HomeMy WebLinkAbout20200689 Ver 1_Ward Mill Dam Final Plans 1-5-21_sealed_20220202Y Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga River Basin 06010103 Watauga County, North Carolina for Watauga Soil and Water Conservation District, Blue Ridge Resource Conservation and Development Council, American Rivers, and MountainTrue 73o <73 730 yG 0 7 SITE W ATAUGA RIVER RD Vicinity Map Not to Scale BEFORE YOU DIG! CALL 1-800-632-4949 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAW! FINAL PLANS ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1/5/2021 Sheet Index Title Sheet General Notes and Symbols Existing Site Plan Dam Diagrams Dam Removal Plans River Stabilization Planting Sheets Erosion and Sediment Control Details Project Directory 0.1 0.2 0.3 1.1-1.3 2.1-2.3 3.1 4.1 5.1 6.0-6.4 Engineering: Wildlands Engineering, Inc License No. F-0831 312 W. Millbrook Rd, Suite 225 Raleigh, NC 27609 Angela Allen, PE, Project Engineer 919-851-9986 Surveying: Kee Mapping and Surveying, PA 88 Central Avenue Asheville, NC 28801 Phillip B. Kee, PLS 828-645-8275 Owner: Jonathan Hartsell Blue Ridge RC&D 828-284-9818 Surveying: Appalachian Professional Land Surveyors and Consultants, P.A. 1480 US Hwy. 421 South Boone, NC 28607 Donald H. McNeil, P.L.S. 828-264-0290 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina a Y \ Projects \ 005-10007 Wards Mill Dam \ Cadd \ Plans \ 10007-General Notes and Symbols.dwg GENERAL NOTES 1. All erosion and sediment control practices shall comply with the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual including maintenance of erosion control practices. 2. No non-native material excavated from the Watagua River may be spoiled as surface material. 3. All graded areas with slopes steeper than 3:1 will be stabilized within seven (7) working days. All other areas will be stabilized within 14 working days. 4. Locations for staging and stockpile areas have been provided in the Plans. No additional staging and/or stockpile areas may be used by the Contractor unless submitted to the Engineer and DEMLR for approval. All practices must comply with the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual. 5. Temporary stream crossings for Phase 1 include the gravel pad used for demolition as noted on Sheets 2.1 and 2.2. The location of the temporary crossing for Phase 2 is subject to change depending on conditions found at the site during mobilization of Phase 2, but it must be located within the LOD shown on Sheet 5.1. 6. Contractor is to make every effort to avoid damaging or removing existing trees. 7. Under no circumstances shall the Contractor exceed the limits of disturbance as shown on the INITIAL SITE PREPARATION AND EROSION CONTROL 1. Contact Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources at the Winston-Salem Regional Office at 336-776-9654 to schedule a pre -construction meeting at least 48 hours prior to project activation. 2. Contact North Carolina "One Call" Center (1-800-632-4949) before any excavation. 3. Mobilize equipment and materials to the Site 4. Establish construction entrance at the existing rock entrance on the river left, downstream of the dam, as identified in the plans. This area is to be used for staging and stockpiling and the processing of dam material. Identify any other sediment control measures in the erosion control plan to put in place prior to construction. 5. Set up temporary facilities, locate equipment within the staging area, and stockpile materials needed for the initial stages of construction within the stockpile area(s). 6. Install and maintain an onsite rain gauge and logbook to record the rainfall amounts and dates. Maintain an approved copy of the E&SC plan with placard and approved letter and a copy of the NPDES permit with a minimum of 30 days of self -inspection reports on site until project closure by NCDEQ. Complete the self -inspection as required by NCDEQ permit. Rainfall records, completed self -inspection forms, and permits should be maintained on site. 7. Monitor for sediment loss and inspect all erosion features after each rain event. Maintain erosion control features according to the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Manual. SITEWORK PHASE 1 The purpose of Phase 1 is to remove the dam during low flow period of the year. Dam material, consisting of river rock and concrete, shall be placed in designated areas and mixed with other river sediments. The left bank and Mill and Powerhouse Structure will be protected. WARD MILL DAM REMOVAL 1. For information on the existing dam structure, please see sheets 1.1-1.3. 2. For instructions on the removal of Ward Mill Dam, please see Sheets 2.1- 2.3 WATAUGA RIVER FLOODPLAIN STABILIZATION 1. Phase 1 grading along the Watauga River will include left bank grading to reestablish a left bank through the dam, the application of material to buttress the Mill and Powerhouse Structure, and incorporation of a mix of dam demolition rock, existing soil, river alluvium into the left floodplain terrace. The bank stabilization and approximate profile of the river post -dam removal are approximate and based on the best available knowledge of the streambed slopes upstream and downstream and the depth to refusal data gathered with a soil probe. The actual depth to bedrock and/or the historic stream channel bottom may vary from what is proposed. 2. All graded streambanks are will be matted with erosion control matting per detail. Additional banks noted in the field as needing stabilization post -dam removal by the Engineer may also be matted. 3. Seed (with specified temporary seed and permanent seed mix) and straw bare areas on the site. This includes any newly exposed area from dewatering the impoundment. CONSTRUCTION PHASE 1 DEMOBILIZATION 1. The Contractor shall ensure that the site is free of trash and leftover materials prior to demobilization of equipment from the site. 2. Materials deemed suitable for Phase 2 river restoration efforts may be stockpiled upgradient of the Mill in the hydraulic shadow of the Mill structure. 3. Complete the removal of any other stockpiled material from the site. 4. Seed, mulch, and stabilize and disturbed areas of bare earth including staging areas, access roads, and construction entrances. The site must be stabilized between Phase 1 and 2 of construction. 5. Remove all temporary erosion control measures once permanent stabilization has been achieved. 6. Demobilize grading equipment from the site. SITEWORK PHASE 2 After normal series of moderate to high flow is allows to erode and naturally redistribute alluvium in the sediment wedge, Phase 2 activities shall commence beginning with remobilization to the site. The intent of Phase 2 will be to prepare the riverbanks and channel toe conditions for long-term lateral stability. Wildlands anticipates grade control (vertical stability) to reestablish from natural bedrock and colluvial material. WATAUGA RIVERBANK RESTORATION 1. Follow general notes and initial site preparation and erosion control notes. 2. A more detailed plan stating river restoration activities will be submitted based on channel evolution at site following normal series of moderate to high flow events. Exact limits of each practice may vary from what is predicted on these plans - overall limits of disturbance are not anticipated to change. Executed plans will address any horizontal and vertical instability present and also provide for long-term vegetative restoration of streambanks. 3. All disturbed areas of the site (by river flows or by construction practices) will be reseeded with temporary and permanent seed and mulch. 4. Upon completion of Phase 2, install livestakes along the stream banks and container or bare root trees within the floodplain according to the plans. Herbaceous plugs may be installed during the growing season to supplement seeding efforts. CONSTRUCTION PHASE 2 DEMOBILIZATION 1. All rock and other stockpiled materials must be removed from the limits of disturbance. All areas outside the grading areas shall be returned to pre -project conditions or better. The rock access used as the primary access and staging area shall be returned to pre -project conditions. 2. The Contractor shall ensure that the site is free of trash and leftover materials prior to demobilization of equipment from the site. 3. Seed, mulch, and stabilize and disturbed areas of bare earth including staging areas, access roads, and construction entrances. 4. Remove all temporary erosion control measures once permanent stabilization has been achieved. 5. Demobilize grading equipment from the site. Existing Features Proposed Features Existing Property Line _ _ Existing Top of Bank Existing Thalweg 100 Existing Major Contour Existing Minor Contour FFP FFP FFP - Existing FEMA Floodplain FFW FFW Existing FEMA Floodway Existing Tree Existing Rock Outcrop 10+00 - T T Proposed Thalweg Alignment T - Trout Buffer for Waiver Gravel Pad Dam Structure Demo Proposed Structures WORM Proposed Bank Sloping, Benching and Bioengineering Measures as Stated on Plan Proposed Floodplain Stabilization Proposed Structure Stabilization Single Arm Vane Floodplain Sill Erosion and Sediment Control Features [X] [X] [X] Proposed Temporary Silt Fence or Straw Wattle 1-417,411 ..0401040141 Proposed Construction Entrance SAF SAF SAF - Proposed Temporary Safety Fence LOD - LOD T T Staging and Stockpile Area Silt Fence Outlet Limits of Disturbance ■ Existing Rock/Cobble Access Road T - Trout Buffer 2600 Parcels Proposed Contour-1' Proposed Contour-5' Predicted Grade - 1' Predicted Grade - 5' .��N CARpI4 �i ��%p�,ss/0'. 1 Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina General Notes and Symbols z 5 u O G Y \Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Da DWELLING i ?' I TRASH RACK TOP OF DAM ELEVATION: 2608.12 Io EXISTING EDGE OF WATER II 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN FLOODWAY EMERGENCY SPILLWAY 471 h TROUT BUFFER WAIVER 2 0' 20' 40' 60' (HORIZONTAL) ,,4. pFESS/0 9 f {y20tttttttttttttt Existing Site Plan Lti 6 z Project Engineer: u a Y 20 •0116-5316 FERC PDF (Unofficial)J1/16/2015 4)56:33 PM NORTH GATE S S j l ELUW 1FLOW PLAN VIEW 5 SAWMILL S SOUTH GATE INTAKE NC (003 ROAD '.,TRANS MISSION LINE LEGEND 1 75 KW UNIT 2 93 KW UNIT_ 3 TRASH RACK 5~ DAM DRAINAG“ATET" 6 WATER ENTERS TAIL WATER WARD MILL DAM FERC Project P-9842 Drawing 1 Plan View To,7nL t1 vtrral of DAnn !30' GATE (UPPER) CAP = 100 CFS HEADWATER; EI. 2409 TAW -WATER; EL. 2S42 GATE ELEVATION VIEW C)AM-- (VIEWED FROM DOWNSTREAM) EXISTING BEDROCK WICKET GATE (INTAKE) TO POWERHOUSE WARD MILL DAM FERC Project P-9842 Drawing 2 Elevation View (Viewed from Downstream) Td 7A ✓, ry roTN OF Aq M, 130 I 1 1 20150116-5316 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 1/16/2015 4)56:33 PM HEAbW TER; EL.2608 RE -BAR 20 REINFORCED CONCRETE AND STONE B EOROC f SECTION VI E W —DAM— El] Ise HEADWATER EL, 2608 Ito -DAM Puy/ 0 4OU5E PROFILE VIEW (VIEWED FROM NORTHEAST SIDE OF DAM) TA1R WATER EL: 25'4 WARD MILL DAM FERC Project P-9842 Drawing 3 Profile view (Viewed from the Northeast Bank) 1 1 1 TAILWATE"R, ER, 2592 WARD MILL DAM FERC Project P-9842 Drawing 4 Section View of the Dam I I 1 NOTES: 1. ELEVATIONS PROVIDED IN DIAGRAMS ARE NGVD29 2. SEE REPORT AVAILABLE FOR OPERATION OF DRAWDOWN GATES M ,..N CAR7li �i ESS/p! if 04 2 u `t a 'E 0 p. Tit U E Q az 0 03 z Project Engineer: 1) a 171 r 20150116-5316 FERC PDF (Unofficial) 1/16/2015 4:56,33 PM ‘HEADWgTERI EL. 2608 FLOW 40 xr Q o a r-1 SECTION VIEW — POWERHOUSE t PENSTOCK — LEGEND I TRASH RACK 2 HEAD GATE 3 WICKET GATE SHAFT 4 TURBINE SHA FT 5 30"SAMSON TURBINE 6 PNEUMATIC GATECONTI?O!- 7 75 kW GENERATOR 8 93 kW GENERATOR .9 WATER COOLED BEARINGS I At/TO- CUTOFF FLOAT +SWITCH cTAIL.WATEt EL. 2592 Scale in feet 0 2 4 6 8 I•I•I•I•I WARD MILL DAM FERC Project P-9842 Drawing 5 Section View Powerhouse and Penstock NOTES: 1. ELEVATIONS PROVIDED IN DIAGRAMS ARE NGVD29 a Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina v Y f Bash c Reek t Oethee PLAN V)Ev✓ ,--QoPond Fence To+al ilnobs+talc+ecl Rack Space = 35Si:+2 WARD MILL DAM FERC Project P-9842 Drawing 6 Plan View Trash Rack Layout View A linobs+ruc-kaof Rack Space= 75F+z NOTES: 1. ELEVATIONS PROVIDED IN DIAGRAMS ARE NGVD29 VIEN/ C. WARD MILL DAM FERC Project P-9842 Drawing 7 Trash Rack A I I I TO+AI %I no6sf'racted Rack Space = 77.F1-2 WARD MILL DAM FERC Project P-9842 Drawing 9 Trash Rack C I 1 I VIEW 6 View D To+a 1 I.jno bs+ructed Rack Sj>4ce = 66f+2 WARD MILL DAM FERC Project P-9842 Drawing 8 Trash Rack B I I I To+a' Unobs+ruc+ed Pack Space = 137 41L2 WARD MILL DAM FERC Project P-9842 Drawing 10 Track Rack D I I I .o�N CAR04,Oi 14%FEss �9 04 280 ,':(nrrn:;;;: Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina cr) a~ tct Q Q cd s z z Project Engineer: u Y \Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Da POND OUTLET PIPE RELOCATE INTERMITTENT STREAM AGAINST ROCKS i O ; 110 1 I' Iin: ' -1 I I CONSTRUCT GRAVEL PAD eat 100;sdi ardrordir 7� iI/_A�1� it _EXISTING DAM,, TOP OF DAM ELEVATION: 2608.12 TRASH RACK n tin INSTALL WARNING SIGNAGE " OR FLAGGING TO NOTE DAM—i� • (• 0• 1' 126 REMOVAL AHEAD o �O --- \ LO 1t11 \ N I PRE -PROJECT EDGE OF WATER o _- ' N o N 0 40 N 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN • /0 N FLOODWAY N I, APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF BOULDERS AND BEDROCK OUTCROP •`zb "`<', EMERGENCY SPILLWAY 72. 41 • O N 4+1 DEMOLITION NOTE STEP 1 1. INSTALL ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN. 2. ENTRANCE FOR DAM REMOVAL CONSTRUCTION LOCATED OFF OF OLD WATAUGA RIVER ROAD ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE MACHINE SHOP AND POWERHOUSE, RIVER LEFT, DOWNSTREAM OF DAM. 3. CONSTRUCT A GRAVEL WORKING PAD ALONG THE POWERHOUSE AND BASE OF DAM, DOWNSTREAM OF THE DAM ON RIVER LEFT, IN ORDER TO ACCESS THE DAM FOR DEMOLITION. 4. THE GRAVEL PAD IS TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF RIPRAP LARGE ENOUGH TO SUPPORT EQUIPMENT USED FOR DAM DEMOLITION. CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SIZING RIPRAP. RIPRAP SHOULD FILL THE EXISTING PLUNGE POOL UNTIL THERE IS ONLY TWO FEET OF STANDING WATER ON TOP OF THE GRAVEL PAD. ADDITIONAL RIPRAP SHOULD LINE THE MACHINE SHOP AND POWERHOUSE TO PROTECT IT FROM EQUIPMENT DURING DEMOLITION. 5. THE GRAVEL PAD MAY NOT BLOCK WATER FLOW OVER THE DAM OR THROUGH THE SAND GATES. FLOW ACCESS MUST BE MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. 6. AFTER DEMOLITION, ALL GRAVEL MUST BE REMOVED THAT BLOCKS THE NEWLY FORMING (PREDICTED) CHANNEL FLOW. GRAVEL MAY STAY IN PLACE THAT IS USED AS A BASE TO SUPPORT THE POWERHOUSE STRUCTURE POST -DAM REMOVAL OR THAT IS NOT CONSTRICTING PREDICTED BASEFLOW CHANNEL AS DEPICTED ON SHEET 3.2. 2 0' 20' 40' 60' (HORIZONTAL) Q � ZO �o) , dir i,:ii • 201 ,_,,, 'il, .... CARpIi �i p ESS/0:. by S 04J/ Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina 3 z Project Engineer: U \ Projects \ 005-10007 Wards Mill Dam \ Cadd \ Plans \ 10007-Stage 2 Dam Removal.d EXCAVATED VOLUMES DAM DEMOLITION VOLUME = 450-500 CY (CUT) T V MATERIAL STOCKPILE AND SORTING AREA. SEE , SHEET 5.1 / II II O r4 I N ), , EDGE OF WATER STAGE 1: GRAVEL PAD TOP OF DAM ELEVATION: 2608.12 I STAGE 2: EXTEND WORKING PAD USING MATERIAL FROM DAM DEMOLISH DAM TO POINT WHERE INTERCEPT NATIVE ROCK OUTCROP ADJACENT TO MACHINE SHOP AND POWERHOUSE STAGE 2: CREATE WORKING PAD ABOVE DAM USING MATERIAL FROM DAM DEMOLISH LOG POND FENCE (APPROXI MATE LOCATION) Lei to WARD MILL 1 II DAM TO BE DEMOLISHED PRE REMOVAL EDGE OF WATER 0 0 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN FLOODWAY N II 0 N 0 DEMOLITION NOTE STEP 2 1. THE PREFERRED APPROACH IS TO DRAW DOWN THE IMPOUNDMENT STARTING 2-6 WEEKS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. DRAW DOWN USING POWERHOUSE AND DAM GATES TO EXISTING SEDIMENT WEDGE LEVEL AND OBSERVE. REPLACE GATE BOARDS IF UNDESIRABLE SEDIMENT MOVEMENT IS OCCURRING. AS CONSTRUCTION APPROACHES, LOWER BOARD GATES FURTHER IF POSSIBLE TO FURTHER DEWATER. 2. IF DEWATERING CANNOT COMMENCE PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE POWERHOUSE AND DAM GATES CAN BE USED AT THE TIME OF MOBILIZATION TO ALLOW FLOW TO PASS THROUGH AND LOWER THE WATER LEVEL. DUE TO THE ROCKY CONDITIONS BELOW THE DAM, DEWATERING RATES HAVE NOT BEEN SPECIFIED, BUT IT IS PREFERABLE ALTHOUGH NOT REQUIRED TO DEWATER TO THE EXISTING SEDIMENT LEVEL PRIOR TO BEGINNING DAM REMOVAL. 3. 4. GATES MAY REMAIN OPEN FOR THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION. REFER TO SHEETS 1.1-1.3 FOR GATE LOCATIONS AND DIAGRAMS. DEMOLITION OF THE DAM WILL PROCEED FROM THE LEFT BANK, AT THE GRAVEL PAD, AND PROCEED TO THE RIGHT BANK BY REMOVING IN LIFTS. THE MATERIAL REMOVED IN LIFTS WILL BE USED TO ESTABLISH A WORKING PAD ACROSS THE BASE OF THE DAM. 5. IF AT ANY TIME THE FLOW OF SEDIMENT DOWNSTREAM IS DEEMED TOO EXTENSIVE BY THE ENGINEER OR REGULATORY AUTHORITY, DEMOLITION WILL STOP TO ALLOW FOR EQUILIBRIUM TO REESTABLISH. 6. DAM MATERIAL NOT USED TO ESTABLISH A WORKING PAD WILL BE STOCKPILED IN THE STAGING AREAS ON THE PLANS, SHEET 5.1 7. ALL STEEL SHALL BE SEPARATED FROM THE ROCK, CONCRETE, AND LOGS AND MUST BE HAULED OFF -SITE POST CONSTRUCTION. LOGS MAY BE REUSED ON SITE OR STOCKPILED BY DIRECTION OF THE ENGINEER. 8. THE ENTIRETY OF THE DAM STRUCTURE SHALL BE DEMOLISHED AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN SET, INCLUDING THE TRASH RACK STRUCTURE. 9. THE DAM SHALL BE REMOVED UNTIL THE NATURAL STREAM BED/ BEDROCK IS ENCOUNTERED. 2 0' 20' 40' 60' (HORIZONTAL) ....s7 CR�4i0i FES/0 4 374t;....C4/AGIN't Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina z Project Engineer: u 3 G a 6 Y cn N \ Projects \ 005-10007 Wards Mill Dam \Cadd\Plans \10007-Stage 3 Grading.dwg ROCK AND BOULDER STABILIZATION 'OF MACHINE SHOP AND POWERHOUSE WALLS I SEE NOTES AND CROSS SECTIONS ON SHEET 3.3 i1 N APPLY MIX OF NATIVE CLASS A SIZE DAM COBBLES WITH ALLUVIUM AND EXISTING III ON -SITE SOIL TO ACHIEVE GRADES SHOWN NI AS SOLID -LINE CONTOURS ON SHEET 5.1 EXISTING EDGE OF WATER REGRADE INTERMITTENT CHANNEL UPON DEMOBILIZING FROM THIS ACCESS AREA �` /(-7 LL I H I I I $''- tver- - 2. •1\ CONSTRUCT VEGETATED , SOIL LIFT FROM ROCK OUTCROP TO EXISTING ROCKY BENCH POST PROJECT PREDICTED 0 ry 1 i 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN N I q1 FLOODWAY \ N i \ I I \ I „rI �r�rl II I1 acr, 0 DEMOLITION NOTE STEP 3 1. USE RIPRAP FROM GRAVEL PAD ESTABLISHED IN STAGE 1 TO CREATE A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT BASE FOR STABILIZATION ALONG THE BORDER OF THE MACHINE SHOP/POWER HOUSE WALL. USE BOULDERS FROM THE DEMOLISHED DAM TO STABILIZE THE MACHINE SHOP/POWER HOUSE WALL AS SHOWN IN HATCHED AREA. BOULDER MATERIAL SHOULD BE FREE OF REBAR AND OTHER DEBRIS FROM THE DAM REMOVAL. BURY RIPRAP AND CONCRETE BELOW OTHER ROCKY FILL. 2. ROCK STABILIZATION OF THE MACHINE SHOP/POWER HOUSE WALL SHALL NOT EXCEED A SLOPE OF 2 (H):1(V). 3. FLOODPLAIN SILLS AND VANE SHALL BE PLACED ACCORDING TO SHEET 2.3, 3.1, AND THE DETAILS. FLOODPLAIN SILLS CAN BE CONSTRUCTED OF WASTE COBBLE AND BOULDERS FROM THE DAM. 4. ROCK STABILIZING THE SLOPE FROM THE SAWMILL EDGE TO THE FLOOPLAIN SILLS SHALL BE WASTE MATERIAL FROM THE DAM - PLACE CONCRETE BELOW OTHER ROCKY FILLS. 5. ROCK PLACED TO STABILIZE SLOPE SHALL BE MIXED WITH RIVER SEDIMENT TO CREATE A PLANTING MEDIUM. SEE PLANTING SHEET 4.1 FOR REVEGETATION PLAN. 2 0' 20' 40' 60' (HORIZONTAL) Z' ono ). .. e n :48"ai AZ 'iaH3 css'- CA4 4, (11 Li�,,2CF AGINIJEy+,=tttttttttttttt Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina z 3 z Project Engineer: u a r y 2605 2605 0' 2' 4' 6' p 'n N m O N (VERTICAL) :ation=397+71.35 puree Elevation=2594.440 I I _ _ to 0' 20' 40' 60' cn=396+2 ;e Elevatic _ I` �n o - - _ _ - N N - II \ TOP OF DAM (HORIZONTAL) EXISTING GROUND e e ,- e o ,0 rn Station=398+1 Source Elevatii tion=398+87 rce Elevation ��-_----- _ _ ELEV. = 2608.12 f o 2600 �a m o M - LJ 2600 44 _- - - - UI UI o o DEPTH TO REFUSAL BORINGS (TYP.) I 2595 2595 PREDICTED CHANNEL GRADE POST -DAM REMOVAL I I 11 \ hill 2590 2590 II \ II / / 2585 2585 396+00 396+50 397+00 397+50 APPLY MIX OF NATIVE DEMOLITION - ROCK WITH ALLUVIUM AND EXISTING - ONSITE SOIL, SEE SHEET 3.3 FOR CROSS-SECTION 398+00 398+50 399+00 399+50 MACHINE SHOP &• ___ _ _ _ POWER HOUSE--- ---- 400+00 400+50 ���• 2610 _i Autipopopheak BANK SILL b , 2610 ��a �• • • • ♦ t �� �� ���.� _ ZI C -� �,i1 1"ID• ��' 1 1 �1-t± OF VANE PER� - L i � � i � I� � i�[I- 2 10 ice' PLAIN SILL DETAIL �� .e - ���� a? �� � 5� We 260 ' ,'Po i i i i i ai Aturi ei�I_po+f i a5 . /,;,, /,,,,;_, 5, :i.z: ����•�F�1��••rQ�•�•�•�a�•�•�o • v"Y ` / /',',SSi,' � �\��. Py.e • io G •m■i • • • • • % • •`� 1 S•I paw®• �"Y7 '•" •�•-.4. •zW`� •�•s! 60��•S� rgei �j�•�_•�•�•-,-2600- ~���II„, :erTOR�q"�'w�er�o►o , ra��jr �. �� + �4Fu,A��ad�����ilt0 ems, �.�,-_-�� '1��1i��� v, 11 BOULDER STABILIZATION OF �S'+._• et OO: , 2602 5 - �•�•�•�•�•:'Gr•�•► :� F— � - • �• Jy 2602' �,���'r'� �p MACHINE SHOP AND '2600 m�� ���, 5�0 �_.r�Ir�-�� �lEi��� .RIMS �- _�1 �:� 6 SIG,,,..., \ �®� � �� POWERHOUSE, SEE SHEET 3.3 6 ' ��1■■■ 1 '' �■ DETAIL -LAYOUT �!�■: i \■■�■11 ��E■■■��s "iLlilali ■■■ - ■■1... i �1\'. FLOODPLAIN SILL. SEE ■► . ■■ ■■■fit RII 1 ■�■9z_ 06.eacir 1LEN 0 Fill • AME ELEVATIONS SHOWN ■■� ELEVATIONS z 2597 2225 500 0 ��:■� ■■ I■/1/■■�-■■ 1 ELEVATIONS SHOWN +59g. ^ CONSTRUCT PORTION FLOOD PROPOSED VANE, SEE DETAIL - LAYOUT 3971+00 q �� — WATAUGA RI)JER - \ FLOW -r► ----1/11ip:::mI��11■■■..1�.i.1����r■:i-i��:: I :� I ...�:::=11��11 A..■111�11■�.■.�.. PHASE 2 BANK RESTORATION ACTIVITES, SEE SHEET 3.2 ---------------------------- --------- --- _--------------- ---- ----- }---h - `-----; ,�� _ _.'4 -2610 �r -4 g:5o' _ 2610 _�,■►Q--= MES �smINll OMME■IL MEM '--- • i rO MME111 Il i:: �:��'1� uli ■1!!•••tea■■ --- - __..;_■■■ I:11 II PHASE 1: INSTALL VEGETATED GEOLIFT ON ROCK OR LOG/BRUSH TOE PHASE 2: LIVESTAKE LIFTS DURING DORMANT SEASON 7 /• EXISTING ROCK OUTCROP 401+00 0 N \Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill 6a ------------ j �- PHASE 2 ACCESS -;i USING APPROVED 03 6 CONSTRUCTION j'� - ENTRANCE 9�- 26 = �M _262s ------------------- 2605' :; PHASE 1 RIVER TRAINING} %; ,/ STRUCTURES(VANE SILANDLS) OLD WAS R UGA RIVER RD 1121 Mdd N PHASE 1 STOCKPILE MATERIALS Mdd ,-TOBEUSEDOFINPHASE2OR PROPERLY DISPOSED OF PHASE 1 GRADING WITH NATIVE COBBLE AND ALLUVIUM 3,46 4.411,10061,41 v.. sl REGRADE, SEED, STRAW AND STABILIZE ALL DISTURBED AREAS ----------------- _ MACHINE SHOP & POWER HOUSE al __ - - „, -•-•--I Nov . W- W '11.. WT. • W.W N.wele IffSr 9 di i s s 4.4 le‘ j ". ..4 VI 1 444.1‘,. $.% • j 0° 147*:.‘ / . No A & • 40. 0" 4 41 l e I S • *#%* V. N POST -PROJECT I� __ PREDICTED EDGE OF ` ,�+� ' i/ +�1�++� BASEFLOW CHANNEL � --/ "" _ _ -\ _---- ---- 4y#=♦��4�♦ice ► '- _ PHASE 2 BANK RESTORATION ACTIVITES: AS 9�� ____---- '------ - - - - - - ` WARRANTED APPLY BANK GRADING _ __ 2605' - -- - -- `-------------- 260 _ , 2605 _1 .BENCHING AND MATTING, TOE PROTECTION -2605 -_-------- �L-------------------------- \_i'J. MEASURES WITH PREFERENCE FOR VEGETATED ---- SOIL LIFT OR BRUSH MATTRESS PRACTICES - Y 2610 DETAILED PLAN TO BE DEVELOPED PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION --------------- 2615 M A1Cdd—rM Mdd—Mdd i Mdd '_ 'M3d M9d_, /Kdd M3�—ARj�615— NCd3 — 2 - _ _ 620 ---------------------------------------------- -- -M3d-..._�-d i 2620 - _ _2615_ - ------------- 26 :2625 -- ___ 2590 ATAUGARI� ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHASE 1 ROCK STABILIZATION OF MACHINE SHOP AND POWERHOUSE WALLS LIVESTAKE PHASE 1 LIFTS _ DURING DORMANT SEASONr- -------------- EXPOSED BEDROCK/BOULDER CLUSTERS I o PHASE 2 - RIVERBANK RESTORATION 1. AFTER DEMOLITION OF THE DAM AND STABILIZATION OF THE LEFT FLOODPLAIN (PHASE 1), THE RIVER WILL SIT FOR MINIMUM OF 2 MONTHS FOR THE CHANNEL TO PUSH SEDIMENT THROUGH THE SYSTEM AND ADJUST TO THE DAM REMOVAL. 2. DURING THIS TIME THE SITE MUST BE INSPECTED WEEKLY PER THE SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL SELF -INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE NCGO1 PERMIT. DESIGNER WILL ASSESS EVOLUTION OF CHANNEL AND DETERMINE IF REMEDIAL ACTION MAY BE NECESSARY. SHIFTS IN PATTERN FROM THE IDEALIZED PATTERN WILL NOT NECESSARILY BE CONSIDERED UNANTICIPATED SO LONG AS VALLEY WALLS, STRUCTURES, OR EROSION INTO CONSOLIDATED MATERIALS DOES NOT OCCUR. REMEDIAL ACTIONS THAT MAY BE REQUIRED INCLUDE RE -SEEDING AND MULCHING THE UPLAND AREAS AND NEWLY EXPOSED FLOODPLAIN, OR ADDRESSING EROSION ALONG THE LEFT BANK, DUE TO THE NATURAL CHANNEL MIGRATION POST -DAM REMOVAL, THAT THREATENS THE POWERHOUSE AND SAWMILL STRUCTURES. 3. REMEDIAL ACTIONS TO ADDRESS EROSION THREATENING THE BUILDINGS MAY INCLUDE REINFORCEMENT OR REPLACEMENT OF THE ROCK MATERIAL PLACED DURING PHASE 1. IF THIS REQUIRES WORK BELOW THE ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK A COFFER DAM OR SANDBAGS MAY BE USED ALONG THE TOE OF SLOPE TO ISOLATE THE WORK AREA. 4. AFTER A SERIES OF HIGH OR MODERATE FLOWS, OR SEVERAL MONTHS OF TYPICAL FLOWS, THE EVOLVING CHANNEL WILL BE ASSESSED AND A DETAILED PLAN WILL BE DEVELOPED FOR RIVERBANK RESTORATION MEASURES AND THE EXTENT OF EACH MEASURE. 5. THERE ARE THREE LIKELY SCENARIOS IN PHASE 2. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES FOR EACH SCENARIO ARE LOCATED ON SHEET 5.1. 5.1. SCENARIO 1: NO ADDITIONAL BANK GRADING REQUIRED, ONLY SEEDING AND PLANTING. 5.2. SCENARIO 2: SOME EXTENT OF BANK GRADING, SEEDING, AND PLANTING 5.3. SCENARIO 3: SOME EXTENT OF BANK GRADING, INSTALLATION OF BIOENGINEERING STRUCTURES SUCH AS BRUSH MATTRESS AND VEGETATED SOIL LIFT, AND SEEDING AND PLANTING. 6. ANY STREAMBANK GRADING WILL BE TO A MINIMUM SLOPE OF 3(H):1(V). BANKS WILL BE SEEDED, MULCHED AND MATTED WITH COIR FIBER MATTING. 7. AFTER PHASE 21S COMPLETE, OR AS PART OF PHASE 2, LIVESTAKES WILL BE PLANTED ALONG ANY STREAM EDGES ALTERED WITH BANK GRADING OR BIOENGINEERING METHODS. 0' 20' 40' 60' (HORIZONTAL) Riverbank Restoration 3 z z Project Engineer: 6 \Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Da 2620 2615 2610 2605 2600 2595 2590 2615 2610 2605 2600 2595 2590 2585 2580 2615 2610 2605 2600 2595 2590 2585 2580 Station 398+55 - Upstream of Dam Phase 1 Floodplain Sill 20:1 Existing Water Surface Predicted Post -Dam Removal Cross -Section Existing Surface Phase 1 cobble from dam material mixed with river sediment to stabilize floodplain and provide planting medium Modeled surface of refusal depth- Phase 2 riverbank restoration with bank grading and matting, brush mattress, or vegetated soil lift practices - to be applied as needed W J 01 (xi A 0 N N O O O O O O O O O 2620 2615 2610 2605 — 2600 — 2595 2590 CO tr. 0 ▪ O O O O O O O O Station 399+50 - At/Above Dam Face Building Existing Surface @ Dam Existing Water Surface Face = Elev. 2608.12 Sediment Level 50' Upstream Edge I I -� r 1 Cushion• building with finer ?Zdj I I dk r 1 r Phase 2 riverbank restoration with bank grading and matting, riverine material Predicted Removal Cross Post -Dam -Section 4.1Mar _ brush mattress, or vegetated soil lift practices - to be applied as needed Phase 1 Boulders and cobble from dam material Approximate rock outcropping . to stabilize building edge I I Depth of Refusal- visible above and below water on downstream face of dam o o Gravel Pad material from Stage 1 Demolition. Minimum 2' depth of 18" or similar stone 0 0 0 0 0 Boulder outcrop section of dam wall to remain 0 0 0 0 Station 399+75 - Below Dam 0 0 0 0 0 0 Phase 1 Vegetated soil lift 2575 00 0 _ Phase 1 Boulders mixed with cobble and river sediment to stabilize bank and provide planting medium Working gravel pad material to be removed Predicted Post -Dam Removal Cross -Section Existing Water Surface (same as post -removal) 2615 2610 2605 2600 2595 2590 2585 2580 2615 2610 2605 2600 2595 2590 Approximate rock outcropping 2585 visible above and below water on downstream face of dam 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2580 2575 0 Machine Shop and Powerhouse Sawmill Phase 1 Floodplain Stabilization li Existing Rock Outcrop (TYP) ,Ay o' Phase 1 Floodplain Stabilization Phase 2 Bank Restoration (as needed), Sheet 3.2 80' 180' of 240' (HORIZONTAL} Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Cross Sections Floodplain Stabilization 7.30.20 ESC Comments #3 z Project Engineer: u E 6 -c 1 Planting Y \ Projects \ 005-10007 Wards Mill Dam \ Cadd \ Plans \ 100117-Planting Plan.dwg - + + + + + + + + + Zone 1 - Streambank Planting Zone (See Detail, Sheet 6.2) Zone 2 - Riparian Buffer Planting Zone (See Detail, Sheet 6.2) Zone 3 - Permanent Seeding - No Woody Planting (See Detail, Sheet 6.2) Buffer planting to occur both within limits of disturbance and outside of limits of disturbance. Outside of disturbance limits, planting will be by hand and accessed on foot. The purpose of planting outside of the disturbance limits is to reestablish woody species on areas that are currently submerged behind the dam. Phase 1 Seeding - Apply temporary seeding to all areas and temporary and permanent seeding to areas that are not expected to change as a result of river adjustment, reseed with cool weather species in fall. Phase 2 Seeding - Phase 2 is an effort to more permanently stabilize banks on the site and establish permanent vegetation, including bioengineering. During Phase 2, apply temporary and permanent seed to all areas that were not previously seeded or that are regraded or have bioengineering or matting applied. Phase 3 (Adaptive Management) Seeding - The adaptive management phase entails regular inspection and management of long-term vegetation establishment. Repair and apply temporary and permanent seed to areas that have not established. Riparian Seeding Live Stakes or Tublings Species Common Name Max Spacing Planned Spacing Min. Size Stratum Quantity Sambucus canadensis Elderberry 3 ft. 2 ft. 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub TBD (Use a mix of at least 3 species) Salixnigra Black Willow 3 ft. 2 ft. 0.5"-1.5" cal. Canopy Corpus amomum Silky Dogwood 3 ft. 2 ft. 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub Salix sericea Silky Willow 3 ft. 2 ft. 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub Cephalathus occidentalis Buttonbush 3 ft. 2 ft. 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub Phsycarpus opulifolius Ninebark 3 ft. 2 ft. 0.5"-1.5" cal. Shrub Herbaceous Plugs Juncus effusus Common Rush 3 ft. 2 ft. 1.0"- 2.0" plug* Herb TBD Carex crinita Fringed Sedge 3 ft. 2 ft. 1.0"- 2.0" plug Herb Carex lurida Shallow Sedge 3 ft. 2 ft. 1.0"- 2.0" plug Herb Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal flower 3 ft. 2 ft. 1.0"- 2.0" plug Herb Rudbeckia laciniata Green -headed Coneflower 3 ft. 2 ft. 1.0"- 2.0" plug Herb Hibiscus moscheutos Rose mallow 3 ft. 2 ft. 1.0"- 2.0" plug Herb *Plugs may also be obtained in 4" pots for approximately $2.75 - 3 per plant Riparian Seeding Pure Live Seed (20 Ibs/acre) Approved Date Species Name Common Name Stratum Density (Ibs/acre) All Year Bidens aristosa bur -marigold Herb 1.0 All Year Carex lurida lurid sedge Herb 0.6 All Year Carex vulpinoidea fox sedge Herb 1.0 All Year Chamaecrista fasciculata partridge pea Herb 1.8 All Year Chasmanthium latifolium river oats Herb 0.8 All Year Elymus riparius Riverbank wildrye Herb 1.6 All Year Elymus virginicus Virginia wildrye Herb 1.6 All Year Ilex verticillata Winterberry Herb 0.4 All Year Pincus tennuis Path rush Herb 1.0 All Year Lindera benzoin Spicebush Herb 0.6 All Year Panicum anceps Beaked panicgrass Herb 1.0 All Year Panicum virgatum switchgrass Herb 1.0 All Year Rhus typhina Staghorn sumac Herb 0.4 All Year Rudbeckia hirta blackeyed susan Herb 1.2 All Year Andropogon gerordii Big bluestem Herb 1.8 All Year Sorghastrum nutans Indiangrass Herb 1.8 All Year Tridens flavus purple lovetop Herb 1.0 All Year Tripsacum dactyloides gamma grass Herb 1.0 All Year Juncus effusus Soft rush Herb 0.4 odd- / _ aaa add ddddii `L ` - T Mji Mid Mdi -NCf`ra - T Mid >- ddd dfi 390+p0 _ Mai _ /Mdd / - ad1 �►� dd/Maa ,,load Mi� dii dd�T a� Temporary Seeding Temporary Seeding Approved Date Type Planting Rate (Ibs/acre) Jan l - May l Rye Grain (Secale cereale) 120 Ground Agricultural Limestone 2000 Soil conditioner (Humic DG) 50 Straw Mulch 4000 May 1- Aug 15 German Millet (Setaria italica) 40 Ladino/Red/Crimson Clover 20 Ground Agricultural Limestone 2000 Soil conditioner (Humic DG) 50 Straw Mulch 4000 Aug 15 - Dec 30 Rye Grain (Secale cereale) 120 Ladino/Red/Crimson Clover 20 Ground Agricultural Limestone 2000 Soil conditioner (Humic DG) 100 Straw Mulch 4000 Note: Apply to all disturbed areas. More detailed amendment recommendations are being developed and may incorporated the results of soil testing if deemed relevant for this rocky site. t T 1 Mdd 3i• 1� ddy✓ aii Z 1 Mid ddd aai i did aaa Riparian Buffer Planting Zone Species Species Common Name Qty Indiv. Spacing Min. Size Stratum Reserved Magnolia fraseri Frasier Magnolia TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Tree Lindera benzoin Spicebush TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Shrub Prunus serotina Wild Cherry TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Tree Quercus rubra Northern Red Oak TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Tree Fagus grandifolia Beech TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Tree Carpinus caroliniana Hornbeam TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Understory Tree Corpus florida Flowering Dogwood TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Understory Tree Platanus occidentalis Sycamore TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Tree Quercus alba White Oak TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Tree Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Tree Oxydendrum arboreum Sourwood TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Understory Tree Hamamelis virginiana Witchhazel TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Shrub Leuchothoe fontanesiana Doghobble TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Shrub Aesculus (lava Yellow buckeye TBD 10 ft. 1-3 gal. Tree Select minimum of 3 tree species, and 2 shrub species. If bareroot plants are used, increase quantities by a factor of 2. aaa MACHINE SHOP & POWER HOUSE a tioal Mii 1 el dii 0.8 ACRES RIPARIAN WOODY SPECIES DWELLING -o / / / dd M did did dyy 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN FLOODWAY PRE -REMOVAL EDGE OF WATER aid �Mdi�Mid' � 1 WATAUGA RIVER 1 EDGE OF W dial Myy Myy\\ \ My�t °yy yy - did Mdd\ ay .r\ 0' S0' 100' 150' (HORIZONTAL) ay as bC 7-4 a z 3 z Project Engineer: 3 u \Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Da T T -T' ROCK OUTCROP (TYP) 9+00 PRE -REMOVAL EDGE OF WATER Erosion and Sediment Control Features STAGING, STORAGE, AND SCENARIO 2: COIR MATTING, MATERIAL PROCESSING AREA SEE DETAIL 2/6.1 ACCESS #2 - INSTALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE WHEN USED FOR ACCESS DURING PHASE 1OR 2 PIN: 1961-48-6427 POTENTIAL LOCATION OF PHASE 2, SCENARIO 3 TEMPORARY FORD CROSSING [x] [x] Ex] — Proposed Temporary Silt Fence or Straw Wattle 4444044 Proposed Construction Entrance SAF SAF SAF — Proposed Temporary Safety Fence — T LOD LOD T Staging and Stockpile Area Silt Fence Outlet Limits of Disturbance Existing Rock/Cobble Access Road T — Trout Buffer 2600 Parcels Proposed Contour- 1' Proposed Contour - 5' Predicted Grade -1' Predicted Grade - 5' *Proposed grades will be used as finish grade for phase 1 dam removal and left floodprone area and millhouse stabilization. Predicted grades are what is anticipated to develop within the river based on the downstream transport of impounded wedge sediments. -PIN:1961-48-6427`= _RAY AND VIRGINIA WARD ------------ �� sires. ACCESS ROUTE FOR USE IN PHASE 2, SCENARIO 3, SEE SECTION ABOVE LOD = 1.9 ACRES APPLY TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEED AND STRAW PRIOR TO COIR MATTING OR LIFT MATTING 0' 30' 60' 90' (HORIZONTAL) SECTION PHASE 2 SCENARIOS 2-3 LOOKING DOWNSTREAM (NTS) ACCESS, SCARIFY, SEED AND STRAW UPON COMPLETION WATTLE SCENARIO 3: STONE OR BRUSHTOE BASE SOIL LIFTS AS REQUIRED, SEE DETAIL 4/6.0 ACCESS #1- EXISTING STONE ACCESS RIVER COBBLE ACCESS USING COARSE ONSITE MATERIAL RELOCATE EXISTING INTERMITTENT STREAM -SEE SHT. 2.1 STAGING, STORAGE, AND MATERIAL PROCESSING AREA, ENSURE ADEQUATE ISOLATION OF AREA FROM RELOCATED STREAM / / -/ fir\ � 'S-. \sisc:eess� �/ ---/ / .:1 ce� E� s-.11114 ®. . oh ..:.Milempilasialme tREMMII t ii !A�\‘1111iirti -11., rrzeca.�ss sew\�.1. EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1. THERE SHALL BE NO TREE REMOVAL ON THE PROJECT. 2. NONE OF THE AREAS ON THE SITE DRAIN MORE THAN ONE ACRE OF UPLAND RUNOFF. 3. SEE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE FOR E&SC, SHEET 0.2 4. PROPOSED STOCKPILE AREAS ARE FOR MATERIAL STORAGE AND PROCESSING. 5. SILT FENCE WILL BE INTERCHANGEABLE WITH STRAW WATTLE SUITABLE TO SITE CONDITIONS. 6. TAKE APPROPRIATE PRECAUTION WHEN REFUELING. REFUEL AS FAR FROM RIVER AS POSSIBLE - IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO GO INTO ROADWAY TO REFUEL. SPILL CLEANUP MATERIALS SHALL BE KEPT ON -SITE. 7. ISOLATE FLOW FROM THE WORK AREA WHEN POSSIBLE BY USING FLOW GATES OVER OR NATURAL OVERFLOW RIVER RIGHT. 8. ACCESS ROADS SHALL BE ON COARSE SEDIMENT OR SHALL HAVE A DOWN -GRADIENT SEDIMENT BARRIER. 9. SITE ENTRY AND EXIT POINTS SHALL BE MONITORED FOR SEDIMENT LOSS DAILY AND STABILIZED AS NECESSARY. 10. SEQUENCE SHALL FOLLOW SHEETS 0.2 AND 2.1-2.3. 11. THE GRAVEL PAD SHOWN IN THE DEMOLITION PLAN SHALL BE USED AS A TEMPORARY FORD STREAM CROSSING DURING PHASE 1. THIS MATERIAL SHALL BE HARVESTED AND MAY BE REUSED AS A TEMPORARY FORD STREAM CROSSING DURING PHASE 2. 12. THE TEMPORARY FORD CROSSING IN PHASE 2 SHALL BE LOCATED AT THE MOST STABLE POINT OF INGRESS AND EGRESS IDENTIFIED BY THE ENGINEER IN THE FIELD. TEMPORARY CROSSING LOCATIONS SHALL BE LIMITED TO TWO LOCATIONS. 13. REFER TO GROUNDCOVER STABILIZATION REQUIREMENTS ON SHEET 6.4. SEE TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING SCHEDULES ON SHEET 4.1. 14. THE SITE SHALL BE STABILIZED WITH MULCH AND SEED BETWEEN PHASES 1 AND 2 OF CONSTRUCTION 15. REFER TO SELF INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS SHEET 6.3. 16. CONTACT DEMLR REGIONAL WINSTON SALEM OFFICE AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITY. IMPACT TO EXISTING TREES TO BE AVOIDED UNLESS BANK STABILIZATION REQUIRED IN PHASE II. ----_------- -_PIN: i961-58-8545 -RAY AND VIRGINIA WARD DRAWDOWN NOTES: 1. NORTH GATE IS 5' WIDE x 8' HIGH AND THE TOP OF THE GATE IS 10' BELOW THE CREST OF DAM. SOUTH GATE IS SAME SIZE AND HAS TWO -STAGES WITH TOP STAGE 3' BELOW CREST. LOWER STAGE (CLOSER TO POWERHOUSE) BEGINS 7' BELOW CREST. GRAVEL PAD NOTED IN SHEETS 2.1 AND 2.2 TO BE USED AS TEMPORARY FORD CROSSING - DURING PHASE 1 CONSTRUCTION. GRAVEL PAD TO EXTEND TO NATIVE ROCK. PIN:1961-59-3545 TIMOTHY AND JULIE WARD ADDITIONAL PHASE 2 EROSION CONTROL NOTES: THE EXTENT OF GRADING SHOWN ABOVE IS BASED ON ANTICIPATED CHANNEL RESPONSE OF THE RIVER SYSTEM. THE FOLLOWING SCENARIOS MAY APPLY DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE II. SCENARIO 1: NO ADDITIONAL BANK GRADING ON RIGHT SIDE OF RIVER IS REQUIRED AND WORK IS LIMITED TO PLANTING. * THIS SCENARIO WOULD NOT REQUIRE LARGE EQUIPMENT TO MOVE ACROSS THE RIVER, WOULD NOT REQUIRE AN ACCESS ROUTE ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE RIVER, OR ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE RIVER. PLANT MATERIAL WOULD BE FLOATED ACROSS THE RIVER. * THIS SCENARIO MAY REQUIRE THE PLACEMENT OF ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEED. SCENARIO 2: BANK GRADING ALONG RIGHT SIDE OF CHANNEL, PLANTING, BUT NO BIOENGINEERING STRUCTURES. * IN THIS SCENARIO ACCESS TO THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE RIVER WOULD BE LIMITED TO A WEEK OF WORKING IN WET. A TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING MAY BE PLACED, BUT ACCESS PATH WOULD NOT BE NECESSARY ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF RIVER. * EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WOULD INCLUDE THE PLACEMENT OF COIR FIBER EROSION CONTROL MATTING ON STREAM BANKS, TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING, AND THE USE OF STOCKPILES AND CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AND THEIR ASSOCIATED STABILIZATION MEASURES FROM PHASE I. SCENARIO 3: BANK GRADING ALONG RIGHT SIDE OF CHANNEL, BIOENGINEERING STRUCTURES, AND PLANTING * IN THIS SCENARIO RIVER ACCESS MAY EXTEND TO 2 WEEKS. A TEMPORARY STREAM CROSSING WOULD BE INSTALLED UPSTREAM OF THE OLD DAM LOCATION, AND AN ACCESS PATH WOULD BE USED ALONG THE RIGHT BANK. * ADDITIONAL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES WOULD INCLUDE THE PLACEMENT OF COIR FIBER EROSION CONTROL MATTING ON STREAM BANKS, TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT SEEDING, THE USE OF STOCKPILES AND CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES AND THEIR ASSOCIATED STABILIZATION MEASURES FROM PHASE I, AND STRAW WATTLES ALONG THE ACCESS PATH ALONG THE RIGHT BANK. Y Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control z 3 z Project Engineer: u 3 8 b Y Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam \Cadd\Plans\10007-De FLOW VANE ARM LENGTH (Y) SCOUR POOL INVERT ELEVATION PER PROFILE B' EXCAVATE POOL PER PROFILE Plan View NOTES: 1. LAYOUT DIMENSION AND ELEVATIONS ARE PROVIDED ON PLAN SHEET. 2. ONSITE STONE OF EQUAL SIZE MAY BE USED FOR BACKFILL. 3. BACKFILL STONE SHALL BE MIXED WITH ALLUVIAL MATERIAL TO FILL VOIDS. 4. BOULDERS SIZE SHALL BE 4'x3'x2.5'. 5. CHINK HEADER & FOOTER BOULDERS BEFORE APPLYING FABRIC. 6. OPTION TO USE LARGE LOGS TO BUILD STRUCTURE IF AVAILABLE. Rock Vane Not to Scale BACKFILL (ON -SITE NATIVE MATERIALS OR NO. 57 STONE) NONWOVEN TOE OF SLOPE FILTER FABRIC TOP OF B N SLOPE CLASS A/B STONE CLASS 1 STONE Section A -A' STRUCTURE INVERT ELEVATION PER PROFILE HEADER ROCK OFFSET HEADER 0.25' TO 0.5' UPSTREAM OF FOOTER CHANNEL BED CLASS 1/2 SPLASH ROCK FOOTER ROCK EXTEND FILTER FABRIC 5' MIN. UPSTREAM HEADER ROCK Profile View B-B' FOOTER ROCK CLASS 1/2 FLOODPLAIN SILL STONE FLOW TOE OF SLOPE (TYP) TOP OF BANK (TYP) aPit...NM INA* rb • . dr • Plan View NOTES: 1. LAYOUT DIMENSION AND ELEVATIONS ARE PROVIDED ON PLAN SHEET. 2. ONSITE STONE OF EQUAL SIZE MAY BE USED FOR BACKFILL. 3. FLOODPLAIN SILL STONE SHALL BE MIXED WITH ALLUVIAL MATERIAL TO FILL VOIDS. Emmmimm B' CAP WITH SURFACE MARKER BOULDERS TO MARK LOCATION OF SILL - AVOID PLANTING DEEP ROOTED PLANTS OVER TOP OF SILL OE OF SLOPE Floodplain Sill Not to Scale GROUND SURFACE Section A -A' CLASS 1/2 STRUCTURE ELEVATIONS PER PLAN MARKER BOULDERS NOT SHOWN IN VIEW MIX OF CLASS 1/2 AND RIVER MATERIAL Profile View B-B' BRANCH CUTTINGS (TYP) SAME SPECIES AS LIVESTAKES 16 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE SECURED TO STAKES Section View SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 35 BRANCH CUTTINGS PER SQUARE YARD (1 INCH MAX. DIAMETER) 2' to 3' SECURE WITH 24" LONG STAKES (TYP) 16 GAUGE GALVANIZED WIRE SECURED TO STAKES TOP OF BANK TYP FILL IN GAPS WITH TOP SOIL. Brush Mattress Not to Scale Eco-Stake Typical Stakes NOTE: 1. STAKES SHALL BE 2" X 2" X 24" OR 2" X 2" X 36" AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. ROOTED/LEAFED CONDITIONS OF THE LIVING PLANT MATERIAL IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE AT THE TIME OF INSTALLATION. INSTALL ADDITIONAL VEGETATION SUCH AS LIVE STAKES, ROOTED SEEDLINGS, AND ETC. COMPACTED SOIL 12" TO 18" THICK LIVE CUTTINGS, MIX IN SOIL BIODEGRADABLE EROSION CONTROL FABRIC (SEE INSET"A") - BASE FLOW STREAMBED ROCK TOE PROTECTION (CLASS 1/2) USE BRUSH/LOG MATRIX IF AVAILABLE DEPTH SHALL EXCEED MAX POOL BY 2' Section View NOTE: 1. ROOTED/LEAFED CONDITION OF THE LIVING PLANT MATERIAL IS NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE TIME OF INSTALLATION. 2. BOTTOM OF FIRST COMPACTED EARTH LIFT TO BE PLACED 6" ABOVE NORMAL BASEFLOW. 3. NUMBER OF COMPACTED EARTH LIFTS TO VARY DEPENDING ON DESIGN TOP OF BANK HEIGHT. OUTER LAYER 26 OZ / YDt COIR MATTING HEIGHT VARIES BUILD HIGHER THAN FLOODPLAIN BEHIND LIFT 0 ACCOMMODATE SETTLING Vegetated Soil Lift Not to Scale INNER LAYER 11.2 OZ. / YD' COCONUT FIBER BLANKET Inset "A" Matting and Blanket Typical Stakes p`��, � SSI�.i�-9 0402 1�2C " GSv4=tttttttttttttt z z Project Engineer: u a \Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam \Cadd\Plans\10007-De PROJECT SPECIFIC NOTE: THE PRIMARY ENTRANCE IS FROM GRAVEL ONTO AN EXISTING STONE ACCESS. THERE IS NO BENEFIT TO APPLYING STONE. THE "SECONDARY ENTRANCE" IS ONTO SOIL AND SHALL BE PROTECTED IF USE FOR ACCESS OFF OF THE GRAVEL ROAD. PROTECTION SHALL PROVIDE FOR ALL INSTALLATION NOTE CONDITIONS. INSTALLATION NOTES: CLASS A STONE OR EQUAL, 8" DEPTH 1. PROVIDE TURNING RADIUS SUFFICIENT TO ACCOMMODATE LARGE TRUCKS. 2. LOCATE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AT ALL POINTS OF INGRESS AND EGRESS UNTIL SITE IS STABILIZED. 3. PLACE FILTER FABRIC BENEATH STONE. 4. USE CLASS A STONE OR OTHER COARSE AGGREGATE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 5. MUST BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR DIRECT FLOW OF MUD ONTO STREETS. PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH STONE WILL BE NECESSARY. 6. REMOVE STONE UPON COMPLETION UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. ALL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHOULD BE INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE WEEKLY OR AFTER 0.25" OF PRECIPITATION WITHIN 24 HOURS. 2. EXCESSIVE AMOUNTS OF SEDIMENT SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM THE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE IMMEDIATELY. 3. ANY SEDIMENT TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC ROADS SHOULD BE CLEANED IMMEDIATELY AND THE SOURCE OF THE SEDIMENT ADDRESSED. Construction Entrance Not to Scale PUBLIC ROAD 12'�{ 50' (MAY VARY) 3' MAX. SPACING WOODEN STAKE (TYP) \ 6" MIN. OVERLAB IN DOWNSTREAM DIRECTION AT MAP ENDS TOP OF BANK I I �IIII I-1 A 7f( Plan View EROSION CONTROL MATTING (TYP) STAKE (TYP) SEE SPECIAL SEEDING NOTE TOE OF SLOPE SPECIAL SEEDING NOTE: APPLY JUNCUS SEED ALONG BANK SLOPE THROUGHOUT PROJECT AREA PRIOR TO APPLYING MATTING. TOE OF SLOPE Section View TOP OF BANK SECURE MATTING IN 6" DEEP TRENCH PROJECT SPECIFIC NOTE: BANKS WILL BE MATTED AS PART OF PHASE 2. PHASE 1 WILL BE OF SHORT DURATION AND THE PROPOSED APPROACH WILL ALLOW FOR SEVERAL MONTHS FOR RIVER EROSION AND REDISTRIBUTION OF SEDIMENT WEDGE. AFTER THAT, A SECOND PHASE WILL GRADE AND MAT BANKS, INSTALL BIOENGINEERING MEASURES, AND THEN PLANT THE SITE. 18" 4" Toe Stake INSTALLATION NOTES: DIMENSIONS MAY VARY BY MANUFACTURER BUT SHALL BE SUBJECT TO DESIGNER APPROVAL. SHALL RESIST BREAKAGE PER SPEC. 0 4" 11" 0. f 11.25" Wooden Stake 1. USE 700 g/m2 DENSITY COIR MATTING. 2. SEED AND MULCH SLOPES PRIOR TO MATTING INSTALLATION. 3. TOE STAKES TO BE USED AT TOP AND TOE. 12" WOODEN STAKES MAY BE USED ON SLOPE FACES. MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. ALL EROSION CONTROL MATTING SHOULD BE INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE WEEKLY OR AFTER 0.25" OF PRECIPITATION WITHIN 24 HOURS. 2. ANY MATTING FAILURES SHOULD BE REPAIRED WITHIN 24 HOURS. 3. TENTING (EROSION OCCURRING UNDERNEATH INSTALLED MATTING) WILL REQUIRE PEELING BACK MATTING, REPAIRING ANY RILLS, AND REAPPLYING THE MATTING. Erosion Control Matting Not to Scale INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. USE WIRE A MINIUM OF 32" IN WIDTH AND WITH A MAXIMUM 6" MESH SPACING. 2. USE FILTER FABRIC A MINIMUM OF 36" IN WIDTH AND FASTEN ADEQUATELY TO THE WIRES AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 3. PROVIDE 5' STEEL POST OF THE SELF -FASTENER ANGLE STEEL TYPE. ANGLE STEEL TYPE. MAINTENANCE NOTES: 1. ALL SILT FENCE SHOULD BE INSPECTED AT LEAST ONCE WEEKLY OR AFTER 0.25" OF PRECIPITATION WITHIN 24 HOURS. 2. TEARS IN THE FENCE, UNTRENCHED AREAS, OR OTHER FENCE FAILURES SHOULD BE REPAIRED WITHIN 24 HOURS. 3. SEDIMENT TRAPPED BEHIND SILT FENCE SHOULD BE CAREFULLY REMOVED ONCE DEPTH REACHES 6". TOP AND BOTTOM STRAND SHALL BE 10 GAUGE MIN. WIRE 8' MAX. WITH WIRE (6' MAX. WITHOUT WIRE)' MIDDLE AND VERTICAL WIRES SHALL BE 12 GAGE MIN. u FILTER FABRIC COMPACTED FILL EXTEND FABRIC INTO TRENCH Temporary Silt Fence or Sediment Barrier Not to Scale f u FILTER FABRIC EXISTING GROUND I STEEL POST 12'-0" DEPTH FILTER OF 1" FLOW DIA. WASHED STONE STEEL FENCE POST WIRE HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER OF 1" DIA. WASHED STONE SILT FENCE FLOW END OF FILTER FABRIC Plan View INSTALLATION Section View TOP OF SILT FENCE MUST BE AT LEAST 1' ABOVE THE TOP OF THE WASHED STONE FILTER FABRIC ON GROUND BURY WIRE FENCE AND HARDWARE CLOTH REFER TO THE PLANS FOR LOCATIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS. DURING INSTALLATION OF THE SILT BARRIER OR SILT FENCE, INSPECT THE INSTALLATION TO DETERMINE IF OUTLETS ARE NEEDED ACCORDING TO THE CRITERIA SET FORTH IN THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE BARRIER AND FENCE. IF THERE ARE QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS WITH THE LOCATION, EXTENT, OR METHOD OF INSTALLATION, CONTACT THE ENGINEER, ARCHITECT, OR RESPONSIBLE PERSONNEL ON THE SITE FOR ASSISTANCE. EROSION CONTROL PERSONNEL HAVE COPIES OF INSTRUCTIONS AND MAY HAVE PHOTOGRAPHS OF PROPERLY INSTALLED OUTLETS AS AN AID TO INSTALLATION. IF THE SILT FENCE OUTLET IS NOT INSTALLED CORRECTLY THE FIRST TIME, IT WILL HAVE TO BE REBUILT. DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION ON THE GROUND BEFORE COMPLETING INSTALLATION OF THE SILT FENCE, TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION: INSTALL THE OUTLET AT THE LOWEST POINT (5) IN THE BARRIER OR FENCE WHERE WATER WILL POND. INSTALL THE OUTLET WHERE IT IS ACCESSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REMOVAL. ALLOW AT LEAST: 15 FEET BETWEEN THE BARRIER OR FENCE AND SINGLE -STORY BUILDINGS. 25 FEET FOR FORK LIFTS BETWEEN THE BARRIER OR FENCE AND MULTIPLE -STORY BUILDINGS. 10 FEET BETWEEN THE BARRIER OR FENCE AND THE TOE OF FILL SLOPES. PLACE THE OUTLET SO THAT WATER FLOWING THROUGH IT WILL NOT CREATE AN EROSION HAZARD BELOW: AVOID STEEP SLOPES BELOW THE OUTLET AND AREAS WITHOUT PROTECTIVE VEGETATION. USE SLOPE DRAINS IF NECESSARY. DETERMINE THE LOCATION OF THE OUTLET: FOR A SILT BARRIER, WHEN THE TRENCH IS DUG TO BURY THE BOTTOM OF THE FABRIC BECAUSE THE BARRIER WILL BE OMITTED AT THE OUTLET; FOR A SILT FENCE, WHEN THE WIRE FENCE IS IN PLACE BECAUSE THE FILTER FABRIC WILL BE OMITTED AT THE OUTLET. REFER TO THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE OUTLET IN THE PLAN. CLEAR STUMPS AND ROOTS FROM THE LOCATION OF THE OUTLET. CLEAR ADEQUATE ACCESS FOR THE EQUIPMENT NEEDED FOR INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, AND REMOVAL. FOR A SILT BARRIER: STEEL FENCE POST SET MAX 2' APART JUST BELOW THE GAP IN THE BARRIER, PLACE A LAYER OF FILTER FABRIC ON THE GROUND TO PROTECT THE SOIL FROM EROSION BY OUTFLOW FROM THE OUTLET; PLACE 6 INCHES OF THE UPPER EDGE IN THE TRENCH. STAKE THE REMAINING EDGES OF THE FABRIC TO HOLD IT IN PLACE. ALONG THE GAP WHERE THE OUTLET WILL GO, PLACE STEEL FENCE POSTS FOR STRENGTH. THE POSTS MUST BE A MAXIMUM OF 2 FEET APART AND DRIVEN INTO SOLID GROUND AT LEAST 18 INCHES. PLACE HARDWARE CLOTH (WELDED GALVANIZED SCREEN WITH SQUARE 1/4 - 1/2-INCH HOLES) ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE POSTS TO HOLD THE WASHED STONE IN PLACE. PUT 6 INCHES OF THE BOTTOM OF THE CLOTH IN THE TRENCH AND FASTEN IT TO THE POSTS WITH LENGTHS OF WIRE. BURY THE BOTTOM OF THE HARDWARE CLOTH AND THE UPPER EDGE OF THE FILTER FABRIC BELOW THE OUTLET IN THE TRENCH AND COMPACT THE FILL. PLACE A FILTER OF 1-INCH DIAMETER WASHED STONE ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE OUTLET. PILE THE STONE UP TO THE TOP OF THE HARDWARE CLOTH AND OVER THE JOINT BETWEEN THE OUTLET AND THE BARRIER. 4' MIN. Front View END OF FILTER FABRIC SILT FENCE BURY WIRE FENCE, FILTER FABRIC, AND HARDWARE CLOTH IN TRENCH FOR A SILT FENCE: JUST BELOW THE GAP IN THE BARRIER, PLACE A LAYER OF FILTER FABRIC ON THE GROUND TO PROTECT THE SOIL FROM EROSION BY OUTFLOW FROM THE OUTLET; PLACE 6 INCHES OF THE UPPER EDGE IN THE TRENCH. STAKE THE OTHER EDGES OF THE FABRIC TO HOLD IT IN PLACE. ALONG THE GAP WHERE THE OUTLET WILL GO, PLACE ADDITIONAL STEEL FENCE POSTS FOR STRENGTH. THE POSTS MUST BE A MAXIMUM OF 2 FEET APART AND DRIVEN INTO SOLID GROUND AT LEAST 18 INCHES. PLACE HARDWARE CLOTH (WELDED GALVANIZED SCREEN WITH SQUARE 1/4 - 1/2-INCH HOLES) ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE POSTS TO HOLD THE WASHED STONE IN PLACE. PUT 6 INCHES OF THE BOTTOM OF THE CLOTH IN THE TRENCH AND FASTEN IT TO THE POSTS WITH LENGTHS OF WIRE. BURY THE BOTTOM OF THE HARDWARE CLOTH, THE UPPER EDGE OF THE FILTER FABRIC BELOW THE OUTLET, AND THE WIRE FENCE IN THE TRENCH AND COMPACT THE FILL. PLACE A FILTER OF 1-INCH DIAMETER WASHED STONE ON THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE OUTLET. PILE THE STONE UP TO THE TOP OF THE HARDWARE CLOTH AND OVER THE JOINT BETWEEN THE OUTLET AND THE SILT FENCE. Temporary Silt Fence Gravel Outlet Not to Scale Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina Ji z 5 u 3 c E 6 DIBBLE BAR \Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam \Cadd\Plans\10007-De 1.5x CONTAINER DEPTH 2' TYPICAL SUPPLEMENT WITH SOIL FROM ON- OR OFF -SITE AS NECESSARY 2x CONTAINER WIDTH Containerized Planting Not to Scale NOTE: FOR CONTAINER PLANTS, EVALUATE SITE PLANTING CONDITIONS AND PROVIDE SOIL CONDITIONER WHERE SITE IS TOO ROCKY TO SUCCESSFULLY ESTABLISH PLANTS WITHOUT AMENDMENT. BUFFER WIDTH VARIES SPACING PER PLANTING PLAN INSERT THE DIBBLE, OR SHOVEL, STRAIGHT DOWN INTO THE SOIL TO THE FULL DEPTH OF THE BLADE AND PULL BACK ON THE HANDLE TO OPEN THE PLANTING HOLE. (DO NOT ROCK THE SHOVEL BACK AND FORTH AS THIS CAUSES SOIL IN THE PLANTING HOLE TO BE COMPACTED, INHIBITING ROOT GROWTH. BANKFULL LIVESTAKES RESTORED CHANNEL Section View REMOVE THE DIBBLE, OR SHOVEL, AND PUSH THE SEEDLING ROOTS DEEP INTO THE PLANTING HOLE. PULL THE SEEDLING BACK UP TO THE CORRECT PLANTING DEPTH (THE ROOT COLLAR SHOULD BE 1 TO 3 INCHES BELOW THE SOIL SURFACE). GENTLY SHAKE THE SEEDLING TO ALLOW THE ROOTS TO STRAIGHTEN OUT. DO NOT TWIST OR SPIN THE SEEDLING OR LEAVE THE ROOTS 1-ROOTED. BAREROOT OR CONTAINER PLANTINGS INSERT THE DIBBLE, OR SHOVEL, SEVERAL INCHES IN FRONT OF THE SEEDLING AND PUSH THE BLADE HALFWAY INTO THE SOIL. TWIST AND PUSH THE HANDLE FORWARD TO CLOSE THE TOP OF THE SLIT TO HOLD THE SEEDLING IN PLACE. PLANTING BAR SHALL HAVE A BLADE WITH ATRIANGULAR CROSS-SECTION, AND SHALL BE 12 INCHES LONG, 4 INCHES WIDE AND 1 INCH THICK AT CENTER. ROOTING PRUNING ALL ROOTS SHALL BE PRUNED TO AN APPORIATE LENGTH TO PREVENT 1-ROOTING. PUSH THE DIBBLE, OR SHOVEL, DOWN TO THE FULL DEPTH OF THE BLADE. Bare Root Planting Not to Scale NOTES: 1. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE PROPERLY HANDLED PRIOR TO INSTALLATION TO INSURE SURVIVAL. PULL BACK ON THE HANDLE TO CLOSE THE BOTTOM OF THE PLANTING HOLD. THEN PUSH FORWARD TO CLOSE THE TOP, ELIMINATING AIR POCKETS AROUND THE ROOT. REMOVE THE DIBBLE, OR SHOVEL, AND CLOSE AND FIRM UP THE OPENING WITH YOUR HEEL. BE CAREFUL TO AVOID DAMAGING THE SEEDLING. LIVESTAKE 1' OFF BASE FLOW EDGE OF WATER HERBACEOUS PLUG (TYP) TOE OF SLOPE 1/2" TO 2" DIAMETER 24" or 3 equally spaced rows BANKFULL TOP OF BANK �v. LIVE STAKE (TYP) SEE PLAN VIEW FOR SPACING Section View - Large Streams 2' TO 3' LIVE STAKE TAPERED AT BOTTOM Eve Stake Detail EROSION CONTROL MATTING (SEE DETAIL) RIPARIAN BUFFER PLANTING NOTES: LIVE STAKE (TYP) TOP OF BANK 2' SPACING FOR HERBACEOUS PLUGS Plan View 1. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPER STORAGE, HANDLING AND INSTALLATION. 2. FORM PILOT HOLE IN HARD SOIL OR STONY CONDITIONS TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO LIVE STAKES. 3. LIVE STAKES TO BE PLANTED IN AREAS AS SHOWN ON PLANS AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. 4. INSTALL DORMANT PRIOR TO LEAF OUT. DEPICTED CONDITION WITH LEAVES NOT REPRESENTATIVE OF STAKES AT TIME OF INSTALLATION. 5. INSTALL STAKES MINIMUM OF 18" INTO GROUND. 6. TRIM OFF DAMAGED/FRAYED STAKE TOPS. TOE OF SLOPE PLUG (TYP) USE A MINIMUM OF 2 STAKES ON UPSLOPE SIDE FLOW GROUND WATTLE Plan View B USE A MINIMUM OF 4 STAKES ON DOWNSLOPE SIDE DOWNSLOPE MATTING MIN. 2 STAKES ON UPSLOPE —\ GROUND — III—III—M—I 1— MATTING MINIMUM 4 STAKES ON DOWNSLOPE III —III —III —I I I --- 11 I-1 1T-1 =III= III= 1 11 Section B-B' NOTES: 1. USE A MINIMUM 12 INCH DIAMETER WATTLE 2. WATTLES SHALL BE FILLED WITH STRAW OR OTHER APPROVED MATERIAL. 3. USE 24 INCH LONG WOODEN STAKES WITH A 2"X2" NOMINAL CROSS SECTION 4. INSTALL WATTLES TO HEIGHT OF SLOPE SO FLOW WILL NOT WASH AROUND WATTLE AND SCOUR SLOPES 5. SPACING FOR WATTLES SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. 6. FOR USE OF WATTLE IN A DITCH, GRADE OF DITCH MUST BE <2.5%. 7. WATTLES SHALL BE INSPECTED AFTER AN 1/2" OR GREATER RAINFALL EVENT. Ward Mill Dam Removal Project Watauga County, North Carolina z 5 3 u Live Staking & Herbaceous Plugs Not to Scale Straw Wattles Not to Scale s c 6 Y Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam \Cadd\Plans\10007-De SELF -INSPECTION, SECTION A: SELF -INSPECTION PART III RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING normal business hours in accordance with the table site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on In addition, when a storm event of equal to or of normal business hours, the self -inspection shall be of the next business day. Any time when inspections Inspection Record. Self -inspections are required during below. When adverse weather or personnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection which it is safe to perform the inspection. greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside performed upon the commencement were delayed shall be noted in the Inspect Frequency (during normal business hours) Inspection records must include: (1) Rain gauge maintained in good worldng order Daily Daily rainfall amounts. If no daily rain gauge observations are made during weekend or holiday periods, and no individual -day rainfall Information is available, record the cumulative rain measurement for those un- attended days (and this will determine If a site Inspection Is needed). Days on which no rainfall occurred shall be recorded as "zero" The permittee may use another rain -monitoring device approved by the Division. (2) E&SC Measures At least once per 7 calendar days and within 24 hours of a rain event > 1.0 inch In 24 hours 1. Identification of the measures inspected, 2. Date and time of the inspection, 3. Name of the person performing the Inspection, 4. Indication of whether the measures were operating properly, 5. Description of maintenance needs for the measure, 6. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken. (3) Stormwater discharge outfalls (SDOs) At least once per 7 calendar days and within 24 hours of a rain event s 1.0 Inch In 24 hours 1. Identification of the discharge outfalls inspected, 2. Date and time of the inspection, 3. Name of the person performing the Inspection, 4. Evidence of Indicators of stormwater pollution such as oil sheen, floating or suspended solids or discoloration, 5. Indication of visible sediment leaving the she, 6. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken. (4) Perimeter of site At least once per 7 calendar days and within 24 hours of a rain event > 1.0 Inch In 24 hours If visible sedimentation Is found outside site limits, then a record of the following shall be made: 1. Actions taken to clean up or stabilize the sediment that has left the site limits, 2. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken, and 3. An explanation as to the actions taken to control future releases. (5) Streams or wetlands onsite or off site (where accessible) At least once per 7 calendar days and within 24 hours of a rain event ? 1.0 inch In 24 hours If the stream or wetland has increased visible sedimentation or a stream has visible Increased turbidity from the construction activity, then a record of the following shall be made: I. Description, evidence and date of corrective actions taken, and 2. Records of the required reports to the appropriate Division Regional Office per Part III, Section C, Item (2)(a) of this permit of this penult. (6) Ground stabilization measures After each phase of grading 1. The phase of grading (Installation of perimeter E&SC measures, clearing and grubbing, installation of storm drainage fadlities, completion of all land -disturbing actMty, construction or redevelopment, permanent ground rover). 2. Documentation that the required ground stabilization measures have been provided within the required timeframe or an assurance that they will be provided as soon as possible. NOTE: The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement. SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING SECTION B: RECORDKEEPING PART III AND REPORTING deviation shall be kept on the site. The throughout the coverage under this permit. The shall be documented in the manner described: 1. E&SC Plan Documentation The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved approved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date following items pertaining to the E&SC plan Item to Document Documentation Requirements (a) Each E&SC Measure has been installed and does not significantly deviate from the locations, dimensions and relative elevations shown on the approved E&SC Plan. Initial and date each E&SC Measure on a copy of the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report that lists each E&SC Measure shown on the approved E&SC Plan. This documentation is required upon the initial installation of the E&SC Measures or if the E&SC Measures are modified after initial installation. (b) A phase of grading has been completed. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate completion of the construction phase. (c) Ground cover is located and installed in accordance with the approved E&SC Plan. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate compliance with approved ground cover specifications. (d) The maintenance and repair requirements for all E&SC Measures have been performed. Complete, date and sign an inspection report. (e) Corrective actions have been taken to E&SC Measures. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC Plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate the completion of the corrective action. 2. Additional Documentation In addition to the E&SC Plan documents above, the following items shall be kept on the site and available for agency inspectors at all times during normal business hours, unless the Division provides a site -specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this requirement not practical: (a) This general permit as well as the certificate of coverage, after it is received. (b) Records of inspections made during the previous 30 days. The permittee shall record the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the Division or a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements. Use of electronically -available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard -copy records. (c) All data used to complete the Notice of Intent and older inspection records shall be maintained for a period of three years after project completion and made available upon request. [40 CFR 122.41] PART III SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION C: REPORTING 1. Occurrences that must be reported Permittees shall report the following occurrences: (a) Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland. (b) Oil spills if: • They are 25 gallons or more, • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, • They cause sheen on surface waters (regardless of volume), or • They are within 100 feet of surface waters (regardless of volume). (a) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act (Ref: 40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3) or Section 102 of CERCLA (Ref: 40 CFR 302.4) or G.S. 143-215.85. (b) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. (c) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the environment. 2. Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements After a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported, he shall contact the appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with the other requirements listed below. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Division's Emergency Response personnel at (800) 662-7956, (800) 858-0368 or (919) 733-3300. Occurrence Reporting Timeframes (After Discovery) and Other Requirements (a) Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. • Within 7 calendar days, a report that contains a description of the sediment and actions taken to address the cause of the deposition. Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. • If the stream is named on the NC 303(d] list as impaired for sediment - related causes, the permittee may be required to perform additional monitoring, inspections or apply more stringent practices if staff determine that additional requirements are needed to assure compliance with the federal or state Impaired -waters conditions. (b) Oil spills and release of hazardous substances per Item 1(b)-(c) above • Within 24 hours, an oral oreledronic notification. The notification shall include information about the date, time, nature, volume and location of the spill or release. (c) Anticipated bypasses [40 CFR 122.41(m)(3)] • A report at least ten days before the date of the bypass, if possible. The report shall include an evaluation of the anticipated quality and effect of the bypass. (d) Unanticipated bypasses [40 CFR 122.41(m)(3)] • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. • Within 7 calendar days, a report that includes an evaluation of the quality and effect of the bypass. (e) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the environment[40 CFR 122.41[1)(7)] • Within24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. • Within 7 calendar days, a report that contains a description of the noncompliance, and its causes; the period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not been corrected, the anticipated time noncompliance is expected to continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. [40 CFR 122.41(I)(6). • Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. NCGO1 SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 /fk F.ESAORO4/%. tttttttttttttt U z Q Project Engineer: u 0 a Y Projects\005-10007 Wards Mill Dam \Cadd\Plans\10007-De GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE NCGO1 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction activity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling sections of the NCGO1 Construction General Permit (Sections E and F, respectively). The permittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by the delegated authority having jurisdiction. All details and specifications shown on this sheet may not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction. SECTION E: GROUND STABILIZATION Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes Stabilize within this Site Area Description many calendar Timeframe variations days after ceasing land disturbance (a) Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, and perimeter slopes 7 None (b) High Quality Water 7 None (HQW) Zones (c) Slopes steeper than If slopes are 10' or less in length and are 3:1 7 not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed -7 days for slopes greater than 50' in length and with slopes steeper than 4:1 (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed (e) Areas with slopes -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones flatter than 4:1 14 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless there is zero slope Note: After the permanen cessation of construction activities, any areas with temporary ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as practicable but in no case onger than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing activity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil. Use one of the techniques in the table below: Temporary Stabilization Permanent Stabilization • Temporary grass seed covered with straw or • Permanent grass seed covered with straw or other mulches and tackifiers other mulches and tackifiers • Hydroseeding • Geotextile fabrics such as permanent soil • Rolled erosion control products with or reinforcement matting without temporary grass seed • Hydroseeding • Appropriately applied straw or other mulch • Shrubs or other permanent plantings covered • Plastic sheeting with mulch • Uniform and evenly distributed ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion • Structural methods such as concrete, asphalt or retaining walls • Rolled erosion control products with grass seed POLYACRYLAMIDES (PAMS) AND FLOCCULANTS 1. Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during construction, selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants. 2. Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. 3. Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 4. Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging offsite. 5. Store flocculants in leak -proof containers that are kept under storm -resistant cover or surrounded by secondary containment structures. EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. 2. Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible, or remove leaking equipment from the project. 4. Collect all spent fluids, store in separate containers and properly dispose as hazardous waste (recycle when possible). 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem has been corrected. 6. Bring used fuels, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products to a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. LITTER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE 1. Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers. 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers (e.g dumpster, trash receptacle) on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain, stream or wetland. 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or provide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers. 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow. Clean up immediately if containers overflow. 8. Dispose waste off -site at an approved disposal facility. 9. On business days, clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers. PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains, streams or wetlands. 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area. 4. Containment must be labeled, sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. 5. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and other liquid wastes from construction sites. PORTABLE TOILETS 1. Install portable toilets on level ground, at least 50 feet away from storm drains, streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. If 50 foot offset is not attainable, provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high foot traffic areas. 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material. Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace with properly operating unit. EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT 1. Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen -material stockpile areas at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets, sediment basins, perimeter sediment controls and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably available. 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of five feet from the toe of stockpile. 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. 4. Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance with the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is defined as vegetative, physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. A ONSITE CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE VATH LINER AA ry ELauu t rmUnr MAR RFI OW GRADL,VSHOOUT STRUCTURE ABOVE GRADE WASHOIIT STRUG.TIRF CONCRETE WASHOUTS 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. 2. Dispose of, or recycle settled, hardened concrete residue in accordance with local and state solid waste regulations and at an approved facility. 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in addition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within lot perimeter silt fence. 4. Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements, where applicable. If an alternate method or product is to be used, contact your approval authority for review and approval. If local standard details are not available, use one of the two types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk sections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or discharged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste must be pumped out and removed from project. 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum, install protection of storm drain inlet(s) closest to the washout which could receive spills or overflow. 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area, on level ground and install a stone entrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by the approving authority. 8. Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project limits. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location. 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75% capacity to limit overflow events. Replace the tarp, sand bags or other temporary structural components when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietary products, follow manufacturer's instructions. 10. At the completion of the concrete work, remove remaining leavings and dispose of in an approved disposal facility. Fill pit, if applicable, and stabilize any disturbance caused by removal of washout. HERBICIDES, PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES 1. Store and apply herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label restrictions. 2. Store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with the label, which lists directions for use, ingredients and first aid steps in case of accidental poisoning. 3. Do not store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding is possible or where they may spill or leak into wells, stormwater drains, ground water or surface water. If a spill occurs, clean area immediately. 4. Do not stockpile these materials onsite. HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on -site. 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals, drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. NCGO1 GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE: 04/01 / 19 . ..... O4i ' SSri,.i '9 %74/ 4/0E 4,0 fl %I u Q Q z 3 z Project Engineer: u 3