HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4211101_Response To Comments_20220110Green Mountain Engineering, PLLC Civil Engineering Consultants i To: Jim Farkas, Environmental Engineer Address: 512 N. Salisbury St. 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 From: Jordan Young, P.E. Green Mountain Engineering, PLLC Date: December 20, 2021 Re: Barrow Farms- Phase 1 & 2 Messages Jim, Please see responses to the Stormwater comments on December 20, 2021. It is recommended to place the proposed water main underneath the stormwater pipes so that the stormwater piping does not need to be so deep and the stormwater road crossings can be handled with culverts as opposed to pipe networks (similar to how STP-7 is situated). Using this design approach, it appears as though pipes STP-2, STP-3, & STP-6 can be set up as culverts and pipes STP-1, STP-4, STP-5 can be replaced with swales (there should be sufficient room in the drainage easement to place these swales and the grading should not be too severe since the culverts will be a lot closer to the surface than the current pipe network). Formally known pipes STP-1, 4 & 5 have been removed and replaced with swales. Formally known pipes STP-2 & 6 have been converted to culverts and brought closer to the surface with waterlines dipping under these pipes with 24" of separation. 2. The provided project coordinates (360 11' 10.13" N, 800 06' 32.02" W) does not correspond to the project location, it is about 2,000 ft off (Section I, 4 of the Application). Please revise. I have updated the project coordinates to 360 10' S 1.24"N, 800 06' 50.76"W 3. Please specify which additional permits are required for this project (Section II, 4). I have added the Sediment/Erosion control permit is required and 27.00 ac of disturbance. 4. Since the Applicant is also the Property Owner, Section III, 2 of the Application is not required to be filled out. Please revise as needed. Section III, 2 has been removed from application. 5. This project does not appear to have a vested right claim (Section IV, 2a). Please revise. Section IV, 2a has been removed from the application. 6. This project does not appear to be located within the Cape Fear River basin (Section IV, 3). Please revise. Section IV, 3 has been revised to Roanoke River basin. 7A Wendy Court - Greensboro, NC 27409 - (336) 294-9394 Green Mountain Engineering, PLLC Civil Engineering Consultants 7. There appears to be a calculation error in the percent impervious area calculation (Section IV, 8). The percent impervious area shown in this part of the Application should be consistent with the values Shown in Section IV, 10. Percent impervious area can be calculated using the methodology outlined in 15A NCAC 02H .1003(1). The percentage was actually correct as 12.42% but the numbers in the table were slightly off. Here is the calculation included in this application (total impervious area/total project area) 184,543sf/1,485,396 sf= 12.42%. 8. The project area does not appear to directly drain to Belew Creek (Section IV, 10). Please revise. This information can be found (along with the river basin) at the following web address: Section IV 10 has been revised to Left Fork Belews Creek and Stream Class C Index number 22-27-5. 9. Please show the areas in the top half of the table in Section IV, 10 of the Application in square feet instead of acres. All areas have been revised to square footage. 10. Since this project is being permitted as a low -density project, the "drainage area" for the project is the total project area (as explained in Section IV, 9). Please adjust the Total Drainage Area and Off -Site Drainage Area values to reflect this. Project drainage areahas been revised to 1 drainage area as the total project area 1,485,396 sf 11. The On -Site Buildings/Lots value is the total amount of BUA allocated to the individual lots. Per the deed restriction document, there are 33 lots that are each allocated 3,599 sf which would result in an On -Site Buildings/Lots value in the table of 118,767 sf (and 0 sf value for the On -Site Parking since this item would refer to any parking area in the common areas). "On -site buildings/lots" has been updated to 118,767 sf (3,599 per lot). "On -site parking" has been revised to 0 sf. 12. Since there are no off -site areas for a low -density project (see earlier comment) Section IV, 11 is not required. "Offsite drainage area" has been revised to 0 sf. Section IV, 11 has been removed from application. 13. The provided calculations are insufficient (Section V1,7): a. Please provide a source for the 10-year rainfall intensity (i) values used in the provided calculations. If you are using time of concentration (tc) values that are greater than 5 minutes, please also provide calculations showing how these values were determined. I have included the NOAA rainfall intensity data table downloaded from the NOAA rainfall data website. Calculations use the 10-yr, 5- minute data which is 6.84 in/hr for this project location. b. Please provide the Manning's roughness coefficient (n) values used for these calculations (back calculating the Manning's roughness coefficient for swale 1 7A Wendy Court - Greensboro, NC 27409 - (336) 294-9394 Green Mountain Engineering, PLLC Civil Engineering Consultants based on the provided swale geometry, flow rate, normal depth, and velocity results in a Manning's value of approximately 0.24 which seems much too high) 0.24 was used for the manning's number based of TR-55 dense grass ground cover. Using Manning's equation based off the proposed channels dimensions, the average manning's number was 0.10 and comparing to "Manning's n for channels (Chow, 1959)": "Channels -dense grass and weeds" has a range of 0.05- 0.12 my average 0.10 manning's number seems to be correct, falling in this range. As you can see on sheet C-6.01 all channel calcs now use 0.10 for the manning's number. c. Please provide calculations for all proposed vegetated conveyances (see attached map of excluded vegetated conveyances. It is unclear whether or not the swale downstream of STP-7 is its own swale or if it is a separate swale). I have added a plan sheet named vegetated conveyances drainage areas number C-6.01 which include the channel calculations and numbered channels. NOTE: Swales or vegetated conveyances that discharge to wetlands should do so at no more than 2.0 fps to be considered as non -erosive. The highest velocity from these channel calculations 1.99 fps 14. The provided details of the vegetated conveyances are insufficient (Section V1,81). Please clearly show the bottom width of the vegetated conveyances on the detail (the calculations show that the vegetated conveyances have a bottom width of 2 ft but the detail shows a "V" shaped ditch) and please specify the grass type to be used in the vegetated conveyances (This is required to determine the maximum allowable velocity within the vegetated conveyance per the table in Part C-11 of the Design Manual). I have revised the street cross section on sheet C-0.00 & 3.00 to show a road side swale with a flat bottom calling out varying widths. Also, on sheet C-6.01 I have noted the types of acceptable grasses planted in the vegetated conveyances. I listed all of the types of grass and left it up to the contractor because all of the velocities are below 2.0 fps 15. Please delineate the drainage areas to the vegetated conveyances in the main set of plans (Section VI, 8o). The provided drainage area delineation on plan sheet C-6.0 are delineated for the yard inlets, not the vegetated conveyances (there is some overlap between these, but they are not necessarily the same) and plan sheet C-3.0 (the plan sheet with the vegetated conveyances labeled) does not contain drainage area delineations. Please revise. I have added sheet C-6.01 with the drainage areas draining to all 9 channels. I also updated the channel calculations and moved them to this sheet to keep everything together. 16. Since the Applicant is also the Property Owner, Section IX of the Application should not be signed. With your permission, I can cross out the signature on the original signed hard copy that I have and you can edit the electronic file. If that is not satisfactory, please provide a revised signature page. I will not include this page in this resubmittal. Could you please cross out the signature on this page. I will update the application on the electronic file. 7A Wendy Court - Greensboro, NC 27409 - (336) 294-9394 Green Mountain Engineering, PLLC Civil Engineering Consultants 17. Please correct the following issues with the Supplement-EZ Form: a. Drainage Areas Page: i. Lines 5-7 — Please use square feet instead of acres for these values. These values have been updated ii. Lines 9 & 10 — These items do not correspond to the values shown in the table in Section IV of the Application. Please revise. These values now match section IV of the application, which also has been updated. iii. Line 12 — Please include this item. This is a breakdown of the common area BUA (Line 10) by type. The items in Line 12 should add up to Line 10. I have added the area of the proposed BUA inside the common areas 65,776 sf from the roadway. iv. Please fill out the LD 1 column. For this project, it will be the same as the entire site column. I have filled out the LD 1 column of this table. b. Low Density Page: i. Line 4 — Please include the maximum side slopes of the vegetated conveyances. This line does not format properly so the information should be entered in Line 15 (additional information). I have made a note under line 15 "additional information" that the side slopes of vegetated conveyances are 3':1'. ii. Lines 6-10 — Please complete these items if applicable. I have noted that items 6-10 are not applicable because there are no curb outlet systems proposed. iii. Please include all vegetated conveyances and swales in the swale table. have updated this table including all 9 swales. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, or require additional information. I can be reached via email Jordanggreenmountainengineers.com or by phone (3 3 6-252-278 1) Best Regards, Jordan Young 7A Wendy Court - Greensboro, NC 27409 - (336) 294-9394