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GW1-2022-00887_Well Construction - GW1_20220107
Feb 1519 05:43p Clearwater Well Drilling 828-622-7241 p.1 V1/ELL�ONSTRUCTIUN IZF.CORD fGW-1) For Internal Use Only: 1,Wc11C.nntraetnrinforatation: C fir, pl�� �n s I WATER tt1NES - - tv(ell enntraatx Name M," gn DESCtttrrtoN /VC�Well�Cnn/tr�agnr Certification 6hlrlmt�Kr /� ,�/•� -1,Qt>TF.R CASING armulti cased walla OR LrN= Ira limbtit I Y (/ / p t/ft ��'1/1 .iif•per• 1 I �l/f[) 0 1 1 N �l`t 933 'ROM M DIAMETER 'rll[f�OIPBS MATE) RtAt -Ard.t_..Wr._�. M•rt�f VVC.xi1 t/, l - -1 tr. f4 c1 C.nmpAny Namc _ Z _ -•l f'3 (-/)-I t I t Id.MER CASING OR TUBING th9rmnl clnteddao 2.Well Construction Permit#: Z+ G c7 L `mil o>t I TO I DIAMEL I THICKNESS I MAMgIAL 1.3.0,7l1 npplicablc t�rll mrmrrrtrdioN p✓mlfr(1.a till:Cnlrrdy,Stale,trarlame,ci ) - Ef. rt. in. 3.Well U-ic(cheek Ivel)use): fr. R. in. Wa to Supply Wcll: 17.SCREEN mom I M DIAM1rM SLOT SIZE THICKNESS MAr6VAL Agricukural E)Mtmicipalftbiic () B, ft. in Geahcrnml(Fleating/Cooling Supply) residential Water Supply(single) IL to In. 41dusirial/C,ommercial El Residential Water Supply(shared) ISL GROUT Irrigation KROM TO MATERIAL EMPEAMMU T M ROD&AMOUNT Non-Water Supply Well: _ tr. "- r i 1onilonng Recovery lnjeclion Well: - p. R. Aquifer Recharge Qfiroundwatci Remcdi3tion I9 SAIdiI/GkAVSL PACK raw hie :Aquiferstgrage:and Recovery Osatinity Barrier -PROM I TO MATERIAL I ERIPLAC MENTME'i'HOD AquitcrTcst ©SmmlwaterDrainagc Experimental Tcehnnlogy [3Subcidence,Control R eothermal(Closed Loop) [3Traccr -20.DRILLING LOG allach addithmalsheets fneema Geothermal Mcatinwropling Return) Uaher(explain under#21 Ri s) FROM To DE5 N colar.h.riam,.OU/Mk t ,act Sim ctc. tt emar .4.Dau Well Completed- I�I a',Well IDtI tt, tL Su.Well Lorntlnn: W _l- CXS n• F.tcility'(lur,crr tame Facility[Do(ifalipricahle) n It. G JaAk eAA Uird Phvsirnfir1,'and Zip —7 h. R Al.rsEMARKR County Marcel Identification No.(PRS) Sh.Latitude and longitude in degrees/mimites/seconds or decimal degrees: - (ir well field,one latgong is suiticicnt) 011 „2.Certificntipn: ` Q35" l � � �S(f1 31 Div ��fF D`4kSEt 6.15(am)the well(s)RPermanent or ©ITemporary Mpnniurc ofCcoirml Well Contractor I k2•t try s4-nin1;dde.i,rm,1 heals vwltr:Thal rhr anti(.)way lwermJ crm mulled in aemrdance i.is this A repair to an existiag well: Oves or 16No «•.rh 1S.t A'f',tC tt2C.0f00 or 1 SA NCAC O2C.'.01110 Well Crmslrncnrn Vanrlarrlr ami 1har a ;"ildr is r rrPair.•ly mrrkmaw t'X eorsrractian b?formaNnr and arplair,the,munr nrlha enpl,411i t ret i)rd hae hPm prmgded 1n 1!L wall mvticr. mwir under A21 rcmarkc.rcrrrarr or on 1111:hack nflkix farm. 13.Site diagram or additional well details: R.Por Genprohe/DPT or Closed-Loup Geothermal Wells having the same VOU may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well cx?nsinrction,only I CTW.I is needed. Indicate TOTAL.NUMBER or..ntls construction Retails. You may also attach additional pages if neicessary. drillui: _ (1BM1V.A'IIN";_MUCTIONS 9,TOM well depth below land Surfacc: �t� _(R•► 11% rjor all Welts: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Par n,ulliplc x•rli.r titr ali d rprlmv ldij!crerr(ciamrr/e-3Cg)100'and i r�i 100 j construction to the following: IA,Static water level wlew top of casing:,-__ (ft.) Division of Water Revourccs,information Processing Un)t, ll'«nt,v kw!1s nlvlva ca.+la1,rm c"•" 1617 Ailat7 Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27690-1617 1 lloreholediameter: i �.j/� Uh.For Injection We11s: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a 1Z.Well construction method: M I a)u a1mve,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well (i c.im c-,rotary. construction to the following: 8• tuy.ashlc,4ireci pt�sii,r%e,l CiOlt WATER St:PP1 Y WELLS ONLY: Division ofWater Resources.Underground injection Contra]Program, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC Z7b99.1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24C. for N'atcr Supply&faicefloa Welts: In addition to sending the torn to the address(cs) above; also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13h.Disinfection type. Amount: comptetion of well construction to the county health department of the county Where constructed. Pnrnt(:w'-l 1Jonh Cnmlinn f)epnrfmcnt of lin.ircinmcrml puatrty-I�ivisurn of tVater Rn«ourcac ReviseA 2-22 261 b