HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-08144_Well Construction - GW1_20211109 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD --- For lntemal Use ONLY: This form can 6e used for eirgle or multiple wells f L Well Contractor Information: Ronald E: Keeter Jr. IL WATMZOM i FROM TO DTSCRIMOII WeDCohheetaName -- 2960-A IL rL NC Well Cotxrecta CeitifieationNum1= ISO CASM ffwsuit!eased wed OR LMIR FROM TO DIAa1tiTER URCKRM TPSLIAL Southeastem Pump &Well Service Inc. m = J UL Company Neme ^� !ti IIuOuilM terrors_ FROM I TO I DIAMfrTrV_ TMCXZMS MATI<BIAL 2.Well Construction Permit t.>( (J tL u _ List all applicobte we0 oonrtrrretlon pemrirs(iY.Corsny,Sonar,Vorianee em) ft tt ion. 3.Well Use(check well me). 1�C[RAirN Water Supply Wed: FROM TO D1AME TR SLOT SIZE TMCKMM IMATERIAL ❑Agricultural blic t7 l a> U OGcothcrmal(11cating(Cooling Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) ft Yp ter' OlndustriallCommereial ❑Residential Water Supply(shared) Ili CDT FROM TO MATERIAL EbWLACFII ZNT METAOD d<AMOTJNT am ation Non-water supply wen: m 'L OMdnitoring ORecovay R ft Injection well: rL tL OAgeiferRecharge OCuoundwaterRemediation I 19.SANDIGRAVELPACB OAquiferStorage and Recovery OSafinky 138>Tier FROM TO MAIERiAL EMPLACt>7WM n tG 0 Aquifer Test - OStormwaterlhainage 0Fapm9mmtal Technology OSubsidence Contmi ❑Geothermal(ClasedLoop) ❑Tracer 7ADHILLiNGLOG stdeladdRfoasitlaabi< PROM TO DESCR>p1ION sobs sdVM&4M am, skk art O Return) ❑ot ( lm under Reab) �tti 4. 4:Deft Weds)Completed: R tt s R- �� alien: � m ft. Fac rl, lowner Neese Facility ID0(ifappiicabb) rr�ttpp11AA77.�,''s-�l )Ct �CA n ft r +� k City and Zip 2L REMARHS NOV 9 ;ken . C-MLy Pmeel Ideabfteation erns(PII� 5b.Latitude and Iongttilde In degeeslminutedsecouds or dedn al degrees: 22.Certification: (if well Field am' °�is s,>&cmnt) of N W `Signahae of Catifwd Well cam4nact 6 Is(are)the we@(s}fdPermaaeDt or OTemporary By J'9mn9&-faM 1 h—by OW6 A&the weD(d wog(wess)cautr rcted at a=rdma e with 1 St MAC 02C.01W or MA NCAC 02C.0200 Wed Construction Standards and tint a 7.Is this a repair to an existing welk ❑Yes or o copy of thit record has been provided to dw weR owner. lfdtir is a repair,frD ad brown.well construction fr formation arrd explaar dw nature of the repair wder#21 mnarbseetimr or on Ste boa*of thisjorrn 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or well &Number of wets constructed: construction details. YOU may also attach additional pages if necessary. For maltrple byectioa or nwo-watrrAWsly well,ONLY with the sale eaesbrot"en,you can submitoneform. 24.Submittal I ctrretiown 9.Total well depth below land surface: (fL) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For rmtlti*wcIIs fat a0 deo fdfj)irrent(esmnpfe O(�and 2®100F) constriction to the follov&r. 10.Static water level below top of taring: Tc W(ti) Divoo of water Qaadty.Itdormation Processing Unit, ((avatar Inv/w above ctrsin use"+'Q 1617 Mail Seiviee Center,Raleigh,NC 2709-1617 11.Borehole diameter. u (ion) 24L For Infection Wells: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24a A above,she submit a copy of this foam within 30 days of completion of well 12.Wes construction method:�ArA`_��l construction to the following: (La.sugar.rotary,cable,drect pussk ctc.) Division of Water Qua ty,UndeeErour d Injection Control Program, 13.FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: n 1636 Nk@ Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: 24c.For Water Suoely&Geol6e 3ke Wdls: In addition to sending the form to TTTT�� the address(-)above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 136 I36dnferlMn type: Amount: oompiction of well construction to the county health department of the county where constructed Form GW-1 Nmfh Carohns Depmtrneut of Eevi omnem and Natural Reso=s-Division of Water Quality Revised lac 2013 ' V I