HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-08148_Well Construction - GW1_20211109 r WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD This form can be uud for single or mukiple we11s Far Internal Use ONLY: 1.Well Contractor Intmmatioo: Ronald E: Keeter Jr.. 1t WATER ZONES FRAM TO DESCRIMON Well Contract-Name R f 2960-A R R �r NC Well Conwdctor Certification Number 15 OUTER CASM saki-eased we OR LUOR Of FROM 1 TO DIAMETER- TMCRMN 1 MATERIAL Southeastem Pump &Well Service Inc. & I-) Company Name 161PII�6 OBTOBIIV[' load FROM ITO DiAME'eA TMCKE TFQLIL 2.Well Construction Permit#: R Ltd all applicable well cmuvaction permits(ke.Covmy,Smm.VarlwoM era) - R tLis 3.Well Use(check well use): 19.SC1tEEN Water Supply Well: FROM TO I DIAMETER I grnrstZE I Tm uneNESS OAgriculturai OManicipaVPablic h' tL hL ❑cmthermal(Heat;'_.,kpJCooling Supply) OReeidential Water Supply(single) ff. tL ton ❑Don Commer w []Residential Wste Supply(shmed) I1 GROUT ati0n FROM TO MATERIAL EMPLACI M ITMETHOD&AMOANT R R Non-Water supply well: R OMunifaring ORccovery IL Injection Well: R R OAgaif-Rechaege OCaoundwstarRemediatim IRSADD)/GlIAVFLPACH FROM I TO MATERLIL EMPLACEMENT METHOD OAquifer Storage and Recovery OSalinky Barrier tLR OAquiferTat OStamwaterDremage i OFxperimeatai Technology OSubsidcnw Ca*ol I R R OGoothe:mal(Closed Loop) OTraer 206 DBILLINGLOG aetaeiad monat sheets ff FROM TO DESCRD?rION tutor.hEMbM§dVM&rMbMIS IkL etc. OGeoUlenml alicatingfiCoafing Return) C30thcr(cKplain under#21 Remarks) R n G1 R IL4.Date Wells)Completed: . R R Will Lo on: R R R R Faaky/ ame FeeilityIIJO(ifepp(icahle) R IL u 11 LJ1 �l R RNOV hpical Address,City,and Zip IL RE6lA1tSB 9 C—MLY PmmlIdmm&atianNo.(PIN) SL Latitude and Longitude in,deg.ms/minades/seeonds or decimal degrees: 22.CertMcadon: (if well r1 e14 one is suffrciam) / Q� AIL N ' IrSip3ture of Certified well Conaeda D 6.Is(are)the wel)(s} or OTernpor s ry By signing thirfomg 1 hereby own*tha Ww weII(s)was(were)cautr=W in accardw= with 114 NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Came mcdan Sriurdardr and that a 7.L this a repair to an existing wrcil: OYes or No copy of thtr record has been p vukd to thr well awmr. If di&is a repair,jW mrknown well cvw&ucdon irformatien and eghrk the nave of die repair corder d21 mnm*r seeder ar oa the book of flwjbrm 23.She diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additimal well site details or well L Number of wells constructed: censhuction details. You may also atlsdt additional pages if necessary. Fornniti knfectianornorrwahrmgplyw*VsONLPwiththeamreeaasbsrdhen,youern, submit one form. 24.Submittal Inwbuctioos: 9.Total well depth below land surface: � (R.) 24a. For Ali Wells-, Submit this form within 30 days cf completion of well For nuMple we&list aff depda if df&va(asmnphe-3@200'and 2®1W) construction to the following: Division of Water , 10.Statle water Irvsi below top of easing: I� (ti) Qoahky,.Information Processing Unit, If"trr level is above carft use"t^ 1617 Mail Setvlee Center,Raleigh,NC 17699-1617 11.1loneMk diameter._ (In) 24h For Injection Welt: In addition to sending the form to die address in 24a 12.Well construction method: le" \ ./�1 above, ti o submit a copy of this four within 30 days completion of well 1J conahvetion to the Mowing. (Le.urge;rotery,cable,di ect pints,etc.) Division of water Quality,Undetjrosmd Injection Control Program, 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13e.Yield(gpm) Method of test 24c.For Water Sug*de c, a1 W-dh: Tor addition to sending the form to the address(-)above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13L Disinfection types Amount: r completion of well conatuctim to the!county he4dth department of the county where contracted II Fomm GW-1 North Caolim Deparhuer t ofEnvir�and Natural Resouran-Division of Water Quiiry Revised Tea 2013