HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-08016_Well Construction - GW1_20211122 f I WELL.CONSTRUCTION RECORD for tuhemnt Usc ONLY: 'ibis form can be nscdlot-single or m Ilip'k wens 1.Well Contractor information: t4 WAT6 20NRS Brian Saving room Tn 1 D IF1T9V w'eiI Cotrtraxim Name h. ft. 4240 B NC WdICormactorCenifxmtionNmmcr V&OUTRR CASING(for:a"ui11-asrdiweli 'ORL7N13t if smash FROM TO mAMRTfR TITiT'MNS15 MATERIAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 h. 26 (L 2.25" in. NA STEEL F Cotmrpany?4rw 36.L CASINaOR.AVRING iii iloseaa FROM TO DtAHETRR TnICI INS!; MATERIAL 2.WeltConstructinn Permit th R. ft. l iu all applicable.well permits(cc.Coum<*Sorer,Irariatwe.lift an o1r.) R. h, in 3.Wdl'Usc(check well use); s7 N WaterSupplp Wdl: FROM TO mAnfF,raR SIATSIFY.. TIIi NtS, I MATF,RIZ DAgriculwal ON[unicipal/Public 26 h. 30 h; 1.25" la 004 NA STBBL i I (7Geothetmal(HeatinglCootirig Supply) OResidemiai Water Supply(single) R. IL in OhndDsttialtCommercial DResidential Water Supply(shared) tR'URa1TT ; FROM I TO MATiiRiAL EAIPLAC£MLNTMETIIODAAMO[tW 131rri tion R. tL Non-Water Supply Wells R � mMonitorin DRcxavr Injection Weil: R• h- DAqu fer Recharge DGmundwater Remediation 19.SAND11GRAVEUPACK411 ht 'FROM 'r0 MATRRrAi:,: rt:AM.11NTMr:r"00 OAsiaifecStoragaand RccoNcn OSalinity flamer R. h. ❑Aquiter Test OStomm'ater Drainage R. it. OEapetimcn(al Tochnology OSttbsid=c Control 20.bR1LtJNG ft)tiz Iaftaclt adititloniil sif iaecessa i7Geotbumal(Closed loop) ❑Tracer FROM TO DES oMur.hordn. ybWowit tlrre.eu OGedtltemtal ffleafingACootiM Return) DOthet(explain under#21 Remaiks) 0 R. 25 R. FILL SILT AND SAND 25 R. 30 h. SILT WET PifR 4.11ateWell(9)Campleted: 9-25-21 Well 1D#GW-3 ft. IL Sm.Well L ication: h. It. Former Charlotte Army Missile Plant I' tL Facjlht,OwwName Facility•iD#(if aypticabac) 1824 Statesville Avenue, Charlotte, NC, 28206 R h. PiWskal Addiess.CSh.and Zip 21,ItMI ;ff Mecklenburg iPATER SAMPLE N/SP-16 Cewnty Parcel Identilkatton No.(PIN) 4b.1.slitudc and Longitude in dcgrecalmirtutalseconds or decimal degnw. 22.Cc.��- on: fn rP �tf�a�SL(;l i f (ifwetlIkId,osae I-Wong a N W Brian Ewan 10/13/2021 Sigavarr ofCcniftod Wefi entmetor Date 6.1s(are)tbe.wen(s): DPermanent or ZTemporat7' ga-signing this form,1 Armby errtify then the im-fits)wvr{wrrei cerai weed in at"nlmier with 1 SA MCA 02C,01 M or 1 SA NCAC 11 C 4209 it ell Cotrumrtlun Standards and slurs o 7,ix this a repair to an existing well: Ol'es or MNo rufy c f diit reroml has bem pmridrd rn the urli awner. lJthts is a rrl+elr•fll lout Rtntwtt well conon don lnfijmwrkrct awl rrptain the nerarr of the rrlsait[later r>2l rrx°arnFs srrlfms rn rwt the hurls of shay farm. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back of this page;to provide additional weti site details or well 8.Number of wells constructed: 1 construction detail. You inky also attach additional pages if rxcessary. For maltrple A{(Mtl m or w#j-tt`art,r sWply wilts ONLY ul A thr fader eanstrwedon,yaw Can submit one form. SURKMAL iNSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surface: 30 (i1,) 24a. For All Well Submit this'form m thin 30 daps of couiptdion of uttt For maidplewellsAsralldrprhslfdffranttermVhp -.1@200'and2011W) consinietionto the foltowinS 10.Static seater Intl below top of cesiuV (n,) Division of Water Resohrees,Information Processing Unit, if rarer level is about casing,,use"+" 1617 Mail Service(inter,Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole dismetcr 2.25° (in) 24b.For inkWita&Llb ONLY: In addition to sending1tre form to the address in 24a above, also submit a copy of this farm within 30 days of completion of well IL Well construction method: DPT COnStroctiau to tilt follocring: (i.t.Mtatt ratan,,cable,dirmfush etc.) Dh'islon of Water Resourccs,X[nderg•oond trajection Control Program. FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mali Scnice Center;Ralco.NC 27699-1636 f 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of tat: 24e.For Water Sutnris lR Injectioni Wells: Also submit one copy, of this form within 30 days of completion of 13b.Uishillmdon Ivan: - Amount-. _ - well construction to the comay hearth departawd of the Comm when constructed, Form Gilt-t Nodh Carolina Dgwinictrt of Emimnsta.tu and Natural Rcsowm-Dhision of N'ater R'e owce; Rc+'lscd AL%La 2013