HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160372 Ver 1_Year 3 Monitoring Report_2021_20220216ID#* 20160372 Select Reviewer: Erin Davis Initial Review Completed Date 02/16/2022 Mitigation Project Submittal - 2/16/2022 Version* 1 Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site?* Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name:* Lindsay Crocker Project Information ID#:* 20160372 Existing ID# Project Type: • DMS Mitigation Bank Project Name: Stony Fork County: Johnston Document Information O Yes O No Email Address:* lindsay.crocker@ncdenr.gov Version:* 1 Existing Version Mitigation Document Type:* Mitigation Monitoring Report File Upload: StonyFork_97085_MY3_2021.pdf 36.92MB Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Signature Print Name:* Lindsay Crocker Signature: * Monitoring Report MY03 Stony Fork Restoration Site Upper Neuse River Basin - 03020201 Monitoring Year 03 DMS Contract 6830 DMS Project Number 97085 DWR #: 2016-0372 USACE Action ID: 2016-00875 Johnston County, North Carolina Prepared for: NCDMS, 1652 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1652 Monitoring Data Collected: 2021 Date Submitted: December 2021 Monitoring and Design Firm Prepared by: dk KCI TECHNOLOGIES KCI ASSOCIATES OF NC � l �\j 0, ETC KC! ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES AND CONSIROCTION W. KCI Associates of North Carolina 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919)783-9214 Project Contact: Tim Morris Email: tim.morris(iMci.com Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 2021-MY03 KCI ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, Af! ENGINEERS • SCIENTISTS • SURVEYORS • CONSTRUCTION MANAGERS MEMORANDUM 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 (919) 783-9214 (919) 783-9266 Fax Date: January 27, 2022 To: Lindsay Crocker, DMS Project Manager From: Tim Morris, Project Manager KCI Associates of North Carolina, PA Subject: MY-03 Monitoring Report Comments Stony Fork DMS 96830, Contract 006830 Neuse River Basin CU 030202018 Johnston County, North Carolina Please find below our responses in italics to the MY-03 Monitoring Report comments from NCDMS received on January 13, 2022 for the Stony Fork Restoration Site. Include DMS violation letter from subdivision BMP, and Johnston County buffer violation letter. Provide some updated narrative to indicate that this violation is on -going and there will be continued follow up. Provide some mention of continued trespass from the adjacent subdivision lots from Sherill Farms Phase 1 that is also working towards resolution. KCI Response: These letters have been added to Appendix F Other Data and the narrative has been updated. 2. Please update asset table (Table 1) to show total credit areas out to 3 significant digits to match credit ledgers (6,585.933 SMU and 480,337.942 BMU). KCI Response: Table I has been updated. T3 has shown aggradation in other years as well. Please identify the suspected source of this sediment upstream for clarity. KCI Response: The banks of the upstream reach of T3, which is located outside of the bounds of the project, are the primary source ofsediment that is causing aggradation. This banks are very unstable and actively eroding. Several pictures of these banks have been added to Appendix B Visual Assessment Data. 4. In future reports you may omit table 8 because this is already in the MYO report. KCI Response: KCI has made note of this comment for future reports. 5. Check XS10 BHR to confirm the number is correct (aggradation typically shows a BHR < 1). KCI Response: Aggradation typically results in BHR < I but because in this case both the stream bed and banks aggraded it resulted in a BHR of 1.2 (bank height— 0.52, bankfull max depth0.44). 6. In future reports you may omit substrate sampling. KCI Response: KCI has made note of this comment for future reports. KCI ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.A. www.kei.com Employee -Owned Since 1988 7. Provide cumulative bankfull event table to assist with documenting the four events in four separate years to prove bankfull event standard on stream reaches. KCI Response: This table has been added to the report. Digital Review: - Note that the annual mean values for Table 7 differ from the excel workbook. Please ensure that the values in the workbook reflect the values in the report table. KCI Response: The values from the excel workbook were the correct values and Table 7 in the report has been updated with the correct values. Sincerely, Tim Morris Project Manager KCI ASSOCIATES OF NORTH CAROLINA, P.A. www.kei.com Employee -Owned Since 1988 TABLE OF CONTENTS ProjectSummary........................................................................................................................................... I MonitoringResults........................................................................................................................................ 2 Figure1. Project Site Vicinity Map.............................................................................................................. 4 References..................................................................................................................................................... 5 ADDendix A — Backeround Tables Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits................................................................................... 7 Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History.......................................................................................... 8 Table3. Project Contacts.............................................................................................................................. 9 Table4. Project Information....................................................................................................................... 10 ADDendix B — Visual Assessment Data CCPV.......................................................................................................................................................... 13 Table 5. Visual Stream Morphology Assessment....................................................................................... 18 Table 6. Vegetation Condition Assessment................................................................................................ 24 PhotoReference Points............................................................................................................................... 25 Permanent Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos.......................................................................................... 29 Random Vegetation Monitoring Plot Photos.............................................................................................. 32 EasementEncroachment Photos................................................................................................................. 33 UpstreamReach of T3 Photos.................................................................................................................... 34 Appendix C — Vegetation Plot Data Table 7. Stem Count Total and Planted by Plot and Species...................................................................... 36 ADDendix D — Stream Measurement and GeomornholoLyv Data Table 8. Baseline Stream Data Summary................................................................................................... 40 Table 9. Cross-section Morphology Data Table......................................................................................... 48 Cross-section Plots...................................................................................................................................... 51 PebbleCounts............................................................................................................................................. 67 ADDendix E — Hydrologic Data Table 10. Verification of Bankfull Events.................................................................................................. 76 Bankfull Verification and Precipitation Plot............................................................................................... 76 Table 11. Verification of Stream Flow....................................................................................................... 77 Table 12. Stream Flow Criteria Attainment................................................................................................ 77 Stream Flow Verification and Precipitation Plots....................................................................................... 80 Appendix F — Other Data DMSViolation Letter................................................................................................................................. 84 Johnson County Buffer Violation Letter..................................................................................................... 88 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 2021-MY03 PROJECT SUMMARY The Stony Fork Restoration Site (SFRS) was completed in May 2019 and restored a total of 6,810 linear feet of stream and 949,747 square feet of riparian buffer under the Neuse Buffer Rule (NCAC Rule 15A 0213.029). The SFRS is a riparian system in the Upper Neuse River Basin (03020201 8-digit cataloging unit) in Johnston County, North Carolina. The site's natural hydrologic regime had been substantially modified through the relocation and straightening of the existing stream channels, impacted by land clearing, and cleared of any riparian buffer. This completed project will restore impacted agricultural and timber lands to a stable stream ecosystem with a functional riparian buffer and floodplain access. The SFRS is protected by a 24.4 acre permanent conservation easement, held by the State of North Carolina. The site is located approximately 5.5 miles north of Benson, NC. Specifically, the site is 0.2 mile west on Elevation Road from its intersection with Federal Road (SR-1331). The North Carolina Ecosystem Enhancement Program (NCEEP) published the Neuse River Basin Priorities in 2010. These were updated in for the Neuse 01 cataloging unit (CU) in 2015 due to extensive mitigation needs and changes in watershed conditions since 2010. The project 14 digit CU (03020201150010) was identified as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) in the updated priorities. The goals and priorities for the SFRS are based on the information presented in the Neuse River Basin Restoration Priorities: maintaining and enhancing water quality, restoring hydrology, and improving fish and wildlife habitat (NCEEP, 2009). The project will support the following basin priorities: - Managing stormwater runoff - Improving/restoring riparian buffers - Reducing sediment loading - Improving stream stability The goals for the project are to: - Restore channelized and agriculture impacted streams to stable C/Cb channels. - Restore a forested riparian buffer to provide bank stability, filtration, and shading. The project goals will be addressed through the following objectives: - Relocate a channelized stream to its historic landscape position. - Install cross -sections sized to the bankfull discharge. - Create bedform diversity with pools, riffles, and habitat structures - Plant the site with native trees and shrubs and an herbaceous seed mix. Project planting and construction were completed in May 2019. The SFRS involved restoration and establishment of a functioning stream ecosystem with 6,810 linear feet of stream restored by re -meandering the stream and by tying the bankfull elevation to the historic floodplain where feasible. The entire site was planted to establish a forested riparian buffer. The site was constructed as designed with no major modifications from the design plan. The monitoring components were installed in May 2019. Four automatica recording pressure transducer stream gauges that take a reading every 10 minutes were installed in the upper third of T1, T1-A, T2 and T3 to document flow within those reaches. Cameras were installed in the vicinity of each of these gauges and set to record a short video once a day to provide additional verification of flow. An additional automatic recording pressure transducer stream gauge was installed near the bottom of the main stem (SF3) to record the occurrence of bankfull events. To determine the success of the planted mitigation areas, seven 10 in x 10 in permanent vegetation monitoring plots were established. An additional five 10 in x 10 in random vegetation monitoring plots were sampled as well. The locations of the planted stems relative to the origin were recorded within the permanent plots and the species and height of each planted stem were recorded for all plots. Any volunteers found within the plots were also grouped into size categories by species, but separate from the planted stems. Twelve permanent photo reference points were established and will be taken annually. Sixteen permanent cross -sections (eight riffle Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 1 2021-MY03 cross -sections and eight pool cross -sections) were also established and a detailed longitudinal profile of the stream was taken. Wolman pebble counts were performed at all of the riffle cross -sections. The cross- section measurements will be repeated in future monitoring years, but the longitudinal profile will only be repeated if there are concerns about bed elevation adjustments. Reports will be submitted to DMS each year. Vegetative success criteria for the stream mitigation is 260 woody stems/acre after five years, and 210 woody stems/acre after seven years. Trees in each plot must average seven feet in height at Year 5 and ten feet in height at Year 7. Volunteer species must be present for a minimum of two growing seasons and must be a species from the approved planting list to count toward vegetative success. A single species may not account for more than 50% of the required number of stems within any plot. A minimum of four bankfull events must also be recorded during the monitoring period. All project streams must show a minimum of 30 continuous days of flow within a calendar year for three out of the first four years of monitoring. Bank height ratios (BHR) should not exceed 1.2 and the entrenchment ratios (ER) should be 2.2 or greater. BHR and ER at any measured riffle cross-section should not change more than 10% from the baseline condition during any given monitoring interval (e.g. no more than 10% between years 1 and 2, 2 and 3, 3 and 5, or 5 and 7). Visual assessments will also be used to identify problem areas. Vegetative success criteria for the areas proposed for riparian buffer credit is 260 woody stems/acre at the end of five years of monitoring. Trees in each plot must average seven feet in height at Year 5. There should be a minimum of four native hardwood tree species, with no species accounting for greater than 50% of the stems. Volunteer species must be from the approved planting list to count toward vegetative success. MONITORING RESULTS The third -year vegetation monitoring was conducted between August 26 and 30, 2021. The site averaged 502 planted stems/acre across all 12 plots. Ten of the twelve plots had greater than 260 planted stems/acre. Including volunteers, the site averaged 701 total stems/acre. The plots that did not meet the success criteria were Plots 5 and RI. Both of these plots are located in areas with many mature trees both in and around the plots. Canopy coverage for Plot 5 is estimated at 80% and for Plot RI at 60%. In general the site is well vegetated, with widespread herbaceous coverage and many healthy planted stems. Ongoing treatment of Chinese privet and kudzu continued in MY03. These treatments have been repeated several times during the growing season in each year since the site was constructed and will be continued throughout the monitoring period. The stream gauge near the bottom of SF3 recorded five bankfull events in 2021. All four stream flow gauges recorded at least 30 consecutive days of flow. The gauge on T1 recorded flow for 147 days from January 1 to May 27 and for 98 days between May 29 and September 3. The gauge on T1A recorded flow for 259 days from January 1 to September 16 and for 41 days from October 9 to November 18 (the last download of the year). The gauge on T2 recorded flow for 146 days from January 1 to May 26 and for 95 days from May 30 to September 1. The gauge on T3 recorded flow for 256 days, between January 1 and September 13. The data from the flow gauges was further backed up by the cameras on site. Due to malfunctions at the beginning of the year, the cameras on T1 and T3 didn't begin recording until February 10, and the cameras on T1A and T2 didn't begin recording until June 30. Despite this, all four cameras showed at least 30 consecutive days of flow. The camera on T1 showed 67 days of flow from February 10 until it was obscured by vegetation on April 17. Once vegetation was cleared away this camera showed 76 days of flow from June 10 to August 24. The camera on T1A showed flow for 41 days from June 10 until it was obscured by vegetation on July 20. The camera on T2 showed flow for 75 days from June 10 until it was obscured by vegetation on August 24. The camera on T3 showed flow for 106 days from February 10 to May 26 and for 32 days from May 29 until it malfunctioned on June 29. Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 2 2021-MY03 The third -year cross-section survey was completed between August 26 and 30, 2021 and found that for the majority of the site, the dimensions of the stream are as designed, with some small variation as is typical for stream restoration projects. Both of the cross -sections on T3 (XS9 and 10) show significant levels of aggradation. Only the bottom 129 feet of this stream are located within the bounds of the project and so the upper reaches contribute a large amount of sediment to the stream from eroding banks. The large sediment source upstream combined with the small size of the stream has resulted in a significant amount of deposition throughout the entire reach. Many herbaceous plants also were able to colonize the stream bed during the first two monitoring years, which further exacerbated this problem. Now that the streamside plantings have achieved a large enough size to shade out these herbaceous plants, it is believed that at least a portion of the sediment that has accumulated in the stream will wash through. KCI will continue to monitor this reach closely to ensure it does not become a threat to project success. The monitored cross- section data have been calculated by adjusting the bankfull elevation to maintain the baseline bankfull area for each cross-section. During MY02, ATV tracks were discovered traveling through a small portion of the easement. These tracks appeared to originate from the neighborhood adjacent to the project. A formal notice of violation was issued and the issue was discussed with the landowner of the site. Fresh tracks were noted in the first half of 2021 but since June 10, 2021, no new tracks have been seen and the area has revegetated to the point that no evidence of this encroachment remains. During a site visit on August 26, 2021, it was noted that construction had begun on the culvert at the end of Sherrill Farm Road that will cross Reach SF2. As of November 18, 2021 a temporary crossing had been installed. KCI has been in touch with the developer to ensure that the crossing will be built as it was designed during the design phase of the site. All work on the crossing has taken place within the confines of the easement exception that was created for this crossing. At a site visit on November 18, 2021, it was noted that an outlet from a sediment retention pond had been dug through the site easement and to the project stream. This encroachment occurred on the right bank, approximately 150 feet upstream of the crossing on Reach SF2. Upon noticing this encroachment, KCI immediately notified the developer responsible as well as the responsible agencies. This violation is on -going and there will be continued follow up. Additionally, several property owners in the Sherrill Farms Phase 1 subdivision have stored vehicles and a trampoline within the easement. Sherrill Farms LLC has been contacted about these encroachments in 2018, 2019, and 2021 and a resolution to this encroachment is being sought. Please see Appendix B — Visual Assessment Data and Appendix F — Other Data for more information. Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 3 2021-MY03 NASH WAKE WILSO JOHNSTON HARNETT AYN SAMPSON _ L: Black . B NSON 1.1 IN I.\ FIGURE 1. VICINITY MAP, STONY FORK RESTORATION SITE, JOHNSTON COUNTY, NC Project Site Location Major Roads + Airports (none within a 5-mi radius) N 0 0.5 1 KC I County Boundary Minor Roads Major Rivers and Streams Miles ASSOCIATES OF NC Cities and Towns REFERENCES NCDEQ, Division of Mitigation Services. March 2015. 2015 Neuse 03020201 Priorities. Last accessed at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_librM/get file?uuid=340a3f58-336b-42bf-bab2- fb663cbfd78d&aroUld=60329 NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2014. NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2014. Stream and Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Guidelines. Last accessedl/2016 at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_libEM/get file?p 1 id=60409&folderld=18877169 &name=DLFE-86604.ndf NCDENR, Ecosystem Enhancement Program. 2014. Stream and Wetland Mitigation Monitoring Guidelines. Last accessed 6/2015 at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_libEM/get file?p 1 id=60409&folderld=18877169 &name=DLFE-86606.pdf NC Wetland Functional Assessment Team. 2010. NC Wetland Assessment Method (NC WAM) User Manual, version 4.1. Last accessed 11/2012 at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/c/document_libEM/get file?uuid=76f3c58b-dab8-4960-ba43- 45b7fafb6f4c&groupId=3 8364 Schafale, M.P. and A.S. Weakley. 2012. Guide to the Natural Communities of North Carolina: Fourth Approximation. Natural Heritage Program, Division of Parks and Recreation, N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources. Raleigh, NC. Soil Survey Staff, Natural Resources Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. Soil Survey of Johnston County, North Carolina. 1994 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 5 2021-MY03 APPENDIX A Background Tables Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC PA DMS Project 9 97085 6 2021-MY03 Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Mitigation Credits Riparian Non -riparian Nitrogen Phosphorous Stream Wetland Wetland Buffer Nutrient Nutrient Offset Offset Type R RE R RE R RE R RE Linear 6,405 405 450,285 sf 499,462 sf Feet/Acres Credits 6,405 181 425,434 59,904 TOTAL 6,585.933 480,337.942 CREDITS Project Com onents Project Existing Approach Restoration MP As -built Component Stationing/ Footage/ (PI PH -or- -or- Restoration Mitigation -or- Location Square Footage etc.) Restoration Footage* Footage Ratio Reach ID Equivalent SFl 10+00-21+55 1,235 PI/PII R 1,155 1,155 1:1 SF2 21+55 — 49+54 2,453 PI R 2,707** 2,714** 1:1 SF3 49+54 — 56+08 618 PI R 624** 624** 1:1 T1 100+00—105+10 365 PI/PII R 510 510 1:1 T1A 150+00—151+59 47 PI/PII R 159 159 1:1 T2-1 200+00 — 203+34 327 N/A EII 334 334 2.5:1 T2-2 203+34 — 206+71 326 PI/PII R 337 337 1:1 T2-3 206+71 — 215+26 780 PI/PII R 855 855 1:1 T3-1 300+00 — 300+71 72 PI/PII EI 71 71 1.5:1 T3-2 300+71 — 301+29 82 PI/PII R 58 58 1:1 Buffer Restoration N/A 413,194 N/A R 413,194 413,194 100% TOB to 100' Buffer Restoration N/A 37,091 N/A R 37,091 37,091 33% 101-200' Buffer Enhancement N/A 74,802 N/A E 74,802 74,802 50% TOB to 100' Buffer Preservation N/A 424,660 N/A P 424,660 424,660 10% TOB to 100' *Mitigation Plan footage used for credit calculations. **Crossings have been removed from creditable linear footage for all project streams Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 7 2021-MY03 Component Summation Stream Riparian Wetlands Non -Riparian Restoration Level Gear feet) (Acres) Wetlands Buffer (square feet) (Acres) Riverine Non-Riverine Restoration 6,405 450,285 Enhancement 74,802 Enhancement I 71 Enhancement II 334 Creation Preservation 424,660 175,029 allowable for credit High Quality Preservation TOTAL CREDITS 6,586 480,338 Table 2. Project Activity & Reporting History Stony Fork Restoration Sites, DMS Project #97085 Activity or Report Data Collection Complete Actual Completion or Deliver Mitigation Plan September 5, 2018 Final Design - Construction Plans Oct. 15, 2018 Construction Grading Completed May 3, 2019 Planting Completed May 6 2019 Baseline Monitoring/Report May 2019 July 2018 Vegetation Monitoring May 9, 2019 Stream Survey May 15, 2019 Invasive Treatment Summer 2019 Year 1 Monitoring November 2019 January 2020 Vegetation Monitoring November 5, 2019 Stream Survey November 11, 2019 Invasive Treatment Summer 2020 Year 2 Monitoring November 2020 January 2021 Vegetation Monitoring September 4, 2020 Stream Survey June 29, 2020 Invasive Treatment P, Summer 2021 Year 3 Monitoring November 2021 December 2021 Vegetation Monitoring August 30, 2021 Stream Survey August 30, 2021 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 8 2021-MY03 Table 3. Project Contacts Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Design Firm KCI Associates of North Carolina 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Tim Morris Phone: (919) 278-2512 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Construction Contractor Fluvial Solutions, Inc. Stony Fork and T3 PO Box 28749 Raleigh, NC 27611 Contact: Mr. Peter Jelenevsky Phone: (919) 605-6134 Construction Contractor KCI Environmental Technologies and Construction T1, T1A, and T2 4505 Falls of Neuse Road, Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Tim Morris Phone: (919) 278-2512 Planting Contractor Bruton Natural Systems, Inc. PO Box 1197 Fremont, NC 27830 Contact: Mr. Charlie Bruton Phone:(919)783-9214 Monitoring Performers KCI Associates of North Carolina 4505 Falls of Neuse Road Suite 400 Raleigh, NC 27609 Contact: Mr. Adam Spiller Phone: (919) 278-2514 Fax: (919) 783-9266 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 9 2021-MY03 Table 4. Project Information Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS, Project #97085 Project Name Stony Fork Restoration Site County Johnston County Project Area (acres) 24.4 acres Project Coordinates (lat. and long.) 35°26'55.0"N, 78°31'18.5"W Project Watershed Summary Information Physiographic Province Coastal Plain River Basin Neuse USGS Hydrologic Unit 8-digit 03020201 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14-digit 03020201150010 DWQ Sub -basin 03-04-04 Project Drainage Area (acres) 497 acres Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 5% CGIA Land Use Classification Managed Herbaceous Cover 53% (262 ac), Mixed Hardwoods/Conifers 31% (150 ac), Low Density Developed 9% (42 ac), Medium Density Residential 5% (24 ac), Transportation/Impervious 3% 13 ac Existing Reach Summary Information Parameters Stony Fork T1 and T1A T2 T3 Length of reach (linear feet) 3,141 412 1,433 154 Drainage area (acres) 497 12 150 29 Perennial, Intermittent, Ephemeral Perennial Intermittent Perennial Intermittent NCDWQ Water Quality Classification C; NSW C; NSW C; NSW C; NSW Stream Classification (exisiting) G4c G4 G4 G4 Stream Classifcation (proposed) C4 C4 C4 C4 Evolutionary trend (Simon) Channelized, Stage III Channelized, Stage III Channelized, Stage III Modified with pond, Stage III FEMA classification None None None None Existing Wetland Summary Information Parameters Size of Wetland (acres) 0.33 (WA and WE) 0.06 (WB) 0.14 (WC and WF) Wetland Type Headwater Forest Bottomland Hardwood Forest Non -Tidal Freshwater Marsh Mapped Soil Series Gilead sandy loam Bibb sandy loam Bibb sandy loam Drainage class Moderately Well Drained Poorly Drained Poorly Drained Soil Hydric Status Non-hydric Hydric Hydric Source of Hydrology Surface Water Stream Floodplain Stream Floodplain Restoration or Enhancement Method N/A N/A N/A Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 10 2021-MY03 Regulatory Considerations Regulation Applicable? Resolved? Supporting Documentation Waters of the United States — Section Yes Yes 404 permit 404 Waters of the United States — Section Yes Yes 401 permit 401 Endangered Species Act No N/A N/A Historic Preservation Act No N/A N/A Coastal Zone Management Act (CZMA)/ Coastal Area Management Act No N/A N/A CAMA FEMA Floodplain Compliance No Yes Essential Fisheries Habitat No N/A N/A Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 11 2021-MY03 APPENDIX B Visual Assessment Data Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC PA DMS Project 9 97085 12 2021-MY03 N oo A tl p O Z Q o o m m obi m o o 0 Y u u m o 0 w (n 1II�C•O• U a LL m o U IQ co (n h U N U Q O � N Q U � •N- M � Co ro co E O OC Q Q Q y m w Q � o E w w a f/1 I I of m of w a 1 i Oe-7_ T p 1,44 h pp` W 0 -WML f I • - 0 • dL p^ f OL e h � • 'Y y t 1111 00+01_ w w W Z �j W W� Z Z 0 Z a�F 0 0 23 h(/1U W K Z0z WZO �Z KF 7 N U r#1 Z• a Uj O y O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O a � O N O U Ef 5 O � y H t:Loc za Al cz cz G' O ,� cz "O bq O � U bq C Q U Uct cz O y 'O U � N N Ict j cz �' U y O N O cz 0 W In U O cd O O G' U IZ o p on o o o on Al ° v cz U U o; p u cz O cn o o ct -o CLcz ! o cz � U rn ri , ri M , ri ri ri 'IT o L', N 00 40 ) tn W A 4� U O y "4 = ;. 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P-%W .":"X �3 y- `ice •• kIL � _ .. ��� %x.— _ �f- ^ • • • . . v Dom' Vegetation Plot 7 — MY-00 — 5/15/19 Vegetation Plot 7 — MY-03 — 8/27/21 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 31 2021-MY03 Vegetation Plot RI — MY-03 — 8/30/21 Vegetation Plot R2 — MY-03 — 8/30/21 Vegetation Plot R3 — MY-03 — 8/30/21 Vegetation Plot R5 — MY-03 — 8/30/21 Vegetation Plot R4 — MY-03 — 8/30/21 Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 32 2021-MY03 Easement Encroachment Photos Photo 1— View of encroachment looking along the easement line Photo 2 — View of encroachment from left bank of project stream Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC PA DMS Project 9 97085 33 2021-MY03 r �,' - �` '� � •�Y�- •.4 - .y�� tea`. �� �� ' 4 �, � fib" � W � N p. � �, � * pL'-. � � •'.�, • . RS • y �* .�' : ""''v _ �:�;r �.� _ - - ,_ _ •��'': .gin fP } •� ' _d � , a'��� � ,aka. 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Verification of Bankfull Events Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Monitming Year Date of Occurrence Method W02 February 6, 2020 Onsite stream gauge February 22, 2020 Onsite stream gauge July 23, 2020 Onsite stream gauge August 4, 2020 Onsite stream gauge August 15, 2020 Onsite stream gauge August 31, 2020 Onsite stream gauge September 25, 2020 Onsite stream gauge September 29, 2020 Onsite stream gauge W03 February 16, 2021 Onsite stream gauge June 9, 2021 Onsite stream gauge July 8, 2021 Onsite stream gauge July 19, 2021 Onsite stream gauge July 27, 2021 Onsite stream gauge Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC, PA DMS Project # 97085 76 2021-MY03 Rainfall (in) 0 0 0 0 ri cv � o 30-Dec-21 21-Dec-21 12-Dec-21 3-Dec-21 24-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 6-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 10-Oct-21 1-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 4-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 8-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 21-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 3-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 6-Jun-21 28-May-21 19-May-21 10-May-21 1-May-21 22-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 4-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 8-Mar-21 27-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 9-Feb-21 31-Jan-21 22-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 4-Jan-21 26-Dec-20 17-Dec-20 8-Dec-20 r` (13) uoIPunal:j 32PJS nUUaaJS Table 11. Verification of Stream Flow Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Gauge Camera Maximum Maximum Reach Dates Achieving Consecutive Dates Achieving Consecutive Days Days T 1 January 1 — May 27; 147 February 10 —April 17; 76 May 29 — September 3 June 10 —August 24 T1A January 1 — September 16; 259 June 10 —July 20 41 October 9 — November 18 ,T2 January 1 — May 26; 115 June 10 —August 23 75 May 30 — September 1 T3 January 1 — September 13 256 February 10 —May 26; 106 May 29 — June 29 Table 12. Stream Flow Criteria Attainment Stony Fork Restoration Site, DMS Project #97085 Greater than 30 Days of Flow/Max Consecutive Days Reach MY-01 MY-02 MY-03 MY-04 MY-05 MY-06 INIY-07 2019 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 T1 yes/60 Yes/152 Yes/147 (Gauge)--- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- - T1 * * Yes/76 (Camera) T1A yes/182 Yes/152 Yes/259 (Gauge) T1A yes/46 Yes/183 Yes/41 (Camera) T2 Yes/85 Yes/152 Yes/115 (Gauge) T2 Yes/84 Yes/53 Yes/75 (Camera) T3 yes/55 Yes/152 Yes/256 (Gauge) T3 yes/55 * Yes/106 (Camera) *Camera obscured or malfunctioned for most of the year Stony Fork Restoration Site KCIAssociates ofNC, PA DMS Project # 97085 78 2021-MY03 Rainfall (in) 30-Dec-21 21-Dec-21 12-Dec-21 3-Dec-21 24-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 6-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 10-Oct-21 1-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 4-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 8-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 21-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 3-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 6-Jun-21 28-May-21 19-May-21 10-May-21 1-May-21 22-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 4-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 8-Mar-21 27-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 9-Feb-21 31-Jan-21 22-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 4-Jan-21 26-Dec-20 17-Dec-20 8-Dec-20 O O O (13) UOIjUAal:j a2VjS MU;)AJS A Rainfall 0 0 0 0 ri cS � o 30-Dec-21 21-Dec-21 12-Dec-21 3-Dec-21 24-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 6-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 10-Oct-21 1-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 4-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 8-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 21-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 3-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 6-Jun-21 28-May-21 19-May-21 10-May-21 1-May-21 22-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 4-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 8-Mar-21 27-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 9-Feb-21 31-Jan-21 22-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 4-Jan-21 26-Dec-20 17-Dec-20 8-Dec-20 (13) UOIIUAal:I atU)S nUUaaJS A Rainfall (in) 0 0 0 0 ri cv � o 30-Dec-21 21-Dec-21 12-Dec-21 3-Dec-21 24-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 6-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 10-Oct-21 1-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 4-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 8-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 21-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 3-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 6-Jun-21 28-May-21 19-May-21 10-May-21 1-May-21 22-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 4-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 8-Mar-21 27-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 9-Feb-21 31-Jan-21 22-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 4-Jan-21 26-Dec-20 17-Dec-20 8-Dec-20 (13) UOIjUAal:j a2VjS MU;)AJS Rainfall 0 0 0 0 ri cv � o 30-Dec-21 21-Dec-21 12-Dec-21 3-Dec-21 24-Nov-21 15-Nov-21 6-Nov-21 28-Oct-21 19-Oct-21 10-Oct-21 1-Oct-21 22-Sep-21 13-Sep-21 4-Sep-21 26-Aug-21 17-Aug-21 8-Aug-21 30-Jul-21 21-Jul-21 12-Jul-21 3-Jul-21 24-Jun-21 15-Jun-21 6-Jun-21 28-May-21 19-May-21 10-May-21 1-May-21 22-Apr-21 13-Apr-21 4-Apr-21 26-Mar-21 17-Mar-21 8-Mar-21 27-Feb-21 18-Feb-21 9-Feb-21 31-Jan-21 22-Jan-21 13-Jan-21 4-Jan-21 26-Dec-20 17-Dec-20 8-Dec-20 (13) uoIPunal:j 32VJS nUUaaJS A APPENDIX F Other Data Stony Fork Restoration Site KCI Associates of NC PA DMS Project 9 97085 83 2021-MY03 ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary December 14, 2021 ._ RTH CAROLIN aFy6noy3mentai�W f:V NOTICE OF VIOLATION VIA US Mail First Class Certified Mail # 7018 0040 00011456 0205 Harold G. Carroll, Owner Sherrill Farm, LLC 63 Vernon Court Willow Springs, NC 27592 Re: Trespass and Injury to Conservation Easement Stony Fork Mitigation Site Dear Mr. Carroll, In October 2017 the State of North Carolina acquired a conservation easement on your property for the purposes of protecting streams, wetlands, and forested riparian buffers restored by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NCDEQ). This easement protects the State's interest in the Stony Fork Mitigation Site (DMS # 97085) and restricts certain activities on the property. For reference the easement and plat are recorded in the Johnston County Register of Deeds: Owner Reference Date SPO File No. Sherrill Farm LLC Deed Book 5042, Page 92-106 10/13/2017 51-CE Plat Book 85, Page 412-413 10/13/2017 1 On November 18th, 2021 NCDEQ was notified by stream monitoring contractors that the development adjacent to this easement had cut an outlet through the easement from a large offsite sediment basin to drain directly to the stream inside the easement. Staff inspected this violation on November 19th and confirmed that this is related to an offsite BMP outfall that was constructed for Phase II of the Sherrill Farms development. There is fill material 6-8' high at the basin near the easement edge. There are approximately 1,250 square feet of impacted area within the 50' riparian buffer and there is some evidence sediment in the stream. The conservation easement describes prohibited and restricted activities in Section ii. Grantors Reserved Uses and Restricted Activities. Specifically, the following activities are restricted or prohibited: Per paragraph D. Damage to Vegetation - Except within Crossing Area(s) as shown on the recorded survey plat and as related to the removal of non-native plants, diseased or damaged North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 217 West Jones Street 1 1601 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 919.707.8600 trees, or vegetation that destabilizes or renders unsafe the Conservation Easement Area to persons or natural habitat, all cutting, removal, mowing, harming, or destruction of any trees and vegetation in the Conservation Easement Area is prohibited. Per paragraph K Grading, Mineral Use, Excavation, Dredging — There shall be no grading, filling, excavation, dredging, mining, drilling, hydraulic fracturing; removal of topsoil, sand, gravel, rock, peat, minerals, or other materials. Per paragraph L Water Quality and Drainage Patterns — There shall be no diking, draining, dredging, channeling, filling, leveling, pumping, impounding or diverting, causing, allowing or permitting the diversion of surface or underground water in the Conservation Easement Area. No altering or tampering with water control structures or devices, or disruption or alteration of the restored, enhanced, or created drainage patterns is allowed. All removal of wetlands, polluting or discharging into waters, springs, seeps, or, wetlands, or use of pesticide or biocides in the Conservation Easement Area is prohibited. Per paragraph O. Disturbance of Natural Features — Any change, disturbance, alteration or impairment of the natural features of the Conservation Easement Area or any intentional introduction of non-native plants, trees and/or animal species by Grantor is prohibited. As the landowner of the property subject to this conservation easement, it is your responsibility to ensure all easement requirements and restrictions are adhered to. The remedy for these damages shall be the following: 1. Install a check dam outside the conservation easement to cease the trespass and to keep further sediment from entering the easement. 2. Develop an approvable restoration plan to stabilize the stream, regrade the floodplain back to tie into existing grade, amend soil including topsoil as necessary, and replant native hardwood trees matching the original project design. 3. Work with NC DMS Project Manager Lindsay Crocker ( Isay.crc,- ,Or(_ ncdenr.go� 919-594- 3910) and KCI and Associates Project Consultant Tim Morris (lim.morris kci.com 919-793-6886) to ensure that the plan is acceptable to regulatory authorities. 4. After regulatory approval, implement the restoration plan as approved under supervision of KCI and Associates. During the November 19th inspection by the State of North Carolina, it was also observed that the easement trespass/encroachment on the north side of the conservation easement area (Sherrill Farms Phase 1) is also still ongoing. Property owners on lot 20S (Fede) and 21 (Stewart) are parking vehicles, trailers, and a trampoline inside the easement. Sherrill Farms LLC has been notified via email, phone and in person in 2018 and 2019 about these violations and is continuing to allow them. Specifically, the following activities are restricted or prohibited: • Per paragraph I Dumping or Storing - Dumping or storage of soil, trash, ashes, garbage, waste, abandoned vehicles, appliances, machinery, or any other material in the Conservation Easement Area is prohibited. The remedy for this encroachment shall be the following: Move these items out of the conservation easement or install a fence along the property boundary. Q North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Cf xoro�`AE 217 West Jones Street 1 1601 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 276Q9-1b01 919.707.$600 If you do not cease and desist performing or allowing these activities in the conservation easement area, legal action may be instituted to enjoin ongoing or future violations and to seek recovery of damages incurred because of these violations. Per t Section IV. Enforcement and Remedies, paragraph A. Enforcement of the conservation easement, you have 90 days from the date of this letter to remedy this violation. I hope this is the last correspondence that you receive from the State on this issue and that no further action will be required. Please know that this conservation easement property is monitored on a regular basis and any further violations may result in legal action to resolve this matter. You may contact me by email or phone if you have any questions regarding this letter or would like to schedule a field visit to discuss this matter in more detail. Sincerely, A/Mk Gl�r� Melonie Allen Property and Project Close Out NC Department of Environmental Quality 1606 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1606 Phone: 919-368-9352 Email: Melonie.allen@ncdenr.gov Cc via Email: Douglas Ansel, Assistant General Counsel, NCDEQ Blane Rice, State Property Office, NCDOA Lanny Clifton, Son Lan Development Wyatt Brown, Brown's Environmental Group Jerry Dalton, Dalton Engineering Lindsay Crocker, NCDEQ Division of Mitigation Services Tim Morris, KCI and Associates .,, North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality fg�D.E Q217 West Jones Street 1 1601 Mail Service Center I Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1601 919-707.8600 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Post Office Box 2263 SMIT11FIELD, NC 27577 (919)989-5075 NOTICE OF VIOLATION OF THE JOHNSTON COUNTY RIPARIAN BUFFER PROTECTION ORDINANCE CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED December 1, 2021 Harold G. Carroll, Owner Sherril Farm, LLC 63 Vernon Court Willow Springs NC 27592 RE: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Riparian Buffer Violation Project Name: Sherrill Farm Ph.2 Project Location: Sherrill Farm Drive Stream Classification: Stony Fork (C, NSW) Mr. Carrol, In response to a complaint, on November 24, 2021, personnel of this office conducted a site inspection of the stream located in the above referenced project area. Accordingly, the following observations were noted during the site inspection of the above mentioned property: The perennial stream with the violation on the site, Stony Fork (also currently in a State Conservation Area) classified as Class C; NSW and located within the Neuse River Basin. Stoney Fork is depicted on the most recent published Johnston County NRCS Soil Survey (1994) as well as the most recent USGS Topographic map at a 1:24 scale and therefore, the features are subject to Section 14-393 of the Johnston County Code of Ordinances, Riparian buffer protection (for lands within the Neuse River Basin). The riparian buffer has been excavated through both zones 1 and 2. No diffused flow present from the sediment basin above the buffer. *Please note that this list may not be all-inclusive and all buffer impacts will need to be addressed. Additional requirements may arise as information is provided to our office. Sherrill Farm Ph2 Buffer Violation Page 1 of 5 As a result of the site inspection and file review, the following violations, described below are noted: Item 1. Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer Violation The Neuse River Basin is subject to riparian (streamside) buffer rules covered under Section 14- 393 of the Johnston County, NC Code of Ordinances. The purpose of these rules is to protect and preserve riparian buffers in the Neuse River Basin that help protect surface water by removing nutrients from overland flow. The Johnston County buffer rules apply to areas immediately adjacent to surface waters which includes intermittent streams, perennial streams, lakes, and ponds that are approximately shown on either the most recent printed version of the soil survey map prepared by the Natural Resources Conservation Service or the most recent version of the 1:24,000 scale (7.5 minute) quadrangle topographic maps prepared by the United States Geologic Survey (USGS). The protected riparian buffer has two zones: Zone 1 is measured from the top of stream bank landward for 30 feet. Zone 2 is measured an additional 20 feet landward from the outer edge of Zone 1. Both Zone 1 and Zone 2 must consist of a stable vegetated area that is undisturbed except for activities and uses provided for in Section 14-393(g)(2) of the Johnston County Code of Ordinances. No sediment from uphill disturbed areas, fill material, or impervious structures are permitted within the riparian buffer unless otherwise stated in Section 14-393(g)(2) Table of Uses. Requested Response You are directed to provide a response, including a plan of action, to this letter within 14 calendar days of receipt of this NOV. Provide an as -built map of sufficient detail to accurately delineate the boundaries of the land; the location, dimensions and type of any disturbance in riparian buffers; and the extent of riparian buffers on the land. We urge you to obtain an environmental consultant to assist you with this. Riparian Zone Planting — Please submit a buffer restoration plan to this office for review and approval. This plan must be developed to ensure at least two native tree species are planted at a density sufficient to provide 320 trees/acre at maturity. This plan must include the types of native woody vegetation selected, methodology of planting, and a site map indicating the location of replanting efforts. 2. Include a detailed implementation schedule with dates explaining when the buffer restoration will be accomplished. This schedule should include a three-year monitoring plan to ensure that the buffer is restored. It is important that you adhere to this new plan once approved by Johnston County. If you make any modifications to approved plan, DWQ must approve them prior to implementation. Sherrill Farm Ph.2 Buffer Violation Page 2 of 5 Thank you for your attention to this matter. This office requires that the violations, as described above, be properly resolved. These violations and any future violations are subject to a civil penalty assessment of up to $25,000.00 per day per violation. Each day of a continuing violation shall constitute a separate violation. Should you have any questions regarding these matters, please contact Shannon Stanley or Jessica Batten at (919) 209-8333 or via email at Shannon.stanley@johnstonnc.com and jessica.batten@johnstonnc.com. Sincerely, Shannon Stanley Engineering and Environmental Technician CC: Chandra Farmer, PE, JCPU Jessica Batten, EI, JCPU Sherrill Farm Ph.2 Buffer Violation Page 3 of 5 Sherrill Farm Ph.2 Buffer Violation Page 4 of 5 r ., .� � z� �.q��} 4���1�- .f`" �'1��� fF'�`!"`�'�+ �� �9,•I�(�r:i`f` F�; xi f I��'s. ,-\ I _. , •. ^i� l• yt�' f•: � !mt � r� -'. 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