HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-01018_Well Construction - GW1_20220107 Feb 1519 05;43p Clearwater Well Drilling 828-622-724 1 P 1 WELL CONSMCTION RECORD(GW^a) Fnr]ntcrrinl UQe niy: 1. C,nntraetnr information: �._.._ 14.WATE ZONES •�y� TO DPS Rlt'rION Well f'ollwaclot Name rt ft, VC Well CnntratlorrenificationN,nnber ���/�/� S.Ol1TERCA31NGformolHaasedttralbtORLITIFRtfa e / , k_(I Q ,� I y�I �1 1 _PRom TO D1AM.L?LR •MI[CKNP85 MA'rER1AL Ib� 3'AT=�^S!---• 1 '(, 1/l. te: tt. CempunyName (xOg I _ t)DI q — 16.INNER CASINCQR 11tRiN4 tlgrmatalosedloo l� yt To p3AMLrF�i THICKNUS AiF.R1AL 2.Well Construction Permit 9: ie i,1.11 all applicable wet!ennenreflnn parmlta(i.e.IN,,,Conwy,Sfolc,Variance,err..) •^ n., 3.Well ii9c(chCek wdl nst): �17,SCRE N Wa ter Supply Iveli: FROM To mAMsrtat aurrsm Tnrcrwrtss ul. Agricultural DMimicipol/Public (? ilt, N. in. C;cahcrmal(f leating/Coctlisug Supply) Residential Water Supply(singlc) g, ti in• Industrial/Commcreia) Residential Water Supply(shared) IS.GROUT Irrl^anon Pam-- r0 MAT)ER1AL 6MKAC L`ir34wmol/&AItT0UNT rr, fL r•�4LL�-�.- Nnn�YntcrSupplywrll: e9p Monitoring ®Recovery _ ts. R, In)ccti�n We11: fl. R- Aquifer•Rechargc E30roundwaivrRenrcdiation 19.SANn/GkrtVBLPAC ifa b1c Aquifer Storage Md Recovery 05,atinity Barrier FROM TO MAT Mi. sltRtwCOMSNTML 01. AquiferTcst [jSmrmwatcrDrainage Experimental Technology CJSubsidence Control A• n- Ricotherinfil cotheltnal(ClosedLoop) [3Trocct _xti.DWIJANGLOC attached onalahtels faoonsarvi (Hcatin ooling Return) 0tber(ex lain under k21 Remarks) -pRnM To oLS mtm; � t Mrire.acd__ re. (r a.i)ateWell(s)Completed _U_ai WclllM A (t. I pr+u Well Location: lQ l R- (L � it. w _ l lihc'(luncrNarne Facility MY(ifMplicablr.) n' R- T- ULAL tau �C.�I.I.�� WC, ,t. R. JAN t sisal Address,City,And Zi r4 R 2t.REMARHR ,r CoutaY Parcel Identification No.(P1,1) 5h.l,atitude nod longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds orilecimal degrees: field,one laMong is suiicicm)O � ( Y jag .Cen firn ip CrHtni ntcd: WcUCntreor Dde6.Is(arc)the welt(s)XPermanent or ©1Tcmpnrary 14v.v1pning 11jo."hrro,1 herrhvvertlfy that lfrr rw.l1(..f was(wmz)amsf1Vrfej in auhrdmnr 7.lnthisa repair toan existing well: OVes orj�No rirhl3A.tit'dC1n7,C..111011nrfSARCAC-07C.',l/100R'rftGrnolrnrtinnSlondardarmrilhmrr fr'fhh•isa rcpoie.�l1 nuttvunwn uv4l,ronarncttan iryfarmalian rnrrlrrprain the rrnrrn'r nRhu [nlgr nflki,c fcry,nl hoc boat pMvidrr(m Uu wcU ntvtki. r.;7olydnderr,?f rcmnrkrxcr!/furrrrrnrllrcfurrl•pfl/fix(arm. 23.Site Aiagram or additional well details: R.Por GmproheMPT or Omed4arip Geothermal Wells having the same 1'ou may use the back.of this page to provide additional well site details cr well "'ilnrctinn,only I GWA is needed. i•ridicato TOTAL NUMBER fir-k.rl(s constniclim details. You may also attach additional pages if neeossary. 9.T0921 well depth Now land surface —AIL) 2,Lv her Aft,Wells: Submit this fort within 30 days of t:omplelion of Weil nee Mnlr ere If'A!Pn.. fdifJcrrnr(rsample- construction to the following; ln.Rtotie water level below top of easing: LOD Division of Water Resources.Information Processing Unit, fl s ahu icrr;r is rrl rru,,c2ring,trot"•"� 1617117a$Service Center,Raleigh.NC 274"-1619. t1_RoreholediameMr: (in.j lob,Far 1aiectiop cos: In addition to sending the form to the ndlimis in 24a 12.1Weli construction method: atrove,also submit one copy of this ifonn within 30 days of completion of well (i c.anger,mrtty.eabk,direct pineal,tte,) cimstruetion to the following: 11012 WATER Rt:i'Pi-V WF.t.L S ONLY: Division ofVltater Rraourcei,Underground injection Coats/]Program, �f� 7636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 l3a.Vield(gpm) 3 Method of test: 2:1c. For Water Sunely&rgieetfon Welts: In addition to sunning the form to the address(cs) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of r3A.DlsinfeCHnn tY1te: ,Amount: _ completion of well eonstruction to,the county health department of the county where constructed. I°Intl GW.I North Cnrolinn Depnnment of ta,.•imnmental rzivanty-Division of Water Reaoutrcec - Revised 2 22-201 b