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GW1-2022-01101_Well Construction - GW1_20220107
828�822-724i P.1 Vol')9(i 1905;43p WetlnrfAlnta �....."' .. - W ll.�ONSTRTIC' I0 [QRQ GWV For lntcomt i)sc nty; ' t• ltl':nntra tnrTnfhftttatf it; �.....-------__.---- � .....u�.:� =� _,.. _�=_.... AR— tVcll I:nnttacpx Na�,1/+R^1tc !►. ....._... �If:Wcilhnnemgnrl'.eltlr 'nnNtrmlxr C far '.1VrR corAtrnMlan permit 11; r.- - .,r, ,�" AOL— (k -- 00 till nptitiMhte twitr.Mlrimcunnn' Mto11.4t,tltt:,CInoMY Siele, - X WON I ltc(chro wee Alec}: WO tet•Rap 1(v welt. A;�rirnittrrnl unioipnl/f lfblio 11t. in,l C)e(xtt¢mtat(titrnthttlCnnNttll4trprfy) Rtbidentint Walcr Supply(single) "•�""ry tnrtuxtrintl('ntmncrcinl RaSiAcntiat Water Suppl!,(shared) S Q117 r ittl mien "" No 'rJAW nter5npph�N'c14 l!, I� Monitoring Rex+►vety ir, fr. '' --- r-�--^" ,._.._... Aqutlh'RctllPtgr �(irnitndwntet itr:rnedthtinn ._... �• _...._.. ..j9, r Nlt 1'A LAC T eI • �nquifrrStotngctlndRu:itacry r�Satinity[tnttirr l+RDrr .. tr, ' AhuitcrTrvl �StnmtlYniGfT>trtllingn "- _ SuhSidrnr.,.Cnntfnl 'n• Lxprrinlcmnt Terlutnlrtgy (�� •.�_ -- ,...___.__.._ C.nthrrtnpl(Clnecd I,nn}i) �Clentitcnnel lHcatinCaolinR R �!),.� r efi Toro un�lattd?.1 RtmntkS3_ "' c R, �- v . - I.t?atr:tvet►t C p Well Su. { .Well f 31B, 43olmt) . .. I..tolih:'iA,+,n w.5. . T.'Ad tty[DR bl'appilcahlr.) n' R -._.. -- Dhvslrnl Arinrnaq l'lJAN l� 1nA 7.ip (� A/�(�:5 Ql. ')if�S ff _'-�._. v w-• _. --L�--- _.., v l'ntsnl fcM.ndfirntion Nn.ii'Ihs) .,,_____.- JItG IO!'v 'ib,r,nettndn nmI ennp(tndt In daRraxtrttiaoeesl.¢ecnnds or Areimnt Ate rroa: - - ""_'""-'""-"""--��''•�=� t evt,C �litellfrr.G1•nnctntAnnitiaautltrhnt) 17 ! ;la,/('c pfinn; 6,11(At•C)the welt(.q mnnent or CIrrp.lo ery ;?q)nolure 11 00of601 Wet1 Ctltitrnater T)t11� n"mInr,mr.,•.:•,M")ter-rr•lmrmr►f,thm floe nk•/ljaj rmr Awv:J rTWIMMO in rmthtAAW." %• c mtr rn 11ux n repair to Ai%o.) ntjop weft: }i' Kos of 1)C)!Vrt x 7b l.S,t.b7''pf'�2C.IrtAtl nr l.tA,Y(:nr.nx',(1100 ti'rir(.r�nrtrnrermr +nnrta+�il rhm,r p71nrb%)repnit,fill 1412finnun,,.,di.au„rrr,,aaHrptfniMrlllAAOl17�1rinAtlln•AAlur.•nt)ht, fo'P.11oflfrlrrrrnnthas,hem pM►K+yed fro tM:weft nwiarr. r.9xrrr nndrr G2t rrmprAsa'trrrMi nr rhi tin+h?f k n jlhtx••�nnu- a;-��t};aRRtUn nr ilddidn11t11 p�lje+�A1TAt R-F,nr Gcropr„fte.M PT or Ootm&Laop Geothermal Wetttt ha4ing dtc snnio you 01fly usn Me Intck of Ihi¢PRO(a*Avide addild net Ivell Rftn demll,S or well tx)1WlT1l rtlnn,enl%,1 CWl is nreded, fniticatu TOTAL NUMSF,R ofwrlis con9lntrAinn Brinils. You they also atM4"dililintlal palges if FIMORltfy. ,loiiH tl;_: 1t+tf►7T3 lcua Nt; `'•1f4jtni well lkpM M Itiw land surl�ice;,r, 3 _ ___._,(1F.) �,1ltt, /f� l1�Ri gtbmit this Rirrn iyittiin 3Q •s d� of complrtian of arll F�:r mnlilpl:,rrlrc 4prtti Adplhr JfdijYirr.rnr(vnmp/i!-1(((F+//l��ptl'nnn':(nllPn') (MOSIT11L`i11i1110 lbn iWIO%VIRB; t0.8tntlkwMr level ballaw..top orrsntttg; _ ,1LEO,_ _ __ (ft.) mvicinodfVliaterRetpnramfnfomatlen)1rt1 ameaTfitil, !!M•nh•r tr.•tr/h•nJ•roonnn.Nnfi,uer"•" T61t7 MMR SIUVYA:c tl;enter,AteTdgli•TtIC?,?jF94•Ifi17 tt.tlntrttnlr.dtatMttrr_ !( in.) l.i��.._...{ pAlt.Tm•Iw etinw lVellpx Tn addition io t;andittg the fntttt to 2114 adAmA.v At R•In t T.\1'rii cnnetrnt 11nR MU MOM a-nVe,nine MOM'nnr copy of this farm+vilhin 30 drys of aempleflon of,punk f,e.near.,OMIT.rnDln,di1Tt4 nt111,ate.) _.._ r -._.^.-�- raonitnetinn M fhefollosirlir rY>fi WATrR T71 f)A1t,V: — ^— RIVIStor1 of WafEr Rulautrcea,Undeltgrartte Igjeedon Control ftaorAM, i fi3K D'h it Rervfm.Center'Rhtetf h.NC 2744046316 13p.View((fttml T _— iitathrul of test: _ ,.i:,�;nr U►'at,_r Rynnta a�roioertnn wetfa: !n urtditftao ra stuiAing the IFrmt m ►.tn. nn 1, !Ae nAdre-SS(cs) nhnvn, also submit Oftc ropy of IBIS tbnn within 30 days of 1/tslnfrrtl --typl,� .A.IRnnnt: cnnoplation hf well ann-, c:11rtn t>o the tnonty Iwalla dcpnnmrtn of nM money c'W'1 NonhCnmlfnn nnmcnoory..• n�-i+ t trunmrrtalc,kadllsy-tiioisualofWatctlinenxraeS Rrvf�eA27?-21111t