HomeMy WebLinkAbout20090688 Ver 1_As Built Report Final_20140121VUD�Z' BASELINE MONITORING DOCUMENT AND AS BUILT BASELINE REPORT FINAL VERSION Charles Williams Stream Wetland and Buffer Site Randolph County, NC State Construction Project No. 07- 07125 -01A EEP Project No. 80 Prepared for the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program 217 West Jones Street, Suite 3000A 0 I§ 0 v R= Raleigh, NC 27603 � JA,N 9, ? 2014 1 f KRT WA LITY Eros Sieni WVeWds 8tcg;rwa r Branxch ' 1� PROGRAM September 25, 2013 RECEIVED SEP 2 6 2013 NC ECOSYSTEM IRWANCEMENT PR0GRAM Prepared by: �ENGOINOEEIRING 1151 SE Cary Parkway, Suite 101 Cary, NC 27518 919.557.0929 G. Lane Sauls, Jr., Principal Under Contract with: A 1I/� SUP! GATE DESIGN GROUP This assessment and report are consistent with NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program Template Version 2.0 (10 114 110) for Baseline Monitoring Document Format, Data Requirements and Content Guidance. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 Executive Summary/ Project Abstract.... 2.0 Project Goals, Background and Attributes .................................................. .............................2. 2.1 Location and Setting .................................................................................. ............................... 2 2.2 Project Goals and Objectives ..................................................................... ............................... 3 2.3 Project Structure, Restoration Type and Approach ................................... ............................... 3 2.4 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data ............................................ ............................... 5 3.0 Success Criteria ........................................................................................ ..............................5 3.1 Morphologic Parameters and Channel Stability ........................................ ............................... 5 3.2 Hydrology .................................................................................................... ..............................5 3.3 Vegetation ................................................................................................... ..............................5 4.0 Monitoring Plan Guidelines ...................................................................... ..............................6 4.1 Hydrology .................................................................................................... ..............................6 4.2 Stream Channel Stability and Geomorphology ......................................... ............................... 6 4.3 Vegetation ................................................................................................... ..............................6 4.4 Digital Photographs ................................................................................... ............................... 6 5.0 Maintenance and Contingency Plans ........................................................ ..............................6 6.0 Baseline Condition ................................................................................... ..............................7 6.1 Record Drawings ........................................................................................ ............................... 7 6.2 Baseline Data Collection ............................................................................ ............................... 7 7.0 Report and Data Submission .................................................................... ..............................7 8.0 References ............................................................................................... ..............................9 Appendix A. General Figures and Tables Figure 1. Vicinity Map Figure 2. Aerial Photograph and Mitigation Components Figure 3. Site Features Figure 4. Tree Planting and Invasive Treatment Areas Figure 5. Permanent Seeding Zones Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Table 3. Project Contact Table Table 4. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Appendix B. Cross Section and Profile Data Appendix C. Baseline Photographs Appendix D. Record Drawings 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/ PROJECT ABSTRACT The Charles Williams Stream, Wetland and Buffer Site, hereinafter referred to as the "Project Site" or "Site," is located in Randolph County, North Carolina, within US Geological Survey (USGS) 8 -digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03030003 and NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) sub -basin 03 -06 -09 of the Cape Fear River Basin (Figure 1). The project involved the enhancement of 1,753 linear feet of an unnamed tributary (UT) to Sandy Creek, 1.96 acres of wetlands and 4.7 acres of riparian buffer. The Site is protected for perpetuity under a conservation easement purchased from Mr. Charles Williams in 2006. Existing land use and practices, including unrestricted livestock access were the main reasons for degradation throughout the Site. The establishment of a protected conservation easement along these areas, channel enhancements, and the planting of supplemental vegetation will ultimately uplift existing natural and biological processes. It will also improve the overall function and habitat associated with both the UT and its receiving stream, Sandy Creek. The Project Site is located in the 14 -digit Upper Cape Fear Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 03030003020010, identified as the Sandy Creek Watershed. This HUC is identified as a Targeted Local Watershed (TLW) in EEP's Draft 2009 Cape Fear River Basin Restoration Priority (RBRP) Plan (available at the EEP web site under the link http: / /www.nceep .net /pages /lwplanning.htm). The Project's goals were to: • reduce nutrient and sediment water quality stressors, • provide for uplift in water quality functions, • improve instream and wetland aquatic habitats, including riparian terrestrial habitats, and • provide for greater overall instream and wetland habitat complexity and quality. Stream enhancement, the primary component, served as the dominant input for achieving this goal. No restoration goals were identified in the Cape Fear River Basinwide Management Plan (NCDWQ, 2005) with regard to the Sandy Creek watershed. There were no sources or stressors listed for the watershed area associated with the Project Site. The NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) develops River Basin Restoration Priorities (RBRP) to guide its restoration activities within each of the state's 54 cataloging units. RBRPs delineate specific watersheds that exhibit both the need and opportunity for wetland, stream and riparian buffer restoration. These watersheds are called Targeted Local Watersheds (TLWs) and receive priority for EEP planning and restoration project funds. The 2009 Draft Cape Fear River RBRP identified HUC 03030003020010, which includes the Project Site, as a Targeted Local Watershed. The following information is taken directly from the RBRP. "...This is a largely rural HU. The main stream, Sandy Creek, flows through Randolph County to Sandy Creek Reservoir, a drinking water supply for Ramseur and Franklinville. As of 2006, the HU had no streams on DWQ's list of impaired waters, however, the reservoir shows indications of high nutrient levels, likely related to the large number of animal operations in the HU. The HU is a Water Supply Watershed and a long portion of Sandy Creek is recognized by the State's NHP as a Significant Natural Heritage Area. EEP has been active in the HU with five projects that include components of preserving wetlands (3 acres) and streams (5,100 linear feet) and restoring wetlands (15 acres) and streams (15,000 linear feet). Piedmont Land Conservancy has also been active in protecting Baseline Monitoring Document and As Built Baseline Report Page 1 Charles Williams Stream, Wetland and Buffer Site, Randolph County Prepared by Ecological Engineering, LLP September 25, 2013 streamside buffers in the HU. Continued implementation of practices to reduce nutrient inputs to Sandy Creek Reservoir is recommended for this HU." 2.0 PROJECT GOALS, BACKGROUND AND ATTRIBUTES 2.1 Location and Setting The Project Site is situated in northeastern Randolph County, west - southwest of the town of Liberty, and six miles north of Ramseur (Figure 1). It is bordered to the north and west by undeveloped land, the east by Ramseur - Julian Road and the south by Sandy Creek. Northeastern Randolph Middle School is on the property opposite of Sandy Creek, to the south. The Project Site can be accessed by using the following directions from US Highway 64. • Turn north on US 421 in Siler City, towards the Town of Liberty. • Proceed approximately 9.5 miles and turn south (left) onto NC 49. • Proceed approximately 0.7 miles along NC 49 and turn north (right) onto SR 2459 (Sandy Creek Church Road). • Follow Sandy Creek Church Road approximately 4.5 miles until it intersects with SR 2442 (Ramseur - Julian Road) and turn north (right), • Follow Ramseur - Julian Road approximately 0.3 miles, crossing over Sandy Creek. The Charles Williams Site is on the west (left) side of the roadway, immediately north of Sandy Creek. Situated in the Piedmont physiographic province and the Cape Fear River Basin, the Project Site encompasses approximately 18 acres of former pasture and existing riparian forest. Elevations across the Site range between approximately 550 and 560 feet above Mean Sea Level. The following chart depicts pre - implementation existing condition information regarding the Site. Pre - Implementation Existing Conditions Physiographic Province Piedmont County Randolph River Basin Name Cape Fear Property Owner Name Charles Williams USGS 8 -digit HUC 03030003 USGS 14 -digit HUC 03030002020010 Stream 41 Name UT to Sandy Creek NCDWQ Subbasin 03 -06 -09 Drainage Area 4.9 sq. mi. Underlying Mapped Soil(s) Chewacla loam NCDWQ Score (Perennial) Drainage Class Somewhat poorly drained Rosgen Classification C5 Hydric Status B Slope 0 -2 Available Water Capacity Moderate to High FEMA Classification Zone AE Exotic Vegetation Observed Multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora) Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) Baseline Monitoring Document and As Built Baseline Report Page 2 Charles Williams Stream, Wetland and Buffer Site, Randolph County Prepared by Ecological Engineering, LLP September 25, 2013 2.2 Project Goals and Objectives The Project goals are to: • reduce nutrient and sediment water quality stressors, • provide for uplift in water quality functions, • improve instream and wetland aquatic habitats, including riparian terrestrial habitats, and • provide for greater overall instream and wetland habitat complexity and quality. Stream enhancement, the primary component, serves the dominant input for achieving this goal. Historic and contemporary land management practices have been the main reasons for the degradation of biological processes within the Project area. The absence of barriers to livestock movement had resulted in stream bank erosion., degradation of in- stream habitat, and of suppression of forest succession within the riparian zone and adjacent wetland areas. Project enhancements were designed to combat various watershed stressors through the following strategies: Key Watershed Stressors Management Strategies Stream bank erosion riparian buffers & livestock exclusion Absence of vegetative buffer riparian buffers & livestock exclusion Livestock access to streams Livestock exclusion Nutrients agricultural BMPs, riparian buffers & livestock exclusion Fecal coliform agricultural BMPs, riparian buffers & livestock exclusion The objectives were to exclude livestock in their entirety from the Conservation Easement area, install stream structures and plantings designed to maintain vertical stability, lateral stability and habitat, eradicate non- native invasive vegetation, and re- vegetate and supplement those areas lacking suitable vegetation along the easement area. In addition all areas void of woody vegetation (former pasture) were ripped to alleviate soil compaction and to facilitate growth of supplemental plantings. An alternative water supply and livestock exclusion fencing were provided by the Randolph County Soil and Water Conservation District. The combination of physical improvements to the riparian corridor and improved land use practices in and around the project area will stabilize sediment export and provide an increase in pollutant and nutrient uptake of overland flows prior to entering the stream channel. Current monitoring protocols require baseline data to be collected 21 days after the project is accepted as complete by EEP and the State Construction Office. However, delays were encountered during the contracting process between project implementation and the collection of baseline data. This resulted in the stream baseline data collection being delayed approximately six months. 2.3 Project Structure, Restoration Type, and Approach Two main mitigation components exist at the Site: (1) riparian, riverine wetland enhancement and (2) stream enhancement (Level 1). These components are depicted on Figure 2 and summarized in Table 1. Baseline Monitoring Document and As Built Baseline Report Page 3 Charles Williams Stream, Wetland and Buffer Site, Randolph County Prepared by Ecological Engineering, LLP September 25, 2013 As previously noted in Section 1.0, historical landuse activities were primarily responsible for the degradation of the streams, wetland and riparian areas at the Site. With no barriers to livestock the unnamed tributary exhibited severe erosion due to cattle -hoof shear, lack of vegetation and lack of grade control. The overall enhancement of the Site included livestock exclusion from the riparian corridor, stabilization of the stream banks and livestock crossings, eradication of non - native invasive vegetation and the planting of native hardwood vegetation. Enhancement (Level 1) of the UT utilized natural channel design methodologies consistent with Priority Level IV stream restoration protocols. These protocols specifically include the stabilization of the existing channel in place. A Conservation Easement recorded on February 22, 2006 affords protection to the Project Site for perpetuity. Stream enhancement will ultimately result in the reduction of bank erosion and associated sediment contributions as well as the enhancement and improvement of aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Wetland enhancement work was performed throughout the existing wetland areas. These wetlands were severely degraded as a result of continuous soil compaction and grazing from livestock. The enhancement work included livestock removal via exclusion fencing and supplemental plantings. Benefits include water quality improvement by trapping nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous, toxic substances and disease - causing microorganisms. Wetlands also slow and intercept surface runoff, protect stream banks from erosion, protect upland areas from flooding, as well as provide valuable habitat for wildlife. Riparian buffers, extending a minimum of 50 feet from the top of bank outward, have been established along both sides of the UT and the north side of Sandy Creek. These areas will be enhanced with the installation of supplemental plantings during the 2013 -2014 dormant season (Figure 4). Buffers are one of the most functionally beneficial and biologically diverse systems that also provide services of great economic and social value. The benefits associated with a forested buffer include water quality enhancement, stormwater and floodwater management; stream bank stabilization, water temperature modification, wildlife habitat protection and absorption of airborne pollutants. This enhancement, along with stream and wetland enhancement, will aid in reducing overall sediment inputs at the site, as well as downstream. The newly established buffer areas have been afforded protection from livestock grazing through the installation of livestock exclusion fencing. Additionally, two non - native invasive species (Chinese privet and multiflora rose) dominated the stream side vegetation along UT to Sandy Creek. These species were removed mechanically and herbicide was applied to all remaining stumps and stems. Herbicide was also applied to the non - native invasive plants (multiflora rose and Japanese stilt grass) found within the riparian and wetland areas (Figure 5). The project also offered EEP an opportunity to test multiple permanent seed mixes. Three seeding variations were developed for a cost benefit analysis of seed mix and application rates. Additional goals of this test include the evaluation of less expensive seed mixes, evaluation of reduced seed application rates, evaluation of shade tolerant species, evaluation of nitrogen - fixing legumes and the evaluation of red fescue for sediment and erosion control. Along UT to Sandy Creek, upstream of the culvert, the riparian area was divided into two planting zones. Downstream of the culvert the riparian area was also divided into two planting zones. The riparian area along Sandy Creek was designated as a third planting zone (Figure 6). Zone 1 received a seed mix of red fescue, red clover, little bluestem, Virginia wild rye, deer tongue, river oats, and upland bentgrass. Zone 2 received the same species with the exception of red fescue. The seed mixes were applied at a rate of 30 pounds per acre in both Zones 1 and 2. Zone 3 received the same mix of species as Zone 2; however, the application rate in Zone 3 was half (15 pounds per acre) of the rate applied in Zone 2. EEP will monitor and collect data throughout the monitoring period to evaluate germination success, effectiveness in site stabilization, and benefits to the tree seedling installations. It is important to note the testing of permanent seed mixes is not a regulatory requirement of the project. Baseline Monitoring Document and As Built Baseline Report Page 4 Charles Williams Stream, Wetland and Buffer Site, Randolph County Prepared by Ecological Engineering, LLP September 25, 2013 2.4 Project History, Contacts and Attribute Data A mitigation feasibility study and draft mitigation plan for the Site was developed by the NC Department of Transportation ( NCDOT) in 1999 for stream and wetland mitigation needs related to the Greensboro Bypass and other transportation projects in the Cape Fear River Basin. The Site was not immediately developed by the NCDOT and it was eventually transferred to EEP for implementation. In 2006, NCDOT acquired a conservation easement from Mr. Charles Williams (Book 102, Page 99). Mitigation implementation including stream and wetland enhancement, fencing, stream crossings, and live -stake planting was completed in early 2013. Tables 2, 3 and 4 provide project reporting and milestone history, project consultants, contractors and suppliers and relevant attributes /data at the project level and for the individual restoration components. These tables are provided as a summary of background data. 3.0 SUCCESS CRITERIA Mitigation success criteria at the Site will be based on USACE (2003) stream mitigation guidelines, Monitoring Level I Criterion. 3.1 Morphologic Parameters and Channel Stability The morphologic contribution to uplift in hydrologic, water quality and habitat functions stem from two main objectives. The first being the maintenance of a restored or enhanced floodplain connection and associated dimension that facilitates the transport of in- stream sediment loads in equilibrium and dissipates energy associated with floodflows. The second is the maintenance of a longitudinal profile /gradient, which supports these same transport and energy management outcomes. Monitoring will assess and compare the annual dimension adjustments via cross section overlays and measurements of the substrate at each of the four established cross sections. It will also assess the longitudinal profile via the annual measurement along thalweg of the channel. Any trends occurring with regards to cross - sectional area, aggradation or degradation will be noted. Pattern measurements will not be necessary since no changes were performed as part of overall implementation. 3.2 Hydrology A minimum of two bankfull events must be documented within the standard five -year monitoring period. In order for the hydrology -based monitoring to be considered complete, the two events must occur in separate monitoring years. 3.3 Vegetation The criteria for vegetation success are dictated by the desired mitigation. Vegetation within the stream and wetland mitigation areas will meet the USACE Wilmington Regulatory District's guidance for stream and wetland mitigation. The Wilmington District requires the survival of a minimum of 320 planted woody stems per acre after monitoring year 3 (MY3). A 10% mortality rate will be allowed for the subsequent monitoring years with a final requirement of 260 stems per acre survival in monitoring year 5 (MY5). Riparian buffer mitigation areas will meet the NC Division of Water Resources criteria for buffer mitigation. NCDWR requires the survival of 320 stems per acres in monitoring year 5 (MY5). Success criteria will also require treatment and Baseline Monitoring Document and As Built Baseline Report Page 5 Charles Williams Stream, Wetland and Buffer Site, Randolph County Prepared by Ecological Engineering, LLP September 25, 2013 removal of all non - native invasive species prior to project closeout. Bare -root and containerized tree species will be planted between December 15, 2013 and March 15, 2014. 4.0 MONITORING PLAN GUIDELINES 4.1 Hydrology A crest gage was installed near the downstream end of the Site (Figure 3). This gage will verify the on -site occurrences of bankfull events. In addition, observations of wrack and deposition will serve to validate gage observations. Documentation of the highest stage during the monitoring interval will be assessed during each Site visit and the gage will be reset. The data related to bankfull verification will be summarized in each annual report. Based on the elevation of the crest gage, any readings observed higher than 20 inches on the gage will reflect a bankfull or above bankfull event. In addition, daily precipitation amounts will be ascertained from the weather station at the Siler City Airport (SILR), approximately 12 miles southwest of the Site. These amounts will be used to help determine the dates of important rainfall events. 4.2 Stream Channel Stability and Geomorphology As previously mentioned, four cross sections have been strategically placed along the UT (Figure 3). Exhibit Tables 5 and 6 depict the project's hydraulic and geomorphic data. This data is also graphically depicted in Appendix B. 4.3 Vegetation Once vegetation has been planted, it will be assessed using plot layouts consistent with the EEP /Carolina Vegetation Survey (CVS) Level II Vegetation Protocol. Stem count data will be ascertained from 12 permanently placed 100 meter vegetation plots (Figure 3). Assessments will be conducted for both planted and natural stems. 4.4 Digital Photographs Baseline photographs were taken in June 2013 to document existing conditions at the Site (Appendix Q. Included are 20 individual, strategically placed photostations (Figure 3). Each annual monitoring assessment and report will depict photographs taken at the same location for that particular year. This will result in a visual depiction of vegetation succession at the Site. 5.0 MAINTENANCE AND CONTINGENCY PLANS Annual reports submitted for a minimum of six consecutive years (vegetation only in MY6) will document any observed or anticipated problems with achieving success. Recommendations including increased monitoring, maintenance or repair may be documented in these reports. Problem areas will be depicted on the monitoring report plan view and described in detail. In addition, problem severity, as well as probable cause will also be noted. Baseline Monitoring Document and As Built Baseline Report Page 6 Charles Williams Stream, Wetland and Buffer Site, Randolph County Prepared by Ecological Engineering, LLP September 25, 2013 6.0 BASELINE CONDITION 6.1 Record Drawings Record Drawings were submitted in early 2013 once construction implementation activities were completed. A copy of the drawing set is presented in Appendix D. 6.2 Baseline Data Collection Monitoring feature installation and baseline data collection occurred during June 2013. These assessments covered the easement area (visually), enhanced stream channel and crest gage. Vegetation plots were not included under this assessment since bare - rooted and containerized vegetation implementation will not occur until the winter /spring of 2013/2014. The actual plot locations were established however. They consist of 12 vegetation plots existing as either 10 -meter by 10 -meter squares or 5 -meter by 20 -meter rectangles with corners consisting of 1" x 5' PVC pipes attached to 1/2" x 2" rebar posts. The crest gage was purchased from Remote Data Systems (RDS) and attached to a steel L -brace buried in the streambank. It was reset upon evaluation. Photographs were taken at each of the 20 established photostations. These photostations are not individually denoted in the field but tied generally with an identified object (i.e., vegetation plot corner or cross section). During June and July 2013, approximately two bankfull events were documented on the crest gage. These events occurred during early June and late /early June /July 2013. The following chart depicts information from the nearby weather station. Observation Date(s) Observation Amount (inches)* Bankfull Event 6/2/2013 to 6/10/2013 4.36 Likely 6/26/2013 to 7/3/2013 4.16 Likely *Precipitation data from Siler City Airport (SILK) weather station, approximately 12 miles southwest of the Project Site (NC State Climate Office, 2013). 7.0 Report and Data Submission Monitoring reports will be submitted to the regulatory agencies on an annual basis. All assessments and reporting will follow EEP protocols established during the project period. It is understood that EEP will coordinate any necessary monitoring report submittals with the regulatory agencies. If the monitoring reports indicate any deficiencies in achieving the success criteria on schedule, EEP will coordinate with the resource agencies, as applicable, to determine the extent of remedial actions necessary. In some cases, EEP may be required to submit a remedial action plan, as necessary, as part of the annual monitoring report. Vegetative monitoring will be conducted during the late summer months (growing season) of each monitoring year. Monitoring reports will be provided no later than December 15. The proposed schedule is provided below detailing the monitoring dates. Baseline Monitoring Document and As Built Baseline Report Page 7 Charles Williams Stream, Wetland and Buffer Site, Randolph County Prepared by Ecological Engineering, LLP September 25, 2013 Proposed Monitorine Schedule February 2013 Construction activities completed. October 2013 Complete Year One Monitoring. December 2013 Submit Year One Monitoring Report. August 2014 Complete Year Two Monitoring. December 2014 Submit Year Two Monitoring Report. August 2015 Complete Year Three Monitoring. December 2015 Submit Year Three Monitoring Report. August 2016 Complete Year Four Monitoring. December 2016 Submit Year Four Monitoring Report. August 2017 Complete Year Five Monitoring. December 2017 Submit Year Five Monitoring Report. August 2018 Complete Year Six Monitoring Report (vegetation only) December 2018 Submit Year Six Monitoring Report (vegetation only) Baseline Monitoring Document and As Built Baseline Report Charles Williams Stream, Wetland and Buffer Site, Randolph County Prepared by Ecological Engineering, LLP Page 3 September 2S, 2013 8.0 References Lee, Michael T., R.K. Peet, S.D. Roberts and T.R. Wentworth, 2006. CVS -EEP Protocol for Recording Vegetation, Version 4.0 (http: / /cvs.bio.unc.edu /methods.htm). NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 2013. Charles Williams Site Final Report. Prepared by Ecological Engineering, LLP. NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program, 2010. Charles Williams Site Final Mitigation Plan. Prepared by Ecological Engineering, LLP. NC State Climate Office, 2013. Daily Precipitation Data from Siler City Airport (SILR), Chatham County (www.nc- cli mate. ncsu.edu). Piedmont Triad Council of Government (PTCOG), 2008. Little Alamance, Travis and Tickle Creek Watershed Restoration Plan. Prepared for and Funded by EEP. Available: http: / /www.nceep .net /pages /lwplanning.htm.). US Army Corps of Engineers, US Environmental Protection Agency, NC Wildlife Resources Commission and NC Department of Environment Division of Water Quality, 2003. Stream Mitigation Guidelines. US Army Corps of Engineers, 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y -87 -1. AD /A176. Baseline Monitoring Document and As Built Baseline Repert Charles Williams Stream, Wetland and Buffer Site, Randolph County Prepared by Ecological Engineering, LLP Page 9 September 25, 2013 Appendix A. General Figures and Tables r The subject project site is an environmental restoration site of the NCDENR Ecosystem Enhancement Program (EEP) and is encompassed by a recorded conservation easement, but is bordered by land under private �T —., ,l_ 1� ownership. Accessing the site may require traversing areas near or along the easement boundary and therefore access by the general public is not permitted. Access by authorized personnel of state and federal •a, _ �� / I` t agencies or their designees /contractors involved in the development, oversight and stewardship of the o� _= _ _ - U� _ "- )' yy E / 1 restoration site is permitted within the terms and timeframes of their defined roles. Any intended site i - �a r visitation or activity by any person outside these previously sanction roles and activities requires prior coordination with EEP - '.ti • Mela� '11*n �; S sw - „� , p � -f;� � -- � •i f 0 1,000 2,000 Feet � l� � -. t3 °1F -- �i 4 � in �r � � •i 79 A 626 / - -_ Conservation Easement e, i B00 0 C `. A. s 566 \ Y cria �o i 2RB � __� �� f' t ' Y� SaNr�Cre�k C► tr ' • f L Sandy Creek Church Road cc 1� I , x..-, GUILFORD -r - � E - ( i I > � � -_mil „ _•.�? `.�+`. ��- c�. azt ALAMANCE' Charles Williams Stream Weiland and Buffer Site Z Directions: _ The Project Site can be accessed by using the following directions from US Highway 64. 1 Turn north on US 421 in Siler City, towards the Town of Liberty Proceed approximately 9.5 miles and turn south (left) onto NC 49. O - Proceed approximately 0.7 miles along NC 49 and turn north (right) CHATHAM onto SR 2459 (Sandy Creek Church Road). RANGOLPH �� Follow Sandy Creek Church Road approximately 4.5 miles until it intersects with SR 2442 (Ramseur - Julian Road) and turn north (right), 2 7 Follow Ramseur - Julian Road approximately 0.3 miles, crossing over Sandy Creek. The Charles Williams Site is on the west (left) side of the roadway, immediately north of Sandy Creek. Prepared By: ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING Charles Williams Site 1151 SE Cary Parkway, Suite 101 ®Er3�iFiFRIN� Cary, NC 27516 Eta iNF kIN Vicinity Map 91 9-557-0929 Randolph County, NC FIGURE Prepared For: NCEEP EEP Contract No. D08035S 1 217 West Jones St. S uite 3000A Oti s ) July 2013 Raleigh, 27603 NC Source: USGS Ouadranale Maus (Grays ChaoeO Table 1. Project Components and Mitigation Credits Charles Williams Stream, Wetland and Buffer Site / 80 Mitigation Credits Nitrogen Phosphorus Stream Riparian Wetland Non - riparian wetland Buffer Nutrient Nutrient Offset Offset Type R RE R RE R RE Totals 1,169 0.98 Project Components 94,351.00 -, Existing Footage/ Restoration or Restoration Mitigation Project Component Stationing /Location Approach Restoration Footage or Acreage Ratio Equivalent Acreage UT to SandyCreek 10 +00 to 27 +53 1,753linearfeet El RE 1,165.16 1.5:1 SandyCreek area adjacent to 94351 square feet R R 94,351.00 1:1 Riparian Buffer Sand Creek Riverine Wetland area east of UT to 1.65 acres E RE 0.825 2:1 Area A Sand Creek Riverine Wetland area west of UT to 0.31 acres E RE 0.155 Area B Sandy Creek Component Summation Non - riparian Wetland Buff e Upland Restoration Level Stream (linear feet) Riparian Wetland (acres) (acres) (square feet) (acres) Riverine Non - riverine Restoration - IF Enhancement 1 1.96 94,351.00 Enhancement 1 1,753 Enhancement 11 Creation Preservation HQ Preservation BIVIP Elements Element Location Pu a Function Notes BMP Elements BR = Bioretention Cell; SF = Sand Filter; SW = Stormwater Wetland; WDP = Wet Detention Pond; DDP = Dry Dente ntion Pond; FS = Filter Strip; S = Grassed Swale; LS = Level Spreader; NI = Natural Infiltration Area; FB = Forested Buffer. Table 2. Project Activity and Reporting History Charles Williams Stream Wetland and Buffer Site / 80 Activity or Repon D- Mitigation Plan September-08 Ma 09 Final Design - Construction Plans November -09 Ap ril -12 Construction 1151 SE Cary Parkway, Suite 101, Cary, NC 27518 Februa -13 Temporary S &E Mix Applied to Entire Project Area Construction Contractor Janua -13 Permanent Seed Mix Applied to Entire Project Area 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 800, Cary, NC 27518 Ja n ua -13 Live Stake Plantings Applied Hauling Contractor Janua -13 Bare - rooted Planting Applied* 5434 Amick Road, Julian, NC 27283 * see note below Baseline Monitoring Document June -13 July--13 Year 1 Monitoring 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 800, Cary, NC 27518 George Morris Year 2 Monitoring Seeding Contractor Firm Information/ Address Year 3 Monitoring 5434 Amick Road, Julian, NC 27283 Kenneth L. Strader Year 4 Monitoring Seed Mix Sources Green Resource, LLC 336 855 -6363 Year 5 Monitoring Foggy Mountain Nursery (336) 384 -5323 Year 6 Monitoring (vegetation only) Monitoring Performer Firm Information/ Address *Note: Bare -root planting will occur between December 15, 2013 and March 15, 2014 Table 3. Project Contact Table Charles Williams Stream Wetland and Buffer Site / 80 Designer Firm Information/ Address Ecological Engineering, LLP 1151 SE Cary Parkway, Suite 101, Cary, NC 27518 Jenny S. Flemin , PE (919) 557 -0929 Construction Contractor Firm Information/ Address Riverworks, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 800, Cary, NC 27518 Bill Wright (919) 459 -9001 Hauling Contractor Firm Information/ Address Strader Fencing, Inc. 5434 Amick Road, Julian, NC 27283 336 697 -7005 Planting Contractor Firm Information/ Address Riverworks, Inc. 8000 Regency Parkway, Suite 800, Cary, NC 27518 George Morris 919 459 -9001 Seeding Contractor Firm Information/ Address Strader Fencing, Inc. 5434 Amick Road, Julian, NC 27283 Kenneth L. Strader (336) 697 -7005 Seed Mix Sources Green Resource, LLC 336 855 -6363 Nursery Stock Suppliers (live stakes only) Foggy Mountain Nursery (336) 384 -5323 Mellow Marsh Farm (919) 742 -1200 Monitoring Performer Firm Information/ Address Ecological Engineering, LLP 1151 SE Cary Parkway, Suite 101, Cary, NC 27518 Lane Sauls (stream,vegetation &wetland) (919) 557 -0929 Table 4. Project Baseline Information and Attributes Charles Williams Stream Wetland and Buffer Site / 80 Project Information Project Name Charles Williams Stream Wetland and Buffer Site County Randolph Project Area 18 acres Project Coordinates I latitude and longitude) 35 °49'31.95" North/ 79 °39'02.64" West Project Watershed Summary Information Ph sio ra hic Province Piedmont River Basin Cape Fear USGS Hydrologic Unit 8 -di it r 03030003 USGS Hydrologic Unit 14 -di it r 03030003020010 DWQ Subbasin 03 -06 -09 Project Drainage Area 4.9 s . mi. Project Drainage Area Percentage of Impervious Area 5 to 6% CGIA Land Use Classification Reach Summary Length of Reach Agricultural Land Information 1,753 linear feet Valley Classification Valley Type VIII Drainage Area 4.9 s . mi. NCDWQ Stream ID Score >50 NCDWQ Water Quality Classification WS -I I I Morphological Description stream C5 Evolutionary Trend C- G -F -E -C Underlying Mapped Soils Chewacla loam Drainage Classification Poo. ly drained Soil H dric Status H dric B Slope 0 to 2% FEMA Classification Zone AE Native Vegetation Communit Piedmont Alluvial Forest Percent ComQ2sition of Exotic Invasive Sqgcies Wetland Summary Size of Wetiand Less than 5% Information 1.96 acres Wetland Type R i ve ri ne Mapped Soil Series Chewacla loam Drainage Classification Somewhat poorly drained Soil H dric Status H d ri c B Source of Hydrology Overbank flooding Hydrologic Im airment None _ Native Vegetation Communit Piedmont Alluvial Forest' Percent ComDosition of Exotic Invasive Spgcies Regulatory Waters of the United States - Section 404 Less than 5% Considerations Resolved Waters of the United States - Section 401 Resolved Endangered Species Act Resolved Historic Preservation Act Resolved Coastal Zone. /Area Management Acts CZMA/CAMA Not A olicable FEMA Flood lain Com liance Resolved Essential Fisheries Habitat Not Applicable Appendix B. Cross Section and Profile Data Cross Section #1 XSC #1 - UT to Sandy Creek Sta.14 +41 (Riffle) 556 555 l o i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i i i■ i i i i i i i i i i i i■ i i i i i i i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i i i■� i i i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i i i■ i i i i i i i i i i i i■ i i i i i� l i i i i i i i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i i� i i i i i� 554 AS BUILT BAN FULL 0 LINE 201 553 > w 552 551 550 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Distance (ft) —4 —As -Built 2013 l o i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i i i■ i i i i i i i i i i i i■ i i i i i i i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i i i■� i i i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i i i■ i i i i i i i i i i i i■ i i i i i� l i i i i i i i i i i� i i i i i i i i i i i� i i i i i� iiiii�ii�® iii�l�iiiiiiiiiii�iiiiiiiiiii�iiiiiii�iw■ iii■ iiiiiiiiii�iiiii��l�iiiiiiiiiii�iiiiiii� ■ii�iiiiiiiiiiii■iiiiiiii�ii� Cross Section #2 XSC #2 - UT to Sandy Creek Sta. 19 +36 (Riffle) 554.5 — -- _ - — 554 553.5 553 AS BUILT BANKF LL LINE 2013 - - - - 552.5 c c 552 2E m Q51.5 551 550.5 550 0 iU 30 40 5t: Distance (ft) tAs -Built 2013 XSC#2 - UT to Sandy Creek Cross Section #3 XSC X73 - UT to Sandy Creek Sta. 23 +49 (Riffle) 553 552.5 �� AS BUILT BANKF ULL LINE 2013 ww�ww ���■■n 552 �n.��w�wwwww 551.5 +K c 3 551 m m ®wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww W 550.5 ■�w■I■�w�■�w■�wwww■�w�wwww�fwww 550 �www wwwwwwww■�wwwwwww��w 549.5 ww ®wwwwwwwww��wwww 549 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Distance (ft) - -As Built 2013 �� ww�ww ���■■n �n.��w�wwwww ®wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ■�w■I■�w�■�w■�wwww■�w�wwww�fwww �www wwwwwwww■�wwwwwww��w ww ®wwwwwwwww��wwww wwwwwwwwww�w�www��ww��w wwwwww��wwwwwwwwwww w ®wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww 0w wwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwww�ww wwwwwwwww�wwwwww�w wwww� ■wiw�wi�wwwwwww���www■�w■■w Cross Section #4 XSC #4 - UT to Sandy Creek Sta. 27 +14 (Riffle) 553 552.5 i 552 AS E UILTBANKFULLLI E 2013 551.5 551 K 550.5 Te m w 550 549.5 59 548.5 .rs48 — a 20 :ia 4a 50 60 is Distance (k) to -Built 2013 556 555 554 553 F 552 0 R 551 d w 550 549 548 :547 1000 Profile Reach (UT Sandy Creek Sta. 10 +00 to 17 +53) 1200 1400 1600 ♦ As Buik Bankfull 2013 ".000 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 Station (ft) • As Built Edge of Water As Buik Top of Bank —As Buik ThaWeg G G G ♦ i 1200 1400 1600 ♦ As Buik Bankfull 2013 ".000 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 Station (ft) • As Built Edge of Water As Buik Top of Bank —As Buik ThaWeg I������������������������������ Appendix C. Baseline Photographs Baseline Photographs Taken July 2013 Vegetation Plot #1— Facing southwest Vegetation Plot #2 — Facing southwest Vegetation Plot #3 — Facing southwest Vegetation Plot #4 — Facing southwest Vegetation Plot #5 — Facing southwest Vegetation Plot #6 — Facing southwest Vegetation Plot #7 — Facing southwest Vegetation Plot #8 — Facing southwest Vegetation Plot #9 — Facing southwest Vegetation Plot #10 — Facing southwest Vegetation Plot #11— Facing southwest Vegetation Plot #12 — Facing southwest Cross Section #1— Facing downstream Cross Section #2 — Facing downstream Cross Section #1— Facing west Cross Section #2 — Facing west Cross Section #3 — Facing downstream Cross Section #3 — Facing west Cross Section #4 — Facing downstream Cross Section #4 — Facing west Appendix D. Record Drawings r - Ica.naos.l m a� S o SITEm a 19 @3 m s (� O z In e VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE - US 421 TO NC 49. - TURN SOUTH ON NC 49. - PROCEED APPROXIMATELY 0.7 MILES AND TURN NORTH ON SR 2459 (SANDY CREEK CHURCH ROAD). - PROCEED APPROXIMATELY 4.5 MILES TO INTERSECTION WITH SR 2442 (RAMSEUR JULIAN ROAD). TURN NORTH. - PROCEED APPROXIMATELY 0 3 MILES AND CROSS OVER SANDY CREEK. PROJECT ENTRANCE LS ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF ROADWAY, IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF THE BRIDGE OVER SANDY CREEK. DISTURBED AREA ACREAGE: 4.8 AC PROJECT LENGTH: UT TO SANDY CREEK LENGTH: 1,748 LF SANDY CREEK BUFFER ENHANCEMENT: 4.7 AC WETLAND ENHANCEMENT: 1.96 AC SANDY CREEK - CHARLES WILLIAMS STREAM, WETLAND AND BUFFER SITE RANDOLPH COUNTY, NC SCO PROJECT #070712501 EEP PROJECT #80 15' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT LATITUDE 03549'45.62" LONGITUDE: 0793903.73" �— CONSERVATION EASEMENI !ccc. UT TO SANDY CREEK TO MELANCHTON, NC I I E 1808602.168 PERMANENT 20' ACCESS EASEMENT EASEMENT r END ENHANCEMENT i �� ♦ 1 JSTATION 27t$8'/ ��.i ♦ ♦ SUY_ 1 i ♦ 1 .♦ 1 TO RAMSE R, NC ,1 RECORD DRAWINGS JENNY SUMMERLIN FLEMING, PE SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER G. LANE SAULS PROJECT MANAGER (919) 557 -0929 OFFICE PHONE NUMBER PREPARED FOR THE OFFICE OF. ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM EEP Project Manager: Melonie Allen EEP Review Coordinator: Wyatt Brown SCOS 070712501 r_�_f tea aI meat ENC4NEEK ��q�►3 m z 0 w x a UN t W PO e O � W� Imo•. �! wWP4V uzpa� d w u ¢z d W cn < Q U) z u W C> r o� a g xw x 0-4 O O Z I\ uJ N uJ O a � zt VE2= ow $ z o0'y WWo INDEX OF SHEETS SHEET Num SHEET ISH1,1 TR It— E41dJ 9,uwe 1)w "+ mpk- h, and Nad P91 -W.a Snc A +h4 +1a�11an JENNY SUMMERLIN FLEMING, PE SENIOR PROJECT ENGINEER G. LANE SAULS PROJECT MANAGER (919) 557 -0929 OFFICE PHONE NUMBER PREPARED FOR THE OFFICE OF. ECOSYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM EEP Project Manager: Melonie Allen EEP Review Coordinator: Wyatt Brown SCOS 070712501 r_�_f tea aI meat ENC4NEEK ��q�►3 m z 0 w x a UN t W PO e O � W� Imo•. �! wWP4V uzpa� d w u ¢z d W cn < Q U) z u W C> r o� a g xw x 0-4 O O Z I\ uJ N uJ O a � zt VE2= ow $ z o0'y WWo SITE STABILIZATION PLAN PERMANENT SEEDING (BY ZONE) FD-s-31 NOTE: WETLANDS = 2 ACRES, SEEDED WITH TREATMENT 1 OR TREATMENT 2 SEED MIX PERMANENT SEEDING AND PELLETIZED SOIL AMENDMENTS APPLIED TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS, INCLUDING THOSE REQUIRING HERBICIDE TREATMENT. ALL FESCUE AND MICROSTEGIUM WITHIN EASEMENT TREATED VIA BACKPACK SPRAY APPLICATION OF HERBICIDE. PRIVET AND ROSE TREATED VIA BACKPACK SPRAY APPLICATION OF HERBICIDR OR BASAL BARKED AND PAINTED WITH HERBICIDE. TEMPORARY SEEDING Ds2 Zone 1 Acres 4.23 Species Name Stratum Commo Rate: lbs /ac Total lbs Mixapplied at rate of r 0 applbsr ox. x. 3 3 Festuca rubra Herb Red 12(40%) 50.1 Trifolium pratense Herb Red 6(20%) 25.4 Schizachrium scoparhan Herb Little 4.5(15%) 19.0 Elymus virginicus Herb Virginia 3(10%) 12.7 Panicum c/andestinum Herb Deer 1.5(5%) 6.3 Mulch Density / Thickness Chasmanthium latifolitan Herb River 1.5(5%) 6.3 Agrostis perennans Herb Upland 1.5(5%) 6.3 4' Subtotal 30(100%) 96.1 9800 Zone 2 Acres 4.71 Species Name Stratum Commo Rate: Ibs/ac Total Ibs Mix applied at rate of approx. 30 Ibs /acre Trifolum pratense Herb Red 9(30%) 42.4 Schizachyrium scoparium Herb Little 7.5(25%) 35.3 Elymus virginicus Herb Virginia 4.5(15%) 21.2 Panicum clandestinum Herb Deer 3(10%) 14.1 Chasmanthium lagolium Herb River 3(10%) 14.1 Agrostis perennans Herb Upland 3(10%) 14.1 Subtotal 30(100%) 141.2 Zone 3 Acres 2.27 Species Name Stratum Commo Rate: Ibs/ac Total Ibs Mixapplied at rate of approx. 15 16s /acre Trifolum pratense Herb Red 4.5(30%) 10.2 Schizacltvrium sc•opariton Herb Little 3.75(25%) 8.5 Emus virginicus Herb Virginia 2.25(15%) 5.1 Panicum clandestinurn Herb Deer 1.5(10%) 3.4 Chasmanthiwn latifoliuni Herb River L5 (10 %) 3.4 Agrostis perennans Herb Upland 1.5(10%) 3.4 Subtotal 15(100%) 34.0 Total (Permanent Seeding) 271.3 11.2 NOTE: WETLANDS = 2 ACRES, SEEDED WITH TREATMENT 1 OR TREATMENT 2 SEED MIX PERMANENT SEEDING AND PELLETIZED SOIL AMENDMENTS APPLIED TO ALL DISTURBED AREAS, INCLUDING THOSE REQUIRING HERBICIDE TREATMENT. ALL FESCUE AND MICROSTEGIUM WITHIN EASEMENT TREATED VIA BACKPACK SPRAY APPLICATION OF HERBICIDE. PRIVET AND ROSE TREATED VIA BACKPACK SPRAY APPLICATION OF HERBICIDR OR BASAL BARKED AND PAINTED WITH HERBICIDE. TEMPORARY SEEDING Ds2 SOIL PREPARATION AND AMENDMENTS Soil Preparation and Amendment Summary per Zone Charles Williams Site - SCO Project Number 070712501 EEP Project Number 80 Common Name Max Spacing Unit Type Zone 1- StreamSide Area Temporary Seeding Throughout Disturbed Areas 0.7 Mechanical Treatment Acres 4.8 Year round Secale cereale Herb Grain rye 130 lbs /ac Single May - September Panicum ramosum Herb Brown top millet 40lbs /ac species to May - September Setaria italics Herb' German millet 25lbs /ac plied be aPp September - March Dactylis glonterata Herb Orchard grass 15 Ibs /ac Ground Cover Fabric 2' Mulch Density / Thickness Nutrient Amendments Nutrient Total lbs 4' SOIL PREPARATION AND AMENDMENTS Soil Preparation and Amendment Summary per Zone Charles Williams Site - SCO Project Number 070712501 EEP Project Number 80 Common Name Max Spacing Unit Type Zone 1- StreamSide Area Acres 0.7 Mechanical Treatment Approx. Date Ground Cover Fabric Mulch Type Mulch Density / Thickness Nutrient Amendments Nutrient Totallbsl 4' Disking 1/10 - 3/10 Coir Wheat straw 759E cover n/a n/a 4' 3000 Subtotal 0 10' T Zone 2 - Ri avian Area Acres 15.1 Mechanical Treatment Approx. Date Ground Cover Fabric 2' Mulch Density / Thickness Nutrient Amendments Nutrient Total lbs 4' Herbicide 1 /10 n/a EWheatstraw n/a n/a n/a 4' Disking 1/10 -3/10 n/a 9800 759E cover 10 / 10110 Pellet Fertilizer 3020 n/a 1/10 -3/10 n/a n/a n/a Ground Limestone 3020 Subtotal 6040 Total 6040 15.8 LIVE STAKING'JTUBLING Species Common Name Max Spacing Unit Type Size Stratum Indiv.Spacing liofStems Salix nigra Black Willow 2' L 2'- 3' Subcanopy 4' 1000 Corms amontnm Silky Dogwood 2' L 2'- 3' Shrub 4' 3000 Ahtusserrulata Tag Alder 10' T N/A Shrub 20' 8W Sambucus canadensis Elderberry 2' L 2'- 3' Shrub 4' 3000 Salixseric•ea Silky Willow 2' L 2' -3' Subcanopy 4' 2000 Total 9800 NOTE: UNIT TYPE CHOICES INCLUDE LIVE STAKE (L) AND TUBLING (T). ENGINEER X113 O t>~ m v �'rj > 0 W v I E C'4 bo N C) 0 N � EM-I O Np z a` o ri G N o d O a e--t W ttY U O O Z W Zug ° az° � J p. 0..�z W W Q W 3 �Z < � to N Z u W EM-I O Np z a` o ri G N o d O a e--t W ttY U O O Z