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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG500205_NPDES General Permit Renewal_19970724State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resource s Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt,Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Dennis Krupinski Campbell Soup Company Route 2, Box 98 Maxton , NC 28364 Dear Permittee: ATTYA ,w1r �EHNF� 1u'12�L997‘', /r !` 1998 i'i ,n. (to F:4y, Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. NCG500205 Renewal of General Permit Campbell Soup Company: Robeson County In accordance with your application for renewal of the subject Certificate of Coverage, the Division is forwarding the enclosed General Permit. This renewal is valid until July 31, 2002. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina. General Statute 143-215 .1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated December 6, 1983. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit application. Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and binding. The Certificate of Coverage for your facility is not transferable except after notice to, the Division.. Use the enclosed Permit Name/Ownership Change form to notify the Division if you sell or otherwise transfer ownership of the subject facility. The Division may require modification orrevocation and reissuance of the Certificate of Coverage. If your facility' ceases discharge of wastewater before the expiration date of this permit, contact the Regional Office listed below at (910) 486-1541. Once discharge from your facility has ceased, this permit may be rescinded. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality, the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act. or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact the NPDES Group at the address below. Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. cc: Central Files Fayetteville Regional Office,',' NPDES File Facility Assessment Unit P.O. Box 29535,:Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 (919) 733-5083 FAX (919) 733-0719 p& An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled / 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG500000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG500205 TO DISCHARGE NON -CONTACT COOLING WATER, COOLING TOWER AND BOILER BLOWDOWN, CONDENSATE, EXEMPT STORMWATER, COOLING WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH HYDROELECTRIC OPERATIONS, AND SIMILIAR WASTEWATERS UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Campbell Soup Company is hereby authorized to discharge non -contact cooling water, condensate and other similar wastewaters from a facility located at Campbell Soup Company Route 2 Box 98 Maxton Robeson County to receiving waters designated as subbasin 30751 in the Lumber River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III and IV of General Permit No. NCG500000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective August 1, 1997. This certificate of coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day July 24, 1997. A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, .Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Lorraine Sampson, Technician - Engineering Campbell Soup Company Maxton Plant Maxton, North Carolina 27607 Dear Ms. Sampson: !cc:FA 11:3EHNF�,.. April 17, 1995 RECEIVE") APR 19 1995 ENV. MANAGEMENT FAYETTEVILLE REG. OFFICE Subject: Campbell Soup Company NPDES No. NCG500205 Robeson County Staff members of the Water Quality Section have reviewed the additional materials submitted by Campbell Soup Company March 24, 1995 regarding the use of water treatment products at the facility. The proposed compound to be used, Nalco Trasar 20428, is not a biocidal compound and does not require approval through the biocide review process. Please note that review of the AQUIRE database reports a fathead minnow LC50 = 2.3 mg/1 for sodium nitrite (one of the active ingredients). Also, the MSDS indicates a pH of 12.5 - 14.0 for this product, therefore, its use may affect effluent pH. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please call me at (919) 733-5083 Ext. 555. Sincerely, Susan A. Wilson, Environmental Engineer NPDES Group cc: Fayetteville Regional -Office Central Files Aquatic Survey and Toxicology Unit, Melissa Rosebrock Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 28, 1995 MEMORANDUM: To: Through: From: Subject: Susan Wilson Matt Matthews Off'. Melissa Rosebrock Mom" Campbell Soup Company-Maxton Plant Use of Water Treatment Products General Permit No. NCG500000 Robson County ECErVEn MAR ENV. MANAGEMENT FAYETTEVILLE REG. GrrlCE Campbell Soup Company has submitted Nalco Trasar 20428 (corrosion and scale inhibitor) for approval. Materials submitted by the subject facility (MSDS and memos) as well as aquatic toxicity data from our database have been reviewed and evaluated. The compound. proposed does not appear to be, nor is it claimed to be a biocidal compound and would thus not require individual review and approval using the standard biocide review process. Please note, however, that a search of our AQUIRE database reports a fathead minnow LC50 = 2.3 mg/1 for sodium nitrite (one of the active ingredients). In addition, the use of an additive may affect effluent pH and should be monitored. Note that the MSDS reports a pH of 12.5 - 14.0 for this product. Following current permitting practices, the use of this compound should be allowable. If there are questions regarding this review please contact me at (919) 733-2136. Attachments cc �:M:ichael-Wicker� FRO Central files State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director March 27,1995 Lorraine Sampson, Technician - Engineering Campbell Soup Company Maxton Plant Maxton, North Carolina 27607 AgYA ANIWIL E)EHNR dCE1VEb MAR 28 ENV. MANAGEMENTOFFICE! FAYETTEVILLE RE Subject: Campbell Soup Company NPDES No. NCG500205 Robeson County Dear Ms. Sampson: Staff members of the Water Quality Section have reviewed the materials submitted by Campbell Soup Company March 14, 1995 regarding the use of water treatment products at the facility. The proposed compounds to be used, Calgon CB-260 and Calgon PCL-401, are not biocidal compounds and do not require approval through the biocide review process. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please call me at (919) 733-5083 Ext. 555. Sincerely, Susan A. Wilson, Environmental Engineer NPDES Group cc: n,FayettevilleRegiorial-.Office '' Central Files Aquatic Survey and Toxicology Unit, Melissa Rosebrock Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer �•'W":.`shy :•g`a'"�+''^.f�',"': �..s, ,. To : Company Department : Fax From Extension Number of pages s (Inc. cover sheet) Remarks : G`1 se ax Transmittal Cover Sheet from �aYt on Arc SOVED ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Et, 2 Box 98 Maxton, North Carolina 28364 Phone # (810) 844 5831 Far # (910) 844 5992 /7 // ,/ /yA1ie /19g,07/L/5 ,J1 .0qt 1 (0.- 33-- y9:� /60 ic44-; A)c-- S,97,-,f50") 7S Date // IF ALL PAGES ARE NOT ACCOUNTED FOR PLEASE CONTACT SENDER 474 /116-- �%Urti �TiUr1R/ rZe2,e,e,4,`A) 03/23/95 14:32 '1 803 554 8218 NAL(:U' CHEMICAL 449 I;AMrbr. LL MAA Z:N V I V 1.7 se, NALGO CHEMICAL COMPANY 2.v.du HALL L i ilVr l LUL•J:ni_ UI i i 1,75 • r`JI`cTH t.:-agt_rSTOr;. '°fi•a ,:.iaGA tiC:C:•�nd March 23, 1995 Mark Edgerton Manager of Engineering Campbell Soup Company BOX 98 Maxton, S.C. 28364 SUBJECT: DHEC APPROVAL TOR TRASAR Dear Mark: As we discussed this afternoon, please find attached all the documents necessary for DHEC approval of the TRASAR trial. This includes an MSDS sheet for Nalco Trasar 20428anc,d a copy of the USDA letter of approval for this product. Campbell intends to run a trial with TRASAR 20428 on the D Stork hydrostatic cooker after the.April 17th shutdown. TRASAR 20428 is a corrosion and scale inhibitor for the infeed and exit hydrolegs and is virtually identical to the product we are now using on the infeed and exit hydrolegs (Nalco 3008). The active ingredients are the same, however, 20428 has a tracer to be utilized. with our control equipment to improve chemical program performance. Please do not hesitate to contact me if 2 can be of further assistance. I can be reached at home during the early morning or evening hours (803-661-0631), or you can leave a message at the Charleston office (803-554-8223), and 1 will return your call. Nalco appreciates the opportunity to be of service i.:o Campbell Soup Company. Sincerely, -, •r• In Donovan :District Representative cc: Lorraine Sampson ..-,runram nr^ riser ! t v' i u i I J l onsma. t 1 oe n AREA 7ce.nnm., noci Food Safety and Inspection Service Regulatory Programs Building 306, (3ARC-Past Beltsville, MD 20705 .-� United States L Department of '�' Agriculture Mr. Claude H. Wolf Nalco Chemical Company One Nalco Center Naperville, IL 60563 Dear Mr. wolf: Navamt CE/VEEP94 NOv 2 1994 E.1-I.6Sr This is in reply to your request for Compound authorization received on October 04, 1994 for your roduct Trasar 2042E Thermal Ilrocessing Aid. This product is acceptable for treatment of cooling and retort water in official establishments operating 'under the Federal meat and poultry'products inspection program. Acceptance of compounds by this Department is in no way to be construed as an. endorsement of the compounds or of any claims made for them_ If any change is made in the labeling information or formulation, the authorization for use in official plants becomes void immediately. Sincerely, r / ' /1.p t John M.bamar6, Chief Compounds and. Packaging Branch Product Assessment Division Fsrs FaaM 1 1.300.6(tt901 Hf.N:Acl S 1 SK FORM 1 1.300 6 (5r8)). W (I(H IS OBSOLETE INTENTIONAL,►►ttSUSE OF THIS DOCUMENT 15 A F60ERA1. °MASI. (S8 U,S.C• 1001l . 03/23/95 14:33 $1 803 554 8218. -NALCO CHEbi1GAL a -►a tiArlrrr✓LL roan. c,i.0 MATERIAL SAFETY -DATA SHEET MmOMEMMEMOMmomMMIOMMMW ,t1 NALCO PRODUCT NALCO 20428 Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 462.8378 (24 hours' - (800) i•M•ALERT mommommisimommilMOIMININiffminmailitiaaaNnwommimmommoonsmimmom SECTION 1 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAME: NALCO 20428 DESCRIPTION: An aqueous blend of nitrite, molylddate and phDsphonate with a dispersant, tracer and dye . NFPA 704M/HMIS RAT TG: 3/3 HEALTH 0/0 FLAMMABILITY 0/0 R:ACTIVITY 0 OTHER 0=insignifi.cant l Slight 2 '2aderate 3=High 4=Extze e SECTION 2. HAZARDOUS : ING'REDIENTS our hazard evaluation has identified the ingredient(s) as hazardous under OSHA's Haza]l Communication kale, 29 CFR 19 L0.1200. Consult Section 14 for the nature of the hazard(s). INGREDIENT (§) Sodium hydroxide. Sodium u olybdate sodium nitrite CAS # APPROX.% 1310-73-2 0.1-1 20 1- 1-5 C7632-00-0) 20-40 SECTION. 3 PRECAUTIONARY LABEL INFORMATION WARNING: Harmful. cr fatal if swallowed. Contains sodium nitrite. cause blood system disorders when swallowed. Do riot take internally. Causes irritation to skin and eyes. Do rot get in eyes, on skin or on clothing. Wear goggles and face shield when handling. Empty containers my contain residual product. Do not reuse container unless properly reconditions!. SECTION 4 FIRST AID INVORMATX0N EYES: nIr",�ediately flush for at least 15 minutes while holding eyelids open. Call a physician at once. SKIN: Immediately flush with water for at least 15 minutes For a large splash, flood body under a shower. Cali a physician at once. . INGESTION: Induce vomiting. Give water. Call a physician at once. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. Treat symptoms. calla physician at once. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Baqed or.. the individual reactions of the patient, the physician's judgment should be used to control symptoms and clinical condition. cAU'Y'ION; If unconscious, having trouble breathing or in convulsions, do not PAGE1 OF. 8 NALCO . CHEMICAL, QC7r,1PANY DNS NALCO CENTER • NAPERVILLE!, ILLINOIS 60663-1 198 UJ/G:S/2JS 14:J4 III OUJ 554 6L10 1' ALUU Cribb 111.AL . 444 Witlrl3t:LL D1AJ. LiNIV LJ U16 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET II NALCO PRODUCT ...IM.e! NALCO 20428 Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 462.5378 (24 hours) (800) IFM.ALERT SECTION 4 FIRST AID INFORMATION ( CONTINUED ) induce vomiting or give water. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Probable mucosal damage may contrairdic:ate the use of gastric lavage. Measures against circulatory shook, respiratory depression and convulsions may be neede. SECTION 5 HEALTH EFFECTS INFORMATION 'PRIMARY ROOMS) 0r E X CSZJF2E: Eye, skin EYE.cONTAGr: Corrosive to the eyes with possible permanent damage depending cn the length of exposure and on the first aid action given. SKIN CONTACT: Corrosive to the skin, possibly resulting'in third degree burns, depending on the length of exposure and or, the first aid action givers. INGESTION: .Can be harrful or fatal. SYMPTC S.S OF EXPOSURE: CHRONIC: Sodium nitrite. Causes formations of methaenoglobinaemia leading to cyanosis and possible death if ingested. Repeated ingestion of small amounts causes blood pressure to droz, rapid pulse, headaches and visual disturbances. Causes central nervous systerr effects, (e.g. headaches, .tremors, drowsiness and convulsions). AGGRAVATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS: Sodium nitrite. Pregnant women are particularly sensitive tc methaemoglobirsemia. SECTION 6 TOXICOLOGY INFORMATION ACUTE TOXICITY STUDIES: Acute toxicity studies have not been conducted on this product, but toxicity studies of the ingredient (s) in Section 2 have been reviewed. The results are shown below. AC= OPAL TOXICITY (ALB NO PATS): Sodium nitrite LD50 = 85 mg/kg SECTION 7 PHYSICAL AND 3HEMICAL PROPERTIES COLOR: Clear dark blue FORM: Liquid DENSITY: 11.0-11.4 lbs/gal. SPECIFIC GPAVITY: 1 37 @ 77 Degrees F pH (NEAT) = 12.5 - 14.0-' VISCOSITY: / cpS @ '14 Degrees F PAGE 2 OF 8 ODOR:' None A$II D-1298 ASIM E-70 ASIM D-2983 NALCO cHEM1CAL COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER • NAPeRvIL•L.E. iL,L.1NCtS 60563-1 1 SS AREA 709-303-1 000 03/23/95 14:35 TYI ?SUS b04 5410 141A"1:18A- El -if -a -AI A SHEET NALCO Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 482-5378 (24 hours) (800) I-M-ALERT s'EcTioN 7 11HysI0AL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ( CONTINUED ) FREEZE POIgr: FLASH POINT: NOTEt These Degrees F Greater than 200 Degrees F (PMcc) ASIM D-1177 ASIM D-93 physical properi:ies.are typical values for this product. SECTION 8 FIRE AND EXPLOSION INFORMATION FLASH POINT: Greater than 200 Degrees F (PMCC) ASIM C-93 EVTINGUISHING MEDIA: Not applicable. Use extinguishing Tedia appropriate for surrounding fire. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSIoN HUARD: May evolve NOx under fire conditions. 'SECTION REACTIVITY INFORMATION. INCCEPASIBILITY: Avoid contact with strong acids (eg. sulfuric, phosphoric, nitric, hydrochloric, chromic, sulfonic) which can generate heat, splattering or boiling and the release of toxic fumes. STORAGE AND FEEDING EQUIMENT: Avoid contact with aluminum. Product is corrosive to aluminum. • THERMAL DECOMPOSIT:ON PRODUCTS: In the event of combustion CO CO2 NOx may be formed. Do not breathe smoke or fumes. Wear suitAhls protective equipment. SECTION 10 PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT IRESPIPATORY PP0TECTION: If it is possible' to generate significant levels of vapors or mists, a NIOSH approved or equivalent respirator is recommended. • For large spills, entry into large tanks, vessels or enclotud small spaces with inadeguateNentilation, a pressure -demand, Self-contained breathing -apparatus is reccrmended.. VENTILATION: GeneralNentilation is recomrended. Additionally, local ekhaust ventilation is recommended where vapors, mists or. aerosols nay be released. .PRarECTIVE EUM]: Wear im.rmeable gioves, boots, apron and a face shield with Chemical splash gyggles. Examples of iirperitab1e g.oves available an the narket.are neoprene, nitrile, PVC, natUral ruober, vitomand butyl • (cot.opatibility studies have not been performed). A full slicker suit is recommended if gross exposure is -possible. PAGE 3 OF- 8 MION11.11111111.111111.11111111111111MMEMINEMENIMMINVIIMENIMEME NALCSO CHEMICAL CiiIVIPANY ONE NALCO CENTER • NAPERVILLE. ILLINOIS SC563-1198 AREA 70E1-30S-1000 03/23/95 14:35 VI 803 554 8218 NALCO CHEMICAL 4-14 CAMPBELL MAX ENG cU1s MA I hIlliAL Art I Y UA I Ft ET NALCO Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 482.5378 (24 hours) (S00) I-M•ALERT SECTION 10 PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT ( CONTINUED ) The availability of an eye wash fountain and safety shower is recommended. If clothing is contaminated, remove clothing and thoroughly wash the affected area. Launder conthminated clothing before reuse. SECTION 11 SPILL AND DISPOSAL INFORMATICS IV CASE OF TRANSPORTATION ACX:IDENTS, CALL THE FOLLOWING 24-HOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER (800) I-M-AT or (8Q0) 462-5378. SPIEL CONTROL AND RECOVERY: Smallliquid spills: Contain with absorbent material, suchas clay, soil or any commercially available alAorbent. Shovel reclaimed liquid and adsorbent into try or salvage drur,s for disposal. Refer to cEROC.A in section 14. Large liquid spills: Dike to prevent further rovement and acclaim into recovery or salvage drums or tank truck for disposal. Refer to CEIRCCA in Section 14. DISPOSAL: If this product becomes a waste, it meets the criteria of a hazardous waste as defined under the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 cFR 261. Hazardous Waste D002. Asa hazardous liquid waste, it must be solidified with stabilizing agents (such as sand, fly ash, or c i:ment) so that no free liquid remains before disposal to a licensed industrial waste landfill (Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal facility) A hazardous liquid waste can also be deep -well injected in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. SECTION 12 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION If ' released into the environment, see CERCLA in Section 14. SECTION 13 TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION ' PROPER SHIPPING NAME/HAZARD ciAss MAY VARY BY PACKAGING, PROPERTIES , AND MLDE OF TRANSPORTATION; TYPICAL PROPER SHIPPING NAMES FOR THIS PRODUCT ARE: ALL TRANSPORTATION MODES. : =ROSIVE.I.IQVID, N.O.S. UN/ID NO - : - - UN 1760 .HAZARD CLASS - PitIV ,RY -_ _--; .-- 8 _ -- CORROSIVE _PAC ING GROUP : 111 PAGE 4 OF 8 NAL= CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER • NAPERViLI..E. ILLINOIS 605E 3-1 198 OfaBA 70E-305-1000 O3/23/95 14 : ;.50 Ou4 004 OLIO 4\l1L "J ';VLLLWL Ll/(1L MM I C tS !`f� L 7H t' 1 if IJ,F�► ! H b t1 I t 1 NALCO PRODUCT NALC,?O 204213 Emergency Telephone Number Medina( (800) 462.5378 (24 hour:►) (SO0) I-PA•ALERT SECTION 13 TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION ( CONTINUED ) IMDG PAGE NO IATA NOTE IATA L',MTT FLASH POINT HAZARDOUS ANENT (S ) RQ LSS (PER PACE) RQ ON (s ) : 8147 : 818/820 : C: 60 L : NONE SODIUM HYDROXIDE : 400 : SODIUM NITRITE SECTION 14 REGULATORY INFORMATION The following regulations apD1y to this product. FERAL R GULATIONS : OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATIoN RULE, 29 C:iR 1910.1200: Based on our hazard evaluation, the following irsi.edients in this product are. hazardous and the reasons are shc*rn below. Sodium hydroxide -.Corrosive Sodium nitrite ...Systemic effects Sodium to1y}xiate - Irritant sodium molybdate (soluble, as Mo) = TWA 5 mg/no ACGIi/TLV Sodium hydroxide (ceiling) = TWA 2 mg/m2 ACGIH/TLV Sodium cooly ate (soluble, a:; Mo) = Tta 5 mq/m3 OSHA/FEL Sodium hydroxide (ceiling) = TWA 2 mg/m3 OSHA,/FE CERCLA/SUFERFUND, 40 CT'R 117, 302: This product contains sadiron nitrite, a Reportable Quantity (RQ,) substance an if 400 pounds of product are released, it requires r>atifica .ion to the NATIONAL RESPONSE CENTER, WASH1NGION, D. C. (1-800-424-8802) . SARA/ SUFERFL ND TS ANI) REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1986 (TITLE III) - SECTIONS 3 02 , 31.1, 312 AND 313: , SECTION 302 - EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUB.STANL:b (40 C FR 3 55) : This product does not contailn ingredients listed in Appendix: A and B as an Extremely razardous substanc :. SECTIONS 311 and 312 - NIATrR:AL SAFETY DATA SHEET REQU TrS (40 CAR 3 7 0) : Our hazard evaluation has found this product to be hazardous. The product should'be reported under the following EPA hazard categories: PACE 5 OF 8 mmommorniummon NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER • NAPERVILLE, ILL1NOI BC5E3-1196 AREA 70B-308-1000 VV/..vl VV 1.'2 . VI 4041 VVU VV'. 04J. 1\ALI.V 1.L1L'id114AL ''''' VArLL DLLL W2I. C,LW L V L V MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET. PRODUCT NALCO NATO 20428' 411111/fJ EmergenCY TcIeaticone Number Medical (800) 462.8378 (24 hours) (800) WA -ALERT SECTION 14 REGULATORY IZTORMATION ( CONTINUED ) X4 Immediate (acute) health bazard XX Delayed (chronic) health hazard -- Fire hazard --- Sudden release of pressure hazard -- reactive hazard under SARA 311 and. 312, the EtA has established threshold q.iantities for the reporting of hazardous chemicals. The current thresholds are: 500 pounds or the threshold planning quant:.ty (TPQ) , whichever- is lower, for extremely hazardous substances and 10,000 pounds for all other hazardous chemicals. ShLtiON 313 - LIST OF TOXIC [ CATS (40 CFR 372) : This product does not contain ingredients on the List of Toxic Chemicals. TOXIC SU S ANCES CCNTROL ACT (TSCA) : The chemical ingredients in this product are on the 8 (b) Inventory List (40 CFR 710) . RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECX)VE.RY ACT (?A), 40 CFR 261 SUBPART C & D: consult Section 11 for RCRA classification. FEDERAL WATER POLLZ3r'YON COMIC', ACT, CLEAN WATER ACT, 40 CFR 4 01.15 / formerly Sec. , 307; 40 C"rR 11C/formerly Sec. 311: This product contains the following ingredients cover by the Clean Water Act: Sodium nitrite - Section 311 CLEAN AIR ACT, Sec. 111 (40 (IR 60) , Sec. 112 .(40 C rR 61; 1990 Amendments) , Sec. 611 (40 cFR 82, C[.ASS. 1 and II Ozone depleting sutstarnces) : This product does not contain ingredients covered by the Clean Aar Act. STATE REGUTATIoNS : CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 Suhst.s known to the State, of California to cause Cancer are presernt in this product. t.IIC IGAN c RTrICA.L IAATE3tIALS : This product does not contain: ingredients lister on the Michigan Critical Materials Register. STATE RIGHT TO KNOW LAWS: The following ingre-7ient(s) are disclosed for Compliance. with State Right TO PAGE 6OP'8 IMMEMMNOMMINNIMEM NALGO CHEMICAL. COMPANY ONE NALC O CENTER • NAPERVILLE. ILLINOIS eO583-11E8 AmeA 7C7B-309-1 000 03i23/a0 14. JP A 1 C KIikL SKr G PRODUCT NALCO 2042E NALCO Emergen4Y Telephone Number Medlcal (800) 462.5378 (24 houre) (800) I•M-ALERT SECTION 14 REGULATORY INFORMATION ( CONTINUED ) Know Laws: Sodium hydroxide 1310-73-2 Sodium molykdate 7E31-95-0 Sodium nitrite 7E32-00-0 Water 7132-18-5 SECTION 15 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION None .SECTION 16 USER'S RESPONSIBILITY This product material safety data sheet provides health and safety information. The product is to be used in applications consistent with our product literature. Individuals handling this product ahhould be informed of the recommended safety precautions and. should have arre s to this information. For any other uses, exposures should he evaluate so that appropriate handling practices and training program can be established to ensure safe wcr)cglace operations. Please consult your local sales representative for any further information. SECTION' 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY, ANNUAL REPORT ON CARCINOGr'NS, U.S. Depax Tent of Health ant Human Services, Public Health Service, PB 33--135855, 1983. CASARE'I'I' AM).1 JLL'S TOXICoLCGY, THE BASIC SCIENCE OF POIS0'S, Dou11, J., . K:aassen, C. D., and Admix*, Y. 0. , eds. , Macll.illian Publishing Company, Ina. N. Y., -2nd edition, ' 1980. CHEMICAL i AZA r` OF THE WORK LACE, Proctor, N. H. , and Hughes, J. P. , eds. , J. P. Lipincott Cerny, N.Y., 1981. DANGEROUS PROPERTIES OF Th J IRI L. NATFRIMS, Sax, ti.. Irving, ed. , Van Nostrand Reinhold Corny, N.Y.;.6th edition, 1984. IARC11ONOSRAPHS ON THE TION OF THE CARCINOGENIC RISK OF CHEMICALS TO MAN, Geneva: World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer, 1972-1977. PATTY'S INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND TOXICOLOGY, Clayton, G. D., Clayton, F. E., eds., John Wiley and Sons, N. Y., 3rd edition, Vol. 2 A-C, 1981;' PAGE 7 0E-8. NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY CNE NALGO CENT5R1 • NAR RVILLE. ILLINOIS MOUES-1112B AREA 7C8-'+J05-1 COC MA I tti1AL bAFETY DATA SHEET NALCO PRODUCT NALCO 20428 Emergency Telephone Number - Medical (800) 462-5378 (24 hours) (BOO) 1-M-ALERT SECTION t7 BIBLIOGRAPHY ( CGNTINTJED, ) REGISTRY OF TQXrC EFFECTS CAN 12HEMICAL SUBSTANCES, U.S-.Department of Health and Human Services, Pu!Dlic Health Service, Center. for bi cage Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1983 supplement of 1.981-1982 edition, Vol. 1-3, OH, 1984. Title 29 Cade of Federal Regulations Part 1910, Smart. Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances, Occqpat.Lonal Safety and Health Administration (O ) . THRESHOLD LTC VALUES FOR CIMMIcAL SUBSTANCES AND PHYSICAL AGENTS IN THE WORI4ZO0M ENVIRONMENT WI1H INTENDED CHANGES, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, OH. F'FZEPARFD BY: Ricky A. StackhollS6 PhD., Taxicologist DATE CHANGED: 12/30/94 DATE PRINTED; 01/23/95 PAGE.8 OF-8 I NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY LINE NALCO CENTER go NAI-EFiVILL-. ILLINOIS ac S3-11.c AREA-70E-305-1 000 NO TYPE GRADE 1. TEST 2. 3 . THE AQUIRE LOCATION IS: 46372 CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS R - Nitrous_p.oldj_Sodiumalt RADIOLABEL CAS NUUBER 7632000 REFERENCE - REVIEWER DOCUUENT CODE: LEDIA : LOCATION SPECIES NO LIFE STAGE 511q0 1q77 CARAVOULIAS : LAB _ - : 2.3 G(;.4 CU CONTROL: Si ENDPOINT: LC50 EFFECT: MOR TISSUE: NR_ EP-REMARK: STATISTICS: Mortality Not Reported TEST # TOTAL: -9999 VALIDITY FLAG: 0 CREATED: 21-JAN-1985.00:00 . HOTUFIED: 0-000-0000 00:00 NEW DATA: 21-JAN-1985 00:00 STUDY TYPE: CniPC UNIT OF MEASURE: ogIAT. micrograms per liter TYPE CONCENTRATION . RANGE OR CONF. INT. TO HA NA TO TO EXPO. TIME: __ 96_ TO RANGE TEMPERATURE: NR12.5__ TO 12.6 PiliV4X022LER488FM.T0A-07 ALKALINITY: 177 171TO 191 D.O.:• NR 7.9 TO 10 OTHER CHEM: BCF Tn TO EXPO. TYPE: F_ CONC(M,U): RANGE ,-„IKtWANR7771q7840 SALINITY: NR TO CONDUCTIV.: FR TO ORGANIC C:_ NR TO EXP DESIGN: NE3-N,303-N,_CLii OTHER EFCT: REMARK: CONTR/OMORTii_CnNCIAS Nil REMARK: . REMARK: REMARK': Leo 093 md/e . ****** TEE AQUIRE LOCATION IS: NO TYPE GRADE CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. TEST 4. 46:37 Nitrous_aoid,_Sodium_salt PADIOLABEL CAS NUMBER 7632000 REFERENCE : REVIEWER DOCIIMENT CODE: MEDIA LOCATION SPECIES M. : LIFE STASI: : CONTROL: S/ EE REMARK: STATISTICS: _pino Rus-7o,_1977 CARAVOULIAS 1 F7_ LAB 1 'cP4m!phales, rEppnim: EFFECT: TTSSUE: rneiasz. LCS HOR IrR Mortality Not. Pported TEST #'TOTAL: -9999 VALIDITY FLAG: 0 CREATED: 31-JAN-1985 0000 MODIFIED: 0-000-0000 00:00 NEW DATA: 31-JAN-1985 00:00 STUDY TYPE: COM TilIT OF UEASDPE: TYPE , CONCENTPATION T,=39:13. TO NR NA TO :;.t-it711-XaT micrograms per liter RANGE OR CONF. INT. 2250/ TO 3810/ NA EXPO. TEE: 96 TO PANPE TEHPEFAME: PR 12.7 TO 13.2 D.O.: NR 7.9 TO 10 OTHER C.RD-z1: EXP DESIO: 11113-N, NO3-N,_CL/I OTHER EFCT: Tri PCP TO TO EXPO. TYPE: F_ CONC(M,U): RANGE SALINITY: NR TO CONDUCTIV.: NR TO ORGANIC C:_ NR TO REMARK: CONTRIOASIORT/JCONC/AS N/I REMARK: _ REMARK: PrTIA21:: ****** THE AQ1rIRE LOCATION I S : NO TYPE GRADE CHEMICAL CHARACT£RISSTICS 1. TEST R 4. 46371 N±b-au=_•eid ,_Sodiuri,_ 1t RADIOLABEL CAS NUMBER, 7632000 REFERENCE REVIEWER DOCUMENT CODE MLEDIA LOCATION • SPECIES NO. LIFE STAGE CONTROL: Si EE REMARK: STATISTICS: 5090 RtL_u,_1977 CARA OULIAS f Frtr LAB 1 P epha.1e lgrorrreIass =. '3 , 6.4 Ctl ENDPOINT: LC50 EFFECT: ti1R— Mortality TISSUE: NR Not Reported • TEST 4 TOTAL: -9999 VALIDITY FLAG: 0 CREATED: 31-JA.I;-1985 i 0 0 : 00 0► MODIFIED: 0-000-00000 000 : 00 NE7 DATA: 31-.TA11-1935 00:00 STUDY TYPE: • CONC. UNIT OF t c ASURE : TYPE._CONCENTRATION ' ''''' ` t} ta'1 =Y T C ER _1A EXPO. TIME;: TELIFERATURE : NR `HARD 1E W t 9< : LKALIKT i : 177 D.O.: NR OTI R CHEt1: EXP DESIGN: OTHER EFCT: REMARK: REMARK.: REMARK: REMIARi . TO s,,71L RANGE 2370i rnicr'_Qtams per liter OR C031F . INT . Tn 1=5=58! NA TO 72 TO H RANGE 12.5 TO. 12.^ 188_' �-T45.207 171 TO 191 7.9 TO 10 EXPO. TYPE: F SALINITY: COIIDUCTIY . : ORGANIC C:_ IIR_ ER 1TR 11R BCF TO TO CONC(11,TT) : ti RANGE ;7 a9E+ TOF;:; OE TO TO TO NH3-N,_NO3-N,_CL/1 C=ONTR?Oj M IRT {/ one/As NI/ L 3 It/ n,3 HO TYPE 1. TEST THE W UI;:E LOCATION IS: GRADE CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS R 46349 _ Hitrcu acid , Sodium 1t 2. 3. PADIOLABEL CAS NUMBER 7632000 4. REFERENCE : 5090 R* so,_1977 REVIEWER . CARAVOULIAS DOCUMENT CODE: 1 t1EDIA : P71 LOCATION : LAB SPECIES NO. : 1_ inroia31r:,;s LIFE STAGE : 2.3&T 6.2 CM CONTROL: S/ EE REMARK: STATISTICS: E_.NDPOTNT : EFFECT: MOR TISSUE_ HR Mortality Not Reported TEST TOTAL: -9999 VALIDITY FLAG: 0 CREATED: 21-- AST-1935 00:00 MODIFIED: 0- OO-0000 00:00 HEW DATA: 31-= N-1'985 00:00 STUDY TYPE: CONC UNIT OF MEASTSRE: _}: 5tOti Y L? mi'brogram_. per liter TYPE _CONCENTRATION RANGE OR CONF . INT. >. 3 `T'->�5v443�'`;'�^-.r���Tt3'TIdR 860,•' TO 7950t NA TO TO EXPO. TIME: _ 72 TEt 'EP.TT. 4: 1IF._ ALKALINITY: 177 D.G.: NR H RidiE 0_ 13 � �_� H s . �:. narrY t _ 1 ::.201; = `SALINITY: NR. CONDUCTIF .: NR 7.3 TO 10 ORGANIC C : NR 7.cF NA TO .TO 171 TO 191 CONC(M,U)) : RANGE TO EXPO. TYPE: F_ TO TO OTHER CHEM: EXP DESIGN: NH3-N, N 3-N, CL?J OTHER EFCT: REMARK: CONTR/0 � t !PT I CONCJA.S NI/t REMARK:- -- - REMARK: REMARK: LCSo 7 S, s�f reV,e lJ TYPE -GRADE 1. TEST .ti 4. THE MOIRE LOCATION IS.: 98254 CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS Nitrous oid,_Sod±i salt RADIOLABEL CAS NUMBER 7632000 REFERENCE : 11951 Ewe11, 19%% REVIEWER : carer E - D0CtR1EI1T CODE: 9 t1EDIA L OCATTO4 SPECIEs NO. LIFE .STAGE -ter: !-rT'3 rr n ���JYL17J_LL,_U. t;-ii•L CONTROL: : I _P'OINT<:: r` EFFECT: tiuR TISSUE: IIiR EE REt1ARX: STATISTICS: Mortality Not Reported TEST # TOTAL: VALIDITY FLAG: CREATED: 2 f-H:n-1987 MODIFIED: 0-000-0000 HEW DATA: 2 i-NOI-1987 STUDY TYPE: 308 0 00: Ii 00:UU 00j: 00 COHC UNIT OF i ASt5PE : u iL TYPE . CONCEyTrRi TION TO YR EXPO. TIME: TEMPERATURE: 20 HARDNESS: NR ALKALIFITY : 21F; Pricer o�_ry:ar per liter RANGE OR CONF . I NT . TO .TO W_;_E Tn TO TO• HR. TO TO = RCF TO TO H EXPO. TYPE: _ C iITCt t,,U;► : U_ RANGE SALINITY: /1.,.. TO CO21DtFCTIY .: 21R TO ORGANIC C: 4i1R TO OTHER CHEL : EX: DESIGN: DIT _I0N aTER_CIEtI RPTD Jar 'OTHER EFCT: REMARK: . t1II-5_SFECIES,_At1It1ALS_S'•AGED?It:ft71CIAS 21,fIR.EPLICATE TEST:r r REMARK: • - - REMARK: REMARK: TEE AQUIRE LOCATION IS: 98247 *****•* NO TYPE GRADE CHEMICAL CHAR=CTERISTICS RABIOLAB£L CAS NUMBER 1. TEST " r' 7632000 2. 4. Nitrous acid,_Sodium salt REFERENCE : 11951 Ewell, 1986 TEST # TOTAL: 308 REVIEWER : CARLE VALIDITY FLAG: 0 DOCUMENT CODE: 2 CREATED: 27-NOn-1987 00:00 MEDIA. : F7_ MODIFIED: 0-000-0000 f0:00 LOCATION : LAB NEW DATA.: 27-NOV-1987 00:00 SPECIES NO. : 1 Pir,7ephales _prc melas LIFE STAGE : JUVENILE ,_0.2-10.5 G STUDY TYPE: CONTROL: I_ ENDPOINT: LC5 0 EFFECT: UDR_ Mortality TISSUE: NR Not -Reported EE REMARK: STATISTICS: COW UNIT OF MEASURE: ,igiL micrograms per liter TYPE CONCENTRATION P'AI GE OR CONF . INT. T_ 20000*!_ TO NR TO NA TO ' TO EXPO. TIME: 96 TO NA BCF TO TO EXPO. TYPE: S_ CONC(t1,U): Ti'_ RANGE RANGE T',Bt1PERATUPE 4Q ,. bA:1 ;To TRH: NR.laEFA,1 2,1} TI:I!ra5,: hTt?. TO SALINITY: NR — — ALRALINITY : NR TO CONDUCTIV .: NR D.O.: >_402.4 NR TO OFJ?ARIC C: -NR. OTHER CHEti: TO TO TO EXP DESIGN: DILUTION WATER cnEti F_ r'Dii OTHER. EFCT: REMARK: tIIXED_SPECIES,_ATTIt'1ALS- CAGEDI CONC/ASREMARK: • _N.r! REMARK: R EtiARK: 2. 4. THE AQUIRE LOCATION 13: 20907 NO TYPE GRADE CIEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1. TEST_ BR Nitrovs_acid„Sodiumsalt • RADIOLADEL CAS NUMBER 7632000: REFERENCE : 5718 Dringmann,_1977 REVIEWER : CURTIS nOCUMEET CODE: 2 MEDIA : F7_ LOCATION : LAD SFECIE3 NO. : 5.95q0AV 'S,41141nei: LIFE STAGE v'7,24sJEF. CMTROL: I/ ENDPOINT: EFFECT: TISSUE: EE REMARK: STATISTICS: LC50 MOR Mbri-alify Not Reported. TEST # TOTAL: VALIDITY FLAG: CREATED: 31-JA5-1985 ODTFTED: 0-000-0000 NEW DATA: 31-JAN-1985 STUDY TYPE: -9999 0 00:00 00:00 1111-AP COW UNIT OF MEASURE: uolL micro:trams per liter TYPE CONCENTRATION 1M11,500 TO PP NA NA TO EXPO. TIME: __ 24 TO RANGE OF. CONF. INT. TO TO _ RANGE qgtg.fgRiaM*4:4MV4ri' 0:29: HARDEL.t:- 70 NR ALKALINITY: NR D.O.: SAT OTHER C Hal : EXP DESIGN: TO TO TO NR TO • DCF TO TO H • EXPO. TYPE: S_ CONCAU): U_ DVFgRagMlitEEEK&Mtgl SALINITY: NR • . TO CONDUCTIVER •TO ORGANIC C: BR TO OTHER EFCT: LCO_ANDLC100REPORTED/I REMARK: CONTRIFOLLOTED_STANDARD_NETHODULCONC/AS REMAK: REMARK: REMARK: THE &QUIRE LOCATION IS: NO TYPE &PM'E CEEHICAL CRT;RACTERISTICS 1. TEST 2. 3. Nitrous_cia,_Sodium_salt 92244 ****** RADIOLABEL CAS NUnBER 7632000 REFERENCE : 11951 Ewell,_1936 TEST # TOTAL: 208 REVIEWER : CARLE VALIDITY FLAG: 0 DOCUMENT CODElaggg CREATED: 27-N0V-1987 00:00 [EDI& - 'Ow nODIFIED: 0-000-0000 00:00 . r_ LOCATION . : LAB NEW DATA: 27-NOV-1987 00: 00 ;L,,;-.:- - -1.,,,,,;.--,3,-, •......,,__ ... SPECIES FO. : 5oi-it4tBkpritlialf, LIFE STAGE t-gfgagNsIg2gNINSMRgLARVAE' STUDY TYPE: CONTROL: I_ ENDPOINT: EFFECT: TISSUE: EE REVUE: STATISTICS: LC50 nOR FR_ nortality Not. Reported CONC UNIT OF tOIRTE: urJL TYPE CONCENTRATION '41MliON,Wfr TO ER NA TO mioroqrams per liter PANGE OR CORP. INT. TO EXPO. TINE: 96 TO RANGE TEIIKERATUBE Tg TaggSS: NR ,TO ALKALINITY: BR TO NR TO FA. PCP TO TO TO EXPO. TYPE: S CONC(U,U): U_ RANGE linggaigr-'3IMP-W10=r!-5. SALINITY: NR TO CONDUCTIV.: FR TO MANIC C: NR TO OTHER CEEn: EXP DESIGN: DILUTION VATER CEEn RPTDif OTHER EFCT: REffARN: MIXED_SPECIES,_ANIMS_CAGEDUCONCSAS Nil MARK: REnARK: MARK: THE AQUIRE LOCATION IS: O TYPE GRADE CI EHI:: AL CHARACTERISTICS t_ TEST R 2. 98251 Ni o _.cid:_Sadiun_�alt RADIOLAREL CAS NUMBER, 7632000 PEFERENCE : 11951 Ewell,_1986 REVIEWER : CA.F.LE DOCUMENT COTE: 2 �DIA LOCATION SPECIES 1O. LIFE STAGE CONTROL: I EE REMARK: t}L J.Z L"11. STATISTICS: : FT : LAP ' ` . rz s9Applll$",°f02iQ IA,. :.— TSVAID 2NDANSTAR..:LARYAE ENDPOINT: LC50 EFFECT: MICR Mortality TISSUE: NR Not Reported • TEST ;r TOTAL : VALIDITY FLAG: CREEATED: 7-NOV-1987 tMODIFIED: 0-000-0000 NEW DATA.: 27-NOV-1987 BOO 0 00:00 00:00 fl :00 STURDY TYPE: CONC UNIT OF MEASURE: T PE a lNCENTPATION 0.07 TO NR TO UEr/L am. TIM : • 96 EtIFEPJ TTFRE : 20 HARDNESS: !JR *.ALINITY : NR ridcr� � ii-anis per liter RANGE OR CON . INT . TO TO NA BCF • TO TO TO H EXPO. TYPE: S_ CONC t tI, TJ) : U RANGE RANGE - NR TO '`-TW. = 'tea=<` - _- TO SALINITY: NR —`:TOT::_:... _— TO C0DUCTIV.: NR TO _ t _ : >_4027Z. FR 01. a CHEI!: TO ORGANIC C: NR TO . DESIGN: DILUTION .7ATERCHEM RPTDI. OTTER EFCT: • MARK: UIXED_;?.PECIES; ,2IIttJLS CAi EDHC0NC}A_? N,'}REPLICATE TEST?; • REMARK: . =E: r �'rr.�Rl,.: LCsd .4 3 n8 j REFERENCES: REFERENCE NUMBER: 5090 Puz o,R.1:-J. and R.V.Thurston • The cute Toxicity of Nitrite to Fishes In: R. A. Tubb (Ed.), Recent .dS ances in Fish oxicol., EPA 1977 60013 77-1385:l lerl 71l (TJ. S. NTIS PB-27351 it t) REFEREi NCE NT UI'IB RR: 5718 �i s7 fiV i1]:inn i _ artd R. Kuhn Readt3 of the Damaging. Effect of Water Pbllut nt3 on Daphnia. manna. W - f ._sec-F rsc -'i . ER)(ENGCBS) L i� t_ r i i' Z. ��ra`.:;er-+�b�.d:,.,Cl Pl:r.,wh. 1977 B 1th �j:161-luu�f� 4 REFERENCE NUMBER: 11951 I '"fill,7,7. S., L►.W.Gorsuch., f':.� .I�_nn 1 , K.«.Pobillal and P.C.1 Spiegel Sirrataneous Evaluation of the Acute Effect; of Chen e:Els on Seven Aquaiie Species Envi on. Toxicol. Chem. 1986 5(9):821-840 DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 4.‘S• March 17, 1995 MEMORANDUM: To: Susan Wilson Through: Matt Matthews f^ r' From: Melissa Rosebrock Subject: Campbell Soup Company-Maxton Plant Use of Water Treatment Products General Permit No. NCG500000 Robson County IttetIVEI) MAR 23 1995 ENV, MANAGEME NT FAYEVILLE REG. UFF6CE 1 Campbell Soup Company has submitted Calgon CB-260 (oxygen scavenger) and Calgon PCL- 401 anionic polymer (scale inhibitor/dispersant) for approval. Materials submitted by the subject facility (MSDS, Aquatic tox data, memo, and product bulletins) have been reviewed and evaluated. The compounds proposed do not appear to be, nor are they claimed to be biocidal compounds and would thus not require individual review and approval using the standard biocide review process. As with the use of many additives, effluent pH may be affected, and should be monitored. Following current permitting practices, the use of these compounds should be allowable. If there are questions regarding this review please contact me at (919) 733-2136. Attachments cc: ®Michael=Wicker tiR0 Central files MAXTON, N.C. 28364 March. 14, 1995 Ms. Malissa Rosebrock Permits & Engineering Dept. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 4401 Reedy Creek Rd. Raleigh, N.C. 27607 * �k RE: CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY, MAXTON PLANT, ROBESON COUNTY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG500000 Dear Ms. Rosebrock: Per our phone conservation on March 13, 1995, listed below (in accordance with your request), I have described the non -biocides the Maxton Plant is requesting approval to use. 1. Calgon CB-260 is an oxygen scavenger that is USDA -FDA approved and will be used only in the enter portion of the boilers. 2. Calgon PCL-401 (pending USDA -FDA approval) for the cookers is a dispersant for solids both dissolved and suspended to be used only in the enter portion of the cookers. Neither product is harmful to the environment, nor are they registered as toxic. Enclosed is a copy of the MSDS Sheets and Product Data Sheets. I believe that you now have all the information requested in order to give approval under General Permit No. NCG500000. Should you have any questions about the information submitted, please contact the writer at (910) 844-5631, Ext. 378. Sincerely, CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY QYC%t- Lorraine Sampson Technician - Engineering Encl. cc: Morris Britt Butch Brown Mark Edgerton Dennis Krupinski Dick Miller Nancy Miller - CSC W.H.Q. Tom Phlegar - Calgon Corporation MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Egon Corporation . J. Box 1346 'ittsburgh, PA 15230-1346 A Hour Emergency Telephone—(412)777-8000 .CALGON CORPORATION SUBSIDIARY OF MERCK & CO..INC. iection 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION 'RODUCT NAME: PCL-401 CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION: Aqueoiis_sol`utiori;of_anionic.; ?RODUCTI' CLASS: Water treatment b4SDS CODE: 0541 03-19-91 Section 2.. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS AND EXPOSURE LIMITS Chemical Name .r CAS % by Number Weight OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV 'No ingredients listed in this section* HAZARD COMMUNICATION STATUS: This product is not considered to be hazardous according to the criteria of the Federal OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200. Section 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ******************** EMERGENCY OVERVIEW ******************** This product poses little or no immediate hazard. ************************************************************** PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: None TARGET ORGANS: None MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVAthll BY EXPOSURE: Unknown POTENTIAL HEALTH ht:r±CTS: EYE CONTACT: This product would not be expected to produce irritation upon contact with the eye. SKIN CONTACT: The product is not expected to cause skin irritation upon contact. Data indicate that this product will not produce an allergic skin reaction or be absorbed through the skin in harmful amounts. INGESTION:" This product would be regarded as practically non -toxic if swallowed. INHALATION:. This product is not expected to present an inhalation hazard. SUBCHRONIC, CHRONIC: No applicable information was found concerning any potential health effects resulting from subchronic or chronic exposure to the product. CARCINOGENICITY:_ NIP: *No ingredients listed in this section* IARC: *No ingredients listed in this section* OSHA: *No ingredients listed in this section* !ction 4. FIRST AID MEASURES 'E CONTACT: Not expected to require first aid measures. aN CONTACT: Not expected to require first aid measures. GESTION: Not an expected route of overexposure. HALATION: Not an expected route of overexposure. .ction 5. FIRE -FIGHTING MEASURES ASH POINT: > 200 °F This product is not flammable or combustible. 'PER FLAMMABLE LIMIT: Not available LOWER FLAMMABLE LIMIT: Not available JTO-IGNITION TEMPERATURE: Not available TINGUISHING MEDIA: Use extinguishing media appropriate for the surrounding fire. ;E-FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Exercise caution when fighting any chemical fire. A self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing are essential. LE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Emits toxic gases under fire conditions. COMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur oxides. PA RATINGS: Health = 0 Flammability = 0 Reactivity = 0 Special Hazard = None Hazard rating scale: 0=Minimal 1=Slight 2=Moderate 3=Serious 4=Severe ction 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES -PS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Wearing appropriate personal protectiye equipment, contain spill, collect onto inert absorbent and place into suitable container. Spilled,product-may make floor slippery; spills should be cleaned up immediately to prevent falls. LDS Code: 0544-03-19-91 Lie Date: 5/14/92 Page 2 Continued on Page 3 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET ,./ction 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE IANDLING: As part of good industrial and personal hygiene and safety procedure, avoid all unnecessary exposure. to the product and ensure prompt removal from eyes, skin and clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep container closed when not in use. ;TORAGE: No specific information. iection 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION 'ERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: - EYE/FACE PROTECTION: Chemical splash goggles recommended as a good industrial hygiene practice. SKIN PROTECTION: No special requirement RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: None required. ENGINEERING CONTROLS: No specific recommendations. iection 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES SOILING POINT: -Not available /APOR PRESSURE: Similar to water /APOR DENSITY (air= 1): Similar to water % VOLATILE BY WEIGHT: 66 SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Complete SPECIFIC GRAVTIY: 1.16 - 1.20 FREEZING POINT: 25 °F LPPEARANCE AND ODOR: Clear, nearly colorless, slightly viscous liquid. Section 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY :HEMICAL STABILTTY: Stable HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur :ONDITIONS TO AVOID: No specific information. NCOMPATIBILTTY: Strong oxidizers DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and sulfur oxides. Section 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ON PRODUCT: Oral LD50 (rat): > 5 g/kg Dermal LD50 (rabbit) . > 2 g/kg Eye irritation: The product produced no irritation when instilled in rabbit eyes (unwashed). Skin irritation: The primary skin irritation index (rabbits) is 0.09/8. MSDS Code: 0544-03-19-91 Page 3 Issue Date: 5/14/92 Continued on Page 4 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHii i ON INGREDIENTS: Oral LD50 Dermal LD50 Inhalation LC50 Chemical Name (rat) (rabbit) (rat) *No ingredients listed in this section* Section 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ON PRODUCT: Aquatic. toxicity data: 48" h LC50 (daphnia) . �2,800 ppm .96 hr LC50 (bluegill sunfish): > 10,000 ppm 96 hr LC50 (rainbow trout): 4,900 ppm Environmental data: TOC: 128,000 ppm COD: 310,000 ppm BOD: < 5,000 ppm ON INGREDIENTS: Chemical Name *No ingredients listed in this section* Aquatic Toxicity Data Section 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS RCRA STATUS: This product as sold would not be considered a RCRA Hazardous Waste. DISPOSAL: Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Section 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT CLASSIFICATION: Hazard Class: Not restricted Proper Shipping Name: Not applicable ID Number: Not applicable Label: None Section 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION OSHA Hazard Communication Status: Non -hazardous TSCA: The ingredients of this product are listed on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substances Inventory. CERCLA reportable quantity of EPA hazardous substances in product: Chemical *No ingredients listed in this section* Product RQ: Not applicable (Notify EPA of product spills exceeding this amount.) SARA TITLE III: Section 302_Extremely Hazardous Substances: Chemical Name CAS # RO _ 'No ingredients listed in this section* MSDS Code: 0544-03-19-91 Issue Date:. 5/14/92 Page 4 Continued on Page 5 MAR-13-1995 r 10:34 CALGON 412 777 8713 P.02 SUBSIDIARY OF MERCK & CO, INC. WATER COOLING MANAGEMENT ODU Ts DIVISION & SERVICES Bulletin No. 11-310b PCL-401 Technology AdvancezControls°;Calcium, YScale ;Formation) and„Dlsperses Suspended Solids In Power Station Cooling Water Systems DESCRIPTION PCL.-401, based on pHreeGUARDT technology, is a liquid product formulated to control the deposition of calcium scales in once -through and recirculating cooling water systems. The product contains the copolymer TRC-233gb developed by Calgon research. It is particularly effective for controlling the precipitation of calcium phosphate. PCL-401 is a dispersant for suspended material such as silt and metal oxides. This dispersant action maintains the insoluble material in suspension, facilitating its removal from the system. ADVANTAGES • Prevents the Formation of Calcium Phosphate Scale Inhibition under severe conditions of calcium phosphate supersaturation is cost-effectively at- tainable with TRC-233. The deposition of calcium phosphate scale from orthophosphate present in the cooling water system, either as the result of the Inorganic phosphate corrosion control practice or from orthophosphate in the make-up, is effectively controlled by a threshold mechanism. Control ofcal- cium phosphate Is achieved without the need for costly pretreatment; undesirable pH depression and excessive blowdown. • inhibits Scale Formation in High pH/Alkallnity Water The Inhibitor in PCL-401 is formulated- to control potential scaling problems with calcium phosphate and low to moderate degrees of calcium carbonate supersaturation scaling. lyplcal acid feed rates are greatly reduced, and in. many systems acid feed may be entirely eliminated. • Complements Use of Zinc at High pH For systems in which zinc is still pemrissible for use e as a corrosion Inhibitor, PCL-401 can be used to complement Calgon heavy metal corrosion control. programs without pH control. PATENTS The purchaser of this product is granted a license under U.S. Patents 4,552,665: 3,709,816 and 3,928,196. The selling. price includes a prepaid royalty. If the product is being used in a manner that will not infringe any of the above -listed patents, please advise Calgon. Licenses are available from Calgon at the same royalty rate under these patents irrespective of the source of the product • Iron oxide Deposit Control PCL-401 functions as a dispersant keeping metal oxides and silts fluidized, minimizing deposition in equipment and on heat exchanger surfaces. • Stable in Chlorinated Water F'CL-401 Is stable in the presence of chlorine. There is no need to increase dosage during periods of chlorination. • Complements Good Corrosion and Biological Control Deposits provide media for the propagation of bio- inoiral growth and cause localized corrosion of metal surfaces. PCL--401 prevents the formation of deposits and disperses suspended solids. Cleaner surfaces deter further biological growth and assure better performance of corrosion inhibitors. • Contains No Heavy Metals PCL-401 contains no zinc or chromate. It can be used in systems where current discharge regula- tions prohibit the use of heavy metals. • Convenient to Use PCL-401. is supplied as a liquid and can be fed directly from the shipping container or bulk storage tank The need andassociated costs, for premixrg chemicals is eliminated. MAR-13-1995 10 : 35 CALGON 412 777 8713 P.03 METHOD OF FEEDING PCL-401 should be fed at apoint in the system where turbulent flow will assure good mixing. The product may be fed either neat or diluted and must not be mixed with other water treatment chemicals prior to feeding. Dosage rates will vary depending upon system parameters and water quality. Product application is an integral part of Calgon's CALGUARD® or THRUGUARD5' computer modeling technology. Your Calgon Represen- tative will assist you in establishing a treatment program to fit your specific cost performance criteria. CONTROL TESTING In recirculating waters, product performance is ultimately confirmed by equipment inspection and/or by monitoring heat transfer. Product feed may be monitored using Calgon Test Nos. 443 or 445. In once -through waters, product dosages are generally below detectable limits. Product feed rates are adjusted based on water quality and system flow TYPICAL PROPERTIES Appearance clear to pale yellow liquid pH 4 6 Specific Gravity @77° F 1 16 Density, pounds per gallon 9 8 Flash Point, °7 (TCC) >200 Measured Freeze Point, °F 10 Brookfield Viscosity @ 40/75°F, cps ' 400/100 PACKAGING. PCL-401 is delivered to on -site storage facilities via bulk or Calgon Bulk Liquid Service-PlussM_ SHIPPING DOT Hazardous Class Not restricted DOT Proper Shipping Name Not restricted UN Number Not applicable STORAGE AND HANDLING The recommended minimum storage temperature for PCL-401 is within the range of 15-20°F Best if used within twelve (12) months from the time of receipt, If product freezes, it does not lose its integrity. Restore for use by warming slowly until product thaws; agitate, COMPATIBILITY Recommended materials for. Bulk Storage Tanks — High density, low density, or cross -linked polyethylene, fiberglass with isophthaiic or bisphenol resins, epoxy phenolic or vinyl ester Tined steel, #304 or #316 stainless steel. Pump "Liquid Ends" and Piping — Polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, 304 or 316 SS, Viton, Buna-N, Teflon, neoprene, Hypalon, Kynar. inranr, tion concerning human and environmental exposure may be reviewed on the Material Safety Data Sheet and label for this product. For additional information regarding incidents involving human and environmental exposure, call (412) 777-8000 and ask for the Heatdr and Environmental Affairs Department For more information, contact your local Calgon Representative or write: Meter Management Division, Calgon Corporation, P.O. Box 1346, Pittsburgh, PA 15230. CALGON S,AS,D0.W Or ;ARCA . CO . iC : MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Arai am O INLYAVIF O O Pi A Y 1 a N 24 Hour Emergency Telephone--(412)777-$000 P.O. Box 1346 Pittsburgh, PA 15230-1346 Section 1.. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME CB-260 CHEMICAL DESCRIPTION:. Multicomponent liquid PRODUCT CLASS: Water treatment MSDS CODE: 0D46-08-11-93 Section 2. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS AND EXPOSURE LIMITS CAS °k by Chemical Name Number Weight OSHA PEL ACGIH TLV Soclaum"sul$�e w 7757-83-7 14 None established None established "Sochuiit bisalfite (ar Sodlum hydrogen; sulfite} 7G 1-90 5 4 TWA 5 mg/m3 TWA 5 mg/m3 Note: The OSHA permissible exposure levels displayed here are from the 1989 standard which was formally revoked on June 30, 1993. Some states continue to enforce the 1989 OSHA standard while others have reverted back to the 1971 limits. Section 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ********************* EMERGENCY OVERVIEW ********************* WARNING? May cause eye and skin irritation. •****,*********************************************************** PRIMARY ROUTES OF, ENTRY: Eye and skin contact, inhalation TARGET ORGANS: Eye, skin MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: Sulfite -sensitive individuals who ingest or inhale mists of this product may experience severe allergic reaction. POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: EYE CONTACT: This product may produce irritation upon contact with the eye. MSDS Code: OD46-08-11-93 :. Page 1 Issue Date: 5/2/94 Continued .on Page 2 80/20'd- 2b98 222. ztib d'89H NO91H0, zz :2T S66ti-90-dUW MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SKIN CONTACT: This product may cause irritation upon contact with the skin. Data indicate that this product will not be absorbed through the skin in harmful amounts and will not cause an allergic skin reaction. INGESTION: This product would be expected to be practically non -toxic by ingestion. Sulfite -sensitive individuals, upon ingestion of this product, may experience an allergic reaction characterized by nausea, diarrhea, itching, swelling, hives, acute asthma attack (possibly life -threatening), loss of consciousness or anaphylactic shock. Large doses may produce violent gastrointestinal colic and depression of the central nervous system. fl MALATIOW: This product is not expected to present an inhalation hazard unless mists are generated. Inhalation of product mist may be irritating to the respiratory tract. Sulfite -sensitive individuals, upon inhalation of this product, may experience an allergic reaction similar to that described under INGESTION. SUBCHRONIC, CHRONIC: No applicable information was found concerning any potential health effects resulting from subchronic or chronic exposure to the product. CARCINOGENICITY: NTh *No ingredients listed in this section* !ARC: "No ingredients listed in this section* OSHA: *No ingredients listed in this section Section 4. FIRST AID MEASURES EYE CONTACT: Iri_case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. -Seek medical aid, SKIN CONTACT: In case of contact, flush skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing. medical aid if irritation persists. Wash clothing before reuse. INGESTION: INHALATION: Not an expected route of overexposure. Not an expected route of overexposure. Seek Section 5. FIRE -FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT: > 200 °F This product is not by definition a "flammable liquid" or a "combustible liquid". LOWER FLAMMABLE LIMIT: Not applicable UPPER FLAMMAELE T: Not applicable AUTO -IGNITION TEIVEPERA'IUBE: Not applicable EXTrNGUISHING. MEDIA: Use extutguishing media appropriate for the surrounding fire. MSDS Code: 0D46-08-1.1-93 Issue Date: 5/2/94 Page 2. Continued on Fage.3 8eib0'd 2t798 LLL ETV UT7 i N091d0 £Z ET S66T-90-adW MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET FIRE -FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: NFPA RATINGS: Health .= 2 Exercise caution when fighting any chemical fire. A self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing are essential. Product emits toxic gases under fire conditions. Thermal decomposition or combustion may produce carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, and disodium oxide. • Flammability e 0 Reactivity = 0 Special Hazard m None Hazard rating scale: 4=Minimal 1=Slight 2aModerate 3=Serious 4=Severe Section 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IP MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, contain spill, collect onto inert absorbent and place into suitable container. Section 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: Avoid contact with eyes, sldn and clothing. Avoid breathing mist. Use with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after. handling. Keep container dosed when not in use. STORAGE No specific information. Section 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: EYE/FACE PROTECTION: Chemical splash goggles SIGN PROTECTION: Chemical resistant gloves RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: If airborne concentrations exceed published exposure limits, use a NIOSH approved respirator in accordance with OSHA respiratory protection requirements (29 CFR 1910.134). ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Use local and/or general exhaust ventilation to maintain airborne concentrations below exposure limits. WORK PRACTICFS: Art eye wash station should be accessible in the immediate area cif use. UNSATISFACTORY MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION: Carbon steel, epoxy Section 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT: > 212T SOLUBILITY IN WATER: Complete MSDS Code: 0 4&.08-11-93 Issue Date: 5/2/94 Ct7QP J.J.J. ?T b Page 3 Continued on Page 4 d'29H NO91133 t' :ET ' S66I-90—eltj14 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET VAPOR PRESSURE: Similar to water VAPOR DENSITY (airs 1): Similar to water cgi VOLATILE BY WEIGHT; 77 APPEARANCE AND ODOR Dark, amber liquid. SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.14 - 1.19 SIG POINT: Not available Section 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY CHEMICAL STABILITh Stable HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur CONDITIONS TO AVOID: No specific information. INCOMPATIBILITY: Strong oxidizers DECOMPOSi11ON PRODUCTS: Thermal decomposition or combustion may carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, and disodium oxide. produce carbon monoxide, Section 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION .11111.11 ON PRODUCT: No information available on. the formulated product. ON INGREDIENTS: Chemic l Name Sodium sulfite Sodium bisulfite (or Sodium hydrogen sulfite) Oral LD50 (rat) 820 mg/kg (mouse) 2000 mg/kg Dermal LD50 (rabbit) } 7.9 glkg Not available Inhalation LC50 (rat) Not available Not available Section 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ON PRODUCT: No information available on the formulated product. ON INGREDIENTS:. Chemical Name Sodium sulfite Sodium bisulfite - Aquatic Toxicity Data '4$ fir. Zi hilma ): 273'=' 440450:Ce -`- Oso `� pia 96 hr LC50 (mosquito fish} 240 ppan , = 48. hr tC$o_(Daplinia magna). 3.3. 130 Section 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS RCRA STATUS: Discarded product, as sold, would not be considered a RCRA Hazardous Waste. DISPOSAL: Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. MSDS Code: 0D46-08-J.I.-93 Issue Date: 5/2/94 Page 4 Continued on Page 5 80/90'd 21798 LLL ETb U231-1 NO91d9 t :2T S66T-90-WW MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Section 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION .1111.11. DOT CLASSIPYCATION: Class/Division: Not restricted Proper Shipping Name: Not applicable Label: None Packing Group: Not applicable ID Number: Not applicable Section 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION OSHA Hazard Communication Status: Hazardous TSCA: The ingredients of this product are listed on the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substances Inventory. CERCLA reportable quantity of EPA hazardous substances in product Chemical Name RCS, Sodium bisulfate (or Sodium hydrogen sulfite) 5000 lb Cobalt sulfate heptahydrate 1 lb Product RQ: 100,000.Ibs (Notify EPA of product spills exceeding this amount.) SARA TITLE III: Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances: - Chemical Name CAS # RQ TPO *No ingredients listed in this section" - Section 311 and 312 Health and Physical Hazards: Immediate Delayed Fire [Yes] [no] [nol Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: Chemical Name *No ingredients listed in this section* Pressure [no] Reactivity [no] CAS # % by Weight Section 16. OTHER INFORMATION HMIS RATINGS: Health Q 2 Flammability = 0 Reactivity = 0 Personal Protective Equipment e X (to be specified by user depending on use conditions) Hazard rating scale: 0.IVtiriimal 1=Slight 2=Moderate 3=Serious 4=Severe MSDS REVISION SUMMARY: Reason for reissue: Update to new format. Page 5 • Issue Date;_5/2/94 Continued on Page 6 MSDS Code: 0D46-08-11-93 80/22'd. Eb98 LLL ETV dT3H NOJ-ldD SZ :2t S66T-90-NUW • 1' 80'd 1d101 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET While this information and recommendations set fOrth herein are believed to be accurate es of the date hereof, CALGON CORPORATION MAKES NO WARRANTY VITH RESPECT HERETO AHD DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FROM RELIANCE THEREON. PREPARED BY: KO. Martinelli - MSDS Code: OD46-08-11-93 issue 3Date: 5/2I94' Page 6 .. Last Page 80i80'd £t98 LLL ETV d'88H N0911:0 SZ:€T S66T-90—NUW 80 ' d 1t:1101 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET While thig_inforaatton and recommendations set forth herein are believed to be accurate as of the date hereof,-CALGOH • CORPORATION MAKES NO WARRANTY WITH RESPECT HERETO AND DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FROM RELIANCE THEREON. PREPARED BY: K.O. Martinelli MSDS Cod OD 46-O8-11-93 issue Date: 5/2/94 Page 6 Last Page 80i80'd. i=b98 LLL ETV 13'88H NO9160 - SE :ET S66T-90-2,JW riAR-13-1995 10:36 - CALGON • 412 777 8713' P.04 gIob. wer POR A TION BOILER PRODUCTS & SERVICES Bulletin No. 10-495 CB-260 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Colgan CB-260 is a liquid catalyzed sodium sulfite oXygenscavergerdesigned to reduce oxygen corrosion in stearri generating and other industrial water systems. Oxygen scavenging\ rates are 10 to 500 times faster than commodity or uncatalyzed sulfite sources, which improves corrosion control. FEATURES • Reduces pitting corrosion in boiler feedwater, internal and condensate systems ▪ Liquid • Simple residual test Minimizes the chance of developing insulating iron deposits on heat transfer tubes PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet. BENEFITS • Increases equipment life while minimizing repairs and maintenance costs Easy to feed neat or dilute with soft or condensate water • Testing is quick and easy to interpret, simplifying control • Prevents overheating and possible rupture of bailer tubes and controls energy cost by maintaining cleaner heat transfer tubes_ DIRECTIONS FOR USE Method of Feeding CB-260 is normally fed neat from shipping or bulk containers. Continuous feed is essential to assure consistent oxygen removal. Tanks, wet end pump components and feed lines must be corrosion resistant materials such as=polyethylene, stainlesssteel, polypropylene, Teflon, PVC, Viton, Buna-N or Kynar. A stainless steel injection quill is recommended for injection to process (Catalog No. 3691320). The CB-260 feed point must be to the low pressure side of the feedwater system to the storage section of the deaerator, pre -heater or condensate receiver, whichever applies, and beneath_ the water line. If desired, CB-260 can be diluted with condensate or softened water to any convenient - concentration. Dilutions can reduce activity, increasing treatment cost. 'MAR-13-1995 10:36 CALGON 412 777 8713 P.05 Dosage CB-260 should be fed at a rate to maintain the following residuals in the boiler water: Boiler Pressure (PS[) Residual Range (ppm Naa$Qa) 0-150 150 - 300 300 - 600 30-60 25-40 20-30 Testing & Recording Dropper Sulfite Test Kit K-0168 [ 1 Drop = 5 ppm Sulfite as Na2S03] Buret Sulfite Test Kit K-0176 Approvals CB-260 is USDA approved, Category "G6". When used as directed, CB-260 complies with FDA regulation 21 CFT 173.310 for boiler water additives. SERVICE Sales Service is a very important part of the treatment program. It will be necessary for you and your Calgon representative to determine the type of monitoring program your operation deeds to ensure that the system is trouble -free and produces the desired level of performance. Technical Calgon maintains a fully staffed and equipped Technical Service Laboratory to address concerns that extend beyond the routine difficulties encountered in treating your water system. Consultants are available to provide telephone or on -site assistance at the request of your representative. information czonceming human and enNn mental expo$caa may be reviewed an the Material Safety Data Sheet for the product. For additional information regarding inddente involving human and environmental exposure call (412)777-8000 and ask for the Health and Environmental Affairs Department All names In boldface are trademarks or serves ns+rk* of Calgon Corporation. For more information, contact your local Calgon Representative, call 1-800-955-0090, or write: Calgon Corporation, P.O. Box 1346, Pittsburgh, PA 15230. :P:ii 7 C O R i> L i e r t o N L• OvAT[vE TECHNOLOG1ES, CREATIVE SOWTIONs... SmtcE 1918 TOTAL P.05 State of North Carolina Department of__Environment,_...- Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr.., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., .Director Ms. Nancy K. Miller Environmental Project Engineer Campbell Soup Company Camden, NJ 08103-1799 Dear Ms. Miller: QHNF:4 March 25, 1994 F °d i-ff9f�� Subject: Campbell Soup Company NPDES No. NCG500205 Robeson County Biocidal Additive The Division of Environmental Management (DEM) has received the information concerning the use of Calgon H-450, Calgon H-900, and Nalco. 7346 at the above listed Campbell Soup facility. The Division's Aquatic Toxicology Unit has reviewed the Biocide 1.01 Worksheets received March 8, 1994. Although some discrepancies were noted in the LC50 values, this did not affect the final results. The Division grants approval to Campbell Soup Company for the use of Calgon H-450, Calgon H-900, and Nalco 7346 for the stated dosage rates at the Robeson County facility. If you have any questions, please contact Susan A. Wilson at (919) 733-5083. Sincerely, it -,/A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. Division of Environmental Management cc: 'ic a�e1 7icker,'J ayettev4ili- Reg ional"Office Aquatic Toxicology Unit Central Files P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North. Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 21, 1994 MEMORANDUM: To: Through: From: Subject: Susan Wilson Matt Matthews Melissa Rosebrock0 Campbell Soup Company Use of Biocides Certificate of Coverage No. NCG500205 Robson County 1G t.,` .."1 MAR 23 1994 NV. MANAGEMENT FAYETTEVI LE REM OFFIC Campbell Soup Company has submitted Calgon H-450, Calgon H-900, and Nalco 7346 for approval. Data submitted by the subject facility concerning the dosage rate of the compounds, system volume, average daily discharge, toxicity of the active ingredient and/or breakdown products, and minimum stream flow have also been reviewed and evaluated. In reviewing the submitted materials; we noted some discrepancies. The H-450 toxicity data supplied by the facility for fathead minnow (LC50=0.06 mg/1) was for a 50% active formulation. Since the facility proposes only a 33.3% active formulation, we have made the appropriate conversion (LC50=0.09 mg/1). The H-900 toxicity data supplied by the facility was for rainbow trout (100% active, LC50=0.40 mg/1). Given the geographical location of the facility, the more appropriate toxicity data would be for bluegill sunfish (100% active, LC50=0.46 mg/1). As noted in our unit's database, the H-900 toxicity data supplied by the facility was for a 100% active formulation. Since the facility proposes only a 92.5% active formulation, we have again made the appropriate conversion (LC50=0.49 mg/1). These revisions did not alter the final analysis portions of the worksheets (part IV, page three). Calculations summarized on the accompanying worksheets predict the use of Calgon H-450; Calgon H-900, and Nalco 7346 at the stated dosage rates and discharge conditions will not result in a toxic impact to aquatic life in the receiving stream. Thefefore, the use=ofthese products=asbioc ides _at Campbell Soup Company is deemed_acceptable. 7 If there are questions regarding this review please contact me at (919) 733-2136. Attachments cc: Michael=Wicker-1,1t0= _� Central files CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY BIOCIDE WORKSHEET PERMIT#: RECEIVING STREAM: 7010 (cfs): I.W.C.%: PRODUCT: ACTIVE INGREDIENT: HALF LIFE (DAYS): LC50 OF SELECTED TOX DATA (MG/L): DECAY RATE: DOSAGE RATE (GRAMS/DAY): AVG DAILY DISCHARGE (MGD): VOLUME OF SYSTEM (MIL. GAL'S): NCG500205 Lumber River 112.00 2.03 NALCO 7346 60%1 BROMO-3-CHLORO-5,5DIMETHYLHYDANTION 27.4%1 DICHLORO-5,5 DIMETHYLHYDANTION 10.6%1 DICHLORO-5-ETHYL-5-METHYLHYDANTION 0.17 0.15 4.1392 1506.00 1.5 0.1210 7Q10 (cfs): 112.00 I.W.C.%: 2.03 STEADY STATE DISC CONC: DEGRADATION FACTOR: APPLICATION FACTOR: INSTREAM BIOCIDE CONC: REGULATED LIMITATION: 0.1989 16.536 0.050 0.0040 0.0075 PASS/FAIL: PASS PRODUCT: Calgon H-450 ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 33.3% Potassium dimethyldithiocarbamate (DIMET) HALF LIFE (DAYS): LC50 OF SELECTED TOX DATA (MG/L): DECAY RATE: DOSAGE RATE (GRAMS/DAY): AVG DAILY DISCHARGE (MGD): VOLUME OF SYSTEM (MIL. GAL'S): 0.083 0.09 8.3133 1192 1.5 0.117 STEADY STATE DISC CONC: DEGRADATION FACTOR: APPLICATION FACTOR: INSTREAM BIOCIDE CONC: REGULATED LIMITATION: 0.1274 21.134 0.050 0.0026 0.0045 PASS/FAIL: PASS 7Q10 (cfs): 112.00 I.W.C.%: 2.03 PRODUCT: Calgon H-900 ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 92.5% 1-Bromo-3-chloro-5,-dimethylhydantoin HALF LIFE (DAYS): LC50 OF SELECTED TOX DATA (MG/L): DECAY RATE: DOSAGE RATE (GRAMS/DAY): AVG DAILY DISCHARGE (MGD): VOLUME OF SYSTEM (MIL. GAL'S): 0.04 0.49 16.5468 481 9.00 1.5 0.121 STEADY STATE DISC CONC: DEGRADATION FACTOR: APPLICATION FACTOR: INSTREAM BIOCIDE CONC: REGULATED LIMITATION: 0.3635 28.943 0.050 0.0074 0.0245 PASS/FAIL: PASS Memorandum To: From: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Melissa Rosebrock Susan A. Wilsonc March 10,.1994 Subject: Campbell Soup Company NCG500205 Robeson County Please review the attached biocide worksheets for the Campbell Soup Company. The 7Q10s value was provided by this office. «: :�..U}c:v.iw'4^r... isb •b. .�. w.-'-M .�i vy;llv CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY 08103-1799 March 3, 1994 Ms. Susan A. Wilson Environmental Engineer NCDEHNR Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27625-0535 RE: NPDES Permit No. NCG500205 Campbell Soup Company Biocidal Additives Robeson County Dear Ms. Wilson: Attached please find a Biocide/Chemical Treatment Worksheet Form 101 completed for each of the following biocidal additives which are used at Campbell Soup Company in Robeson County: Calgon H-450, Calgon H-900, and Nalco 7346. I apologize for the delay in sending you the forms; it took some time to obtain the required information from the biocide suppliers. Campbell Soup Company provided flow rate and system volume data to Calgon and Nalco, who then completed the required information and performed the calculations. None of the three biocides contain copper, zinc, or chromium; therefore, the supplemental metals analysis did not apply. The system volume (discharge canal volume) used in the calculations was estimated by taking length, width and depth measurements up to the NPDES discharge monitoring point 101 (Refer to the sketch included with the forms). Please note that there is an additional 500. feet (approximate) of canal length before the cooling/cooker water actually reaches the Lumber River. It was not feasible for plant personnel to obtain measurements from this area; therefore, this section of canal was not included in the volume calculations. The actual receiving stream concentrations for the biocides as they enter the river will therefore be even lower than those calculated and reported here. Based on the calculations attached, all three biocides are acceptable for use. If you have any questions about the information submitted, please contact me at (609) 968-4435. Sincerely, CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY Ylal Nancy K. Miller Environmental Project Engineer D nkm/1008 Attachments cc: Mr. T. Braydich Mr. B. Carter Mr. D. Fleming Mr. D. Krupinski Ms. L. Sampson Mr. R. Shober Mr. G. Dobson, Fayetteville Regional Office 1\1 a\no.,\ l\k\ l\v( :f)01 gO-Lit135' �0(0.t6\our (90ck 9V(—`f1-13D 0OS -.. Iron U;od av $ uotr{ a '631 roe aWci 4- r U tAc, om-q•oz ass • s� ooj 'Jll Q ' .Ldct) 91 V 0o3 3.0 , 3 W 0-10¢ai w 1 ul ul P- LY lal WILLY X X X VI VI ul 000 kl C) CI ▪ C4 et e t et et A A C44 CM C•1 41 .! l'• -: 1., ,, . __.i. . . . s'-‘ fN10-:k-t-8volQI-Y\Q„ oC coolCc\:s LI.x)3zu. ci tc),--1 1 i -1-- +-- - ...._.Leosty\ a_ - Ls.rist-h = 99 1 R'o= T-1 Rv dee"cv, -.7-- 5k. - Cct 5 7. 12 3 = ttao • ANJ3 P1/4v3 defA-tn 1 (1; ▪ 1120 7c G:3•5-x, 7.9'2) 12 21)(020 311-3 Avs. 44-- Avs- dep-Vin g 311-3 7.G.S3 )4- )4. " 1 2 1c6, Ist 3o_.4 . - . CO1 CcoKsIr b 1_,\ Ns -\-c) No -ors F0V) 42)(0_1._ .. 2 I .‘ G2-0 -t- •bo'l\e-c hoose. No();-kox- .2)oit \I.Lir V3 :7 V2))15-1 2_, 1 1'7,3(012 304' . 12/22/93 11; i1 T1008 et9d 28Ud ENQ s cs & ENv ..-... CAIMPBELI. MAX ENG QjO0/00`8�'": / BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSI IEET-FORM lot The following calculations aro to be performed•on any bloeldal products ultimately discharged to the tiorfnoe waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for caoh blocldal product In use. Tti s wOrlcsheet Is to be returned with all appropriate data entered Into the designated areas with calculations performed as indloatod. I, Facility Name i r Q�4.1Souk NPDES#NC 5oo205 . County Receiving Stream ail g 7010 t ((2 Ws.) (Ali abort Information supplied y the Division of Environmental Management) What is the Avtrape.Daity DIsC arge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? A.D.O.. i 5 (In M. .D.) Please alculate.iho lnstreem aste Doncentralbn.(IWC In proem) of this discharge using the data entered above. IwC 7Q10x0.64 A.A.D. x 00 () X 1;00 + A.D e.) _ ( �I'Z )(0.646) +_ Thls value (IWO) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. lL What is the name of the whole product chemlcal:treatment proposed for use to the dlsoharge identified,in Part 1? Wt_CO 7311CI Please list the active ingredients and percent Composition: Iesalvlp- iMc--ulyt.NYdAN, O►r‘i CO, 0-% ... )r3— 5,y... bJAiictri..F)YbANTollV a7,14% 11 D(c4iLotto--S• iti&I1-tn.HY64Airoliv /016 Note: tn9roaloets contain the metals Copper, chromium, er zinc, e150 eomploto page 4., ;?uo❑Taman+at MfaS15 49t111X—= What feed or 0 sage rate (D.ft) is used in this application? The units must be convened to grams o! whole . product used per day. O.R.= L) . gramslday D.B,M. Form 101 (7/92) 12/22/93 11 L4 5 • • Ve00 Peg 2800 ENG SVCS & ENV444 CAIfPBELL IU.Y F.NG 0004/OO6 1-acuity Name. CAAlc L .50'30 MJ1XT/r`"'NPDES #: NC SGL'J' J S� • Estirnate total volume of tho water handling system between entry o1 biocide! product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached street please provide Iustiflcatiori lor.this estimate (cystem volume, average cycles per blowdowrt, bolding lagoon size, eto.) Volume- 0 ' million gallons /r O) &..i% o�a4c2tJ ) What lc the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter NiA. 6•' `la 7• 5 ,_ What Is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? 1f unknown, assume no decay (D.K.-0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be etated at pH level within 1R p1i standard unit within handling system. Enter the hall Iifa (Half Life Is the time required for the Initial product to degrade to half of its original concentration). Please provide oopies of the aourcee of this data. H.L... Do/6Gj Days (`/ f9 cs The decay rate is emua( to .HIL. X 0.69 = 9' / / -Decay Rate (D.K.) Calculate degradation factor (t).F.). inis is the first order loss coefficient. �• r AbD, J D.F. (Vo u g (O.K.) t � log/ } + ( �� /1 ) ' -1 5 Calculate steady State Discharge Concentration: ( 50 �� ) Dischg Cone• = n ((DR.)/ { .F.)(Yolume)(3785) " ( /�, S I/ ) ( c7 I /� ) (3 78 b ) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during sow flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Conoentration) (101cchg. Cono� x (IWC%) r /95 ) x "1° 0' 1-..�. • UO yC. Y man. 100 100 0, / '62m9n Reoelving Stream Concentration Is. • Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC50 data available for the whole product according to the following columns:. (Note that units Should be in mg%i). Piosso provide copies of the sources of tole data. Tess Duration Le50 (rniN ai.r t;4 ic.c . s <<N`ri.51 96 hr _ J_ 2 our94. F4ri- A 4 A Atai.d ---El G hr 0, 7/ . C �� J _ ,1,NbQw 1? t'1 - IG ltr y �r - .. `,7 ► f'Htil I cit7l q h r 0 is' .mac. ? n 6� �' � ay., ��/ Sep ' /ti.sQS �--5 �'.tfic,ti /.L3 e7 �r at -it ftcn ' C, c 5,e) Lis 15. 1J D.E.M. Foim 101 (7/92) 2 a19 0441v0 ouo toUU'.' ENo SVCS a: E\Y .-. CAMPARr.L ILtX ENG ^ Whae ti!00e.' Facility Name: Cifr4 (15612-1..5 t:LP /14lxnN NPDES #: NC 6 S'ZOOS Choose the bwest LC50 listed above: Enter the Lt;S0: - n 0 /5+ If the half Iffe (H,L.) Is Tess than 4 days. perform the following calculation, Regulated Limitation - 0.05 x LC50 e 0 4) 075 nil It the atf life (H.L.) reater than 4 ys or urtluto , perform the lowing Celt ration. Reoutat LImltation 0 01 x LC50 mg/l Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations Immediately above and place In this blank: [), 0D750 Inaimer From Part II enter the receiving stream concentration: _ e OC) -JOy m{Jliiter IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration Is greater trier: ow calculated regulated ilmhation, then tt1ls biocide Is unacceptable for use. j ojAJ onic�✓4�t1 Name (Print) //Fern y 9. Signature . Date Person In Responstole Charge Post -It" brand fax transmittal memo /6711, of■ from y� bK:t�rra'1 Co. /i s To•/RNC'171, /(tf Co. ,> uepi. f Fi:B `J �_ /-too-`I(cg— i �LO•8'/L/-' Form 101 (7/92) [vim imnim 1 Lort. itt • NAL,.00 PRODUCT NALCO 7346 MICROBIOCIDE Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 462-5378 (24 hours) .(800),I-NPFALERT • SECTION 1 2 ENV I RONME NTAL I NFORMAT I ON ( CONTINUED ) Public water unless in accordance with NPDES permit. For guidance contact.your * RegionalOffice of the EPA. Do not contaminate water by: cleaning of container. * and equipment or disposal of wastes. Apply this product only as .specified on * this label. AQUATIC DATA: Results below are based on the. product.. 96 hour static acute LC„ to Bluegill Sunfish = 1.2 ppm 96.hour static acute LC„ to Fathead Minnow = 0.71 ppm 96 hour static acute LC„ to Rainbow Trout = 0.5 ppm 48 hour static acute. LC,, to Daphnia ppm -4113hour statleaalte'LCsoto CeriodiPhniadubia=0.15 PPkt 96 hour static acute LC„ to Sheepshead Minnow = .1.6 ppm 96 hour static acute LC„ to Mysid Shrimp .= 1.1 ppm 96 hour static acute LC„ -to Eastern Oyster = 0.98 Ppm AQUATIC DATA: Results below are based on dehalogenatd product' (5(5-aimethylhydantoin) 96 hour Static acute LC„ to Rainbow Trout = 6,100 mg/L .48 hour static acute'LC;50 to Daphnia = 1,300 mg/L 96 hour static acute -LC„ to Fathead Minnow = 8,100 mg/L 96 hour static acute LC„ to Sheepshead Minnow = 13,300 mg/L 96 hour static acute LC,, to Grass Shrimp =.12,000 mg/L 96 hour static acute Les, to American.Oyster = 14,200 mg/L 'OTHER STUDIES: Avian Toxicity: Results below arabaSed on similar active ingredients: Dietary LC„ (Bobwhite Quail) ='-Greater than 5,620 ppm Dietary LC„ (Mallard Duck) = Greater than 5,620 ppm Acute oral LD„ (Bobwhite.Quail) = 1,759 mg/kg Acute oral LD„. (Bobwhite Quail) = Greater than 2,510 mg/kg If released into the environment, see-CERCLA in Section. 14. SECTION 13 TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT PROPER. SHIpPING-NAME/HAZARD CODE - OXIDIZING SUBSTANCES, SOLID, • 5.1, UN 1479, PG. 11. ,CONTAINS HALOGENATEDHYDANTOINS PAGE- 5 OF- 9 NALCO CHEMICAL:COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER • NAPERVILLE. ILLINOIS 805631198 AREA :708-305-1000 • NNALGO CHEMICAL COMPANY Ms. Lorraine Sampson Campbell Soup Company Route 2, box 98 Maxon, NC 28364 Dear Lorraine: :JdJ JUI INNIL LJUUU J I.IL VI ). 11 Ml 11 IN 11•+I I AkAr.1 I, ; II JU I 1 t U/\I IVLIIVF\ ?PtarirJ 11 AFttA non -on 1 -co.1 '1 11 I'ebruary 1 994 Page 1 of 2 rotar Yesterday; I received information from Nancy-WIf -in which enabled me to complete the attached PIC)CIDI:./C:I-IF:MIC:AI. TRF:ATMF.NT WORKSHF.F.T-FORM 101. trust that completion n this Iorm will enable Campbell Soup to comply with all relevant environmental regulations. Please unsure that tho r,ontr\ntc of this farm mmain confidential, as it containsfpropriirtary infiirriialicin regarding the ingredients and other characteristics of our product (NAI CO 7346). The following data wtia u,c,c1 tc,.c.rmlpiete tile attached foal: Average Daily Discharge (into river) A.l).D. = 1.5 mgd (million gallons per day) as per Lorraine Sampson Dosage Rate (D.R) The D.R (grams/day of 7146 into receiving stream) was calculated using water usage lags from the Maintenance Department. On 10-15-93, the maintenance department began recording water usage information for the c:an cookers. Between 1()-1 )-93 and 1-31-1)4, the average curly w,iter usage, by the. I) Stork was 47,342 gallons per day. (1;his flow" rate, does`niit, include watcr:which°.is cool thc;,hrai;:exchangrr.on the.c:cxok('r:)A° Data for 1.0-26 and 10-27 were excluded because these points were extremely high compared to the rest of data, indicating that the meters may have been read incorrectly on these days. C)r.1-ai aea6.A irsi-d:rmly,ah:,the:;1.—.6oBrig=sip.tiOn-:-61)11 a i:45.4- ,hand precise .water flow information through the cooling section of the r:an c:ookcr is not available. A conservative estimate is 70 percent of the total flow to the r.00ker (0.7 * 47,342 = 33,131.) gal per day.) Our dosage rate multiplied by the flow, rate corresponds to 1506 grams per day of Nalco 7346. Volume of Water Between 1:ntry of Biocidal Product and Discharge Point I he voli IMP of walnr was reported by Nancy Mlhr to be, approximalrly 170,fl 1 pitons. Hy uliliiing the, volumo of water h tween the cooker effluent point and 13 1nrUolu, L U, 1 SC.( •'.: 171Jf• NAL::U C:LN , L. • n r+nr-r n•:,1 1 r, n 1 Irmo UC (C. L 1 I U1-1 LI Arc.. :UV :Ana t UVC1 t £NIOUL V Gr1OUr II NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY :see JL7r1NIJIr fC.IDL i eLvu 1 Iv1nl II47 PLI.AUANT, f nu 1-1 L.nunl INA Lt;Mr.4 II nmr'n Rf.q-no1-DU11 Mc. I orralne Sampson 11 I'ebruary 1904 Page 2 of 2 the discharge monitoring point, as opposed to tho volume between the cooker effluent point and the entry of the discharge into the river, the calculation for "Decay Rate" is low. The resulting calculation for the "Receiving Stream Conc:entrationl' is therefore artificially high. I he actual concentration of 7346 in the river (Receiving Stream Concentration) is lower than calculated, because the largo volume of water between the sampling point and the entrance to the river provides additional holding lime which allows for additional decay of the product before. It reaches the river. Please feel free to contact me if I cd11 IJe of (wilier assistance. You may leave a message at the District Office (803-554-8223) and I will return your call, or you can call race during the early mowing or evening hours at 803-GG1-061. Sincerely, John I )(ncwan I )islrict Representative cc: Mr. Buck Carter Atta<Innents: BIC)C:II)E/C:IiLMICAI TRI:ATMLNu WURKSHEE:f - D.E.M. l=oral 101 Letter from Claude Wolfe - NAI CO Corporate Toxicologist MSI)S for NALCO 7346 r u..rOf+ntr nrn[:L u• L.*,s. ninv_u cLr.I e e n n P4111,1 Nvn I I. 11 1 INflh 60083 1 1 dU U ,A1-ILA 7flfl-Af1! -1000 02 11i84 14127. ._.15"708 105 25186 ENVIRN IILTH. SFPI WI001%001 ' �® NpL CO CH MICAL COMPANY CNE NAI. -n NTCh n •.AP V:tLA. 'LLIND. oQe:A3-r 5Po February 11, 1 994 Mr. John Donovan Nalco Chemical Company 1Jnisoly District N-fi 2..430 Mall Drive Nuilding B, Suite 275 North Charleston, SC 29418 AAla 7f.1F-305-100i.1 Dear John' icals, as This is in regard to the "half-life" of the active ingredients in Nalco 7346. such their a hemf-life should be you know, are "halogen -release agents (chlorine and bromine). As ,,ery short, in the range of 2-4 hours at the system pH you described (6.5-7.0)._As halogens, then longevity is dependent upon pH; temperature, and organic load in the system being treated, among other variables. I am sorry that there is no good singlenumbei value that 1 can give you for this value. If you have any questions, please ea11 :at directly. Maude H, Wolf, MSc. Corporate Toxicologist CHW/cw 1 ' fn t ¢ • '•yr v1 Lbb. S f a) h it y 1,07 /14 b-Y". 4—'1A : 'ar7.3 •� ?»/ 'cr'°f (WL) 101 °ti'Y ra 2 61) 7; - 95 /L • / , ,v, ,.o. � �rrr2"0 L .cyan 9 •7/ Aapiswn314 �bIr :'ll'o 7.9/44/4..a.oa JrsY)ir) i f' i,edb si.c+1o,V 'Op 1od posh }.npa,d claim )o lUJ9)6 of p*VOAUcto.Aq lsnw eon ;nu. Luonemdciu otui ui pan si (•:'a) owi oeosdp Jo'pbuj zeyM 'p aced etieidwoo osie'auiz Jo'wnlwoJth'1addoa sinew ekt uMUoo .w.jpeJ3u1 )1 zeloN - — a led ul Pe1111Uepl o5Jrt4osiP' ul Ban Jo) pesbdoid luow4e;J4 leoiUJO9 1. . Q.574 •• Jd ejo+iM 6y1 Jo oWBU eta s) leum •suol}IPIJOo'mu MC Suiinp aims 6ulAlev81 ol4 of uoil8J1uozuOQ ol3fM -tfl siuOso;dai (oMl) 6nem sW L ( s'�6. + ��'0)( • ('cr ,+(•..•Ixp sL) l 00i X ( S'/) 00 x crcu f ®Aogt poiziuo Clap of 6uistt ob.1eyoslp (luszlod u1 Om) Uoil>'J1U6$uo:0 Olsa W OJlsul Sul v111ir0leo asoeld ('Q'a' 1W..— 51% "'Q'ay )Oq JOWA l J OOJ Dui 01 swall,ig bulipuay JOIUM e4)10 8wnicA ('a'Q'y) 06113 {lusuJsf�xueiy i�luewualinu� {o vasiAla NI A. pagddng uoi woiu! eAoqu lld) (glo) t)) I 6104 slU Xt o e62)OAy oyi si mum Zj 7T/•..' u OAS SulAieoad N 'Aiunoo .5O'zen`5 ON # SSOdN • o) drio[�, TWA d r 'j eu1eN 4.1PtA 1 •peieolpul,8 paw)oyed auopelro,eo 1111M roe)B poieu8loop eui owl paJolua Blsp oaelJdoldde pi 1 M pownlal b of gl lastZ V®M Oiyl 'eon ul lonpold lephoiq u090 JO) Ilelelgdas poioldwoo 4q WIUJ l8Ous)}toM 9NJ. wiano yuoN 10 81A)8M Milyl's ey1 o1 p; j tyo ip tilepeulfin snp'gd lemon Aue uo pawlojled eq,el en suolleinquo OUIM011o) e , 11H64•193HSAJOM ARLYBILL VOIYCHO/QI0)lg Qs � • �im� //J � 1p i � NPDES #: NC G Soda) 8J' Facility Name: Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocidal product and NPDES dIscharge. ; point. On en attached sheet please prov da JustHlcation for.thls estimate (system volu e;uverage cY et per slowdown, ttQg&boon size, etc,) ' /r?s6 Z ,) • ' Vottirne / f ? _ m1Ubn gallons / a.., Q/k/ 12 w4r' /.1 te.SS cI � Z. What Is the pH of the handling system priorto biocide addition? It unknown, enter NIA. • What Is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K.-0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH Wei within 1/2 pH standard unit whhiri handling sr . -tent Enter the haft lire (Hair. Life is the time required for the tratlat product to degrade to h&it of hs original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. u : H.L, • 2 Days giArafit/cliV/Rivehipeteeolv4;Aaczr C//&WS'erS(Cr/o/,ti r4//ice �OiV %wr411 Oar The decay rate to equal to H X 0.69 a (Si ■Decay Rate (D,K.) S4't5r Calwiate degradation factor (O.F,). This Is the first order b88 weft eat. D.F, (A,D.D.�. + (D,K.) • f + (8� 3 ) - �/' /Z (VQiume) , (.//7 ) Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration, . Dtr#ig Qpnc. - (D.F.)(Volurr e)(3785s (. 2�/,/Z C ) . 7 ) (3 7' Calculate concentrallon of blonde Instream during low flow condhions. (Receiving Stream Congeruration) D1nho, tort- 1 Cf. Calculate reach, Lisi zit LC5Q da In mg/1), Pleas • /7 1 .. .9.0I! D.E.M. Form 101 (7/92) . 2 Con uexsio✓f XSda .a4t, v. /Z— tm Ccncsntratl t.t. vn shook '.198u •u3 sales zo!Jasla • Je6alu sewo9l •f •luew2JedapsJIe;4v le3uaw oJ1nu3pue yaleaH s,uo5lepAq pawJuuudo se an.)2 aq o1 uo!2ewio4ui anoge 091 /f12aa3 .19. , • • . • . • . •.• • • • • .• • • • _._•.. catfuo •tytesuodsald uos,ed atipAs *song); elgeidexgutl st QPi sitli uay2'vomiwa pEivin.eN pa1,i+•nleo oy1 utypelabJb sI vage;iuf3ocfod W 4$ eulAlaovi oui II 'S'1eA{Aub 'AI JsillI$w VolteiluOouoo wvens 0.010 ei eyi 1O1ue fI Ij‘d woad Js7ittOw_ L'Gi7 I — � eoeld put: anal° AIampsunul 8uolielruis* edl WOJI poitlittai aiepdadd° oy1 ssoot40 jy. fjy. • OSO1 x 10'0 M1eIwn psIsir 5oH, 'ualalf*O evIMolto) °1 WAWA iumop Ja 8irp P ufey;JeIPe16 sl ('TH) A)u 'i ei111 £ pp • 7 0901 X SO'0 . uolleiiwl pelt�nea» tUOIMinC7F e1M01101 0111111.10Pid'shp y uetli ssel s1 t'7•H) ek( guy ey;g 75777 :091 Niggle t8noge pa1s11 090114aMq eaooyo• .' Q 20 oQ -4ON .# S30dN e, sweN •A 1362 9/82 PRODUCT ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET SUBSIDIARY Of HUACK 1. CO,,IHC, OATS August 6,1086 PRODUCT NAME: H-460 Microbiocid. COMPOSITION I Potaiilum: DLmethyldlthioairbamate (DIMET) - `:..:..-`: 2..::: .:.; . - :. . - .33: 3% (CAS No,128.03•0) Water 66.7% PRODUCT CNEHISTRY Appearance Clear green liquid Odor Ammonia -Sulfide Specific'Gravity .1.16 pH (100 ppm In water) 7.5.9 ANALYTICAL METHOOS 1: Assay for Active • Attachment 1 UV Analysis • Attachment 3 Spot Tart in Wager • Attachment 2 RECOMMENDED USAGE I 16 to 45 ppm H•450 Microbioc de at recommended ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS I ;TeitsilonCoit:aE;60%`kctiv'ilutiotl�''":��,�.. Rainbow Trout • LC60 (90 hr,) 0.36 ppm 71 Fiihesd:MI nno r13::LCsel9s I4) , , '' 0.06 ppm ..: ; Daphnia Magna LC50 (48 hr.) - 0,34 ntp/I • HUMAN FACTORS r Tests done _. on a 20% active solution Acute Oral LD50 • Rats (Male) 3.86 mllkg; (Female) 3.64 ml/kg Acute Dermal LD50 - Rabbits . 1.91 rn1/160 ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY f 1�oUfS Half- Life.Vilu.s/Decomposition Time',; ,- .2.qZ0"P,vtt net mlllton1 ppm) 20o pens per million (PP 250 c : ".: soo C . co - „Q :500c 3 < 30 pc - < 30 sec < 30 i,c•. < 30 sac 6 436 min 64 min : .607 min 88 min 9 960 hours-: 96 hours 2600 hours i on i,".... •r OIOGIDE/o aMICA. TmmEAYMENT WORKSHEET-FARM 101 .: ' The foilowir�g catcuiations are to be periormed'on any bio0idat products ttptimateiy discharged 10 the striae a waters al North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed•scparrteiy for each biockfat product In use. Thle worlcar►eet le'to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated aroas with calwlatlons performed as Indicated. Facility Name, l'l.t• Sd LP Ca. NPDES # NO CC V✓0Q24Q-5 •_ _ . Y. ia'.N . Receiving Stream L.0 • __7Q10,. t`I .. Jots) (All above Information supplied .ythe Divisionot Environmental Management) What to the Avow Daily Disc argo (A.D.D.) volume bt tho water handiing systoles to the receiving vizier bod) A.D.Q, a / 5 (Ire M. r.D.) Please calculate,the tnstreem este ConCentratian (iWO In percent) of this discharge usir►g tho data entered above. • IWC (7.01x0.•••)+ A.D.D. x 00 cal.% This value (IWC) represents lb waste concentration to the receiving stream during'low flow conditions. i.� x i00 (//Z ) O. 4 . + /. ) Whal is the lime of the whole pro ti chomIdat treatment proposed for use to the• discharge identified in Part • clime of Please list the active Ingredie is and peroant co ,• •sftlo • pia . % Note:If ingredients contain th® metals copper, ot,rgallum,or vet; also oorr;pleie pogo d, Srpptam++rtx1,1.47Jnti AO"t'4F What feed.or dosage rate (D.R. is used in this api�� tion? The units must be curl erred to prates of whole product Usedpar day. ) � svco r i : ?Z r .ga4ys r/0.6 , f Y �8(9ynls D,lim 9817 grams/day D.E.M, %arc 101 (7/92) 1 i' • .Fac111ty Name:. d'hIil4J44' NPDES Si: NOG-5602OS • //r0 (2) 4 Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of. b ocldal product and NPDES discharge. point.' do an attached sheet please provide Justiflaatiori tor,this estimate (sy tem Volume, t3vera a cy6les pet . 1 ,•,., ' 4•�.' Y,�a;.i, €-'ok r IV . /z4 83t blowtewn, holding Iago9n pia, etaj .. • Volumes. . it-- ( _ million gallons • What Is the pH of tho handling system prior to biocide addltIon? If unknown, enter NA.. 7 Z • What Is the decay rate (DX.) of the product? ff unlcna*+n, assume no deoay (D.K.+it0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must bo stated at pH revel within la pH standard unit within handling sy8tom, Enter the haft life (Hatt Life Is the time required for the tnit►e1 product to degrade to haft of its (*tp(nsl oonceniret1 n)• Please provide boptes(�of the sources of this data. 1l <7. O J.-f7 t a}l: , The decay rata 14 Calculate degrad, tS:F. (vol me) dalcuiate Steady Dtschg Cgnc. • Calculate ooncantr� (Receiving Stream jpischo, Corro,1. wp%t 7 t 1ct7.01/ lop toe fL • Calculate regulated halbert. 0,to7 Receiving g Stream Commutation L1t all LCSQ data avaaablo for the whole product according to the following Columns, (Note that units should b In mg/1). Please provide oopits of the sources airlift data. . Crgarism Tea Cu • 1s,50 (rgq fed' O. XV .4 _444 .i.4ti.:441.4i D,E,M 1ozni.101`(7J92)'- •/v • 414rn,.04, c•; 2 . ,- • 4 Facility Name; aft / �a1*.N• NPDES #; NOG— 0 o 2,03' .Choose the lowest LC50 listed above: .. Eriter !ha LCA0; • n the half Iffo (H.L.) is lets than 4 days. perform the folttivAng cis italbn, . Regulated Umtation 11 0.05 x t-050 • ce.9.0 If the hall life (H.L.w is greater than 4deys or unknowns perform the tolicWing Calculation. 'Regulated Limitation N. 0.01 x LCSO a 'l4'7 marl ti • Chose the appropriate regulated limitation front the caloutatbne Immediately abova and place In this bre*: • �� malti tar From Par ti enter the receiving stream aorycentr8atfort: mg/liter TV. Rr,aiycls. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this bode Is unao%eptabie for use. Stmtre Date Person in Rtspceaaro charge . .... , :..... .......... _.. ..... • i certl.fy the above'informatlon to be.true as confirmed by Calgon's Health and Environmental Affairs department, J. Thomas Phlegar District Sales Engier b:E.M. Form 101 (7192) DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 21, 1994 MEMORANDUM: To: Through: From: Subject: Susan Wilson Matt Matthews Melissa Rosebrock0 Campbell Soup Company Use of Biocides Certificate of Coverage No. NCG500205 Robson County 1G t.,` .."1 MAR 23 1994 NV. MANAGEMENT FAYETTEVI LE REM OFFIC Campbell Soup Company has submitted Calgon H-450, Calgon H-900, and Nalco 7346 for approval. Data submitted by the subject facility concerning the dosage rate of the compounds, system volume, average daily discharge, toxicity of the active ingredient and/or breakdown products, and minimum stream flow have also been reviewed and evaluated. In reviewing the submitted materials; we noted some discrepancies. The H-450 toxicity data supplied by the facility for fathead minnow (LC50=0.06 mg/1) was for a 50% active formulation. Since the facility proposes only a 33.3% active formulation, we have made the appropriate conversion (LC50=0.09 mg/1). The H-900 toxicity data supplied by the facility was for rainbow trout (100% active, LC50=0.40 mg/1). Given the geographical location of the facility, the more appropriate toxicity data would be for bluegill sunfish (100% active, LC50=0.46 mg/1). As noted in our unit's database, the H-900 toxicity data supplied by the facility was for a 100% active formulation. Since the facility proposes only a 92.5% active formulation, we have again made the appropriate conversion (LC50=0.49 mg/1). These revisions did not alter the final analysis portions of the worksheets (part IV, page three). Calculations summarized on the accompanying worksheets predict the use of Calgon H-450; Calgon H-900, and Nalco 7346 at the stated dosage rates and discharge conditions will not result in a toxic impact to aquatic life in the receiving stream. Thefefore, the use=ofthese products=asbioc ides _at Campbell Soup Company is deemed_acceptable. 7 If there are questions regarding this review please contact me at (919) 733-2136. Attachments cc: Michael=Wicker-1,1t0= _� Central files CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY BIOCIDE WORKSHEET PERMIT#: RECEIVING STREAM: 7010 (cfs): I.W.C.%: PRODUCT: ACTIVE INGREDIENT: HALF LIFE (DAYS): LC50 OF SELECTED TOX DATA (MG/L): DECAY RATE: DOSAGE RATE (GRAMS/DAY): AVG DAILY DISCHARGE (MGD): VOLUME OF SYSTEM (MIL. GAL'S): NCG500205 Lumber River 112.00 2.03 NALCO 7346 60%1 BROMO-3-CHLORO-5,5DIMETHYLHYDANTION 27.4%1 DICHLORO-5,5 DIMETHYLHYDANTION 10.6%1 DICHLORO-5-ETHYL-5-METHYLHYDANTION 0.17 0.15 4.1392 1506.00 1.5 0.1210 7Q10 (cfs): 112.00 I.W.C.%: 2.03 STEADY STATE DISC CONC: DEGRADATION FACTOR: APPLICATION FACTOR: INSTREAM BIOCIDE CONC: REGULATED LIMITATION: 0.1989 16.536 0.050 0.0040 0.0075 PASS/FAIL: PASS PRODUCT: Calgon H-450 ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 33.3% Potassium dimethyldithiocarbamate (DIMET) HALF LIFE (DAYS): LC50 OF SELECTED TOX DATA (MG/L): DECAY RATE: DOSAGE RATE (GRAMS/DAY): AVG DAILY DISCHARGE (MGD): VOLUME OF SYSTEM (MIL. GAL'S): 0.083 0.09 8.3133 1192 1.5 0.117 STEADY STATE DISC CONC: DEGRADATION FACTOR: APPLICATION FACTOR: INSTREAM BIOCIDE CONC: REGULATED LIMITATION: 0.1274 21.134 0.050 0.0026 0.0045 PASS/FAIL: PASS 7Q10 (cfs): 112.00 I.W.C.%: 2.03 PRODUCT: Calgon H-900 ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 92.5% 1-Bromo-3-chloro-5,-dimethylhydantoin HALF LIFE (DAYS): LC50 OF SELECTED TOX DATA (MG/L): DECAY RATE: DOSAGE RATE (GRAMS/DAY): AVG DAILY DISCHARGE (MGD): VOLUME OF SYSTEM (MIL. GAL'S): 0.04 0.49 16.5468 481 9.00 1.5 0.121 STEADY STATE DISC CONC: DEGRADATION FACTOR: APPLICATION FACTOR: INSTREAM BIOCIDE CONC: REGULATED LIMITATION: 0.3635 28.943 0.050 0.0074 0.0245 PASS/FAIL: PASS Memorandum To: From: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Melissa Rosebrock Susan A. Wilsonc March 10,.1994 Subject: Campbell Soup Company NCG500205 Robeson County Please review the attached biocide worksheets for the Campbell Soup Company. The 7Q10s value was provided by this office. w.,..-..k:••...,� .x .... s-qr..r-^r:. .. nns _> .ti;b CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY 08103-1799 March 3, 1994 Ms. Susan A. Wilson Environmental Engineer NCDEHNR Division of Environmental Management P. 0. Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27625-0535 RE: NPDES Permit No. NCG500205 Campbell Soup Company Biocidal Additives Robeson County Dear Ms. Wilson: Attached please find a Biocide/Chemical Treatment Worksheet Form 101 completed for each of the following biocidal additives which are used at Campbell Soup Company in Robeson County: Calgon H-450, Calgon H-900, and Nalco 7346. I apologize for the delay in sending you the forms; it took some time to obtain the required information from the biocide suppliers. Campbell Soup Company provided flow rate and system volume data to Calgon and Nalco, who then completed the required information and performed the calculations. None of the three biocides contain copper, zinc, or chromium; therefore, the supplemental metals analysis did not apply. The system volume (discharge canal volume) used in the calculations was estimated by taking length, width and depth measurements up to the NPDES discharge monitoring point 101 (Refer to the sketch included with the forms). Please note that there is an additional 500 feet (approximate) of canal length before the cooling/cooker water actually reaches the Lumber River. It was not feasible for plant personnel to obtain measurements from this area; therefore, this section of canal was not included in the volume calculations. The actual receiving stream concentrations for the biocides as they enter the river will therefore be even lower than those calculated and reported here. Based on the calculations attached, all three biocides are acceptable for use. If you have any questions about the information submitted, please contact me at (609) 968-4435. Sincerely, CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY ? x-— Nancy K. Miller Environmental Project Engineer nkm/1008 Attachments cc: Mr. T. Braydich Mr. B. Carter Mr. D. Fleming Mr. D. Krupinski Ms. L. Sampson Mr. R. Shober Mr. G. Dobson, Fayetteville Regional Office a4\Nv\ :Doi g0-14433 E�TIMR1 _NOLUM�. 'OF CoOL\Dire H In H f. I.. F.. W W W W W W H h H ' 000 In00 — Coo K 7€9,3 See cal cu lad-►`oY► ►text ewe M .Z G4 Li goaLER- 1 r 7C Moni--ortr IFo.;nt Oo j 7o Lorn ber RvQr �- 500 1. VI IA V) 1-1-1- 111 14 Lia 41 X X X VI Vs VI 000 v/ 0 0 1.?-re-th2. - 1.z‘ve, 3 V CC-- coo \C(-\ woJez.r. c - 1.2.nstin = (19 I _ 6ecitv-, 5 . 12 = zo R vs 12,29.k-ti 4r I 20 G Y. 7 •142) 12 21 (020 151 LerVrtfl 3 7- 3 3 A\.15. w\d-‘- Co..33 Rvs. *kin .‘g n 3141-3 AG. 33 >c "i-8 533_424a_a_c2. \ 2 • 0z-Q.. olu N.\ e • . rn CcoKars bo'‘ r\s -1-c) Mon 14-tyrk Froer) tro'l NnoOse. _ . . . a \La V3 1?) 5-1 cict c:n• etej_ \= 2.0 183 80-1. Por-t 2.1 • 1 ,3CO2 . 1.Z ZZ/8J 1141 ZT008 808 280d tltG JYCS & ENV 444 CAMPBELI. MAX ENG I1j00.3/00`8'` BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSI IEET•FORM 101 The following calculations nro to be performed on any Weida' products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worlcsheet must be completed separately for each biocide! product In use. This woncsheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered Into the designated areas with calculations performed as Indloated. I: Facility Name NPDES 1! NC C2I 50192,05.,— County (.or+l-1 - Receiving Stream 1 cr Q . _7010 (I Z- (ots) (All above Information supplied y the Division of Environmental Management) What is the Average Pally Dlt:c arge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D.. 1 (In M. .D.) Please aiculale.th0 lnstream aste Concentratbn.(IWC In percent) of thls discharge using the data entered above. A.A.D. x ] 00 (I . S) X i 0 0� 7Q10 x 0.64•) + A.D.e.) - ( Il'Z, )(0.646) + ( je5- ) _ This value (IWC) represents the waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. (l. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatmentpropQsed for use in the discharge identified In Part 17 NALCO 739 Please list the active ingredients and percent c9mposhlon: I ., t3eot4O - C g._9— ��� Diµ&-.1EfNIL 1-4ybAN1O►r,i CO,0 % I, 3 — IC1114i.s 5,5- DIM4T 'jL -1YbANTO)Al .17r41e1. I —4/ fi e- fiYeitVra/ / ro/6 % 19 Note: If Ingredients contain the metals Capper, chromium, or zinc, oleo complete page A, Fvomleme What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) Is used in this application? The units must be converted to grams of whole product used per day. D.R..:. I?L D.E,M. Form 101 (7/92) grams/day 12/22/93 11:45." 25800 088 2800 ENC SVCS a ENS'. +��.'CA3iP13fiLL Ii FNC ®o04/oo6 Rioofving Stream Concentration lumns. (Note that units should be 1-ac111ty Name. • CAW' f ZC• .Sair /i/biX/V J"`"'NPDES'#: NC SC.V` .1 - Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of blocidat product and NPDES discharge_ "point. On an attached sheet please provide Iustiflcation for.thls estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon -size, ele.) Volume-. O. /6;1 l • ` • million gallons (./070) What lc the -pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter.N/A. 6• `la 7.5 What Is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assures no decay (0 K.-0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must bo elated al pH level within /2. pi1 standard untt within handling system. Enter the Kati life (Half: Life Is the ttma required tor,ihe Initial product to degrade to halt of its original concentration). Please provide wplea of the aour063 of -this data. H.L... D o / 6 C ] Days The decay rate Is equal to r X 0.09 ( `/ /( £J ) -Decay Rate (D•K.), Calculate degradation factor (1),F.), _1 Ns Is the first order losS coefficient: A( ILL- + (D.K.) e • ( ` -1 + ( 4% l �1 ) /l�'•a (volume) ( 0, l ,3/ ) Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: (D.R.) ( b)ci) / 2 fY m � Oing �% (D.F.)(Vofume)(3765) ( /a s 4/ ) ( O i /a / ) (3 7 8 s ) Calcvlate concentration of btocidc 1n&tream durinq low flow conditions. (Receiving Stream Concentration) Conoi/95k' x (IWC%) 1 ' } x 100 100 03 Z - Calculate regulated -limitation. . List ail LC50 Cata available for the whole product according to the fotiowing co in mgll). Fleas° provide cople: of the sources of leis data, prism :.t34 . For,- AA mot/gab,/ !14PitN04- .C:;C'1 1 l f'H&id ) Ue;i/} J�1 hr Sep /11.s 6S' (SA. 61/14\ 1.L3 07 a c' , fr c, ' Test Duration 96 hr Y 'ova ovu LOUD ENG 8VCS d: ENV y44 CAMPAF.t.L MAX ENG_ g4osioab Facility Name: 61714 ((&Z.L S C)I)P /14QXT7N NPDES #: NC. ;VC. Choose the bwest LC50 listed above: Enter tha LCS0: n r tf the half fife (H.L.) Is Tess than 4 days. perform the followlnp catculatIon, Regulated Limitation - 0.05 x. LC50 - 0 07 moll 6 s'c0 0s" If the all life (H.L.) reater than 4 ys or unkno , perform the lowing cafe laden. • Repulat Limitation 0 01 x LC50 rng/l cr oOse the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations Immediately above and place in this blank: _: filar From Part II elder the reCelving stream concentration: 0 oo o m4/liter IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than Ow calculated regulated limitation, then tNs biocide is unacceptable for use. Name (Print) et, L2<L�. Strlature Person In Resporstb a Charge Dee Post- t'brand fax transmittal mern0 fti71 TeA49 c be. A . 71 1(ce uop,. Fax • /- r of page. Mai Dhnnoe ,q/ %'d q •/ •576.f / Fix r1 NALCO IVIH I 1 . IHL of-tr• 1 I LJH l IA 0r CC ." PRODUCT NALCO 7346 MICROBIOCIDE Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 462-5378 (24 hours) (800),I-M-ALERT SECTION 12 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION ( CONTINUED ) public water unless in accordance with NPDES permit. For guidance contact your * Regional Office of. the EPA. Do not contaminate water by cleaning of container * . and equipment or disposal of wastes. Apply this product only as specified on this. label. AQUATIC DATA: Results below are based on the product. 96 hour static acute LC„ to Bluegill Sunfish =1.2 ppm 96.hour static acute LCS, to Fathead Minnow .= 0.71 ppm 96 hour static acute LCS, to Rainbow Trout = 0.5 ppm 48 hour static acute LC,, to Daphnia= 0.4 ppm 48:=hour';:sfatic`acute_'LC50to Ceriodaphnia..dubia =-0.15°p 96.hour static acute LCS, to Sheepshead Minnow = .1.6 ppm 96 hour static acute LCS, to Mysid Shrimp = 1.1 ppm 96 hour static acute LCs, to Eastern Oyster = 0.98 ppm AQUATIC DATA: Results below are based on dehalogenatd product (5 , 5-dimethylhydantoin ) 96 hour static acute LCS, to Rainbow Trout = 6,100 mg/L 48 hour static acute LCs, to Daphnia = 1,300 mg/L 96 hour static acute LCS, to Fathead Minnow = 8,100 mg/L 96 hour static acute LCS, to Sheepshead Minnow 13,300 mg/L 96 hour static acute LCS, to Grass Shrimp = 12,000 mg/L 96 hour static acute LCS, to American.0yster = 14,200 mg/L • OTHER STUDIES: Avian Toxicity:. Results below are -based on similar active ingredients: Dietary LC,, (Bobwhite Quail) =rGreater than 5,620 ppm Dietary LC„ (Mallard Duck) = Greater than 5,620 ppm Acute oral LDS, (Bobwhite Quail)=.1,759 mg/kg Acute oral LDS,. (Bobwhite Quail) = Greater than 2,510 mg/kg If released into the environment, see CERCLA in.Section 14. SECTION 13 TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME/HAZARD CODE - OXIDIZING SUBSTANCES, SOLID, N.O.S-./ 5.1, UN 1479, PG II - HALOGENATED HYDANTOINS CONTAINS PAGE •.5 0 NALGO CHEMICAL; COMPANY, ONE NALCO CENTER .• : NAPERVILE LILLINOIS 60563-1 198 AREA 70e-305-1.000 ) Llr�1I':L1l.v 1 :1111111' NAI-CO CHEMICAL COMPANY JtlU JUI INIVII. LJULJUL IJL VI J. l I MI 1l IN 11-'1 1 /1.,AN 1, :1l JU I I 1 L:/11 1ULIIV/1 ; l 1 A A f4C77-0r1 1 -00.1 1 I I February 1994 Page 1 of 2 Ms. Lorraine Sampson Campbell Soup Currtpctny houte 2, Box 98 Maxton, NC 28364 Dear Lorraine: t1 :r b4- Yesterday, I received information from Nancy-W-14* m which enabled me to complete the attached PI0C:IDE/c1H.MICAI. TRFATMFNT WORKSHF.F.T-FORM 101. I trust that completion of this Inrm will enable Campbell Soup to comply'with all relevant environmental regulations. Please encore that the Ontr'ntc of this fortn remain confidential, as it containslproprictary infiirr iiiort k.KArding the ingredients and other characteristics of our product (NAI C:0 7346). The following data was used tu.c.urnplete the attached form: Average Daily Discharge (into rivei A.D.D. = 1.5 mgd (million gallons per day) as per Lorraine Sampson Dosage Rate (D.R) The D.R (grams/day of 7346 into receiving stream) was calculated using water usage logs from the Maintenance Department. On 10-15-93, the maintenance department began recording water usage information tor the can cookers. B lwee.n '10-1.5-93 and 1-31-'34, the average riatly..witer usage. by the I) Stork was 47,342 gallons per day. (; 'his flow rate does riot uni l tdc-watcr.which,is.used_to; .. cpol,the:heat zexchanger.cmthc..c( ker.)t Data for 1.0-26 and 10-27 were excluded because these points were extremely high compared to the rest of data, indicating that the meters may have been read incorrectly on these days. 0tir.`.L-ioci 16.: K irs:0oilly in_the. cCiplingsi .tiori>.of the: ga :ri ; 61c?,,and precise water flaw information through the cooling section of the c:an cooker is not available. A conservative estimate is 70 percent of the total flow to the cooker (0.7 * 47,342 = 33,139 gal per day.) Our dosage rate multiplied by the flow rate c:orrosponcis to 1 506 grams per day of Nalco 7:346. Volume of Water Between I:ntry of L3iocidal Product and Discharge Point - Ihe vnliIFP of water w:rc rclllnrtcicl by Nancy '�� in be afpr)Yimatoly 120,831 gallons. Hy utiliiingJ the vulture of water belweon the rocker effluent point and I 1 JMr•LP+s+ 1 L U1 t Oil '.• ("NI- NALL:LJ CL'J 1 L • n /+err rIV11 1 r, 11 1 NCI D UUC:;1. L7 1 1 L LI LI AI1CA !UU ULMD 1 LKJU I INLr.:GLV GfOUP i6 NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY Je5 JoHNNIr nno i t1LVu if I1fI It' T F rLLA JANT, rnu I W u,Unl INA U. JAr4 r 1 a17f' A Rn-fif71-ou 1 j Ms. 1 orraine Sampson 11 l ebruary 1994 Page 2 of 2 the discharge monitoring point, as opposed to tho vOlume betweon the cooker effluent point and the entry of the discharge into the river, the calculation for "Decay Rate" is low. The resulting calculation for the "Rocrivinp Stream Concentration" is therefore artificially high. the actual concentration of 7346 in the river (Receiving Stream (.•nnc c'ntration) is lower than calculated, because the largo volume of water hr,lween the sampling point and the entrance to the river provides additional holding lime which allows for additional decay of the product before it reaches the river. Please feel free to contact me if I can be -of further assistance. You may leave a message at the District Office (603-554-8223) and I will return your call, or you can call me during the early morning or evening hours at 803-G61-06 31. Sincerely, John I )onovan 1)islrirt Representative cc: Mr. Buck Carter Attadnnertts: F3IOC:11)t:/C:I iLMICAI IRLAfML:N r WORKSHFI: F - U.L'.M. Form 101 Letter from Claude Wolfe - NAI CO Corporate Toxicologist MSI)S for NALCO 7346 r-r,.+rOf+nTf' nrrltlLL:• Vr•,r- N/.LCU CLr.i . r rl n NGL+I Nvtl I I . II I INnIG 60083 1 1 HU U AI -ILA 7nR-:inT-1 DOO 02.11/94 14127..:-, :..'a708 308 2886 EI`'vlRi� 1ILTH. SFTi Mo01'001 AJALCO .CHCNA COMPANY tQn a Aae4 7QR-305-'iODL Cr:6 ccr4TGn n ►.neer4V:LLe. 'LLiNO.s oone3-; February 11, 1994 Mr. John Donovan Nalco Chemical Company I;niaoly District N-fi 7.430 Mall Drive. }?uilding B, Suite 275 North Charleston, SC 29418 Dear John! This is in regard to the "half-life" of the active ingredients inAs such their half' -life should inNalco �:bc 'you know, are "halogen -release agents (chlorine and)= •eery short, in the range of:2-4 hours;at:the_sys'em pH you described (6;5-10)' A's halogens; then longevity is dependent upon pH, temperature, and organic load in the system being treated, among other variables. 1 am sorry that titre is no•good sing1e.;ntunbet value that 1 cart give you for this value. If you have any questions, please call rite directly. laude H. Wolf, MSc. Corporate Toxicologist CHWlcw so • i . BIOCIDE/CHEMICALTRATMRNT, WORKSHEE1'.FQRM 101 • ' 'The following calculations aro to•be periormed•on any blooidal products ultfmateiy discharged to the svract3 waters of North Carolina. This worfcehoet must be completed separately for each biocide,' product In use, This worlsctreet b•to tx returned Mtn all appropriate data entered Into the designated areas with calculations performed as lndloated. Facility Name. t' p f,4 7ou-P Co. NPDf:S # NC rl .51z/2 24'5 • Aecelvtng Stream ,,.L-u .* 12 7Q1 O (All altoyra tnforrnmion supplied .y the Dtvislon of Environmental Management) What is the Average Daily Dis ergo (A,D,D,) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water boc A.D.D. 4 1. C . {}fl M. .D.) Please calculate.the Inslream pate ConCentratfori (IWC to percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. • A (7 D.A. x 00 /,5 X 10 0 i.•• •) -t• ' .D.D.) =, (i/2 (01,56 �t:D,44 )' + . (7,5 ) (ote) This value (LWC) ropreseLts th= waste concentration to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. What is the name of the whole pr ct chemical treatment proposed for use in the•dfcoharge identified In Pal YQ Note: It Ingredients oontaln the metaLi copper, hromlum, or =kko, aka cgmpteto pope 4. What road• or dosage rate (D.R.) is used to this appilca-tlon? The unite must be converted to prams of whole product used per day:: /:•d • G6y /9:/t5'� c 7464 s cotes �•ne/a ,•f- 6 Gyc/as. � � s da - y ��..f�i . D.R.I.S7 pram I y .. • 7/SL.zG - //9, Z i� f 6 uF y c�rce.r7. o�+ O.V o/ar / -rfl9Z /'�/.atr/k� �wr��r.►.gc�� ;v. o °�Y,w _ ' - rt'`.t r ate: •4/��/ . $KQ riiaas�d 4.4C�1 l�.�J#q l!. D.E.M. Form 1b1(7/9Z) 1 /or7 � a�«e:, c / �s:1i$ ka: �/-�P: a r, ate ', L'4co /s aq,ia ali•4f"•71: 7 love % i NSF ell Name: �m�• /l ��P� / � � i(%�_ NPDES #: NC G 5'002o /it►IAAJ l im C0nuntrstl Estimate total volume o1 the water handling system between entry of biocide! product and NPDES discharge. "point. C)n an attached sheet please provide justHIcatiion//f or.thls es rnate (system/volu e, av`erage cy es pet • • ' G9f3.wa��W �y � /s.y •W/40- oc(SQ, blowdown, tviciing lagoon size, etc,) ' ' /l7S6 Zy • Volume ./ / 7 _ , m1Ubn gallons tea.► 4 L- A . 4,4,1- f4s2) is 44a0/ 7 What is the pH of the handling system prior to biocide addition? If unknown, enter N/A. Whet Is the decay rain (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assure no decoy (O.K.-0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH levet within 1/2 pH standard unit'withlri handlings tem. Enter the hair Tire (Hatt. Life Is the time required for the initial product to degrade to half of hs original concentration). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. u • H.L. 083 Days See Vige iee#T•l L C/f& WS? 'Y S(CP/ON •vo,q z tit Ar4e/r7f ,47TAc 12? MeaBacr 134%eaNAleivrA 4 par The decay rate i8 equal to Fir X 0.69 c •.3 •Decay Rate (D,K.) s4tr Calwlate degradation factor (D.F,), This Is the first order We coefficient. D:F. Q me • . (DX) ` (. (/ s ) ♦ (8,3 ') -?//z Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration: {p.R} _..._:._ ) .. . Dlccng �5a' ` (D.F.)(Vok me)(37855 (2/./Z ) ( sir'? ) (3 78 • ) Calculate concentration of biocide hoe am during low flow ctondlcions. (aacol'ving Stream Concentration) (Dlkho, Cori- . Calculate ro'g<tt; List aJt LCS� dal In nil), Pleas • FacilJly Name,a .Choose the lowest 1450 listed above: Enter the 1,60.. i1 the had Jffe (Hi.) Is lets than 4 days, perform tho kllow{rig c`a rlaibn, ' Regulated Limitation • 0.05 x LC50 d • 4DS. n NPDES #; NC e- 5ooza5 If the haft Fife (H.L.) Ls greater than 4 days or unknown, parterm the following ckilatbn, 'Roc/Oates CJmitation w, 0.01 x LC50 . //l mart Choose tho appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations Immedlatoly above and place In thls.blan$ rrgllite r From Part II enter the receiving stream ooncerdreikm: cee mg/liter !V. Analysts, If the receiving Stream poroontration is greater than the calcutstrd rpg.atated !Irritation. then this bki.lde !s unacceptable fvr Use. Marro (Print) SVvolvre ore Person R { Mtge 1 certify the above information to be true as confirmed by`Calgon's Health and Enviro mental Affairs department. . J. Thomas Phiegar District Sales En .neer. ' A.%.M: Form 1C11 171921. 1362 9/82 9.» PRODUCT ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SHEET SUBSIDIARY Of MEACK& CO.,INC, DATE August 6, 1886 PRODUCT NAME; H-460 Microbiocide COMPOSITION I • ;`Potuslum.Dimethyldlthioairbimata UNMET) - 33.3% '.• (CAS No. 128-03.0) Water GG.7% PRODUCT CHEMISTRY Appearance — Clear preen liquid Odor Ammonia.Sulfide Speclfk Gravity 1.16 pH (100 ppm In water)• 7.5.9 ANALYTICAL METHODS 1 Assay for Active • Attachment 1 UV Analysis • Attachment 3 Spot Test in Water • Attachment 2 ' RECOMMENDED USAGE 16 to 45 ppm H•450 Microbiotide as recommended ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS • Teiti d0AC 0tt.i 60% r04.3luti0rt '-_. Rainbow Trout • LC60 (90 hr.) 0.36 ppm . Fiihiid Minnows .:C50 96::hr } . , .., ; , :.:... -.0.06 PPrn Daphnia Magna LC50 (48 hr.) - 0,34 mp/I HUMAN FACTORS Teats done on a 20% active solution Acute Oral LD5 • Rats (Male) 3,88 ml/k9; (Female) 3,64 ml/kg Acute Dermal L050 • iiabblts 1.91 ml/kg r ENV,,IIRONM6NTAl,CHEMISTRY Half. Life Values/Decomposition Tlme A. ZV Pvti nor mllllon (porn) kOI40U(5 Osrtc per million (Pk a) •1D°C 75oC, • 60°C 3 <30 sec < 30 see < 30 sec' <30 sec 6 436 min 54 min -- 807, min . - . 08 min 9 96b hours 00 hours 2600 hours 'loon 1,,,,,,, 7.N —9o0 . • BIOQIOE/CHEMIGAL TREAYMEN'1" WORKSHEEr-FORM 101 , The fol1owirg calculations are to be performed'on any bioOlda1 products uittmateiy discharged to the sutlaCe wster3 01 North Carolina. This woricshoet roust be completed separately for each blockiat product In use, This worfcarieet 1810 be returned with ail appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as Indicated. Facility Nanm,. C mil. SdUP Ca. NPDES # NO CI 5Os 245 - - . Receiving Stream __id) R . - - r..^7Q10,. ' LI .. ,(cis.) (AA above Information suppllad •ythe Division of En vironMtntal Management) What is ltie Average Daily Disc Argo (A.D.D4 volume bt the water handling systems to the receiving water bod) A.D.D, O / 5 on M. r.D.) Please calculate,the tnstream aste Concentration (IWO In percent) of this discharge using tho data entered above. • IWC(7x0. A.D.D, x 00 i r X 100 . (//a ) 0. • 4' + This valve (tWC) represents VI waste oencentretlon to the receiving stream during'low flaw conditions. What is the pieme of the whole proott c `emld3i treatment proposed for use to the, discharge Identified in Part Please list the active tn9redie • /r _3 MI Note: if ingredients center, the motets copper, ohrernlurr,.or zk+e, also complete pogo 4, .;.1,5m,lacncril MLt MAIM What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used In this apFileallon? The units must ba coil errad to prams of whole �l�e�J 3�}So�% ?z rq�.ga /0.6°,�.i31ff�' 4yr r product used per day. ' 8 gramalday ^ 4.5./ 9 goys • D.E.M. 1orm:101 (7/92) 1 i ./ . C21 Name; frvi (4-40,�- A /16 NPDES k; NO G— 56 0 205 • Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocide! product and NPDES discharge. , ..point.' On an attached sheet pteaee provide Justifleatlan for,this estimate (stem volume,;every a cy6les per blows wn, holding lagogn Diz.8, Ca.) ' Volcime.' , • / L ( . million gallons ' �4 0/ Aar- ,Gn/$, (4, What Is the pH of tho handling system prlorto biocide addition? If unknown, enter NIA. X 2._. What is the decay rate (D,}C.) or the product? If U r AVtn, assume no decay (D.K.4) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation mvst bo stated at pH Level within 1a pH standard unit within her ling system, Enter the half life (Hatt Life Is the time required for the tnit►8,1 prodvCI to degrade to hafi of its t'IgInsi Qonepntratlgn). pietas() provide copies of the sources of this data. H.L. ,. <0. o5/2 pave / 1 The decay rate hi Calculate degrade b.F. ■ (Vo1 mDi c=?I uIate Steady Olschg Care, Calculate aoncantri (ReceCvinp Stream .(Dlsoho, Oono,1 ` SIw9%1 100 IL • Cata,fate reguteded Matto& • 1/3Z x 1q''-f 100 c 27 mgri .. Aedelving Strom Concentration List all LCSQ data avaaablo for the whole product according to the following dolumns, (Note that units bhould b In mg/1). Pieaeu provide °colts of the sources otthls data. • ..*Absed,4, av •tr vas' �,+:7w• / caita,ata D.E.M.Form 101(7192) . 2 Lea tiro) Aeq 'utated Limitation 0.01 x ;Faclltty Name: C-4M be/ .Choose the lowest LC60 listed at7Gvet Etter !ha LQ50; - 4 NPDES #; NO G o a a,055 • if the half Iffo (H.L.) Is less than 4 days. perform tiro following cthj!at�an. Regulated Ltmltauon • 0.05 x LCso ■ 0.0 Z myi If the haft ilfe (H.L.) Is greater than 4 days or urichown, perform the tolithvIN calculation. LC54 �49 mgn Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the caleulatbn8 Immediately Above and place In this blank: ' 47_` m4llitar From Part iI enter the receiving stream concerdr8,tton: 7 mQlltter TV.. Matytis. It the receiving stream is greater than rho calcutat.d regulated !imitation, then this biocide is unaobeptebte for use. Name pert) SVediAl Die Parson in Fttspoct'o Charge ... , r .. i certify the above information to be true as confirmed by Calgon's Health and Environmental Affairs department . J. Thomas Phlegar District Sales Engi `='er ti b,E.Ivi. Form 101 (7/92) State of North Carolina , )1 Department of Environment, , DEC 22 1993 Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Managem lIY. MANAGEME ° — ` • FAYETTEV LLE REG. James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director �EHNF December 16, 1993 Ms. Nancy K. Miller, Environmental Project Engineer Campbell Soup Company Camden, New Jersey 08103-1799 Dear Ms. Miller: E E'NE DEG 2 U 1993 DEHNR-RAL RO Subject: NPDES Permit No. NCG500205 Campbell Soup Company Biocidal Additives Robeson County The Division of Environmental Management (DEM) has received the information in your letter directed to Preston Howard concerning the use of biocides at the Campbell Soup facility in Robeson County. A review by the Division's Aquatic Toxicology Unit indicates that Calgon H- 900, Nalco 7346, and Calgon H-450 contain biocidal ingredients. In order to obtain approval for the use of these biocides, a Biocide/Chemical .Treatment Worksheet Form 101 must be submitted to the Division. CC: Please use a separate worksheet (attached) for each of the above listed biocides. If you have any questions, please contact me at (919) 733-5083. 1`11,.h. - •tt Fte inn Central Files Ciro P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, .North Carolina 27626-0535 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer Sincerely, Susan A. Wilson Environmental Engineer Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-2496 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT December 7, 1993 MEMORANDUM k ,�� 1 to ( „Iti: d f To: Susan Wilson �, , C DE10 1993 , iB ENV. MANAGEMENT 'FAYETTEVILLE REG. OFFIO Through: Matt Mathews Al` From: Melissa Rosebrock Subject: Biocide use at Campbell Soup Company NPDES No. NCG500205 Robson County Material safety data sheets (MSDS) and your 12/1/93 memo concerning possible biocidal characteristics in compounds proposed at Campbell Soup Company have been received and reviewed. Nalco 7390 (listed incorrectly as TG 10 on the atteached memo from the facility to Preston Howard) and Calgon TG-10 (listed incorrectly as 7390) are nt biocides and therefore require no approval from this office unless you feel the products are going to be used as biocides (ie. to kill microbes, algae, etc.). The following products contain biocidal ingredients which would necessitate the submittal of a Biocide/Chemical Treatment Worksheet - Form 101 in order to obtain approval for their use: •Calgon H-900 Microbiocide containing >92.5% 1-Bromo-3-chloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin,. •Nalco 7346 Microbiocide containing 60% 1-Bromo-3-chloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin, 27.4% 1,3- Dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin, and 10.6% 1,3-Dichloro-5-ethyl-5-methylhydantoin. •Calgon H-450 containing 33% Potassium dimethyl dithiocarbamate. If there are questions concerning this review please do riot hesitate to. contact me at (919) 733- 2136. Attachments cc: M ehael=Wickerzt O: -, Central files DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT December 1, 1993 Memorandum RECEIVED To: Melissa Rosebrock ©u 0 1 199 ENvr 3 From: Susan A. Wilson % l �ETAcscINo ES Subject: *Campbell Soup Co. NCG500205 Robeson County Please review the enclosed packet for additives to cooling water and boiler feedwater at the Campbell Soup Company, to determine which additives will require a 101 Form. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG500000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG500205 TO DISCHARGE NON -CONTACT COOLING WATER, COOLING TOWER AND BOILER BLOWDOWN, CONDENSATE AND SIMILIAR WASTEWATERS UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulatior promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, CAMPBELL SOUP CO. is hereby authorized to discharge non -contact cooling water, cooling tower and boiler blowdown wastewater from a facility located at. CAMPBELL SOUP CO. Robeson County to receiving waters designated as the LUMBER RIVER/LUMBER RIVER BASIN in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III ar IV of General Permit No. NCG500000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective November 1, 1993. This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day, September 30, 1993. F_ k(OI. r /? I IS ? A. Preston Howar., Jr., P.E.,Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director DENNIS KRUPINSKI CAMPBELL SOUP CO. ROUTE 2, BOX 98 MAXTON NC 28364 Dear Permittee: September 30,1993 Ili SEP 28 1993 ENV. MANAGEMENT EYETTEVILLE REG. QEEIO Subject: CAMPBELL SOUP CO. Certificate of Coverage NCG500205 General Permit NCG500000 Formerly NPDES Permit NC0047325 Robeson County The Division of Environmental Management has recently evaluated all existing individual permits for potential coverage under general permits currently issued by the Division. 15A N.C.A.C. 2H .0127 allows the Division to evaluate groups of permits having similar discharge activities forcoverage under general permits and issue coverage where the Division finds control of the discharges more appropriate in this manner. The Division has determined that the subject discharge qualifies for such coverage. Therefore, the Division is hereby issuing the subject Certificate of Coverage under the state-NPDES general permit no. NCG500000 which shall void NPDES Permit. NC0047325. This Certificate of Coverage is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina and the US Environmental Protection Agency Memorandum of Agreement dated December 6,1983 and as subsequently amended. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this general permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to submit an individual permit application, associated processing fee and letter requesting coverage under an individual permit. Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and binding. Please take notice this Certificate of Coverage is not transferable. Part II, E.4. addresses the requirements to be followed in case of change of ownership or control of this discharge. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement wastewater treatment or disposal facilities. Construction of any wastewater treatment facilities will require issuance of an Authorization to Construct from this Division. Failure to abide by the requirements contained in this Certificate of Coverage and respective general permit may subject the Permittee to an enforcement action by the Division of Environmental Management in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. Please note thatthe general permit does require monitoring in accordance with federal law. The monitoring data is not required to be submitted to the Division unless specifically requested, however, the permittee is required to maintain all records for a period of at least three (3) years. Post Office Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone (919) 733-5083 FAX (919) 733-9919 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled - 10% post -consumer paper ; Page 2 DENNIS KRUPINSKI CAMPBELL SOUP CO. Certificate of Coverage No. NCG500205 The issuance of this Certificate of Coverage is an administrative action initiated by the Division of Environmental Management and therefore, no fees are due at this time. In accordance with current rules, there are no annual administrative and compliance monitoring fees for coverage under general permits. The only fee you will be responsible for is a renewal fee at the time of renewal. The current permit expires July 31,1997. This coverage will remain valid through the duration of the attached general permit. The Division will be responsible for the reissuance of the general permit and at such time, you will be notified of the procedures to follow to continue coverage under the reissued permit. Unless you fail to follow the procedures for continued coverage, you will continue to be permitted to discharge in accordance with the attached general permit. The issuance of this Certificate of Coverage does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances which may be required by the Division of. Environmental Management or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act or any Federal or Local other governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions or need additional information regarding this matter, please contact either the Fayetteville Regional Office, Water Quality Section at telephone number (919) 486-1541, or a review engineer in the NPDES Group in the Central Office at telephone number 919/733-5083. cc: Fayetteville Regional Office Central Files erely, A. Preston Howar. r., P.E. e CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY 08103-1799 November 1,2, 199 Mr. A. Preston Howard, Jr:, P. E. Acting Director Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Natural Resources 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 NOV i 0 1993 SF:u►:ifi Dear Mr. Howard: Health, and NOV 15 1993 DIV. OF ENVIRONMENTAL DIRECTO{�SOFFICE,r NT, il ^y i i ri AN ;r S ;'- 1; aij Campbell Soup Company Certificate of Coverage NCG500205 General Permit NCG500000 Formerly NPDES Permit NC0047325„ Robeson County Campbell Soup Company, Maxton, North Carolina, acknowledges receipt of and coverage under North Carolina General Permit NCG500205, effective November 1, 1993. We have reviewed this general permit and expect to comply as we have complied with our previous NPDES permit. Ms. Kitty Cramer of the Fayetteville Regional Office was contacted regarding monitoring frequency for pH and sample type for flow. Ms. Cramer indicated that both pH and instantaneous flow in MGD should be recorded . semi • - annnally. Attached are Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for biocidal additives currently being used to treat cooker cooling water and boiler feedwater. The additive names and estimated discharge concentrations of their active ingredients, assuming no consumption, are listed below. These are based on an average daily discharge rate of 1.5 MGD. Additive Use Active Ingredient 0Qu) 731° COgfn T(a40 Cookers zinc phosphorus as P Calgon H-900 . Cookers bromine Cal lonNalc6.39QT6-10 Cooker .• Nalco 7346 Cooker . bromine Calgon H-450 Boiler Discharge Concentration. ppm 0.6 - 1.2 2.0 4.0. 0.9 2.0 - 4.0 0.2 - 0.4 0.21- 0.5 772 •J (cue/ Z n • The Nalco microbiocide and corrosion inhibitor are being used on an experimental basis in one of the five cookers as a possible alternative to the Calgon treatment. If you have any questions or require any further information, please contact me at Campbell Soup World Headquarters at (609) 968-4435 or Mr. Tom Braydich of the Maxton Plant at (919) 844-5631. Sincerely, CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY ricidtA,cAd) Nancy K. Miller Environmental Project Engineer nkm/844 Attachments cc: Mr. T. Braydich Mr. D. Fleming Mr. D. Krupinski Mr. R. Shober Mr. G. Dobson, Fayetteville Regional Office • • _ . 17,* t0/79 ►:•.:= �b796.12=28 82` • PRODUCT NAME MANUFACTURER'S NAME ADDRESS - ATERIAL SAFETY DATA 5HET DATE June 22, 1983 CHEMICAL NAME AND SYNONYMS Calgon Corporation EMERGENCY. TELEPHONE NO. P. 0. Box 1346, Pittsburgh, Pennrylrania -15230 (412) 777-8000 • Biocide - FORMULA Multicomponent Liquid 1 :s.. .. .-ecti _ -* ,?hyjti-'-*ter J DERMAL LD5 _ ''TLV IUni PRI;.CIPAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENT MI X _ _ ORAL LD50 Potassium Dimemyldithiocarbamate • 33 Rat 3.86m1/kg RabbitI 1.908 ml/kg NIA Toxicity testing done on a 20% attire solution =- -� .,,.. r EC'�1°Nr I/ I 1YS_ aitliATA.:..-:.A ..; �. • •*•v ROILING POINT I°F) > 212 SPECIFIC GRAVITY. (H20.1) 1.16 VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg.} Same as Water PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME IS) 67 . VAPOR DENSITY (AIR•1) Same as Water 100 PPM in _R - deic,nhzed water 9 - 10 SOLUBILITY IN WATER Miscible " APPEAPPAt,CE AND ODOR FLASH POINT (M.Ihod Used) EXTINGUISHING IdE71:. SPECt.L Flak FIGHTING PROCEDURES Yellow solution:with slight sulfur udo • Water fog. carbon dioxide, cry chemical Exercise caution whin fipl{ar,g any et.-rniu.I fire. Respiratory protaetion is ess/ntiai. - t.r:uSUAI1-rwi Ar:D 1--;:PLOSION HAZARDS Exposura to fire may cause evoluri•;n of-su;!ut-containing gas and amine after evaporation of Were)' from.. pr0i•: et. • •:r'+;Ie lhis irlormation and: retom'm.ndri.ons set lorin br:vi•.:.•! 1• • . .... .Curet: a: sa: r;..h •.urr.% (::.LG014 -' CORPORATION, MAKES NO WARRANTY WITH RESPECT"_Iti.nETC ..) IGCttlt.; A;.L t.1/uI%ITY•:•o0M' RELIANCE THEREON, . EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE . Causes eye damage and skin irritation. Harmful If mellowed. '? IERGENCY AND FIRST AIO . 'vROCEDURES„ • In use of skin contact, wish with plenty of soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. 1f product gets In the eyes; flush immediately with copious amounts of clean, cool water for at least 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. If product is swallowed, call a physician immediately. If patient li conscious, induce vomiting by stroking or tickling the,patient's throat or far back on patient's tongue. Emetics such 'as 2 teaspoonsful (10 mL) o1 Ipecac syrup or .1 teaspoonful (5 mL) of dry mustard in warm water to form a paste or even soap In warm water can be used. Repeat until vomit fluid is clear. Then have patient drink plenty of milk, gelatin solution, beaten egg whites, flour and water,,or other nonoily demulcent. Never induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Note to physician: Probable mucosa{ damage may contraindicate gastric Iavagis • STABILITY STABLE UNSTABLE INCOMPATABILITT (Mare,isll to Avoid) CONDITIONS TO AVOID Acid HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION . P.ODUCTS Carbon diwlfite and dimethylamine HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION CONDITIONS TO AVOID MAY OCCUR 1 NO DEPORTABLE QUANTITIES (R0) It LBS. OF EPA HAZARDOUS -SUBSTANCES IN PRODUCT N/A NOTIFY EPA OF PRODUCT SPILLS EOUAL TO OR EXCEEDING N/A . LBS. STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Dike area to OR SPILLED contain as much spilled materiel as possible. Remove any remaining material by absorbing on vermiculite or other suitable absorbing material and place in a sealed metal container for disposal. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD RESPIRATORY PROTECTION 'Specify Type) Bury In an approved landfill. Do not reuse empty container. Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. • Not Required • VENTILATION • LOCAL EXHAUST Recommended SPECIAL MECHANICAL (General) . Not Required OTHER PROTECTIVE GLOVES' EYE PROTECTION Rubber Eye goggles or full face shield :•TIER PROTECTIVE c0uIPMENT ;RE CAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN It DIDDLING AND STORING l Do not get in eyes, on skin or clothing. - - Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoidconumination of food. OTHER PRECAUTIONS PREPARED BY Janet Mostowy ATE -IAL'SAFETY DATA SHEET- NALCO PRODUCT NA.= 7390 CORROSION:IN IIBITOR Emergency Telephone Number Medical (708) 920=1510 (24 hours) SECTION 1 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAME: NAIL 7390 .CORROSION INHIBITOR DESCRIPTION: An aqueous solution of phosphoric acid and NFPA 704M/I IS RATING: 3/3 •HEALTH 0/0 FTAI .BILITY 0/0 REACTIVITY ' 0 OII 0=Insignificant 1=Slight 2=Moderate. 3=High 4=Extreme SECTION 2 HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Our hazard evaluation has identified the follawing chemical ir>!gredient(s). as hazardous tinder OSHA's Hazard Communication Rule, 29 CFR 1910.1200. Consult Section 14 for the nature of the razard(s). INGREDIERT (S) CAS # APPROX. % Phosphoric acid 7664-38-2 10-20 Zinc sulfate 7733-02-0 10-20 SECTION 3 PRECAUTIONARY LABEL. INFORMATION WARNING: 'Causes burns: to skin and eyes. -Do not vet in eyes, on skin. or on clothing. Wear goggles and face shield when handling. Do not take internally. Empty containersmaycontain residual product. Do not reuse container unlPsa'properly reconditione. SECTION 4 FIRST AID INFORMATION EYES: Immediately flush for at least 15 minutes while holding. eyelids open. Call a physician at once. SKIN: Immediately flush with water for " at least 15 minutes. For a large splash, flood body under a shower. Call a. physician at once. INGESTION:. Do not induce vomiting. Give water. INHALATION: Remove to fresh air. Treat symptoms. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Based. on the individual reactions of the patient, the physician's judgment should be used to control symptoms and clinical condition. CAUTION: If.un onscious, having trouble breathing or in convulsions, do not induce vomiting or give water. SECTION 5 HEALTH EFFECTS INFORMATION PRIMARY ROUTES) OF, EXPOSURE: Eye, . Skin PAGE 1 OF 8 NALCO CHEMICAL. COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER • NAPERVILLE..ILLINOIS 60563-1198 MA I tKIAL bArt I Y IJAVIA 1-Itc.t, I PRODUCT 11ALIOD 7390 CORROSION. INHIBITOR • Emergency Telephone Number Medical (708) 920-1510 (24 hours) SECTION 5 HEALTH EFFECTS INFORMATION ( CONTINUED ) EYE CONTACT: SKIN CONTACT: Corrosive to the eyes with possible permanent damage depending on the length of exposure and on the first aid action given. COrrosive to the skin, possibly resulting in third degree burns derPnding on the length• of exposure and on the first aid action given. SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: A. review of available data does not identify any symptoms from exposure not previously mentioned. AGGRAVATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS: A review of available data does not identify any worsening of existing conditions: SECTION 6 TOXICOLOGY INFORMATION ACUTE TOXICITY STUDIES: Acute toxicity studies have not been conducted on this product, but toxicity studies of the ingredient(s) in Section 2 • have been reviewed. The results are shown. below. ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY (ALBINO RATS): Zinc chloride LD50 = 350 mg/kg Phosphoric acid LD50 = 1,530 mg/kg ACUTE DERMAL TOXICITY (ALBINO RABBITS): Phosphoric acid LD50 = 2,740 mg/kg =MARY SKIN IRRITATION TEST (ALBINO RABBITS): Phosphoric acid - Severe irritant Zinc chloride - Moderate irritant 1,,R1MARY EYE IRRITATION TEST (ALBINO RABBITS): Phosphoric acid - Severe irritant Zinc chloride - Moderate irritant SECTION 7 PHYSICALAND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES COLOR: Water white to slight yellow DENSITY: SOLUBILITY IN InaTER: SPECEFIC GRAVITY: pH (NEAT) = VISCOSITY: FORM: Liquid OCR: Slight 10.9-11.1 lbs/gal. • COmpletely 1.31-1.33 @ 61 Degrees F ASTi4 D-1298 Tta.S than 0.7 pH (at 1%) = 1.9 •gO4 E-70 7 cps @ 60 Degrees F ASTM D-2983 PAGE 220F 8 e. NALCO CHEMICAL COIVPANY ONE NALCO OENTER7fi NAPERVILLE. ILLINOIS 60563-119E1 AREA 70B-305-1 000 NALCO 717 IA'L:SAFETY DATA SHEET PRODUCT NALCO 7390 OORROSION IN IIBITOR Emergency Telephone Number Medlcal (708) 920-1510 (24 hours) SECTION 7 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES ( CONTINUED ) FREEZE POINT: I Pcs than 5 Degrees F FLASH POINT: • None .NOTE: These physical properties are typical values for this product. ASTh D-1177 .SECTION 8 FIRE AND. EXPLOSION"INFORMATION FLASH POINT: • None ENTD 3UISFIING: MEDIA: Not. applicable UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION BAZARD: Contact with reactive metals (eg. aluminum) may result in the generation of flable hydrogen gas. SECTION 9 REACTIVITY INFORMATION" INCOMPATIBILITY: Do not use withaluminum, mild steel or stain1 s steel. Avoid alkaline materials (eg. ammonia . and its solutions, carbonates, sodium hydroxide (caustic), potassium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide (lime), cyanides, sulfides, hypochlorites, chlorites) which can generate heat with splattering or boiling and the.relea.A of toxic fumes. THERM DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: None SECTION 10 PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT RESPIRATORY.PROTE)CTION: Respiratory protection is not normally needed since the volatility and toxicity are low. If significant -mists or aerosols are generated, wear a NIOSH approved or equivalent respirator. For large spills, entry .into large. tanks, vessels or'enclosed small span -pc - with inadequate' ventilation, a pressuredemand, self-contained breathing apparatus is recommended. , VENTILATION:: IGeneral.Ventilation is, recommended, • PR TECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Wear impermeable gloves, boots, apron and a face shield with chemical splash goggles. Wiles of impermeable gloves available on the market are neoprene, nitrile, PVC, natural rubber, viton and butyl. (compatibility studies have not.. been performed). A full slicker suit is recommended if gross exposure is possible. The availability of an eye wash fountain and Gafety:shower is"recommended. PAGE 3 OF 8 NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE ,NALCO." CENTER. • NAPERVILLE; ILLINQIS.60583-1198 NALCO MA.ItKIALbArtIY u/►IH�Mttl- PRODUCT NALGO 7390 CORROSION' I a s : Emergency Telephone Number Medical (708) 920-1510 (24 hours) SECTION 10 PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT ( CONTINUED ) if clothing is contaminated, remove clothing and thoroughly•wash the affected area. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse. SECTION 11 SPILL AND DISPOSAL.INFORMATION IN CASE OF TRANSYURPATION ACCIDENTS, CALL THE FOLLOWING 24-HOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER (708-920-1510) SPILL CONTROL AND RECOVERY: Small liquid spills: Contain with absorbent material', such as clay, soil or' any ccmmercially available absorbent. Shovel reclaimed liquid and absorbent into recovery or salvage drums for disposal. Refer to CERCLA in Section 14. Large liquid spills: Dike to prevent further movement and reclaim: into recovery or salvage dnuns or tank truck for disposal. Refer to CERCLA in Section 14. For large indoor spills, evacuate employees and ventilate area. Those responsible for control and recovery should wear the protective equipment specified in Section 10. DISPOSAL: If this product beds a waste, it meets the criteria of a hazardous waste as defined under the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Hazardous Waste D002. As a hazardous liquid waste, it must be solidified with stabilizing. agents (such as . sand, fly ash, or cement) so that no free liquid.. remains before disposal to a licensedindustrialwaste landfill (Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal facility). A hazardous liquid waste can also be deep well injected in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. SECTION 12 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION BI0C EMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND (5-day. BOD) : 12, 820 mg/L CHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND .(COD) : 10, 000 mg/L TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON (TOC) : . 5,700 mg/L Ifreleased into the environment, see CERCLA in Section 14. PAGE 4 OF 8 NALGO CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE NALGO CENTER • NAPERVILLE: ILLIN015'60563-1198 AREA 7OB-305-1000 • MATERIAL SAFETY -DATA SHEET NALCO PRODUCT: NALCO 7390 OORROSION'INHIBI'IOR Emergency Telephone Number • Medlcel (708) 920-1510 (24 hours) SECTION 13 TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME/HAZARD CODE - ACID, LIQUID, N.O.S. CORROSIVE MATERIAL NA 1760 CONTAINS - ZINC CHLORIDE, PHOSPHORIC ACID SECTION 14-REGULATORY INFORMATION The following regulations applyto this product. FEDERAL REGULATIONS: TIONS z CASE 'S HAZARD COMMUNICATION RULE, 29 CFR 1910.1200: , Based on our hazard evaluation, the following ingredients in this product are' hazardous and the reasons are shown below. Phosphoric acid - Corrosive" Zinc sulfate - Irritant Phosphoric acid = 1 rg/m3, b1T,'L, 3 mg/m3 AC IH/TLV Phosphoric acid = T4W 1 mg/m3, SrEL 3 mg/m3 OSHA/PEL CERCLA/SUPE.FUND,:40 CFR 117, 302: This product. contains zinc sulfate, a Reportable Quantity (RQ) substance and if 6,300 pounds of product are released, it requires notification to the NATIONAL RESPONSE CEDER, WASHINGTON, D. "C.. (1-800-424-8802) . SARA/SUPERFUND AND REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1986 (TITLE III) SECTIONS 302, 311, 312 AND."313: SECTION 302 - EX P ME ,Y HAZARDOUS SUBSTANC'H S (40 C FR - 355) : 'Ibis .product does not contain ingr iients listed in .Appendix A andiB as an E ttremely Hazardous Substance. SECTIONS 311 and 312 • - MATERIAL SAFETY- DATA SHEET REQUIRE[ ENt'S (40 CFR 370)': Our. hazard evaluation has found this product to be hazardous The product should be reported under the - follcdwing EPA -hazard categories: XX Immediate (acute). - "Delayed (chronic) — Fire hazard — Sudden' relPae of — Reactive hazard, health hazard health hazard" pressure hazard 'NALGO CHEMICAL COMPANY .ONE NALCO CENTER NAPERVILLE.- ILLINOIS 60563-1 196 NALCO I 1.111 IIA OfCC 1 PRODUCT NAIAD 7390 CORROSION' INHIBITOR Emergency Telephone Number • Medical (708) 920-1510 (24 hours) SECTION.14 REGULATORY INFORMATION. ( CONTINUED ) SECTION 313 ST LIOF TOXIC CHEMICALS (40 CFR 372) : This product contains the following ingredient(s), (with CAS # and % range). which appear(s) on the List ofToxic Toxic Chemicals. ' Phosphoric acid 7664-38-2 20-40 TOXIC SUBSTANrFq CONTROL ACT. (TSC'A) The chemical ingredients in this product are on the 8(b) Inventory List (40 CFR 710) . U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (USDA): USDA Inspection and Grading Programs - Food Safety. and Inspection Service: This product is authorized by USDA for use in federally inspected meat and poultry plants. Authorized nsAs are under. category Gi,.G5. U... S. EPA - OFFICE OF DRINKING W ITER - ADDITIVES EVALUATION BRANCH: The US ERA has approved this product for scale/corrosion treatment of potable water treatment systems. The maximum product dosage limit is 53 ppm. RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY ACT (RCRA) , 40 CFR 261 SUBPART C & D: Consult Section 11 for RCRA clasification. FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION QJNIROL ACT, CLEAN WATER ACT, 40 CFR 401.15 (formerly Sec. 307), 40 CFR 116 (formerly Sec. 311): This product contains the following ingredients covered by the Clean Water Act: Phosphoric acid - Section 311 Zinc sulfate- Section 307, 311 Clean Air Act, Sec. 111 (40 CFR 60), Sec. 112 (40 CPR 61, 1990NAmenth nts): This product does not contain ingredients -covered by the Clean Air Act. SITE REGULATIONS: CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: This product does not contain any chemicals which re wire warning under. California Proposition 65. . MICHIGAN CRITICAL MATERIALS: This product contains the following substance(s) identified on the. Michigan, Critical Materials Register: Zinc sulfate PAGE 6OF8 NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER • NAPERVILLE, ILLINOIS 80563-1198 NALCO I II 1,117L a a;s7-s:a....:;7.4,./—• • inma a . . PRODUCT ••••• Mt • iN NAL7.0 7390 CORROSION- INHIBITOR , Emergency Telephone Number Medical (708) 920-1510 (24 hours) SECTION 14 REGULATORY INFORMATION ( CONTINUED ) STATE RIGHT TO EN WO LAWS: Regulated in those states using the TLV for phosphoricocid as a criteria for listing. • INTERNATIONAL REGETATIONS: • This is a ?HMIS controlled product under, The House of COmmons of Canada Bill C-70 (Class E). The product contains the following substance(s), from the Ingredient Disclosure List or has been evaluated based on its toxicological properties, to contain the following hazardous ingredient(s): Chemical Name CAS # % Concentration Range Phosphoric acid Zinc sulfate 7664-38-2. . 10-20 7733-02-0 10-20 SECTION 15 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION None SECTION 16 USER'S RESPONSIBILITY This product material safety data sheet provides health and safety • information. The product is to be used in applications consistent with our product literature. Individuals handling this product should be informed of the recommended safety precautions and should have arlopq to this information. For any other uses exposures should be evaluated so that appLopriate handling practices and training programs can be • established to ensure safe workplace operations. Please consult your local sales,representative for any further information. SECTION 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY, ANNUAL REPORT ON CARCINOGENS, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, PB 33-135855, 1983. CASARETT AND DOULLiS TOXICOLOGY, THE BASIC SCIENCE OF POISONS, Doull, Klaassen, C. D., and Admur, M. O., eds., Macmillian Publishing Company, inc., N. Y., 2nd edition, 1980. CHEMICAL HAZARDS OF 'DBE WORKPLACE, Proctor, N. H., and Hughes, J. P., eds., J. P. Lipincott Cowpony, N.Y., 1981. DANGEROUS PROPERTIES OF INDUSIRIALMERIALS, Sax, N. Irving, ed., Van PAGE 7 OF 8.. NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY ONNALCCII:1114TEFi • %NAF'EFRVILL6 ILLINOIS 60563-1198 AREA 708-305-1000 ■au—. ■ ■•r-a r. v• a . NALC O PRODUCT NAL00.7390 CORROSION"INHIBIIOR Emergency Telephone Number Medical (708) 920-1510 (24 hours) SECTION. 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY ( CONTINUED ) Nostrand Reinhold Carpany, N.Y., 6th edition, 1984. IARC MONOGRAPHS ON THE EVALUATION OF THE CARCINOGENIC RISK OF CHEMICALS TO N2N, Geneva: World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer,, 1972-1977. PATTY'S INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND TOXICOLOGY, Clayton, G. D., Clayton, F. E.,. eds., John. Wiley and Sons, N. Y.., 3rd edition, Vol. 2 AC, 1981. REGISTRY OF TOXIC EFFECTS ON CHEMICAL ICAL SUBSTANCES, U.S. Department of Health and Human Servirs.q , Public Health Service, Center for Di' a� Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, 1983 supplement of 1981-1982 edition, Vol. 1-3, OH, 1984. Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1910, Subpart Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances, Occupational Safety and Health Ad>.ninistration (OSHA) THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUES FOR CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES AND PHYSICAL AGENTS IN THE WORKROOM ENVIRONMENT WITH INTENDED CHANGES, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, OH. PREPARED BY: Ricky A. Stackhouse PhD.,Toxicologist, DATE CHANGED: 07/22/91 DATE PRINTED: 01/14/93 PAGE 8 OF 8 •.NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER • NAPERVILLE, ILL.INOIS 60563-119e' AREA 708-305=1 000 11/1ATRIAL"SAFETY DATA SHEET NALCO PRODUCT NALCO 7346 MICROBIOCIDE Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 462-5378 (24 hours) (800) I-M-ALERT ' SECTION 1 .PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION TRADE NAME: NALCO 7346 MICROBIOCIDE DESCRIPTION: A blend of halogenated substituted hydantoins NFPA 704M/HMIS RATING: 3/3 HEALTH 1/1 FLAMMABILITY 1/1 REACTIVITY 0=Insignificant 1=Slight 2=Moderate 3=High 4=Extreme OXOTHER* SECTION 2 HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS Our hazard evaluation has identified the following chemical ingredient(s) as - hazardous under OSHA's Hazard Communication Rule, 29 CFR 1910.1200. Consult Section 14 for the nature of the hazard(s). INGREDIENT(S) CAS # , . . . . -1-Bromo-37chloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin 16079-88-2- 1,3-Dichloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin 118-52-5 1,3-Dichloro-5-ethy175-methylhYdantoin 89415-87-2 APPROX.% 60.0 27.4 10.6 SECTI.ON 3 PRECAUTIONARY LABEL INFORMATION • DANGER: Harmful if swallowed. Highly corrosive. Causes eye and skin damage. Irritating to nose and throat. Avoid breathing dust. Use with adequate ventilation. Do not get into eyes, on skin or clothing. Wear rubber gloves, chemical goggles and face shield when handling. Wash thoroughly after handling. Immediately remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Empty containers may contain residual product. Do not reuse container unless properly reconditioned. SECTION 4 FIRST AID INFORMATION EYES: Flush eyes immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Call a physician at once. SKIN: Immediately wipe away excess material with a dry cloth while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Under a safety shower, wash affected areas thoroughly with large amounts of water and soap if available, for at least 15 minutes. Get immediate medical medical attention. Discard_or decontaminate clothing and shoes. INGESTION: Immediately give several glasses of water DO NOT induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, give fluids again. Have physician determine if patient's condition allows induction of vomiting or evacuation of stomach. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious or PAGE :1_OF • • Ji NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER „ • NAPERVLLE utLlNDIS 80563-118 CA= n — Y r► 11.= 11 IPA i '3 ti I- GI I v t1 I tt .7 Il C C 1: N A Lo C O Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 462-5378 (24 hours) (800) I-M-ALERT SECTION 4 FIRST :AID INFORMATION ( CONTINUED ) convulsing person. Get immediate medical attention. INHALATION: Remove from area to fresh air. If not breathing, clear airway and start mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration or use a bag -mask respirator. Get immediate medical attention.. If victim is having trouble breathing, transport to medical care and, if available, give supplemental oxygen. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Based on the individual reactions of the patient, the physician's judgment should be used to control symptoms and clinical condition. Probablemucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. SECTION 5 HEALTH EFFECTS INFORMATION. PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF EXPOSURE: Eye, Skin, Inhalation . EYE CONTACT: Can cause. severe irritation. Corrosive to the eyes' with possible permanentdamage depending on thee- - length of exposure and on the first aid action given. SKIN CONTACT: Can -cause severe irritation. Corrosive to the skin with . possible permanent damage -depending on the length of exposure and on the first aid action given. Can. Cause • allergic contact dermatitis in susceptible individuals. INHALATION: Can'cause severe respiratory irritation. Can be: corrosive to the mucous membranes and the lungs. Can cause an allergic reaction in individuals. SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURE: A review of available data does not identify any symptoms from exposure not previously mentioned. AGGRAVATION OF EXISTING CONDITIONS: A: review of available data does not identify any worsening of existing conditions. SECTION 6 TOXICOLOGY INFORMATION ACUTE TOXICITY STUDIES: Acute toxicity studies have been conducted - on ,this product. •The.results are shown.below. ACUTE ORAL TOXICITY (ALBINO RATS): LDso = 468 mg/kg' PRIMARY SKIN IRRITATION TEST (ALBINO RABBITS): Corrosive PRIMARY EYE, IRRITATION TEST (ALBINO RABBITS):" -Corrosive • PAGE . 2 OF NALCO'CI4EMICAL COMPANY ONE NALCO .CENTER -"• NAPERVILLE. ILLINOIS' 60563-1 1.98- - AR AREA 708-305-1 000 IVI/A-1 ttlIAL,WArm T EH arm= NALCO PRODUCT '\ NALCO 7346 MICROBIOCIDE Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 462-5378 (24 hours). (00) I-M-ALERT • ..--r.SECTION 7 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES COLOR: White. MELTING POINT: FLASH POINT: EVAPORATION RATE (Butyl acetate = 1): PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME: [ NOTE: These physical • FORM: Briquettes 248-298 Degrees F Not applicable • Less than 1 Less than 0.5 properties are typical values for this product. SECTION 8 FIRE AND EXPLOSION INFORMATION FLASH POINT: Not applicable ODOR: Pungent ASTM D-2117 ASTM D1901 * EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Based on the NFPA guide, use dry chemical, foam, carbon * dioxide or other extinguishing agent suitable for Class B fires. Use water to * cool containers exposed to fire. For large fires, use water spray or fog, * thoroughly drenching the burning material. Wear self-contained respiratory equipment.. SECTION 9 REACTIVITY INFORMATION INCOMPATIBILITY: Strong oxidizing agent, Avoid contact of neat prioduct with organic materials. Mix only with water in an approved feeding container. Use clean dry utensils. Do not add this product to any dispensing device Containingremnants of any other product. Such use.may cause a violent reaction leading to fire or explosion. Contamination with moisture, organic matter, or other chemicals may start a chemical reaction with generation of , heat, liberation of hazardous gases and possible generation of fire and * exploSion. In case of contamination or decomposition, do not reseal container.* It possible isolate container in open air or well ventilated area .1 Flood with * 'large volumes of water if necessary. STORAGE: Avoid high terrperatures, direct sunlight and moisture. THERMAL DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Product decomposes at temperatures above 329 Degrees F. In the event of combustion CO, CO2, NOx, HC1, HBr, Br2. Cl, may be formed. Do not breathe smoke or fumes. Wear suitable protective equipment. decomposes releasing unidentified gases. • PAGE .3' 0F 9 •** * NALCO( CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER • N4PERVILLE se?-:„ - AREA 7013-305-1 00b • . • '.�•IA I Imo ■ 1Ir14n 1600!'1■ m.. • • r• a •. w.Prue ■ a.m,f... ■. PRODUCT NALCO 7346 MICROBIOCIDE NALGO Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 462-5378 (24 hours) (800) I-M-ALERT • SECTION 10 PERSONAL PROTECTION EQUIPMENT RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Respiratory protection not normally needed. If significant dusting occurs,•wear either a disposable dust mask or a cartridge respirator with prefilter or highefficiency cartridge. For large spills, entry•into large tanks, vessels orenclosed small spaces with inadequate ventilation, a pressure -demand, self-contained breathing apparatus is. recommended. VENTILATION: If.significant dustingoccurs, local exhaust ventilation is recommended. PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Wear impermeable gloves, boots, aprons or a slicker"suit to avoid skin contact. Chemical goggles and face shield are also recommended..' The availability of an eye wash fountain and .safety shower is recommended. If clothing is contaminated, remove clothing and thoroughly wash the affected area. Launder contaminated clothing before reuse.. SECTION 11 SPILL AND DISPOSAL INFORMATION. IN.CASE.OF'TRANSPORTATION ACCIDENTS, CALL'THE FOLLOWING 24.-HOUR TELEPHONE NUMBER. (708-920-1510) SPILL CONTROL AND RECOVERY: Solid spills:' Sweep or vacuum up and reclaim into recovery or salvage drums for disposal. Wear the protective equipment specified in Section 10.. Refer to CERCLA in Section 14. ) This product is toxic to fish._ It should not be directly discharged into lakes, ponds," streams, waterways or public water supplies. DISPOSAL: If this product becomes a waste, it meets the criteria of a hazardous'waste-as defined under the Resources Conservation and,Recovery Act (RCRA) 40 CFR 261. Hazardous" Waste D001. . As a hazardous_. solid waste, it,must be disposed of in a licensed Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal facility in accordance.with local, 'state, and.federal regulations. SECTION 12 ENV IRONMENTAL"INFORMATION -- This product 'is toxic to ,fish.' Do .not discharge into lakes, streams, ponds or * PAGE 4 OF 9 NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY%' ONE NALCO CENTER • `NAPERVILLE: ILLINOIS 60583:1 198 - AREA 708-305-.1 000 ' r , ' •,•11FirVi !--1,11-1 'U..1},%jr1.1L 1 1 Lora 1 gm ua a a I NALCD PRODUCT NALCO 7346 MICROBIOCIDE Emergency Telephone Number . Medical (800) 462-5378 (24 hours) SECTION.-12 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION (800) I-M-ALERT • . • . ( CONTINUED • ) • public water unless -in accordance with NPDES permit. For guidande contact your Regional Office of the EPA. Do not contaminate water by cleaning of container and equipment or disposal of wastes. Apply this product only as specified on this label. AQUATIC DATA: Results below are based on theproduct. 96 hour static acute LC„ to Bluegill Sunfish = 1.2 ppm 96.hour static acute LC„ to Fathead Minnow = 0.71 ppm 96 hour static acute LC„ to Rainbow Trout = 0.5 ppm 48 hour static acute LC„ to Daphnia = 0.4 ppm 48 hour static acute LC50 to Ceriodaphnia dubia = 0.15 ppm 96 hour static acute LC„ to Sheepshead Minnow = 1.6 ppm 96 hour static acute LC„ to Mysid Shrimp = 1.1 ppm 96 hour static acute LC„ -to Eastern Oyster = 0.98 ppm. AQUATIC DATA:. Results below are -based on'dehalogenatd:.produCt - (5,5-ditethylhydantoin) 96 hour static acute LC„ to Rainbow Trout = 6,100 mg/L 48 hour static acute LC.„ to Daphnia .= 1,300 mg/L 96 hour static acute LC„ to Fathead Minnow = 8,100 mg/L 96 hour static -acute LC„ to Sheepshead. Minnow = 13,300 mg/L 96 hour static acute LC„ to Grass Shrimp = 12,000 mg/L 96 hour static acute. LC„ to.American.Oyster = 14,200 mg/L OTHER STUDIES: Avian Toxicity: Results below are based on similar active ingredlents: Dietary LC„ (Bobwhite Quail). = Greater than 5,620 ppm _Dietary LC„ (Mallard Duck). = Greater than 5,620 ppm . Acute. oral.LD„ (Bobwhite. Quail) =.1,759 Mg/kg Acute oral LD„ (Bobwhite.Quail) = Greater than 2,510 mg/kg If released into the environment, see CERCLA in Section 14. * * * * • * * * SECTION 13 -TRANSPORTATION. INFORMATION. DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME/HAZARD CODE - OXIDIZING SUBSTANCES, SOLID, N.O.S.,.5.1, UN 1479, PG II ' CONTAINS - HALOGENATED HYDANTOINS - PAGE 5 OF.9 . • - ' , ' • . . • NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER 1 • NAPEA/11±.LE.ILLINOIS• 605E37-116E AR 70E1-305=1 000 - , NALGO 'wart ■. rm. ■ .. PRODUCT NALCO 7346 MICROBIOCIDE Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 462-5378 (24 hours). 3vSECTION,14 REGULATORY INFORMATION (800) I-M-ALERT The following regulations apply to this product. - FEDERAL REGULATIONSi OSHA HAZARD COMMUNICATION. RULE; 29 CFR 1910..1200: Based on our hazard evaluation, the following ingredients'in this product are hazardous and -the reasons are.shown below.-. Hydantoins - Corrosive, oxidizer 1,3-Dichloro-5,5-Dimethylhydantoin = TWA 0.2 mg/m3, STEL 0.4 mg/m3 ACGIH/TLV. 1,3-Dichloro-5,5-Dimethylhydantoin = TWA 0.2 mg/m3, STEL 0.4 mg/m3. OSHA/PEL 1-Bromo-3-chloro-5,5-dimethyl hydantoin = 0.2 mg/m3 Manufacturer's recommendation 1,3-Dichloro-5-ethyl-5-methyl hydantoin = 0.2 mg/m3 Manufacturer's recommendation CERCLA/SUPERFUND, 40 CFR 117, 302: Notification of spills of this product is not required. SARA/SUPERFUND AMENDMENTS AND REAUTHORIZATION ACT OF 1986 (TITLE III) — SECTIONS 302, 311, 312 AND 313: SECTION 302 - EXTREMELY HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES•(40 CFR 355): This product'does not contain ingredients listed in Appendix A and B as an Extremely Hazardous Substance. SECTIONS 311'and 312 -MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETREQUIREMENTS (40 CFR 370): Our hazard evaluation has'foundthis product to be,hazardous.'.The product should'be-reported under the. following EPA. hazard categories:..' XX Immediate (acute) -- Delayed (chronic) XX Fire hazard - -.Sudden release of - - Reactive hazard health hazard health hazard pressure hazard SECTION, 313 - LIST OF. TOXIC CHEMICALS (40 CFR372): This product. does not contain ingredients.on the List of Toxic Chemicals. NALCO. CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE NALGO CENTER a `NAPERVILLEi ILLINOIS 60563=1.19p, AREA 708-305-1000 UH 1 H a7 fl C C 1 tkv • PRODUCT NALCO NALCO 7346 MICROBIOCIDE Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 462-5378 (24 hours) (800) FM -ALERT "SECTION 14 REGULATORY INFORMATION (• CONTINUED. TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT (TSCA): This product is exemptedunder TSCA and regulated under.FIFRA. The inerts are on the Inventory List: FEDERAL INSECTICIDE, FUNGICIDE AND RODENTICIDE ACT (FIFRA): EPA Reg.. No. 38906-12-1706. Thisproduct is registered for use as a microorganism control chemical: used in industrial recirculating and once -through cooling water tower systems and when used in air washer systems. In all cases follow instructions on, the.product label:- ' RESOURCE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY ACT (RCRA), 40 CFR 261 SUBPART C & D: Consult Section 11 for RCRA classification. FEDERAL WATER POLLUTION CONTROL ACT, CLEAN WATER ACT, 40 CFR 401.15/ formerly Sec._307, 40 CFR 116/formerly Sec: 311:. None of the ingredients are specifically listed. CLEAN AIR ACT, Sec. 111'(40 CFR 60), Sec. 112 (40 CFR 61, 1990 Amendments): This product does -not contain"ingredients covered by. the CleanAir Act.. STATE REGULATIONS: CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: This product does not contain any chemicals which require warning under California Proposition 65. MICHIGAN.CRITICAL MATERIALS: This product does not contain ingredients listed on the Michigan Critical Materials Register. STATE 'RIGHT TO KNOW LAWS: This productis a registered biocide and is exempt from State Right to Know Labeling Laws: INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS: This;.. product -is a registered biocide and is exempt from WHNIS under The House of - Commons of Canada Bill C-70.. SECTION 15 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Nalco internal number;LON042291 PAGE " ..7 OF NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER • NAPERVILLE. ILLINOIS 6056E-1198. AREA 708-305-1000 r 1V1H 1 Lm.111P1.1... VA V ■ ■ vr-• ■ a-% v ■ ■ 1.. L. I. PRODUCT NALCO 7346 MICROBIOCIDE Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 462-5378 (24 hours) - SECTION 16.USER'S RESPONSIBILITY (800) I-M-ALERT This product material safety data sheet -provides health and safety information. The product is to be used in applications consistent with our product literature. Individuals handling this product should be - informed of the recommended safety precautions and should have access to this information. For anyother uses, exposures should be evaluated .so that appropriate handling practices and training programs can be•. established to ensure saf e.workplace operations. Please consult your local sales representative for.any.further..information. SECTION 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY ANNUAL REPORT ON CARCINOGENS, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, PB 33-135855, 1983. CASARETT AND DOULL'S TOXICOLOGY, THE BASIC SCIENCE OF POISONS, Doull, J., Klaassen, C. D., and Admur, M. O., eds., Macmillian,Publishing Company, Inc., N. Y., 2nd edition, 1980. CHEMICAL HAZARDS OF THE WORKPLACE, Proctor, N. H.,• and Hughes, J. P., eds., J. P. Lipincott Company, N.Y., 1981.. DANGEROUS PROPERTIES OF INDUSTRIAL MATERIALS, Sax, N. Irving;.ed., Van. Nostrand Reinhold Company, N.Y., 6th edition, 1984. IARC MONOGRAPHS ON THE EVALUATION OF THE CARCINOGENIC RISK OF CHEMICALS TO MAN, Geneva; World Health Organization,'International Agency for Research on Cancer.,. 1972-1977.. PATTY'S INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE AND TOXICOLOGY, Clayton, G. D., Clayton, F. E., eds., John Wiley and Sons, N. Y., 3rd••edition, Vol.: 2 A-C, 1981. REGISTRY OF -TOXIC EFFECTS ON CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Center for Disease, Control, National Institute for. Occupational Safety and Health, 1983 supplement of 1981.-1982 edition, Vol. 1-3, OH, 1984.. - Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations Part 1910, Subpart Z, Toxic and Hazardous Substances, Occupational:Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUES FOR CHEMICAL.SUBSTANCES AND PHYSICAL AGENTS IN THE WORKROOM ENVIRONMENT WITH INTENDED CHANGES, AmericanConference.of Governmental Industrial Hygienists, OH.. PAGE. 8 OF. •9 NALCO CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE NALGO CENTER'' • NAPERVILLE.ILLINOIS 80563=1 198 - AREA 70E-305-1000 MAlEKIALSAFtIY _ IA511EEJ NALCO PRODUCT NALCO 7346 MICROBIOCIDE Emergency Telephone Number Medical (800) 462-5378 (24 hours) (800) I-M-ALERT. SECTION 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY ( CONTINUED ) Information on this MSDS has changed. The changes are indicated by asterisks on the right side of only the changed sections. This: is an updated' MSDS as required by OHSA's Hazard Communication Rule 29 CFR 1910.1200. PREPARED BY: •Ricky A. Stackhouse PhD., Toxicologist. DATE CHANGED: 07/01/93 DATE PRINTED:. 08/07/93 NALC-0 CHEMICAL COMPANY ONE NALCO CENTER'• (NAPERVILLE. ILLINOIS80563-1198' .AR EA 7OB-305-1000 MATERIAL. SAFETY DATA SHEET Calgon Corporation P.O. Box 1346 Pittsburgh, PA 15230-1346 24 Hour Emergency Telephone-(412)777-8000 Section 1. PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME: H-900 Microbiocide C.HEMYCAL DESCRIPTION: Halogenated hydantoin tablets PRODUCT CLASS: Biocides MSDS CODE: 0655-01-13-93 Section 2. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS AND EXPOSURE LIMITS Chemical Name CAS % by Number Weight OSHA PEL .ACGIH TLV 1-Bromo-3-chloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin . 16079-88-2 > 92.5 None established None established When dissolved in water, BCDMH hydrolyzes immediately to hypobromous acid, hypochlorous: add (the active biocides) and 5,5-dimethylhydantoin (DMA. Section 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION ********************* EMERGENCY OVERVIEW ***************"****** DANGER! Strong oxidizer. Contact with other material may cause fire. Contamination with moisture,=s=panic matter or other chemicals may start a chemical reaction with generation of, heat, hazardous gases and•possible file and explosion. May cause severe eye and skin damage. - May be harmfulif. swallowed. May- cause respiratory tract irritation:_ ryv,- i J. -7 a r"7U 1 6 : 16 L.; LLaIY UUKt'' . MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET P 02 TARGET ORGANS: Eye, skin, mucous membranes MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE: None reported. Existing dermatitis may be aggravated by exposure: POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS:. EYE CONTACT: This product may cause severe irritation and damage upon contact with the eye. SKIN CONTACT: Contact with moist skin will cause severe skin burns. Ingestion of this product may cause severe irritation or burns of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, esophagus and stomach. INGESTION: TNHALATlON: Inhalation of product dust may be severely Irritating. to the nose, throat, and lungs causing shortness of breath, headache, and nausea. . suscHRONIC, CHRONIC: Ames mutagenicity:.Negative. CARCINOGENICITY: NTP: 'No ingredients listed in this section' IARC: 'No ingredients listed in this section' OSHA: �No ingredients listed in this section' Section 4. FIRST AID MEASURES EYE CONTACT: SKIN CONTACT: INGESTION: INHALATION: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical aid immediately. Remove contaminated clothing immediately. Brush off excess chemical and wash skin with large volumes of soap and water, flushing the skin with water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical_ aid immediately. Wash clothing before reuse. Do not take clothing home to be laundered. • If swallowed, do NOT induce vomiting. Give large quantities of water. Seek medical aid immediately: Never give 'anything by mouth unconscious person. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration..If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Seek medical -aid.' Section 5. FIRE -FIGHTING MEASURES FLASH POINT: Not applicable This. product is a strong oxidizer. Contact with othermaterial may'. cause fire. MSDS Code: 0655-01-13-93 Issue Date:. 7/19/93 Page_ Continued on Page 3 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET LOWER FLAM1,AABLE LIMIT: Not applicable UPPER FLAMMABLE LIMIT: Not applicable AU!'O-IGNITION TEMPERATURE: Not available EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Use water. Do not use ammonium phosphate fire extinguishers. • (The presence of ammonium ion accelerates the decomposition of BCDMH.) FIRE -FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Exercise caution whenfghting any chemical fire. A self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing are essential. Use water spray to cool containers exposed to fire. Minimize exposure. DO NOT breathe fumes. Contain run-off. FIRE & EXPLOSION HAZARDS: Product emits toxic gases under fire conditions. Runoff to sewer may create fire or explosion hazard. Runoff from fire control or dilution water may cause pollution. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Hydrogen chloride, hydrogen bromide, nitrogen oxides, bromine, and chlorine. NFPA RATINGS: Health . , 3 Flammability - l Reactivity - .1 Special. Hazard - OX Hazard rating scale: 0-Minimal 1- Slight 2..Moderate 3, Seiious s-Severe Section 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES STEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Do not touch or walk through spilled material. Keepcombustibles (wood, paper, oil, etc.) away from spilled material. Wear personal protective equipment recommended in Section 8. Avoid inhalation of dust. With dean shovel, place material into a clean, dry container and cover Loosely; move containers from spill area. Remove and isolate contaminated clothing and shoes at the site. Wash azea of spill with Iarge amounts of water. Section 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE HANDLING: It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not get in eyes, on skin or clothing. Avoid breathing dust. Use with adequate ventilation. Avoid contact with organic materials, oils, greases, and any oxidizable materials. Use dean, dry utensils and equipment. Do not 'add this product to any dispensing device containing remnants of 'any other product. Such use may cause a violent reaction leading to fire and explosion. In case of contamination or decomposition, do not reseal container. If possible, isolate container in open air or well ventilated area. Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove and wash contaminated clothing promptly. STORAGE: Recommended storage temperature range is 68-861P (20-30'C). Keep product dry in tightly dosed container when not in use. Store. in a=cool, dry, well -ventilated area away from heat, open flames, organic chemicals, combustible materials, and sunlight. 1. MSDS Code: 065S-01-13=93 Issue Date: 7/19/93 Page 3 Continued. on. Page MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Section 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: EYE/FACE PROTECTION: Chemical splash goggles and face shield SKIN PROTECTION: Chemical resistant gloves and protective clothing RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: A NIOSH approved dust mask must be used when handling this product. ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Provide ventilation to minimize dust inhalation. WORK PRANCES: Eye wash station and safety shower should be accessible in the immediate. area of use. Remove and wash contaminated clothing promptly. S ATISFACTORY MATERIALS OP CONSTRUCTION: PVC, CPVC, polyethylene, Teflon, Viton, fiberglass with isophthalic polyester resin. Section 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES BOILING POINT: Not applicable VAPOR PRESSURE: Negligible VAPOR DENSITY (air- 1): Not applicable % VOLATILE BY WEIGHT: Not available APPEARANCE AND ODOR; White tablets with faint halogen odor. Section 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur CHEMICAL STABILITY: Stable CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Keep from contact with clothing and other combustible materials. Avoid high temperatures. INCOMPATIBILITY: Strong reducing agents, organics, acids, bases DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Hydrogen chloride, hydrogen bromide, nitrogen oxides, bromine, and chlorine. SOLUBILITY IN WATER: 0.2% (as BCDMH) Q 25-C SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.8 - 2.0 pH: 3.5 (0.1% aqueous soln) FREEZING POINT: Decomposes — 130*C Section 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION ON PRODUCT: Oral LDsp (rat): 578 mg/kg. Dermal LD50 (rabbit): > 2 g/kg (No signsofsystemic toxicitywere observed.) Inhalation LC50• (rat): No deaths were observed, in a 4-hour acute inhalation study rng/L of a 100 ppm aqueous solution of the product. - MSDS Code: 0655-01-13-93 Issue Date: 7/19/93 with rats exposed to 3.2 Page 4 . Continued on Page 5. MATERIAL SAFETY. DATA SHEET Eye irritation: Dilute solutions of 0.1% or less were found to be essentially non -irritating to the eyes. Skin irritation: The Primary Skin Irritation Index Is 6.1. Skin sensitization: DMH was found to be nonsensltizing in albino guinea pigs. Section 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION ON PRODUCT: Aquatic toxicity data: (for 5,5-dimethylhydantoin, the dehalogenated by-product of 1-bromo-3-ciloro-5,5-dimethylhydantoin) 48 hr LCsa (Daphnia magna): 1300 ppm 96 hr LCsp (rainbow trout): 6100 ppm 96 hr LCCo (fathead minnow): 8100 ppm Environmental data: The COD for 5,5-dimethylhydantoin (DMH) was determined to be 1005 mg 02 per gram of DMH. This product Is toxic to fish. Do not discharge effluent containing this product into lakes, streams, ponds, " estuaries, oceans, or public waters unless this product is specifically identified and addressed in an NPDES permit. Do not discharge effluent containing this product into sewer systems without previously notifying the sewage treatment plant authority. For guidance, contact your State Water Board or Regional Office of the EPA. ON INGREDIENTS: Chemical Name 1-bromo-3-chl oro-5, 5-dimethylhydantoin Aquatic T9xiciry Data 48 hr LCso (Daphnia magna): 0.46 ppm 96 hr LCsa (rainbow trout): 0.87 ppm 96 hr LCCO (fathead minnow): 2.25 ppm Section 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS • RCRA STATUS: Discarded product, as sold, would be considered a RCRA Hazardous Waste based on the characteristic of ignitability. The EPA Hazardous Waste Number is D001. DISPOSAL: Pesticide wastes are acutely hazardous. Improper disposal of excess pesticide, spray mixture, of rinsate is a violation of Federal law. If these wastes cannot be disposed of by use according to label instructions, contact your State Pesticide or Environmental .Control Agency, or the Hazardous Waste representative at the nearest EPA Regional Office for guidance. Do not reuse empty container. Section 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT CLASSIFICATION: Class/Division: 5.1 Proper Shipping Name: Oxidizing substance, solid, n:o.s.(1-Bromo-3-chioro-5,5-dirnethylhydantoin) Packing Group: II . ,Label: OXIDIZER ID Number: UN 1479 Section 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION OSHA Hazard Communication Status: Hazardous MSDS Code: 0655-01-13-93 Issue Date: 7/19/93 Page 5 Continued on Page 6, MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET TSCA: Pesticides are exempted by TSCA (the Toxic Substances Control Act), under, Section 3(2)(a)il, from the provisions of the Act. FffRA (the Federal Insectidde, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act) does not allow the use of registered pesticides in any manner inconsistent with the label. CERCLA reportable quantity of EPA hazardous substances In product: Chemical Name 13,Q- 'No ingredients listed in this section' Product RQ: Not applicable (Notify EPA of product spills exceeding this amount.) SARA TITLE IU: Section 302 Extremely hazardous Substances: Chemical NameCALL 'No ingredients listed in this section' Section 311 and 312 Health and Physical Hazards: Immediate Delayed Fire (yes] [no] (yes] Section 313 Toxic Chemicals: Chemical Name CAS # ILby Weight 'No ingredients listed in this section' Section 16. OTHER INFORMATION Pressure (no" Reactivity [yes] HMIS RATINGS: Health IN 3 Flammability 1 Reactivity • 1 Personal Protective Equipment • X (to be specified by user depending on use conditions) Hazard rating scale: 0- Minimal 1 • Slight 2.•Moderate 3 Scrioua 4- Severe MSDS REVISION SUMMARY: Reason for reissue: Update to new format. White this information and reccormendatioru set forth herein are betlaved to be accurate es of the date hereof, CALGON CORPORATION BAKES MO WARRANTY WITH RESPECT HERETO AND DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FROFiRELIANCE THEREON. PREPARED BY: P.J. Maloney MS 5 Code: 0655-01-13 93 Issue Date: 7/19/93 Page 6 Last Page PRODUCT • MANUFACTURER'S NAME ,dtnTG. tTO=::vaa ::,..CAI.ON e c..ew.,tuw • SUESI01ART Of MERCK.i CO.,INc. t•i'd q:;: `: . _. ..c i .... . EMERGENCY•::••••.• Calpon Corporation TELEPHONE NO.' '412/777-8000 ADDRESS P.O. Box.1345, Pittsburgh, PA 15230 - CHEMICAL NAME ANDSYNONYMS • FORMULA Multi -component thermal blend E•CTION 1i AZARDOUS.INGREOIEN` PRINCIPAL: HAZARDOUS COMPONENT IS) • ORAL LD50 • I DERMAL LD50 '".• TLV.; (Uniti) • lc �...f-2:'ly,t.s'; z-'E`„Ar . .. ??Cs is -a_ �; BOILING POINT (°FI a , l , r • r t.._ E N .:" a e .. ICAL. +4�2s l * l j sa . r i"+ t - - Solid . i' �. SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20-1) !• Solid .1. VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg.) ' • — Solid...::.. .. PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) .- .: ... ,.Solid `-:. • • VAPOR DENSITY (AIR .1) ' - • PH . 5% Solution ' 7.5 - 8.2 • • • SOLUBILITY IN WATER?-.-::' 5 pm/liter H2O will dissolve :-,• ..-. in42hours . -- ., . . . .. c rc.X;• • •t'.:.: i . _.-: r';.t_c.:'xdii{•i l... i ii�:Si= -_.�.1 _::: ..,.,�... , • �.. _ .. - APPEARANCE.AND ODOR :.:.; ; ,. ; ,: .:~_. _. '• :.Clear; glassy,flat material FLASH POINT_(Method Used).`._._-. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA - SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING :i•::• • PROCEDURES - • UNUSUAL FIRE AND - EXPLOSION'HAZARDS' `- `" ECTZON �` V IRE ANOtXPL'OSION;HAZARD13" FLAMMABLE LIMITS N While this information and recommendetio,r:ts sat. forth heroin are believed to be accurate is of the date hereof, CAL,IaQ -- CORPORATION MAKES NO WARRANTY WITH RESPECT, HERETO AND DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FROM' REL H LANCE THEREON, ,_ . . • EALTIf.HAZARD.DA `ECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE•;.;. . Product has sharp e which can cause skin cuts and abrasions. The acute oral LD50 (rats) is 2900 mg/kg. ERGENCY AND'FIRST•AID )CEDURES. . .. Good ;First Aid should be followed in all cases of exposure.. In case of eye contact, flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. ' If irritation develops, call a physician.. • • • s_ SECTION a1/1_iEACTIVITYaAT� BILITY STABLa UNSTABLE ._•...1._ •_ -. c. ... -_.-. -•- - =_ )MPATAB 1 LITY erials to Avoid) X. CONDITIONS TO AVOID'.._:: Strong acids and bas ARDOI.IS DECOMPOSITION DUCTS _ . Unknown ARDOUS POLYMERIZATION.. AY OCCUR NO... .• 1CONDITIONS TO AVOID-: • ION llll SPILLIiC LEAKPROCEO..URES )RTABLE QUANTITIES (RQ) 3S. OF EPA HAZARDOUS STANCES IN PRODUCT 1•- 2. • 3. N/A NOTIFY EPA OF PRODUCT. SPILLS EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDING' N/A LBS S.TO BE TAKEN IN CASE • ERIAL IS RELEASED .. PILLED. • Dispose of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. . - Sweep up Spills and dispose of with other solid waste. - •-• ---- • • . • rE DISPOSAL METHOD _.. _ ... • . ' ' Disposal of•this product should be in adherence with the above -described (or similarly • approved) disposal procedure. All waste disposal should be in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. • - I SPECIAL PROTECTION NFORMAT1ON �? ' x : ,� IRATORY PROTECTION: '' - � =;: Not Required: LOCAL EXHAUST _.. _ -- - --- Not Required -.. - -- SPECIAL • Srs MECHANICAL . (General).:... -• —. Not Required -• •OTHER ECTIVE GLOVES EYE PROTECTION Rubber • • Not Required « +. R PROTECTIVE 'MENT • AUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN • )LING AND STORING R'PRECAUTIONS None X F.?' �fr i, ..ter l '- -•'�c -.. .:.✓ PECIALPRECAUTIONS Exercise caution in the storage and handling of all chemical Substances... Wash -thoroughly. after handling. Keep container closed.,.. • - • 504 00 Cnwr, r'r, n.. Janet -Mc tnury Jn SIC •fr * CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY 08103-1799 January 23, 1991 ' Mr. Dale Overcash NPDES Permits Group State of. North Carolina Division of Environmental Management P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 _•r JAN- 31 1991 WETFEYILLE RIG. OFFICE RE: €ampbeiloup Company, Maxton Plant, Robeson County NPDES Permit NO. NC0047325 for Cooling Water Discharge Dear Mr. Overcash: With. respect to the Draft NPDES Permit issued for the above facility, we provide the following comment: We did submit to your office the names of the Calgon biocide and anti -scaling agent used at this facility and assume that this information was reviewed before the draft permit was issued. However, we request that you send a letter to the plant providing written approval of these chemicals. We . have no other comments on the draft permit at this time; however, we understand we will have another opportunityto comment once the final permit has been issued. If you have any questions, please contact me at (609) 486-3027. Sincerely, CAMPBELL SOUP COMPANY anc9 K. Miller Environmental Project Engineer NKM:Igm\0123 cc: Mr. R. T. Shober . : Mr. D. S. Krupinski Mr. D. L. Fleming Mr. G. Dobson, Fayetteville Regional Office Permit No. NC0047325 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM - In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Campbell Soup Company is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at t-ieraPft- on NC Highway 71 north of Maxton • Robeson County to receiving waters designated as the Lumber River in the Lumber River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, and III hereof. This permit shall become effective April 1, 1991 This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on November 30, 1994 Signed this day February 7, 1991 Original signed by bate Overcash for George T. Everett, Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. NC0047325 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET Campbell Soup Company is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to discharge cooling water/boiler blow -down and coal pile runoff located at Campbell Soup Company, on NC Highway 71; north of Maxton, Robeson County (See Part III of this Permit), and 2. Discharge from said treatment works at the location specified on the attached map into the Lumber River which is classified Class C-Swamp HQ waters in the Lumber River Basin. • • • • • ..• :..,;-.! . . ..:. t i• ; ....... \\ . \ ..k. 1 0 • 1. . i r•-7' ' \ ,.7---- ,-41.-,....,... . „. is .:•.., ..1 -1- 1_,-,„ „ , ,.,:?•,. •,.: -,..-., ,...— '' ' .11 e 1.;:.,,,,,!..,,__:_., 4.. •11, ...., •'..ef,----%•:— " ‘. • .,, ,-.-.. ,, . ------A-_, • _ 1'. . . .r..... - I; • . ;._ ;sr-. • tsf.,.. • ,: ; • - — t "--........„,.... ' '....,...., 1 k -_____...,.........,..E. . ...... 1 •ll , ,‘ = • •t•• . D A* • • • t •••• • I I , 1. , • `•,_.j • - „.„--. • : , :,c,-)._ . ,r0,--'--- — P • --- • • -,7.----.— ,.: . ..—r-- -.. ------- • • -1;V:k.IP - ., , • „,,--.,-- .... .. II • •11 ; r I I • ". II / 1 . .1. V : • • 0 ' 1 73: A. (). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL Permit No. NC0047325 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Discharge Limitations Units (specify) Mon. Avg. Daily Max Mon. Avg. Daily Max. Flow 2.5 MGD Temperature Total Residual Chlorine*** Lbs/day. Monitoring Measurement Frequency Weekly Weekly Weekly Requirements Sample *Sample Type Location Instantaneous E Grab E, U, D Grab E THERE SHALL BE NO CHROMIUM; ZINC, OR COPPER ADDED TO THE COOLING WATER. *Sample Locations: E - Effluent, U - Upstream, D - Downstream **The temperature of the effluent shall be such as not to cause and increase in the temperature of the receiving stream of more than 2.8°C and in no case cause the ambient water temperature to exceed 32°C. ***Monitoring requirements only apply if chlorine is added to the cooling water. The permittee shall obtain authorization from the Division of Environmental Management prior to utilizing any biocide in the cooling water (See Part III of this Permit). The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored weekly at the effluent by grab sample. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Part III Permit No. NC0047325 D. The permittee shall not use any biocides except those approved in conjunction with the permit application. The permittee shall notify the Director in writing not later than ninety (90) days prior to instituting use of any additional biocide used in cooling systems which may be toxic to aquatic life other than thosepreviously reported to the Division of Environmental Management. Such notification shall include completion of Biocide Worksheet Form 101 and a map locating the discharge point and receiving stream. DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT November 2, 1990 MEMORANDUM TO: Don Safrit Permits and Engineering O. FROM: M. J. Noland, Regional Fayetteville Regional SUBJECT: NPDES Permit Renewal Request Permit No. NC0047325 Campbell Soup Company Maxton Plant Maxton, North Carolina Robeson County Please find attached the staff report for renewal of the cooling water type permit for the Campbell Soup Company. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Mr. Grady Dobson, Environmental Engineer. MJN/GD/tf Enclosure cc: Technical Support Branch November 2, 1990 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS • County Robeson NPDES Permit No. NC0047325 PART I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Campbell Soup Company Maxton Plant Route 2, Box 98 Maxton, NC 28364 2. Date of Investigation: October 26, 1990 3. Report Prepared By: Grady Dobson, Environmental Engineer,. FRO 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Don Fleming, Area Complex Maintenance Manager 5. Directions to Site: Take NC 71 from Maxton, the Plant is located approximately 7 miles northeast on NC 71. 6. Discharge Point - Latitude: 34- 45' 42" Longitude: 79� 19' 36" Attach a USGS Map Extract and indicate treatment plant site and discharge point on map. USGS Quad No.: H 21 SE USGS Quad Name: Wakulla, NC 7. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): Complex is over 500 acres. 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): Relatively flat -- 0-3% slope. 9. Location of nearest dwelling: None within 1000 feet. 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Lumber River a. Classification:. High quality waters (HQW) b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: Lumber River Basin 03-07-51 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: Waters which are rated as excellent based on biological and physical/chemical characteristics through Division monitoring or special studies, all native and special native trout waters (and their tributaries) designated by the Wildlife Resources Commission, all water supply watersheds which are either classified as WS-I or WS-II. Staff Report and Recommendation Page 2 PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. Type of wastewater: % Domestic 100 % Industrial a. Volume of Wastewater: 1.5 MGD (Design Capacity) b. Types and quantities of industrial wastewater: N/A c. Prevalent toxic constituents in wastewater: Biocide information sent to Toxicity Unit. d. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): N/A in development should be required approved not needed x 2. Production rates (industrial discharges only) in pounds per day: N/A -- (cooling water) a. Highest month in the last 12 months: b. Highest year in last 5 years: 3. Description of industrial process (for industries only) and applicable CPF Part and Subpart: N/A 4. Type of treatment: N/A -- cooling water/boiler blow -down and coal pile runoff. 5. Sludge handling and disposal scheme: N/A (cooling water). 6. Treatment plant classification: Class I (see sheet) 7. SIC Code(s): 2032 Wastewater Code(s):Primary 22 Secondary 14 PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grants Funds (municipals only)? N/A 2. Special monitoring requests: N/A 3. Additional effluent limits requests: N/A Staff Report and Recommendation Page 3 4. Other: The discharge(s) for the subject permit comes from primarily three (3) sources. They are as follows: (1) (2) (3) Five (5) steam pressure soup cookers Boiler blow -down water Coal pile runoff The biocide(s) utilized in the steam pressure soup cookers have been submitted to the Toxicity Evaluation Group for final approval. PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the Fayetteville Regional Office that the subject NPDES Permit for the Campbell Soup Company be reissued for a five (5) year period provided the biocides utilized are approved. L Signature oifReport Preparer Water Quality Regional Supervisor Date I „, '• -''' 7771 1- \ .1 li " -.1- ,;) ' --- • - • : - l'i 261 '. ' \ .... .. _..0 -..... -'" ". s .. . _, „ . ,. . \\ - p,,,..."-. ....:;„ - '.:•-•„ (- -''' 22)7 C i ,-- ..-7-..- '7' ;„ . %. . I ••• . , ' i ' 11; 11 '-; p li.; ,.../r" il : 1-\ . ;,.., 1 mi .... ....--_______-,,.c-,-...-_...- \ 16-4D , 1 II , . _ , ... - •Ax__ '. 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OFFICE Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobeey, Jr., Secretary Director 10/5/90 Dennis Krupinski, Plt. Mgr. Campbell Soup Company Route 2, Box .98 Maxton, NC 28364 Dear Mr. Krupinski : Subject: NPDES Permit Application NPDES Permit No.NC0047325 Campbell Soup Company Robeson County This is to acknowledge receipt of the following documents on Application Form Engineering Proposal (for proposed control facilities), 1/ Request for permit renewal, Application Processing Fee of $150.00, Other September 27, 1990: The items checked below are needed before review can begin: Application Form _Engineering proposal (see attachment), Application Processing Fee of Delegation of Authority (see attached) Biocide Sheet (see attached) Other Statement whether any change in biocide use change has occurred since your 4/22/86 letter re. biocide use. If the application is not made complete within thirty (30) days, it will be returned to you and may be resubmitted when complete. This application has been assigned to Jule Shanklin (919/733-5083) of our Permits Unit for review. You will be advised of any comments recommendations, questions or other information necessary for the review of the application. I am, by copy of this letter, requesting that our Regional Office Supervisor prepare a staff report and recommendations regarding this discharge. If you have any questions regarding this applications, please contact the review person listed above. -i: .cerely, .��ale Ov cash, P.E. CC • a� et�fevi.11e--Regiona-1 Office Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 _ NORTH CAROLINA DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, P.O. BOX 27687, RALEIGH, NC 27611 • NATIONAL -POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE - SHORT.FORM C To be filed only by persons engaged in manufacturing and mining FOR AGENCY USE Do not attempt to complete this form before reading accompanying instructions Please print or type 1. Name, address, location, and telephone number of facility producing discharge . A. Name CAMP BELL Avp C'JoMpAt�Y 2. SIC B. Mailing address 1. Street address ) YVE 2 QOX. (VZs 2. City MMZ?N 4. County., i4,11)d5'S0t,3 C. Location: 1. Street 'Q.lo.-TVe i 2. City M 1?S tit 4. State NcCzalA CAP-70L11•.A D. Telephone No. 9ICI B145Co31 Area ' Code (Leave blank) 3. Number of employees an APPLICATION. NUMBER GATE RECEIVED 0 YEAR M0. DAY C4 i /zsrry 4431 .r/,sue. va 3. State 5. ZIP 2% (04 3. County RC E N If all your waste is discharged into a publicly owned waste treatment. facility 'and to the best of your knowledge you are not required to obtain a discharge , permit, proceed to item 4: Otherwise proceed directly to item 5. 4. If you meet the condition stated above, check here ci and supply the information asked for.below. After completing these items, please complete the date, title, and signature blocks below and return this form to the proper reviewing office without'completing the remainder of the form A. Name of'organization respons.ible-for receiving waste N/ is 8. Facility receiving waste: 1. Name 2. Street address ' 3. Ci'ty 5. State 5. ''Principal. product. Draw material.' (Check one) 16. Principal process C�fily KZ t X r 7. Maximum amount of principal product produced.or SEP 2y 199U PERMITS i_ .i INF.F-I1I:4n A. Day B. Month : C. Year Basis. 4. County b. ZIP P -, C.A tJ tvtD •OOO. QQ,C)'pO Cx s raw material consumed per (Check one) Amount 1-99 (1) 100.199 (2) 200-499 (3) 500-999 (4) 1000- 5000- 4999 9999 (5) (6) 10,000- 49.999 (7) 50,000 or more (8) PREYIOUS EDITION MAY BE USED UNTIL SUPPLY IS EXHAUSTED TI II 7.4 e aG 1 • r ' H. Maximum amnurrl. of principal vrnrhra pr•odurr•d-nr rnw malrrIul run• in slim°Y, above-, is measured in (Lhcck one): A,o pounds ' B;O tons . C.0 barrels D.0 bushels • F.o gallons - 0.0 pieces or units . H.i7(other, specify 9. (a) Check here if discharge occurs all year �f ,//or (b) Cneck the month(s) discharge occurs: :1.0 January . 2.0 February 3.0 March 4.0 April,, October 7,0 July 8.0 August .nnw•ei, reprir 11,1 E. 0 square feet CAZES May 6.o June 11.0 November (c)'Check how many days per week: 1,0 1 2,0 2-3 3.0 4-5 9(6.7 10. Types of waste water discharged to surface waters only (check as applicable) 9.0 September 12.0 December Discharge per operating day • • • F low, gal ons per operating day Volume treated before discharging (percent) 0.1-999 (1) 1000-4999 (2) 5000-9999 (3) • .10, poo- 49,999 -(4) 50,000- or more (5) None (6) 0.1- 29.9 (7) 30- 64.9 (8) 65- • 94,9 (9) 95- 100 (10) A. Sanitary, daily average • B. Cooling water, etc. daily average C. Process water, daily average )_ Maximum per operat- ing day for total discharge (all types) _ V 11. If any of the three' types of waste. identified in item 10.either treated or untreated: are discharged to places other than surface watery., check below as applicable_ . . =Waste Hater is . discharged to: Average flow, -gallons per operating ;day ., • 0;1-999 (1) 1000-4999 (2) , 5000-9999. (3) 10,090-49,999 • 1 • (4).. 50,000, or more (5) A. Municipal sewer system V SAto ITiiR.,,T B. Underground well C. Septic tank . D. Evaporation lagoon or. pond E. 0tner, specify ?Roe.ESS Gv-As+ew A'i'Ee, o 8f12A1 IV0,:q hf; 0n1 • (/ 12. Number of separate discharge points: A.X1 • 6X -3 C,,D4-5 D.a 6 or more . •' 13. Name of receiving water or waters I-Orn►arC --VQX 14. Does your discharge contain' or. is it possible .for your discharge to contain one or more of the' following substances added as -.a result of your operations, activities, or processes: ammonia, cyanide, aluminum, beryllium, cadmium, ' chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel selenium, zinc, phenols, oil and • . grease, and chlorine (residual). A.1Nyes B.0 no. ' I certify that 1 am familiar. with the information contained in the application and that to the best 'of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. • • DENW tS KRU PINSK I Printed Name -of Person Signing Date Application Signed PLANT Mtaiofk&E Title 5j d(ture of Applicant North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(b)(2) provides that: Any person who•knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowly renders inaccurate any recording ormonitoring device or.method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commiss implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $10;000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 prov •punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000'or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both fnr a cimilmr nTf 1 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph. D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director May 9, 1990 Ms. Nancy M. Kamieniecki Environmental Engineer Campbell Soup Company Camden, NJ 08103-1799 Subject: NPDES Permit Application Campbell Soup Company Robeson County Dear Ms. Kamieniecki: On May 1, 1990, the Division of Environmental Management (DEM) received a NPDES Permit Application for the subject facility. The application is considered incomplete. Information was submitted to allow the review to begin on the new pumps for the existing nondischarge spray system. This can be reviewed separately if you desire. However, the DEM did not receive enough information on the underdrain system to begin the review of the NPDES application or Authorization to Construct. Since there was enough information to start the nondischarge review, the application package will not be returned. Due to the lack of several important items that are needed as part of the NPDES application review, the DEM will not acknowledge that an NPDES application or Authorization to Construct have been received and are under review until the following items are submitted in triplicate (except for the check): 1. A check for $50.00 made payable to the NC Department of EHNR. The fee for each project is $300.00. You submitted $550.00- 2. The Short Form C must be resubmitted. 3. Engineering Proposal including an Engineering Economics Analysis (see attachments). 4. Effective October 1, 1989, the requirements of General Statute 143-215.1 (c) (6) must be addressed and appropriate documentation from the local government with the jurisdiction in the area of the site must be submitted as part of the application (see attachment). 5. Effective October 1, 1989, the requirements of General Statute 143-215.1 (g) must be addressed as part of the engineering proposal (see attachment). 6. An Environmental Assessment as outlined in 15 NCAC 2H .0105 (f) {see attached regulations}. The Division of Environmental Management will initiate the permit review process upon receipt of the above requested information. The receipt of the above information does not preclude this Division from requesting additional information at a future date. Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer l e u r Ch.], P • i If you have any questions, please contact me at (919) 733-5083. cc: Fayetteville Regional Office Ms. Carolyn McCaskill Sincerely, r M. Dale Overcash, PE Supervisor, NPDES Permits DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 7, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: Dale Overcash THROUGH: Steve W. Tedder ihr- FROM: Ken Eagleson 4 SUBJECT: Biocide Use at Campbell Soup NPDES No. NC0047325 Robeson County The Campbell Soup Company has provided calculated discharge levels of Calgon Microbiocide H-204. There are four constituents (active ingredients) which comprise this biocide. Numerical water quality standards are available for the Tributyltin oxide. Stream concentrations are limited by these regulations to 0.008 ug/liter as trialkyltin. The data provided states a total discharge volume of 1.25 MGD_containing 0.14 mg/liter of TBTO is to be discharged. After dilution in the Lumber River (~135 cfs) the instream concen- tration is predicted to be approximately 2 ug/liter. This exceeds Water Quality Standards for this compound. This biocide is not acceptable for use in this application. I suggest alternate biocides be considered for this application. Should you have further questions, please contact me. KE:ps cc: Larry-Ausley,; Mick 'Noland ENV. 14AA}'IA ~ ;AEI,IT FAYETTEVILLE REC;. OFFICE 1Ic *!c CAMDEN, NEW JERSEY 08101-0391 .)1c , . etc Mr. M. Dale Overcash State of North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 February 19, 1986 PERMITS & ENGINEERING Subject: Biocide Additives to Non -contact Cooling Water NPDES Permit NC0047325 Campbell Soup Company Robeson County - Dear Mr. Overcash: As you requested in your letter of February 3, 1986, attached you- will find- the -chemical -data-sheets--for the-Microbiocide Calgon- - - H-204 that is used in the two air compressor towers, the two ammonia towers and the large cooling tower at our Maxton facility. These sheets outline the active ingredients in this additive and the requested aquatic toxicity information. The H-204 microbiocide is used once each week in the cooling towers at a dosage rate of 50mg/1." The air compressor towers and the ammonia towers operate year round, while the large cooling tower operates approximately .7 months per year. Total, once -through, blowdown from all five units is approximately 50,000 gallons per day. The large cooling tower utilizes 40,000 gallons of the total blowdown when it is in operation. The discharge rate of blowdown from all five cooling towers occurs once each week and could consist of a maximum microbiocide concentration of 5Oppm. The blowdown is combined with other non -contact cooling water with a total discharge of approximately 1.25MGD to the Lumber River. The calculated maximum active ingredient concentration in the discharge is as follows: Ingredient Concentration (mg/1) 50,000 Gallon 1.25MGD Total Blowdown Plant Discharge 1. N-Alkyl Dimethyl 10 0.40 Benzyl Ammonium Chloride 2. Tributyltin Oxide 3.5 0.14 Mr. M. Dale Overcash February 19, 1986 Biocide Additives to Non -contact Cooling Water NPDES Permit NC0047325 Campbell Soup Company Robeson County Page Two Ingredient Concentration (mg/1) 3. Xylene 4. Isopropanol 50,000 Gallon 1.25MGD Total Blowdown Plant Discharge 2.5 0.10 2.5 0.10 It should be pointed out that the above figures are estimated values. We have never had a sample analyzed for these parameters. If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me at (609) 342-4800, extension 2168. Sincerely, Robert T. Shober, P.E. Environmental Engineer RTS/jl Attachments cc: Mr. D. R. Lanning (w/attachments) H-204 MICROBIOCIDE CHEMICAL PRODUCT BULLETIN description H-204 Microbiocide is a pale yellow, liquid, organic biocide con- taining both quaternaries and organo-metallic compounds for- mulated for use in industrial water systems. purpose H-204 prevents growths of microorganisms encountered in recir- culating, nonpotable, industrial cooling water systems. It also forms a microbiocidal film, resistant to water leaching, on wood and metal surfaces in the system, thus providing residual treat- ment for considerable lengths of time. advantages 1. Non -oxidizing; safe for cooling tower wood. 2. Non -corrosive to metals; contains no copper or mercury salts. 3. Helps protect cooling tower wood from fungus attack. 4. Non-flammable. 5. Microbiocidal effectiveness against a wide spectrum of organisms. 6. Surface-active properties aid in cleaning system.. feed requirements Begin treatment when the system is in jeopardy of becoming af- fected or after cleaning systems whose efficiency is already im- paired. Continuous Feed Method INITIAL DOSE: When the system is just noticeably fouled, ap- ply 6.5 to 13.0 fluid ounces of H-204 per thousand gallons of water (50-100 ppm) in the system. SUBSEQUENT DOSE: Maintain this treatment level by start- ing a continuous feed of 0.66 to 6.5 fluid ounces of H-204 per thou- sand gallons of water lost by blowdown (5-50 ppm). Badly fouled systems must be cleaned before treatment is begun. Intermittent or Slug Method INITIAL DOSE: When the system is noticeably fouled, apply 10.0 to 26.0 fluid ounces of H-204 per thousand gallons of water (50-100 ppm) in the system. Repeat until control is achieved. SUBSEQUENT DOSE: When microbial control is evident, add 3.3 to 13.0 fluid ounces of H-204 per thousand gallons of water in the system weekly or as needed to maintain control (25-100 ppm). Badly fouled systems must be cleaned before treatment is begun. Method of Feeding: H-204 should be fed as received and not diluted with water or mixed with any other chemical feed solu- tion. Product can form potentially explosive materials when mixed with strong oxidizing agents such as chlorine. Apply at a point in the system where the product will be uniformly mixed. control No control testing is necessary other than visual or microscopic examination of growths. C Calioo Corporation 1976 Bulletin 11-11f ( typical physical properties appearance pale yellow liquid odor pungent specific gravity 0.98 weight per gallon 8 17 lbs. flash point (TCC) ASTM D56-79 88°F pH (average) 8.7 viscosity 15-20 cps cei 25°C storage Store out of children's reach. Do not transfer H-204 from original container except for immediate use. H-204 is stable at room tem- perature. Some crystals may form when stored at temperatures below 30° F., but rewarming will return it to original condition with microbiocidal properties unimpaired. packaging Available in 5-gallon cans 40 lbs. net, and in55-gallon non -re- turnable steel drums, 435 lbs. net. Freight classification: Disin- fectants, other than medicinal and other toilet preparations. precautions DANGER: Keep Out of Reach of Children. Corrosive. Causes eye damage and skin irritation. Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing. Wear goggles or face shield and rubber gloves when handling. Harmful or fatal if swallowed. Avoid contamination of food. FIRST AID: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes or skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. For eyes, call. - a physician. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse. If swallowed, drink promptly a large quantity of milk, egg whites, gelatin solution or if these are not available, drink large quantities of water. Avoid alcohol. Ca11 a physician immediately. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. Measures against cir- culatory shock, respiratory depression and convulsion may be needed. This product is toxic to fish. Treated effluent should not be dis- charged where it will drain into lakes, streams, ponds or public water. Do not contaminate water by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes. Apply this product only as specified on the label and in this bulletin. Do not reuse empty drums. Return to drum reconditioner or destroy by perforating or crushing and burying in a safe place. For information regarding incidents involving human and environmental exposure, call (412) 777-8000 and ask to speak to Regulatory and Trade Affairs Department. Calgon representatives are located at service centers throughout the United States, ready to help you on any boiler or cooling water treatment program. For assistance, contact the closest Calgon Regional Office. BATON ROUGE • BIRMINGHAM • CHARLOTTE • CHATTANOOGA • CHICAGO • DENVER DETROIT • FARMINGTON • HOUSTON • LOS ANGELES • PHILADELPHIA • PITTSBURGH • ST. LOUIS CALGON SUBSIDIARY OF MERCK & CO., INC. P. O. BOX 1346 • PITTSBURGH, PA. 16230 MATLHIAL SAtt 11 Wi I H ,fl LL I DATE August 30, 1983 ^4. 844011-i2.e0-687 PRODUCT NAME MANUFACTURER'S NAME ,.c• . ,,5e,:�..:-. H-204 MICROBIOC1DE SECTION Calgon Corporation • SUS$101ARY Or MERCK CO..INC. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NO. (412) 777-8000 ADDRESS P. O. Box 1346, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 CHEMICAL NAME AND SYNONYMS Microbiocide FORMULA Multicomponent Liquid SECTION II HAZARDOUS PRINCIPAL HAZARDOUS COMPONENT (S) INGREDIENTS X ORAL LD60 DERMAL LD TLV (Units) N-Alkyl Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride 20 Rat ( 525 mykg Rabbit W 10 ml/kl�� N/A . Tributyitin Oxide 7 , Rat 2 87 mg/k�_ 2 Rabbit lJ 900 m9fkg 3� 3( 0.1 ano/m Xylene 6 Rat Q > 5.0 ml/kg Rabbit 0 > 2.0 ml/kg 435 m0/m Isopropanol (included with Inert ingredients on product label) 5 Rat 0 6840 mg/kg Rabbit ® 13 9/kg 980 mgm3 0 Lab Result . NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances, 1980 OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1000 SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA BOILING POINT (°F) > 212 SPECIFIC GRAVITY (H20-1) 0.96 - 1.0 VAPOR PRESSURE (mmHg.) Unknown PERCENT VOLATILE BY VOLUME (%) 65 VAPOR DENSITY (AIR-1) Unknown pH (undiluted) 8.7 SOLUBILITY IN WATER Complete APPEARANCE AND ODOR FLASH POINT (Method Usedl Colorless to pale yellow liquid SECTION IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZAR'D.DATA 88°F (TCC) FLAMMABLE LIMITS EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Dry chemical, foam, CO2 Lel Uel SPECIAL FIRE FIGHTING PROCEDURES Exercise caution when fighting any chemical fire. Respiratory protection is essential. UNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS None While this Information and recommendations set forth herein are believed to be accurate es of the date hereof, CALGON CORPORATION MAKES NO WARRANTY WITH RESPECT HERETO AND DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FROM RELIANCE THEREON_ SECTION V HEALTH HAZARD DATA EFFECTS OF OVEREXPOSURE Corrosive. Causes eye damage and skin irritation. Harmful or fatal If swallowed EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID • PROCEDURES EYE: In case of contact, flush with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes. Cap a physician. SKIN: In case of skin contact, wash with soap and plenty of water. Wash contaminated clothing before reuse. Get medical attention If irritation persists. INTERNAL: If swallowed, drink promptly i large quantity of milk, egg whites gelatin solution or If these are not available, drink large quantities of water. Avoid elcohoL Calla physician immediately. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric image. Measures against circulatory shock, respiratory depression and convulsion may be needed STABILITY STABLE X SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA UNSTABLE CONDITIONS TO AVOID Keep away from hut, sparks and open flame. INCOMPATABI LITY (Materials to Avoid) Strong oxidizers HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Unknown HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION MAY OCCUR NO REPORTABLE QUANTITIES (RQ) IN LBS. OF EPA HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES IN PRODUCT CONDITIONS TO AVOID SECTION VII SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES 1. 2:-- 3. Xylem 1,000 NOTIFY EPA OF PRODUCT SPILLS EQUAL TO OR EXCEEDING 20 000 LBS STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED Dispose of In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Dik. ern to contain es much spilled material as possible. Remove any remaining material by absorbing on vermiculite or other suitable absorbing material and place in a sealed metal container for disposal. - WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD This product is toxic to fish. Treated effluent should not be discharged where it will drain into lakes, streams, ponds or public water. Do not contaminate water by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes. Apply this product only as specified on this label. Do not reuse empty drums. Return to drum reconditioner or destroy by perforating or crushing and burying in a safe place. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION (Specify Type) • SECTION VIII SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION Not required unless exposed to product mists. VENTILATION LOCAL EXHAUST Recommended SPECIAL MECHANICAL (General) Recommended OTHER PROTECTIVE GLOVES OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Rubber EYE PROTECTION Eye goggles or full -face shield PRECAUTIONS TO BE TAKEN IN HANDLING AND STORING Protective clothing SECTION" 'IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS-': Do not get in eyes or on skin or clothing. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep container closed. OTHER PRECAUTIONS Do not use or store near heat or open flame. • PRODUCT - H-204 Microb iocide FISH TOXICITY TESTS 96 hours ORGANIC METALS Cd < 0.001 Cr <0.005 Cu <0.005 Fr < 0.005 Pb <. 0.001 ... .- Mn C 0.005 < 0. 005 < 0.005 O. C2 _:- < O. 001 • m8/8 mg /g m8/8 m8/8 mg/8 m8/8 14/8 m8/8 m8e8 BLUEGILL October 19, 1976 RA I NBOW 0.32 mg/1 0.06 mb/1 TOC 300 mg/g BOD5 < 5 mg/S. COD 7Q0 mg/8 • • PRODUCT H-204 Microbiocide DAPHNIA MAGNA TOXICITY TESTS LC50 (mg/1) @ 48 Hours 0.18 I 1 41 February 16, 1978 J-u�rJ •