7 2.11 Parcel Location, Parcel Constraints, and Access. ...... ... .... ....... --------....... —... —7 2.12 Other Environmental Conditions ...... -------........... ------........... ------....... 7 3/0 Site Protection Instrument. .... ... .... ....... --------....... -------....... ----... —7 4/B Mitigation Work Plan -----........... ------........... -------........... ------....... 8 4.1 Parcel Preparation ---------....... -------....... --------....... ------..8 4.2 Riparian Area, Restoration Activities ........ ------........... ------........... -------8 4.3 Riparian Area Preservation Activities ....... -------....... --------...... ------..9 4,4 NCDWR4m-Bm|lt Evaluation -----........... ------........... -------........... ----.9 5/0 Monitoring and Maintenance Plan ... ........ ............. _.......... ............. _.......... ............. _.~9 5.1 K4nmitoMmg Protocol —..--..—..--..~.--..—..--..~.--..—..--..~.--..—.. 9 5.2 Parcel Maintenance ........ .... ........ .............. .... ........ .............. .... ........ .............. .... .... 10 5.3 Easement Boundaries ................................................................................................................. 10 6/0 Financial Assurance andLong-Term Management. ... .... ........ .............. .... ........ .............. ..10 6.1 Financial Assurances ................................................................................................................... 10 6.2 Long-term Managenment...... .... ........ .............. .... ........ .............. .... ........ .............. ..11 7/0 Potential Credit Generation ............................................................................................................ 11 8/0 References .......... .............. .... ........ .............. .... ........ .............. ........... .... ........ ............ 14 k� C���M���om��,�Pa�� ��DP �� WWI Table I Ecological and Water Quality Goals Table 2 Buffer Project Attributes Table 3 Project Features Table 4 Drainage Areas and Associated Land Use Table 5 Project Soil Types and Descriptions Table 6 Existing Vegetation Table 7 Site Protection Instrument Table 8 Selected Tree Species Table 9 Cox Pond — Project Credit Table Table 10 Cox Pond — Total Area of Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation FiGURES Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Service Area Map Figure 3 Site Map Figure 4 USGS Topographic Map Figure 5 Watershed Map Figure 6 NRCS 1974 Soil Survey Map Figure 7 Buffer Credlits Map Figure 8 Riparian, Buffer Zones Map Figure 9 Monitoring Components Map APPEND110ES Appendix A Current Land Use Photographs — July 15, 2021 Appendix B Historical Aerials Appendix C On Site Determination, of Applicability to Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules — March 16, 2021 Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation and Nutrient Offset Letter — May 19, 2021 Appendix D USFWS Self -Certification Letter and Correspondence SHPO Req�uiest for Review and Response EDR. Radius Map Report, Executive Summary Appendix E Waste Utilization, Plan Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP HUC 03020201 IPage ii October 2021 Bank Parcel Development Package Neuse River Basini, Wildlands, Holdings III 1.0 Project Introduction The Cox Pond Mitigation, Bank Parcel ((Parcel), is proposed under the terms and conditions of the Cox Pond and O'Berry Road Nutrient Offset and Buffer Mitigation Banking Instrument (UMBI), made and entered into by Wildlands IHoldings III, LLC a,ctinig as Bank Sponsor (Sponsor) and the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), Division of Water Resources (NICIDWR), The Parcel shall be planned and designed according to the UIVIBI, 15A NCAC 02B .0703, and the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rule 15A NCAC 0213,0295. The project is in Wayne County approximately two and a half miles northwest of Mount Olive, North Carolina (Figure 1). Directions are included on, Figure 1. The Parcel creates a protected riparian area from top of bank to a minimum of 30 feet along streams, or 50 feet along ditches, to a maximum of 200 feet along four unnamed tributaries and three ditches. The primary purpose of the project is to provide riparian buffer mitigation credits and nutrient offset credlits to compensate for unavoidable impacts in, the Neuse River Basin 03020201 Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) outside the Falls Lake Watershed (Figure 2), The Parcel is located within the Neuse River Basin HUC 03020201170050 and NCDWR Subbasin 03- 04-12 in Wayne Couinty. 1.1 Parcel Description The project features flow to Brooks Swamp off site, which then connects with Thoroughfare Swamp. Thoroughfare Swamp subsequently flows to Falling Creek and fina:lly into the Neuse River. Brooks Swamp, Thoroughfare Swamp, and Falling Creek are all classified as Water Supply IV (WSAV)' and Nutrient Sensitive Waters (NSW) by the NNCDWR. The proposed project supports specific goals identified in the Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) by promoting "nutrient and! sediment reduction in agricultural areas by restoring and preserving wetlands, streams, and riparian buiffers". Thais riparian mitigation project will reduce sediment and nutrient loading, provide a:nd improve terrestrial and instream, habitats, and improve stream and bank stability. The area surrounding the streams proposed for mitigation, is predominantly agricultural fields, typically used to grow corn, soybeans, and tobacco. See Appendix A for July 2021 cuirrent land use photographs, Permitted direct application of hog waste from a lagoon located offsite was previously used for fertilizer on the field adjacent to Ditch C and UT3. With the start of this project, the Waste Utilization Plan was amended to exclude the entire application field (See Figure 3 and Appendix IE). Restoring the riparian area up to 200 feet from the streams and ditches will rediuce nutrient and sediment inputs in the tributaries to Brooks and Thoroughfare Swamps, and subsequently Falling Creek and the Neuse River. The restored floodplain areas will filter sediment during high rainfall events and provide cover and food for wildlife throughouit the Parcel. aiU Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP HUC 03020201 Page 1 October 2021 2.litigation Project Suirrumary 2.1 Project Goals The major goals of the proposed buffer and nutrient offset mitigation project are to provide ecological and water quality enhancements to the Neuse River Basin by restoring the riparian area to create a functional riparian, corridor. Specific enhancements to water quality and ecological processes are outlined below in Table 1. Table I.- Ecological and Water Quality Goals Goals Objectives Nutrient input will be decreased by filtering runoff from the agricultural fields Decrease nutrient levels. through restored native vegetation. The off -site nutrient input will also be absorbed on -site by filtering flood flows through restored floodplain areas, where flood flows can disperse through native vegetation. Decrease sediment input, Sediment from off -site sources will be captured by deposition on restored floodplain areas where native vegetation will slow overland flow velocities. Decrease water temperature and increase Planted riparian trees will shade the project features as they mature, reducing dissolved oxygen thermal pollution. concentrations. Fecal coliform input will be reduced by restricting the application of animal Reduce fecal coliform waste within the conservation easement. Converting fertilized cropland to inputs. forest will filter runoff from the adjacent fields through the planting vegetated buffers. Create appropriate Riparian areas will be restored by treating invasive vegetation and planting terrestrial habitat. native vegetation. Permanently protect the project Parcel from A conservation easement will be recorded on the Parcel. harmful uses. 2.2 Existing Parcel Conditions The proposed buffer mitigation and nutrient offset project includes approximately 24.27 acres of open row crop fields and forest land along four unnamed tributaries (UT1, UT2, UT3, and UT4), and three ditches (Ditches A, B, and C). The fields are typically planted with corn or soybeans adjacent to project streams and ditches. The Parcel easement boundary will extend from top of bank to at least 30 feet along streams, at least 50 feet along ditches, and out to 200 feet where possible (Figure 3). UT1 flows north; it enters the Parcel and is then, bordered by active agricultural fields to its confluience with 'UT2. UT1 continues through a marrow -forested) buffer for approximately another 500 feet to meet with UT3. UT2 forms from a groundwater seep at the confluence of Ditch A and a seconidl ditch coming from offsite, becoming an intermittent stream. Ditch A and UT2 are bordered on both, sides for their entire lengths by agriculture fields. Ditch C becomes UT3, an intermittent stream, and flows southeast through an active agricultural field to the conifluence with UT1. The field bordering Ditch C and UT3 was fertilized by a hog lagoon spray outlet until Jiune 2021 when waste application in the area was discontinued to allow for this project's conservation easement. At the time the Proposal was written, there was a small offline pond located near the confluence of UT3 with UT1 which is still seen on the k1q(,I, Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP ki;� HUC 03020201 Page 2 October 2021 aerial photography, but it has since been filled. UT4 is an intermittent stream that begins off site and flows into the easement from an existing culvert at Country Club Road. It flows north, surrounded by crop fields, and continues off site. hitch B flows east to its confluence with UT4, bordered by a residential mobile home park to the north and agricultural fields to the south. The Parcel is characterized by gently sloped valleys of agriculture fields. In general, this area has maintained its rural, farming chiaracter over the last 60 years with only minor changes in land cover (see historical aerials in Appendix B). The consistency in land use within the project watershed indicates that processes affecting hydrology, sediment supply, anid nutrient and pollutant delivery have not varied widely over this time period. With a lack of developmental pressure, watershed processes and stressors from outside the project limits are likely to remain consistent throughout the implementation, monitoring, and closeout of this project. Table 2: (Buffer (Project Attributes .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Project Name Cox Pond Mitigation Bank. Parcel Hydrologic Unit Code 03020201170050 River Basin Neuse Geographic Location (Lat, Long) P78.0826601-W, 35.2376274°NSite Protection Instru gent (DB, PG)i ecorded Total Credits 435,596.503 buffer mitigation credits and 28,024.248 lbs. N' Types of Credits Riparian Buffer and Nutrient Offset Credits BPDP (Date October 2021 Initial Planting Date December 20,2.2 Baseline Report date April' 2023 MY1 Report Date December 2023. MY2 Report 'Date December 2024 MY3 Report Date December 2025 MY4 Report Date December 2826 NVY5 Report Date December 2027 2..31 Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation and Nutrient Offset Mitigation On February 4, 2021, NCDWR assessed the stream origin and issued the official Stream Origin Determination Letter March 16, 2021. INICDWR also performed an onsite visit of the project area to determine viability for buffer mitigation and nutrient offset on April 15, 2021 and issued a site viability letter on May 19, 2021. (Eleven features were assessed by NCDWR during the April 15`" site visit, four features were deemed viable to generate buffer credits and three were deemed viable for nutrient offset credits only. The Buffer Interpretation/Clarification Memo #20,08-019 applies to Ditches B and C where mainteniance of diffuse flow into the conservation easement is unattainable. The reduction in credit from the memo being applied is documented in Figure 7. There have been no changes to land) use in, the project area since NCDWR's 2021 site visits. A copy of both the "On -Site (Stream Origin) Determination for Applicability to Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules"° and the "Site Viability for Buffer Mitigation & Nutrient Offset" letters from NCDWR are included in Appendix C and summarized) in Table 3. ai U Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP HUC 03020201 Page 3 October 2021 Table 3. Project Features Feature Narne- Classification Duffer Credit Viable Nutrient Offset Viable UTI Stream Yes Yes (non -forested areas only)_ Yes UT2 Stream Yes (non -forested areas only) UT3 Strea m Yes Yes UT4 Stream Yes Yes Ditch A Ditch No Yes Ditch B Ditch No Yes >3' depth Ditch Ditch C No Yes >3' depth Ditch Ditch D >3' depth No No Ditch E, F, G Ditches No No Ditches D, E, F, and G were evaluated for buffer or nutrient viability but are not being proposed as part of this project and therefore are not included in any credit requests. 2.4 Alternative Mitigation In addition to buffer restoration on subject streams, per the Consolidated Buffer Mitigation Rules (15A NCAC 02B 0.0295 (o)), alternative mitigation, is proposed on the Parcel in the form of buffer preservation of forested land on subject streams. The proposed project is in compliance in the following ways, Preservation on Subject Streams (15A NCAC 02B .0295 (o)(5): • The buffer width, is at least 30 feet from the stream (See Figure 8 for buffer zones). The minimum width of riparian areas on this site is 50 feet from top of banks, • The area meets the requirements of 15A NCAC 02R 0.0403(c)(7)1, (8), and (11) with no known structures, infrastructure, hazardous substances, solid waste, or encumbrances within the mitigation boundary (See Section 2.21 and Appendix D for an IEDR Radius Report summary). Mitigation credits for preservation are being requested on no more than 25% of the total area of buffer mitigation (See Table 9 for credit calculations). 2.5 Watershed Characterization The Parcel is located within the HUC 03020201170050. All project features drain to Brooks Swamp off site, which then, connects with Thoroughfare Swamp. Thoroughfare Swamp subsequently flows to Falling Creek and finally into the Neuse River, Brooks Swamp, Thoroughfare Swamp, and Falling Creek are all classified as WS-N and NSW by the NCDWR. Waters designated as WS-lV are sources of water for drinking or food processing in moderately to highly developed watersheds. These waiters are also protected for Class C uses, which includes recreational use, agriculture, fishing and fish consumption!, and the maintenance of biological integrity for wildlife. The NSW designation applies to surface waters that are experiencing excessive growths of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation. Topography, as indicated on, the Mount Olive USES 7.5-minute topogra:ph,ic quadrangle, shows gently sloped areas throughout the Parcel (Figure 4). A portion of UT1, downstream of the project area, is depicted as a stream on the USGS, Topographic Map. Drainage areas were delineated using the USGS, Stream Stats website and the North Carolina Floodplain, Mapping Program's 2014-2015 Light Detection, and Ranging (LiIDAR) data. Land uses draining to the project streams are primarily agricultural with some wetlands and forested areas. The watershed areas and current land use around project streams are aiU Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP HUC 03020201 Page 4 October 2021 depicted in Figure 5, the current land use photographs in Appendix A, andl are summarized in Table 4 below. Table 4: Drainage Areas and Associated Land Use Watershed Area Reach Name (acres) Land Use 60'% agriculture; 7% wetlands; 6% forest; 11% grassland; UT1 172 6% developed; 10% shrubland; <1% impervious area 77% agriculture; 12% grassland; 10% developed; <1% UT2 41 shrubland, <1% impervious area UT3 22 97% agriculture, 2% forest, 1% developed 59% agriculture; 4% wetlands; 8% forest; 8% developed; UT4 L_ 10,7 20% shrubland; 1% impervious area RIMMEM. 0 The proposed Parcel is mapped by the Wayne County Soil Survey. The project area soils are described below in Table 5. UT1 and UT2 are depicted as streams on the MRCS 1974 Soil Survey provided in Figure 6. Table 5. Project Soil Types and Descriptions Soil Name Description Bibb sandy loam consists of poorly drained soil on floodplains. Bb - Bibb Sandy Loam, 0-2% slopes Permeability is moderate and surface runoff is slow. Water ponds in some places and floods are frequent. Seasonal high water table is at the surface. Goldsboro sandy loam consists of moderately well drained soil on Co - Goldsboro Sandy Loam, 0-2% slopes floodplains. Permeability is moderate and surface runoff is low. Water ponds in some places and floods are frequent. Seasonal high-water table is at 15" to 45". Kenansville loamy sand consists of poorly drained soil in flood plains in Ke - Kenansville Loamy Sand, 0-2% slopes long narrow bands along larger streams. Infiltration is moderate, and surface runoff is slow. Water ponds in some places. Seasonal high water table is at 36" to 62". Lynchburg sandy loam consists of somewhat poorly drained soil on Ly -Lynchburg Sandy Loam, 0-2% slopes broad interstrearn divides. Permeability is moderate and surface runoff is slow. Seasonal high-water table is at 6". Poncling and flooding are low. Rains sandy loam consists of poorly drained soil in oval depressions Ra - Rains Sandy Loam, 0-2% slopes and on smooth flats in broad areas between streams. Permeability is moderate, and surface runoff is slow. Water ponds in some places. Seasonal high water table is at the surface. Source: Wayne County Soil Survey, June 1974, USDA-NRCS, https.-Ilwww.arcs. usda.govllnt,ernetIFSEvMANUSCRIPTSItiorth-corolinalwoyneNC19741map3O.pdf h ttps.,11w ww. nrcs. us do, goylin tern etlFSir MANUSCRIPTS/north carolin alwo yn eNC1 -9741tex t. pdf k1q(,1, Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP ki;� HUC 03020201 Page 5 October 2021 2.7 Existing Vegetative Communities Existing vegetation within the Parcel is primarily comprised of active row crop fields of corn and soybeans with a small existing forest along the downstream end of UTI shown on Figure 3, Existing vegetation species across the project area are listed in Table 6. This is not an exhaustive list but gives an indication of types of species growing in the area. Table 6: Existing Vegetation Woody Herbaceous Species Acer ru,brum Common Name Red Maple Species Arundinaria gigantea Common Name Rivercane A In us serru la to, Betula nigra Tag Alder River Birch Lonicera japonica Persicaria sagittato Japanese Honeysuckle Tear thumb Compsis radicans Trumpet creeper Polygonum spp. Knotwee,d Diospyros virginiona American Persimmon Phytolacca americana Pokeweed Ilex opaca Juglans nigra American Holly Black Walnut Senna obtusifolia smilax spp. Sic�klepod Greenbriar Lig,ustrum sinense Chinese Privet Typha spp. Cattail Liquidambar styracifilua Liriodendron tulip fern Magnolia virginiana Sweetgum Tulip Poplar Sweetbay Magnolia Melia ozedarach Chinaberry Pinus toeda Loblolly Pine Platanus occidentalis American Sycamore Prunus se ro tin a Black Cherry Quercus phellos Quercus nigra Quercus velutina Willow Oak Water Oak Black Oak Rhus copallinum Rubus spp. Salix nigra Winged Sumac Blackberry Black Willow Sambucus conadensis Elderberry Sassafras albidurn Sassafras Toxicodendron radicans Poison Ivy 2.8 Threatened and Endangered Species The NC Natural Heritage Program (NHP), database and the US Fish and Wildlife Service (U'SFWS) Information for Planning and Consultation database (IPaC) were searched for federally listed threatened and endangered plant and animal species in Wayne County, NC. One listed endangered species and two species proposed for listing as endangered or threatened were identified: the red -cockaded woodpecker (Picoides borealis), the INieuse River waterdog (Necturus lewisi), and Carolina madtom (Notu'rusfuriosus). Wildllands performed a pedestrian, survey of the project parcel on January 7', 2021. It was determined that there is no suitable habitat for any of the listed species; therefore, the project will have "no effect" on, the federally listed species. The USFWS Self -Certification Letter packet and the USFWS response letter agreeing with the determinations are included in Appendix D. Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP HUC 03020201 Page 6 October 2021 2.9 Cultural Resources There are no existing structures in the project area. The Parcel is not located near any sites listed on the National Register with the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)l. SHP0 was contacted with request for review and comment on January 29, 2021, SHPO responded on March 12, 2021 that they "are aware of no historic resources which would be affected by the project" a:nid have no comment on the project as it is currently proposed. The SHPO request and response are included in Appendix D. 2.10 FEIVIA Floodplain Compliance The Parcels are not located in a FEMA floodplain so a floodplain, development permit will not be required. No hydraulic modeling is proposed for this project. 2.11 Parcel Location, Parcel Constraints, and Access The project area is split into two sections whiich are both easily accessible, one via, a dirt access road off Cox Pond Road and the other via Country Club Road. Within, each section, there are no easement breaks or internal crossings. There are multiple overhead utility easements on the project properties, all located! outside of the proposed conservation easement, The offline pond along UT, upstream of the confluence with UTI shown on Figure 3, has been, removed and covered with topsoil (See Figure 3 and Appendix A), The field north of U'T3 and Ditch C was used for hog waste application until June 2021, The parcel has been removed from the Waste Utilization Plan and the associated permit has been, adjusted. The new plan, has been approved by NCDWR; a copy of the approval has been included in Appendix E for reference. 2.12 Other Environmental Conditions An EUR Radius Map Report with Geocheck was ordered for the Parcel through Environmental Data Resources, IInc. on September 4, 2020. Neither the target property nor the adjacent properties were listed in any of the Federal, State, or Tribal environmental databases searched by EDR. There were no known or potentially hazardous waste sites identified within or immediately adjacent to the project area. The Executive Summary of the EDR report is included in Appendix D. 3.0 Site Protection Instrument The land required for planting, management, and stewardship of the mitigation, project includes portions of the parcels listed in Table 7. The Parcel will remain in, private ownership, protected in its entirety by an approved NCDWR long term steward, and will be managed under the terms detailed in an approved NCDWR conservation easement. Table7: Site Protection Instrument Site Deed Book Acreage Landowner PIN County Protection and Page to be Instrument Number Protected 2574-33-4662 2574-42-01745 Conservation To Be Jackson Farming Company, LLC Wayne 2427 2574-41-3713 Easement Recorded 2574-32-3190: 1 Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BF`DP HUC 03020201 Page 7 October 2021 4.0 Wigation Work Plain The project will restore agricuilturailly impacted land along UT1-UT4 and Ditch A-C on the Parcel to a: protected riparian corridor, improving the ecological function of the area. Figure 7 illustrates the buffer credit areas and conceptual design; Figure 8 depicts the riparian buffer zones for the Parcel. 4.1 Parcel Preparation Thie la:nd within the project parcels has been cleared and maintained for row crop cultivation, except for the recently filled pond near the conifluence of UTI and UT3 and a small, forested area along UITI. Areas slated for restoration, will requiire little site preparation because the land has been, cleared and maintained for agriculture; therefore, soil disturbance during planting of the project will be minimal. Along UT1 and on the downstream end'! of UT2 where sink holes or active erosion are observed, minor grading will be completed), erosion control matting installed, and live stakes planted as necessary. The dlistuirbed areas will be seeded immediately for soil stabilization with, a: mixture of native grasses and forbs. Soil samples will also be collected and analyzed prior to planting to determine if soil preparation is necessary to suipport herbaceous and planted stem success. Additionally, during the spring of 2022, the condlition of herbaceous cover prior to the establishment of row crops will be visually assessed across the Parcel. if herbaceous vegetation does not appear to grow naturally, Wildlands will note the areas of deficiency and seed them the following spring of 2023. Old farming equipment has been observed in the preservation area along UTI upstream of the confluence with UT3. Trees have grown up around and into the equipment, in, some places, they have begun to envelope parts of the metal frame (see the last page of the Current Land) Use Photographs in Appendix A). Wildlands proposes to leave the larger pieces of equipment as is, so as not to cause damage to the trees and a: large disturbance in the area: we are preserving. 4.2 Riparian Area, Restoration, ctivities Riparian area restoration will involve planting appropriate native tree species along the riparian corridor. Vegetation management and herbicide applications may be needed over the first few years of tree establishment in the riparian restoration areas to prevent encroachment of undesirable species that may out -compete the planted native vegetation. Tree species planted across the riparian areas of the Parcel will include a mixture of at least 8 species listed in Table 8 below. Table 8: Selected Tree Species Species Betulo nig,ra Common Warne River Birch Density 15% Forest Strata Canopy Platanus occidentalis Acernegundo American Sycamore Boxelder 15% 10% Canopy Canopy Diospyros virginiana Common Persimmon 10% Canopy Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood 10% Canopy Quercus michauxii Swamp Chestnut Oak 10% Canopy Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP HUC 03020201 Page 8 October 2021 Species Common Name Density Forest Strata Quercus pagoda Cherrybark Oak 10% Canopy Celtis loevigato Sugarberry 5% Canopy Magnolia virginiano Sweetbay Magnolia 5% Canopy Prunus se ro tin a Black Cherry 5% Canopy Ulmus americans American Elm 5% Canopy Trees will be spaced at 7 feet by 12 feet during planting, which, is equivalent to a stem density of 521 stems per acre and is sufficient to meet the performance standards outlined in the Rule 15A NCAC 02B .0295 of 260 planted trees per acre at the end of five years. At least 8 of the 11 species listed in, Table 7 will be planted, and stems will be well mixed prior to planting to ensure diversity of bare root species across the Parcel. Due to the nature of random mixing, some stems of the same species might be planted together in some areas. No one tree species will be greater than 501% of the established stems. A regionally appropriate seed mix of warm season grasses and wildflowers will also be applied to provide temporary and permanent ground cover for soil stabilization and reduction of sediment loss dluring rain events in areas without existing herbaceous cover. The proposed planting area, includes the areas identified as Riparian Restoration for Buffer Credits and Riparian Restoration for Nutrient Offset Credits on Figure 7. Planting is scheduled for December 2022. 4.3 Riparian Area Preservation Activities There will be no parcel preparation work done in the buffer preservation, areas, as allowed under 15A NCAC 02B .0235(o). The sections of mature forest along UTI will be protected in perpetuity by a conservation easement (Figure 7). No additional treatment or planting is planned for these areas of the project. 4.4 NCDWR As-Buiilt Evaluation Within 30 calendar days after completing the establishment of the buffer mitigation and nutrient offset areas, the Sponsor will submit written notification to NCDWR documenting that a;ll buffer mitigation and nutrient offset activities have been completed. Failure to submit written notification within 30 days may result in a modified credit release schedule or a, delay in the issuance of credit releases. 5.1 Monitoring Protocol Permanent vegetation monitoring plots will be installed and evaluated within, the restoration, areas to measure the survival of the planted trees. A total of 18 plots will be randomly placed such, that the plots are representative of the riparian restoration areas (Figure 9)1. The size of individual quadrants will be 100 square meters. Vegetation assessments will be conducted and follow the Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) Level 2 Protocol for Recording Vegetation (Lee et al., 2008). A reference photo will be taken from the southwestern corner of each of the 18 plots. Overview photos will be taken, each, monitoring year and provided in, the annual reports. All planted stems will be marked'! with flagging tape a:nid recorded. IaiU Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP HUC 03020201 Page 9 October 2021 The first annual monitoring activities will commence at the end of the first growing season, at least five months after planting has been, completed and no earlier than, the fall season. Species composition, height, a:nid survival rates will be evaluated on an aninuial basis by plot. The total niumber of voluiniteer woody stems will also be documented and reported). The measure of vegetative success for the Parcel will be the survival of at least four native hardwood tree species, where no one species is greater than, 50% of the established planted stems, a:nid an established density of at least 260 planted trees per acre at the end of the fifth, year of monitoring. Appropriate and desirable native volunteer species may be included in the Parcel's density to meet the performance standards with written NCDWR approval. The Sponsor shall submit the annual monitoring report to NCDWR by December 31" of each year for five consecutive years and will follow the terms and conditions of the NIMBI.. 5.2 Parcel Maintenance If the Parcel or a, specific component of the Parcel fails to achieve the success criteria outlined in Section 5.1, adaptive measures will be developed and/or appropriate remedial actions will be implemented. Maintenance will be performed to correct any identified problems on the Parcel that have a high likelihood of affecting project success. Such items include, but are not limited to, fire, flooding, drought, or insects that cause excess tree mortality. Any actions implemented will be designed to achieve the success criteria and will include a work schedule and updated monitoring criteria. A rigorous herbicide schedule may need to be implemented in the first few years of tree establishment in the restoration areas to prevent establishment of invasive species that may out -compete the planted native vegetation. Thee only herbicides used on the Parcel will be aquatic approved herbicides that will be applied in accordance with (North, Carolina Department of Agriculture ruffles and regulations. Thie easement boundary will be checked annually as part of monitoring activities. Easement boundary conditions as well as any maintenance performed will be reported in the annual monitoring reports to NCDWR. If mowing is deemed necessary by the Sponsor during the monitoring period, the Sponsor must receive approval from NCDWR prior to conducting any mowing activities within Zone I and Zone 2 of the Neuse buffers to ensure that no buffer violationis have occurred. 5.3 Easement Boundaries Easement boundaries will be identified in the field to ensure clear distinction between the Parcel and adjacent properties. Boundaries may be identified by marker, post, tree -blazing, or other means as allowed by site conditions and/or conservation easement prior to the NCDWR onsite As -Built evaluation for Task 2 credit release. Boundary markers that have been disturbed, damaged, or destroyed will be repaired and/or replaced on an as needed basis. Contact information for the conservation easement holder will be included on easement markers. 6.0 Financial Assurance and Long -Term Management 6a Financial Assurances Following approval of the Cox Pond Bank Parcel Development Package, the Sponsor shall provide a Performance Bond from a surety that is rated no less than an "A-" as rated by A.M. Best. The Performance Bond amount shall be 100% of the estimated cost for implementation of the project as described in the Bank Parcel Development Package (BPDP), but not less than $150,000.00. In lieu of posting the performance bond, the Sponsor may elect to construct the project prior to the first credit release. In, that case no performance bond will be necessary. aiU Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP HUC 03020201 Page 10 October 2021 After completion of the restoration/construction, a separate Performance/Maintenance Bond will be secured for 100% of the estimated cost to implement the monitoring a:nid maintenance plan but not less than $100,000.00. The Performance/Maintenance Bond shall apply at the inception of the monitoring period for a term of one year and be extended aninivally for a minimum of five years. Upon NCDWR approval, this may be lowered each, year based on, the adjusted cost to complete the monitoring. Performance bonds for monitoring shall be renewed at least annually to cover the next years monitoring period, with confirmation of renewal provided to NCDWR with each annual monitoring report when aipplicable. NCDWR reserves the right to alter the credit release schedule if monitoring reports are submitted without proof of bond renewals when applicable. 6.2 Long-term Management The Parcel will remain in private ownership, protected in its entirety by an approved NCDWR long term steward, and will be managed under the terms detailed in an approved NCDWR conservation easement. The long-term manager will be chosen prior to monitoring year 4 and will be responsible for periodic inspection of the Parcel to ensure that the restrictions documented in the recorded easement are upheld in perpetuity, 7.0 Potential Credit Generation Of the 24.27 acres protected under the conservation easement, the mitigation approach for 22.3 acres is riparian restoration. Of that 22.3 acres of restoration, 91.97 acres are proposed for buffer mitigation, credit and 12.33 acres are proposed for nutrient offset credit. Buffer preservation credlits are also proposed on 0.33 acres within the conservation easement. The Buffer Interpretations/Clarification Memo #2008-019 applies to Ditches B and C where maintenance of diffuse flow into the easement is unattainable. Other areas within the conservation easement where no credit is claimed include areas which are over 2001 feet from top of bank, the project feature chaniniels, and the area which is less than 50 feet from top of bank along Ditch C. The credit calculations were derived based on Wildlands' conceptual design for maximum ecological uplift. The management objectives, mitigation type, and proposed amount of buffer mitigation are presented in Tables 9 and 10 below. The riparian restoration, areas are viable for either riparian buffer credits or nutrient offset credlits. However, on this parcel, Wildiands is seeking Riparian Buffer Credit from areas within top of bank to 100 feet along streams, except on the east side of UT4 where the buffer width is 30 feet from top of bank. These credits can be converted to Nutrient Offset Credits only upon receiving written approval by NCDWR. Wildlands is seeking Nutrient Offset Credits in riparian restoration areas from 101-200 feet from top of bank along streams and from top of bank to 200 feet along ditches. Riparian restoration areas dedicated to Nutrient Offset Credits on this parcel beyond 100 feet will not be convertible to Riparian Buffer Credits per the UMBI. There will be three credlit ledgers for the project: Buffer Restoration, Buffer Preservation, and Nitrogen Nutrient Offset Credits. aikU Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP HUC 03020201 Page 11 October 2021 Table 10: Cox Pond -Total Area of Buffer and Nutrient Offset Mitigation TOTAL AREA OF BUFFER MITIGATION (TABM) Sqt4fe F�eit­ CrWlts 434,271 0 434,27L000 0.000 P 14,254 1,325303 Tot"0000" 00#0 448,525 435,596.503 TOTAL NUTRIENT OFFSET MITIGATION ilt m !0 Oil et""" OeOO"' Went 441 Nitr Ile 537,0155 28,024-248 0.000 Upon, submittal of the appropriate documentation by the Sponsor and subsequent approval by NCDWR, the mitigation credits associated with the Cox Pondl Mitigation, Bank Parcel will be released as described in the UMBL Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP HUC 03020201 Page 13 October 2021 8.0 References Lee, M.T., Peet, RX, Roberts, S.D., & Wentworth, T.R. 2008. CVS-EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation Version 4.2. hittp:Hcvs.bio.unc.edu/protocol/cvs-eep-protocol-v4.2-levl-2.pdf North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ), 2015. 15A NCAC O26.01259 Mitigation Program Requirements for Protection and Maintenance of Riparian Buffers. http://reports.oah.state.nc.us/nicac/title%2015a%20- %20environmental%20quality/chapter%2002%20- %20environmental%20mana:gement/subchapter�/�20b/15a%20nicac�/�2002b%,20.0295.pdf North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NCDWR), 1992. NC Surface Water Classifications. hittps,//ncdlen r. ma ps.a rcgis,com/apps/weba ppviewe r/i nclex, htm I?i d=6eI25acI7628f494694e259c8 Odd64265 North, Carolina Division, of Water Resources (NCDWR), 2000. 15A NCAC 028 .0233 Neuse River (Basin. Nutrient Sensitive Waters Management Strategy: Protection andl Maintenance of Existing Riparian Buffers. https:Hfiles,nc.gov/ncdeq/Water`/�20Quaility/Surface�/�2OWater�/�20Protection/401/Buffer�/�2ORul es/NeuseBufferRule — 15a%20ncac%2002b%20.0233.pdlf North Carolina Division of Water Resources (NOW13), 2008. Buffer lnterpretation/Clailrification, #2008- II I' =.AM https:Hfiles,nc.gov/ncdeq/Water`/�20Quaility/Surface%2OWater�/�2OProtection/4Ol/Buffer`/`20CIa:r if ica,tion%20 Memos/ Diffuse-Flow-for-Buffer-M itigaition-Sites-Buffer-Clarification-Memo- 20080819.pdf North, Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP), 2018. Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) 2010 — Amended August 2018. hittps.//files.nc.gov/ncdeq/Mitigation`/`2OServices/Watershed_Planning/Neuise_River—Basin/RBRIP -Neuise-201807-.pdf North Carolina Natural Heritage Program (NHP), 2021. Natural Heritage Element Occurrence Database, Wayne County, NC. https://ncnhde.natureserve.org/ United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1974. Natural Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) database for Wayne County, North Carolina. hittpis://websoilsuirvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/ United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), 2021. Endangered Species, Threatened Species, Federal Species of Concern and Candidate Species, Wayne County, INC. https://ecos,fws,gov/ipac/ Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel BPDP HUC 03020201 Page 14 October 2021 I Directiionv. From the City of Raleigh, travel on 1-40 East for approximately 10 miles, following signs for Benson/ Wilmington. Take exit 309 for U'S-70 E towardi Smitlifield/Goldsboro. Continue on US-70 E for approximately 39 miles then take the: exit for 1-795 South, continue on US-70 BUS E/ US- 117 S for 11.5 miles. Take: the exit for Country Cl�ub Road and turn right�. Drive 1.6 miles and turn right onto Cox Pond Road. Dtive 0.8 miles. The parcel is accessible via a dirt access road on the right. Bank Parcel Conservation Easement Cox Pond Mitigation Bank ParcO Location Figure 1. Vicinity Map W I L, I") L A N D S 0 0.5 1 Miles Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel P"k r,4 F f�"' m C: 11 i N Bank Parcel DevOopment Package VA. "qlw Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC County Boundary HUC 03020201 Service Area for Project's Credits Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel Location um, h, I; i.rirP'ruirr'u f 1%. P* 03020201 ONO", 0�0 • 41"of f "J'1"Am" hawn,e, o.) �r ii iaj L,,W,; 16 W I L, I") L A N D S 0 5 10 Miles VA.wJ F, PlIk r-I, N ELI F F1, rIJ G I' I Iql1w Figure 2. Service Area Map Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel Bank Parcel Development Package Neuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC Figure 3. Site Map I L, �J�A N 0 200 400 Feet Cox P � �PondMitigation Bank Parcel F" m �: N _ I JI 'Runk Parcel Deveieprnent Package Meuse River Basin (03020201) Figure 4. USGS Topographic Reap r 0 250 SBt? Feet I �. � ,�. N I S Cox Pond Mitigation Bank. Parcel g r �. r��; m a �.: i N _ i JI Bank Parcel Development Package ease Diver Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC Rank Parcel Conservation Easerrment » w, � s w ud�C,'w4, tl " YW� It \N Ra n iF , yM, � ,, b• noµ " ry • .r A � tea* fl �, vT � yX y , a " • r w • r w" r 6 OY AI, y M u m • .. w ,.� �' ;, a "� w".r',"ro �..�^"" 1 "� w W � mid 16 Oe. Gc�, � �ww��y �� �• � .wow rm�c ��" � �� � re :v K Yr w. ���.• e mpp �� i ,wy+ � 'w » nw rcYl �• .. L Yri � '� wm� �;"'p � �• x"" �..r a �w „� �w ° •���,^� ^r. i " �. w , r � N RCS 1974 Soil Survey of Wayne County Sheet 36 wu » Figure 6. MRCS 1974 Soil Survey Map r t I �. � :u �l AN � S 0 200 400 FeeCox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel .k -1 g N G. F F11 m r»j G b JI 'Bunk Parcel DevOoprnent Package Meuse River 'Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC Figure 7. Buffer Credits Map I L, �JN �A 0 200 400 Feet C � �Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel F" m I JI 'Runk Parcel Deveioprnent Package Meuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC Figure 8. Riparian puffer Zones Map I �. � � p A N I S 0 200 400 Feet Cox PondMitigation (Rank Parcel g N G. F F" m rwj I JI 'Runk Parcel Deveieprnent Package Meuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, SIC Feet �..., I��, (� 2(�0 4(��? ��m�re 9. Monitoring Bank Parcel Map � A N � �, � Cox PondMitigation r ws g N G. F F" m rwI I _JI 'Runk Parcel Deveieprnent Package Meuse River Basin (03020201) Wayne County, NC Appendix N '%'.urrent Land Use PhotograpKi UT1 UT1 — Upstream heft from confluence with UT2 (0711512021 ) UT2 UT2 — Upstream left (02/1 r/2021 ) r.wnstream (r r UTI Upstream right from confluence with UT2 (0711512021) UT2 Downstream right (07115/2021) 9.1%, Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel I UC OJ3O12D201 UT3 and Ditch C — Downstream left (0711512021) UT3 and Ditch C — Upstream left (0711512021) UT3 and Ditch C — Downstream (0711512021) UT3 and Ditch C — Downstream right (0711512021) UT3 and Ditch C— Upstream right (0711512021) 9.1%, Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel *4� HUCO3O20201 t UT4 Downstream from Country Club Road (0711512021] UT4 — Downstream (0711512021) N X Ditch A — Upstream (0711512021) UT4 Upstream from confluence with Ditch B (7115120211 Ditch A — Upstream Weft from cornflu.rernce with UT2 (0711.512021) 9.1%, Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Marcel I UC OJ3O12D201 Ditch B — Downstream (0711512021) Ditch 8 — Upstream (0711512021) Ditch B, — Upstream from confluence with UT4 (07115120211 9.1%, Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel *4� HUCO3O20201 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pond Removed near Confluence of UT1 and UT3 Old Farming Equipment UT1 - Preservation area downstream left (0711,512021) Cox Pond Mitigation Bank Parcel HUCO3O20201 Appendix B, Historical Aerials