HomeMy WebLinkAboutEmail RE Construction Stormwater NOI Not Accepted - 79442 Morman, Alaina
From: laserfiche@ncdenr.gov
Sent: Thursday,January 27, 2022 11:36 AM
To: mmccool@shelcollc.com
Cc: Clark, Paul; mmccool@shelcollc.com; ahales@stewartinc.com
Subject: Construction Stormwater NOI Not Accepted
This email is to notify you that your application for Corning was not accepted for the following reason:
Part A -Nos. 7, 8, 15a, 15b-Lat: 36.0941, Long: -78.8516 discharges to Little River(27-2-21-(6)). Part D -No 9
-NOI Certification Form completed signed by Micah McCool, but Part E - Certification completed signed by
Ryan Crews. These two must be completed/signed by same person (exception if Micah designated Ryan on
bottom of the NOI Cert Form). When resubmitting, to pre autopopulate, please contact paul.clark@ncdenr.gov,
9197073642. thx
For additional support,please visit our NPDES Stormwater Construction Program website at
https:Hdeq.nc.gov/NCGOI. The NOI application no. for this project is 79442.
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