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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC00500153_HISTORICALt -14c THE KELLY TIRE COMPANY Ken Averitte Division of Water Quality Fayetteville Regional Office Suite 714, Wachovia Bldg. Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 Re: NPDES Permit #NCG500153 6650 RAMSEY STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28311-9399 October 9, 1998 RECE VED OCT 151998 FAYETTEVILLE ri c. OFFICE Dear Mr. Averitte: This is to follow-up on your visit to Kelly Springfield Tire Co. in early September 1998 to inspect the cleaning of our obsolete area waste pond (preparing for closure). During your inspection, you stated that we should send a letter to your office indicating that the waste streams that were discharging to the pond have been disconnected. This is that letter. The waste streams that were previously discharging to the pond were diverted to the POTW (PWC) back in 1997 (see authorization letter from PWC attached). Thank you again for the help in this project. Please call me at 630-5678 if you have any further questions. - Robert Fleury Environmental Engin er c A ROBERT C. WILLIAMS, COMMISSIONER W. LYNDO TIPPETT, COMMISSIONER MILTON R. WOFFORD, COMMISSIONER ROBERT W. SAUNDERS, COMMISSIONER STEVEN K. BLANCHARD. GENERAL MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ELECTRIC & WATER UTILITIES January 6, 1997 Mr. Robert Fleury Environmental Engineer Kelly -Springfield Tire Company 6650 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Dear Mr. Fleury: 508 PERSON STREET P.O. BOX 1089 FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28302-1089 TELEPHONE (AREA CODE 910) 483-1401 FAX (AREA CODE 910) 483:1429 I have reviewed your request for permission to modify your sanitary sewer discharge by incorporating the waste stream currently treated by the sedimentation pond and discharged to the Kelly -Springfield NPDES outfall. Authorization for this modification is granted under the condition that the minimum treatment level (100 gpm oil/water separator) as specified in your letter dated November 13, 1996, is. provided. Please notify this office a minimum of ten working days prior to the introduction of this discharge to the sanitary sewer. If you should have any questions on this or any other pretreatment related matter, please feel free to call. I can be reached at (910) 483-1401, extension 307. Thank you for your continued support of PWC's Pretreatment Program. Sincerely, Public Works Commission Monica W. Hayes Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator North Camlinas 4th Largest Mdm • AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER • THE KELLY SPRINGFIELD TIRE COMPANY 6650 RAMSEY STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28311-9399 Ken Averitte Division of Water Quality Fayetteville Regional Office Suite 714, Wachovia Bldg. Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 Re: NPDES Permit #NCG500153 Dear Mr. Averitte: October 9, 1998 RECEi E OCT 1 3 1998 FAYETTEVILLE OFFICE This is to follow-up on your visit to Kelly Springfield Tire Co. in early September 1998 to inspect the cleaning of our obsolete area waste pond (preparing for closure). During your inspection, you stated that we should send a letter to your office indicating that the waste streams that were discharging to the pond have been disconnected. This is that letter. The waste streams that were previously discharging to the pond were diverted to the POTW (PWC) back in 1997 (see authorization letter from PWC attached). Thank you again for the help in this project. Please call me at 630-5678 if you have any further questions. Robert Fleury Environmental Engineer ROBERT C. WILLIAMS, COMMISSIONER W. LYNDO TIPPETT, COMMISSIONER MILTON R. WOFFORD, COMMISSIONER ROBERT W. SAUNDERS, COMMISSIONER STEVEN K. BLANCHARD. GENERAL MANAGER PUBLIC WORKS COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ELECTRIC & WATER UTILITIES January 6, 1997 Mr. Robert Fleury Environmental Engineer Kelly -Springfield Tire Company 6650 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Dear Mr. Fleury: 508 PERSON STREET P.O. BOX 1089 FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28302-1089 TELEPHONE (AREA CODE 910) 483-1401 FAX (AREA CODE 910) 483:1429 I have reviewed your request for permission to modify your sanitary sewer discharge by incorporating the waste stream currently treated by the sedimentation pond and discharged to the Kelly -Springfield NPDES outfall. Authorization for this modification is granted under the condition that the minimum treatment level (100 gpm oil/water separator) as specified in your letter dated November 13, 1996, is provided. Please notify this office a minimum of ten working days prior to the introduction of this discharge to the sanitary sewer. If you should have any questions on this or any other pretreatment related matter, please feel free to call. I can be reached at (910) 483-1401, extension 307. Thank you for your continued support of PWC's Pretreatment Program. Sincerely, Public Works Commission Monica W. Hayes Industrial Pretreatment Coordinator NathCa lids4thLmmdMetier • AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ; AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER • THE KELLY'W SPRINGFIELD TIRE COMPANY Kitty Kramer - Division of Water Quality Fayetteville Regional .Office Suite 714, Wachovia Bldg. Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 Re: NPDES Effluent Noncompliance Follow up. Dear Ms Kramer: 6650 RAMSEY STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28311=9399 August 31, 1998 RECEIVED SEP 0 2 1998 FAYETT EV LLE REG. C =F CE This is to follow-up my fax of July 17, 1998 and my letter of July 23, 1998 to your office. As's date, we have installed a valve on the stormwater discharge pipe that leaves the powerhouse blowdown pits. This valve will be kept closed which will force the water into the sanitary sewer discharge pipe (the two discharge pipes were level within about 1 inch of each other, so a small clog on the sanitary sewer pipe sent the discharge to the stormwater pipe). This valve will have its actuator removed and will only be opened in the case of an emergency. These changes will prevent the mishap that occurred on July 17. Please call me at 630-5678 if you have any further questions. Robert Fleury Environmental Engine THE KELLY '' ` SPRINGFIELD TIRE COMPANY Kitty Kramer Division of Water Quality. Fayetteville Regional Office Suite 714, Wachovia Bldg. Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 Re: NPDES Effluent Noncompliance Follow up. Dear Ms Kramer:. 6650 RAMSEY STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28311-9399 July 23, 1998 RECEIVED 2 4 1998 FRY = `; EVti2.17: REG. OFFI „ This is to follow up to the NPDES Permit Noncompliance Notification orally reported to your office (Ken Averette) at 11:15 am on 7/17/98. The best estimate for the amount of wash water discharged was between 700-1000 gallons. We are still investigating the best way to prevent this from happening in the future. As I stated earlier we are looking at using a dry method (vacuuming) for cleaning the boilers. We are also looking at either repiping the blowdown pits so that they all go to the sanitary sewer or installing a flow meter on the overflow pipe that goes to stormwater system with an alarm so that we know when the sanitary line is clogged up. I will send you another follow up once the repairs or changes in procedures have been made. Please call me at 630-5678 if you have any further. questions. Robert Fleury Environmental Engineer aw Linz 1.,v rax • To: Kitty Kramer Division of Water Quality Fayetteville Regional Office Fax: (910) 486-0707 From: Robert Fleury Kelly -Springfield Tire Company 6650 Ramsey St Fayetteville, NC 28311 (910) 630-5678 Re: NPDES Effluent Noncompliance Notification RECEIVED ,no 17 1998 FAYET i EViLLE REG. OFFICE This is to follow up to the NPDES Permit Noncompliance Notification orally reported to your office (Ken Averette) at 11:15 am on 7/17/98. Microbac Laboratories notified us by Voice. Mail of a pH reading of 4.15 taken around 1:00 pm on 7/16/98. Obtained message from voice mail around 3:00 pm. Started investigating potential source of low pH. • . Maintenance had just finished cleaning interior of boiler. The wash water had a greenish tint to it, which was the same color at the outfall. This seemed to be the cause of the low pH, but this water should have been going to PWC. Further investigation found that the pit that wash water flows to during cleaning normally goes to PWC. But, if the drain line from this pit becomes plugged, water flows into an adjacent pit that flows to the storm sewer. This seems to be what happend. 10:00 am discharge approx. pH = 7 Notified Fayetteville Regional Office of the division of Water Quality at 11:15 am on 7/17/98. Maintenance men are currently trying to unplug the sanitary sewer line. Alternate cleaning procedures for the boilers will be investigated. Please inform me if EPA or anyone else needs notification (630-5678). State of North Carolina Department of Environment,. Health and Natural Resources Division ofWater Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Robert Fleury Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company 6650 Ramsey St. Fayetteville , NC 28311 Dear Permittee: /SEP 4 2001 'Eleri Er) 11;571r EHNFl July 24, 1997 Subject: Certificate of Coverage No. NCG500153 Renewal of General Permit Kelly -Springfield Tire Company Cumberland County In accordance with your application for renewal of the subject Certificate of Coverage, the Division is forwarding the enclosed General Permit. This renewal is valid until July 31, 2002. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated December 6,1983. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to request an individual permit by submitting an individual permit application. Unless such demand is made, this certificate of coverage shall be final and binding. The Certificate of Coverage for your facility is not transferable except after notice to the Division. Use the enclosed Permit Name/Ownership Change form to notify the Division if you sell or otherwise transfer ownership of the subject facility. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the Certificate of Coverage. If your facility ceases discharge of wastewater before the expiration date of this permit, contact the Regional Office listed below at (910) 486-1541. Once discharge from your facility has ceased, this permit may be rescinded. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality, the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact the NPDES Group at the address below. cc: Sincerely, A. Preston Howard, Jr, P.E. Central Files Fayetteville Regional Office NPDES File Facility Assessment Unit P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 (919) 733-5083 FAX (919) 733-0719 p&e© An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled / 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG500000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE NO. NCG500153 TO DISCHARGE NON -CONTACT COOLING WATER, COOLING TOWER AND BOILER BLOWDOWN, CONDENSATE, EXEMPT STORMWATER, COOLING WATERS ASSOCIATED WITH HYDROELECTRIC OPERATIONS, AND SIMILIAR WASTEWATERS UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company is hereby authorized to discharge non -contact cooling water, condensate and other similar wastewaters from a facility located at Kelly -Springfield Tire Company 6650 Ramsey St.(401 N) Fayetteville Cumberland County to receiving waters designated as subbasin 30615 in the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III and TV of General Permit No. NCG500000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective August 1,1997. This certificate of coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day July 24,1997. A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Letter to Robert Fleury NCG500153 February 21,1997 INVOICE FOR RENEWAL OF NPDES PERMIT Check here if you do NOT wish to renew this permit. Please return this page along with a letter documenting your reasons for not requesting renewal to: Mr. Charles H. Weaver, Jr. Division of Water Quality/WQ Section NPDES Group Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Check here if you wish to. renew this permit. Please verify that the following information is documented accurately: Mailing Address Robert Fleury GOODYEAR TIRE/KELLY - SPRINGFIEL 6650 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311 Phone number: (910) 630-5678 Fax number: e-mail address: Facility Location Robert Fleury GOODYEAR TIRE/KELLY - SPRINGFIEL 6650 RAMSEY ST.(401 N) FAYETTEVILLE , NC 28311 LJ A0°- / ❑ No revision required. 131 Revision required. (Please specify below.) FF. l q 1 0 b 3 O- SR ❑ No revision required. ❑ Revision required. (Please specify below.) Please return this page with your letter requesting renewal, and $400 fee (payable to NCDEHNR) to: Mr. Charles H. Weaver, Jr. Division of Water Quality/WQ Section NPDES Group Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Signature of applicant or authorized representative Date j?,A Q7-9-/\/) K.f t-o r THE KELLY SPRINGFIELD TIRE COMPANY Mr. Charles H. Weaver, Jr Division of Water Quality/WQ Section NPDES Group Post Office Box 29535 Raleigh, N.C. 27626-0535 Re: NPDES Permit #NCG500153 Dear Mr. Weaver: 6650 RAMSEY STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28311-9990 3c-ei;'4'‘o March 14, 1997 This letter is to request the renewal of Kelly -Springfield Tire Company's NPDES permit. Enclosed is a list of chemical additives in use at Kelly -Springfield, a completed invoice form, and a check of $400 fo'r the processing fees. If you have any questions or if further information is required, please do not hesitate to call me at (910) 630-5678: Sincerely i e4- Robert1C. Fleury Environmental Engineer enclosures The Kelly -Springfield Tire Company a division of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company 6650 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, N.C. 28311 NPDES Permit No. NCG500153 List of Chemical Additives (March 1997): BETZ 35A BETZ 436 Corrosion inhibitor Deposit Control BETZ AFS Antifoam Agent BETZ Balance Polymer 6228A Chem Treatment BETZ Foam-Trol CT BETZ Inhibitor 26K BETZ Inhibitor 30K BETZ Neutrafilm 463 BETZ Opti-meen 80532 BETZ Rec-Oil 230 BETZ Slimicide C-31 BETZ Slimicide C-68 BETZ Sulfite 3 Antifoam Agent Corrosion inhibitor Corrosion inhibitor Corrosion inhibitor Corrosion Inhibitor Chem Treatment Microbial Control Microbial Control Oxygen Scavenger Phosphonic Acid Sodium Hydroxide Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid Morpholine Nitrilotriacetic acid Mineral Oil Potassium Hydroxide. Phosphonic Acid 1-H-Benzotriazole, Methyl - Sodium Silicate Sodium Hydroxide 1-H-Benzotriazole, Methyl- Octadecylamine Acetate Morpholine Octadecylamine Cyclohexylamine Dimethlylisopropanolamine. Sodium Hydroxide Dodecylguanidine Hydrochloride Methylene Bis(Thiocyanate) Isopropyl Alcohol Magnesium Nitrate 5-Chloro-2-Methyy-4-Isothiazolin-3-one Sodium Bisulfite State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., Director Kathy Bowley Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Akron, OH 44316-0001 Dear Ms. Bowley: AA E)EHNI� February 29, 1996 ENV. MANAGEMENT F'AVE EV!LLE PEG. OFFIC Subject: Permit Modification -Name Change NPDES #NCG500153 (formerly Kelly -Springfield Tire) Cumberland County In accordance with your request received February 12, 1996, the Division is forwarding the subject permit. The only change in this permit regards. ownership. All other terms and conditions in the original permit remain unchanged and in full effect. This permit modification is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and, the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency dated December 6, 1983. This permit does not affect the legal requirement to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Environmental Management or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, Coastal Area Management Act, or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this modification, please contact Alan Jones at telephone number (919)733-5083, extension 538. Sincerely, Original Signed By David A. Goodrich A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E. cc: Central Files y_ettevilleRegional O � Regional Water Quality Section Permits and Engineering Unit P.O. Box 29535, Raleigh, North Carolina 27626-0535 Telephone 919-733-7015 FAX 919-733-0719 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT GENERAL PERMIT NO. NCG500000 CERTIFICATE OF COVERAGE No. NCG500153 TO DISCHARGE NON -CONTACT COOLING WATER, COOLING TOWER AND BOILER BLOWDOWN, CONDENSATE AND SIMILAR WASTEWATERS UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, Kelly -Springfield Tire Company, a Division of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company is hereby authorized to construct and operate or continue operation of a treatment system for the generation of non - contact cooling waters, boiler water blowdown or similar waste streams with the discharge of treated wastewater from a facility located at 6650 Ramsey Street (US 401 North) Fayetteville Cumberland County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to the Cape Fear River in the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with the effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, and IV of General Permit No. NCG500000 as attached. This certificate of coverage shall become effective February 29, 1996 This Certificate of Coverage shall remain in effect for the duration of the General Permit. Signed this day February 29, 1996 Original Signed By David A. Goodrich A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E.,Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission 35°07'30"+! 78°52'30" 6 2 040 000 FEET 695 Mapped by the Army Mao Servicp EAST FAVEiTEVILLE 61 MI.'y 1 697 501 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provision of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, The Kelly Springfield Tire Company is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at The Kelly Springfield Tire Company 6650 Ramsey Street (US 401 North) Fayetteville Cumberland County to receiving waters designated as an unnamed tributary to the Cape Fear River in the Cape Fear River Basin in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, and III hereof. This permit shall become effective April 1,1992 This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on May 31, 1996 Signed this day February 27, 1992 (wab Y tale(wash tor George T. Everett, Director Division of Environmental Management By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit No. NC0000671 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET The Kelly Springfield Tire Company is hereby authorized to: 1. Continue to discharge non contact cooling water located at The Kelly Springfield Tire Company, 6650 Ramsey Street (US 401 North), Fayetteville, Cumberland County (See Part III of this Permit), and 2. Discharge from said treatment works at the location specified on the attached map into an unnamed tributary to the Cape Fear River which is classified Class WS-III waters in the Cape Fear River Basin. • 35°07'30'1r- 7 8° 52'30" MannPrl ' 694 2 040 000 FEET ' 695 EAST FAYETTEVILLE 6 1 MI. 1 by tha Armv Man Corviro A. (). EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS FINAL Permit No. NC0000671 During the period beginning on the effective date of the permit and lasting until expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristics Discharge Limitations hionitorIng Requirements Lbs/day, Units (specIfvl Measurement Sample 'Sample Mon. Avg, Daily Max Mon. Avg% Daily Max, Frequency Tvne Locatloq Flow Monthly Instantaneous E Temperature ' ' ' ' Monthly Grab E Total Residual Chlorine Monthly Grab E THERE SHALL BE NO CHROMIUM, ZINC, OR COPPER ADDED TO THE COOLING WATER. ** The temperature of the effluent shall be such as not to cause an increase in the temperature of the receiving stream of more than 2.8 degrees C and in no case cause the ambient water temperature to exceed 32 degrees C. The permittee shall obtain authorization from the Division of Environmental Management prior to utilizing any biocide in the cooling water (See Part III of this Permit). The pH shall not be less than 6.0 standard units nor greater than 9.0 standard units and shall be monitored monthly at the effluent by grab sample. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Part III Permit No. NC0000671 D. Biocide Condition The permittee shall not use any biocides except those approved in conjunction with the permit application. The permittee shall notify the Director in writing not later than ninety (90) days prior to instituting use of any additional biocide used in cooling systems which may be toxic to aquatic life other than those previously reported to the Division of Environmental Management. Such notification shall include completion of Biocide Worksheet Form 101 and a map locating the discharge point and receiving stream. E. The permittee must treat the non contact cooling water by adding sulfite to detoxify the biocides before discharge into the surface waters of North Carolina. State of North Carolina Department!of Environment, Health and Natural Resources Fayetteville Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr„ Governor Jonathan B. Howes, Secretary Andrew McCaII, Regional Manager (o 4l/4 tom// " ,-,3,,,-?, ,i, DEI---INFO DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT July 9., 1993 I Mr. Jim Kenneker,: Plant(Manager Kelly Springfield Tire .Company 6650 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NCI 28301 SUBJECT: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Kelly Springfield Cooling Water Discharge NPDES Permit No. NC0000671 Cumberland County Dear Mr. Kenneker:• Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report for the inspection conducted on June 2, 1993, by Mr. D. T. Jones, of this office. The report should be self-explanatory and contains observations and recommendations. , - If you have not hesitate to KTS/DTJ/mla Enclosure any questions or require additional clarification, please do ontactMr. Jones at (919) 486-1541. \4% Kerr T. Stevens Regional Supervisor Sincerel Wachovia Building, Suite 714, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-5043 Telephone 919-486-1541 FAX 919-486-0707 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/ 10% post -consumer paper United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, DC 20460 EPA NPDES Compliance Inspection Report (Form Approved OMB No. 2040-0003 'Approval Expires 7-31-85 Section A: National Data System Coding Transaction 1IN I 2I5 Code 1 I 3IN IC 10 10 NPDES IO 10 1 I6 17 11 111 1219 yr/mo/day 13 10 16 10 12 Inspection 117 18IC Type Inspector 1 19IS I Fac 20I2 Type 1 Remarks III 111111111I1111111111I1I111]11111111111II 21 Reserved 671 I 1 169 Facility Evaluation Rating 7013 I 71 RI I N I 72I OA N I 731 I J Reserved 74 751 1 1 1 I I I80 Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected Kelly Springfield Cooling Water Canal Entry TimeE AM PM Permit Effective Date 920401 x 1:00 Exit Time/Date 2:30 PM 930602 Permit Expiration Date 960531 Name(s) of On -Site Representative(s) Ron Tatum Title(s) ORC Phone No(s) (919) 488-9295 Name, Address of Responsible Official Jim Konneker Title Plant Manager Phone No. Contacted Yes No (919) 488-9295 rri Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated) ,. $__ S Permit Records/Report Facility Site Review ,4_ NA S Flow Measurement Laboratory Effluent/Receiving Waters NA NA S Pretreatment Compliance Schedules Self -Monitoring Program NA NA Operations/Mainten. Sludge Disposal Other: Section D Summary of Findings/Comments (Attach additional sheets if necessary) 1. Pipe .001 consists of a manmade canal which conveys cooling water from the plant to the receiving stream. This canal was observed from three (3) divergent points. There was no evidence of floating, suspended, or settleable solids outside of naturally occurring materials (leaves, tree branches, etc). At two (2) locations along the canal, four inch long fish were observed in the six to ten inch deep waters. 2. There was no evidence of oil and grease or other unnatural floating solids. Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s) D. T. Jones ' ...,Y•' Agency/Office/Telephone NC DEHNR/DEM/FRO (919) 486-1541 Date f^j/' it / Signature of Reviewer Date Regulatory Office Use Only Action Taken Date Compliance Status Noncompliance Compliance r MEMORANDUM TO: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT March 14, 1991 Donald Safrit, Unit Supervisor Permitting and Engineer s c �Jni�l FROM: M. J. Noland, Regional'-S xpeYvis9 Fayetteville Regional. Office SUBJECT: Renewal of NPDES Permk�'r'n$`Y4�'3 ��.,"�' 4c000 Kelly -Springfield Tire Company Cumberland County i _,;,,," Please find enclosed the staff report and recommendations of the Fayetteville Regional Office concerning the renewal of subject NPDES Permit. If you have any questions or require any further information, please advise. MJN/RR/tf Enclosure cc: Technical Support Branch T March 14, 1991 NPDES STAFF REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS County Cumberland NPDES Permit No. NC0000671 PART I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Facility and Address: Kelly -Springfield Tire Company US 401 North Fayetteville, NC 2. Date of Investigation: October 24, 1990 3. Report Prepared By: Ricky Revels, Env. Tech. III, FRO 4. Persons Contacted and Telephone Number: Ron Tatum, Plant Engineer (919) 488-9295 5. Directions to Site: Take US 401 North of Fayetteville, Cumberland County. The plant is located approximately 8 miles north of town on the right. 6. Discharge Point(s), List for all discharge points: Latitude: 35" 09' 37" Longitude: 78" 51' 03" Attach a USGS map extract and indicate treatment facility site and discharge point on map. USGS Quad No. G 23 NE USGS Quad Name Slocomb 7. Size (land available for expansion and upgrading): 400 acres 8. Topography (relationship to flood plain included): Relatively flat 9. Location of nearest dwelling: Approximately 1,000 feet 10. Receiving stream or affected surface waters: Cape Fear River a. Classification: WS-III b. River Basin and Subbasin No.: 030615 c. Describe receiving stream features and pertinent downstream uses: Municipal water supply PART II - DESCRIPTION OF DISCHARGE AND TREATMENT WORKS 1. Type of wastewater: N/A % Domestic N/A % Industrial a. Volume of Wastewater: 0.5 MGD (Design Capacity) Staff Report and Recommendation Page 2 b. Types and quantities of industrial wastewater: N/A c. Prevalent toxic constituents in wastewater: Biocides d. Pretreatment Program (POTWs only): N/A in development should be required approved not needed 2. Production rates (industrial discharges only) in pounds per day: N/A a. Highest month in the past 12 months: b. Highest year in the past 5 years: lbs/day lbs/day 3. Description of industrial process (for industries only) and applicable CFR Part and Subpart: N/A 4. Type of treatment (Existing): The existing treatment consist of recycling water through cooling towers with biocide additives. 5. Sludge handling and disposal scheme: N/A 6. Treatment plant classification: Less than 5 points; no rating (include rating sheet, if appropriate). N/A 7. SIC Code(s): 3011 Wastewater Code(s):Primary 15 Secondary PART III - OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION 1. Is this facility being constructed with Construction Grants Funds (municipals only)? N/A 2. Special monitoring requests: N/A 3. Additional effluent limits requests: N/A 4. Other: Biocides are used in the cooling water system, and this information should be reviewed by the Environmental Sciences Branch. • Staff Report and Recommendation Page 3 PART IV - EVALUATION AND RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of this office that the request for reissuance of NPDES Permit No. NC0000671 be processed and an appropriate permit be issued contingent upon favorable review by Environmental Sciences Branch of the additives used in this cooling water. Signature If Report Preparer Water Quality Regional Supervisor Date 3o 11 IIl 2. SIC (Leave blank) NORTH CAROLINA DEPT. OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, P.O. BOX 27687, RALEIGH, NC 27611 NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO DISCHARGE - SHORT FORM C To be filed only by persons engaged in manufacturing and mining Do not attempt tocomplete this form before reading accompanying instructions Please print or type APPLICATION NUMBER AGENCYFOR /1/1 el ei 6)1 e,I a16,17I / USE DATE RECEIVED Q 1 o I /Iz I zl;2 YEAR M0, DAY if/ 71-D • /iW ,/,b.oa So 1. Name, address, location, and telephone numbp- of facility producing discharge A. Name •geL LY 3P I i r/,r<L,T� % ire. C c . B. Mailing address 45-42 17 1. Street address /(iJ/ 5772. City r/ee✓'�.'-1-� 3. State- 4. County Cum' • 5, .ZIP C. Location: Q,, 1 �� 1. Street 66SO. ieArr, Lf 56/// 2. Citye1✓/li` 4. State �/• G D. Telephone No. G ly 753 Area Code 3. Number of employees 0 O0 If all your waste is discharged into a publicly owned waste and to the best of your knowledge you are not required to permit, proceed to item 4. Otherwise proceed directly to 4. If you meet the condition stated above, check here O anL asked for below. After completing these items, please cox., and signature blocks below and return this form to the. pro, without completing the remainder of the form. A. Name of organization responsible for receiving waste B. Facility receiving waste: e. 1. Name - 2. Street address 3. City 4, County 5. State 6. ZIP , . (Principal product. oraw material (Check one) 16. Principal process Ti eg_ / 4A-Aicr/NG 7. Maximum amount of principal product produced or raw material consumed per (Check one) N, e. 3. County CvM%i"")—i47✓�l Basis Amount 1-99 (1) 100-199 (2) 200-499 (3) 500-999 (4) 1000- 4999 (5) 5000- 9999 (6) 10,000- 49,999 (7) 50,000 or more (B) A. bay Aer B. Month C. rear i= DEC 27 1990 PPEVIOU$-EDITION MAY SE USED UNTIL SUPPLY IS EXM•U$TED P F'!'r n'7tr^fi ant.: H. Mn■ tn, im aminur,! ul prInr 1 pn 1 prniti, t I.r urlu, rrl nu rnw mn t yr I n I , nn•,nuw•d, r•r•lu,r t r.l In item /, abov.• Is measured In (Lheo. one): A.o pounds 8.c tons C.0 barrels D.0 bushels E.0 square feet F.O gallons G.40Pieces or units 14/,0 other, specify 9. (a) Check here if discharge occurs all year tlr, or Oa) Check the month(s) discharge ocrurs: 1.0 January 2.0 February 3.0 Marcn 7.0 July 8.0 August 9.0 Septemher (c) Check how many days per week: 1.0 1 4.0 April 5.0 May 6.0 June I0-.0 0ctoher 11 .0''Noovvember 12.0 December 2.0 2-3 3.0 4-5 4.ae5-7 10. Types of waste water discharged to surface waters only (check as applicable) T Discharge per operating day Flow. gallons per operating day Volume treated before discharging (percent) 0.1-999 (1) 1000-4999 (2) 5000-9999 (3) 10,000- 49,999 (4) 50,000- or more (5) None (6) 0.1- 29.9 (7) 30- 64.9 (8) 65- 94.9 (9) 95- 100 (10) A. Sanitary, daily average 8. Cooling water, etc. daily average (Go T) �{ \// 11 C. Process water, daily average i. Maximum per operat- ing day for total discharge (all typos)_ 11. If an, cf the three types of waste identified in iten 1O.either treated or untreated, are discharged to places other than surface water•,, neck below as applicable. Waste water is discharged to: Average flow, gallons per operating day 0.1-999 (1) 1000-4999 (2) 5000-9999 (3) 10,000-49,999 (4) 50,000 or more (5) A. Municipal sewer system !/ B. Underground well C. Septic rank D. Evaporation lagar•n er pond E. 0tner, specify 12. Number of separate discharge points: 13. Name of receiving water or waters A. j' 1 8.0 2-3 C.0 4-5 D O 6 or more \6f4pe Fee v' .v' fer' 14. Does your discharge contain or is it possible for your discharge to contain one or more of the following substances added as a result of your operations, activities, or processes: ammonia, cyanide, aluminum, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, nickel, selenium,_-z,y•nc, phenols, oil and .grease, and chlorine (residual). A.oyes B.lIAo 1 certify that 1 am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Tg. Kmvi< Printed Name of Person Signing !L-IL-a}p Date Application Signed sntl% .. T•-,• ere of Applicant North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6(b)(2) ovides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, ,or knowly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commiss implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000, or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 prov a punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both for a similar offense.) Igg-L,....,.. 7-4,1; yr) ,-,., JAN 8 1991 ENV. MANAGEMEi.. • State of North Carolina EAYETTEVILLE REG. Oi-rici Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Govemor George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director 1/7/91 J. R. Konneker, Pit. Mgr. The Kelly Springfield Tire Company 6650 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311-9990 Dear Mr. Konneker : Subject: NPDES Permit Application NPDES Permit No.NC0000671 This is to acknowledge receipt of the following Application Form Engineering Proposal (for proposed control J Request for permit renewal, q Application Processing Fee of $400.00, L Other WS-101's for Betz 364 & 508, The Kelly Springfield Tire 'Cumberland County documents on facilities), December 27, 1990: The items checked below are needed before review can begin: Application Form Engineering proposal (see attachment), Application Processing Fee of Delegation of Authority (see attached) Biocide Sheet (see attached) Other If the application is not made complete within thirty (30) days, returned to you and may be resubmitted when complete. This application has been assigned to Jule Shanklin it will be (919/733-5083) of our Permits Unit for review. You will be advised of comments recommendations, questions or other information necessary for review of the application. I am, by copy of this letter, requesting that our Regional Office Supervisor prepare discharge. If you please contact the a staff report and recommendations regarding this have any questions regarding this applications, review person listed above. ;Si erely, CC: ::Fayetteville Regional Office - ale Overcash, P.E. any the Pollution Preventlon Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 t fe 42 //-09- 90 State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources ' Fayetteville Regional Office James G. Martin, Governor Mr. Jim Konneker, Kelly Springfield 6650 Ramsey Street Fayetteville,NC Dear Mr. Konneker: DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT November 2, 1990. Plant Manager Tire Company 28301 William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary SUBJECT: Compliance Evaluation Inspection Kelly Springfield Wastewater. Treatment Plant NPDES Permit No. NC.0000671 Cumberland County Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Evaluation Inspection Report for the inspection conducted on October 24, 1990 by Mr.. Ricky, Revels, of this office. j The report should be self-explanatory and contains observations and recommendations. If you have any questions or require additional clarification, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Ricky Revels at (919) 486-1541. • Sincer MJN/RR/mla Enclosure' cc: Dan -Ahern Ron Tatum al-SupermigOr Wachovia Building, Suite 714 • Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301-5043 • Telephone 919-486-1541 • FAX 919-486-0707' An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer E PA NPDES united States Environmental Protection Agency , Washington. D. C. 20460 Compliance Inspection Report . Form Approved OMB No.204D-D003 Approval Expires 7-31-85 Section A: National Data System Coding Transaction , �CodeI 11J �J IN1C10101010I61711I11 'NPDES yr/mo/,1 dl21II ay,Inspection Type Inspector Fac Type 19 10 11 1 04117 1 �9,JJ��III ,`LII 211 1111111111 ��JI 2 Remarks 11111111111111111111111J•1111111111 Reserved Facility Evaluation 671 I I 169 71431 Rating BI GA Reserved 71 T� 721 NI 74 I 174 1 1 1 1 1 761 1 80 Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected Kelly Springfield Wastewater 6650 Ramsey Street Treatment Plant .Entry Time to AMi-� f1 PM 10:15 Permit Effective Date 860617 Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301 Exit Time/Date '. 1250 901024 Permit Expiration Date 910630 Name(s) of On -Site Representative(s) Ron Tatum ql. Title(s) ORC Phone No(s) (919) 488-9295 Name, Address of Responsible Official ' Jim Konneker Title ' Plant Manager. Phone No. (919) 488-9295 Contacted ❑ Yes 11 No ' Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (S = Satisfactory, M = Marginal, U = Unsatisfactory, N = Not Evaluated) $ Permit Records/Reports Facility Site Review Flow Measurement Laboratory Effluent/Receiving Waters Pretreatment Compliance Schedules Self -Monitoring Program N Operations & Maintenance Sludge Disposal Other: S 1 N _ N N S I S g Section'D Summary of Findings/Comments (Attach additional sheets 1! necessary) i 1. According to the self -monitoring reports reviewed for the period September 1989 through August 1990, the plantts effluent was in compliance with the NPDES Permit effluent limitations. Name(s) and Sighature(s) of Inspector s) Ricky Revels Signature of Reviewer 1 l s Agency/Office/Telephone NCDEHNR-DEM/FRo/(919) 486-1541 Agency/Office Date 11-02-90 Date- kks- Action Taken Regulatory Office Use Only Date Compliance Status ❑ Noncompliance ❑ .Comolience �KEX88/MP � COMPLIANCE EVALUATION ANALYSIS REPORT . i PERMIT--NCO0006 1 PIPE--00i REPORT PERIOD: 8909-9008 LOC E FACILITY--KELLY %PRINGPICLD TIRE CO. DESIGN FLOW-- 4000 ---LA%% 0 F LOCATION--FAYFTTFVIl|. REGION/COUNTY--06 CUMBE�LAND � �- MONTH LIMIT 89/O9 69/i8 50050 Q/MGD NOL .2830 ` 09/11 .3000 89/i2 9O/Oi .4500 9O/O2 � ^ 7 ^ 90/03 .5500 `90/O4 .58O0 90/05 .5i00 90/06 .5000 90/07 .5250 16 48 | ( 7.5-7.3 i8|)37 ' � j 6 - 7 4 . ^ i i7]20 8.O-7.4 | 23JO0 7.5-7.3 1 24|�^ O 7 6-7^ � 1 | / 27.'56 | � � 29OO 90/08 .5200 | i AVERAGE .4704 MAXIMUM .6700 2900 8.000 hINIMUM .i000 i0 �;(.900 UNIT MGD DEq. %U � | � r � � iO/24/90 PAGE i [ RggEITK) ENV. MANAGEMENT State of North Carolina FAYETTEVILLE REG. OFFICE Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Govemor George T. Everett, Ph.D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director September 19, 1990 W.W. MASTERS,PL MGR KELLY SPRINGFIELD TIRE CO. 6650 RAMSEY.STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NC 28301 Subject: NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0000671 CUMBERLAND COUNTY Dear Permittee: The subject permit issued on 6/17/86 expires on 6/30/91. North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 143-215.1(c) requires that anapplication for permit renewal be filed at least 180 days prior to the expiration date. As of the date of this letter, the Division of Environmental Management had not received an application for renewal. If operation of a discharge or waste treatment facility is to occur after the permit's expiration date, or if continuation of the permit is.desired, it must not be allowed to expire. A renewal request must be submitted no :l.ater.than 180 days prior to the permit's expiration date. Operation. of the waste treatment works or continuation of a discharge after the expiration date would constitute a -violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and could result in assessment of civil'penalties of up to $10,000 per day. If continuation of the permit is desired, failure to request renewal at least 180 days prior to expiration will result in a civil assessment of at least $300.00; larger penalties may be assessed depending upon the delinquency of the request. •A renewal application shall consist of a letter requesting permit renewal along With the appropriate completed and signed application form (copy attached), submitted in triplicate, referenced in Title 15 of the North Carolina Administrative Code (15 NCAC) Subchapter 2H .0105(a). Primary industries listed in Appendix A of Title.40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 122 shall also submit a priority pollutant analysis in accordance with Part 122.21. A processing fee must ,be submitted with the application. In addition to penalties referenced above, a permit renewal request received after the expiration date will be considered as a new application and will require the higher application fee. Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 A. C.,11m1 nr.r.r..+.,ni+., ARim,n+i.rn A,•+ir•r• Fmnlnvor • : t L' Attached is a copy of the fee schedule from 15 NCAC 2B.0105(b). The application processing fee is based on the design or permitted flow, whichever is appropriate, listed in the first five categories of facilities. Presently, no facility is allowed to submit a fee for the general permits listed in the schedule since the Environmental Protection Agency has not approved the State of North Carolina's general permit. If the facility covered by this permit contains some type of treatment works, a narrative description of the sludge management plan must be submitted with the application for renewal. The Environmental Management Commission adopted rules on August 1, 1988, requiring the payment of an annual fee for most permitted facilities (see attached 15 NCAC'2H .0105(b) regulations). You will be billed separately for that fee (if applicable), after your permit is approved. The letter requesting renewal, the completed Permit application, and appropriate fee should be sent to: Permits and Engineering Unit. Division of Environmental Management Post Office Box.-27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 The check should be made payable to the North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources which may be abbreviated as DEHNR. If there are questions or a need for additional information regarding the permit renewal procedure, please contact me at telephone number (91.9) 733-5083. Sincerely, Original Signed By M. Dale Overcash. cc: t " a�y�.etf e�"v�' e� 12_egi.toTa►l a f rES Permits and Engineering Unit Central Files M. Dale Overcash, P.E. Supervisor, NPDES Permits Group .i :ne :^snaoeo a•eas on.y (Jill .,, `-�• aced for elite type, ise., 12characrersrnchl. Form Approved OMB No. 158.RO!75 FO _ GENERAL' M_._ -, - "_ _ U.3- ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY- •••-..-.->.�+:; • GENERALfINFORMATION . I. EPAI.D. NUMBER - _ r , ----. . ;. c ��/EPA Consolidated Permitss Program (Read the "General Instructions" before starting,) F 1 D 1 12 1, r,. , LA9 I.. ITEMS I 1 GENERAL 1 EPA I.D NUMBE \ \ \ \ \ INSTRUCTIONS If a preprinted label has been provided, affix' it in the designated space. Review the inform- \ \ \ �• \, �\I. FAC\LITY NAME '' ' \ \ etion carefully; if any of it is incorrect, cross through it and enter the correct data in the fill—in \ ` \ ` FACILITY s ' MAILING ADDRESS \PLEASE PLACE LABEL IN THIS SPACE \ \\\ appropriate area below, Also, if any of the preprinted date is absent (the area to the - left - of the label space lists the information that should appear), please provide it in the proper fill—in area(s) below, If the label is \ 1VI FACILITY LOCATION 1I. POLLUTANT CHARACTERISTICS \ complete and correct, you need not complete Items I, III, V, and VI (except VI-8 which must be completed regardless). Complete all items if no label has been provided. Refer to the instructions for detailed item descrip- tions and for. the legal authorizations under which this data is collected. .y - INSTRUCTIONS: Complete A through J to determine whether you need to submit any permit application forms to the EPA. If you answer "yes" to any questions, you must submit this form and the supplemental form listed in the parenthesis following the question. Mark "X" in the box in the third column if .the supplemental form. is attached. If you answer "no" to each 'question, you need not submit any of these forms You may answer "no" if your activity is excluded from permit requirements; see Section C of the instructions See also, Section 0 of the instructions for definitions of bold —had terms. ... r MAR 'X' - AR •X• - SPECIFIC QUESTIONS ' '" r•.,,. ,, .,; -. •. - • - -• T[s wo rowel ATTACHED SPECIFIC QUESTIONS T[[ Ma I roar JATTACH[C A. Is this facility a publicly owned Treatment works =which., •a1'discharge-to waters of,the ;U.S.?. • •°•(FORM2A): `.-:'= -• '•`:• -: .• • .: B. Does or will this facility (either existing or proposed) •.: include•a concentrated• animal feeding' operation or k animal production facility which results in e • x IC r, r. ....discharge waters of the U.S.? (FORM 28) IC ,r C. Is this a facility which to waters of the U.S._ other than those described in /Yt A dose described in A or Et above) which will result in a discharge to A or B above? (FORM 2C). •-'• u s. -water; of the U.S.? (FORM 2D) ""'-- • ' -• 13 16 1, E. Does or will this facility 'treat,. store, ordisposeof . hazardous wastes?(FORM 3) IV - '. '-mmunicu or will you injector thin facility industrialor ucipal effluent below the lowermost stratum con- taining, within;"one quarter mile of the well bore, �( .. .. underground sources of drinking water?' (FORM 4) Ir _ 11 G. Do, -,you or will you Inject at this facility any produced water, or. other. fluids -which are the surface in connection with conventional oil or natural gas pro- ' auction, inject'fluids-used for enhanced recovery_of fluids for store of li uid ,oil or natural gas, or,.injectge: q '..c' ij�.{` - H :Do you Ol will,you Inject at. this.facility'fluids for spa- . °.aieT procetisis`gteh:.tis;mining of sulfur by the Frasch proaas, solution mining of minerals, in .situ combus- '^tlon•of fossil"fuel; or recovery-Of..geothermet energy? -•`r• ; r `:;RfF... •:; .rhydrOcarbOns?:(FORM`.41'..f. . 4%yL!*t. ,... _, ._ _.-ay;r_ -1:,,;?;o=€;c.':" I. • Is:thls:faculty.a proposed stationary source which is -•gone•.of?the 28 industrual categories !usted in the in ': structid:,w ons •anhich ;will; potentiallyzemit;_100'..tone ! per,. -year; of.-.any,airipollu;_r tantegulated._under;the Clean ,AirAct and': ny 'e effect i•or • bi;'loated'.: intin ' •:,'ettainment'irea?•1FORM'S1'..^-aa J. •-Is-.this,facility a. proposed stationary source which is '-::rNOTiorii of - the 28;industrial.ategories'listed'in the -j-1.inruatiorii snd"w_hich'will•potentially" emit 250 tons fw :per, yeer'of any.ait pollutant regulated under.the Clean . . T-tAir;Act. and,may:effectr.b oe•loated in en etteinme tt • _ 'f4-11. . '1II.• ..1 .::: ir^=`:- r e:" NAME 'OF•FACILITY • SKIPIK E.L.L.y. Pg.! A/G F.i e :.e L P. • ,- .. _. _ .-:.:>'. .- . - .41 -•• : J! 'i 7`(FORM 51 .l RE. — A4 PAN n s• • a: :IV. ,. .I, 30 .. -•.• _....• FACILITY CONTACT , .•. .,..-_• �;,A. NAME SE TITt.E.(aatafrattta.. tifte)--::. +-;=-r... .r '`' C , "` .•e_PKONE.(areaa code & no.) • .. ' . ( Ii I 1 1 I i If ,D/,TJrT I 488 17ZCI.:/� I® V. FACILITY MAILING ADDRESS . , . . - - -.a .• A. STREET OR P.O. SOX .. - ::-•- . ' 'I •I I i I I I- I I I I I 1 I I I I II I T I I•••I 1 ..•r-• �/•�64?) RAN45E.y s QEEi " •_. .. ; D. CITY OR TOWN.:.: �:+C;S-• '-: r;; .-,t: r '_ ; C.$TATE •. ZIP CODE- D .:-::•.i.' i il1� '/ ww M. IIIII t I I I I I I III t PIA I I� T g'V it I�I_ I 1 :.•.;':'-: .:•; ../ 7r� •VI: .�.,•' FACILITY LOCATION • • -? •° A: '` STR CET.•ROUTE NO..OR-OTHER SeECIFIC• N 'ID[TIFIER ,I=-�' .a: ,- .{' � .A. ,..z.;f -tic �• '�'r;'3r: _ . �j1Iti`"•' +1 5 I I I I1 I 1 1 I 1 I I I _I I I II I I I 1 1 I I I 1 6_. S0 . �i�14, t.Y. S ST -:.: . ti .w. 'l jj r,r. .,,.. ._....rl ;-1990 S. COUNTY NAME ` '• 1 I I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIIIIII G(..J M b_ �eLA-)V !7 • i i_i,,. ;rS aI 1.NGIfd EP,i Ci ral4r•1..,. ' ;;., _ .:..:-,•.�...• ::;,'.:. �'�: .C. CIT.Y,OR.TOW N..' '•��•,:;.yii•:*'�: ti-ce.•: �r i.:. ...T D.lTATE :. E: 21� COO[ �. t'•COU1N(TYy/.CODE ' 1_ • it � _ C. TI r 1 I I r I I r. r I I, I• -� I I I T�I InOr r ,EPA Form 3510-1 (6.801- CONTINUE ON REVERS' ONTINUED FROM THE FRONT VII. SIC CODES (4•digit. in order ofonority) A. FIRST B. SECOND e •;i;pe-:. C, I rear/ �G= 77� MAP. ' ' r z ispecirp, is If - I, ,. UI-FA# IS ,. C. THIRD D. FOURTH .... 7 1 it pec::;.. 1 ...5-. 7 t 1 i:speekly; VIII. OPERATOR INFORMATION A. NAME 9. is the name listed In I1 1 I I i I I /I 1 1 11 1 1 I I 1 1 ; ; i 1 1 i T 1 I I p1 , /`', i I 1)-T 00 ��, 6?k/ is C?P/I E1 �, gE 64fiel /9,I1 J'4/YES Item VIII-A eleo tht owner? �-. NO el. IS C. STATUS OF OPERATOR (Enter the appropriate letter into the answer box; if "Other', specify.) 0. PHONE (orea code & no.) F = FEDERAL M = PUBLIC (other than federal or state) S - STATE O= OTHER (specify) P=PRIVATE ispecl)y, A 1 f l I 88 I i Zq t. l w [,. . v - :1(�u 29 E. STREET OR P.O. SOX 1 I 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w F. CITY OR TOWN H. ZIP CODE IX, INDIAN LAND • . B i TI 1 1 I1 t 1, /1 i I 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I 'I I 6,i11 Abe, 1_ A -A �1 1 I _ L0.4TATE1 �/I M 1 I 1 Z1 7i Is the facility located on Indian lands? NI YES g NO IS X. I. • EXISTING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS A. NPDES (Discharges to Surface Water) .. D. PSD (Air Emissions from Proposed 41 SS Sources) 47 - sl sz • C 7 1 1 1 i I 1 I i I I I e T I 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 1 i I s ry ' LOOID.O, 6171 /, P { 17. I, I. 17 vs ICI9.� 17 18 B. uiC (Underground Injection of Fluids) E. OTHER (specify) ' C 7 I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 C T 1 j 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I I i . ,- a! a (specify) U 9 IS II 1 7 I.. 7 0 IS I4 17 11 0 C. RCRA (Ha:ardous Wastes) E. OTHER (Specify) C 7 •I 1 1 i i 1 1 I I I I I C T 1 I I I I 1 I 1 I I I 1 1 9N,c ,v,o 8 5 ,16.1.5. 9(specif.1', i , ♦ J . 1 i 1 I . , ., XI. MAP 17 . SO IS IS 17 IS7Y - Attach to this application a topographic map of the area extending to at (east one mile beyond property bounderies. The map must show the outline of the facility, the location of each of its existing and proposed intake and discharge structures, each of its hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities, and each well where it injects fluids underground. Include all springs, rivers and other surface water bodies in the map area. See instructions for precise requirements. XII. NATURE OF BUSINESS (provide e brief description MA�u1=AC- Ur& 7tR' ',s XIII. CERTIFICATION (see instructions) / certify under penalty of law that / have personally examined and am' familiar with the information submitted in this application and all attachments and that, based on my inquiry of those persons immediately responsible for obtaining the information contained in the application, l believe that the information is true, accurate and co aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprison A. COMMENTS Ce NAME & OFFICIAL TITLE (type or print) V I .. y FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY B. GN U C. DATE SIGNED v IS IS orm 3510-1 (6-80 REVERSE LAT;ro Uc: 35°-I®' /7.17 kl 1-oc(G,'ru-vg- .51-31-07\1: It . I i% 0 ro ID op Cr go % sr 0 0 = 6i ▪ Q gr xIJ s1.10C 0." z SETTLING SASIN T for BUILDING ID IUIL 0INI I C 8U1' DING I 1'P BUILDING I MANUFACTURING Y ". rtif n4. ..__il�� 31 :BLDG.. 616.1 f f �I ue' t B! • OI FICf : ; �a `�r�• 44(0 31A _ BLOG.319 BLDGOIG BLDG AID tt 6 SOU" .' 401 • j- s' LJ L•J a • IP' si J/y 01b98 — I 1 ..HOf ACHES •Y �l i . 7 Chi �� i .r O •v�,sn� EMPLPARDae OYEES li 81.LD/1h7 F1 II rryt DIRT f HIGH FYI.. ••.P•••• TOTAL NET ACREAGE 403.292 ACRES • N••••wa .n.a•• '••ram -VLL_---�•-•L `\_ \xa,-ea nala• Il� I 10.11 .01 `�\• r.•r • BLDG. •IE 1 0 e m O • m ti .• co C;IE D G AU/LDINONO 4IC �. /C BUILDING 75 PUMP N00SL NO2 BOOT 000 GAL OIL STORAGE TANK .••' • 209• N mkt amn ALLO• •D oN DlYola•N• DarWEo• MINK= a1NSAm oN,A,• or,..nwlez samcI.Nn. .o® e al • BUILDING 73 OIL PUMPNOUSC •,a ♦a M 7. 993 ev :�,.. 8;o ACRES II: •w•n msu '?I KELLY FAYETTEVILLE 86410-1 0 3' t> m • •0 J a • F 3s26$40) 7 00 00 '00000. ,00 0 cloc 40000 000000 Co 00000 1000 500 1000 500 f-___ ..$1-:. -t.,!- _ j:f- ::.7,1--2 •.,.. ,f....,.— . r . • —, :, , . ' - Z.' ""-.:.= r • ... '...." Al,'"AilLat441411 "0— 1 op Ififir 4ey; 0- Ai lt- Kelly s141 rt7eIcr-ree, cc. 5-0 liviitSer _ Ayeft '1 e fie / 11/4 ta • NIPPES 7 Nepave671 4 . 2000 2000 . 3000 visa, ArG WFPES t6reem 111 Ay. At 35-e-GFit' WAKS7=-03 vik-Dri.,44c-; A16- w47Ee 4000 Meters 4000 Yards 2 • BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocide) products ultimately discharged to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocide) product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. I . Facility Name Kt 2-Ly �Jf r-1//G r fd /' Ye - • NPDES 11 NC c2e O67/ County Gut-4 bent-AA/0 Receiving Stream \CAPt F/ lear7O10 (c(s) (All above information supplied by the Division of Environmental Management) What is the average daily discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D. = '`� (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. IWC = (A.D.D.) x 100 = (9.4Y) x" 100 = /CO Y. (7010)(0.646) + (A.D.D.) ( o )(0.646) ) This value (IWC) represents the waste contribution to the receiving stream during tow flow conditions. II. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I? Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: Y'd man! o5tyreNe, % x What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? be converted to grams of whole product used per day. grams/day The units must DEC2 1�10 Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocide!. product and NPDES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.). Volume = O-36 million gallons What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K. = 0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 S.U. of pH within handling system. Enter the half life of the product: H.L. = b Days The decay rate is equal to 1 x .69 = 4•/`f =.Decay Rate (D.K.) H.L. 2 Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss.. coefficient. D.F. = (A.D.D.) + (D.K.) o (O.q) + (s/9) =_57oZ% (Volume) (0. 355) Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration. Dischg Conc. = (D R.) f1 =-�mg/I (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) (.726)(.3.5T(3785) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow condit:nas. (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Discha Conc) x (IWC%) = )x( /OD) = D-S mg/I 100 100 Receiving Stream Concentration III. Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC.. data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/I). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Test Duration LCso (mg/1) ix- DEC 1/, Choose the lowest LC.. which has a test duration of 96 hours. If a 96. hour test is unavailable, choose the lowest 48 hour LCso. Enter the selected LC.O -° If the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = .05 x LC.. = 0- / mg/1 If the half life is greater than 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculations. Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LCse = mg/1 Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank. mg/liter From Part 1.1— 1n_re�r receiving stream concentrat ion_=__-__ r IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. o/fFi dPA Name (Print) Signature Date Person in Responsible Charge Biocide/Chemical Treatment Worksheet Terminoloov Average Daily Discharge - This value is expressed in million gallons per day and should represent the total monthly volume divided by the a of days discharged. The data should reflect the highest average daily discharge over any throe consecutive months. Instream Waste Concentration - The I.W.C. is defined as the percent waste In the receiving stream during low flow (7010) conditions. 7010 - This value Is expressed in cubic feet per second and represents the lowest average flow in the receiving stream over a seven day period which re -occurs every ten years. It is this low flow value by which all toxic substances are evaluated as to their instream impacts according to state regulations. Dosage Rate - The dosage rate is to be considered as the maximum daily quantity in grams per day of the whole treatment product. Half Life - The half life of a product is the length of time, in days, that the product will require to degrade to non -toxic components. These half-lives vary considerably with pH and temperature. It is to the advantage of the discharger to obtain this information since it allows less restrictive discharge quantities. LCso - An LCso value is the concentration of the whole product which causes death to one-half of the exposed test organisms in a specified time period. Ideally, this time period should be 96 hours. Regulated Limitation - This is the maximum instream concentration of product which is allowed by water quality regulation to exist in natural surface waters. By comparing this value with the predicted concentration in the receiving stream, the evaluation as to suitability of product is determined. 5Cory` T0E•. SE. 1ENNSY.4AN1A 19DrOduct. BETZ® SLIM1C1DE 364 • Minimal environmental impact. • Controls fungi, algae, and bacteria. • Compatible with all BETZ Cooling Water Treatment Programs. DESCRIPTION AND USE BETZ Slimicide 364 is registered with the EPA for the control of objectionable slime growth formed by bacteria and fungi in recirculating cooling tower equipment. It contains 10 percent bromonitrostyrene (BNS). It can be used as an alternating product with any other BETZ Slimicide. BETZ Slimicide 364 naturally degrades to less toxic com- pounds. It may also be detoxified with sulfite. These fea- tures make it an ideal product for many plants. In specific applications, environmental compatibility is often the primary consideration in product selection. The primary component, BNS, is an exclusive ingredient with BETZ and is not available in any competitive prod- uct. GENERAL PROPERTIES B-Bromo B-nitrostyrene 10.0% Inert Ingredients (including solubilizing _ and dispersing agents) 90.0% Environmental Protection Agency Registration . 3876-74 Appearance clear, yellow -orange liquid Density (61F) 7.8 pounds per gallon Flash Point (open cup) 162F Flash Point (closed cup) 149F Freeze Point <-55F pH (5 percent solution) 3 2 Specific Gravity (60F) 0 92 Viscosity (61 F) 3 7 cps ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Slimicide 364 has an LCso of 1.2 ppm on bluegill sunfish and 1.0 ppm on rainbow trout. However, the active molecule in Slimicide 364, bromoni- trostyrene (BNS), naturally degrades in dilute water solu- tion to compounds of much lower toxicity. Figure 1 shows how quickly the product naturally degrades at different temperatures and pH values. FIGURE 1 NATURAL DEGRADATION OF SLIMICIDE 364 Half -Life, In Hours, At Indicated pH Value Temperature pH = 6 pH = 7 pH = 8 pH = 9 25C (77F) 50C (122F) 4.6 4.3 2.7 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.3 <0.1 In addition, Slimicide 364 can be destroyed quickly by mixing 3 parts of sodium sulfite by weight with one part BNS. Figure 2 shows how completely Slimicide 364 can be detoxified. Note that when the proper amount of sodium sulfite is added, the survival percentage of rain- bow trout immediately rises to 100 percent, indicating that the toxic nature of Slimicide 364 has been destroyed. Normally, direct discharge is not a problem since many .cooling towers blow down to a combined water stream which is sent to a waste treatment facility. TREATMENT DOSAGE Proper treatment levels for BETZ Slimicide 364 depend on many factors such as severity of microbiological prob- lem, retention time, pH, temperature, and other operating FIGURE 2 DETOXIFICATION OF SLIMICIDE 364 Slimiclde 364 (PM as BNS) Na2SO3 • (ppm) 1 day Percent Survivors (Rainbow Trout) After... 2 days 3 days 4 days 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 0 0 0 1.5 3.0 4.5 0 0 0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 oFn 77 10• 0', 100� PFC172 8207 e119d0 BETZ LABORATOSiES, INC. ALL AIGnTS ii conditions at a given installation. Normal shot feed dos- . ages range between 12 and 48 parts per million (ppm) (0.1 to 0.4 pounds per thousand gallons). Where systems are noticeably fouled. treatment levels may be as high as 180 ppm. All applications should be in accordance with the use directions on the Slimicide 364 drum .abet. CHEMICAL FEED AND CONTROL Proper application is to shot feed Slimicide 364 to the cooling tower at a point where good distribution will be obtained. Slimicide 364 can be fed neat with a diaphragm pump equipped with glass filled polypropylene (GFP) liq- uid -side components. It should not be diluted prior to use in the cooling tower system. Feed at a frequency as needed to maintain control. Treatment level should be calculated from known volume of the system. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS A Material Safety Data Sheet containing detailed infor- mation relative to this product is available upon request. PACKAGING INFORMATION BETZ Slimicide 364 is blended as a liquid; and is supplied in 55-gallon, bung -type, nonreturnable steel drums. Ap- proximate net weight-415 pounds per drum. DEC 27 199U PERi:;I,S & ENGINEERING PFC172 0207 PAGE BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged' to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocide) product in use. .This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. 1 . Feu i I i ty Name eeLi- 5,orTEE co, NPDES a NC 0000 67/ County Gt.Aivnbey-4A-4/cl Receiving Stream \49ACF4474?/evi.xf 7010 (cfs) (All above information supplied by the Division of Environmental Management) What is the average daily discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D. = o,<7( (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the .Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the data entered above. IWC = (A.D.D.) x 100 = (al() x' 100 = /OO % (7010)(0.646) + (A.D.D.) ( 0 )(0.646) +' (O.4f ) This value (IWC) represents the waste contribution to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. II. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part I? 6J-LrMI`Gidde.. 6—m� Please list the active ingredients end percent composition: D, broMoAC lop rop,oAl/4xt,de- % What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? be converted to grams of whole product used per day. Ti Yi D.R. = 9 6o2,f,E—grams/day The units must DEC 27 1990 PERMITS & ENGINEERING M Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of blocidal. product and NPOES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.). • Volume : D 3 SS million gallons What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? 1f unknown, assume no decay (D.K. = 0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 S.U. of pH within handling system; Enter the half life of the product: H.L. = 02 Days The decay rate is equal to 1 x H.L. 69 : 236, = Decay Rate (O.K.) = Calculate degradation'factor (D.F.). This is the first order loss coefficient. 0.F-. = (A.0.0.) + (D.K.) = (9 L) + (2.L6) _ 3."e%K (Volume) (.3531 Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration. �6 aS Dischg Conc. = (D R.) - f 1 "�g/1 (D.F.)(Volume)(3785) (3,4' i(_353785) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow condit.nns. (Receiving Stream Concentration) (Discha Conc) x (IWC%) : (2 9)x( /00) : e. 0 mg/1 100 100 Receiving Stream Concentration 111. Calculate regulated limitation. List all LC.. data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/I). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism rUuJ 13 I LeG-,`/l Soti Test Duration LCso (mg/I) U L U N J MU PERMITS R, ENGI[ EUING 5-v Choose the lowest LC.. which has a test duration of 96 hours. If a 96. hour test is unavailable, choose the lowest 48 hour LC... Enter the selected LC.. 4, If the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation.. Regulated Limitation = .05 x LCso = b mg/I If the half life is greater than 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculations. Regulated Limitation = 0.01 x LC.. = mg/I Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank. 3 / ' mg/ I i ter From Part-t enrter receiving stream concentration: GIN T3. 12T x R' D c..J , i k /. .Svl I�r`jGA/`i^G- -V/t9 mg/ l i ter IV. Analys-rts. a If the rece-iv-i_n,g stream cofcentration is greater than the calcu-t-aced regulated l i m i t a t i o n t-he:nthis biocide is u n a c c e p_t_ab„l.e�/ o�r use . )61,ki TA:ram Name (Print) Signature Person in Responsible Charge F,r c roa 'e d. by �4l r4e/-- 1�v c I1 e y kt Date DEC 7 1D iU PERMITS & [ !GIi EERING 4 Diocide/Chemical Treatment Worksheet Terminoloav Average Daily Discharge - This value is expressed in million gallons per day and should represent the total monthly volume divided by the • of days discharged. The data should reflect the highest average daily discharge over any three consecutive months. Instream Waste Concentration - The I.W.C. is defined as the• percent waste in the receiving stream during low flow (7010) conditions. 7010 - This value is expressed in cubic feet per second and represents the lowest average flow in the receiving stream over a seven day period which re -occurs every ten years. It is this low flow value by which all toxic substances are evaluated as to their instream impacts according to state regulations. Dosage Rate - The dosage rate is to be considered as the maximum daily quantity in grams per day of the whole treatment product. Half Life - The half life of a product is the length of time, in days, that the product will require to degrade to non -toxic components. These half-lives vary considerably with pH and temperature. It is to the advantage of the discharger to obtain this information since it allows less restrictive discharge quantities. LCso - An LCso value is the concentration of the whole product which causes death to one-half of the exposed test organisms in a specified time period Ideally, this time period should be 96 hours. Regulated Limitation - This is the maximum instream concentration of product which is allowed by water quality regulation to exist in natural surface waters. By comparing this value with the predicted concentration in the receiving stream, the evaluation as to suitability of product is determined. 1990 5a` product facts fiETZ'R SLIMICIDE 508 :• Minimal environmental impact ,• Registered for use in a wide variety of systems • Compatible with all BETZ cooling water treatment programs DESCRIPTION AND USE 'BETZ Slimicide 508 aids in the control of bacterial, fun- gal. and algal slimes in evaporative condensers, heat exchange water systems, commercial and industrial cool- ing towers, influent systems, industrial water scrubbing systems, and brewery pasteurizers. It is also registered for use in once -through and closed -cycle systems, in- cluding cooling ponds, canals and lagoons. In addition, Slimicide 508 controls slime -forming bac- teria and fungi in industrial air washer systems. It is also. effective in controlling and inhibiting the growth of bac- teria, fungi, and yeasts that may deteriorate metalwork- ; ing fluids containing water. Slimicide 508 can be used in an alternating program with any other BETZ Slimicide, and is compatible with all BETZ cooling products. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS BETZ Slimicide 508 naturally hydrolyzes to compounds of much lower toxicity. Both high pH and high tempera- ture speed this natural detoxifying process. Figure 1 can be used to determine the half-life of Slimicide 508 if the pH and temperature of the treated water are known. In addition, Slimicide 508 can be quickly deactivated with either sulfide ion or sulfite ion. Each ppm of Slimicide 508 (0.2 ppm active DBNPA) requires either 0.2 ppm sodium sulfide (0.08 ppm sulfide ion) or 1.0 ppm sodium sulfite (0.6 ppm sulfite ion) for its deactivation. J ID 2 •0 01 HALF LIFE or BETZ SLIMICIDE 508 •s TEMPERATUREI CIF. pH - \ : -\t\Li NN \: ....... 50 40 :5 a 202t. 1 Ip.\ \ \ \ • \\\ \ ■ \ \ _a_ -S� -\ \ \ . \ \ \�\ � , \ • Z-- --- -- -- -- --- ---N -\-- \ --Z \ \ t� ,• -\- 1 _ 1b\ , pH FIGURE 1 9 TREATMENT DOSAGE Proper treatment levels for BETZ Slimicide 508 depend on many factors. such as the type of system being treated, the nature and degree of severity of the mi- crobiological problem, system retention time, pH, tem- perature. and other operating conditions. Some typical feedrates fordifferent systems are shown in Table 1. For best results, BETZ Laboratories should be consulted to TABLE 1 TYPICAL BETZ SLIMICIDE 508 TREATMENT LEVELS Algae Control Continuous Intermittent Feed Feed Bacteria Control Continuous Feed Fungi Control Intermittent Continuous Intermittent Feed Feed Feed Recirculating ' Cooling Systems 36 to 120 ppm 36 to'120 ppm 0.6 to 6 ppm ' Once -through Cooling Systems 36 to 118 ppm 36 to 118 ppm 1 to 6 ppm 3 to 12 ppm Air Washers — — 2 to 60 ppm 2 to 60 ppm 3 to 12 ppm 0.6 to 6 ppm ; Via Tip? pp? G 36 to 118-ppm '3kt'd wpinqng 0 2 to 60 ppm pr.1„ 2.,to-60.pp. R?-:.,..,f.. S! PFC 328 8101 Page 1 (811 W0 BETZ LABORATORIES. INC. SO'b determine the proper dosage for the specific system and problem to be treated. In all cases, applications should be, in accordance with the use instructions on the Slimicide 508 drum label. FEED EQUIPMENT AND FEEDING Slimicide 508 should be fed undiluted, directly to the system to be treated. Slimicide 508 may be fed continu- ously or shot fed to the system. Slimicide 508 is compatible with most plastic, fiberglass, ceramic, and Teflon lines and feed equipment, as well as equipment lined with these materials. Also, 304 and 316 stainless steel are generally acceptable. Mild steel, cop- per, and brass lines and equipment should be avoided. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilo propionamide (DBNPA) 20.0% Inert ingredients (including stabilizing and dispersing agents) 80.0% EPA Registration 3876-95 Appearance clear, yellow liquid Density (60F) 10.6 lbs. per gallon Flash Point (closed cup) >200F Freeze Point <-30F Pour Point (ASTM) <-30F pH (undiluted) 1 9 pH (5% solution) 3.3 Specific Gravity (70F) 1 274 Viscosity (40F) 188 cps Viscosity (70F) 64 cps SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DANGER Slimicide 508 causes severe burns of eyes. Eye contact may cause loss of vision. This product may burn the skin. It may be harmful or fatal if swallowed. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Chemical worker's goggles must be worn when handling. Do not inhale vapor or fumes. FIRST AID In case of contact with skin, wash well with soap and water. In case of contact with eyes, flush eyes immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and immediately contact physician. If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately by giving two glasses of water and sticking finger down the throat. Repeat until vomit is clear. Immediately contact a physi- cian. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove and wash con- taminated clothing before reuse. PACKAGING INFORMATION BETZ Slimicide 508 is blended as a liquid and is supplied in 55 gallon, bung -type, nonreturnable drums (Approxi- mate net weight-500 pounds per drum). DEC 271990 P!-oBSirn o ni rr •an PFC 328 8101 Page 2 �pJC EOL8 85LDN3. oc.5.% ]O,'�`. Of.'Z\ oCEZ1 at 1 03;ti Oc.:01 03:0i Cctl) c+0:12 • L 1b1s+ 4.021.5 ij Lt :1:133NIDN3 a'1ib, - an -z : 31Va L VO6L VINVA ASNN3d 3SO7 l 133HS NOI1V1flO1VO JNII33NION3 ;f1 \. ( 1 .—yaps fisl{fn III � 0 r s�inl. �' n - I„J jG:rd)n f li '.},.'- \ ��- : .o>�,,, all j\.\ ,, % r_ .11 , ,A., } �f„ 1 94 • J / !r ��' I1 cv tt2 � 'c'f+Y•, } \ f[(9 it y1 \.� }� 1 �. /" 4./ /OO y /�ji\\ j/ \ 1 111 1\ oo/ liCCr ;/ri-fG ` --tu ai` K , 1 p s e , 1= �. Ib 3 <!' / / n nd ��\%• .-.. o f! - iene;Ch C� air, ;Yd pit f,'' g ram_-_- 7/JS 1i • - _ i ! k1 . `'lam ' ( '{J/, !' '' 7 _ 1 yy-,/.,'3 1_/7/91 MEMORANDUM TO: Larry Ausley FROM: Jule Shankli SUBJECT: WS-101's for Ke"tl Springfield Tire Company 'NC000067__1__-; WCIEMEID ENV. MANAGEMENT FAYETTEVILLE REG. OFHcr The attached were submitted with a renewal application for the subject permit holder. Also note the attached copy of a 4/3/86 Memo setting limits for the respective biocides well below the stated dosages. Please give me your suggestions for a reasonable strategy for dealing with this apparent unacceptable discharge. cc '--_F_a_y_ettev_ifle Regionals Office DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT April 3, 1986 MEMORANDUM TO: Dale Overcash THROUGH: .Steve W. Tedder FROM: Ken Eagleson' SUBJECT: Biocide Use at Kelly -Springfield Tire NPDES No. NC0000671 Kelly -Springfield proposes to use two biocides; Betz 364 and 508, as additives to the plant's cooling systems. Since the receiving stream (U; Cape Fear River) has a 7Q10 low flow of 0 cfs, the discharge must contain concentrations described as follows: Product LC Acceptable Discharge Conc.l Betz 364 1.175mg/1 <0.05 mg/1 96 hour Bluegill Betz 508\ 10.1 mg/1 <0.5 mg/1 `, ) 96 hour Bluegill The company provided measured concentrations over time which demon- strated rapid degredation of the active ingredients of Betz 508. It was stated that Betz 364 would always be present at levels lower than the Betz 508 product due to a shorter half life. At actual shotfeed dosages (=1 gallon per day) of Betz 508, the average discharge concentration (over a 24 hour period) will be .05 mg/1. This demonstrates that both products will be at acceptable discharge levels with respect to chronic exposure. These applications of Betz 364 and 508 are judged acceptable. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. 1 .05 x 96 hour LC50 KE:ps cc: Larry Ausley BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocidal products ultimately discharged to lhe surface waters of North Carolina.- This worksheet must be completed separately for each biocidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate date entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. 1. Facility Name KcLLy A 6r-7e%( -NPDES * NC C2 O6 7/ County GUtin CLAit/D Receiving Stream \CAPE 6, leartQl0 (cfs) (All above information supplied by the Division ofEnv.ironmental Management) What is the average daily discharge (A.D.D.) volume of the water handling systems -to the receiv ing water body? A.D.D. = ' (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the•lnstream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this 'discharge using the data entered above. IWC = (A.D.D.) x 100 = (D.`f) x' 100 . = /00 % (7010)(0.64.6) + (A.D.D.) ( o )(0.646) + MA/ ) This value (IWC) represents the waste contribution to the receiving stream during low flow conditio-ns. II. What is the name of the whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified. in Part I? 1345r0- i' 1' c; f e 36 Please list the -active ingredients and percent composition:. �j r'o 1�at 6 nl , ' T o st y reNe- /% 1 % What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this application? be converted to grams of whole product used per day. D.R. = 36:67 grams/day The units must . Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of biocide!. product and NPDES discharge point. On en attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size, etc.). Volume : (7,131.514.rmIllion gallons ,What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K. = 0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within 1/2 S.U. of pH within handling system.. Enter the half life of the product: H.L. = 0-/ b Days The decay rate Is equal to 1 x .69 = 14./z = Decay Rate (D.K.) H.L. 2 Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). This is the first order Toss coefficient. 0.F. = (A.D.D.) + (D.K.) : (0.q) + (./%/y) = �� (Volume) (0. 35-.0 Calculate Steady State Discharge Concentration. 3 7 Dischg Conc. = (0 R.) - ( )=-�mg/I (D.F. )(Volume)(3785) (.3726)(.32.01(3785) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow condit;rrs. (Receiving Steam Concentration) (Dischc Conc) x (IWC%) : (as-- )x( / k1)) : 0•S mgil 100 100 Receiving Stream Concentration III. Calculate reguhated limitation. List all LC.. data available for the whole product according to the following columns.. (Note that units should be in mg/I). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism Test Duration LC`o (mg/I) s ^w Fn G la"'°' 1�1 1JJu PERMEES & ENGINEERING Choose the lowest LC.6 which hes'atest duration of 96-hours. If a 96• hour test is unavallable, choose the lowest.4t8 hour LC... Enter the selected LC.. If the half life (H.L.) Is less than 4 days, perform the'following calcu.latlon. Regulated Limitation = .05 x LC.. = 6)- 1 mg/i If the half life is greater than 4 days or unknown, perform the following calculations. Regulated Limitation =-0.01 x LC.o = mg/I Choose the appropriate regulated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this blank.. �o I Mg/liter From Part II enter receiving stream concentration: / Cfi1v l3� ►�ETox, i=, c D U/<<11 Sv/F, i r_ l9. J mg/liter -moo cITT Vrscl,�YGG .I-iMr`S .IV. Analysis. If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this.biocide is unacceptable for use. \ ( //. o 14 / /1" t/ t A ,: K__7_7e (Print)��'� rti Signature Date Person in Responsible Charge 47* I Rt.'. -rp Q ENG!NEER1NG 0-D Choose the towest .I.G.41,wh4ch his a lest duration of 96 hours-. If a 98. hour teat is unavailable, choose the lowest 48 hour LCse. • Enter the selected LCia If the half life (H.L.) is less than 4 days, perform the following calculation. Regulated Limitation = .05 x LCie = g/ 1 If the hall life is greater than 4 days or unknown, perform the _following calculations. Regulattd. Limitation. = 0.01 x LC60 = _______mg(I Choose the appropriate'reguiated limitation from the calculations immediately above and place in this 'blank. , 3 / mg/liter From Part II enter receiving stream concentration: -;:?, 0 mg/ I i t er+ 73E- --P-•-•'7--al\C .-T-D ft-4ertf-r6- IV. Analysis. 1- IAA If the receiving stream concentration is greater than the calculated regulated limitation, then this biocide is unacceptable for use. g)AJ - -55:zoLi( • Name (Print) Signature Date Person in Responsible Charge Pr,vo-recC. trir/R-4_ BIOCIDE/CHEMICAL TREATMENT WORKSHEET FORM 101 The following calculations are to be performed on any biocide) products ultimately discharged' to the surface waters of North Carolina. This worksheet must be completed separately for each Ilicicidal product in use. This worksheet is to be returned with all appropriate data entered into the designated areas with calculations performed as indicated. I Fau i I i ty Name �--)—� j/9I"7 lA''C'i-- i'=/-:1%. //t" CO, NPDES * NC OOOO 6 / County GuAAbe✓/-t1-rvcz Receiving Stream \64-PE FOrSti ie,'dc./ • 7010 0\. (cfs). (All above information supplied by the Division of Environmental Management) What is the average daily discharge (A.D.D,.) volume of the water handling systems to the receiving water body? A.D.D. = , (in M.G.D.) Please calculate the Instream Waste Concentration (IWC in percent) of this discharge using the date entered above. IWC = (A.D.D.) x 100 = (al() x" 100 = l DO % (7010)(0.646) + (A.0.0.) ( Q )(0.646) + (O.y ) This value (IWC) represents the waste contribution to the receiving stream during low flow conditions. II. What is the name of the• whole product chemical treatment proposed for use in the discharge identified in Part 1? Please list the active ingredients and percent composition: V bro/'to/o,OroP,onl4M/de- m00% What feed or dosage rate (D.R.) is used in this be converted to grams of whole product used per D.R. = 9 6 25grams/day application? day. The units must Estimate total volume of the water handling system between entry of btocidal. product and NPOES discharge point. On an attached sheet please provide justification for this estimate (system volume, average cycles per blowdown, holding lagoon size;. etc.). Volume'= 0.3 SSr million gallons What is the decay rate (D.K.) of the..product? If unknown, assume no decay (D.K. = 0) and proceed to asterisk. The degradation must be stated at pH level within.1/2 S.U. of pH within handling system. Enter the halt life of the product: H.L. Days The decay rate is equal to 1 x;69 = 3 Decay Rate (D.K.) H..L. Calculate degradation factor (D.F.). Thisis the first order Toss coefficient. D.F. = (A.D.D.) + (D.K.) _ (0,'i ) + (2.36) (Volume) - (.3551 . Calculate -Steady State Discharge Concentration. D i schg Conc. = (D- R. ) - ( 1 : -. g/ I ' (D.F.)(Volume1(3785) (3, (_3 55f13785) Calculate concentration of biocide instream during low flow condit:nas. (Receiving,Stieam Concentration) (Discha Conc) x (IWC%) = (2 °)x( /00) = . 0 mg/1 100 100 Receiving Stream Concentration I11. Calculate regulated limitation. List all LCe• data available for the whole product according to the following columns. (Note that units should be in mg/I). Please provide copies of the sources of this data. Organism bob..) J KcuI Test Duration LC•o (mg/I) • product facts • :pETZ® SLIMICIDE 508 • Minimal environmental impact '• Registered for use in a wide variety of systems , • Compatible with all BETZ cooling water treatment programs-. DESCRIPTION AND USE _ BETZ Slimicide 508 aids in the control of bacterial, fun - ' gal, and algal slimes in evaporative condensers, heat exchange water systems, commercial and industrial cool- ing towers, influent systems, industrial water scrubbing systems, and brewery pasteurizers. It is also registered for usein once -through and closed -cycle systems, in- cluding cooling ponds, canals and lagoons. In addition, Slimicide 508 controls slime -forming bac- teria and fungi,in industrial air washer systems. It is also effective in -controlling and inhibiting the growth of bac- teria, fungi,. and yeasts. that may deteriorate metalwork- ' ing fluids containing water. Slimicide 508 can be used in an alternating program with any other BETZ Slimicide, and is compatible with all BETZ cooling products. ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS BETZ Slimicide 508 naturally hydrolyzes to compounds of much lowBr toxicity. Both high pH and hightempera- ture speed this natural detoxifying process. Figure 1 can be used to determine the half-life of Slimicide 508 if the pH and temperature of the treated water are known. In addition, Slimicide 508 can be quickly deactivated with either sulfide ion or sulfite ion. Each ppm of Slimicide 508 (0.2 ppm active DBNPA) requires either 0.2 ppm sodium sulfide (0.08 ppm sulfide ion) or 1.0 ppm sodium sulfite (0.6 ppm sulfite ion) for its deactivation. HALF - LIFE. Hours •p 0, HALF LIFE OF BETZ SLIMICIDE BOB vs, TEMPERATURE( CI F. pH =-fit:... '_ \-----\ -_ y\ ,0 \ _ •------- —•— _.._. 0•SC. a \• \ \ 1 \\ \ \ i 4 5 5 pH FIGURE 1 9 TREATMENT DOSAGE Proper treatment levels for BETZ Slimicide 508 depend on many factors. such as the type of system being treated, the nature and degree of severity of the mi- crobiological problem, system retention time, pH, tem- perature. and other operating conditions. Some typical feedrates for different systems are shown in Table 1. For best results, BETZ Laboratories should be consulted to TABLE 1. TYPICAL BETZ SLIMICIDE 508 TREATMENT LEVELS Algae Control Continuous Intermittent Feed Feed Continuous Feed Bacteria Control Intermittent Feed. Fungi Control Continuous . Intermittent Feed Feed Recirculating Cooling Systems 36 to 120 ppm 36 to 120 ppm 0.6 to 6 ppm 3 to 12 ppm 0.6 to 6 ppm. 3 to 12 ppm Once -through Cooling Systems 36 to 118 ppm 36 to 118 ppm 1 to 6 ppm 3 to 12 ppm .36 to 118 ppm 36 to 118 ppm Air Washers — — 2 to 60 ppm 2 to 60 ppm 2 to 60 ppm 2 to 60 ppm PFC 328 8101 Page (811880 BETZ LABORATORIES. WC. determine the proper dosage for the specific system and problem to be treated. In all cases, applications should be in accordance with the use instructions on the Slimicide 508 drum label. FEED EQUIPMENT AND FEEDING Slimicide 508 should be fed undiluted, directly to the system to be treated. Slimicide 508 may be fed continu- ously or shot fed to the system. Slimicide 508 is compatible with most plastic, fiberglass, ceramic, and Teflon lines and feed equipment, as well as equipment lined with these materials. Also, 304 and 316 stainless steel are generally acceptable. Mild steel, cop- per, and brass lines and equipment should be avoided. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilo propionamide (DBNPA) 20.0% Inert ingredients (including stabilizing and dispersing agents) 80.0% EPA Registration 3876-95 Appearance clear, yellow liquid Density (60F) 10.6 lbs. per gallon Flash Point (closed cup) >200F Freeze Point <-30F Pour Point (ASTM) <-30F pH (undiluted) 1 9 pH (5% solution) 3 3 Specific Gravity (70F) 1 274 Viscosity (40F) 188 cps Viscosity (70F) 64 cps SAFETY PRECAUTIONS DANGER Slimicide 508 causes severe burns of eyes. Eye contact may cause loss of vision. This product may burn the skin. It may be harmful or fatal if swallowed. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Chemical worker's goggles must be worn when handling. Do not inhale vapor or fumes. FIRST AID In case of contact with skin, wash well with soap and water. In case of contact with eyes, flush eyes immediately with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes and immediately contact physician. If swallowed, induce vomiting immediately by giving two glasses of water and sticking finger down the throat. Repeat until vomit is clear. Immediately contact a physi- cian. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove and wash con- taminated clothing before reuse. PACKAGING INFORMATION BETZ Slimicide 508 is blended as a liquid and is supplied in 55 gallon, bung -type, nonreturnable drums (Approxi- mate net weight-500 pounds per drum). PFC 328 8101 Pape 2 I TREVOSE PENNSYLVANIA 19047 ENGINEERING CALCULATION SHEET 14 • DATE: 2-- C6LQ ENGINEER: LP PROJECT: 1.--1. L • L1 : --- 4--.; --1--"; ' •,•-•!-- 4 --t I 1 I „ li. ....._' .i,..._„.4..,, J.CLeI., ; ,I,, , ..IL , , ,.....,.. ' . , _ . ; L " ! i __1_ , ;---•iv "..'.x.S•i°.• II it j1, ,, , . ; i 1 1- I I I ! !...tia.1 ;__.i .L.L.1. 4___J. .-• t 4-, , , 'r-- ; -; • i t ' ; , . ! ; ; — _____ i ..,_ H_•••,, .. ;.• ...i: i . • , --,11!.-ttH!:.,-t-1•Ii,---t-i,tIH,tttIi'," — fl - - I -.••.••_-.;., i.i-iI•• -",1' .----;!r.i -.4,i,' ----;-. 1;III - I,I 1•I -7;k' .1,,` -1,:,I "-H,1,,,,-i' -'Li, ,.--1i1,t, --• -1j, -- 7;IrI c_1lkI:',-7e,a,II,0.l !1Ir,,'-2_-,I-ik1, -E?.,,LLIi-2i;,,1' cop'..%I c(;_ ,•4L1-LI.I-A-A1i••I. 2„p-i.I1'Tr-i--"I,1, t±-‘l, l'it :, 111,i IhI ;Hifi IIIIIIi ii 1 ' : , , , ; •, , , , ! , , , : " , ;L: 1-1!L III; !!!!1,,Iit'1",t , ,,,!;17.;.ii•; I!: i,itall! t! . , • .-4. -.-.......4- ',' I 4- 1 !, : , ' ' 4 . I :-T! i : : H---,,H ;, •',,'H IIILL'il • ,/ f ;,,.i! it, '11, ------i11!I"'F4!"—2T4. -- -.a -7'' -7.;'.''I '•".:'`;, —L'',-tI!,,:—-r11t,- tIi—_.f.:!;-j1Jl!I ,r1i-•.—„,,,•,,,....i,' .1'4i;.--.LH;!I;77'l. 1! 7T1,4 1 - - - — I •1i--l._Ti____;F:i i —]4:,41I•-1; i ' i!!1,—'11i! !: tilijill;i 1,'11! 01.-1-„LL1 .` T1- , 1 ! 1.---1,, t::• ,,,Iii, i i- ‘ ! ! : --, In-; ,!!1•Hi,i !: !;,, !,,!, ,,,---1 III,Hrl!LIII ,!--1 --!44,I ---;,i, ; - 1 4'!! —•,1,:,'_ 111 ,;.i,1i1rI!_..-,!,'-l43/._.....,...3i LII 71 1;—.......11!i, ..--.I;'•...1.1IiI-. -II1 i3T—..-_- -_,.II,:I -- -- .)Cbek.ect —60 3 4 HERITAGE PARK LAKE WYLIE, SC 29710 cc: D. Stryk L. Coppernoll G, Au.try S. Price H. Lanier M, Configliacco SjiP§ibgiUsREVIEW COMPANY: Kelly Springfield ADDRESS: Fayetteville, NC SYSTEM: Cooling DATE: 9/20/85 REPORTED TO: Ron Tatum Due to the State EPA reclassifying the plant's effluent discharge ditch as an "un-named tributary", new requirements are being imposed to improve the quality of the plant's discharge. Basically this improvement in water quality will be solely. accomplished by the reduction of biocide residuals in the various cooling systems across the plant. 0ne of the State's requirements is that biocides with half-lives of less than 96 hours must be used in the cooling tower systems. 0ne of the present biocides being used is Betz Slimicide.364 which is a bromonitrostyrene and naturally degrades to less toxic compounds; the half-life of this product in your systems is less than 4 hours. (See the attached product fact sheet.) This product is easily detoxified with sodium sulfite which the boiler water blowdowns contain. The other presently used Slimicide is Betz C-31, an excellent proprietary blend of biocides which are classified as persistent. The Betz Slimicide C-31 is being replaced with another non -persistent biocide, Slimicide 508. Betz 508 is a dibromonitrilopropionamide(DBNPA). The half-life of this product will be less than the 10 hours in your systems which is well within the 96 hour guideline. Slimicide 508 naturally hydrolyzes to compounds of much lower toxicity and can be deactivated with sodium sulfite just as Slimicide 364 can. I recommend that Slimicide 508 be substituted for all future .orders of Slimicide C-31. Slimicide 508 is amore expensive biocide than C-31 but has shown excellent efficacy in past bacterial toxicant evaluations and program results will be closely monitored to keep present biocide costs from escalating. One valuable benefit of using Betz 508 is the ability to test for residual with a DBNPA test procedure. The measurement of residual Slimicide 508 in the plant discharge will provide both Kelly Springfield and the State EPA with concrete data as to the amount of residual biocides in the plant discharge. Since Slimicide 364 has a half—life even less than the Slimicide 508, the measurement of 508 residuals will always indicate the maximum amount of biocides in the effluent. The DBNPA test procedure has been ordered and testing for the product will begin as soon as Betz 508 is used on site. FLD 46-3 8411 cc: 4 HERITAGE PARK LAKE WYLIE, SC 29710 Daniel Stryk John Shields L. Coppernoll, M. Configliacco �. Autry S.'Price H. Lanier SYSTEM REVIEW COMPANY: Kelly Springfield ,ADDRESS:- Fayetteville, NC SYSTEM:, Cooling DATE: February 7, 1986 REPORTED TO: Mr. Ron.Tatum 0n January 17, 1986, a study was conducted to. determine if Betz 508, a'proposed slimicide composed of Dibromonitrilopropionamide (DBNPA)-, could be safely used to control bacteria in the various plant cooling systems. The State Division of Environmental Management had indicated in 1985 that the use of the biocide which was being employed then, Betz J-12 (tri-butyl-tin oxide), was not preferred since the product contains a heavy metal. Anticipating that the State would eventually prohibit the dischargeof any. heavy metals into a receiving stream, a Bacterial Toxicant Evaluation was conducted in 1984 to determine which,Betz biocides could cost-effectively replace the.v:ery_, effective J-12 product. Betz C-31 and 508 were the "products of -choice" providing relatively high "kill rates" of bacteria at low dosages and C-31 was recommended in 1985 to replace the J-12. This change was implemented with no detrimental effects to the biological control programs in the Banbury, Factory, Condenser, and Powerhouse cooling systems. After the use of C-31 had been implemented, the State suggested that biocides should be used with "half-lives sufficiently short, coupled with adequate retention time to insure that there is no measurable acute toxicity at the final discharge." They defined, an acceptable half-life as 96 hours. (I am attaching my System Review of 9-20-85 giving background information on the State's concerns.) One product already being used is DE-364, a B-bromo-B=nitro- styrene product which has a half-life of only about 4 hours in your systems. To comply with the State's requirements, C-31 was replaced with Betz 508 which has a half-life of less than 10 hours in your systems; both 364 and 508 are well -within the 96 hour requirement. During the study to actually measure the amount. of 508 biocide leaving the plant site in the effluent, samples were obtained every 30 to 45 minutes. Samples were gathered at the flume which measures the plant discharge flow and DBNPAresiduals were measured within 10 minutes after sampling. Attached is a graph showing the residual levels versus time. The 508 is very easily hydrolyzed and detoxifies with time. The addition of any sulfite (Corrogen) also immediately detoxifies both 364 and 508 in the FLD 46-3 8411 TREVOSE, PENNSYLVANIA 19047 Kelly Springfield February 7, 1986 Page 2 event of a spill. The very low level of product measured in the plant's discharge should adhere to the State's guidelines. Three gallons of 508 was shot -fed to the Factory sump dump during this study. The normal addition rate is only 1 gallon/shot. This means that normal residual would be less than 1 ppm in discharge stream. Periodic testing will be performed to monitor DBNPA residuals in the plant discharge. Thank you for allowing Betz to be of service. Jack Armstrong Technical Specialist JA/dg FLD 46 -1 B 8306 ro uct facts 15u'a% BETZ® SLUM1C1DE 364 • Minimal environmental impact. • Controls fungi, algae, and bacteria. • Compatible with all BETZ Cooling Water Treatment Programs. DESCRIPTION AND USE BETZ Slimicide 364 is registered with the EPA for the control of objectionable slime growth formed by bacteria and fungi in recirculating cooling tower equipment. It contains 10 percent bromonitrostyrene (BNS). It can be used as an alternating product with any other BETZ Slimicide. BETZ Slimicide 364 naturally degrades to less toxic com- pounds. it may also be detoxified with sulfite. These fea- tures make it an ideal product for many plants. In specific applications, environmental compatibility is often the primary consideration in product selection. . The primary component, BNS, is an exclusive ingredient with BETZ and is not available in any competitive prod- uct. GENERAL PROPERTIES B-Bromo B-nitrostyrene 10.0% Inert Ingredients (including solubilizing and dispersing agents) 90.0% • Environmental Protection Agency Registration ..3876-74 Appearance clear, yellow -orange liquid Density (61F) 7.8 pounds per gallon Flash Point (open cup) 162F Flash Point (closed cup) 149F Freeze Point <-55F. pH (5 percent solution) 3.2 Specific Gravity (60F) 0 92 Viscosity (61 F) 3 7 cps ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS Slimicide 364 has an LCso of 1.2 ppm on bluegill sunfish and 1.0 ppm on rainbow'trout. However, the active molecule in Slimicide 364, bromoni- trostyrene (BNS), naturally degrades in dilute water solu- tion to compounds of much lower toxicity. Figure 1 shows how quickly the product naturally degrades at different temperatures and pH values. , FIGURE 1 NATURAL DEGRADATION OF SLIMICIDE 364 Half -Life, In Hours, At Indicated pH Value Temperature pH = 6 pH 7 pH = 8 pH = 9 25C (77F) 4.6 °- 4.3 2.7 1.0 50C (122F) • 0.6 • 0.6 0.3 <0.1 In addition, Slimicide 364 can be destroyed quickly by mixing 3 parts of sodium sulfite by weight with one part BNS. Figure 2 showshow completely Slimicide 364 can be detoxified. Note that when the proper amount of sodium sulfite is added, the survival percentage of rain- bow trout immediately rises to 100 percent, indicating that the toxic nature of Slimicide 364 has been destroyed. Normally, direct discharge is not a problem since many .cooling towers blow down to a combined water stream which is sent to a waste treatment facility. TREATMENT DOSAGE Proper treatment levels for ,BETZ Slimicide 364 depend on many factors such as severity of microbiological prob- lem, retention time, pH, temperature, and other operating,. • FIGURE 2 DETOXIFICATION OF SLIMICIDE 364 Slimicide • 364 (ppm as BNS) . Na2SO3 • (Ppm) 1 day Percent Survivors (Rainbow Trout) After... 2 days 3 days 4 days 0.5 0 0 1.0 0 , 0 1.5 0 - 0 0.5 1.5 100 1.0 3.0 .. 100 1.5 4.5 100 100 100 100 100. 100 100 100 100 100 PFC172 8207 c119d0 BETZ LABORATGRiE3. INC. ALL RIGHTS AEzEF..E 1 conditions at a given installation. Normal shot feed ,dos; ages range between 12 and 48 parts per million (ppm) (0.1 to 0.4 pounds per thousand gallons). Where systems are noticeably fouled, treatment levels may be as high as 180 ppm. All applications should be in accordance with the ust directions on the Slimicide 364 drum .abet. CHEMICAL FEED AND CONTROL Proper application is to shot feed Slimicide 364 to the cooling tower at a point where good distribution will be obtained. Slimicide 364 can be fed neat with a diaphragm pump equipped with glass filled polypropylene (GFP) liq- uid -side components. It should not be diluted prior to use in the cooling tower system. Feed at a frequency as needed to maintain control. Treatment level should be calculated from known volume of the system. SAFETY RRECAUTIONS A Material Safety Data Sheet containing detailed infor- mation relative to this product is available upon request. PACKAGING INFORMATION BETZ Slimicide 364 is blended as a liquid, and is supplied in 55-gallon, bung -type, nonreturnable steel drums. Ap- proximate net weight-415 pounds per drum. PFC172 8207 PAGE 2 INXCEME1 045 AUG 9 1990 ENV. MANAGEMENT FAYETTEVILLE REG. OFFICE State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of Environmental Management 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor George T. Everett, Ph. D. William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary Director August 7, 1990 Mr. Ronald Tatum Mechanical Engineer, Sr. The Kelly Springfield Tire Company 6550 Ramsey Street Fayetteville, NC 28311-9990 Subject: NPDES Permit Application NPDES Permit No. NC0000671 The Kelly Springfield Tire Company Cumberland County Dear Mr. Tatum: On August 2, 1990, the Division of Environmental Management received a NPDES Permit Application for the subject facility. The application is considered incomplete. Therefore, the Division of Environmental Management is returning the application. The returned information must be resubmitted with the following to complete the application: 1. A check for $200.00 to $400.00 (based on discharge flow rate - see attached regulations) made payable to the NC Department of EHNR. 2. Please indicate if there is any chemical(s) added to the contact cooling water. The Division of Environmental Management will initiate the permit review process upon receipt of the above requested information. The receipt of the above information does not preclude this Division from requesting additional information at a future date. If you have any questions, please contact me at (919) 733-5083. Sincerely, M. Dale Overcash, PE Supervisor, NPDES Permits � cc: Fayetteville Regional Office Pollution Prevention Pays P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7015 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer THE KELLY 5PRINGFIELD TIRE COMPANY M. J. Noland Regional Supervisor N.C. Dept. of N. R. C. D. Wachovia Building, Suite 714 Fayetteville, N.C. 28301-5043 SUBJECT: NPDES Permit Review Kelly -Springfield Tire Co. Permit No. NC 0000671 6650 RAMSEY STREET FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301-9990 November 4, 1985 Dear Mr. Noland: During a review of our Environmental Permits the following items were listed. 1. Include storm water and miscellaneous process water (condensate runoff from roof, etc.) in our 001 out -fall. 2. Permit storm water runoff at S.W. corner of property. 3. NPDES Permit renewal (Presently working with Dale 0vercash & Ken Eagleson) Please let me know when someone will be available to review these items with. me (488-9295). Yours truly, Ron Tatum RRT/cpw cc D. Stryk H. Lanier W. Masters Tim Owens Dept. 100D Akron ols-(('/ r S THE KELLY PRINGFIELD TIRE COMPANY Division of Environmental Management Water Quality Section P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 2761T SUBJECT: NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0000671 Gentlemen: ROUTE 6, U.S. 401 NORTH FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301 January 28, 1980 F E 13 --a 8 1980. RALEIGH REGIONAL O; r.`,L We would like to inform you that we comply with Final Effluent Limitations, Monitoring Requirements, etc., as outlined in our permit. RRT:cpw Sincerely, R. R. Tatum. Staff Engineer JAN 30 1320 PERM i S AND ENGINEERING pgr37-i FEB 25 1980 ENV. OPERATIONS Fayetteville Reg. Office DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT August 16, 1983 MEMORANDUM TO: THRU: FROM: Files M. J. Noland,, Acting Regional Supervisor Fayetteville Regional Office Ken Averitte, Environmental Technician t21 Fayetteville Regional Office SUBJECT: Oil Spill Complaint Investigation Kelly -Springfield Tire Company Fayetteville, Cumberland County On August 9, 1983, Mr. Mike Rackoff, a shop steward at Kelly -Springfield, complained to the Fayetteville Regional Office about scattered oil deposits around the fuel depot at the subject facility, and possible safety hazards as a result of the same. Ken Averitte, Environmental Technician in the Fayetteville Regional Office, visited the site the same morning and conferred with Mr. Ron Tatum of the Kelly -Springfield engineering staff. The oil in question was scattered about the rail sidings where #6 oil and carbon black were trans- ferred. What appeared to be a puddle of oil under a tank car was found to be a puddle of water covered with a thin film of black oil. Mr. Tatum indicated that periodically the entire gravel surface of the unloading facility was removed and replaced with fresh stone. As a result of Mr. Rackoff's complaint, contracts are being prepared for this replacement. Mr. Tatum was advised that housekeeping in the area of the tank cars should be improved in order to minimize the spread of fuel and the possibility of creating an actual spill situation. It is recommended that no further action be taken at this time. KA/fbc 6650 RAMSEY STREET THE KELLY RINGFIELD TIRE CDMPANY MONNOW%l,Y#ll FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301 May 28, 1981 Mr. Dennis Ramsey North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development Wachovia Building, Suite 714 Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 Dear Mr. Ramsey: In response to a complaint, Pete Goodwin of your office, contacted me and informed me of an oil sheen on one of our storm ditches that flows into Carver's Creek. During Pete's second visit, I informed him of an underground oil line Teak that had been found since his first visit. This leak has been repaired and we do not expect any more oil from this source. We also discussed the black condition of the ditch banks. The black seems to come from carbon black that has washed off roadways etc. An increase in the frequency of cleaning these areas should eliminate this problem: The condition of this storm ditch will be monitored until we are satisfied that this problem has been 'corrected. If you have any other questions concerning this matter, you may call me at 488-9295 Ext. 329. RRT: cpw cc: D. Stryk H. M.-Lanier J. Culkin-Akron R. T. Westmen W. Masters G. I. Kruger -Cumberland Sincerely, R. R. Tatum Staff Engineer TalfT11) MAY 29 1981 ENV. OPERATIONS Fayetteville Reg. Office 3896 Natk . eiNo C \ell PS • ' • 3895 C yOpw 0 10' Cr' 3893 3892 510 000 FEET j‘ dI • ), II--- • ,r -SN'‘‘‘. • • ' ,.:, : 1 5: , .. , , ., : T • ,;) , :' , ., ,=....2_,...3--.., j"..„.„,"....,„„.. f.,::L1 • ("4.. ;„_5- f0 - \ L.:..,,s,, -.1 ,S :',., — 0 • 1\,_-'7/1' / //( ' • . -• — I ) -.4 . y- II • - , . , ---.. • 7, -/, • ./ / // / • 87 5O THE KELLY SPRINGFIELD TIRE COMPANY Mr. Pete Goodwin Division of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of Natural Resources & Community Development Suite #714 Wachbvia Building Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 ROUTE 6, U.S. 401 NORTH FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301 February 5, 1980 7=11711] F E B 11 1980 ENV. OPERATIONS Fayetteville Reg. Office SUBJECT: NPDES PERMIT NO. NC0000671 Dear Mr. Goodwin: Enclosed are the completed applications for a monitoring & reporting system and a monitoring proposal. Please contact Ron Tatum (_919 488-9295 Ext. 329) if any additional information is needed. WWM:cpw Sincerely, l�JG W. W. Masters Plant Manager cc R. R. Tatum D. Stryk G. Burkett Attachments V Kc,Lea„, North Carolina Department of Natural '74, Resources &Community Development James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Howard N. Lee, Secretary Mr. Ron Tatum Plant Engineer Kelly Springfield Tire Co. Route 6, U.S. Hwy 401 North Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 Dear Mr. Tatum: OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT January 24, 1980 •i AN `" 9 103,0 ENV. OPERATIONS Fayetteville Reg. Office Subject: Establishment of a self monitoring program for Kelly Springfield Tire Co. Cumberland County Recently NPDES Permit Number NC0000671 was issued to your facility. This permit requires submission of Monitoring reports based on data obtained from your self monitoring program. In order that a complete monitoring pro- gram for your facility may be considered, an Initial Annual Survey Report and a Monitoring Proposal are required. Enclosed you will find three copies each of the above -mentioned forms. Please complete these forms in duplicate and return to this office for processing. In the interim, please report your data on the enclosed monthly moni- toring report forms. The identification numbers for your sampling locations will be: Effluent NC0000671103 If you should require any assistance in the completion of the enclosed forms, please contact Mr. Pete Goodwin of the Fayetteville Regional Office; telephone 919/486-1541. cc: Fayetteville Regional Office Enclosures Sincerely yours, pp�Original!! signed by 'MarshalliRackley, Coordinator Monitoring Management P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer cI THE KELLY SPRINGFIELD TIRE COMPANY Ifg -,1711) NOV 6 1979 ENV, OPERATIONS Mr, Don Jacobs - Fayetteville Reg. Office Division.of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of Natu;r,.ai Resources & Community Development Suite #714 Wachovia Building Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 ROUTE 6, U.S.401 N. FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301 November 5, 1979 Dear Mr. Jacobs: In order to clarify and confirm someof this plant's SPCC Plan Procedures, the following information is listed: (1) Locks were installed on all SPCC control area sumps. Work was completed September 11, 1979. (2) Minor oil spills are cleaned up using absorbent.. This material i:s then carried to the county landfill by Liebers Sanitation Service. We plan to store large amounts of oil (if a spill occurs) until a method of disposal has been approved. Our records now show that if a spill has a chance of reaching a stream or river Th.e Regional Environmental Management Office will be contacted. Z hope these statements will indicate Kelly -Springfield's -desire to have an effective SPCC Plan Program. (3) Sincerely, Ron Tatum Staff Engineer RRT:cpw DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT October 4, 1979 MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: D. D. Jacobs Environmental Engineer SUBJECT: Kelly Springfield Tire Company Oil Spill Control Procedures Cumberland County On October 3, 1979 the writer contacted Mr. Ronald R. Tatum, P.E., Staff Engineer for Kelly Springfield, to ascertain measures taken to dispose of oil from a sump pit discovered during a July 25, 1979 Air Quality inspection by members of the Fayetteville Regional Office staff. Mr. Tatum advised that waste materials including oil from Kelly Springfield were disposed of by Leiber Sanitation Service in the Cumberland County landfill. Mr. Tatum also advised that locks had been installed on all sump valves and the statutory requirement to notify NRCD and EPA immediately of any oil spills would be added to the Kelly Springfield Oil Spill Control Procedures. DDJ/lcr THE KELLY SPRINGFIELD TIRE COMPANY Mr. Dennis Ramsey, Regional Supervisor Division of Environmental Management N.C. Dept. of Natural Resources & Community Development Suite #714 Wachovia- Building - Fayetteville, N.C. 28301 Dear Mr. Ramsey: ROUTE 6, U.S.401 N. FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301 August 8, 1979 (91T ENV. OPERATW ^'S Fayetteville Reg. Office Per your request, I am reporting the cleanup of the spill at the waste oil tanks. This spill was cleaned up shortly after you left. Attached are copies of procedures we use to control oil spills. I hope to have locks on all the sump valves by the end of August. Supervision reviewed our oil spill procedures this past week. The other information you requested will be forwarded as soon as our Chemical Treatment Representative has been contacted. Please contact me at (919 488-9295 Ext. 329) if any additional information is needed. Yours truly, Ronald R. Tatum, P.E. Staff Engineer RRT:cpw Attachment SPCC PLAN :PROCEDURE ' �a�o�r�-•.arr�.-���.acsn.,avr� ��u•wW UMLOADITNG r A. Sumpo t unloading arsw will ba checked for • oil and emptied of ram water north ti > i a truck (1) Sumps in ill or:.o emcept Power --110a J"e-pluaa be--ch cked--mr1 €ii?t be- 4010we to ftli up if it is - i i:+ waLlg d3.'' ' ..n,"? truck unloading. (2) Power us : 'um'oump must be kepi: Qt 3.rWcrpt; 8 empty Ci4 :01 t.Me:O (6" t 8" from bottom). B. The sumps i3h iide the 'process oil tmk farm $i'nd oil t " 4k dtpte must be emptied. Not o than 6" f water ihsw 31d be s to dtii:L? n thase e;:'eitss. • &Pa The. Powl°u:.. if:�."ue e operator is responsible for 'tha 02 oil u 9' ^2ldk"vti"H', p h Rccc�e..�.v'.�.n .%;: �:9�.;'Ent io .reoTiiin Es' b.1.e fors?1.l ether crew. Mien oil ly ::ti°Und in t:E z yumpp it dill= be rem,tved b,":;foro water r V h emptied. E. r .fS o ° i cmounto of oil re preuent :l oil op'j, l v committee member must e E. V&h.' ee to cmpty eumpG will hn kept clovsd amp ttvv amps �7EEa�� l ppise uiatiglt off �'2<"�ep �>'S�2iii e:aai3+F�." �"•• ie 1iiS�:i.4r mt tp "E obL'c'i k f c oil. 9 U '4. C'e;',-••--1,-1 • • r,r, ' ty)—._7•J rird!•• IIT-tP NW 19 (r3-117..7j n : • t'A L L.c;;; d tt..1 fr3 Frp,, ' • STANDARLD PRACTICE LETTER -FAYETTEVILLE: . • , • 6ATE „JANUARY 28, 1975. DELCVE2 T T1 SPIEGELBERG « R. M. HALLBAUER STRYK T. B. VINCENT-. OIL_,SPILL PREMITIAIN, ONTROT,, F CLFAN-UP PROMOUPP The purpose of this procedure is to. prevent oil from entering storm .sewers'or sanitary sewer systems. Thefollowing is the action to be taken in the event of a major.oil spill: I. Oi1. will be.kept out of drains and storm sewer system, outside of •_enclosed areas. -Emerency daps made.from dirt, lumber, steel, •- rigs, etc.,.should be made to prevent the spread of oil.: tO-F-notirfied to -help decidp. what clean-up measures should be taken.. • DEFINITION OF MAJOR OIL SPILL • • T. Whenever any amountof oil is allowed in storm sewer system,: The storm sewer system includes ditches and -drains outside the.plantc; There is aAaossibilit:i-bf a. major oil spill whenever oil is spilled outside the•plant. . _ . . 4 II.' 'rihenever twenty (20) gallons or'More of o1 is spilled in a con- trolled area. A contrcikled area shall include dikes around oil' H'• tank and.areas in the plant away from floor drains or manholes. PREVENTION OF OIL SPILLS 1. Areas of oil spillage and potential oil spillage should be reported to tha;oil spill committee. _ - II., Whenever construction; pr maintenance is working on a possible spill source, an engineer or foreman will be present tooutline preven tion Measures. The engineer or foreman will supervise work until 1 there is no longerthe possibility of a spill. Plant ',blip'. OIL SPILL COMMITTEE. MEMBERS' •Tatum • Mechanical Engineer, p. Stryk • Manager, Engineering M,;. Lanier Section Head, Engineering • ; . :go T. Westmen/J. Coheley 'Mrg. Merchandise i Materials Control • ' , C0 J.-Bageant • ,.- Master Mechanic • '• Accounting Development APPROVALS Engineering Manufacturing Mdse& a11 Cont QualityColil PersenneI V-106 VoguePm5s./nc TIDE KELLY'F `'.. "SP "°INCIIEEL® TIRE CI1AP. ° RI'ir NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES P. 0. BOX 27687 RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27611 SUBJECT: FEDERAL POLUTION CONTROL ACT. PERMIT NO. NCOOOO671 APPLICATION NO. NCO740YP 2 000025 GENTLEMEN: P. 0. BOX 1907 FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28302 SEPTEMBER 16, 1977 AN ANALYSIS OF A GRAB SAMPLE OF OUR EFFLUENT (TAKEN AUGUST 5) SHOW A CONCENTRATION .38 MG/L CHLORINE (RESIDULE). THIS SLIGHTLY EXCEEDS .20 MG/L WHICH IS OUR DAILY MAXIMUM EFFLUENT LIMITATION OUTLINED IN OUR PERMIT. THIS CONDITION LASTED ONLY A SHORT TIME AND WAS CAUSED BY AN OVERFEED AND HAS BEEN CORRECTED. RRT:cpw CC: FILE YOURS TRULY, 4L: RONALD R. TATUM MECHANICAL ENGINEER glaWk) SEP 26 1977 WATER QUALITY SECTION SOUTH CENTRAL FIELD OFFICE 1915 SEci 0 �{\�ER Q�A�l1f1E�D OFFICE SOUTH 01RA_ North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources P.O., Dox,27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 •Subject: Federal Polution Control Act. ,Permit No. NC0000671 Application No. NC0740YP 2 000025 Report of Progress Gentlemen: P. O. BOX 1707 FAYE i EVILLY. NORTH CAROI IRA 23302 JUL 2. 1915 We would like to report that we still coi,iply with Intern Effluent L�;?uitations. The concentration of contetri;;ants will continue to be lowered so we will cui-ply with the final lhriitations according e schedule. Yours truly, THE KELLY-SPRDTGFIELD TIRE COMPANY Ronald I e 1 atum • Mechanical Engineer RLT:sl THE KELLY SPRINGFIELD TIRE COMPANY— 0. BOX 1907 FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28302 . .pro l .,: ! Birl J. North Carolina Department of Natural and Economic Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 JAN 8 Div, of i=.ovu-on ;1Eot i Mgt., Raleigh, N. C. SUBJECT: Federal Polution Control Act. Permit No. NC0000671 Application No. NC0740YP 2 000025 Gentlemen: January 6, 1974 JAN 9 1975 We would like to inform you that we comply with Interm Effluent Limitations, Monitoring Requirements, etc., as outlined in our Permit. Yours truly, THE KELLY-SPRINGFIELD TIRE COMPANY Ronald R. Tatum Mechanical Engineer RRT:sl ,NC - JOINT PUBLIC NOTICE U.S. Environmental.Protection Agency Region IV, Water Enforcement Branch 14+21 Peachtree Street, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 404/526-5201 (9114anfi WATER QUAL: Y SECTION in conjunction with SOUTH CENTRAL FIELD OFFICE North Carolina Office of Water and Air Resources - P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 919/829-474+0 Public Notice No. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMIT AND NOTICE OF CONSIDERATION FOR STATE CERTIFICATION Kelly -Springfield. Tire Company, Post Office Box 1907, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302, Application Number i•C 074 OYP 2 000025, has made application for an NPDES permit. One existing discharge is described in the application. Discharge 001 enters Cape Fear River approximately 24,765 meters (81,250 ft.) southeast of the - northeastern corner of the Kelly -Springfield plant. On the basis of preliminary staff review and application of 86 Stat. 816, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq. (1972), 38 Fed. Reg. 13527 et seq. and other lawful standards and regulations, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposes to issue a permit to discharge subject to.specific pollutant limitations and special condi- tions. These proposed d.ete=inations are tentative. • ,Persons wishing to comp::_: art upon or object to the proposed determinations are invited to submit same in wTr'_tin_g to the EPA address above, no later than . All comments received prior to that date will be considered in the for- mulation of final determinations regarding the application. The permit application number should be placed on the envelope next to the above address and also at the top of the first page of comments. A public hearing may be held where the EPA -Re- gional Administrator finds a significant degree of public interest in a proposed permit or group of permits. Additional details about the application and the proposed determinations, a sketch showing the exact location of the discharge, and additional information on hearing procedure are available by writing or calling EPA. A copy of the draft permit is also available from EPA. The application, comments received, and other informa- tion are available. for review and copying at Room 305, 1421 Peachtree -Street, Atlanta, Georgia, between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. A copying machine is available for public use at a charge of 20¢ per page. The Region IV Office of the EPA has requested the North Carolina Office of Water and Air Resources to certify that the above -named applicant(s) will comply with Sections 301, 302, 306, and 307 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended. Com- ments on issuance of certification, including a request for a public hearing, must be submitted to: Mr. W. E. Knight, Assistant Director, Water and Air Quality Control, Office of Water and Air Resources, Dept. of Natural & Economic Resources, P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611, within 30 days from date of this public notice. Please bring the foregoing to the attention of persons who you know will be in- terested. . • Permit No. NC0000671 No. NC 074 OYP 2 000025. AUTHORIZATLON TO DISCHARGE UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT D SCIIARGF ELIMINATION. SYSTEM" In compliance.: with the provisions of the .Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, (33.U.S..C. 1251 et. seq; the "Act"), Kelly—Springffield Tire 'Company is authorized to discharge -from * facility located at Fayetteville, Cumberland. County North Carolina 28302. to receiving waterss-Parried in accordance with effluent limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, and III hereof. This.pen-nit Shall,-becorr. e,effeetive on 'date of -issuance. This;, permit and the authorization - after . date, .of `issuance. 'Signed this EPA Form 3320-4 (10_73) Interim. A. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning date of issuance and lasting through March 31, 1976, the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial number(s) 001 - cooling water bleed -off. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: Effluent Characteristic Discharge Limitations kg/day (lbs/day) Other Units (Specify) Daily Avg 001 - (cooling water bleed -off) Flow—ms/Day (MGD) Temperature Chromium Zinc Chlorine (Residual) Daily Max Daily Avg . 162.9(.043) 35°C(95°F) .004 mg/1 1.0 mg/1 0.2 mg/1 Daily Max 208.4(.055) 38°C(100°F) .004 mg/1 2.0 mg/1 0.2 mg/1 Monitoring. Requirements Measurement Frequency .1/month 1/month 1/month** Sample Type Grab Grab Grab The pH shall not be less than 6*** standard units nor greater than 9***. standard units and shall be monitored by grab sample taken once a month.,, • There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): Tie nearest accessible point after final treatment but prior to actual discharge or mixing with . receiving waters. SEE ATTACIIiIENT A. w g Z N ON 00 0 orn V r Final During the period beginning'April 1, 1976,:' and lasting through:expiration of. permit', the permittee is authorized to discharge froth outfall(s) seral number(s)001 cooling water .:bleed-o'ff Such discharges shall be Effluent Characteristic limited and monitored by the permittee:as specitied.below: Discharge Limitations `. kg/day (lbs/day) Other Units.:(Specify) Daily: Avg... Daily Max Daily Avg 001,- .(cooliItyater bleed -off) Flow- nfVtlay; (MTO j 'Temperature Chromium Zinc Chlorine.(Re'sidual)'. 162.9(.0.43). 35oe�95°F)'-" 004 :05Taiga = 0.2: mg/1: The nH shallnot beless than 0' * .stanaard units nor greater than by grab sample taken, once.a' month Daily Max 203'. 4 C.-05$) 38°C�.(100°F): 00;: rag/1 Monitoring. Requirements.. Meaisurement. . Sample Frequency.. Type 'x. 1/month_" 1/inonth • 0.2 g/i.' ` 1/month** 'grab- . Grab ;:Grab *** standar&units and shall be monitored ` There shall be no discharge of Boating soli k:Or visible foam in other than trace arrionnts. Sapies taken in compliance with the Monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): The nearest' ,,ccessible point after final treatment but :prior to actual discharge or mixing with reccii,,ring Waters. SEE ,A:lTACk7IT, .ia . B. " Pn w 0 O M •a Q PART I . Page 4 of 10 Permit No.NC0000671 E. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. The permittee shall achieve. compliance withr'the effluent limitations specified for discharges in accordance with the following schedule: December 31, 1974: Compliance with interim limitations June 30, 1975: Report of progress March 31, 1976: Compliance with final limitations 2. No later than 14 calendar days following a date identified in the above schedule of compliance, the permittee shall submit either a report of progress or, in the case of specific actions being required by identified dates, a written notice of .compliance or noncompliance. In the latter case, the notice shall include the cause of noncompliance, any remedial actions taken, and the probability of meeting the next scheduled requirement. PART I %Page: 5 • o11,0 . ,.. y. }'errnit' No. NG.00c 06-71. C. MONITORING AND REPORTING 1." Reriesentatibe,Samplirig' Samples and measurements taken as' required herein. -'shall be representative of theVoIume, acid nature Of the monitored discharge. 2 "Reporting 'Monitoring results obtained:during the previous 6 months shall be surnmarized for each Month and reported on a Discharge. MonitoringReport form (EPA No 3320A), postmarked no later thaiz the 28th day of the month' following, the completed reporting. period.. Thefirstre port is ,due. on April 28, 1975 Duplicate signed copies of tht."!se, ::and alt` other reports 'required ``herein, shall be sub -Mated 'to, the. l'te i al Administrator and the State at thefollowing addresses: Environmental :Protection Agency Waier..Enforcement Branch 1421, Peachtree Street,`.NoE. -Atlanta,.. Georgia 30309 3.:Definiions.. y y6 h n Denartnent Ilatural and. eaeu= cLs P. C Box 2fo:'1 Raleigh, No.tr1 Carolina 276.3.1. a< The "daily average" discharge meansthe total aischarge by weight during a calendar montiv divided by the number of days in the month that the production:: or commercial- facility was operating. Where less thandaily sampling is regiairedby this :peimit,> the -.daily average discharge shall be determined by the summation of all the measured :daily -discharges. by weight divided by the number of: days during the calendar month when the measurements were made. b: ,The "daily maximum" discharge means the total weight daring, any: . calendar .day. 4. Test Procedures Test`. procedures for the analysis of pollutants shall confopr_ to regulations published pursuant to Section 304(g) of the Act, under which such procedures inay be regr ixed_ 5. "Recording of Results For each measurement or sample taken pursuant to the regwrer tents,of tl is'permit„ the permittee shall record the following information: a. 'The exact.rlace,.date and time -of .samplin .; b.. -The dates the -analyses were performed; . c. The person(s) who performed the analyses;' PART I d. The analytical techniques or methods used; and e. The results of all required analyses. 6. Additional Monitoring by Permittee • Page 6 of 10 Permit No. NC0000671 • If the permittee monitors any pollutant at the location(s) designated herein more frequently than required by this permit, using approved analytical .methods as specified above, the results of such monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the values required in the Discharge Monitoring Report Form (EPA No. 3320-1). Such increased frequency shall also be indicated. 7. Records Retention All records and information .resulting from the monitoring activities required by this permit including all records of analyses performed and calibration and maintenance of instrumentation and recordings from continuous monitoring instrumentation shall be retained for a minimum of three (.3) years, or longer if requested by the Regional Administrator or the State water pollution control agency. PART Page 7 of 10:• Permit. No. Nc0000611. MANAGE\•1ENT REQUIREMENTS All discharges authorized herein shall be consistent With the terms and conditions_ of this 'permit. The discharge Of any pollutant identified in this permit more frequently than or at a level in excess of that authorized shall constitute a violation of the permit. Any... anticipated facility expansions, production increases, or process modifications which will. result in new, different, or increased discharges of pollutants must be reported by submission of a new-NPPES application or, if such changes Will not violate the effluent limitations specified in this permit, by notice to the permit- issuing authority of such changes. Following such notice, the .permit may be modified to specify andlimit any pollutants not previously limited: Nonco;rrpliance No tifieation If;. for any reason, the, permittee does not comply --with or will be unable to comply with any : daily maximum: ;effluent lirnitation specified in. this permit, the perxi:ttee shall provide the ;Regional Administrator and the State with the following in€ormati<on, in. vv4hin,five(5) days of_hecoming-aware-of such -condition: A description of the discharge and cause Of noncompliance; and b. Theperiodof noncompliance, including exact dates and- times; or, if not corrected., the anticipated time the nonm copliance-is..expected to continue, and steps:. being taken to reduce; •eliminate and prevent -.recurrence of the noncomplying di:sei:arge. Fcscilities Operration The permittee shall at all times maintain in good working order 'and operate efficiently' as- possible:_. all treatment or control facilities - or systems installed or: used by-thepermittee to achieve compliance with the:terins and conditions of this permit. €. Adverse Impact The permittee shall takeall .reasonable steps to rninimize.any adverse impact to, navigable "Waters -resulting "-from noncompliance With any effluent*`limitations specified in this: permit, .including such accelerated or additional:monitoring as necessary to determine the -nature and impact' of the,noncomplying discharge.,: • 5. •Byncrssing Any diversion' from- or bypass, -of facilities, necessary to maintain compliance With: the_ terms and conditions: of.this perrnit is prohibited, .except (i) where unavoidable to prevent .: loss of life or severe pre erty damage,' or (ii) `where etcessive storm drainage or rcra•of€ • would damage any facilities necessary. for compliance with the. :effluent Imitations and. prohibitions..of -this permit...The ;ermittee ..shall promptly ...notify the..Regional Adtninistratoi:"arid the State in Wntilig`'of each such 'diversion or bypass. PART!{ Page 8 of 10 - Permit No.N00000671 6. Rernoved Substances Solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of wastewaters shall be disposed of in a manner such as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from entering navigable waters. 7. Power Failures In order to maintain compliance with the effluent limitations and prohibitions of this permit, the permittee shall either: a, In accordance with the Schedule of Compliance contained in Part I, provide an alternative power source sufficient to operate the wastewater control.facilities; or, if such alternative power source is not in existence, and no date for its implementation appears in Part I, b. Halt, reduce or otherwise control production and/or all discharges upon the reduction, loss, or failure of the primary source of power to the wastewater control facilities. B. RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Right of Entry The permittee shall allow the head of the State water pollution control agency, the Regional Administrator, and/or their authorized representatives, upon the presentation of credentials: a. To enter upon the permittee's premises where an effluent source is located or in which any records are required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; and b. At reasonable times to have access to and copy any records required to be kept under the terms and conditions of this permit; to inspect any monitoring equipment or monitoring method required in this permit; and to sample any discharge of pollutants. 2. Transfer of Ownership or Control In the event of any change in control or ownership of facilities from which the authorized discharges emanate, the permittee shall notify the succeeding owner or controller of the existence of this permit by letter, a copy of which shall be' forwarded to the Regional Administrator and the State water pollution control agency. 3. Availability of Reports Except for data determined to be confidential under Section 308 of the Act, all reports prepared in accordance with the terms of this permit shall be available for public PART!! Page. 9 of -.10 Permit No. NC.0000671 . i inspection• 'Pt. the . offices. of the State water pollution control agency and the- Regional Administrator: As required,. by• the -Act,. effluent data shall not be - considered. confidential.' Knowingly: making any false statement on any such report may result in the imposition of criminal penalties as provided for in Section 309 of the Act.' .Permit Modification After notice and opportunity .for:a. hearing, this permit may be -modified, suspended, or revoked in whole or in part during 'its: term for ._cause including, but not limited to, the following: Violation of any terms. . or.conditions of this .permit; Obtaining this perrnit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant facts; or .' • A change in any condition that requires either a.temporary or permanent reduetionor elimination:of the authorizedd:discharge, Toxic Pollutants Notwithstanding Part II, B-4., above, if a._toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including any schedule of cornpliance specified in -such effluent standard or prohibition) is. .established-,undez- Section4307(a) Of the Act for a toxic pollutant which ispresent: in the discharge and:such standardor prohibition is more stringent than any limitation for such pollutant in this permit, this permit shall .be. revised or modified in accordance with the toxic effluent standard or prohibition and the permittee so notified. Civil and: Criminal :Liability Except as provided in permit conditions on "Bypassing" (Part . II, A-5) and "Power Failures" (Part II, A-7), nothing in this permit shall be construedto relieve the permittee from civil or criminal penalties for noncompliance Oil azid4fazardous Substcnce•Liability Nothing in this permitshall be construed to preclude the institution of any:legal action or relieve the permittee from' any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties. to which the permittee isor may be si.ihicct under Section 311. of the Act. State Laws • Nothing in this.per►nit shall be construed to preclude the institition of any legal action or relieve the permittee, from. any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties established: pursuant - to :any -applicable. State.:law-.or regulation..underauthority preserved by Section.510 of the.: 'Act. PART II Pag= 10 of 10 Permit No. NC0b00671 . • 9: Property Rights The issuance of this permit does not convey any property rights in either real or personal •property, or any exclusive priuileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property or any invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of Federal, State or local laws or regulations. 10. Severability The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this permit, or the application of any provision of this permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of this permit, shall not be affected thereby. PART III OTHER REQUIREMENTS A. For the purpose of this'permit, a calendar day is. defined as any consecutive 24—hour period. • 17 G. P. O. 1974- 748.498 / 98. REGION NO. 4 ATTACH, -;ENT.. A Within 30'days after the issuance of the permit, the daily average flow within + five percent (5%) of- the actualvalve must . be determined for each -cooling 'tower'. discharge • or 'dischar-geof combined , cooling tower and boiler biowdowao Following this 30 day period,,- each discharge.: with- an average daily flow greater .than .100,000-gallons will determine the flow rate and temperature on a daily basis. For dischargers with an average :daily flow -less than 100,000 gallons or consisting of boiler, blowdown only, the flow rate and . temperature will be„ determined twice) monthly and the required grab samples willbe taken on one.of these two days.. amp1es.' will ,be, taken during the time period the effluent will be a:ffeete4:byelemental'-chlori e additions. ** pH of . 6 - 10 for discharges of boiler b1owdown early. ATTACHMENT B * For each discharge with an average daily flow 100,000 gallons will determine the flow rate and temperature on a daily basis. For dischargers -with an average daily flog 100,000 gallons or•consisting of boiler blowdown only, the flow rate and temperature will be determined twice/ monthly and the required grab samples will be taken on one of these -two days. ** Samples will be taken during the time period the effluent will be affected by elemental chlorine additions. *** pH of 6.- 10 for dischargers of boiler blowdown only. • 1),S, Environmental Protection Agency Region IV, Water Enforcement Branch. 1421 Peachtree Street, N.E. . Atlanta, Georgia 30309 404/52u-5201 in conjunction with North Carolina Office .of Water and Air Reso.urCes - P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 919/829-4740 Public Notice No. 75NC0018 Septemlaer 20, 1974 • NOTICE OP PR.:;CCS D ISSUANCE AND REQUEST FOR STATE CERTIFICATION OF NATIONAL-- - �`: DISCHARGE ELIMIT. ATION SYSTEM PERMIT POLLUTANT i proposesto issue a National Pollutant The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency .L:ischarge. Elimination System (NPDES) permit to Kelly - Springfield Tire Company, P.O. Box 1907, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28302, Application numbex,NC.074-0YP-2-000025, • NFDES number NC0000671. The company has an existing discharge resulting from cooling. ,cater,SIC 4930. The discharge enters.the Cape Fear River approximately 24,765 meters--- (81,250 feat) southeast of the northeastern corner of the Kelly - Springfield plant. This portion of the Cape Fear River is classified for fishing, boating, wading and any other usage except for bathing or as a. source of water supply for drinking, culinary or food -processing purposes. • The proposed NPDES permit contains limitations on the amounts of pollutants allowed to be discharged and was drafted in accordance with the provisions of the 1972 Amendments to the Federal. Water Pollution Control Act (P . L..Q7_G 00) and other .lawful standards and regulations. The pollutant limitations and other permit -con- ditions are tentative and open to comment from the public. • Persons wishing to commei upon or object to permit issuance or to the proposed permit limitations and conditions are invited to submit same in writing within thirty to the Enforcement Division, U.S. Environmental i'ro- dr.;-s of the date of ,.ills -notice . t.cction Agency, 1421 Peachtree Street, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30309, ATTN:Gloria Studdard, life application number and/or NPDES number should be included. in the first page of comments. i wi.l l 'be considered ed in the All colrrlcnts received within the 30-day period formulation of final determinations rearding the permit. Were there .is a si nific.ant degree of public interest in. too proposed permit issuance, the EPA Regional` Adminisi ra.tOr 1�3.i11 hold a public hearing.• After consideration of all written comments and Oi the requ:i.rements and policies in the Act and appropriate regulations, e alations the EPA 1 :;I Una l Administrator ti111" in r(_rr ?]nations regarding permit issuance'. 1f thede.-=mtrat1Uns are substaltlf11): Un1:' . bvthis notice, the EPA beei nil Administrator -will. SO notify all from those a17!'lollili�t`L} t lli � ' . ' � ^n� ••,•:, si.ibst;rnt:iai ly c!];iad., �1C.1'_�u!15 Sli}%till i t'1i?'', written comments. IF , the E!':�, Regional Ad:I!!nistr;itor will issue a public notice indicating the revised: deter "!V be filed after the Regional Adi`:ini s PI!l:li:l07t: 1'lll' .;C!}"•(il::�!i"lit•\' hearings .i;;� 1Requests tAdditional !lll'i)1'!:?at Lon' re„lar1 inn ]': i'or '.i1;Wen tho det'r : ,VC-•d(',;C1'i''cd inin: t jo: ;. .'� 39 F. It 2 ;-0`i i or t),d cont cietifig -the Legal Support 'llitu;!:IL':i�::."!'j }�:;1,1'l•;1i� is available In - �. - - !�l ancii ._ the address- above of at •:04/.26-7606. .. 2 Additional information on EPA's proposed determinations is available by - writing or calling the EPA address above. A copy of the draft. permit is also nvailable from EPA. The application,comments received, and other informa- tion are available for review and copying at Room 305, 1421 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia, between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. A copying machine is available for public use: at a charge of 20� page. per r The North Carolina- Office of Water and Air Resources"has been requested to certify the discharge in accordance with the provi g ions.- o f . Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control.. Act,as amended :(P-.FL. •92-500). Persons. wishing to comment on .the state certification of this discharge are"invited to submit same in writing to thestate agency address. no 1-ater than Oc tuber--2L 1974 ' If a public hearing is held, as described previously, the state' agency will co-chair the hearing in order to receive comments relative F to state certification. Please bring.the the attention .of persons.who-::va.uknow -w.i-]=],-".be i ntzr-eSte'd. . JOINT PUBLIC NOT ICE U.S. Environmen.;al .Protection Agency ..Region IV, • 1V.atcir En£brcemen_t Iirancli 1421 Peachtree Street; N.E.. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 '404/526-5201 - ' in conjunction With North Carolina 'Office of Water and. Ai r Resources." P, 0. Box 27687 .'Raleigh, North Carolina :276)1 919/829-4740 Public Notice No.. .75NC0018 NOTICE ,0P:PRii'USIID- ISSUA` CC' AND REQUEST FOR . STATE "CERTIFICATIO.N OF NATIONAL. POLLUTANT •DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM PERMIT . 'The U. S. Environmental; Protection Agency proposes to issue a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPD' S) 'pc..rrit to -Kelly -.Springfield- Tire :C.ompany, P.O. Box 1907, Fayetteville, -North Carolina 28302,•Application number NC 074-0YP-2-000025, . NPDES number .NC00006,71. The company has an exis,ting discharge resulting" from cooling water SIC 4930. The discharge enters the Cape .Fear River approximately -.24,765 meters '01,250"feet) southeast of the nr5rtheastern corner of the Kelly - Springfield plant.': This portion of t:he'Cal.e,' ear River is classified for fishing, boating, wading and • any :other usage except for •pa;:ping or •as a source of water supply for- drinking, culinary or -food-processing purposes. September 20,.1974 The proposed. NPDES permit co.n t:'a.ins :Li..m .tat:i.ons _on :the -amounts of pollutants - ,allowed to bc: -.discharged • and was drat t,cd inaccordance with the'provisions of the ,=:1972.A:nenamcnts to the Federal Water ,Polluti"on °Control .Act (P:L. 92-:500.) and other 'lawful standards .and. regulations. 'The pollutant limitations and other 'permit con- - di.ti.ons are tentative .and open to comment from the public. .Persons wishing .to comment1 :a4:pon or object to 'permit issuance or to the proposed .,permit limitations and conditions are •i.nv:ited to .submit .satire in writing :within thirty days of the dat:; of this notice to .the Enforcement Division, US. Environmental Pro tection Agency,'1421 Pcaclitree-Street, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30309, ATTN:Gloria Studdard. .The application number and/or NPDES number should be' included in the first page of comments .` All comments received:within the , '.:peri.od lai.l l .be considered in the formulation of final determinationsregarding the permit. Where there is a significant degree of pubi is • intere'st -in the proposed permit issuance, the, EPA Regional Admi nistrator. • 1•;.ii 1 ,hold a _hu,bl.i.c hearing. - After considerati.nn:.of all written comments and•of the requirements and policies . in the Act• ,and appropri.zltc rcc;ula'tinris, the iil'A. Regional Administrator will make deter- minations regarding permit issuance... If the .determinations are substantially uncliani:ed from those•this noticc, the.EPA Rc!;i.oria]. Adniir' will so notify all persons saabmi t ing written comments. Ii the determination!: are substantially changed, the EPA -Rergionaal• Administrator Will -issue a 1)ul)l.ic notice indicating the revised de?t.el- min:atlolls. RCiineS•ts for adjudica'!t'bry hcnr.i'u:z flav be filed after the i:Ct'io)laal Adi:1:ni' tr.3t0r m:1ke°. 'the above-deSe ibed determinations. Add_at.ional inform;ttion -rc' irdin' ad)al(1i(a1'"1^ hoar ani is 1'a t 2 .: i :1', ;r i , h � c a �, :i) F. I�.. 'OFil or l,,d , cant .:�;ti.ill; t hc' Legal Su;)�,:,;•t Gr;Inc11 _at. the dddres_. ak2ve or.:it.,l�r•iiS26-350(,.. a 2 Additional information on EPA's proposed determinations is available by writing -or -calling the EPA address above. - A copy of the draft. permit is also available .from EPA.. The application, comments received, and other inf_orma-• tion are available for review and copying at Room 305, 1421 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Georgia, between the hours of 8:15 a.m. and 4:33O p.•m.; Monday through Friday. A copying machine is available for public use at a charge of 2(4 per . page 1 f The North Carolina Office of Water and Air Resources has .be.enY'requested to certify the discharge in accordance with the provision, of Section 401 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (f.L. 92-500). Persons wishing to comment on the state•certification of this discharge are invited to submit same in writing to the state agency address no later than sOctober 21, 1974 if a public hearing is held; as described previously, the 'state agency will co-chair the hearing in order to receive comments relative ,to state certification. Please bring the foregoing to the attention -of persons who you know will be -interested. 0 C 4 t.r Pcrtuit No. NC0000671 • Application No. NC 074 OYP 2 000025, AUTHORIZATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER TIIE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the.provisions of the Federal. \Va er Pollution Control Act, as amended, •(33 U.S.C. 1251 et. seq; the "Act"), • • Kelly -Springfield Tire Company .is•authorized to discharge from a -facility located at YY Fayetteville, Cumberlcn4 County, North Carolina .to receiving waters named • Cape' Fear. River 28302 in -accordance with effluent limitations,. monitoring requirements. and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II,.and III hereof. '.`This permit shall become effective.on date of issuance. This permit and the authorization to°discharge shall expire'at midnight, five years af:ter,,date.,of issuance.,• Si neci this day of CPA Form 3320-.4 (10-73) Interim A. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning date of ;'issuance and lasting through March 31, 1976, the permittee is authorized to dischargefrom outfall(s) serial nurnber(s) 001 - cooling water bleed -off . Such discharges shall. be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below: contaminants are subject to ,;being discharged. Effluen f. Characteristic where Discharge Lirnitations kg/day (lbs/day) Other Units (Specify) Daily Avg. 001 = (cooling water bleed -off); Flow—mom/Day (MGD) Temperature Chromium • Zinc Chlorine (Residual) Daily Max Daily Avg 162.9(.043) 35°C(95°F) .004 mg/1 1.0 mg/1 0.2 mg/1 Daily Max materials containing these Monitoring Requirements 208.4(.055) 38°C(100°F) .004 mg/1 2.0 mg/1 0.2 mg/1 Measurement Frequency 1/month 1/month 1/month** • Sample - Type Grab Grab Gr ab • 1 • The p;I shall not be less °than 6*** standard units nor greaser. than 9*** standard units and monitored by grab sample taken once a month. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or visible foam in other than trace amounts. Samples taken in compliance with the monitoring requirements specified above shall be taken at the following location(s): . The nearest accessible point receiving waters., SEE ATTACHMENT A. after final treatment but prior to actual discharge or mixing with Final . During the period beginning • Apr_4 • 1, 1976, • • and lasting through expiration of ' permit, the permittee is authorized to discharge from outfall(s) serial numbers) 001 cooling water bleed -off Such discharges shalt be limited and monitored by the permittee as specified below where 'materials containing contaminants --are subject to::being discharged. - • • • Effluent Gharacter5.stic .• Discharge Limitations . • ;':-kg/day. (lbs'day) • Other. Units (Specify) - Daily Avg • 001 (coolino' water bleed -off)= --Flow—me/Day (MTID).. Temperature Chromium Zinc Chlorine (Residual); Daily Max Daily Avg 162.9 (. 043) 35'C(95°F) .004 mg/1 0.5 mg/1 0.2 mg/1 • Daily Max 208.4(.055) 38°C (10C°F) .004 mg/1 1.0 mg/1 0.2 mg/1 these Monitoring Fuequirements Measurement Frequency • 1/month .1/month . 1/month- The, pH shall not be -less standard units nor greater than 9*** standard'units and shall be monitored by grab sample taken once a month. . . • Thereshall be no discharge of fldating solids or visible 'foam in other than trace amounts. • Samples taken in compliance with the znonitoring.requirements specified above shall be taKen at the following location(s): . The nearest accessible point after final treatment but prior to actual discharge or mixing with receiving Waters. SEE ATTACHMENT.'B. Sample Type Grab Grab Grab • • . PARTI 1)2gc 4 of. 10 permit No.NC0000671 COMPLIA.P.TCE 1. r.FIe sh:aR hieve. corrypUnnce with !..he effluent limitations specified for in accOnkinc€"Nith the following Jun 30, 1975: Report cf progress liarc.h. 31; 1976: Compliance with final limitation 0 .• • 2., No late:. than 14. calendar days' following . a date identified in the above schedule. of • • • compor.:•ct, the pc-fniittee shall submit eithera report of progress or, in the case of required by identified dates, a v,rritten notice -of compliance or :0.1.::-;-c)p'imce. In the latter case, the notice shall include the cause of noncompliance, ar3.y,'..;,:.::nledial actions -taken,. - and ,the . probability ...of meeting the next scheduled •••• ••• • •:•."?,::•! • qt PART I . • . - Page 5 or 10. • - Pcrmii No. NC0000671 u, S ONf.T ;.rl\-T€AND REPORTING 1. Repr:?s;ntative Sampling •Szmplc:s. and measurements taken as required herein shall be representative of the -volume and nai:Jre of the monitored discharge. 2; Reporting Monitoring resultobtained during the. preVious ' 6 months shall -be summarized for each month .and reported on: a Discharge Monitoring 'Report Form (EPA No: 3320-1), postm:?; -i.ed no later than the 23th .da'y::of:the month -.following .the completed' reporting , 'period. The • first'. report is due on April 28., 19.75 ; . Duplicate signed copies of these; and all other reports required herein, shall be submitted to the Regional • Administrator and i.he State at the following addresses:. . Environmental Protection Agency Water Enforcement.Branch 1421 PeachtrQo Street, h.E - Atlanta, Geo-i a 30 309 3.- De/in.i+:;vr,.s North Carolina Department 02. Natr al Fconcmic •Ii:esourcos P. 0 . 13ox 2 ! o;=l .Raleigh, North Carolina 27611. •a. 'J'hc "daily .average". discharge means the total 'discharge by we,itht.dur-ing:a:calendar • month divided by the number of days in. the month that the production or. ' 'Commercial' facility was •operati? g..Where less than daily sampling is required by this permit, the. daily average discharge shall be determined by the summation of all the measured daily discharges by weight divided by the number of days during the calendar mon i;;'i when the measurements were made. r�'.;discharge`nieans „the total discharge,,by weight,; Cll c using: any , calendar y. . Test I' I'est procedures. for the analysis of pollutants .shall conform ,to regulations published pursitanf; to.•.on 304(g) of the Aet,'undei.which such procedures may be required.. - R.ccording of Re, silts For each measurement or sample taken pursuant to the requirements of this permit, the permitt:ee shall Y =cord the followiog.information:. - a. The. e ..act place, date, and time of sampling; • • b. The dates the analyses were performed; C. The persons) ' ho performed the analyses; PART l •Pi . 6. 0i' 10 Permit No.. NC0000671 d. The analytical techniques or methods used; and e. The results of all required analyses. 6. Additional Monitoring by Perrnittee If` the permittee monitors any. 'pollutant at the location(s) designated herein, more frequently than required by this permit,. using .approved 'analytical methods as specified above, the results of such .monitoring shall be included in the calculation and reporting of the values required in the Discharge Monitoring Report Form (EPA No. 3320-1)":Such increased frequency. shall also be indicated. 7. Records Retention All .records and •information resulting from the monitoring activities required. by this permit including all records of analyses performed and -calibration .and `maintenance of instrumentation and recordings from :continuous monitoring instrumentation shall be retained for a minimum of three (3) years, or. longer if requested by the Regional Administrator or the State water pollution.control agency. PART II Page 7 • of 10 Permit No. NC0-000671 A. f,i,ANA.GE. _ T REt;?[il'f ..::ME Nrf,S • ^�11 discharges arges authorized herein shall be consistent with the terms and.conditions of this • permit. •The. discharge of any pollutant identified in this permit more frequently than or at a lti'.':•_ in 'excess of that authorized shall constitute a violation of the permit. Any %lnt.'.:ipn: _=i facility i1Sions, pi'oductioia increases, Or process modifications Which will result in riew,' d;fferen.+„ or increased discharges of pollutants must be reported by submission- sion of a n:'.1 —1's:F DES application or, if such changes will not violate the -effluent iimitri c),is spec: :e: - inthis 'permit,• by notice' to the permit issuing authority of such changes. +_oIiowing such notice, the permit may bemodified to specify and limit any pre4. on.:11y fi nited. • 2. Noncompliance Noiification If, for any. reason, the permittee does not -comply with or will be unable to comply with any daily maxin-nlin effluent ]iimiratlon specified -in this perinit, the .permittee shall provide the. Regional Adnnnistrator and the State with -the• following information, in writing, • itl:in five (3)- days Of:becoming aware'of such'cdnditiori: a. i'L d_::i(:ril)tion e'f the discharge and cause of noncompliance`; ai1C1 Ttio, 1. a of noncompliance, .liicluding'exact'dates arid• 1irneS;- or, if -:not corrected, the •t:;,ti..:iPatct f tini_' the 1tU1corripliarke,e is expected to continue., and steps being- take-e t.') reduce, e.iminate and. prevent.'.recurr-ence of the:nonc.oinplying discharge. 3. , FaeilUics. Operap.o17 'The i en.n tt2e shall ..., all times maintain in good wo.rking order and operate as efficiently as no si :{•:' ii'l tie E:+ct ii: }' or control;fa.cilities or systems -installed or. -used -by -the permittee to a bi,.n':• _ ::ill v+i .1 the term and conditions of this permit.' • The 1);`i fi(, ? Lee Sha.11. ,:'_'.-al; reasonable Steps to minimize any adverse impact to navigable .:,n;h, n ncompiiance with any effluent limitations specified -in this • per;'itil:; i:'' ;+_i:llt: i5't; : i`;,,:.('.: 1C::;atC?C Or,addili01, ti mon,itorin a.s necessary tp :determine the natur t ii77tY,1C �', ' noncomplying discharge... . Any (.1-ersion frail; or• bypass of facilities necessary to •maintaincompliance with the terra:=, .;i:<i condition tilis:`pi?rmii: is }ii•ohibitcd, except (i) where•unat'oidable to prevent loss :7i life oar.. SeVCI; property damage, o1' (ii) where excessive:storm drainage or runoff Would ;1_ilm-, e- triy ;c;,:ili'ti s 'necessary for compliance with' the. effluent limitations and prohil,ii.i±,ns of this -::(:snit. 'file • permittee shall promptly notify the Regional A.dminis a 0'' and t:, . :`.',i,:Je ill'I'1'itlag of each such diversion or bypass. • PA F3'i f t Page.. 8 of 10 Permit No.NC0000671- 6. Removed Substances Solids, sludges, filter, backwash, or other pollutants removed in. the course of treatment or.. control. of wastewatexii shall be disposed of in a manner such as .to prevent any pollutant - from such materials from entering navigable waters. 7. Power Failures In order to maintain compliance with the effluent limitations and prohibitions of this permit, the permi.ttee shall either: a. In accordance with the Schedule of Compliance contained in Part I,provide an alternative -power source s.u22ici.ent to `operate he wastewater co'ntrol facilities; • ' or, if such alternative power source is not in existence; and no date -for its implementation appears in Part I, r b, reduce or otherwise control production. and/or all- discharges. upon the reduction, loss, or -failure of- the primary source of pore r. to the 'wastewater -control facilities.. : - 13. RESPONSIBILITIES . L. Right of Entry The permittee shall allow the :head of the State water pollution_ control .agency, the Regional Administrator, and/or theii paithorizedrepiesentatives;.upon 0 a presentation of 'ciederi'tials :. a. To enter upon the permittee's premises -`.vhere an,:effluent source is located or in. which any reco-ids are requi: ild to .be lzent under the tents and conditir is of this ., permit.; and .' .. . b. At reasonable times. to have acc_ to and c tany records required to he -pt under the terms and conditions of this permit;, to inspect. .?:1; i;noriitoii.',.;`; equipment or. monitoring met.nod required in this permit; and to saMpie i,y discharge of pollutants. Trans er of Ownersiifp or Control In the event of any change in control Or ownership of.facilities fron'i which; the authorized discharges emanate, the nerrnitiee shell not:ifyi the Succeeding cYaner or eontr'ol'ier Of the existence of this pernuL by letter, a copy of ,vhic:lr shall be forwarded to the Regional_ Administrator and the State water pollution control agency. 3. • Availability of Rer erts • Except for data determined to be coni'idential. under Section 303 of the Act., all reports prepared in accordance with the terms of -this permit -shall- be available for public t,c f PART II • .Page 9 of 1'0 .Peratiit No. NC0000671 • inspection at the offices of the. State water pollution control agency and the Regional Administrator. As required by the Act, effluent data shall not be considered confidential. Knowingly making any false statement on any such report may result in the iinposition of criminal penalties as provided for in Section 309 of the Act. 4;;. Permit Modification After notice and opportunity for .a hearing, this. permit may be modified, 'suspended, or revoked in whole or in part during its term for cause including, but not limited to, the following:• . a. Violation of any terms or conditions of this permit; b. Obtaining this permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all relevant „facts; or • A change in_any condition that requires either .a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge. Toxic Pollutants . Notwithstanding Part II, B=4 above, if a toxic effluent standard or prohibition (including :any . schedule- of. 'cornpliance specified';in` such 'effluent idard' or prohibition) is ' established under Section 307(a) of the Act for a toxic pollutant which is present in the. discharge and such standard or prohibition is more 'stringent than any limitation for such pollutant in this. permit, this permit shad] be revised. or modified in accordance with the toxic effluent standard or prohibition and the.permittee. so notified. . ` Civil and Criminal Liability • Except as provided in 'permit conditions on` "Bypassing" (Pate II :5) and ,"Pow;er. ' Failures" (Part II, A-7), nothing'in this permirt shall be construed to relieve the ncrmittee F= zgrx civ4Nr4CrOrna1;,for_rroncos�pliance • 7. Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve ;the permittee from ,any.. responsibilitiliabilities,•,,.or.•penalties •to:,which the I.perinittee is or may be subject under Section 311 of the i,ct. 8. State Laws .Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the Institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties established pursuant to any applicable State law or regulation under authority preserved by Section 510 of the Act. • CU ' PAfi"i' I!. Page 1:0 'of . 10 Permit NC0000671. 9, Property I?i hts • .The issuance of this permit does not convey any property rights Iti either real or personal property, or any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorise any injury to private property or an.y i,:: asio i of personal rights, nor any infringement of Federal, State or local laws or regulaiions. 1.0 `i1 Zi C:IQJ a.i The pro;.i.sions of this permit, are severable, and if any provision of this permit, or the ap i cetien .of any provision of this permit to any circumstance, is held invalid; the ' al:plic,t:ioa of such provision to other c:ircuinstances, •and`the remainder of this permit, shall not he affected thereby. PART III A. For the purpose of this permit, a calendar day is defined as any consecutive 24-hour period. � o '1% G. 1'. 0 1974 - 7.IO..1.4) / 901 IIFGION N.O. . 13, J97 2,1,Asto 5ranch FROA: „ , , C.NecJict unicir.„A Gtiircnch MALCJ: :Lete zYs'olz CbtAlny Uorth roI On c!rc?.1 3, 1971, j invetAtitod sourco wcst6 ro c,;;ALJect industvy. C. V. Uor:,s,Tni c;hcd cht. Foliowing wcrc oSt,,Anc,,4 (1) it,..lry i-,1,3e60 toes 'Le FcycAtuvillo cm:4.ov. (2) Coolin ,AElltc)g- is ,It,.',cr!:Jed by pc cic croscony A=.0p:1-ty o CLVc: FC&:r ::AVOP6 (3) Coolir, wcr orn. (4) it ib sv,v;slyed on VI2L5Cr tO cool; the vu'Jbay. tbic point. ,,,ilAyo,os COO1 iflj wAcr: 6.0 Tot,;1 oWs 1Sfl r.',1,ocpcnod - 4C mg/1 DItolvcd alids 142 Toptcil VolLtilc 6g-qa/ - - 41 mIlit T0t4 - 121 aLepo,n4-2ed Fixe62Q1 in 6n incvt ';'ovm () Fixcd (I) 1.11Q,L01E; •,:tp:: Two (5) Therc will ..)o /0.3 to'751 cup(pyc.os ILF) comtrpction work31-6,.; on the site. ',:rovosOd'irmLer'oF 1...-4.i:oyd:.(2.3 40 V:r.) CMCLU10%."'S flitry w,-.J.,-Ac is C'COXJENnTICN No C'ttri;her cction Lc tc,kon. Coolinc.-1 wiii not 2 12 "5 cur al3JEClit 2crcults.. Collected/ ,on :30 1971 yolin Lglow thc. o L wc,-.;or th,t wu cc Jt yomp pInt on 1171, - 1) Fhenolc, - 3.335 thji 7.-tAisf_s , F Pai,X;(5 --' tnal Vo t j 21 nal - 213 mcvil - 142 nqi 7.701vc,J :77oliA; !1.1 ic&SoWs - ®p C. Gootoin clz(.ist cc, l "°0 Ur '2Ues Jr* cIP4 T. r. :Imasron=„;