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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20220291 Ver 1_ePCN Application_20220221 I i Division of Wader Resources Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form For Nationwide Permits and Regional General Permits (along with corresponding Water Quality Certifications) December 6,2021 Ver 4.2 Initial Review Has this project met the requirements for acceptance in to the review process?* • Yes No Is this project a public transportation project?* Yes • No Change only if needed. BIMS#Assigned* Version#* 20220291 1 Is a payment required for this project?* No payment required What amout is owed?* Fee received 0$240.00 • Fee needed-send electronic notification 0$570.00 Reviewing Office* Select Project Reviewer* Washington Regional Office-(252)946-6481 Robert Tankard:eads\rbtankard Information for Initial Review 1a.Name of project: PNG-Line 475 1a.Who is the Primary Contact?* Brandon Culberson 1 b.Primary Contact Email:* 1c.Primary Contact Phone:* (704)731-4995 Date Submitted 2/21/2022 Nearest Body of Water Howell Br.,Stoney Crk.,Reedy Br. Basin Neuse Water Classification C,Sw,NSW Site Coordinates Latitude: Longitude: 35.42399 -77.98052 A. Processing Information 0 County(or Counties)where the project is located: Wayne Is this a NCDMS Project 0 Yes ® No Is this project a public transportation project?* O Yes 0No 1a.Type(s)of approval sought from the Corps: OO Section 404 Permit(wetlands,streams and waters,Clean Water Act) 0 Section 10 Permit(navigable waters,tidal waters,Rivers and Harbors Act) Has this PCN previously been submitted?* Yes • No lb.What type(s)of permit(s)do you wish to seek authorization? O Nationwide Permit(NWP) O Regional General Permit(RGP) 0 Standard(IP) 1c.Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? 0 Yes No Nationwide Permit(NWP)Number: 12-Utility Lines NWP Numbers(for multiple NWPS): Id.Type(s)of approval sought from the DWR: 401 Water Quality Certification-Regular 0 401 Water Quality Certification-Express O Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit 0 Riparian Buffer Authorization O Individual 401 Water Quality Certification 1e.Is this notification solely for the record because written approval is not required? For the record only for DWR 401 Certification: 0 Yes O No For the record only for Corps Permit: 0 Yes O No If.Is this an after-the-fact permit application?* O Yes O No 1g.Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? 0 Yes O No 1g.Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation of impacts? O Yes O No 1h.Is the project located in any of NC's twenty coastal counties? O Yes O No 1j.Is the project located in a designated trout watershed? O Yes ® No B. Applicant Information 1d.Who is applying for the permit? O Owner 0 Applicant(other than owner) 1e.Is there an Agent/Consultant for this project?* * Yes f No 2.Owner Information 2a.Name(s)on recorded deed: Piedmont Natural Gas Company,Inc. 2b.Deed book and page no.: easements can be provided 2c.Contact Person: Brandon Culberson 2d.Address Street Address 4720 Piedmont Row Drive Address Line 2 City State I Province/Region Charlotte NC Postal/Zip Code Country 28210 US 2e.Telephone Number: 2f.Fax Number: (704)731-4995 2g.Email Address:* 4.Agent/Consultant(if applicable) 4a.Name: John Farmer,PE,CPESC,TN QHP 4b.Business Name: Energy Land and Infrastructure,PLLC 4c.Address Street Address 745 S.Church St.Suite 805 Address Line 2 City State/Province/Region Murfreesboro TN Postal/Zip Code Country 37130 US 4d.Telephone Number: 4e.Fax Number: (615)383-6300 4f.Email Address:* john.farmer@el C. Project Information and Prior Project History 1.Project Information lb.Subdivision name: (if appropriate) 1c.Nearest municipality I town: Goldsboro 2.Project Identification 2a.Property Identification Number: 2b.Property size: multiple multiple 2c.Project Address Street Address multiple Address Line 2 City State/Province/Region Postal/Zip Code Country 3. Surface Waters 3a.Name of the nearest body of water to proposed project:* Howell Br.,Stoney Crk.,Reedy Br. 3b.Water Resources Classification of nearest receiving water:* C,Sw,NSW 3c. What river basin(s)is your project located in?* Neuse 3d.Please provide the 12-digit HUC in which the project is located. 030202020101,030202020201,030202020106,03020202010 4. Project Description and History 4a.Describe the existing conditions on the site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application:* The project will be positioned within roadway rights-of way,utility easements,greenbelt/agricultural acreage,residential acreage,and retail/commercial property. 4b.Have Corps permits or DWR certifications been obtained for this project(including all prior phases)in the past?* Yes No Unknown 4f.List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: 7.2 4g.List the total estimated linear feet of all existing streams on the property: 3,050(includes jurisdictional ditches) 4h.Explain the purpose of the proposed project:* The purpose of the project is to construct 10 miles of an 8"natural gas pipeline,5 new natural gas regulator stations,2 mainline valve settings,and a laydown yard.(AII permits have been obtained for the laydown yard and no water resources will be impacted).In addition,9 access roads will support the pipeline construction.The need for the project is to replace an existing natural gas line in the area with improved infrastructure to meet current industry integrity standards. 4i.Describe the overall project in detail,including indirect impacts and the type of equipment to be used:* The pipeline will be placed below ground utilizing one of two methods:horizontal directional drill(HDD)or open-cut trenching.The HDD method will involve the use of small entrance/exit pits on either end of the span and advancing the pipeline beneath the water resource,roadway,railroad,and/or utility as designed.The pits will then be returned to pre-development conditions.Open-cut methods involve the preparation of a trench,laying the pipe,and back-filling to pre-development conditions using the sidecast soils.The proposed project will also consist of the construction of new regulator stations and mainline valve settings.Access roads(4 of 9 will be improved)and a laydown yard will also serve the project.Construction of the regulator stations and laydown yard will involve grading,preparation of gravel or concrete pads and drives,and placement of piping,appurtenances,and fencing.The access road improvements will consist of grading and placement of layered roadway materials.The project will receive final stabilization in all disturbed areas.Equipment to be utilized for the construction of the project may be but is not limited to:graders,back hoes,bulldozers,cranes,dump truck,and pick-up trucks. 5.Jurisdictional Determinations 5a.Have the wetlands or streams been delineated on the property or proposed impact areas?* O Yes 0 No Unknown Comments: PJD was submitted by Froehling&Robertson on Dec 10,2021 5b.If the Corps made a jurisdictional determination,what type of determination was made?* O Preliminary 0 Approved O Not Verified 0 Unknown 0 N/A Corps AID Number: SAW-2021-02067 5c.If 5a is yes,who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Name(if known): Alex Aycrigg,PWS Agency/Consultant Company: Froehling&Robertson,Inc. Other: 6.Future Project Plans 6a.Is this a phased project?* Yes O No Are any other NWP(s),regional general permit(s),or individual permits(s)used,or intended to be used,to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity? There are no other permits to be used to authorize any part of the proposed project or related activity. D. Proposed Impacts Inventory C^U 1. Impacts Summary 1 a.Where are the impacts associated with your project?(check all that apply): Wetlands Streams-tributaries 0 Buffers Open Waters _ Pond Construction 2.Wetland Impacts 2a.Site#*(?) 2a1 Reason(?) 2b.Impact type*(?) 2c.Type of W.** 2e.Forested* 2f.Type of Jurisdicition*2g.Impact (?) area* W1 HDD P Riverine Swamp Forest W1 Yes Corps 0.290 (acres) W2 HDD P Riverine Swamp Forest W2 Yes Corps 0.250 (acres) W3 HDD P Riverine Swamp Forest W3 Yes Corps 0.490 (acres) W4a open cut P Riverine Swamp Forest W4 Yes Corps 0.360 (acres) W4b temporary crossing T Riverine Swamp Forest W4 Yes Corps 0.510 (acres) W5 HDD,temporary T Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh W5 No Corps 3.830 crossing (acres) W6 open cut,temporary T Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh W6 No Corps 0.590 crossing (acres) W7 open cut,temporary T Non-Tidal Freshwater Marsh W7 No Corps 0.890 crossing (acres) 2g.Total Temporary Wetland Impact 2g.Total Permanent Wetland Impact 5.820 1.390 2g.Total Wetland Impact 7.210 2i.Comments: Permanent impacts are permanent conversion of forested wetlands to non-forested wetlands.No net loss of wetlands is anticipated. 3.Stream Impacts 3a.Reason for impact(?) 3b.lmpact type* 3c.Type of impact** 3e.Stream Type* 3f.Type of 3g.S.width* 3h.Impact (?) Jurisdiction* length* S1 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW1 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 2 83 Average(feet) (linear feet) S2 HDD Temporary Other Howell Branch(S1) Perennial Both 30 20 Average(feet) (linear feet) S3 HDD Temporary Other S2 Intermittent Both 3 20 Average(feet) (linear feet) S4 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW2 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 2 101 Average(feet) (linear feet) S5 HDD Temporary Other Stoney Creek(S3) Perennial Both 50 20 Average(feet) (linear feet) S6 HDD Temporary Other S4 Intermittent Both 2 20 Average(feet) (linear feet) S7 HDD Temporary Other S5 Intermittent Both 2 20 Average(feet) (linear feet) S8 existing access rd Temporary Culvert RPW3 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 2 32 Average(feet) (linear feet) S9 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation S6 Intermittent Both 2 110 Average(feet) (linear feet) S10 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation S7 Intermittent Both 2 111 Average(feet) (linear feet) S11 HDD Temporary Other S8 Intermittent Both 3 20 Average(feet) (linear feet) S12 HDD Temporary Other Reedy Branch(S9) Perennial Both 55 20 Average(feet) (linear feet) S13 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW4 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 3 163 Average(feet) (linear feet) S14 temp crossing Temporary Culvert RPW5 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 3 37 Average(feet) (linear feet) i S15 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW6 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 3 101 Average(feet) (linear feet) S16 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW7 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 3 74 Average(feet) (linear feet) S17 open cut.temp corssing Temporary Excavation RPW8 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 3 77 Average(feet) (linear feet) S18 open cut.temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW9 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 3 111 Average(feet) (linear feet) S19 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW10 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 5 101 Average(feet) (linear feet) S20 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW11 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 4 85 Average(feet) (linear feet) S21 conventional bore Temporary Other S10-1 Intermittent Both 3 20 Average(feet) (linear feet) S22 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation S10-2 Intermittent Both 3 54 Average(feet) (linear feet) S23 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW12 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 3 99 Average(feet) (linear feet) S24 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW13 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 3 103 Average(feet) (linear feet) S25 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW14 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 3 84 Average(feet) (linear feet) S26 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW15 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 4 80 Average(feet) (linear feet) S27 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW16 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 4 114 Average(feet) (linear feet) S28 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW17 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 4 112 Average(feet) (linear feet) S29 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW18 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 4 76 Average(feet) (linear feet) S30 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW19 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 4 76 Average(feet) (linear feet) $31 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW20 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 4 101 Average(feet) (linear feet) S32 open cut temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW21 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 5 100 Average(feet) (linear feet) S33 HDD,temp crossing Temporary Other RPW21a Jurisdictional Ditch Both 6 80 Average(feet) (linear feet) S34 HDD,temp crossing Temporary Other RPW21b Jurisdictional Ditch Both 6 80 Average(feet) (linear feet) S35 HDD Temporary Other RPW21c Jurisdictional Ditch Both 5 20 Average(feet) (linear feet) S36 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW21d Jurisdictional Ditch Both 5 80 Average(feet) (linear feet) S37 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW21e Jurisdictional Ditch Both 5 92 Average(feet) (linear feet) S38 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW21f Jurisdictional Ditch Both 5 109 Average(feet) (linear feet) S39 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW22 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 4 82 Average(feet) (linear feet) S40 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW23 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 8 37 Average(feet) (linear feet) S41 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW24 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 8 39 Average(feet) (linear feet) S42 open cut,temp crossing Temporary Excavation RPW25 Jurisdictional Ditch Both 5 84 Average(feet) (linear feet) 3i.Total jurisdictional ditch impact in square feet: 10,381 3i.Total permanent stream impacts: 3i.Total temporary stream impacts: 0 3,048 3i.Total stream and ditch impacts: 3048 3j.Comments: The 20-ft wide limits of disturbance along horizontal directional drills(HDDs)is a contingency measure only.If access is needed to complete the HDD process,a stream crossing shall be utilized for the affected area.In addition,silt fence shall be used as necessary to prevent migration of HDD materials. E. Impact Justification and Mitigation C"U 1.Avoidance and Minimization 1a.Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing the project: The proposed natural gas pipeline will cross jurisdictional resources at 90 degrees,if possible.The pipeline alignment corridor has been shifted in specific areas to avoid the crossing of jurisdictional waters.Horizontal directional drill(HDD)methods will be used to minimize impacts to water resources. 1b.Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques: Horizontal directional drill(HDD)methods will be used to cross beneath resources;therefore reducing impacts.In addition,best management practices (BMPs)to prevent erosion and control sediment movement will be used to reduce the potential for resource impacts. 2.Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S.or Waters of the State 2a.Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for impacts to Waters of the U.S.or Waters of the State? • Yes O No 2c.If yes,mitigation is required by(check all that apply): • DWR OO Corps 2d.If yes,which mitigation option(s)will be used for this project? Mitigation bank Payment to in-lieu fee program Permittee Responsible Mitigation 3.Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a.Name of Mitigation Bank: Falling Creek Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument 3b.Credits Purchased/Requested(attach receipt and letter) Type: Quantity: Riparian wetland credit availability confirmed 3c.Comments 6. Buffer mitigation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules)-required by DWR 6a.Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer that requires buffer mitigation?If yes,you must fill out this entire form-please contact DWR for more information. O Yes C• No F. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWR) () 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a.Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? O Yes C No What type of SCM are you providing? O Level Spreader ❑ Vegetated Conveyance(lower SHWT) ❑ Wetland Swale(higher SHWT) ❑ Other SCM that removes minimum 30%nitrogen Proposed project will not create concentrated stormwater flow through the buffer 2.Stormwater Management Plan 2a.Is this a NCDOT project subject to compliance with NCDOT's Individual NPDES permit NCS000250?* Yes 1No 2b.Does this project meet the requirements for low density projects as defined in 15A NCAC 02H.1003(2)? Yes 0 No 2c.Does this project have a stormwater management plan(SMP)reviewed and approved under a state stormwater program or state-approved local government stormwater program? Yes O No N/A-project disturbs<1 acre 3.Stormwater Requirements 3a.Select whether a completed stormwater management plan(SMP)is included for review and approval or if calculations are provided to document the project will not cause degradation of downstream surface waters.* O Stormwater Management Plan 0, Antidegradation Calculations Comments: The City of Goldsboro will review the built-upon(impervious)areas within the proposed natural gas line project.The only built-upon areas are within the proposed regulator stations. G. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation 1a.Does the project involve an expenditure of public(federal/state/local)funds or the use of public(federal/state)land?* Yes • No 2.Violations(DWR Requirement) 2a.Is the site in violation of DWR Water Quality Certification Rules(15A NCAC 2H.0500),Isolated Wetland Rules(15A NCAC 2H.1300),or DWR Surface Water or Wetland Standards or Riparian Buffer Rules(15A NCAC 2B.0200)?* Yes O No 3.Cumulative Impacts(DWR Requirement) 3a.Will this project result in additional development,which could impact nearby downstream water quality?* O Yes O No 3b.If you answered"no,"provide a short narrative description. The need for the project is to replace an existing natural gas line in the area with improved infrastructure to meet current industry standards.There is no direct cause-and-effect between the new pipeline and future development. 4.Sewage Disposal (DWR Requirement) 4a.Is sewage disposal required by DWR for this project?* Yes • No N/A 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat(Corps Requirement) 5a.Will this project occur in or near an area with federally protected species or habitat?* O Yes C No 5b.Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act impacts?* O Yes O No Sc.If yes,indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. Raleigh 5d.Is another Federal agency involved?* O Yes O No 0 Unknown 5e.Is this a DOT project located within Division's 1-8? O Yes 0No 5f.Will you cut any trees in order to conduct the work in waters of the U.S O Yes 0No 5g.Does this project involve bridge maintenance or removal? O Yes 0No 5h.Does this project involve the construction/installation of a wind turbine(s)?* O Yes ONo 5i.Does this project involve(1)blasting,and/or(2)other percussive activities that will be conducted by machines,such as jackhammers,mechanized pile drivers,etc.? O Yes 0No 5j.What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? The IPaC List was obtained and the US Fish and Wildlife Service(USFWS)-Raleigh Office has been contacted concerning the potential impacts to protected species.See the"Request for Concurrence"letter dated September 16,2021 attached at the end of the PCN application. 6. Essential Fish Habitat(Corps Requirement) 6a.Will this project occur in or near an area designated as an Essential Fish Habitat?* O Yes O No 6b.What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact an Essential Fish Habitat?* NOAA Fisheries Essential Fish Habitat Mapper( 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources(Corps Requirement) 7a.Will this project occur in or near an area that the state,federal or tribal governments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation status?* • Yes No 7b.What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources?* Archaeological and historic architectural surveys have been completed and were submitted to NCSHPO on December 14,2021 and December 17, 2021,respectively,for review and comment.Comments on the Archaeological report were received from NCSHPO on January 25,2022.A revised report was sent to NCSHPO on January 31,2022.The Historic Structures Survey Report received concurrence from NCSHPO on January 28,2022. See attached correspondences at the end of the PCN application.No cultural resources will be impacted by the proposed project. 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a.Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain?* • Yes No 8b.If yes,explain how project meets FEMA requirements: If impervious areas are proposed within regulated floodplains,the specific areas will be reviewed by the appropriate local floodplain manager/engineer for concurrence that flood storage volumes will not be adversely impacted per regulation. 8c.What source(s)did you use to make the floodplain determination?* FEMA mapping website indicates that the project will be constructed within regulated floodplains as mapped on Maps 3720360000K,3720361000K, 3720362000K,and 3720353900K,each effective June 20,2018. Miscellaneous Please use the space below to attach all required documentation or any additional information you feel is helpful for application review.Documents should be combined into one file when possible,with a Cover Letter,Table of Contents,and a Cover Sheet for each Section preferred. Click the upload button or drag and drop files here to attach document PNG Line 475 PCN Support Documentation 4 Feb 22.pdf 80.65MB File must be PDF or KMZ Comments Signature By checking the box and signing below,I certify that: • The project proponent hereby certifies that all information contained herein is true,accurate,and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief';and • The project proponent hereby requests that the certifying authority review and take action on this CWA 401 certification request within the applicable reasonable period of time. • I have given true,accurate,and complete information on this form; • I agree that submission of this PCN form is a"transaction"subject to Chapter 66,Article 40 of the NC General Statutes(the"Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I agree to conduct this transaction by electronic means pursuant to Chapter 66,Article 40 of the NC General Statutes(the"Uniform Electronic Transactions Act"); • I understand that an electronic signature has the same legal effect and can be enforced in the same way as a written signature;AND • I intend to electronically sign and submit the PCN form. Full Name: Brandon Culberson Signature Date 2/21/2022 ENERGY LAND & INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS•SURVEYORS•INFRASTRUCTURE•ENVIRONMENTAL February 21,2022 Emily B.Thompson Regulatory Specialist US Army Corps of Engineers Washington Regulatory Field Office 2407 W. 5th Street Washington, NC 27889 (910)251-4629 RE: LINE 475 REPLACEMENT PROJECT SAW-2021-02067 GOLDSBORO,WAYNE COUNTY,NC Ms.Thompson: Piedmont Natural Gas Company, Inc. (PNG) is proposing to construct an 8" steel natural gas pipeline spanning approximately 10 miles in Wayne County, NC. A Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD) was originally submitted to your attention on September 2, 2021, by Mr. Alex Aycrigg with Froehling& Robertson, Inc.The Pre- Construction Notification (ePCN) has been completed utilizing the on-line portal as required.As such,the following is additional information supporting the submittal for permit coverage under Sections 404 and 401 of the Clean Water Act: Project Description The 10-mile 8"steel natural gas pipeline will be installed within a new 50-foot-wide cross-country easement and will originate at an existing PNG transmission line near the intersection of US-117 and Route 44. The pipeline will terminate at a tie-in 0.43 miles south of the intersection of Thoroughfare Road and Central Heights Road.The tie-in is at a natural gas line being relocated due to an NCDOT widening project.The proposed project will also consist of the construction of 5 new natural gas regulator stations and 2 mainline valve settings along the proposed pipeline route. Nine access roads will be utilized for the project with two being newly constructed. In addition, a laydown yard will be prepared to serve the project and will be located at 2875 N. US Highway 13, north of the proposed pipeline.The laydown yard has already been permitted by NCDEQ with no jurisdictional waters impacted;therefore, the PCN does not include the laydown yard. Project Purpose& Need The purpose of the project is to construct 10 miles of new 8" steel natural gas pipeline, 2 access roads, 5 regulator stations, and 2 mainline valves in Wayne County, NC. The need for the project is associated with the replacement of an existing 4"natural gas line(Line 67).The replacement is being carried out due to missing material and pressure test records required for maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) verification. In addition, replacement of Line 67 will eliminate small diameter non-piggable mileage from the transmission system.A"non-piggable"pipeline is more difficult to clean,inspect,and collect data because it may not allow a pig(pipeline inspection gauge)through it due to extreme bends and/or changes in diameter. 745 S. Church Street, Suite 805, Murfreesboro, TEnnE55EE 37130 ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • INFRASTRUCTURE • ENVIRONMENTAL Emily B.Thompson February 21, 2022 Page 2 Project Impacts The original Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD)was submitted to your attention on September 2, 2021, by Froehling& Robertson, Inc.The revised PJD indicates that the project will cross 7 wetlands, 10 streams, and 31 jurisdictional ditches. Approximately 7.2 acres of wetlands and 3,050 linear feet streams/jurisdictional ditches are within the project corridor.The following discusses the impacts anticipated: Wetlands The 7.2 wetland acres consist of 1.9 acres of riverine swamp forest wetlands and 5.3 acres of non-tidal freshwater marsh wetlands.The pipeline will be constructed through 1.0 acre of riverine swamp forest wetlands (W 1,W2,W3) utilizing horizontal directional drill(HDD)methods,0.4 acres of riverine swamp forest wetlands(W4a)utilizing open- cut methods,and 0.5 acres of riverine swamp forest wetlands (W4b) utilizing temporary crossing.The HDD method is a minimal impact, trenchless method of installing utilities in a pre-designed arc or radius along a prescribed underground path using a surface-launched drilling rig. The HDD process requires that sightlines be available; therefore,trees within the view path will be felled within the 1.0 acres of riverine swamp forest wetlands.The trees will be felled using non-mechanized methods and will not be removed from the areas. The open-cut trench through Wetland W4a will permanently impact 0.4 acres of riverine swamp forest wetlands due to tree removal within the trench corridor.Therefore,a total of 1.4(1.39)acres of forested wetlands will be converted to herbaceous wetlands by the proposed project. However, no net loss of wetlands is anticipated. Approximately 5.3 acre of non-tidal freshwater marsh wetlands (W5,W6, W7)will be temporarily impacted by the project. Approximately 0.5 acres of riverine swamp forest wetlands (W4b) will also be temporarily impacted. The temporary impacts are from the open-cut trench process and vehicle/equipment movement required by the construction process. Temporary wetland crossings will be utilized during the construction process within the wetlands. Streams/Jurisdictional Ditches Of the 3,050 linear feet of streams and jurisdictional ditches within the project corridor, approximately 2,870 linear feet will experience temporary impacts by the pipeline construction process through open-cut trenching and/or temporary crossing. No permanent impacts are anticipated for these open-cut areas. Pre-construction conditions will be returned after the gas line has been constructed. The remaining 180 linear feet of streams/jurisdictional ditches(Howell Branch S1,S2,Stoney Creek S3,S4,S5, RPW21c,S8, Reedy Branch S9,S10-1)will be crossed beneath using horizontal directional drill (HDD)technology and/or conventional bore with 20-ft sight line impacts each. We appreciate your review of the project. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (615)383-6300 or by email at Sincerely, ENERGY LAND&INFRASTRUCTURE,LLC(PLLC in NC) CPC44 —' John L. Farmer, PE,CPESC,TN QHP Senior Environmental Engineer Attachments ENERGY LAND&INFRASTRUCTURE, LLC Nashville.TN I Murfreesboro. TN I Cary. NC I Arlington.VA ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • INFRASTRUCTURE • ENVIRONMENTAL PIEDMONT NATURAL GAS COMPANY, INC. LINE 475 WAYNE COUNTY PRE-CONSTRUCTION NOTIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS • PROJECT LOCATION MAP • PJD PACKAGE • WETLAND BANK INFORMATION • PROJECT PLANS • PNG AUTHORIZATION DOCUMENTATION • PRE-FILING MEETING REQUEST • BMP PLAN FOR MANAGEMENT OF HDDs • HDD CONTINGENCY PLAN (TEMPLATE) • NGMP SPILL CONTAINMENT PLAN • LINE 475 WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN • THREATENED & ENDANGERED SPECIES • CULTURAL RESOURCES PROJECT LOCATION MAP -,-_,r _ `1, r-vL v l Jim, , , -?„ ).' 1 \___-,- ---- -N4-.4,61\\. .444400 \ F ./ MI6 ' ‘-' .4... 7:: llfi 4 �tih 1�...., ,L., , . . 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"°TF Q �� lip 4 I O ! rfr, O HST 2 P p�CM .•� DO o �� �. :..: +- V� -r�' (o, 4.+ Q0'gri r. �. h F'IC ST �1/ �a / r / z ArA rr4' F 1 FczAlriredio4 � HTR£F5r osFST�y �� ,Qf`` �, Cfy. 4 % 9P� 1114.\. �Q,p v Gaf//1Aly F HFST ' " p 4, , D .d, v •JO f - S `VU7 B L, s_`r'� + m 9 1�R�'�F sr sT , Fh'RrsT �' a a �a �ll 11 . +`" - �. ti^� TS RD' : .- Al2 �. d O� I' ��. ti .� a CENTRAL HEfGk _ ... - - V.e...? O ,QY* l ll G LDSBURU,,_ „II :u5viti,4,,,,47.._ — 4- - - �,. %,/, 'Vt6.) 70 ^ awit, SHW k1 tia P�. C. FC -1 ,--, 441f itirt �� j-41 '• 4041 aY ► U'Sr4ifilijr 4 - ,._ Frr-ILL 3- wAiir. New'13 Hope .ILlhik N SPENCE AVale �0Fp FVFR : / 0 , 8 m\ AIL_ 11111 Willow D 2NF GRF I114 447\1 . c� � A- ��, Com � URF �� 1/ FN,q� vv `.�, �'-i - � WO /�� T I. � -- to411allabv**4*iiirzsT F 1 C9 1 ti� � I ® = O ►r _Ditch �� ��� sy P° 1 p Proltilli Q G� LDSB �4Q � '� s� I �. A r — v -' - C: _ _____NO-111 \,_7-\ I , :1-, W/LM/NGTo AYNE OL/V/A LNihM W ' �� g 4 / / *Adai svilleI 4T4 ismaimitirm�Webto m ,c ,_ W,,,z, + , osq �o,„,_ �� �� �� \%.).4._./ _,.. _,..,_ - -., -..L. -1? ___ ,A . • ‘,..44,. I „,, . mri O ,,fir,N. ' ' • ' - kt- fa `' ��� Q t� 00° I BUS O D .i i ii) 1Sik ti o l Q .�. QWV C' Nis �� c, 70 �• — 316. N 2114 y ,� L'QW'Y DR- _ t�F j <4� ,�, � "` Nv+ O `,, L �1 I �1L �L E DR �Q Q t�) �I G� o B - YP �` . lak o BERRY ST Q / Q* -9' \, ���' 70 _• itoll1. 1._ 1_BAC��� F ygRR �� �rC 6,� a a LyN OQ s - 100.7 R, 4./ CJ� 5 ! \WEAVER-DR tisk: o di( ( C>' SELFRIDGE 'D �.y �'d �" \ F9�5 �F� j � L „` Apo.Altilk � icyjriiir,.., III � �� �` G� „' FARM�RD�� g FQ ��P 1 sT V SQUIRE'AVE �� - - filirTEPyFNS S. \ al T Q(1):2' ° MI� �•�� �� Lf D D� �-� -"-� �"i w,� - �r'3 1 0 "-- o tAirhoro ,7 % ----- --- 'WV _,.. ti 16'' 0 /4a .0 ., TR „ 'INNImi _ _ _ !1L, ....-wp-. -. --dm, ,__,, _ _e 4_ 11 7_ P DIX- 1111k\\� AI-- P��/ oQP 9�/'O �� / �'1 I P < 0� ) •� . , ` LOCATION MAP PJD PACKAGE Jurisdictional Determination Request US Army Corps of Engineers Wilmington District This form is intended for use by anyone requesting a jurisdictional determination (JD)from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District(Corps). Please include all supporting information, as described within each category, with your request. You may submit your request via mail, electronic mail, or facsimile. Requests should be sent to the appropriate project manager of the county in which the property is located. A current list of project managers by assigned counties can be found on-line at:, by calling 910-251-4633, or by contacting any of the field offices listed below. Once your request is received you will be contacted by a Corps project manager. ASHEVILLE&CHARLOTTE REGULATORY WASHINGTON REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE FIELD OFFICES US Army Corps of Engineers US Army Corps of Engineers 2407 West Fifth Street 151 Patton Avenue,Room 208 Washington,North Carolina 27889 Asheville,North Carolina 28801-5006 General Number: (910)251-4610 General Number: (828)271-7980 Fax Number: (252)975-1399 Fax Number: (828)281-8120 WILMINGTON REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE RALEIGH REGULATORY FIELD OFFICE US Army Corps of Engineers US Army Corps of Engineers 69 Darlington Avenue 3331 Heritage Trade Drive,Suite 105 Wilmington,North Carolina 28403 Wake Forest,North Carolina 27587 General Number:910-251-4633 General Number:(919)554-4884 Fax Number:(910)251-4025 Fax Number:(919)562-0421 INSTRUCTIONS: All requestors must complete Parts A, B, C,D, E, F and G. NOTE TO CONSULTANTS AND AGENCIES: If you are requesting a JD on behalf of a paying client or your agency, please note the specific submittal requirements in Part H. NOTE ON PART D—PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION: Please be aware that all JD requests must include the current property owner authorization for the Corps to proceed with the determination, which may include inspection of the property when necessary. This form must be signed by the current property owner(s) or the owner(s) authorized agent to be considered a complete request. NOTE ON PART D -NCDOT REQUESTS: Property owner authorization/notification for JD requests associated with North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) projects will be conducted according to the current NCDOT/USACE protocols. NOTE TO USDA PROGRAM PARTICIPANTS: A Corps approved or preliminary JD may not be valid for the wetland conservation provisions of the Food Security Act of 1985. If you or your tenant are USDA Program participants, or anticipate participation in USDA programs, you should also request a certified wetland determination from the local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service, prior to starting work. Version:May 2017 Page 1 Jurisdictional Determination Request A. PARCEL INFORMATION Street Address: Various City, State: Goldsboro, North Carolina County: Wayne County Parcel Index Number(s) (PIN): Various B. REQUESTOR INFORMATION Name: Alex Aycrigg Mailing Address: 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603 Telephone Number: (919) 719-1088 Electronic Mail Address: aaycrigg@fandr.corn Select one: I am the current property owner. ✓❑ I am an Authorized Agent or Environmental Consultant' riInterested Buyer or Under Contract to Purchase Other, please explain. C. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION2 Name: Various Mailing Address: Various Telephone Number: Electronic Mail Address: ' Must provide completed Agent Authorization Form/Letter. 2 Documentation of ownership also needs to be provided with request(copy of Deed, County GIS/Parcel/Tax Record). Version:May 2017 Page 2 Jurisdictional Determination Request D. PROPERTY ACCESS CERTIFICATION3,4 By signing below, I authorize representatives of the Wilmington District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps)to enter upon the property herein described for the purpose of conducting on- site investigations, if necessary, and issuing a jurisdictional determination pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and/or Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899. I, the undersigned, am either a duly authorized owner of record of the property identified herein, or acting as the duly authorized agent of the owner of record of the property. Alex Aycrigg Print Name Capacity: ❑ Owner Z Authorized Agents 7/9/2021 Date Signature E. REASON FOR JD REQUEST: (Check as many as applicable) ❑ I intend to construct/develop a project or perform activities on this parcel which would be designed to avoid all aquatic resources. ❑ I intend to construct/develop a project or perform activities on this parcel which would be designed to avoid all jurisdictional aquatic resources under Corps authority. ✓❑ I intend to construct/develop a project or perform activities on this parcel which may require authorization from the Corps, and the JD would be used to avoid and minimize impacts to jurisdictional aquatic resources and as an initial step in a future permitting process. ❑ I intend to construct/develop a project or perform activities on this parcel which may require authorization from the Corps; this request is accompanied by my peimit application and the JD is to be used in the permitting process. ❑ I intend to construct/develop a project or perform activities in a navigable water of the U.S. which is included on the district Section 10 list and/or is subject to the ebb and flow of the tide. _ A Corps JD is required in order obtain my local/state authorization. LI intend to contest jurisdiction over a particular aquatic resource and request the Corps confirm that jurisdiction does/does not exist over the aquatic resource on the parcel. ❑ I believe that the site may be comprised entirely of dry land. ❑ Other: 3 For NCDOT requests following the current NCDOT/USACE protocols,skip to Part E. 4 If there are multiple parcels owned by different parties,please provide the following for each additional parcel on a continuation sheet. 5 Must provide agent authorization form/letter signed by owner(s). Version:May 2017 Page 3 Jurisdictional Determination Request F. JURISDICTIONAL DETERMINATION(JD)TYPE (Select One) riI am requesting that the Corps provide a preliminary JD for the property identified herein. A Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination (PJD)provides an indication that there may be "waters of the United States" or"navigable waters of the United States"on a property. PJDs are sufficient as the basis for permit decisions. For the purposes of permitting, all waters and wetlands on the property will be treated as if they are jurisdictional "waters of the United States". PJDs cannot be appealed (33 C.F.R. 331.2); however, a PJD is "preliminary" in the sense that an approved JD can be requested at any time. PJDs do not expire. I am requesting that the Corps provide an approved JD for the property identified herein. An Approved Jurisdictional Determination (AJD)is a determination that jurisdictional "waters of the United States" or"navigable waters of the United States" are either present or absent on a site. An approved JD identifies the limits of waters on a site determined to be jurisdictional under the Clean Water Act and/or Rivers and Harbors Act. Approved JDs are sufficient as the basis for permit decisions. AJDs are appealable (33 C.F.R. 331.2). The results of the AJD will be posted on the Corps website. A landowner, permit applicant, or other"affected party" (33 C.F.R. 331.2)who receives an AJD may rely upon the AJD for five years (subject to certain limited exceptions explained in Regulatory Guidance Letter 05- 02). ElI am unclear as to which JD I would like to request and require additional information to inform my decision. G. ALL REQUESTS 11 l Map of Property or Project Area. This Map must clearly depict the boundaries of the review area. FlSize of Property or Review Area acres. 1-1 The property boundary (or review area boundary) is clearly physically marked on the site. Version:May 2017 Page 4 Jurisdictional Determination Request H. REQUESTS FROM CONSULTANTS 111 Project Coordinates (Decimal Degrees): Latitude: Longitude: InA legible delineation map depicting the aquatic resources and the property/review area. Delineation maps must be no larger than l lx 17 and should contain the following: (Corps signature of submitted survey plats will occur after the submitted delineation map has been reviewed and approved).6 • North Arrow • Graphical Scale • Boundary of Review Area • Date • Location of data points for each Wetland Determination Data Form or tributary assessment reach. For Approved Jurisdictional Determinations: • Jurisdictional wetland features should be labeled as Wetland Waters of the US, 404 wetlands, etc. Please include the acreage of these features. • Jurisdictional non-wetland features (i.e. tidal/navigable waters, tributaries, impoundments) should be labeled as Non-Wetland Waters of the US, stream, tributary, open water, relatively permanent water, pond, etc. Please include the acreage or linear length of each of these features as appropriate. • Isolated waters, waters that lack a significant nexus to navigable waters, or non- jurisdictional upland features should be identified as Non-Jurisdictional. Please include a justification in the label regarding why the feature is non jurisdictional (i.e. "Isolated", "No Significant Nexus", or"Upland Feature"). Please include the acreage or linear length of these features as appropriate. For Preliminary Jurisdictional Determinations: • Wetland and non-wetland features should not be identified as Jurisdictional, 404, Waters of the United States, or anything that implies jurisdiction. These features can be identified as Potential Waters of the United States, Potential Non-wetland Waters of the United States, wetland, stream, open water, etc. Please include the acreage and linear length of these features as appropriate. TACompleted Wetland Determination Data Forms for appropriate region (at least one wetland and one upland form needs to be completed for each wetland type) 6 Please refer to the guidance document titled"Survey Standards for Jurisdictional Determinations"to ensure that the supplied map meets the necessary mapping standards. Pro gram/Jurisdiction/ Version:May 2017 Page 5 Jurisdictional Determination Request ✓❑ Completed appropriate Jurisdictional Determination form • PJDs,please complete a Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination Form'and include the Aquatic Resource Table • AJDs,please complete an Approved Jurisdictional Determination Form' ✓❑ Vicinity Map ❑✓ Aerial Photograph USGS Topographic Map rj Soil Survey Map Other Maps, as appropriate (e.g. National Wetland Inventory Map, Proposed Site Plan, previous delineation maps, LIDAR maps, FEMA floodplain maps) Landscape Photos (if taken) NCSAM and/or NCWAM Assessment Forms and Rating Sheets riNC Division of Water Resources Stream Identification Forms L Other Assessment Forms ' 08-02AppAPrelim JD Formfillable.pdf ' Please see Principal Purpose:The information that you provide will be used in evaluating your request to determine whether there are any aquatic resources within the project area subject to federal jurisdiction under the regulatory authorities referenced above. Routine Uses:This information may be shared with the Department of Justice and other federal,state,and local government agencies,and the public,and may be made available as part of a public notice as required by federal law. Your name and property location where federal jurisdiction is to be determined will be included in the approved jurisdictional determination(AJD),which will be made available to the public on the District's website and on the Headquarters USAGE website. Disclosure:Submission of requested information is voluntary;however,if information is not provided,the request for an AJD cannot be evaluated nor can an AJD be issued. Version:May 2017 Page 6 Legend Table of Features . LL ,•s ..:4• - RPW1: 82.7 LF, 165 sq ftaT 4 ! 4. Line 475 Limits of Disturbance RPW2: 100.86 LF, 111 sq ft '•. _• ,*,- _.- W1: 0.293 ac ••re, . Wit, - Line 475 Streams and Ditches 4 Howell Branch (Si): 37.1 LF, 1113 SF ,_:- ' , S2: 37.1 LF, 111 SF =`='��- . ._ _ r V/ Line 475 Wetlands ; { ..• — .,-.�. ':J 'f - - -- - — _ .. - —- - - - - ~ � :�.Mwr,yw.. ;rs �. - ----_. r. ref„ r - • .'tom 9 ,NI,' + - -__' • -,: -- _ -- - ..- _ -.�1�'— ._.3.� ••� - _ - mBeginning of -. — _ - _ : _ -` - T_, ..� • ,� I. , F _ =a ; v, — Corridor .,— " - ,, t .., t •- ..` T F_! L e / r. ltO :tri 1 : . ,. , r �. / - = - 1% ,,s :; :. •F . ... "' t „At Wr _ ...,.....7 - -- ,' -jib/. • vitro' A\po -01_ . .- ' e I T,,,. r , _ . .,. . . Howell Branch (Si) t p' . •'; r • . . . . „... J. „ , v- 4 '''' ' • - ._.. P 1 f , - • - e . 1.- ® r. i S _ 1YA .r • i, �t „r`_ 1. Via : ! +Sgww Nil. .I- - P.i.. fri�� \ � .- - .- : '. -..�..+.cryrn..; ' �!. RPW2 ditch not subject) F: ' ''•I'' 17' r - '. RPW1 ditch, not subject - i_iie ! ., t.j. ,, . .., r,r41. 4* ... it,...:,. !1"' -- c • r ,. '. •nr, . .., el ri—ji , .., , P.- . .0.,..k. 'Kg. ....." * . '6,7,3, ' NY-A - 11111114/ lb' -led-�- f - • .' ',` on ' ` ' -..r•ltgAir'-i, • --(.4 _ ti. ,�' . - - }� '.T]r�_- -. - C" _ 4 r _-• L.•_ '._ - d '�0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 t 2- — ` • e ti `. ? .i. Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS Feet A 2 - x N • ,IN Cr r Disclaimer F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the d Tr w• '�•-'� "� �� ', t - , FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this �� °' '. J ry wY - `,,;t' }r" .d FQ A Engineering•Environmental•Geotechnical map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies :,, fT: • ;, ^ - y.-, �..i •,w v+��, It +7. `..:' 11111�}} • . QCK 306 Hubert Street. a&x Project No.: svv-oszo can be obtained by contacting F&R. - '", i .fit �., .._ `\. . T � I Raleigh,North Carolina 27603LOI NCO.eMap Orthoimag•ry Last - _ . -w• .�-•� q _ t, cxi T 919.828.3441 , December 2021 Scale:1:6,600 linch=550f , !� • .. - • _ - r. :: ems . Legend _ .,�: ' • ` =y -may ,a. :a- ;;',4 4 .i, 4. ' Syr: _�:.. • fir % ->r„_;,:." + .k•.1. } 4,„r Line 475 :::::::: �-°r�. — _ :^ ±.Stoney Ce ti475 • _ �..f,. Line 475 Wetlands ' • • - �' *,` t 111 ikt- - " 4. = - k.0.Y 'C; Y` •y `, /' / �* • ,- S 511 ) i im .'1 'f..= ipi, - RPW3 (ditch, not subject) • "a f i iP, _ p, �, Its'', ��; t '+ ci '2� +ems �� '' " � y , w �\ r, i.„,,,, ier — Pt -. .. qt‘ '� , '7•u 'T� . ,EF , S6 �r� 'o!!7 • • ' �'''`.i-•.0.�.ad 7AE.'e*s r.•'+i'� Ale r;� .=-' ! .. a ' '.ter - •p` _ .f�,. f " . ' r—eV :.....14. '''....:'l'\,-... ..... '2, " r:, 4.4 t f.4.'41Pg_ . Pk: - titor' ..,„,, • ., . . _ .,. v„ . y` < "�, '�'"4Ate• ,� z� S7 ' �•.f Re ..• fit. ., * . „Vy'r "44. 4,,,,,,, ,„ , ,s 0 ." lie rifjP ", ' _k, .-,Av.,' • , , im...',pa: _,- _-...3 ' • . "1-4.:-.Pf °Y. .•,..... ` ' 3 am ; wP '� ik fm -A . I 4 _` r � . . , Pr/ j ' - .- '.. '-' .. '• _ r St,. --, .w• obi ^ ,.., f , ram: �111 1 .- - h r -st; �•• - • .� n.x.Z.�. '� y 11111 '. es - ' Y* � •��---- - : Reedy Branch . it ..,... ...., . , 011 ,741111, 4.* S9 _ .a s� pa J 1 _- -� . •�' S8- _ r . r W3 . ; _ ,� , 4. -. Ali , �. '= *° " Table of Features: , fir~ . tir _, W2: 0.249 ac r -. - �F _ r 1 r_ _ 4 -r--• ' ` Stoney Creek (S3): 35.43 LF, 1771 SF _ems __�� • _ * S4: 44.49 LF, 89 SF -'m Y � _ 'bys S5: 194.08 LF, 388 SF .", RPW3: 63.79 LF R. -, .,r v7.., - • _ . ,k . ' ;. i. _. S6: 220.71 LF, 330 SF 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 b 1• t Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUSFeet A 1 ` ' _ .=_ S7: 220.71 LF, 330 SF " ' . S8: 66.3 LF 165 SF C� Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the _ FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this �- I r r 1 FO A Engineering•Environmental•Geotechnical map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agenciesy Reedy Branch (S9): 23.44 LF, 1289 SF QCIK_ 306 Hubert Street. F&R Project No.: svv oszo can be obtained by contacting F&R. , Raleigh,North Carolina 27603LOI NCO.eMap or ho[magery Latest 7 _ - - _ ', W3: 0.487 ac ,HI,, T 919.88.3441 r December 2021 scale:t:e,wo ru,.h=sso re .' - - /.6- r. , r • Legend ni * k - ' ' RPW4 (ditch, not subject) Line 475 Limits of Disturbance '; Y - • s r Line 475 :::: d Ditches • • • ,.../ V/ e 475 s • • le. • . _r.- • r 7,�o. • x . 4. RPW5 (ditch, not subject) }' . . f� t.: ' rt •;, t. _ ,� - i .4 7 RPW6 (ditch, not subject,• . ; `', , '..• . . . .y.°, . • • •. ' it kri RPW7 (ditch, not subject) ' - • r • RPW8 (ditch, not subject)• • . ' - '• y • . .• - ;.. at if r • RPW10 (ditch, not subject) ' ' :`• • • r. :iij • f'F-i, • , it ::.-.::: ' . • s sy r {, . �ry_ �, , • t o Y . 1'' ,. . - . W4 ' / :/ ls 'J +Ac. M1 Ix`-a*" ' `lip . /::/;?• ir 1110*%, . RPW9 (ditch, not subject) RPW4: 162.5 LF, 406 SF °�" .Y ! y •1• RPW5: 36.62 LF, 109 SF ♦ ' i • . . ' . . RPW6: 101.16 LF 303 SF * ' ' 1j.. :RPW7: 73.67 LF 220 SF rv= . • k ,, ., ..y RPW8: 76.88 LF, 230 SF Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 et Eiji" RPW9: 111.28 LF, 333 SF ot SINCE r FROEHLING&ROBERTSON, Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the R P W 10: 100.66 LF, 452 SF FINC.. accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this 4 _ R P W 11 (ditch, not subject) O A Engineering•Environmental•Geotechnical map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies R P W 11: 85.05 LF, 340 SF ; QCIK_ 306 Hubert Street. F&R Project No.: 59Y 0320 can be obtained by contacting F&R. p Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 xcooervlap o�choin,age�y Latest 7 W4: 0.873 ac ,.., T919.828.3441 '®11=i3M Scale:1:6,600 1 inch=550 ft Legend .1* ' '/ � j4:� ` ' / , _ `C_ • Table of Features: _r, _ . / j / ; 4v RPW11: 85.05 LF, 340 SF . .f ji ,j s ' �z �`i.' - S10: 24.46LF, 150SF Line 475 Limits of Disturbance if, 1 _ ).: _,.1 _ RPW11 (ditch, not subject) - :. S10: 84.16 LF, 160 SF • Line 475 Streams and Ditches :� ; . �� -- ^ RPW12: 99.35 LF, 300 SF •. TM f, �r -� RPW13: 102.62 LF, 307 SF `� • . Line 475 Wetlands �' e� '_ - S10 a _ iP RPW14: 83.65 LF, 250 SF :� cer I - , {7• -74 ' 4�. RPW12 (ditch, not subject) RPW15: 80.45 LF, 320 SF �" - - RPW16: 113.64 LF, 460 SF ' H... d , _ _ RPW17: 112.49 LF, 450 SF A r:. .14 4 = 416a- 544,44-� . . RPW13 (ditch, not subject) RPW18: 76.06 LF, 304 SF 4. �. �w + lI P '', s fe'� !!'P ,MI, FN xi. ,r'. • ‘.4-rtiosi"T. ..._ `. RPW14 (ditch, not subject) ", ....:kr .. .4'i . _ - ',p. ?'\ I , a, , x— , • - '''...,.k, '10 .•1414' • N. . \ -,t,,4 . . .,,,*._, ...„. ,....... , , . , . •. ! Fi 1 . `1 '. 0. , , ,i �` I ; -RPW15 (ditch, not subject) 1 � lir:::,k #.-•, .ff r+t, Syr' ., 11. . ,. y a ir--. •, 1 :. , ems� ,.. +s lbs. !Sr - ,rP,. ' 4� ,' 4 .. ;�,5 ' r . ` —At V.,,e 1 , J , ,,%,,, ' - itt., :. . .41't 114., toe -- . ' .,.. . r. .- %lij . ,c7- ,_ , 4.., -. ...5, - . RPW16 (ditch, not subject) ;' ' 1` 'yypp _ .. .4 ar�r' • ~•' - .rw ;11, Kt - .. _ F - t� • b• er' t•• r .4,- r . Alk- •s; k ~ Y7„_-, . ...,..4 • us . „ ,_ �: t4 - • * ,.: .,.r. .,,,_ t # - - r RPW17 (ditch, not subject) „ • . , , • .., „ , 4 .,_40 i • ilk 7 LE', .;' - ,.O. 4 .,,,, . :4 t '' 11 ' t= .)10110//ii:' . A. a...Wak •' ill At a, ''. ' '— %. 111 Ags i. • T d ;... •��'1�'. r. ' 0.0 -.,, '' t .::� RPW18 (ditch, not subject) .... . ..._ e4 1� I ^4 i 61. Atil . 1.. -4.7"*"; :*.-'. . ' ' ;I.W>N\..;',0,. r. i 1„. . . ... . .4 ..., ____ ._.....„„ . _ill -arm ..%. im_ . .s .'* •�f ... _ - i 0 200 400 800 1,200 1.600 •` 1 t' — Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS Feet A f x o r Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the 3 +_ .-- -4,•, . FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC- accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this 4 - O Engineering Environmental•Geotechnical map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies , •'+ �''• '- '', � • F R 306 Hubert Street F&R Project No.: 59Y-0320 can be obtained by contacting F&R. ._..., - Raleigh,North Carolina 276031;01 NConeMap Orthoimagery Latest 7 -'i• • �' ,,,, T 919.828.3441 1=1: December 2021 Scale:1:6,600 linch=550f ®' F ,...c . 00, ':-, Legend i . '�" *' �, RPW17 (ditch, not subject) ,.-711111F ,....A7;;; ,,,x,64104,....zi,.._:. ,. Line 475 Limits of Disturbance ;�. y Ian• = • ` •�, if, , .... , �vA� .'., ,'....% ytcl _ • ,:, /• • ]- RPW19 (ditch, not subject) •Y. It +s -.t . c !: ild c i , - esT- ,1 0.'p. .,• i of `�_� _ d #� Line 475 Streams and Ditches1 t y ' tr • % ter; Y t ,4 �.. Line 475 Wetlands . ' r v ' ' P ' "` n „•Y r '� _ • RPW18 (ditch, not subject) f ,. "'g0 _ .". _ r RPW20 (ditch, not subject) 3 .4- , . • 4 � -,-;•. — __ \-. ' -.-;Ir. '' s. �' .4a mow';, y .4.l-• e. .- y ;t'm-.y.-..•.*-•-*-....4'• i •. , • , .n .. y N+ "; -.rJr-1 f'-a—AA4-1•- j4 a * r f !. r,A-' -►! ,� / "^ •f RPW21 (ditch, not subject) ti LI * vim_�. _ •. i,��,,k Ay ow `, • ., 7!'. i '` p _ ., ,q9 'h 4. t ' _ p ' . - t ,....400' A i 04.:.r.iki ' f" .- ----------A11114" _. '•. Pit. .r. �. �001:0' 3P. f` ; �. •T' .. 3`e 'ram• 'F •• ; r `^ � L. ' n .:�er. sIr.. • e: •. +J °• P • . •» r / c,-4 ”-- .� ' , i s r.G +. . 4 = R'+. ,e Ir a :4 • tr ` �•- - �-Sr, {.•, _ •. If l - _' ,.fly Y• • ' y y i',• . • V - - _, / ,-' .. - III' "' ` ' ,ti. . � WV P • '�;. •. IL 4t. 1!+',�yy ' '' ''" *`, T __ .,, lI Jam. _ . i, A{: r 'Ni? ` ... •, _ .7_.. ; It. .'' t h',• �,1y ' �l' L; •�7, ..c. �-`gT: `,'"�'- s ! 4. (-' a, ti`: 3 f--,.,4' 4,„7. - ,I",„ r . r . .,-,... r.,-- ,,,,,:' - 4.1".r•:‘,.; ,:,_.,Pvil;' . Alk, '. 7 Aik 4., ..,,... .4 .41.--` .I . C'• '�. ,. +.' '•f g.F • ,' , 1..'-...di a La. ' '' '- '44( i. r'41' � _ r.�. , �► �� A'',. • , � �'.,,L. 'V 1.1%. • I. , • -•le. • „ , Hj<0 it ' i . • N., tr. ,,,,,,,„„k _.. ..: i ,* _ �:�`S ., !�.- 40P.Y _ ,..' +. �:" , E Table of Features: •..�dY'F, S � A. ... or ��� ]i' - �• "? - 'f .gyp' girt- '•� ' f, sr RPW17: 112.49 LF, 450 SF �. V44 x r 1~ F: r: 1. f A ' RPW18: 76.06 LF, 304 SF .,.. A ; . a' - a 14` \�, RPW19: 75.5 LF 302 SF Line 475 - PreliminaryWOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1.600 A Q ,: s 1 1 Feet r R 1" r. �" _.. — s'- :h. -- 'RPW20: 101.03 LF, 404 SF • m .4-4 • SINCE Disclaimer F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the 7- •e. '... _ '-,•a. - FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this 5 t S {f 1 FOEngineering•Environmental•Geotechnical map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies l / i 'N s ' RPW21: 100.17 L F, 450 S F } QCD +4� r t } -. l.y r 306 Hubert Street F&R Project No.: s9Y o32o can be obtained by co.rtacting F&R. .v r,- �+ ` ••'0,0 e ��" • +r ,� 1 Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 NConeMap 0rthoimagery Latest El 6 ,�k- _ 11 •• •-•'• • .� r-,, ••: ns' T 919.828.3441 IFS' ' - - _...,. - December 2021 Scaie:1:6,666 1 inch=sso ft ®' _ i `� - . •. � •p .l / '4 Y/ r -'yi4'f �. Legend '' , 1 Y it - :- ;-.,.:. . • :, .� :,` �.,- Table of Features: .# ' ''' Ilik}` },ft ;•. .: ; it: 1'='. # ` ' ;" : d. W5: 3.83 ac Line 475 Limits of Disturbance f!IF /'`. .;2 ',I.. ..fir ' • •*' " -.,; • r:r � k t: . • . , • • -^ RPW21a: 80.49 LF, 440 SF ry .. N : ,1b. . ..41., .. . .. L. } . R . :ti:% RPW21 b: 80.49 LF, 440 SF • Line 475 Streams and Ditches ,. . •, ', i•" 14 .. ' x = yI. . • • " . '°' RPW21 c: 28.4 LF, 140 SF ` >'.. ":' • .. • F • '. }. RPW21d: 80.23 LF, 400 SF M Line 475 Wetlands , • " - . �, • ._,. . RPW21 e: 92.17 LF 460 SF ;: A' . : .; ' ae , '• • RPW21 f: 108.6 LF, 540 SF .. ' `o'' 2 # Cry ":"'ti.:.,.7...• . .'4 -'4 • }, riiiii • '', ' }1 A. y' , F 7.Y{. $ V fi 'y a 1 f,M1 '.�� '..}• {` f yv t }• •-y, ti"r 4 * ` {. -• J -r do-. :-'" y"' r 4 l w l •ye t{-.{.t / • ,5` 1 ;} ry, ' " 2 1F It' I"f'y „ 5 b-• • y aF -▪ ,y..S'•-. •a'6..1 •1� . • fi � 4. �F'. ..R. s{r xir 11, • ' 7••:7• . f. .1191A r4.g.4 :-iv1 A-/, 4".r.1.N.4..•1.1!.P.".7,: I!'l'•:•L•'::.'....!.•'.':..-:" ':.'•.•!'-'".:14/'.:.. .g-.14""i'.),•4k'7•,6.14'.A1:'A 04.7.94.lP07.:0:i::•k4.:,..,*0•-141.:1.1..01:A.44 1;'.:t1 p7:.x.:•.. .-4-.-•:1.:.:4:.7..'7'. -f ���`'ti�J ,-,, # .*'w'y„i _ "'�.�. } i ' <' l�i-_', r{'i e .. .wt•,- . .r.-µ4:k .,4,x y .:x: 'ear �.] - x p ];-.': �. h,, ,, ,.., -r t • :' '-;'. + ,'t i r ' � �':�,k.: F{.tf.�. k * r .T......' ftYi Y 'tip � k� .. � '..ti. - k .• .Y, ., +r ' '' `- : }, ;,... ,4-• ya`� {F • k;, 1 _ iE;; i S• ahr ` ' ' .' f9 «rk s :.tip^ t" ,} V 77'' : l ,b.� ti J .j ,t:YffS.r.:`u. 7. ^i.= - -� ._ '- _ .` , * _ :.i71: �i+F▪..; •r '. `y"�..:yfi;r.,a''•::4*._ 1 ' `-.'',row .` f S' ,•',! :. .r#a".re+�` Ts.7 ae- rvP'•3--gym: .' - .r'.:" .� :' 'sr2.. *..' + �L.'` J!• ir..,,i-r y'-..2' Y.4. -^ r x r+ +,t.t _- }.:.Y . ; i r" ': 'per VI--- - _ • • / W 5 W.' d- ,ram k f + . • • '/ �+i' :v'o- ri',y' '�t i .::?i`-*:i Yprry7j-{M1 Yi ` 1 • RPW21 e (ditch, not subject) ry • - • - • ' . .\I . RPW21a (ditch, not subject) ;+} . ; RPW21 b (ditch, not subject) r 1. • RPW21c (ditch, not subject) { • • f RPW21d (ditch, not subject) <f} RPW21f (ditch, not subject) • r • : Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 Q11:11ei'l -. • ‘. . \5:.. r • ' • J Feet A SINCE Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the •FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this x., R , FO Engineering•Environmental•Geotechnical map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided source agencies f QC 306 Hubert Street. F&R Project No.: svv 0320 can be obtained by contacting F&R. • - Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 xcooervlar Orthoimagery Latest 7 = A • •• ... • . _ .. . • , ,,., T 919.828.3441 '®®' Scale:1:6,600 1 finch=550 ft Map 6 of 7 , _, f,,,.-..i - ems„ —_.._� .s_ -11'1,1....11 - ..7 : - ' L _,jick.''' ‘. ":i .,..,0, itl•Hik:4'..11#141h' 4:‘•..4.1.-1:*'''s-1117 .ffli• . ...--wr...,......... ... ,. .kni..iit. . ,. .F... ., ., _.. ,.,• , , Legend p, ., .7,.7.--defr,,...„3„......, -... r,'1,l''.4",tr. , ....3•.•,:.'7-•- ' ' .•- _L. ;ie.... -, ;-,434111j........--.1••,-, 2..v.:4-.--",7:-.-..,,, ,-,,,-,.- -..-- _... , • \ •, i.-• . ••-,.:. A .6 g- --44'-'''.• I'.."+!;...'-;r,r.1 4 ' '.0.--2,-''• ' • F ' 1\ • Mr•r: ,_-.,,tt-,,4•••• ..,,, 4., ,..,...c urii. ..,.. .....‘ . . . ,,,,o...•....,1 .,,s..7....: ,--,-,..--t_;:-.;;1•..,•-•:-,..:,:.: - '. •464•.g....(1,--- • ft, \ _,-.,,. .3••4. 17r;it • I 711. ..,....• . Line 475 Limits of Disturbance • ,...- -.0: '-'-;•tr:-.,,‘,'.,,,,,:.,..•'__il: -,...-, ,,,.. .;',;.',....0•:.,: r.•-...-,-, -?, , 0:0-• ----;:.'' . .1-t. r-i\ ,,, ,.• - , ..,,, ...)44 ,-. ,., _ki4,111.644*:). • •11' •1"1 ..• .,. V . 7./ '-' r ..!.... ..5•:, ,r- ,...F..6„,,,.. . • . - •r:..,- .,.1, • - rY j':'..... `414 .‘016,., , _ , I .,.... .. . ----„, '• •' - -"1.: ''..;" • ' Line 475 Streams and Ditches . -I'Ltz-n• - I - -- - • • - .- 7 A... , 4., • ...a. ' ' r 40 ':...441ifiar'S'• -.'''1r: 'Islitti ill'i''''. C. at 4. .e., K ••.44 --.. •*•• l'' ' i':t.' 44 -Milit,44 ' • / • AO .-""•S --. _, '1• -.0 ',ay. it r_;.4 ,*,..... ,w.. .1. •,,. • r 4 Line 475 Wetlands . . ..• ' --•*. • -,-.4 _-. ..„_. . . . d-iwir Eigt&` ' ' , ,t• 4"...- -5 V}....46 • -;„i-low,., •_ . , , • 7+0 . • - r'-ck''';;- - 'I'' : ri.r-'• r ' • • ' 'i. - --..:''.-''',... RPW24 (ditch, subject) , _ .... - --4...-.4,;!"•,. • • . -. • ..,.,_•4- • ' .,•• •<-_-----_ ...- --, j i.i., ....,.. - -, 40, , , _ 4,... id. Aiiim - . • •... ,• kiiP . „. , 7 4.' • .. ''' ...`"''''... .-N, ''',.. • 0-- '1. RPW23 (ditch, subject) - ' • .,410-4 e.i, 4-.._ 4.1 - . ..... --. • • - . .4- „ .. .. • - .' 4• , ' ''. ' ' t, ... .... . • •• .• '' - .1 . 2$ •• • IINAkt, r bl?• '. 'kr ' ..,,,17.17..::i.I r•••7.•...,,.'..1'..-.-,.,..., 0 .•• I...•.• • " '. '.ilt?•'1 7....4. .'""*.Ar j I 14.r 4-: .17 ...... p •• 04, • ., _ .., ' • /.;• .. .. • 7. -• 111 OPP r . , _._.,„'''''•• ' 1; •'7' -- ' '`' r -r . ' , , , .1. _...,....4.,_-r- • ii..'. • , -.. ' . ' ` -,. -,. .....;-- . l'.. . 114.. • ,. ,' - • • ' ‘..."Pre ' ''''-,.4•I'.it.: ''''I' .^ -..''''..s. .t.,. - ' • . -.: , LU j'e' . 7'4. k , $• .,, / '' ••' -''' ,- 111.‘7,4. •-• At , , . -e•-',.r..• • . . pt,. , 1,,. - ".0.- V • ,- -- - - :-- r • , . ,. • ,..... ' 4P.' ' ,.' ' -- ....,-_ '• • • ...,_ ..1.c 2 1' i tl /kr /id LA-•-.I..-cb.,.a.10"4. ki L. Uai All -r airL/Milliiiiittitik. At ' • / II .. . ' ':' fr' . 1W 41-1114 , . - --, . • -- s.16 L. r - 4(..%- 416 k. \ -.\•1._ Vel4C,Hta''..r4.17.. .4'44-•,,474r4"4,''', - - ,L.,...4V,•• • - • ' '-We e .S.....7- , : \'''.... ....„. ".... \ • , An - .. 1_,Nt ...... --"-••-.„-,.--- RPW25 (ditch, subject) ,s- A , T '' „Is 4. *.', • ' ' ir . k. iEdiE - . . . 0 , •II / ''' • -.. ,,e.. `••-"•‘. ' RPW22),-- ' ''''' -4.-,'•ir'• %kr *3-"' (ditch, subject) ...• •••• ,.. - . . .-- • .) 16. " ,s! etrilic,'•' - • r.....„...1 ,,,,,..,....„. , • . ......,), . .0 , ......„..... ,... ... , 4, .., ' ,' ,,,••-• ... • 'i,,..• '''..Z s-/ '4;•' -- . ... IN,.., . ...iy, . .'. 4 -• .... - i ,....... ..„ . ) _ •••';'• "4.:- Yv ' -414ski': /lir PillIF' ,• - . . a.'..:-.P ... -• -.., k.':•;. '. ,. f - a 2 • • , ... . 'I.' it T '' L-:' ' '' ‘-':L.':; `1 PC, ' -' ' ' .• .1. .-4 . lt'm• • ... e.-.... , ,,,;,...... ,,,. ,....... -Jo_ ..,- . • ., -.• ..., .. .. --,;• %---4, -• ..4•-' X... p • % ''• ,f i!...• 1114.y.p. • .... . 0.-=';' 'Ill r,'W•N. 311%. 44.4 •l • ...,.- • •.••• sr '^ 31111114144.. IN . • ol . ',........... r •,-4. .1...,.„ -- -., " , ',qv'. 2. • illi . , - . 4., 1;•, , ° - --...- 4114ar '' . .. 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MgfirillMI accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this . .4:or--- -- "0-/i4; .-r- f';'.:'' - -,...' 44...-'6-,' ..-- 4'•ii..,:' V RPW24: 39 LF, 312 SF , r, Engineering•30E6mlliruobnemrtesntrtaele•t Geotechnical 121=1: IR Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 F&R Project No.: 59Y 0320 CmaanbeSpobattiat accuracy 1;01 NCOneMap Orthoimagery Latest dbycontoafcitlenagsFuraeRment provided by source agencies 11 . , • , ''._•,Cs' ' '..----_-%,; ,'":'--- -;.0 Xs.' .:t..0._ _' -•-114..7.. ..• ''''-'-----3" . 4e,' - ",rWg.•' -,' ••• ' ' a N- RPW25: 84 LF, 420 SF ...--:-! .., ,:-..: .__,t,,-,:c ..,,,,..:,,w.,•.,.,. - ‘„ E ,,,, T 919.828.3441 lEni December 2021 Scale:1:6,600 linch=550 ft =WM - ,:,,,')L,, A -...P".- "V, ! ",1.:',_1''.'"' ''• ' IL all, 1 Legend o ' a 11 Line 475 Limits of Disturbance h N }, ` ,. �� F "ti •. F D 4.);Ykra B '''' ,1„...17.... .cDi „; 4.-1 Beir;a>1%'''....-,,...._ C'... 1,1 orl y. 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Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS o zoo 400 soo ),zoo 1'6Feec A 2 t� Q1 i. , l V Client: Energy,Land and In fastructure Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the _ a B - . FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this �� � t f FOR Engineering•Environmental•Geoteclmical map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies ••• t""^^ a . QC 306 Hubert Street. E&R Project No.: svv-0320 can be obtained by contactingF&R. - Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data: NRCS Soil Survey Map(Wayne) 7v ' _ p • i -- T 919.828.3441 Date: August 2021 Scale:1:6,600 Both=550 ft Map 1 of 7 NAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 • - i - - - Legend • Line 475 LiLy mits of Disturbance 7, . ...... ... .. , _ . . ".. \ d' G4fr ‘ 33 _ — ��. •� ,ram#w. ... wti w }a w— F— ` —• —■ — ; ; �, \ ) . )11616.We. .viltrisp,,,,,,.„ . . . 4,,,,:///ii iiiir'..i. 1 . trilic. . .. Ke...,.,4„, Ay A Bb . _ . i4+1 . . . 410E- . • ll'!*°11* . . . .esti . r N to Wa fy �e 4 .1),,N,Niii....ongOo 41 . 4 aNi.,44 _,i .. . i . 4 iif / 4.-4.....4N. R .fir +1 ,+ 6:,• tio ,1111 • • et • • . . .........\( ‘ • ' Wa B 0 . N oAllif ikiirikW a B . . CrC2 \.........\.(e. ..?it:41111011k 4.. .'. :*: //NoA 4 4:.4. • • 4+ .s ,fir'—''�— \ • a. • !tiiii. illir . . .‘Js . I,. - ' • - eta Killi .. . • , )i . . .',I/ . . • Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS o zoo 40o soo ),zoo 1'6Feet D Client: Energy,Land and In fastrurture Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the - - t FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this �- . r FOR Engineering•Environmental•Geoteclmical map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies 41 . 470 A 061 QC 306 Hubert Street. E&R Protect No.: svv-0320 can be obtained by contactingF&R. Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data, NRCS Sou SurveyMa 7 - p(warns) Id T 919.828.3441 Date: August 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1inch=550 ft I Map 2 of 7 INAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 + i o 81117 Legend ' i Ifr'Line 475 Limits of DisturbanceiNlifir �t : .--r(e'r. `;, ,. ` #=' r :^fir: t 46. ?a'r �: . ...c 1 - ... . 46:-"N..\\ . . ..., ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 110i •. ( .117 • . (.: .31:). N oA .A104144.1.11.•••;......:-:* -/,.i.w.i,.......,,:•,,,,.1.:. .. . -_,.:,-.-•::,..,-.. .... ; :..-. :. •. • fp • fi• of • arr' r• ' Y:rr - / `:'fi •:�• - ��:.1f'�• - - 1�. � tea'. " AIy� f I*41111041/4 ..) fet14' - :' ''';';'''''f' . ,. :,.. . ., . ...i1/4,,,s,. /*.14. i . ' ' - - AyA • Ex ‘. C0 . .. . . .. . _ , • S T . L. 41,4 4. * '' H E. • Ly lilliliP A*111 +ate fir,'' iii 111 Tdoi Alli v.,- . .... .. .. 2 -Coil . . „ . . • 3e • WaB ; g, filpG •,• } 7. "f + .0 \ : :. '::. R) N o, . .: : ..." .. • _ • • . . .. . a -- ‘14 %%''.'.'''.'.'.' ..........,:cWe ..of\ yam'. • _- - - - }f+•a��4{SY- tier:.Sr r== Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 e1 A Hilo r. `r:: 7►. _.' Client: Energy,Land and In fastructure - �r+' Disclaimer F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the __ y,. -_-• -yFti .. FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Line 475 '~ 4 r Iaccuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this =- _ }., QQ� Engineering Environmental•Geotechnical Location: Wayne county,NC map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies - - _ - - .-F ,ri• 1`'.. `M� r „• r FCJtR 306 Hubert Street. F&R Frojeet No.: svv-oszo can be obtained by contacting F&R. . . _ , - _}} .4'.- can fir" � _ • Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data, NRCS sou survey Map(Wayne) I iY'IA- .,v 74 T 919.828.3441 Date: August 2021 Scale:1:6,600 ft Map 3 of 7 NAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 -- r r1 f;?4- .f - u i� - _ Legend 1- firtipp, 1 i���yyY��jj■lJJ Line 475 Limits of Disturbance ...Li.-- ` . . ...-- N°A o . • oc\ L., qtiv ,-.• . . • Nip. / _ V3b \ • . 4 Oil . . • • .0"1/ . , rolyjr ill , .i... • • ' = i � . 1,4 • .../ .. Ly ..././ - _. _ uri \ r • NrFil Lr . ` Ln • \\:, .. . ''*`.: s 4 rra�yy,,,, , 4 .f•• N i .. a it } • - • ?...i.\etcp . \ ... .. . , . . . .: . 1 ' e' 1 ." 7. •:fir- e \. • L. illibp, { • : .••. • • --,,,4.--, . . ,,,N. .(:)B NO :. -4.4r-O. .-,-... 7 . . . . • . . _ . ._ C 11 : . . ., . . . . ... . , . NOC . • 0.1 ..k.b.,,„„.....„.... Ira"' ill' , ;••...E. n.'-.444 ..r•-,t!', : . N rE3. .7 4. Alt ..... ...,.N 0A . _ - • .. . :B. ...:,/,, ..N 4, .2+��',. ': r,� - •. .. ..: 15 1 Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 zoo 400 800 1,200 1,600 A Hilo a * _ � � Client: Energy,Land and io[ascroocoro Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the 3 .Yl }± • '•_'.•`;} -' F FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Line 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this :` Engineering•Environmental•Geoteclmical Location: Wayne County.NC map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies - - it 306 Hubert Street. F&R Project No.: svv-oszo can be obtained bycontactingF&R. Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data: xxcs sou Survey Map(Wayne) 7 Id 4y . 4 fy} f� T 919.828.3441 F "�ti, � Date: August 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 linch=550 ft I Map 4 of 7 INAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 �.� Legend IN Li :`4 �..L e r u NoA pp _ -{:`' Line 475 Limits of Disturbance tip e / . . NO ,Jtr:-. • --- erC2 - • '/ .• . StractUre• - . . ... ... CI .1- /a ' • ... tNoB ,,. .. ..., ...;.:!,. -m,,,t.,, .N.ioeiio ii...\.: . _ . --... .-....:. . - ,." . A . J:.- _{ t•C'S;.fp .'may /' -J•. `I `it Z L , a . . ifid'r4i'r (1) N 0 t-• .-,:. . . . NoA r .r r a eirrilooli -4 Nifi2G i /7/Cr!air-olrt2„....c.) ... .-. • /„N_ -* .ift ............. . ., . .;,, , . :. ••v s , -;';:± .. •__;''' r r . { ` Ra .. Iitl G04.•.0. i. Illi -,1-•/„.\-p1i. l il\l..1P4'07°4',._..4,,.\, ..0I.4,.EPX-.7n.-,.411':1- _!''0 0....0. dE ''• , i . t� '� . : ..._ ,,may. X. • 1 <- " .. '- � . ;• . DA f r. fir' ;' 1. % v ill&NI 0 PO — .:',17j:. ....6'.'; -;' A 4 - . ' -'rc -:7,,P'`,t ---.'..-: . • -- . -...-.;.:-- .. --.:..... -: ' . AI ... Ly alaewzii .ppe C 0 Oit\3\\. Ojtchcp _il . . ;.Yti. f's i 1L — yy Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 ),zoo ),6Feet Q r OP Client: Energy,Land and In factrurture Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the �� _ - - {k` - •t� - r FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. IZIZIMMI accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this &� Engineering•Environmental•Geotecludcal map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies '• 306 Hubert Street. can be obtained by contacting MR. Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data: NRCS Soil Survey Map(Wayne) 6 - I - }�, T 919.828.3441 Date: August 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 linch=550 ft I Map 5 of 7 INAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 / ( % Ay ,. ' ' P 1 P. s LegendGo - 0 N 0 0 � � f iv Line 475 Limits of Disturbancea co .. M ' 411 ++ •• . We .. _ • \Ra z �: Ln Go } 0 • ..' • +\\ > z.� sL Ke 4 .1 .,...: i.„,--77---\\I • • i To• . Go 4:1 Go 41? w Go ..... :_.. ...... .. • . . E- ;''11000 r , Iiiiiiiiittior • \D ._., eiliqba,„„„. :'''',,-'7:-•:::_:'::.1:•:.':..',..1.1.•::::•••':--.. (,,,,t\.\:-,-,:'•'-'-:•..'•'':,..,-.:•:-.111'-,.::..:.•,..,;..,...,•40.....,..:. :.:::,:_'.. .. . . .•:::,,.........:..,,::::::.::...,,,,.,,......:.,;.;i..,..:;;......:.:..: , 1 4 . ciEt, *,.." . ' - - ' ' '.' - ' • Alio it 111111. i-r;�:: ,r••_ �.. ri .,-• `.6. {:r-• :il .• _ Rar vl - i tt- f r s{ :rti: F, s:'' • s • wrfir:; _-, ,; .. .• :kk\ ;:l. :. .:. : s r�N . : Lr - Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0-••:.:.-:---- .: ....-: : ../ 'L,..!.... :,.....'.....".:::::.:.:11. .: ....1.'• f::•'!.. '•.•. :!.. zoo 400 800 ),zoo 1,600 A - . vs, NI Client: 7 Energy,Eana ana In factrnrtnre Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the �� .: ' 4. r x �. ' - RFROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this Engineering Environmental•Geotecludcal ma S anal accura of measurement rovided b source agencies r • FO g g' P• P cY P Y �� - r ` QC 306 Hubert Street. can be obtained by contacting F&R. -'� Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data, NRCS Soil Survey Map(wayne) - - - - T 919.828.3441 Date: August 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 linch=550 ft I Map 6 of 7 INAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 .. J�+ r - - ��� Legend Line 475 Limits of Disturbance , . A . .. . . . . ... ... . .. ., . .. .. •. . . . . . ... .. ••.... .... . . . .. . •. . . . ... • . . .. . : C it.r• 'r_ �y r \ .. .� •fry - •-�.'•� � - •. - - - - - - - ... f.:-• r { •.T[v 4 t Afr.-- 3,411 Ve rr �r'�^� 1 � 1 -! ES ti •J41114' - 1.r� J • 11 116 1...4*44.1,41 . . : .::.':::::.:-:-.:::;:.:.•:.:....:::-i 1:1:!-:::::-.::..':1::::..;.:;_i']::•---:-.. .-..::.::!..' :".' '':.- ' :.;.' " '‘'.'. , �k y k ;:'. 'ti' �'r.i C:: rp��•, Y •• • - .V . Y•` J•�r '+"� rt'r r#=,Ii of w xr i ' v .Y rJ r rr r? t r M1r.}� dilliiiii .f f - r 1 i1 k 7 � • _ Y -4.:1;jf.!??::::d;:,:'.",i.:{i<!.:, • .- 1111:1114 W8/6".•1 \\ ..... C �j� r a -' • • •• • • R. -\\ • '11."%‘,4. 4•.:•‘\;' a �r F �.! � ,Nor i=• - - w rr - .. '' ' i r:_•••{::fe :• moo• ' • 'r h - r +aCi • a'tr r • fN.-•. -,,..,. err•. - • .• .7 r • • • •.... _ , .. ....• .. .. r•r ,. __ _ _„. .... :. : 7 r _ aI= 1/44.„: •_,...,„:„,,,,,,p„,,,,,-. 1/4.1/4_ ... ,r F � •L �'ir•• r r _ •=�' • ti r•. Jr Go . We - - • •• ''M1 r _r - •�. ti y:f � �rr fi �•fr• N l LJy 7 r - �. 2` r r r� r• l i r• r r rf 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 - - - _ _- - - ri" Line 475 - PreliminaryWOTUSA Feet QjEl ..i. .,. _ • • Client: Energy,Lana and In rastrnctnre Disclaimer F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the ',°•'. • - - �`• f• f' FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Line 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this FQQ� Engineering Environmental•Geotechnjcal Location: wayne county,Ne map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies •; tJt 306 Hubert Street. F&R Project No.: 59v-032o can be obtained by contacting F&R. - : _ R Raleigh,NorthCarolina 27603 gData. NRCS Soil Survey Map(Wayne) - - T 919.828.3441 Date: August 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1luth=550 ft I Map 7 of 7 INAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 Legend ' , . • . Line 475 Limits of Disturbance - _ ` ti• it'll' 11111.m.11ikuw..]61111116.0._ ve r s .. �� - - \\\/I . (.77._ _____—,_ . lip 7.4implip..004.6. ., —utivr- , allil (Ir.( .4: rail PS 1 0 "'..-11I'llifPr Sil. wt. . _ — )11111111.11° a. — 125 40,4)—_____ • i \ 11 Z , 10 7/"."-re"'-- el/7;--- .11111\-\\I 1\4%1414°P.. I .--..:\\ —' t ) T ~ _ T' x1.� 1 .� - _ I __ << 0/(C.'''. ''—ii . -..__ :_i_ ( --. "\,_:"-----______4 1 _._________-- IND USTRY - .--.-e"F ) , , ,c) _____,--;--," 1 __..,---- . _ .,„ _ .. ,_____ 111. • .•-•—_ 41114111) -A001111M.1"111PNIIImm...— ) Alliik. _,---- Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 + * + Feet A 2 � .•., Client: Energy,Land and In fastructure Disclaimer F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the — FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Line 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this _ _ - rsEngineering•Environmental•Geotecimical map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided source agencieseifFAIAL — — 11fi_ 306 Hubert Street. can be obtained by contacting F&R. f Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data: USGS Topographic Map 7 - - T 919.828.3441 Date: August 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 l inch=550 ft I Map 1 of 7 INAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 MI\ Legend __ _- -_ * - lc) ), / .. . ii . Line 475 Limits of Disturbance c\--...74N„ . / I. _ — _..// 44 `: • 11,0 ` I 7 + I r ...k i .0/ • �, �� I : � �� I -�I ..---____. // i ) / z--------.„ / / .• - 1 4 ,......--____, ____ ,./, ----„.,,__ iL ,,.\\____"..„ J ■ /--- ,. . 7 / ,. tiV_______ _,_ 71 r . . • LangstOfl. , ,.. 1 Z ias -i ___ _ C--------1 ' 1 tie— , - � • - --1. MI . _ t• ksN. .ker - , if . \ • lmi, 44 A-7 ,4,:e* \ 44 -'";1118 lifillit°41. or.4d "10.4.)es ) ) C\1 ... , 4 iFt« \ zit /),11 lis\ Ns 0"ig _i. . L___------ ---1:1 --- — 110 . )1) i dr . - 7:.,..1...,,.11741, I i\ . A I:"1C:1 r 1113 ?7,4 /-1 r: 05 l''"iI:-1 / I, 1,1,': : viLN 'N..f / ,.....— t. ' ,..„.. :I, tip . :""<j. ( f/H. /,' 41°)I:1,.. i . 9 ,:iiiii . />- 7. :/: 1 i fir- . . Ni kP -,,,,,:14.r./, or il 1(II --_--.� �1 f i I) .1 a I tlltddilkIIIIII‘) ms ,, -, ( - -' II I \ ‘ I \ ( ) \ \V 0 ) 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 � I I • Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS Feet 1 I Client: Energy,Land and la fastructure Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the lel 7 i 1 + i 4 FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Line 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this I� �.1 F&R Engineering•Environmental•Geoteclmical Eocatioa: Wayne County,NC map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies + 1 `•ti 306 Hubert Street. F&x Project No.: svv-0320 can be obtained by contactingF&R. Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data: USGS Topographic Map 7 1..FFF, I la[ T 919.828.3441 Date: August 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1inch=550 ft I Map 2 of 7 INAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 _ �. { 1, F 7 Legend Line 475 Limits of Disturbance " .V i V)--- (..,, CIO 4111111P110:11%041\1 ?fee, 1 .-. . --------___) lilkk . -411 . ` - - ' ` T ` ^ i •, iiiiillSor il itz li %, it � ' r t II (717125--% )\\\ I • !,,,,l(k)'N.: 0.0. 00.0.1,, ft? • - • j a It.. �- a ____,..... .. . 41r �' ,r --- _ . • -. 04ff:6 _ . —/ * J I _-, 4..._ i. .4) fli Line 475 - PreliminaryWOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 ',� - - :--m \ Feet A Hilo _ _ - 11 Client: Energy,Land and In fastructure Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the _. '• -^- ,.. 11 FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Line 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this ..ti 8 R Engineering•Environmental•Geoteclmical Location: Wayne county,NC map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies >ti �l _ 306 Hubert Street. F&R Project No.: svv-0320 can be obtained by contacting F&R. F Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data: uses Topographic Map 7 �� f s, 1 T 919.828.3441 Date: August 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 l inch=550 ft I Map 3 of 7 INAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 ! - - ) I %no" , / 1.0 N. Legend i - ----•� Ili . ti . 2 F7 ( i Line 475 Limits of Disturbance ; # r _.— '— IS . 1) t•-••• -_-- --7.---—......N — — ) .... . �. Ial _ __ I -1'' COUni,.10. / _ 44:P -• --,...\.\c_-__..:-:-..---,--S:, . .°111\1°.°12:14...1 la:r.---- . .,1:---1--.-`---- ,...,:ri riVre...)..7 -' 2 --__. I. Cili \\.?1\ 1, ) 1ii • I 1 Ir III _ �- •-- • -} • `I 1 II ` r 1 r f.. �, _lb- �� f i '''). V,..,-.6 i t t \ \) --.' / . 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Project: Line 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this _ • --` Qc Engineering•Environmental•Geoteclvdcal map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies 1� �� \ CJt� 306 Hubert Street. can be obtained by contacting F&R. Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data, •LSGS Topographical Map • ....). _ T 919.828.3441 Date: August 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1inch=550 ft I Map 4 of 7 INAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 �L - >1.-1. LegendI. '____________ __ . :;?..,..,__ . __ �`� Line 475 Limits of Disturbance L ti • •..A 1 1 I 1 I I I I I 4 I\11 -T.N....- i afid' \\\.'L."-....\\*:,..,,.... \ \\\\\\1/2\_. .." -. .-T .e.. - _. _- _.,...,\iii 4 ht 4 Wi. I I S Pond. ___ ._ ___..,_ �1 —+7 _ __ - ---_ —— 70\ ,,, r \ - 4., / ,,,, ...___„.... r' Allip 1/4 rr — ,.., . \. _.r \_ BEAR CREEK D r `- - - \ „....: % _„,...„. { —I , ej a f ,� r `+� _- L\\ )7\ ,.:,..,,, . /7 7.z z z::..*,,__ .._,--- _ , \ .. :i4e• i . 7 ----N,-N„ 1 CN) / \ \N+'''\\\H. L.,___. . ---- i --\\...\\\:\., 12.... ----- ._ 5 i % ,..-7 jr \ ' -----____ ICZ,I. '..., ,..- r. it 7 Is r11 \......"--:\ -‘%' ,,,L\ _„.f\:.NN-, i Ci. . Are*" (:::) :4111:11fre4 ' _ -_ / ..*.ai- - ii--- /---; it/ , 4 ( ..--.— fin, :-.—'--.—.-""-'-"..\\I 3 (.),---h- \. 44"V 4+16;" .714' 4:::* / ' /___ 41.11N)' \"....I 1 I(1 I f.' 44 I I I I P C 4e . ifr - -4;4. Air( 4. 1 (AVI'44:1?‘ Line 475 - Preliminar WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600et Q ►y - W H op e 4.i Client: Energy,Lana and In fastructure Disclaimer:F&R makes n0 warranties or guarantees regarding theFROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Line 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this ��r8C Engineering•Environmental•Geoteclmical Location: Wayne County,NCIllap.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided source agencies 306 Hubert Street. F&x Project No.: svv-o3zo can be obtained by cofrtacting F&R.Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data: LSGS Topographic Map El 6 T 919.82$.3441 Date: August 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1inch=550 ft I Map 5 of 7 I NAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 il New3 H o Legend .----' . tp 7 - Line 475 Limits of Disturbance , '11.141:1\44.. .., i _• .iimmi i 111,71\Ile' i \I\. 5 II x 411, 1I1I1l \ •._ 1 I 4644,,,) „NIL. 1 -15- f • g\.\\„11/ 7 . , \. .404,C441.1-1./1411411111Crill-2 C I\II ---111414444414%1111411)". '''''.1 ) r till A. ''‘....--.---..1.11bi.l\ — ' — i ' "„ II I + I lI \\\----...., 444.. \ \ .14'I6 7 \ - - 1 ti\4\I1 11\\\ 1 ti ti, , 1 : r. + 4 I I . 71' -\ .\\ 1 y y�yALmil 4 I iii 1�+ d ..\\'' _'. .' ' - 1111.111111:\\ \\\\\111\116 . . Ilit\\....... . 1 ) 110114 -,.. —• i, ..... .0". illt.L1_..., \ 1.‘I . _\ �[ 1 — • AllillW.4 . A Om-, RE) Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600et A Client: Energy,Land and Infastructure Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the ��� __ FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Line 475 j F Project: accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this w, — En Engineering Environmental•Geotechrdcal Location: Wayne county,NC r� } Q gi g• map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies �C 306 Hubert Street. E&R Protect No.: svr-u320 can be obtained by contactingF&R. Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data: uoua lopograpnsc Map 7 - ' s -. �i T 919.828.3441 Date: August ZUz1 I Scale:1:6,600 linch=550 ft I Map 6 of 7 INAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 1 1 r Legend Line 475 Limits of Disturbance 34 35 _36 ...., 1 - �. �,�, �. lililmil .,.tom Ali sohltrad 1 '''',..._ LA- ._.:.:,) -1A i/ -ALI i r ,,.....„.... . . t i elo ___ . „. .... . 4.)„. ...1,, 1 - - �- c.,,, A ..,. .,....7, I �..._ --- ...A 'b---,,,,_' '''. .„... _ .. \:\') \\:\ -.... ------- _. I - ��.. I - . 1 .Ilik 1\1\1.\\''.....T _„„„/ . '..\ \ -7115 YP -\'--------_\%(:). reie".\\ 1 ., . . f � N• Ind .,..�i. -- r• Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 zoo 400 800 ),zoo 1,600 Feet A Q� + "` \ 'NIIIIIIIS , Client: Energy,Land and Infastructure Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the 1 S r FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Line 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this � � 4._._,,, r&R Engineering•Environmental•Geoteclmical Location:306 Hubert Street. F&R Project No.: Wayne svv-8328county,NC map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies can be obtained by contacting F&R. Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 IlilL Data: USGS Topographic Map _ T 919.82$.3441 Date: August 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1inch=550 ft I Map 7 of 7 INAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88y : I WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Project/Site: Line 475 City/County: Wayne Co Sampling Date: 10/22/20 Applicant/Owner: ELI and Piedmont Natural Gas State: NC Sampling Point: DP1 Up Investigator(s): A. Aycrigg Section,Township, Range: Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): Local relief(concave,convex, none): Slope(%): Subregion(LRR or MLRA): Lat: 35.371137 Long: -77.898478 Datum: Soil Map Unit Name: NWI classification: Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes I No (If no,explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes_ No Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS— Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No ✓ Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes No ✓ ✓ Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No ✓ within a Wetland? Yes No Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required;check all that apply) _ Surface Soil Cracks(B6) Surface Water(A1) Aquatic Fauna(B13) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8) High Water Table(A2) Marl Deposits(B15)(LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns(B10) Saturation(A3) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) Moss Trim Lines(B16) Water Marks(B1) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) _ Dry-Season Water Table(C2) Sediment Deposits(B2) Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _ Crayfish Burrows(C8) Drift Deposits(B3) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) Algal Mat or Crust(B4) _ Thin Muck Surface(C7) _ Geomorphic Position(D2) Iron Deposits(B5) — Other(Explain in Remarks) Shallow Aquitard(D3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) _ FAC-Neutral Test(D5) Water-Stained Leaves(B9) _ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes No ✓ Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes No ✓ _ Depth(inches): Saturation Present? Yes No 1 Depth(inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No (includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge, monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections), if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata)— Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: DP1 Up Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) %Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 0 (A) 2. Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata: 2 (B) 4. Percent of Dominant Species 5. That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 0 (A/B) 6. 0 =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: Total%Cover of: Multiply by: Sapling Stratum (Plot size: 2° ) OBL species x 1 = 1 FACW species x 2= 2 FAC species x 3= 3 FACU species x 4= 4 UPL species x 5= 5 Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 6. Prevalence Index = B/A= 0 =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: 1 -Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) E✓ 2-Dominance Test is>50% 1. n/a El 3-Prevalence Index is<_3.0 2. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 3. 4. 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 5. be present, unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 0 =Total Cover Tree—Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and 3 in. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 1 Glycine max 80 No FAC Sapling—Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 2. Polygonum spp. 15 No FAC approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and less 3 Toxicodendron radicans 5 No FAC than 3 in.(7.6 cm) DBH. 4. Shrub—Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 5 approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 6. Herb—All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,including 7 herbaceous vines, regardless of size,and woody plants,except woody vines,less than approximately 8. 3 ft(1 m)in height. 9. Woody vine—All woody vines,regardless of height. 10. 11. 100 =Total Cover 50%of total cover: 50 20%of total cover: 20 Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hydrophytic 0 =Total Cover Vegetation 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: Present? Yes No Remarks: (If observed,list morphological adaptations below). US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: DP1 Up Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-2 10 Y/R 3/4 FS 3-8 10 Y/R 5/4 SL 8-12 10Y/R 6/8 SCL 'Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: Histosol(A1) _ Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(LRR S,T,U) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR 0) Histic Epipedon(A2) _ Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) _ 2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR S) Black Histic(A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(LRR 0) Reduced Vertic(F18)(outside MLRA 150A,B) Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(LRR P,S,T) Stratified Layers(A5) _ Depleted Matrix(F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20) Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) _ Redox Dark Surface(F6) (MLRA 153B) 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) Depleted Dark Surface(F7) — Red Parent Material(TF2) _ Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) Redox Depressions(F8) — Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _ Marl(F10)(LRR U) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) _ Depleted Ochric(F11)(MLRA 151) Thick Dark Surface(Al2) Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR 0,P,T) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A) Umbric Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR 0,S) _ Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _ Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A, 150B) Sandy Redox(S5) Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix(S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20)(MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: Depth(inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes No El Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Project/Site: ELI Line 475 City/County: Wayne Co Sampling Date: 10/22/20 Applicant/Owner: ELI and Piedmont Natural Gas State: NC Sampling Point: DP1 Wet Investigator(s): A. Aycrigg Section,Township, Range: Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): Local relief(concave,convex, none): Slope(%): Subregion(LRR or MLRA): Lat: 35.371046 Long: -77.899944 Datum: Soil Map Unit Name: NWI classification: Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes I No (If no,explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes_ No Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS— Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ✓ No Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes ✓ No within a Wetland? Yes I No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required;check all that apply) _ Surface Soil Cracks(B6) Surface Water(A1) Aquatic Fauna(B13) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8) High Water Table(A2) Marl Deposits(B15)(LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns(B10) ✓ Saturation(A3) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) Moss Trim Lines(B16) Water Marks(B1) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) _ Dry-Season Water Table(C2) Sediment Deposits(B2) Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _ Crayfish Burrows(C8) Drift Deposits(B3) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) Algal Mat or Crust(B4) _ Thin Muck Surface(C7) _ Geomorphic Position(D2) Iron Deposits(B5) — Other(Explain in Remarks) Shallow Aquitard(D3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) _ FAC-Neutral Test(D5) Water-Stained Leaves(B9) _ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes No Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes No _ Depth(inches): Saturation Present? Yes ✓ No Depth(inches): 4„ Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No (includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge, monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections), if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata)- Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: DP1 Wet Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) %Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. n/a That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 3 (A) 2. Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata: 3 (B) 4. Percent of Dominant Species 5. That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 100 (A/B) 6. 0 =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: Total%Cover of: Multiply by: Sapling Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) OBL species x 1 = 1. Acer rubrum 5 Yes FAC FACW species x 2= 2 FAC species x 3= 3. FACU species x 4= 4. UPL species x 5= 5 Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 6. Prevalence Index = B/A= 5 =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50%of total cover: 2.5 20%of total cover: 1 1 -Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) E✓ 2-Dominance Test is>50% 1 Baccharis halimifolia 10 Yes FACW El 3-Prevalence Index is<_3.0' 2. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 3. 4. 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 5. be present, unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 10 =Total Cover Tree-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 50%of total cover: 5 20%of total cover: 2 approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and 3 in. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 1 Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum 30 Yes FACW Sapling-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 2. approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and less than 3 in.(7.6 cm) DBH. 3. 4. Shrub-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 5 approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 6. Herb-All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,including 7 herbaceous vines, regardless of size,and woody plants,except woody vines,less than approximately 8. 3 ft(1 m)in height. 9. Woody vine-All woody vines,regardless of height. 10. 11. 30 =Total Cover 50%of total cover: 15 20%of total cover: 6 Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) 1. n/a 2. 3. 4. 5. Hydrophytic 0 =Total Cover Vegetation El 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: 0 Present? Yes No Remarks: (If observed,list morphological adaptations below). US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region-Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: DP1 Wet Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-2 10 Y/R 2/2 SL 2-8 10 Y/R 3/3 98 10 Y/R 6/8 2 C M SL 8-12 10 Y/R 4/3 SL 'Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: Histosol(A1) _ Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(LRR S,T,U) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR 0) Histic Epipedon(A2) _ Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) _ 2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR S) Black Histic(A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(LRR 0) Reduced Vertic(F18)(outside MLRA 150A,B) Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(LRR P,S,T) Stratified Layers(A5) _ Depleted Matrix(F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20) Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) _ Redox Dark Surface(F6) (MLRA 153B) 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) Depleted Dark Surface(F7) — Red Parent Material(TF2) _ Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) Redox Depressions(F8) — Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _ Marl(F10)(LRR U) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) _ Depleted Ochric(F11)(MLRA 151) Thick Dark Surface(Al2) Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR 0,P,T) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A) Umbric Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR 0,S) _ Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _ Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A, 150B) Sandy Redox(S5) Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix(S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20)(MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) ✓ Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: Depth(inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes El No Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM —Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Project/Site: Line 475 City/County: Wayne Co Sampling Date: 10/22/20 Applicant/Owner: ELI and Piedmont Natural Gas State: NC Sampling Point: DP2 Up Investigator(s): A.Aycrigg Section,Township, Range: Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): Local relief(concave,convex, none): Slope(%): Subregion(LRR or MLRA): Lat: 35.420533 Long: -77.969864 Datum: Soil Map Unit Name: NWI classification: Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes No (If no,explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes No Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS — Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes No Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes No ✓ within a Wetland? Yes No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required;check all that apply) _ Surface Soil Cracks(B6) _ Surface Water(A1) _ Aquatic Fauna(B13) _ Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8) High Water Table(A2) _ Marl Deposits(B15)(LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns(B10) _ Saturation(A3) _ Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) Moss Trim Lines(B16) Water Marks(B1) _ Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) _ Dry-Season Water Table(C2) Sediment Deposits(B2) _ Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _ Crayfish Burrows(C8) Drift Deposits(B3) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) _ Algal Mat or Crust(B4) _ Thin Muck Surface(C7) _ Geomorphic Position(D2) _ Iron Deposits(B5) — Other(Explain in Remarks) Shallow Aquitard(D3) _ Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) _ FAC-Neutral Test(D5) Water-Stained Leaves(B9) _ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes No ✓ Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes No ✓ _ Depth(inches): Saturation Present? Yes No ✓ Depth(inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No ✓ (includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge, monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections),if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata)— Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) %Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. Acer rubrum 10 Yes FAC That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 9 (A) 2 Pinus taeda 10 Yes FAC Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata: 9 (B) 4. Percent of Dominant Species 5. That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 100 (A/B) 6. 20 =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: 50%of total cover: 10 20%of total cover: 4 Total%Cover of: Multiply by: Sapling Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) OBL species x 1 = 1 FACW species x 2= 2 FAC species x 3= 3 FACU species x 4= 4 UPL species x 5= 5 Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 6. Prevalence Index = B/A= 0 =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: 1 -Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) E✓ 2-Dominance Test is>50% 1. n/a El 3-Prevalence Index is<_3.0 2. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation'(Explain) 3. 4. 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 5. be present, unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 0 =Total Cover Tree—Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and 3 in. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 1 Glycine max 75 Yes FAC Sapling—Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 2. Polygonum spp. 15 Yes FAC approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and less 3 Toxicodendron radicans 5 No FAC than 3 in.(7.6 cm)DBH. 4 Smilax laurifolia 5 No FAC Shrub—Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 5 approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 6. Herb—All herbaceous(non-woody)plants, including 7 herbaceous vines, regardless of size,and woody plants,except woody vines,less than approximately 8. 3 ft(1 m)in height. 9. Woody vine—All woody vines,regardless of height. 10. 11. 100 =Total Cover 50%of total cover: 50 20%of total cover: 20 Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) 1 Smilax laurifolia 5 Yes FAC 2. 3. 4. 5. Hydrophytic 5 =Total Cover Vegetation 50%of total cover: 2.5 20%of total cover: 1 Present? Yes No Remarks: (If observed, list morphological adaptations below). US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-2 10 Y/R 3/4 FS 3-8 10 Y/R 6/4 SL 8-12 10Y/R 6/8 SCL 'Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: Histosol(A1) _ Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(LRR S,T,U) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR 0) Histic Epipedon(A2) _ Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) _ 2 cm Muck(Al 0)(LRR S) Black Histic(A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(LRR 0) Reduced Vertic(F18)(outside MLRA 150A,B) Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(LRR P,S,T) Stratified Layers(A5) _ Depleted Matrix(F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20) Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) _ Redox Dark Surface(F6) (MLRA 153B) 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) Depleted Dark Surface(F7) — Red Parent Material(TF2) _ Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) Redox Depressions(F8) — Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _ Marl(F10)(LRR U) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) _ Depleted Ochric(F11)(MLRA 151) Thick Dark Surface(Al2) Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR 0,P,T) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A) Umbric Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR 0,S) _ Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _ Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A, 150B) Sandy Redox(S5) Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix(S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20)(MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: Depth(inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes No Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Project/Site: ELI Line 475 City/County: Wayne Co Sampling Date: 10/22/20 Applicant/Owner: ELI and Piedmont Natural Gas State: NC Sampling Point: DP2 Wet; W2 Investigator(s): A. Aycrigg Section,Township, Range: Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): Local relief(concave,convex, none): Slope(%): Subregion(LRR or MLRA): Lat: 35.398937 Long: -77.915656 Datum: Soil Map Unit Name: NWI classification: Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes I No (If no,explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes_ No Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS— Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ✓ No Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes ✓ No within a Wetland? Yes I No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required;check all that apply) _ Surface Soil Cracks(B6) ✓ Surface Water(A1) Aquatic Fauna(B13) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8) High Water Table(A2) Marl Deposits(B15)(LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns(B10) Saturation(A3) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) Moss Trim Lines(B16) Water Marks(B1) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) _ Dry-Season Water Table(C2) Sediment Deposits(B2) Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _ Crayfish Burrows(C8) Drift Deposits(B3) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) Algal Mat or Crust(B4) _ Thin Muck Surface(C7) _ Geomorphic Position(D2) Iron Deposits(B5) — Other(Explain in Remarks) Shallow Aquitard(D3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) _ FAC-Neutral Test(D5) Water-Stained Leaves(B9) _ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes ✓ No Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes No _ Depth(inches): Saturation Present? Yes No Depth(inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No (includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge, monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Wetland appears to have been historically excavated. US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata)- Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: DP2 Wet;W2 Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) %Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. Acer rubrum 75 Yes FAC That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 4 (A) 2. Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata: 4 (B) 4. Percent of Dominant Species 5. That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 100 (A/B) 6. 75 =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: 50%of total cover: 37 20%of total cover: 15 Total%Cover of: Multiply by: Sapling Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) OBL species x 1 = 1. Acer rubrum 20 Yes FAC FACW species x 2= 2 FAC species x 3= 3. FACU species x 4= 4. UPL species x 5= 5 Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 6. Prevalence Index = B/A= 20 =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50%of total cover: 2.5 20%of total cover: 1 1 -Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) E✓ 2-Dominance Test is>50% 1 Morelia cerifera 15 Yes FAC El 3-Prevalence Index is<_3.0' 2. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 3. 4. 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 5. be present, unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 15 =Total Cover Tree-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 50%of total cover: 8 20%of total cover: 3 approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and 3 in. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 1 Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum 30 Yes FACW Sapling-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 2. approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and less than 3 in.(7.6 cm) DBH. 3. 4. Shrub-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 5 approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 6. Herb-All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,including 7 herbaceous vines, regardless of size,and woody plants,except woody vines,less than approximately 8. 3 ft(1 m)in height. 9. Woody vine-All woody vines,regardless of height. 10. 11. 30 =Total Cover 50%of total cover: 15 20%of total cover: 6 Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) 1. n/a 2. 3. 4. 5. Hydrophytic 0 =Total Cover Vegetation El 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: 0 Present? Yes No Remarks: (If observed,list morphological adaptations below). US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region-Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: DP2 Wet;W2 Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-2 10 Y/R 2/2 SL 2-8 10 Y/R 3/3 98 10 Y/R 6/8 2 C M SL 8-12 10 Y/R 4/3 SL 'Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: Histosol(A1) _ Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(LRR S,T,U) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR 0) Histic Epipedon(A2) _ Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) _ 2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR S) Black Histic(A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(LRR 0) Reduced Vertic(F18)(outside MLRA 150A,B) Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(LRR P,S,T) Stratified Layers(A5) _ Depleted Matrix(F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20) Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) _ Redox Dark Surface(F6) (MLRA 153B) 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) Depleted Dark Surface(F7) — Red Parent Material(TF2) _ Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) Redox Depressions(F8) — Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _ Marl(F10)(LRR U) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) _ Depleted Ochric(F11)(MLRA 151) Thick Dark Surface(Al2) Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR 0,P,T) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A) Umbric Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR 0,S) _ Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _ Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A, 150B) Sandy Redox(S5) Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix(S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20)(MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) ✓ Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: Depth(inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes El No Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Project/Site: ELI Line 475 City/County: Wayne Co Sampling Date: 10/22/20 Applicant/Owner: ELI and Piedmont Natural Gas State: NC Sampling Point: DP3 Wet; W3 Investigator(s): A. Aycrigg Section,Township, Range: Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): Local relief(concave,convex, none): Slope(%): Subregion(LRR or MLRA): Lat: 35.398937 Long: -77.915656 Datum: Soil Map Unit Name: NWI classification: Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes I No (If no,explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes_ No Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS— Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ✓ No Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes ✓ No within a Wetland? Yes I No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required;check all that apply) _ Surface Soil Cracks(B6) Surface Water(A1) Aquatic Fauna(B13) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8) High Water Table(A2) Marl Deposits(B15)(LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns(B10) ✓ Saturation(A3) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) Moss Trim Lines(B16) Water Marks(B1) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) _ Dry-Season Water Table(C2) Sediment Deposits(B2) Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _ Crayfish Burrows(C8) Drift Deposits(B3) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) Algal Mat or Crust(B4) _ Thin Muck Surface(C7) _ Geomorphic Position(D2) Iron Deposits(B5) — Other(Explain in Remarks) Shallow Aquitard(D3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) _ FAC-Neutral Test(D5) Water-Stained Leaves(B9) _ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes No Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes No _ Depth(inches): Saturation Present? Yes ✓ No Depth(inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No (includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge, monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections), if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata)- Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: DP3 Wet;W3 Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) %Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. Acer rubrum 75 Yes FAC That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 6 (A) 2. Total Number of Dominant 3. Species Across All Strata: 6 (B) 4. Percent of Dominant Species 5. That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 100 (A/B) 6. 75 =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: 50%of total cover: 37 20%of total cover: 15 Total%Cover of: Multiply by: Sapling Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) OBL species x 1 = 1. Acer rubrum 20 Yes FAC FACW species x 2= 2 FAC species x 3= 3. FACU species x 4= 4. UPL species x 5= 5 Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 6. Prevalence Index = B/A= 20 =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50%of total cover: 2.5 20%of total cover: 1 1 -Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) E✓ 2-Dominance Test is>50% 1 Morelia cerifera 15 Yes FAC El 3-Prevalence Index is<_3.0' 2. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 3. 4. 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 5. be present, unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 15 =Total Cover Tree-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 50%of total cover: 8 20%of total cover: 3 approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and 3 in. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 1. Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum 30 Yes FACW Sapling-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 2. Polygonum spp. 10 Yes FACW approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and less 3 Arundinaria gigantea 10 Yes FAC than 3 in.(7.6 cm) DBH. 4. Shrub-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 5 approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 6. Herb-All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,including 7 herbaceous vines, regardless of size,and woody plants,except woody vines,less than approximately 8. 3 ft(1 m)in height. 9. Woody vine-All woody vines,regardless of height. 10. 11. 50 =Total Cover 50%of total cover: 20 20%of total cover: 8 Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) 1. n/a 2. 3. 4. 5. Hydrophytic 0 =Total Cover Vegetation El 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: 0 Present? Yes No Remarks: (If observed,list morphological adaptations below). US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region-Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: DP3 Wet;W3 Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-2 10 Y/R 5/3 SL 2-6 10 Y/R 3/3 97 10 Y/R 6/8 3 C M SL 6-12 10 Y/R 4/3 SL 'Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: Histosol(A1) _ Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(LRR S,T,U) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR 0) Histic Epipedon(A2) _ Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) _ 2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR S) Black Histic(A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(LRR 0) Reduced Vertic(F18)(outside MLRA 150A,B) Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(LRR P,S,T) Stratified Layers(A5) _ Depleted Matrix(F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20) Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) _ Redox Dark Surface(F6) (MLRA 153B) 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) Depleted Dark Surface(F7) — Red Parent Material(TF2) _ Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) Redox Depressions(F8) — Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _ Marl(F10)(LRR U) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) _ Depleted Ochric(F11)(MLRA 151) Thick Dark Surface(Al2) Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR 0,P,T) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A) Umbric Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR 0,S) _ Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _ Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A, 150B) Sandy Redox(S5) Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix(S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20)(MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) ✓ Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: Depth(inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes El No Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Project/Site: ELI Line 475 City/County: Wayne Co Sampling Date: 11/5/20 Applicant/Owner: ELI and Piedmont Natural Gas State: NC Sampling Point: DP4 Wet; W4 Investigator(s): A. Aycrigg Section,Township, Range: Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): Local relief(concave,convex, none): Slope(%): 2-10% Subregion(LRR or MLRA): Lat: 35.409872 Long: -77.935903 Datum: Soil Map Unit Name: NWI classification: Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes I No (If no,explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes_ No Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS— Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ✓ No Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes ✓ No within a Wetland? Yes I No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required;check all that apply) _ Surface Soil Cracks(B6) ✓ Surface Water(A1) Aquatic Fauna(B13) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8) High Water Table(A2) Marl Deposits(B15)(LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns(B10) ✓ Saturation(A3) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) Moss Trim Lines(B16) Water Marks(B1) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) _ Dry-Season Water Table(C2) Sediment Deposits(B2) Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _ Crayfish Burrows(C8) Drift Deposits(B3) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) Algal Mat or Crust(B4) _ Thin Muck Surface(C7) _ Geomorphic Position(D2) Iron Deposits(B5) — Other(Explain in Remarks) Shallow Aquitard(D3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) _ FAC-Neutral Test(D5) Water-Stained Leaves(B9) _ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes ✓ No Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes No _ Depth(inches): Saturation Present? Yes No Depth(inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No (includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge, monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections), if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata)- Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: DP4 Wet;W4 Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) %Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1 Acer rubrum 40 Yes FAC That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 9 (A) 2. Liquidambar styraciflua 20 Yes FAC Carpinus carolineana 20 FAC Total Number of Dominant 3. p Yes Species Across All Strata: 9 (B) 4. Percent of Dominant Species 5. That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 100 (A/B) 6. 80 =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: 50%of total cover: 40 20%of total cover: 16 Total%Cover of: Multiply by: Sapling Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) OBL species x 1 = 1. Acer rubrum 20 Yes FAC FACW species x 2= 2. Carpinus carolineana 10 Yes FAC FAC species x 3= 3. FACU species x 4= 4. UPL species x 5= 5 Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 6. Prevalence Index = B/A= 30 =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50%of total cover: 2.5 20%of total cover: 1 1 -Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) E✓ 2-Dominance Test is>50% 1 Lyonia ligustrina 15 Yes FAC El 3-Prevalence Index is<_3.0' 2. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 3. 4. 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 5. be present, unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 15 =Total Cover Tree-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 50%of total cover: 8 20%of total cover: 3 approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and 3 in. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 1 Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum 30 Yes FACW Sapling-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 2. Polygonum spp. 10 Yes FACW approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and less 3 Arundinaria gigantea 10 Yes FAC than 3 in.(7.6 cm) DBH. 4. Shrub-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 5 approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 6. Herb-All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,including 7 herbaceous vines, regardless of size,and woody plants,except woody vines,less than approximately 8. 3 ft(1 m)in height. 9. Woody vine-All woody vines,regardless of height. 10. 11. 50 =Total Cover 50%of total cover: 20 20%of total cover: 8 Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) 1. n/a 2. 3. 4. 5. Hydrophytic 0 =Total Cover Vegetation III 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: 0 Present? Yes No Remarks: (If observed,list morphological adaptations below). US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region-Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: DP4 Wet;W4 Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-4 10 Y/R 3/3 SL 4-8 10 Y/R 4/3 98 10 Y/R 6/8 2 C M SL 8-12 10 Y/R 4/3 SCL 'Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: Histosol(A1) _ Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(LRR S,T,U) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR 0) Histic Epipedon(A2) _ Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) _ 2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR S) Black Histic(A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(LRR 0) Reduced Vertic(F18)(outside MLRA 150A,B) Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(LRR P,S,T) _ Stratified Layers(A5) _ Depleted Matrix(F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20) ✓ Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) _ Redox Dark Surface(F6) (MLRA 153B) 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) Depleted Dark Surface(F7) — Red Parent Material(TF2) _ Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) Redox Depressions(F8) — Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _ Marl(F10)(LRR U) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) _ Depleted Ochric(F11)(MLRA 151) Thick Dark Surface(Al2) Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR 0,P,T) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A) Umbric Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR 0,S) _ Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _ Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A, 150B) Sandy Redox(S5) Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix(S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20)(MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) ✓ Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: Depth(inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes El No Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Project/Site: ELI Line 475 City/County: Wayne Co Sampling Date: 11/5/20 Applicant/Owner: ELI and Piedmont Natural Gas State: NC Sampling Point: DP5 Wet; W5 Investigator(s): A. Aycrigg Section,Township, Range: Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): Local relief(concave,convex, none): Slope(%): 2-4% Subregion(LRR or MLRA): Lat: 35.418954 Long: -77.951509 Datum: Soil Map Unit Name: NWI classification: Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes I No (If no,explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes_ No Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS— Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ✓ No Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes ✓ No within a Wetland? Yes I No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required;check all that apply) _ Surface Soil Cracks(B6) ✓ Surface Water(A1) Aquatic Fauna(B13) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8) High Water Table(A2) Marl Deposits(B15)(LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns(B10) ✓ Saturation(A3) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) Moss Trim Lines(B16) Water Marks(B1) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) _ Dry-Season Water Table(C2) Sediment Deposits(B2) Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _ Crayfish Burrows(C8) Drift Deposits(B3) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) Algal Mat or Crust(B4) _ Thin Muck Surface(C7) _ Geomorphic Position(D2) Iron Deposits(B5) — Other(Explain in Remarks) Shallow Aquitard(D3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) _ FAC-Neutral Test(D5) Water-Stained Leaves(B9) _ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes ✓ No Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes No _ Depth(inches): Saturation Present? Yes No Depth(inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No (includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge, monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections), if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata)- Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: DP5 Wet;W5 Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) %Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1. Acer rubrum 40 Yes FAC That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 8 (A) 2. Liquidambar styraciflua 20 Yes FAC Carpinus carolineana 20 FAC Total Number of Dominant 3. p Yes Species Across All Strata: 8 (B) 4. Percent of Dominant Species 5. That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 100 (A/B) 6. 80 =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: 50%of total cover: 40 20%of total cover: 16 Total%Cover of: Multiply by: Sapling Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) OBL species x 1 = 1. Acer rubrum 20 Yes FAC FACW species x 2= 2. Carpinus carolineana 10 Yes FAC FAC species x 3= 3. FACU species x 4= 4. UPL species x 5= 5 Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 6. Prevalence Index = B/A= 30 =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50%of total cover: 15 20%of total cover: 6 1 -Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) E✓ 2-Dominance Test is>50% 1. 15 Yes FAC El 3-Prevalence Index is<_3.0' 2. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 3. 4. 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 5. be present, unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 15 =Total Cover Tree-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 50%of total cover: 8 20%of total cover: 3 approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and 3 in. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 1 Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum 30 Yes FACW Sapling-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 2. Polygonum spp. 10 Yes FACW approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and less 3 Arundinaria gigantea 5 No FAC than 3 in.(7.6 cm) DBH. 4 Smilax rotundifolia 5 No FAC Shrub-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 5 approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 6. Herb-All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,including 7 herbaceous vines, regardless of size,and woody plants,except woody vines,less than approximately 8. 3 ft(1 m)in height. 9. Woody vine-All woody vines,regardless of height. 10. 11. 50 =Total Cover 50%of total cover: 25 20%of total cover: 10 Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) 1. n/a 2. 3. 4. 5. Hydrophytic 0 =Total Cover Vegetation III 50%of total cover: 20%of total cover: 0 Present? Yes No Remarks: (If observed,list morphological adaptations below). US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region-Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: DP5 Wet;W5 Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-4 10 Y/R 3/3 SL 4-8 10 Y/R 4/3 98 10 Y/R 6/8 2 C M SL 8-12 10 Y/R 4/3 SCL 'Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: Histosol(A1) _ Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(LRR S,T,U) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR 0) Histic Epipedon(A2) _ Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) _ 2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR S) Black Histic(A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(LRR 0) Reduced Vertic(F18)(outside MLRA 150A,B) Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(LRR P,S,T) Stratified Layers(A5) _ Depleted Matrix(F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20) Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) _ Redox Dark Surface(F6) (MLRA 153B) 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) Depleted Dark Surface(F7) — Red Parent Material(TF2) _ Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) Redox Depressions(F8) — Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) ✓ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _ Marl(F10)(LRR U) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) _ Depleted Ochric(F11)(MLRA 151) Thick Dark Surface(Al2) Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR 0,P,T) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A) Umbric Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR 0,S) _ Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _ Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A, 150B) Sandy Redox(S5) Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix(S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20)(MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) ✓ Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: Depth(inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes El No Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORM—Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region Project/Site: ELI Line 475 City/County: Wayne Co Sampling Date: 11/5/20 Applicant/Owner: ELI and Piedmont Natural Gas State: NC Sampling Point: DP6 Wet; W6 Investigator(s): A. Aycrigg Section,Township, Range: Landform(hillslope,terrace,etc.): Local relief(concave,convex, none): Slope(%): 2-4% Subregion(LRR or MLRA): Lat: 35.420793 Long: -77.967930 Datum: Soil Map Unit Name: NWI classification: Are climatic/hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? Yes I No (If no,explain in Remarks.) Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology significantly disturbed? Are"Normal Circumstances"present? Yes_ No Are Vegetation ,Soil ,or Hydrology naturally problematic? (If needed,explain any answers in Remarks.) SUMMARY OF FINDINGS— Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Yes ✓ No Is the Sampled Area Hydric Soil Present? Yes ✓ No within a Wetland? Yes I No Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No Remarks: HYDROLOGY Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Secondary Indicators(minimum of two required) Primary Indicators(minimum of one is required;check all that apply) _ Surface Soil Cracks(B6) ✓ Surface Water(A1) Aquatic Fauna(B13) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface(B8) High Water Table(A2) Marl Deposits(B15)(LRR U) _ Drainage Patterns(B10) ✓ Saturation(A3) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor(C1) Moss Trim Lines(B16) Water Marks(B1) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots(C3) _ Dry-Season Water Table(C2) Sediment Deposits(B2) Presence of Reduced Iron(C4) _ Crayfish Burrows(C8) Drift Deposits(B3) _ Recent Iron Reduction in Tilled Soils(C6) _ Saturation Visible on Aerial Imagery(C9) Algal Mat or Crust(B4) _ Thin Muck Surface(C7) _ Geomorphic Position(D2) Iron Deposits(B5) — Other(Explain in Remarks) Shallow Aquitard(D3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery(B7) _ FAC-Neutral Test(D5) Water-Stained Leaves(B9) _ Sphagnum moss(D8)(LRR T,U) Field Observations: Surface Water Present? Yes ✓ No Depth(inches): Water Table Present? Yes No _ Depth(inches): Saturation Present? Yes No Depth(inches): Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes ✓ No (includes capillary fringe) Describe Recorded Data(stream gauge, monitoring well,aerial photos,previous inspections), if available: Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 VEGETATION (Five Strata)- Use scientific names of plants. Sampling Point: DP6 Wet;W6 Absolute Dominant Indicator Dominance Test worksheet: Tree Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) %Cover Species? Status Number of Dominant Species 1 Acer rubrum 40 Yes FAC That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 9 (A) 2. Liquidambar styraciflua 20 Yes FAC Carpinus carolineana 20 FAC Total Number of Dominant 3. p Yes Species Across All Strata: 9 (B) 4. Percent of Dominant Species 5. That Are OBL, FACW,or FAC: 100 (A/B) 6. 80 =Total Cover Prevalence Index worksheet: 50%of total cover: 40 20%of total cover: 16 Total%Cover of: Multiply by: Sapling Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) OBL species x 1 = 1. Acer rubrum 20 Yes FAC FACW species x 2= 2. Carpinus carolineana 10 Yes FAC FAC species x 3= 3. FACU species x 4= 4. UPL species x 5= 5 Column Totals: 0 (A) 0 (B) 6. Prevalence Index = B/A= 30 =Total Cover Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 50%of total cover: 15 20%of total cover: 6 1 -Rapid Test for Hydrophytic Vegetation Shrub Stratum (Plot size: 20 ) E✓ 2-Dominance Test is>50% 1. 15 Yes FAC El 3-Prevalence Index is<_3.0' 2. ❑ Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation' (Explain) 3. 4. 'Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must 5. be present, unless disturbed or problematic. 6. Definitions of Five Vegetation Strata: 15 =Total Cover Tree-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 50%of total cover: 8 20%of total cover: 3 approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and 3 in. Herb Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) (7.6 cm)or larger in diameter at breast height(DBH). 1 Amphicarpum muhlenbergianum 30 Yes FACW Sapling-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 2. Arundinaria gigantea 25 Yes FACW approximately 20 ft(6 m)or more in height and less 3. Lyonia lucida 20 No FAC than 3 in.(7.6 cm) DBH. 4 Smilax rotundifolia 15 No FAC Shrub-Woody plants,excluding woody vines, 5 approximately 3 to 20 ft(1 to 6 m)in height. 6. Herb-All herbaceous(non-woody)plants,including 7 herbaceous vines, regardless of size,and woody plants,except woody vines,less than approximately 8. 3 ft(1 m)in height. 9. Woody vine-All woody vines,regardless of height. 10. 11. 90 =Total Cover 50%of total cover: 45 20%of total cover: 18 Woody Vine Stratum (Plot size: 10 ) 1 Smilax rotundifolia 5 Yes FAC 2. 3. 4. 5. Hydrophytic 5 =Total Cover Vegetation III 50%of total cover: 2.5 20%of total cover: 1 Present? Yes No Remarks: (If observed,list morphological adaptations below). US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region-Version 2.0 SOIL Sampling Point: DP6 Wet;W6 Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Depth Matrix Redox Features (inches) Color(moist) % Color(moist) % Type' Loc2 Texture Remarks 0-3 10 Y/R 2/2 SL 3-6 10 Y/R 3/3 98 10 Y/R 6/8 2 C M SL 6-12 10 Y/R 4/3 SCL 'Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix,MS=Masked Sand Grains. 2Location: PL=Pore Lining,M=Matrix. Hydric Soil Indicators: (Applicable to all LRRs,unless otherwise noted.) Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils3: Histosol(A1) _ Polyvalue Below Surface(S8)(LRR S,T,U) _ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR 0) Histic Epipedon(A2) _ Thin Dark Surface(S9)(LRR S,T,U) _ 2 cm Muck(A10)(LRR S) Black Histic(A3) Loamy Mucky Mineral(F1)(LRR 0) Reduced Vertic(F18)(outside MLRA 150A,B) Hydrogen Sulfide(A4) _ Loamy Gleyed Matrix(F2) _ Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(LRR P,S,T) Stratified Layers(A5) _ Depleted Matrix(F3) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20) Organic Bodies(A6)(LRR P,T,U) _ Redox Dark Surface(F6) (MLRA 153B) 5 cm Mucky Mineral(A7)(LRR P,T,U) Depleted Dark Surface(F7) — Red Parent Material(TF2) _ Muck Presence(A8)(LRR U) Redox Depressions(F8) — Very Shallow Dark Surface(TF12) ✓ 1 cm Muck(A9)(LRR P,T) _ Marl(F10)(LRR U) _ Other(Explain in Remarks) Depleted Below Dark Surface(A11) _ Depleted Ochric(F11)(MLRA 151) Thick Dark Surface(Al2) Iron-Manganese Masses(F12)(LRR 0,P,T) 3lndicators of hydrophytic vegetation and Coast Prairie Redox(A16)(MLRA 150A) Umbric Surface(F13)(LRR P,T,U) wetland hydrology must be present, Sandy Mucky Mineral(S1)(LRR 0,S) _ Delta Ochric(F17)(MLRA 151) unless disturbed or problematic. Sandy Gleyed Matrix(S4) _ Reduced Vertic(F18)(MLRA 150A, 150B) Sandy Redox(S5) Piedmont Floodplain Soils(F19)(MLRA 149A) _ Stripped Matrix(S6) _ Anomalous Bright Loamy Soils(F20)(MLRA 149A, 153C, 153D) ✓ Dark Surface(S7)(LRR P,S,T,U) Restrictive Layer(if observed): Type: Depth(inches): Hydric Soil Present? Yes El No Remarks: US Army Corps of Engineers Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain Region—Version 2.0 WETLAND BANK INFORMATION WILDLANDS HOLDINGS 11 Wetland Mitigation Statement of Availability September 16, 2021 Piedmont Natural Gas 4720 Piedmont Row Drive Charlotte, NC 28210 Attn: Mr. Brandon Culberson, Project Manager RE: Availability of Riparian Wetland Credits for the"PNG Line 475 Relocation" project Bank Name: Falling Creek Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument Bank Site: McClenny Acres II Mitigation Site Bank Sponsor: Wildlands Holdings III, LLC USACE Action ID No. _. ___. . Riparian Wetland Credits Needed: 0.70 acres Riparian Wetland Credits Available: 7.14 acres Neuse 03020201 River Basin Dear Mr. Culberson, Wildlands Holdings Ill, LLC has the above-mentioned riparian wetland credits from the Falling Creek Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument: McClenny Acres II Mitigation Site to satisfy the mitigation requirements related to the above-mentioned project. The project is located within the service area (HUC 03020201)of the Bank. Credits may be reserved for a period of 6 months upon the receipt of a non-refundable deposit of 10% of the purchase price. Should credits not be reserved,they will be sold on a first come,first serve basis. Credit prices will be guaranteed for a period of 6 months from the date of this letter and are then subject to change. An invoice for this transaction will be sent upon your request and we will reserve the credits and price for a period of 30 days from invoice. This letter is a Statement of Availability as of the date provided—it is not a reservation of credits nor a guarantee of price. Credits will be sold on a first come,first serve basis. Final transfer of credits will occur upon completion of the Mitigation Responsibility Transfer Form within the completed 404 permit. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you with your mitigation requirements. Please contact me at (704)332-7754 x124 or if you have any questions or need any additional information. Wildlands Holdings III,LLC • Wildlands Engineering,Inc • 1430 South Mint Street,Suite 104,Charlotte,NC 28203 WILDLANDS "nit Sincerely, L')\-A-j-/ Ashley N. Yarsinske Wildlands Engineering, Inc. Marketing& Credit Sales 0: (704)332-7754 ext. 124 M: (757) 572-5269 Cc: Mr.Alex Aycrigg, PWS, Project Manager I Froehling& Robertson, Inc. Ms.Samantha Dailey,Regulatory Project Manager I USACE Ms. Kim Browning, Mitigation Project Manager, Regulatory Division I USACE Wildlands Holdings III,LLC Wildlands Engineering,Inc 1430 South Mint Street,Suite 104,Charlotte,NC 28203 PROJECT PLANS J / \ .\ I / p0 / lN / // \ \ \ // LOp � ��' // O 125, \ \ / / 1,.., /00 PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 1 (TEMPORARY) \ /-- - - /// \\ \ \\ / O � SEE SHEET PNG-C-475-0001082 FOR CONTINUATION —/ O TCE LOD I / / PROPOSED CAROLINA COMMERCE DR / I \ \\ \\ v i - LO // i v �p0 / REGULATOR STATION/LAUNCHER I I / D p - - - - � I/ / I \ \\ C\ (1 \ <// I // I O I \ (II- _ /oQyQP do \ \ \ N \ LbtF\ \ / Op / / a . > 0 )* 7 \ .� I LOp I \. 0-4 �� � �',<. /� ��\G� ,o°I° / � � �h 1 oo \ � � — \ � CLOD L. / ". / ^ I 1 1 �► ?�x o\\ SFO S'F N\ � LOD / PROPOSED 8" STEEL 1 N 00 I. ` _ o �H ' � _ START S� / PROPOSED HDD 1 \ / GAS LINE \ \ N �+ O D — RA- p \ I PROJECT / v/ \ LOD LODL / pp \ \v 4) \ / yji- c \ / — N 0 L I I I / \ / �, V\\N7\\ / — N + o D I 14Q \ LOD ?O / coO \i \\ , TCE LOD LOD LOD T LODLOD LOD \ xoo / N + o L�F ( J( i s \ �, / � \ \ I o LOD D \ , T \ \ I I N A / 0 J I I koo / / \ / i 1 \ \_ N / o+ / \ �.`5C \ ��LQ�— • Off_ • I I I // I I I I I / 7yx� \\ \ \ // CI \ 1 �_ L�. LOU ' LOU LOI / SF SF SF \ \ \ / LOD —SF LOD/ ' SF LOD SE LOD S LOD LOD LOD \ \ \ 1,/ \ — LOD �E— LOD �E— LOD 2 / N \ 005� // H LOD = LODES LOD SF —/ \ \ LOD SF • \\ °I° \ \ �� �yl� \ , — — — / .� l / \I \ ® 7 \ 0 1 ( l i �� \ <� 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \ \ ,1 • J \ O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0ct 0 0 ( \ \ \ NX /\ \ O N \ 00 G �` O - .� O o \ + 0 r T T r r r r r \ N\ \ �- N \ I I _ 9��1 N M v O r r - \ 1 1 \ — \ \ b / // 11 11 \\ \ / \ \ \ / I N �4 \\ \ \ _ /�'� / i / / \ \\ \ \\ \ � \ N\ /l _ \ -. \ r \40\ / \ 1 2`' -� / I / / N \ \ \\ \ � \ \ \ \ / / // ID v r --, _ix- \ ,7 \ ,--,1 V / 1 2F// \ \ \ ?s- - -- / N \ —\ / / \ /, / N\ \ \ \\ \ \N NN // / / / \ 7 \ 1 c \ \ _ \ \ \ / / \ \ \ \ \ / 7 \ \ / / / \ \2 / I I / / / / \ \ \ — ,\ / / I \ / /— / I \ \ /fa \ 7 \ , 7 / I / _ _ _ / / \ \ NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) \ \\\ / \ // — — — — ` // / , / \ I GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) N I - - _ / / _/ \ \ \ \ \ 100 0 50 100 200 \ \ \ \ / / � \ / \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ 7 / / / // J \> / / -�� \ \ \\ \ 1 inch= 100 ft. \ / \ \ / / \ \ \\\\\ \ \ PERMANENT / / /— N \ \\\ \ \ . s " N\ t ) I / < \ — 7 7 --- " ,_ -_, / / / ) I ' , \ \ \ / / / \ pO \ / NOTE: \ \\ \\ ) IMPACT AREA / / / / `-� I / / / / // ' \ \\tii \\ i / / \ / 1, TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND \ \\\\1\\ \\� \ J ( / / / /N \ \` J 7 % j/// — \ I I 1 / / / // I / ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED \ 1 I I 1111 1 1 1 \ \ 0.29 ACRES / // / / / \ \\ / / / l I I / / / / 7 \ / 1 \ - / J TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. I I I I I I I \ / / / / — \\ \ — / / 77 / _ I I I / / / 7 \ _ _ I / / / /� \ / / \ I 1 I / \ PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 1 (TEMPORARY) / I - 7 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS I I I I I III I \ \ \ \ \ — // / _ \ TCE I I I I / / / / \ \ ► \ \ \ � / \ �/ ` SEE SHEET PNG-C-475-0001082 FOR CONTINUATION I \ _ — _ ' IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNERS 1 I I I I I I I 1 \ \\ ,O` — — / / / / / / / — \ \. \ �/ i �v ' ��� \ \ I 1 \ 1 I J 7s� / i ^ / \ \ — — _ _ — r AND TENANT FARMER'S(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. \\o\\ \ \ — _ _ / / / // PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 2 (TEMPORARY) I / / / / 1 LOD \ 6'0 — 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM o \\ \\�\\\ \\ — — / // // SEE SHEET PNG-C-475-0001073 FOR CONTINUATION // / / / / / AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND \\ °\ — — — — / // — - / / / / \ \\\\\ g \ — _ _ // / — / / / / / / / <00 — ^ PULL BACK AREA FOR HDD / ( TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING \ \\ \\ \\� ^ _� _ — — _ ��%� \ , ^ ti �7/ // / i 7`� / / / / l / / i l LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL \ \ \\ \� WETLAND W1 �/ -- >> / / / / / — r / / /N. _ ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. LOD \ SF NN ' - _ — — — — —— — — — — 2 / / / / / / / / / \'/ � I / OO \ 1 \��\`� '� ` ' \ \\ \� � � - - - - - '/ � � STREAMS2 / / \ 1 I \ \ — — ' JH — LOD / SF / �/ / / / / / / / / I / \---- L LOD OD J v'6+ \, <00 I / I I III\I\\\\\\\\I TWC JH \ \� — — _ � / ) L �/ / // % // // / p p — LA. � LOD _ i (�S — / � ( I LOD LOD bLOD LOD xOO �J `O� I / II III \\\\ \\\\ 1 ' / \ SWC \ - . . `-,-.•`- -`-+ •..%" % ✓. . 1----- - -_-- --- i / % / —rL O xoo ( ( I LOD LOD \ / i I I I I I 1111\\1\1 TSC . - �'.�-.. . . _ . .` `I . . . . /.��_; •i % /� i/ / H� N co ti� \ \ / \ D L LOD �D/ • O ��.C©b `t0 .�lL'OD. �� „_ — — / / 11.11110101111 I .�* ,o I 1,0• . _7 ,r rob; o• . . .�:.L`8 •'��/ _ _ // _i 1 / LOD r LOD LOD 6� / rtOD \ 1 L0 - Y +..-. LOCP\ \, LOD \ / I I I 1 1I 1 I -1.rt •.I`. .\-`. . - 1` - . `� =_ — ' , ' , r/ Tom/ �/ — — ' �// / I SF .D/� SF /� CT 1 / \ I 1 iI lI III -.{:`. .1`.`.`.`.`1`. . .`/ `!i — / / // _ F — �ZSF . — SF p��iLJ , JH — / / � \ / III I I - - %y /� � — / 1i // � � � / / / _ - t L am— LO N. 8 8 s , O//LOD / \� l /, I I l lI I I L- ��.J : /. . . .`. %` /i ,_ - - ^ -- s , , / i l ( v c_L ____ , / /`yam / �IJO 00 �� \O j/// /// lI III I . . . . . . /. - -I �// // //� � . PROPOSEDHDD2 \ I I / �- � _ - - v iv o co Z l xoo \ o c o 0 0 0 ) ////�/%//l/Ill ( -` �. .�I .- -- l ill /�// ^ ^ — — �� � /o _ / SFO I JH LOD SF - 0� i 0 / o o / ' 0 I �4� \ + / o o o o // //� / /- .I - - . ..........4.``��// / // / 115' , � o / � x \ 1 1 to I / o � � o o+ to in / ^, ` < < O ch 00 o N / / / //// //. . .0. Y //1 / , — ., ✓ + i r� 1 o \ \ �0 i0 / � � SFO — a'//i ///////i // `.�.. .�.. . . . ., 'l`. . . _ .1 lli, , .- - - \ / I I 1 1 1 / CD I I \ _ a \I \ xoo � � PROPOSED8" STEEL / � � / � / O" _ - - - -_� i /%//j j/ �.�-%•`%/�-`'. .+.+.`.'�`.+ `�++ .; HOWELLB�ANCHS1 _ = � � — _ _ _\\ \ 1 / l c� / / ,�23 7/ m I \ do 1p\ O / / �, y' %/// /// . .j. -��• - ...� ` . . ./�/ l/ // j / / — - — \ ` � � / 1 / h cn I \ \ O <O GAS LINE �p O"N / ��, i � / , i % �'/, ./-.'.'� .`t. . . . . . .� + / //� / / /� � - - � ' 120- \ � ' / / //// �'(1. ►2 co c CV \ \ \ `� O �. o / / // /� % / / ,-� %�%� ��, . - -j- /- . . . S/ lll///l l 6"V// / � , �i//// n --I I N \ o \ / C / �'1 / / / // , v � ��i � 'i /v / / l 11111 / / / , - - - ^ ,,, � '� / / _ -° I c� \ \ x / / / % i / i / / i / l l l/ l / / - / — r z \ 1 ®\ I O / � / / 5� i// / /// / / // / I / // l 1/ lll \ / / / zQ I O / �. x O / / / / ' / / / / I / Q J \ O / °o 4,, // //j \O / �/ , � �////// j/, „. �i / � \\ / /l /�///// /lllll/ lll l / / '\- - �. / \ / \a _ \ oo / ® / O / � // / �� � ^O / / j /� / / / / /// /// / // /1 / / \ \ / _,, o, o 0 / Q �\ \ do // <pO \,O O �� �� / / �/ //� //i// /// /��'// � � / // �� I 1 I / //�///�//// / �//II /// / lll \ �, /) \\ / � � , \ \ \ \// / / / / / / / / / I / \ \ I -, I \ \ / o / / / / / / I / \ w 1tiO // — _ . �O / / /� SFO___ // ////� / / / /�/ �/ // I — ` (l \ , ` � � /l / ///l/ 1 / � I I / I I (I 1 \ � — \ I \11 \ ?. / / / / / ) \ 1 // / lI II NOTE: \\ / �O / / / / / / / /� / / / // / / \ / J I II l \ O / / / / / / /� -� _ o`\' / p�` // i / l l l l I THE 20 FT WIDE LOD ALONG THE HDD IS A CONTINGENCY MEASURE / I 1 \ \ - — -121- z- " O / / / / //� / / / / / / / / '` / /o/ / / ONLY. IF ACCESS IS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE HDD PROCESS,A \ / \ o / / / / // / / �/ / \ / / //////// / '// /^�j / /c�� / TEMPORARY WETLAND CROSSING AND/OR TEMPORARY STREAM \ 0 / / 1 I \ \ x • / / 7 / / � / �o / / / / / / � � /� // / / 7 / \ \ / -/ /4 // / / // // / / � / / / \ \ DITCH RPW1 / x _ _ 7 / / / / / __ / / / ' ` / �' // / // / / / / CROSSING SHALL BE UTILIZED FOR THE AFFECTED AREA. IN ADDITION, \ / I / \ \ \ / /* Off' / / / Z. /j//� — ' / / // / / \ N / // / // / / // / / SILT FENCING SHALL BE UTILIZED ONLY AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT I I \ \ / // �,/� — / //:7/7/ //// // //� //// / / ) / I) / ////////// / /�/// / ///// / MIGRATION OF HDD MATERIALS. \ -� (I \ \ ` / // /// // // / i / �/ / / I 111 /11 /IlI// / / / / / // - - ' \ \ 1 \ \ \ \ 0/ 0 /® \ _ / / / / /// / / I 1 I I/ / / \ - NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) \ \ /\2 / / \ — — — — ' // / // /// // / / , / / I 11 I /// /// / / GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) I 1 \ / / SFO � � � ' /////i/i /�/// // / I I II 11111/// / / / /// �\ \\ �L 100 0 50 100 200 z \ I \ \ / — / / / / / / / ' — / Ill ► ////)/ / / I \ \ / / \ , _ � � /// /// /�// / 1 // ll) I1111/I11/ / / // / / \ 1 a ( \ \ .1\o/ / / // �/i / / / ,/ \ / i////)////,////// / /ll , ,/ \ 1 inch = 100ft. o PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 0, CARO PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 0e (:) ss/0ti. : =a°QQ- -7 -7 = NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)019 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN , ju � A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 _ REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED .°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN '�`�%° tiG I NEB °°`� � ° DATE INITIALS off? DUKE Piedmont ,, ,� �, C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL JB WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH ��,I Natural Gas DRAWING NUMBER REVISION %,�kEITH° �`' D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL JB WKG DC DRAWING BY JB REC &STD ENERGY DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001072 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL A PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCH STAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER ) / / I / / / / / \_ : - - ' I — - - I/ — — ) — — \� \�- \ / / /� / / ��_ — / - \ � � � \ I I I / / / / - — — > 1 ` I \ \ \ \ I // / /� � / // �122 - - --, I /l /i N / _ _ _ - I- 1 I \ I / / / / -0.1/6% / / /— N \ ^ _ / / � i ) / / / 1 I / I J I // \ 1 ► / / l l / \ l / // / / / \ \ \ ' ' -- �'. ' '-- — � �/ / / / / I 1 \ I / / \ I I / / / / i / 1 / \ l / / / \ \ \ / / , / / I / / — 1 I / — \ ( 1 / I / N � / / ///j / \ \\ � '/ 7 ' 7 7// - - \ I // // 7 // 1 N - \\ ( / \ PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 3 \ l\ \ -/ / / I I l MATCH jNF \ / N I / / / / / - ��\\ � � / / /�,/ ( III / / / / ` mi / (PERMANENT) \ \ / / I l • �$+0$ <OnF \� - - � I I I PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 2N/ / / / \ � / — — 77. \ \ \ 1 \ I. I I ���. s� I I ) i ( / / I / •. �78.#.40,c,p,oh // \ 1 \ / / // \ \ \ / \ 1 I \ 3 _ (TEMPORARY) \ 7o I I \ - �� I / \ • C /�/ , ,- � \ \ , � _, /� I I l / ) 1/ 1 /"o / � \ of I I / `D6 \ � _ _ _ �/ ,/ / '' < � � '— / / ' / / / / / / / / I \ I I l / / I - \ / '�� / ' /-� - / // _ \ I ( \ TCE I I / \ / /// < % -- \ ---\ %/— '�, / / / � ' `� / / / / / / / / // I I JH LOD \ LOD I / / ,� . 1 •O � \ 1 / / / // o / / / / / I / __ Ora — 1 �� / PROPOSED 8"STEEL I • \ o \ \ • - ( /— _ / j/� / , / / / / / v \ _ I- \ / GAS LINE �� N <O < = LOD SF / � ' / ' / / / / I - tO — — — \— I L . / ��+pp O . — 17- s / / / / / LOD SF / — — TCE — — —� 1 — ti / I o < \ < 7._,.--:.__.--. W _ � ' i ' / / / / / / �. LOD L g I I ` �O / / `3 °O SQ / / / �S �S 1 I 1 / / oo `1. F` �. / co o �� . ___ -- *-1.- --411 , . - - - - N 7 / 76100 03 0 / / ' / ' _ - ssF / / -7 SF L____' �- L��p o < a oo 4Op• L1 - SF SF - ' SF / LOD SF7........o + < _ Ii I f <° N 0"- SFO ���s / / -/ COD L sSFLOD Lf3D LO[D I \ o o + oo O \ - - }► a Iw`Y' O �n \\ / I -� ' ' SFO ' ' LOD SF \ / \ o b o 0 cfl COw <°, • / oo ` I o Op o Q -8W N N / I I I ( i ' ' `M ucn / ' `00n I I co `? - I I *�Q� �• .� l / ' `bh <O vc7i - \ / / o j / - / m `n / \ I \ I / io ® < <°�F `L4' / o-----.*.v O - * / co / / 1,, 2 > I 1 / / ,� / co o —i i // / ^`1' m n \ \ I PROPOSED PATETOWN ROAD BORE I / `gip ^ oo / 09, o < cr Ki % �/' / ��� 2 co \-4. 2% (SEE SHEET PNG-C-475-0-001061) / 0. Oo N <° So ^xo b / / G�1 m CO / \ I PROPOSED PATETOWN M ®\ aJ"lio // (I i / cn I II N \ \ \ REGULATOR STATION / s oo\\ S. ( /L\ i ' I \ _ o I I I I _ _ \ _ — 1 \ x / \ /) 1 1 I /// o I I I 1 I I ' // I\ ^� I <OO DITCH RPW2 / \ 1 / o / — 1\ I I / ) I // / // \ // 1 \ \ I ^' r I I // I / / / I / Qz `- \ / N \ I I I / f I / / / // '��D' / — / ' a , — — _ \\ I \ I \ I I I / / J I I / �/ /// / � — ) // _ \\\ / / / ,- —� �I \ \ \ \ I ) / ( 1 + / N ` / / I / J I / / / NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83 2011 I `\ \\ / 1 / I I //\ // / ( // \ \ 1 // / / I 1 // // / // _ / ' \ N N // GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)( ) - - 1 \ \ \/ // 1 / I I / \ / / - -' \ / ✓ / // / / / / N 1 100 0 50 100 200 � N \ \ \ / \ / I I �/ 7 / --- // // � \ ( I �// / / / // /// \ / \ / 1 / \ \ \ \ I / / / / / — — 1 inch= 100 ft. \ I / \ \ \ \\ \\\\\\\\, \ \ s\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1` /\ 1 / ( / I I ' I / l, / ' / \ / � - I' / / / / 2 NOTE: \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ / \ / / I I 1 I 1 / I I / / / I I I \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ \ / / // / \ 1 / / / - 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND CUT AND I I I I I \ \\ \�\\\\ \ \ \\ \\ N N \\ N \ ( I� ' - / // / / I I 1 1 ////://////://1/1//j(11//L1 I I / // / // / / / //\ ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \N \ \ \ \ l / / / // // I I I 1 / / / / // // / / // / /\ 1 / - -124- - TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. I I 1 \1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I / / / / / /C 1 I I I ) \ 1 J J 1 \ \\ �\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \� / / / /// I I I I / / � / / // / / — / / / / / / I 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS I I I 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / / / / / / I \ IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNER'S / I I I I I I I I I ) \ 1 I ) I \ \\ \ \ \ \\\ \ \\ \ \ \ PERMANENT / ( / / / I l / / /// ////// / / //'�' ' " / // / / / / / 1 / ` � ' / / I / // / / ) \ \ \ IMPACT AREA ( 1 � � / / // // - / 1 / i\ \ AND TENANT FARMER'S(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. / / / IJ / /// / / / / / \ \ \\ \ ` \ \ ` 0.25 ACRES IIlI \ // / // // l / / / /3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM / / / / / /// // / / I I \ \ \ - - / / / \ I I ( ( ( r 1 \- AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND / // / / / // //////// / / / / i ' / 1 I \ \ \\ \ \ 1 \ / \\\ `\\ \ _ //// //// \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1_ - - 1 \ TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING / // / / / / h/ //�/ / / / / / / \ \ \ \ 1 \ I `- ' / \ \ \ \ \N\2j1( \ ` ///� / \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ I I 1 LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL LOD SF JH / / / / / / /�` ° / / / / / / I 1 1 -3.77%1 \ \ \ WETLAND W2 \\ \\\\ - \ \ \ °J° / / / / // // / / / / / / / I �� / \ \\ _ - - 2TS;CTR\EIA(M(/)S\5 \ I1 \ 0�6 ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. / L L D LO // ////// / / / / / I \ I \ \ \ - - %` // / \ \ \\:1/:;:;:i - =__- ;/1: \ \ 17 gp Q /// / I I I / / \ 1 / / \ \ _ \ � \ \ \ / or SF _ F / / // /// // / 1 I I / /' // / / / \ 1 \ \ � % ' /' � - - ) — - � � \ \ 1 \\ 1\ - - - , / ' v // // / / / ////// / I I I / / / / I I N \ _ / - - - � � 1 \\ J- - - - �/ / / / // I ( I I I / I / / I 1 I 1 — / / TA4 � \\ \ 1 \ / / / I II I / ( I ) ) I I / / / ► 1 I �� _ _ �/ / / o �\ I I \ \ I ( / o� I/ / cirn8L\\\\\\\\\\\':_\c\\\1\\\\\'\ \ \ \ \ 1 I 1 / / / / ( l � r ` / � ; \\ \ \ _2j \ ci _z� \ � / / I � \ I I I ILOD ' SF \ / '� ' • i" - - / J / � _ - - -_ ; \\ I I mo / o ' \ / / I \ \ \\ \ \ \ I l \ \ J H \ \\ "/ i' TSC _ • •l. / / / ' / / / — — - �/ I I I \ _ / � LOD SF / / I \ \\\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ I .�, � T � ' ll' / / - � � / J / TSC / / f _ - - - N ,_ -/21 1II L L D LO LOD LOD LOD / / ` s (� \ - _ , :1"Q pp Lo / s .14 \ "•. - .• r L,b i . �� L,OD " LQt�•"��\L • L •;: ,�Lop,��� L2 ���W SF SF 5F �F SF SF SF/ / I / I \ I \ I , I ,�]1 �_ :,,), _/-� -A LJ -� \ E'hD\ dI� v. `1 I',. oI ? • ,L{� Ir �,.LOaD �'',L�. �\t:" L- G i / \ \ a \ / _ — i • / I I I III / 1 \ \ \ J 1 / / / / I / �: -`• — = —• - �•'�• I I ) 1 // — /// \ \ 1 1 15k/o1 III / / J / / / - � / 10510 _ - / \ \ / / / / , • / ��® / / / 1 / / \ - o LOp L ' ir"' I /' � � // / / / / /// / // ///// / / / / ' I I I •1 --I. , o . • • •, •/: /// / / o� �6 \�✓ \ �\ \� / _ ' \ SF +00 1 1 / o / o / / / / / / / / / / I 1 0 \ - o o ///// // /o /o� - � � o \ \ \ � - o c 78400 $ _ - - - - - - J �� � ' O o / //�/ / / // / o/ / o I O + + + / / / / '*- - - / di _ \ +3 i \ \rt. \\ / a ls� � c LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD LOD rOD \ _ 0 �/ /// / / `c' / / / ) 7J o� I r r r //�-////// // rct- — / r i — N\r\ \ \ \ r / E-lg� • D LOD d 0 0 0 LOD 0 J / - / //// /7/// / / / I / / / %//�/ // // 110\ �� �I \ \ \ �m - / MP�CHL\ _ , N J LO LOD o 0 4) ,+n CO+ C+o I o� / / / �119" - _ - 'ii/ /// /f / I / // // / / / / / 1 / ,(�/ / / / / / / i i � - \ \ � � I ) / \ I Cn o 00 0 (+' / M CO CO CO CO \ o+o\ / / �/ _ - - _ ��� //// / /( I / / 2 / / I I / ;� / �/ // / � ' - ' _ . I \\\ o0 1Z4OOo / 0 00 / ' PROPOSED 8"STEEL GAS LINE \ / / l / / / — j j// I I i I I I I // // // / �So PROPOSED HDD 3 ) '�/ / j,b // oo //// / / i ' / ' \ \ \\ \\ �/D _1RI\ / 0 ' 1 0 0 \ \ I I i I / /// 1� �� �// 1 I i I I I I 20'LINE OF SIGHT LOD I Il ///////// ///i:Y / / // /' / -774 \ \ N - _ _ - n z \ \I I il 0 / ) / 1 I I I / / ,1 / / / I •1 \ • \ ' I ( _ l 1 1 I l l / /' ' /' J / / I 1 I 1 1 I I \ / ` /7/t /7 77 / /�/ / // 1 I _ _ — — — 9 / I I \ , o \ I I ( e 8 ° �/ / l / / / / ' / / / / / / o I I I 1 o I I I I I / /0' / r / ���// / / `^ // / 1 - - - �m � 1 I I \ \ o I / / / / / / / / 1 1 I I I ( / // / // ( III / \ , _I �_ I \ / I I ) J / / / / / / I / / �10 / / , / I I T III / I f / I / '16 / I / / // / / I / / < , / II I / I // O f 11(I I 111 \I I\�1\I ( \ / '/ °+° o / \ > / I I / / //// /// ( I I / / \ \ \ I 1 I I I 1 \\ \ I / / \ l �llll\\I\\` \\\ \\ \\ ` ` / / ' / o - - 7 , ' • \ \ / / I ( / / / / I I / ( I 1 1 \ . ( \ I \ \ V\ \ \ \ \\\\ \ \ \ \� / I J • o \ 1 / / � N I I I I I I I 1 I I I I (\ ( \ \\ \ I I I \ \ \ \ \ \\ \11 \\ \ \\N\\\ \\ \ / — _�/ \ - / I / / N I I_1 L \ `\ \ `\ I I 1 I 1 \ `. \ 1l I \\\ I\ \ \ \ �\\ \ \ \ \ 4, .. .. .. .,. �%I \ \ �54100 _0� // _ _ — — I 1 I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I 1 INOTE: I III 1 I / / ) I\ \ \� \ \ \ /I II \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ITHE 20 FT WIDE LOD ALONG THE HDD IS A CONTINGENCY MEASURE111 /,/ 0 1 _�_ _ / - \\ I I 1 J J \ \ \ \ \ / ) I I 11 , / / � / / ► 1 \\ \ \ \ J ONLY. IF ACCESS IS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE HDD PROCESS,A I I / / / G- - - / • I c� _ / I I I I1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / ) I TEMPORARY WETLAND CROSSING AND/OR TEMPORARY STREAM \ II I II/ / / / / / / / \ �/ _ �' / I I 1 1 \ \ \ \ � / / / I 1111 //// / / / // // \ OI - _ / I ( 1 I I I \ \ \ \ \ I I / CROSSING SHALL BE UTILIZED FOR THE AFFECTED AREA. IN ADDITION, I 1111I 111/ / / / / // // / \ 1 I \ \ I I \ \ I 1 / / / / / / / SILT FENCING SHALL BE UTILIZED ONLY AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT - - I I I I I I I / '/ // / \ NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) 1 / 1 I I ` \ / / / MIGRATION OF HDD MATERIALS. 1✓ III 11 I 1 I / '' '' / ' GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) N \ 1 11 1 \ l l Ill l / l / / / 1 I I III\I\III \ I I ( // // 7 — Lo• 41 ( \ \\ I 11 1 J \\ \ Ij / II ( / / 11 / // / 11 ( / 7 / \ I II \I \\ 1III ( / / ,00 0 50 ,00 200 ` 1 \ II II \ \ \ \ \ \ I\ I I I II / I I I 1 / / / I I II IJ 111 \\\\\\\\\\\III(1 I I I 1 inch= 100 ft. I11 \ \ 1 PROPRIETARY&CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 ,�\\‘. CAROB'''%, PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE *TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 =off°o�Ess io i, • Q- **-3 NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)020 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN i �S ju_a - A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/0612021 SUPERSEDED °.°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER 2I '< ° Al 1 N � °°`� �` DATE INITIALS i( DUKE Piedmont E PSC P LAN G C 06/14/2021 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL JB WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH NU1 DRAWING NUMBER REVISION /M °°°°°°°G ..\'` ENERGY- Natural Gas '',,,,,,KEITH` D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY JB REC &STD GOLDSBORO, NC PNG —C-475-0001073 D STATION ID DATE INITIALS PRINCIPAL A PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCH STAMP CHECKER INITIALS 1 INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER / / // / / ti \ /� l / / / , / / / / 1 ) I I 1 \ // / �,e' �S / I I 1 \ \ / - - / / // // / / I 1 1 I /' / / // / // / / / / 1 I I \ / yo / '� 9° \ \ \ / / / / L — // // / / 1i III / — / // / / / / // / / / 1 1 1 \ / _ _ \_ 0 / o \ / �v \ \ / / / \ / / ////// %/ // / / / // // / // / // / / / / / \ \ ._ � / / DITCH RPW3 \ 00 YO �00 I / / 1 / I I \\ I ) ` ( / ( \ 1 / / / ///// / / - / / / I / / / EXISTING ACESS \ \- ' c� Y' / l I I( \ I I 1 1 ( 1 / / // / / / // // / / l I / / \ - - / / / / \ / oo/ /'' / / \ l / / Cr) ` / / / 1 I I \ ,� ///// (/ I/(/ ( (/ /'/� / '\ - / ( / m \\ \\ \1 1 STREAM S5 \ // / _ . 5� •e i / / / 1 I 1 \ 11 �// \ \ \\�\ \ STREAMS4 \\ cn D N \\ \\ \ l\ I i SFO \\ ^Ri/ / \ / �/ - I 1 / \ / I / \ \\ \\� \\ \ \ m _ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ` SF SF -� SOD t,' / Il \ - N /l / \ ( // \\ \ \ ; \ \z •I\ \\ \\ \ \ SF o I I I / / / - I ) / � J 1 \� \ — 1�\\ �� m' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ✓ -119• - \ I 1 / / / / / // / - - f / \ ��' 000�\ \ \ 1 \ \ \\ \ \ \ O� \ / r-sF (00 / / / l PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 4(TEMPORARY) f / /, I 1 // 0T. 0�\ N \ \ S� UQ STREAM S6 / / SEE SHEET PNG-C-475-0001083 FOR CONTINUATION — / / / / / \ / / / ' /. '�- � � - _ - \off \ \\ I 1 / 1 \ N \ \ \ 1 1 /� � � / I ! // '723 /• /� A /- -126 - � / r / / - - ,� I / f ( / �/ /' / - - = \ .� J/ III I I / I \ �\ \1 ul \ \ I I I / \gypQJ1 LOD SF 1 JH 1 SFO \ / / / - / II / / / , — — \• ` _/2 1 I I .. \ '',.D ) 1 I I / J'FIL , I / V I � I I \ II I I / 1 �- - _ -- / // / / •.a 7.D �_-_h1�. v':��= aD / I I I I \ O� LODE—� \ I\ I J I ' I \ I 1 I I \ ry �' .� t' • \ -- 1 I / / I I / - _ _ � TSC 1 / � / \ \ / / \\ � \ I \ / 1 1 I \ _ / ,TSC ~' \ \ 1 1 i / -" — \ � \ TWC LOD I I SFO / //( / / / / \ - N J� // uQ \ - - / `\� \\ \\ \I \ LOD ' I I �' \ 1 °I° / \ \ \ 1 I / / - - LOD ''���p / I I - -I_ \ _ LOD SF JH \ \ \ \ j//r \\ \ � \ �51 \ � \ - TSC SF JH I / / / / ,0'- / _ _ I II-\ - - _ / / �105 N ` - \ - - 0 I I / o p / ' ✓// / 11D S LOD �� L -VO77-7_SF LOD - - ' I �� F I �\ I -LOB r O� LOD LO� I�� (� � L- i / \ \ - \ \ \ I \ -�\ orb ) I / M �Q- / O 1. / / I \ \ -ICI1 I\ �6� - \\off \\ \ � \ + \ - + moo/ /� ^ - / / ' / o I / / / / / � \ / � .� � / N\ \\ \ � _ - _ I \ I I \ \\ - - \ 138+Up g _ _ / ', _ \ \ w+ \ \i\ \ ' o 0 - / � / / � � -. \ l l / / ^ / / +o / / / 7 \� // \ �\ \ \ / I I / -/ i`-SE OD F -�\ N\ \ N �� _ - � '�'i - \ '� g \ \ \ \\� ' - - - - / / // - - \ / I l / I / I ^ 71 /r o/ % 0 / 0 \ — SF LOD SF LOD SFLOD S OD CLOD SCUD LO� L\O� LQD�� LOD \ _ - - 7 -110 N \ \��_-,I 1 1 \1 / - / ' /' 1 \ \ A I // I / I I I / ' 1 + / o \ • I ) LOD / \ I \ \ JH \ I \1 \ LOD SF L 1 1 \ / \ I ___________2_-: / / _ _____71 • / / \ •\ , ` \ / o / , - ^ \ \ \ x-o / N / \ 0 0/ — if 0 0 0 I o \ o+ \ +\ + +cn \ 0 vt 0 00 \ bo J / / / \ \ \ \ — — / \\ \ \ \ / 1\ \ // / \\ \ I N N // N N N I N — N N \ m M M / , I a ta 39+a0 0 N i / /, �1 \ \\ - _ - - - \ I 1 / / \ - - / PROPOSED HDD 3 / WILSHIRE WAY / /' \ J r r �- \ r ` r r \\ r \\ r r r / r �p r \ lest; \N. a /' / 4 \ \ - - - - - // I 1 I / \ �° /� / / -� `�' \ - \ _ N \ o // // 1 1 - _ I I I I / I \ /^ / 41- // / \ -1.12% /\ STREAM S7 \ I \\ r'cr // / 1 II z 1 N\ \ / I N � � - - - �� 1 I r \ 1 I /' /, / / I I '1 \ �22 `J� \ ( _� N , m I \Ki \ / - , J / / , / / / / \ / / \ ( J \ \ _ �/- \ /) / / / / / / / \ / / / II I N\ \ \ ' / — \ // / I / / / / / \ I 1 1 PROPOSED 8 STEEL GAS LINE / 1 I I �\\\ \ / - - - � � °' / / // // / /l // / // / // \\ \ 1 I` _ -, I \\ \ l I\ \ \ , %0i I \ \ / ' \ \ // w / / / / / / / — \ \ \ I \ \ \\ \ \ " — / / j \11 / - - / / /' // /' // / // �/ \. \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \� \ \\ / ,/ r /ct ci ' // // // / , / / / /' \ \ \\ // \ �\ \\\ \ I I 1 / 'j %�i/ \\ o / / / 7 / // / // / / / / \\ \ \\ \I \ 7 \ \\ \ \ 11 1\ I \1 / / / / \ / NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) /'� �' ` / - - - / / / // / / / // /' / / /) ` ) I I 1 \ I / \ cV / I 1 I ) I / GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) ( / I \ / / / / / / / // // / ,' / , I I \. - - \ I\ \ I I / / ^ 1 N 1 M 100 0 50 100 200 I \ / / / / / / / / \ \ 1 / I I I I I / L. I I I \ _ 1I - I /v �/ // /� \ / / /' _ - � ' l I ` \ \\ / / I I f inch= 100ft. \ 2 ,\L' / J N \ - - / v // / / / / / / / / / \ I I1l/l/'l/// / / / /' ,/,/ / / ' ' �`Lco / / / / 7 - ' NOTE: / — _ �/ / / / / / /// // / / / / / / / II I /// // / / / ^4�' // / // // / / / / / / \ \ II ( // / / / / / / / / / _ / N✓ - - I /- \ . 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND / - - - /j j/ / ////�j / / / / I I I I// / / / / / / / / / - /j // / / / / l 1 1 1 I /7/ / /i / / / / , / /- - / / / \ ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED / - - / / / / / / / / / / I I / / / ( / I ) TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL, / / /- _ / / / l //j / / / // / / / / 1 II I1 I I I1I I l///'�/ '7 j/ / // // / / \ I - - \\ / // I I - / ) 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS 1 / / / / / / / /// / / / / / ( \ ( I 1)\111 I I1111I /1 / / / // //' / / I \ \ \ 1 I / I I - - / IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNER'S / / 1 / 1 f PERMANENT ` \ \�\ WETLAND VV3 1 I 1 111\1111 1111 I ( / / / / // / I ( \ \ I I I / \- // AND TENANT FARMER'S(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. ( \ 1 I IMPACT AREA - \\ \ \ \ I \ I 1111 1I III Ill\ I I 1 I / / I \ \ I_ + _I l \ / 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM / ) \ 1 ` 0.49 ACRES - \\ \ \ \ \ 1 1 III (l \\�\ I ( I / / l ( - / AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND I \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \� - \ ,, \ \ \ \ ) ) 111\ 11 \\\ \\ \ \ \ \ ` / / \ \ 1 1 I - - - - _ - I / TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING \ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ 1 1 \\\ \\ \ \ / \ \ 1 I I l l 1 / \ �- ' - / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ 1I III \\ \ \ \ I \ �` I - PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 5 I /\ _ LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL \ \\ \ \ \\ �\� \ \\\\ \ \ \\\ \ \ 1 I 1110\I \\\\ \\ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ , \ o I \ \ \ _ _ _ / ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. - J N \ \ - \\ \\ \\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \ I I oCb 1/ \ \ I (PERMANENT) / • / \\\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\\\ I\ \ \\ rnI 111\co\\\\11\<`�i \\\\ \\ 6' 1 1 1 I o �" _ \ / \\ / \ , ,_' - � � � - \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ 1111J41. / \ '\\\\\�\11 11.- \ 1 1 ) i I Lp� / -118- l \\ \ \ III \ 1 1\ 1 \ 1 \ 11 \ \\ \I \I� I I I ^rye — — Q \ \ I I \ \� \ \ \ \\\ N - - - // - , - - - - \\ 1111 III1II I I ► I " \\\ \\\I� �I ► � / / / / 1 / I o / / �, " \ \\ \ � � _ / �� � _ — — — - I I111 1\\\ I \ \ I 1 . . . . . . \.\\\\ \\ Y°l l / / I I / \ - \ \\\ \ moo \ - -_ _ � _ / / _ — _� - \ II III\' \\\ \\ I \\ \ \\�\\\\\ \\ \\II \ I1 / / / / / / I \� \ SFO - / �112- - - _ \ \ \ \ \ \ CFI TCE \ \ \ \ ry \ STREAM S8 \\ \\\ \ \ \\ \ 1 I 1 / /' / ' / I LOD SF �'• LOU Lop SF \ N \ co. \ N. \ -\ ( / - - - 1\ _ _ - _ - - \ - \ \\ \\\ \\\\\ \ \ .\ \ \ W I _ .D / LOU _ •� ��� \ \ \ \�� - \\ \� \ \\ — — - - � �� - - I ' I ) \ ,l\1\\ \\\\ \ �,► .,0?. , ; +11'�� \ \ Il / ( - - - - / N \ \ I LOU TCE 20 \\ \\ _ \ \ / 110 \ \ ' � l ) 11 �� 0�' � : ; " �1 \ \\\\ \ \ \ \ I I •D — \ \ N \ \\N.\ \ _ PROPOSED HDD 4 \ \ — - _ L ���" \,,\\111 \\\\ \\\\7\\ \ J I \\ `•• / \ _ 13 \ N \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �- \\\ \ \ �/ _ __ -��\ \ =�: ;j ; %� � .�, 1'����.� Lb4 \• \I\\I\\1 \\\�\\\\\\ \��� \�pD Z \ 00 / \- \\ \ �• \ o \ \ \ - \ N - \ \ \ \ \ \ `LOD : - - \ . ., .. \ kr,•'"--� y,•; '~ J. , , , . : " TWC ' : TSC ; . . . " .\.\ ���\\ \\\\�� `\� ` o1.\ - - N \p • .., \ UT \ \ \ \ I \ • . -- �. y A . f \ \ \ \G� \ \� \\ \•• L \ \\ F - \ \ \\ \ \ I \ \ \ SF \ I3 `+e* :��:\ ri//, / \\ \. . _ \\�\\ \\\\� \ k _ _ _le = 0 ': o \ \ r' \ F SF \ 3-Jo% ) \ \ \ ( se -�""_. , . . ' " ' JH / /� /� \ +\ \ \��� \\\ \ - - �0 D + 39+60 o� / - \ LOD JH LOD \ I ( I " • o©l'-: ' '' _=�`_ /�//// / o \ �\ \ \ � , \ \ —_ •• \ \ F L oo A \ - LOD \ / - - pp II I I �__ ��p�. .,�. . _ TSC \ y \ \ - // / l o \ ` REEDY BRANCH S9 - - \ LqD SFc ` \ \ \N -N _` C ► t.V..... 1 LOD �\ \ l I I 1 1 y �•-e ' ; o e ' •' 7--. '�. \ \ �� \ \ /// (� _ v ^ al \ \ \ �` .�\� \_ t��p�� \` \ �Op o\ \ �+ / ` \ _ \ \\ +0� \ / \ \ / •��O_ .�-• . . . . - �_ ,�� _ _�_ �\ 7' \ '� - - - \ `3 ( ` m 1� 1 i\\ \\\\\ \ 0 JN o / V \ \ 0 1 d \\ \ / \ •�•s ~Lr� _ _- - \ \\ \\ + • . _ _ \\1 1 \ rn I I Ili \ \\\` \\\ �� \ �� N ` / \ \\ \ N N \ I , M I \ \ \ / LOU y - - _— ___ _o�\ \\ ; \\ \ 1 / _CD \ I I I I I \ - y\\ z + I o T \ \ -�\ \ \\ \ / \\ \ I v m \ \ \ \ \ a o \ \ O \ / \ \ /Z ...• '7 \ - - _ -_ � \ \ �105 \ \ -, \ \\ \ \ \ 0_ ko NN .r. \ --1\ _ c 1 LOD l- \ o- • - - _-1. \ \\\C\\\\ \ - /�° \ \\ \\\\\ 1 = Z \\ \ \ N7p \I // 0I _ v A _ v \ \ _ \ / - - <- \ 1 \ - LOD \ +o0 1 J IUD ,� \ \ 'o - \\\\ \\ \\ \ _ / - \\ \ \\\ r C' \\ \\ // N � , I / I \.. L \ ❑ \ 147 \ \\ o \� 1 / - 1 / \ � \ \\\ / � � \ \ \ \\ \ \ m \ \ \\ \ I (/ ' // r I \= LOD LOD JH \ SF ' \______---Loos s - l \- \\ 2 �\ \\ �\ e1/ /// \ ^\ \\ \ \\\\ \ / //_\ \ \\ \\\\\\\\\\ `�9�\� 1 \ 1 I / / ( / cr \ ma`s I -1. 8 o /C\j1 Z \ \\_1 �`p - o 2\ 1 0 \ �1 \\r. \ „\ / - \ 1\\ \\ \\ / / / - �\ \\\\ \ + o \ \ V \ 1 1 I I 1 I \ i \ \ / I m \I \ \ \ \ o \ \ - / 1 \ \ \ \ \\ \� \ \ \ oo \ \ \\\ 1 II \ \ \ ( / \ ' PROPOSED - - o + \ 1 ,11$" / \ \ \ \ 1 \\ \ PROPOSED WAYNE MEMORIAL ROAD BORE \ \ \ o I ) \ - / / / \\\\ \ \ w \ \ \ \ /\ w WAYNE MEMORIAL SEE SHEET PNG-C-475-0001062) + 1 1 - ( I \ \ / h - \ \� \\\ \\ \\ \�\\ \ l REGULATOR STATION z - ( 7 \� 1 1 I  \ I 1 I \ - ,\ / - - \\ \�. \\.\\ \ rn N / / \ I // m- - 1 `1 / / i --..\ --- \ oo ) \ I1 N 1 PROPOSED 8"STEEL GAS LINE — — _/ \ ) I ► I ( / \ ) 1 \ I 1 Willi% ( 1\ \\ \ N I I � \ I / \ O \ I / � � 1 1 � s \ � _ - - NOTE: 1 C 1 1 / /// /// /111\\ I \\ \ \ \ N \ \ I \ _ - I - I \ \ \\ - -121 - _ / THE 20 FT WIDE LOD ALONG THE HDD IS A CONTINGENCY MEASURE / / / / / //// /// J / 1 %� y-- \ \ \ \ ` \ \ \ / 1 0 \ I- \ \\ N - �� _ _ ONLY. IF ACCESS IS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE HDD PROCESS,A ) J / / / / //// // // \ (\ \\ ��///� N \ \ \ \ 1 1 / \ 7p \ ES1 I\ E \ _ . - - _ - TEMPORARY WETLAND CROSSING AND/OR TEMPORARY STREAM / / a I ( l 1 ill / ` -_ \ NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) \ \ I o— - _ j \ - - -I' CROSSING SHALL BE UTILIZED FOR THE AFFECTED AREA. IN ADDITION, ) 1 ( ( \\ \ `\\ 1 \ _ -\ \ GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) N \ \ \ I 1 r \ \ \ •- `Jc 123- _ \ \ \ SILT FENCING SHALL BE UTILIZED ONLY AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT j I 1 1\ \ \\\\\\ \ = \ \ goo 0 50 100 200 • \ 1 ,� \I CV 1 `, _1 - ^ ` - - 1 MIGRATION OF HDD MATERIALS. \ \ \\\ \\\\ \\� __ \\\\ N I I \ I _- _ / / / / ,. \ \ \\ \�\\XN �- \\ \ \\\ 1 inch = 100 ft. co r /� ' PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 N°•CARp PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 pQ-�oFEss/0ti!2''; =a 4- l'.7 NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)021 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN , ju � A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE NITIALS LINE 475 _ REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED .°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN '�`�%° tiG I NEB °°`\ � ° DATE INITIALS DUKE Piedmont ,, ,1 \, C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL JB WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECHra. Natural Gas DRAWING NUMBER REVISION '''%,�kEITH° ��' D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY JB REC &STD 4., ENERGY .I��III,\\ DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001074 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL A PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCH STAMP CHECKER INITIALS 1 INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER ‹-- 7 / /, / / I / / \ \ � / / I I I 1 O , / 7 / o I - - / 11 1 1 o / -- , - �,,, , 11 •11 / 11, _/ / � / / „ III 1 \ \ 1 so - 20ti - _ - - - �- „/ / I /,Pilo/% / �110 \� / / / / / /// / / I 1 / °o / - MATCHLI I +pp o -/// -- / / / / / / / \ - ' / /// , / 1 / / 123, NE-201+55 r( ►' / ' % //' I /'//7 / // //� _ \ // /// / /./ / / q, ''� i �-°° 'max I' /� / \\\\\ \ I IçI / //i/7////// // , / / ///// / / °° ( / \ / o I I / / / ///, / 7' / / \ / J I _- \�\\ \ \\\ \11 // / //// /// /// //// / / //i// / - 1 O MATCHLIN / \ \ \\\\ \ ( ///�/ //� / / - , � � � �/// /// / / / o� -, / , �,o 7 E- 172+33 / 202+pp \ / I // m / / O I \ \ // \ \ � III 1 I I / l l///p / / /�% -,./ - - v/// / / , // , ° \ / 11 \\ ) 1 II III 1 m I / , �/j / � � r I o \ I I / / /i / , - ' - / / < o - / 'x 0. 2% -' a c� 11 I111I III ~ y , ii // /// � - - / / , o l S% = z = / � I // / I J I -v I // /// / / - - AA B- - - 9 / / o I / / 203+pp G-) z / 11 / /4/ l II l cz 2 i/ //ll�/// ///j / - - / / / � ' O / IC - - c� I/ �// // / 9 z �l/l/i.hi. • �/ / - ' - ' / - / / // \'o raj tit`/ / ;�� '_,/ I / h / / m WETLAND W3 / / / / x p u,/ /I /� / v / - / / , o / C / I:, I I o CO I r I l I I I I /// / cn k i /W j 1 l/ I 1 ) ► / / - - / / / o , \ / + I I I I I I l o o /l l/I/l��I I I i I I I / // - - - q:/ : / / > PROPOSED 8" STEEL GAS LINE - - ' N\ - -\ / I I -- 00 - \ / 204+00 rn IIII III 7f ( c ��,�/I/1i1111� 11 IIIII ( / / / '1' �� °x / ' � \ - N / �co 1 I I� l ) illilii I � �i1i;�Ill � ii ' i � � 1 1 ( ( 0 16��0 / /' / mi /,I 1 I I I I I I I REEDY BRANCH S9 I - 7 ® -� / / \ / ( • • II III "^ ' I / / I / \ o Li I �' / i. 'I I Ill/�/� / �/ / 1 �' I I l I / / / \ �' LOD .4k 41Q.��_r. • • .� 1 [1111I11// II////// /// / / 1 M // 205+00 �� 1 11 (' / / ry 1 7 \ <°j. ..i- L ECSr ems.' 1 .a• 11 II 1 j `// / L ^ /� 'i p 168+00 - ' \ —_ EGSD - lbs.' .'I° a I I I llllll 11 l l �"� �� Lon LOD - - 7 \ \ o a I i �' '�b JI I,,, II I // / ' / �� F'� JH / \ I OD I . . ft. / / / �l ti......:. \ - ' \ - o ca c illaa 1 °� c • '1- •1IllI 1111I11 1, / 16 /' / / \\ _ `\ D \ _ �l� I III IIIII I( 1 I I // i p 4 / / \ ` \ LopO/ o . '1 I \ o ▪ \\ / _ . 1:- •1 \ 1(III1 IIIII\\11 \ ( / � / - - - I 72 + o'$ Fc• �\ \ \ I 1 ++ ,\1\\\ \II11 \1\ \\ \\� \ \ \ \ i \ — , � o / + SLOD �n1I / co I 1 \ 1 \ 11 \ \ \ \ LOD .125 25 CV 0 0 CD o 1 1 1( // `- \\\\\\\\��\\\\d\\� \ �,,�� \ PROPOSED HDD 4 Lo I / \\ °\° 11 / (Ni N o + o 1111 / �- I 1 \\\\\\\ �\\\ \ \ o�Op— D\ F �S_I_�OD / N ti / \\ �� LO L / cr I I 1 r I 11\ \\\\\\\�\\\ \\\ \\\ \� o�D /' \ OD ��_ LOD / ` _ - - - IN PROPOSED HARE ROAD BORE '0��- _ = f ( f \ 1 \\\ \\\\\ \ \\\\ \ \ - �� \ LOD L0D -CZ, ��� LOD / _ - \ (SEE SHEET PNG C 475 0001063) / o - / o ,1\II \ I II )� 1I \I\\I\� \\\ \\\ `�\� \\ \\ I �p �/Lop LOD S \ / / \\ / / I I 111\\ \� \ \ 1 I �_ '�c� \ \\\\\\\\ I / // / 20'ILINE O\SIGHT LOD \ \\ \\ \ -' i ' - I 1 LOp �L I _7�' _�DLOD N -- . \ \\\\ I I 1 II1, I ' \ `� \N"" �N \ ., \\ / / \\ I I I OD Flo _ I ,/ I ►I 1 I I I 1 1 1 \ \ \ \\\\\\�N \\\\� \ - / / I ( / I NSF _ _ i�i_ o I I ` \ \ \ \ \ \ LOp� Lop I \ i II/IIII 1 \�\\ \ j \\\ \O\ \\\\ \<.1 \ \\ 1 \ 123- / I I \ _SFOp_ _�� Lop I \ � _ -I i j z 111 \ �\ \ \ \ \� I \ / / — I I l LOD F / i a / 11 \ 1 1 I J 1 / I 1 \ \ - / / N I I SF �OD� LOD \ /// ► I I I (\\\ 1 1 / // // / I l III 1 - - - - / \ \ / JH /// I 1 /, / I // /I/ 1 I I \ `SLob � LOD I 1 I 1 / / / / - 1 \ _/MD ( OD DITCH RPW5 I I I 1 I / /// / /// //// /�// / / c'j - - - - \ \ PULLBACK AREA FOR HDD / I / / ,/ , / / - - \ I I \ \ _ Li oD \ / \ — _ NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) l \ 1\ I I I I 1 / / / / / //// /� / // '— — , 1 1 \ N _ L ( 100 0 50 100 200 /// / I 1 \ / \ GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) �� \ iI ' 1II � I i1 Ill / ///// / _ ;_— \ `\ 1 '\ 1l 11 L F \ `'V � / \�, I \\�\ \, II' 1 ' \ \ \ \1 ( f � /// _�'//% � \ \ I I I \ N \ � � 1 \ 1 / f inch= 100ft. \I 1 \ 11111I1 ( l I I I 1 I III ' — � 1 ) / / // // I -- — \\ / � � I\ \ - � 1 i ���% I ) \I III ; 11 1 '1 1 '\ � I I ; ; l 1 1 1 / % j �1 � i1ll \ 11\1\ \ � \Old \ I Ili ! I / / 1 ► , / / / I 1\ - �� I ( / ,� IIIIIIII \ \ \ \ I \ 111 / / \ / r // /' I � _ - , -� J — \ - - � _ _ I I _ / / III 1 1 \ \ \ \ \ 1 \I I I I 1 / / // \ , / /1 -� / LO fl \ \\ I � , \ � `/ IIIII (\\ \ \\\\\ 1 \ \ 1 I I I I I ( \ ( / / // \// // / D �tOD L LOD i \ ® DITCH RPW4 \ — NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) \ y �D _ — / GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) Ilk \ \ \\ \ \ ' \\I 1 I /' // // / \( 7, / y;�_=,�D I Lop 100 0 50 100 200 \ \ \ \\\\\ \ \ 1I i 1 1\\\ \\\ \ / I // / // / / // N \ �7I" LOD L \ ( \ \ 1 I I 1 \ \ \ \ / // — - ` �� LOD 1 \ \ -- \ 1 inch = 100 ft. 11111111111 ) 1 \ 1 I\\\ \ \ - / / / / / , - _ I / / I l / /I Ili I III 1 1 \ \ \ 1 / / / / \ / / / / / LOD CLOD \ \ - _ _I - // // / / / // ///// // I I ) 1 1 1 I 11 1 \ \ /, / , / / , / N // / - 0 CLOD \ \ I _ o / 7 /I r l 7 / /� / /// I I 1 1 1 11I \ I 1 \ / , // / / / > / // O 000 �0. o o \ LOD I J I I / / / I ill ; II II I \ \ \ / X / Y—\ / / — o CO 10oI / // /// / I l - _ _ - / - // \ / / / /, // �° \ o oLOD \ c I o 0 195,N I I / / /Tf / / J / / , / �x ) w / LOD oO \ ( / // / T - // / - / oo \ I / � LOD I I IIi / I / / , / / / - \ \ I / to I111 111I ( I / III I ' / / \- / / / I \ 1 / J 1 I _ _ /1111I1111I I11 / l lllll I / / .= ' / /0 // �x \ Io _ _ J11111 ' \ I 111 / I11II 1f ' /' / / \ / / \O` /' / / \ I , 1 196+pp o I G> / _ II a /////// ///l I I I l I I I \ \- - - - - ___ ___- ' - 7/ - ' //' ) / / / / / / / / / / / // / / / I i � - , / 00 ( IS) I N ////// // //// / / // ` _ _ _�' - ,J \-- /1// // / / \,,, /// ///\, // \ \\ /' I j LOD El I , , //// //////// I \ - / ❑ _ �/ / //// //, ' 1 L _- - ____ __ _ / - / / / / //7 / PROPOSED 8" STEEL GAS LINE l 1 ) 197+00 I I a //// ///// I — __ __ _ - - - - - -_ J 4 1 / I 1 /'// //// ///1 I �-  =—= - %/ // )/ I - - -' \,O/ /// /' °° / I 1� � / I I / // /, //� /I _ - - - -____ - - '-' / / / / �, / I 12c) I ////j I ` N` - - - - � �\ \ / / /� - - - - / / oxo, I l i _- - // l( 1 - - - - _ i/-% - _- -////_ / / - - , / // / ( / - � / / 19�8/0: +p1:19jail8 I - — — - _ - - -— �� — / - / / / / I o/ I ____T_____ _ \ d \`\� __ _ / % , - j -�-- i�i', �/_� - /' / OO / / \,O°, �xo / < I ' / 13 _ — — _ - - - / ' -/i -- �i '%_ ' '/ / / - / / 0/ \ 1`LrO 1 / I -� - _ \ � � �\ ��///�% --- // / - ' i' // / I // /-\ I ) I NOTE: \\ // ,/ � _ — ��-i _- , - - �0 / / / I / I 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND / / -- % , i _ - - / O , x / 1 199 -1 / / // // , /7 �� // , - ' _ _ \ �o / _ - -�, / / I / 1 \+00 ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED J / /// / j///7/ - �/ , / ®� / \ / / J I 1 \ o I - - TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. i / / //'/ // / , / / / / / Q _ / , /- - �- / / - - I ' // ',// /// , z / / / - -\ \,0 / / _°- �� / / I I 1 I-) I 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS ///, / / / �/ , / , / / �,O : / / / IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNERS //////// / / // / / / ,/ //// / - - \ �.O i / °° 124- - ( / 1 / _ _ AND TENANT FARMER'S(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. ( ([ / / I�/// // /'/ / / / // / - -' / I / / 200�pp 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM - _ -- o° r� - � - I ( AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND I 1 ( 1 i (/ // / /'// // /' moo° \. 6'x° - ' - / I I p TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING \\ \ \ 1 1 \ 1 1 1 I / / ( / / ° /' / // I I-' 1 LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL 2- 1 I / 1 1 1 ( ( I ( / / p ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. / / I I I I II II \ I \ I 1 \ / _/ / / / / , / I 1 I I I I I 1 I�,O° `'00 ''. 'to �sx 7 /' / l I - - / o - 201�+pp / // / �/ / / '//�/ / I \ 1 ° Ia 3 12 ' NIATC / o l / \ O _ 1_, - / 3 H LINE_201+55 / /, AT HLINE_ 172+33 9�' I �-o r�x / I a im PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 0V....... ii PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 �'\\\0, oCA RO< '''% o . of .ss/0°. /,'': , =a° 4 4'�°°°� = NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)022 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN , j A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 _ REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED .°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN '�`�%°°tiG I NEB °° � � ° DATE INITIALS DUKE Piedmont ,, ,� �, C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL JB WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH rah Natural Gas DRAWING NUMBER REVISION '''%,�kEITH� \\' D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY JB REC &STD ENERGY DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001075 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL A PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCHSTAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER / \\ I / I // / \ I I I / I \ / / / / \\ / / I DITCH RPW6 / / I \ \ - // / I ll / \ `\ / j 1 I / \ / + o \ \ I I 1 \ I / / Lo o \ o ^ry 1 PROPOSED 8" STEEL ) / /z- /1 /�D .. LOD N LOD 1 SF °�+° o // o \ I -ON4% GAS LINE 39 / \ �i�.� LOD cv + o n I / \ op / / � L�� N / P o o 1 / �' I / / / X�c' \O� \ - ' LOD LOD N / D N LOD + +o o LOD o I z LO + SF o DITCH RPW8 m // / ► I rift \\ Na ip o / 1 w/ by O / Lc z, 0 / I + / \ / \O /-1-------- LOD \ / ��I ® \ N LJ" o 0 / cQo\ I / - V-77 LOD LpD — LOD / I �� 1 \\ O� L 4- / 1 c SF o DITCH RPW9I\ / LOD / I N Nam` LOg ""� LO LOD o pp \ oo I / I � \\ \ � c � � LOD �� •• i 1 I \` _ / I cv '8 +o o I / \ \ c.\ e" // ro - o/) \\8 /. , /// LOD \ LO LOD LOD Lg `� L o Qc / — _ LOD f a/ O N / rn o o / — � ` �� _ Lip I 113 N \ " / �O / I/ N N / o / c _ \ LOD �� �c CP * fc' OP / Lon ?� \ ( N N / / cv o+ o \ o \N LOD I I o / Asti C'5/ N\ / \p0 y%. \ ,L / 1\ / N I \N N 1 N \ c \ — — — — — — DITCH RPW7 — _ LOD — - f �®F�i � 00,0 sX �o946)% \ .�`Z / \ // \ I N \i° . c o \ LOD / "LOD • L OD 4. �o � / I �,� "O� �� �O // 1 0 o \ // I 1 N N ; c c o �Oti LOD 7��� / J I S op / / / 1 \ N N N o \I/ o I - _ /�\ \ I O�0 \\. / / / / / \ I \ N + +o o _ / / 1 �4� / I ' ''''�� I / \ v I V N M /i c -122— / RI/ s cc, 1 r\ �/ 00 x°o / � I\ ` � / \ N ` _ — � \ / \ N I/ N M ;+ o o00 cl, xpp l / // / \ / o \\ \ \ N ch x ti .D \ 1 / I \.� \ I N 0 9,p ? °x \ 1 \ / \ D F o J °° NOTE: \ ( 1 / - - I \ , \ -fo, ,,,ix- 0 op I .� THE 20 FT WIDE LOD ALONG THE HDD IS A CONTINGENCY MEASURE \\ // 1\ 1 - - / I c' 11 00 go ' / ONLY. IF ACCESS IS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE HDD PROCESS,A /' \ ( N 1 I ;\`L ° Z x°O// I / 0� TEMPORARY WETLAND CROSSING AND/OR TEMPORARY STREAM N \\ / / //\° / CROSSING SHALL BE UTILIZED FOR THE AFFECTED AREA. IN ADDITION, N \ / / 1 / /11111//144/ ` �., I SILT FENCING SHALL BE UTILIZED ONLY AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT I / / oc, 1 O / / MIGRATION OF HDD MATERIALS. \ /) // \ \ ' oo . '> /110 imp % x%v O 1 :� 1 \ I — _ — — — N ) r / \ l / ( NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) ;. — / \ ) GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) �� \ \ \ J 1 / 1— / \ I 100 0 50 100 200 xoo \ / �\ „ I ' � \\ \ 1/ \\ -122 ( \ / — �► l px° O ` 1 \ \1 I 1 / \l I , ,12\ \.— 1 // —/ / /� \ \ I 1 inch = 100 ft. 232 O -IN \ \ \ �% -Z10�� \\ \ �\ \\ / \ / \\ a I \ \`� `oo �sF / jam \ \ \\ \\\ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ /SF / t O `Op \ \ \ \ �\ \ / — \ \ \ \\ \ \\ TD 2'3'343 A ,,, _ \ - - - - - - - - ' I \ — — — \/ \ \ \ •O/ CA / \ „ , , N ,, \ , `I _ - - _ _ \ \ \ \ \ \ 7/ \ ,Q k0$ \ \ t/ \ \ \'�� PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 6(PERMANENT) \ \\ \\ \\ \ O / \ , 1� ` ' SEE SHEET PNG-C-475-0001084 FOR CONTINUATION \ \� � ��p0� 122 `\ P�C�\.\\`1E_`Z `\ \ � - - - - - - , DITCH �/ �' ��\° ��\ / \\\\ \\ N - — 3 VIM ,r2 • v \ \ Ni \ \ \ / — \ 00 ' ,- / -\\ \\ \ N \ / I �/ - - - \ \\\N \\ `I / ( 2 WI- r r 0 O OD \\ \ \\\ \ \ \ )/ N o 1\ \ // / — /'�2 / \ o -� TSC I \ \ ) \ \ > / y \ \ / / 1 \ • LpOc,� ��' I � ' �� \ \ \ \ ® \\* / - �� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 // / J/ 1) 1 \ r �o�F �0V N v `OQ Co I ;� �\ \ \ ) 1 1 I \\ ` 1 I 1 W / / / I 1 �3.6+00 ro O / O 253 — I I I I j j ) \ /1 $ /— \ G — I / o �04 �/ I o� / / / / / / \ % 11 II J l cn / \ / ,. I Off, •• o I I / / / / / / 1 I I I i / \ I / - , I l` DITCH RPW9 / OQ SF \- "F �// 13 o \\‘\ �O I CGS o / / l //l/ / I I l ^1 I I I I N \1 \ — — I N r� N ,�\° `' �00 �''� o A o I c� — / I I I /l I \ ` I I \ o < ` I 231+00 1 c� l O o \ I Q ( I I I 1 I / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -722 , I �o a. 0 ` 1 Z I ki I I 1 \ \ \ - _,Ii , too ,, . , o o ,6) ,..)-z- , i, ,- i , , , / , , \ , , , , , , -ox . V. \ J, i l / // \ `\ il �� O O �,, 0 2yyx i zOp �� \- , / I I 1 1 I \ \ \ `\ // / / \ 23g�0o 1 /JFt'� \ s� 00 �0 k •• I / 1 1 1 1 \ \ \ , _ _ -\ / 1 ® , \� �. \- o 11 1V. ° 1 1 1 LZ / \ / \ i / - �O o PROPOSED 8"STEEL GAS LINE '` �Q < p I 1 1 1 \ 1 I - _ - - 4k V. 4sisisisi \ \ 4 _ / O.cO% o0 - / NT 6 / - \ \ \ / / \ \ 1 0 - a o / — < � J \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ / \ o / / _ — O� I \ / O \ -122 \ l \ �cL / ge c \ \ \ \ ) � N 1 .....\-- \ yP / / \ 1 1 ` / J NOTE: - _ I �,,^ \ Py0, - / I / 2 \\ cv I o0 v� oo - 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND - `\ ti - _ / - / T \ + / �\ - r', ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED \ jet-- LI i ' - / \ l' \ \1 N // — — / TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. `\ \\ / <O \ — N \ \ \ N / / 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS \ \ • • 0 / \ 1 / / - - - / IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNERS / \ l o� N // // // `ter' II I N / // / AND TENANT FARMER'S(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. \ \ \ N/ x�0 • i \ \ \ 1 \ I I / - - 1 �� 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM \ / �y�° / CO NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) \ \ �/ \ 1 \ I I I / \\ 1 /'' / AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND \ • • .� GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) I )\ \ \ I \ / TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING I — _ — \ 100 0 50 100 200 // \ \ �( \ 1\ LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL ��x \I X i ` J \\ I \� ` ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. - I �` 1 inch= 100 ft. a . X . o PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 0, CARD PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 =a !z- -9' . NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)023 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN , ) A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 _ REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED .°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN '�`�%° tiG I NEB °°` ° DATE INITIALS DUKE Piedmont ,, ,� �, C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL JB WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH rah Natural Gas DRAWING NUMBER REVISION '''%,�kEITH° ,\' D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY JB REC &STD ENERGY DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001076 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL A PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCHSTAMP CHECKER INITIALS 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER OV 7 ' il / xoo `1 \ \ I l l (/•. ,\\ 271\\ I 1 ' I I / / /� I y3,�,�' - o ; ) I J I / 1 ) \ / \ 1 1 / // j I - - I o / / / I * \ I / / co / `, / 01 4. •l,` xoo \7‘ �i o / 11 / I I I "\ ( I TEMPORARY / // /,11g, \ i 0 0 / i / % 01* I o h I I / / / \ \ IMPACT AREA // / i / / I I I c+i +o / o o / \ / •• ` c\i�p 1 1 0.51 ACRES / / o / I Il \ _, I I I \ _ _ / 0 1 c� + +0 0 o PROPOSED 8"STEEL GAS LINE \ / • 1 <v -' 111 1 / \, \ \\ ' / / `mac' I / I I N N N / 0 0 \N / _ + 0 ' 0o I 1Z _ �' \ I I I I \ \ 1 I I ' / / N o\ / yy I l Z / / I 1 1 1 \ \\ \ `- - - - - /xo / / / 6D LOD p \ Z I sN 1 I \ \ \ \ / -�+!°-' / SOD _ LOD LOD / - �° '77 N I 0 \ _ _ \ - I i- \ 1 1 °1 \ \ \`�\° _ / d, Y �,� /' LOD L,Qp LOD / 9l `b o - N o \ - - - ' fox / / / I CLOD I II `�' \ \ / . I �O �� 114. 1/0 \ 1 PERMANENT / - A / / / / LO co N co N \ - - \ X • ° e 1IMPACT AREA \ • / ` v"• / I 6' \ \I 0.36 ACRES — �` .� `� '���t l / / / i - - \ I �' / �� \ _� \ l \ ' 74 6 .• \ \ \ pox . .`•; .-.` � lr�l�l��!// / 1 _ F I 7 - - � � t00 — \� 122' - - - / � 400 _ I I \ \. , \ \ N N c; �- +� .�i�,�,�' f�I I I 1 �- o D bD aD -o--liEI / \ 1\ / Lo SOD ip s / _ N / ` - _ I \ \ \ WETLAND W4 \ .` 1!!!�i y�l� \ k�+ /77-Lcs) SFO c \\ o \ ��. L - � I F \ \ / '�° _ - -� - 7 / o_ — ge 00 , / \ \ \ \ op\\ TSC . 1`'��� r�1��� G�V I Io \ \ \+ / o \ \ \/ \ Lop _ - - I - — - / / ° ' // \\ \\\V V - TWC a, �., ������� ���It y/J` .� \ \�0 CV \\ N N / co / / + \ off V (O - - v o -12p /►� a�' �,� o - v I• "�t!/���' �l��l� `l` . 4 Av°o v v N \ \ N / / k _\ \0 1 ( t° F / _ v v o °v° /� \ N - - A \ v v �1,���!!!i ������� .`.`-.•% .°.`�• v \ / A / / ' / • \ w 1 1 g 6z-6--- / / / / v _ v �p o \\ �� o \ \\ \ -�, (',r��������h�lr�l.�� CS '```L/` `.` �o r- \ \ c� / \ \ 118- \ \ I 1 I ' / \ 1 I F / / / �O \ - o \ �X / \ \ \ jl l'" b�� `O�` - xcl o l p - O/ \ \ \ \ \ I I I / I \ \ cv c� / / \ / ���L �\ \ � \ cco o N. N 1!! !l . . . •.•. . ,f o� \ 1 as O \ ��: / oo , to 00 op \ \ ����f I .►�,,il ., . . \ ` \ \ \ I I I I 1 1 I \ �; �\ �8 + `x o t'X xs �• �..��!''��1 1 'r�{GF. �.' -. - t?; / ' \ \ \ �- / I I \ \ <v / 11): i `L \ \ w II N \ \ cV / a>` - \ �O c9�`\ \ \\ ` �dl��►I�' �- ` ` •x \ _ � \\-17,71 �/ • / \ �//s. \ \ / / 1 I I 1 ;� - - � ` \ / � �*/ ' -'4G1"1 ) too \ N /::7/ z ---- ;Di --........., ,.........., N - 'n , 0 N N _ _ - _ _ __, / ___, CZ?A1 1 V .-*--..4.. \ \ -1 , N , -- __ ___. j / / / \\ N.„., , -•\"\1 /A; \ .8 LA 1 \ • ,‘)N__ ___xQ. \ \ oN, / ($7 — x \ o\ l __Ic 7 z ---- ---- ..., _ _ _ co t i \ \ \ \ '••\ 490 c /' �O I ��, / \ / /� \ \ \ / °- - , / J' \ ' \ - - ' __ _ / e>tV;N I \ \ SB I CS" \. �k / \ / \ \ / \I 1�5 / x & 1 l \ \ xoo \ `�` 7 I 1 00 / / � \ Ni<0 , � � // � _ \ \ - 114_ \ � l� / /' / / � � \ i /_ o = 1 \ \ \ �6ti \ > , / / / - I \ \ \ / / \ \ - - _ \ — / / / \ � .- /N - - - - \ o // / ` co \ 1 O° \ \����� / / , /00 //' \�3\� < \> \ - \ SFO . � - - � , \ \ - /�/� - _ _ _ - - - - - � - � / �\ ` \ \- - - .- // - DITCH \ \ o _ \ / 1 1 / _ _ _ ' - -' \ / /� -- \\ \ \ \ / — -\ -110 i \ / \ I I I I /l i // \ \ i//' \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ \ J NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) / I / � -- / \ \ \ \ N / I / I I / / / i _ - \ \ - N N \ \ - - \ < GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) \ N I / / / / \ / \ N \ \ \ 100 0 50 100 200 / I I / I l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ` \ \ ` - 1 1 / / - \\ X 1 inch= 100 ft. \ I \ I I / iii _ / \ 1 \ I I \ NOTE: 7 1 ( \ 1 / I I I I 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND / 1 °lo Z. 1 / 1 I ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED c -- ,A 1- I l / I -/ / I I TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. / / \ l / \ 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 7 / l \ Z 1 IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNERS . - _ _ (PERMANENT) // / AND TENANT FARMER'S(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. / • N - // 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM / // \ 1 I _ 1 I I I _ AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND / PROPOSED BERKELEY BLVD _ I 1 I \ I / I TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING / REGULATOR STATION/MLV-2 �1_ ��- - - - - - - J \ I I 1 \ I I I // I -/ LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL I ✓ \ \ • I o I / I ACTIVITIES THAT WOIULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. / `OQ oo 7 \ - + / \ ) \ \ \\ 7 / c, 0 w I �o ! I 1 .ii I-- \ -120 — I / /-1\(° • / V I ��'� PROPOSED 8"STEEL GAS LINE • �/ _ 1,0_ _ / / � � � - ¢ - - - , � I I 4a- rm----"-- LSD LOD 'J _ _ / �° _ - \ PROPOSED BERKELEY BLVD BORE TCE S /j,/ r N LOD LUD - '� / ' - \ N DITCH RPW11 (SEE SHEET PNG-C-475-0001064) FFSjyFF '9TCy`/ m LODl'`� LOD ,D .""7... ...- _ \ \ - -118 - �- ° NGC 2gsx 1 -. III .. �? 2Q 1 fx I / / 7— L�0. LOD \ `\ STREAM S10 / / / ..\\ LOD LOD DITCH RPW12 5000 / / / I o ' LOU // // / - / -\/ /i \ LOD LOD '�Lai LOD _ - \ J O C LOD LOD LOD �0�8 BOO �w 7.\ \ o S� LOD ��p /�F D/ / ® �\ I ,L.OD LOD I LSD / / p� o �? x o LOD 1.‘.......::OD % \ o o Ti` \ \ I \ '''''''7 �� ��°' �DOLSf= \ LOD LOD O� 1 \ + o / c/ / / Y o� tiD �� \ \ N N ,/ /� / g- c LOD 1 ) \ 7 In/ • • Aprr• °o LA) - ��*�LOD " L615 1 / ,�/ /N N 4. L + o \ D F • / STREAM S10 LOD LOf LO�F ail o / �'�'` ,/ - - \N \� LQD Ltj \' / " 3°fix _ _ SF LODS� 1 s, - - _ / , / \ � - � \ cs) LO ( - 7 , , , z8 � oo \ �\ o ❑ LOD 1........ L �� �� o � \ � / / / � � / — � \ Ne. N rn I + ccn / � / \ c + TLODI cl - - cV \ � '�'�� // - - � \ - � ' \ei. \ N ,` / ce) / 1M if o et L�� �� I co ,6,. N cn co \ — — -- __ - J , / o \ \ ` - , 0 // / < Os 00 1 IM \ + o -- /20. k ----_______\ \ / / ...-- __ ___. V \ \\ \ \ - --,,eiy / / / 4. cn _ _ _ __. - - - - - _ / / O \ \ I o o ,.. � i � - J / / - - ���� - � \ \ 1I I \ �' \ SFO / x°1 I I / `" i �' j NFA / , � \ / .....----7: _.,.. / \ \ / / / / / / / / I SFO -� L - / \ ... .::,...._..... __i___ _ , - - \ \ / - � -00 \ \ \ \ / / / I I // / / _ l i 1 J _ \\\� , /'' ` ! ' 1 \l 1\ ` \\ \\ I' ���6/ // I / /' / — 12a _ COURTNEY RD \ / /2.0— \ � I \ \ _ \ \ \ \ \ ` - _ - / \ ? 2° f I \ l / / \ / NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) _ \ \ I J ( - \ \ o / 1 — _ / / I GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) Q \ \ / / I 1 / j/ \ / / _ _ — / // \ / 100 0 50 100 200 ) \ \ \ \ / / / // / \ 121 v- \ �� ` --____/ \` \` I \ \ I \ // / ' \ \ �_ 1 inch= 100 ft. 07 PROPRIETARY&CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 ,,�\\�• DA R- ',„ PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE *TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 s =U�°OESS/O° //, - °°QQ- `9 °•� NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)024 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN i �Sj A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED °°°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER �I '�`/°°ti IN � °°`�` DATE NITIALS i(' DUKE Piedmont EPSC PLAN G C 06/14/2021 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL JB WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH ram DRAWING NUMBER REVISION ''' 1M °'°••°° ENERGY.- Natural Gas '%,,,,,KEITH` D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY JB REC &STD GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001077 D STATION ID DATE INITIALS PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONALENG/ARCHSTAMP CHECKER INITIALS 10106/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER 7 I \ /' ' /' / ) I I I / ` � - / 7 _ _ - \ _\_ / I1 1 / / I I I I I /� / - �/ / \\ I \ � ' ' - - - - `. - - _ _ // / / / 7 / I I I ) I I / r / _ _ / / i / ,' 1 1 `\ // l ✓7 ``\ //' \ / / / / // / /� / / \ / / / I \ / / I / / / ,/ / / I I \ I 1 / / - - / / / / / / / 1 I \\ o. g°i° �\ I ' `� \ _ _ / — — - '' // / /' / // // / I / I ( / /' / 1 ( I ' II / ) 1 I \_ / / � � / / ) / / - 1'\`a� / / / / / / / / / / / / / - - - - ' / - \ / / / 1 1 / - _ \ L� PROPOSED 8"STEEL GAS LINE /' / ti / / / z - - \ / / _ I / >\� z / — — — _ PROPOSED CENTRAL HEIGHTS ROAD BORE 1 /- NI / / / / / DITCH RPW15 - IP', - -0A (SEE SHEET PNG-C-475-0001065) \ m \ I \ , - - / / I / U / / i ' �� � ' \ z _ J / / / \ DITCH RPW13 \\ ` / i -N II ( p / / / / _^� _ - / / / / = p I p p -/ N DITCH RPW14 1 / o / o (/ / / /- • / •• o TCE LOD SF ro+ o 0 o po po 0 0 • \ / N / �— / /' M l/' ���/' // I c, SFFs =1 k! L� L nI LOAD M M N N M \ 0 '° • .O p p °�' (� l I / N / �q�, yF T O cn c I J F M M M M <N M \ N Nc\I O (P�cn� J� / / / ( Lii Cy ANG, OC \M \ M ` \ M M `Y' M M 1 / / �a TSC / / �x� O cn �n DITCH RPW12 29S lif?S00 O i I - \ \ \ I \ I I ( \\r5r M 0, F • '`2�r 070>] c' �` ~ I o ► - I �- I " , : LSD L9D Og \ \ JH LOD SF \ \ I I �0 M z c I I so I TSC I - L I �Iv y -- mmiik .p ti • .. 1 \_\ Op o + TSC 00 , �00 e„/ Mo- - �. . LO - - `\ - - \ ,I - - •C\ -)\---\ o x — OD CO M 0) o O M � L�D LC7D LOHIF I \ TSC -- / 1 • / \- LOD �,F �O� "' �, BOO TCE \ \ c.??.k. o LOD SF \\ _1 L D / 'i / I o an oo I \. mai to Taci co \o+OD L D + \�o oLOD 'S T"D ___ SF S F j--- LOD / J M y� \ • \ \ o\ 4- M M M N SF 4 JH cv\ ND D � '' — L —�F LO �, S —� S� _� �,� 7 _____ / M ��i�i� L I �� 0 M M M M CV co + + L�OID �� L6'� LlJ1J — �� z Lop __ LOD •z�� 0 4.. 0 1 \ 118- \ M M M M \ M ' LOD SF M LOD �� LOB p o \ \ \ / 1 M : - L�(� —/ `� 1 \ce) \ \ �,��, 1 I// / _ \ //� e- I O c - \ /1 /' II 7 _ _ NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) ^ 0 12p o X - - I , - ✓ - - -\ GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) O + C 0 - / / ) / / 100 0 50 100 200 M I M � - - i ' ^ / jj� / M o\ t �� - / / \ / I M / \ // - - \ 1 inch= 100ft. / - - - - I i - - - - - 1 l ' __I / I \ 1 1 I I I I / /� / ' - _ - - - ^ \ \ \\ NN \ \ \ \ \\ N \ \ - � 7 7 /i / ( // I I I I I I I I / / L NOTE: �- �— l� ✓ \ \ � N\ \ - - \ \ \\`\ \ \�`\`\ \ � - - - � ' �' j '����� I I / / / I I I I I I I — 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND I \ \ N \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ -- 1 / i l \ \ \ \ \� i / / / / / / / _ I - I- -I _ _ ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED 1 \ \ '� \ - ' \ \ \\` \ \\ \ - - / / / / ,' - i/ I I / - TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. / \ N I - \ \ \\`\\\ \\ \ / - . j / - - - —r— - / I I I \ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ \ — 105 / — - / / / // / I I I I I I i -- - - 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS l ( \\ \ \ 1` \ ` \ \ \\ \� \ \ _ - , �� I I / / / // / I I l / / - - - IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNER'S 1 N\ \\\� ,\\ 1 \ - _ -\ \ \\\N 5\ \\\ : ........ \_ _ - - - - /- - NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) / / / I N. i AND TENANT FARMER'S(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. \ 1 \ \ \\ \ \ \ / _ - \ \ N N. \ \ \ �-- _ GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) / / / / / \ _ / \ \ \ 100 0 50 100 200 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM \ 1 _ \ \ _ i \ \ \ \ \ \ �'_- - / 1 / l / / / ' ( l / /' i ' / AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND \\\\ \ - N \ \ \ �N' ' \ \\ \ / / / / I / / / \ \ \ \ _ \� l \ \ \\ \\ 9g_ _ / I 1 I / / ) ( / / / , TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING '\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ - - - \ \ \ \ N 1 inch = 100 ft. / / I ( / / I / /i / // LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL \\\ \ \\ \ ZZ " \ �' \ \ \\ WEST BEAR CREEK \ \\ N - - -- - \ \ / / // / / I / , / / 7 ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. \ \\\ \ \ < \ N° \ N N / \\ N \ / / / � � \ \ \\\ \ \ ( � \ \\\ `\ / -Jst \ N \ - CNN. \ / / ' / / / / / / // / \ \ \ � `\ \ \ \ �. \ \ \ \ N \\ - \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \\ \ \ \ 1 \ N \ \ - - _ )\ / o! i_ / M / / / - � - / / // /� \ \ \ N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ _ - �� "/\' \\ \\ \ \\ \ \ \7 N. \\ / / — � \ \ \\ N N. N / / z / / I \ - \ \ ` \ 1 1 \ \ \ \ \ ` \ \ \ / / sg \\ -� \ \ \\ \ "s: -----2.7*,..... 0 / r)\: 7 fx- --- N ,.., N --Ns \ N x Ok tN N N. \ -zit, , ..... - . \ N / ( / I / DITCH RPW15 / / 10 \ \ \ \ \\ \� _ \- \ \ \\ \\ \ \ ® \' \ �" ® `ix `� �\ \ - - \ �V `�" \ - \ \ \ \ N \ 4s O �o N \ N. ` _ _ _ N \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 <� 3 \ \ , \ / I i / \ \ \ \ _ _ \ N.N \ \ \\\ \ \\ \` \ \� \ o o l \ O \ �p� \ \\ \\ • \ \ ` �� l \ 'SR �. \\ x \ O \ \ / Ni--, fir D TSC I // \ N. N SB \ \ I 1 \ \ `,✓�• - '� - —N x:12. ...# 0 7 N N 44/ 4<s- \ -- I O• ®43 N. \`"'' �- \\ \ ----,74, \ cV/ 1 lig S0 SF o: 4 .I , — — — — \ SFO • \� \ \ o < <O � � \ \\ \ \ \ 1 1 \ ,c� I LOD I ❑ _ _ oN z \ ■ OD 1 1 -- y -�O: s D- y 1 \ — I I I \ - — �.Q� �� NN\��\ �\\\\\ �,cb ,xo ® > > \\ \ \ \ \ \ -� - - _ �_ \ N I N I I 1 \ \ \\ \\\ \\ s `� \ � \ N \ \ I I I I \ \ - � \ \ \\ \b „N\\\\ 4� < \ \ / \ � - �• / / - - / \ N \ \ \ \\ \ 0 4p - / N _ \ I I /'/� \ \ \ \ 7 \\\ \� xo - - • / DITCH RPW16 - N _ o 43 00 oo — — F�LODS� LODE DI j LEI _ — \N 7 \\ \ \ �\ SFO \ \ \ \ �F — �F� LOI� I ` SFO / .15 _ \ o \ \ ` - - < \ \ 00) to n� M F FF �t�D � L D � _� _ _ - / o+ /I 'IJHII I I i� / � / ' - \\\\ \ \ �\ \\ \ \\ -- \ \ \\ \ N px0 - i \ \ \\ \• \\ \ LOD o co ill i \\ \ \ \ �osrL11 v.) LODI o ISFI c o - + + M / I M i / \ 7� �\ \ \ \\ \ \ - - \ \ \� \ FL�lD LOCI I \ M d; M / / J7I I / � /� � � - - _ \ \\ \\\ \N�\\�\\\\- _ - �\ \\ ��\� ` l - - �.'4 �, NN ----- N N. N '•••• \ • 44111111111t'n Aiikkb• i --71 - --- - - \ \\ \�i N_ z / M cl \ \ .___ PROPOSED 8"STEEL GAS LINE // ( I \ '� i - ,/ / - 114` \ \ \\ �i��� `\ ,,, „\ \\\'� 1 \ \ 4filf �� <O <\OO�, N cM M / \ / / 1 \ — / ' / ' / / _ —\� \ \\� - - - \ \ \\ \\ 1 1 \ �O \� -RJ' L. 77s \c-I 1 \\ 7Q 11 l \\ `\ `\ \\ _ _ \\\\\\\\\\`\ \ \ N. / _/ II\ - \ \ \\ \ ( I `< —� \ \ / 1\ I / \ `\ \\ — — \\ \\\\\`\\ \ `, I \. el <O` �OO a ,. I ------T I \. \ \ _ ,\\ \\\\.\\\\\\\\\ \ / I N� PQA '61,^ o PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 ,, N°°CARD PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 oQ-�oFEss/0 .,./. ''; =a°Q� -7 . NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)025 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN FA , j� A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 _ REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/0612021 SUPERSEDED .°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN '��%° tiG I NEB °° � ° DATE INITIALS off? DUKE Piedmont ,, ,i \, C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL JB WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH roil Natural Gas DRAWING NUMBER REVISION '''%,�kEITH° \�' D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY JB REC &STD ENERGY DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001078 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCH STAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE I RESOURCE CENTER I LINE NUMBER I 1` \ N \ N \ ' — / / ' / \ O \ \ - \ \ \ I \ N I / — I / / / 00 \ \ - CP. - � - \\ \\ \ � -- ' 1 \ - - - - - - \ � - / / / ' . •/ / DITCHRPW20 SFO / ho \ \ — \ \\ \ \ • • \ — \ \ // / �' / / / 00 �° p M 00 \ \ \�� \ \\ \ \ I / I / -v / to y \ ► o ‘- S I `) o \ \ \ \ � �� \ \\\ WEST BEAR CREEK - - \ - -93- - _- - � I / / / •/ / / o `p �/ Q� — — — \ / uP / :--- \ - ^ _ _ _� O O O / \� \ \ \ \ / _ \ _ / / o � �� _ - - �" tq, \ �_ � _ - -92 - ` -" / o SF L( TSC \ I - - - / / � , O M \ DITCH RPW16 - '_ - ' �� _ I \I _ . 4` 2 ' / A \ r- M`b oo <O�F / / • / CO LQ0 00 0 / / �/ •'/ DITCH : )0 �'O� � �' \ cT�/._. - - - MP,�GN\"- _ - - _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I :FO o / - Akk / �p0 SF � / _ - -92- - -ir \ /\ 7 // ,liti o ` `p0 - / \ O � '0, 0 7 0 \.. Z:1/ 0 i. .. , ,00 co* O S'�� o / 00 O• \ Lp OQ 385Obf' T _ _ _ - H �/ / `p0 / ` o //M I / TTSC p - - - _ —y5—' � _ — _ ' / o / c- F / o / / �p — - - N / C o CO \ tO\ / J�c� "'/' 00 c- Lp / o o / / 38 +00 I / ��I I - - '_ — — f \ \ \\ \\\� / %%// � jl $ \ o \ 00 TSC .• ` � O • o I M / / ( / / - \ - - �' a \ `� 1 �� SF �O\ 6 ��` �N r- I / ' / I I I / DITCHRPW21 - - - - \ \ \ \ \ \ - I _ � I� .../„..... .../ / _ I /p / \N. \ \ \ � \ \ = ^� \ ` , M o ✓/� � � / TSC ,�ik �� OQ "' I - I / I I /o j _ - - - \ _� _ %��=__ _\ \ 3 // / / / IIIT - - —--------- -- — - - ----------------- - --- \_ \ M / - _ / / / \ � / // ' — \\ % —\\ \ \ o• / - - - - ' _\ \ I / / O / / — - - /_ — _ — _\\ \ � - \ \\ \ O / / / � � � / i / A/ / - - - -' _ -105 — — — — / / - / -� ' g5� o / / /� rn 9 I / / � '\ `'' % _ - _ _ \ \ / / •/// —cc_O \ s. I / I / / / - - _ _ %_ I\ \\ - \ / / i / /I —�1p \ \\ \ \ l / j/ \ \ 1 \ / / / / // 88�' _ , 9_ _ / ��/ -\\ / // / ' \ ` DITCHR / / \ 1 I I I\ �\ / / _ \ - DITCHRPW17 / /— \ 1 \ \ / / _ _ \ \ x \ \\ �� \ \\\ \ _ / / //i / - - - \ \ \\\ \ - %t�i O e- / \\ \ \ / I / - - o \\ \ \\\�\\� \ \ � / /// / � � / ' - - - - \\\ \\\ \ \ / •i o M \ \ \ I / / Ol / / / � � / / / i \ � \ / /// i % / - _ \\\ \\\ \ \\- IZ o \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / 1 I I q�Y / / / / / — \\� \\�\� \ \ \ - / / I i110 \ \ �\� \\ \ 0- \ _. \\\\\\ / �� / / \\ \\ \\\ _ -' �� I \ \,\ \ \1 \ \1 I 1 II 1 / // //� / '' / � ' - - 112 - - _ - %� � �% � ' // � / \ \ \\N\\ \\\\� / / \ \ \ \ 98 \ O O \ \ I I / / _ \ \\ / / _ \ \\ Q �QS \. i � \ \� \w\ \ � \ \ \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ 1 I / 89-1(00 / - - - _ - - / \\ \\� \\��\ - =jam '%% y \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ l / A //7 - _ //////%%/i.. \ \\\ \_--� : / /� \ °2 \ \ \ \ \ I - \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 389t� \ \11 T l l / \ \ ��� ` \ / i//��� J_1 I 1 I I \ \ \ � \ \-\ � I I II 111 I 1 1 I / // — — � � \ \ ) j�/----�� ii�j'� - -/ 1 1 I I ll� \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I ► I 1 1 \ 1111 I 1 1 I 1 I I / / / /�%. \ \\l ii����'�'/• ^ _ , //lJ / 1 /lQ l - - \ \\ \ \\ \ \ i � I Ian' 1 I I n 139 +00 / \ _ / / \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ / / g000\ \ 1\I\ 1 1 II NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) // //� rn / / / \\\\ \\\ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ \ 11� I 1 I j / /I I / 100GRAoPHIC SCoALE(IN oo FEET) zoo % , / \ 1 / / / / -- / - _/ ) ((/ / (PERMANENT) / \ \ I \ 1 \ \ \\ I / � I I I I I /' / /� �/ \ / / \ \ \ \ \ 11I 1 I I 1 \ I \ � ) 1 I I I71 d' 1 \ 1 1 I l I ( 1 inch= 100ft. ✓ I /I ( / r I I I I III \ \ 1 \ \ \\ \ \ / / NOTE: \ /\ I I I I / 1 \ \ I I I I I I I I \ 1 1 1 \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \` / / / 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND \ ) / I I 1 ( I 1 \I 11 1 I I I I 1 I 11 1 I 1 \ \ \ \\ \N \ / 1 ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE, FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED \\ ( � I I 1 1 / I I / // I I I \ J 1 I 1 1 I Hill I I 1 I I I III \ \ \ \\ \ \\ `\ / // TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. \ \ \ // I I I I I / I / / // II \. / / 1 III 1 I I I I 1 1 \ \ / 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS \ N. \ / I / I J /r\ \ J / / //1 I I 1 I I I I 1 1 I 1 \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ // / IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNERS Op \ — 1 / / I I // (y / I \ / / / 1 I \ \ \ \ / / AND TENANT FARMERS(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. \ I / I / I ,`/ / 1 I I \ /// / / / I I 1 \ \ \ / 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM \O 1 / / o / / ( / /// 1 I I \ \ \ \ \ 1 AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND \ — / 6'0 z) 1 I - - // / i I \ \ \ i o / o I / 1 1 1 I \ // / / / / / I I 1 \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 ` I TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING / o�' / /' 1/ o o I I / I I 1 I \ / /j/ // / / I I 1 1 \1 \I \ \\ 11 11 1 I / / LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL � / / / I / // I I I / // / // / I I I 1 \ 1 1 1 1 i \ 1 // J ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. - \ \\p / / / / U �(/ — _ / / 1 I n I °' 1 / / / / I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 / • / / I I c� w _ y l I / / 1 I I 1 1 I 1 / ' \ ( \�O / ` ✓y + I I z I Cl) l ( 1 - I I 1 I I ( 1 to I / 1 1 1 / I I I I I 1 1 1 I / / I I Op // •4 LOD I I w =/ I / _ 4_44, 1 I I ?�I 1 1 1; , 1 I I I / I I 1 1 1 I I I I / \ \ _ / - / / 1 \ Q 1= 1 '� ' b I I 1 w1 I I I 1 \ \ \ / / / / 1 I I / \ \ I , - \ / ., / q�® ¢ z I r I \ N 1 1 1 c 1 1 1 I \ I \ 1 /11 // / / o I ^ I 1I / \ \ 1 // \ \oIII1I II / / / / / I / \ \ I 01 ISF \ 1C/)1 I 1 II / / / / / / / I \ \ \ o - I / o \ \\ I I / / Sxo / xo / ✓y ' � I I 1 I \ \ 1 I I I 1 l / / 1 1 1 \ \ �`' - - / / °o\ I I / �. \ 9 0 / 1 O�Op 00 ago. 1 I , I \ I I I 1 1 {5. o / / / I I I \ - - - o •\ / / � \ 1 1 I I / / y / o ® ° ,\ _, �� \ aOD \ LiJ \\ \ 1 III 1 I /---; 1 I I I \ \\ \\ \ _ v\ / / / v 1 p0 1 / 1 sr / / V / / I o`b Op 1 1 g \ \ I I I I 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 ( 1 \ \ \ \ / / / 1 � / / / o / / / / - - \ TCE ''''''r \ \ \ \ a \\ \ \ 1 I i 1 1 I 1 II DITCH RPW21 \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ .-i \ \ /1/ / / / 1\ \ / / / / / / / �C� / // �n r \ \ \ TCE \ \ \ I I 1 I I \ 11 / -112 \ / / / / b I O \ 1 \ a l ,0„ I \ I II 11•\ I 1 \ \ \ 1 \z \ \ \ \ \ \ \ N / _ _ \ \ 1 / / / / / PROPOSED 8"STEEL OC) / / / / v / / / / �` O\ \ 1 I 1 \ \ o cr I 1 1 I I I• , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \- \ � ` -" � ', ' ' I — LOD \ \ \ \ - - � J // �/ /' // GAS LINE / / / // 1 " o`1 / // l l/\ 1 / / / \ I \ ` \\ \\ i 1 \ \ \ \ \ - - ao1i 'a9--1_- - ,p�'� ao� (301 / / / SF J / /\ / / \ , / I I I I 1 I \ \ _ % / / / / / / v• o I \ \ / a0� 1 I �p� �a�� _�• Qo� T� � - �� v _' c �_ ' _ _ — ' ' / / — \ \ \ / J / / / / / / �° °• _ I \=ao - - _ \ / I \ N _ _ _ \ _ I \ \ \ c 0 / / v• O / \ / I ' I \ TSC \ \ N \ N\ \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ \ : .1,1 ,.\ - - -_ /_ / ' -' \ \ \ \.„ , ...._ _ \ \\ / /....._ _ / ' / / / I C° o / \ ) c I -- 11 11 1 I I , ,\ � I . � I _ — — — _- - - - - \____ _ \ \ \ / / SB / / / / Y / / 1 \ / O �. o - _ \ 383+U� 1 I I 1 \ \ \ \ \ ____. — _ _ _ �F-! -SF 7C �-E78� � F—�_ SF \ . \ \ / / / / / \/ / / / �r + 0 0 �\ - T aoZ—al --�_ — — 1 F \ - - / / o / / / / / ® / \ + o o \ �F a SF CIO \(:10 � \ \ � ae��—_cue - - - - _ — _ - _ _��_ SFO � SBA _� - - H____,do/:/S/F710� / / / ) / ; o \ 7 /' —� JH \ � _ SFO - SB���� - - _ = = \ _ -LOD - SF�SFO SB_- - - - - - / - _ �=:. ��8=� / //' \ �`o„( / / // / _ // / // \ ;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I `T / / / / Oo� _ _ — \ \ \ \ — _ _ \ \ — -- O C -\ \ �� _ \ — _- -- ir / / O 82+9� I g � -$_ _ � O\ \ —g- — — , o _ _ + \ / + _ �� — � 0-- _ 1 - 0 � � � ' \ / /'Cod Po V I 1 / / / /� � '\ lik I \ %.4 O + + m - -+� / 0 - \ ^- '` \ N _ _ / C'11�_ _� �O� / � �OiI^ — \ _ — _ _ ICr ) 7I / ICO �/ M - - �Mp 1 co M / - -�59 / � \ \ � J / � '_ /� - --I_ _ - - 'y+ � � � -M1_ - __�' \_ = _may%/ � / < \ \I I I I I 1 /// 7 /'/ \ p0>\ �\ \ / N /� - / - i - i - -t - — ~ 1 M Mi� \ \ Il \ \\ I 1 I _ 1'1 / / , - � _ �-Lc-i `\, �F� LSlol \ \ 00 \ /, - - _ _ _ _ - _ _ �I _ _ -_ - �, _ _ �- - \ \ \\ \ ( I / / ' lit ��\ \ / / / — / / . ' I -- _ _ - - - _ �_ ' ' _ _ \ \ \ \ / / I - -- \ \ \ \ \ \ I 1 / lC � - - - - ' SFO p \ I �� / / / /_/I � ' / i — _ i � ice_ _ —_ � � - _ - - ' \ \ \ \ - - / — I - - \ - \ \ / \\ • \\ \ I I I I / y /OJ \\ \ / / / // / � // ' - -� � / / _ ice = - I � _ - __ \ \ \ - - - ' � ' / \ � \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ ( I I ► l // / � \ / � \ ( / '- //\ N \ , - / - - - - _ - - - __I \ \ _ _ I/ - \ \ \ \ \ / / ��� \ \ I / o ' / i �10 / / ' / / _ J� / '/ ' / — — — — — _ T N \ \ I\ / _ \ \ \ \ �� \ \ \\\\ � \ — \ NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) p 80+00 NN 1 1 1-61.8�/6 � / / / � ' �/ -7 / / � � '/ ' � ' \ N - - \ z / \ \ \ \ \� \\ I \\ 11 \ I / / \ // \ O 3 \ \ \ \ I I / / / /— 1 / — / / / \ N \ / ( / / / ' \ \ `y \\ \ \\ \ \\11 11 1 I / / \ \ GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) \ ' '1� ' ' / ' / / N \ \ \ \ '� \ \ 1I11 I I I / z � �\ \ � \ \\ \ � I I / / � / / � � �/ / ' . ' / / � J I � / / _ \ \ \ \ \ � \ \\\�I 111 1111 I // \ 100 0 50 100 200 \ N\\ \ \\\ \ \ / / ' � / / / 1 1_ ' / / 77 \ \ \ \ \ \I1 111 1 I 1 inch= 100 ft. a k............ . / I \ / . — ,,-_ - \ \ \ \ \�\ \\` \ J 11\ 1 1 , 1 — \ o PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 N°•CARp PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 0 e (-) SS/04/1, =e°QQ 'V • • NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)026 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN , j� A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE NITIALS LINE 475 _ REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED .°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN ' `�%° tiG I NEB °°` ° DATE INITIALS DUKE Piedmont ,, q C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL JB WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH ram Natural Gas DRAWING NUMBER REVISION '''%,�kEITH° \�' D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY JB REC &STD ENERGY DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001079 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL A PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCH STAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER / I /, N \ � , /� / /, / / /, / /� / /7 / 7 7 7 / , i ri 415' / / lJ / \\ / 77i // i / / I I J I \I / \ / / 1 / I I I / / \ 7 - 7/ / / / / / / \ / I I /i I // / 1 / 7 — 7 / 7/ / / / / 1 / cv / \7 / // /I I \ /Co 7 / / / \ / / // /Nti // / o / / 1 \ / / / 7 / ( 1 I / I \ / / K // / / 1 / I \ / / / / / / / // / / / / // \ / (/ / o / / / / // / \ / I / / \ \ / 1 / / ) I / Nv / PROPOSED 8"STEEL GAS LINE / cocn — _ / / ,�I II = = I x I / '1.44% I �� — _ \ \o°I° l\ // // l \ N I f I I \ o w \ I _\ — o + ' \\ CO I \1 \ \\ o A A oo o — ��rn— — LOD SF // o \V z \ O N JH SF N 1 I 1 I \ co \ �\ JH \ �� a c0 �— _ / _ + o o \\ a g ----,=- , a 1 \ oo SFO \, , _ e� — �� �S�_Lam _ colco _ _/ c C%- j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o s� �� \ \ OOl - _ LOD co ni- o \ + o 0 �J o Ol o 0 0 o I o 0 0 o x \ I / OOl — d rn + o 0 • \ \ \ LOD I N N LOD SF N N �- \ \ / — aol col - o co col aol -� col - - - TCEni- \ \ `* \ �* �* •* I •* •* •* �r / / / / ( \ aol \� dni- - TCE \ aql\ am — am — aoli — � — ac / / / / /_ .• �� •• .. — / �'� \ aol —� col I 1 ILash„..,„I' ' I N I I I '\ �J / (/ / .// o \ ��_ .• ---___ �� �� N\ �� I \ I ' _ c cF _S I — oo / / // 1 / 1/ I g I + I I \\ o LOD S .•��FQoz� I _ ao�" — —ao am o� o� GM — / / / yo m I II a• — / r I \ LOD SF aol J I \ "' N I \ I O I 1I } / / // ►- `. \ , _ — rr , M I I L_ I O I O Iig`•�_�/ —� _ / �r - - - - °� < <r o, it I + o of I 1 M / o I . o I o \ o o o o i 1/ i ' xo _ - ate _ \ d V' M I rn o 00 / I _ I I i �^ / o 0 0 \ o o 0 0 0 0 o / o O / - \ \ _ _ V' 01 oI + o / \ c+c o+o c + + + / I + I I / 7 1 `y d / G. o I o N r• \ r• C /N M / / d' r1' 1N + \ O o _ ' // II I N < \ \- -1.40% � � - � ��- - _ / J I \ A 13 ,"3/\e' I I ^ / V 7 / \ \ PROPOSED NEW HOPE ROAD BORE \ I / I I / ' — _ o \ \ (SEE SHEET PNG-C-475-0001066) / \ / / / / I / I \_ / I I I I / \ I o �o> \ I \ /� 1� / - ,/ // may, 1 \ I - - l // I \I I � \ � a — Foy \ I \\ \ \ 9�� / I (/ \ \\ \� _ )_ _ N II ILOD \ - _._____________) \ \ / lG I 1 \ \ \ 1 \ \ N I \ , \ , V A l 11 - I I I I / ��\\��\\\\O"N. \ I `/ \ 120'—' \ \ \ \ \ 1 \ \ / 7 I 1 \ \� \ I \ / NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) \ \ — — — \\ / \\ \ \ \ \1 \\ \ �v� / 1 / / \ — _ — GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) / 100 0 50 100 200 / \\ / \/ l \1 \ ►n \\ 1 � , — i //// / / '_ / 1 1 inch = 100ft. i p'n // 1 / / / i // / / // ONOTE: / ,. - - / / / -/ I� pp 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND / -441+00I -1 \ ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED / / ,\ _ _ TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. / / / - -I "\ , I /' ^ — - / 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS / // ilk \ % IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNER'S / i • 1 132 / / / NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) \ - - p AND TENANT FARMER'S(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. - / ' \ 1\ __I // 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM / / / GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) I / 100 0 50 100 200 MATCH LINE-424+10 AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND / / I 41111 +0 TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING / / I 1 inch= 100 ft. / \ / LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL / / / ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. / / \ �� B oI /7- - M / /- / / \ / I -II V - - � I >/ _ / / / / / / / / � � I 443+00 - /13 / Ib / / ( � I I I �/ / / / / N / \ / \\ - / / I 1 l l � ' - �/ / / / //, o \ / - / p 1 I / �36� / I / I / \ p 136 / 7 / / I / / I / II -1 I / `, / 444+00 PROPOSED 8"STEEL GAS LINE / / i/ // I - - \ 1 / / / // \ itt — / / _ _ _ Q J — / / 7 � — // 7 / � ' /i — — I co \— / / a / / / / / / \ e- / / / �i l/ Ejl4 o 44 / � � / // \ / /� / I \ 1 1� 0 o \ / / Lop /1\ -r i — r I I I / // / , 0AS } _�� �D / — :ol LOD SF / / 0%p l�SLO LOD / I ,46+ O D D D /— LL LO L��/ / `\ ,o . I7 S S I � � LOD - - / / 0 1 / / �35 . ( I SF L - - z ) / 1 1 / \- - / - -A \ / 458+00 �_ D 1 a / / 1_ // — / �F \ S F S F /LS F // / DSF.� L �� 6 \\ // ( N LOq LOT LOD LO`p LOD LOD LOOD LOD LOq / �� oD O p' \ / \ / //g LOD o o 0 0 / o o SF / JH o ` o o I T + + + + + + + + + I \ 1 1 / \ \ / / 4 0 i // 0 "� 4': i \ - / \ / 't 4 / 4 .t �/ / 0 p 1 PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 9(PERMANENT) // I - // / ( • MATCH LIN - I SEE SHEET PNG-C-475-0001085 FOR CONTINUATION -J \ / — / / / I I E 440000 0 \ / I / I SEE SHEET PNG_C_475-0001081 / / 1 / \ I I ,�A`o \ i I \\ 1 460+00 I p I — i \ / - \ I 1 \ i I\ o I /) JN N\ ( I 1 I / / (` \ \\� I\ I I \ •N •° I / \ - 1 / N / \ ` I / o / z \ \ \ I \ I 461+00 0 3% a I \ / \ _ — II • I I I a o PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 ,A cARO PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 (:) S s/o !,L:0 . =e°Q� - °°-)7 = NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)027 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN , A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 _ REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED °°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN '� %° tiG I NEB °°`� � p DATE INITIALS off? DUKE Piedmont \, C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH ro... Natural Gas DRAWING NUMBER REVISION ''%,�kEITH° \\' D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY TFG REC &STD ENERGY DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001080 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCH STAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10106/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE I RESOURCE CENTER I LINE NUMBER \ iilt NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) TEMPORARY GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) \ IMPACT AREA 100 0 50 100 200 09 Lc) 3.83 ACRES aill 1 9 \ ti o + 90 1 inch = 100 ft. Ln DITCH RPW21a ti w 0 Z J z I I 1 WETLAND W5 = 1 / / \ \ I l / / 1 1 / / / / \ I 1 I \ 1 I II ` 1( I I ( I I / / // // IJ I DITCH RPW21b \ \ \ w / / / / \ I 1 \ \ 1 1 1 1 1 I / / 7 / / / \ I \ cn ` - _ // // / J // /1 I I 1 11 11 I \\ I\ II // / // /// // // RAILROAD ROW \\\ \\ /— — ) \ I 1 1 1 / / , / . — �` / \ _ — — \ \ LOD /' SF JH ~ '\33 / � / / ;1. . �, ; ; \ '1 ' ' ' • ; ' " TWC ' , LOD ' �S �/ ; : ; ; ; ; ' •�: • ; ' ' ' ; ; ' L • ' , = • ; - : SF : • . CLOD , ' —, . - - - * — — — — \ — — \ \ \\ \ GM Goy Goy Got 0O I S GM IdS °O— IS00 T \�_go, � o- °1 �:�§-1 / Got 'd �"? 1. ab ;la0 i77. ,LR 1' Col - . 2'' �2 ^Q"Q� '.: , �-, 't-°1•, ' 'a•1. . . °0 �- 4°': * - �a 1 , '. s,. • 001 ay �ao4 Gogsrl ao1 ao1 ao1 8 / I / / I / / ; ; ;� : � - ', : • I ; " j ; ' "l 1 : '1 - ;%/ � , • ; ; ;j, , w ; . . w , , ,�i;; ; • ; , * • ;: . * • * , ; ; * • . w. ; . ; . ; � ; . , w • : . , * • ; ; • I / oi God — O o _ / I I / / •/ / / ? - ' ' N• / • ; ',� • •� • • / ; = 1 ; = 1 • /' : ' : ' �; : • ' ' • ' • , = • • • • , ' ' " • = - • • , : - ' ; - • • _ - • • ' : • ; ; • ; • ' • • ' : " • • ` / 1 138 -GOT s'�C1OT o -- a0-1 —aF- a0-1 —aE a07 SF ao� / SFGo/1� I Gl l �o'I' \\ 1 , ' • r •,ip-i ©IQ :' , .�Q�o,�-° . .a.„ -. . . : •f. ; . . . .cm. , • ' ' , . 90• GCYsi� • , ; Q�;�`� . • ' . , ; ' ' : ; ' ' - - • ' ' • • ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' \N 1\ \ 1\ lam I \ a•i I CIO 6 ao-1 Go a � \ / v �/ ( I\ 1 1 1 \) \I I/ r I II 11 ( / I SF LOD I _ / N / \ 1 1 1 I / / / I / 1 F 1 SF JH I 1 I I I I I I / TWC 1 LOD CS / / (/ ( SF Z I l l / l 1 ( l l fao� �� ao� aoi �� ao� N / / / / / / / / / 1 1 I / / / / / 1 \ o // / / I / / / 1 I 1 / / / / , / 1 \ o li / // / // / I / I I I I I I I \ 1\ I / \� \ \ PROPOSED 8"STEEL GAS LINE PROPOSED HDD 5 - o \ I \ \ I i X i / / I I / I \ \ \ \ \ . ti 1 / / / / / I I \ \ \ / w SF JH 1 / / / / l I / I 1 I 0 �co r' \ / / / I / / / ( I NOTE: .\ 1\ U - , _ J /' 1 / M / / ) THE 20 FT WIDE LOD ALONG THE HDD IS A CONTINGENCY MEASURE \ i- / I 1 1 / i- I / / \ ONLY. IF ACCESS IS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE HDD PROCESS,A _ _ _ \ Q • • • i ' ' • • • • I 1 / I I / / ) TEMPORARY WETLAND CROSSING AND/OR TEMPORARY STREAM J / \ / • • • �J� I ,/ \ I / / / / / / CROSSING SHALL BE UTILIZED FOR THE AFFECTED AREA. IN ADDITION, // \ - - ` / / / / / / SILT FENCING SHALL BE UTILIZED ONLY AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT / ✓ /7 / ( \ `\ \ / / / I MIGRATION OF HDD MATERIALS. I / I \ / i \c3' `� I ) I NOTE: ,I / p )- - - -, I 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND \ I I r G5 1 / \ ) IIROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED \ \ / / TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. \ I/ I 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS1Iilli / IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNERS 1 2 I DITCH RPW21c t I / AND TENANT FARMER'S(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. 1 III I I 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM \ \ I I I AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND 1 I I TEMPORARY \ \ \ \ I 2 I TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWINGzri IMPACT AREA \ \ \ \ \ / I LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL I y 1 0.59 ACRES N N \\ \ 0, LOD .rji \ // I ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. 1 \ \ \ ao � / i I I o i 1 \ \ \\ ao� ° � God \1 __1FIES / I 1 I \ ap �p, \ _��.g. Uo op c�F ILI // 1\ \ PROPOSED THOROUGHFAREROADBORE \ N �� \ Go�1 SF l� DITCH RPW21d ( )Ir, SEESHEETPNG-C-475-0001067 \ \\ ap, Goy\ 1 \\ 1 / WETLAND W6 \, 1,,, \\ \\ \ - - • - - . - - - 0,.., \/___--,, \\ u.) , .,,,_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . .. . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . , ,,,; \\ , '8 8 \ \ 8 - - . 1 a // \�\ p \\ I DITCH RPW21f / �' ''} •' PROPOSED 8"STEEL GAS LINE / ce / / �� ao� _ilI \ I I JH 1 r---I '0 x .5i,,......rryot ---5L—°1 \ \ \ / 1 0 LOD I \ \ I lu) \ km........o \ DITCH RPW21 e - I GO \ S -11i----11r-f-t `/ ...--..-• am I \ \ I SF Lopao� �� IP I • \ Ivo I I _il 1 . . . . . . . . • ( , \ \ , + \ g9' ---1-1.j S Era. \ • \ I g / 1 \ - 1 q \\ - s ao i � / — - np, \ • 499+75 - • •'t' .I \ \ �� — s I �= Goal `- i SF LOD / I _ 001082 \ • • \ ? \ \ • I — scln� _ ao� �laO — —®_ _ �� I G-C-475 0 \ \\ \\ _ \ )1:• — \\J 1-�ao , LOD — — �.43�° - I I \\ \ — ao� s \ � . 1 1 \ Qo ®� _ I \ \ II b I \ \ i c \ N _ - - , I \ -o. o°i° ::04_,1\c4)(3\80440s1WIE:sCHHELE11-1\1Epl\i- / / I - -I I \ 1 \( \EI // RAILROAD ROW ( • \� \\ I I \ \ 1 c�"'\ / \ \ ` \ I (0 \ \�I �0 3O�/ \._ ) — r \ 1 1 I NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) \ `� ) \ � J GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) I \ I I 100 0 50 100 200 I I — / \� I 1 inch = 100 ft. o PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 N°•CARp PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 0Q'e oFES s i 04!2 =e°Q� l' • NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)028 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN , ju _ A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS REGIONAL LINE 475 — DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED .°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN '��%° tiG I NEB °°`� � ° DATE INITIALS DUKE Piedmont ,, ,� �, C 06/14/2021 90% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH roii Natural Gas DRAWING NUMBER REVISION _ '''%,�kEITH°���', D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMG WKG DC DRAWING BY TFG REC &STD � ENERGY�� DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO NC PNG -C-475-0001081 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCH STAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE I RESOURCE CENTER I LINE NUMBER i N \/: : : : : : : " . . . . . . . o / WETLANDW6 " " " ' • ' ` \ - - - \\ \ I / l // ) \ / / � � ` ) / I ___ -- ---‘ .;:/__ \ /-' \ 1 // r \t. / - J TEMPORARY I I \ 2: V / I ` : : : , IMPACT AREA \ I \ / . . . . . , , 0.89 ACRES \ i - - - 14 , . . . . . . . . . 5 07 I \\ \ 1 ,�\� I DITCH RPW22 Y" • :_ \ O\ PROPOSED 8"STEEL GAS LINE 1\I \\ // \ �' /� . JF�, .„- \ / k \ I J, 5��007 WETLAND W7 I I , �ITT-7SP' 3 \ a� (Op SF �l 1114*4 O, I °di% // ao� F ..."---:‘ ao� I 4S �� I \ ( \ LOD S� O, QO�I F \ I �� . 4 .......... �Fa°` Nao� a — �� \ \ MOM 1 S CS - � / — // , \ - s \ _ \ _ - - LOp ,�� :-CLICPp - _114e I \ off a0� —I/ ) LOD / I 17: �` EN •, 4 oi • I o LL77 / / ,yes• — \ as ( l ao ao1 :7: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : \ \ N/ \ 1 \ I/ 76 _ S1\g \ N I \\ <O O \ -: 1-4 ) / - c, ) (--/\---- IWO 776s ------ / / 4- t -774 0 Si \ / N 7--.. °\° w I I < o\__ 6%' / / 8/ --. / \ \ �/ N / N _ \ - Q I \ I / / � - I . \ z / TNORO AN. _ _ - - 7 I N,,, \ — / \ .--- o/ HFgRE RD 1 v % 1 // I \\ NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) \ o °\° / I GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) ---__L 100 0 50 100 200 N _ _ - 1 inch = 100 ft. / ' \ I o� / I Oo7 lOp \\ I // cam, ( ____ ___ ______ _ ___ ____ _—_____ . -- -- ____ _ ___._ , 14 \ / 00 / \ \ 1 \ �/ / DITCH RPW22 \\ \ ) \ \ I LOD db7 1 t \N \ l l \ I N / / Fri N N I / , \ ` / \ 0 NOTE: \ — �o3\° / \ / \ 0 �r,,pp� 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND ® N• / - ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED \ / I / t - TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. / / I ,- 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS \\ \7 / - cCO I / / I ) IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNERS \ , '- _ J / 0- //Ili // o // / AND TENANT FARMERS(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. \ ( / h I / 0 / / O 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM \ \ / GV I/ I / \ / / O? AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND / = l / \ TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING / \ - - / Z \ t \ \ I /1/1°' LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL / �V \ J \ \ / ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. / o \ \ // ^ o / I \ ~ \ oL a?j . �• \ / e / v, I/ / 1 �/ / / , tp \N. — _N / c / 0 3PROPOSED 8 STEEL GAS LINE 40 \ \ / ® I \\ ocr a� �o� cam, ` \ I • ' oo I 1 - _ ______ _ _ \ lL,o-,{,__. _ , ��S�O� / DITCH RPW25 / o� //4 in 7 / / ( aois.. _) mil ao, I F O0 J LiO I / / _ F � ii /l — � I -N ___ Qb 7 / g 1 / , , 1 I , _1 i // t7 . \_ ____ I ____ , ,1 __________ ._--......., . . . ,-/ 7- •-•\ ' Eli Eli - i 01 - - - - --- -7 Cg .2,(' 7'1 1 / &.._ it i N / I / � \ / \ .� •� Jam _ // / ®4r07O � '� \\ I N I I I _ � N _ rr^^ _ yJ 1 - _ _ - J �'So ice - DITCH RPW23 \ \ " - � � � _ � . . '3\ \ \ \ �O` �1�3 J - - \\ � - � \1 4I.i _ �iC \ _ / ( \ - DITCH RPW24 \ - \\ I / _ _ "lX% I —115� - - 1 - - J I/ I O / ^\ ,�� I� \ 113_ _ — — — —\ NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) // _ _ -116 N ni — _ J GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) c� — _ \/ \ i _ 100 0 50 100 200 1 �� \ — \. 1 inch= 100 ft. 07 c PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 N °C A R O'''/,,,, PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 o��0 .ssion°/2�: =e°Q� 47•7 NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)029 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN , ju ` A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 _ REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED .°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN '�`�%°°tiG I NEB °°` ° DATE INITIALS DUKE Piedmont '' C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH roxii Natural Gas DRAWING NUMBER REVISION ''%,�kEITH ��' D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY TFG REC &STD ENERGY. ''�-- DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001082 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL A PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCH STAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER r i A I\ \ Z / . TCE / I / -sO I ;' \ I\ \ /� C u0— — /115 \ \ / NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) \\ \ \ \ GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) / / / / \ \ / 100 0 50 100 200 I / - -'' \ / / / / / Y\ ' N // , //�1 � - \ 1 inch= 100ft. \ , 1 / / / / / \ \ PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 1 (TEMPORARY) / - / / �' / / \ \ CONTINUATION / / / s \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / _- - 1 / \ \ \ \ \ \ - -- / / \ ) / / E \ - ----------\ / / / — ----- I \ \ \ _ \ \ \ \ \\X� / \ / / / //k / / / - -\ \ \ \\\ \ -, — i — �\ \ \ \ I / / �n — \ - = \ \ \ \ \ / / I ) 2 / / � - - \ \ \ \\ \ � - - \\ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ / I 1 l 1 I 1 /// ////J /78 // 125� \ \\ \ � \ \\ � - \\\\ \\\\\ \ \ I / // / / / \ \ \ \\ \\ \ y \ \ II/ d „ / / / . \ N\ \\ \ \ \��\\ \ \ \ � \ 1 I/ /Qi c/] // / /12 \ \ \ \ \\ \\70\\ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \// / / ) I/ / f .- \ \ \ \\ \ \� \\ \\ \\ \ N - , :701 / / / I— /�// / / / — — \ \ \ \\\N — \ l \ \\� \\������� ��i \ / / / / 1 / // \ I \ \ — --, --,.. \ / \ / O / o _ / / � � \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / .\ - - � / � `6/ // `oN \ \ \ - - _ _ � � \ \ �� \\\�\�\\ ::1, - - � /� //j://r/i- lit 8 - h / \ \I \\ \ \ — _-��, \\ - - \\\\\\\\\ - / /� /7 77./�/ /oI I I \i 9 / II 1I \ \ / � -- 7 --\��� \ \ \ \\ \\\ \\77,,,NN / i --j7,, ry : :) I I I I 1 \ 1 1 '-- - / / ---‘ ---- - --- \ N N 70 \ N N N ---- '---- _.„..- --' ,-'' /. x . „0 _ID Ct [1] I l I I / I I I 1 \- � / / �/ / _ � \ - = \\ \\\\ \ \� / \ oar, N .- _� � / ;7 :/ I I 130� / / / / I / I I III \ /� / // � -� � - - \� \\ �\ � ��\ l ( \ \ \\ \� - Yy ' /I. / / 1 1\ 1\\ \\\ / // / \ \ \ \ \\ \�\\\ \\ \ ry o�NI LLl _ / / / 1 \ \ / // / _- \ . \\ \\ \ \ \ /o \ \ \ / / / I \ \ / \ \ \ \ \\ N\\ o b p /OI _ _ _ — � // / / / / / 1 \ 1 �_ ,/I/ / / / — / - - \\� \ �\ \ \\ \\\\�� \ tp �,o.�,/,/// j\-� I // / / / / / / I ( \ \ \ \\ \ \ \,\ \\ \ \ //I / \ / -� \ \ \ \\ \ � \ \ � �%j/ V/_ / / / / 1 I 1 \ /J I I / / — \ / 22� \ \\ \ \\ \\/ I \o \\ \ / / :/ � / l0 128 — / // / / / 1 \ \ / I I \ \ \ pro\ \\ \� \\\� \ / ' dam . ; y • . ;1• ,1. I I ( / / / o �' // / ) / / l I \ I I I I \ \ \ \\ \�` \N N\\�\\\ '-'" . •\' • • : : . :�' 11( II III I I fix ' of I / / / I \ \ \ / / \ \ \ \\ \\\\\ \\�\�N�\ / ^*�' '?� . ; �: ; y • y •\�:\\II \ \ \ 90 ----- \ ( 0,, _ j -ri "\ / / I I \ \ / // \ \ �\ \ \�\\\\ , ; ,-„� \; y1y , . 'w. • \+ Y'yy \t.. . \\\\\\ I• II / /� of I / / / / 1 \ — —/ J - - \ / / \ \ . '� \\\ \�• • •� . y -�: ; 1 \11 111 l I I NOTE: -E� // I / / l ) \ // \ \ - - / \ �� �,�A \\ \\\\\ �� .\ . , ; p:\ y . ; : l I III11 . bYldl / / / / \ \\ ,\ ; 1 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND i / \ / / N \ �✓ \\ \ \\\\ \\\\\ ' •' ' ' •\• , ; •; ; • • 1111\\\\\ \ ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED GI. / / / l / l l / / \\ `'' ^ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ .\' ; ' . . . ' ' . ; % \\\\W\ \\\ TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. 6, / i I/ l \ /// // i� \)\11 1 \ i r ' ; • + • Y' ' ; - \ \\ \\\ \\ \\2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS Cu< - - - CD:-,,, 12 / / / \ �,, �,+ I I I I I I I / I 1 ' • •)1 ,• ; \ \\\ \\\ \ \\\ wI I I -/-I; IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNERS �pn / / /I I \ r -`'6 \ o• �• I / / / 111t I /// // '/' 7- ' / \/1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1\ \\ AND TENANT FARMER'S(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. I / / ` I \ / _ 1 •\, ^ I / III I Ic gjl / // l�,I, •� / 1 ` I\1 I 1\\ 111 \ 1 1 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM ii :' / I / I / III / \AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND / I 1 \ // \ / / / N\ /� I 1 I 1110 // �� ' ' \ 1 \ TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING O / / / \ \\ / - - / N •� / r'x I J I I I III/ �/, ; - \ \ ) \I\\\\\.4\, i.\\\1\\1:11\1\\11\1\1:1'11\\II‘L:\11\11\\\I LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL / / I \ / (/ o. )///// 1 )/)11/ . ;/' ) \ \ \O / LOD / — — '� / //// I \ \ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. J / / / }/' // I I / I \ (9/ ,- � / `/ o _37;, ,-: /i/ / / �/ / 1�IvQ �2A� / \\ 'moo /////�// // //// / / \ / 1 o ,�'' -- / / "o� / // // //� / / ) � � NI \ 7I/ � \ o / / / _ / // /// // // /// / / I ) 11111\\111 7 ,,c),0 , I Li 1 / I / I ok/ ' I o / / / / �/ / / / / / / l/ / / \ �/ � , 1 11\111\\ / \ \ \ / `p -�_, ,,,.„ ._,,, _ _ /) / / / 36xp �00 11a'd, // I//^ //� / / / / / / // llI / / / \ \\ \\ __,____ _ \ __ ______ / �0 1 r� / / / / / / / I I I I ( _ i \\\\\ \ \ � ______ — 1 0� 1 0 ._. °o I 11 / / / / III I/I // 000iII4/Ill/I 1III / / / / /) / \\ / / // �, III / / l I /lv / ll ' l / / / / l /, \ III / �/ �� \ \ / // / l l I 1 I I I / / / /ll / / / � � I \ \ 111((1 / I �, / // I / / \ I / \ N \ 1171 o° / � / moo I a �p — I I I / I I ' I I / / / / // \\ I 11111 / N \ \ I� / I / o L`��D I 11 1 I I I I 1 I \ 1 III 1 I I I \ Icn ' // I �a° /� - 'zit' / /) , I ► II ] ) IiII I ' (\ \/ \ 1 I11\' I 1 \ �, /� I ado �/ I // / //// /// l I I I I I ) 1 / 1 11 ► I \ \ :....,..ji I oo \ / l / / i / / l l / 1 \ I I / / / III I \ \ \ / \- / li / / / //�i / / / l ( 11\ \ LO lc O \.00 / / 34+p0 I l l / / / / / / / / I / I I 1 I \ \ D \J do � / / IQ �o I 1 1 I / / // / /:// �// / / l \ I l) \ \ I / \, / I �/ / I / 11 l/ / / /i l ( � � /// co \ \ / o �o� I / l / l 11 /�/ / / r� ,� I / / // / i \ \ \ - / I LOD —� 1`PROPOSED 8" STEEL GAS LINE / / ( (/ / / // / / / / / // // / // / I / / ��/ /// /� I / \ ` \ LO / I / / 7 / I II I I I ' 1/ / / / / / I //// / / I \ / D / a33+ I II / / / / / /// I \ // I / / o a ooI 1 I III I / / / / 1 I / /%///�////\ \ \ I fi / I l / / II / I I I111 / 11l ) // l III\ \ _ % r II / l/ / / /// /l l � l/ Il ' I / I I // I I I II \\\ � \ \ / / / / I I I 11 I / rft'''''''"--- \ — I l - / "WHO I I I \ 7 1/ \ \ \ N L �\ \ / / LOD - / / l Q 3� // 1 / l / // l / /l / 1 I I I l ) I I 1 I I 1 1 / g% o 1 \ \ �_Lo� // // / o �a 2roo / / / l / l l/ / l/ // / /I \ \\ / / / J 1 1 / 1 I I \ / // —' o- N I 1 ,� I\ \\ .,/ \ \ / ' —ZOa I Ca/ ` / // // // / �/�/ /// /// / // // ,� // / //�//i/ 11 I / v 1 v o I \ � — - — EOp- \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / // /% / \ \ V +o ? o\ $F \ -� J N. ` // / / / / /// / llI I / l ///�j/i ///i / 1 N fix° o COp� \ // / / / // III 1 \ I I / 7 / / /// / // / / /// d \ ° N • o Opp \ I //7oo+ i//z/ // // // //, I \ \ \ 1 I / / / i�LOD LOD aI I , / / / / \ \ \ / / / =do / \ N r / 1 / / �// / o PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 0, CARo PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 OQ--/ .ss/0ti/2''; e° Q °°� = NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)030 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN T j A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 _ REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED .°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN '�`%° tiG I NEB .°` � p DATE INITIALS DUKE Piedmont C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL JB WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH rah Natural Gas DRAWING NUMBER REVISION ''%,�kEITH \\' D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY JB REC &STD ENERGY DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001083 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL A PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCHSTAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER / / / / // // // �\ 12�' / / / / I // // // I / / / // / / / I / / / / / / / — — — /7 /I I/ / // // / / // // / / / / / / 7 / / / / / i / I _ / / / / / , ' ) I' / 7 / o ' 1- / / / / / / // / 7 ' 7 /// / - �- - / / / i/ / / \- - -� � / / / - / / / 1 / — _ TOMMY'S ROAD T 1 \ / / / / / / / / / / / I / I 1 / / / ��� _ v / 7 / w / \ \ I( _ / / / / / 1 \ // f _ _ / _ =_ I I \ / / / / _ _ TCE / - I I \ \ - - / / / / / -- _ _ 1 \ / / ' � / - / / // /' / / ' ' N \ \ / / / / /' / ) I / - - - - \/ \ I I� // / / / / / / — / ( / / / / / 16 / / -------------7 \ \ I � � / // / / � / / / / - - ____\ / / / ' I � -\ \ \I \I // 7 //' //' //� � /J ,° //' 1 ; 1 // I 1 / 1 /l Q// 1 - ( / / l / o \� �� \ \ \\ � _ \ \� � \ \ � \N \ .._ --- ,A, `-\ \ ) I I `\ ) / 7 � ' // // / � - - � / / / \ I I I I 1 ) N N - \ \ \ \ \ I \ 7 / c�� 1 \ ) 7 N / / I 11N \ ` / \ / 1/ N \ N _ \ � / / / / i \\ I /I , , ' / / I,- 1 N N 7 / ": / / / // a7 ,--, O.° `'t /-‹c 1 // / - 7 / N / /s \ \ ` \ - - - _ /\ \ /\ / / / I / /\ \ \ \ / / I I sr r / \ \ N /I I / I - / /\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / / / / ( / I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / / V/ I \ I\ I \ I I 1I / / / / / �c, v/ \ \\ \ \ \ \\`\ `\ � � � � � -- -. \ I / // ) I LOD SF \ I _ \ \ \ \ N / / ) / I I \ \ \ \ \ 1 \\ / i / / / / SF SFl SF SF I / / / I 1� D� LOD LOD LOD \ \ \ \ \ 1 c / / I 1 \ 1 / /I SF I \ I LOD SF / \ / // PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 4 (PERMANENT) / / / / / / I I I I / / / \' S / / I I I \ / CONTINUATION / _1 �% NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) // / / / I I // / / //�� / \ \ \ //\ / (/ _ GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) / / / / / / I /O r / / / / 964 a \ \ / / / \ / 9 100 0 50 100 200 / / / / I I i/ /� \ �•� // I / I / I I \\ I \ \ N / / I / El / - / ( // // / I ` \ // \ I `'� �° / I I I(' I I \ I \ ( / ( \ I / / / 1 inch- 100ft. 1\ 1 // // // \ \\ // ��O%/� r/ ' // ` / ( 11 1 / // / f l /r \ I l - 1 __________j l \ I / / ( \ 7 I / // I I I\ \ // ' // 7----- ( / I \ \ \ \ I / \ \ 7 �/ / \ / / I I \ I I / / - //. `\ \\ 1 1 1\ 1\ SF SF -� '��'` \ / 1 / / / /- \ / \ 1 I I / I \ \ \ \ \ \\ � \ \ \ LL S,c4Op i/ 119 \ / / \ / // �/ ) �cy� / / I I 17 too \ � � � , \ :� J \� ) / N / / / / \ � / 2* / l // / PROPOSED8" STEEL GAS LINE I / l l \ 11 / _� _ _ // / I ( \ \ �� / _ _ I 2.�4% \ N\ \ \ O kic-153 / III ,., \ \ �\ " \ call \ \I I I ''��\o 1 IL I I 1 1 �. \I\ i/ I / �I / \ / / r ' / ,�ti _ i I / - - (490 �' NsD / 1 1 1 / SlrnD LODIkLli \ I\ I ) I /\ I \ I \ I I \ 1 CV o\ / / — /,•00 / , / \ / L'ilL 1 , 1 ) / I / / / / / O� / S �. .� 1 Imo\ � � \ \ \ 1 - \ \ \ / o I I / o I r SD LOD -- LQ FOD \ SF e \ _ _ 1— L09 t0� • LOD LOD I� p f p L i / \ o i / -� 2 I N / + �o / _ , I ^ I �I� \I \ I \ \I I 1 I �I �` -ICI i l—� !. 1 \ \ M / y. / �0/ /' / - `_ � ( Iv 7 // / � 7 / / N N _ - - 1 Lij o I / o / / / / - \ � 7 \ N / \ N \ \ \ I 1\ 138+00 N ` \ \1 8 0_ -- / / _ J I I It / I / I / I -1- - / F — F�� F �E_ F �� - \ LOD 1 J \ \ - - - 7 ' �// 7- \ � � // I I I/ I � / / ' �: / / o / O/ i 7o o / �cn � o - \ •• F LOD SF LOD SFLOD �FLOD �LOD \ COD � LO��— L�O� LQD LOD LSF I \ \ \ C � L - - / - / / \ / I 1 I I // I I // I I ' 0+0 / O / \N \ ' ry"N \\ // \\ \ \ I1 1 \\ I \ 6t� I \I \\ \ OD 1 I' N o // / / f^\ Cfl I / / / r /� r - - - � N r /\ �ry r \ \ 00 00 /8 00 — _' 1 p `— _ p \ O \ O� \ O O \ r0 g —71 \ \ \ \ c� v �n m co o� o \ r \ a + + +`� _ \ _ 1 / N / \ / / / / / N \ N N /- _ r r r r N\ - \ - \ `' r / / M O 139+gyp M \ N \ R��� Mom 1 / I o / / / \ N 1 \ / \ \ �� I I I I 1 //% �' /' i��ti // // \ 1.\2% `\ c'�r // I I I o -top- / ---------\\ I r \ 1 / I / // // �, ' // — \ 1 �(\ N\ r'� \1 > I .r 8/ co / o I �� \ \ \ +i I / L / / / / / \ I NOTE: \ 1 / I I O \ \ \ i " L .. F z ' / I / / / 7 // / // / \ \ / 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND \ / \ 1 I / I J ,\ 1 N N \ -- a / _/ \ / // / / / / %`CI' // \ \\ \ / ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED `\ // / / I /I I I / 1 1 N \ \ // / / / / // / \ \ I I TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. \ / / I I I L \______ I `N \\ \ / / / / / / / \ \ I 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS \ ( / I \ - \ \ _ I c o \ ---/- / / / / / / \ \ _ IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNERS \ I \ \ \ LOD 0 0 146+6� / ' ' // i/// //< / / ' ,/ / \ \ \ 1 AND TENANT FARMERS(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. L \\ \ \\ // / /1_11D $�\ /N / / / / / / / \ \ 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM \ / / \/ / \ AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND \ \ I 1 / / // / / / / / \ \ \ \ / TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING — 1 N \ \ / / / Sr / / / / / / \ \ ` \ LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL ) \ \ \ I \ I \ \ / \ I N 1 / / / / / / / / ) ( 1 \ \ \ \ 1 N. - ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. / /1 N \ / I I \ I / \ 147+Op I �I .,, __ _ _ / / / / / / I I I \ , I \ / N 1 I I I I \ _ \\ \ 1 / / / / / I I I \ \ I 1 I N / M _ 1gp \ _ \ \ / // / / // / / 7 // \ - - \ ) / I I I I I I I ) 1 \( N \ \ / I/ /7 // / /)( // �/ _ / 1 I \ ` N \ \\ �I / I I I l I \ - \\ N - )--- / //// // /// / // // � � / 1 \\ ��\ /7 - I /I / // / L _ I \ Ao\o / / / / / / / \ / / / \ I 1 \ , i / / / / 1 \ o PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 0, CARD PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 =a°Q� '.7 , NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)031 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN IC44j A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 _ REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/0612021 SUPERSEDED .°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN '�`�%° 'VG I NEB .°` p DATE INITIALS DUKE Piedmont ° C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL JB WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH Dili Natural Gas DRAWING NUMBER REVISION ''%,�kEITH \\' D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMG WKG DC DRAWING BY JB REC &STD ENERGY DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO NC PNG -C-475-0001084 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL A PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCH STAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER , , i — , // / / \ \ \ c"/ i ` / / \\ / / / N \ I / / / \ _ \ \ 1\ l // ` � / / \ I 1 \ / \ / °o� / 1 — � \ / \ 1 / \ ) ( / — \ \ \ I \ ( / // \ \ \ \ / \ — ' I // N \ \ / \ TCE / //I \ \ / I _ /I/ N \ \ I \ \ p �� / \\ /' \ ` \ �/ \ \\ ° \1 ) _ \ \ \ \\ ��/ /� 1` �\ < \ , A/ / \ 1 / , \ \ .551 V ' ` / ', I \ \ / \ / \ \ \ / \ \ \ / V / / \ � � N Opp �i�' i / /' 1 ,,,„_ \ \ / \ \ �\ 4 /� // T� / _ 1 \\ 1 \ \ \ O /® 11 R, lic \ „ \ / I /\ ' \ O O / 1 / /.., \ � ' O / I /. \ , \ .9, / / / J \ \ \\ \ \ ` \ (� \ \ \ / \ 1\ \ / \N 1 \ 1 \ \\ \.— VI \\ 1 \ \\\\ \ `/ \ / / 1/ z o \ \ \ ® gi \ / 0 \ \ \ / \ ` \\ N �< \\ / / \ / _ID \ \ \ \ �/ \ \\ N \ �O Op/ / \ / \ \ \ \ / / \\ I 1\ Op / `\ / / \ \/ / / \ \ \ \ / I \ \ � PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 6 (PERMANENT) / g \ \ c \ \ 1/ 7 — \ / CONTINUATION / \ \ \ ----. ,..,/ \\ N \ I \\ \ \ /l \1 7 \ \ / / NORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) 1 GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) / \ / / / / / loo 0 50 100 \ \ \ \ I \ -- N� \ N / / 200 / / / /� 1inch= 100ft. / \ I \ .. \ \ � N � \/ / / / / ' / \ \ Ni \ 1 I \ — N \ / / / \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / � N' \ / / 7 l \ �°\° / N' \Nvca / /' \ \ \ \ / \\ \ \ \ \\\ / \ ` � ,\ 1\ \ / /\\ N — \ \ \ \ N \ \ \ / I 1 \ 00 ,F� \ \ N _ \ \ / 1 \ \ / �SLOO \\ \\ \\ `\ \ \ / z \\ \ \ / I _ i \ \ \ Lo0 0 / \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ / \— \ `\ \ �F / \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ / I I \ \ ��O/ \. � \ \ \ \ \ N _ `\ \ / \ / \ \ \ /� \ \ \ \ I \\ 1 - - \ \ — NNN \/ N \ \ \ \ l r - / \ �a \ \ \ \\ \ \ 1 l \ / / \ \ _ _ _ o � ` ) \ ° \ / \ \ \ N' // \ \ NN o < I ' — � � �N�\ / \ N\ � � \ N\ I / (/ N - -\ \ NOTE: / • (J _ _ \\\ \ N N \ \ \ I I I / J 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND CUT AND • / ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWED \ �.0� \ / _ \\\\`\\ N \ \\ \I \I I I I I / / TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. / \ \ / / I ( 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS _ ^ — i \ \\� / N \\ \)/ / co ) /// // I I IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNER'S / `\ — •I J \ \ rn \ \ 6, ` I I / N / / 7 I I / / AND TENANT FARMER'S(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. \ LOBS �' I _ N' \ \ \ \ \ 1 I / / / I1 I I3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM \ '.: \ \ \ \ \ \ / 1 / All / I I AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND O �00 \ ` OI / \ \ ' 1 \ 1 \ I I I I I TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING \' 3xb ° I \ \ I I I I I LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL /� 25 — I \ 1 I J I J / ) \ I \ \ I I / / / I _ I I ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION. / �0% -00 a 1 \ / / / / / / \ / 1 I / ) I — — — I N / / 116 I I / \ 1-p0 1.3 0 A \ \ \ \ o° I PROPOSED 8" STEEL GAS LINE / / ^\ II ( �\ // // / , I / - - / / V. \ I /_ 1 1 I I 11 I/ \/ ) \ \ ` - - - / / r/ I I I I / `'� o 00 \ I I / I I I I / � / \ \\ l I / / l I / g0 moo Jr Zyyx I o \�- _ I I 1 \ 1 \ \\ `- - - - - - - ' / / / / l / / � Y `V. o — � I 1 1 \ I \ � \ _ / i\ \ \ / / /"L OD CLOD �� i ,� , ^\ /� \ CEO a o •° I I I 15°�� \ ) \` \° I — // �pQ ••`, � / h LODI LSD LOD o \ �'° LA� o o OA. Q �0 114 I 1 1 I \ �— — — — — � // // LQD LOD ° 9l \k I \ " •<")* *'•*•*-* IT 1 / / / ( / 1 V. — �22 moo/° _ 70 oo _ \ \ \ \ • • lll;'llll,ll l / \ fiz- _ / — �_ _ / _ _ I \ \ \ \ \ ( \ .-` hill�ji�ll`� I ( `'> o �-EOD �D — — 1 �( — a - - 7 A \ \ \ V I ��kc LD A'P o — l �� BOO A I \ `.`.' Illllrlll F �! I I \ o � c \ 5 I— \ A — , , / • • — � � \ j \\ \\ \ \ \\ - A ` llh�>>lllll 1 (o \ A\ ^ - _ +NI � c o / o Lo -r� LOAF \V A / o — � � i / �x / \ \ V \ �� lIl►l/a j A`�� N n CD + J o ' o �� \ V — I o / \ lljllllfl_ • A V�k _ / N N / N.N. / 00 - \ V 4 O 7 — ` A N �° l�'1111 _ l \ V�O / N 1� O� O A , , (, o PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 N°°CARO PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 0• .. .ss/o !/ =e°QQ �'�°- NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)032 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN , j A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS REGIONAL LINE 475 _ DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED .•10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN '�<�%° tiG I NEB .°` � p DATE INITIALS DUKE rli7luTaTnGt ,1 \, C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL JB WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH ran as DRAWING NUMBER REVISION %,�kEITH. /\' D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY JB REC &STD ENERGY DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001085 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCH STAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10106/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE I RESOURCE CENTER I LINE NUMBER Il \ // / i' / J I J / / — — ' / / / t 1 / / / • I \ \ / — / I / f J- _ I / I \ __ / / / / 1 ( — TCE / / l I \ ------------------T-- _ 1 / / / \ , / g� / _ I I // I / ( / / r \ __ __ �/ 1 / / // / � � �� // / � — — / \ - -J / / mil I / ,' /' I �/ — _ _ \ // /J I / �I I I I / MILLERS CHAPEL ) / I / RD I I / I / / --, I \ / 8 l � l � H. / — J I ( Il I I / I I I I / 4� � � / I \I /7 / // / �'�3° I I I / / 11 / ° 140 I -I N i / / / / / I \ \ / / / �,,A, / Iv I I I l \ \ _/ // / / / � � � I I , / / / I 1 I 1 N 0 / l / / 1/ l \ I/ / / �/(I I / / / / I / 1/1 I Lii / ) \ ;s: g 411114, ii o J / 7 / ( 'b�, OD„O / I I a I / (N J // c :'., / / / \ ( _ — lir ID al , 0 l \ \/ ® / - \I / / „. N_ __, ,,, III I — — _ z 16,4 */1 / I I/ 0 ( I , \ I , ii I 1 1 1 I \ All I ---` — — _.!____ \ /---- )// --- ____ i l ___ I 1 Ati � �140 l 1 I A — Oo __ � \ I __ __ ____ I I\ \ \ jik. \) 0 :,,N I \ 1 1 / \ / I o ` er ; � - 1 1 , ,( /1\ \ 1\ 13g \ �� PROPOSED ACCESS ROAD 9 (PERMANENT)111 itill _ iit \ � \ / /2/ ° _ CONTINUATION NOTE: I \ (` \ - J / 1. TREES FELLED FOR HDD SIGHT ARE TO BE HAND-CUT AND \ �`\ / ROOTS ARE TO REMAIN IN PLACE. FELLED TREES WILL BE ALLOWEDNORTH CAROLINA GRID NAD 83(2011) \ / TO LIE WHERE THEY FALL. \ GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET) I 100 0 50 100200 2. PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCH MAY NOT BE APPLIED TO AREAS \ \ / / �� IDENTIFIED AS ACTIVE AGRICULTURAL LANDS AT LANDOWNERS + \ JO -� -� AND TENANT FARMERS(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST. \ 1 inch = 100 ft. \ - / 3. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES CAN BE REMOVED FROM 0 ' I \ I cp \ AGRICULTURAL LANDS UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN LANDOWNER AND _ I \ I TENANT FARMER(IF APPLICABLE)REQUEST AND WAIVER ALLOWING \ / l - \ LANDOWNER OR TENANT FARMER TO RESUME AGRICULTURAL \ '._..,\ \ (c............J ACTIVITIES THAT WOULD RESULT IN SITE STABILIZATION, \ IifiW \ \ � N �\ I \ \_ \ \ I \1 \ \N. \\ \ — — — / // // /� — \ 1 \ _ — III/ \ I \ \ 1 l N — � — / / II I 1 I / i / — — \ \ \ Iillp , \ti \ \r456+00"10'' o -- /� —/ / I / / / / i \__ _N N N N \\ \ \\ - / z ‹/ / I II I I1 / / / / \ \ N ( 1 / i/111 Iiii \ \ o _ ar / / / / III ( / / / / \I 1 ` \ 1 \ \ \ 0. / / I / / �� / / I I / / / / / 47. r .. .. ... ... ._ ' al _ o / ( \ r / J \ \ 7. 4+pp co o i o ommiw . ._._:__ . — _ , .._ \ or 4 c / 0 / / / / / / / 7— � \ 453+ 0 v 6 co/ - 0 0 / \ \ `� 1 ` \ 1! \ / v cc 0+ 1 Io /0 / / / r`O / ..... :...... kt \ - / \ �` - � / J/ / / / ` / \ \ 1 \ 95/+pp ' ' • / r f / / / / I I I I 4 i( / o / o/ o — _ ( \ \ o / � _ —� / — \ / i 1 \ � , / I / / / / / / I ► I ' / + o to \ ..... ....... 4. 4tiT / / ) / / / / / 1 1 • j I \ ( // / / // // 7 // / / ( /' \ 1+pp / (~\ \ I r l / 1 // / /I Il 1 I \ Vt ��co I^ + c No I J \ , / // // / / i7 ( 7 ) 1 \ \ \ / -1. 1% \ \ o / / / ' / l / / I N. 0 c o \ 00 O I / / I / / 1 / 1 / 1 I 1 - I I I "' I /r,' � / l / / l -1.\ ° \ 0Nt Co 4 + 0 \ / / / / / / 1 N / f 2.1,E/o 6/o I v' Co N + 0 ) \ / / / / , / J II ��\ 0 450+pp PROPOSED 8" STEEL GAS LINE / �_� Nt 0 0 0 1 / / / S I / 7h / ( N \ r \ v' Co + 0 0 / \ / // /' / /' ......1.: ` // I� / I ° l -0. •% i 449+00 / / I 1 I I I I I 1 i I I I I \\ v c I 00 I / / I 'l '�q ° �`��' �q-���I° \ \ / / I I I I \ \ \ / \ Nt co \ + 0 0� N2 �2�o \ \ \ / \ I I 1 1 I \ \ \ \ \ '*. > a) + 0 *Opc`g • ( / // \ �/ ^n' \ \ \ \ O 448+pp \ \ 1 1 I I 1 \ \ \ l \ / v c i + o 4& I \ 1 I / / \ / \ 1 I ) I / I I / 1 / ) J 1 / \ / 1 M ° \\ �.��°I°_ ( // (— - _ \\ _ _ _ _ \\ \ / // / 1 / ( / ( ( 1 I ( ( r / \ ( // 1 ( 49 +0 ,1 i ... 4 4 ao �0i - 001 - Q0f 001 --7 G0� 447+00 , 1 I 1 v l 07 \ \ \` a\ � �� �� ��— \ / / I 1 I ' I / / /I J ( / :::::::::. o °N l) V 11 ` f \:9 �. . „,, o PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 \A CA Fe RO PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE * TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 0Q' FEss�04 1, =e'QQ- 7 .° NO. DATE REVISION(S)DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)033 OF 094 DWG SCALE AS SHOWN L , ju : A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS REGIONAL LINE 475 _ �`� DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED .°%°10 21/ 20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER E PSC PLAN ' °` � p DATE INITIALS DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 DUKE Piedmont �� tiG I NEB . C 06/14/2021 90/o MGR TECH ro... Natural Gas DRAWING NUMBER REVISION ''%,�k Mk EI �\\'‘ D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMG WKG DC DRAWING BY TFG REC &STD � ENERGY DATE INITIALS GOLDSBORO NC PNG -C-475-0001086 D STATION ID PRINCIPAL A PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCHSTAMP CHECKER INITIALS 1 INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER PROJECT DESCRIPTION OTHER MEASURES MUST BE UTILIZED TO PREVENT THE MIXING OF TOPSOIL AND SUBSOIL. SUBSURFACE DISTURBANCE OR STUMP REMOVAL WILL ONLY BE THIS EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN WILL DISCUSS A PROPOSED PROJECT TO CONSTRUCT A NATURAL GAS PIPELINE IN WAYNE COUNTY IN CONDUCTED WITHIN THE TRENCH LINE WITHIN WETLANDS. STUMP REMOVAL OR LIGHT GRADING MAY OCCUR ON THE WORKING SIDE OF THE ROW ONLY IF WAYNE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA. THE PROPOSED PROJECT WILL CONSTRUCT AN 8" GAS LINE SPANNING APPROXIMATELY 10.16 MILES . BASED ON THE AREA OF THE REQUIRED FOR SAFETY REASONS AND WITHIN WETLANDS AFTER CONFIRMING WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR. THE WORK WILL BE PERFORMED PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EASEMENTS, THE DISTURBED AREA FOR THE LINE 475 PIPELINE PROJECT IS APPROXIMATELY 153.74 ACRES. THE NEW PIPELINE FROM TIMBER MATS PLACED ALONG THE WORKING SIDE OF THE ROW. IN CERTAIN AREAS, SUCH AS WETLANDS AND FIELD SUPPORTING CROPS, AyA AYCOCK VERY FINE SANDY LAOM, 0 TO 2 PERCENT SLOPES WILL BE INSTALLED WITHIN A NEW 50-FOOT WIDE CROSS-COUNTRY EASEMENT AND WILL ORIGINATE AT AN EXISTING PNG TRANSMISSION LINE NEAR THE SEGREGATE TOPSOIL FROM THE SUBSOIL. Bb BIBB SANDY LOAM INTERSECTION OF US 117 AND ROUTE 44 IN WAYNE COUNTY. THE NEW PIPELINE WILL END WITH A TIE-IN JUST SOUTH OF THE INTERSECTION OF CENTRAL 15.HAND CLEARING ONLY IS REQUIRED ALONG STREAM BANKS AND WITHIN 20 FEET OF THE TOP OF BANK OR PER AUTHORIZED PERMITS, LEAVING ROOT Co COXVILLE LOAM HEIGHTS ROAD AND THOROUGHFARE ROAD IN WAYNE COUNTY. SYSTEMS IN PLANS. STUMPING, ETC. IS LIMITED TO TRENCH LINE ONLY OR AS NEEDED TO SAFELY INSTALL TEMPORARY BRIDGES, CROSSINGS, AND CrC2 CRAVEN SANDY LOAM, 6 TO 10 PERCENT SLOPES, ERODED (GRITNEY) TRAVEL LANES Dr DRAGSTON LOAMY SAND CONSTRUCTION OF THE NEW PIPELINE WILL FIRST INVOLVE DEMARCATION OF CLEARING LIMITS, JURISDICTIONAL BOUNDARIES, AND OTHER ASSOCIATED WORKSPACES, 16.DURING TRENCH EXCAVATION, SPOILS WILL BE PLACED ON THE "NON-WORKING" SIDE OF THE ROW AND STOCKPILED UPGRADIENT OF TRENCH, WHEREVER Ex EXUM VERY FINE SANDY LOAM ETC. AT THE WETLAND CROSSING, EFFORTS WILL BE MADE TO REMOVE SURFACE VEGETATION IN A MANNER THAT MINIMIZES DISTURBANCE OF THE SUBSTRATE AND PRACTICAL. SPOILS WILL BE TEMPORARY SEEDED AND STABILIZED WITHIN 7 DAYS OR BEFORE EXPECTED RAIN EVENTS. STOCKPILE AREAS TO BE GoA GOLDSBORO LOAMY SAND, 0 TO 2 PERCENT SLOPES, SOUTHERN COASTAL PLAIN PREVENTS EXPOSURE OF SOIL. IF NECESSARY, TEMPORARY EQUIPMENT CROSSINGS WILL BE INSTALLED ALONG ONE SIDE OF THE EASEMENT TO FACILITATE EQUIPMENT CONTAINED BY PERIMETER CONTROLS SUCH AS SILT SOCK OR SILT FENCE. Js JOHNSTON LOAM PASSAGE, CROSS OVER STREAMS, AND PREVENT EXCESSIVE RUTTING AND GROUND DISTURBANCE IN THE WETLANDS. APPROPRIATE EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION 17.TEMPORARY TRENCH BREAKERS WILL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE TRENCH TO SLOW THE FLOW OF SUBSURFACE WATER OR STORMWATER RUNOFF THAT KaD KALMIA LOAMY SAND, 10 TO 15 PERCENT SLOPES (WINTON) CONTROL(E&SC) MEASURES WILL BE INSTALLED AS CLEARING PROCEEDS TO PREVENT SEDIMENTATION OF JURISDICTIONAL FEATURES. ENTERS THE EXPOSED TRENCH. WHEN WATER IS PUMPED OUT OF THE TRENCH, DISCHARGE MUST BE PUMPED THROUGH FILTER BAGS PRIOR TO LEAVING Ke KENANSVILLE LOAMY SAND NO GRUBBING OR BELOW-GROUND VEGETATION REMOVAL WILL OCCUR WITHIN WETLAND AREAS OR ALONG STREAM BANKS, EXCEPT WITHIN THE TRENCH LINE OR AS THE SITE. Kn KINSTON LOAM NEEDED FOR SAFETY PURPOSES, WHERE STUMP REMOVAL OR LIGHT GRADING MAY BE NECESSARY TO FACILITATE SAFE PASSAGE OF EQUIPMENT, AND TO PREPARE A 18.PIPELINE WILL BE INSTALLED PER ALIGNMENT SHEET SPECIFICATIONS (PAD TRENCH BOTTOM, LOWER IN PIPE AND TIE-IN PIPE, TAKE SURVEY SHOTS Ln LEON SAND SUITABLY LEVEL WORK SURFACE. WITHIN THE WETLAND AREA WHERE EXTENSIVE RUTTING OR SOIL DISTURBANCE MAY OCCUR, TIMBER OR COMPOSITE MATS WILL BE ALONG THE "AS-BUILT" SECTIONS OF PIPE, PAD AND BACKFILL WITH SUBSOIL). PERMANENT TRENCH BREAKERS WILL BE INSTALLED AS DIRECTED BY THE Ly LYNCHNBURG SANDY LOAM, 0 TO 2 PERCENT SLOPES PLACED TO PROVIDE WORK AND TRAVEL SPACE FOR EQUIPMENT. ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. My MYATT VERY FINE SANDY LOAM FOLLOWING PREPARATION OF THE WORK AREA AND INSTALLATION OF NECESSARY E&SC MEASURES, THE TRENCH WILL BE EXCAVATED ALONG THE "NON-WORKING" SIDE OF THE 19.AT WETLAND AND STREAM CROSSINGS, TRENCH BREAKERS WILL BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT THE HYDROLOGY OF THE FEATURE IS NOT IMPACTED AS A Na NAHUNTA VERY FINE SANDY LOAM EASEMENT. THE WORK WILL BE PERFORMED FROM THE TIMBER MATS PLACED ALONG THE WORKING SIDE OF THE EASEMENT. IN CERTAIN AREAS, INCLUDING THE WETLANDS, EFFORTS RESULT OF PIPELINE INSTALLATION. FOLLOWING INSTALLATION OF TRENCH BREAKERS THE TRENCH WILL BE BACKFILLED. NoA NORFOLK LOAMY SAND, 0 TO 2 PERCENT SLOPES WILL BE MADE TO SEGREGATE TOPSOIL FROM THE SUBSOIL. IF NECESSARY, TRENCH BREAKERS (TEMPORARY BARRIERS GENERALLY CONSTRUCTED OF SAND BAGS OR SIMILARLY SUITABLE 20.PIPELINE INSTALLATION WITHIN ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS SHOULD BE CONDUCTED IN A MANNER TO MINIMIZE DURATION OF OPEN TRENCH NoB NORFOLK LOAMY SAND, 2 TO 6 PERCENT SLOPES MATERIAL)WILL BE INSTALLED WITHIN THE TRENCH TO SLOW THE FLOW OF SUBSURFACE WATER. AND THESE AREAS SHOULD BE BACKFILLED AND STABILIZED AS SOON AS PRACTICAL. CONTRACTOR TO MONITOR WEATHER WHEN WORKING IN THESE NoC NORFOLK LOAMY SAND, 6 TO 10 PERCENT SLOPES AREAS AND UTILIZE ADDITIONAL E&SC MEASURES AS NECESSARY. NrB2 NORFOLK SANDY LOAM, 2 TO 6 PERCENT SLOPES, ERODED LENGTHS OF THE NEW PIPE WILL BE TRUCKED TO THE SITE FROM TEMPORARY STORAGE YARDS, STRUNG ALONG THE EASEMENT AND PLACED ON SKIDS (WOODEN PEDESTALS). THE PIPE 21.AFTER TRENCH IS BACKFILLED, STABILIZE AND RESTORE TO ORIGINAL GRADE. STABILIZE AND TEMPORARY SEED WORK AREA AS SOON AS PRACTICAL AND Po PANTEGO LOAM SEGMENTS WILL BE HEAT-WELDED TOGETHER, INSPECTED, AND THEN LOWERED INTO THE TRENCH. PERMANENT TRENCH BREAKERS WILL THEN BE INSTALLED WHERE NECESSARY AND PRIOR TO UNEXPECTED RAIN EVENTS. Ra RAINS SANDY LOAM, 0 TO 2 PERCENT SLOPES THE TRENCH BACKFILLED. IN AREAS WHERE SEGREGATION OF THE SUBSOIL AND TOPSOIL IS REQUIRED, THE TOPSOIL WILL BE REPLACED LAST. AFFECTED AREAS WILL THEN BE "CLEANED 22.CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES REQUIRING HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING OR CONVENTIONAL BORES WILL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH Rm RIMINI SAND UP" BY ROUGH-GRADING AND TEMPORARY SEEDING (IF NECESSARY), FOLLOWED BY FINAL GRADING, PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCHING TO RESTORE THE EASEMENT AS CLOSELY AS ALIGNMENT SHEET SPECIFICATIONS. RuB RUSTON LOAMY SAND, 2 TO 6 PERCENT SLOPES (ORANGEBURG) POSSIBLE TO PRE-DISTURBANCE CONTOURS AND CONDITIONS. ALL WORK WITHIN THE WETLAND AND AT STREAM CROSSINGS WILL BE CONDUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 23.ALL AREAS WILL BE RESTORED TO ORIGINAL GRADE, CONTOUR, AND CONDITION (VEGETATION, PAVING, DITCH LININGS, ETC.) IN ACCORDANCE WITH To TORHUNTA LOAM APPLICABLE PERMIT CONDITIONS. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES (BMPS) WILL BE EMPLOYED AT ALL STREAM AND WETLAND CROSSINGS TO HELP PREVENT SILTATION OR INADVERTENT APPLICABLE PERMITS. CULTIVATED AGRICULTURAL FIELDS DO NOT REQUIRE TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT GROUND COVER STABILIZATION. Tr TROUP SAND DISCHARGES TO A WATERS OF THE U.S. 24.IN AREAS WHERE SEGREGATION OF THE SUBSOIL AND TOPSOIL IS NECESSARY, THE TOPSOIL WILL BE REPLACED LAST. AFFECTED AREAS WILL THEN BE W WATER PERMANENT VEHICULAR ACCESS CROSSINGS WILL BE INSTALLED IN ORDER TO ALLOW FOR FUTURE ACCESS ALONG THE PIPELINE EASEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE. IF FILL PLACEMENT "CLEANED UP" BY RESTORING ORIGINAL GRADE AND APPLY TEMPORARY SEEDING, FOLLOWED BY FINAL GRADING, PERMANENT SEEDING AND MULCHING WaB WAGRAM LOAMY SAND, 0 TO 6 PERCENT SLOPES WITHIN JURISDICTIONAL AREAS ALONG THE NEW PERMANENT ACCESS ROADS IS REVISED, CULVERTS WILL BE INSTALLED AT THESE CROSSINGS TO ALLOW FOR APPROPRIATE PASSAGE OF TO RESTORE THE ROW AS CLOSE AS POSSIBLE TO PRE-DISTURBANCE CONTOURS AND CONDITIONS. NO MULCHING WITHIN WETLANDS IS ALLOWED. WaC WAGRAM LOAMY SAND, 6 TO 10 PERCENT SLOPES HIGH FLOWS AND WILL BE BURIED IN A MANNER TO ALLOW FOR PASSAGE OF AQUATIC ORGANISMS. ALONG THE PROPOSED PIPELINE EASEMENT, 15 TO 20 FOOT LONG PERMANENT 25.UPON ESTABLISHMENT OF FINAL VEGETATIVE GROUND COVER (80% COVERAGE), CONTACT NCDEQ LAND QUALITY SECTION, WASHINGTON REGIONAL We WESTON LOAMY SAND (WOODINGTON) CULVERT CROSSINGS WILL BE INSTALLED ADJACENT TO THE PIPELINE WITHIN JURISDICTIONAL DITCHES OR STREAMS IN ORDER TO ALLOW ACCESS ALONG THE PIPELINE CORRIDOR. OFFICE (252-946-6481) FOR FINAL SITE INSPECTION. 26.UPON APPROVAL FROM NCDEQ LAND QUALITY SECTION, WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE INSPECTORS, REMOVE SILT FENCING AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES. AREAS DISTURBED DURING THIS PROCESS SHALL BE RESEEDED WITH PERMANENT SEEDING AS APPROPRIATE. SITE DESCRIPTION THE SITE IS COMPRISED OF VARIOUS TERRAINS AND USES, INCLUDING RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, JURISDICTIONAL WATERS, EXISTING UTILITY EROSION CONTROL DEVICE NOTES EASEMENTS, AND EXISTING ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY. 1. ALL STREAM AND/OR WETLAND CROSSING LOCATIONS NOTED ON THE PLANS ARE APPROXIMATE. 2. ALL STREAM CROSSINGS WILL BE OPEN-CUT UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. SCHEDULE 3. SEDIMENT FILTER BAG SHOULD BE USED WHEN WATER IS BEING PUMPED FROM THE TRENCH. CONSTRUCTION OF THE PIPELINE IS SCHEDULED TO BEGIN MARCH 2022 AND BE COMPLETE BY OCTOBER 2022. 4. ANY FAILURE OF ANY EROSION CONTROL DEVICE TO FUNCTION AS INTENDED FOR ANY REASON SHALL BE REPORTED TO THE ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY AND REPAIRED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. LEGEND PLANNED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PRACTICES 5. ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY AFTER GROUND DISTURBANCE OCCURS. THE LOCATION OF SOME OF THE CODE EROSION CONTROL DEVICES MAY HAVE TO BE ALTERED FROM THAT SHOWN ON THE PLANS IF DRAINAGE PATTERNS DURING CONSTRUCTION ARE ADDITIONALLY, THE EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES FOR THIS PROJECT INVOLVE THE STRATEGIC PLACEMENT OF A VARIETY OF DEVICES, DIFFERENT FROM THE FINAL PROPOSED DRAINAGE PATTERNS. IT IS THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ACCOMPLISH EROSION CONTROL FOR ALL TCE TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE ::?:?1 INCLUDING: DRAINAGE PATTERNS CREATED AT VARIOUS STAGES DURING CONSTRUCTION. n CHECK DAM O 6. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE LOCATIONS ARE SHOWN AT APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS. FINAL LOCATIONS WILL BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD. Lop LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE LOD- 1. TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT- PRACTICE 6.06 7. ALL TIMBER BRIDGES/MATS CROSSING STREAMS, WETLANDS, OR CONVEYANCES MUST BE CLEANED AT THE END OF THE DAY OR IMMEDIATELY AFTER SF SILT FENCE - sr - TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/ EXITS WILL BE PLACED AT VARIOUS POINTS ALONG THIS LINEAR PROJECT TO PROVIDE A BUFFER WHERE CROSSING IF SEDIMENT IS DEPOSITED BEFORE OR DURING A RAIN EVENT. SEDIMENT REMOVED FROM BRIDGES MUST BE PLACED IN A CONTAINED AREA JH SILT FENCE JHOOK - sr L VEHICLES CAN DROP THEIR MUD AND SEDIMENT TO AVOID TRANSPORTING IT ONTO PUBLIC ROADS, TO CONTROL EROSION FROM SURFACE RUNOFF, AND AWAY FROM JURISDICTIONAL WATERS OR DRAINAGE STRUCTURES. sFo SILT FENCE OUTLET TO HELP CONTROL DUST. THEY ARE DESIGNATED ON THE PLANS WITH A GRAVEL SYMBOL. WATER WILL BE SUPPLIED TO THE AREA SO THAT WHEELS CAN 8. EROSION EEL OR APPROVED EQUAL TRENCHLESS METHOD SHALL BE UTILIZED INSIDE WETLANDS IN PLACE OF SILT FENCE. cs COMPOST SOCK BE CLEANED OF ADDITIONAL SEDIMENT. 9. TREES IN WETLANDS INSIDE THE CORRIDOR MAY BE REMOVED TO GROUND LEVEL. GRUBBING OF STUMPS IN WETLANDS SHALL BE LIMITED TO THAT CSIP COMPOST SOCK INLET PROTECTION NEEDED TO INSTALL THE PIPELINE. r1 2. TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING AND WETLAND CROSSINGS TEMPORARY STREAM AND WETLAND CROSSINGS PROVIDE A WAY FOR CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES TO CROSS STREAMS WITHOUT MOVING SEDIMENT INTO 10.STRIPPING TOPSOIL WITHIN WETLANDS ALONG THE UTILITY CORRIDOR IS NOT PERMITTED. SFB SEDIMENT FILTER BAG SFB STREAMS, DAMAGING THE STREAMBED OR CAUSING FLOODING. TEMPORARY STREAM AND WETLAND CROSSINGS ARE PLANNED FOR THIS PROJECT. 11.HYDROSEEDING OR CURLEX (OR APPROVED EQUAL) IS REQUIRED FOR FINAL STABILIZATION ON STEEP SLOPES OVER 15%. TSC TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING 3. SILT FENCE - PRACTICE 6.62 Twc TEMPORARY WETLAND CROSSING SILT (SEDIMENT) FENCE RETAINS SEDIMENT FROM SMALL DISTURBED AREAS BY REDUCING THE VELOCITY OF SHEET FLOWS TO ALLOW SEDIMENT MAINTENANCE SB SLOPE BREAKER -"- DEPOSITION. SILT FENCE IS TO BE PLACED AT THE EDGE OF THE EASEMENTS ALONG THE PROJECT. SILT FENCE IS NOT TO BE PLACED ACROSS STREAMS, 1. ALL SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES INCLUDING PLANTED AREAS SHALL BE INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE PER SEVEN CALENDAR DAYS AND TB TRENCH BREAKER DITCHES, WATERWAYS OR WETLANDS. WITHIN 24 HOURS OF A RAINFALL EVENT GREATER THAN 1.0 INCH PER 24 HOUR PERIOD. DAMAGED OR INEFFECTIVE DEVICES SHALL BE REPAIRED OR TTP TEMPORARY TRENCH PLUG o 4. DEWATERING DEVICE/SEDIMENT FILTER BAG - CONCEPTS FROM PRACTICE 6.60 REPLACED AS NECESSARY BY THE END OF THE DAY. n CURLEX PLACEMENT %/, THE DEWATERING DEVICE AND SEDIMENT FILTER BAG ARE USED TO DETAIN SEDIMENT-LADEN RUNOFF TO ALLOW SEDIMENT TO SETTLE OUT OF WATER 2. CONSTRUCTION ROADS AND PARKING AREAS SHOULD BE INSPECTED PERIODICALLY FOR THE CONDITION OF SURFACE. TOPDRESS WITH NEW GRAVEL AS Ps PERMANENT SEEDING PS BEFORE IT IS DISCHARGED. THESE STRUCTURES WILL BE USED TO ALLOW SEDIMENTS TO FILTER OUT OF WATER THAT HAS BEEN PUMPED OUT OF AN NEEDED. CHECK ROAD DITCHES AND OTHER SEEDED AREAS FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION AFTER RUNOFF-PRODUCING RAINS. MAINTAIN ALL CTWO CONCRETE TRUCK WASHOUT VEGETATION IN A HEALTHY, VIGOROUS CONDITION. SEDIMENT-PRODUCING AREAS SHOULD BE TREATED IMMEDIATELY. El OR HAS BEEN USED FOR HYDROSTATIC TESTING. THESE STRUCTURES WILL BE PLACED AS NEEDED AND ARE NOT SHOWN ON THE PLANS. DEWATER DEVICES AND SEDIMENT FILTER BAGS WILL NOT BE PLACED IN A STREAM. 3. TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSINGS SHOULD BE INSPECTED AFTER RUNOFF-PRODUCING RAINS TO CHECK FOR BLOCKAGE IN CHANNEL, EROSION OF PT PORTABLE TOILET PT 5. ROLLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS/TEMPORARY MATTING - PRACTICE 6.17 ABUTMENTS, CHANNEL SCOUR, RIPRAP DISPLACEMENT, OR PIPING. MAKE ALL REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY TO PREVENT FURTHER DAMAGE TO THE TEMPORARY EASEMENT THROUGH WETLAND TEMPORARY MATTING WILL BE USED WHERE NECESSARY TO REDUCE SOIL EROSION AND ASSIST IN THE GROWTH, ESTABLISHMENT AND PROTECTION OF INSTALLATION. PERMANENT EASEMENT THROUGH WETLAND %/, VEGETATION. 4. MAINTENANCE ON SILT FENCES, SHALL BE PERFORMED AS NEEDED. CAPTURED SOIL MATERIAL SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN "BULGES" DEVELOP IN THE SILT - 6. SILT FENCE OUTLETS: FENCE AND/OR WHEN EVIDENCE OF FILTER CLOGGING IS OBSERVED. EXISTING STREAM THROUGH EASEMENT SILT FENCE OUTLETS WILL BE PLACED WHERE CONTOURS AND RUN-OFF CONCENTRATES PLACING STRESS ON SILT FENCING. 5. INSPECT DEWATERING DEVICES AND SEDIMENT TRAPS AFTER EACH USE AND EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL EVENT AND MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS cw° CLEAN WATER DIVERSION CWD - 7. SILT FENCE J-HOOKS: IMMEDIATELY. REMOVE SEDIMENT AND RESTORE THE TRAP TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN NEEDED. ROCK DISPLACED FROM THE SPILLWAY MUST SILT FENCE J-HOOKS WILL BE PLACED WHERE SILT FENCE IS REQUIRED AND CONTOURS ARE LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 90 DEGREES TO THE FENCING. BE REPLACED IMMEDIATELY. 8. COMPOST SOCK CHECK DAM: 6. ROLLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS SHOULD ONLY BE INSTALLED OVER A PROPERLY GRADED, CLEAN CHANNEL. ROUGH SURFACES OR LOOSE CLODS CHECK DAMS WILL BE PLACED IN DRAINAGE DITCHES TO COUNTERACT EROSION BY REDUCING WATER FLOW VELOCITIES. OF DIRT IN THE CHANNEL WILL NOT ALLOW PROPER SOIL CONTACT. 7. INSPECT ROLLED EROSION CONTROL PRODUCTS (RECP)AT LEAST WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT (1.0" OR GREATER) RAIN FALL EVENT. MAKE REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. GOOD CONTACT WITH THE GROUND MUST BE MAINTAINED AND EROSION MUST NOT OCCUR BENEATH THE RECP. ANY AREAS OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE: RECP THAT ARE DAMAGED OR NOT IN CLOSE CONTACT WITH THE GROUND SHALL BE REPAIRED AND STAPLED. IF EROSION OCCURS DUE TO PROPERLY CONTROLLED DRAINAGE, THE PROBLEM SHALL BE FIXED AND THE ERODED AREA PROTECTED. MONITOR AND REPAIR THE RECP AS NECESSARY UNTIL 1. OBTAIN EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN APPROVAL AND OTHER PERTINENT PERMITS. GROUND COVER IS ESTABLISHED. 2. SCHEDULE PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING AND NOTIFY NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (NCDEQ) DIVISION OF ENERGY, MINERAL, AND LAND RESOURCES (DEMLR), LAND QUALITY SECTION, WASHINGTON REGIONAL OFFICE (252-946-6481) 48 HOURS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION TO DISCUSS EROSION CONTROL PLAN. HOLD PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING. GENERAL NOTES 3. A RIPARIAN BUFFER SHALL BE ESTABLISHED AND MAINTAINED 50-FOOT LANDWARD OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREA BOUNDARIES THROUGHOUT 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES. THE LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. LANDWARD LIMITS OF THE BUFFER SHALL BE CLEARLY DEMARCATED WITH ORANGE SAFETY CONSTRUCTION FENCING AND 2. ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOULD BE LOCATED AND MARKED IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO COMMENCING CONSTRUCTION. PERIMETER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE INSTALLED. GRUBBING OR BELOW GROUND VEGETATION REMOVAL SHOULD BE LIMITED TO THAT 3. DISTURBED AREA SHALL BE STABILIZED AS SOON AS PRACTICALLY POSSIBLE FOR PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE BEEN NECESSARY FOR INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT CROSSINGS AND TRAVEL LANES WITHIN BUFFER. ADDITIONAL GRUBBING PRIOR TO PIPELINE INSTALLATION COMPLETED. THESE AREAS SHALL BE STABILIZED NO LATER THAN 7 OR 14 DAYS AFTER CONSTRUCTION HAS CEASED PER THE GROUND STABILIZATION SHALL BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER AND ON-SITE ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR. CHART. 4. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING: STREAMS, CREEKS, WETLANDS, LAKES, AND PONDS. 4. FILL, COVER, AND TEMPORARY STABILIZATION AT THE END OF EACH DAY IS RECOMMENDED WHERE PRACTICAL. IT IS IMPORTANT TO CLOSE AND STABILIZE 5. INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AND ACCESS ROADS PER PLANS AS NEEDED. IMPROVEMENT OR REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING CULVERTS FOR OPEN TRENCHES ON STEEP SLOPES AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. ACCESS ROADS IS LIMITED TO THE EXISTING DIMENSIONS IN WETLANDS AND STREAMS AS SHOWN ON PLANS. ANY OTHER DISTURBANCE MUST BE 5. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE UTILIZED AT ALL INGRESS/EGRESS LOCATIONS FROM PUBLIC ROADS. CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE NECESSARY APPROVED BY NCDEQ- DWR AND USACE. ACTION TO MINIMIZE THE TRANSPORT OF MATERIAL FROM THE CONSTRUCTION SITE ONTO R.O.W. PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH FRESH STONE MAY BE 6. INSTALL PERIMETER EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL (E&SC) MEASURES SUCH AS SILT FENCE PRIOR TO CLEARING AND GRUBBING WHERE PRACTICAL REQUIRED. ALL MATERIALS SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED, OR TRACKED FROM SITE TRAFFIC ONTO ROADWAYS OR INTO STORM DRAINS MUST BE REMOVED AND CONCURRENTLY WHEN CLEARING IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL PERIMETER MEASURES. CLEAR ONLY AS NECESSARY TO INSTALL THESE DEVICES. IMMEDIATELY. CLEARING SHALL NOT OUTPACE THE INSTALLATION OF PERIMETER CONTROLS. 6. STREAM AND WETLANDS SHALL BE RETURNED TO ORIGINAL GRADE UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. TEMPORARY BRIDGES OR MATS SHALL BE 7. INITIATE CLEARING AND GRUBBING WITHIN LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE. GRUBBING SHALL BE MINIMIZED WHERE PRACTICAL WITHIN 50-FEET OF USED FOR ALL STREAM AND WETLAND EQUIPMENT CROSSINGS. ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS. COMPLETE GRUBBING AS NECESSARY AS PIPELINE INSTALLATION APPROACHES THE BUFFERS AND MINIMIZE 7. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED ALONG STREAMS FOLLOWING PIPELINE INSTALLATION AND FINAL GRADING UNTIL THE AREA IS STABILIZED. DURATION OF BARE SOIL CONDITIONS. 8. ADDITIONAL MEASURES MAY BE NECESSARY TO PROTECT AREA STREAMS AND/OR WETLANDS. 8. INSTALL REMAINING E&SC MEASURES SUCH AS DIVERSIONS, SILT FENCE OUTLETS, J-HOOKS, WATER BARS, CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES, TEMPORARY 9. THESE PLANS ARE FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PURPOSES ONLY AND DO NOT APPLY TO CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES. BRIDGES AT STREAM CROSSINGS, TIMBER MATS, ETC. AS CLEARING AND GRUBBING IS COMPLETED. 10.IF A LOSS OF DRILLING MUD IS OBSERVED DURING THE BORING OF A STREAM CROSSING, WORK MUST BE IMMEDIATELY HALTED, AND ALL LOST 9. CONTRACTOR TO INSPECT ALL E&SC MEASURES WEEKLY AND AFTER RAIN EVENTS OF 1.0 INCHES OR MORE IN A 24 HOUR PERIOD. DO NOT ALLOW LUBRICANT/MUD MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE STREAM. THE FRACTURE HOLE WILL BE SEALED AND THE SITE WILL BE EVALUATED BEFORE CONTINUATION SEDIMENT BUILD-UP TO EXCEED 50% CAPACITY OF MEASURES. STORE REMOVED SEDIMENT IN UPLAND STOCKPILES AREA AND APPLY TEMPORARY OF BORING. SEEDING. 11.CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN A MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 24" BETWEEN THE PIPELINE AND ALL EXISTING AND PROPOSED UTILITIES. 10.SILT FENCE WITHIN 50 FEET OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS (STREAMS AND WETLANDS) WILL BE REINFORCED WITH STEEL MESH. 12.ANTI-SEEP COLLARS SHALL BE PLACED AT WETLAND BOUNDARIES AND AT 150 FEET (MINIMUM) INTERVALS BETWEEN THE BOUNDARIES (INSIDE THE 11.DOUBLE ROWS OF SILT FENCE WITHIN 50 FEET OF ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS, OR AS SHOWN ON PLANS, SHALL INCLUDE A PRIMARY ROW OF WETLAND). REINFORCED SILT FENCE AND A SECONDARY ROW OF UNSUPPORTED SILT FENCE. COMPOST FILTER SOCK OR REINFORCED SILT FENCE CAN BE 13.ANY OFF-SITE BORROW AND WASTE REQUIRED FOR THE PROJECT MUST COME FROM A SITE WITH AN APPROVE EROSION CONTROL PLAN, A SITE SUBSTITUTED IN SECONDARY ROW BASED ON FIELD CONDITIONS. REGULATED UNDER THE MINING ACT OF 1971, OR A LAND FILL REGULATED BY THE DIVISION OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT. THE PERSON TO CONTACT SHOULD ANY EROSION AND SEDIMENT 12.CONTRACTOR SHALL SEQUENCE AND CONDUCT LAND DISTURBING AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES IN A MANNER THAT MINIMIZES THE AMOUNT OF BARE 14.TRASH/DEBRIS FROM DEMOLITION ACTIVITIES MUST BE DISPOSED OF AT A FACILITY REGULATED BY THE DIVISION OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT. CONTROL ISSUES ARISE DURING LAND-DISTURBING ACTIVITY: SOIL EXPOSED AT A GIVEN TIME DURING THE PROJECT. 13.INITIATE TEMPORARY SEEDING OF DISTURBED AREAS PER THE GENERAL SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT SLOPES OF 4 TO 1 OR STANDARDS CHRIS SMITH GREATER BE TEMPORARY SEEDED AND STABILIZED WITHIN ONE DAY OF GROUND DISTURBANCE AND PRIOR TO EXPECTED RAIN EVENTS. ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN PH: (980) 989-0741 14.CLEARING IN WETLANDS MUST BE CONDUCTED WITH AS MINIMAL DISTURBANCE AS POSSIBLE. TIMBER MATS, LOW-GROUND PRESSURE EQUIPMENT, OR MANUAL, LATEST EDITION. EMAIL: CHRIS.SMITH@DUKE-ENERGY.COM 0 Z a SOILS PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 '�,-c-. R CA O< PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE *TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 67 O ° ESS/O°. 1, _^QUO S ti� ° 7 % NO. DATE REVISION(S) DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)034 OF 094 DWG SCALE NOT TO SCALE kgko-e2t%'i6 jUA 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853DATE INITIALS LINE 475REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED °° 0 21/20 1 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER �I '.�'`� �GIN ; .°` ;� p DATE NI DUKE Piedmont EPSC NOTES ��p C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH DRAWING NUMBER REVISION ,94i ° °°C \\.`•`` REC &STD Natural Gas ,,, kEITH D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY TFG ENERGY.,: GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001108 D cS STATION ID DATE NITIALS PRINCIPAL . PROFESSIONALENG/ARCHSTAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER GENERAL SEEDING REQUIREMENTS FOR UPLAND AREAS GENERAL SEEDING REQUIREMENTS FOR RIPARIAN AREAS DEFINITION PERMANENT UPLAND SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS CONTROLLING RUNOFF AND EROSION ON DISTURBED RIPARIAN AREAS BY ESTABLISHING PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER WITH NATIVE RIPARIAN SEED. NATIVE RIPARIAN SEED SPECIFICATIONS APPLICATION TYPE AND FLEXIBLE GROWTH MEDIUM IF MULCH OR FLEXIBLE GROWTH PURPOSE LOCATION SEED MIX ( NOTES SEED MIX APPLICATION TYPE AND NOTES TO REDUCE EROSION AND DECREASE SEDIMENT YIELD FROM DISTURBED AREAS,AND TO PERMANENTLY STABILIZE SUCH AREAS IN A MANNER THAT RATE(LBS/ACRE) USED) MEDIUM(FGM)APPLICATION RATE RATE(LBS/ACRE) IS ECONOMICAL,ADAPTS TO SITE CONDITIONS,AND ALLOWS SELECTION OF THE MOST APPROPRIATE PLANT MATERIALS. VIRGINIA WILD RYE 10 LBS/ACRE BASED ON 35 LBS/ACRE VALUE SEEDBED REQUIREMENTS PENNINGTON TM LAWNS SIGNATURE SERIES TALL EXCEEDING MANUFACTURERS TO MAINTAIN A GOOD STAND OF RIPARIAN VEGETATION,THE SOIL MUST BE TOPSOIL THAT HAS BEEN STOCKPILED DURING THE GRADING AND LAWNS(RESIDENTIAL, FESCUE: INDIANGRASS 10 LBS/ACRE BROADCAST:200 LBS/ACRE PROFILE PRODUCTS TM MULCH:4,000 LBS/ACRE APPLY MULCH BY ROVING, NETTING, OR ASPHALT TACKING AT 400 GAL/ACRE. SEED 25 LBS/ACRE TYPICAL WITH ELIMINATION EXCAVATION OPERATIONS.THIS TOPSOIL SHOULD HAVE THESE CRITERIA: COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL) 33%REBEL IV TALL FESCUE DRILLED: 100 LBS/ACRE PROMATRIX(OPTIONAL) FGM:2,000 LBS/ACRE AND SOIL AMENDMENTS WILL BE BROADCAST PRIOR TO APPLYING FGM OR MULCH. SOFT RUSH 5 LBS/ACRE OF COMPETITIVE SPECIES OF 34%JUSTICE TALL FESCUE PLANTS/SHRUBS TO INCLUDE PERENNIAL • ENOUGH FINE-GRAINED(SILT AND CLAY)MATERIAL TO MAINTAIN ADEQUATE MOISTURE AND NUTRIENT SUPPLY(AVAILABLE WATER CAPACITY OF 33%RK4 TALL FESCUE DEER TONGUE 5 LBS/ACRE GRASSES WITH COVER CROP AT HIGHER AT LEAST.05-INCHES OF WATER TO 1-INCH OF SOIL. 35 LBS/ACRE RATE. NOTE:THE RECOMMENDED APPLICATION RATE FOR THE RIPARIAN SEED MIXTURE ABOVE IS 20-LBS PER • SUFFICIENT PORE SPACE TO PERMIT ROOT PENETRATION. USE SPECIFIED SEED MIX UNLESS LAND OWNER SPECIFICALLY REQUESTS A ACRE. APPLY SEED MIXTURE TO DISTURBED UPLAND RIPARIAN AREAS, EXTENDING 10-FEET LANDWARD. UPLAND SEEDING BROADCAST:50 LBS/ACRE PROFILE PRODUCTS TM MULCH:4,000 LBS/ACRE DIFFERENT SEED MIX. APPLY MULCH BY ROVING, NETTING, OR ASPHALT TACKING • SUFFICIENT DEPTH OF SOIL TO PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE ROOT ZONE. THE DEPTH TO ROCK OR IMPERMEABLE LAYERS SUCH AS HARDPANS PASTURES (SEE TABLE BELOW) DRILLED:25 LBS/ACRE PROMATRIX(OPTIONAL) FGM:2,000 LBS/ACRE AT 400 GAL/ACRE. SEED AND SOIL AMENDMENTS WILL BE BROADCAST PRIOR TO SOIL AMENDMENTS SHOULD BE 12-INCHES OR MORE, EXCEPT ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 2:1 WHERE THE ADDITION OF SOIL IS NOT FEASIBLE. APPLYING FGM OR MULCH. APPLICATION OF SOIL AMENDMENTS WITHIN RIPARIAN AREAS SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT AGRONOMIC • A FAVORABLE PH RANGE FOR PLANT GROWTH, USUALLY 6.0-6.5. RATES AND SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL OTHER APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE,AND LOCAL REGULATIONS. • FREE FROM LARGE ROOTS, BRANCHES,STONES, LARGE CLODS OF EARTH, OR TRASH OF ANY KIND. CLODS AND STONES MAY BE LEFT ON SOIL AMENDMENTS SHALL BE APPLIED IN A MANNER THAT MINIMIZES CONTACT WITH SURFACE WATER. ACTIVELY CULTIVATED FIELDS TYPICALLY DO NOT REQUIRE SEED, MULCH, OR SOIL SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 IF THEY ARE TO BE HYDRO SEEDED. CULTIVATED AGRICULTURAL NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE AMENDMENTS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED BY LAND OWNER. SEED AND MULCH FIELDS SOIL AMENDMENTS WILL BE BROADCAST PRIOR TO APPLYING FGM. IF ANY OF THE ABOVE CRITERIA ARE NOT MET, IE; IF EXISTING SOIL IS TOO COARSE, DENSE,SHALLOW OR ACIDIC TO FOSTER VEGETATION,A ONE MULCH MAY BE APPLIED WITHIN RIPARIAN AREAS AS PER THE GENERAL SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS. TIME APPLICATION OF SPECIAL AMENDMENTS ARE ALLOWED. HOWEVER, FERTILIZER MUST NOT OCCUR WITHIN 10-FT OF BANK OR COME IN CONTACT MULCH IS NOT TO BE APPLIED IN WETLAND AREAS. WITH WATER.THE SOIL CONDITIONERS DESCRIBED BELOW MAY BE BENEFICIAL OR, PREFERABLY,TOPSOIL MAY BE APPLIED. REMAINDER OF ROW WITH UPLAND SEEDING BROADCAST:200 LBS/ACRE PROFILE PRODUCTS TM MULCH:4,000 LBS/ACRE APPLY MULCH BY ROVING, NETTING, OR ASPHALT TACKING AT 400 GAL/ACRE. SEED MAINTENANCE SEEDBED PREPARATION SLOPES<10% (SEE TABLE BELOW) DRILLED: 100 LBS/ACRE PROMATRIX(OPTIONAL) FGM:2,000 LBS/ACRE AND SOIL AMENDMENTS WILL BE BROADCAST PRIOR TO APPLYING FGM OR MULCH. INSTALL NECESSARY EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PRACTICES BEFORE SEEDING,AND COMPLETE GRADING ACCORDING TO THE RESEED/OVER SEED IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE.GROUND STABILIZATION SHALL BE APPROVED PLAN. PERFORMED PER TIME FRAMES OUTLINED IN GENERAL SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS. ROUGHEN RIPARIAN SURFACES BY DISKING, RAKING, HARROWING, OR OTHER SUITABLE METHODS PRIOR TO SEEDING. REMAINDER OF ROW WITH UPLAND SEEDING BROADCAST:200 LBS/ACRE PROFILE PRODUCTS TM FGM:3,000 LBS/ACRE SEED AND SOIL AMENDMENTS WILL BE BROADCAST PRIOR TO APPLYING FGM. COMPLETE SEEDBED PREPARATION BY BREAKING UP LARGE CLODS AND RAKING INTO A SMOOTH, UNIFORM SURFACE. BROADCAST SEED INTO A SLOPES>10%BUT<25% (SEE TABLE BELOW) DRILLED: 100 LBS/ACRE PROMATRIX(OPTIONAL) FRESHLY LOOSENED SEEDBED THAT HAS NOT BEEN SEALED BY RAINFALL. SEEDING USE CERTIFIED SEED FOR NATIVE RIPARIAN SEEDING. LABELING OF NON-CERTIFIED SEED IS ALSO REQUIRED BY LAW. LABELS CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON SEED PURITY, GERMINATION,AND REMAINDER OF ROW WITH UPLAND SEEDING BROADCAST:80 LBS/ACRE PROFILE PRODUCTS TM PRESENCE OF WOOD SEEDS. SEEDS MUST MEET STATE STANDARDS FOR CONTENT OF NOXIOUS WEEDS. DO NOT ACCEPT SEED CONTAINING FGM:3,500 LBS/ACRE SEED AND SOIL AMENDMENTS WILL BE BROADCAST PRIOR TO APPLYING FGM. SLOPES >25% (SEE TABLE BELOW) DRILLED:40 LBS/ACRE PROMATRIX(OPTIONAL) "PROHIBITED"NOXIOUS WEED SEED. APPLY SEED UNIFORMLY BY HAND OR PERSONNEL EQUIPPED WITH A BROADCAST SPREADER. WHEN USING BROADCAST-SEEDING METHODS, SUBDIVIDE THE AREA INTO WORKABLE SECTIONS AND DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF SEED NEEDED GROUND STABILIZATION SHALL BE PERFORMED PER"STABILIZATION TIME FRAMES"CHART OR AS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED FOR SAFETY REASONS. FOR EACH SECTION. APPLY 1/2 THE SEED WHILE MOVING BACK AND FORTH ACROSS THE AREA, MAKING A UNIFORM PATTERN;THEN APPLY THE SECOND HALF IN THE SAME WAY, BUT MOVING AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE FIRST PASS. IF PIPELINE INSTALLATION REQUIRES WELDING, MULCH WILL NOT BE APPLIED IN ANY AREA WHERE WELDING ACTIVITIES ARE TO OCCUR. ONCE WELDING ACTIVITIES HAVE BEEN COMPLETED, MULCH SHALL BE APPLED TO SUCH AREAS. MAINTENANCE GENERALLY,A STAND OF VEGETATION CANNOT BE DETERMINED TO BE FULLY ESTABLISHED UNTIL SOIL COVER HAS BEEN MAINTAINED FOR ONE FULL SOIL AMENDMENTS(PERMANENT UPLAND SEEDING) STABILIZATION TIME FRAMES(EFFECTIVE AUG.3,2011) YEAR FROM PLANTING. INSPECT SEEDED AREAS FOR FAILURE AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS AND RESEEDINGS WITHIN THE SAME SEASON, IF POSSIBLE. NOTE AMENDMENT APPLICATION RATE(LBS/ACRE) SITE AREA DESCRIPTION STABILIZATION TIMEFRAME EXCEPTIONS RE-SEEDING-IF A STAND HAS INADEQUATE COVER, RE-EVALUATE CHOICE OF PLANT MATERIALS. RE-ESTABLISH THE STAND AFTER SEEDBED PREPARATION OR OVER-SEED THE STAND. FOLLOW PERIMETER DIKES,SWALES, 7 DAYS NONE SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE 4,000 RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL DITCHES, SLOPES SEE TABLE FOR RIPARIAN AREAS SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS. TESTS OR AT A MINIMUM APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER 10-10-10 FERTILIZER 1,200 HIGH QUALITY WATER(HQW)ZONES 7 DAYS NONE AT THE SPECIFIED RATE MAINTENANCE SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE 10'OR LESS IN LENGTH AND ARE NOT STEEPER THAN 2:1, 14 DAYS ARE ALLOWED RE-FERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, RE-FERTILIZE AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY SLOPES 3:1 OR FLATTER 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR SLOPES GREATER THAN 50'IN LENGTH FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. ALL OTHER AREAS WITH SLOPES 14 DAYS NONE, EXCEPT FOR PERIMETERS AND HQW ZONES FLATTER THAN 4:1 DEFINITION SEEDBED PREPARATION HYDRAULIC SEEDING CONTROLLING RUNOFF AND EROSION ON DISTURBED UPLAND AREAS BY ESTABLISHING INSTALL NECESSARY MECHANICAL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PRACTICES SURFACE ROUGHENING IS PARTICULARY IMPORTANT WHEN HYDRAULICALLY SEEDING,AS A PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER. DUE TO STEEP SLOPES PRESENT ON THE PROJECT,A BEFORE SEEDING,AND COMPLETE GRADING ACCORDING TO THE APPROVED PLAN. ROUGHENED SLOPE WILL PROVIDE SOME NATURAL COVERAGE FOR LIME, FERTILIZER, HYDRAULICALLY APPLIED FLEXIBLE GROWTH MEDIUM(FGM)WILL BE REQUIRED TO ESTABLISH LIME AND FERTILIZER NEEDS SHOULD BE DETERMINED BY SOIL TEST, DIRECTIONS, SAMPLE FLEXIBLE GROWTH MEDIUM(FGM)AND SEED. THE SURFACE SHOULD NOT BE COMPACTED PERMANENT VEGETATION ON SLOPES>10%. OTHER AREAS CAN BE SEEDED AND MULCHED CARTONS,AND INFORMATION SHEETS ARE AVAILABLE THROUGH COUNTY AGRICULTURAL OR SMOOTH. FINE SEEDBED PREPARATION IS NOT NECESSARY FOR HYDRAULIC SEEDING CONVENTIONALLY OR BY USING HYDRAULIC SEEDING PROCEDURES. EXTENSION OFFICES. TESTING IS ALSO DONE BY COMMERCIAL LABORATORIES. OPERATIONS;SOIL CLODS,STONES,AND IRREGULARITIES PROVIDE CAVITIES IN WHICH GENERAL SEEDING REQUIREMENTS FOR WETLAND AREAS SEEDS CAN LODGE. DEFINITION PURPOSE WHEN SOIL TEST RESULTS ARE NOT AVAILABLE, FOLLOW RATES SUGGESTED IN THE CONTROLLING RUNOFF AND EROSION ON DISTURBED WETLAND AREAS BY ESTABLISHING PERENNIAL VEGETATIVE COVER WITH NATIVE WETLAND SEED. TO REDUCE EROSION AND DECREASE SEDIMENT YIELD FROM DISTURBED AREAS,AND TO SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS TABLES. RATE OF FGM APPLICATION SHOULD VARY BY TYPE AND SHOULD ADHERE TO SEEDING PERMANENTLY STABILIZE SUCH AREAS IN A MANNER THAT IS ECONOMICAL,ADAPTS TO SITE SPECIFICATIONS TABLE. NATIVE WETLAND SEED SPECIFICATIONS PURPOSE CONDITIONS,AND ALLOWS SELECTION OF THE MOST APPROPRIATE PLANT MATERIALS. APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER EVENLY AND INCORPORATE INTO THE TOP 4-6-INCHES OF SOIL TO REDUCE EROSION AND DECREASE SEDIMENT YIELD FROM DISTURBED AREAS,AND TO PERMANENTLY STABILIZE SUCH AREAS IN A MANNER THAT IS BY DISKING OR OTHER SUITABLE MEANS. OPERATE MACHINERY ON THE CONTOUR. WHEN IF A MACHINERY BREAKDOWN OF 1/2 TO 2 HOURS OCCURS,ADD 50%MORE SEED TO THE SEED MIX APPLICATION TYPE AND NOTES ECONOMICAL,ADAPTS TO SITE CONDITIONS,AND ALLOWS SELECTION OF THE MOST APPROPRIATE PLANT MATERIALS. SEEDBED REQUIREMENTS USING A HYDRO SEEDER,APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER TO A ROUGH, LOOSE SURFACE. TANK, BASED ON THE PROPORTION OF THE SLURRY REMAINING. THIS SHOULD RATE(LBS/ACRE) ESTABLISHMENT OF VEGETATION SHOULD NOT BE ATTEMPTED ON SITES THAT ARE COMPENSATE FOR DAMAGE TO SEED. BEYOND 2 HOURS,A FULL RATE OF NEW SEED MAY SEEDBED REQUIREMENTS UNSUITABLE DUE TO EXCESSIVE SOIL COMPACTION, INAPPROPRIATE SOIL TEXTURE, POOR ROUGHEN SURFACES PRIOR TO SEEDING. BE NECESSARY. VIRGINIA WILD RYE 10 LBSIACRE BASED ON 35 LBS/ACRE VALUE TO MAINTAIN A GOOD STAND OF WETLAND VEGETATION,THE SOIL MUST BE TOPSOIL THAT HAS BEEN STOCKPILED DURING THE GRADING AND DRAINAGE,CONCENTRATED OVERLAND FLOW,OR STEEPNESS OF SLOPE UNTIL MEASURES EXCAVATION OPERATIONS.THIS TOPSOIL SHOULD HAVE THESE CRITERIA: HAVE BEEN TAKEN TO CORRECT THESE PROBLEMS. COMPLETE SEEDBED PREPARATION BY BREAKING UP LARGE CLODS AND RAKING INTO A LIME IS NOT NORMALLY APPLIED WITH A HYDRAULIC SEEDER BECAUSE IT IS ABRASIVE. IT INDIANGRASS 10 LBSIACRE 25 LBSIACRE EXCEEDINGTY MANUFACTURERSAN WITH ATION SMOOTH, UNIFORM SURFACE(SLOPES LESS THAN 3:1). FILL IN OR LEVEL DEPRESSIONS THAT CAN BE BLOWN OR BROADCAST ONTO STEEP SLOPES IN DRY FORM. • FREE FROM LARGE ROOTS, BRANCHES, STONES, LARGE CLODS OF EARTH, OR TRASH OF ANY KIND. TO MAINTAIN A GOOD STAND OF VEGETATION,THE SOIL MUST MEET CERTAIN MINIMUM CAN COLLECT WATER. BROADCAST SEED INTO A FRESHLY LOOSENED SEEDBED THAT HAS SOFT RUSH 5 LBS/ACRE OF COMPETITIVE SPECIES OF REQUIREMENTS AS A GROWTH MEDIUM. THE EXISTING SOIL SHOULD HAVE THESE CRITERIA: NOT BEEN SEALED BY RAINFALL. MAINTENANCE PLANTS/SHRUBS TO INCLUDE PERENNIAL DEER TONGUE 5 LBS/ACRE GRASSES WITH COVER CROP AT HIGHER SEEDBED PREPARATION GENERALLY,A STAND OF VEGETATION CANNOT BE DETERMINED TO BE FULLY ESTABLISHED INSTALL NECESSARY ADJACENT(NOT IN WETLAND) MECHANICAL EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PRACTICES BEFORE SEEDING,AND RETURN • ENOUGH FINE-GRAINED(SILT AND CLAY)MATERIAL TO MAINTAIN ADEQUATE MOISTURE SEEDING UNTIL SOIL COVER HAS BEEN MAINTAINED FOR ONE FULL YEAR FROM PLANTING. INSPECT 35 LBS/ACRE RATE. GRADES TO ORIGINAL CONTOURS AS MUCH AS PRACTICABLE. AND NUTRIENT SUPPLY(AVAILABLE WATER CAPACITY OF AT LEAST.05-INCHES OF WATER USE CERTIFIED SEED FOR PERMANENT SEEDING WHENEVER POSSIBLE. SEEDED AREAS FOR FAILURE AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS AND RESEEDINGS WITHIN NOTE:THE RECOMMENDED APPLICATION RATE FOR THE WETLAND SEED MIXTURE ABOVE IS 20 TO TO 1-INCH OF SOIL. THE SAME SEASON, IF POSSIBLE. 25-LBS PER ACRE. APPLY SEED MIXTURE TO DISTURBED WETLAND, EXTENDING 10-FEET LANDWARD. ROUGHEN WETLAND SURFACES BY DISKING, RAKING, HARROWING, OR OTHER SUITABLE METHODS PRIOR TO SEEDING. LABELING OF NON-CERTIFIED SEED IS ALSO REQUIRED BY LAW. LABELS CONTAIN • SUFFICIENT PORE SPACE TO PERMIT ROOT PENETRATION. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON SEED PURITY,GERMINATION,AND PRESENCE OF WOOD RE-SEEDING-IF A STAND HAS INADEQUATE COVER, RE-EVALUATE CHOICE OF PLANT SOIL AMENDMENTS COMPLETE SEEDBED PREPARATION BY BREAKING UP LARGE CLODS AND RAKING INTO A SMOOTH, UNIFORM SURFACE. BROADCAST SEED INTO A SEEDS. SEEDS MUST MEET STATE STANDARDS FOR CONTENT OF NOXIOUS WEEDS. DO NOT MATERIALS AND QUANTITIES OF LIME AND FERTILIZER. RE-ESTABLISH THE STAND AFTER FRESHLY LOOSENED SEEDBED THAT HAS NOT BEEN SEALED BY RAINFALL. • SUFFICIENT DEPTH OF SOIL TO PROVIDE AN ADEQUATE ROOT ZONE. THE DEPTH TO ROCK ACCEPT SEED CONTAINING"PROHIBITED"NOXIOUS WEED SEED. SEEDBED PREPARATION OR OVER-SEED THE STAND. CONSIDER SEEDING TEMPORARY, SOIL AMENDMENTS ARE NOT TO BE APPLIED IN WETLAND AREAS. OR IMPERMEABLE LAYERS SUCH AS HARDPANS SHOULD BE 12-INCHES OR MORE, EXCEPT ANNUAL SPECIES IF THE TIME OF YEAR IS NOT APPROPRIATE FOR PERMANENT SEEDING. SEEDING ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 2:1 WHERE THE ADDITION OF SOIL IS NOT FEASIBLE. INOCULATE LEGUME SEED WITH THE RHIZOBIUM BACTERIA APPROPRIATE TO THE SPECIES MULCH USE CERTIFIED SEED FOR NATIVE WETLAND SEEDING. OF LEGUME. IF VEGETATION FAILS TO GROW, SOIL MUST BE TESTED TO DETERMINE IF ACIDITY OR • A FAVORABLE PH RANGE FOR PLANT GROWTH, USUALLY 6.0-6.5. NUTRIENT IMBALANCE IS RESPONSIBLE. MULCH IS NOT TO APPLIED IN WETLAND AREAS. LABELING OF NON-CERTIFIED SEED IS ALSO REQUIRED BY LAW. LABELS CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION OS SEED PURITY,GERMINATION,AND APPLY SEED UNIFORMLY WITH A CYCLONE SEEDER, DROP-TYPE SPREADER. DRILL. PRESENCE OF WOOD SEEDS. SEEDS MUST MEET STATE STANDARDS FOR CONTENT OF NOXIOUS WEEDS. DO NOT ACCEPT SEED CONTAINING • FREE FROM LARGE ROOTS, BRANCHES,STONES, LARGE CLODS OF EARTH, OR TRASH OF CULTIPACKER SEEDER, OR HYDRO SEEDER ON A FIRM, FRIABLE SEEDBED. FERTILIZATION-ON THE TYPICAL DISTURBED SITE, FULL ESTABLISHMENT USUALLY MAINTENANCE "PROHIBITED"NOXIOUS WEED SEED. ANY KIND. CLODS AND STONES MAY BE LEFT ON SLOPES STEEPER THAN 3:1 IF THEY ARE REQUIRES RE-FERTILIZATION IN THE SECOND GROWING SEASON. FINE TURF REQUIRES RESEED/OVER SEED IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE.GROUND STABILIZATION SHALL BE TO BE HYDRO SEEDED. WHEN USING A DRILL OR CULTIPACKER SEEDER, PLANT SMALL GRAINS NO MORE THE 1-INCH ANNUAL MAINTENANCE FERTILIZATION. USE SOIL TESTS IF POSSIBLE OR FOLLOW THE PERFORMED PER TIME FRAMES OUTLINED IN GENERAL SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS. APPLY SEED UNIFORMLY BY HAND OR PERSONNEL EQUIPPED WITH A BROADCAST SPREADER. DEEP,GRASSES AND LEGUMES NO MORE THAN 1/2-INCH. EQUIPMENT SHOULD BE GUIDELINES GIVEN FOR THE SPECIFIC SEEDING MIXTURE. IF ANY OF THE ABOVE CRITERIA ARE NOT MET, IE; IF EXISTING SOIL IS TOO COARSE, DENSE, CALIBRATED IN THE FIELD FOR DESIRED SEEDING RATE. WHEN USING BROADCAST-SEEDING METHODS, SUBDIVIDE THE AREA INTO WORKABLE SECTIONS AND DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF SEED NEEDED FOR SHALLOW OR ACIDIC TO FOSTER VEGETATION,SPECIAL AMENDMENTS ARE REQUIRED. THE SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS EACH SECTION. APPLY 1/2 THE SEED WHILE MOVING BACK AND FORTH ACROSS THE AREA, MAKING A UNIFORM PATTERN;THEN APPLY THE SECOND HALF SOIL CONDITIONERS DESCRIBED BELOW MAY BE BENEFICIAL OR, PREFERABLY,TOPSOIL MAY WHEN USING BROADCAST-SEEDING METHODS,SUBDIVIDE THE AREA INTO WORKABLE SEE TABLES FOR UPLAND AREAS TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS. IN THE SAME WAY, BUT MOVING AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE FIRST PASS. BE APPLIED. SECTIONS AND DETERMINE THE AMOUNT OF SEED NEEDED FOR EACH SECTION. APPLY 1/2 THE SEED WHILE MOVING BACK AND FORTH ACROSS THE AREA, MAKING A UNIFORM SEEDING BAR NOTE DO NOT APPLY MULCH OR FERTILIZER IN WETLANDS. PATTERN;THEN APPLY THE SECOND HALF IN THE SAME WAY, BUT MOVING AT RIGHT ANGLES SEEDING BAR LOCATIONS BASED ON PLAN VIEWS. THESE LOCATIONS ARE GENERALIZED, TO THE FIRST PASS. AND FINAL SEEDING METHODS SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE OWNER OR ON-SITE MAINTENANCE ENVIRONMENTAL INSPECTOR DURING CONSTRUCTION. GENERALLY,A STAND OF VEGETATION CANNOT BE DETERMINED TO BE FULLY ESTABLISHED UNTIL SOIL COVER HAS BEEN MAINTAINED FOR ONE FULL MULCH ALL PLANTING IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING WHEN USING A DRILL OR BROADCAST YEAR FROM PLANTING. INSPECT SEEDED AREAS FOR FAILURE AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS AND RESEEDINGS WITHIN THE SAME SEASON, IF SPREADER. POSSIBLE. TEMPORARY UPLAND SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS SOIL AMENDMENTS(TEMPORARY UPLAND SEEDING) RE-SEEDING-IF A STAND HAS INADEQUATE COVER, RE-EVALUATE CHOICE OF PLANT MATERIALS. RE-ESTABLISH THE STAND AFTER SEEDBED LOCATION SEED MIX APPLICATION TYPE AND RATE MULCH,TACKIFIER OR FGM NOTES NOTE AMENDMENT UPLAND SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS PREPARATION OR OVER-SEED THE STAND. APPLICATION RATE (LBS/ACRE) APPLICATION RATE (LBS/ACRE) SEED MIX APPLICATION TYPE AND AMENDMENT NOTES SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS RATE(LBSIACRE) SEE TABLE FOR WETLAND AREAS SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS. FESCUE IS PROHIBITED IN WETLAND AREAS. AUGUST 15-APRIL 15 APPLY MULCH BY ROVING, NETTING, OR FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF PELLITIZED LIME 120 LBS/ACRE TALL FESCUE 100 LBSIACRE SOIL AMENDMENT RATES REDUCED DUE TO CURRENT N o ANNUAL RYE GRAIN ASPHALT TACKING AT 400 GAUACRE. SOIL TESTS OR AT A MINIMUM GROUND AGRICULTURAL 2 000 LBS/ACRE (250 LBSIACRE) VEGETATION STATE AND ACTIVE SOIL CONDITION,AS WELL SLOPES<10% MULCH(4,000 LBS/ACRE) SEED AND SOIL AMENDMENTS WILL BE APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER AT LIMESTONE AS AMENDMENTS PLACED WITHIN PROJECT DURATION. APRIL 15-AUGUST 15 40 LBS/ACRE BROADCAST PRIOR TO APPLYING THE SPECIFIED RATE BAHIA 25 LBSIACRE GERMAN MILLET MULCH. 10-10.10 FERTILIZER TACKIFIER-PLANTAGO SEED AND SOIL AMENDMENTS WILL BE GERMAN MILLET 25 LBSIACRE (500 LBS/ACRE) SLOPES>10%TO (4,000 LBS/ACRE)OR BROADCAST PRIOR TO APPLYING 10-10-10 FERTILIZER 750 LBS/ACRE BASED ON PELLETIZED LIME RATES AT A <25% ANNUAL RYE GRAIN 45 LBS/ACRE GUAR(150 LBS/ACRE) TACKIFIER. 1:10 VALUE OF AGRICULTURAL LIME MAINTENANCE (250 LBS P=2,500 LBS A). U FGM-PROMATRIX(1,500 SEED AND SOIL AMENDMENTS WILL BE RE-FERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, RE-FERTILIZE AND SLOPES>25% ANNUAL RYE GRAIN 45 LBS/ACRE LBS/ACRE) BROADCAST PRIOR TO APPLYING FGM. MULCH IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. I_ PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 '��'cN. CA RO< PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE *TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 o Ess/o°°!2' ^QUO S �� \• � NO. DATE REVISION(S) DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)035 OF 094 DWG SCALE NOT TO SCALE 6 A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED .. —% 0 21/20 1 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER — <<'. ti�, NE� .°� ;� p DATE INITIALS �+� UKE Piedmont EPSC SEEDING REQUIREMENTS ����pp. C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH DRAWING NUMBER REVISION %qM °°C '\.�\`` REC &STD NI_ Natural GaS ,,, kEITH D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY TFG �`iC ENERGY.,: GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C-475-0001 1 1 0 D co 02 STATION ID DATE INITIALS PRINCIPAL sl PROFESSIONALENG/ARCHSTAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER TRENCH APPROIC SEE I ETIVL9 1E•WOE]®u SEEP NOTES a'' FLQN � PROPOSED TOE-OF-BANK ars.3/3 • rr-ti 1. THE CONTRACTOR WILL RESTORE THE CONTOURS TEMPORARY WORKSPACE �r FRaSOIL'I �- -re .4 OF THE BED AND BANKS OF ALL WATERWAYS ' .H "` FOR CHANNEL TRENCHING METHCO, 1 w.� I P OF SLANXET +'�� IMMEDIATELY AFTER PIPE INSTALLATION AND •• SEE DETAIL�Ii ara • ✓ ____ } ,fr • SIDE SEAM OVERLAP, -� T J BACKFILL,EXCEPT OVER THE TRAVEL LANE. 4- SEE DETAIL 5/1 "i ' _- -.,----,..�.�� I Y 1 ROW OF STRPLES, x o.c, A '� A + TRAVEL LANES AND BRIDGES MAY STAY IN PLACE ;� A 1 x R4W5 OF 9TAYLES, WIDTH OF DISTURBANCE •:/ CHANNEL BOLL oRL�nP°, •C� f r *�� UNTIL HYDROSTATIC TESTING AND CLEANUP ARE � �{ f sTAr�Ez§m.a a.c_ .- TO CHANNEL TO BE :5�' SEE oETA L�r3 !� ` t EA DIR �+ -+ Vb i COMPLETE. ALL MATERIALS USED TO SUPPORT MINIMIZED •••••••••••: .... PROPOSED GAS PIPELINE ` �� '1 I: * '• '•- t CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WILL BE REMOVED I�°••••••••••• RCVS.OF 1 1, . _° '' 3 times the Y :: ,.ow sT ,�T oLFs. dia ter - 7 iiii �-� - z�3 diameter Min FROM WATERBODIES AND WETLANDS,INCLUDING, 11/1 _1�� -ffyr..� PROPOSED N. 4 �• _ BUT NOT LIMITED TO,FLUMES,MATS,PLASTIC PERMANENT EASEMENT ti s =i !~ tv v'�Y' rf ••_ F=�►• � SHEETING,AND SANDBAGS. (WIDTH VARIES) :< �-, st •�� ..- °� ' '•� * - _ •I 2. THE STREAM BANK CONTOUR SHALL BE f wL'0.� �PILE,:_ ice_ t Pipe outlet to well �: i ''- - defined channel CURLEX II OR ENGINEER .... -I.._ EHHEEiiEr ti�. ti STEP BANKS SHALL BE STABILIZED AND TEMPORARY _ _ "'' PLAN VIEW SEDIMENT BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN == 4~�'• ��� �� ` ~} ;~ a1wNEL � 24 HOURS OF COMPLETING THE CROSSING IF = _= NOTES. �~ _ •f y 0 A N.T.S. 11 = __ ~`•• A ;ti �. �,�SCALE Key in 6 -10 (150-230 min), PRACTICABLE, "•••• -••••' SEE GLRLETE�SLOPE APP JGABQN PETAL SHEET FOR 'i ~�ti ~�� �� t L PROPER SLOPE INSTAIIATIINa. 1 , `•, , ti t •' _ recommended for entire 3. IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING RECONSTRUCTION OF •- TRENCH APPROx. SIOL FILE STAPLE PATTERNS ARE DEPENDENT CN SITE COMMONS. J - - t FOR CHANNEL TERMINATIGN, }O`W1DE.8•VEEI= FROM TRERICH~� perimeter. THE STREAM BANKS,THE CONTRACTOR SHALL I SEE°11RLEIL�STAPLE PATTERN WOE FOR DETAILS- ,- i E EF TAILS 4/I hr3 INSTALL SEED AND EROSION CONTROL FABRICS ` • ' 18 I � p,04 3-E-STAPLES Id AT OSm IN PLACE{7F WARE STAPLES- ON WATERBODY BANKS. , - - + �� - Y f • r•- d=5' (1.5m)max 4. INSTALL AND ANCHOR CURLEX II OR ENGINEER - - - � 7 *.� SL'�PE RLA.YrCET T4(}E ••• BLANKET OVERLAP- ^�� `'"� - INSTALLED FIRST AND �_ % ,�_ rock dia. APPROVED EQUIVALENT ACCORDING TO E%TE•IJED AT LEAST T4 CHANNEL l7ETNL I x-¢ I ROW OF STAPLES, .� -i j�:-_i: 11. � ' r 1 r 1�I 1 i= 11 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. THE ANncI:'ATI Mkx NO SCALE 'r°.G 6 (150 mm)Min WATER ELEVATION EA.°IR STAGGERED7.a^a C, rt � '� 2 ROWS GF'STAPLES Filter Fabric=r- s�ti�4• 5,e g \, ti + 1 / J STAPLES SHOI:LD SE pi EHAteSECTION A-A PLAN VIEW STABILIZED CHANNEL EMEND L1NET3 MUST a ` el, DIRECTOR Fi'oTMw Ex TEND 21PAT A HIGHWE �i Fps" 7 RPWS pF STAPLES THE WATER ATEV TKI, •�•.•i.�.•.•.•i.�.•i i i.•.••�.�.•.�i.� STpf'LES ARE hiRIX1GH q`APART, STAGGERED, WAIEF ELEVAnGN REM RLA'IKETS 6-O.G, STAPLE$ RE 9E N.T.S. STABILIZE FILL ' , . L• EE 1 py p PLACES CLOSE TO EDGE Adapted from:Virginia Erosion&Sediment Control Handbook, 1992 CHANNEL TERMINATION STAPLE DET OF R.LAVdET CWWNEL INSTALLATION PLAN + N}SCALE A I,°'A' 4' 12" ;OW:D "A� a Ne` Tr= *pf '.`� . r v F �' SOIL FILLEp Pipe Diameter Discharge Apron Length,L Rip-Rap INSTALL CURLEX NETFREE OR ENGINEER 5LC1 E BLAFYKET T � " FPD�F 901E PILE 3 ; INSTALLEci FIRS. 2 ROWS OF STAPLES MIPACT WITH FOOT in(mm) ft /s m /s ft(m) DSP Diameter Min APPROVED EQUIVALENT ,Ep 3-a +•APART,STARSERER, 6-r RLAP UP's` 8L''HH T { ( ) in YTllri THE TOE OF THE To EIE PLACED CLOSE TO EDGE Ip A oag SLCPE _ '�J.'.:.. T Imo}'p '4� GLG AFFECT STEP 12 300 4.9 0.14 10 3 4 (100) F nW °F 6LaN ET yl `I ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) e `o. < e �� FLAW CHANNEL //++�� 9.89(0.28) 13 (4) 6(150) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I-I HEXETEYEL LINER MUST S-G q �L�{ryJ NORMAL WATER LINE ExTENC 3'-O ABaWE �`r+N • 18 (450) 9.89(0.28) 10 (3) 6(150) I 1-1 I 1-_1 I 1-_1 Q I I 1-1 I I 1-1 I 1-1 I I_ THE ANTIGIPA ID RICH I - ' WATER ELEVATION I I I I I I I I I I I I CHANNEL TERIANNATION 3 e APART,STAGCEREC Arnencan 20.13 (0.57) 16 (5) 8 (200) -_1 lo, �� z of srAPLES Excelsior Ail 30.01 (0.85) 23 (7) 12 (300) - I I `c �' I I , I I CHANNEL�B''� N3 CHANNEL ROLL OVERLAP KU �a7 Company' 39.90(1.13) 26(8) 16 (400) - WATER LEVEL I I HO SCALE �'J Nc SCALE `'1 Earth Science[}rvisiQn 24 (600) 30.01 (o.85) 16 (s) 8 (200) I I A xc loR COMPANY -I I '/ I I u°""cD' AMERICAN WRLEKe CHANNEL E nRa1Ea.'T rr,. [uECT 'MEET PEESAE �N CHTE 1r1/03 DRAWN[M 39.90(1.13) 26(8) 8 (200) I 1------1 I I I I I I I I I I I mE RuNGmN, TEXAS SHEET N M. EATE 10HE 1,HE,1E'.;,. APPLICATI9N DETAIL NONE 50.14(1.42) 26(8) 12 (300) GRASS SEED IS SPREAD BENEATH -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1:::---1 ' TEMPORARY MATTING O CURLEX CHANNEL APPLICATION DETAIL 60.03 (1.70) 3016 (400) EROSION CONTROL FABRIC, SEED (9) MIX CAN BE FOUND WITH EROSION 5' For larger or higher flows, CONTROL DETAILS consult a registered civil engineer `\ Source: Adapted from USDA-SCS TYPICAL CROSS SECTION STABILIZED CHANNEL `PROPOSED GAS LINE CROSS SECTION A-A 0 STREAMBANK STABILIZATION THRU STONE DITCH CHECK PLACE STONE OVER INSTALLATION O OUTLET PROTECTION 12 INCH D50 RIPRAP FT.MIN. CHANNEL BANKS 1. ROCK DITCH CHECKS SHOULD NOT BE PLACED IN WATERS OF THE STATE OR USGS BLUE-LINE STREAMS(UNLESS APPROVED BY FEDERAL OVERFLOW AUTHORITIES). ✓ r WEIR TOP OF BANK 0.5-FT.MIN. =�l!� ���'� < , 2. A NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SHALL BE INSTALLED OVER THE SOIL �� t� O '�' SURFACE WHERE THE ROCK DITCH CHECK IS TO BE PLACED. Iii.....,... A... 4...,,,, ,‘Le:, � e.4��i70.1g it 1 3. THE BODY OF THE ROCK DITCH CHECK SHALL BE COMPOSED OF SEWN-IN CONNECTION SLEEVE FOR PUMP ��'&-,4 /!fit �� % 12-INCH D50 RIPRAP.THE UPSTREAM FACE MAY BE COMPOSED OF DISCHARGE HOSE(OPTIONAL) _ - 3 1-INCH D50 WASHED STONE. A CHANNEL BOTTOM NON-WOVEN 2'-0"MIN. OPTIONAL LIFTING NOTES: W1DTH GEOTEXTILE FABRIC 4. ROCK DITCH CHECKS SHOULD NOT EXCEED A HEIGHT OF 2-FEET AT SILT FENCE • 0'-6"MIN. STRAPS 1. SEDIMENT FILER BAGS SHOULD NOT BE PLACED WITHIN A JURISDICTIONAL WETLAND OR WITHIN 50 FEET OF A THE CENTERLINE OF THE CHANNEL. WITH WIRE BACKING STABILIZED OUTLET,STREAM,OR OTHER NATURAL WATERS RESOURCE. 44 /* 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL EXERCISE CAUTION NOT TO BURST OR DAMAGE THE SEDIMENT FILTER BAG WHEN PUMPING. 5. ROCK DITCH CHECKS SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM TOP FLOW LENGTH OF �� 3. SEDIMENT FILTER BAGS SHALL BE REPLACED WHEN SEDIMENT HAS ACCUMULATED TOY2 OF THE BAGS CAPACITY OR TYPICAL DITCH CHECK SECTION 2-FEET. �,� I. I. : : : : � . : : : : : : :/�0 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MANUFACTURE'S RECOMMENDATIONS. �� t '' 6. RIPRAP SHOULD BE PLACED OVER CHANNEL BANKS TO PREVENT WATER + 2-FT. MIN. FROM CUTTING AROUND THE DITCH CHECK. GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(TYPE III)UNDER AND TOP OF BANK :+ 12-INCH D50 RIPRAP ENT RE WOOD CHIP PAD A COVERING I 00 CI 7. THE RIPRAP SHOULD BE PLACED BY HAND OR MECHANICAL PLACEMENT �, - s .--1 ��► ��►rc (NO DUMPING OF ROCK TO FORM DAM)TO ACHIEVE COMPLETE WITH GROUND fi- S GOU t i i 1-INCH D50 WASHED STONE ���j�, ��, ��, ��, COVERAGE OF THE CHANNEL.DOING SO WILL ALSO ENSURE THAT THE *�►1 ; : : : ; ; ..1 111 :.,.: : + LINE SLOPE 2 .''' : :I k :I1:�I 2 SILT-SAVER SEDIMENT S� ......... .....+ + SILT-SAVER DEWATER FILTER BAG ,.►��.�►y���1,��►�.�►,���l 2-FT. MAX. CENTER OF THE CHECK IS LOWER THAN THE EDGES. FILTER BAG �t FLOW 1 1 4 /#4 /1 /;. :::::::::::::::.::.::.:.+ + . I :�: ���1 �: �' AT CENTER fir................:.:..... 1 ►,iQ♦�/ �.- 1 , A .11n A `�� 1- 8. THE MAXIMUM SPACING BETWEEN THE DAMS SHOULD BE SUCH THAT .................... + 6"X15" 2"-3" PUMP n �. 2-0 MIN. . •1 /,1�i�/<1�%1 <1�/��/.1r�/. 13"X 15" 0'4" PUMP .',-,a u1`!!`�,r4i: " 4-4 `4 L THE TOE OF THE UPSTREAM CHECK IS AT THE SAME ELEVATION AS :: :: ::.::.::.::.: :: :: . E ��i�.��r► ��i�1,��► ��ti�►�'��� THE TOP OF THE DOWNSTREAM CHECK. + + ........ ..: +++ 13 X25" 0'-6 PUMP I .!�:#474 474*4 -OA* "/i�� O.5-FT. VVOOD CHIPS + + O/:::::; .1 .I. .1.1;;.1. . . . ;: :: *:+ + + 1 + + ♦. ♦ + + + ' + . . + + + + e + + .,- 4. AREA WHERE p + + + + + + + �►�`•+ + ��+ SEDIMENT IS TRAPPED +++�+++++++++++++++ 0$k4t,��w +y+�+y+ 10'-0" 50'MINIMUM A LENGTH AS REQUIRED IN FIELD + A. A. A. A. A. A. SEDIMENT FILTER BAG TO KEY INTO SIDE OF SLOPES MINIMUM OF DITCH MAINTENANCE VARIES WITH 2'-0"MIN. - 0'-6"MIN. VARIES - BUFFER NON-WOVEN 1. THE KEY TO FUNCTIONAL ROCK DITCH CHECK IS WEEKLY INSPECTIONS, GEOTEXTILE (TYPETILE ROUTINE MAINTENANCE,AND REGULAR SEDIMENT REMOVAL. GROUNDLINE � FABRIC III) GEOTEXTILE FABRIC GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(TYPE III)OR 10'MIN, SLOPE SILT FENCE 2. REGULAR INSPECTIONS OF ROCK DITCH CHECKS SHALL BE CONDUCTED EXISTING VEGETATION WITH WIRE BACKING >-' SILT FENCE SPACING BETWEEN DITCH CHECK ONCE EVERY CALENDAR WEEK AND,AS RECOMMENDED,WITHIN + + + + + f'WITH MIRE + +. BACKING 2'MIN. 24 HOURS AFTER EACH RAINFALL THAT PRODUCES 112 INCH OR GEOTEXTILE FABRIC(TYPE III)OR EXIST 6"MIN. TOP OF BANK MORE OF PRECIPITATION. VEGETATION USE WOOD CHIPS EXISTING GROUNDLINE L=THE DISTANCE SUCH THAT POINTS L PAD TO LEVEL BAG FROM NATURAL •,:! A& B ARE OF EQUAL ELEVATION 3. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT WHEN IT REACHES 1/3 THE HEIGHT GROUNDLINE STREAM .� : fir. OF THE ROCK DITCH CHECK. OR EXISTINGTI FABRIC(TYPE III) .�.� .. ry OR VEGETATION WAVie-..��v � rSn';::; 5.REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE PLACED IN STOCKPILE STORAGE AREAS OR SPREAD THINLY 50'MIN. DISTANCE I's.4,4 .r.A L B M,t••• ACROSS DISTURBED AREA.STABILIZE THE REMOVED SEDIMENT AFTER IT IS RELOCATED. 2 FROM STREAM - 2 I "•W!rit 1 .•. •.�t•..•�••;i; 6. INSPECT ROCK DITCH CHECKS'EDGES FOR EROSION AND EVIDENCE OF SECTION A � .-.:�.,.�u�•.1..•, TOP OF BANK •, :•, '•. :;; :4;c� RUNOFF BYPASSING THE INSTALLED CHECK.IF EVIDENT REPAIR PROMPTLY ` 1-FT. SUMP .• :: �� ��� ; AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EROSION AND BYPASSING. STREAM ,'' 7.IN THE CASE OF GRASS-LINED DITCHES,CHANNELS,AND SWALES,ROCK DITCH CHECKS SHOULD BE REMOVED WHEN THE GRASS HAS MATURED SUFFICIENTLY TO PROTECT THE DITCH OR NON-WOVEN GEOTEXTILE FABRIC SWALE UNLESS THE SLOPE OF THE SWALE IS GREATER THAN 4%. PLAN VIEW 0 TYPICAL SEDIMENT FILTER BAG '414.447,101 v (NOT TO SCALE) 8. AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED AND FINAL STABILIZATION IS REACHED,THE ENTIRETY OF THE ROCK DITCH CHECK SHOULD BE © ROCK DITCH CHECK DAM AND NOTES (CD) REMOVED IF VEGETATION WILL BE USED FOR PERMANENT EROSION Mr CHECK MEASURES.THE AREA BENEATH THE REMOVED ROCK DITCH CHECK MUST BE ADDRESSED WITH PERMANENT STABILIZATION MEASURES. 0 Z a a PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 \T,,,1I1 Fe,, / PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE *TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO, MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 o . o• FEss,o 2 UI = =,°°Q� S ��•••� NO. DATE REVISIONS) DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)036 OF 094 DWG SCALE NOT TO SCALE 6ju A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE NITIALS LINE 475 REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED = �•• 0 21/201 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER DUKE'• it, � .`` ` ° DATE INITIALS DUDE - Piedmont EPSC DETAIL 1 A ° �p C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH DRAWING NUMBER REVISION %,''q • •C '�`�; REC &STD �- Natural Gas ,,, KEITH �,. D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY TFG �`iC ENERGY,: /iiIII1IIIlI+T,,, GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C475-0001 1 1 1 D DATE INITIALS STATION ID PRINCIPAL S PROFESSIONALENG/ARCHSTAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER SWALE OR OTHER SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICE 8'MAX STANDARD FABRIC WITH PLASTIC OR WIRE TIES. WIRE FENCE NOTE: NOTES: y 6'MAX EXTRA STRENGTH FABRIC /, A CONSTRUCT SEDIMENT BARRIER WITHOUT WIRE FENCE v I o AND CHANNELIZE RUNOFF TO SEDIMENT 1.SILT FENCE WITH WIRE BACKING IS USED TO INTERCEPT SMALL AMOUNTS WOVEN WIRE FENCE BACKING TOTAL 4'MAX ON PONDING AREAS 3'FT TRAPPING DEVICE WIDTH 32'MIN. 2"MIN. iii �20'R MIN. OF SEDIMENT AND REDUCE VELOCITY FROM SHEET FLOW ONLY.USE SILT WIRE MESH STONE OR COMPOST SOCK STEEL POST e. FENCE WITH WIRE BACKING UP-GRADIENT TO,AND ALONG THE PERIMETER TT TT PLASTIC OR WIRE TIES >lt�� \ OF STREAMS,WETLANDS,PONDS,SPRINGS,OR OTHER NATURAL WATER - - SILT FENCE OR SILT FENCE WITH WIRE BACKING f �J, f 1/4 WIRE MESH ♦-0�4 r RESOURCES LOCATED WITHIN OR ADJACENT TO THE PROJECT RIGHT OF �L����L�`� .-. .--� .-� . �.-� . --.- WAY. SILT FENCE WIITH WIRE BACKING FA I I II NO MORE THAN 24" SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE >- . . N I M 11 0 5 5 1 5 •��������������• OR COMPOST SOCK o l> + +4�4 4>.4+1+4♦4�4>4+4+4♦4 4>4+4+4♦4�4�4+4+ TOTAL WIDTH 36" I I I I OF FABRIC ��� ���������,����� ����� ����� ����� ����el� 2.THE MAXIMUM DRAINAGE AREA SIZE FOR CONTINUOUS SILT FENCE WITH �♦�♦�♦�♦�♦�♦�♦�♦�♦�♦�♦�♦�♦�♦�♦� ¢o .:,. - t ♦♦rA ALLOWED ABOVE 2 FT 1, 1 1�1 -or.,1�1 I I21,.1?1 I I21, 1�1 I I�1, 1t1 12'MIN. BACKING SHALL BE 1 ACRE PER 150 LINEAR FEET OF FENCE LENGTH. l 1 �1�♦♦♦ GROUND LEVEL - �����������������������������. '� '� v- µ�'� f rte 'O V '� = '� 'O 'o V '. 'or-'�'= MAXIMUM SLOPE LENGTH BEHIND FENCE ON UPSLOPE SIDE SHALL BE 290 ■. o I�I�I�I�I�LI.,I�I�II�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�I�,I� WIDTH ♦ ►, ►, > -'�. ' '': :'�: BOTTOM OF WOVEN WIRE FENCE BACKING ♦ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • �!. �� > 1 1 1 1 I • 1 s'1�1�1�1�1�1�1� �1�1�1�1�1�1�1�1� FEET(AS MEASURED ALONG GROUND SURFACE) EXISTING GROUND -fir =L`_ 410411101474L.fairilie740,174Ar7.'!* zv�zi! :' +!a /,..+.+- ♦ , ,+,,+ ♦ ♦ , ♦..♦..♦ 1 ♦ .� ♦..♦ .♦ ♦..♦.,+-. SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE BOTTOM OF THE `�' -i.w�_ •�.•�.•,°r ,°�.,•.� 1FTMIN 0 i*-i�i`.-ir-a for-i*�i"�i*-i*-4�i*-i"�i-i*-i�i�i" iY�i�i*-i*-i �•-amyl :::ltr :L: .1:: : 1:l!tr : 7'`-.Y ' ,.^SV''-L z .44444 4lrar.=_=�=e=I=.='i_=k=V"=.=�_I=e=�= 1 TRENCH Ii-��; �. ., ., ► 3.STEEL POSTS SHALL HAVE A PROJECTION FOR FASTENING WIRE TO f � />i Vil l s -111-111-111=11 -I f- I =I - ICI I-I -I - I - I-I -I - I I I -I -�I - I =I =11=1I1 1I1=111-1 THEM. WOVEN WIRE FENCE BACKING TO BE FASTENED SECURELY To I I III III III III III III I I Iz III III III III III III III III III III I I Iz III III III III I I III III:. ,X 1 1 1� `�PIPE/CULVERT IF FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES. THE WIRE FASTENERS SHOULD BE EVENLY I I I I '� = NECESSARY SPACED WITH AT LEAST SIX PER POST. STEEL POST(TYP.) I 1 FT MIN > ' BOTTOM OF I� I I 24"MIN. U L �� 4.FABRIC SHALL BE FASTENED SECURELY TO WOVEN WIRE FENCE BACKING 8"MIN. TRENCH I I I I i WITH THE TIES SPACED EVERY 24 INCHES ALONG TOP AND MIDSECTION. STEEL POST(STD."T"OR"U"SECTION) N I I I I v SUPPLY WATER TO WASH 5.STOP SILT FENCE AT PAVED CROSSINGS,USE ALTERNATIVE MEASURE IF II ANCHOR II WHEELS IF NECESSARY NECESSARY. POSITION POST/FABRIC PLATES ASSEMBLY AT VERTICAL TO A MAX 5°FROM THE 1/4 WIRE MESH 6.COORDINATE SILT FENCE PLACEMENT IN WATER QUALITY BUFFERS TO VERTICAL(ANGLED TOWARD FLOW) 1 I 50'MIN. MINIMIZE IMPACT. SILT FENCE WITH WIRE BACKING FABRIC AND 2"MIN 7.USE DOT#5 OR#57 WASHED STONE TO BACKFLOW TRENCH WHEN FLOW WOVEN WIRE FENCE BACKING I I TIEBACK BETWEEN FENCE POST SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE PLAN VIEW WILL RUN PARRELLEL TO THE TOE OF THE FENCE.WHILE THIS SITUATION IS I I 26"FABRIC AND ANCHOR STAKE TO BE NO.8 OR 12"COMPOST SOCK SOMETIMES UNAVOIDABLE,SILT FENCE,SHOULD GENERALLY NOT BE USED I I ABOVE GROUND (0.25")HOLLOW BRAIDED EXISTING GROUND POLYPROPYLENE ROPE WITH SECURE TO POST AS A DIVERSION. I I BY WRAPPING ���� 2'3"WASHED STONE F�pW MINIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH OF 2:1 OR FLATTER I I 1,200 POUNDS WATER FLOW 1 FT MIN 1 � �!A 2 ,, ti, ,, ti, ,, ti, ,, ti, ,, ti, ,, ORIGINAL GRADE BACKFILL WITH COMPACTED SOIL OR DOT# -•i`-• ` t �Rm�=�idP=�idP=�i�i�i�i0i♦. OR#57 WASHED STONE(SEE NOTE 7) __ �� � ����� ��� �•,-._••.•.•._.•.•.•.•.-. . , SILT FENCE WITH WIRE . ,� .�..^.,. , III MIN.24°POST FLOW BACKING :111-111-111-111-111-1I1 =III1II-1II-1I I-1II-11I-1I 1-1I1-1I1-1I1-1I1-1I1-1I1-1I1-1I1-1I1-1I1-1I1-1I1-1I1-111-111- ', / �AWQ4S� Vii a ����� \// � =111=111=111=111=111==111E111E111E111E111E111-11 E -111E111E111E111E111E111-1I 1-111E111E111E111E111E111-111-III-1 �'//, ' , /,\ //' ANCHOR SILT FENCE WITH WIRE BACKING FABRIC 4 BELOW GROUND �- I :I I I=11 EMEI I I=III= -III=111E111E111E111EI I I=I I I=11 1=111E111E111E111E111E111E111E111E111E111E111E111E111E111ER FILTER FABRIC 8"DEEP WITH 4"RUN OUT LENGTH.COMPACT II I i \ I -III III III-III- -III-III-III-III-III-III-III-I 11= FI I I-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-III-I PIPE/CULVERT IF MAINTENANCE: BACKFILL. NECESSARY 1. INSPECT SEDIMENT FENCES AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK AND AFTER EACH Lai ANCHOR STAKE MIN.18"LON. EXISTING GROUND 114 WIRE MESH 2 FT SECTION A RAINFALL. MAKE ANY REQUIRED REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. TO BE PLACED 12"INTO IF STONE IS USED CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS: SECTIONAL VIEW GROUND SILT FENCE TIEBACK STEEL POST-2 FT DEPTH 1/-1 1. STONE SIZE-USE 2'-3"WASHED STONE OR LARGER. 2. SHOULD THE FABRIC OF A SEDIMENT FENCE COLLAPSE,TEAR, 2. WIDTH-12'MIN. DECOMPOSE,OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE,REPLACE IT PROMPTLY. 3. WASHING-WHEN NECESSARY,WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC R.O.W.WHEN 3. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE WASHING IS REQUIRED,IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE WITH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT STORAGE VOLUME FOR THE NEXT RAIN AND TO REDUCE PRESSURE ON TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN.ALL SEDIMENT SHALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING ANY STORM DRAIN,DITCH,OR WATERCOURSE THE FENCE. TAKE CARE TO AVOID UNDERMINING THE FENCE DURING J THROUGH USE OF SAND BAGS,GRAVEL,BOARDS,OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS. _CLEAN OUT. 4. MAINTENANCE-THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT TYPICAL SILT FENCE S F ONTO PUBLIC R.O.W.THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AS CONDITIONS DEMAND AND REPAIR 4. REMOVE ALL FENCING MATERIALS AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND/OR CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT,ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED,DROPPED,WASHED,OR TRACKED ONTO v NOTES: PUBLIC R.O.W.MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. AND BRING THE AREA TO GRADE AND STABILIZE IT AFTER THE 1, USE NO.5 OR NO.57 STONE FOR SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE. 12"COMPOST SOCK MAY ALSO BE USED. CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. 2. USE HARDWARE CLOTH 24 GAUGE WIRE MESH WITH 1/4 INCH MESH OPENINGS. © TYPICAL GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT (TC E) 3. STEEL POSTS SHALL HAVE A PROJECTION FOR FASTING WIRE TO THEM.WIRE MESH(AND WOVEN WIRE FENCE BACKING)TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES.THE WIRE FASTENERS SHOULD BE EVENLY SPACED WITH AT LEAST 6 PER POST. v 4. SPACE POST A MAXIMUM 3FT. 5. FOR INSTALLATION BETWEEN SECTIONS OF SILT FENCE, EXTEND SEDIMENT CONTROL STONE A MINIMUM OF 12"IN WIDTH ON EACH SIDE OF SPECIAL SEDIMENT CONTROL FENCE SECTION. 8 SILT FENCE OUTLET (SFO) MULCH OR COMPOST FOR UNTRENC D v SOC .. UP SLOPE STAKE (TYP) 12"COMPOST SOCK(MIN) A 0� , 16°4 _ FLOW �� , AREA TO BE PROTECTED �� i�1�, 7 �� .11151 - ��/ / // �......- -■u.. Or ���de I1.'-\Ir 0% • II ��� 3I I* Ai I� I� ,.• �� \ � MPS - �IIII�►I��I ���1� � �.-��� ►I�I,I /I��i��� ���i���.-if1 ►fjl,I�70 V����� '\ / �` \ \ \ �A IIIA ►IIIII ; �iO4I�VsiN �IA, o vow, II., I /I */44 ,t -� ��������I I ����lfy.I�����+,�II�� I�I.Ii �r��,I��,��I�!II/I� I�II.i - ��i��I!II�j /. //,//. //. /� '�� �� �IIIII� IiI e�le Ile 0 J�� ��7 � �7I� 30'0"DISTURBED AREA FOR ACCESS ROAD 1 '' ' '''''''', CLEARING AND GRUBBING AREA ', ���� � �eAA' \ \ \ 3,M1N 2"X 2"STAKE 1/4 INCH PER \/\ #� ����� 12"COMPOST SOCK(MIN) ��� \ \ \ DOWN SLOPE STA T(P) (TYP) (TYP) FOOT(2%)SIDE SLOPE(TYPICAL) �i\ iI� ��� ������/ / \ \ \ (TYP) 3'OVERLAP( MACHINE 20'-0" MACHINE -.��'��` �,��e / 12"COMPOST SOCK \ \ \ WOOD MULCH OR COMPOST TO HEIGHT OF CLEARING CLEARING \\// lle '���-., // (MIN) \ \ \ TOP VIEW THE LOG ONLY AREA ACCESS ROAD ONLY AREA /\/ �, \ \ \ \ INSET A 10'-0" \ \ \ \ \ \ /�j/ \ \\ \ \ \ \` 12"COMPOST SOCK(MIN) 3" /' / /\ \ \ V !�� / , 1 4FT 2IN _ \ \ 1rl l I I�I I-I I-I -I I�m=l I I=m=III= -111-m-1 T 1-'I_TI=1�1 ln=1 T 1-1i1-1 T 1=n 1=u mil n \ \ \ • '�I� �' �� III�e'-III ���I� ��I�� II ��' ����'';����' III ►�' ��'��I ; \;ui-iii=ffl=�T� r i=n������ �T �T �� �TL=m_ITIIu=1TL1 1�1-m-lThifrITIT � �• \ ���I �j II ►II,I�ji►II /I��j' ��;��� i�j �jj �Il/I����� �� � ��I� �� � � ',�� \ \\ ,I A ►i. ... �I_•_ - e-A .L.I�ii . r_. 'iil iA_a ��i .. iA 0- EXISTING \ COMPACTED GRADE FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE TO STABILIZE �2 FT� SOIL FOUNDATION(ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT 2"X 2"STAKE SEE INSET A WHERE SOFT SOIL IS ANTICIPATED) UNTRENCHED INSTALLATION INSTALLATION NOTE: FRONT VIEW 1. USE 6"OF COMPACTED ABC STONE AS SHOWN ON PLANS. STONE TYPICALLY INSTALLED ON SLOPES OF 20%OR MORE. CLEAN WATER DIVERSION MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE NOTE: 1. INSPECT CLEAN WATER DIVERSION AT LEAST WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL EVENT THAT 1. MONITOR TO SUPPLEMENT STONE OR BLADE TO MAINTAIN EXCEEDS 1.0 INCHES WITHIN A 24 HOUR PERIOD. UNIFORM RIDING SURFACE. 2. MAKE ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. 3. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS WHEN THEY REACH ONE-HALF OF THE HEIGHT OF THE WATTLE. 10 ACCESS ROAD DETAIL v 9 CLEAN WATER DIVERSION (CWD) v U (NOT TO SCALE) 0 z a PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 , -cNs. CARO< PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE *TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 O ° Ess/o°°!2' ij _^QUO S ti� ° NO. DATE REVISION(S) DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)037 OF 094 DWG SCALE NOT TO SCALE � 6j ` A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED = �°° 0 21/20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER - ' '','`�1°./VGIN ' .°` ;� p DATE INITIALS f DUKEPiedmont EPSC DETAIL 2 .�p C 06/14/2021 90/o DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH DRAWING NUMBER REVISION „ai ° ' °°Op \\�`` REC &STD ra- _ Natural Gas ,,, kEITH D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY TFG �`iC ENERGY,: GOLDSBORO, NC PNG -C475-0001112 D STATION ID DATE INITIALS PRINCIPAL 7 PROFESSIONAL ENG/ARCH STAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER 12"MINIMUM COMPOST SOCK FLOW AREA TO BE PROTECTED • 1/8y/A/A i12"MIN: \\ /\\ \� \ •s' WOOD MULCH HEIGHT COMP LOG \ ////// TO //` // A MULCH OR COMPOST FOR UNTRENCHED SOCKS .I 2"X2"STAK ./ I INSTALLATION: SECTION AREA TO BE PROTECTED ., 1. COMPOST SOCKS SHOULD BE LOCATED AS SHOWN ON THE EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN. \ 2. PRIOR INSTALLATION,CLEAR ALL OBSTRUCTIONS INCLUDING ROCKS,CLODS,AND OTHER DEBRIS GREATER THAN ONE INCH THAT MAY INTERFERE WITH PROPER Ex!ENO OL.ANK ET A MINIMUM OF.1'-V' 3-O"MO/ 1 ROW OF STAPLES, +",' ' y OVER MEST OF SLOPE,SEE DETAIL VI. , 12-°.C. I FUNCTION OF THE COMPOST SOCK TRENpliNG NEE�IIEp IF A vINIUUN Et1011DlF ROW OF STALES,LSI, '. OF.S-2'IS HUT AVAILABLE AT THE CORRECT STAPLE PATIEgk, sH-:..L-. 3. FILL SOCK NETTING UNIFORMLY WITH COMPOST TO THE DESIRED LENGTH SUCH THAT LOGS DO NOT DEFORM. y "y . CREST OF SLOPE Cali IF OVERLAND RE STAPLER INTO EACH 1dLANxET > FLOW IS ANTICIPATED FRD41 UPLAND DOE STAPLE HOL75 RS BL"NKET ,' 4. OAK OR OTHER DURABLE HARDWOOD STAKES 2"X2"IN CROSS SECTION SHOULD BE USED.STAJES SHOULD BE PLACED AT A MAXIMUM INTERVAL OF 4 FEET AND '` , AREAS.SEE DETAILS 5/1 d.8/1 \-Io THE BOIL. • FIOR YEIHSLOg CREST Hp �H} 1 SHEET FLOW - ' SHOULD BE DRIVEN TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 12 INCHES,WITH A MINIMUM OF 3 INCHES PROTRUDING ABOVE THE COMPOST SOCK. � ",`,' + NO SCALE 4'MAX. ./ 5. IN THE EVENT STAKING IS NOT POSSIBLE(I.E.,WHEN SOCKS ARE USED ON PAVEMENT)HEAVY CONCRETE BLOCKS SHALL BE USED BEHIND THE SOCK TO HOLD I IN `AN.��!• • ° -"+ SO NET IEEE TO TRENCH BLARED IN IF PLACE DURING RUNOFF EVENTS. IT CAN BE E%1 EES CA A MINIMUM OF.}'-B' �. OVER -.IE.NEST CF THE SLOPE. \ f FOR slaE SEA'.ARO-WENT. • ' • ' r �` . - �� 12"MINIMUM , 6. IF THE COMPOST SOCK IS TO BE LEFT AS PART OF HE NATURAL LANDSCAPE,IT MAY BE SEEDED AT TIME OF INSTALLATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF PERMANENT SEE DETAIL 7/1 • • . _ ti • • BLANKETS �� ;� f ' . ". .'-" ",' THEN°HEA;`'N.Ok , CTA:T TOGETHER �� COMPOST SOCK I VEGETATION USING THE SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS IN THE EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN. . . J a °w; - •y • �o� \ 7. COMPOST SOCKS ARE NOT TO BE USED IN PERENNIAL STREAMS. . . . /' FRCM• TBENO-I I ,, \ \ \ • • " I bKSTAPLE pL' \/ ' / \ \ \ WORK AREA . MAINTENANCE: 0 /. , , , , , . , SLOPE 12H °OW VAP E� NO s \ 'X X /// \ \ \ , INSPECT COMPOST SOCKS WEEKLY AFTER EACH SIGNIFICANT RAINFALL EVENT(1 INCH OR GREATER)REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT AND ANY DEBRIS.THE • J ! y , . ; : : . ROWS CF STAPLES, \\/ V/ \� \ ., COMPOST SOCK IF CLOGGED OR TORN.IF PONDING BECOMES EXCESSIVE,THE SOCK MAY NEED TO BE REPLACED WITH A LARGER DIAMETER OR A DIFFERENT //' \ SFAOSREO.6'9,G„ aLANKET orEAL •• • a s s�1 EA.DIR. r 2"-4" � �� \ \ MEASURE.THE SOCK NEEDS TO BE REINSTALLED IF UNDERMINED OR DISLODGED.THE COMPOST SOCK SHALL BE INSPECTED UNTIL LAND DISTURBANCE IS COMPLETE •.. // • ' . - • FOR Eke RTLL �4 �+ I0I \ \ ' , AND THE AREA ABOVE THE MEASURE HAS BEEN PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. ,. . . • • • -• • • • OVERLAP,SEE 2 ROWS CF STAPLES. .� J® I � �" / \ \ \ \ \ \ /♦ , , . A • RETAIL 2/1 5TAcLENEH,5'S.C... � WOOD OR MULCH ',,\/ /♦', , . . . .. / j�1rCOMPOST TO / // // \ \ \ \ \ DISPOSALIRECYCLING z �.` /' , DPTD AL SNE TERN OkE4LRP, ,�� I �l /i"/ Y� �� �f\\f HEIGHT OF LOG ��// \\ \ \ \\ \ ♦./� / . • . . . . SEE CURL 9/ l /\ \ v .. ./ '` 4' STAPLES ARE TH•.:,.•ti COMPOST MEDIA IS COMPOSTED ORGANIC PRODUCT RECYCLED AND MANUFACTURED FROM LOCALLY GENERATED ORGANIC,NATURAL,AND BIOLOGICALLY BASED • - /I, 'r / 'I"�i$ FR IDAI S'JI�L PILE BOTH 9L�NttEPS 2 /� . �! , . . , MATERIALS.ONCE ALL SOIL HAS BEEN STABILIZED AND CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY HAS BEN COMPLETED,THE COMPOST MATERIAL MAY BE DISPERSED WITH A LOADER, - +. .' STEP a SIDE SEAM OVERLAP • BLANKET TO VTElO A STAPLE D 4L \\ \ \ RAKE,BULLDOZER OR SIMILAR DEVICE AND MAY BE INCORPORATED INTO THE SOIL AS AN AMENDMENT OR LEFT ON THE SOIL SERVICE TO AID IN THE PERMANENT - � A A NINIMJNI DF 3'-O' -AllithBEEVES TEL HF SLOPE SLOPE TRENCHING ,_ 9 ALE • FAi BOTTOM OF SLOPEIETFIOa "g- z \\ \ SEEDING AND LANDSCAPING.LEAVING THE COMPOST MEDIA ON SITE REDUCES REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL COSTS COMPARED TO OTHER SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES. "+.Y.•W*.•. ' DETAIL 3/1 SEE Ni%'WALE \\ THE MESH NETTING MATERIAL WILL BE EXTRACTED FROM MEDIA AND DISPOSED OF PROPERLY.THE PHOTODEGRADABLE MESH MATERIAL WITH DEGRADE IN 2 TO 5 . YEARS IF LEFT ON SITE.BIODEGRADABLE MESH MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE AND DOES NOT NEED TO BE EXTRACTED AND DISPOSED OF,AS IT WILL COMPLETELY SOIL PILE TRENCH APPIHEA FROM TRENCH LE DECOMPOSE IN 6 TO 12 MONTHS.USING BIODEGRADABLE COMPOST SOCKS COMPLETELY ELIMINATES THE NEED AND COST OF REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL. 1u"AWE x B"MOP- ''B NOTES: NO SCALE SLOPE °�"� 11.STAPLE PATTERNS ARE BEPEROENT DN 51 E C°k11T1DNS. UNTRENCHED INSTALLATION PLAN SEE CURLExE.STAPLE PATTERN OJIEE FOR DETAILS STAPLE 12'RC.ALONG \ 1 ROW LF STAPLES, 2.E-STAPLE&MAY BE USED IN PLACE 9P WIRE STAPLE. "E3LANKET HT SLOPE \ 12'O.C. ENS)SEAM OF BLANKETS OVERLAP 2'-R'. CHANGE ELOPEROTECT 2 Ra1Y5 OF STAPLES, PLADE STAPLES,ONE ON EACH CORNER _,,-°-MN-- ® COMPOST SOCK INSTALLATION DETAIL (CS) 'BLCUIHET, ID'O.C. ALERtS BLANKET END EA.O.EflEY1,5'D.C., STAPLE 12'I.0 ALONG Sip 1 EA.U R LAPS S BOTH BLANKETS. IK TS PEIN BA LTCTTCNI SF BLANKET W (NOT TO SCALE) LAPS OVER pRWNSL°PE BLANKETS IN A SHINGLE AFFECT. fAT THE ENB SLDPE P UD STAPLES A"AlPAkT STAGGERER, 9'9,C,.STAPLES T9 BE •.15414.1,, PLACED CLOSE i^EDGE r Et I / of BLANKET f r.,,., _ _1 a 7 1 INV r S ".•:, TC FARM SOIL PILE kl ��S / American aillii BOTTOM OF SLOPE SLOPE TRENCHING Excelsanr ' _' NOOI ROLL OVERLAP' TERMINATION TIDN uEiHOp C" c CEampany� 11111111/ SCALER 1 vV: SMl 1 .. ::HO IRPF Ea iTh Silence Division . SHEET 11 •� CHO EE.) AMERICAN EXCELSIOR T COMPANY CLICAT��SLOPE LATE 1 n PEL k0�se INh. / °H � ARLINGTI7N• TEXAS APPLICATION DETAIL rp, m "A� gryiwppy MrRL,EG 7, NONE 7 py. CURLEX Ilk SLOPE APPLICATION DETAIL (CX) 2ro. „..,..,....._ .......,,.,..... a...44.„A NGN O� D=TRENCH BREAKER TO PIPE INVERT OUTLET.. SILT FENCE WATER BAR SPACING N�"ci - 7 `�� 'SEE NOTE 2 SEE TABLE FOR TYPE OF PLUG DIVERSION SLOPE \'�,;;0 vPN�GP\P `\ SILT FENCE OUTLET MAX 2%� 1 SLOPE (%) SPACING (FT) ��' SECTION VIEW •. <5 125 5-10 100 Q WATER BAR 10-20 75 FN-�� L 4 BACKFILLED PIPE TRENCH 2O-33 50 �� ISOMETRIC VIEW >33 25 5� ....JGoMP05� or ,Aitt TOP OF TRENCH '\`L�\( WATER BAR NOTES O� SO rTRENCH BREAKER �, pir 1. INSTALL WATER BARS ON SLOPES PER NCDEQ'S"RIGHT-OF-WAY DIVERSIONS(WATER BARS)"DETAIL ON SPACING. �` ;� GE / 2. CONSTRUCT WATER BARS OF COMPACTED EARTH. WATER BARS MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 18-INCH MEASURED FROM CHANNEL I 1 Ro\�� I , PIPELINE BOTTOM TO TOP OF BERM. , ' 3. INSTALL SEDIMENT PIT AT EACH OUTLET OF WATER BAR AND INSTALL A MINIMUM 12-INCH EXCELSIOR WATTLE ON UPSTREAM SIDE �p�N �i S.° WITH POLYACRYLAMIDES(PAM).PAM TO BE APPLED TO TOP FRONT OF WATTLE. USE 2-INCH BY 2-INCH HARD WOODEN STAKES TO � ANCHOR IN PLACE WITH A MINIMUM 2-FT SPACING. FZ� redg 4. SILT FENCE OUTLETS SHALL BE USED TO FILTER AND REDUCE THE VELOCITY OF SEDIMENT LADEN WATER WHERE OUTLETS �CHOP 0C' OS1S I ‘tf ELEVATION PIPE INVERT DISCHARGE OFFSITE. 5. SILT FENCE"J-HOOKS"SHALL BE USED TO FILTER AND REDUCE THE VELOCITY OF SEDIMENT LADEN WATER. SILT FENCE"J-HOOKS" \.../....\ q\\I° SHALL BE SPACED BASED ON CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD. / ,, REQUIRED SPACING(L)AND MATERIALS FOR TRENCH Go."C)0 / TRENCH SLOPE(%) L(FEET) BREAKER MATERIAL WATER BAR INSPECTION&MAINTENANCE MAN. MAINTENANCE: 5 TO 15 300 CLAY,BENTONITE,OR CONCRETE FILLED SACKS 1. INSPECT WATER BARS AT LEAST WEEKLY AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL EVENT THAT EXCEEDS 0.5 INCHES WITHIN A 24 HOUR 120�� S 1. INSPECT SEDIMENT INSPECT SEDIMENT FENCES AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK AND AFTER EACH RAINFALL. MAKE ANY REQUIRED >15 TO 30 200 CLAY,BENTONITE,OR CONCRETE FILLED SACKS PERIOD. REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY 2. MAKE ANY NECESSARY REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. �, 1. USE SILT FENCE WITH J.HOOKS WHEN THE PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION >30 100 CLAY,BENTONITE,OR CONCRETE FILLED SACKS 3. REPLACE WATTLES AT SEDIMENT PITS AS NECESSARY AND REAPPLY POLYACRYLAMIDES(PAM)AFTER EACH RAINFALL ,, TRANSVERSES A SLOPE GREATER THAN 10%AND SILT FENCE ALONG EITHER 2. SHOULD THE FABRIC OF A SEDIMENT FENCE COLLAPSE,TEAR,DECOMPOSE,OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE,REPLACE IT EVENT THAT EXCEEDS 0.5 INCHES. / SIDE ALONE IS NOT EFFECTIVE. PROMPTLY. 4. KEEP WATER BAR FREE OF DEBRIS AND OBSTRUCTIONS. THE CONTRACTOR MAY NEED TO REDRESS OR RESHAPE WATER/ --------- 3. REMOVE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AS NECESSARY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE STORAGE VOLUME FOR THE NEXT RAIN AND TO NOTES: BARS PERIODICALLY THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT. 2. SILT FENCE SHOULD BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED PER SILT FENCE DETAIL. / 3. INSTALL A SILT FENCE DETAIL OUTLET(PER DETAIL)IN EVERY OTHER J HOOK. REDUCE PRESSURE ON THE FENCE. TAKE CARE TO AVOID UNDERMINING THE FENCE DURING CLEAN OUT. 5. SEED AND MULCH PERMANENT WATER BARS FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION. 1. THE PREFERRED CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL FOR THE TRENCH BREAKERS IS SAND BAGS,WHICH ARE DURABLE YET FLEXIBLE AND WILL CONFORM 6. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SEDIMENT FROM OUTLETS AND SEDIMENT PITS AS NECESSARY. 4. REMOVE ALL FENCING MATERIALS AND UNSTABLE SEDIMENT DEPOSITS AND BRING THE AREA TO GRADE AND STABILIZE IT TO THE GRADUAL SHIFTING OF THE PIPELINE AND BACKFILL. AFTER THE CONTRIBUTING DRAINAGE AREA HAS BEEN PROPERLY STABILIZED. 2. IN AGRICULTURAL LANDS,TOP OF THE TRENCH BREAKER WILL NOT BE CLOSER THAN TWO FEET FROM THE RESTORED SURFACE. SLOPE SLOPE LENGTH BETWEEN HOOKS(FT) 3. TRENCH BREAKERS SHOULD BE PLACED ON EITHER SIDE OF STREAM AND WETLAND CROSSINGS. 10TO20% 100 >20% 50 ®TYPICAL SLOPE BREAKER DETAIL (SB) ® J-HOOK DETAIL (SFJ) m TRENCH BREAKER DETAIL 0 a v J Oo i v a PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 \,c , CA RO< -, PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE *TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 O °FEss/o°.' UI _^QUO S ti- ° 7 '_ NO. DATE REVISION(S) DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)038 OF 094 DWG SCALE NOT TO SCALE 6j ` A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED = t°+ 0j 21/20 1 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER - -:,�Y,'°`4/G I NE 'c-*** 90% DATE INITIALS �+l DUKE ril Piedmont EPSC DETAIL 3 ����pp. C 06/14/2021 DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH DRAWING NUMBER REVISION %qM " °"C '\.,,`` REC &STD _ Natural Gas ,,, kEITH \,. D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY TFG �`iC ENERGY,: I/IIIII1Llddr\ GOLDSBORO NC PNG -C475-0001 1 1 3 D STATION ID DATE INITIALS PRINCIPAL sl PROFESSIONALENG/ARCHSTAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER HE EASEMENT SHLD. BRIDGE NOTES: SEE DETAIL SILT FENCE 1 r SEE DETAIL SILT FENCE SILT FENCE WI WIRE BACKING PIPELINE EDGE OF PAVEMENT 1. USE MINIMUM 12"DIAMETER EXCELSIOR WATTLE. TIMBER MAT _ _ ALONG STREAM PUMP 2. USE 2'WOODEN STAKES WITH A 2"X 2"NOMINAL CROSS SECTION. - SAND - WETLAND- - _ TRENCH BAGS 3. ONLY INSTALL WATTLE(S)TO A HEIGHT IN DITCH SO FLOW WILL NOT WASH AROUND SAND B �� SEE INSET A WATTLE AND SCOUR DITCH SLOPES AND AS DIRECTED. GS • 4. INSTALL A MINIMUM OF 2 UPSLOPE STAKES AND 4 DOWNSLOPE STAKES AT AN ANGLE TO SF SF � � z SFSF :�:�. , WEDGE WATTLE TO BOTTOM OF DITCH. I / g _ _ I 5. PROVIDE STAPLES MADE OF 0.125"DIAMETER STEEL WIRE FORMED INTO A U SHAPE NOT III 31 `r LESS THAN 12"IN LENGTH. GENERAL NOTES: I STREAM i'0F. o DITCH 6. INSTALL STAPLES APPROXIMATELY EVERY 1 LINEAR FOOT ON BOTH SIDES OF WATTLE CONSTRUCTION ROAD CONSTRUCTION ROAD FLOW 0, _ w IPSLOPE AND AT EACH END TO SECURE IT TO THE SOIL. COMPOST FILTER 1. NO WASTES,SPOILS,SOLIDS OR FILLS WILL BE PLACED WITHIN - %4 ~ ' SOCK 7. INSTALL MATTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TNDOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. WETLANDS,WATERS OR RIPARIAN AREAS. S S S - BACK 2. WETLAND CROSSINGS HALL BE RESTORED T ORIGINAL �F �F �F S g MATTING SLOPE C OSS GS SO vi - - WETLAND- - - INSTALL SILT FENCE PRIOR TO CONTOURS ONCE CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. SILT FENCE W/ -/ 50' -9 AND FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION 25'SETBACK WIRE BACKING J L 3. TO RESTORE THE CORRIDOR IN WETLAND AREAS THE ALONG STREAM CONTRACTOR WILL USE A NATIVE SEED MIX,WHICH WILL BE ..---- SF PU P SF 1 ::::,.. EASEMENT DISTRIBUTED WITH PLACEHOLDER SPECIES TO PROVIDE SOIL ? ISOMETRIC VIEW I I / i STABILIZATION UNTIL THE PERMANENT SEEDING GERMINATES TI AND BECOMES ESTABLISHED. MIX WILL BE COMPRISED - FILTER BAG CO STHIS SEEDCO S SPOIL PILE �������......��`•'� �''��:��i:''.��''����:'. TYPICAL PRE AND POST-CONSTRUCTION PLANVIEW WIII - "OF SPECIES THAT ARE NATIVE TO THE COUNTY(WITH THEI - - I�SILT FENCEEXCEPTION OF THE PLACEHOLDER SPECIES. 2'UPSLOPE STAKE EASEMENT 4. REFER TO PLANS FOR PLACEMENT OF SILT FENCE ALONG 2'(MAX.) NATURAL GROUND STAPLES STAKES DISTURBED LIMITS. INSET A INSET B SEE DETAIL SILT FENCE SEE DETAIL CORDUROY MATS,TIMBER MATS 0 5. ADDITIONAL MEASURES MAY BE NECESSARY IN ORDER TO •\�'� SILT FENCE TEMPORARY BRIDGING OR TIMBER °•°•• •''° C '\ �` � � PROTECT AFFECTED CREEKS AND WETLANDS. MAT BRIDGE ••,•• °'; •WETLAND • ( / FLUME SHOULD BE SIZED TO I j � a 6. EXCAVATION FOR WETLAND CROSSING AND INSTALLATION OF HANDLE FLOW AND SUFFICIENT 12"MIN. SPOIL PILE SPOIL PILE PIPE SHALL BE CONDUCTED IN THE SAME DAY TO THE FULLEST N`I �/ IN LENGTH TO ACCOMMODATE MATTING • * -2'DOWNSLOPE EXTENT PRACTICAL BACKFILLING AND RESTORATION OF ♦ • WIDENING TRENCH TO PREVENT STAKE UPSLOPE STAKE '''`''`'' 1111 WETLANDS SHOULD OCCUR AS SOON AS PRACTICAL UPON \ FAILURE. BENTONITE L_ ���BOTTOM PLUG �S yBENTONITE COMPLETION OF PIPE INSTALLATION. OF CREEK CROSS SECTION PLUG VEE DITCH �� 7 TREESWILL BECUT AND STUMPS LEFTIN PLACE. PIPELINE I SU S SEE INSET B P � PROPOSED PIPELINE 8. TOPSOIL REMOVED FROM WETLANDS SHOULD BE KEPT NE I I RAL R SEPARATELY FROM OTHER TOPSOIL STOCKPILES AND REPLACED 2° 2'UPSLOPE STAKE NAT U GROUND SECTION B-B Q TEMPORARY IN THE SAME AREA.USE WETLAND MIX OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR EQUIPMENT CROSSING FINAL STABILIZATION. CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE NOTES: • S 1. INSTALL SILT FENCE ; �•`°' °�; ''�',';'♦ ; ; 2 MIN. s'MIN. 2. INSTALL PUMP UPSTREAM OF CROSSING LOCATION.PUMP SHOULD HAVE TWICE THE PUMPING CAPACITY OF ANTICIPATED FLOW.ALL SEE DETAIL SILT FENCE INTAKE HOSES WILL BE SCREENED. i i ,�_ CORDUROY MATS,TIMBER MATS OR 3. INSTALL UPSTREAM SANDBAG COFFERDAM.INSTALL DOWNSTREAM COFFERDAM.ENSURE A 2 FT.MINIMUM TOP CREST WIDTH ON THE MATTING N-2'DOWNSLOPE WETLAND TEMPORARY BRIDGING COFFERDAMS STAKE 4. INSTALL TIMBER MAT CONSTRUCTION CROSSING. (A V) 5. CONSTRUCT PIPELINE. CROSS SECTION TOP VIEW 6. STABILIZE PIPELINE TRENCH USING CURLEX II OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUIVALENT AND MULCH/SEED MIXTURE. TRAPEZOIDAL DITCH _J L 7. ONCE TRENCH AREA IS STABILIZED AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION CROSSING IS REMOVED,DISMANTLE DOWNSTREAM COFFERDAM. EASEMENT THEN REMOVE UPSTREAM COFFERDAM.KEEP PUMP RUNNING DURING REMOVAL TO MAINTAIN STREAM FLOW. 0 TYPICAL WETLAND CROSSING DETAIL (TWC) ANSTREAM CROSSING (PUMP DIVERSION WITH EQUIPMENT CROSSING) (TSC) 0 COMPOST FILTER SOCK CHECK DAM DETAIL v COMPOST SOCK TO ABUT SPAN BRIDGE.USE 1-FT OVERLAP ON +G'MIN. STAKE(TYP.) ADJOINING COMPOST SOCK (REINFORCED SILT FENCE ALSO o o o o o o o • ACCEPTABLE) STONE APPROACH 0 o TOP OF BANK (TIMBER OR COMPOSITE MATTING B o o B STAPLES 8"DIA.4"STAPLE ALSO ACCEPTABLE) TOE OF SLOPE CO (2 PER BALE) 111 ? BINDING WIRE -.-- -� TOP OF BANK - EIl v ti ti v v 40i i�0.0.0i►� �Q ■I. mIw 4 0.:, �� ■I. MI`i TEMPORARY SPAN _ 5 -- - o o BRIDGE CROSSING EXTEND STONE UPWARD AND I I STRAW BALE RE-VEGETATE AS NEEDED TO NATIVE MATERIAL •`fi�� MAINTENANCE NOTES: �f���,�litt�,, PROTECT CUT SLOPE(TYP) PLAN (OPTIONAL) WOOD OR �'e * �-I I ,III-:I 1 ' SECTION B-B METAL STAKES � '`ti' �% ���% ��- 1. REMOVE AND DISPOSE OF SILT •.:•:•�. •:�•.: ACCUMULATIONS WHEN THE DEPTH TYPE"ABOVE GRADE" \'S 4•�:t t•�:i:tat =_, SURFACE FLOW REACHES 1/2 OF THE HEIGHT OF THE -ti. ti a ti t t ti WITH STRAW BALES STRAW BALE (2 PER BALE) 5 ��""•• •ZP��S:atr► PERIMETER COMPOST SOCK OR 1/2 (TYP.) COMPOST SOCK TO ABUT SPAN -�% - � '1 I II1• DIVERSION • • CAPACITY OF THE TRAPS. BRIDGE.USE 1-FT OVERLAP ON t �•���� 2. REPLACE OR CLEAN THE COMPOST SOCK AS ADJOINING COMPOST SOCK '" NEEDED TO ALLOW RUNOFF TO SLOWLY LETTERS A MINIMUM (REINFORCED SILT FENCE ALSO I DEWATER THROUGH THE DEVICE BETWEEN OF 5"IN HEIGHT NOTES: ACCEPTABLE) RAIN RAIN EVENTS. 4 '" 3. MONITOR THE WOODEN STAKES TO ENSURE 1 INSTALL TRAP ON EITHER SIDE OF THAT THE COMPOST SOCK REMAIN 1. ACTUAL LAYOUT DETERMINED IN FIELD. L CREEK.TRAP SIZE WILL VARY SECURELY ANCHORED AFTER RAIN EVENTS PERSPECTIVE VIEW t!a>L>' ' VVIP •••• ACCORDING TO LENGTH OF OR HIGH WATER CONDITIONS. 2. INSTALL CONCRETE WASHOUT SIGN(24"X24",MINIMUM)WITHIN 30' :heir t.r° -�''3 ' ACCESS ROAD DRAINING TO 4. MONITOR DAILY TO SUPPLEMENT STONE CONCRETE 1 OF THE TEMPORARY CONCRETE WASHOUT FACILITY. THIS POINT EQUAL TO 50 CU FT APPROACHES TO ENSURE PROPER WASHOUT 3. TEMPORARY WASHOUT AREA MUST BE AT LEAST 50'FROM A PER 100-FT OF ROAD FUNCTIONALITY. I I STORM DRAIN,CREEK BANK OR PERIMETER CONTROL. 5. CLEAN ANY ERODIBLE MATERIAL TRACKED ONTO THE APPROACHES OR SPAN 4. CLEAN OUT CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA WHEN 50%FULL. IMMEDIATELY. I I 5. THE KEY TO FUNCTIONAL CONCRETE WASHOUTS IS WEEKLY INSPECTIONS,ROUTINE MAINTENANCE,AND REGULAR CLEAN OUT. STONE APPROACH CONCRETE WASHOUT SIGN DETAIL TEMPORARY SPAN 6. SILT FENCE SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND PERIMETER OF STONE APPROACH BRIDGE CROSSING SURFACE FLOW DIVERSION"C" CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA EXCEPT FOR THE SIDE UTILIZED FOR TRAP ACCESSING THE WASHOUT. =I L=III I L=I I III= 7. A ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE MAY BE NECESSARY ALONG -ONE SIDE OF THE WASHOUT TO PROVIDE VEHICLE ACCESS. SURFACE FLOW DIVERSION"C" FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE TRAP STREAM BED (8 OZ NONWOVEN) FILTRATION GEOTEXTILE LONGITUDINAL SECTION (8 OZ NONWOVEN) 111 TYPICAL CONCRETE WASHOUT DETAIL z 0 TYPICAL TEMPORARY BRIDGE CROSSING DETAIL a CONCRETE WASHOUT SIGN DETAIL PROPRIETARY& CONFIDENTIAL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING * USE DIMENSIONS ONLY REF. DWG(S) PNG-G-475-0001006 ,�\A °° °o�'' ,, PIEDMONT 'S NATURAL GAS FACILITY DRAWINGS ARE CONSIDERED CONFIDENTIAL (OM-1095) * DRAWING IS CURRENT ONLY THROUGH THE LATEST REVISED DATE *TO INSURE THERE IS NO RISK OF INAPPROPRIATE DISCLOSURE ALL PREVIOUS PAPER COPIES OF THIS DRAWING MUST BE DESTROYED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECORDS & INFO. MANAGEMENT (RIM) POLICY 1001 o °FEss/o°"!2' _^QUO S �1 ° 7 NO. DATE REVISION(S) DESCRIPTION BY CHK APPD DESCRIPTION APPROVALS SHEET(S)039 OF 094 DWG SCALE NOT TO SCALE 6 jU ` A 10/05/2020 30% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC AREA CODE 1853 DATE INITIALS LINE 475 REGIONAL DWG DATE 10/06/2021 SUPERSEDED = t°° 0 21/20 B 01/18/2021 60% DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC ACCOUNT NUMBER 10700 ENGINEER - �:,���'°:OtiG 1 NEB ••'.. p DATE INITIALS f? DUKE - Piedmont E PSC DETAIL 4 ����pp. C 06/14/2021 90/p DESIGN SUBMITTAL TFG WKG DC PROJECT NUMBER 0232191 MGR TECH DRAWING NUMBER REVISION %q/0 ° °°C '\.,,`` REC &STD -, Natural Gas ,,, KEiTH D 10/06/2021 IFB DESIGN SUBMITTAL GMGWKG DC DRAWING BY TFG �`iC EERGY,: GOLDSBORO NC PNG -C-475-000114 D STATION ID DATE INITIALS PRINCIPAL 7 PROFESSIONALENG/ARCHSTAMP CHECKER INITIALS INT 10/06/2021 DC ENGINEER COPYRIGHT 2018 Resource Center Goldsboro DISCIPLINE/RESOURCE CENTER/LINE NUMBER PNG AUTHORIZATION DOCUMENTATION ENERGY LAND & INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERS•SURVEYORS•INFRASTRUCTURE•ENVIRONMENTAL AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date: August 4, 2021 Project Information Project Name: Line 475 Replacement Project Type of Project: Installation of natural gas line Location: Goldsboro, Wayne County, NC Property Owner/Representative Information Business Name: Piedmont Natural Gas Mailing Address: 4720 Piedmont Row Drive City, State, Zip Code: Charlotte, NC 28210 Telephone No.: (980) 373-2846 Contact Name: Brandon Culberson, Project Manager Agent Information Business Name: Energy Land & Infrastructure, PLLC Street Address: 745 S. Church St. Suite 805 City, State, Zip Code: Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Telephone No.: (615) 383-6300 Contact Name: John L. Farmer, PE, CPESC, TN QHP Authorization I, Brandon Culberson of Piedmont Natural Gas hereby authorize Energy Land & Infrastructure, LLC (PLLC in NC)to act as agent with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the North Carolina Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) pursuant to obtaining the necessary Section 10/404/401/Buffer permits, as applicable, related to the above-referenced project. Signature: 51-cd&if- ezaQ.4-�if., Date: 08/04/2021 745 S. Church Street. Suite 805. Murfreesboro. Tennessee 37130 ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • INFRASTRUCTURE • ENVIRONMENTAL PRE-FILING MEETING REQUEST DWR Pre-Filing Meeting Request Forme NORTH CAROLINA ErrOronmrrrtal Quality Contact Name* John L. Farmer, PE, CPESC,TN QHP Contact Email Address* Project Owner* Piedmont Natural Gas Project Name* Line 475 Project County* Wayne Owner Address:* Street Address 4720 Piedmont Row Drive Address Line 2 City State/Rovince/Region Charlotte NC Ebstal/Zip Code Country 28210 United States Is this a transportation project?* r Yes c: No Type(s)of approval sought from the DWR: l 401 Water Quality Certification- I— 401 Water Quality Certification- Regular Express I— Individual Permit I— Modification I— Shoreline Stabilization Does this project have an existing project ID#?* C Yes c: No Do you know the name of the staff member you would like to request a meeting with? meeting is not required Please give a brief project description below and include location information.* The proposed Line 475 project will construct an 8" natural gas pipeline spanning approximately 10 miles in Wayne County.The new natural gas pipeline will be installed within a new 50-foot wide cross- country easement and will originate at an existing PNG transmission line near the intersection of US-117 and Route 44.The new pipeline will end with a tie-in south of Thoroughfare Road.The proposed project will also consist of the construction of 5 new natural gas regulator stations and 2 mainline valve settings along the proposed pipeline route. By digitally signing below,I certify that I have read and understood that per the Federal Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule the following statements: • This form completes the requirement of the Pre-Filing Meeting Request in the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule. • I understand by signing this form that I cannot submit my application until 30 calendar days after this pre-filing meeting request. • !also understand that DWR is not required to respond or grant the meeting request. Your project's thirty-day clock started upon receipt of this application. You will receive notification regarding meeting location and time if a meeting is necessary. You will receive notification when the thirty-day clock has expired,and you can submit an application. Signature* Submittal Date 6/18/2021 BMP PLAN FOR MANAGEMENT OF HDDs Best Management Plan for Management of Horizontal Directional Drilling Mud NEW Best Management Plan (BMP) for Management of Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Mud - North Carolina ➢ What Is HDD mud? ❖ HDD mud is utilized to: o Remove cuttings from a borehole being constructed to accommodate installation of a pipeline o Lubricate and cool the bit and drilling assembly o Stabilize the hole through formation of a suitable mud cake on the borehole wall o Suspend drilled cuttings during static periods o Transmit hydraulic energy to the bit in the case of using a mud motor or other fluid powered drilling head assembly. ❖ Used HDD mud can consist of: o Water, soil, debris, or rock cuttings generated while drilling o Bentonite clay, water, soil, debris, or rock cuttings generated while drilling o Any additives mixed with the drilling mud to make it more suitable for its intended purpose in prevailing borehole conditions. • Additional additives may or may not be introduced to the mud in this application, depending on formation conditions and materials encountered. ➢ Reclamation ❖ Most large projects use a system to reclaim and recycle the drilling fluid (aka "drilling mud") by separating cuttings from the drilling fluid to maintain suitable fluid properties. The drilling mud and cuttings will both be containerized once they become "spent."The mud will contain significant volumes of fluid prior to dewatering or mechanical stabilization performed before transferring the material offsite. o The drilling fluid, once it is considered spent and no longer possessing the properties necessary for drilling, is a solid waste, and the separated cuttings will be sent to an appropriate waste disposal facility once waste characterizations have been completed. ❖ Smaller projects, may or may not utilize a reclamation system. Without a reclamation system, drilling mud is not separated from the cuttings; accordingly, the entire mixture is stabilized, characterized, and sent to an appropriate facility for disposal. ➢ Waste Determination (Applicable to all drilling mud mixtures) ❖ All waste streams, prior to the final disposition, must have a waste determination performed on them in accordance with 40 CFR 262.11. This may be through "Generator Knowledge" or it may require sampling and analysis. o If"Generator Knowledge" is used, a note to file and any corresponding documentation must be kept with the other shipment papers detailing why the reliance on "Generator Knowledge" was justified and where the waste was disposed. •A Note to file or Memo to File is documentation to keep with the shipment records that "Generator Knowledge" has been utilized to determine if the waste is hazardous or non-hazardous. This note outlines the logic of how "Generator Knowledge"was utilized. If sample analytics are utilized the sample analytics must be kept with shipment records. o For water only created mud or bentonite with no additives, generator Page 1 of 4 Best Management Plan for Management of Horizontal Directional Drilling Mud knowledge may be sufficient to make a waste determination. o For Bentonite and additives, the material will need to be sampled and analyzed to properly characterize the material in accordance with current regulatory guidance. This is done by composite sampling and analysis of TCLP metals, at a minimum. Other analyses may be required depending on introduction of other additives and the suspected contamination, if any, of the media being drilled through. o If the HDD mud is determined to be a non-hazardous waste, it can be disposed at any lined NC facility both permitted and willing to accept the waste stream based on current regulatory guidance. o If the HDD mud is determined to be hazardous waste, PCB waste, or petroleum contaminated media, the HDD mud must be shipped to a Duke Energy vendor permitted to receive the waste. • Hazardous waste must be properly containerized and shipped utilizing the EPA Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest. • PCB and petroleum contaminated waste may be shipped utilizing the EPA Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest; however, the use of the EPA manifest is not required unless the shipment is 50 ppm PCB or greater. • EPA Waste Identification number will need to be obtained prior to shipping the waste if the weight of the hazardous waste generated over a month is equal to or exceeds 220 pounds. • The 'Note to File' or the analytical data will be sufficient for three years. After the three-year time frame, more sampling and testing, or another waste determination by the generator must be developed. ❖ The waste stream must be able to pass the"paint filter test"prior to disposal. o The "paint filter test" entails placing a representative sample in a paint filter and suspending it over a graduated cylinder. If in 5 minutes no liquid is seen dripping into the cylinder and the container is dry, the waste is sufficiently dry to allow land disposal. If there is liquid dripping in the container in five (5) minutes or the container contains moisture, the waste stream must be dried, dewatered, pressed, liquids absorbed, or solidified prior to disposal. ❖ HDD muds without commercially manufactured additives but including the dirt and rocks being removed, are considered "earthen materials" (i.e. drilling with only water). ❖ For any HDD mud that the contractor claims do not have additives; the contractor or person with knowledge must submit a signed document that the HDD mud is without additives. ❖ Keep this signed statement with the shipment papers or with any other documents regarding the generation and disposal of the mud from this site. ❖ Verification, either audible or written, from the landfill that they will be able to accept the HDD mud and what volume they can accept is necessary prior to hauling the waste. This verification is needed since the landfill may not be able to take the entire waste stream or may limit the amount of the waste stream to a certain volume per day. Other landfills may be needed to augment the disposal of the waste stream. The name of the landfill used needs to be recorded on the note in the file for disposal of the waste. Load tickets and acceptance documents must be obtained and copies of such will be forwarded to Duke Energy/Piedmont Natural Gas. Guidance for Specific Drilling Mud Mixtures ➢ Water only ❖ When utilizing water to construct a borehole in which to place lines or pipes, Page 2 of 4 Best Management Plan for Management of Horizontal Directional Drilling Mud • The resulting mud retrieved from the borehole will contain entrained native soil and rock cuttings. • Mud will be assumed to be non-hazardous unless there is reason to believe that area drilled through would have hazardous constituents. • With landowner/homeowner approval this material may be left on site after seeding and placing straw to stabilize material. o This approval/waiver will need to be in writing with the home/ land owner • HDD mud runoff must be controlled. Water with a high volume of total suspended solids (TSS) must not be allowed to enter storm drains, water bodies, or Environmentally Sensitive Areas. o The material can be placed in an appropriate pit for drying and or solidification. o The addition of inert material (such as wood pellets, sawdust or other approved inert, absorbent material)to absorb the liquid and solidify the mud is an acceptable practice. • If landowner/homeowner does not approve of leaving material, it will need to be removed from the property. Once the material can pass the paint filter test and depending on the waste determination, the material may be o Used to backfill or o Placed for disposal in an appropriate location. NOTE: Land Clearing Inert Debris (LCID) landfills CANNOT be utilized unless written consent is given by the NC DEQ solid waste section. • If being utilized in a utility right-of-way o material may be left on site after preparation, seeding, and placing straw to stabilize material. • Material must be applied in the general vicinity of the drilling location. It should not be hauled significantly or consolidated for a single project. ➢ Bentonite Clay and water When utilizing Bentonite clay and water to construct a borehole in which to place lines or pipes, NOTE: The brand Best Bentonite clay must not be used for this process. June 17, 2016, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) discovered lead (Pb) in levels 7 times the TCLP limits. Under certain acidic conditions the lead can become leachable. (https://www.fda.qov/ICECl/EnforcementActions/WarnincLetters/2016/ucm529433.htm) o The resulting mud retrieved from the void will be an aqueous fluid containing bentonite clay, native soil, and rock cuttings. • Mud will be assumed to be non-hazardous unless there is reason to believe that area drilled through would have hazardous constituents. • Water runoff from the HDD mud must be controlled. Water containing a high volume of total suspended solids (TSS) must not be allowed to enter storm drains, bodies of water, or Environmentally Sensitive Areas. o The material can be placed in an appropriate pit for drying and or solidification. o The addition of inert material (such as wood pellets, sawdust or other approved inert, absorbent material)to absorb the liquid and solidify the mud is an acceptable practice. • Bentonite clay and soil mixtures may be spread at a depth of no greater than 2 inches in the utility right-of-way. o If applicable, native subsoils and top soils must be applied over the bentonite clay, and the area of bentonite clay and mud must be seeded and covered with straw to stabilize material. o For large areas, erosion control measures may be needed to minimize potential impacts. Page 3 of 4 Best Management Plan for Management of Horizontal Directional Drilling Mud • If it is in a residential area, permission must first be obtained to leave the mud in place. o This approval/waiver will need to be in writing with the home/land owner o Area of bentonite clay and mud must be seeded and covered with straw to stabilize material. o If landowner/homeowner does not approve of leaving, material will need to be removed from property. Once it can pass the paint filter test and depending on the waste determination, the material may be o Used as beneficial backfill in an approved location or o Placed for disposal in appropriate location ➢ Bentonite clay, additives, and water When utilizing Bentonite clay, additives, and water to construct a borehole in which to place lines or pipes, o The resulting mud recovered from the hole will be bentonite clay, additives, and any entrained native soils or rocks. ❖ When commercially manufactured additives are used in the process, the HDD mud, including the soils and rocks being removed, creates an industrial waste when considered spent and no longer displaying the properties necessary to construct a high-quality borehole or when declared surplus and, therefore, a solid waste. This waste stream must be disposed of properly. Disposal must be in a facility permitted to receive the waste as characterized unless alternative disposal means are obtained from the state. • Disposal by land treatment/application farming is not approved. Duke Energy shall retain and disclose documentation related to its HDD projects as required by law. Page 4 of 4 HDD CONTINGENCY PLAN (TEMPLATE) is HDD Contingency Plan is a template. The contractor will use this plan as a baseline for the development of a specific Line 475 HDD Contingency Plan. HORIZONTAL DIRECTION DRILLING (HDD) CONTINGENCY PLAN DUKE ENERGY HDD is a common method used to install underground utilities through heavily developed areas, roadways, waterways, steep slopes, and environmentally sensitive areas to minimize the surface disturbance that traditional open-cut trenching methods typically require. HDD construction generally limits disturbances along project corridors which may result in a smaller environmental footprint. HDD operations have the potential to release drilling fluids into the surface and subsurface environments through nearby utilities, unconsolidated sediments, fractured bedrock and faulting or other local structural features. The drilling fluid typically will flow into the surrounding rock and sand and travel toward the ground surface. The drilling fluid, a bentonite slurry (other additives may be included as well), is used as a lubricant during the drilling of the bore hole, enabling the rock and soil cuttings from the drilling process to be carried back to a containment bay at the ground surface at the drilling site. It also builds a borehole mud cake or lining which can act as a seal to prevent migration of fluids either into or out of the borehole and enhance the stability and integrity of the bore hole. Bentonite is a non-toxic, naturally occurring clay commonly used for agricultural purposes such as decreasing water loss in ponds and soils. Other common additives include: Additives Functions Polymers Aids in maintaining borehole integrity; control of fluid loss; management of fluid viscosity; cuttings encapsulation; viscosifier, friction reduction and flocculant Clay Inhibitors / Surfactants Reduces swelling and sticking tendencies during drilling operations and down time; torque reduction Drilling Detergents Reduces surface tension and sticking tendency of clay cuttings; aids in prevention of bit balling and mud rings; torque reduction Pyrophosphates Dispersant; aids in thinning and reduction of flocculation in the drilling fluid; aids with bit balling Soda Ash Reduces hardness of make-up water; aids the yielding process Note that there is no hydraulic fracturing of shale for oil or gas production associated with this method of directional drilling on the site. The HDD bores should be designed to provide sufficient depth below water crossings and/or wetlands to reduce the risk of drilling fluid releasing into such features. While drilling, fluid seepage away from the borehole is most likely to occur near the bore entry and exit points where the drill head is shallow; although seepage can occur in any location along an HDD. This Horizontal Direction Drilling Contingency Plan (Plan) establishes operational procedures and responsibilities for the prevention, containment, reporting and cleanup of fluid loss incidents associated with an HDD project. Project drawings and specifications also provide details of the HDD portion of the project. The contractor responsible for the work must adhere to this Plan during the HDD process. Although HDD Contingency Plans are not routinely reviewed or commented upon by regulatory Page 1 July 12, 2018 HORIZONTAL DIRECTION DRILLING (HDD) CONTINGENCY PLAN DUKE ENERGY agencies during project review and approval processes, such plans are often requested by regulatory agencies when Inadvertent Releases (IRs) occur. Therefore, the Plan and IR reports may come under regulatory review during regulatory visits, inspections or IR response actions. The specific objectives of this plan are to: 1. Minimize the potential for a drilling fluid release associated with HDD activities; 2. Protect environmentally sensitive areas; 3. Provide for the timely detection of drilling fluid releases; 4. Ensure an organized, timely, and efficient response in the event of a release of drilling fluid; and 5. Ensure appropriate notifications are made immediately to appropriate Duke Energy project and environmental support staff. Duke Energy will be responsible for notifications to appropriate regulatory agencies. Pre-Construction Measures Before any HDD commences, an environmental safety meeting will take place. This Plan will be discussed, questions answered and any potential conflicts reconciled. The Site Supervisor shall ensure a copy of this Plan is available (onsite) and accessible to all construction personnel. The Site Supervisor shall ensure all workers are properly trained and familiar with the necessary procedures for response to a drilling fluid release prior to commencement of drilling operations. Other best-management measures are listed below: 1. Anticipated drilling fluid mixtures descriptions are to be provided during the project review process, including all product Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) of commercial mud mixes and additives. All such SDSs shall be maintained at the project site. 2. Appropriate HDD drilling fluid spill response items (See Appendix A) shall be kept onsite and used if an IR of drilling fluid occurs. 3. Prior to construction, the work areas must be flagged and the environmental limits defined (wetland boundaries, setbacks, etc.). Erosion and sediment controls will be placed on downgradient sides of the drilling rig location and around the drilling fluid containment bays as a preventative measure against drilling fluids leaving the drill rig site. If the project has not necessitated the preparation of a formal Sediment & Erosion Control Plan, Best Management Plan (BMP) details for appropriate controls should be reviewed and considered from the Duke Energy Construction Stormwater Planning Manual (April 2017; Document GDLP-ENV-EVS-00006). Additional details regarding environmental sensitive areas and construction activities can be found in this document. Fluid Loss Response and Measures The response of the field crew to a drilling fluid loss shall be immediate and in accordance with procedures identified in this Plan. All appropriate emergency actions that do not pose additional threats to sensitive resources will be taken, as follows: 1. Containment bays will be in place at both the drill entry and exit points to prevent drilling fluid from leaving the drill rig site at the entry and exit points. Sufficient freeboard (two (2) feet) shall be maintained in all containment bays. Silt fences, Page 2 July 12, 2018 HORIZONTAL DIRECTION DRILLING (HDD) CONTINGENCY PLAN DUKE ENERGY wattles, or other appropriate measures shall be placed along the downgradient boundaries of the drill rig site. 2. The viscosity, pressure and volume of drilling fluids will be closely observed by the drilling contractor during HDD activities to watch for indications of fluid loss or developing borehole conditions that could increase the likelihood of an Inadvertent Release. 3. Drilling operations will be halted by the drill rig operators immediately upon detection of a loss of circulation, a drop in drilling pressure or any other indicator of fluid loss. The loss of drilling fluid to the surface is typically greatest at shallow locations, typically near the entry and exit points of the HDD. 4. Characterization and documentation of any inadvertent release shall begin immediately. The Site Supervisor and Site Environmental Inspector shall be notified immediately. Once IR identification occurs, the Site Supervisor shall immediately notify Duke Energy Environmental support staff. Photographs, details of the release, location, volume released, receiving stream characteristics and other important information should be collected and reported immediately to the appropriate Duke Energy Environmental staff. Containment efforts in accordance with this Plan shall commence immediately but clean-up of drilling fluid IRs must wait until appropriate consultation and concurrence from Duke Energy Environmental support staff. 5. In the event of a loss of drilling fluid, the Site Supervisor and Site Environmental Inspector shall conduct an evaluation of the situation and direct recommended mitigation actions, based on the following guidelines of the severity of the fluid loss: a. If the loss of drilling fluid is minor, easily contained, has not reached the surface and is not threatening environmentally sensitive areas, drilling operations may resume after use of an approved leak stopping compound, redirection of the bore or alteration of drilling techniques as applicable based on site geological conditions and equipment or operator capabilities. b. If drilling fluid reaches the land surface, the area will be isolated with silt fence, wattles or similar measures to contain drilling fluid. i. A containment or relief bay may be installed on high ground to keep drilling fluid from reaching environmentally sensitive areas and removal will begin by vac-truck or hand tools. ii. In areas that cannot be reached by a vac-truck for drilling fluid removal, a tiered system of contained areas will relay drilling fluid to a location accessible by a vac-truck and removed. iii. If it is not possible to relay drilling fluid to a suitable location for removal by a vac-truck, drilling contractor workers will use hand tools and vacuums to remove the drilling fluid from contained areas. iv. Any material coming into contact with drilling fluids shall be removed to a depth where there are no visible signs of the spilled material, contained and properly disposed of, as required by Duke Energy policies. The drilling contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the drilling fluid material is either properly disposed of at an approved Page 3 July 12, 2018 HORIZONTAL DIRECTION DRILLING (HDD) CONTINGENCY PLAN DUKE ENERGY disposal facility or properly recycled in an approved manner. Contractor must provide Duke Energy with documented proof of disposal. c. If drilling fluid reaches the surface in surface waters or wetlands, the following actions will be initiated. i. For low volume, low flowing streams, a coffer dam (or equivalent) for containment will be installed downstream. ii. Photographs, details of the release, location, volume released, receiving stream characteristics and other important information should be collected and reported immediately to the appropriate Duke Energy Environmental staff. iii. For higher volume, larger flowing streams, a coffer dam (or equivalent) may be installed both upstream and downstream. Consideration should be given to use of bypass pumping to ensure no flooding or potential loss of containment. iv. Removal of drilling fluid released to high-ground will begin by appropriate equipment or hand tools immediately. If the fluid loss is widespread, the Site Supervisor may discuss the use of a vac-truck with Duke Energy Environmental staff. v. Due to potential adverse environmental impacts, no released material located within streams or wetlands shall be removed without prior discussion with Duke Energy Environmental support staff. vi. Duke Energy Environmental support staff will be responsible for any regulatory notifications. Response Close-out Procedures When the IR has been contained and cleaned up, response closeout activities will be conducted at the direction of the Site Supervisor and Site Environmental Inspector and shall include the following: 1. The recovered drilling fluid will either be recycled or hauled to an approved facility for disposal. Contractor shall provide Duke Energy Environmental support staff with documented proof of disposal. No recovered drilling fluids or materials will be discharged into streams, wetlands, storm drains or any other environmentally sensitive areas; 2. All spilled drilling fluid excavation and clean-up high ground sites will be returned to pre- project contours using clean fill, appropriate seeding activities, as necessary. Clean up to areas within wetlands, streams or other sensitive environmental areas will be on a site specific basis in consultation with Duke Energy Environmental support staff and regulatory agencies, if appropriate; and 3. All containment measures (wattles, straw bales, silt fences, etc.) will not be removed until the site is properly stabilized and such removal is authorized by Duke Energy Environmental support staff. Page 4 July 12, 2018 HORIZONTAL DIRECTION DRILLING (HDD) CONTINGENCY PLAN DUKE ENERGY In addition to the HDD IR Documentation Form (See Appendix B) the Site Supervisor and Site Environmental Inspector shall record narrative details of drilling fluid losses or IRs in their daily log. The narratives shall include any notes or details regarding containment, characterization, cleanup or stabilization activities not otherwise captured from the HDD IR Documentation Form. Construction Re-start For small releases which do not reach surface waters, wetlands or other environmentally sensitive areas, drilling may continue if the release is promptly contained and cleaned up, and at least one member of the clean-up crew remains at the drilling fluid loss location throughout the remainder of the drilling of the bore. For all other releases which impact environmentally sensitive areas, construction activities will not restart without prior approval from Duke Energy Environmental staff. IRs into environmentally sensitive areas will require at least one member of the clean-up crew to remain at the drilling fluid loss location throughout the remainder of the drilling of the bore as well as having one member track with, or slightly behind, the drilling head to observe any signs of potential releases. Bore Abandonment Abandonment of the bore will only be considered when all efforts to control the drilling fluid loss within the existing HDD have failed or borehole conditions have deteriorated to the extent that completing the bore is infeasible. The borehole will be completely abandoned and a new location determined. Any borehole abandonment locations will be documented and shown on any as-built documents. The following steps will be implemented during abandonment of the borehole: 1. Determine the new location for the HDD crossing. 2. Insert casing, as necessary to remove the pilot string. 3. Pump a thick grout plug into the borehole to securely seal the abandoned borehole. Communications During an HDD Project Communications for routine aspects of an HDD should be between the HDD Contractor Site Supervisor and Duke Energy/Piedmont Project Manager. During IRs, the Duke Energy Environmental Support staff should be incorporated into such dialogs for guidance and concurrence on IR response actions. The Duke Energy Environmental Field Support staff will provide IR details to the Duke Energy Water Subject Matter Expert (SME) for consultation and determinations regarding regulatory notifications and response activities. The Duke Energy Water SME will consult with appropriate Duke Energy management representatives regarding verbal and/or written regulatory notifications and guidance for any response actions. Design consultant should also be integrated into the activities to benefit from experience or educational opportunities to improve or enhance HDD design or construction aspects. Page 5 July 12, 2018 HORIZONTAL DIRECTION DRILLING (HDD) CONTINGENCY PLAN DUKE ENERGY Appendix A - HDD Drilling Fluid Spill Response Items Containment, response, and clean-up equipment will be readily available at the HDD site to assure a timely response to IRs. Equipment may include, but is not limited to: - shovels, push brooms, squeegees, trowels, pails and/or other appropriate hand tools - hay or straw bales, wattles and wooden stakes - silt fence, T-bar posts, post pounders - plastic sheeting or geotextile fabric - sediment/silt curtains, sand bags, absorbent booms or pads - pumps with sufficient suction & lifting heads; control & check valves and leak-free hoses - tanks for non-potable water and/or waste mixture storage - extra radio, cellular phone(s), batteries, flashlights, lanterns - wetland mats for worker foot-traffic into wetlands - wetland mats for equipment - earth moving equipment (backhoes, dozers, skid-steers, as appropriate) - standby generator(s), light plant, lights and towers, electrical cords - secondary containment for all on-site mobile equipment, fuel, lube or other chemical storage containers - vacuum truck (or on 24-hour call) - boat with oars or outboard motor (or on 24-hour call) - SDS sheets for all on-site materials Page 6 July 12, 2018 HORIZONTAL DIRECTION DRILLING (HDD) CONTINGENCY PLAN DUKE ENERGY Appendix B - HDD Inadvertent Release Documentation Project Name/Number: Location/Address(Narrative description if necessary, project drawing#,station#,lat/long,GPS coordinates, etc.):Include County of incident Project type: Resource Center or Major Project? Site Supervisor/Contractor/Cell Phone Number: Reported By/Cell Phone Number: Release Date(mm/dd/yyyy): Release Time(hhmm): Estimated Impacted Area(Dimensions-length,width (ft)&depth(in.): Characterization(fluid type)and Estimated Release Volume(gallons) Estimated Duration of Release(min.): Potential or Actual Environmental Impacts(wetlands, waterbody(stream name if known),drainageways,or other areas within 100 feet of water): Contained To Permitted ROW? (Yes/No) Assessibility Requirements(4x4,equipment or worker access mats,hose length,etc): Proposed method of drilling fluid/waste recovery: Proposed waste material storage or disposal plan: Proposed disposal site for waste material: Photo Documentation(provide pre-cleanup photos of IR,upgradient,downgradient views,impact areas) Page 7 July 12, 2018 NGMP SPILL CONTAINMENT PLAN IDUKE Natural Gas Major Projects ENERGY. Standing Order April, 2019 Spill Containment at NGMP Construction Sites Issue Date: April 01, 2019 1. Purpose The purpose of this Standing Order is to communicate expectations for adherence to spill containment requirements at Natural Gas Major Project's (NGMP) construction sites. 2. Requirements Effective immediately, the following secondary containment will be required at NGMP construction sites: • For mobile equipment staging away from designated staging areas—secondary containment is required. Note: Designated staging areas are defined as designated areas for a construction site that typically include material offloading, overnight storage of project equipment and vehicles, and are located greater than 125 ft.from waterways and wetlands. Typical locations for designated storage areas include locations near road crossings, end of ROW's, etc... • For fuel trucks that are stored overnight after daily refueling operations—secondary containment is required (does not apply to"drag-up" pickups with fuel tanks in the bed of the pick-up). • For non-linear projects such as LNG, compressor stations, Regulator Stations, etc... secondary containment is required where the risk of spills to waterways and wetlands is present. • For chemical storage areas (drum storage, fuel cans, etc.) at construction sites—secondary containment is required. • For equipment such as generators, light plants, compressors, and sump pumps—secondary containment is required when not in a designated staging area. • For locations where a spill can reach storm drains, waters and/or wetlands - secondary containment is required. • Additional, existing requirements to prevent spills are included in the 2019 EHS Handbook Secondary Containment need to be designed with the following minimum considerations: • Secondary containment system must be impervious and free of cracks or gaps ensuring that the containment system is chemically compatible with whatever liquids could come into contact with it. 1 • Secondary containment systems"must have sufficient capacity to contain at least 10%of the total volume of the primary containers or 100% of the volume of the largest container, whichever is greater." • Secondary containment systems should be designed with sufficient capacity to contain any precipitation (i.e. run-on) in addition to the volume capacity requirements. • Any waste that has spilled or leaked into the secondary containment area (or any accumulated precipitation) must be removed in as timely a manner as is necessary to prevent overflow. Inspecting equipment, containers, drums, etc... on a regular basis (minimum of start of shift and end of shift) to ensure they are in good condition is essential in preventing spills to the environment. lg filir Date: 9 3 r 2o1 7 Ashley Phillips Mgr NGMP Implementation 1 2 /lei / I//�so,J P -3 /11./ Date: 7 ZDI/ / y PGI/�resson GM Gas Major Projects 2 LINE 475 WETLAND RESTORATION PLAN Piedmont Natural Gas Line 475 Wetland Restoration Plan Temporary Construction Workspace Areas The proposed Line 475 project will construct an 8" natural gas pipeline spanning approximately 10 miles. The new natural gas pipeline will be installed within a new 50-foot wide cross-country easement and will originate at an existing PNG transmission line near the intersection of US-117 and Route 44 in Wayne County.The new pipeline will terminate at a tie-in 0.43 miles south of the intersection of Thoroughfare Road and Central Heights Road in Wayne County.The tie-in is at a natural gas line being relocated due to an NCDOT widening project.The proposed project will also consist of the construction of access roads, 5 new natural gas regulator stations, and 2 mainline valve settings along the proposed pipeline route. This proposed pipeline project will cross multiple streams and wetlands using open cut and horizontal directional drilling (HDD) methods. Impacted streams and wetlands will be restored to their pre-project elevations and widths once construction is complete. Wetland impacts have been minimized in many areas by constructing crossings using HDD bores. In wetland areas where the pipeline will be constructed using open cut methods, there will be a 50-foot- wide permanent easement and a temporary easement that will be hand-cleared during construction. Wooden mats will be placed in wetland areas to minimize equipment impacts during construction. Once pipeline construction is complete, a riparian seed mix will be planted in the wetland areas. A permanent maintenance corridor 20 feet in width will remain within the 50-foot-wide permanent easement acquired by PNG across wetland areas.The remaining 30 feet of the permanent easement and the temporary easement will be allowed to revegetate naturally. DuKF cta din" Order Natural Gas Major Projects - Standing Order Date: May 04, 2020 To: NGMP Personnel From: NGMP Management Subject: Guidance for Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Right of Way (ROW) Clearing Purpose of this Policy Where Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) is selected as the preferred construction method; this Standing Order gives guidance to evaluate the ROW in the area of the HDD, and based on site-specific conditions and risks, determine the extent of clearing in this area based on this evaluation. Policy Requirements Duke Energy/Piedmont Natural Gas standards currently require clearing of the Right of Way (ROW) during construction of new pipelines. This Standing Order shall remain in effect until such time that applicable procedures (shown below) are revised and issued at which time this Standing Order will be retired. • GD55.1307 Selection and Inspection of Gas Pipeline Waterway Crossings • GD60.745 Continuing surveillance of Pipelines, Bridges/Culvert Crossings Land Slippage/Exposed Pipeline Areas (Patrolling) • OM-PL-1040 Continuing Surveillance • OM-PL-2500 Distribution Lines-Patrolling • OM-PL-9200 Transmission Line- Land Patrol • OM-PL-9300 Transmission Line-Aerial Patrol • OM-PR-1040 Continuing Surveillance • OM-PR-9200 Transmission Line - Land Patrol • OM-PR-9300 Transmission Line-Aerial Patrol DUKF IN R&Y I Background HDD is a trenchless construction method for installing pipelines with minimal impact to the surrounding area and therefore does not require that the ROW be cleared. Some of the benefits of reducing the extent of clearing of the ROW where HDD is the preferred construction method include: • Reduces the potential of damage to sensitive resources. • Reduces likelihood of Reportable Environmental Events (REEs), especially in/near forested wetlands and creek/river crossings. • May offer substantial cost savings during initial construction, resulting in reduced costs to the rate paying base. • Likely reduces O&M costs to maintain the ROW in these areas. Guidance Note: For ROW maintenance, it is required to clear at least 16'width of the ROW, ground to sky, in the area of an HDD. This is to ensure compliance with PHMSA Part192 regulations requiring patrols that would allow for aerial surveillance of the ROW on the required frequency. Note: Ensure all environmental permitting requirements are considered and adhered to in the final evaluation. Note: Markers for ROW extents should be placed on the edges of the ROW in areas where reduced clearing is allowed. Where HDD is the proposed construction method, the following should be considered when evaluating the extent of clearing of the ROW within the area of the HDD: • Depth of cover-is the depth of cover in the area of the HDD such that the risk of future third party damage from digging is/is not a concern? • Risk of Inadvertent Returns (IRs) - considerations for the potential for an IR given depth of cover, soil, geology, drilling parameters, etc... and the ability to manage the IR should this occur. • Risk to the sensitive environmental resources - is the area of the HDD in or near a sensitive environmental resource (e.g. forested wetlands, cultural areas, water bodies) such that clearing of the ROW in these area(s) presents risks to the environment in doing so? • Extent of ROW Clearing-When evaluating the extent of ROW clearing in the area of the HDD, things to consider are: o Clearing a minimum width (16'minimum) of the ROW in the area of the HDD to establish regulatory required line of sight, pipeline markers, management of potential IR's, to meet pipeline patrol (aerial or ground survey) requirements, etc... j ENERGY Shin din Order o Where appropriate, consider the extent of cutting of trees, removal of trees, and grubbing of stumps in the area of the HDD. • Where trees are in water resources (swamp areas), they should not be required to be cut. In these cases, consult with ROW Management to ensure compliance with PHMSA Part 192. ■ Where trees are cut, limit the amount of grubbing to reduce risks to sensitive resources. Cut stumps to water level (where in water resources) and close to ground level ground level where not in water resources. • Consider leaving cut tress laying vs on the edge of the ROW vs removing from the ROW. • Cost benefit-A cost/benefit analysis should be performed to ensure not only the reduction in cost of clearing is considered, but the potential for added costs such as contractor move arounds as a result of not clearing the ROW to the full extent in this area. Also consider any longer-term maintenance impacts of the reduction such as ROW maintenance and leak survey requirements. Engineering, with input from Project Management, Implementation, ROW Management Compliance, and Environmental, is responsible for performing this evaluation. Issued for Construction drawings will reflect the area of clearing requirements based on this evaluation. f3iySSoa� Q G' �o7 Date: 0/f/0ZP A Pres n VP Gas Major Projects 1d 4 le, e 04 ep `/ Date: )5 4 aze2 B Woody VP Gas Operations G � Y43, emu` 144, ''.PM/ Date: 0 / G"l>4 Marty Petchul GM Asset Management & Engineering THREATENED & ENDANGERED SPECIES FROEHLING 4 ROBERTSON Assess. Manage. Consult. r81ZC 310 Hubert Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-2302 • T 919.828.3441 I F 919.582-0304 September 16, 2021 Mr.John Ellis US Fish and Wildlife Service Raleigh Field Office P.O. Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636 Re: PNG Line 475 T&E Species Request for Concurrence Wayne County, NC Neuse River Basin F&R Project No. 59Y-0320 Dear Mr. Ellis, Piedmont Natural Gas (PNG) will construct an 8" natural gas pipeline spanning approximately 10 miles in Wayne County, NC.The new natural gas pipeline will be installed within a new 50-foot wide cross-country easement and will originate at an existing PNG transmission line near the intersection of US-117 and Route 44.The new pipeline will end with a tie-in near the intersection of Central Heights Road and Thoroughfare Road.The proposed project will also consist of the construction of 5 new natural gas regulator stations and 2 mainline valve settings along the proposed pipeline route. We have obtained a species list for the project corridor from IPaC. The threatened or endangered species resulting from IPaC are: Neuse River Waterdog (Necturus lewisi),Atlantic Pigtoe (Fusconaia masoni), Carolina Madtom (Noturus furiosus), and Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis). The initial assessment of the listed species is as follows: Neuse River Waterdog—The Neuse River Waterdog requires streams with clean water and high dissolved oxygen.The species inhabits streams wider than 15 meters but has been found in smaller creeks.The ditches proposed for impact in the project corridor do not provide the habitat for the Waterdog. "May affect, but not likely to adversely affect." Atlantic Pigtoe-Atlantic Pigtoe inhabits small creeks to larger rivers with excellent water quality, where flows were sufficient to maintain clean, silt-free substrates.This type of high quality stream without detritus is not present in the review area and the pigtoe is not anticipated to utilize the ditches within the project corridor. "May affect, but not likely to adversely affect." Carolina Madtom—The Carolina Madtom requires a stream substrate that is predominantly silt-free, stable,gravel and cobble bottom, which is notably absent within the corridor.The three higher quality streams, Howell Branch, Stoney Creek, and Reedy Creek within the corridor are not proposed for impact, but rather will be bored utilizing horizontal directional drill (HDD)technology. "May affect, but not likely to adversely affect." Red-cockaded Woodpecker-The Red-Cockaded Woodpecker generally inhabits old growth stands of longleaf pine but can use other species of pine as well, as long as the area frequently burns. Since Corporate HQ: 3015 Dumbarton Road Richmond,Virginia 23228 T 804.264.2701 F 804.264.1202 VIRGINIA• NORTH CAROLINA• SOUTH CAROLINA• MARYLAND • DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA A Minority-Owned Business r&R there are no stands of pines that are over 30 years old in or adjacent to the corridor that are burn managed,the RCW is not expected to be present or adversely affected by the project. "May affect, but not likely to adversely affect." It is requested that you please provide formal consultation and concurrence for each species. Please provide comments on any impacts of concern that might emerge with respect to listed species from the construction and installation of the natural gas pipeline. Please comment within 30 days of receipt of this communication as the project is moving toward completion of design. We thank you in advance for your response and coordination. Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have concerning the potential for species impacts within the project corridor. Respectfully Submitted, FROEHLING& ROBERTSON, INC. Alex D. Aycrigg, MS, PWS Wetland Scientist PNG 2 Line 475 Gasline T&E Scoping F&R Project No:59Y-0320 September 2021 �jYcpT{)xrho s . United States Department of the Interior Fifl! nulurr .1r,1"JF{ FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE %$ Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office . �t" ' Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh,NC 27636-3726 Phone: (919)856-4520 Fax: (919)856-4556 In Reply Refer To: July 27, 2020 Consultation Code: 04EN2000-2020-SLI-1564 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-03559 Project Name: Line 475 aka Line 67 Subject: List of threatened and endangered species that may occur in your proposed project location, and/or may be affected by your proposed project To Whom It May Concern: The species list generated pursuant to the information you provided identifies threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, as well as proposed and final designated critical habitat, that may occur within the boundary of your proposed project and/or may be affected by your proposed project. The species list fulfills the requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) under section 7(c) of the Endangered Species Act (Act) of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.C. 1531 et seq.). New information based on updated surveys, changes in the abundance and distribution of species, changed habitat conditions, or other factors could change this list. Please feel free to contact us if you need more current information or assistance regarding the potential impacts to federally proposed, listed, and candidate species and federally designated and proposed critical habitat. Please note that under 50 CFR 402.12(e) of the regulations implementing section 7 of the Act, the accuracy of this species list should be verified after 90 days. This verification can be completed formally or informally as desired. The Service recommends that verification be completed by visiting the ECOS-IPaC website at regular intervals during project planning and implementation for updates to species lists and information.An updated list may be requested through the ECOS-IPaC system by completing the same process used to receive the enclosed list. Section 7 of the Act requires that all federal agencies (or their designated non-federal representative), in consultation with the Service, insure that any action federally authorized, funded, or carried out by such agencies is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of any federally-listed endangered or threatened species.A biological assessment or evaluation may be prepared to fulfill that requirement and in determining whether additional consultation with the Service is necessary. In addition to the federally-protected species list, information on the species' life histories and habitats and information on completing a biological assessment or 07/27/2020 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-03559 evaluation and can be found on our web page at Please check the web site often for updated information or changes If your project contains suitable habitat for any of the federally-listed species known to be present within the county where your project occurs, the proposed action has the potential to adversely affect those species.As such, we recommend that surveys be conducted to determine the species' presence or absence within the project area. The use of North Carolina Natural Heritage program data should not be substituted for actual field surveys. If you determine that the proposed action may affect(i.e., likely to adversely affect or not likely to adversely affect) a federally-protected species, you should notify this office with your determination, the results of your surveys, survey methodologies, and an analysis of the effects of the action on listed species, including consideration of direct, indirect, and cumulative effects, before conducting any activities that might affect the species. If you determine that the proposed action will have no effect(i.e., no beneficial or adverse, direct or indirect effect) on federally listed species, then you are not required to contact our office for concurrence (unless an Environmental Impact Statement is prepared). However, you should maintain a complete record of the assessment, including steps leading to your determination of effect, the qualified personnel conducting the assessment, habitat conditions, site photographs, and any other related articles. Please be aware that bald and golden eagles are protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (16 U.S.C. 668 et seq.), and projects affecting these species may require development of an eagle conservation plan( eagle_guidance.html).Additionally, wind energy projects should follow the wind energy guidelines ( for minimizing impacts to migratory birds and bats. Guidance for minimizing impacts to migratory birds for projects including communications towers (e.g., cellular, digital television, radio, and emergency broadcast) can be found at: http://; http://; and comtow.html. Not all Threatened and Endangered Species that occur in North Carolina are subject to section 7 consultation with the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service.Atlantic and shortnose sturgeon, sea turtles,when in the water, and certain marine mammals are under purview of the National Marine Fisheries Service. If your project occurs in marine, estuarine, or coastal river systems you should also contact the National Marine Fisheries Service, We appreciate your concern for threatened and endangered species. The Service encourages Federal agencies to include conservation of threatened and endangered species into their project planning to further the purposes of the Act. Please include the Consultation Tracking Number in the header of this letter with any request for consultation or correspondence about your project that you submit to our office. If you have any questions or comments, please contact John Ellis of this office at 07/27/2020 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-03559 3 Attachment(s): • Official Species List 07/27/2020 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-03559 1 Official Species List This list is provided pursuant to Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act, and fulfills the requirement for Federal agencies to "request of the Secretary of the Interior information whether any species which is listed or proposed to be listed may be present in the area of a proposed action". This species list is provided by: Raleigh Ecological Services Field Office Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, NC 27636-3726 (919) 856-4520 07/27/2020 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-03559 2 Project Summary Consultation Code: 04EN2000-2020-SLI-1564 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-03559 Project Name: Line 475 aka Line 67 Project Type: OIL OR GAS Project Description: Linear gas line Project Location: Approximate location of the project can be viewed in Google Maps: https:// • • Goldsb•ora. • - F P41GE6! Counties: Wayne, NC 07/27/2020 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-03559 3 Endangered Species Act Species There is a total of 4 threatened, endangered, or candidate species on this species list. Species on this list should be considered in an effects analysis for your project and could include species that exist in another geographic area. For example, certain fish may appear on the species list because a project could affect downstream species. IPaC does not display listed species or critical habitats under the sole jurisdiction of NOAA Fisheriesl, as USFWS does not have the authority to speak on behalf of NOAA and the Department of Commerce. See the "Critical habitats" section below for those critical habitats that lie wholly or partially within your project area under this office's jurisdiction. Please contact the designated FWS office if you have questions. 1. NOAA Fisheries, also known as the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), is an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration within the Department of Commerce. Birds NAME STATUS Red-cockaded Woodpecker Picoides borealis Endangered No critical habitat has been designated for this species. Species profile: Amphibians NAME STATUS Neuse River Waterdog Necturus lewisi Proposed There is proposed critical habitat for this species.Your location is outside the critical habitat. Threatened Species profile:hops:// Fishes NAME STATUS Carolina Madtom Noturus furiosus Proposed There is proposed critical habitat for this species.Your location is outside the critical habitat. Endangered Species profile: 07/27/2020 Event Code: 04EN2000-2020-E-03559 4 Clams NAME STATUS Atlantic Pigtoe Fusconaia masoni Proposed There is proposed critical habitat for this species.Your location is outside the critical habitat. Threatened Species profile: Critical habitats THERE ARE NO CRITICAL HABITATS WITHIN YOUR PROJECT AREA UNDER THIS OFFICE'S JURISDICTION. Legend - i Line 475 Limits of Disturbance I 4 iTit , /le F _ _ _ - ---__ N) �— - - gli 11.111:„601, . .- • --r . . % d...... ^ - � _it Tomes Y. . i I. .(7.411(,,, V it 0 CD — 1:.:' , . ''''011 I: . ''....-`---- ) 1101 Oil .. te7\1. . ° .7 i . ''\:4i..._...." _____..." 1411. 1 D/25 [ . . _ lt:C I , \ ,,,_' --e-"-- •-_..: I /_Li I_ rqr Pi 1.1 111.111161111 ,..,_.:r ./_______ __„..„ .7 1111-: •-,,--- xy ram'4 --,--- - • , 14 s i ` . .;,./.._ k„ � - Lr. _. I fl ..1:4,......._________: , • • '----„:..------„,--- ---„, -__ -•_„, 2 • ---1--/serf. I. : I -4 INDUSTRY . , . _..., Ti. , , . ,\:.\\,,,, "1:0000.i.00.0./. ..,:..., 0,1 t ......... 18"4**) . --.) . Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1'6Feet AU. ; '� lilliglil"b1 . x or Client: Energy,Land and lnfastructure Disclaimer:MR makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the "I'M -#" ::F/fIAL glifr4t r FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Linecom 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this F&R Engineering•Environmental•Geotechnical Location: Wayne County,NC map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies 306 Hubert Street can be obtained by contacting F&R. f Raleigh,NorthCarolina , rel i 27603 gData: USGS Top ographical Map 6 � _ 'x s T 919.828.3441 Date: July 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1 inch=550 ft I Map 1 of 7 I NAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 1 .4( • • Line 475 Limits . . - 1 I N . 1111114*.. .1 (. • • • 11 7.1 r_ - LangstOflL/n/ _ gitiff • lip - - i or, ..4 ) (171: 11/ 41irl Agi,/ (" ).' 117 :%11 • PillWr • • ' t _ • " .11# • /) 111111414 25( , Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,6Foet A 1 SINCE Client: MR R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the 3 FFROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this 81, Engineering•Environmental•Geotechnical map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies 306 Hubert Street. can be obtained by contacting F&R. Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data: uses Top ographleal Map 'x s T 919.828.3441 Date: July 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1 inch=550 ft I Map 2 of 7 I NAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 Legend ` — Line 475 Limits of Disturbance /I) 1 lir IIINN 0 II/ L__ _va. . Q.0.- "III,Ilp,pr i L,. _. g‘iii4‘1111,/: .) r. ..)11''''%i?) . 40— w �I _,iik �• k: 11 _ —..:K\:\ • ..,.,,,_ kilii R \h„ lopp,. rI 1 I5141\olio. S.I... 125 . ' ) _,.). ). i i 7 _ __‘.1 .<,.L.„..,...,. ' . ._ 1 1 1101. _........_.. ...........)1 . .. % .. . . , . , • . 4 . \....._. ,. .. _ . . ..N . 1 r ..._,.."1 . is:9, ..., , ., % . . . . 4'4. . .. ... . % . . .. . . ,. . . __,____.. .,. 11, . . .•• .. ,, - - - 7.-\ . ---_— . Ni _ 01... , , .. t x5_ _ _ • 4 p, . *al. .09,,., D p_i__ Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,6Feet A Q T ! \ __ t SINCE Client: Energy,Land and I fastructure Disclaimer F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the ., .5[.Y \ .. FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Line 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this _ t _ 4 F&R Engineering•Environmental•Geotechnical Location: . . , 306 Hubert Street. F&R Project No.: svv-Wayn0320e Coun y,NC map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies can be obtained by contacting F&R. MI p Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 6 �Data: uses Topographical Map �' _ s ,c,i T 919.828.3441 Date: July 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1 inch=550 ft I Map 3 of 7 I NAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 . Legend Nand I _-_ .,) -. 4 %-..„:-.\ \\\.\ \\\\\D ) Line 475 Limits of Disturbance ; _�ir14111111111 ��. _ � � '��� ,. --,..„...,7. ), \ ' L I \ t J .. .W. . . \ 7 .. t I ' I } 777 fffl k --"--N----,-_____ ____ _'",,,, _ ..: —:\ .. , t I • t-404)-7-7\ \ ,. \t \--L._ . 4 . . •.: 2 • -, ________ ,,, ..apapi.t.% co . 11/4..„.__ 1 ,.... • 4. I . . .. • 1 ! � I� ) . ... , . .. , . Fr 1 f i i4 --"''' li J 1 L I �\C\ III CP 11L— r IF. 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Wog D D 1 ; - tem iill &- • ,....„--- _,\ 1 -__ - ) . 111 I P o nd — �_ _ ..._. e Nem, . y i1\--, r \jr...., _____ --\, • ) -41 4 4)11//////1" jr-\\ " �, flr1JARCREEKRD ./ \\LJ Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 Feet A Q SINCE Client: Energy,Land and Infastructure '1 Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the � � • 011 FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this -— FO A Engineering•Environmental•Geotechnical map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies �� ,9 _ }; QCIK_ 306 Hubert Street. can be obtained by contacting F&R. -_-- Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data,, uses Top ograpldeal Map ' 6 * 'x s T 919.828.3441 Date: July 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1 inch=550 ft I Map 4 of 7 I NAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 l -.\\,,_,__ % -,4 Legend • ,.._,..„..........„,..7--.>2...,----- ------------Th -'1.11) . Line 475 Limits of Disturbance 4L ' ' P 6 , \„__ . .._,, ______ . F L....„.. .. ., 4 \.„_,_,._. . . -„...„ - . ; ... . *_111, ii 101., 41. .% .. .** "•••••• l•-• . • .___..____. W Pond 1 . ---,too , -----,, 4 1 Or . . % _ Jr\\=en M' a N. � //).0, ,,,/ ----.__._.___ ,- 1 •B EA F CREEK • RD: I 4---:,___,----..„..:;:-.--_-7_,N Allor,-.:.. /1\ 1 1 ,, ,,..c ) \. le7IZZ::1---------\--- ..-: ' L44 - 125-1...z- lilliak ti _ -4_ -14---. . % v pr , . . C:H 1\'''''::4'.,..... • Ire 01 6>44\51:\4):I 114%14%.::....°: ' . 1 1: -ill,Illk 1 ....i5) _ .,\ ,,,,..j. ilk* A. .... ,„v:43 . Niii, 4* 4() ad- , '''. , 4(evits,.4.1 14::" -14,15r* .-L'r'r . --/-...'' --i„ ..._____._7 1 ....// . ...„----_____----____---- _______. 7 \\. . i _ . /4:1111A4M— I '----.. \ 711 ( Z.---- I 41444\6. tA, /.. / SL1/211' r•-- 4.i. ( 1 vi‘ y ... __.-.__. %. ----:#." '' . ,•,. . (I . I , . 3 1 Hope Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 1,600 A Q • Nitw :i N C C Client: Energy,Land and Infastructure Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the MI FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Line 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this i FOR Engineering•Environmental•Geotechnical Location: Wayne Conn y,NC map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies �- — QC 306 Hubert Street. F&R Project No.: svv-o3zo can be obtained by contacting F&R. Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data: uses Top ograpldeal Map �' 6 11\_ y, 'x s T 919.828.3441 Date: July 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1 inch=550 ft I Map 5 of 7 I NAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 1 Legend . I \ LinI e 475 Limits of Disturbance . New Ho 1 , , _ . ,. ...,..e. 1 ._.),... -----\,,/ / ../ . ! .___ ...‘,..„ , .41\ ., ,-u-i- ..,.. . i i .ail fiviiiimidolgill"141% ' , ( ----,, \cikes, refiv C1/4-.--• _ fr '"111 , ) i . 11111111 I I I 116°11.111111°1°°°1#11111\11\M). Y Am . . .44". . . Iev ., . .imLiim -- - 1 I i • 15 ' \1111111111." I I ti• l it 11 el * _: ti • I '� 1 I Vili �l �,1 i i l ti M1 �Ylw r� '',I \7L -'Y % ''�M1 �51 II 5 �Ls ,I5 I �i. el .• y I'Yk l L 1 ^ — _ ' 11. • .-, .\ . \ 1111111 . . \ .--_,....... 116—. ;, RN:DI Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 t,6Feet A Wag _�SINCEo E Client: Energy,Land and fnfastructure Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding the dr FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Line 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on thisloft • 8 Engineering•Environmental•Geotechnical Location: Wayne coon y,NC map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided source agencies -. 306 Hubert Street. E&x reelect No.: svv-oszo can be obtained by contacting F&R. '• ' Raleigh,North Carolina 27603 Data: uses Top ographical MapI..17 �- ,ss, T 919.828.3441 Date: July 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1 inch=550 ft I Map 6 of 7 I NAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 - Legend Line 475 Limits of Disturbance 3 5 ...... ,i 4 1.44 �..1 _ 4,Ne.''' 1 -,IAL:111- /-71:. tom.•• •••� Y ..u.h. 1 - --r--. .... / . .s.Li.-----) • 1 , • i ..),.... I , 4.. .) —ig.- • w 4v - 11% i. 1%1\iLl.-; 1 =11 . 1 >, e \ • *. - aid .1414m — \\\:\' . ir 0°11°Poi..- 1 . FO - I r ,. i! .'-.:', 1611111111.1111?\ . l'S. :r \1.\\ . J . 1 , \ ILL _Lid_ • m A. 1 1 , I ..\\,\, \ . Line 475 - Preliminary WOTUS 0 200 400 800 1,200 i,6Feet A Q � L SINCE • Client: Energy,Land and lnfastructure Disclaimer:F&R makes no warranties or guarantees regarding theilill 1.I d . • FROEHLING&ROBERTSON,INC. Project: Line 475 accuracy or completeness of geographic features shown on this �—- F&R Engineering•Environmental•Geotechnical Location: Wayne County,NC map.Spatial accuracy of measurement provided by source agencies I 306 Hubert Street. F&x Project No.: svv-0320 can be obtained by contacting F&R. y I Ilaws Ralei h,NorthCarolina 27603 ���i— g \P.-al 1.1 11 — Data: US GS Top°graphical Map 6 i sei T 919.828.3441 Date: July 2021 I Scale:1:6,600 1inch=550 ft I Map 7 of 7 I NAD 83 North Carolina State Plane(Feet),NAVD 88 CULTURAL RESOURCES rear MUM December 14, 2021 Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley Environmental Review Coordinator North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Reference: Phase I Archaeological Survey Line 475 Pipeline Project Wayne County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 ER No. 21-1766 Dear Ms. Gledhill-Earley: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME), on behalf of Energy, Land, & Infrastructure (ELI), is pleased to submit one copy of the draft report for the above referenced project. The site forms for the resources identified during the survey are also included. Digital copies of the site forms and draft report are on the enclosed CDs. Thank you for your assistance with this project. If you have any questions or comments about the report, or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 803-561-9024 or via e-mail at Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. Kimberly Nagle, M.S., RPA Principal Archaeologist Attachments: Draft Report Site forms CDs with pdf copies of draft report and site forms S&ME, Inc.1134 Suber Road I Columbia,SC 29210 I p 803.561.9024 I ISM' ~Jr F December 17, 2021 North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-4617 Attention: Renee Gledhill-Earley Reference: Historic Structure Survey Report Line 475 Pipeline Project Wayne County, North Carolina S&ME Project No.218186 ER 21-1766 Dear Ms. Gledhill-Earley: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME), on behalf of Energy, Land, and Infrastructure is pleased to submit the Historic Structure Survey Report as requested in your August 26, 2021 letter. The project corridor is approximately 10 miles long, beginning at the western terminus of the pipeline, on the east side of Carolina Commerce Drive, near the northern limits of Goldsboro, North Carolina,where it will tie into an existing station.The alignment travels generally east-southeast, in an overland route, with the eastern terminus of the pipeline corridor located north of Challen Court and Gateway Drive, near the southeastern limits of Goldsboro, North Carolina. The applicant for the project is the Energy, Land, and Infrastructure.The contact information for the applicant is: David Creeden Energy, Land, and Infrastructure, PLLC 1420 Donelson Pike, Suite A-12 Nashville, Tennessee 37217 703-881-7657 The following deliverables are included with this letter: One hard copy of the Historic Structure Survey Report, Line 475 Pipeline Project, Wayne County, North Carolina One hard copy each of Survey Site Forms for WY0144,WY0332,WY0342, WY0344,WY0359,WY0360, WY0362, WY1462, WY1463, WY1464, WY1465, WY1466, WY1467, WY1468, WY1469, WY1470, S&ME, Inc.1134 Suber Road I Columbia,SC 29210 I p 803.561.9024 I Historic Structure Survey Report December 17, 2021 Line 475 Pipeline Project, Wayne County, North Carolina Page 2 WY1471,WY1472,WY1473, WY1474, WY1475, WY1476, WY1477, WY1478,WY1479,WY1480, WY1481, WY1482, WY1483,WY1484 (30 total) One hard copy each of photo proof sheets for WY0144, WY0332, WY0342, WY0344,WY0359, WY0360, WY0362,WY1462,WY1463, WY1464, WY1465, WY1466, WY1467,WY1468,WY1469, WY1470, WY1471, WY1472,WY1473,WY1474, WY1475, WY1476, WY1477, WY1478,WY1479, WY1480, WY1481,WY1482, WY1483, WY1484 (30 total) One CD containing: PDF of the Historic Structure Survey Report, GIS Data, Survey Site Database, Photographs in JPEG format. Thank you for your assistance with this project. If we can provide additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Heather Carpini at 843-884-0005 or Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. Heather L. Carpini, M.A. Senior Historian S&ME, Inc. srrire , North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M.Bartos,Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Office of Archives and History Secretary D.Reid Wilson Deputy Secretary,Darin J.Waters,Ph.D. January 28, 2022 Heather Carpini S&ME, Inc. 134 Suber Road Columbia, SC 29210 Re: Install Line 475 Pipeline, Wayne County, ER 21-1766 Dear Ms. Carpini: Thank you for your letter of December 17, 2021, transmitting the Historic Structure Survey Report (HSSR), "Line 475 Pipeline Project, Wayne County,North Carolina,"prepared by S&ME. We have reviewed the HSSR and offer the following comments. We apologize for the delay in our response and any inconvenience it may have caused. After reviewing the HSSR, we concur that the following 27 properties are not eligible for listing in the National Register eligibility for the reasons listed in the report. We do not recommend changes to the HSSR and accept this version as final. SSN Property Name SSN Property Name WY0332 Best Grove Lodge No. 392 F&AM WY1472 House WY0342 Scott House WY1473 House WY0344 Deans House WY1474 House WY0362 Tenant House WY1475 House WY1462 Commercial Complex WY1476 House WY1463 House WY1477 House WY1464 House WY1478 House WY1465 House WY1479 House WY1466 House WY1480 House WY1467 House WY1481 House WY1468 House WY1482 House WY1469 House WY1483 House WY1470 House WY1484 House WY1471 House Location:109 East Jones Street,Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address:4617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax:(919)807-6570/807-6599 We note that the following properties are no longer extant: SSN Property Name WY0144 Howell-Batten Farmstead WY0359 Isaac Gurley Farm (and former school) WY0360 Former Best Grocery Commercial Area In future reports, do not dilute the harshness of slavery. On page five, the author minimizes the human impact of slavery by noting that enslavement was important in Wayne County, "but in a different way"that other places. The paragraph continues by using the word"only" four times,noting that the majority of enslavers only enslaved small numbers of people, and that only 34.5% of whites owned slaves. This paragraph implies that the ownership of humans is acceptable in small numbers. The paragraph about slavery on page four presents facts without a tone of excusing or diminishing the practice. The report uses a house at 233 Thad Lane in the historic and architectural context discussion and dates it to approximately 1900, but the house's flush gable ends and boxed eaves suggest that the house dates from the early 1800s. That suggestion is bolstered by the house documented as WY0362. Likewise, WY1484 shares less obvious but similar traits. In the future, the investigator should be attentive to patterns and shared attributes within the local landscape. These houses may have been the work of a single carpenter or they may simply be exhibiting a local preference for a certain form or plan. While we agree with the report's conclusion about their eligibility, the investigator's future work should demonstrate more ability to synthesize information and knowledge of architectural history. The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-814-6579 or In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, Ramona Bartos, Deputy State Historic Preservation Officer i t"I Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Project Wayne County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 PREPARED FOR: Energy, Land, & Infrastructure 1420 Donelson Pike, Suite A-12 Nashville, Tennessee 37217 PREPARED BY: S&ME, Inc. 134 Suber Road Columbia, South Carolina 29210 November 2021 I, Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Project Wayne County, North Carolina DRAFT REPORT Prepared for: Energy, Land, & Infrastructure 1200 Donelson Pike, Suite A-12 Nashville, Tennessee 37217 Prepared by: S&ME, Inc. 134 Suber Road Columbia, South Carolina 29210 S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Heather L. Carpini, M.A. Principal Investigator Authors: Heather L. Carpini, Monica Hendricks, and Kimberly Nagle, RPA November 2021 Historic Structure Survey iimm- Line 475 Pipeline 4111, Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Management Summary On behalf of Energy, Land, & Infrastructure (ELI), S&ME, Inc. (S&ME) has completed a historic structure survey for the proposed Line 475 Pipeline Project in Wayne County, North Carolina (Figure 1.1). The western terminus of the pipeline corridor is located on the east side of Carolina Commerce Drive near the northern limits of Goldsboro, where it will tie into an existing station.The alignment travels generally east/southeast, in an overland route, with the eastern terminus of the pipeline corridor located north of Challen Court and Gateway Drive, near the southeastern limits of Goldsboro, in Wayne County, North Carolina (Figures 1.2 and 1.3). The pipeline is roughly 10 miles long. In response to a scoping letter submitted by ELI to the North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), the SHPO, in a letter dated August 26, 2021, requested that comprehensive archaeological and historic architecture surveys be conducted in association with the project (Appendix A).This report will solely address the architecture survey; a separate report will be generated to discuss the archaeological survey. The following work was conducted in response to the SHPO letter and was carried out in general accordance with the agreed-upon scope, terms, and conditions presented in S&ME Proposal Number 218186, dated August 31, 2021. Fieldwork was conducted from October 11, 2021 through October 15, 2021.This work included a historic structures survey of pipeline right-of-way(ROW), proposed access roads, and proposed laydown area. The Area of Potential Effects (APE) for aboveground resources for the proposed undertaking consists of parcels that contain the proposed pipeline corridor, access roads, and laydown area, and properties adjacent to the proposed laydown area and access roads. As a result of the investigation, seven previously recorded aboveground resources (WY0144, WY0332, WY0342, WY0344, WY0359, WY0360, and WY0362) were revisited and 23 previously unrecorded structures (WY1462 through WY1484) were identified (Table 1.1). Additionally, tax records indicated that there was a structure greater than 50 years of age on the parcel proposed for the laydown area, but during fieldwork S&ME concluded that the structure was no longer extant. Of the seven previously recorded structures, S&ME determined that three (WY0144, WY0359, and WY0360) were no longer extant.The remaining four previously recorded structures and the 23 newly recorded resources were recommended as ineligible for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). November 2021 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Table 1.1 Summary of historic aboveground resources revisited or identified during the historic architecture survey. Resource Number Resource Name NRHP Eligibility(Criterion) WY0144 Howell-Batten Farmstead No Longer Extant WY0332 Best Grove Lodge No. 392 F&AM Not Eligible WY0342 Scott House Not Eligible WY0344 Deans House Not Eligible WY0359 Isaac Gurley Farm (and former school) No Longer Extant WY0360 Former Best Grocery Commercial Area No Longer Extant WY0362 Tenant House Not Eligible WY1462 Commercial Complex Not Eligible WY1463 House Not Eligible WY1464 House Not Eligible WY1465 House Not Eligible WY1466 House Not Eligible WY1467 House Not Eligible WY1468 House Not Eligible WY1469 House Not Eligible WY1470 House Not Eligible WY1471 House Not Eligible WY1472 House Not Eligible WY1473 House Not Eligible WY1474 House Not Eligible WY1475 House Not Eligible WY1476 House Not Eligible WY1477 House Not Eligible WY1478 House Not Eligible WY1479 House Not Eligible WY1480 House Not Eligible WY1481 House Not Eligible WY1482 House Not Eligible WY1483 House Not Eligible WY1484 House Not Eligible November 2021 ii N -4 - - _ _ `e 4'` Legend 7 r w \E r! °r"m: Proposed Pipeline Corridor and Access Roads �'�+area` Proposed Reroute s �e�a ►ara Q Proposed Lay Down Area ,i/if \ F , 0 Edw91ds u Fe�alorr rr! 11!1; rCr rttCe r cq Q d IFr ask 2 tea, 9 m re `r y F'k �. q z+ 9a 1 yh'S•Q 3 4.T eRV t'Raihn svr 4 '44 4 z14k �irr pc, 4 6 ro L. c , o a La a fic 2 2 ,13 a uSwamp Rd �r Camrn!rndq 11;3' e• 0.., r . , .-.-- - . :=US.?, . - - fps !•. 11 J ^~ :C, em�ya 7� Pm dr Fti3acxi. arp�J` w�raaA + ,... 5NLIIel V7! � i 2 a ' Or K h '' an �s Olt, "+St '� � t p a • 06, Ia4 1 61 y 01 y / c_ yy tl'k 3$ E[ya[[ sr 41J41[r.A`e ";I'�l 11 •1r V V} C]f ��p a �� Goldsboro x p�ech s[ e-pser[nn IN'a[r A '1 J. ti st spa k� r°��0 E ark S[ FavvlEn t3 a' ti b a �7 Y� Hermon t� s Pak .f� 0 V 73 �As Park � fires[ s „per` ` Nett,�4['eRrr o. ri, r7 y i Q y �a. Z".l m 7 . t�� N �IIM1 S t z Rore S, b L Cy��er o `ate gI[[�, ti,z N. C+ p Cora ¢ rr$' arh� ash 5� 7 Par k slaw Q or 1ya[n�[s[ _ `esr °'nor He,kvt!ry Mall } c + U;III•J. L R Q c T C�.!a u r p, ry nay AN f ti`- R �. o d__w = d JV [ "rHr �ry 4 4 reek lark �µ1 ��� k❑`�y ��yl�a �& + S[ + B cL ITl __Amittirardslow 'V lig P M mnrirl i ny7 4. F aV. ry 6p r \\, . of .qy C e Si- fiQah ` vl ��� v H �J` S Miles GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED 0 0.5 1 2 Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China(Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esr FROM ESRI a N y s° ��e o. OpenStreetMap contributors,and the GIS User Community a 2 0 z° r- .,411. SCALE: 1 inch = 2,854.17 feet Project Corridor Overivew EXHIBIT NO. DATE: 11/10/2021 Line 475 Pipeline DRAWN BY: HLC 1 . 1 ,, S&ME PROJECT NO. 218186 3 Wayne County, North Carolina L • iiiers.-JD • • . Art‘k I .. i • + ff S-� ■ ' ! • • ) (7GtthewsHouseN. �� I . :,: , . .__ 4. , , . .y. ajl4 ■ 116\ `. . IF ; 1 /0. - t.* • • * • . . / CO INig ?' Nj L-..'.\ • • 1 -lie I .44-04„,,,mis .... ., ... .. . .\ . 4Io : toi•' • . •10-0000011 L --- ;1141.it4i0 • WY0144 Howell-Batteri Farmstead Ititr \ •„,,,,. • r et ' '� WY0340.Belfast,School Area•Bungalows • • r;WY0099 O.J. Howell House •\hi. '�'; WY034.1_Belfascool T'1401111 lium\ f0 , . •_ r • +WY1465 .4,,,tiii • WY0350 Mozingo Tenant Shotgun Houses i WY1464 r ♦� r ti� ' • •WY0349 Isaac John Mozingo Fa.........42 • •• ., \ ol- tti WY0344�J me Deans House 0 •will N. .1 .0", k _.4 ._ • �+ ` W1'�0338Belfa Belfast rePt.)11rtionlerio, '\IL .ivirifg!p iiiN '''S`..4pt gAlliki\b \ • 1 . ilir.01.01.j3P. , \ WYQ339 Belfast Road Residential District0 LI ) - 7.0 *to WY0348 Salem:School W.Yy0347 Salem Uriited Methodist Church *t• , +. 4 4, je . 418/do \\ 0 , _._ _ _ii• _•_\ lei, \* t ii WY0342.Scott House . •• k% illiki VVY1462 • me' Ave ..-:-?..., ....,„,.... .......41. (MIK ': • WY0346 Hodgins House i �� •r ��lilt ,- .,.t4 z ....):c WY0358 Ham-Satterfield House )11.111\ •• •• ---...—.....— • Afrq • • , . •WY0343 Sherrod Rental Houses(Gone)_. •+ diod �d) / f ■ • Y*DS .- - • Legend le %• p"� ( V Project LOD • Newly Recorded Structures 0611 Ne N WY,0345 Crum ler-Andrews House Gone 1 1 Y 4°, r • .�� ! ., Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) Y i -' \s Ilk 11 015"; Lay Down Area Study List individual entry +'*'' • - ~' , ly.4 + SL and DOE a `' i,or: % , �.� ` �libi Determined Eligible-DOE ' -�I�;. •�� Surveyed Only �� -� � ^' ) L. ��� �i • Surveyed, Gone L N 4` � .._Jr,. .. l _ � ;= * 1 Surveyed Area center point LL ��.(j;°°'‘ - / _ ik. Determinations of Eligiblity (NC HPO) GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED Miles +�„- DOE x, &' FROM ESRI ' Y. 0 0.125 1�0.251 �■■ 0.5 a ■ a A f1ti+ - `if f• r iy_ ' • ! _ !y ...1 - .t -!.�� .� �r `�r - ,!} n •,- 2 0 v Y � SCALE: 1 inch = 1,078.33 feet EXHIBIT NO. z Topographic Map - Surveyed Structures Y DATE: 11/19/2021 DRAWN BY: HLC Line 475 Pipeline 1 .2a ~ S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 3 Wayne County, North Carolina 0 WY1467♦ IP ikb,,,,, .. �� , WY1468 . . 1L1 e11P%iam 4..1.1,1 • , ili.,‘1111fIft1IoI P.."14,1c11-1° :- 'o_ o_in 4! 't •'1. 111,fd0N..-,1-.1.A.10il0 1 Oe".11•P1.1s11.7..,.,.t_,1 l•e r0...*•l•1 C . --I I I Wir.•0d m4 :, 157)1 •-(• • . ,,j. 11.1.1..1j.1"."1lt111 :•. • ).0i../.,r1116- • VO \ ' w. r * WY1476 r • 1 5-• 11110 • • • i ■ Copyright:©2�0j1�3�Natiioonal• iiii",• /041 1: ■ '` V' �) s r r ■ ■ • r • 4.lip, ' ■ Geographic Soc 7"I 'bed -- ) i WY0332+Best Grove Lodg�rN�o:3924F&AMA • 4.. ■ ! - •�ti - �� V- - - • ■ gr\ 4% ....._ .. _ -:-- illi • • 11\111- + WY0144 Howell-Batten Farmstead � ��grill � .�IN.. � 1� 7 1ft • ail w • . rel ."1111kba""."alelit- N. • y�J>l �� .� fir WY1468 f • ”PftN61.4446.i... .) .61.1.4),1%140 ► WY0360(former)Best Grocery 1 ...._...____ iComm: cial District t • / " �.t WY1480 _P.' IIIt — ( WY10 - llkI, • TA)„,,,,„,„„.,--- •••somimmi. ill ill ' WY1463di i r D0 11 • WY1472 ���.�! i ■ ESSZEO ' WY0344 James Deahs�House ��.;' 11.r a' _ IllamialaWY1477 • ■ Tlitilk to' \� 1 . ii,p ,./ """� See Inset `' • • ./444111.77 01' ' kn.• 11,E01,11 • 4410 o •A.- a,11 \ • — ' hal' WY0359 Isacc Gurley Farm ■ i� C '7 ,LIIIIIIIIIIII 1 il Or' f V-.....1) ...411 • I 1`,. • 4 Legend Ilk ■ iiir> _` ter - Project LOD • Newly Recorded Structures Q • 3g + Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) •WY0343 Sherrod Rental Houses(Gone) ' a - WY0148-Thom so Lay Down Area Study List individual entry Ln �•* ) " WY0358 Ham-Satterfield House p Determined Eligible DOE S • _!' ~ • f -� Surveyed Only ■ - N... a .ram • Surveyed, Gone 1 ` WY0345 Crumpler=Andrews House(Gone)•, iLisiMop Surveyed Area center point ► j IIIDeterminations of Eligiblity (NC HPO) 41114L 1 GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED Mlles ; DOE . • FROM ESRI 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 / leo OIL f f Ill a r : - ��1l1Y�'�' ���-�T\pr N.'-� i n •� J - f.e.UNypiyniwizu i)rvpwui.rdi�euyidl I •J JJ a 0 v Ydif SCALE: 1 inch = 1,086.67 feet EXHIBIT NO. z _ ilp:, Topographic Map - Surveyed Structures �, s DATE: 11/19/2021 ill � DRAWN BY: HLC ._ Line 475 Pipeline 1 .2b I. S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 3 Wayne County, North Carolina L U • f/ il •Is • 6 .7 : *.ii 7) LT I WY1467 ♦ ■ 7\ ili?\ - - •, ` . - — $ wY1470 ' t:1100)0P cy ..r- 157 Z ,� jR a� . • + . ,ro WYWY1471 + \\c'N.- J fri • L. 4 1 :. \ se ... IP -' . `' ' . p '1.1.1',':),...,:, ,..., . . /7.. •__ p„ e: •. ..• ---1.) t It I M w ' 'I‘ i . �Sk WY0332 Best,Grove Lodge.No-392&A • • L.:, ` f •■ C�p ript:©2013 / I ' .�•f-. Ggraphic • c. 444- iet i--u bred i4 r ; •WY1480 ,.....A.•1•"-*i.-‘"\4_l,i. .__.l._W_:_.._. ''4Pio,-.i.4h,.i 0A-'1 r •. 44 i _\���a WY146+ � �, e 1� WY1481 1472,7,47„, k , ..' ...f i._..le , ..lil...l.c.-i ,.,,/,M,v, ,....a..4.1il0i...F.„r,11„Avi,oiA r i,l„_ 6,Ll_,'.i.:+_ .1__1..;i;;;,,„, •o Ir-.1. 1/4)..- -7- .. V/i i0•l• rj! _ ,WY1474 WY1476 � s $, ,.._l„i'.'.V,,,e i"e '1/4.*43/4 ia WY0359 Isacc Gurley Farm ."C, o\1r'lltIk----u0-4\\ .tt°I..I,1I___A___'_____P"._,:__PA,-i1sII Rti l f„ii.: ..: ._.,_.„,,,1i...,./'_'-,7'. .-0-,,4 . i1....k. ►J 1-•' .'r • '` 1 See Ins,' 5 . - / 11' ' Ati.k 41-6Y . liklimi r. . . yr.-.---PL-1"--'lir -- -0 .---- Nop ti 4111, 1111410 op - 4 ,,i, \ \ . le" fr t .40 .:-. 1; ‘ 411-1-;.41.,'.00,ii, V „ , ., . „„,, • . " . ....._ ,L - . -I.. -0° . 1%' . 00 2 , vt. ■WY0148 Thomp�n¢Cox�rm � �,,,^.` �� Legend I Allikklil C) - '• • '— - �� �`�ti Project LOD • Newly Recorded Structures i ' • : 4014.,446x. illReroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) L Lay Down Area Study List individual entry • p Surveyed Only f ' --Ir'1151 G�. Surveyed Area center pointic i i '4. '� t= . I fis' �� Determinations of Eligiblity (NC HPO) ► „, r GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED . Miles _ _ I 1 • ❑ DOE FROM ESRI 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 .' + af t 'I �farlii‘ •�. �1 i LJ � I ` Ai \l *■ ► • !� i L..upytiyrn. v 1,1 rvalrwiiai l'euyio V Is.........' Ln ,I- 2 0 v SCALE: 1 inch = 1,088.33 feet EXHIBIT NO. z _ :� Topographic Map - Surveyed Structures DATE: 11/19/2021 Ef DRAWN BY: HLC Line 475 Pipeline 1 .2c I ; " S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 3 Wayne County, North Carolina L e 2 i : ILT7 ■ w ; it • / i:$*' W. NO1/1: fetillog •• • ..roJdOibrji '6 ' ir i• 4006,./. • • • \ . - • • ----- i elp . • •... if --.'-- —"1-41111111111111lLi'\k 1 VVY0332•Best'Grove Lodge N 392 F : P-i-IiiL.ji"r ► ■ . ik.lti„-‘-- e•0 ..- _ • ')4_"44“.•1 10M,E•T1,1E.A:X V E-=-•,iY•! V, S.1,4-41- im.*i ..0!111 I ,•i,:,a.••.m o,m'e P0 i" .•4•JP_s,••ti1 i..•z..4ee4e-Z•., v11ti a - pp; 1 •,•• •••.s ••',i•tAIa.•6 l-1 l_1_ •e • WY11468 1 1 ■ ■ ••# • f • ,� .,-,• ,IV,''...-.SO ..-...:...-v- „-,-.,.. -....: -.),l..., . aAl&l i �WY 471 1469 •to76 • % • i- + / ~/ . I WY1480 •• •■ * • �6 ■ ! ■ LI r!' 1pWY1470 ■ ! r . WY1472 r { 3 •.. f � ' . +WY1474 _ WY9 4i79 3 r_"I L` !^ L ! • ■.•• a ■ a< WY1477 WY1478 • T • •• R 41)---‘ yr— .-N4Ilit ■) . * O 1 Wir � ll ... . Isaoc ley Farm � I �` QI ,\ ,_ .„../,' >_ i e._.. -' — -'''," der........... k 411111114c---iim 411, I ~ ... , 11 0;tii --.`.1 ..,.\I Pe k n;1 ."' N., ., .--r•-r ..,'-- . 1 .. i illip _ i WY0148 Thom son-Cox Farm r ,7, 1 , NIO\ • 4), d, t - _ ,..._.± 4, z.-- ) „ r oibb•--_,midm i .A11 .0%. --"'-- po°.- =,,,r; INgpriii -milk 4) --- kibo. (4,44p[ A411144"4.". -'''' '11 aillIP. - VII alP -- -- / . , c7"."'%-\7\_a * ,.._ a 1.1. 1 I 411.4 , g t 0 42 414111hrfi gitr: IP �� itp Legend �. � � EreavE! es (NCHP de + r/ .:: yes (NCHP dividual entry a, '!Y _ i. „ .0-A..'+� Surveyed Only f GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED F. # Miles f W. r Va ,�} +•4,...4. Surveyed Area center point . FROM ESRI 4 f. • 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 1"r / 1 a ' * � IN. N. • .0 • �'is a 1_ ... .. .r -, 0 v SCALE: 1 inch = 1,090 feet EXHIBIT NO. z — Topographic Map - Surveyed Structures s DATE: 11/19/2021 Line 475 Pipeline 1 .2d DRAWN BY: HLC a, ~ " S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 Wayne County, North Carolina 3 L WY1484 / \ . 04) 1 ' • L I • :TN ..) ''. \\......_. ,\... \,.._36 e. • 1 • ..• . • --.....%......""-..._. / il , ...c. 07( , (117.4:." f • , \ , 7 ? \ \ .•......ind .e ..." N1411 4442 \*c ( It • ''N.... % ,s_ ___ , 47. + ,- f � J cif ¢■ reek ,._.....• , r. ........ ., ir % z....... .,„.„.. \iii..... -6,----A 30- .': -.' _ : ii: e r5 •. �� W ' ter l 0134 Cora Smith H ouse ��'� / H#2......-if \ ol........\.........../ -- • ... . .... . ji . A'10114 (I ir. . tillp ....,, ;4: I.". o r".'n j / . eil Qr . v■/ V , • — , • •• !• • tom. r •• ••• • • ■• ■� • 1. . • •A••,,. cf. • .1 a.• • • •r�`i ' • [ j A` y ' ( TWieewHoPe4n.LchooIt'. l' 411.4 .II•• Ai lige.% •• • ' II ••• \\ I 41 el? /Pe% .r . WY0363 RosT�hackeray House --- 74)).- • �j� • ti • • .� • •.' l Ili t `• WY0362`T\\enant.House 1 r% (46414r w .1--. # 0 4 >11 .11.4 .1174 '' 1'' ill'ilc-1.". 4111: ,........ • ., • •Tpti / / 14 • • • elk-Nilo.. . CP ,..G i 4,, R wY1482 V J �� � �! r ° 4 Legend E tzar, t • i� • • + •� • • - . r * y, _Project LOD •• Newly Recorded Structures - • •'�• • , 1 �, f - —Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) • ' r•i, NMI 1 4 Lay Down Area SL and DOE 1/4 !AsEL;LNED �, Miles 1 w�Q .� 0 SLDOE )1111110 FROM ESRI 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 6 V E/ a w..,_ — . /411111111117 / 1% ii 1 r� iir�"'� 1 r•VI! / iC'� , �� t 1 wpyiiynLL,cu I.)rvauuiiai u�uyi�aN+iw oulieiy, I- UIJ L. a — Ln N 0 v Y SCALE: 1 inch = 1,089.17 feet EXHIBIT NO. z — Topographic Map - Surveyed Structures �, s DATE: 11/19/2021 DRAWN BY: HLC ._ _. Line 475 Pipeline 1 .2e a, ~ S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 Wayne County, North Carolina 3 L f & .. '-'61- \ Ace 7 r ---4 ill -Tv iwi± .47 \li C.4-‘? Cr— :=",• —4, ., • i sIk 114 N. \MAIO jOito - \P"tS II l' \ \\ 111%) ...-,----_ To* . ',. „.. i \, . Ilk i Alliilielow::-...: .., , . , I \ . , - 4. .. .0,0.,*IN,. -\\_..,." i "Z.*. , Nli 111.--__...,--- - ' ' s%kilk 't _At 041110, . ' 'I I t \t r. \ % •\ , `tom ' 1 I I I 1 kitx)r . id I I ki I IL O i I 0 I F"Ilire I . '•• Y036 W2 Tenant House E .•/ !omoviikom rftW �WYb363•Rose-Thackeray House\qr . 1°1'61 ik. limmilimilhodii.,,....!inommii ri .• ,,1 L1/4441/4 14 ....NI t i lot 1 ____.______.--- NV `• filti . �i ` ff•1 "`7o z.... 1 ._� I ! '....-, N ,, ,s \ it. i , . . \ % .T.7 1s N. -- \ , • 1 6.. • ' ' 4 --- - • :N.... el ...'''' ^ ■ ieR76 •..lato 93(former-New,Hope Elementarychool • -. . 4 ' (; \ i * . gi t -,--„,„,:), -,„"liig.. 1:( .., •., /i‘ 1 ktt -- v .410 • - 0 `...}.1 fb • • 1• 1 • :• • •k ASV.\.•/ ilk \ ■ t 1 • ••is • .• • l'IP:o ► II • (II Nir.\1:10 Legend x • • • r 47 , ' Project LOD • Newly Recorded Structures ■ ! ' • ■+ • It ►r • , , _ - —Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) / %y •„S ft 1 `■ „..\ ' Lay Down Area SL and DOE •• � ■(:•.] 4 Surveyed Only _ TA E _ '� • f `, ■• Determinations of Eligiblity (NC HPO) GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED ' Miles • SLDOE FROM ESRI r 0 0.125 0.25 0.5Yr- „• - • Lt Ne N 0 U SCALE: 1 inch = 1,088.33 feet EXHIBIT NO. z — Topographic Map - Surveyed Structures s DATE: 11/19/2021 ,>_ III g.„_. Line 475 Pipeline 1 .2f DRAWN BY: HLC 3 ~ S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 Wayne County, North Carolina _lizry, Wi _,. 0, „„,,,, vro, .., ...., 1 . , - r. .- . . ........ illiiir 7. * 11 a i y d i a, . k 4, . �/ _Ag g , WY0984 Best House and Storeillganpolille° L 1111111Pre / I4) jpPPr � - ...,,, - 4111 4:411111 -- ro, 111MillAr OOP 1.111,111111 . -ZIP ..1.......ile.. =—.• ."`am... P14111114 0 --- ...,........j. - 111///d/ 41, \\ .%'%11)111111ftiof I'e \fti rata ,. (1111141PY' i • • •• 44111 \ 4 • i ,.'"' n .4k— le 14 11 pp! 4/0*//0440 1 fill / , ...' 4741ilk 4.-wif -----------4:‘, • I \A\\.\\ ,ap r / iiii!" \\ \\ r �� `..." •• ,ram 'r . kill- 1" .... ..- .. .. .., ,....-.4,4010 . . .1:0 1 _ / ( A h / .0 • 4 . r� • % N .. 4 9 - � .,I _ Al „ .. iii.' �I t lit \ ' -� _,..- 01iiird . . \,ifP I I p P PP , runt ...."1". Ali --- .. ....7....... . 41/ ._—___ •ito i jie:11 ilir 41... .:11-4, tip__ . _,--- :.------4-- is . Ili:- . Z / `f■ �� •■ • 4 2° %Ac il . ik\ irrer ,'• 40. w 0 •"/ 19 `7' ill VINirjh;:b. ItC;if'' ':1.• I M 1�—•'7 / IS — 0._ --"--—-..-741F-AW) Am%eft....., 941IP / ' \.411111""- •4'.. Du d .441 V ,. CI( - / Y tor � : I /11 f •-air ‘ ; , / I ' .• T Legend Ng* - ..-__ ''''%**:%'N . Tlt, Not) \. ,i !` + � Project LOD • Newly Recorded Structures a 1)1, �� �, N ems -+� Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) • C GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED Mlles i s # Lay Down Area Surveyed Only r . FROM ESRI �, + 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 js ��ik �4 • zd, liU y II I,LIaJ Ll9IJ IVdlWll i Ueu Id + •- a 0 C Y SCALE: 1 inch = 1,094.17 feet EXHIBIT NO. z — Topographic Map - Surveyed Structures s DATE: 11/19/2021 Line 475 Pipeline 1 .2g DRAWN BY: HLC i i a, ~ 'l S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 Wayne County, North Carolina 3 L r N i . • . W �E �., - ... S . t 0 ' 1 f .., ■ • s ■ • i ilitil • 1'r • • s S i • Vacuum ' , - • • s ■ < • d * ! ■■ • • r r • / °F"°.—aa4 " \ • • • 1 !� • • . • • )11 Mobile bribe 1( I.!/ Nirr• /43,, \ :„......_ . / VVI(1484 1 ,,,,,: ii vir 1141 lill%11.41\ r Ap ,..."- d, • 1IPA eli.-I'digill\)- ild 32.0iii 1940/ 1/4,84 1 ■ ■ WY0134 Cora Smith House ? . r i 1! Legend . ■ 1 Project LOD • Newly Recorded Structures Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) _ GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED Miles • Lay Down Area Surveyed Only FROM ESRI 0 0.075 0.15 0.3 i -� 7.1)H1.1111 L,Jyiiyiii.vcu aw... i veuyia1im1&*?uuieby-i=!.,uueu 4 a N 0 v gr SCALE: 1 inch = 650.83 feet EXHIBIT NO. z ,,i . I Topographic Map - Surveyed Structures DATE: 11/19/2021 DRAWN BY: HLC Line 475 Pipeline 1 .2h ., I ~ S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 Wayne County, North Carolina 3 L lir . . �1 .Y '.' .15 -_ ., g! ■' .4" • r 1 . +'mac,`• ' .. 4- i - . 4 .r. • { P 1� •S + •' r ! yr' 41 _# ;,. r ' r. *,r{• r ; .* ;i = * WY0357 Graingers-Matthews House y+,`r %it ‘,\.......-- • ' �' p .16 ." .i, r. '^� _sty i f ,. t .. , t } viol ;4 , _ !!'..w • • IV, 4'* r ,.11 a t op. WY0144 Howell'Batten Farmstead 4. ,;. ,,,etts . .a ,0 WY0340 Belfast SchoolgjBungalows , WY0099 CZ,Howell House - 1 {• r+� 7 WY0341 Belfast School 'IWY1465 41114— , N fr.' WY0350 MozingoMMAShotgun Houses_ ti A 1411* i:. r t' VVY1464 ISM) \ +Yj ►�AJYauJ " WY0349 d . r r .,• • • - ►f•. • . -- _WY0344 James Deans House ��. er. - ;F•r:4.� h "',- r,�'- !it.: w S1+f, ` ., i} 3.n • 'it=-. v '.t-LLB• *-' ' :' r h �yRa .,i...r yI ;� , ' WY0338 Belfast Crossroads r } `r - a'•�` r tie rT{ - - WY0339.Belfast Road Residential District • ' .• `F 4 r t - t'k. _; a WY0348chool WY0347United Methodist Church y ,. • / - �' � , '' { 'F • L. WY0342 House •s ". vtill • `, • i L } , 0, - ...10°.- wy1462 ' ,Ok! • 1-'' ' \•: 41';`•- ...., ,V %,..aa „,II' „,./. likk , _ .. .ft . .,- , - ' _ ' WY0346 Hodgins House 'cI S �, ',- g-r- r, WY0358 Ham- atterfeld House1P4,. R ,^ fir 1 t rt• V.,6. - - •i'- r-r r .. ' 4•`•li, .:r r e i r..r .v i. r '' II. %-,,,,r, :,'• .- •'f�' ; ,: ,�� - lie �. ,ta•.J� • • .4 C r-• .T._a - ` . x�1y r'-' /.r.•�-1i; ram, ' i' At • •- 'e?. �... 'y'' '� �f' 5:�•� f[F fI-.J.:` : 7,?k l.• • e 1-.- -^ -,-1, �� f • t t F �• obi' ` _ .:.� •• ' yc''• Y WY0343 Sherrod Rental Houses(Gone) r•'- 1 ,r 3' r;r # �, .• -t _ , ,. •;'fr. '� • Legend n.,_` -' t r r � WY0345 Crumpler-Andrews House(Gone) .• .F , s w-. pp.; .,• . s�: . Project LOD • Newly Recorded Structures _ r. _ •. . -4 •s, '; .; ; ' r s t;. Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) �` f ; •• "� Lay Down Area Study List individual entry a .. •IF . ,-4: r ; .j.I .§ , a y L f _-. SL and DOE •"'qq dr'� • "f r r • ,r " ` � � Determined Eligible-DOE a .- . thy" t r • , �..:. - Surveyed Only • Surveyed, Gone t. . ,'� . r* _ ` Surveyed Area center point +. : •�� .4` 'f •`� t t+.� 3r `~ _ "r 'i Determinations of Eligiblity (NC HPO) O GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED s i Miles f. t i. - •,- •'{�,' ' or' DOE FROM ESRI 1% ; ''.' 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 r , a • r' e r � ,. .+�' i tea' 7P,GeoE e,[�Geogr.phics, �o r ,.y�.,r rvr amok, a N 0 u Y SCALE: 1 inch = 1,078.33 feet EXHIBIT NO. z — Aerial Map - Surveyed Structures s DATE: 11/19/2021 Line 475 Pipeline DRAWN BY: HLC 1 .3a ~ " S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 3 Wayne County, North Carolina L " // WY1467 �.a�i. - F* $ WY1470 rT • :-.....44..---44:5:0- -:-: •tiff "� a�.� ? .x .. VVY1471 . . li . . . T ip ;• • 4. .: ..._:,,....-,._ . , . : -,-,,,,..7 WY1472 - • �d � • '#.., i • /�, .. Y • ,. WY1473 Jf ra • ter.. :4,E, ; �.�1 ' h_ WY1474 { w., _^ �" r I er F WY1475 " 1- ' -- fe;, : •�4, • • f ,- s .• i ! � _ .nw �' It...r i. r !i 4 WY1478 R - . . _ ....____. _L:__ , fit. I ' ` °gr.phics,( J DD3oUSD° NJg o • • �.: �.` i A-roGRIC,IK .ciaall&GI C PC 1, • WY0332= . LodgeRtimp Y) .{ Tom{ , ..� J, x - r (� 1 ..x....... - _ • ,, 'S� "i '"�r 1� J -' :.tire : r e It : e • Via, WY0144 Howell-Batten Farmstead 14/ y ,,, • R,—. \`t - ..; `we. •, WY1468 : ' �, ,# WY0360(former)D Grocery Commercial District l`, ' WY1480 .. dd "� •:, . -. st •"' t, _ " WY1470 '= G. '''_`_ WY1463 „` ; •r �� 'r*• WY1471 ,_f ,aa��,.� r 4_ a'.'..,a awri WY1472 WY0344 Deans House . :-¢i . ,,,,,.s ^'i± 11 ,r - - WY1477MUM 4 • k es i�' .. r.14 -^' -4'.i,$; R p• See Inset • • 'ill N r .'r * c4 -F t �.. •+.; . L.r s "•t'•. WY035933QGu1 •71 kit , wipot, • ' • S r t" i r F R: : • *r"{ 01. • 3 .rr �' �# rfk , -,,�•s Legend r ''` �l _, • ' Project LOD • Newly Recorded Structures �. .. ' w Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) WY0343 Sherrod - Houses(Gone) �!a; f Lay Down Area Study List individual entry _ :..n 0. ;, ", r4 •�,.rWY0148 Thompso a (:' "- ,� ; VVi'0358 Ham-Satterfield House • r x* • -- - Determined Eligible-DOE ° e a.' ■ t'r.•".'r!'r� '• i9 ::.-' Surveyed Only m `f •, �,;L :; Surveyed, Gone WY0345 Grumpler-Andrews House-(Gone) • ,� r .. -. Surveyed Area center point i f. s� • "x ``, ,._. i, `.J ... �"_ Determinations of Eligiblity (NC HPO) .. F C9 ? GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED K. , Miles r• ���"=` .' _ DOE FROM ESRI - ' .r""••ti., . r. �• illl • :• 0 • 0.125 0.25 0.5 ,_ { f , E 7Po GeoEye, Edrthstar Geographics, , .• . o _)o , y�•Inorvo Emu UIJ u �• a �- ra. _ 'i . 1. 1,...1, tip.. _ a N 0 u Y ih_ SCALE: 1 inch = 1,086.67 feet EXHIBIT NO. z _ .: • DATE: 11/19/2021 DRAWN BY: HLC Line 475 Pipeline 1 .3b " S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 r, Wayne County, North Carolina L ra ` _ f WY1467 — r fig' ' _iip 4-'� _ * s . /\ -ram ` �61 iiipipr . , .•••-___fisk..- • - __.. .--• . ., i,. II . : WY1471 •p r`{ ,1rs % - - WY1472 ,;f ' - r ' e•-•• - s. r _A I w WY1473 d # - WY1474 . 'il am , • r f ..P.''' '''''''" 1' - - .1 • - 4 '-- • '"••• -i. r- L, ,.-.._ r: • "- , • Ord / 1:1,, ...- . 46 xr. .. •,Z •,;r A. ,;•■ WY0332 Lodge GI R • •g`k12- • ' a-' : UAllJa1�J f } Tr.., .„ F GC C il,HawGeoEy- �jP � :mote , IL a4 A • Geo or.phLe C CA,N C1;'1, US- r r.. 7 f L_ r y I. i cY f t - WY1480 N. t y 1 r ,. . • �.- s� t'SSJOLL--110 - - , WY1468 ! i/ =�� WY1481 w ii.:— . 111" WY1470 III �/ _ 4 \ , :, ' 44 , . . . : ���t;' WY1472 -IA,\ ' - SA r WY1471 ! r i r i L K . r<LMY M 1, lillilhh;.: a 'T .41 • r! .. . -_, . _ .....r:r,!`• ''''' '''.,; 1.7 nr P .%Y :�� r • . -_. e . WY1474 e ru. y n_. I. ' r, •�:�3 rl '�,k .' •.r' .* _„ —_- ,, �,t L. W1'0359 f e ! . . ' ` �x -14 'p. .� till:14i See Inset F• .�.� . . ,. ' �,.' �`►� ' • -; k r i :�'r`.� � • [..-. I f T�_ I iF;, . r r - f-, , '• . '.. - `• •;�, *� L'4;y7, t. i_. .Y i-f ' r-� � �. � j �'►y awl•• . ! T... _ •, - J .r h , . �'' 1 ' 1r i .st y, ! �T^ ' r ■ ••7' R tr. •r- �' • y • • : r Y. rl� ~_� _ - ' •F•- o �'�s f t% • r T.y,7.i ,r .fir n` r Y 'i+ 1�`µ�.�'),w,�. - .i f ti .` • �� - 4 y �• R �' �., `r r . WY0148 Thompson-Cox ROB s: i_/ F. r a -� , `t. ° sir- . ,. , - '' Legend r �j ti + yr E�-�' J•,+ !, . . ��"', . Project LOD • Newly Recorded Structures 4•;; �.r ''. ;';+ • ' '• - - Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) Q ‘.. .?• + x„•.�- .i' rthil 2.: . 4:: •ryr-e;t � = - • - Lay Down Area Study List individual entry ��• yr �i+ ,s t ,� % Surveyed Only m -1,,;;4j R e • �• - Win* � � .1' �} *.. Surveyed Area center point � '• sl • r r _ . .-t'-*l vv. • ■+ a 7 •! , - Determinations of Eligiblity (NC HPO) GIS BASE LAYERS WERE•OBTAINED ', Miles tY' �. ,r( ' 1:', A. r• 4 k.1 i DOE -1 ++ \ FROM ESRI _ 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 ' •~ }, 0' �-' a _ �, •• ,,,,,-• :',. • • source: Esri;'NIaxaro G oEy; rt n;Geographics;- o. i . W y f a N Y SCALE: 1 inch = 1,088.33 feet EXHIBIT NO. I _ .:, Aerial Map - Surveyed Structures DATE: 11/19/2021 DRAWN BY: HLC Line 475 Pipeline 1 .3c a, ;i III ; S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 Wayne County, North Carolina r, L • �. ;+ l ,r. • -)A g _ .„[ _ ..- .fit ` ,? r� 11P_ r r vi _ 'ter r. i- ,. +, 145 WY0332 e . Lodge i R,•'�s 11 _ . Alf"' r , '4 / '- • -,t i' • 1. * e .• , ,a -, : rr3'Y-1r' r`, f.t y-u r ;f41.4.3 - • :-A... =r '� :,. , '_ •'t ;., 'fir 'r '`� e: ` •4 ;., r,� ,� •±:• -. ;a..e' 'kt:K' L ,•, ,K• .•s ?..7:-,41,, ',:".4' ;R �,.- r ,: r. ' 141:t____ .,,_... t 'I . 1111.111t, WY1469 ' + WY1471 f _ - # 1 R F ;NE. T , WY1470 WY1480 4 • n ��* i '`'iszumr• ' - WY1472 v •- a .'fix► WY1474 WY1479 `yam' �� , '� , i I ' I. I I + WY1478 �i . ; �y r I I ' WY1477 - ar t I I 1 I I �1 •�. WY1483 • t. i t iIli_r ,,Q• j �,fit i '' �_ � V _ WY1481 •.^- _ _ F R .. N.: .\,..14.4-,, \\"):'. 11/-11111", l'-. •,-", 1144..• 4'....74'./‘'- (frt.. _ #..:- 44: Iln.eit ,1 -. ).-•-.. . ' . ,, .,, .... i Jr - ' 4r. . .• ,, .114. •.!..... - ',,, , V , Aiiiv' \. Lir .1119": . .* „ .'• .. . ..bka.., W,Y0359 bfaialltlyglajp _ )1 f ! �s : WY0148 Thompson Cox Farm : •.- r y • fi % , '► �� 'y x'=�`tp a,9. T +�! f, _ •' %- �E 1. �, f -LY -7-:•- .+ - . — t Off. ...`• .;L.' „ �'• r -_ � - -1``�� ^.r ,��}, .'r� ,: .:�y��r -.f.�e-i1t4iY;' • - •.d��r •, - •Q •■`f►�; r .N ‘-i i 'ti-'r• it I, • r', 'i• r•- .� +) 1� ,445 ,.•rr1 _ ri- -o ., ■•• C �`^ . nr file.a‘':-:-.'-?- 4 �, r * $. 7,tS- '1 i r• •re - S !►r 4' . T .. �f Legend ' a % , ,' rt0'_ -A, . • f It_ + •.', �•, r +- •A-- r• `r' r * 'br d r N .4. ' s�• •. , . --;. : VtO ;� '- _ +="'�;.• '�•-; '= � r� �'f_ ' r ' '�� Project LOD • Newly Recorded Structures R _ , '•• �s -4,Y•r tr,"r4 '• I ' �.F 'rt,1 +'�r ,.wti'' . ,�y _F •i ce *ti ' *- '` ''� ;' - .' % ."..4! t • 1' 1'' LA It: i �'' . �Vc• �= � . .: Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) _ - * i1. { y y • ' r -trio;+'% �ti'‘ ►f_ Lay Down Area ■ Study List individual entry :r' �•; r •� ;+� -�.. ' ' • ' r • :�r� { 4 IP** Surveyed Only GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED t` Miles i t. t•• r , `.`Y - ••,k; .. ,%. R - - A e Surveyed Area center point FROM ESRI 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 •r► �.•a_ - t-: - - ., - r � V ^' ' ' .•• - Source:[ _Maxaro GeoE e, E.rthsta Geogr-phics, ■. .rc a N 0 v Y ! SCALE: 1 inch = 1,090 feet EXHIBIT NO, z — Aerial Map - Surveyed Structures �, s DATE: 11/19/2021 Line 475 Pipeline DRAWN BY: HLC 1 •.3d :4, Iii w_ Mr S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 r, Wayne County, North Carolina ,5 WY1484 q '' R `l 'Nliiiiiiilk-,.......- 441-11*4- )1:ed•.:v • P ,.. , .., . ...-__ . , I + _ ,;. ' 4.-- a . .t .I -r ^ • WY0134 Cora Smith House .. j r ' ` / • 1 Lam.„,. 'It, '' 4' V' 1) . . i''''. MOO , 114 Tit'4 -11, . _ th • t y ro •f, ti µ .. 411P ,' Orr ' .; : t:. - 'llLey , - t '4. 4 t ; i . - . t� •'' I, WY0693(former)New Hope Elementary School-, ' .-••-\ •Vir el'p." • r. "%. -',- -'`t. • • - --A .. .. ----, • 4' ,.i''1'+m {. r • . . t a *li WY0363 House y r , • M. • _ '' R +�' �• : �J .7 �f r' F {: • r �, ti WY0362 House Lrt"` f, �.,.., 11141. 'tear �' ` ; a ■ ► :� J y "N.,•„. , 'i, ry a'' ,;.. ,4 sue• ► a• � �. a r`#' .- .ate; '1tt•�` ��` I - . .1i •% t wy '` fir` _" - fri 141.: 1 \ \ \ WY1482 t •;$ ilt r, i b L• � ri ti , ' ,F, Ji - s4. 4. ,, -'' `'� J' -- ,�'`s r , - ; 4 , ', i , , 1. \ N % Legend • • n .'`. f " l • _4 . - ; mow' A` -� `' � '•ti .+.,-c• Project LOD • Newly Recorded Structures u • , j�` • •• '� �` �``• %' -->,Y=,� ` ? . ,• -�, - ' Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) m ` �;=� `°:, . _��t�, , ", •; f, 41, Lay Down Area SL and DOE ` t .t,• � :�� r ��1 _ . , �t Surveyed Only a, , -' �' �* .. - �,' ~► ,�, t � �. ." fir.. -- Determinations of Eligiblity (NC HPO) GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED Miles — ' .. 4 �• _ a� �.. QSLDOE S r .� FROM ESRI ��. - - - - _ • • _ .. --- ` s•,_ Y_' R 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 }' ' _ . 1e ,, a —". ,�,._ �. a � • •� J °GeoE e,L�lil Geogr.phis, u�, a, mv° nyu! rsuuwwww . a 0 u SCALE: 1 inch = 1,089.17 feet EXHIBIT NO. z — LAerial Map - Surveyed Structures a, s DATE: 11/19/2021 DRAWN BY: HLC Line 475 Pipeline1 .3e r, ~ " S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 Wayne County, North Carolina L .02. -..T'E'.•- . .• . lo.T. ,. 4114011.:-_, ,_ ift ! ' . JAI( . . tli. -_o . ....1', Vt.. .--7.1'St.:..11 N1-4: 141:4.-4......, . :1. "'AIL-. WI" .1.-.' ' .. :: , , • ‘td' ' ' S Sf: ["!Lr •.,,�,S13w,' •z t, , - - - • �, . - _ s'f'• 7 Y 1 i •• lak• - ei41' ri- -. - .- ,..*,,, ... . ...ed.., • •;A?r, -..., . . ,. • '41t- • laT 4,r-44. -4 - ... L' ..1 ' •r;-'4ir.k 4 .-:_-.-...* 5'7°- ' }...."..::ili:::' ''''t : V -L ; '1 I ''''... - , * ;t ,.�. Yam. +' ..� _ r ,,,} �' WY0362 Tenant House r y+ ,VVY0363 House , • . 1 _....1•••• \ ' \ 1 •.I , . • ifs,. i!. r si + ` r r r• 1 � ' L .4._illP i• - . , . - .. . - . ' , it "-i-i •••5..,-‘1...:. , �_. ° • '� r. R .fir` _ i tik. •' * •a ,�", .i • • Ijir "X,�.� :p, + '-'T Y -1_'� WY0693(former)New Hope Elementary School •.•.. 3 A.w '� .� `.�fir•= -YG$ ..r .• t • m +� - "y 'yus 4. ,, •. .1 .i- , _ �-�`,r as AL ---- 1.g .Lea. .•� �L.+ .k. 100a 7 44 , ,,-'.., '.'r;..1...,;:-•- INI-:; .,",'''' , Ci‘••'-r; r,s..'" . . Air-. . .. . _ - 4!It�' t � Legend • .. ► }Y y. . ups , ' =;'_ l g blip , � " . • �` •"` .y;'� + � � ` ti ' 4 Project LOD O Newly Recorded Structures ' .+ .r'� ` , • "� ., � � r'ii ! Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) ; ? y `' ..'—: • . • . .. •• , '; 46 Lay Down Area — SL and DOE ;+ +. 1 r• • = y . "t . "". .pt 4.. �.•� •: ...:;' w .•: .� 14,P • Surveyed Only v _ r+� � • _ ' - '"�s•�.,;: .. , ` .-1' 0ef k. . . Determinations of Eligiblity (NC HPO) GISBASELAYERSWEREOBTAINED �.;" Miles n;�: is ,:.. -• '+' QSLDOE . 41 FROM ESRI 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 z•- "'+''�"' .^` �'x� •` "":.' Source is. '■ —__7 n 7 N 0 V Y dm SCALE 1 inch = 1,088.33 feet EXHIBIT NO. tj zY DATE: 11/19/2021 Line 475 Pipeline DRAWN BY: HLC .3 f a, ~ S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 Wayne County, North Carolina 3 • / fi 'r. • e c .r.' _ .• �s .11 -' let, S , �'' WY09844Be'st liouse'and_•Storer -• + , ■ ar , +' , , - - Ii. • ,6 ,_ 1 n•} - , -.• r. a. _ + tr Jet 1 „!•�' ' r . ' •. ri,i �•a• y!, _ w� -r r. '.."r.:f•• /,[.� ��y.+ ,. r •I ' i r i� p'-� ,� • ,. pk I•. , • fill!' - '' • Nte a '. {. • kl , Y• t r r M,r - .. ...0-7. #:*:-------.117---111161:1;:-- -,....„,. , 4.• 1 il /4 - 4 '. . - • . • • �•�-lir r j f,z- ,t, . . !•,rc;' '�•' j e k: i ri + . �1 �;?! 0 t ,y .1 .s r�; 'y^ • 0 •YC V r• • VI- .—.,rw+. f •• •• d' '7.. - I ■ 4.•• .f. r'•1 y. !, ^ f, .. - -• F ••�i1 ,�. - •- _ '!' ~ wx� - p�.4 ,',v_� . I A M� • - Y •,L'ly 1.•� J .�!` ,- J' j ..,y r 'F - '�.� • •- fl [+ •: • • 11,...6,4. , , +Tyr .• r / r - •�- _ !. . .3" •` - low . , ..... c -- . ;,,.........::)....:;„1.... � r•" ' :, .41P 't.�.i arc '. ,..,„,..-:.- . 0`.- Ile;....c,. ...,01.!. . . . f. Piliti. i 4. .1..*Iir , - •a 1 ,. / •r 'iti„ •w 'lf ' .r r y am_ •_. _ • �'��•: : +,t .� yr, •:+ �r..•:•._•': 'r'•'4.'-,`'' ' 4..,." •- -,..., ' ! „4,..11,rt-•j 6,- ••• .,.. •-E r - , •r•. a •: '1 [;ter ' .} - 4.. �'• r'� .'.fi',K .fir o. • W* - ft....-. r ._ fir • :At,. . . • , 0 .; . . .,- - ~ • �r . r c�A r__I-_-_.r ram' I'1 1 F' `• r �_} {" '''1'-. -- ••¢: �i �',q�-1[� . . _... . ,ti'� '� 'r i .:.„.,. • •_ ai. • +f1',..1- ... r ,ty,01 "y 11 1.4 ? x �y,.""' T ."'i j '' - '., a r ^ • if t' .t s, ',lam �i Pe" • • N C /,r��4' 1 � ��.CCC! •r., • # kr1 •fj-• ��L ..•i~ c •r •`, r 'j 4 N I 1� • 1 _ % icy> • , l r �- r y INI4 - +.',w r.i.N '`r' •J /r :-ry+S��.�t{+r'S}� ri t - J i 'j'�T Fes.. �','�•.•- • `j .Y" ir • :::. ,, : ., . Q x a^ r fir.t - f¢ ' 4 I 'a e f... t ;; r1�?{,,�. '• ,yr„,„ ��," t ,'! �.� a; i — r ll .rl, !!.t r•f ,.<y _• .. ` -• � • r' '-7 Y p i .. .JF .1... :.±'...,'1.6.7 a- �' it r� - / . a r i tr r Legend = ., Project LOD • Newly Recorded Structures 11,ho: .,,, ; . _ ' , . Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) r9 IL GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED Miles .I Lay Down Area Surveyed Only 7 FROM ESRI 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 � ;�j � ° �, i t �'ti E 7P,GeoEye,Ik Geogr.phics', rr x cb u.smAr- orv� -_. --ri. n ,I- 2 0 V Y OK SCALE: 1 inch = 1,094.17 feet EXHIBIT NO. z DATE: 11/19/2021 _. 1 II ; DRAWN BY: HLC Line 475 Pipeline 1 .3g ~ S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 r, Wayne County, North Carolina 0 N i�: f W Ni ri‘ E Y \...._ S • • L. *.r. -n.0-4' esulallal • • . ,..s.te ,...„..,...7,.....,,''.... ..,• . ._ . . t I t • . - ..e, IP • .'' :ice',' 'i sp 1 -, —;.1,.-vei. - ,i_ . • •. , 4 . ip. a• 'N!. '{ ! •Jt ,.,gyg��l�r�y[[yr�~ i�.. ` t�7�1' i. r. '� �- R• _ tel: N. •; !mot ,t - f r`- 1 • L. • •.0114114t. 0- VVY1484 �,� it . triefei-.7 • a �� t allti. ,: 1: , .'* N r r t .I" o kr� o 2. - _ - -- . - ' yyet. - . • . - . WY0134(o.�-jHouse _ r a • Legend 2 Pk.' Project LOD 0 Newly Recorded Structures Reroute Previously Surveyed Structures (NC HPO) GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED Miles i.- - Lay Down Area • Surveyed Only FROM ESRI 0 0.075 0.15 0.3 IL— ._''' ~�: lamp,GeoE e,lailaigiktp Geogr.phios, u�o �.�o uv. �.4o uLvo elm,ivnokoI)vaar a N 0 u Y SCALE: 1 inch = 650.83 feet EXHIBIT NO. z — Aerial Map - Surveyed Structures �, s l DATE: 11/19/2021 Ef -, I i im Line 475 Pipeline 1 .3h DRAWN BY: HLC r, S&ME PROJECT NO. 218196 Wayne County, North Carolina L Historic Structure Survey & Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Table of Contents Management Summary i Table of Contents vi 1.0 Introduction 1 2.0 Cultural Context 2 2.1 Historic Context 2 2.1.1 Early Settlement 2 2.1.2 Nineteenth Century 4 2.1.3 Twentieth Century 6 2.2 Architectural Context 7 2.3 Previously Recorded Sites in the Vicinity of Project Area 22 3.0 Methods 30 3.1 Historic Architecture Field Methods 30 3.2 National Register Eligibility Assessment 30 4.0 Results 31 4.1 Commercial Complex (WY1462) 31 4.2 Scott House (WY0342) 35 4.3 James Deans House (WY0344) 40 4.4 House (WY1463) 40 4.5 House (WY1464) 45 4.6 Houses (WY1465) 48 4.7 House (WY1466) 53 4.8 Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144) 53 4.9 Best Grove Lodge No. 392 F&AM(WY0332) 53 4.10 House (WY1467) 62 4.11 House (WY1468) 64 4.12 House (WY1469) 64 4.13 House (WY1470) 64 November 2021 vi Historic Structure Survey - Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 4.14 Best Grocery Commercial District(WY0360) 69 4.15 House (WY1471) 70 4.16 House (WY1472) 70 4.17 House (WY1473) 77 4.18 House (WY1474) 77 4.19 House (WY1475) 79 4.20 House (WY1476) 82 4.21 House (WY1477) 82 4.22 House (WY1478) 86 4.23 House (WY1479) 86 4.24 Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359) 86 4.25 House (WY1480) 96 4.26 House (WY1481) 99 4.27 House (WY1482) 101 4.28 House (WY1483) 104 4.29 Tenant House (WY0362) 107 4.30 Laydown Area Parcel 107 4.31 House (WY1484) 112 5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 117 6.0 References Cited 118 7.0 Appendix A— SHPO Correspondence 120 List of Figures Figure 1.1. Overview of proposed Line 475 pipeline location. iii Figure 1.2a-h.Topographic map showing the proposed Line 475 pipeline corridor, access roads, and laydown area. iv Figure 1.3a-h. Aerial map showing the proposed Line 475 pipeline corridor, access roads, and laydown area v Figure 2.1. Unsurveyed House, 233 Thad Lane, circa 1900, facing south. 8 Figure 2.2. Unsurveyed House, 364 Artis Road, circa 1989, facing north. 8 Figure 2.3. Unsurveyed House, 1405 Hinnant Road, circa 1900, facing southwest 9 November 2021 vii Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Figure 2.4.Unsurveyed House,424 Wilson Street, circa 1925,facing south. 9 Figure 2.5.Unsurveyed House,4105 NC 111 Highway, circa 1920,facing northwest. 10 Figure 2.6.Unsurveyed House,478 Artis Road, circa 1900,facing north. 10 Figure 2.7.Unsurveyed House,3609 Wayne Memorial Drive, circa 1900,facing north. 11 Figure 2.8.Unsurveyed House, 1778 NC 55 Highway, circa 1900,facing south. 11 Figure 2.9.Unsurveyed House, 1361 Tommys Road, circa 1940,facing north. 12 Figure 2.10.Unsurveyed house,244 Corbett Road, circa 1945,facing west. 12 Figure 2.11.Unsurveyed House,480 Hill Loop, circa 1925,facing east. 13 Figure 2.12.Unsurveyed House,3101 US 117 Highway, circa 1930,facing west. 13 Figure 2.13.Unsurveyed house,3141 Emmaus Church Road, circa 1930,facing north. 14 Figure 2.14.Unsurveyed house, 1377 Tommys Road,circa 1970,facing north. 14 Figure 2.15.Unsurveyed house,318 Norlee Drive, circa 1970,facing northwest. 15 Figure 2.16.Unsurveyed house, 1330 Patetown Road, circa 1965,facing northeast. 15 Figure 2.17.Unsurveyed house, 1351 Tommys Road,circa 1970,facing north. 16 Figure 2.18.Unsurveyed house, 1369 Tommys Road,circa 1970,facing north. 16 Figure 2.19.Ranch houses(unsurveyed),1300 block of Tommys Road,facing northeast. 17 Figure 2.20.Ranch houses(unsurveyed),1300 block of Tommys Road,facing northeast. 17 Figure 2.21. Goldsboro Lodge#634(unsurveyed), circa 1965,facing southeast 18 Figure 2.22. Harmony Lodge No. 340 (unsurveyed), circa 1930,facing west. 19 Figure 2.23. Home Lodge#613(part of blockface WY0421), circa 1900,facing east 19 Figure 2.24.Blazing Star Lodge#839(unsurveyed), circa 1960,facing northwest. 20 Figure 2.25.Wayne Lodge#112(unsurveyed), circa 1970,facing northwest. 20 Figure 2.26.Unsurveyed commercial complex, 186 Belfast Road, circa 1970,facing northwest 21 Figure 2.27. Previously unsurveyed commercial complex,2523 North William Street, circa 1950,facing west. 21 Figure 2.28. Previously unsurveyed commercial complex,501 Patetown Road, circa 1970,facing west. .22 Figure 2.29.Topographic map showing cultural resources within a 0.25-mile radius of the proposed Line 475 pipeline corridor 24 Figure 2.30. Collett Map(1770)of North Carolina,showing vicinity of project area 25 Figure 2.31. Price-Strother Map (1808)of North Carolina,showing vicinity of project area. 25 Figure 2.32. MacRae-Brazier Map (1833)of North Carolina,showing vicinity of project area. 26 Figure 2.33.Kerr-Cain Map(1882),showing vicinity of the project area 26 November 2021 viii Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline �■ & Wayne Counties, North Carolina or S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Figure 2.34.USDA soil survey map of Wayne County(1916),showing vicinity of the project area 27 Figure 2.35.USPS rural postal route map of Wayne County(1920),showing approximate of the project area 27 Figure 2.36. NCDOT highway map of Wayne County(1938),showing approximate of the project area 28 Figure 2.37.USGS 7.5-minute Goldsboro topographic quadrangle(1957),showing vicinity of the project corridor 29 Figure 4.1.Aerial photograph showing layout of WY1462 (Google Earth 2021). 32 Figure 4.2. Resource WY1462,Structure 1 facing northwest. 33 Figure 4.3. Resource WY1462,Structure 1 facing west. 33 Figure 4.4. Resource WY1462,Structure 1 facing southwest. 34 Figure 4.5. Resource WY1462,Structure 1 facing northwest. 34 Figure 4.6. Resource WY1462,Structure 2,facing north 35 Figure 4.7. Resource WY1462,Structure 3,facing northwest. 36 Figure 4.8. Resource WY1462,various storage tanks,facing southeast. 36 Figure 4.9. Scott House(WY0342),facing east. 37 Figure 4.10. Scott House(WY0342),facing northeast. 37 Figure 4.11. Scott House(WY0342), facing north. 38 Figure 4.12. Scott House(WY0342), facing northeast. 38 Figure 4.13. Scott House(WY0342),facing west 39 Figure 4.14. Scott House(WY0342),facing south. 39 Figure 4.15.James Deans House(WY0334),facing west. 41 Figure 4.16.James Deans House(WY0334),facing south. 41 Figure 4.17.James Deans House(WY0334),facing north. 42 Figure 4.18.James Deans House(WY0334),facing north. 42 Figure 4.19.James Deans House(WY0334),facing west. 43 Figure 4.20. House(WY1463),facing northwest 43 Figure 4.21. House(WY1463),facing west. 44 Figure 4.22. House(WY1463),facing south 44 Figure 4.23.Tobacco barn associated with WY1463,facing northwest. 46 Figure 4.24. Outbuildings associated with WY1463,facing west 46 Figure 4.25. Structure WY1464,facing north 47 Figure 4.26. Structure WY1464,facing west. 47 November 2021 ix Historic Structure Survey w - Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Figure 4.27. Structure WY1464, facing south. 48 Figure 4.28. Structure WY1464,barn, facing north 49 Figure 4.29. Aerial photograph of resource WY1465 (Google 2021). 49 Figure 4.30.Resource WY1465, Structure 1, facing north 50 Figure 4.31.Resource WY1465, Structure 1, facing west. 50 Figure 4.32.Resource WY1465, Structure 1, facing northwest. 51 Figure 4.33.Resource WY1465, Structure 2, facing northwest. 52 Figure 4.34.Resource WY1465, Structure 2, facing southwest. 52 Figure 4.35.WY1466, facing northwest 54 Figure 4.36.WY1466, facing west. 54 Figure 4.37.WY1466, facing southwest. 55 Figure 4.38. Modern daycare building at the location of the Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144), facing northeast 55 Figure 4.39. Modern school buildings at the location of the Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144), facing northeast 56 Figure 4.40. Silo, former Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144), facing northeast 56 Figure 4.41. Silo, former Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144), facing southeast. 57 Figure 4.42. Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144),2013 (Google Earth) 57 Figure 4.43. Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144),2014 (Google Earth) 58 Figure 4.44. Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144),2016 (Google Earth) 58 Figure 4.45. Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144),2018 (Google Earth) 59 Figure 4.46.Best Grove Masonic Lodge No. 392 F&AM(WY0332), facing northeast 60 Figure 4.47. Best Grove Masonic Lodge No. 392 F&AM (WY0332), facing north. 60 Figure 4.48.Best Grove Masonic Lodge No. 392 F&AM(WY0332), facing northwest. 61 Figure 4.49.Best Grove Masonic Lodge No. 392 F&AM(WY0332), facing southeast. 61 Figure 4.50.Best Grove Masonic Lodge No. 392 F&AM(WY0332), facing northeast 62 Figure 4.51. Structure WY1467, facing west. 63 Figure 4.52. Structure WY1467, facing northwest. 63 Figure 4.53. Structure WY1468, facing northeast 65 Figure 4.54. Structure WY1468, facing east. 65 Figure 4.55. Structure WY1468, facing southeast. 66 Figure 4.56. Structure WY1469, facing southeast. 66 November 2021 x Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Figure 4.57. Structure WY1469,facing east. 67 Figure 4.58. Structure WY1469,facing northeast 67 Figure 4.59. Structure WY1470,facing southeast. 68 Figure 4.60. Structure WY1470,facing east. 68 Figure 4.61. Structure WY1470,facing northeast 69 Figure 4.62.Location of two-story commercial structure,east of Wayne Memorial Drive,Best Grocery Commercial District(WY0360),facing southeast. 71 Figure 4.63.Location of one-story commercial structure,west of Wayne Memorial Drive,Best Grocery Commercial District(WY0360),facing west 71 Figure 4.64.Best Grocery Commercial District(WY0360), 1993(Google Earth) 72 Figure 4.65.Best Grocery Commercial District(WY0360), 1998(Google Earth) 72 Figure 4.66.Best Grocery Commercial District(WY0360),2003(Google Earth) 73 Figure 4.67.Best Grocery Commercial District(WY0360),2008(Google Earth) 73 Figure 4.68.Best Grocery Commercial District(WY0360),2013(Google Earth) 74 Figure 4.69. Structure WY1471,facing southeast. 74 Figure 4.70. Structure WY1471,facing east. 75 Figure 4.71. Structure WY1471,facing northeast 75 Figure 4.72. Structure WY1472,facing southeast. 76 Figure 4.73. Structure WY1472,facing east. 76 Figure 4.74. Structure WY1472,facing northeast 77 Figure 4.75. Structure WY1473,facing southeast. 78 Figure 4.76. Structure WY1473,facing east. 78 Figure 4.77. Structure WY1473,facing northeast 79 Figure 4.78.WY1474,facing southeast 80 Figure 4.79. Structure WY1475,facing northeast 80 Figure 4.80. Structure WY1475,facing north 81 Figure 4.81. Structure WY1475,facing northwest. 81 Figure 4.82. Structure WY1476,facing north 83 Figure 4.83. Structure WY1476,facing northwest. 83 Figure 4.84. Structure WY1476,facing west. 84 Figure 4.85. Structure WY1477,facing northeast 84 Figure 4.86. Structure WY1477,facing north 85 November 2021 xi Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina or S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Figure 4.87. Structure WY1477,facing northwest. 85 Figure 4.88. Structure WY1478,facing northeast 87 Figure 4.89. Structure WY1478,facing north 87 Figure 4.90. Structure WY1478,facing northwest. 88 Figure 4.91. Structure WY1479,facing north 88 Figure 4.92. Structure WY1479,facing northwest. 89 Figure 4.93. Site plan of the Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359) (Google Earth 2021). 89 Figure 4.94.Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359),facing northeast. 90 Figure 4.95.Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359),facing north. 90 Figure 4.96. Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359),millwork detail,facing north 91 Figure 4.97.Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359),facing east 91 Figure 4.98.Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359),facing southeast 92 Figure 4.99.Isaac Gurley Farm WY0359,facing southwest. 92 Figure 4.100.Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359),facing south 93 Figure 4.101.Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359),shed,facing northwest. 94 Figure 4.102.Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359),garage,facing northwest 94 Figure 4.103.Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359), chicken house,facing northwest 95 Figure 4.104.Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359),packhouse/schoolhouse,facing north. 95 Figure 4.105.Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359), agricultural fields,facing northeast 97 Figure 4.106.Isaac Gurley Farm(WY0359), agricultural fields,facing north 97 Figure 4.107.House(WY1480),facing southeast 98 Figure 4.108.House(WY1480),facing south 98 Figure 4.109.House(WY1480),facing north 99 Figure 4.110. Structure WY1481,facing south. 100 Figure 4.111. Structure WY1481,facing southeast 100 Figure 4.112. Structure WY1481,facing northwest. 101 Figure 4.113. Structure WY1482,facing northwest. 102 Figure 4.114. Structure WY1482,facing north 102 Figure 4.115. Structure WY1482,facing south. 103 Figure 4.116. Structure WY1482,facing northeast 103 Figure 4.117. Structure WY1482,well house,facing south. 104 November 2021 xii Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I YI 4E7 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Figure 4.118.House (WY1483), facing west. 105 Figure 4.119.House (WY1483), facing southwest. 105 Figure 4.120.House (WY1483), facing northwest 106 Figure 4.121.House (WY1483), shed, facing southwest. 106 Figure 4.122.House (WY1483), garage, facing west. 108 Figure 4.123.House (WY1483), garage, facing northwest 108 Figure 4.124.Tenant House (WY0362), facing west. 109 Figure 4.125.Tenant House (WY0362), facing south. 109 Figure 4.126.Tenant House (WY0362), facing east. 110 Figure 4.127.Tenant House (WY0362), facing north. 110 Figure 4.128.Tenant House (WY0363), privy, facing northeast. 111 Figure 4.129.Tenant House (WY0363), agricultural fields, facing southwest 111 Figure 4.130. Aerial photograph, showing the location of the lay down area,March 2019 (USGS). 112 Figure 4.131.Proposed laydown area,location of structure on aerial photograph, facing northwest 113 Figure 4.132.Proposed laydown area,location of structure on aerial photograph, facing north. 114 Figure 4.133.Proposed laydown area,location of structure on aerial photograph, facing west 114 Figure 4.134. Structure WY1484, facing southeast 115 Figure 4.135. Structure WY1484, facing north 115 Figure 4.136. Structure WY1484, facing northwest. 116 Figure 4.137. Structure WY1484, facing southwest. 116 List of Tables Table 1.1 Summary of historic aboveground resources revisited or identified during the historic architecture survey. ii Table 2.1. Previously recorded cultural resources within a 0.25-mile radius of the project corridor. 23 November 2021 xiii Historic Structure Survey w -- Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 1.0 Introduction On behalf of ELI, S&ME has completed a historic structure survey for the proposed Line 475 Pipeline Project in Wayne County, North Carolina (Figure 1.1).The western terminus of the pipeline corridor is located on the east side of Carolina Commerce Drive near the northern limits of Goldsboro, where it will tie into an existing station. The alignment travels generally east/southeast, in an overland route, with the eastern terminus of the pipeline corridor located north of Challen Court and Gateway Drive, near the southeastern limits of Goldsboro, in Wayne County, North Carolina (Figures 1.2 and 1.3).The pipeline is roughly 10 miles long. In response to a scoping letter submitted by ELI to the SHPO, the SHPO, in a letter dated August 26, 2021 requested that comprehensive archaeological and historic architecture surveys be conducted in association with the project (Appendix A).This report will solely address the architecture survey; a separate report will be generated to discuss the archaeological survey.The following work was conducted in response to the SHPO letter and was carried out in general accordance with the agreed-upon scope, terms, and conditions presented in S&ME Proposal Number 218186, dated August 31, 2021. Fieldwork was conducted from October 11 to October 15, 202. This work included a historic structures survey of pipeline ROW, proposed access roads, and proposed laydown area.The APE for aboveground resources for the proposed undertaking consists of parcels that contain the proposed pipeline corridor, access roads, and laydown area, and properties adjacent to the proposed corridor and access roads. Heather L. Carpini, M.A., served as Principal Investigator and conducted the fieldwork and historical research for this report; she was assisted by Monica Hendricks, M.S. Graphics were created by Ms. Carpini and Kimberly Nagle, M.S., RPA; Ms. Hendricks and Ms. Carpini authored the report and Ms. Nagle senior reviewed the report. This report has been prepared in compliance with the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended; the Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act of 1979; procedures for the Protection of Historic Properties (36 CFR Part 800); 36 CFR Parts 60 through 79, as appropriate; and NC-HPO's Standards for Historic Structure Survey Reports (2019). November 2021 1 Historic Structure Survey w -- Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 2.0 Cultural Context S&ME conducted cultural background research in order to assess the potential for significant cultural resources and to formulate our expectations regarding the nature and types of cultural resources we were likely to encounter.While this text only provides a general history of the region, we refer the reader to the original sources for additional information. 2.1 Historic Context The proposed project corridor is located within Wayne County, beginning north of Goldsboro and traveling generally east/southeast to end near the communities of New Hope and Elroy, east of Greensboro. The western terminus of the line is near the intersection of US 117 and US 70 Bypass, west of Howell Branch. From there, the line runs roughly parallel to Tommys Road until it intersects with Central Heights Road; it crosses Old Mill Branch east of Willis Pond before turning south to cross East New Hope Road and the North Carolina Railroad tracks. South of the tracks, the pipeline turns west, to terminate between the tracks and Gateway Drive, near an industrial complex.The laydown area for the proposed pipeline construction is located west of US 13, north of its intersection with US 70 Bypass.Wayne County was formed as the population of central North Carolina grew, during the late eighteenth century, with Johnston County formed from Craven County in 1746, Dobbs County was formed from Johnston County in 1758, and Wayne County was created in 1779. 2.1.1 Early Settlement Expansion into the backcountry of North Carolina began during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth century. Recognizing the European intrusion into their territory, the Tuscarora united with members from other tribes and began planning their retaliation. Beginning with attacks in September 1711, the Tuscarora and their allies began a series of raids on the encroaching white settlements. Taken by surprise, around 130 settlers were killed during the first wave of attacks along the Neuse, Pamplico, Roanoke, Tar, and Trent rivers. Seeking shelter in nearby towns and fortified homes, the colonists reorganized and attempted to defend themselves. However, since their supplies were few and England offered no support for the colony, the whites offered little resistance while the Native Americans continued to raid their homes and farms. North Carolina was therefore forced to appeal to its neighbors, Virginia and South Carolina, for assistance. Bolstered by this aid, which included help from other Indian groups such as the Yamasee, the colonists were able to mount an effective counterattack. The Tuscarora suffered a significant defeat in early 1713 and the majority of the survivors signed a peace treaty, allowing them to remain in North Carolina on a reservation on the Pamplico River. The remaining hostile Indians, however, continued to attack white settlements for almost two years but eventually signed a separate peace treaty in February 1715 (Lee 1963; Powell 1989). The project area is located in the interior region of North Carolina, which was considered frontier during the first part of the eighteenth century and was sparsely settled by Euro-Americans. The area was, however, home to various groups of Native Americans during the late seventeenth century, including the Lumbee people. During the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, traders from Virginia and the Carolinas began commercial ventures to engage these tribes in trade; they traversed the region utilizing Native American trading paths (Powell 1989). November 2021 2 Historic Structure Survey iimm- Line 475 Pipeline 4111, Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 The project area was once part of Craven County, but in 1746, after an influx of colonists into the backcountry, the Assembly passed an act creating a new county that would be named for Governor Gabriel Johnston.This early incarnation of Johnston County contained most of present-day Greene, Lenoir, Wake, and Wayne counties, as well as part of Wilson County. In 1758, as the number of people moving into the area increased, Dobbs County was created from the southeastern portion of Johnston County and the former Johnston County courthouse became the seat of Dobbs County. Two decades later, a new county, named for Revolutionary War General Anthony Wayne, was created from the western portion of Dobbs County. At the time, the Dobbs County seat was moved to Kingston (now Kinston) and Waynesborough, the former county seat of Dobbs County, became the seat of Wayne County. During the 1840s, however, the county seat would move to the newly incorporated Goldsboro (Corbitt 1987; Lassiter and Lassiter 2004). This area of North Carolina became dominated by small farmers. The plantation system was not the prevailing agricultural model in Wayne County, primarily because none of the important eighteenth-century staple crops thrived in the area's soils. Still, some tobacco and cotton were grown in the area during the 1700s and early 1800s. Despite the small amounts of tobacco and cotton that were cultivated, most of the farms relied on subsistence- based agriculture, with the raising of cattle, hogs, and other livestock being a common pursuit, and many of the county's landowners were not slaveholders.Additionally, timber and naval stores were used as an income supplement by these small, self-sufficient farmers.These early agricultural practices would continue through the eighteenth and into the nineteenth century (Murray 1983; Sharpe 1958). Additionally, members of the Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers, were a significant settlement group in Wayne County and following 1774, the Quakers eschewed slavery, releasing any slaves that they had previously owned and altering the economic and demographic makeup of the region (Powell 1989). The 1760s was a period of significant unrest and conflict in the colonial backcountry and North Carolina was no different. Colonists believed that government officials were abusing their power, including levying excessive taxes and accepting bribes in lieu of upholding laws. These feelings were significantly more pronounced in the inland counties, which began to view their coastal counterparts as sympathetic to this governmental corruption.The rift that developed gradually gave rise to the Regulator Movement, which reached its peak strength in North Carolina between 1768 and 1771 (Powell 1989). The Regulators mounted a rebellion against the North Carolina colonial government in an effort to rid the colony of British oppression. In 1771, a conflict between the eastern county militia and the Regulators at Alamance put down the rebellion, however, these hostilities are considered an early step down the road to the American Revolution (Powell 1989). The area was part of Dobbs County during the Regulator unrest and the residents of the county appear to have been split on their support of the movement, with some joining the militia forces against the Regulators and some refusing to join (Bassett 1895 (2018); Pickett 2001). During 1768, the situation in the backcountry was becoming more volatile with riots and protests occurring in nearby Orange, Anson, and Edgecombe counties. In August of that year, residents of nearby Johnston County staged a large protest on the courthouse at Hinton's Quarter; Governor Tryon reported the incident to the Earl of Hillsborough, indicating that"a body of 80 men came into the court of Johnston County with an intention to turn the justices off the bench" (Lassiter 1985:4). Forewarned, the justices had already adjourned the court and, along with a group of local supporters, were able to disperse the protestors. Tensions continued to fester, however, until a group of Regulators were defeated by Governor Tryon's militia at the Battle of Alamance in May 1771.This effectively ended the Regulator Movement in North Carolina (Sharpe 1958). November 2021 3 Historic Structure Survey w -- Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 As the Regulator Movement was being routed at Alamance, changes were occurring. During the early 1770s, however, anti-British sentiment was again rising among county residents, stemming from new taxes. This time, residents throughout the colony, as well as those in other colonies, felt slighted by the British government and the movement became widespread. Dobbs County sent delegates, Simon Bright, Richard Caswell, William McKinnie, and George Miller, to the First Provincial Congress held in New Bern in August 1774 (Powell 1989). By 1775, Dobbs County had organized its own militia and, later that year, the 13-member executive Provincial Council met to discuss colonial criticisms and debate the options open to North Carolina and the other colonies; independence became the most favored course of action, following the skirmishes at Lexington and Concord (Powell 1989). Although no actual fighting occurred in present-day Wayne County, the residents still felt the effects of the Revolutionary War. The county sent soldiers to join the troops from North Carolina, who saw significant action during the war. Nearby, there were two skirmishes at Kinston, currently part of Lenoir County, but which was also part of Dobbs County during the early 1770s. Additionally, Smithfield was used to hold both loyalist and British prisoners, so troops were stationed there to guard them. Also, during their march northward to Virginia from Wilmington in 1781, British garrisons marched through the county, with Cornwallis camping across the Neuse River from Smithfield at Springfield Plantation (Lassiter and Lassiter 2004). 2.1.2 Nineteenth Century Following the end of the Revolution, the North Carolina government created a new capital, more centrally located within the state. Raleigh was surveyed in 1792 and officially chartered in 1795;with the new state capital located nearby, growth began to occur in the inland regions of North Carolina during the early nineteenth century (Powell 1989). Wayne County, however, was remote enough from Raleigh that growth was slow to come to the area. From a population of 6,115 in 1790, the county had only grown to 6,772 people by 1800 and 9,040 by 1920 (Social Explorer 2021). During the antebellum period, Wayne County retained its agriculture character and its population consisted of both subsistence farmers and owners of large plantations. In 1790, 25.4 percent of the county population was enslaved and by 1800, the percentage was 29.4; by 1820,just under 31 percent of Wayne County's residents were enslaved persons. These numbers were generally on par with those in the state as a whole, where the state averages were 25.5 percent enslaved persons in 1790, 27.9 percent enslaved persons in 1800, and of 32 percent enslaved persons in 1820 (Social Explorer 2021). Moving on from the early tradition of livestock raising and naval stores production, cotton became a dominant crop in Wayne County by the mid-1800s, but it did not completely dominate the acreage in the county and a single-crop agricultural system was never cemented in the county. In 1860, Wayne County produced 4,062 bales of ginned cotton, ranking it fourteenth among North Carolina counties, but it also ranked high in production of rye (19,494 bushels, third); corn (530,789 bushels, eleventh); sweet potatoes (153,685 bushels, eleventh); rice (8,450 pounds, eighteenth); and was the foremost producer of peas and beans (109,584 bushels) in the state.At the same time, livestock production remained fairly important in its agricultural complex, with farmers in Wayne County owning over 36,000 pigs, the eleventh highest number of the counties in North Carolina; 855 oxen, ranking seventeenth; 2,135 horses, ranking twenty-fourth; 675 donkeys, ranking twenty-seventh; and over 2,500 dairy cattle, ranking thirtieth (Social Explorer 2021). November 2021 4 Historic Structure Survey gyp° Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 As part of the agricultural system in Wayne County, enslaved labor was important, but in a different way than the large plantation system that developed in other parts of the future Confederacy. In 1860, there were 665 farms in the county, and they were generally small to medium-sized, with 41.4 percent of farms between 20 and 99 acres and 47.7 percent between 100 and 499 acres in size. Although the county had a higher percentage of enslaved persons in 1860 than the statewide average, at 36.6 percent to the state's 33.3 percent, only 34.5 percent of families (532 slaveholders of 1542 total families) in Wayne County owned slaves.The majority of slaveholders in Wayne County owned five or fewer slaves, with nearly 20 percent of slave owners having only one enslaved person, and only sixteen slaveholders owned more than 50 slaves, with only one holding over 100 slaves (Social Explorer 2021). Railroads and water transportation were important to the growth of Wayne County. The Neuse River was the primary means of water transportation. Flat bottomed boats carrying agricultural products and naval stores were, however, able to move downriver to New Bern to unload their cargo (Sharpe 1958). In 1834, the Wilmington and Raleigh Railroad was chartered, with a plan to connect the state capital to the state's largest port via railway; however, economic conditions convinced the shareholders to change the northern terminus to the town of Weldon, on the Roanoke River. In 1840, the line was completed and by 1841 there was a depot at Goldsboro, which would become the new county seat by the end of the decade (Daniels 1914). The Civil War disrupted trade and transportation throughout North Carolina.There was one clash between the Union forces of Major General John Foster and the Confederate forces under Brigadier General B. H. Robertson near Whitehall (now Sandy Springs) in the southern portion of the county. Foster's forces ultimately reached the strategic railroad bridge over the Neuse River near Goldsboro and attempted to destroy it, but they were largely unsuccessful. For the next two and a half years, no formal fighting occurred in Wayne County. However, following the Battle of Bentonville in Johnston County, General Sherman's marched on Goldsboro in late March 1865, rendezvousing with two other Union detachments and taking control of the railroads to disrupt the Confederate supply chain and bolster their own transportation advantages (Bradley 1996). Following the Civil War, economic growth in Wayne County remained stagnant.As in much of the rural south, sharecropping and tenant-farming dominated the agricultural landscape. Larger landholdings were broken up into smaller farms and, although cotton and tobacco were grown on more acres than they were before the war, the yields were low, and farmers found themselves stuck in a cycle of borrowing and debt. By 1900, Wayne County had 3,291 total farms, nearly five times the number in 1860. Of that number, only 38.8 percent were owner operated.The disparity between white and black farmers was significant. Of the 2,228 farms operated by white farmers,44.7 percent were owner-operated, 8.1 percent were farmed by cash tenants,42 percent were operated by share tenants, and the remainder were farmed under other arrangements. By contrast, only 11.9 percent of the 1,063 farms of black farmers were owner-operated, while 9.7 percent were farmed by cash tenants, 72.8 percent were farmed by share tenants, and the remainder were operated under other arrangements (Social Explorer 2021). In the late nineteenth century, manufacturing began to grow in Wayne County, primarily in Goldsboro. In addition to the earlier W. F. Kornegay and Company Machine Works and W. H. Underhill's planning mill, additional industries came to Wayne County, beginning in the 1880s.These included the J. H. Strauss and Company rice mill, predecessor of the Carolina Rice Mills; the Goldsboro Oil Mill; the Goldsboro Lumber Company; the Royal! and Borden mattress factory; the Goldsboro Furniture Company; and the Enterprise Leather Mill (Daniels 1914). November 2021 5 Historic Structure Survey w -- Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 2.1.3 Twentieth Century The twentieth century brought changes and economic development to Wayne County. Although family farms were gradually being replaced by larger scale agricultural ventures, the county retained its overwhelmingly rural character and agriculture remained the primary economic activity at the turn of the century; in 1920 it was the county's largest income producer.Although Wayne County remained a productive cotton growing area, with over 26,000 bales grown in 1920 making it ninth among counties in the state, cotton did not remain the principal economic driver.As the price for cotton dropped, tobacco production increased, with over ten million pounds produced in 1920 alone, also ranking ninth among counties in North Carolina. However, diversification of agricultural production was a common practice in Wayne County, as no one crop was the dominant agricultural driver. In 1920, it ranked third in production of Irish potatoes, sixth in production of corn, ninth in production of sweet potatoes and peas, tenth in production of soybeans, and eleventh in production of strawberries. Livestock also remained an important part of Wayne County agriculture, primarily poultry and swine, with the over 134,000 chickens in the county being the sixth greatest number in the state, the over 20,000 head of other poultry(turkeys, geese, ducks) ranking second, and the nearly 30,000 pigs ranking seventh among counties in the state (Social Explorer 2021). During this period, tenancy still dominated the farming arrangements in Wayne County, with 65.6 percent of the 5,030 farms in the county operated by farmers working under some type of tenancy arrangements. The tenant- operated farms were categorized into five arrangements, and 68.6 percent were share tenants who furnished their own equipment and animals; 23.6 percent were considered "croppers"who did not furnish their own work animals; 0.3 percent were share-cash tenants who paid their landlords partially in shares of crops and partially in cash;4.9 percent were cash tenants who paid a stated amount in cash per acre or for the whole farm; and 2.6 percent were standing renters who paid a stated amount of farm products for use of the farm (Social Explorer 2021). Between 1900 and 1910, the population of Wayne County increased by only about 4,000 residents, from 31,356 to 35,698. By 1940, the population of Wayne County had increased to over 58,000 people and it continued to show steady significant growth through the twenty-first century, reaching 85,000 by 1970 (Social Explorer 2021). Additionally, Wayne County became more urban during that period. In 1900, 5,877 county residents (18.7 percent) were considered to live in urban areas (areas with a population greater than 2,500 people); by 1910, that number had grown to 6,107, but the percentage of the population had decreased to 17.1. However, at the same time, the state of North Carolina only had 14.4 percent of its residents living in urban areas. In 1920, the urban population of the county reached 25.9 percent;two decades years later, over 20,000 residents lived in urban areas, making up 34.6 percent of the population (Social Explorer 2021). World War II brought changes to Wayne County, with the opening of Seymour Johnson Field, as a base for United States Air Force technical training and training command.Although the base was deactivated just four years after it was opened, in 1946, ten years later Seymour Johnson Air Force Base was reopened as a Tactical Air Command base. In 1977, the base land was annexed by the City of Goldsboro. Currently, the base has nearly 5,000 active- duty personnel, nearly 1,000 reservists, and employs approximately 1,000 civilian employees (Price 2006). November 2021 6 Historic Structure Survey w -- Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 2.2 Architectural Context Glimpses of Wayne County, North Carolina:An Architectural History provides an overview of the architectural styles that were built in Wayne County during the late eighteenth century to the early twentieth century (Pezzoni 1998). Although the pipeline route is located near the boundaries of present-day Goldsboro, the size of the city has expanded during the late-twentieth century through annexation and historically these areas are more associated with the rural architectural tradition of the county than the architecture of Goldsboro.These areas were historically rural, with farmlands and large farmsteads encompassing hundreds of acres of land. However, during the second half of the twentieth century, large farmsteads began to be divided and infill occurred along the existing roads. As growth continued in the region at the turn of the twenty-first century, farmland began being sold to developers and new subdivisions were built to accommodate the growing population of the region.This has resulted in many of the types of architectural resources that were common during the 1990s survey being demolished. One common type of rural resource in this area, built during the late-nineteenth to the early twentieth century, was the one-story vernacular farmhouse, which was used as both a primary residence and later as tenant housing on farm complexes. These houses were generally side-gabled, with a full-width front porch structure and often a rear ell addition. The vernacular one-story farmhouse style was common in rural Wayne County; the form was often used as a base for construction, with contemporary architectural and stylistic details added.As families grew, rear rooms were often added, including attached kitchen ells that replaced earlier detached kitchens.The proliferation of small farms in the Wayne County area made this type of house a ubiquitous sight on the local landscape. During the latter part of the 1800s and early 1900s, these smaller farmhouses were often used as rented or tenant homes on larger farms. There were usually associated domestic and agricultural outbuildings that contributed to the farmstead, including barns, storage sheds, garages, and well houses. Many of these types of houses remain extant and have some agricultural outbuildings from the early to mid-twentieth century on the property (Figures 2.1-2.5). By the turn of the century, a one-story, cross-gabled form sometimes replaced the side- gabled examples as the popular contemporary style (Figures 2.6-2.8) During the early twentieth century, Craftsman and Bungalow style residences became popular choices for rural housing, particularly the 1920s and 1930s (Figures 2.9-2.13). Because of the versatility of the Bungalow style, they were easily adapted to the needs of a particular family; combined with the relatively low cost and simplicity of the form, houses that followed a basic Craftsman plan were ubiquitous along the rural landscape in much of North Carolina, including Wayne County. Houses with basic forms and Craftsman-style detailing included many with low-pitched, front-gabled rooflines, exposed raftertails, and porches with tapered supports that rest on brick piers. These were reasonably-priced options for many local farmers and were built using simple plans, which were often repeated throughout the landscape, with limited decorative elements that were basically Craftsman in style, depending on the prosperity of their owners. As the area continued to experience growth during the mid-twentieth century it was necessary to expand housing stock in the area. During the 1950s through the 1970s, Ranch houses grew in popularity as rural residences began to infill areas along existing roads that were once large farms. The Ranch house could be built at a low cost and could be adapted to meet the needs of different families, lot sizes, or topography considerations. Ranch houses in Wayne County have brick, weatherboard, and synthetic exteriors and generally have either side-gabled or low- pitched hipped rooflines.They often feature broad chimneys, occasional bands of windows, spare to no detailing, rear patios, and they typically lack a front porch (Figures 2.14-2.20). November 2021 7 Historic Structure Survey r Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolinairr S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 4 .1 ,„ 'I fi: , f 4 Y p :.N m y �1//%j�///�l' it ' RA 6-' ilk X. ''•� Figure 2.1.Unsurveyed House,233 Thad Lane,circa 1900,facing south. �` „ a ti'47 ti, w.?,. f. t us` ; i 11 .009, �4,r�r",, low*ra s ti NO' v�.04040 4 , 4, ' I: ! '� • � ,-. ",wry 4'. >�;- 7:840 eort 4iit .+ r : , ' a r -, ' ti. k 0. ft 41044, 4,..", A 1 '-‘—'----0 1 "ems AO ;41 Ati 1 IR I-1 -- fi i. ar 2 ?{- r h�y,,`" Figure 2.2. Unsurveyed House,364 Artis Road,circa 1989,facing north. November 2021 8 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline s, Wayne Counties, North Carolina = S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 t .. i w tom. ;L s n i.. �- III=- 1 it . �- i..4 -_ft - L. i ifri. - .4 ...f- ., 'eaR Oil AMC Figure 2.3. Unsurveyed Ilouse,1405 Hinnant Road,circa 1900,facing southwest. IN r '�� Y, _ tea„ 2 " a� I- -,... , --:: - 1 L lt rha $ t Figure 2.4. Unsurveyed House,424 Wilson Street,circa 1925,facing south. November 2021 9 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline dillr Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I I I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 0 - • .., ,,, Ai. ( "i!!iii.-4.11717— j4i.,.. ' 1 1 , ',...,,•.* M.. fr. . . Or •'4"4:,,i,' .y ' 4..Ite., 'to'. . %, - ,•'Sliilk,‘ 1.411t. - . .of '4* • japtig ,p-f,--f - f'... "'''''S,Liv.- .... ".. .',,f 4, „, • -, ig,• -;,--t.• , „*, . , •••,:,,... -,, ..rik. ,,, ' ,-, ir.' ,•...-^' g,-_,It, vs..e- •, 7., '''-,j,f 44 1,..• it .." I. 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Unsurveyed I-louse,4105 NC 111 flighway,circa 1920,facing northwest. .. , . .0. --- . .A.. "..„. . : - .s■mmic...- .,...„.. , - -- — -, . - ..0., ------,- -•..-''T-'--e---,--"-=-x---_,..f.-., -,''''''- .... - -..-7.--. 1111.-__-__ _ -.._...._ lar. .......... ,-_-ma. 1 _.— _ ' 'al milili ....- _ '411111"01.111 14111."Itx 1 - . ' 14111. Figure 2.6. Unsurveyed House,478 Artis Road,circa 1900,facing north. November 2021 10 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 w. SHPO ER No. 21-1766 • • f' - %� Ys r , `fie -- r(J{y' r F� -r S.�j„ .) liI. 1^ 3�i Ga_ r . , 114* .ALNig maiimmo, rue } ! a.. +Crr .3 ,,p�1 1 /vim+ mr- Figure 2.7. Unsurveyed House,3609 Wayne Memorial Drive, circa 1900, facing north. 'h `. . r. -'', =- i ;Y . � _ _._.� _ - g - _ -- Figure 2.8. Unsurveyed House,1778 NC 55 Highway,circa 1900,facing south. November 2021 11 Historic Structure Surveyimmc Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina — S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Ili 1 immirirrir _ .s xu"iir.s Figure 2.9. Unsurveyed Ilouse,1361 Tommys Road,circa 1940,facing north. Figure 2.10. Unsurveyed house,244 Corbett Road,circa 1945,facing west. November 2021 12 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline f _- Wayne Counties, North Carolina - S&ME Project No. 218186 !� ,..' SHPO ER No. 21-1766 ,. .a y. Sw F afts.i...pri irge !I - - •mod �s r v ' .''1*t+l ' c1/4 < , .,x Ir. 4. -- sip m ram'- a Figure 2.11. Unsurveyed House,480 Hill Loop,circa 1925,facing east. � ,1 , d i g ' u+ - N � f ' w . . .-+r. '' 3�4, er•d �. 3.• • ` i. �C�kl Al ��� .. _, - - y1ay� n' �t}A` I 'ls. w. ...- 'z 5 e.. Figure 2.12. Unsurveyed House,3101 US 117 Highway,circa 1930,facing west. November 2021 13 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina d i air S&ME Project No. 218186 1 If SHPO ER No. 21-1766 . \`1 y' m r .. 3' '' -. 4=i4 e ,irqi ..1 — L l tr w , '� y ^:2 Figure 2.13. Unsurveyed house,3141 Emmaus Church Road,circa 1930,facing north. .tvkk. -_...graft-r- ,---:,-.....4.. —',,„T.H' '4'1' . 4' Ipr yy f M } "fix" 4." 4 r' `* , * s 1 gr s fr — ii _ , . . a „Jl r a". 1 ..z - Figure 2.14. Unsurveyed house,1377 Tommys Road,circa 1970,facing north. November 2021 14 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline ir Wayne Counties, North Carolina ir S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 y� •,tom *. - .,3A , ' i 5,•"4".. '' , • . ---9,r,:.". .•".,-,..4,n,.- it. 1 ., ,,,,"e-,7-A.r.,.- 4:I.-',5:-t: il, , mat , ii 4:41-' i .. , .' a ,` " Ili 1 1 -11 ; Figure 2.15. Unsurveyed house,318 Norlee Drive, circa 1970,facing northwest. - � I - F _ — — , - _.l _ No MI y Figure 2.16. Unsurveyed house,1330 Patetown Road,circa 1965,facing northeast. November 2021 15 Historic Structure Survey ar • Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina a. S&ME Project No. 218186 II SHPO ER No. 21-1766 '�:.1.• ':F $ 6.:40 .s ■ 41 Ai_ LI e I, .ID Figure 2.17. Unsurveyed house, 1351 Tommys Road, circa 1970, facing north. „ , 40411141Nct • 1. k r<_• icy I IL f i iFgll =�� _ Figure 2.18. Unsurveyed house,1369 Tommys Road,circa 1970,facing north. November 2021 16 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline f Wayne Counties, North Carolina .0 i �r S&ME Project No. 218186 11 11111 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 - i a gib. A,, rP fi A Figure 2.19. Ranch houses (unsurveyed),1300 block of Tommys Road,facing northeast. ^< y A 1e F hid Figure 2.20. Ranch houses (unsurveyed),1300 block of Tommys Road,facing northeast. November 2021 17 Historic Structure Survey s w - Line 475 Pipeline s Wayne Counties, North Carolina = Y S&ME Project No. 218186 I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 In addition to residential structures, the communities around Wayne County had social organizations, including Masonic Lodges.While these organizations served to unite community members and provide a social outlet, the lodge buildings utilized a variety of different types of structures. Many were located in former commercial buildings, while others had purpose-built lodge buildings. As the twentieth century progressed, some lodges moved out of their older buildings into newer structures, leaving a variety of forms and types of these fraternal organization buildings in Wayne County (Figures 2.21-2.25). Beginning in the mid-twentieth century and continuing through the present day, the area surrounding Goldsboro began to undergo commercial and industrial development. This resulted in clusters of mid- to late-twentieth century commercial buildings that primarily consist of concrete block masonry or brick veneer structures with simple box-like forms and minimal exterior openings (Figures 2.26-2.28) II _ ._____ COIb58nno^inoCC^. - --- . V _, .. .._...„, , , II iIyI ILJI_._ _,„____, :r - `' r:� as - .�x k. v i ,- a ,; N. -v im 4 �# ' � � � f '-A-, r `�-liA'�8', w"`'L ff,".S8� aF :E--A_ -4-K, -er �,' s;r -- -r,°}-+" ,, 'rs t, } -y :: cart F .rr 3 ,, s �-u.°x e' M, ,, '-' Figure 2.21. Goldsboro Lodge #634 (unsurveyed),circa 1965,facing southeast. November 2021 18 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline iiiP Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 w. SHPO ER No. 21-1766 1 al l i. . ' .. . ... ti_ illallit rj /...,, ,,„,- ili ,,x, 8 ,,, , Aih7Rj - Ijii { �1 T -- F- Figure 2.22. Harmony Lodge No. 340 (unsurveyed),circa 1930,facing west. f. L HOME LODGE No ',`. A. F. & A. M ' :9 . Figure 2.23. Home Lodge #613 (part of blockface WY0421),circa 1900,facing east. November 2021 19 Historic Structure Survey ! u Line 475 Pipeline iiimg Wayne Counties, North Carolina 11 a S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 w _ ., u jC I t F' 1/1 I II! I. it ---��.— l6 x h 11 � n I -��-. . II fi: HIT�'; ' -� ��° r : __1 ,I II0. .J& 4 ,, _, III ���� s,.la _ . ..._ _______=-. _,.,,,r--'.-_-' cam'. .. '„'wt Y# ,Nib .a�- 54.�� vA � �� 'W �'�r �'�s ..rt - ' .h r , :' ?ram. . .- .,, - - PY'14 '- T, 'T . - .. ..r+�ie 2"'a7i"., r,nxdio9 .. Figure 2.24. Blazing Star Lodge #839 (unsurveyed),circa 1960,facing northwest. _ —t 11 I 7 _ q 7 ' dr ". tl1 r" ' 27 F I Ir Figure 2.25. Wayne Lodge #112 (unsurveyed),circa 1970,facing northwest. November 2021 20 Historic Structure Surveyal 0 Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina �:• S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 1111.111111 _8_ .ate ti - - Figure 2.26. Unsurveyed commercial complex,186 Belfast Road,circa 1970,facing northwest. rfii 11111 77, y r f [� " " Figure 2.27. Previously unsurveyed commercial complex,2523 North William Street,circa 1950, facing west. November 2021 21 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 r ?13r. / 6 �a. l� Figure 2.28. Previously unsurveyed commercial complex, 501 Patetown Road, circa 1970,facing west. 2.3 Previously Recorded Sites in the Vicinity of Project Area A background literature review and record search was conducted in October 2021, using HPOWEB, a GIS-based program containing information about aboveground historic resources in North Carolina.The area examined was a 0.25-mile radius around the project area. Additional information on previously recorded structures within the APE for the project was obtained from the survey files at the North Carolina SHPO in Raleigh. A review of the files and records at SHPO indicated there are ten historic aboveground resources, one NRHP- eligible resource, and nine survey only resources (two survey only areas and seven survey only structures) within a 0.25-mile radius of the project corridor(Figure 2.29; Table 2.1). Of the survey only resources, one has been identified as no longer extant. Of these previously recorded resources, seven are located within the APE for the project area, consisting of one NRHP-eligible resource (WY0144), and six survey only resources (Table 2.1).These resources within the APE for aboveground historic properties were revisited during the survey. November 2021 22 Historic Structure Survey gyp° Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Table 2.1. Previously recorded cultural resources within a 0.25-mile radius of the project corridor. Site No. Description NRHP Eligibility Source Y0144 Howell-Batten Farmstead,ca. 1880-1930 farmstead NRHP Eligible HPOWEB/Survey W (Criteria A,C) File 1993 Best Grove Lodge No.392 F&AM,ca. 1920-1935 HPOWEB/ W Y0332 Masonic Lodge Survey Only Survey File 1996 WY0338 Belfast Crossroads, ca. 1890-1920 commercial and Survey Only HPOWEB/Survey residential structures File 1996 WY0342 Scott House,ca. 1865-1885 one-story residence Survey Only HPOWEB/ Survey File 1996 Y0343 Sherrod Rental Houses, ca. 1939-1945 cottages Survey Only(gone) HPOWEB/Survey W File 1996 WY0344 James Deans House,ca. 1845-1860 frame residence Survey Only HPOWEB/ Survey File 1996 Y0359 Isaac Gurley Farm,ca. 1885-1915 farmstead Survey Only HPOWEB/ W Survey File 1996 WY0360 (former) Best Grocery Commercial District,ca. 1930s- Survey Only HPOWEB/ 1940s commercial buildings Survey File 1996 Y0362 Tenant House, 19th century residence Survey only HPOWEB/ W Survey File 1996 WY0363 Rose-Thackeray House, ca. 1875-1890 residence Survey Only HPOWEB/Survey File 1996 BOLD—resource is in the APE for aboveground resources. As part of the background research, Collet's Map (1770);the Price-Strother(1808) map; the McRae-Brazier(1833) map;the Kerr-Cain (1882) map;the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) soil survey map (1916); a United States Postal Service (USPS) rural delivery route map from circa 1920; a North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) map from 1938; and United States Geological Survey (USGS) topographic maps from 1957 were examined. Collet's map shows the project area within Dobbs County with a few roads traversing the area; a courthouse is located on the north side of the Nufe (Neuse) River, where Waynesborough would develop (Figure 2.30). The Price-Strother map shows Waynesborough to the northwest of the project corridor, with additional roadways within the county.The closest marked landmark is Greens Ferry, to the south of the project corridor(Figure 2.31). The McRae-Brazier map shows the project area Wayne County; the project corridor is to the east of Waynesboro (Figure 2.32). By 1882, when the Kerr-Cain map was drawn, Goldsboro had become the county seat and two railroad lines through Goldsboro had been developed (Figure 2.33). The 1916 Wayne County USDA soils map shows the growth of Goldsboro, the Atlantic Coast Railroad and Southern Railroad tracks, and the development of the rural road network that is similar to the current roads; small communities east of Goldsboro include Millers Station, Vinson Store, and Elroy Store. Structures along the rural roads appear spaced out, indicating that much of the area was likely farmland (Figure 2.34). The USPS rural delivery route map shows a similar road network, with spaced out rural residences, as the soil survey map (Figure 2.35). The 1938 NCDOT maps show an increasing number of roadways and many more structures than the previous maps; the communities of Adamsville, Miller, Neusom, and Best are all depicted at crossroads areas to the east of Goldsboro (Figure 2.36). The USGS topographic map from 1957 shows a largely rural area with scattered houses and roadways leading to and from Goldsboro, with the pipeline passing near the communities of Belfast, Langston, and Adamsville (Figure 2.37). November 2021 23 4 (j ,( - x r •" r r t. -'WY0357 Graingers-Matthews House _ ;., • =WY0339 Belfast Road Residential District I w• �„ - 1 WY,0338 Belfast Crossroads 1 ` �,'"•''+ '� j' i. �'� ,/. /-' �; '� y •- , a#)) ' y;�" i �IIi 1•• I. Legend '—s, Fes,-- , 1� i'.'' �� ,g=0342`SScott.House ii _ � Ir.#�l }`�f f - •• ,, ._ Proposed Pipeline Corridor and Access Roads �`iii•, \ _ _WY0344'James Deans House r x - ! - f - t �.. 1 ` ate.. . _- • 1 I I... ti ° � WY0144 Howell.-Batten�Farmstead' 410_, ~ '� IRr Proposed Rerouteti -.• _ Proposed Lay Down Area r 5 . ' .�� � '1 `\ ` r �'� '� �t�'. �, a. /.. t+ '� . r ,� Q 0.25 mile search radius 7. ++ - Previously Recorded Structures(NCg HPO) � } 7 _.'. a eta , ! At, M0332 Best Grove Lodge No.392/F&rAM ` """ `' ��` National Re ister individual listin ^� �- ---I,.(-- .-- '. 1/4, .4 . ,_ , l° 41.)t�11r+. �� 5r .4 ' :�f. f~ • ,i ler _ } Study List individual entry • �'`� � ° � 1 �71,2 �=' '+• WY0360(fo'rmer),BestGrocery.Commercial District t e. - -, Iii—k ■ SLentry, Gone eft■ `y = y - � .. / i 1; : '-,.,,,, - SL and DOE 4•Ct '�# ! '4 ��.� �Oti S, .� .ram .! 4 ..` f� Tom ' ,i • „� t-�� � • y -., k • _ �k7 Determined Eligible-DOE �Y . .r [ n •J f 1. ry _ �� r. `� r' �, +j,1 7� DOE Historic Distract centerpoint �' i '� .� �:+�" •.w. } `' �z ;' ,t • WY0707 Hood Swam Cros: Y Y i o �`: �_� �� -� 1' P Surveyed Only } ' ■ r `� tWY0148 Thompson--Cox Farm -_� _ _- .' -1 tillPiiit `k. ��� I{. -•�' iii,` •1`"i,�. • • — $ �, . Surve ed, Gone�: - 4`• '�... N ►� 1/� • ' ,:1 � --- �� .v-s . .p,,,,•.i J•t :tam ./. Blockface 6' ` y y'�a T' 3 -r�---' -- •-► }',.I■ ' 0,ialzw-• • rr ;P• .? - .. a� 'o Y P t • r y �l� .. •j �� f1k '~ Surveyed Area center point ` - e) .4% iL �raolr1 �� '', „. �", • i ll * Local Historic Distric center point :. 1 . ! r.,4)74 2fr,k k.4114 55( , ‘.46kkr-kk•lw ,,;•:- . ,.. ,,,ii.-li 4}1 �° \ . . . �f ,w 1`) Boundaries 1.01 f� `ti NC HPO 4,11,41. --.-.... .;41,ifee.,,a,., r al._. ..... rli"nil er........._./.7.Fze_./— - ' :.• 4 fitt.:r _gfiriVilb ' -,-,4-itar. g. .. Ai, ,......' idlider-- ' .,:i•:,eivoL.'1*.--71 -L'-',..L.L..- -;.-1.7:4-;•:,::,,,,,,,,:i-r. __. . __..-. ' ,,,,., ., .__.--41/4...._--.- _. .., 411,4------- ---,....--,..w-_- Vilipr... ^ ',.,,,„,.- AML._ f � al - OSLDO Ei, ' ',�. N °`' - - ice - -_ . � 40 1* 1gr , �C Y�.111111121r . ` 4 * � ) v.., � _-- , Ip,�44 � • DOE-� Y4• � ► r : .' '. 1 .1 If '•• VE74-ny 'IP' '° 401_411-4a•V-.. - A4 � a }i;•. �r �� Local_D Mibistrict_Boundaries) "17k..' � Air _1"/ .0',..,1";'„,._. 7_;,,„,:',,,!--1",,A,-46,_,,111 ,.. .iiis,fr•.1"0/0-4.1.0•""iiihi- -' 4;ri,crt4i.e..------'-ii., .,.._frie., 11----,,,4 ii,-. r . _ „......,....N •s„,..., .......„.., kiv4pw'-_ ' - '".1 -- ---0.!-4;*1."—A vIrk. - \:1!"-40 1"P 71 ; I t� -� ft. . •..,,_R ..... , .. . ti .. � �. -br"-•-ir' •fi, i ,L, ."� -„� �i -^ Nowt,%. ,,,, �' ev: Nr." _, - ' ' � +•' .. •� _ • iii$ �+r•_ :�: • '1 r"��f4�;j 4-iirit-i,„„,.„,„„„,,,„-;, i r'I r? :. l �' r [t- - f s. . ,� ��� ,.A •. ' � i WY0362ifenant House r -+ N � ,��!_ , �' ►� —Al �I , 7- ' , ��� *► � _ ' N. .4e •'� ..WY0363 Rose-Thackeray House - WY0718,Houses -, It Jr # ,� F:3 N1 „ � irtfir. * ], a JNir f WY0693(former)New Hope Elementary School r •�. �^�`.�y''�:1"�; S• '�+�_- ,..1 1� ...tair wait y tf ..�',- ry . t \,./. -• -fir _ •@'•` '•' :� �,�. �.a ç --. , atTerairal Y 1• # { \ \ 4 7' . _ — 'w — _--- - — ( ``Q: • E •�� ������� �� I �•, iF / - F .A.dams.oi1: I w r.- _ f .— — 1 = .t.- s/' � .. -Y • �� ya - + ►s �� ..� � 'f�� t:. 4. '"' ' :> �� +.ill, "' �/ i w• j i WY0602 Benjamin Best House N ri.��i► �T� R�� i1 � �$���/ • , , ► rr}} �;`'; • 4 - , _ WY0692 May House a, eir � 0 �.*l� j '1,;%raw ._ tre,v,f 4 111117 r - �'• ``/11 a ` { `. - :'�:�- . - + L • �:i � r y a� "� Rr7 i`• aJ F-... ,� _— --- m= -, ( _ '.ea GIS BASE LAYERS WERE OBTAINED , a', A l r�� .0.5 = w_ !1 d — :�� � �. a ti' ;y> .. .. - - r' � :)i�. FROM ESRI _ ; a , .� �► � •�• 1 I. '. ■ -.' [3 `� N‘. Copy ght©2013 National a N r, vcu i a i u�.�uuic, ruu u� 7n N 0 v z r �+ SCALE: 1 inch = 3,158.91 feet Previously Recorded Resources EXHIBIT NO. DATE: 11/19/2021 Line 475 Pipeline 2.29 DRAWN BY: HLC .41 a, I I S&ME PROJECT NO. 218186 Wayne County, North Carolina 3 0 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline ` Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I I I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 ` �4. ,- . \.... � 1.nrar r + .S. .F J f_ . �- r f h� --1 C i I I, / ..4. 4 F a Swamp ? a ., Mom f24, � } 1 :.4 � 'I --.E �° "ti''/ , l'a - iik a t'. .- w S p T .2 .. Jacob 9launt Figure 2.30. Collett Map (1770) of North Carolina,showing vicinity of project area. t • -171,111111.711 W „ ` � r �-_ �-' f.y r` lf, U *i' , . ii. - vierigie + I;l r , T ter . ji, _/c ,r•arork ,C`�w fi .ti f"•:t.� r i 4- .1i. ,....s - ',I.. -,,..t v. t,e aovcx j 4 rr �11Yt � 5 r Figure 2.31.Price-Strother Map (1808) of North Carolina,showing vicinity of project area. November 2021 25 Historic Structure Surveyier Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina In — S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 l 1 i i i i ► D. _, i:t Junta .+ i � r41e E �111hr,,o i' �,,.ri �r4lr a' ,P� ; • l , l . -,.-I' .� !i 4 1"1:41 .1 !t t I4ty f /':: 4. .. ,,.../4.1. y„,41.14iii o .. .. ,. . . . r i Afib. jjjj' f P il-, _Arch'• 1 ../ �� 1.- • Figure 2.32. MacRae-Brazier Map (1833) of North Carolina, showing vicinity of project area. • - NV t.1 - . firtia - 'ittta . gir--7-!:-' ii,.'' , „„._.,....,... ...,• r. !, rd�,h •, , •..„„lef, ;7i_ ....!.....,w....,„,, ,....•,,ait di of �' .111,,,:oz - , • 1r .-:',":„:1.4%I. ,4 „woo" 2•: 410,,I .,H. ...,....,_, I* ait ilirimyl :If _ 4's &I ; tL Ja"Lail4 i ... , -:-, 9-J,""'" k ~ i t�, 1 ft W :1/4,- ,0 .ax • -� 1 .1 �yr � : _ill . ifi . .SO,.' Vitior"iiiiipillillireh, Er''' '1.11114. . . la._„:211:9 t , / 1111047010..-6:- i Ittio Figure 2.33. Kerr-Cain Map (1882),showing vicinity of the project area. November 2021 26 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline = 11-:- '... Wayne Counties, North Carolina yr 1 air S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 irst —mow 6.ti. P: � � i s s , ,'- li I.- I, }i f j k P/4:11 tilt rt7kir 166"I Net Clip - ,;)‘.\\' . 40 4.4;,...-,r4,...i.,441,10/Iir 14titikriediph ..,),, Ilipi 1.-N._ i, •kill :,.. . • IF ....•... NI 4,,..'6",44'tlbhi. .., .ft,b--.. - 1 ll ft. AlUf .—7" 1 '* ''. -- i,7. ., �' r.11�. fi r_ or, `• 41,-Nil, -4*,..,-;:-. ,4 -aitiiiiko.'' • . ' ' n: r yq„ 4. ,..T _; ., 400;.:- --, , ,isir l -7:k' .t4"6'41;111 iik ,'may '� , . -1 y �/ ` . - • r' {..'; err ^ it Figure 2.34. USDA soil survey map of Wayne County(1916),showing vicinity of the project area. I - , -- } _. .._\q . , \ _,„„ , ___ 1. „..._._ .,,_ ____\ , .., , r � �,� __ r -\ N„ . -____ / h, .„- ? �.. ..--� I f \ rr r 1. ,\ h i Figure 2.35. USPS rural postal route map of Wayne County(1920),showing approximate of the project area. November 2021 27 Historic Structure Survey .,: s Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina I rr I arm:„ S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 • , 1 \i y :. • -�� o 0, , -ice-..• • �',"3.�:. �r eft�. y 1,p _. .. .rr -( : - ,f' `..'�'•- u ` ° 3 �y•e 41 it •r�.'. to!1c.,.. !,+ ••�.fir, ` ?••. ••L. •1 • y1 �. . _ • •:., am •- -_ �-_ • • •. Figure 2.36. NCDOT highway map of Wayne County (1938), showing approximate of the project area. November 2021 28 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Ailli +ii Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 ---7' "r"i- -fah - ,..., 'We -.5' --.5"%i wr . err^!, t If - , 1 ., 4:. I/ tr:', '''' ) -- / •'} iih l, I , lot t ,F. L101r.i0,12,,e„p k-.,...f.,'.,/,:,,,i 10,.7:.,,•.__,,-=-_.d,', /-,,-,#0 (� 1,,ter11. . ram ,rI1 ia. _ :/+r i. _ `.1 }✓If .,rs.._s_.c,?u.%s.t u4„-1 y 314 uM1 _ 11 y f r C 1.'n ,,*+a•4,rA, 41 :` em r.. `t,' '` .27,,E k-spew/ 04 _l -' Nl r. _ ali40 t"�,. ti r! .. 1 _ r7 CMf'. 1/411 -.. � ;-Y` - ,Y ►� �' sky p h }C p � 8Mf —. of ..Cem� ~ .:.. -•75-,ilk, - ,__.ti it 110.74. IP-t--- --•., AEA, ‘711:.": P. *SA /744. .4_,,b,S,A, 0Ap 4 ,, , ._,. . . P1144,..... -.. • .- ,\_____.1,_ , * 1 4,,,,tit, 44,f...._, k, 4704,61. _ ---4,A, -4 4,iir. - �igl'iy,� ��1i �, - sti -., r .Theater.' •• oh � .p� s'A OSa.n L's�. 1 � 'A - � [,ipAr%/, 4411.04,24, '�� f • may 4.40 11111 Figure 2.37.USGS 7.5-minute Goldsboro topographic quadrangle (1957),showing vicinity of the project corridor. November 2021 29 Historic Structure Survey w =- Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 3.0 Methods 3.1 Historic Architecture Field Methods Fieldwork was completed in October 2021. Preliminary information from Wayne County tax records and historic maps were used to identify parcels that were likely to have structures greater than 50 years of age. During fieldwork, each structure identified as over 50 years old through tax records or historic maps was surveyed, as were additional structures that appeared to be over 50 years of age. The APE for the proposed undertaking includes parcels within and adjacent to the proposed pipeline corridor, access roads, and laydown area; previously unsurveyed structures within parcels that contain the right-of-way of the corridor were recorded and previously recorded structures adjacent to or within view of the laydown area or access roads, or on parcels which contain the proposed corridor, were revisited. Fieldwork consisted of photographing each resource greater than 50 years of age from the public right-of-way and recording notes on its condition and integrity. Access to take additional photographs, both interior and exterior, for each property was requested and additional photographs were taken when access was granted. The historic architectural analysis included surveying, analyzing, and evaluating the historic property according to NRHP criteria. 3.2 National Register Eligibility Assessment For a property to be considered eligible for the NRHP it must retain integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association (National Register Bulletin 15:2). In addition, properties must meet one or more of the criteria below: are associated with events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history; or are associated with the lives of persons significant in our past; or embody the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction, or that represent the work of a master, or possess high artistic values, or that represent a significant and distinguishable entity whose components may lack individual distinction; or have yielded or may be likely to yield information important in history or prehistory. The most frequently used criterion for assessing the significance of aboveground resources, particularly structures, site is Criterion C, although other criteria were considered where appropriate. For an aboveground historic resource to be considered significant, it must retain the particular characteristics that made it important, whether it is evaluated under an architectural or historic context. These elements are evaluated through seven aspects of integrity: location, design, materials, workmanship, setting, feeling, and association. These factors were considered in assessing a site's potential for inclusion in the NRHP. November 2021 30 Historic Structure Survey w -- Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 4.0 Results Fieldwork for the project was conducted in October 2021. Fieldwork consisted of photographing each resource greater than 50 years of age from the public right-of-way and recording notes on its condition and integrity. If owner permission was obtained, photographs of additional elevations were taken from the property. Attempts were made to contact owners of each property surveyed; interior access was not granted for the properties. The APE for the proposed undertaking includes parcels containing the proposed pipeline corridor, access roads, and laydown area and parcels adjacent to the proposed laydown area and access roads; previously recorded structures within this APE were revisited and previously unrecorded structures greater than 50 years of age within the APE were surveyed and photographed.As a result of the investigations, 23 previously unrecorded structures were surveyed and seven previously recorded resources were revisited; these resources are discussed in greater detail, from west to east, below. 4.1 Commercial Complex (WY1462) Resource WY1462 located at 2825 Carolina Commerce Drive, northwest of the proposed pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2a and 1.3a). The resource is an industrial complex with three buildings, two warehouses and one office building, and assorted machinery and tanks throughout the property(Figure 4.1). The current use is as a gas and propane company and the storage tanks and machinery are associated with the current industrial use. Structure 1 is a circa 1965 double height, one-story, wooden frame industrial warehouse (Figures 4.2-4.5). The building is rectangular; the main roof of the building is a side gable, with the gable ends being on the north and south. On the north elevation and engaged with the building is a shed-roofed, rectangular addition running the width of the building with one entry door and a single-pane window on the west east elevation. On the south side of the building is a shed roof extension that wraps around from the east elevation to the south elevation. The east elevation of the building has seven unevenly sized and spaced bays. Most of the bays are roughly the same size, to be able to fit large trucks, with similar singular roll track garage doors.The northernmost bay has a shed hood covering the large entry. The next bay is a man-sized entry door, with a half-height shed hood over the entry. The third and fourth bays are garage-sized entryways, with the fourth bay covered by a shed roof extending off the main roof and supported by metal columns and metal knee braces.The fifth bay is a half-height, engaged, open storage shed that is divided into two storage areas; it extends out from the building's footprint with a half-height, front-gabled roof.The sixth bay is larger than the other garage door sized bays and has two horizontally sliding garage doors, with a shed-roofed extension from the main roofline over the doors.The southernmost bay is covered by the wraparound shed-roofed extension and is divided by metal support columns into two bays on the east and one bay on the south elevation. On the south elevation is an open bay, wooden frame, storage shed located near the building, but not engaged.The exterior of Structure 1 is vinyl siding, the foundation is concrete slab, and the roofing material is asphalt shingles. Structure 2 is a circa 1969 one-story, wooden frame office building (Figure 4.6). The building is rectangular and runs north to south, parallel to Structure 1, but is roughly half the size.The roof is side gabled, with the gable ends on the north and south of the building.The east elevation of the building has three entry doors, each with a metal awning, and two one-over-one, vinyl sash windows.The west elevation has two entry doors and five window openings.A small gabled portico encloses an additional entry door on the north elevation.The exterior is clad in vinyl siding, the foundation is concrete slab, and the roofing material is asphalt shingles. November 2021 31 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline - ---- Wayne Counties, North Carolina 1 a. S&ME Project No. 218186 II SHPO ER No. 21-1766 i r VW L t 1 mi p. ; - , T� "pi. �.)r.:. ,T- -C ructur % �-4 t w1 2tare 1 rl, , I 4 yr ,.")-4'1ir lril l f, 1 Tit it on : ' ift / . , i 11".Oa # ft. - ..... 4 •. ir ; Fi , .1",' if - 4 Plir. i, t Tv 4 I, td . i _Pr It( , it - £ e' `r --~-: :' ` : * • 7 V'' ... P «. `' - - it • Figure 4.1.Aerial photograph showing layout of WY1462 (Google Earth 2021). November 2021 32 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 6" = '¢ �f "..1" _ r ■ #. Figure 4.2. Resource WY1462, Structure 1 facing northwest. i e l �' own inn Figure 4.3. Resource WY1462, Structure 1 facing west. November 2021 33 Historic Structure Survey v—. Line 475 Pipeline s Wayne Counties, North Carolina i S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 -,. ` ten. . ,TA 0 i /liri .s ^..�^- _-fro - -.,-_ _.. _ Figure 4.4. Resource WY1462, Structure 1 facing southwest. - *- -- -::'c�- .r ae -. 7 ..... fir' --. i ---- - .`` i,°: may,I. '" �• _ a Figure 4.5. Resource WY1462, Structure 1 facing northwest. November 2021 34 Historic Structure Survey — Line 475 Pipeline f Wayne Counties, North Carolina � ,� S&ME Project No. 218186 AI SHPO ER No. 21-1766 it I !�- P-. - --a, i , ^e.-er _, , -r .us Figure 4.6. Resource WY1462, Structure 2,facing north. Structure 3 is a circa 1993 double-height, one-story, steel frame warehouse (Figure 4.7). The footprint of the building is rectangular, with the shorter ends on the north and south of the building.The roof is a low-pitched side gable, with the gable ends on the north and south elevations.The south elevation has two uneven bays, with the east bay being a large garage door and the west a typical entry door. The exterior of the building is clad in vertical metal sheathing. The foundation is concrete slab. Scattered throughout the parking area, located between the buildings, are modern metal and plastic storage tanks (Figure 4.8). Resource WY1462 is a three-building complex, of which Structures 1 and 2 are older than 50 years of age, while Structure 3 is not. Structures 1 and 2 are still in active use and appear to have been vastly altered over time to keep up with the needs of business operations within the complex, including additions, changes to doorways, and the addition of modern siding and roofing materials.This portion of the area near the proposed pipeline corridor is largely commercial and industrial, with multiple examples of commercial/industrial complexes (Figures 2.26- 2.28). Resource WY1462 has no known historic associations. It is S&ME's recommendation that WY1462 is not eligible for the NRHP, based on loss of integrity of design, workmanship, and materials. 4.2 Scott House (WY0342) The Scott House (WY0342) is located at 2824 Carolina Commerce Drive, north of the proposed project corridor (Figures 1.2a and 1.3a). The Scott House, which was originally recorded in 1996, is a late-nineteenth-century, one- story, wooden frame, vernacular farmhouse with circa 1935 additions and alterations (Figures 4.9-4.14). The roof is side-gabled, with a gabled rear ell addition. The front elevation is three bays wide, with a central entry door flanked by a window opening on either side; there is a full-width, hip-roofed porch that is supported by one remaining chamfered wooden post.The south elevation has two small, covered porches within the building November 2021 35 Historic Structure Survey -� Line 475 Pipeline f Wayne Counties, North Carolina .0 i — S&ME Project No. 218186 11 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 . — lit. ':z:: i 1114.111.11101111111111111 Figure 4.7. Resource WY1462, Structure 3,facing northwest. • 4 • 'mot � :. - Figure 4.8. Resource WY1462,various storage tanks,facing southeast. November 2021 36 Historic Structure Survey _ Line 475 Pipeline s Wayne Counties, North Carolina : S&ME Project No. 218186 Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 ,.,it, Fsa! n ° #N J�� es :r , +Aiw.. ,*�'" , f' f y` 11 h ..:: ...Ak '.N x, r ,a� � } r �� :.,1 i T ,ki ''r' �, , �� "1`• s�• '" `-8 .,y '0' ""cam .)4./o `74;i , • 'r ,1sot`i' �',- 4f,,, ^z= . i,. s 2 ,.' cam:::''. ,," t5 .0 !' r,,y p ` i 74'a ! 4 W:... <.s. 's'�tf .yMw ,s.. „- 3' •4 .Si�&uQ �htl:�n Figure 4.9. Scott Hous46.e (WY0342),facing:-..i'a,-..,::t''......I.:7, • s:, Z ,5 ? y; Igw �! t a -' + ;� ' 'T• ^�a 4r �r AIQ ale.ar8y., 9 / :.z. '(v" � w� n''r. i► Lys j L d J.��WW �o Qf1 4�t ,i 44 v. i� �. t �'. Figure 4.10. Scott House (WY0342),facing northeast. November 2021 37 Historic Structure Surveyiiiii Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 iiiir SHPO ER No. 21-1766 s1t , Yr bV •j lit lefr 'F .4-- • - , ' --' 4IN, I' I) it Y L ,�} "T Wit` lir '!} , � i Irk / rill*MUM ''t, *Iii'"'''Till', •r''v Arnow TA aim., - '"-' —.. r. ---' ��• q Figure 4.11. Scott House (WY0342),facing north. + 4 Ill' N a4, y c dR ry.E?4 rh o k 4.-N-f' T---' -, -id IM, . 11110, - ,'.'?•01_*'' 4.1„....,... ... . 4 _ . 4111414, . ,.. , - ,,,Ar err`i i- r_ ln4 NliVil�, N �b! . - _ -Ailunt ,. Pr" 1110101.10.5.11- ;1 ' -� arm -- "t y Figure 4.12. Scott House (WY0342),facing northeast. November 2021 38 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline s --- Wayne Counties, North Carolina am" S&ME Project No. 218186 I 1 I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 `�� - 'ail✓->- +- t' it . •_� "ter+— +!� '*-- -.'-� 2 r- ate.._. „-� - AA{ �{ �`� _-._ _. � �... , EMT '- : �. r` .!}.ram - 1. ! ~ -. - '*raja � / �'� ` , °'� s_ Figure 4.13. Scott House (WY0342),facing west. �y } 41. 5 ` itt .0 ....- ..'""'-'41/:' '1.4:'-;e•It' 11 ':1-4474 a..s ' '---/-,--,";5- " =-----7.."-'--T:4'.,' •• - ".- -1%; '',41,of %sue .e: F -•� y ' }Y -*GCS_�.,i '��c . y fr .. i r , __ .w K. �.-. J 4 may' a ,.. 4ILi iylk s _ _. Figure 4.14. Scott House (WY0342), facing south. November 2021 39 Historic Structure Survey iimm- Line 475 Pipeline 4111, Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 - SHPO ER No. 21-1766 envelope, under a shed roof that steps out from the original building and runs the length of the addition.The rear elevation of the building has another addition, with a lower pitched, gabled roof and a screened porch, under a shed roof that creates the corner between the two additions.The exterior of the building is wooden weatherboard, and the roofing is standing-seam metal. Many of the windows are no longer existent, but the few that remain are four-over-one, wooden sashes.The foundation is continuous brick. At the time of the 1996 survey, the building was in good to fair condition, but since the original survey it has undergone significant deterioration. Additionally, there was barn structure associated with the property, which it is no longer extant.The Scott House retains its integrity of location, setting, and feeling. However, due to the severe deterioration, the site has lost integrity of design, workmanship, and materials; it has no known historic associations. Architecturally, the Scott House is an example of a common late-nineteenth to early-twentieth century rural residence, with a single story, side-gabled form, with multiple examples with greater integrity located in the vicinity of the project corridor (Figures 2.1-2.5). For these reasons, it is S&ME's recommendation that the Scott House is not eligible for the NRHP. 4.3 James Deans House (WY0344) The James Deans House (WY0344) is located at approximately 145 Deans Lane, to the east of a proposed access road for the pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2a and 1.3a). The building is a mid-nineteenth century, one-story, wooden frame, vernacular farmhouse with a circa 1920s rear addition (Figures 4.15-4.19). The main roofline is side-gabled, with a rear gabled addition extending east, away from the main portion, and then connecting to a half-hipped roof over the rear portion of the house. The west facade is three-bays wide, with a central entryway and windows in the adjacent bays; the fenestration openings on the house are covered with wood or recycled standing-seam metal.The house rests on a brick pier foundation and the exterior of the building is clad in weatherboard; the roof material is standing-seam metal.The building has one remaining exterior chimney, on the west elevation, that has deteriorated above the shoulders. The building was surveyed in 1996 and was in deteriorated condition at the time. Survey file records indicate that the house was built by James Deans prior to the Civil War. The Deans family was one of the oldest in the area and were one of the first to convert to Methodism. The building remained in the family's ownership and was used as a residence until the 1950s.The building is currently in ruinous condition and portions of the original fabric, such as windows, has been removed.To the southeast of the building, the farmland that contributed to the rural setting of the house has been altered for a large circa 2005 residential compound.Although the James Deans House retains integrity of location, design, and feeling, its workmanship, materials, and setting have been compromised by deterioration and modern construction.The James Deans House is an early standing example of the one-story, side-gabled, rural residential form in the area.Although most remaining examples are from a later time period (Figures 2.1-2.5,4.10), the loss of historic fabric overshadows the age of the structure. For these reasons, it is S&ME's recommendation that the James Deans House (WY0344) is ineligible for the NRHP. 4.4 House (WY1463) Structure WY1463 is located at 127 Deans Lane, east of a proposed access road for the pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2a and 1.3a). The building is a circa 1965 one-story, brick veneer Ranch-style residence with a side-gabled roof (Figures 4.20-4.22). The front of the building is four bays wide, with an off-center entryway located beneath a one- bay, gabled porch that is supported by decorative wrought iron columns.The window to the south of the entryway is a large picture window, flanked by one-over-one, double-hung, vinyl sash windows;the remaining two November 2021 40 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline 1[ ' Wayne Counties, North Carolina 1 S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 • a w a. 4' '' t IniPi -f"'-•-•„,,014/L,Y1F:,V0f",•r•4'1'.,,.::, ' •"•-• • '.•• ' .' . 'A "74'*'''• !b w1Fv ".d tr"R F�, '4 '+"i' S�. y�fp�_ 3 T?ode':..... {''F�.R6�!-(M i - J - Rile ;�# q r- ' 4 + Figure 4.15.James Deans House (WY0334),facing west. � 'w ri lor,..- , TyF . "-- ; I I d_t i �l1 fs -- �. ors_, Figure 4.16.James Deans House (WY0334),facing south. November 2021 41 Historic Structure Survey L--., 1 Line 475 Pipeline s 1:Y --- Wayne Counties, North Carolina �. S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 ''i ce .N'E +". ' 1 4504 N ...' .P. , V^ti ...... M. iA" - m.' � . . ,. . �, ra , . ,- s y.� \ o'd i Figure 4.17.James Deans House (WY0334),facing north. • t a 9 ., ,<, s • .407'4p: `4 -., . .e......;'''!"4:: — '. .' .1f., --,,,... .' . .5 :i: 4 i,' ,,: .74..4,..,1 4.gad...°1''t. ' •�r Y x, w Figure 4.18.James Deans House (WY0334),facing north. November 2021 42 Historic Structure Survey r Line 475 Pipeline s --, Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 Il SHPO ER No. 21-1766 -41,f 0.,:ii"-esigv,ii: .',..;:-.'4 ' ''-'.7; . '' ,k >�" cif - , P R� "K9 s. .. 1�-• 1 . F• . 9' 0 8 111 1 44 ilk 1 '''... . w F' C WE-D-1 { �., K .,-._ .' -.pip.-- .f�'' . - — Figure 4.19.James Deans House (WY0334),facing west. ro s, i g 1 'rl Y r� Aµ' :s „4 • — 1 0, ii s \LaILL L • r - Figure 4.20. House (WY1463),facing northwest. November 2021 43 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline s . -_- Wayne Counties, North Carolina 1 a. S&ME Project No. 218186 II SHPO ER No. 21-1766 • 4. tl 1,44 - k'" r r• - i u1iIffl • '�1 rT �71� • Figure 4.21. House (WY1463),facing west. . Y • y- - ..i '� { 4. • - 4 I ` ' � I I .,, �_ r .Z i+ L 1 ;M • y x 3 3�, ,fir F j °� °,�'Y,. ......,��_ _�ear�s.i-�`- �,-gF� Figure 4.22. House (WY1463),facing south. November 2021 44 Historic Structure Survey w -- Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 windows on the front elevation are single one-over-one, double-hung, vinyl sashes.The south elevation has two single one-over-one, double-hung, vinyl sash windows. The north elevation has an attached carport, which is located beneath the main roofline and is supported by a metal column, with a side entry door and single one- over-one, double-hung, vinyl sash window. The foundation system is covered by brick veneer that matches the rest of the house's exterior but is likely brick either piers or continuous. The gable ends of the main roof and entry hood are vinyl siding. The roof is covered with asphalt shingles and there is a single brick chimney centered within the building that is visible above the roof ridge. The property has four associated outbuildings, one circa 1900 tobacco barn and three late-twentieth century structures: a shed, a garage, and an enclosed carport (Figures 4.23 and 4.24). Southeast of the house is the tobacco barn, which predates the residence and may have originally been associated with the James Deans House (WY0344), located to the south, or another earlier residence.The barn is two-story, wooden frame structure with a side-gabled roof that is covered in standing-seam metal.The exterior of the barn is vertical battens over composite fabric siding. Off the south elevation is a half-high shed roof that is supported by wooden columns. The three modern outbuildings run linear, from north to south, behind the residence.The shed is a circa 1980, single-story, wood-framed structure with a front gabled roof, covered with asphalt shingles. The front elevation of the building is three bays wide with a central entryway and one six-over-six, vinyl sash window to the north of the entryway. The structure is covered with vertical composite siding and the foundation is continuous concrete masonry units. The garage is a circa 1975, one-story, front-gabled storage building.The front facade is two unequal bays with a one-car garage bay door to the north and adjacent entry door to the south.The exterior of the building is clad in corrugated metal and the roof standing-seam metal;the foundation is concrete slab. The enclosed carport is a circa 1965 shed-roofed storage building with open car entrance on the front elevation. The exterior of the building is vertical metal siding, and the roof is a shed covered in standing-seam metal. Structure WY1463 is a mid-century, Ranch-style residence that has associated contemporary outbuildings and an earlier tobacco barn.The house retains integrity of location, setting, design, and feeling, but has lost integrity of workmanship and materials with the replacement of the windows with modern vinyl windows and the roof with modern asphalt shingles. Ranch-style residences, particularly with brick veneer exteriors, are a common type of rural house form in the surrounding area, with multiple examples within the vicinity of the proposed project corridor(Figures 2.14-2.20). The building and associated outbuilding have no known historic associations. It is S&ME's recommendation that WY1463 is not eligible for the NRHP. 4.5 House (WY1464) Structure WY1464 is located at 296 Tommy's Road, although the house has an address on it of 118 Deans Lane; and is west of a proposed access road for the pipeline corridor (Figures 1.2a and 1.3a). The building is a circa 1900 one-story, wooden frame, vernacular farmhouse (Figures 4.25-4.27). The roof is side-gabled, with a hip-roofed porch that is supported by wooden columns running almost the length of the front facade.The entry way is centered within the front elevation, with a single four-over-four, double-hung, wooden sash window to the north; remaining bays on the front elevation have been covered over.The rear elevation of the structure has a shed- roofed addition, which extends from approximately halfway down the rear side of the gabled roof, that runs the length of the structure. Each side elevation of the structure has two single four-over-four, double-hung, wooden sash windows, one in the gable end and one in the addition.The house rests on a continuous brick foundation and the exterior is covered with vinyl siding. The roof is standing-seam metal and there is an interior brick chimney visible above the roof ridge to the south of center. The property has one outbuilding associated with it November 2021 45 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline s - Wayne Counties, North Carolina 1 �. S&ME Project No. 218186 II SHPO ER No. 21-1766 ",. .dlrJ ' h1 ' 1 , ' , 1 .max Y` 41 2 A 1!r i � '_ -11 4 1 , Y 1 a M wa +x q9 .4 Figure 4.23. Tobacco barn associated with WY1463,facing northwest. / ,,' 1 , . , �` x I II I 11 1 11• ! iIIIIUIIIHOIHIIMIIHIIHI . 0111111111 _ Ill Figure 4.24. Outbuildings associated with WY1463,facing west. November 2021 46 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline s, . _ - Wayne Counties, North Carolina ,N . S&ME Project No. 218186 INE• ' limmi SHPO ER No. 21-1766 x f .} • 1. ,s . . . 7; Af r a„ x " Figure 4.25. Structure WY1464,facing (north. '�.. t.:. . - - ,'-'• • • s .. :-•4 • i'tJ., ''. , w1rrz: lc 1. ' fie 'lt,1r To '� // fI II I t • ill ;i .- , - • l'' " ir: Figure 4.26. Structure WY1464,facing west. November 2021 47 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline iiiiP Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 y., .. Bj V $ Y "'-. "i' 6 \ Rif• ♦! lAti Fh 1 j"' > � �__l___..-.9-....,,r-.-, f".-:2 ,._:% 1 , . tr of 4.1 Figure 4.27. Structure WY1464,facing south. (Figure 4.28). The outbuilding is a one-and one-half-story, wooden frame barn with a side-gabled roof, with a shed-roof extension. The exterior of the barn is covered with a combination of wooden siding and metal roofing material;the roof is covered with standing-seam metal.The barn is in a state of severe deterioration. Structure WY1464 represents common form and type of vernacular rural residence for this area and period of construction; multiple examples remain extant in the vicinity of the project corridor (Figures 2.1-2.5 4.9,4.124). The building retains its integrity of location, settling, and feeling, but the addition and covering of front elevation openings have altered its design, while the replacement of original siding has compromised its materials and workmanship. Because of the loss of integrity and lack of known historical associations, it is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1464 is ineligible for the NRHP. 4.6 Houses (WY1465) Resource WY1465 is two residential buildings and three associated outbuildings located at 1331 North NC 111 Highway, north of the proposed project corridor (Figures 1.2a and 1.3a). On the southern portion of the parcel, closest to the proposed pipeline corridor, is Structure 1, which is a circa 1915 one-story, wooden frame residence with a front-gabled Craftsman form (Figures 4.29-4.32). The house is three bays wide, with the entryway centered in the front elevation, flanked by paired six-over-six, double-hung, vinyl sash windows on either side; the door and one window are located beneath a two-bay, offset, front-gabled porch that is supported by tapered square columns that rest on brick piers. The gable ends of the house and porch have decorative knee bracing under the eaves.The building footprint steps out for roughly one bay on the north elevation and is covered by a half-height cross gable;this portion of the north elevation has a paired six-over-six, double-hung, vinyl sash window, while the remaining bays on the north elevation are single six-over-six, double-hung, vinyl sash windows. On the south elevation there are two bays of windows, a single and a paired six-over-six, double-hung, vinyl sash window. A November 2021 48 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina 1 i i. S&ME Project No. 218186 I�fl " SHPO ER No. 21-1766 1 rr y { �� -1'1 � I }} �^ 4s�yT v �aa arc / :S aigAit 1'r1 ' i° 'r ' 7If= .tiA 7P,+�F r '�.w 7 ' - ' ' -,„ ' '4 „q • o ,-x; ,_. 34 s �► ` , • V. I. r, ho r `4., r a ^ 'fty y 2 4.4„. , . ___.,.... , „... ..„, ,..,_ . -1tL • h P '��, -. -.44il ,,;..;',.,,..iv— Sys • 1 ly, y a. ' a Esssi '`.y+�s fib ' - m� a. Figure 4.28. Structure WY1464,barn,facing north. , _ _ it f . Structure 3 , i to.: 9.14:': i • •_ J siiiti .. t, t r OPIO . . - . If . • •tructur- r Figure 4.29. Aerial photograph of resource WY1465 (Google 2021). November 2021 49 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline s, �. ''.`:.. Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 y. • fi ' ,, R i 1�. %"`;rl 4 Al e " 4• F d f _ ' g «Ieep{J{ - .. .14"- Figure 4.30. Resource WY1465, Structure 1,facing north. `'w , y ';'' -- .:. r —_�`\\. —___ ogle it - v_ �1Il III1 _ T_ 4, 1 i l ' I�. J. , . 4�,..1....1.. .riff 4, v t 4 t .. 4 I Figure 4.31. Resource WY1465, Structure 1,facing west. November 2021 50 Historic Structure Survey 0 Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina �. S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 - f,,,V . . IOW • - e..a, w 1111111 a F Figure 4.32. Resource WY1465, Structure 1,facing northwest. gabled rear addition is visible along the west elevation of the house.The exterior of the building is clad in modern vinyl siding and the foundation is continuous brick. The roof is covered with standing-seam metal roofing and there is no visible chimney. Structure 1 has one associated outbuilding, a late twentieth-century one-story shed with a front-gabled roof.The roofing material is asphalt shingles, and the exterior is clad in vinyl siding. The entry is a double-width side-hinged door. The foundation is concrete slab. Structure 2 is a circa 1960 one-story, wooden frame Ranch-style residence with a brick veneer exterior(Figures 4.33 and 4.34). The building is side-gabled, and its front elevation is four bays wide, with an off-center door located beneath a two-bay, front-gabled portico supported by wooden posts. To the north of the door is a tripartite picture window, while to the south is a single and a paired one-over-one, double-hung, vinyl sash window.The gable ends of the house are clad in vinyl siding and the roofing material is asphalt shingles.Attached to the south elevation of the house is a carport, which is located beneath an extension of the main roofline that is supported by a square post and a rear storage unit. Structure 2 has two associated outbuildings, both late- twentieth century sheds, which are mostly out of view from the public right of way. Resource WY1465 consists of two residential structures greater than 50 years of age, both of which retain integrity of location, feeling, design, and setting. However, the replacement of windows and roofing materials on both structures and the addition of vinyl siding on Structure 1 has affected the integrity of materials and workmanship on both structures. Resource WY1465 has no known historic associations. Both residences are common early and mid-twentieth century rural residential forms and there are examples of both in the vicinity of the proposed project corridor(Figures 2.9-2.13 and 2.14-2.20). Because of these reasons, it is S&ME's recommendation that Resource WY1465 is not eligible for the NRHP. November 2021 51 Historic Structure Survey Air Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 er ~ 1 4 1 , _ r Lil mum!li , Figure 4.33. Resource WY1465, Structure 2,facing northwest. ,40 Mill • • 1 t Figure 4.34. Resource WY1465, Structure 2,facing southwest. November 2021 52 Historic Structure Survey ar Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina �. S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 4.7 House (WY1466) Structure WY1466 is located at 1310 North NC 111 Highway, south of the proposed pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2a and 1.3a). It is a circa 1960 one-story, side-gabled Ranch-style residence with a brick veneer exterior (Figures 4.35- 4.37).The house is four bays wide, with an off-center entryway;to the south of the door is a paired one-over-one, double hung, vinyl sash window and to the north is a paired and a single one-over-one, double hung, vinyl sash window. Beneath the main roofline on the north elevation is an attached carport, with a storage area on the rear wall;the extension of the roof is supported by a decorative wrought iron column.The south elevation has two single one-over-one, double-hung, vinyl sash windows. The brick veneer on the exterior of the building extends to grade level obstructing the foundational system, but due to the age is likely brick piers or continuous brick. The roof is covered with asphalt shingles and there is one interior chimney visible above the roof ridge. Structure WY1466 has an associated late-twentieth century outbuilding. It is a one-story shed, clad in vinyl siding, with a front gabled roof covered in asphalt shingles.The shed has a double door entry on the front facade. Structure WY1466 is a Ranch-style residence, which was a common mid-to-late-twentieth century house form in rural Wayne County, including in the vicinity of the proposed project area (Figures 2.14-2.20). The house has had the original windows and roofing material replaced with modern vinyl and asphalt.The integrity of location, design, feeling, and setting are intact, but integrity of workmanship and materials have been compromised due to the modern alterations. The building and property have no known historic associations. It is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1466 is ineligible for the NRHP. 4.8 Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144) The Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144) was recorded in 1992 as a late-nineteenth to early-twentieth century farmstead located near the southeast corner of Tommy's Road and NC 111 Highway, north of the proposed pipeline corridor (Figures 1.2a and 1.3a). The farmstead included the main farmhouse and ten associated structures, including a tenant house and servants house, as well as structures used for agricultural purposes, such as barns and a corn crib. As a result of the survey, the Howell-Batten Farmstead was determined eligible for the NRHP under Criterion A, for its association with late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century agriculture in Wayne County, and Criterion C, as an example of traditional farmhouse architecture and outbuilding construction. S&ME revisited the location of the Howell-Batten farmstead and could not relocate the house or associated outbuildings. A modern daycare building and a school are currently located on the property (Figures 4.38 and 4.39), although a silo that appears to have been associated with the property remains extant at the edge of the tree line, behind the school (Figures 4.40 and 4.41). Aerial photographs indicate that the Howell-Batten Farmstead remained mostly intact until 2013, but the surrounding farmland began to be developed by 2014, resulting in the loss of the house and some outbuildings; the remainder of the outbuildings were demolished by 2018 (Figures 4.42-4.45).Although there is one silo remaining on the edges of the proposed NRHP boundary for the Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144), alone it retains no integrity or association with the agricultural history of the property. Based on fieldwork and historic aerial photographs, S&ME concludes that the Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144) is no longer extant. 4.9 Best Grove Lodge No. 392 F&AM (WY0332) The Best Grove Lodge No. 392 F&AM (WY0332) is located at 1085 Tommys Road, located north of a proposed access road for the pipeline corridor (Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The resource is a Masonic Lodge dating to circa 1900; it was previously recorded in 1996. The building is a two-story, wooden frame structure with side-gabled roof and November 2021 53 Historic Structure Survey - Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I AI I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 r Y< T ! Figure 4.35. WY1466,facing northwest. 41, L...J r Figure 4.36. WY1466,facing west. November 2021 54 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina i i air S&ME Project No. 218186 If , SHPO ER No. 21-1766 • ^ $ d c x'' F -- 5. --,a,.i'' r" Y:"F41 14. *litt i f 1E1 l' -- ..„:7-____.,, Figure 4.37. WY1466,facing southwest. A', y# fit ,. ti '.3.%.� ._,^ �,4 4% _l______ :________*----' -- - ---' ---:::::!': .' -' '-".-, , ,.... � �„" ... '"" '1....- VP E. 21 _ 1 u ni n III �Ih IIII II{11111111III it . 1 Figure 4.38. Modern daycare building at the location of the Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144), facing northeast. November 2021 55 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina 11 i �. S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 11 Figure 4.39. Modern school buildings at the location of the Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144), facing northeast. ,gee y �$ • Figure 4.40. Silo,former Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144),facing northeast. November 2021 56 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline s Wayne Counties, North Carolina 1 ar S&ME Project No. 218186 II SHPO ER No. 21-1766 ' •P ''• 4''t 'ray _,iii: ,;14ilitor °i'� • z f S t 4 Figure 4.41. Silo,former Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144),facing southeast. f (r " '•- . is ('.� � - t 4 • !Ij+f - • ii { . Figure 4.42. Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144),2013 (Google Earth). November 2021 57 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina _ S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 ao . 1 e ' fa p. tt7 I r Voilb,-.-- , . _ , -- X,v--, _ .4--..„, -.4c ,,,. ---..........___________, I , ,. _„, $i..1 I..9 ,r 4 _..,,,„=_,_____„_, . „ . y - T 0 _ Figure 4.43. Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144),2014 (Google Earth). MIL�__. .... . 4 as / I �� j F ti., .:. _ _ - ill— ''.1-QAQ-__ ,t' I. 7_ f ■ L. ) ,_, F.:. ,I. A ....,_ •a r Figure 4.44. Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144),2016 (Google Earth). November 2021 58 Historic Structure Survey w - Line 475 Pipeline s, Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I = Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 -.�,n ,- - OD e -® ia: - -; ' - T4- -.4 0 r 3 _ ,,,,ip ..: _ ,., :i , . , • fif • , ,.4,k.'4144241:- 1 t aiii . , F f' ■� ' L I ll'liV'-' { r Figure 4.45. Howell-Batten Farmstead (WY0144),2018 (Google Earth). one-story rear ell (Figures 4.46-4.50). The front elevation of the building is three bays wide, with a central, projecting, one-story gabled portico that has an off-center entry door. A sign reading "Best Grove Lodge No 392 F&AM"with a Masonic symbol, hangs in the gable end of the projecting portico. On either side of the portico are paired windows, on both the first and second stories; on the second story, the fenestration consists of nine-pane, wood-frame casement windows and on the first story they are primarily six-pane, wood-frame casement windows, although one has been replaced with an eight-over-eight, double-hung, vinyl sash window. There are no openings on either of the side elevations, except for rectangular attic vents in the gable ends. On the rear elevation, the single story, gabled, rear ell extends northward and has a modern entry door centered in its north elevation. On either side of the rear ell are single rectangular window openings on the first story, with the east opening having a single-pane, wood frame window and the western opening being covered with plywood.The building rests on a continuous masonry foundation, covered with stucco, that extends approximately halfway up the first story;the exterior of the building is covered with vinyl siding and the roof is covered with asphalt shingles. Since it was recorded in 1996, the Best Grove Lodge No. 392 F&AM building has had the front portico enclosed, has had the lower-level window on the east side of the front elevation replaced, has had the standing-seam metal roofing replaced, and has had the wooden weatherboard siding replaced or covered with vinyl siding. Although Masonic Lodge buildings from the early twentieth century are rare in Wayne County, and most of the other examples of lodge structures are converted commercial buildings (Figures 2.21-2.25), the Best Grove Lodge No. 392 F&AM building has significant integrity issues.The alterations to the structure, including enclosing the portico and changes to the windows and siding, have compromised the integrity of design, material, and workmanship. Although the structure has historic associations with the Masonic organization, the lack of integrity supersedes these associations.Therefore, S&ME recommends that the Best Grove Lodge No. 392 F&AM is ineligible for the NRHP. November 2021 59 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina ,, I a. S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 11 7k- - _ -= Figure 4.46. Best Grove Masonic Lodge No. 392 F&AM (WY0332),facing northeast. Figure 4.47. Best Grove Masonic Lodge No. 392 F&AM (WY0332),facing north. November 2021 60 Historic Structure Survey ar v—. Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina . S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 �T G •Pilr — ail _ let - i • Figure 4.48. Best Grove Masonic Lodge No. 392 F&AM (WY0332),facing northwest. E ���--.== -= ---_--__ - - s- - Figure 4.49. Best Grove Masonic Lodge No. 392 F&AM (WY0332),facing southeast. November 2021 61 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline f Wayne Counties, North Carolina - S&ME Project No. 218186 1111 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 - ._ _. ..ram. '-•T'Jld�l' -. Figure 4.50. Best Grove Masonic Lodge No. 392 F&AM (WY0332),facing northeast. 4.10 House (WY1467) Structure WY1467 is located at 207 Shadywood Dr, north of the proposed pipeline corridor (Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The building is a circa 1970 one-story, brick veneer, Ranch-style residence (Figures 4.51 and 4.52). The footprint of the building is an L-shape with a cross-gabled roof. The entryway is located on east elevation of the front-projecting gabled section, flush with the exterior wall but within a slight recess beneath the roof of the side- gabled section; on the same elevation as the door, there are two small one-over-one, double-hung, vinyl sash windows. On the gable end of the front-gabled section are two larger one-over-one, double-hung, vinyl sash windows. The side-gabled section of the house has two bays. Closest to the intersection of the two gabled portion, there is a single one-over-one, double-hung, vinyl sash window, located in a section that is clad in vinyl siding.The northern bay on the side-gabled section is a single 16-pane, vinyl picture window, located in a vinyl- sided section between two brick veneer walls; it appears that this was originally an open carport which was later enclosed. The foundation of the building is obscured by the brick veneer running to grade level, but is likely concrete slab, due to the age of construction, relatively level property, and proximity of the building to grade level. The roof is covered with asphalt shingles and there is a brick chimney visible along the roofline of the side- gabled section. Structure WY1467 represents as Ranch-style residence, although with a less common design than the common side-gabled and hip-roofed Ranch houses in the area (Figures 2.14-2.20). Although the house retains integrity of location, setting, and feeling, it has no known historic associations and has lost integrity of design, materials, and workmanship through the replacement of original windows enclosure of the carport. For these reasons, it is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1467 is not eligible for the NRHP. November 2021 62 Historic Structure Survey u Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 A II y,, ;1 i 'tier • .:ice' g;s ' , _ L - ` J 0. S + `4 • 1 _J � tillr e�a�r III a c 3 -1,...z. _ r_ y 1 ., Figure 4.51. Structure WY1467,facing west. • �✓ _VC �� art l .4 r • 1 Mill • r. �I sr: k- `7 t 1e S• f�5)+�si { t r'ems.. _ _ Figure 4.52. Structure WY1467,facing northwest. November 2021 63 Historic Structure Survey iimm- Line 475 Pipeline 4111, Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 4.11 House (WY1468) Structure WY1468 is located at 206 Shadywood Drive, north of the proposed pipeline corridor (Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The building is a circa 1970 one-story, wooden frame, Ranch-style residence with a brick veneer exterior (Figures 4.53-4.55). The house has a rectangular footprint, with a side-gabled roof, and is five bays wide.The entry door, which is flush with the front elevation exterior wall and accessed by a brick stoop, is slightly off-center and has a thick wooden surround; it is flanked by a single and a paired six-over-six, double-hung, vinyl sash window, with lower wooden panel, on either side. The windows on the front facade have inoperable vinyl shutters. The north and south elevations each have single six-over-six, vinyl sash windows.The front corners of the house have decorative faux quoining in the brick veneer. Along the rear elevation, there is a gabled rear porch, supported by a square column on a brick pier. The foundation system is concrete slab. Structure WY1468 represents a typical Ranch-style residence, which is a common house type in the area (Figures 2.14-2.20). The house has no known historic associations.The building retains integrity of location, setting, design, and feeling but has lost integrity of workmanship and materials with the replacement of modern windows. It is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1468 is ineligible for the NRHP. 4.12 House (WY1469) Structure WY1469 is located at 3344 Wayne Memorial Highway, north of the proposed pipeline corridor (Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The building is a circa 1960 one-story, wooden frame, Ranch-style residence with a brick veneer exterior(Figures 4.56-4.58). The house is hip-roofed, with an extending hip-roofed bay along the southern part of the front elevation.The structure has five unevenly spaced bays, with an off-center entry door located beneath a porch that is created by the front-projecting hipped section supported by a decorative wrought iron column. To the south of the entry, on the projecting section, is a paired one-over-one, double-hung, vinyl sash window; to the north of the entryway are two single and a paired one-over-one, double-hung, vinyl sash window. On the south elevation of the house is an attached carport, located beneath the main roofline, which is supported by a brick post. The building has one chimney, slightly off centered to the north, on the rear side of the hipped roof. The house's foundation is likely masonry piers or continuous footings;the roof is covered with asphalt shingles. Structure WY1469 has integrity of location, design, and feeling. However, the building's original windows have been replaced with modern vinyl, which has compromised the buildings integrity of workmanship and materials. Additionally, the setting of the area has been significantly altered with the modern commercial development to the north. Structure WY1469 is an example of a Ranch-style residence from the mid-twentieth century, which is a common rural residential type in the vicinity of the project corridor(Figures 2.14-2.20); it has no known historic associations. It is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1469 is not eligible for the NRHP. 4.13 House (WY1470) House (WY1470) is located at 3338 Wayne Memorial Drive, north of the proposed pipeline corridor (Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The building is a circa 1965 one-story, wooden frame, residence with a front-gabled form and brick veneer exterior(Figures 4.59-4.61). The structure has a rectangular plan, with a three-bay front elevation and a full-width, hip-roofed porch that is supported by wrought iron columns.The entryway off-center to the north, flush with the windows in the adjacent bay, which is a tall, narrow picture window flanked by four-over-four, double hung, wooden sash windows.To the south of the entry is a paired six-over-six, double-hung, wooden sash window. On the north elevation, there are two single six-over-six, double-hung, wooden sash windows, located beneath a shed-roofed carport, which is supported by low brick piers and wooden columns. The south elevation November 2021 64 Historic Structure Survey Am , Line 475 Pipeline simp Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 'l'Arik44.„ - .• , . ., .. - • • • ,_. ''t-.•..,,04(00 , .:...g - '.. '.e.•.. eie..'7-.1. --,AVItA, , . - ••''•'..• • lc •-... ,. ., I -• . ;•.A` ' ° _. '•-• '''.— ; " .fr.... -i'-...., — -" -..41.•• •••".. .',... • ' .., ••-'4"- - ks - , ... .. .,:- ' 4! VairAticliri ' " , A:*14'.41P IF- i ,4,, Iti ii, lijek vow ' , s''' .. 4,N.,,, ,„,.., -••• ., - N ,. moi, •-91 4(11W.' 4.4, . _ .,„,..v. ; -,,,,,, .41*,:l.1,..0,.....1;... •••• 7---..,. 'rib" 1,... .. P.'•:_v lie 4:1: „„, z i i t i r. •.. 0_.A I 1- 0.4` , ::ii-, • VA -1-,......i. p.-. . Al _.,_ ._ _. ,= '=" '"----..' ------------- 1 1 i ° E . -.- id II II i mill 1 , . - . Figure 4.53. Structure WY1468,facing northeast. „ . .; •a.',, ,. . • ' • . . . ,, s"14', 4'•''. • , .- c.j. e . , -... - -...014, ..:., .....,_-_ ..,__ :: . , irt •i:.,. . :: '41". ... ., -4 .reripii • - -.2r:111110*.." — Sri a i'L• it:, - 'NI••,• • .e+ - t " - M 1 t II i IIIIMIN 1. _...... _ . . _.... Figure 4.54. Structure WY1468,facing east. November 2021 65 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline simp Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 �1� y�, sty z < ` W64 it { M � .rT fi • jj • Figure 4.55. Structure WY1468,facing southeast. LT I LI Figure 4.56. Structure WY1469,facing southeast. November 2021 66 Historic Structure Survey ar Line 475 Pipeline s . _ - Wayne Counties, North Carolina 1 �. S&ME Project No. 218186 II SHPO ER No. 21-1766 WINE h�. M LI 1 HI-1- 1 - , 1 Figure 4.57. Structure WY1469,facing east. A 4w • kiIto t y y.� ~III] H 1-ll II I 1 j3 1 Figure 4.58. Structure WY1469,facing northeast. November 2021 67 Historic Structure Survey gyp° Line 475 Pipeline 41 , Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 i/ i __ —` / s b ' i 1 jt ice" _,. w Figure 4.59. Structure WY1470,facing southeast. [ i ! . _ ' - .i C4II*1 i .. 44 - 'A ..._,,„, . 1 L,.:_7'41 - ''' ' , ___.__. L._ W"--- , .: ... ..a ...-- • � :. Figure 4.60. Structure WY1470,facing east. November 2021 68 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline 4111, Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 w �I -11- 11 Figure 4.61. Structure WY1470,facing northeast. of the house has two single six-over-six, double-hung, wooden sash windows and a two-over-two, double-hung, wooden sash window.There is a gabled rear addition visible on the east elevation. The front gable end, above the porch roof, is covered with vinyl siding;the roof is clad in asphalt shingles. Structure WY1470 is a vernacular front- gabled house form that was utilized in multiple residential buildings in this area of Wayne County(Figures 2.9- 2.13); it has no known historic associations. Although the house has integrity of location, feeling, and design, the replacement windows and modern vinyl siding in the gable end has compromised the integrity of workmanship and materials.Additionally, the setting of the area has been significantly altered with the modern commercial development to the north. Therefore, it is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1470 is not eligible for the NRHP. 4.14 Best Grocery Commercial District (WY0360) The Best Grocery Commercial District (WY0360) is recorded as being located along Wayne Memorial Drive, within the proposed pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The resource was recorded in 1996 and identified two circa 1930s to 1940s commercial buildings, one on each side of Wayne Memorial Drive, which face each other. Although not included in the description of the resource, Structure WY1470 is shown on the field sketch of the district.The building on the east side of Wayne Memorial Drive, which was the Best Grocery and Service Station, was described as "a two-story cement block building...maintaining much of its original appearance, from the one- story gas tank shelter, supported by wooden posts over brick piers to the false front stepped parapet.The storefront windows are still barred, and the entrance to the second-floor, a wooden stairwell, is still at the back of the building" (WY0360, Survey Form 1996). The building on the west side was described as a "one-story, concrete block structure with a center entrance between two wide four-paneled, barred storefront windows" (WY0360, November 2021 69 Historic Structure Survey w -- Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Survey Form 1996). S&ME revisited the location of the Best Grocery Commercial District and could not relocate either of the commercial structures (Figures 4.62 and 4.63). Historic aerials indicate that the two-story commercial building on the east side of Wayne Memorial Drive was demolished between 1996 and 1998 (Figures 4.64 and 4.65). The one-story commercial building on the west side was demolished between 2008 and 2013 (Figures 4.66- 4.68). Based on the evidence from fieldwork and historic aerial photographs, S&ME has concluded that the Best Grocery Commercial District (WY0360) is no longer extant. 4.15 House (WY1471) Structure WY1471 is located at 3318 Wayne Memorial Drive, south of the proposed pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The building is a one-story, wooden frame, Ranch-style residence, with a hipped roof and brick veneer exterior(Figures 4.69-4.71). The front elevation is four bays wide, with a carport located under the main roofline, supported by a brick knee wall and a wrought iron column, at the south elevation;there is also a storage unit at the rear of the carport, within the building envelope. The entry is off-center on the facade and under a hip-roofed, two bay porch that is supported by wrought iron columns. The window in the bay just north of the door, also under the porch, is a wooden sash picture window with four horizontal panes, flanked by one-over-one, double hung, vinyl sash windows.The remaining two windows on the front elevation are paired one-over-one, double hung, vinyl sashes.The roofing material is asphalt shingles and there is an interior brick chimney visible above the roof ridge.The house is an example of a Ranch-style residence, with was a common house type for this location and time period (Figures 2.14-2.20). The resource retains its integrity of location, design, and feeling, but due to the replacement windows it has lost integrity of workmanship and materials.Additionally, the setting of the area has been significantly altered with the modern commercial development to the north. It is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1471 is ineligible for the NRHP. 4.16 House (WY1472) Structure WY1472 is located at 3310 Wayne Memorial Drive, south of the proposed pipeline corridor (Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The building is a circa 1964 one-story, wooden frame, Ranch-style residence with a brick veneer exterior (Figures 4.72-4.74). The roof is side-gabled and steps down to a matching pitched, side-gabled roof on an attached garage along the north elevation.The building has four unevenly sized and spaced bays on its front elevation, with a roughly central entry door located flush with the facade. To the north of the door are two paired one-over-one, double-hung, vinyl sash windows, with the set closest to the door having a flat, wooden panel beneath them.To the south of the door is a pair of single one-over-one, double hung, vinyl sash windows with a large panel of vertical vinyl siding between them; it is likely this area had a picture window of some kind that was replaced and filled in. The south elevation has a single one-over-one, double hung, vinyl sash window. Although the majority of the house has a brick veneer exterior, the garage is covered with vinyl siding on its front two- thirds, with the rear storage area wall still visible along the rear of the garage, indicating that it was likely an open carport that has been enclosed. Structure WY1472 is an example of a mid-century Ranch-style residence, which was a common form used for houses in this area during the 1960s and 1970s (Figures 2.14-2.20). The house has retained its integrity of location and feeling, but the enclosure of the carport and the replacement vinyl windows compromise the integrity of design, materials, and workmanship. Additionally, the setting of the area has been significantly altered with the modern commercial development to the north. Due to these alterations, it is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1472 is not eligible for the NRHP. November 2021 70 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline f Wayne Counties, North Carolina 1 0 dE S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 • . u a L' Li Figure 4.62. Location of two-story commercial structure,east of Wayne Memorial Drive,Best Grocery Commercial District (WY0360),facing southeast. of .1441 4 j YN'` .. .1 N-it ! f.., i , , I Figure 4.63. Location of one-story commercial structure,west of Wayne Memorial Drive,Best Grocery Commercial District (WY0360),facing west. November 2021 71 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline _ --- Wayne Counties, North Carolina �. S&ME Project No. 218186 - SHPO ER No. 21-1766 , , �, � te;fr y !! • licture. t w )F. / �� r . ' -. . ► ..lie .4.1 Y�X.04-', - „I --, - - if lk ,,Nif...',"/ Tw6-story 4 • • commercial structure - 4 . - '1, ' . la ' 4::`' 4111):00- . Figure 4.64. Best Grocery Commercial District(WY0360),1993 (Google Earth). a. . ' 1.14:#6:4:: - cture' '� �' ji * .. ►* di. 4,,,. 4 Two-story _ commercial structur 4. ~ tis , . i. locatiorf i Figure 4.65. Best Grocery Commercial District(WY0360),1998 (Google Earth). November 2021 72 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline - --- Wayne Counties, North Carolina a . S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 / Figure 4.66. Best Grocery Commercial District(WY0360),2003 (Google Earth). , ,40;tak,.. , ,:.' {' = 'yam h, •r ,." . i '/ / kilt, riti- Figure 4.67. Best Grocery Commercial District (WY0360),2008 (Google Earth). November 2021 73 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina ar S&ME Project No. 218186 I 'r SHPO ER No. 21-1766 - / ., , _ , M. .ttructure._ ';,. mon •� ti, ,- ;;. y .f - f 1 J .� - .. Figure 4.68. Best Grocery Commercial District(WY0360),2013 (Google Earth). �. °34 , ti Uji I .:T- f• iiiii E _. _. ,. ___ .. , x= _ .' ..._a °�`,,a,-. r n.`s G^ ,,,,, r' ... . •..,y 4 k Tom 'sC.,, n. _. _ Figure 4.69. Structure WY1471,facing southeast. November 2021 74 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 F y* ' •f• + • a C 1 1 r , Figure 4.70. Structure WY1471,facing east. '0 1r „. . %yl;, • 1" ! ILLI ' i i NIP I I t, , f ., 4�2 k� ;�- Figure 4.71. Structure WY1471,facing northeast. November 2021 75 Historic Structure Survey Am- Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 I. _ � tit • F t -Pt- * > tf d 4 ar Figure 4.72. Structure WY1472,facing southeast. Figure 4.73. Structure WY1472,facing east. November 2021 76 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 oft,• at iet, • • ort ja. Figure 4.74. Structure WY1472,facing northeast. 4.17 House (WY1473) Structure WY1473 is located at 3302 Wayne Memorial Drive, south of the proposed pipeline corridor (Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The building is a circa 1965 one-story, wooden frame, Ranch-style residence, with a hipped roof covered in asphalt shingles (Figures 4.75-4.77). On the south of the building, beneath the main roofline, is a carport supported by a brick knee wall and wrought iron columns. The house is five bays wide with an entryway that is roughly centered on the front elevation;the entry and adjacent north bay are recessed slightly within the building footprint creating a covered entry and uncovered porch.The two bays to the north of the entry are both paired one-over-one, double hung, vinyl sash windows flanked by inoperable vinyl shutters. The bay adjacent to entry to the south is a single pane, vinyl sash, picture window flanked by one-over-one, double hung, vinyl sash windows. The southernmost bay is a single one-over-one, double hung, vinyl sash window flanked by inoperable vinyl shutters.There is an exterior brick chimney along the south wall, mostly under the carport roof but visible above the roofline. The building represents a typical Ranch-style residence, which was a common form and type built during this time period in the vicinity of the project corridor(Figure 2.14-2.20), with no distinguishing architectural features and no known historic associations. Structure WY1473 maintains integrity of location, feeling, and design, but because of the loss of original materials, with the vinyl replacement windows, and the setting of the area, with the modern commercial development to the north, it is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1473 is ineligible for the NRHP. 4.18 House (WY1474) Structure WY1474 is located at 3298 Wayne Memorial Drive, south and west of the proposed pipeline corridor (Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The building is a circa 1962 one-story, side-gabled, Ranch-style residence with a brick November 2021 77 Historic Structure Survey ar u Line 475 Pipeline iiimg Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 J • r, I Itiji _ Li J L IIII� illl l!flll If III Ili'II - 1 II T�; +� ., .,.. 4 . Figure 4.75. Structure WY1473,facing southeast. sic- ;� ECI 1 7 4 uLlli ��. • Figure 4.76. Structure WY1473,facing east. November 2021 78 Historic Structure Survey = Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 014.0 a6 4 4 :a 1p Y � 46 MOW q VAS61 _ I I..I ��[� ,�i ilalll1p • a 9 Figure 4.77. Structure WY1473,facing northeast. veneer exterior(Figure 4.78). The house has a four-bay front elevation, with a partial-width, gabled porch that is supported by wrought iron columns; it is clad in vinyl siding and decorative trimming. The entryway is centered on the building but not centered within the projecting portico.The north side of the portico terminates in the center of the adjacent north bay, over a single pane, metal frame, picture window flanked by one-over-one, metal sash windows and inoperable vinyl shutters.The portico also terminates roughly at the center of the adjacent south bay, at the southern edge of a two-over-two, horizontal sash window flanked by inoperable vinyl shutters. The other windows on the building, including the southernmost bay on the front elevation, are the two-over-two double hung metal sash, but the north elevation windows do not have shutters. The gable ends on both the north and the south are brick veneer like the rest of the building;the south gable end also has the decorative trim, like the porch, but the north gable does not. On the north elevation, there is an attached garage that is located beneath the main roofline of the house.The building retains its integrity of location, design, workmanship, materials, and feeling. However, the setting of the area has been significantly altered with the modern commercial development to the north. Structure WY1474 represents a typical Ranch-style residence, which was a common 1960s and 1970s house type for the area (Figures 2.14-2.20) and has no know historic associations. For these reasons, it is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1474 is not eligible for the NRHP. 4.19 House (WY1475) Structure WY1475 is located at 129 Best Ave, south of the proposed pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2b and 1.3b).The building is a circa 1970 one-story, wooden frame, Ranch-style residence with side-gabled roof covered in asphalt shingles (Figures 4.79-4.81). The building's front elevation has four unevenly spaced bays, with the entryway, which is accessed by brick stairs to a stoop, off-center to the east. The windows are horizontal two-over-two, November 2021 79 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina t S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 '' '�J h 1. d '� ' ' 3ti ' . S -`.0 r v r i 7 •j: F — - - —. ' .A r -#b4 - Figure 4.78. WY1474, facing southeast. • } r Wt it c Y, . ;, s J! : _ 5a. • Figure 4.79. Structure WY1475,facing northeast. November 2021 80 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline s . Wayne Counties, North Carolina 1 1, 1 ar S&ME Project No. 218186 IIII` SHPO ER No. 21-1766 iiir, :. i4.41; ,..,.. .,..„, ....,....,, .,, . „. , ,„ 4',04' .; ",. . -A0 A 4. „ f }, of ' .., r ,N "5 yii f i i ir.c'' aVlF.11 y - d. Figure 4.80. Structure WY1475,facing north. ( I* j yr a 4 ..,.,,, -.'.�•A„y- t`: r. � 4'' ...irk;' r a '1141111 - _ - �' 11• Fir `' • Figure 4.81. Structure WY1475,facing northwest. November 2021 81 Historic Structure Survey w -- Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 double hung, metal sash, with the bay to the east of the entry having a paired window and both bays the south of the entry having a singular window. The east elevation of the house has a side entry door and a single two-over- two, double hung, metal sash window. The exterior of the building is brick veneer, which carries to grade level obstructing the foundation, which is likely continuous masonry or piers. The building retains integrity of location, setting, feeling, design, workmanship, and materials. However, Structure WY1475 has no known historic associations and represents a typical Ranch-style house with no distinguishing features, which is a common type for this location and time period (Figures 2.14-2.20). It is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1475 is not eligible for the NRHP. 4.20 House (WY1476) Structure WY1476 is located at 147 Best Ave, south of the proposed pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The building is a circa 1970, one-story, wooden frame, Ranch-style dwelling (Figures 4.82-4.84).The roof of the building is hipped, with a carport and storage area beneath the east side of the main roofline, which is supported by decorative wrought iron columns.The entryway is off-center within the front elevation, beneath a single bay, hip-roofed porch that is supported by decorative wrought iron columns.To the west of the entry are two single one-over-one, double hung, vinyl frame windows and to the east is a paired one-over-one, double hung, vinyl frame window. The windows on the facade are flanked with inoperable vinyl shutters. The exterior of the building is brick veneer extending to grade level; the foundation is likely masonry piers of continuous footings.The roof of the house is covered with asphalt shingles and an interior brick chimney is visible above the roof ridge. The building represents the typical Ranch-style residence, which was a common housing form and type during the 1960s and 1970s near the pipeline corridor(Figures 2.14-2.20); it has no known historic associations. For these reasons, it is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1476 is not eligible for the NRHP. 4.21 House (WY1477) Structure WY1477 is located at 167 Best Ave, south of the proposed pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2b and 1.3b).The building is a circa 1970 one-story, wooden frame, Ranch-style residence, with a side gabled roof(Figures 4.85- 4.87).The main portion of the house is four bays wide, with a two-bay, shed-roofed extension of the main roofline, supported by wooden columns, covering the center bay and adjacent south bay.The off-center entry door has a nine-pane, wooden sash, picture window to the east and two single horizontal, two-over-two, double hung, metal sash windows to the west. To the east of the main structure is a two-bay, vinyl-sided addition, beneath the primary roofline, that has two single one-over-one, double-hung, vinyl sash windows; because the vinyl siding is roughly the size of a garage on the front facade and wraps around the side of the building, to meet the typical brick veneer that would cover the storage area to the rear of a typical carport, it is likely that this is an enclosure of an original carport. On the west elevation, there are three single two-over two, metal sash windows.The roofing material is modern standing-seam metal and the exterior of the house is clad in brick veneer.The foundation is like masonry piers or continuous footing because of the vents near the foundation. Structure WY1477 has integrity of location, setting, and feeling, but has no known historic associations and has lost integrity of design, materials, and workmanship by the alteration to the original carport and replacement windows and roofing material. The structure is a common type and form of residential Ranch structure, which was built in the area surrounding the project corridor(Figure 2.14-2.20). It is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1477 is not eligible for the NRHP. November 2021 82 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 - ' xl,Vitotaki .. 'I*. ° c„ 1 h � :tl I� 'x�„ 4 s- 1., .mow. $ , • Figure 4.82. Structure WY1476,facing north. Li LI _ _ _ Figure 4.83. Structure WY1476,facing northwest. November 2021 83 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina • t S&ME Project No. 218186 I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 * t "' y F2„ -..0 ` ✓-'fir' r .1..,4.o'p'''"',,-'.. ,f,_, .„-,5;„i:"t;t,','''i':t'.„.:.i'o,pr,'-..'-rro.7p:y:Il-:.,: 5 ty _"_-,.:..',.,,NIN, . '1, . y t�ry 10.11t;, .' , 1 ; ,4 fir ;,,,,.- .Vi 1 ..., ,' 1',,, r,'�j" ii, ,r�,.t • • I .... '..11- yy '• Y. --- --- - L1II Figure 4.84. Structure WY1476,facing west. a • 4' a"^ a Nev .F;, T ,. ,0a la..„ `4J= F.k Figure 4.85. Structure WY1477,facing northeast. November 2021 84 Historic Structure Survey w - Line 475 Pipeline s, Wayne Counties, North Carolina = S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 f: _ - .. m.-. I i , - " ___- Figure 4.86. Structure WY1477,facing north. •Itif -1' , ...7,vil -wiNtrworpr- 4.. t ` 0 Y II Lliii_ - . _i_.. _., ., ,______ . iiir ....__,„,_,,,,,,.. ._ ,... _ _ ___ — Figure 4.87. Structure WY1477,facing northwest. November 2021 85 Historic Structure Survey iimm- Line 475 Pipeline 4111, Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 4.22 House (WY1478) Structure WY1478 is located at 175 Best Ave, south of the proposed pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The building is a circa 1970 one-story, Ranch-style dwelling (Figure 4.88-4.90). The building footprint is U-shaped, with two front-projecting hip-roofed sections of the main hipped roof. The lateral hipped section is three bays wide, with the entry door in the easternmost bay, recessed into the facade;to the west are two six-over-six, double hung, vinyl sash windows. At the eastern corner of the house, a hip-roofed projection has a single six-over-six, double hung, vinyl sash window; at the western corner, the front projecting section has a four-pane, bowed bay window and a two-bay garage.The fenestration on the remainder of the house is single six-over-six, double hung, vinyl sash windows. The exterior of the house is clad in brick veneer.The roofing material is asphalt shingles, and the building has one chimney, centered on the main portion of the building and visible above the roof ridge. Structure WY1478 is an example of a Ranch-style residence, which has an uncommon plan in comparison to the main rectangular form Ranch houses in the vicinity of the project area (Figures 2.14-2.20). However, although it retains integrity of location, setting, feeling, and design, Structure WY1478 has been altered by the addition of modern vinyl windows and modern roofing material, compromising the integrity of workmanship and materials. Additionally, Structure WY1478 has no know historic associations. It is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1478 is not eligible for the NRHP. 4.23 House (WY1479) Structure WY1479 is located at 187 Best Ave, south of the pipeline project area (Figures 1.2b and 1.3b). The building is a circa 1970 one-story, Stylized Ranch residence with basic Colonial Revival styling (Figures 4.91 and 4.92). The roof is side-gabled, with a projecting three-bay, gabled porch, supported by square wooden columns, along the front elevation.There are four bays along the facade, with the off-center entry door centered beneath the porch roof, flanked by a single 12-over-12, double hung, wooden sash window on either side; east of the porch is a single eight-over-eight, double-hung, wooden sash window. On the west elevation is a carport, which is located beneath the main roofline and is supported by square columns. Each of the gabled ends are clad in metal siding and the visible fenestration of the side elevations is single six-over-six, double-hung, wooden sash windows. The roof is covered with asphalt shingles and there is no visible chimney. The exterior of the building is brick veneer extending to grade level with ventilation grates signifying continuous footings. Structure WY1479 is an example of a Stylized Ranch residence that utilizes Colonial Revival details; it is one of a number of Ranch residences from the 1960s and 1970s located in the vicinity of the project area (Figures 2.14-2.20). The building retains much of its original fabric, except for the roofing material, and has integrity of location, setting, feeling, design, workmanship, and materials, but has no known historic associations. However, as a single Ranch residence, it does not rise to the level of a significant example of its architectural style.Therefore, it is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1479 is ineligible for the NRHP. 4.24 Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359) The Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359) is located at 1001 West New Hope Road, south of the proposed pipeline corridor, but a large portion of the corridor and reroute passes through the parcel on which the farm is located (Figures 1.2c and 1.3c). The large property is mostly agricultural, with one residential structure and associated outbuildings located on the north side of West New Hope Road (Figure 4.93).The residential structure is a circa 1900 one-story, wooden frame, vernacular farmhouse (Figures 4.94-4.100). The plan of the structure is C-shaped, with a front side- gabled section, gabled rear ell addition along the northeast corner, and a rear side-gabled section; a flat-roofed November 2021 86 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 • 441 • - ■■ilil l_ y A 4 Figure 4.88. Structure WY1478,facing northeast. ...ems, Figure 4.89. Structure WY1478,facing north. November 2021 87 Historic Structure Survey Am u Line 475 Pipeline simp Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 tv 7fa ., ,, i 1. c. iP ------ 1111111111.111111111111— ---' . ois, k��� _. s - - � - Figure 4.90. Structure WY1478,facing northwest. Jr fi mot' th. - . r'i ti r ,� * Ti.' 4'' fi''.,. fid :ir.. 6. ; ' , I p 4 . i i -E — 1 - . ........., _ er (-4,, _ --,- -_, ----_-=T— 1 ,aft . • _ Kt • IV Figure 4.91. Structure WY1479,facing north. November 2021 88 Historic Structure Survey air • Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina �. S&ME Project No. 218186 II SHPO ER No. 21-1766 vAly • ems, • Figure 4.92. Structure WY1479,facing northwest. M1 ;• `Y Figure 4.93. Site plan of the Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359) (Google Earth 2021). November 2021 89 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline 0 Wayne Counties, North Carolina i gp- S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 A �Sa+i Ji i pg+'A-7 as fk r H AL % �F 4 y y L Z sue. + ,� ,,y - Y, .L. a... y 3 "4•'eyr.•• �'G, • --le,* AA,'*'''' . '-'41, - ' �� �' �1:q lairtato- Figure 4.94. Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359),facing northeast. Y7 S1 A. d it _,Z....... ... ' NI rV µr '`,IT'' 5' A.rt t" S - ,` -.r g �`_ Figure 4.95. Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359),facing north. November 2021 90 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 re 111kke O. ...014.:' ligir r iir e e t • Figure 4.96. Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359),millwork detail,facing north. •,'hA t ',, " ,t ti n ' • '-' Ae j. IT .-.0 a `F 7%Ya,i it. r ' `.i of r - , **, f„2.1- , .'.,. it Y fr �_ . , I .:: y g_ r=. .- - - _ ,; Figure 4.97. Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359),facing east. November 2021 91 Historic Structure Survey v� Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina y� am". S&ME Project No. 218186 I,I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 r 4� , i ,,�µ g' . P. 'F .0 • , + A )i i � • p,S t; j �t - .t F' / x Nir /,yam ;+ • ' 'lid tot ,, , . 6_ - -iM *44 -i.ti µ ^fr Figure 4.98. Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359),facing southeast. AW, , -. Nii x} y` ° ��1'yF' f Law F % F 6 SRM4Y4 Y i_ 5 �t 2 C 'yyuu s�11...,yy ice -g,' ; .- 4 :,,,.:-7..4.:.•:I.'..; ' '. ....'"\:4,,,.1 4 w k -- II ,�, ` N 14. 1 Figure 4.99. Isaac Gurley Farm WY0359,facing southwest. November 2021 92 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline r Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 ow SHPO ER No. 21-1766 l__ f _ 5` iY rs — --=-- =--z'' ' ,.,.: i;- III+ „e: ._ 1 M _ A Figure 4.100. Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359),facing south. porch section between the two side-gabled portions has been enclosed to create a rectangular footprint.The front elevation has a three-bay, hip-roofed porch that is supported by turned posts with decorative brackets. This type of millwork is common during the period of construction and often applied to vernacular form structures to meet contemporary styles.The entryway is centered on the south elevation;the door is wood, with six-panes over three panels, and is flanked by on either side by sidelights that are divided into three sections, with the top two being single pane fixed glass, and matching paneling at the bottom.A wood-framed screen door is built into the door frame, suggesting it was part of the original design. The two bays flanking the entry each have a single four- over-four, double hung, wooden sash window flanked by operable wood shutters. The west elevation has an exterior brick chimney centered within the front side-gabled section, which is flanked by a single four-over-four, double hung, wooden sash window on either side.The rear side-gabled section has a small six-over-six, double hung, wooden sash window; between the two side-gabled sections, an enclosed porch has an entry door and a single and paired six-over-six, double hung, wooden sash window. The rear elevation of the house has four single four-over-four windows spaced symmetrically.The east elevation has a side entry door and a single four-over- four, double hung window in the front-gabled section and a single four-over-four, double hung, wooden sash window in the gable end of the side-gabled section.A second, interior chimney with a corbelled cap is visible above the roof ridge in the front-gabled section.The house rests on a brick pier foundation, that has been infilled with corrugated metal.The exterior of the house has been covered with vinyl siding and the roof is covered with asphalt shingles. The Isaac Gurley Farm has four associated outbuildings (Figures 4.101-4.104). North of the house is the remains of a late-twentieth century, plywood shed with a double entry door and no remaining roof. North of the shed is a front-gabled, open front, wooden frame garage, with visible raftertails and vertical metal exterior siding. North of November 2021 93 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline s . _ - Wayne Counties, North Carolina 1 �. S&ME Project No. 218186 I II Iff - SHPO ER No. 21-1766 `,.- .ems." t iws., 'p -1- _ P '+] . R .y. k 'Y' - I. ti b - ' +A,. rkv 'a A` t`: I•s �' 3 F'`�" J'�}'+ .. f i4" ,mit «Caw.' 'Y ' ' 1 t 51 I s 1 � illF - - f - r �}, • ! x s .;. a.a r Figure 4.101. Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359), shed,facing northwest. tea, y -.*, 4' Y 14:','''' _ ,41140F 4 , . , , -14 , , -,.' ,, , i r-- - A Iii, , . .. .,„.., .,..:,..,,.. ,._. ..„, ?, .._ ._,,,...,, . , , , ...,. i ,��: .. r , , . - ... 'k " sµ , ' I MN �k �; �� I1 Of I i ; f . -' i - Ar ' cP� -.U ,yF+' tl;nMil�iyP+' r .. F. Figure 4.102. Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359),garage,facing northwest. November 2021 94 Historic Structure Survey s Line 475 PipelineAlly Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Asap - 4,--t• — .- - .-- . '.e.•,' -'' ,-. - ' :1.,_.--,..,iv.,%_.,,--.:31::, rex � 5 r r Fes"' it eft ,�.''" . ; �bl !Nrp Ii - 1 sr y ," ` A k / Y her@ All 'nk4/ e '~ Yam' ;h _u Vim' v R. y "'ye e Figure 4.103. Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359),chicken house,facing northwest. l r, { ,ai 4 »l�- M^ , 'v .' � K fs a• 7 � tirn iy, r • t ✓ , €� v u° �fie y9` •f R l 7 r �s 'r`.. t Zi $ ems ' . . e" 4 v'G +„ n 1 6 bg 1 nc�`._..' J•-$r 9r " -- 4_v';91 IF ➢ fir- � ! .. �'AIf, 1 ,',}- fir+}��j 3' —?max- aJ '' - 1 t �-`U'..r '`g ? `a�` '4 ,r ,`. � , ti • Figure 4.104. Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359),packhouse/schoolhouse,facing north. November 2021 95 Historic Structure Survey iimm- Line 475 Pipeline 4111, Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 the garage is, a one-story, wooden frame, chicken house dating to the early twentieth century.To the north of the house is the remnants of a packhouse that operated as a small schoolhouse for a period of time;the building was moved to the site after the 1920s and altered in the 1940s for agricultural use. The majority of its roof has collapsed.To the north of the house and outbuildings are agricultural fields (Figures 4.105 and 4.106). The Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359) was recorded in 1996 but was not evaluated for National Register eligibility; the house has changed little since that time, but the outbuildings have deteriorated significantly, with the smokehouse, which was standing in 1996, no longer extant.The house was constructed by Isaac and Clara Gurley and has been used as a rental property since the mid-twentieth century; it is still owned by the Gurley family. The house is an example of the one-story, vernacular farmhouse that was a common late-nineteenth through early twentieth century residential type in the area (Figures 2.1-2.5); the Isaac Gurley house has some distinguishing architectural features, such as the decorative millwork, and the building retains nearly all of the original windows.The property is still an active farm with much of the original land and some outbuildings. The Isaac Gurley Farm retains its integrity of location and feeling, but the design, workmanship, and materials of the main house have been compromised by the installation of vinyl siding and the multiple additions to the house. The outbuildings have lost much of their integrity through deterioration of original materials and the complex has lost its smokehouse since the 1996 survey. Additionally, although there are associated agricultural fields, much of the surrounding land has been subject to modern development, including an office building directly to the east and a school to the northeast, which have compromised the rural setting of the farm. Due to the alterations to the design of the house and the addition of vinyl siding, the house is not eligible under Criterion C for its architecture. The loss of outbuildings and alteration to the setting of the Isaac Gurley Farm make it not eligible under Criterion A, as an example of a nineteenth through twentieth century farm complex. Therefore, S&ME recommends the Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359) as ineligible for the NRHP. 4.25 House (WY1480) Structure WY1480 is located at 264 Hare Road, north of the proposed pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2c and 1.3c). The building is a circa 1920 one-story, cross-gabled residence (Figures 4.107-4.109). The front elevation is three bays, with a central entry door and a paired two-over-two, wooden sash window on the side-gabled section and a single two-over-two, wooden sash window on the front-gabled section;the door has three lower wooden panels and a four-pane upper window.A flat-roofed porch spans the front elevation and is supported by square columns that rest on brick piers.The north elevation of the house has four single two-over-two, wooden sash windows; two of the windows are smaller than the others and those on the front elevation.The south elevation of the house has a single two-over-two, wooden sash window in the gable end of the front section and two windows in the rear gabled addition, one being a six-over-six, double-hung, vinyl sash window and one being a six-over-nine, double- hung, wooden sash window, which is likely original to the house, based on the size of the other window openings. The house rests on a brick foundation;the exterior of the structure is covered with vinyl siding that is deteriorating in some places and shows wooden weatherboard beneath it; the roof is currently plywood covered with tarping and there is an interior brick chimney visible above the roofline at the intersection of the front section and the rear addition. Structure WY1480 is an early-twentieth century residence with a vernacular form;this basic form was one of many common residential types used for rural construction in the area, with contemporary examples in the vicinity of the pipeline corridor(Figures 2.6-2.8, 4.118). Structure WY1480 has no known historic associations; although it retains integrity of location, design, setting, and feeling, its material and workmanship have been November 2021 96 Historic Structure Survey is Line 475 Pipeline s V1 Wayne Counties, North Carolina ar S&ME Project No. 218186 rr SHPO ER No. 21-1766 F -1.1w.""41490.1 • qua' ;'•oe c ie:a$ r, , ,. C'' r r� "d',,'a3.r , t�• .0,o,e-c.-- f,„,4 41 .it.,.r 0,k,'.v. y 1 . s r L .e gat a h " *„ 4 ,, z: s." rrr� 1 - t 'c' a '. �' °"" m�` a r ' .:1` , x�W , ek ear r v , r ,ff1 t 'd a '��-r r" `', a`{ )"�4" d �'Y �� � ?x � '� tyy��t t °. hfi�sr ' ,� °'is � ,, r rs , "�� k a , ?-',-. ' Gam' x 4 �' b3 ° �n t as "� 3m �, f x a�R 'h� . 8� ` i � t • t t ! L = t .$ ' 9 .�^-tr''' 's,t i�r.4° a ���4, Ac AI- t6 4d y° . x * $-.i t� �,'l[ .;3 '4 t`. ta `�'d t 7C ` rf fc a� i. * tij a 4 �y a,, I r -16_ Figure 4.105. Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359),agricultural fields,facing northeast. W • k 1� .,y ' t `r t 1 s Pgg:v y 1 # } .( f,� I� r rt r tl, B'. $ "v1t t . �'�'t F- � 3r,'.;tru rr y„ t r .khKtn4 �t�q, tom'a':}�r�A �`3�')7y1.'. rAT�t ' ` y s� ' i.f F r F r v -1 Tf� u'� J ra w ;`¢' ;. d�14 � '4 I: -' 'k1°�. a�q" 1 ',';�i,, ,,ii v"{-„ ,:.: ei''? i' t� t 4' TM" x�iii-r' � 5% 1 �kz4y.5 1 e A'� �r � f �r 1 ^, k �, r �'�a k�Y f �"a '�1 a „� ck C 1,t �w=`e. 1 t,� r + ? i a �vv t a ''e f' -'4 4:-''r y i ,x �i t.n ,ItI' e` e A '9 °° ct :�4 zm 4'e 4,4 e 1 r � eVol'..,:i,$, r :' 6[ �b`"r h+; _ .tnir t y ,.,�i . r t' 4 t ".p� ,.,,I.,:` •r ��7 "r c�" ��"h F 'yYti ,: r +rl i d y. i 0:.e ." � w;,,,, 1t i i..lA .. r yn+. d-; 4 ,,.w .. '. 4` `rg� *i,vic' .� d n '4'.d ".1,i-1 :.,,., ,,..°:: Z .' ' r'ak'.'ll d C._ ,. ` ..,.' 'F rI' P. fS ' Figure 4.106. Isaac Gurley Farm (WY0359),agricultural fields,facing north. November 2021 97 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline �, Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186II SHPO ER No. 21-1766 x:ar - \ ail . '1 i' as - -1 MIN Figure 4.107. House (WY1480),facing southeast. 4;. �� S r r I IMP IP Figure 4.108. House (WY1480),facing south. November 2021 98 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I 'r SHPO ER No. 21-1766 r A4 , 1 .sgn . .d ,, 4, z , _,.„.,-.4 Velit.4, 4* ..,_ \ \s- \-\:. \,,,' - ''`,.. . ii.........„. .-\ jot 1 . I .�., 4. . — ,,A Tria, rs,, � a i— cl.....4,_,_•::._ . , �, ce _, 1 . . .. • _. ., 40... ‘,1,, • Figure 4.109.House (WY1480),facing north. compromised by replacement windows and siding. S&ME recommends that Structure WY1480 is ineligible for the NRHP. 4.26 House (WY1481) Structure WY1481 is located southwest of Tommys Road, adjacent to a dirt road that is proposed for use as an access road for the pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2c and 1.3c).The structure is a circa 1920 one-story, front-gabled frame duplex residence that rests on a concrete masonry unit pier foundation (Figures 4.110-4.112). The front elevation is four bays wide and symmetrical, with the two outside bays consisting of doorways and the two interior bays having single six-over-six, single-hung, vinyl sash windows; the doors consist of a five-panel wooden door and a door with three lower panels and an upper four-pane window.A shed-roofed porch, supported by simple square posts, spans the front elevation. Each side elevation has three single six-over-six, single-hung, vinyl frame windows.A rear addition, with a lower pitched gable roof and a shed-roofed side porch, is attached to the south elevation. Fenestration on the south side of the addition consists of two single two-over-two, double-hung, wooden sash windows and a single pane casement window; on the west elevation of the addition is a side entry door, beneath the porch, that has lower wooden panels and a single-pane upper window. The exterior of the house is covered with wooden weatherboard siding; the roof is asphalt shingles and there is an interior brick chimney visible above the roof ridge. Structure WY1481 is an example of an early twentieth century rural residential form, although this example is a duplex as opposed to the more common single house and was likely a tenant house. There are examples of residences with similar form scattered throughout the area (Figures 2.9-2.13). The building has no know historical associations and, due to the replacement of original windows and November 2021 99 Historic Structure Survey r v . Line 475 Pipeline f Wayne Counties, North Carolina _ S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 r ' mot N 1S �� 4 M �FSF i�. tr� 4-..,. ti A:t1 .4 fir' •y 61n.-`� O, '`,# y ,.:rr 4 � -A.,A4,1`,,,,,,,,„ . . , 1,01. 14, _F4 i 1 4' n - ® �= ti Figure 4.110. Structure WY1481, facing south. ,f�Ey' r sal - i'e vd 7, ol' ,, ic,,;04' ' ►iA.1, J' 4F y 31 ," AV'..,lij1/4ft' ' , `� � i. .1-kir •, A ,,;,,,,,:pre.. TI .•..?i- 4111)11,. ,,, . ' 0.' ' .',,''', , 4-'ik„ '. -ilr„*. ., ..,:' '.,it + � r ,4., i. . , ,,...„.,,,,,„:„,. . ...„4. .„,,, ,,.. „ ... .. .,,,.„-, e 1 41 'rov,,,it. •- 14 • v 1 A F .„,,, ....„ , „.,.... .....,,,- . ,.. n {. ''y9r mA £R,�.'"'1 �y 1'�yv k t '' 'f *tea F-,0,....k.ii,,,k.. ':-, r.&§.1;;...... 01,' •, ,, ,,..,.: -._ ,V;...' -,.v. ,;g ,...w...., I � F '+Aim{? j•.ey ' ill . - 79_ I =� — � , wipposnii Win:' _. • • .a4: ram Figure 4.111. Structure WY1481,facing southeast. November 2021 100 Historic Structure Survey ar ' v—. Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I AI I ' SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Yam{ J 6 1$C M .yam ' k l_.1 ,"'"}� -__. „ k .^, `ems r- 2 __ - .�.. �..,=-..�.'A.a.'�,....._ ter __ ram:- ., h � r�'K r Y1 ., '- +Sr ,. ;�'Ti Figure 4.112. Structure WY1481, facing northwest. deterioration of other exterior elements, the house has lost of materials and workmanship. It is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1481 is not eligible for the NRHP. 4.27 House (WY1482) Structure WY1482 is located at 2247 North Berkeley Boulevard, north of the proposed pipeline corridor (Figures 1.2d and 1.3d). The structure is a circa 1900 one-story, wood frame, duplex residence that rests on a brick foundation (Figures 4.113-4.116). The roof is side-gabled and the front elevation has a full-width, shed-roofed porch that is supported by decorative metal posts.The house has five bays, which are symmetrical, with two entry doors, each with three lower wooden panels and a four-pane upper window, interspersed with three six-over-six, double-hung, wooden sash windows.There are two gabled dormers symmetrically placed above the doors in the front roofline;there is a single six-over-six, wooden sash window in each dormer. On the south elevation, there are two six-over-six, double-hung, wooden sash windows on the first story and a one-over-one, wooden sash window in the upper elevation, centered within the gable.There is an exterior brick chimney visible along this elevation, adjacent to the eastern window. On the north elevation, there is a single six-over-six, double-hung, wooden sash window and a one-over-one, wooden sash window on the lower story, and a single six-over-six, wooden sash window in the upper story. A shed-roofed rear addition, which was likely originally an open porch based on the brick piers at its corners, with single and paired one-over-one, metal frame windows, extends from the northern portion of the west elevation.The house is covered with aluminum siding and the roof is asphalt shingles, with the eaves and soffits covered with aluminum panels. To the north of the house is a gabled, concrete masonry unit well house with an asphalt shingle roof and visible raftertails (Figure 4.117). Structure WY1482 is an example of a one- story, rural residence with a vernacular form, which remains a common type of rural residential structure in rural Wayne County, although this example is a duplex as opposed to the more common single house and was likely a November 2021 101 Historic Structure Survey v� Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina ,ter S8cME Project No. 218186 mr SHPO ER No. 21-1766 4• a ��ea � Y ' Il ^ ', 5 ...%itx M ,ri s,fie W' + A { ec 4 ,, II , , '- �� 'a , may{ F. .4, "� �„P 9 i F,�J� NM W. vw: Figure 4.113. Structure WY1482, facing northwest. ,; AL. �________ , y -.. w w tQlt^ 3' . a ....., _ , _ . ., _ _ . , _ -p, , -.. ....,, ____ . _ • ..... _, ,, ,,,. ...., ... i- C. f 4 k "' T b _ 1 imp 7 'At , . " - _ ,._. .a ".. te,4 ' ' ' S� . ' .�" ..:�.."Z.1, a��.,, m ' '' ' Figure 4.114. Structure WY1482,facing north. November 2021 102 u Historic Structure SurveyANNLine 475 Pipeline 1 Wayne Counties, North Carolina _ S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 kikikt Itii . , - , $` - yre. � - .- xr- � c. dti� '"K-vxd„� 9i Ty:,'Fit <-1. f * : Figure 4.115. Structure WY1482,facing south. / . Eft q� 11 � air ,f ? #, �yAx! `te— �a� — F 1F4 ir I R.a • , ''''' ',-.:'-' °-:1-, ,-ifi,' ,. „,,,:f-N__, , _ _ , ,,_ ,_ ,, , ,1„. ,,,:„,,,..,, ,,,,„,w1/4_4,, ,,,,..7-, -,,,__;-„,.,3:1,, ',, -=---- Figure 4.116. Structure WY1482,facing northeast. November 2021 103 Historic Structure Survey - Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 • .�k asp • • • { - -._ - ..ha, Figure 4.117. Structure WY1482,well house,facing south. tenant house. There are examples of residences with similar form scattered throughout the area (Figures 2.1-2.5, 4.134). The building has no know historical associations and, due to the replacement of original siding, the enclosure of the rear porch, alteration of the front porch supports, and changes to some original windows, the building does not retain integrity of design, materials, or workmanship. It is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1482 is not eligible for the NRHP. 4.28 House (WY1483) Structure WY1483 is located at 3931 Central Heights Road, north of the proposed pipeline corridor(Figures 1.2d and 1.3d). The building is a circa 1920 one-story, cross-gabled residence (Figures 4.118-4.120). The front elevation is three bays, with a central entry door and a paired one-over-one, vinyl sash window on the side-gabled section and a paired one-over-one, vinyl sash window on the front-gabled section;the windows have larger lower sashes than upper sashes.A hip-roofed porch spans the front elevation and is supported by fluted metal columns that rest on brick piers. The north elevation of the house has one small and three large single one-over-one, vinyl sash windows; two of the windows are on a gabled rear addition. The south elevation of the house has a shed-roofed addition, likely an enclosed side porch, along the side of the gabled rear addition; within the shed-roofed section is a side entry door, beneath an unsupported shed-roofed extension, and two single one-over-one, vinyl sash windows. The house rests on a brick foundation; the exterior of the structure is covered with vinyl siding and the roof is modern, standing-seam metal. There is no visible chimney stack, which is probably a modern alteration, as a house from this period would have likely had a functional chimney. To the west of the house is a single-story, front-gabled, wooden frame shed that is covered with plain wooden siding and has a standing-seam metal roof that has visible raftertails (Figure 4.121). Southwest of the house is a side-gabled, wooden garage structure, with November 2021 104 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline s, - --_- Wayne Counties, North Carolina 1 a. S&ME Project No. 218186 I II I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 4, ,,, ....i .,,, _. ._ ,,,,,,. :,„ „ ,..,... _ __ . __ . ,, __ _ _ z_____............__ _ . _ . _ _ Figure 4.118. House (WY1483),facing west. ve..,•:: - � .ill II- 'AIIIIP7-- 11110 IWI ...„ _ , _ ... _ _ .._11 'fi .i P"iJ "$e` 'r .: Y C i {, P t , „, 12 'f ' wT'�"� Y'. ft ,,-, y;:. F Figure 4.119. House (WY1483),facing southwest. November 2021 105 Historic Structure Survey •Line 475 Pipeline �� •' ` Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186ri 1 air SHPO ER No. 21-1766 Sl• � •yam._ • 'e .T„, �7 r :"yv ;,3•r;„.,, y `firr'. k •.s s, � fir � } 3 �, _ t^�x 4 * } l t f Y yas BSI-' i.�,,AS L q a_ . 4 II. Mh 1 .;J N;" J� it llilllAlli 11 il� &0 - _ 4. •. I. Figure 4.120. House (WY1483),facing northwest. • ../,1'. f • I.. , _ '4..4' i ; ., l r Figure 4.121. House (WY1483),shed,facing southwest. November 2021 106 Historic Structure Survey iimm- Line 475 Pipeline 4111, Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 vertical wooden siding, visible raftertails, and a standing-seam metal roof(Figures 4.122 and 4.123). Structure WY1483 is an early-twentieth century residence with a vernacular form that appears to have undergone alterations to the porch supports, which may have originally been Craftsman in style.This basic form was one of many common residential types used for rural construction in the area, with contemporary examples in the vicinity of the pipeline corridor(Figures 2.6-2.8,4.107). Structure WY1483 has no known historic associations; although it retains integrity of location, setting, and feeling, its design, material, and workmanship have been compromised by replacement windows and siding, additions, and alterations to the porch and chimney stack. S&ME recommends that Structure WY1483 is ineligible for the NRHP. 4.29 Tenant House (WY0362) Structure WY0362 is a former tenant house, located at 1014 East New Hope Road, adjacent to the proposed pipeline corridor(Figure 1.2f and 1.3f).The building was identified in 1996 as an early nineteenth-century residence with an original hall-and-parlor plan with circa 1900 alterations.The structure remains extant, with some evidence of deterioration since it was originally surveyed. The structure is a one-story, side-gabled house with a rear ell, which rests on a brick pier foundation (Figures 4.124-4.127). The central portion of the front elevation has a shed-roofed porch that is supported by decorative turned posts and a turned balustrade. There are four bays along the front elevation, three six-over-six, double-hung, wooden sash windows and an entry door, which is located at the edge of the porch, east of center;the door is a modern six-panel metal door. There are dual exterior chimneys, with the east elevation having a concrete masonry unit chimney centered in the gabled end and the west elevation having a brick chimney centered in the gable end. South of each chimney is a single window opening, with the east elevation having a six-over-six, double-hung, wooden sash window and the west elevation having the opening boarded over. A one-story, gabled rear ell extends from the south elevation, off-center to the east of the front section. On the east elevation of the rear ell, there are the remnants of two six-over-six, double- hung, wooden sash windows, while on the west elevation there is a single, boarded over window opening. A shed- roofed enclosed rear porch is attached to the south elevation of the rear ell. The house has eaves that are flush with the wallboards and the east and west elevations both have sections of beaded weatherboard;the rear shed- roofed section has exposed raftertails and plain weatherboard, indicating a later construction date than the original house. The roof of the structure is standing-seam metal. South of the house is a small wooden privy (Figure 4.128) and agricultural fields that are currently planted with sweet potatoes (Figure 4.129). Structure WY0362 is an example of a rural tenant farmhouse with a basic, one-story, vernacular form; this form of rural residence remains common in much of rural Wayne County, although not all examples may have been used as tenant housing (Figures 2.1-2.5, 4.134). The house is a good early example of this type of architecture that has been adapted as farm and residential needs have changed. Although it retains some associated agricultural fields, there are no remaining agricultural outbuildings. The house has no know historical associations and, although it retains its integrity of location, setting, and design, its materials and workmanship have suffered from the deterioration that has happened to the house, which has affected windows, siding, and porch supports. It is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY0362 is not eligible for the NRHP. 4.30 Laydown Area Parcel The parcel proposed for a laydown is located at 2875 North US 13 Highway(Figure 1.2h and 1.3h).Wayne County Tax Assessor data indicate that there is a circa 1900 residence on the property. Based on aerial photographs, the one-story, vernacular farmhouse was extant until at least March 2019 (Figure 4.130). No structure remains on the November 2021 107 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 b , 1 c?'Y ,_ t4 ii//iiiiiiiiiiiiiomPir _ 41` • 6 or , 4.- 11, ffit., ff,,s04-,,,,ni _ .. . , . _ _ ,__ . ,.. , , ___-„. __,,, Silt ,-,---, 4 1 Arp" _.„._.4. _ 1: I - Figure 4.122. House (WY1483),garage,facing west. F• f "JO , 0?.t' 74 4 1 s aAi r�r,�.. ;. , ?„0„. l 9}},, � . } t M�T i,� y �'y Abu i sog .X' - ,., --:,-*/''' 4.,, . ... , ,,,;,.,,. ... ,fi ,.,. , .. x I ' --Ai ‘,4•;, , t. 4' '' h 1 .? _ 'i�' 'y5��----=irs �1,- y,,, ,T w,,�r] 'r � Fr •l ,. 'mow 1 II ,. .. _____ , f3 - ,__.. , --•- 4 r fir. 1.s- mod—— _ _ - W. r 4' - - a ' rt 3*v� ¢?, , gymsiit 7 sue"-,:-.: a "ty-� _ -- : °"* •�,, ` .• 7----- -4� i,, .','",'�'`-r " . .�- �,. ,..a,,,,..L Figure 4.123. House (WY1483),garage,facing northwest. November 2021 108 Historic Structure Surveyir Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina 0 aw S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 li a A. P ` ! /t .,, -, a - t 4 i ��T ` 1 ilit Il,tali_ Figure 4.124.Tenant House (WY0362),facing west. �,. A1 j °t. i YSS Tom., G i41618"S.-'----' .1.;. '.."."-.'W- ---"' ' Figure 4.125. Tenant House (WY0362),facing south. November 2021 109 Historic Structure Survey r '�., Line 475 Pipeline s " -• Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 •`byr�+1`„i� s / x 4 R. ` abr J.. a, Jy. :3-, . \-,,'etkil-. - —__ Mir Figure 4.126.Tenant House (WY0362),facing east. `. - M�'ir 'TV `�` Ali 74 t, ..�, 1 Aip_ I: to t i,„''.. "� �� l on;( ��,;r RS' 9 .\. F= Bey ,r ve. , w tea; ' 1; -A 1[, III Y3 II IL a lir' tww Eµ Y - 1- '' ''«,{`:fit i "y Figure 4.127.Tenant House (WY0362),facing north. November 2021 110 Historic Structure Survey r Line 475 Pipeline allI Wayne Counties, North Carolina aiP S&ME Project No. 218186 M iiii. iiii SHPO ER No. 21-1766 A F y - V. tom. yt- iY BSI,`\".•' i i ors �h y . �d '� may€ s S" <-II I 3 ' i` io 'k �1 . r`.� `1 r r tip, fY .3 ,-„- ,,,, m �k -?vg,'� cE. '- Figure 4.128. Tenant House (WY0362),privy,facing northeast. _ -�~' ,l 'mil F4,• � --V �+.c �l Figure 4.129. Tenant House (WY0362),agricultural fields,facing southwest. November 2021 111 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline :` Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 X P I'r Figure 4.130.Aerial photograph,showing the location of the lay down area,March 2019 (USGS). property(Figures 4.131-4.133). Based on the results of the fieldwork and aerial photographs, it is S&ME's observation that the circa 1900 residence identified in the tax records is no longer extant. 4.31 House (WY1484) Structure WY1484 is located at 2872 North US 13 Highway, across the street from the proposed laydown area (Figure 1.2h and 1.3h). The building is a circa 1900 one-story, wood frame, vernacular duplex farmhouse (Figures 4.134-4.137). The roof is side-gabled, with a gabled rear addition, and the structure rests on a brick pier foundation that has been infilled.The front elevation has a hip-roofed porch, supported by metal posts, that spans most of the facade; beneath the porch are four bays that consist of a single two-over-two, wooden sash window, an entry door, a paired two-over-two, wooden sash window, and a second entry door. The windows are covered with aluminum storm windows and the doors have three lower wooden panels and a four-pane glass upper section. The south elevation has a single two-over-two, wooden sash window and the south elevation of the rear addition has three evenly spaced two-over-two, wooden sash windows. The rear elevation of the front section of the house has a single two-over-two, wooden sash window, and the rear elevation of the addition has two two- over-two, wooden sash windows. On the north side of the rear addition, a shed-roofed section has been added and is likely an enclosed porch, and an additional flat-roofed porch supported by metal posts has been attached to the house; beneath the flat-roofed metal porch is a secondary entry door and a paired two-over-two, wooden sash window.The north elevation of the main house has two two-over-two, wooden sash windows and shows a shed-roofed addition attached to the rear of the front portion of the house.The exterior of the house is covered with aluminum siding, with brick veneer along the lower portion of the front elevation, beneath the porch; the roof is covered with standing-seam metal. Structure WY1484 is an example of a one-story, rural residence with a vernacular form, which remains a common type of rural residential structure in rural Wayne County, although this November 2021 112 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y I ,I.7. SHPO ER No. 21-1766 example is a duplex as opposed to the more common single house and was likely a tenant house.There are examples of residences with similar form scattered throughout the area (Figures 2.1-2.5, 4.113). The building has no know historical associations and, due to the replacement of original siding, the enclosure of the rear porch, and changes to the original windows the building does not retain integrity of design, materials, or workmanship. It is S&ME's recommendation that Structure WY1484 is not eligible for the NRHP. x ,�" r ,. '' .t i armor t o 3 'fit iffy Z :k .. y :Vy ' ' igg+Ay, 4-7 , .:::.ii _ s _,,t,....i... ..., :„ .._ ,... ,,..,......x.....,::.:._ , , ... .... , ..,,, ,,z,„„....i .., , , N -. .... '', -. • ' ty ;-..r _ - - _etrip . 4 v'�t+''...;. , .,,..„.„,„, &. ,,. 1m� [`1i �..VET • Figure 4.131. Proposed laydown area,location of structure on aerial photograph,facing northwest. November 2021 113 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline - -- Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 1,4 k \yF air. 4 •` p ;4 x_ e _ Y S : Figure 4.132. Proposed laydown area,location of structure on aerial photograph,facing north. -• t , tat n r yYc-x � .a __ g ,�,,`_ •'' "em`'•• , l p. Figure 4.133. Proposed laydown area,location of structure on aerial photograph,facing west. November 2021 114 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 / I I SHPO ER No. 21-1766 iiiiillattikt\X\ ' ' - • --} . _ � I x � :•v-„Y?'P.:;,rv...R �`C Figure 4.134. Structure WY1484,facing southeast. r * - , . T iii g 1....1 ,Nomm II= tom .=-,_=Aj4_r_::HH . !II : Figure 4.135. Structure WY1484,facing north. November 2021 115 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina a. S&ME Project No. 218186 II SHPO ER No. 21-1766 • • • • "� ' % f '"di h9 Fy, K by Figure 4.136. Structure WY1484,facing northwest. 111111 I - ��. 2 tl E • Figure 4.137. Structure WY1484,facing southwest. November 2021 116 Historic Structure Survey w -- Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I Y SHPO ER No. 21-1766 5.0 Conclusions and Recommendations On behalf of ELI, S&ME has completed a historic structure survey for the proposed Line 475 Pipeline Project in Wayne County, North Carolina (Figure 1.1). The western terminus of the pipeline corridor is located on the east side of Carolina Commerce Drive near the northern limits of Goldsboro, where it will tie into an existing station. The alignment travels generally east/southeast, in an overland route, with the eastern terminus of the pipeline corridor located north of Challen Court and Gateway Drive, near the southeastern limits of Goldsboro, in Wayne County, North Carolina (Figures 1.2 and 1.3).The pipeline is roughly 10 miles long. In response to a scoping letter submitted by ELI to the North Carolina SHPO, the SHPO, in a letter dated August 26, 2021, requested that comprehensive archaeological and historic architecture surveys be conducted in association with the project (Appendix A). This report will solely address the architecture survey; a separate report will be generated to discuss the archaeological survey. The following work was conducted in response to the SHPO letter and was carried out in general accordance with the agreed-upon scope, terms, and conditions presented in S&ME Proposal Number 218186, dated August 31, 2021. Fieldwork was conducted from October 11, 2021 through October 15, 2021.This work included a historic structures survey of pipeline ROW, proposed access roads, and proposed laydown area. The APE for aboveground resources for the proposed undertaking consists of parcels that contain the proposed pipeline corridor, access roads, and laydown area, and properties adjacent to the proposed laydown area and access roads. As a result of the investigation, seven previously recorded aboveground resources (WY0144, WY0332, WY0342, WY0344, WY0359, WY0360, and WY0362) were revisited and 23 previously unrecorded structures (WY1462 through WY1484) were identified (Table 1.1). Additionally, tax records indicated that there was a structure greater than 50 years of age on the parcel proposed for the laydown area, but during fieldwork S&ME concluded that the structure was no longer extant. Of the seven previously recorded structures, S&ME determined that three (WY0144, WY0359, and WY0360) were no longer extant.The remaining four previously recorded structures and the 23 newly recorded resources were recommended as ineligible for the NRHP. November 2021 117 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 I 7 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 6.0 References Cited Bassett,John Spencer 1895 The Regulators of North Carolina, 1765-1771. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. Reprint 2018, Creative Media Partners LLC. Bishir, Catherine W. and Michael T. Southern 2003 A Guide to the Historic Architecture of Piedmont North Carolina. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. Bradley, Mark 1996 The Battle of Bentonville:Last Stand in the Carolinas. Savas Publishing Company, El Dorado, California. Collett,John 1770 A Compleat Map of North Carolina. S. Hooper, London. Available at: <> Corbitt, David Leroy 1987 The Formation of the North Carolina Counties, 1663-1943. Reprint. North Carolina State Department of Archives and History, Raleigh. Daniels, Frank A. 1914 History of Wayne County. Address at the opening of Wayne County's new courthouse, 30 November 1914. Booklet.Joyner Library Special Collections, East Carolina State University. Greenville, North Carolina. Kerr, W.C., and William Cain 1882 Map of North Carolina (geological survey). North Carolina Department of Agriculture, Raleigh. Available at: <—ncjohnst/kerrcain.jpg> Lassiter, Thomas J. and Wingate Lassiter 2004 Johnston County:Its History Since 1746. Hometown Heritage Publishing, Smithfield, North Carolina. Lee, Enoch Lawrence 1963 Indian Wars in North Carolina, 1663-1763. Carolina Charter Tercentenary Commission, Raleigh. Lefler, Hugh Talmadge and Albert Ray Newsome 1954 North Carolina: The History of a Southern State. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. Lewis, Samuel 1804 North Carolina. Engraved by H. S.Tanner. Available at: <> November 2021 118 Historic Structure Survey al Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina �:• S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 MacRae, John and Robert Brazier 1833 A New Map of the State of North Carolina. H. S. Tanner, Philadelphia. Available at: <> McAlester, Virginia Savage 2018 A Field Guide to American Houses. Revised edition.Alfred A. Knops, New York. North Carolina Department of Transportation 1938 Wayne County. State Highway Map. North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh.Available at: <> Pezzoni,J. Daniel (editor) 1998 Glimpses of Wayne County, North Carolina:An Architectural History.Wayne County Historical Association, Goldsboro, North Carolina. Powell, William S. 1989 North Carolina Through Four Centuries. University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill. Price, Eugene 2006 "Seymour Johnson Air Base." Encyclopedia of North Carolina. Edited by William Powell.Available at: <> Price, Jonathan and John Strother 1808 First Actual Survey of the State of North Carolina. W. Harrison, Philadelphia. Sharpe, William 1958 A New Geography of North Carolina, Volume 11. Edwards and Broughton, Raleigh, North Carolina. Social Explorer 2021 "U. S. Demography, 1790 to present." Based on data from the U. S. Census Bureau.Available at: <> United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1916 Soil Map, North Carolina, Wayne County. North Carolina Maps. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Available at: <> United States Geological Survey 1957 Goldsboro. 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle. Available at: <> United States Postal Service 1920 Rural Route Map, Wayne County. North Carolina Maps. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Available at: <> November 2021 119 Historic Structure Survey Line 475 Pipeline Wayne Counties, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 SHPO ER No. 21-1766 7.0 Appendix A - SHPO Correspondence November 2021 120 STATE Mn�m.ys North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources State Historic Preservation Office Ramona M.Bartos,Administrator Governor Roy Cooper Secretary D.Reid Wilson August 26, 2021 John L. Farmer Energy Land& Infrastructure 745 South Church Street, Suite 805 Murfreesboro, TN 37130 Re: Line 475 Pipeline, Goldsboro, Wayne County, ER 21-1766 Dear Mr. Farmer: Thank you for your email of June 23, 2021,regarding the above referenced undertaking. We have reviewed the materials provided and offer the following comments. We apologize for the delay in our response and any inconvenience it may have caused. As stated in the submission,we confirm that the Howell-Batten Farmstead(WY0144) is no longer extant. We will update our records with this information. We also note that all other recorded resources situated along the Area of Potential Effect(APE)were recorded during the county-wide architectural survey of 1995 and have not been evaluated for eligibility for listing in the National Register. Additionally, due to the length of time since the last survey there may be properties along the APE which have reached 50 years of age and could be considered eligible. We are unable to accurately assess impacts to historic properties within the APE. A survey of properties over 50 years of age that are within, directly adjacent to, or within clear view of the APE should be conducted by a Secretary of the Interior qualified Architectural Historian and a report submitted to us for review and comment. Please be sure to review our Historic Structure Survey Report(HSSR) Standards for guidance on report requirements ( structure-survey-report-standards)to ensure timely review. Missing deliverables will cause a delay in processing. For questions regarding deliverables or the survey area please contact Katie Harville, Environmental review Specialist, at There are no recorded archaeological sites within the project area. However,the project area has never been systematically surveyed to determine the location or significance of archaeological resources. The project area contains ridges adjacent to West Bear Creek, Old Mill Branch, Reedy Branch, Stoney Creek, and Howell Branch,which are landforms that have a high probability for containing significant archaeological sites. Location:109 East Jones Street,Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address:4617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax:(919)814-6570/814-6898 ER 21-1766,August 26,Page 2 of 2 We recommend that prior to any ground disturbing activities within the project area, a comprehensive archaeological survey of the project area be conducted by an experienced archaeologist. The purpose of this survey will be to identify and evaluate the significance of archaeological sites and cemeteries that may be damaged or destroyed by the proposed project. Please note that our office now requests consultation with the Office of State Archaeology Review Archaeologist to discuss appropriate methodologies prior to the archaeological field investigation. You can find the Review Archaeologist for your region at A list of archaeological consultants who have conducted or expressed an interest in contract work in North Carolina is available at The archaeologists listed, or any other experienced archaeologist,may be contacted to conduct the recommended survey. One paper and one digital copy of all resulting archaeological reports, as well as one digital copy of the North Carolina site form for each site recorded, should be forwarded to the Office of State Archaeology through this office for review and comment as soon as they are available and in advance of any construction or ground disturbance activities. Office of State Archaeology report guidelines are available at The above comments are made pursuant to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation's Regulations for Compliance with Section 106 codified at 36 CFR Part 800. Thank you for your cooperation and consideration. If you have questions concerning the above comment, contact Renee Gledhill-Earley, environmental review coordinator, at 919-814-6579 or In all future communication concerning this project, please cite the above referenced tracking number. Sincerely, A - - 0-k-Ut`d Ramona Bartos, Deputy I) State Historic Preservation Officer Location:109 East Jones Street,Raleigh NC 27601 Mailing Address:4617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Telephone/Fax:(919)814-6570/814-6898 AWE 4asaa. January 31, 2022 Ms. Renee Gledhill-Earley Environmental Review Coordinator North Carolina State Historic Preservation Office 4617 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-4617 Reference: Phase I Archaeological Survey Line 475 Pipeline Project Wayne County, North Carolina S&ME Project No. 218186 ER No. 21-1766 Dear Ms. Gledhill-Earley: S&ME, Inc. (S&ME), on behalf of Energy, Land, & Infrastructure (ELI), is pleased to submit one copy of the revised draft report for the above referenced project. The site forms for the resources identified during the survey are also included. Digital copies of the site forms and draft report are on the enclosed CD. Thank you for your assistance with this project. If you have any questions or comments about the report, or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 803-561-9024 or via e-mail at Sincerely, S&ME, Inc. KArY1 Kimberly Nagle, M.S., RPA Principal Archaeologist Attachments: Draft Report Site forms CD with pdf copies of draft report and site forms S&ME, Inc.1134 Suber Road I Columbia,SC 29210 I p 803.561.9024 I