HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0060526_Report_20001212NPDES DOCUMENT SCANNING COVER SHEET NPDES Permit: NC0060526 Pope Industrial Park WWTP Document Type: Permit Issuance Wasteload Allocation Authorization to Construct (AtC) Permit Modification Complete File - Historical Engineering Alternatives (EAA) Report Instream Assessment (67b) Speculative Limits Environmental Assessment (EA) Document Date: December 12, 2000 This document is printed on reuse paper - *ignore any content oii the resrerse side 12/01/2000 12:12 9198461070 FINLEY CUh.1MERIAL i '0(-° 5 7"1-e PAGE 21 9198461070 F I NLEY COMMER I AL PAGE 02 .(•• . % • . • 0;4 'f A •"1/•2•• • 14 OM: • • • . • •.. 6. • . . • . • ' • •: • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • ' 919 -7557171'4' ••. • • , • :.••!% .•.•. • J0:9198461070 . • • • ...... _ .beir.111t Road4-411itt••••204.: . . INEERING 1011334234 ;Fax: :919/11334 105 , . ,extitinacotAxso- e • , • • • • • : .• •• :• . FPAGES: jiiiiii::••• :. • .• • • . . . • • .• .. •.. . , : : : ,. • .. .. , . •••. . •• •. our iliscuilakuls 4000,400*01.0;##.*Olild)iiiiitki-.4ke this opportunity to .prOilde you engineering SerV4atitS10:424floni ilifthe'proig*iiitinns of a Wastemiter Manageitient ' ' • Industrial Park 1ii.;:!Wiiii40not.'Thi.a•iturpose.bt,this FAX is to Onoli;ide you With a.. I PAGE:01 . . . doeumetif40-10 UNt idiow '01.* belifikii Otte -proposal Cowers the efforts ••• he required retina111004 Diviskin*WaiiikOnallity. ft is our'understanditititsit alternative anafAhilistiOiii3Of thii.regior* iViSbtMr Charles Weaver with the IDWQ. you are not reqiiiitifla:eVOUkie..ifichindilbini4:al,tirnatives if you do -not Own,:1107 ble•leuds Of.:Jttiki4ytio:••Ofilhipinini.. • truiiiiier;i.$..ou do not believe thailkinielinds inie thus you begeilit.,:thatitikWastinratei-hiiiiniittnent Mu will not to tto these •-• • • • • . . , . • . . bt fithilred IN a pri*Ossi!!tOis•dui woe preparation.or the 4.4.,;•Alou hove tvokkeitiOtklittit. °Mei lo thelinitind you are aware of our • nVe'attempted w idr Orig0101-*IifOi•oilift*Kies our understanding ot th4.12t0Grtil ttw irettujied re0ii4AtkIlfOtou'iiilli:not•eitstit-oni-tinel fee may.end 'upbeing hiher thisated foe dependintOrihis'affkiSiiit;inirs046:iiireriare the final report:aud toineet 'Various governtnitnni*hths.., • ." • • • ••• •••• • • . •• . • . "en•COneerning th*iiNt.S; �r tb ittObnii*::.01080091 free to contact our offici llotter • .' s • . .. • PROJECT NUMHER dated .::•• •••••i:. •••••••••••,.. .. • •••.**, • :' • ''• •••• • • •!:••• • • , . • . ••••:i••••::••••,•• ".• ' • • ••• • • :••• • • • ••• • ••••• • ••• •••• • ••• '•• : ••• , • ::'". • • • . •-••••••%.. ••• :•:••••:.: • •••:'••• .. • • • •••••.:. : • • : *. • • • : • • . • -• ••••. ,.*• *.• . • • ••••• : : :.• • •,. 9198461070 FINLEY COMMERIAL IS KANE Pro • • . • . • • • 919-75S-1771 TO:9198461070 •• •• • . . . . . 1 FL1MING, ilks:ENGINEERING .Ko ad 3. S6 tre:204... • deigh.NC. • 2.7605 • .•.. . Q.ifte.4.:•.919/833.-.1234:.:. • . • . F04:.9.19181341.9, F.tOrEli . . • ..•1• No$niber 27,. 20011: •:. . . : • • Unstaring Sevi*a0*or.• 12) . 4 • •#4 PAGE 03 PAGE:02 • loilitittiatiPiri(Vastewater ManagemenOinn • . . • • . • . . . . . • • . . • Opportunity to diOtias:010:.**keytt iii4uirentent:011.:ehe Division of Water Quality- •:."' • ircsyou to subniii*....i.tiVisikat.iniiielO0.4014itiitg.'to your National Pollutant • . • • teliplione•!ciOviloations you requested that oue:Office proposal for assOut4eiktlit:Oretiar4tiOn'ofiliislcii)ort. The purpose of this letter is • *P• far your consideriOail.;•:: .••••• • • •: • • • . . . . • • . • • • . . • •?:,";>1 tr.t •; c. • 'PA F'?1;:•'.• discussions, we4i.iiiiiititatt44$0yOu'desirifkii•o*....oftice to prepare a Wastewater defined in seveial-ticittintents•pro4ided to you DWQ staff as a pan of your ES permit 440onvitiiiit.int*: We iiillialitigitthat you have discussed thd . . $reliort with Mr;:::•0*.tis• Weaver with .the'•OW4:and he has indicated to you that the 'tact :in the guideiii:iiii'ii*.iiiifbereqUired:i.fyinv:are unable to provide lands you cati'$sou instatr**Othe land based disposal systems. pipthat you can provide itiforinatiito.that• tar* ere not available for this use;.Ous the • :'ivienagernent.1**ill:•!tioi bi.Te4ttired.OfeValitate land based treatment/disposal ic.:,Systems and .sPitiY.;iniiii.tiOti:SysteMs... . . .• tioned u4derstanstintanOhii:p*4;i404:DWeigis4elines document to define the desired by our 0#160';:Wafimst14 tike 10 000dii•the following proposal for • patationtof this..;raport • • • • •• • • • • • . • .:. • • .• • ... .. . .., :. • • :... . tit on report con*ti.*11..gie[olant;.ii4evipw.t6.ttant wastewater inputs. (g. his). . ••: • -davelopig tenant:etiti'innOtiaatiOns $10614.16 wastewater inputs-to•plant.(4•/0), nt.and Town of OarniktiffiCiale•toi.ntivieiw:tfie•OoOntial for connection of. the Park In . 0:Systern (4 hr44.,', ._ ,H.t.-... - • . • • .. .. . • .. • *; • .:.. • . root entitledi "P4i0•106140i.il. Park_.W.t,StOvi•Oiar4irtiknatternaltaan" which will • • tiMiiitig major hetotko:•!;....?.4.;.,,:..3•• ... -• ...'....:•::.: ..... -:: ......: ...' " Ye..Analysis (00iliclinii*V:baiielt.OY.ei.t4ik.0.**tions) ... . . . et 'F'reattnent*tterigtetiASOisiltitS ..: •••:•••••••'::.:0:• ''' • :....'..--, ... •>•:.... .• ; ....:.**,.......' ...••••'?:'.. , ?.:.:. • ." ••• '''''. •`-'.:•.•:. • .. : : ....: • • ••• ••• -• :•:- •-• : .,•:•'.:.'.:•: . 4impeat14oc • ••• • ....,••:.:•.•••••• • .• • . • • - • • .:• .• . ..• •••.•.• • • ••: • r.,..4` ., • "" PAGE 04 • . . : .•• . • . • • • AVIS KANE • '• • c919-:• t55 —1771 TO : 91913461070 • . . • • • • entPlant pptimos....0004iiii •• . : • - • tomniunicatiOris 'Ku .. .. . nt to review drakkiiii#::(41irS). '. • .. ••• . ..,.. . : pies of report atia,pr:OPare.:*aft transinituOltei:fOr use by client (4 hrs). .. .PAGE:03 f'00.:- $5,050.00 • . • •.. • .. . • • s. the service listedonly 1*itotal:fee•IS an ii.tr.iitte only and does not repretient •a This tee is oft*:-.4.4*.antotintthat:jsnOt..to•be•-exceeded without notifying you in ate is our best 001t*4.ofipproxitnately-the.anipunt of time necessary to accomplish amount of time..*.e0ary'l!iay..berricire.or:1#0it!iart estimated depending on *he Mitt required biii;gii;:010,..piar.hdiirly..:*:foi-lhis project is $70.00 per hour for. eerc4 ume Fina4•:,:, *04cirOse :to have the':fitst•ittiOft of this report prepared no later 1. irrorittet to allO* .4'...01141:..tprePaitation In time fci'..tteet the DWQ.SUbinittal 'deadline • • . • • • • • • • •. • eired for accompii.ihrtient ortheltetris liStOd::iiftriti'and does not include estimates for rie, site:plan at:041044 ‘itliita:inftirtiuition; 404 a4.410 wetlands investigations and atuations,i as-buiOdtitikiiiig.ipieparatiak.lib&isitiniy:analysis costs, consultant or osion control p1e***rattOicor'10:41iiid*itteilomtitting. Further, in the•past, we eCessary to chargo:',04t•elitiitS::fyir/adr,iiiniatrtitNe osts such as printing charges, • • coin], postage, ciriSaiiiiiglit lodging unless they *ante excessive. Since:this project e 'Wake qountY•itillsOoy) iiii.dei.nOtiiritiCipati*.0y such charges; but will ccilttact you e too high for y •polObieliasfitient.orligbeii &Os- • t!.:•••• :•11`.01••;:`,') • ••• . . . • 4 • • • .4...1.. • ' • • . • . . • s • . • . . • • .. • • •• •, . . •cover letter of riii0.41),DE§...pertnit:ditted..CiCtobiii!.9, 2000, we note that the DWQ ti. evaluate the v.at,o4iijiori;di.S0atigp•aliernittiVeii;and the technology required to ri it... your 'plant's4friiiii*:. Ii.ii:our *iliac ttaiiiitiOwQ is not requiring the - • • anent Plan to inOtt1Oin.e44it1uatiOn ofihe tiOtue 0:nutrient removal. We have . • •attd you have itidtatiOttliit.yorOgree ihafiTuttiittiremoval evaluations shOliptl. not .. pe of this proi414'...:: ,.. : .. • . . ..• • . : .• •:...: ....,,. . .. • . •••., . . . . . . . ..preparation of *Ss iiiitOtil..our:office..Will as a minimuiri, the folloivirti • : • . . . ••• • .. • s • . • . • • • . . fist:ilf current tetiiiiita?iif thi4iidUstrittl. part •Which an explanation. of the activities. mplished ! at ea:: • • . •. • , wtth property bindanus. xisting kcihty locati�ns toPograPihYultrinated.wTh4tiiiia. • and locatfons, titt100)0100rwW0s.; art0)*til*.nd boundary il at a cale • . • • ••••• • •':.•••• • • . • • *•*.• • -• 1 • ;••• • • •s•• • . • •• ••• ••••• • •••••••:. • ".. • • • • • - •••••.:; ••• • -* • •••;!;.:. • • • • • • •• ••11• •• • • 4 12/01/2000 12:12 9190461070 ';',•.":•?: 7 1 • .7-Ulinz"ZR:714';'%.,•.,..,::;5 • j. 41: r:31::1•STA.7. • It'kANE: Lav • P• 91941,55- 117 •• FINLEY COMMERIAL •. ::.• • • • • • : • ..• Tel 7!. • •relating to the at4itY:44.04chase adjacent-00Si* for the possible use WI -either . . • . fac e disposal -Ost*rn: Orspray liriOatiOn syetem... revifiusly,preparSkalternati40.40ysit•andi.OnOiniering studies relating to your • ant. — . . . PAGE 05 PAGE:04 • .. • : roposal abccptabW*halie.:..Offertid-you the'stiPpOunity to accept it by signing the 04 of this lettefiltiiO4:4cceptthis•Oroppsiloiir office is ready to begin our We .understart044:you.*Site for oprT. cifOoto:begin our assistance in the lease note that ogi6050.6 sgftititinvoices.at. the end of each month and payment is within 30 dayi:i3ifriOeiptof.the invoice - the ispporturnty to yoU'aillOut thiti4i.toject. We hope this proposarhas •14.4siimaryl of the*tioiii4o.0 deSire;:'ghOttly.iiiietWons arise concerning this leiter, - ta0t our office. • : „ • • :r.,;•••• • 1.dac .:* .• ,:: • • .: • , .• • .. • • paited:. :* • • . „ ••• • ' . , • • • • • . •: • . • • •• • • •:•••••• J':••14 •.• 1,4 ..• • 1,111,•,•fil