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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG500205_pH Sampling_20130930Henson, Belinda From: Henson, Belinda Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 2:28 PM To: 'Ruth Trotman' Cc: mark brantley (mark.brantley@ncdenr.govj Subject: RE^3CampbellSoup ;NPDES General Permit pH Sampling<< Ruth, Campbell Soup can cease the background pH monitoring as required by our office and continue the sampling as required by the NPDES permit. As noted in your letter please complete additional sampling when pH values are less than or equal to 5.0 and information with a Plan of Action . If you have any questions or we can be of further assistance feel free to contact me or other DWR staff. Belinda • From: Ruth Trotman [mailto:ruth trotman©] Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2013 11:10 AM To: Henson, Belinda Cc: Lawyer, Mike Subject: Campbell Soup NPDES General Permit pH Sampling Belinda, Please see attached letter. Thanks, • Ruth Trotman (910) 844-1382 ************************************************************************************************* This e-mail and any files transmitted with it may contain confidential information and is intended solely for use by the individual to whom it is addressed. If you received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender, do not disclose its contents to others and delete it from your system. ************************************************************************************************* 1 2120 NC 71 Highway North Maxton, NC 28364 September 25, 2013 NC DENR Division of Water Quality 225 Green Street, Suite 714 Fayetteville, NC 28301-5095 Dear Ms. Henson, Under Campbell Soup Supply Company's NPDES General Permit NCG500000, the site is required to perform semi-annual sampling. One of these parameters is for pH with a range of >6.0 and < 9.0 standard units. Back in April of2011 during a semi-annual sampling event the iiH was below the required range. Your office required Campbell's to begin collecting background data to show that the natural pH within the Glitch area is lower than NPDES permit requirements. Attached is a spreadsheet outlining the monthly sampling that has been performed since 20J 1. There continue to be a number of data points that are lower than 6.0 which would indicate this area is slightly acidic. Based on a review of this data, Campbell Soup would like to discontinue monthly sampling. At any time during future semi-annual sampling events if the pH is below 5.0 Campbell Soup will resample, investigate and evaluate the possible cause of the. lower pH and continue monthly Monitoring until the pH levels are above 5.0. Please contact me at 910-844-1654 or by email at Jamie C;ollins( should you need additional information. Sincerely, ,> /, y V;2e-er. ( ofL C sta! / Jamie C. Collins Environmental Manager Cc: Mike Lawyer Campbell Soup Maxton Special pH Sampling w/Lumber River 4, r na 0 0 U Ditch at Flume Downstream Lumber River 0 0: N CO tD O a-1 c0 N CO tri N O1 tri N CO Lri COa-1 Crl tri 5.82 01 tri O 00 cC o0 c-1 (NJ U) N. 1.1 CO M tr) N N N Ct N 6 6' kci 6 6 oo 5.26 al V COO rNI 5.63 al O tr; Lri tri LA tri co 5.74 t\ N. tr) 5.80 t0 CO ix; 5.35 O tr) tt) 5.73 5.83 a1 a1 a-1 a1 a1 10/19/2011 a-i 12/7/2011 0 0 0 0 0 0 CV CV NI NI NJ N.1 ct N CCOO N N M N <-1 \ \ CO \ N C` O N.c�-1 61 COCO LA I.O Cr N 7.32 N tD CLD u'i ON r- r- r-Z O co to cD t\ 8.02 t0 M O 8.03 7.55 CO M LO 6 6 6 6 N 5.45 9.45 r� O to N 6.20 O� CO r` co LA N tri tri 8.80 CO 5.55 tzt r, Uj QM1 to < 1 N M Ui r�-I Lr) H I,r) l LC) N 2/8/2012 N N N N 8/7/2012 N N a-1 a-1 a1 a-i a-i t 4 a --I 0 O O O O O O CV a` -I CV N CV CV CV O CV co� CV M � LD \ 0 \ <-1 M N a -I N a-1 to M tD 7.35 6.03 CO ai t.o <-1 O CD N CO tri 6.58 7.37 CD O N N a--1 CD M N O m Lff CO N 6.38 O to tri 4.24 1 5.78 CO 0) CD CO CO LO n Ln N tr) cr CD Lc) N CO Lf) q tr; a-1 2/18/2013 r1 <- 1 7/17/2013] aM-4 O O O 0 Cs1 CV CV CV P`-1 a-1 CV d`' •a`i try) N CO