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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCS00327_Residential Flow Reduction Approval_20220203 DocuSign Envelope ID:B71ABFE3-A504-4337-B40A-90E72E8C2E6A
ROY COOPER tcg !I . <
Governor .4911•• ' `rr
Secretary >~�
Director Environmental Quality
February 1, 2022
Mr. Michael B. Legg
City of Kannapolis
401 Laureate Way
Kannapolis,North Carolina 28081
Subject: Residential Unit Flow Reduction Approval
City of Kannapolis Collection System (WQCS00327)
Cabarrus County,North Carolina
Dear Mr. Legg:
On April 23, 2021, the Division of Water Resources (Division)received a request for an adjusted
daily sewage flow rate (flow reduction) that would apply to all permitted but not yet tributary
multi-family residential connections and future connections tributary to the City of Kannapolis
collection system (Permit no. WQCS00327.)Additional information was requested by the
Division and was received January 24, 2022.
In accordance with 15A NCAC 02T .0114 (f) (1 &2), the Division has evaluated the request,
and based on the data submitted, the Division hereby approves for use by the City of Kannapolis
an adjusted daily sewage design flow rate with the following conditions:
• The flow reduction is applicable to residential multi-family dwellings only.
• The minimum flow for 1- and 2-bedroom dwellings shall be 160 gallons per day.
• Each additional bedroom above two bedrooms shall increase the volume by 80 gallons
per day per bedroom.
• This flow reduction shall not apply to sewer extension applications and/or permits for any
other public or private organizations whose wastewater flows are or might become
tributary to the City of Kannapolis collection system(WQCS00327).
Future sewer extension applications should be made using the flow reduction amount stated
above. All other aspects of the permitting process remain unchanged, and all applications must
be in compliance with the statutes,rules,regulations and minimum design criteria as certified by
the owner and engineer.
Regardless of the adjusted design daily wastewater flow rate, at no time shall the wastewater
flows exceed the effluent limits defined in the permit for the treatment facility or exceed the
capacity of the sewers downstream of any new sewer extension or service connection(s).
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Water Resources
512 North Salisbury Street 11617 Mail Service Center I Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617
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DocuSign Envelope ID:B71ABFE3-A504-4337-B40A-90E72E8G2E6A
The granting of this flow reduction does not prohibit the Division from reopening,revoking,
reissuing and/or modifying the flow reduction as allowed by the laws, rules, and regulations
contained in 15A NCAC 02T,NCGS 143-215.1, or as needed to address changes in State and/or
Federal regulations with respect to wastewater collection systems,protection of surface waters,
and/or wastewater treatment.
If you have any questions, please contact Michael Montebello at(919) 707-3624 or by email at
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for S. Daniel Smith
Director, Division of Water Resources
by Michael Montebello
Municipal Permitting Unit, Division of Water Resources, DEQ
CC: Charles A. Willis, Jr.,PE, Willis Engineers (
Chad VonCannon, PE, Water& Sewer Authority of Cabarrus County
Mooresville Regional Office,Water Quality Regional Operations
Municipal Permitting Unit(electronic copy)
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