HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0000461_Comprehensive Site Assessment_20220126TRC Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Roaring River, Wilkes County, North Carolina Residual Management Program Reference Permit WQ0000 January 20 Jim M. Kirlin, P.E. Michelle Hays, P.G. Wastewater Specialist Remediation Project Manager TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan Draft \EMPLOYEES. ROOT. LOCAL \ENV\AMS\BROOKFI ELD\MLW-VOL1 \-\WPMLW \PJT2\390784 \0000\REPORT\R3907840000-001. DOCX 50 INTERNATIONAL DRIVE, SUITE 150, GREENVILLE, SC 29615, • 864.281.0030 PHONE • 864.281.0288 FAX • WWW.TR000MPANIES.COM Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Site and Source Characterization 2 2.1 Site Characterization 2 2.2 Source Characterization 2 2.2.1 Surface Soil 2 2.2.2 Surface Water 3 2.2.3 Groundwater 3 2.3 Receptor Information 3 2.3.1 Water Supply Wells 3 2.3.2 Public Water Supplies 4 2.3.3 Surface Water 4 2.3.4 Wellhead Protection Areas 4 2.3.5 Subsurface Structures 4 2.4 Land Use 4 2.4.1 Sensitive Land U es ... 4 2.4.2 Property Ow and O' pants 5 3. Site Hydrology, Geologeology 6 3.1 Surface Hy' , ogy 6 3.2 Geology ... 6 3.3 Hydrogeolog 6 4. Groundwater and Surface ater Assessment 8 4.1 Groundwater Monitoring System 8 4.2 Groundwater Table and Flow Direction 8 4.3 Groundwater Sampling 8 4.4 Groundwater Quality 9 4.5 Surface Water Quality 10 5. Risk Evaluation 11 6. Corrective Action Plan 13 6.1 Phase 1: Two -Year Analysis 13 TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\0000\REPORTlR3907840000-001.DOCX Draft January 2022 6.2 Phase 2 14 7. References 15 List of Tables Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 Table 5 Table 6 Table 7 Table 8 Agronomic Rates for Land Application Parcel Identification Vertical Gradient Calculation Well Construction Details Summary of Groundwater Elevations Summary of Field Parameters Total Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwater Nitrite Concentrations in Surface Water 4 List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Field Identification and Sa Figure 3 Soil Sampling Locati. is for A: J ► is .. 'cation Rates, December 2020 Figure 4 Surface Water ' . w Dir: ion Figure 5 Photograph age Figure 6 Public Well, Po rivate I, and Sensitive Receptor Survey Figure 7 Parc .ti. iap Figure 8 r Table S ce, ► ember 7, 2021 Figure 9 To'. itrate Co -ntrations in Groundwater Figure 10 Nitrat- ce• .tions Compared to Rainfall List of Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Agronomic Soil Report DWQ 2013 Study Groundwater Analytical Report, December 2021 Surface Water Analytical Report, April 2021 TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan ii \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 Section 1 Introduction The Louisiana-Pacific Corporation (LP) facility (Site) is located in Roaring River, Wilkes County, North Carolina. The facility discontinued hardboard siding manufacturing activities in 2020 and converted to siding finishing operations. Beginning in the 1980s, the facility utilized land application of process wastewater treatment residual solids; however, land application was discontinued in all areas in 2018. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (NC DEQ) issued Permit No. WQ0000461 dated November 16, 2020, for Distribution of Class A Residuals (Permit). Although land application has been discontinued, the Permit was renewed in order to manage the contin component of the Permit. Nitrate in samples collected from three with the former land application site have exhibited concentraf requirements. s in groundwater monitoring e monitoring wells associated -ption to the Permit LP submitted a Groundwater Investigation Report and cti ction Plan on May 14, 2021, to fulfill Permit Condition 1.1. In a letter dated July 27, 2021, NC D quested the report be revised to meet the requirements of a Comprehensive Site Asse SA) i ordance with 15A NCAC 02L.0103(e), follow the guidelines outlined in 15A NCAC 02L.0 y the Corrective Action Plan (CAP) requirements pursuant to 15A NCAC 0 '.(h). -tained TRC Environmental Corporation (TRC) to complete this scope and a meetin: n Oct. • r 29, 2021, with personnel from LP, NC DEQ, and TRC to determine the path forwa The purpose of this repo o . t esults of CSA and outline a CAP to comply with the Permit requirements. TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 1 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\0000\REPORTlR3907840000-001.DOCX Draft January 2022 Section 2 Site and Source Characterization 2.1 Site Characterization LP's Roaring River facility is generally bordered on the east by the Allura manufacturing facility and active agriculture land and pasture, to the south by the Yadkin River, to the west by wooded and agricultural land, and to the north by single family residences, wooded, and agricultural land. Most of the adjacent land around the facility is wooded, pasture, or agriculture. The subject area includes the Former Land Application Fields, located east of the facility, between th- transmission lines north of Abtco Road and the Yadkin River. These Former Land Application Fi have private residences to the north and northwest, non -LP agricultural land to the west, the Y. er to the south, wooded areas to the southeast, and a fire department to the northeast. T outhern oad and Abtco Road bisects the Former Land Application Fields. A site location map i ovided as Figur 2.2 Source Characterization The facility conducted hardboard siding manufa ivitieitil 2020, when it converted to siding finishing operations. The facility utilized land app • • ess wastewater treatment residual solids that date back to the 1980s ove • Ids n. -d Field #21, Field #22, Field #23, Field #24, and Field #25. Application of residuals field # ,was . ontinued in 2008 and application to the remaining fields ended in 2018. TDSI-MW-1, DSI-MW-3, DSI-MW-4, DSI-MW-5, DSI-MW-51, DSI-MW-6, DSI-W-7I, DSI-MW-8, and DSI-MW-9) are positioned within and around the Fields, as ill .ted on re . onitoring well DSI-MW-2 was abandoned in October 2018. Nitrate levels in , ndwater pies collected from three monitoring wells (DSI-MW-1, DSI- MW-5, and DSI-MW-9) ha hibit: oncentration in exception to the Permit requirements. 2.2.1 Surface Soil Land application residuals transitioned from Class B material to Class A material in 2005. The Fields have been utilized as crop land with seasonable corn crop as the main harvest. Agronomic rate for land application of residuals has been established and documented at or below recommended levels of application as shown on Table 1. In spring of 2019, a commercial starter fertilizer was spread at a rate of 75 pounds per acre on all Fields, which is less than the recommended rate of 125 pounds per acre for fertilizer. On December 4, 2020, soil samples were collected by LP and sent to the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services Agronomic Division. Multiple soil samples were collected from seven areas across Field #25 identified as Locations 251LP through 257LP, TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 2 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\0000\REPORTlR3907840000-001.DOCX Draft January 2022 composited, and analyzed for nutrients. Results suggest the allowed agronomic rates were higher than any rate that was applied to the Fields since 2008. However, there is a potential for a large storm to convey freshly applied fertilizer following application, in which the surface water would pond in the low-lying areas of the site. Soil sampling locations are illustrated on Figure 3 and soil analytical results are included as Appendix A. 2.2.2 Surface Water Surface water runoff is believed to be a contributing factor in elevated nitrate levels in groundwater. DSI-MW-1, which is located downgradient of Fields #22 through #24, receives runoff from upper elevations including non -LP controlled land. Surface water accumulates near this well and nitrate concentrations have increased after land . 'Iication was discontinued. Additionally, monitoring wells DSI-MW-5 and DSI-MW-9 ar- cated outside the compliance boundary of Field #25. These wells are located at the I. st - .tion in Field #25 and receive extensive flooding, with extended periods of surfac .ter accu 'ting above the monitoring wellheads. The adjacent, privately -owned crop : wes .f Field #2 ay also be a contributing source because it has been obseryId #25 receives surface water runoff from this crop field during excessive rain all and flo• • : events. Furthermore, DSI-MW-5 and DSI-MW-9 receive back flow from the Y. xcessive rainfall events as these wells are located within the 100-year floodplai River. Directional surface water flow and ponding areas are illustraigure hile Figure 5 presents a photograph of the flooding at Field #25. 2.2.3 Groundw Groundwater ed levels of nitrate beginning in the mid-1990s through 2006, as report- the Con. trations and Occurrences of Nutrients in Soil and Groundwater Beneath and Beyon. A: ' Itural Filed Used for Residuals Land Application in Wilkes County, NC (Division of Water * ty [DWQ], 2013), included as Appendix B. Routine groundwater sampling has confirmed elevated nitrate levels in three monitoring wells (DSI-MW-1, DSI-MW-5, and DSI-MW-9). 2.3 Receptor Information 2.3.1 Water Supply Wells Two public water supply wells are located approximately 1.5 miles northeast (upgradient) of the Site at Stone Mountain State Park Visitor Center. There is one public water supply well located approximately 2.75 miles to the southwest of the facility at Fairview Baptist Church. These TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 3 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\0000\REPORTlR3907840000-001.DOCX Draft January 2022 public water wells would not be impacted by the apparent source area given the direction of groundwater flow. Residential wells are not included in the North Carolina well list. To identify residential wells in the area, a visual survey from public roadways was conducted to identify potential private groundwater wells within a one -mile radius of the site. No private wells were identified downgradient within the one -mile radius. Two potential private wells are located upgradient of the Former Land Application Fields. Given that these potential private wells are upgradient, it is unlikely they would be impacted by the apparent source area. Public and potential private wells are illustrated on Figure 6. 2.3.2 Public Water Supplies The surrounding area is provided municipal water by BI i•, Water Association. Municipal water piping is present within the right of way alonsouth s . .f Abtco Road. 2.3.3 Surface Water The Yadkin River is south and adjacent t. ield #25, h of Field #23 by approximately 500 feet, south of Field #24 by approximate :• - sou Field #22 by approximately 800 feet, and south of Field #21 by approximately 2.3.4 Wellhead Protec The Site and surrounding ar 2.3.5 Subs A utility corridor Water Association, n is no risk associated wit of locd within a wellhead protection area (ESRI, 2021). de of Abtco Road includes municipal water from Blue Ridge s from Frontier Natural Gas and internet/communications. There itrate vapor accumulation or potential threat to either public health, safety, or the environment. 2.4 Land Use The Site is surrounded by agricultural and agricultural activity to include poultry, cattle farms, and crop land. 2.4.1 Sensitive Land Use Features None identified. The Roaring River Elementary school is greater than one mile east from the Former Land Application Fields. This receptor is side gradient of the apparent source area onsite. The elementary school is shown on Figure 6. TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 4 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 2.4.2 Property Owner and Occupants The Former Land Application Fields are owned by Louisiana Pacific Corporation. The Roaring River Volunteer Fire Department is located approximately 150 feet east of Field #21 and private residences are located approximately 150 feet north and northwest of Field #24. These residences are topographically upgradient of the Former Land Application Fields. A crop field immediately west of Field #25, side gradient, is privately owned. Parcels are identified on Figure 7 and a summary of property owners is presented in Table 2. TRC Environmental Corporation f Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 5 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\0000\REPORTlR3907840000-001.DOCX Draft January 2022 Section 3 Site Hydrology, Geology, and Hydrogeology 3.1 Surface Hydrology There is a relief of approximately 180 feet from the northern edge of Field #21 down toward the Yadkin River. Surface water runoff flows to the south across Fields #21 through 24 and east across Field #25, ultimately toward the Yadkin River. The Southern Railroad bisects the Former Land Application Fields. Although there is a drainage system along the Railroad that was designed to convey stormwater from the upgradient fields to a nearby stream, the system has been clogged ith debris for many years. This causes the Railroad to act as a barrier to surface water flow, resulti ponding on the southern end of Field #23 around monitoring well DSI-MW-1. Flooding also occu southeast corner of Field #25, near DSI-MW-5 and DSI-MW-9, which is a low-lying area tha o receiv ackflow from the Yadkin River as it is within the 100-year floodplain. Directional s ce water runo 'llustrated on Figure 4. 3.2 Geology The site is located at the boundary of the Inner :elttthe Blue Ridge Belt in the Brevard Fault Zone, which is a series of ancient thrust faults. T Zone is a five -mile wide, east-northeast trending inactive fault zone with a co ► uctu . nd metamorphic history (Brown, 1985). Bedrock lithology consists of the Precambr .ge Cr snore tonic -volcanic group and the Ashe Formation, both primarily composed of schists and , •'s al, 1972) which have undergone various degrees of ductile and brittle deforma ' ' -go n this region consists primarily of saprolitic silty sands. Boring information obtoring wells DSI-MW-1, DSI-MW-2, DSI-MW-4, DSI-MW-51, DSI-MW-7S, DSI-MW-71, and DSI-MW-. • icate t Field # 25 is located on the flood plain of the Yadkin River and is underlain by alluvial deposits y silty, sands, with some clay, followed by sand. Gravel and cobble deposits were observed at depth of approximately 13 to 16 feet below land surface. Bedrock consisting of mica schist was observed at 14 feet below land surface at well DSI-MW-4 to 16 feet below land surface at well DSI-MW-2. At well DSI-MW-51, competent bedrock was encountered at 20 feet below land surface. Little information is available regarding shallow geologic conditions at higher elevations at Fields #21 through 24. It is assumed that Site geology at these areas consists of sandy silty clayey soil and saprolite, and bedrock. Based on observations at wells DSI-MW-2 and DSI-MW-4, it is assumed that the bedrock consists of mica schist. 3.3 Hydrogeology At Field # 25, groundwater occurs under water table conditions within the underlying alluvial deposits. Little information is available regarding groundwater conditions at Fields #21 through 24. It is assumed that TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 6 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 groundwater in these areas also occur under water table conditions. At lower elevations, the water table likely occurs within the saprolite and regolith. At higher elevations to the north, it is possible that the water table is below the bedrock surface with the primary flow occurring within the joints and fracturs of the bedrock. The water table (uppermost aquifer) fluctuates with seasonal variations in precipitation and generally mimics the topography across the site. Groundwater flows southeast toward the Yadkin River. Depth to water ranges from 7 to 14 feet below land surface at Field # 25 and approximately 50 feet below land surface at the upgradient/background monitoring well, DSI-MW-3. Linear groundwater flow velocity for wells screened in in the alluvial deposits at Field # 25 was calculated using the following Darcy equation: Where: V = (K*I)/ne V = average linear velocity : ay); K = hydraulic conductiv' ' t i = average hydrauli adient ( and ne = effective po y. Soil borings from Field # 25 indicated shallow soils consist : my silty, sands, with some clay, followed by sand. Gravel and cobble deposits were observ= • -.ths o •roximately 13 to 16 feet below land surface. Monitoring wells appear to be screened primaril , - a : sands with three wells (DSI-MW-2, DSI- MW-51, and DSI-MW-71 partially screen-- :rave hydraulic conductivity for the shallow aquifer at Field #25 was calculated during the DWI 3 St y (Ape dix B) to be 1.19 ft/day, which is typical of a stream terrace deposit. The effective po ty wa - • , , be 0.35 (Driscoll, 1986), given the silty sand and gravel alluvium. The estimated hydraulic g t of the water table, based on the December 7, 2021, gauging event, is 0.029 ft/ft. Therefore,velocity for the water table aquifer is estimated to be 36 feet per year. The linear velocity equatio ing rate makes assumptions of a homogenous and isotropic aquifer. This equation can over-estimat_ ocity when applied to heterogenous and anisotropic conditions, which are believed to exist within this lithology as Piedmont geology often exhibits relict foliation. These relict structures can result in locally anisotropic groundwater flow directions. Although the regolith and bedrock are hydraulically connected, the effective porosity generally decreases with depth into the underlying fractured bedrock. The vertical gradient was evaluated between monitoring well pairs DSI-MW-5 and DSI-MW-51. The vertical gradient, calculated using the December 2021 water elevations, is presented as Table 3. The vertical gradient was approximately -0.04 feet/feet. The downward gradient suggests a connection exists between the upper saprolite and upper bedrock. TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 7 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 Section 4 Groundwater and Surface Water Assessment This section describes the groundwater monitoring system established by the Distribution of Class A Residuals Permit No. WQ0000461 dated November 16, 2020. Compliance forms GW-59 and GW-59A are submitted to NC DEQ following each sampling event. This section also summarizes the recent surface water sampling event in preparation of this report. 4.1 Groundwater Monitoring System Prior to 2015, semiannual groundwater sampling was performed at The 2015 Permit modified the sampling frequency and annual gr from 2016 through 2020. The 2020 Permit modified the sam i : f sampling has been performed beginning in 2021. Current round ormer Land Application Fields. ter sampling was performed req again, and semiannual water ,itoring is conducted in March and September from six monitoring wells: DSI- -1, DS -3, DSI-MW-4, DSI-MW-5, DSI-MW-6, and DSI-MW-9. DSI-MW-3 serves as the upgr ackground monitoring well for the Site. In addition to the routine groundwater samplin• _ ormed e Site, a separate sampling event was conducted on December 7, 2021, in preparation Groundwater samples are analyzed f phosphorus, and total dissolved s aforementioned monitoring wells compared to the North Ca as outlined in the Per details are summarize en as total ammonia, nitrogen as total nitrate, pH, I sampling events. Annually in September, the atile compounds. Constituent concentrations are (2L Standards; 15A NCAC 2L.0202), where appropriate and ations are illustrated on Figure 2. Well construction 4.2 Groundwater Tab! - d Flow Direction Groundwater levels were gauged in monitoring wells during the December 7, 2021, sampling event. Groundwater level measurements are obtained from the top of the well casings, which have been surveyed to a common datum. Groundwater levels are summarized in Table 5. The groundwater flow direction is toward the southeast, as depicted on Figure 8. 4.3 Groundwater Sampling For the purpose of this report, intermediate monitoring wells DSI-MW-51 and DSI-MW-71 were also sampled in addition to the compliance monitoring wells listed in Section 4.1. Monitoring wells were purged of stagnant water in the well casing prior to collection of groundwater samples using disposable bailers or a submersible pump by LP personnel. Wells were purged to remove a minimum of three well TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 8 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 volumes. Field parameters of pH, temperature, specific conductance, and turbidity were measured and are summarized in Table 6. Groundwater samples were placed on ice and sent under chain -of -custody to Meritech, Inc. for analysis. 4.4 Groundwater Quality The focus of this report is on the nitrate concentrations in groundwater and as such, will be the only constituent evaluated in this section. Nitrates were analyzed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Method 353.2. Nitrate, as nitrogen, has continually been detected at concentrations above the 2L Standard, and the Permit, of 10 milligrams per liter (mg/L) in monitoring wells DSI-MW-1, DSI-MW-5, and DSI-MW-9 since 2014. As discussed in Section 2.2.2 and illustrated on Figure 4, ponding ocin two areas following excessive rainfall. One of the ponding areas is located around monitoring MW-1 at the southern edge of Field #23. Surface water pools at this location because the S hern Rai 'd acts as a barrier and the drainage system does not properly convey the runoff. T cond ponding . : is the low-lying area on the southeast corner of Field #25, in the vicinity of DSI- -5 SI-MW-9. The ponding in this area occurs from both excessive rainfall and backflow from the in River. Application of residuals to Field #25 was disconti , . an 'application to the remaining Fields ended in 2018. However, nitrate conce ions s ove .II increasing trend in DSI-MW-1, DSI-MW-5, and DSI-MW-9, suggesti at face er runoff from adjacent properties is a contributing factor to groundwat +itrate - ra .ns when it is accumulated in pools surrounding these wells. As expected, monitori a downward trend sinc 2014, respectively. Nitrate below the 2L Standard. Nitrat DSI-MW-6, along the Yadkin River in Field #25, have shown n ceased and have been below the 2L Standard since 2020 and ions in the background well, DSI-MW-3, have consistently been centrations in the two intermediate wells sampled in December 2021 were also below the 2L Standard, suggesting that nitrate concentrations that exceed the 2L Standards are present in only the shallow groundwater. A summary of historical nitrate concentrations in groundwater is included as Table 7 and a graphical comparison of nitrate in monitoring wells is presented as Figure 9. The laboratory analytical report from the December sampling event is included as Appendix C. The DWQ 2013 Study (Appendix B) concluded that nitrate concentrations in groundwater did not show any significant seasonal changes. However, data suggest that the nitrate concentrations above 2L Standard are localized to monitoring wells in which surface water runoff accumulates. Annual rainfall has been plotted against the nitrate concentrations in monitoring wells that exceed the 2L Standard since 2018, presented as Figure 10. A relationship is apparent between elevated nitrate concentrations TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 9 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\0000\REPORTlR3907840000-001.DOCX Draft January 2022 and rainfall, most notably in DSI-MW-1, showing higher observed nitrate concentrations during years with excessive rainfall. 4.5 Surface Water Quality On April 8, 2021, two surface water samples were collected by LP personnel from the Yadkin River and identified as upstream and downstream in relation to the Former Land Application Fields. The samples were sent to Meritech, Inc. and mistakenly analyzed for nitrite by USEPA Method 353.2 instead of nitrate. The North Carolina In -Stream Target Value for nitrite Surface water, effective July 26, 2021, is 1 mg/L. Both surface water samples collected on April 8, 2021, indicated nitr. 1 mg/L, and thus below the North Carolina Target Value. The ni sample location was higher than the downstream location, i contributing factor. The nitrite concentrations in surface er sampling locations are illustrated on Figure 2, and the I Appendix D. The DWQ 2013 Study (Appendix B) concluded th stream gage and concentrations were to - r whe concluded that the average nitrate c average of 1 mg/L. ting o samples ar oncentrations of less than centration in the upstream e sources are most likely a marized in Table 8, alytical report is included as ations in the Yadkin River varied with age was higher. Additionally, this Study e Yadkin River has been below the national TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 10 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\0000\REPORTlR3907840000-001.DOCX Draft January 2022 Section 5 Risk Evaluation Historical evaluation of groundwater data at the Site indicates that there is evidence of nitrate impacts in groundwater. The Permit requires that a risk analysis and CAP be submitted that either sets forth the steps to be taken to ensure that the contamination source is eliminated or that the plume is contained on the site. Risk requires the following factors to be present: ■ Constituent of concern with quantifiable adverse health effects ■ Migration pathways to a point of potential exposure ■ Potential receptors Of the constituents monitored in groundwater at the Site, ate has quan ble health effects and a federal maximum contaminant level (MCL) that is base pot I health e fects. The federal MCL is the same concentration as the NC 2L Standard of 10 mg/L. T commonly cited human health effect of nitrate is methemoglobinemia, also known as "► .lue syn e." The effect is seen most commonly in infants, who have low levels of stomach acid. U . ity ditions, indigenous bacteria chemically reduce the nitrate to nitrite. The nitrite i hemoglobin to form methemoglobin the "no observed adverse effects converts to nitrite in the stomach is bsorb- R►' the :.od stream where it combines with ocks oxygen -carrying capability of blood. The MCL is set at nts. For healthy adults, the amount of nitrate that ed to . - . bout five percent, thus increasing the concentration of nitrate that can be consu ► t rse effects. The migration pathway groundwater flow from th monitoring wells that exceed r Land Application Fields to locations of potential exposure is by ea to the Site boundary along and into the Yadkin River. The rate 2L Standard are DSI-MW-1, DSI-MW-5, and DSI-MW-9. Monitoring wells DSI-MW-5 and DSI-MW-9 are immediately adjacent to the Yadkin River. The DWQ 2013 Study (Appendix B) concluded that the average nitrate concentration in the Yadkin River is below the national average of 1 mg/L. The Site is surrounded by low -density, rural development and agricultural land. As discussed in Section no potable wells exist downgradient of the Site. No residential activity or development currently exist in proximity to or near the area of elevated nitrate concentrations and the probability of any development activity in the future of these areas is low. The closest receptor to the Former Land Application Fields is the Yadkin River and this section of river meets water quality standards for nitrate and nitrite and is not typically used recreationally. Although nitrate is present in the Site groundwater, no pathways of affected TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 11 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\0000\REPORTlR3907840000-001.DOCX Draft January 2022 groundwater appear to be able to migrate to a potential point of exposure nor impact a receptor; therefore, significant impact to human health is considered low. TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 12 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 Section 6 Corrective Action Plan Permit Condition 1.1. states that LP must assess the cause, significance, and extent of the violation of groundwater standards beyond the compliance boundary and submit an investigation report and CAP. LP has taken a proactive approach to address elevated levels of nitrate concentrations by reducing applications starting in 2008 and fully discontinuing residual application in 2018. Historical data trends indicate a reduced level in overall nitrate concentrations that suggests current practice is having positive results in most of the monitoring wells sampled. While the root cause of elevated nitrate levels in three monitoring s is inconclusive, the following is considered to be main contributing factors: ■ Contours and slopes directing concentrate flows durir riods of ex ve rainfall with potential introduction of nitrates from non -LP sources, ■ Starter fertilizer applications during initial corn crop p hg, and ■ Potential nitrate residuals remaining from residuals. rocess wastewater treatment Considering the increased nitrate ther sources, the following is a proposed phased corrective action plan. 6.1 Phase 1: Tw • Continue the pract .f not app ng residuals to the sites. Discontinuation of process wastewater treatment residuals a • . .tio ' as completed in 2018. • Continue semiannual grounater sampling in accordance with the Permit. • No additional fertilizers applied for any purpose on Fields #21 through #25, with consideration of only grass -type crop to be planted/harvested. • Request the Southern Railroad maintain their right-of-way and clear the blockage from the stormwater drain that contributes to ponding around DSI-MW-1. • Following a rainfall event, collect two surface water samples from ponded areas near DSI-MW-1 and DSI-MW-5/DSI-MW-9, and analyze these samples for all nitrogenous species (nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and total kjeldahl nitrogen) to evaluate what concentrations are percolating into the subsurface. TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 13 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 ■ Conduct sample collection at DSI-MW-1, DSI-MW-4, DSI-MW-5, and DSI-MW-9 after an excessive rain event or flooding, with samples collected at 1-week intervals for 6 weeks following the rain/flooding event. Samples will be analyzed for nitrates only. Monitoring well DSI-MW-4 will serve as a control for the sampling within the source area as it is in the Former Land Application Fields but has shown a decrease in nitrate concentrations since land application ceased. 6.2 Phase 2 ■ Evaluate planting of border trees at areas of high concentrations for phytoremediation. ■ Evaluate drainage correction measures. TRC Environmental Corporation / Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 14 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 Section 7 References Brown, Philip M., 1985. Geologic Map of North Carolina, The North Carolina Geologic Survey. Scale 1:500,000. Driscoll, Fletcher G., 1986. Groundwater and Wells, Second Edition. Johnson Screens, St. Paul. ESRI ArcGIS, 2021. North Carolina Public Wellhead Protection Area for North Carolina. Created May 28, 2021. https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=548287235b9a48f :c2b27e3c41d3284. (January 6, 2022). Louisiana-Pacific Corporation, 2021. Ground Water Nitrate Le nvest . on and Corrective Action Report, May 14, 2021. Rankin, D.W., G.H. Espenshade, and R.B. Neuman, 1972: Salem quadrangle, North Carolina, Virginia, and Geologic Investigations Map I-709-A. Scale 1:25 Map of the west half of the Winston - Geologic Survey, Miscellaneous TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan 15 \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 Tables 's (< 0 TRC Environmental Corporation 1 Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan \\EMPLOYEES.ROOTLOCALIENV\AMS\BROOKFIELDIMLW-VOLT\-\WPMLWIPJT2139078410000\REPORTIR3907840000-001.DOCX Draft January 2022 Table 1 Agronomic Rates for Land Application Year Field Cumulative PAN RYE PAN 2014 1228-10387-21 1228-10387-22 1228-10387-23 1228-10387-24 1228-10387-25 14.89 37.51 20.61 89.64 0 122 122 122 122 0 2015 1228-10387-21 1228-10387-22 1228-10387-23 1228-10387-24 1228-10387-25 40.81 35.32 0 0 0 122 153 0 0 0 2016 1228-10387-21 1228-10387-22 1228-10387-23 1228-10387-24 1228-10387-25 0 44.32 0 122. 0 71 0 193 0 2017 1228-10387-21 1228-10387-22 1228-10387-23 1228-10387-24 1228-10387-25 .2 56.61 12.61 .16 0 122 153 153 122 0 2018 1228-10387-2 1228-10387- 1228-10387-2 122: • 87-24 - -25 0 .68 0 86.31 0 0 122 0 122 0 2019 28-10 -21 8- - . 1 i 0387-23 2: . 87-24 8-11 .7-25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2020 :-10387-21 8-10387-22 228-10387-23 1228-10387-24 1228-10387-25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2021 1228-10387-21 1228-10387-22 1228-10387-23 1228-10387-24 1228-10387-25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Notes: PAN = Plant Available Nitrogen RYE = Realistic Yield Expectations Units = pounds/acre TRC Environmental CSA and CAP 1 \ employees.root.local \en v \AMS\Brookfield \MLW-VOL1 \-\ WPMLW \ PJT2 \390784 \0000\ Report\Tables Field ID Location Acres 1228-10387-21 Beside Fire Department 5.94 1228-10387-22 Across from FD (Horse Shoe) 13.82 1228-10387-23 Narrow field west of RR 4.44 1228-10387-24 South of Abtco Rd Curve 16.6 1228-10387-25 Between RR and Yadkin River 9.07 Table 2 Parcel Identification Parcel ID Address Owner Name 101134 OFF OLD 60 MATHIS PROPERTIES, LLC 1600250 180 ABTCO RD DOBBINS, LINDA H 1600322 7194 ELKIN HWY 268 MEYERHOFFER, MARLON & JOANNA B 1600353 438 ABTCO RD CHILDRESS, JAMES T & ANNIE M 1600680 594 ABTCO RD SPARKS, JANELLA MAE 1601062 214 ELKIN HWY JOHNSON, T R 1601414 214 ABTCO RD ROARING RIVER VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT INC 1601738 7194 ELKIN HWY 268 MYERHOFFER, JOANNA & MARLIN 1602159 804 ABTCO RD LAMBEY, THOMAS W, HIGLEY, KATHY L & THEODORE D 1603359 OFF ABTCO RD ROARING RIVER VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT INC 1603447 522 ABTCO RD BROWN, PEARLIE & CURTIS 1603639 1068 ABTCO RD LOUISIA ACIFIC 1603640 1151 ABTCO RD LOUI A PACIFIC 1604091 670 ABTCO RD JO N, UEL SR 1604092 672 ABTCO ROAD CK, DARL HARD 1604093 620 ABTCO RD JORDAN, SAM 1604094 610 ABTCO RD LES, END & YVONNE E 1604323 570 ABTCO RD SBORNE, RICKY D 1604368 1149 ABTCO RD CEM USA, INC Notes: Source: htt.s: .arcelinfo.wilkes .unt .net TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Roaring River Facility CSA and CAP \employees.root.local\env\AMS\Brookfield \MLW-VOL1 \-\ WPMLW\PJT2 \390784 \0000\Report\Tables Table 3 Vertical Gradient Calculation Location/ Well ID Depth to Water (ft.) 12/7/2021 Difference in Groundwater Levels (ft.) Midpoint of Screen (ft.) Difference between Screen Midpoints (ft.) Vertical Gradient (ft./ft.) DSI-MW-5 10.08 -0.42 12 10.5 -0.04 DSI-MW-51 10.5 22.5 Notes: ft. = feet Vertical gradient is the difference in water levels (deeper to shallower well) divided by the distance between the midpoints of the screened intervals. TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Roaring River Facility CSA and CAP 1employees.root. local\env\AMS\Brookfield\MLW-VOL1 1-1WPMLW\PJT2\390784\0000\Report\Tables Table 4 Well Construction Details Location/ Well ID Diameter (in.) Material Total Depth (ft. bls) Screened Interval (ft. bls) Height of MP Above LS (ft.) LS Elevation(1) MP Elevation (1) Latitude Longitude DSI-MW-1 4 PVC 19 9-19 3.35 99.52 102.87 36.20284206 -81.02164655 DSI-MW-2(2) 4 PVC 15 5-15 3.58 94.18 97.76 36.20199407 -81.02342722 DSI-MW-3 4 PVC 89 60-89 NA NA NA 36.20753758 -81.02171427 DSI-MW-4 4 PVC 16 6-16 3.17 88. 91.36 36.20063722 -81.02292158 DSI-MW-5 4 PVC 17 7-17 2.10 87.13 36.20196685 -81.01992544 DSI-MW-51 4 PVC 30 15-30 3.06 .4 88.54 36.20197178 -81.01994295 DSI-MW-6 4 PVC 21 4-21 1.42 88.18 89.60 36.20125738 -81.02138145 DSI-MW-7S 4 PVC 13 3-13 3.29 84.6 87.89 36.20172933 -81.0220974 DSI-MW-71 4 PVC 23 18-23 3.0 4.55 87.62 36.2017381 -81.02205472 DSI-MW-8 4 PVC 13 8-13 3.48 89.61 93.09 36.20234584 -81.02074222 DSI-MW-9 4 PVC 16.33 6.33-16.33 akilL 84.9 87.86 36.20194181 -81.01987322 Notes: in = inches ft. = feet bls = below land surface LS = land surface MP = measuring point NA = Not available (1) The survey does not tie in any benchmark, so a ref of the access road and the rail road, on south side of t All of the elevations are relative to this point or to one an (2) Monitoring well DSI-MW-2 was abandoned on October 4, 201 0.00 ft. datum artificially set on railroad tie, 22 ft east of the center of the intersection d by two nails side by side, north to south oriented). TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Roaring River Facility CSA and CAP \employees.root.local\env\AMS\ Brookfield \MLW-VOL1 \-\ WPMLW\ PJT2 \390784 \0000\Report\Tables Table 5 Summary of Groundwater Elevations Location/ Well ID MP Elevationa) Depth to Water (ft.) 12/7/2021 Groundwater Surface (ft.) 12/7/2021 DSI-MW-1 102.87 14.17 88.70 DSI-MW-2 97.76 Abandoned 10/4/2018 DSI-MW-3 NM 55.25 NM DSI-MW-4 91.36 14.25 77.11 DSI-MW-5 87.13 10.08 77.05 DSI-M W-51 88.54 10.5 78.04 DSI-MW-6 89.60 17.58 72.02 DSI-MW-7S 87.89 NM NM DSI-M W-71 87.62 7.175X80.45 NMNM 10.77.19 DSI MW 8 93.09 DSI MW 9 87.86 Notes: ft. = feet MP = measuring point at the top of the casing NM = Not measured (1) The survey does not tie in any benchmark. the elevat are relative to a reference point and one another. TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Roaring River Facility CSA and CAP \employees.root.local\env\AMS\Brookfield \MLW-VOL1 \-\ WPMLW\PJT2 \390784 \0000\Report\Tables Table 6 Summary of Field Parameters Location/ Well ID Sampling Date pH (S.U.) Temperature (°C) Conductivity (µS/cm) Turbidity (NTU) DSI-MW-1 9/28/2021 4.44 19.5 309 45.1 12/7/2021 3.67 14.0 275 17.8 DSI-MW-2 -- -- -- -- -- DSI-MW-3 9/28/2021 4.74 15.1 55.7 18.5 12/7/2021 4.17 15. 45.4 15.5 DSI-MW-4 9/28/2021 5.35 212 177 12/7/2021 4.24 4.3 226 15.5 DSI-MW-5 9/28/2021 5.51 1 286 11.9 12/7/2021 4.43 281 16.1 DSI MW 51 12/7/2021 5.69 418 5.8 DSI-MW-6 9/28/2021 6.27 16. 163.2 14.5 12/7/2021 4.98 200 15.6 DSI-M W-7S -- -- -- -- -- DSI-M W-71 12/7/2021 4.64 15.4 478 13.3 DSI-MW-8 -- -- -- -- DSI-MW-9 9/28/2021 .6 17.2 279 68.3 12/7/20 4. 15.8 306 16.6 Notes: S.U. = Standard units. °C = degrees Celsius. uS/cm = Microsiemens per centimeter. NTU = Nephelometric Turbidity Unit. TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Roaring River Facility CSA and CAP \employees.root.local\env\AMS\ Brookfield \MLW-VOL1 \-\ WPMLW\ PJT2 \390784 \0000\Report\Tables Table 7 Total Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwater Location/ Well ID Date Sampled Total Nitrate as Nitrogen (mg/L) DSI MW 1 9/19/2018 34.0 9/26/2019 9.59 9/29/2020 25.1 3/23/2021 17.5 9/28/2021 25.8 12/7/2021 24.2 DSI-MW-2 Abandoned DSI-MW-3 Mar-14 0.59 Jul-14 0.67 Nov-14 0.49 Mar-15 0.37 Jul-15 0.34 9/20/2016 1.18 9/26/2017 1.52 9/19/2018 1.82 9/26/2019 85 9/29/2020 3/23/20 1.7 9/28/20 1.01 12/7/2021 0.78 DSI-MW-4 018 8.49 • 6 22.6 9 2 1 6.09 3/2 1 7.85 9/28 121 7.08 12/7/. '1 5.35 4 28.3 Jul-14 0.41 DSI- Nov-14 26.4 Mar-15 21.1 Jul-15 32.2 9/20/2016 22.6 9/26/2017 17.2 9/19/2018 0.92 9/26/2019 10.0 9/29/2020 19.3 3/23/2021 13.7 9/28/2021 18.0 12/7/2021 17.9 DSI-M W-51 12/7/2021 1.16 TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Roaring River Facility CSA and CAP \employees.root.local\env\AMS\Brookfield \MLW-VOL1 \-\ WPMLW\PJT2 \390784 \0000\Report\Tables Table 7 Total Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwater Location/ Well ID Date Sampled Total Nitrate as Nitrogen (mg/L) DSI-MW-6 Mar-14 12.9 Jul-14 29 Nov-14 0.1 Mar-15 6.17 Jul-15 0.48 9/20/2016 <0.10 9/26/2017 <0.10 9/19/2018 3.59 9/26/2019 1.31 9/29/2020 <0.10 3/23/2021 <0.10 9/28/2021 <0.10 12/7/2021 <0.10 DSI-MW-7S Not Sa DSI-M W-71 12/7/2021 9.40 DSI-MW-8 .ampled DSI MW 9 9/19/201: 3. 9/26/21 15.9 9/29/2020 13.7 3/2021 / 15.0 • . ' 21.8 1. • /20 . <0.10 Notes: < indicates the concentr Gray shaded values i standard of 10 m b reporting limit. he NC groundwater quality d Permit requirements. TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Roaring River Facility CSA and CAP \employees.root.local\env\AMS\Brookfield \MLW-VOL1 \-\ WPMLW\PJT2 \390784 \0000\Report\Tables Table 8 Nitrite Concentrations in Surface Water Location Date Sampled Nitrite as Nitrogen (mg/L) Upstream 4/8/2021 0.98 Downstream 4/8/2021 0.57 Notes: Both the North Carolina In -Stream Target Value and USEPA National Primary Drinking Water Standards are 1 mg/L. TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Roaring River Facility CSA and CAP \employees.root.local\env\AMS\Brookfield \MLW-VOL1 \-\ WPMLW\PJT2 \390784 \0000\Report\Tables Figures 's (< 0 TRC Environmental Corporation 1 Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan \\EMPLOYEES.ROOTLOCALIENV\AMS\BROOKFIELDIMLW-VOLT\-\WPMLWIPJT2139078410000\REPORTIR3907840000-001.DOCX Draft January 2022 Saved By: DSZYNAL on 1/4/2022, 09:25:01 AM U:1Louisiana Pacific\Roaring River\ArcGIS101FIG01_SITELOC.mxd 7RC - GE FACILITY LOCATION 1151 ABTCO ROAD ROARING RIVER, NC BASEMAP: ESRI WORLD IMAGERY DATED FEBRUARY 2018 1"=1,000'0 1:12,000 1,000 FEET SITE LOCATION 50 International Drive, Suite 150 Patewood Plaza Three A lle, SC 29615 ,, TR� Phone: 1864281.0030 Fax 864.281.0288 LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORPORATION ROARING RIVER DRAWN BY: DJS APPROVED BY: MAH FIGURE 1 SITE LOCATION MAP PROJECT NO: 390784.0.0 FILE NO. FIGO1_SITELOC.mxd DATE: JANUARY 2022 BASEMAP: ESRI WORLD IMAGERY DATED FEBRUARY 2018 Path: U:\Louisiana Pacific\Roaring River\ArcGIS10\Figure 2.mxd Date Saved: 1/11/2022 6:23:09 AM LEGEND Well Location A Active Monitoring Well Abandoned Monitoring Well Surface Water Sampling Locations (April 8, 2021) Land Application Fields Wilkes County Parcel Boundaries —Ow Flow Direction Land Application Fields Field # 21 = 5.94 acres Field # 22 = 13.82 acres Field # 23 = 4.44 acres Field # 24 = 16.60 acres Field # 25 = 9.07 acres N 1 inch = 400 feet 0 200 400 Feet LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORPORATION ROARING RIVER FORMER LAND APPLICATION FIELD FIELD IDENTIFICATION AND SAMPLING LOCATIONS DRAWN BY: DJS CHECKED BY: MAH SCALE: AS NOTED PROJECT NO.: 390784.0.0 DATE: JANUARY 2022 APPROVED BY: MAH FIGURE 2 C 50 International Drive Patewood Plaza Three, Suite 150 Greenville, SC 29615 Phone: 864-281-0030 www.trcsolutions.com Figure 3 Soil Sampling Locations for Agronomic Application Rates, December 2020 TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 BASEMAP: ESRI WORLD IMAGERY DATED FEBRUARY 2018 Path: U:\Louisiana Pacific\Roaring River\ArcGIS10\Figure 4.mxd Date Saved: 1/11/2022 6:27:20 AM LEGEND Active Monitoring Well { Abandoned Monitoring Well Land Application Fields Wilkes County Parcel Boundaries Flood Areas -ON Flow Direction N 1 inch = 600 feet 0 300 600 Feet LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORPORATION ROARING RIVER FORMER LAND APPLICATION FIELD SURFACE WATER RUNOFF FLOW DIRECTION DRAWN BY: DJS SCALE: AS NOTED CHECKED BY: MAH DATE: JANUARY 2022 PROJECT NO.: 390784.0.0 APPROVED BY: MAH FIGURE 4 C 50 International Drive Patewood Plaza Three, Suite 150 Greenville, SC 29615 Phone: 864-281-0030 www.trcsolutions.com Figure 5 Photograph of Field #25 at Flood Stage Looking Southeast across Field #25. DSI-MW-5 and DSI-MIN-9 TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 . STONE MOUNTAIN STATE VISITOR CENTER Path: U:\Louisiana Pacific\Roaring River\ArcGIS10\Sensitive_Receptor.mxd Date Saved: 1/11/2022 6:40:30 AM LEGEND Possible Private Well 0 Public Water Supply Water Sources Sensitive Receptor Land Application Fields 1 Mile Radius around JFormer Land Application Fields 0 1 inch = 2,500 feet 2,500 5,000 Feet N LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORPORATION ROARING RIVER PUBLIC WELL, POSSIBLE PRIVATE WELL AND SENSITIVE RECEPTOR SURVEY DRAWN BY: DJS CHECKED BY: MAH SCALE: AS NOTED PROJECT NO.: 390784.0.0 DATE: JANUARY 2022 APPROVED BY: MAH FIGURE 6 TRC 50 International Drive Patewood Plaza Three, Suite 150 Greenville, SC 29615 Phone: 864-281-0030 www.trcsolutions.com BASEMAP: ESRI WORLD IMAGERY DATED FEBRUARY 2018 Path: U:\Louisiana Pacific\Roaring River\ArcGIS10\ParcellD.mxd Date Saved: 1/6/2022 1:29:30 PM LEGEND Land Application Fields Wilkes County Parcel Boundaries 1 inch = 600 feet 0 300 600 Feet N LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORPORATION ROARING RIVER PARCEL IDENTIFICATION MAP DRAWN BY: DJS SCALE: AS NOTED CHECKED BY: MAH DATE: JANUARY 2022 PROJECT NO.: 390784.0.0 APPROVED BY: MAH FIGURE 7 C 50 International Drive Patewood Plaza Three, Suite 150 Greenville, SC 29615 Phone: 864-281-0030 www.trcsolutions.com BASEMAP: ESRI WORLD IMAGERY DATED FEBRUARY 2018 Path: U:\Louisiana Pacific\Roaring River\ArcGIS10\Figure 8.mxd Date Saved: 1/11/2022 6:51:22 AM LEGEND • Active Monitoring Well 88.70 With Groundwater Elevation (ft) • Abandoned Monitoring Well Land Application Fields Groundwater Elevation Contour Dashed Where Inferred. —Ow Flow Direction Notes: The survey does not tie into a benchmark. All of the elevations are relative to a common reference point and one another. Data in parentheses was not used in contouring N 1 inch = 350 feet 0 175 350 Feet LOUISIANA-PACIFIC CORPORATION ROARING RIVER FORMER LAND APPLICATION FIELD WATER TABLE SURFACE, DECEMBER 7, 2021 DRAWN BY: DJS SCALE: AS NOTED CHECKED BY: MAH DATE: JANUARY 2022 PROJECT NO.: 390784.0.0 APPROVED BY: MAH FIGURE 8 C 50 International Drive Patewood Plaza Three, Suite 150 Greenville, SC 29615 Phone: 864-281-0030 www.trcsolutions.com 40 35 30 25 -J 0) E d as 20 Z 10 0 �a 1 Figure 9 Total Nitrate Concentrations in Groundwater tDSI-MW-1 DSI-MW-3 1DSI-MW-4 DSI-MW-5 DSI-MW-51 DSI-MW-6 —I—DSI-MW-71 DSI-MW-9 90 80 70 60 C 7 50 C co ce m 40 C c Q 30 20 10 Figure 10 Nitrate Concentrations Compared to Rainfall Nitrate Standard - 10 mg/L 2018 2019 2020 2021 40 35 30 Rainfall tDSI-MW-1 DSI-MW-5 DSI-MW-9 25 J 0 E d 20 i Z 15 a 0 1- 10 Note: Each sampling event portrayed is from September to 5 depict consistent data. 0 Appendix A Agronomic Soil Report TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 0 m 4- 0 00 e4 a co t- NCDABCS Agronomic Division Phone (919) 733-2655 Website www.ncagr.goviagronomil Report No. _' ."-F'.- 21715 Predictive r • - ' .• ? � `' 9 S o 11 Report Mehlich-3 Extraction `4.�•,, 1 r - q;,•,;00. Links to Helpful Information Client: Louisiana Pacific Corp. 1068ABTCORd North Wdkesboro NC 28659 Sampled County Wilkes Client ID: 360009 Advisor Advisor ID: Sampled. 12;0411020 R•c tved. 12:11;2020 Completed, 02/1D/2021 Farm 1228 Sampie ID: 251LP Lime History: Recommendations: Lime Nutnenis e1 More Information Note 3 Ncte $ Crop (tons/acre) N P20s 1 -Coin grain 0.0 120. 160 0 2 -Small Grain (SG i 0.0 80-100 0 K20 Mg Mn Zn 110 0 pHS 0 110 0 pHS 0 Cu 0 0 B 0 0 Note 3 N.te $ Test Results [units • WN in HM% WN CEC BS% 0 51 0 94 11.9 gicrt ; CEC and Na in meg/100 cm3; NO3-N in mgrdm3]: Ac pH P4 K4 Ca% Mg% 94 0 7 6.8 164 17 76 17 Soil Cla Mineral 54 M Mn-Ali Mn•Al2 Zn-Al 44 255 492 492 Cu4 198 Na 0.1 ESP 1 SS4 NO3-N Sample lo: 252LP Lime History: Recommendations: Lime utrtents (Ibfacre} More Information Nate 3 Crop (tons/acre) N PzOs 1 -Com grain o.4 120 - 160 r 2. Small Grain (SG) 0.0 80-100 Kz0 S Mn Zn 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cu 0 D 8 0 0 Note 3 Test Results [units -WN In glcrtrl; CEC and Na in meg1100 cm3; NO3•N In mgfdrt2}: HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P4 K-I C 0-66 0.97 6.8 79 1.4 5.8 122 19 Soil Class: Mineral Mn4 Mn-A11 Mn•Al2 Zn4 Zn-Al 42 336 219 212 283 283 Cu4 128 Na 0.0 ESP SS-1 NO.-N Sample ID: 253LP . Lime History: Recommendations: Lime Nutnenis (lb acre) More information Note 3 Note $ Crop (tonslacre} 1 -Corn. grain 0.0 +0 0 2 -Small Grain tSG) Br 0 O Mg S Mn Zn 100 0 0 pHS 0 100 0 0 tiHS 0 Cu 0 0 B 0 0 Note 3 Notee,,, Test Results [units • WN in glow?: CEC and Na in m cm3; NO3- gl. HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH K•I • Mg% 0.18 0.98 15.1 96 0 6 6 9 13 21 23 Soil Class Mineral 54 Mn-1 Mn•AI1 Mn-Al2 Zn-I Zn-Ai 131 222 137 130 389 389 Cu-f 134 Na 0 1 ESP 1 SS -I NO3•N North CahroII11.1 LOW Reprogramming of the laboratory -information -management system that makes this report possible i4 being funned through a grant from the North Carolina Tobacco Trust Fund Commission Thank you for using agronomic services t0 manage nutrients and safeguard environmental goal): • Steve Perrier Commtsstonor of Agrrcultu'e Page 29 of 30 NCDA&CS Agronomic Division Phone: (919) 733.2655 Website: www.ncagr.goviagronomll Report No. FY21-SL021715 Page 2of3 Sample ID: 2S4LP Lima History Recommendations. Lima Nutrients pb.aCrel More Information Nate 3 Note $ Crop (tons/acre) N PZO5 1 - Com, gran 0 0 120 - 160 0 2 -Small Gran 1SGl 0 0 80-100 0 K20 90 90 Mg S 0 0 0 0 Mn Zn pHS 0 pH$ 0 Cu 8 N rte 3 Note Test Results [units • WN In glcrr11. CEC and Na in megf100 cm3; NO3-N in mgidm1J: HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P-1 K-1 Ca% Mg% 0.51 1.01 11.1 93 0 8 6 7 143 25 75 17 Sd 41 Mn4 395 So11 Class: Mn•AI1 Mn-Al2 243 236 Mineral Zn-AI 7 347 Cud 144 Na 0,1 ESP SS•1 NO)•N Samp10 ID: 255LP time History: Recommendations: Lime Nutnenls ( More Information Nole 3 Note $ Crop (tonalacre) N PtOe 1 -Corn grain 0.0 120. 160 0 2- Small Gram (SG) 0 0 80-100 0 K30 100 100 Mg 0 0 0 Zn p 0 PH 0 Cu 0 0 8 0 0 Nvls 3 NQta S Test Results [units - WN In glcrn': CEC end Na in meg1100 cm3; NO3-N in mgfdrn31: HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P4 K-1 Ca% Mg% 0.41 0.98 117 95 4 6 6,8 216 21 76 17 Sd 47 Mn.I 363 Soil sag Mineral -All 2 Zn4 Zn-AI 216 416 416 Cu4 181 Na 0.1 ESP 1 SS -I NO3•N Sample 1D: 256LP Lima History. Recommendations: Lime s ilb,acrel More Information Note 3 We. $ Crop (tonatacre) N NOS 1 -Com. grain 0.0 120. 160 0 2 -Small Grain ISG) 0.0 80.100 0 r t Mg 4 0 Mn Zn pH$ 0 pN$ 0 Cu 0 0 B 0 0 Note 3 Note $ Test Results [units • WN in Wed: CEC and Na In megi100 cm3: NOrN in mg/ • HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH P4 K4 C Mg% 0.66 0 90 11 0 92 O E1 6 8 109 18 4 18 S4 5: Soil Class: Mn-AI1 Mn-Al2 358 351 Mineral Zn-1 Zn-AI 240 240 Cu4 182 Na 0 1 ESP 1 SS -I NO3-N Sample ID: 257LP Lime History Recommendations: Lime Nutrients fie acre) More Information Note 3 Note $ Crop (Ions/acre) P3Os 1 -Corn. grain 24 - 0 2 -Small Grain 1SG) .0 100 0 KW 10C 100 Mg S 0 0 0 0 Mn Zn pH$ 0 pH$ 0 Cu 0 0 B 0 0 Note 3 Nnte Test Results [units - WN In g/cm3; CEC and Na in m 0 cm3; NO3-N In m3J: HM% WN CEC BS% Ac pH K4 Ca Mg% 0 32 1.11 10 1 100 0 0 7 5 108 26 $4 35 Mn- 448 Soli Class: Mn-All Mn-Al2 263 256 Mineral Zn4 Zn-AI 720 720 Cud 135 Na 0 0 ESP SS- H03-N Page 30 of 30 NCDAECS Agronomic Division Phone. (919) 733-I655 Website www ncagr.gov'agronomil Report No. FY21-5L021715 Page 3 0 3 Understanding the Soil Report: explanation of measurements, abbreviations and units Recommendations . t me Report Abbreviations Ac exchangeable acidity B boron BS'. % CEC occupied by bas c tags Ca'. % CEC occupied by calcium CEC canon exchange capacity Cu-t copper ndox ESP exchangeable sodium percent HMy. percent Mimic matter potassium index potash M % CEC occupied by magnes um MIN mineral soil Wass Mn manganese hin•AI1 Mn-avail ab+tindex for crop 1 ity Mn•Al2 Mn-ava:tabit+ty index for crop 2 Mn-I manganese index sec mineral -organic soil class N nitrogen Na sodium NOI•N nitrate nitrogen ORG organic soil class pH current soil pH P. phosphorus index P2ds phosphate S•I sulfur index SS•t soluble sate index WN weight per volume Zn-AI zinc availability index zn 1 zinc index If testing finds that soil pH is too low for the cropfs) indicated, a limo recommendation wilt be given in units of either tonacre or lb;1000 sq ft For best results, mix the Time into the top 6 to 8 inches of soil several months before planting For no•btl or established plantings where this is not possible, apply no more than 1 to 15 tonacre (50 Ib/1000 sq ft) a a time, even if the report recommends mare. You can apply the rest ,n similar increments every six months until the to is applied If MG is recommended and lime is needed: use dotomitnc lime- Fertilizer Recommendations for field crops or other large areas are listed separately for each nutnent to be a.. (in units of lb/acre unless otherwise specified) Recommendations for N (and sometimes for El) are based on r: ch held studies for the crop being grown, not on soil test results K-I and P-1 values are based on test results an. . Id be > r , If they are not, follow the fertilizer recommendations given. 11 Mg is needed and no lime is recomrnen. - `-0.22 a Mg) is an excellent source: 175 to 250 lb per acre alone or in a fertilizer blend will usually sahsty crop ne - wets appear only on reports for greenhouse soil or problem samples. Farmers and other commercial producers should pay special attention to micronutrl a .HS. • or Z notations appear on the soil report, refer to SNotq Secon¢,3 Nufnentc and Micrunutneefs ener .ers do not need to be concerned about micronutrients Various crop notes also addre e fertiliz -. visit ncagr.govfaqronomipubs htm Recommendations for small areas, such as home lawns/gard i. : re listed nits of lb/ I sq ft . If you cannot fnd the exact tertilrzer grade recommended on the report visit it I r •,• fit . nd information that may help you choose a comparable alternate For more information, renmeoeners guide to FerrNer Test Results The first seven values [soil class. HM°O, WV. CE , ., Ac and Oil •cribe the soil and its degree of acidity The remaining 16 IP-1. K-I, Ca%, Mg%, Mel, Mn•AI1, Mn. n-1. Zn-AI -I, S-I, SS-1, Na. ESP, SS -I, NO3•t- (not routine!) available)] indicate levels of plant nutrients or other reedit - asu nt Visit ruse ncaer ev ero! + +r! t nffn Appendix B DWQ 2013 Study TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 Pit -3ertea#-M--and Beyond ar Agricultural Field y 171 huying Wang1 and Angela M. Moore2 1 NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality 2Syngenta Crop Protection, Greensboro, NC 2013 WRRI, Raleigh Contents ➢ Background and Purpose of Investigation ➢ Site Description and Historical Groundwater Data ➢ Characteristics of Residuals ➢ Methods of Investigation ➢ Hydraulic Characteristi' the Site ➢ Soil Sampling RestLs ➢ Water Quality jr IF Results ➢ Major Findings' ➢ Discussions ➢ Select References ➢ Acknowledgements Site Map Showing Locations of Wells and Surface Waters North Carol i rya Legend • Monitoring wells O Piezometers LP_O reeks Study field Approximate Site Location in the Yadkin — Pee Dee River Basin, Yadkin River Headwaters Watershed Blue Area: High Rock Lake Watershed G Yatlkiu - Pee [lee Rive! Basin Yadkin River Headwaters Watershed Atn rY . — SURRY ver Ile) VVS GrR15 c LewdsOle • DAVIE ! AVIDSCH. Se r 1 LEGEND • Approximate Site Location • Class WS-V Waters *Arm. Impaired Waters (Category 4 and 5 Water) V Water SuppN Watershed Protected Area rw5+. w5a1. W ai ws-N1 . Approximate site location in Yadkin - Pee Dee River Bashi Yadkin River Headwaters Watershed (From DVVQ Environmental Sensitive Map, 2010) Residuals haracteristics mg TKN / kg dry waste 60000 50000 40000 TKN Concentrations for WWTP Residuals (source: Annual land application permitting reports) --Sludgefrom WWTP -0-Flyash • 30000 20000 10000 0 • -)t2 ✓ r 0 h -> )9 19 ,s, d• Date ✓ r 0 h h 1:7 O cP ._9 -> Nitrogen Species Leached from Residuals ion (mg/kg dry waste material) 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 1 • NH3 ETKN 2 3 Replicate 4 >Organic nitrogen (TKN).,ia, th major nitrogen species (right) and concentration varier. significantly (left) >Combined NO2 + N,)3 wc s not detected in the leachate of the residuals samples >Dissolved phosphorus was 0.5 g/kg dry matter > DOC was 33 g/kg dry matter; the bioavailable fraction was about 84% > Dissolved C:N ratio ranged from 15.7-19.8 (Moore and Wang, 2012) Concentration of NO3-N, mg/L 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Historic NO3-N Levels in Groundwater, 1988 to 2006 + MW-1(middle of site) BMW-4 (adjacent to river) — e— M W-3(Background) 00 00 00 00 01 Ol O O N N m m ▪ In Ill l0 l0 h N CO CO 01 01 O O rI N N m m Ln Ln LD 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 Q1 Q1 Q1 O1 01 ▪ 01 01 Q1 O1 cn O1 01 O1 01 01 01 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O • Q L Q Q Q L Q Q Q Q Q 6_ L Q L Q L 6_ L Q L Q L Q L Q L Q L- a) Q fo (o N t0 N fo (o N r0 co (o fo aJ (o v (o v al 4J (o a) al N al N to N (o v c0 N to 6 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 N 2 ow Date Sampled Methods of Investigation ➢ Monitoring wells 1nst7ilation ➢ Soil sampling and analysis ➢ Water quality sL) 1,-n1;ng and analysis ➢ Horizontal !Iyr_Arqulic conductivity and groundwAte: 1,ow direction determinan ➢ Hydraulic gradient between groundwater and the Yadkin River Hydraulic Characteristics of the Site Ilk Alft Ilk Aft Ilk Ilk if• WO OTT O Avera • (f • WO • mments Well ID Aquifer tested Screen interval (ft, BLS) MW-1 Alluvium, rich in clay 9-19 1.20 er table below top of screen, only rising head tests were performed MW-2 Alluvium, sandy 5-15 .50 MW-3 Colluvium, saprolite • • Background well, not tested MW-4 Alluvium, rich in clay 6- 2.00 Rising head only MW-5 Alluvium 0.90 Rising head only MW-5I Alluvium to dry weathe gneiss 1 5- 0 0.08 MW-6 Alluvium 4-21 0.40 MW-7S Alluvium, sandy clay interlayered with silty sand 3-13 1.50 MW-7I Alluvium, sandy clay interlayered with silty sand 18-23 0.10 Borehole may be smeared. MW-8 Alluvium, silty sands 8-13 1.30 MW-9 Alluvium, silty sands 6-16 0.70 Well may not be well developed Average of the shallow wells 1.19 Close to the likely low value (1 ft/d) for stream terrace deposit Groundwater flow direction 36.2035 36.2030- 36.2025- iv 36.2020- 75 J 36.2015- 36.2010 36.2005- 36.2000 -81.0240 -81.6230 -81.0220-81.6210 Longitude Data collected on March 2, 2012 -81.6200 -81.0190 Hydraulic gradient, 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 Hydraulic gradient change between MW-9 and the Yadkin River (MW-9 about 25-30 ft away from the river) iiii N l • • .i •s • 010 , s 3 -r • • • 1110P{ •• t f • . • • . s • • • • , • • • : . • [ i • • • 1 • ._ *$ • i is O O41' O Date/time data recorded Discharge to river Recharge into bank amplin. Results Soil sample locations: iezometer Locations Monitoring wells .4Soil Borings) Sediment sample points EPA lab results of Soil nutrients Concentrations of NH3, NO2+NO3, mg/kg 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 B-1-0. B-1-1 B-1-2.5 • *Ammonia as N • *Nitrate+Nitrite as N • Total Phosphorus B-1-5 B-1-10 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Sam the 1 r and the fi st number = soil boringID; the second number = p depth at ample was collected. From left to right depth increasing Concentrations of total P, mg/kg Concentrations of NH3, NO2+NO3, mg/kg 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1 Lo LPL 1.11 0 VD r1 Ln u1 0 O r1 N -I O N N • Co� N co m m • *Ammonia I II II ._ . , II II I.IIII Total Phosphorus r. ; . k i. I 1 Q N '2 E o � � n N W Sample ID: the letter and the first number = soil boring number, and the second number = depth at which the sample collected; in each boring, depth increasing from left to right; sample IDs without a number are surface or sediment samples oS Lfl O M Cr 71 Lfl L11 th CO CD CO Lfl N < Lfl Lf1 O CD CO CO U 0 0 O O 0 O O O -1 M Lf1 tD CO CO m lD .--1 O N N m m Lfl L11 0 LC) (Ni 7I A m ^ mob.ob m 00 00 CO Li) Ln N Op oo m Co O ci 00 m %-1 Lf1 Lfl W Lfl LC) N O O LLJ ci (Ni m m coo o a a N N O U U CL. CL d W Alert Levels*** 3000 2800 2600 2400 2200 2000 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 Concentrations of total P, mg/kg i.aaaa 6aaaa e▪ i- 4aaaa :12aaaa tiaaaaa aaaaa .5aaaa 4aaaa 8 2aaaa 7aaa scan zThcaa t 4aaa i 3aaa pain iaaa a Total Organic Carbon 1111 11 1 11,1, 1 0 ch 0 ▪ rw ao rw 12- a th a a _..____I_I_I_._IIII■■1III1. I.__II_uuII_ d , • ,�6 E * E ' Lb c 4q --I ul 0 Q '~ ul Q --Irn in -1 i*r r ul � rn C ul - �l ul u I fl W rn rn CI ,a r� T, '� in CA '~ '~ 66 6 666rti r� ch rti • 0 ▪ ru m 9 � th di dididith t 1,14 VVE. Sample FD: the Ietteranrd the first number = scl! boring ID. and the second number= depthat which the sample collected; sample I Ds. without a number are surface samples Water Quality Sampling Results >TOC was low and primarily as suspended phase. DOC was below detection limit (BDL) in most of groundwater samples and 2.6-8.5 mg/L in surface waters. ➢TKN was from BDL to 1.16 mg/L 'n groundwater and from BDL to 3.7 mg/L in surface wate: s >Ammonia was also low in bot,I ,i; undwater and surface waters; was not detecter.; in mist of samples. >Over 97% of nitrate Jett, ':tL d in water samples was in dissolved phase, ran,:)nr, from 8.6 to 67 mg/L in shallow monitoring wells. Nitrite was from BDL to 0.06 mg/L. >Phosphorus levels were also very low (BDL to 0.65 mg/L) and primarily in suspended phase. Occurrences and concentrations (in blue )of nitrate, mg/L 13.3 2.0 0.9 ■ urface water samples GW monitoring wells • Piezometer in hyporhei zone Result sampled during understorm ■:PZ-3 410 Feet MW-51 36.3 M -5 Changes in concentration (mg/L) of nitrate in groundwater through riparian zone and in surface water rom the eastern creek to the Yadkin River 022 022 22 014 . fCPZ-1 0.56 0.9 PZ-, k 65.00 J Y 55.00 0 '47. 45.00 c u 35.00 0 v . 25.00 i Z 15.00 5.00 2.00 1.80 1.60 0 '47.. 1.40 c5 1.20 (41 c 1.00 0.80 0.60 2 0.40 0.20 0.00 Seasonal change of nitrate concentrations in groundwater • X X ■ • • ■ ♦ — ♦ MW-1 ■ MW-2 ♦ MW-4 X MW-5 X 7/12/2011 12/5/2011 3/26/2012 10/16/201 Date samples collected Yadkin River Nitrate concentration versus • * • • X MW-7 MW-8 MW9 ♦ CPZ-1 ♦ CPZ-2 CPZ-3 >Nitrate concentrations in groundwater did not show any significantly seasonal changes; nightly decreased in I\i V-5 and MW-9, and slightly increased in MW-2 and MW-8. >Nitrate concentration in the Yadkin River appeared to vary some with stream gage, lower when stream gage higher. 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Stream gage, ft (from USGS 02112000 Yadkin River at Wilkesboro) Major Findings >High levels of nutrients in soil and sediments were only detected in samples from the field surface or at shallow depth, ai'1 concentrations decreasea ‘^;th depth quickly. Nitrate concentratioW. rebound once water table is reached. op* >Phosphorus e,r:eF;ding 120 mg/kg, alert level, was detected in all surface soil samples with only one exception. >Nitrate exceeding the state standard was detected in shallow groundwater throughout the study field and beyond. >Phosphorus, ammonia, PIld TKN did not appear to be groundwat€ rluality issues, but concentrations increasC significantly in the two unnamed hearwit6r streams during thunderstorms. jil"� lIP >Denitrification h been occurring, but does not appear to be consistent throughout the field or within the riparian zone. >The water quality of the two unnamed creeks reflects groundwater quality very well. Nitrate concentrations were similar to those in the groundwater and much highF under base -flow than under storm -flow cor:.iitiori. >The nitrate contaminafr,u groundwater has been discharging t ) (adkin River and two unnamed tributrIb of the Yadkin River, but the average nitrate cw.centration in the Yadkin River has been below the national average (1 mg/L). Discussions The groundwater monitoring requirements set in the permit appear to be F.u?quate to monitor groundwater quality charigF for the study site. >Documentation of r.i.+rcgen inputs in addition to residuals to ar1\1 e pplication fields should be emphasized or : rz-icifically required in the permit. Selected References Moore, M. A. and Wang, S., 2012, Nitrogen and Carbon Availability From Land Applied Timber Industry Residuals: Implications for Groundwater Impacts and State Policy, Geological Society of America 2012 Annual Meeting in Charlotte, NC, Environmental Geoscience Session 156 Poster #17 Hardy, D. H., Tucker, M.R. and Stokes C. E., 2013. Crop . ert,. ."ation Based on N.C. Soil Tests. Circular no. 1. N.C. Department of Agriculture and Cor umer Sei 'ces, Agronomic Division. Raleigh, NC. (http://www.ncagr.gov/agronomi) Harrison, E.Z., McBride, M.B. and Bouldin, D.R. d application of sewage sludge: an appraisal of the US regulations: Int. J. Environm6 "t ` , iu .-ollution, v. 11, no. 1, p.1-36 Rebecca, L. Cowell, 2010, Sludge, a free f arizer for farmers, can pose health and environmental risks, INDY Week.Com, http://wU .✓.inay gee. com/indyweek/a-free- fertilizer -for -farmers -sludge -can - pose -health -and -environmental- 'sks/Co tent?oid=1562962, accessed on February 11, 2011. Fuhrer, Gregory J., Gilliom, Robert J., Hamilton, Pixie A., Morace, Jennifer L., Nowell, Lisa H., Rinella, Joseph F., Stoner, Jeffrey D., and Wentz, Dennis A., 1999, The quality of our Nation's waters -- Nutrients and pesticides: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1225, 82 p. Simmons, R.C. and others, 1992, Nitrate Dynamics in Riparian Fores s: roun•water Studies, J. ENVIRONQ. UAL.,V OL. 21, OCTOBER-DECEM19B9E2R, p. 660-665. North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), 2010, Residuals Management Program Summary: North Carolina Division of Water Quality Aquifer Protection Section's program summary report. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Sherri Knight and her staff, Derek Denard, Patrick Mitchell and Melissa Rosebrock of the DWQ, Aquifer Protection Section WSRO for their contributions t,).„ this project. We appreciat:; L'1e staff members of the GroL'Jwaier Investigation Unit of the DWQ Aquifer Prk:tF,;tion Section for installation of all monitoring wells. Thanks also go to supports from the property owner. Shuying.wangncdenr.gov, 336-771-5287 1 ' Appendix C Groundwater Analytical Report, December 2021 TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 Meritech, Inc. Environmental Laboratory Laboratory Certification No. 165 Contact: James Boles Client: Louisiana-Pacific Corp. 1068 ABTCO Rd North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Report Date: NPDES#: Land App. Permit#: Date Sample Rcvd: Page 1 12/21/2021 NC0005266 WQ0000461 12/9/2021 Meritech Work Order # 12092135 Sample: DSI-MW1 Grab Parameters Total Dissolved Solids Chloride Ammonia, Nitrogen Nitrate, Nitrogen TKN Nitrate/Nitrite, Nitrogen Nitrogen, total 8260 Result 218 mg/L 2.9 mg/L <0.1 mg/L 24.2 mg/L <0.20 mg/L 24.2 mg/L 24.2 mg/L Attached Meritech Work Order # 12092136 Parameters Total Dissolved Solids Chloride Ammonia, Nitrogen Nitrate, Nitrogen TKN Nitrate/Nitrite, Nitrogen Nitrogen, total 8260 Resul 23 1. Sampl /L /L g/L ched Analysis Date Reporting Limit 12/14/21 10 mg/L 12/13/21 0.5 mg/L 12/13/21 0.1 mg/L 12/10/2 0.10 mg/L 12/ 1 1.20 mg/L 1 /21 •.10 mg/L 1. / 0.20 mg/L 12/ lysis Date Reporting Limit /14/21 10 mg/L 2/13/21 0.5 mg/L 12/13/21 0.1 mg/L 12/10/21 0.10 mg/L 12/14/21 0.20 mg/L 12/15/21 0.10 mg/L 12/15/21 0.20 mg/L 12/13/21 - 12/7/21 Method SM 2540C SM 4500 Cl B EPA 350.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 351.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 8260 12/7/21 Method SM 2540C SM 4500 Cl B EPA 350.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 351.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 8260 Meritech Work Order # Parameters Total Dissolved Solids Chloride Ammonia, Nitrogen Nitrate, Nitrogen TKN Nitrate/Nitrite, Nitrogen Nitrogen, total 8260 12092137 Result Sample: DSI-MW4 Grab 170 mg/L 1.0 mg/L <0.1 mg/L 5.35 mg/L <0.20 mg/L 5.72 mg/L 5.72 mg/L Attached 12/7/21 Analysis Date Reporting Limit Method 12/14/21 10 mg/L SM 2540C 12/13/21 0.5 mg/L SM 4500 C1 B 12/13/21 0.1 mg/L EPA 350.1 12/10/21 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 12/14/21 0.20 mg/L EPA 351.1 12/15/21 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 12/15/21 0.20 mg/L EPA 353.2 12/13/21 EPA 8260 642 Tamco Road, Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 tel.(336)342-4748 fax.(336)342-1522 Meritech, Inc. Environmental Laboratory Laboratory Certification No. 165 Contact: James Boles Client: Louisiana-Pacific Corp. 1068 ABTCO Rd North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Report Date: NPDES#: Land App. Permit#: Date Sample Rcvd: Page 2 12/21/2021 NC0005266 WQ0000461 12/9/2021 Meritech Work Order # 12092138 Parameters Total Dissolved Solids Chloride Ammonia, Nitrogen Nitrate, Nitrogen TKN Nitrate/Nitrite, Nitrogen Nitrogen, total 8260 Result 215 mg/L 1.9 mg/L <0.1 mg/L 17.9 mg/L <0.20 mg/L 20.1 mg/L 20.1 mg/L Attached Meritech Work Order # 12092139 Parameters Total Dissolved Solids Chloride Ammonia, Nitrogen Nitrate, Nitrogen TKN Nitrate/Nitrite, Nitrogen Nitrogen, total 8260 Result 91.3 1.9 Sample: /L ed Sample: DSI-MW5 Grab Analysis Date 12/14/21 12/13/21 12/13/21 12/10/2 12/14, 12 12 12/1 14/21 /13/21 12/13/21 12/10/21 12/14/21 12/15/21 12/15/21 12/13/21 Reporting Limit 10 mg/L 0.5 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 0.10 mg/L 0 mg/L mg/L 0.20 mg/L Reporting Limit 10 mg/L 0.5 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 0.10 mg/L 0.20 mg/L 0.10 mg/L 0.20 mg/L 12/7/21 Method SM 2540C SM 4500 Cl B EPA 350.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 351.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 8260 12/7/21 Method SM 2540C SM 4500 CI B EPA 350.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 351.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 8260 Meritech Work Order # 12092140 Sample: DSI-MW9 Grab Parameters Total Dissolved Solids Chloride Ammonia, Nitrogen Nitrate, Nitrogen TKN Nitrate/Nitrite, Nitrogen Nitrogen, total 8260 Result 254 mg/L 1.9 mg/L <0.1 mg/L <0.10 mg/L <0.20 mg/L 11.9 mg/L 11.9 mg/L Attached 12/7/21 Analysis Date Reporting Limit Method 12/14/21 10 mg/L SM 2540C 12/13/21 0.5 mg/L SM 4500 Cl B 12/13/21 0.1 mg/L EPA 350.1 12/10/21 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 12/14/21 0.20 mg/L EPA 351.1 12/15/21 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 12/15/21 0.20 mg/L EPA 353.2 12/13/21 EPA 8260 642 Tamco Road, Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 te1.(336)342-4748 fax.(336)342-1522 Meritech, Inc. Environmental Laboratory Laboratory Certification No. 165 Contact: James Boles CIient: Louisiana-Pacific Corp. 1068 ABTCO Rd North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Report Date: NPDES#: Land App. Permit#: Date Sample Rcvd: Page 3 NC0005266 WQ0000461 12/9/2021 Meritech Work Order # 12092141 Sample: DSI-MW51 Grab Parameters Total Dissolved Solids Chloride Ammonia, Nitrogen Nitrate, Nitrogen TKN Nitrate/Nitrite, Nitrogen Nitrogen, total 8260 Result 272 mg/L 40.0 mg/L <0.1 mg/L 1.16 mg/L 0.50 mg/L 1.16 mg/L 1.66 mg/L Attached Meritech Work Order # 12092142 Parameters Total Dissolved Solids Chloride Ammonia, Nitrogen Nitrate, Nitrogen TKN Nitrate/Nitrite, Nitrogen Nitrogen, total 8260 Result 152 5.7 Sample: /L Analysis Date Reporting Limit 12/14/21 10 mg/L 12/13/21 0.5 mg/L 12/13/21 0.1 mg/L 12/10/2 0.10 mg/L 12/14 0 mg/L 12 21 0. mg/L 12 2 0.20 mg/L 12/1 sis Date 14/21 /13/21 12/13/21 12/10/21 12/14/21 12/15/21 12/15/21 12/13/21 Reporting Limit 10 mg/L 0.5 mg/L 0.1 mg/L 0.10 mg/L 0.20 mg/L 0.10 mg/L 0.20 mg/L 12/7/21 Method SM 2540C SM 4500 CI B EPA 350.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 351.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 8260 12/7/21 Method SM 2540C SM 4500 CI B EPA 350.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 351.1 EPA 353.2 EPA 353.2 EPA 8260 I hereby certify thatl have reviewed and approve these data. Laboratory Representative 642 Tamco Road, Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 tel.(336)342-4748 fax.(336)342-1522 Client: Project: Client Sample ID: Sample Collection: MER!TECH, INC. Environmental Laboratories A Division of Water Technology and Controls, Inc. Meritech ID#: Analysis: Analyst: Dilution Factor: Report Date: SW-846-8260D VOLATILE ORGANICS - Water Acetone Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone (MEK) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane 1,2 Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2-Dichloropropene Louisiana Pacific Corp. WQ0000461 DSI-MW-1 12/07/21 < 5.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 u < 0.500 ug'L < 0.5 <0. <0.5 < 0.500 < 0.500 u < 0.500 ug/L. < 0.500 ug'L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethanol Ethyl benzene Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methylene chlori Methly Isobutyl Methyl iodide Naphtha n-Propy Styrene 1 ,2-Te u V" oeth oroethane e (PCE) ,1-Tric . oethane 2-Trichloroethane roethene (TCE) 1,2,-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane I,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3 ,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride m/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Additional Compounds Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Isopropyl ether (LPE) I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. 12092135 12/13/21 VWV 1 12/16/21 < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/I., < 50.0 ug/L <0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L, <0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.005 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L 642 Tamco Road * Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph * (336) 342-1522 Fax Client: Project: Client Sample ID: Sample Collection: MERITECH, INC. Environmental Laboratories A Division of Water Technology and Controls, Inc. Louisiana Pacific Corp. Meritech ID#: WQ000046 1 Analysis: Trip Blank Analyst: 12/07/21 Dilution Factor: Report Date: SW-846-8260D VOLATILE ORGANICS - Water Acetone Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone (MEK) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromo-3 -chl oropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromometbane Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Drchloroethane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene tram-1,2-Dichloroethene trans- I,4-Dichioro-2-butene 1,2-Dichloropropane I,3-Dichloropropane 1, 1 -Dichloropropene 1,2-Dichloropropene < 5.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 uglL < 0.500 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.5 < O. < 0.5 < 0.500 < 0.500 u < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethanol Ethyl benzene Hexachiorobutaddiene 2-Hexanone Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methylene chlori Methly Isobutyl Methyl iodide Naphthal - ' e n-Propy Styrene 1 1,2-Te . eth -Tetr. i oroethane oroet ' e (PCE) ,1-Tric l . oethane -Trichloroethane roethene (TCE) 1,2,-Trichlorobenzene I,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane I,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride m/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Additional Compounds Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Isopropyl ether (IPE) I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. 12092135tb 12/13/21 VWV 1 12/16/21 < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L <50.0 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L <0.005 ug/L < 1.00 uglL < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L Labora ory Representative 642 Tamco Road * Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph * (336) 342-1522 Fax Client: Project: Client Sample ID: Sample Collection: MERITECH, INC. Environmental Laboratories A Division of Water Technology and Controls, Inc. Louisiana Pacific Corp. Meritech ID#: WQ0000461 Analysis: DSI-MW-3 Analyst: 12/07/21 Dilution Factor: Report Date: SW-846-8260D VOLATILE ORGANICS - Water Acetone Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone (MEK) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane I ,2-Dichloroethane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2-Dichloropropene < 5.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.5 < O. < 0.50 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 <0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 u ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethanol Ethyl benzene Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methylene chlori Methly Isobutyl Methyl iodide Naphthal n-Propyl Styrene 1 2-Te oeth Tetra 1 oroethane oroe e (PCE) 1-Tric o oethane -Trichloroethane roethene (TCE) 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride m/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Additional Compounds Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Isopropyl ether (IPE) I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. 12092136 12/I3/21 VWV 1 12/16/21 < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 50.0 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L. < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.005 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L. < 0.500 ug/L Laboratory Re tative 642 Tamco Road * Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph * (336) 342-1522 Fax Client: Project: Client Sample ID: Sample Collection: MERITECH, INC. Environmental Laboratories A Division of Water Technology and Controls, Inc. Louisiana Pacific Corp. Meritech ID#: WQ0000461 Analysis: DSI-MW-4 Analyst: 12/07/2I Dilution Factor: Report Date: SW-846-8260D VOLATILE ORGANICS - Water Acetone Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone (MEK) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethene cis- I ,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropene 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2-Dichloropropene < 5.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.5 < O. < 0.50 < 0.500 < 0.500 u < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethanol Ethyl benzene Hexachiorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methylene chlori Methly Isobutyl Methyl iodide Naphthal n-Propy Styrene 1 ,2-Te R ' oeth Tetr. i oroethane oroe ' e (PCE) ,1-Tric • oethane -Trichloroethane roethene (TCE) 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3 ,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride m/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Additional Compounds Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Isopropyl ether (IPE) I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. I2092137 12/13/21 VWV 1 12/16/21 < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 50.0 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.005 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L 642 Tamco Road * Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph * (336) 342-1522 Fax Client: Project: Client Sample ID: Sample Collection: MERITECH, INC. Environmental Laboratories A Division of Water Technology and Controls, Inc. Louisiana Pacific Corp. Meritech ID#: WQ0000461 Analysis: DSI-MW-5 Analyst: 12/07/21 Dilution Factor: Report Date: SW-846-8260D VOLATILE ORGANICS - Water Acetone Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone (MEK) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane I,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane I,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans- I,2-Dichloroethene trans- I ,4-Dichloro-2-butene I,2-Dichloropropane I,3-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichioropropene 1,2-Dichloropropene < 5.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 u < 0.500 u < 0.5 < 0. < 0.50 < 0.500 < 0.500 ug < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethanol Ethyl benzene Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methylene chlori Methly Isobutyl Methyl iodide Naphtha! n-Propy Styrene 2-Te oeth oroethane e (PCE) ,I-Trico oethane -Trichloroethane roethene (TCE) 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3 ,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride m/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Additional Compounds Methyl -tent -butyl ether (MTBE) Isopropyl ether (IPE) I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. 12092138 12/13/21 VWV 1 12/16/21 < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 50.0 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L. < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.ug/L < 0.00500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L Laboratory Representative 642 Tamco Road * Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph * (336) 342-1522 Fax Client: Project: Client Sample ID: Sample Collection: MERITECH, INC. Environmental Laboratories A Division of Water Technology and Controls, Inc. Louisiana Pacific Corp. Meritech ID#: WQ0000461 Analysis: DSI-MW-6 Analyst: 12/07/21 Dilution Factor: Report Date: SW-846-8260D VOLATILE ORGANICS - Water Acetone Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone (MEK) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene I,3-Dichlorobenzene 1, I-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2-Dichloropropene < 5.00 ug/L <5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L <0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.5 < 0. < 0.50 < 0.500 u <0.500 u < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethanol Ethyl benzene Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methylene chlori Methly Isobutyl Methyl iodide Naphtha] n-Propyl Styrene 1 2-Te . V oeth oroethane e (PCE) 1-Tric o oethane -Trichloroethane roethene (TCE) 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride m/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Additional Compounds Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MT13E) Isopropyl ether (IPE) I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. 12092139 12/13/21 VWV 1 12/16/21 < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 50.0 ug/L <0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L <0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L <1.00 ug/L < 0.005 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L 500 ug/L Laboratory 1;Cr'entative 642 Tamco Road * Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph * (336) 342-1522 Fax Client: Project: Client Sample ID: Sample Collection: MERITECH, INC. Environmental Laboratories A Division of Water Technology and Controls, Inc. Louisiana Pacific Corp. Meritech ID#: WQ0000461 Analysis: DSI-MW-9 Analyst: 12/07/21 Dilution Factor: Report Date: SW-846-8260D VOLATILE ORGANICS - Water Acetone Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone (MEK) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) < Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1, I-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3 Dicliloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2-Dichloropropene < 5.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 utr/L < 0.5 < 0. < 0.50 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 < 0.500 u u ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L ug/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethanol Ethyl benzene Hexachlorobutadiene 2-Hexanone Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methylene chlori Methly Isobutyl Methyl iodide Naphthal n-Propyl Styrene 1 2-Ter oethan Tetra oroethane oroe - (PCE) ,1-Trich oroethane -Trichloroethane roethene (TCE) ,2,3-Trichlorobenzene ,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride m/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Additional Compounds Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Isopropyl ether (IPE) I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. 12092140 I2/13/21 VWV 1 12/16/21 < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 50.0 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.005 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L 500 ug/L Labor.to tative 642 Tamco Road * Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph * (336) 342-1522 Fax Client: Project: Client Sample ID: Sample Collection: MERITECH, INC. Environmental Laboratories A Division of Water Technology and Controls, Inc. Louisiana Pacific Corp. Meritech ID#: WQ0000461 Analysis: DSI-MW-51 Analyst: 12/07/21 Dilution Factor: Report Date: SW-846-8260D VOLATILE ORGANICS - Water Acetone Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone (MEK) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane 1,I-Dichloropropene 1,2-Dichloropropene < O. < 0.5 < 0.500 < 0.500 u < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropene < 5.00 ug/L trans-1,3-Dichloropropene < 0.500 ug/L Ethanol < 0.500 ug/L Ethyl benzene < 0.500 ug/L Hexachlorobutadiene < 0.500 ug/L 2-Hexanone < 0.500 ug/L Isopropylbenzene < 5.00 ug/L p-Isopropyltoluene < 0.500 ug/L Methylene chlori < 0.500 ug/L Methly Isobutyl < 0.500 ug/L Methyl iodide < 0.500 ug/L Naphthal < 0.500 ug/L n-Propy < 0.500 ug/L Styrene < 0.500 ug/L 1 2-Te ' W oeth < 0.500 ug/L , , Te . oroethane < 0.500 ug/L Te w . oroe ' ' e (PCE) < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L ,1-Tric'1 o oethane < 0.5 0 ' -Trichloroethane .roethene (TCE) 1,2,3-Trichl o rob a nzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride m/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Additional Compounds Methyl -tent butyl ether (MTBE) Isopropyl ether (IPE) I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. 12092141 12/13/21 VWV 1 12/16/21 < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 50.0 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.005 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L Laboratory Re T ntative 642 Tamco Road * Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph * (336) 342-1522 Fax Client: Project: Client Sample ID: Sample Collection: MERITECH, INC. Environmental Laboratories A Division of Water Technology and Controls, inc. Louisiana Pacific Corp. Meritech ID#: WQ0000461 Analysis: DST-MW-71 Analyst: 12/07/21 Dilution Factor: Report Date: SW-846-8260D VOLATILE ORGANICS - Water Acetone Acrylonitrile Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromochloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane 2-Butanone (MEK) n-Butylbenzene sec-Butylbenzene Carbon disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chloromethane 2-Chlorotoluene 4-Chlorotoluene Dibromochloromethane 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Dibromomethane Dichlorodifluoromethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,1-Dichloroethene cis-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichloroethene trans-1,4-Dichloro-2-butene 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3-Dichloropropane 1,1-Dichloropropene 1,2-Dichloropropene < 5.00 ug/L < 5.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 5.00 ugfL < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.5 < O. < 0.50 < 0.500 < 0.500 u < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L cis-1,3-Dichloropropene trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Ethanol Ethyl benzene Hexachlorobutadi ene 2-Hexanone Isopropylbenzene p-Isopropyltoluene Methylene chlori Methly Isobutyl Methyl iodide Naphthal n-Propy Styrene 1 2-Te ' oeth oroethane e (PCE) ,1-Tric 1 o oethane -Trichloroethane roethene (TCE) 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,3-Trichloropropane Trichlorofluoromethane 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,3 ,5-Trimethylbenzene Vinyl acetate Vinyl chloride m/p-Xylenes o-Xylene Additional Compounds Methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) Isopropyl ether (IPE) I hereby certify that I have reviewed and approve these data. 12092142 12/13/21 VWV 1 12/16/21 < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 50.0 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.005 ug/L < 1.00 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L < 0.500 ug/L Laboratory tive 642 Tamco Road * Reidsville, NC 27320 (336) 342-4748 Ph * (336) 342-1522 Fax A r Chain of Custody Record (COC) MERITECH, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES 642 Tamco Rd. Phone: 336-342-4748 Reidsville NC 27320 Fax: 336-342-1522 Email: info@meritechlabs.com www.meritechlabs.com Sample Location and/or ID # DSI-MW-1 DSI-MW-3 DSI-MW-4 DSI-MW-5 DSI-MW-6 DSI-MW-9 DSI-M W-51 DSI-MW-71 Method of Shipment: ❑ UPS ▪ Fed Ex ▪ Hand Delivery ❑ Other Comments: Sampling Dates & Times Start End Client: Louisiana Pacific Corp, Address: 1068 ABTCO Rd. North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Date 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 Time 11:15 10:50 11:35 12:20 12:00 12:40 12:25 11:50 PersoTaking Sa a (Si GtNgj Che Turn Around Time* *RUSH work needs prior approval. Std 10 da s} 3-SDays 24 - 48 Hrs gn/Print}; )Required ,TDS,NH3,Nt 03,8260(w/HCl) Date 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 12/7/2021 12/7 Time 11:30 11:05 11:48 12:35 12: Attention:_ James Boles Mike Jolly NPDES#: NC0005266 Phone:_ 336-696-3348 Fax: Email:_ james.boles@Ipcorp.com Project_ WQ0000461 P.O.#: How would you like your report sent? Circle all that apply:(Thmajpreferred), Fax, Mail Comp? # of Grab? Cont. 5 5 5 5 *** Dechlorination (<0.5 ppm) of Ammon . anid- enol and TKN samples must be done in the field prior to preservation. *** Are 7ihese results for regulatory purposes? Yes ❑ No ❑ Relinquished by: RelinquIR: Relinquished by o te// Time: /4°2 ,` Time: .4 / I-6r Date: Time: to Lf2. Lab Use Only On Ice? Cc'es / No pH OK? CI OK? Temperature Uponi Receipt: Compositor # Jug # Report results in: mg/L ❑ mg/kg ug/L ❑ Recell byy,4 {r�/� G. ;- D e: / �`�j"(�` ate: Received by: Received by Lab' /I IA fit I1 ,9�afJate: Time: :s, Time: Time: Appendix D Surface Water Analytical Report, April 2021 TRC Environmental Corporation I Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Comprehensive Site Assessment and Corrective Action Plan \\EMPLOYEES.ROOT.LOCAL\ENV\AMS\BROOKFIELD\MLW-VOL1\-\ WPMLW\PJT2\390784\O00O\REPORTlR39O7840000-O01.DOCX Draft January 2022 Page 25 of 30 Meritech, Inc. Environmental Laboratory Laboratory Certification No. 165 Contact: Mike Jolly &James Boles Client: Louisiana-Pacific Corp. 1068 ABTCO Rd North Wilkesboro, NC 28659 Report Date: 4/13/2021 NPDES #: NC0005266 Project: WQ0000461 Date Sample Rcvd: 4/8/2021 Meritech Work Order # 04082134 Parameters Result Nitrite, Nitrogen 0.98 mg/L Meritech Work Order # 04082135 Parameters Result Nitrite. Nitrogen 0.57 mg/L 1 hereby certify that 1 have reviewed and approve these data. Sample: Up Stream Yadkin Grab Analysis Date 4/9/21 Sample: Down Stre adkin Grab Reporting Limit 0.10 mg/L 4/8/21 ng Limit Method 0.10 mg/L EPA 353.2 4/8/21 method EPA 353.2 Laboratory Representative 642 Tamco Road, Reidsville, North Carolina 27320 tel.(336)342-4748 fax(336)342-1522