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GW1-2022-01415_Well Construction - GW1_20220124
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For lrftnol Use ONLY: Eh6 form coo W UqM far sin*or M tigtle-Tt'dis 1.Well Contractor Information. 24�{Sj►tER N ; John Eisenman FROM W MW;RtMON WollcooltSiLtilrNaktc rG rt. 4439A NC Well Canlmc rCcniita WnNimb r f,'r,Ot[f1RXAMR§kt Olt l+iFsR: ahk FROM TO DrAvrMR TAtC1 NFf.S MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 tL 80 it. 6 jt4 SCH 40 PVC CAt*'irrt KantC ]t6l R- )B1N� '.-:"IittiliaGt Corr =_ _ . s, FROM TO DMINUTER I TnICr€i`,TeS3 MAMMAL Z.Wtsil Con-traction Permit tt: IL 14st all suplirutd r urelf th-unto(ir.Crunane,Twr,t'orl owe,l+Osrdnn ere.) tta f4 tu. Water Supply Welk FRO%l Ttr.;.; . trtmiNW-4'az*10T firl,V TltiCtt'1K55 inAtsRIAL V DAFkaftitral t-municipaTAtUIic a- rL ln, 12GeDt MWI(UMiTOCo011%St ppty) 1 fR%ulvtt l Water Supply(sinee) IL 1" Dindllstrial/Co m mial DRssideendal Wamr s"t '(slt md) = FROM TO &LATERAL FRIYI:ACHMENTIrlIMOD&AMOUNT E311riggation it rt. Nan Water Sapp$•well: WMtttritorin• altecoti rt n oD tr tt. rt. ®Aquifer Recharge oGroundwater Rcntediadon t9:ShN l li lsA l 1tc _ . <aAgatifcr Slomp and Reeocciy oSalinin°Bander - M R. Ti► - tt MATRlrtai,_ P7Ffpr A[T ltrii M€SNOn . QAqufer`test 0Stotnmtcr lhaim_gc tr, rt. ❑Exp t mental Technalagv 0Sttbsademc Cordral �.30�RA. 'C C�sltaci`�ddlt3en�fst �t ' n3'� - - - oGeodwrmat(Closed Loop) oTr�x FRoM 110 1► C1nrTaoN 46w,hattatm:fuilamcA ft o ste oGeothemnal(Hearin&aCooli o Retuni) 130dwr wqAain ender#21 Remarks) ti. ft. ft. tt 4.Date Weill(s)Completed* 12-17-21 W dl lD#MW-1 io.Well tetesbn: F�:ott x>urr,Frrt m t c l ,�tn it, 109 Hinnant toad NW Goldsboro, NC, 27530 ti. tQ 1'fisalArmss CiCy.urdZip 2tii Etilal,lltlfer.";, _ Wayne Open Hole from 80-135 0AUMV MMO, M14irwatiotr No,(Fttit Sb.Limaide and Longitude in or ftimal degrees: 2L Ccrtif-nation: (if xa liew*ft lal;iom.b srditCiztg) W ' 12/26/2021 6.tafateltLewcll21: 10Permanent or DTem ra A ra�r s� fs arc -a ( t>D I}' N ax�nin, drdi�ae,a r rf ti. j w ,i.:c:rtr rnrrnrrfrrl irs eaawJrloruti° uvrhif.4�C,AG11C.•��-�.�-f• 1.ri ��.+/�`i4�ilCoxatrrrrafoirStr�ei'zrrefsun�'rlutru 7.Is this a repair to an tAwtimlicit: oyes or oNo copy of tAis r*Nwnl fires hrtra pff lided rr aler awll tenor 1'fMis"a repodr,(11104F krrartmm well awfflury'eaa tarfrasrnrataM annul expleabtalu Awtior of the repair writer r 21 remarks aerafem or m the bark n fthiv form. 23.Site dtagram or additional well details: You may use the backs of dus page to provide additional sve l site details or well S.Number of wells constructed: 1 cmisttuslion details. You IM also atiach additional pages if necessaly. For."Mirdple i*slink 40 Welk ONLY Wrh Me some eomkas"t,w*e om mwnir awe jrorv. SUDNIMAL INSTUCT'f©1ylS 9.Total welt depth below land surface. 135 (l}i) 24a. For.Ali Well &ibnrtt lids form Within 30'dtlys of completion of well Fora,-,allfi rle Twills ltsr arll depbs if dllfrFew 40'r4ra)jPf(c-p@-'O'9°arias Mi'fp F') construction to the following- 10.Statle water level below top of casing --._---. Division of Water Resources,Information P rrc AsinE Unit ltwaar+r level&MtOtV edsfrae,ava"4-" 1617 SIail Setviee Center,Raleigh.NC 296",1617 11.Borehole diametcr.12/6 funk 24b.For Iginggn R6pj v ONLY: In addition to sending due forth to the address in 24a above. also submit a Copy of this form within 10 days of completion of u>ill 1.2.Wdl construction method;aSA/Air constniction to the followulg: tie.aiga rarefy.cable dhxt pustt ctc_i Division of Water Resources.Underground Injection Control Program{ FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; 1636 Mail Service Center,Rakfth,KC 27699-1636 13a."idd 24r.'I<or 41r!# SEE&&tniection Wells: Was) ,1letfrnd of that. Also submit one cop' of this fomt vvdibin 30 days of completion of 13b.Di>3lafixKlnn t3pt Amwrnt- < we11 Constnrction to the county'health depamu:w of the minty whc= y. �a Y _.a_s cotistruatsd. Farm feNa-L s'�011tl Csratiira lkpdnarttr of F.ae°fmnmenf met`lantml R�ouroes-i)i��+en of Rr9ter R Rc�'iud Att�rt4f 71913