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20220005 Ver 1_9788-19-4511 stream determ 7-16-2020_20211222
PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION 405 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514-5705 Telephone (919) 969-7246 Fax (919) 969-7276 www.townofchapelhill. org July 20, 2020 Ms. Emily Holt Town of Chapel Hill 405 Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Chapel Hill, NC 27514 eholt@townofchapelhill.ore RE: Stream Determination for Trinity Court, Chapel Hill, NC PIN 9788-19-4511 Dear Emily: As requested, the Town Public Works Department has performed a stream determination for the property identified on the attached forms. This determination indicates whether different types of streams (perennial, intermittent, and/or ephemeral) or perennial waterbodies are present on the property in question or on nearby properties. These streams and their classifications are shown on the accompanying map. Stream segments regulated by the Town's Jordan Lake Watershed Riparian Buffer regulations are highlighted. Locations of all features on the map are approximate and must be field surveyed for precise location. This stream determination information is used to determine the location and extent of the Resource Conservation District (RCD) and Jordan Lake Watershed Riparian Buffers. Specific land use regulations and restrictions apply within the boundaries of these protected areas. If you are considering any kind of work on this property, including clearing vegetation, paving, grading, or building, please consult with the Town Planning Department to determine the possible extent of the Resource Conservation District (RCD) and Jordan Lake Watershed Riparian Buffer on this property and the applicable corresponding regulations. This stream determination will remain in effect for five years from the date of the site visit, after which a new stream determination with site visit will be required. In accordance with theTown's procedures, you may appeal this administrative decision to the Town Manager. If you wish to do so, you must file your written appeal accompanied by any materials you believe support your appeal, within 30 days of receipt of this letter. If you have questions regarding stream determinations, please contact me at (919) 969-7202 or aweaklev@townofchapelhill.ore. If you have questions regarding the Town's Resource Conservation District (RCD) or the Jordan Watershed Riparian Buffer regulations, please contact the Planning Department at (919) 968-2728, or view information online at: http://www.townofchapelhill.ore/stormwater. Regards, ill �l . 1j� Allison Schwarz Weakley Stormwater Analyst PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION 405 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514-5705 Telephone (919) 969-7246 Fax (919) 969-7276 www.townofchapell-ill.org STREAM DETERMINATION SITE VISIT RESULTS Property Information Parcel ID Number (PIN) Address / Location Description 9788-19-4511 Trinity Court, Chapel Hill These are the results of a site visit to the properties listed above for a stream determination conducted on 7 16 2020 by Town Staff: ❑ No perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral streams or perennial waterbodies were identified on or near the property(ies) in question. ❑ Perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral streams, or perennial waterbodies, were identified on or near the property(ies) in question and shown on the attached map(s). A map showing water features, their Town flow classifications, presence of Jordan Watershed Riparian Buffers, and their approximate locations is attached. Origins or breakpoints that have been flagged in the field are marked on the map. Stream classification forms and additional site visit notes and maps are also attached. Other conditions exist which may affect the location of the Resource Conservation District or Jordan Watershed Riparian Buffer: ® FEMA floodzone is mapped in the area. Precise location of the Base Flood Elevation and associated Resource Conservation District must be determined by a field survey commissioned by the owner or a representative. ® Segments of perennial or intermittent stream are piped in the area, as shown on the map. These segments do not have an associated Jordan Watershed Riparian Buffer. ❑ Possible Jurisdictional Wetlands have been identified in the area. A formal review by a professional certified in Jurisdictional Wetland Delineation is recommended if impacts to wetlands are anticipated. Town Staff Signature 7/20/2020 Date Version 3/12/2018 Stream Determination Area Map Ephemeral Stream Approximate Jordan Buffer Address: Trinity Court, Chapel Hill, NC -- Intermittent Stream Perennial Stream Flood Zones Wide Perennial Stream ® 500-year Floodplain Parcel ID: 9788-19-4511 ® Culverts ® 100-year Floodplain � 2-foot Contours © Ephemeral Breakpoint 0 62.5 125 250 Feet (iv) I i i i I i i i I TT 10-foot Contours © Intermittent Breakpoint 1 inch = 125 feet Buildings O Perennial Breakpoint 0 Parcels 0 Subject Property OWASA Easements Addresses 202 A-" 206 201, 101 WIZIN �323��•r" �� Created by Town of Chapel Hill ,751 708 1 Stream locations are approximate and must be verified by survey. Buffers are measured from top of bank. RCD buffers may apply. Please contact the Town of Chapel Hill Planning Department to verify. �A ��310] ��`7� ` S 299 312 P 713 6 301 291 314 ,.�,�.�� Works Department - Stormwater Management Division - Date: 7/20/2020 - 108 717 719 USGS 24K Topographic / County Soil Survey Maps Subject Property Address: Trinity Court, Chapel Hill, NC 0 150 300 450 600 Feet Parcel ID: 9788-19-4511 N 1 inch = 500 feet Created by Town of Chapel Hill Public Works Department - Stormwater Management Division- 71912020 ro A M.*. ,0 Pr Ip IL s. rt ' .e a ■ �r ' . f5 ' LO Wm .ti r++ ° %fir L ,�� .k• 20 260+1( i �rlz NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11(�'"1 Y--f - Date: Project/Site: Latitude: ��S Gr [ Evaluator: County: t Longitude:_ G� Total Points: Stream is at least intermittent % S Stream Determination (circle one) a Other r� Ephemeral Intermittent erenn e.g. Quad Name: if? 19 or perennial if? 30" I A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1 a. Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple -pool sequence 0 1 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 - 2 3 5. Active/relict floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2. 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 ' 1 11.5 10, Natural valley 0 0.5 1 1 1.5, 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yes = 3 a artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. Hydrology (Subtotal = __q_.�) 12. Presence of Baseflow 0 1 2 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 10 IM.0 0 1 2 3 14, Leaf litter 1.5 1 0.5 0 15, Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 16, Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 1 1.5 17, Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 `Yes = 3 C. Biology Subtotal = 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 ? 1 0 19, Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22. Fish 0 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5) 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other = 0 'perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch: -�C �-c an ne I Vvae-=. Y-Ps4r�-ee( b� -�WL -roW n I0 2-6 ( Z C�200 l I �61 NC DWQ Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date: LGJ Project/Site: Latitude: SS-,q q Evaluator: I !. I , County: CJ Longitude:_. :9q 2� Total Points: Stream is at least intermittent % fig Stream Determination (circle one) Ephemera ntermitten Perennial Other e.g. Quad Name: if 19 or perennial if? 30" A. Geomorphology (Subtotal = } Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1a. Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 2 3 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple -pool se uence 0 1 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5. Activelrelict floodplain _ (; 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 2 3 8. Headcuts 0) 1 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 CIL 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 r 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 1 Yes = 3 a artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual �f B. Hydrology (Subtotal = _-4-) 12. Presence of Baseflow J c 4t.1 IIV') 0 1 2 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria U Cra ( 0 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 Ci 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 Yes = 3 C. Biology Subtotal 18. Fibrous roots in streambed IG , a & C' 3 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 7 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks ('0, 1 2 3 22. Fish "0 " 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 . 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5 Other = 0) "perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch: LCOO S e. C4�--F� V1Ck �� TW 4 Wq,, (-VIOI ed �a. S OU-+ 4: cafU Ce G. �e IV) (OWa 62aCrA . NC ❑WO Stream Identification Form Version 4.11 Date:2d u,� 2L Project/Site: Tc� Latitude: 3 SIq Evaluator: County: �r(� Longitude;✓ I{ Total Points: is intermittent Stream Determination (circle one) Other Stream at least ` if ? 19 or perennial if >_ 30 ` ` phemera ' Intermittent Perennial e.g. Quad Name: A. Geomorphology Subtotal = ) Absent Weak Moderate Strong 1 a' Continuity of channel bed and bank 0 1 2 3 2. Sinuosity of channel along thalweg 0 1 2 3 3. In -channel structure: ex. riffle -pool, step -pool, ripple -pool sequence 0 2 3 4. Particle size of stream substrate 0 1 2 3 5. Activelrelict floodplain 0 1 2 3 6. Depositional bars or benches 0 1 2 3 7. Recent alluvial deposits 0 1 i 2 3 8. Headcuts 0 1 2 3 9. Grade control 0 0.5 1 1.5 10. Natural valley 0 0.5 1 1.5 11. Second or greater order channel No = 0 Yes = 3 a artificial ditches are not rated; see discussions in manual B. Hydrology (Subtotal = _k_') 12. Presence of Basef low -( l) 0 1 2 3 13. Iron oxidizing bacteria 1 2 3 14. Leaf litter 1.5 1 0.5 0 15. Sediment on plants or debris 0 0.5 1 1.5 16. Organic debris lines or piles 0 0.5 1 1.5 17. Soil -based evidence of high water table? No = 0 es = 3 C. Biology Subtotal = 18. Fibrous roots in streambed 3 2 1 0 19. Rooted upland plants in streambed 3 2 1 0 20. Macrobenthos (note diversity and abundance) 0 1 2 3 21. Aquatic Mollusks 0 1 2 3 22. Fish 0 . 0.5 1 1.5 23. Crayfish 0 0.5 1 1.5 24. Amphibians 0 0.5 1 1.5 25. Algae 0__ 0.5 1 1.5 26. Wetland plants in streambed FACW = 0.75; OBL = 1.5(It-her = 0 `perennial streams may also be identified using other methods. See p. 35 of manual. Notes: Sketch:�� VO n PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION a 405 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. ,;. Chapel Hill, NC 27514-5705 Telephone (919) 969-7246 Fax (919) 969-7276 www.townofchapell ill.org REQUEST FOR STREAM DETERMINATION Stream determinations provide information used to determine whether the Town's Resource Conservation District (RCD) or Jordan Watershed Riparian Buffer Protection regulations apply to a property. Town staff will typically conduct a field visit to classify streams on the property(ies) indicated below within two weeks of a request, depending on weather conditions, staff availability, and scope of the request. Please note that stream determinations cannot be conducted within 48 hours of a rain event. There is no fee for stream determinations conducted by Town staff. A stream determination report indicates the results of a stream classification. Stream classifications expire after five years. If a stream determination has been completed on or near the property(ies) listed below within the last five years, a site visit may not be required unless local hydrology has changed significantly or the stream classification has expired. If a site visit is not required, the stream determination will be based on a records review. Requests may be emailed (aweakleya-townofchapelhill.orq), faxed, dropped off at Town Hall or the Stormwater Office, or mailed to the above address in care of the "Stormwater Analyst." Requestor's Name: Emily Holt, Town of Chapel Hill Mailing Address: Town Hall City, State, ZIP: Phone / FAX / Email: 919 - 9 6 9- 5 0 5 8 Check method(s) for report to be sent: ❑ us Mail ❑ Email ❑ FAX ❑ Call for pickup Signature of property owner or designated legal agent granting permission to Town Staff to enter the property(ies) indicated below for purposes of a Stream Determination: (Signature) Owner Name(s): (Please print) Company Name (if applicable): (Date) Property Information Fill in both columns, or fill in Parcel ID Number (PIN) and attach a site map indicating location. Parcel ID Number (PIN) Address / Location Description 9788194511 Trinity Court Where the total area of the property(ies) to visit is over 3 acres, please attach an as -built drawing or a topographic map with current landmarks. Version 2/21/2017 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT STORMWATER MANAGEMENT DIVISION 405 Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Chapel Hill, NC 27514-5705 Telephone (919) 969-7246 Fax (919) 969-7276 www.townofchapell-ill.org Stream Determination Request AUTHORIZED AGENT FOR LEGAL REPRESENTATION FORM PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PARCEL ID (PIN) 9788194511 STREET ADDRESS: Trinity Court Please print: Property Owner: Town of Chapel Hill Property Owner: The undersigned, owner(s) of the above described property, do hereby authorize , of (Contractor/Agent) (Name of consulting firm if applicable) to request a stream determination on this property and to act on my/our behalf and take all actions, I/we could have taken if present, necessary for the processing, issuance and acceptance of the stream determination for this property. Property Owner's Address (if different than property above): Owner Telephone: Email: We hereby certify the above information submitted is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge. Owner Authorized Signature Owner Authorized Signature Contractor/Agent Authorized Signature Date Date Date Please return form by email(aweakley@townofchapelhill.org), fax, or mail to the above address in care of the "Stormwater Analyst." The form may also be dropped off at the Stormwater Management office at 208 N. Columbia Street, Chapel Hill, NC. For questions, please call (919) 969-RAIN. Version 2/21/2017