HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-08164_Well Construction - GW1_20211109 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This Form can be tned•forsmgb Or Multiple wells For fated Use ONLY: 1.Well ContructarinIbrustlon: Ronald Es Keeter Jr.. ll WATERZOM i M TO MERFRom WallContradarNema R � h 29saA NC Well Contactor Certification Number is OUTER CASING gararsiltl need wells ORLIIMM fif Tmex7 Flw- Southeastern Pump St Well Service Inc. ROM TO DL4bf TEQ Fnc. VI � 0. ��- Company Name ] o (` �/ FROM R CA.SQii'OBTOBIIR' J�` FROM TO DLIblEIl1C TIDCI(flLr9S Mp-CFBIAL . 2.wen Condrtwdon Pa mit#:�, fL M i< - List aU applteable went conritwsion permits(tv.Comity,Saar,varjowgR era) 3.well Use(chwk well user 17.scttEEeN Water Sup*Well: ro DUIWZT It SLOTS THfC1QVFBa TT RIAI ❑Agricultural OMu ' pal/Pnblic ►i in. I ❑Geothtsmal(HeatinglCooling Supply) eardentiel Wets Supply(single) D' tt 10' V OlndustrialtCommereial OResidential Water Supply(shared) IL GROUT FROM TO MATERIAL Ohri atim EWtPIdCII1tElYI hfEfI3DD&AMOURT 1L [6 Nan-Wxtw supply well: OMonitoring ORecovery m j Injection m IL OAgoif-Pecitarge QGramdwa rRemedietion M LPACB MATERIAL 7Mw-ACEW zMrMETHOD OAquifer Storage cad Recovery OSelinityBank � DAquiferTest OStolmwatcrlhainege DFxpetimeatal Technology OSubsidenee Control OGeothermel(Closed Loop) OTracer 2u DRILLING LOG affaer additional.[testa fr FROM TO DESCRIPTION m adlhaet She.de. O m6tharmal(H ReRrm) ❑Other( lain under#21 Remaria<) R tt . a. IL /l 4.Doe.Weli(s)Completed: l CA S.Will LeeIL IL n: tL R Facility/Ow�l�e acility IIJti(if appfzeayb) ��. ,C tL ical Addles,c and o l<c � 1LREMA1t8B ; =r r/1_ Cry Parcel IdeabfieadcoNo.(PIN) Nov 02' 5L Lathude and Longitude in JL 0. $ deppees/ areeeoada or decimal degrees: 22.Certlticatloo: if woII fie 1a1/long is atawn I,y 61 , Xjs W l ,f S*rature of Catifwd well Cantracbx D 6.Kam)the wells). ansrrent or OTemporat7 By ri f 1 hereby err*that tht weU si ww(ware)ciassbrated Si"mrdarres with 15t NCAC 02C.01W or 13A NCAC WC.02W Weft Construction Staidardr and that a 7.L this a repair to an existing weU: OYes or o copy of"record has been pevided to the weU owner. If dhit is a rgwtr,fsU aWbwwn weU cvnreuccon it for t,4,tla naive of the ►epmr under t'21 remarb mehan or an the beat oftHi form 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well Number of weYa comtrorted: 1 cMft=tion details. You may also attadr additional pages if necessary. FormidlrpL ngectims or ron.watersnpphf wells ONLYwith the seen eaarbvncaan,you cm submit oM form 24.Submittal Iastruedom: 9.Total well depth below land sm?ace: (fL) 24a. For AD Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For rmn&*welts lbt aD depdcs tf'diferaat(c=plsL-3@7W'orrd 2@IW) Construction to the f011oWing: 10.Statle water level below top of caatng: D (tL) Division of water Quality,.information Ptviceuhg Unit, tfwater level u above carts&use"+^ 1617 fKaff Servke Center,Ralekk NC 276W1617 11.Borehole diameter. C5-1 1 r (io.) 24L For Inlcctlon Wells: In addition to sending the fora to the address in 24a /1 above, also"submit a copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well m 12.Well construction ethod: f-(A C AJ ), construction to the following: (ie a%-.artery,cable,cheat Fria•cta) Division of Water Quality,Uodetgrotmd Injection ContrW Program, 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELTS ONLY: 1636 Ma8 Service Center,Rafth,NC 27699-1636 130.Yield WM) o Method of test: 24c.For Water Suonly&G dwr—mot Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address(es)above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.DWhal dtau type: Ate; completion of well construction to di county health department of the county where constructed Fort GW-1 North Caroline Deparbneat of F.nvuesment and Nattaal Resources-Division of Water Quelt y' Revised lea 2013 I