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SW4210704_Plansheet - SCM Detail_20211210
BEFORE YOU DIG! CALL 811 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER IT'S THE LAW! .• CUT-OFF COLLAR NOT TO SCALE ALUMINUM BAPS O 4~ 0.i ANTI -VORTEX PLATES NOTE: C.A.P. =CORRUGATED ALUMINUM PIPE 12' TOP WIDTH _ _ 54" TRASH RACK TOP OF DAM EL. = 732.5 _ - - - (SEE DETAIL) (MAX. OF 10:1 SLOPE) FINAL GRADE APPROXIMATE - - _ FINAL GRADE (98% COMPACTION) SEEDING ON ALL EXISTING GRADE EMERGENCY POND SLOPES SHALL �ILCWTY = 3U_5- - - 3 TURF NON -CLUMPING - - - 1 TURF GRASS 100 YR. N.W.L. L. = 730.9 TOP OF RISER FILL - - - �__. - - - I 10 YR. H.W.L. EL. = 730.0 EL. = 729.0 _� 1 MATERIAL ¢ 1 YR. HAL_EE = 729.2 3 IN. 98% COMPACTION) � - (l (- TEMP. 3" (W/3" HEAD) FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER W/ 4" SCHD 40 PVC BARREL 4" SKIMMER FLEXIBLE HOSE AND 4" STEEL NIPPLE HOSE (TO BE REMOVED UPON CONVERSION TO PERM POND (SEE SEQUENCE) 36" __.� 1 C.A.P 12" STUBBED OUT OF �_ --- �_ FLANGED JOINT RISER 12" AT ELEV 720.0 WITH SMALL POOL 0 ` "' ' 4" THREADED HOLE TO PERM. ORIFICE WITH GASKET RECEIVE THE 4" NIPPLE PREFABRICATED BARREL TO RISER TO BE CAPPED WITH 1 5/8" BOTTOM POND=720t (WATERTIGHT CONNECTION) OR FINV. EL = 720.0 IICE HOLE AT COMPLETION NOTE: OWNER SHALL PROVIDE SOILS ENGINEER TO APPROVE SUBGRADE AND KEYWAY PRIOR TO ANY FILL MATERIAL BEING PLACED. ALL 6,7 (W)x 6. )'((W))x 2 '(H)= 90 CF FILL MATERIAL AND COMPACTION WILL ALSO 3000 PSI CONCRETE POURED IN BE MONITORED BY SOILS ENGINEER TO BE AND AROUND BASE SECTION PROVIDED BY OWNER. GENERAL NOTES 1. THE OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTAINING THE COMPLETED PERMANENT DRY DETENTION POND AS DIRECTED BY THE GOVERNMENTAL OFFICE HAVING JURISDICTION FOR WATERSHED PROTECTION, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE APPROVED MAINTENANCE PLAN. 2. THE PERMANENT DRY DETENTION POND SHALL HAVE FULL DESIGN VOLUME AVAILABLE PRIOR TO ANY ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPANCY FOR THE SITE AND/OR PRIOR TO ANY PLAT RECORDATION FOR THE SITE. THIS MAY REQUIRE THE CLEANOUT AND DISPOSAL OF SEDIMENT FROM THE POND. 3. FINAL APPROVAL OF INSTALLED RUNOFF CONTROL STRUCTURES WILL BE REQUIRED AT FINALIZATION OF THE GRADING PERMIT OR AT ISSUANCE OF THE FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (COMPLIANCE), WHICHEVER COMES LATER. ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETION SHALL BE REQUIRED PRIOR TO FINAL APPROVAL BY THE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER. 4. THE GOVERNMENT OFFICE HAVING JURISDICTION FOR STORMWATER DEVICES AND THEIR ASSIGNS HAVE RIGHT OF ACCESS TO THE PERMANENT DRY DETENTION POND(S) FOR INSPECTIONS AND MAINTENANCE ENFORCEMENT. SITE DATA EXISTING ZONING: MX-R PROP. LAND USE: SINGLE FAMILY TOTAL No. LOTS PROPOSED: 119 TOTAL SITE AREA: 77.73 AC. L.F. STREETS: 4710 L.F. SEWER: CITY OF LEXINGTON WATER: CITY OF LEXINGTON SOIL TYPE: CeD2, CcB, PaE, SfB, ChA, PaD, EnD AVERAGE SLOPE: 8% t DISTANCE TO FLOODWAY: 50 LF DISTURBED AREA: 44.3 AC, PHASE 1: 21.0 Ac.t PHASE 2: 23.3 Ac.f PARCEL ID: 67216-01-36-0231 DEED REF: 1584-1466 RIVER BASIN: YADKIN/PEE-DEE LAT/LONG: 35.8466/-80.2766 IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: ROADS: 2.44 AC.f LOTS: 10.93 AC.f TOTAL: 13.37 AC.f (17.37o) OPEN SPACE: 39.2 Ac.f (507.) EST. START DATE: JUNE, 2020 EST. END DATE: DECEMBER, 2022 CUT-OFF COLLAR (SEE DETAIL) IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WITH THE SOILS ENGINEER PROVIDED BY THE OWNER. NO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL BE INITIATED UNTIL WHICH TIME A SITE MEETING HAS OCCURRED TO ESTABLISH/COORDINATE A SCHEDULE AND BASIS OF COMMUNICATION. (MIN) -:1 1-•- 4'(MIN) NEW INV IN=718. 0 KEYWAY (SEE NOTE) - 117 L.F. OF 24" C.A.P. ® 1.20% DRY DETENTION POND TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE NO TREES OR SHRUBS SHOULD BE PLANTED WITHIN 10 FEET OF INLET OR OUTLET PIPES, SPILLWAYS OR FLOW SPREADERS, OR, ON ANY DAM AREAS. MAINTFNANrF RF0111RFMFNTS 24" RCP - POND SITE DATA WATERSHED: YADKIN BASIN: YADKIN ON -SITE DRAINAGE AREA = 13.00 AC. OFF -SITE DRAINAGE AREA = 0.00 AC. TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA TO POND = 13.00 AC. PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE HOUSES, DRIVES = 4.41 AC. PAVEMENT, CBU = 0.95 AC. TOTAL = 5.36 AC. DESCRIPTION FREQUENCY MAINTENANCE REQUIRED Mow maintain buffer vegetation Quarterly As needed Inspect bank embankment for erosion Quarterly Repair as needed Inspect pipe inlet and outlet areas for undercuttin erosion Quarterly Repair as needed Inspect trash rack principal and emergency spillways for trash blockage After large storms Remove trash as necessary Inspect structural integrity of outflow device Annually Repair as needed Inspect sediment accumulation Annually I Remove when 50% of foreboy capacity lost 54~ DIA. CORR. ` ALUM. TRASH RACK STAINLESS STEEL STRAP - ~ \4 12" � SLOTS IN ANTI -VORTEX PLATES \ 36" C.A.P. RISER ARE USED TO POSITION THE TRASH RACK ON THE RISER PIPE TRASH RACK DETAIL BOUYANCY CALCULATIONS NOT To SCALE \ 2 � RISER. V_ 2 1 = 63.6 FT3 FORCE OF H2O = (110.7 F ) (62.4 lb./FT3) 6907 Ib. BARREL 3 6 CONCRETE = 7 907 = 79 FT 3 USE 90 CF (15.0,)(24211iT =47.1 FT. = 3.4 C.Y. F, = 110.7 F13 3 3 20' TOP DAM = 732.5 SYNTHETIC EROSION MATRIX SECTION EMERGENCY SPILLWAY NOT TO SCALE THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. NOT FOR RECORD, SALES, OR CONVEYANCE. 1 ' ' 1 ..... . .... 0 30' 20' 10' 0 30' 60' SCALE: 1 " = 30' ROUTINE MAINTENANCE - To be provided by the Property Owner at the designated frequencies for each of the following items that apply. A) MOWING - Quarterly - Grass vegetation is an effective way to prevent erosion of the embankment surfaces. While not necessary for embankment stabilization, mowing the area surrounding a pond helps eliminate problems from animal pests and provides a more aesthetically appealing area. Grass shall be mowed when the uniform height exceends six (6) inches. B) DEBRIS REMOVAL - Many permanent runoff control structures have pipe and riser spillways with low flow orifices. Any of these that become plugged with trash or debris will reduce the spillway capacity. As a result, the emergency spillway will operate more frequently and there is a greater potential for overtopping the dam. Trash racks are normally installed to prevent clogging and debris must be removed from these devices periodically. For these reasons, it is recommended to inspect the trash racks monthly and/or after major storm events and to remove debris as necessary. C) MINOR SLOPE FAILURES - Minor slope failures should be repaired by seeding or sodding as soon as they are discovered to prevent major damage or sediment build-up in the pond. Re -occurring slope failures may be an indication of a more serious problem and should be brought to the attention of the governmental office having jurisdiction for watershed protection. D) PERIODIC INSPECTIONS - After storm inspections should be done after major storm events (more than 2 inches of rainfall in 24 hours) or after extended periods of rainy weather (more than 2 or three days). Major items to look for are damage to spillways or channels, excessive debris build-up on trash guards, and eroded or slumped embankments. E) VALVES AND GATES - The reservoir drain should always be operable so that the permanent pool can be drawn down in case of an emergency, for repairs, or for clean -out of sediment. Reservoir drain valves that have not been operated for a long time are often a problem in that the valve may not open. Also it may not close after opening which will drain the impoundment. All valves should be operated from the fully closed to the fully open position at least twice a year. F) TREES AND BRUSH - Trees and brush should not be permitted on embankment surfaces or in vegetated spillways. Brush and trees provide a haven for burrowing animals (like muskrats and groundhogs) and extensive root systems can weaken an earth fill dam or provide a pathway for excessive water flow through the dams. Tree growth adjacent to concrete walls and structures will eventually cause damage to footings creating cracks and possible structure failure. G) MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - Excessive plant growth, algae blooms, odors, discoloration, perceived animal pests, etc. should be addressed with the governmental office leaving jurisdiction for watershed protection on an as needed basis. Solutions to these types of problems should be non -chemical and deemed safe for drinking water supply reservoir application. H) ANNUAL INSPECTIONS - Annual maintenance inspections will be performed by the owner. Documentation of inspections and maintenance must be submitted to the Stormwater Engineer annually upon the anniversary of the as -built plan set approval by the City. The "Wet Detention Basin Operation and Maintenance Manual" is available on the City of Greensboro website. This form shall be utilized for the annual inspection. NON -ROUTINE MAINTENANCE - To be provided by the Property Owner at the designated frequencies for each of the following items. These maintenance items will require a registered professional engineer to prepare a plan and/or detail(s) and to certify completion of the maintenance in accordance with the plan and/or detail(s). All revisions and repairs to permanent runoff control structures shall be done in accordance with City of Winston-Salem guidelines and specifications. A) SEDIMENT CLEAN -OUT - Water quality measures like wet detention ponds and retention ponds trap sediment as an inherent part of their function. With time, the volume allocated to sediment will become filled and they must be cleaned out to remain effective. Sediment removal from the pool, sediment foreba (s) or rip -rap baffles shall be detailed to indicate finish elevations (relative to riser), removal and disposal method(s)y, stabilization of disturbed areas, erosion control, and stabilization of spoil areas. Engineering detail and certifications for rip -rap baffle clean -out only, may be waived on a case -by -case basis depending upon the extent of the work involved and whether the baffle is damaged. B) CHANNEL STABILIZATION - Grassed waterways will filter out sediment (when there is a sediment load) and they will in time aggrade to the point that they no longer have the capacity to handle the required flow. This is a major maintenance problem. Another problem is erosion of the channel bottom, particularly before the grass can become established. Both situations require repair, possibly regrading. Small rills can be repaired by sodding, the preferred approach. However, waterways, which have lost much of their capacity due to sedimentation, will require reshaping and revegetating. Waterways need to be mowed a minimum of three times a year to prevent tree growth and excessively high vegetation. Rip -rap channels need to be maintained to prohibit tree growth on the banks and bottom as necessary to maintain the required capacity. Where rip -rap is used, the channel should be inspected after major storms to see if it is damaged. If so, rip -rap will need to be replaced in the damaged areas. C) PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY CONDUITS - Most water quality ponds have a pipe or conduit that serves as a principal spillway. These carry normal stream flow and small flood flows safely past the dam throughout the life of the structure. Pipes through embankments can be extremely dangerous to the embankment if problems develop after construction. Frequent inspection is necessary to ensure the spillway conduit is functioning properly. All conduits should be inspected for improper alignment, elongation and displacement of joints, cracks, leaks, loss of protective coating, corrosion, and blockage. Problems with conduits occur most frequently at joints. Open joints can cause erosion of embankment materials or cause leakage of water. The outlet should be checked for signs of water seeping along the exterior of the pipe. A depression in the soil surface may be a sign the joint is no longer watertight and that soil is being removed from around the pipe. Metal pipe spillways will have to be replaced when they become so corroded that they are no longer watertight. Principal spillway replacement shall be detailed, approved, constructed, and certified in accordance with Guilford County guidelines. D) EMERGENCY SPILLWAYS - Channel and structure repair or replacement shall be detailed, approved, constructed, and certified in accordance with these guidelines. E) DAM FAILURE - Which endangers the structural integrity or watertightness of the dam shall have a plan and detail(s) prepared to repair said damage. F) SEEPAGE - At most dams, some water will seep from the reservoir through the foundation. The need for remedial seepage control will depend on the quantity and location of the seepage. As a general rule, seepage control measures (after construction is complete) will not be necessary unless seepage is threatening the safety of the dam. Remedial measures to control seepage will be required if the safety of the dam is threatened. All methods to control seepage must be designed and constructed under the supervision of and certified by a professional engineer experienced with dams. [)AM [DESIGN EDATA SUMMARY BOTTOM ELEV. = 720f TOP OF RISER ELEVATION = 729.0 EMER. SPILLWAY ELEVATION = 730.5 TOP OF DAM = 732.5 1 YEAR H.W.L. = 729.2 10 YEAR H.W.L. = 730.0 100 YEAR H.W.L. = 730.9 WQV REQUIRED = 19,857 C.F. WQV PROVIDED = 28,381 C.F. DESIGN DATA DRAINAGE AREA (DA) = 13.00 ACRES IMPERVIOUS SURFACE (I) = 5,36 AC (41.27.) DESIGN RAINFALL (P) = 1 INCH Rv = 0.05 + 0.009(I) = 0.42 WQV = P*Rv*DA*43560 / 12 = 19,857 C.F. WQV PROYD = 28,381 CF DURING CONSTRUCTION, THE POND WILL FUNCTION AS A TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASIN FOR EROSION CONTROL. THE FAIRCLOTH SKIMMER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) SHALL BE USED TO DECANT/DRAIN THE BASIN TO THE ELEVATION OF THE BARREL INVERT. UPON STABILIZATION OF THE SITE, ALL SEDIMENT SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE BASIN AND THE SKIMMER SHALL BE REMOVED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION OF THE POND (SEE POND CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE). U c J t- Z H 0 in N W N W r CO 04 Ld H Ld N c0 DO ,~ZL' , c i M (U 00 c0 W W Z (Coq Z 0 :2 3: , ~Z OO(1)U Z E W °' in o W r� W T 4 Z 00 U E-a 17) 4.% 0 N N W rn o% m 6 m (a O z O 6 Q W 0 Ld m LLJ Z W Z Z 3: W 0 J m O < V) W Q n, LL = <C 0 © 0 0 (n C>_] Z O E= 0- Iy CU V) w a LLJ �C Cn W Z Q Q z_ H 0 o U) F--i 0 Q 0 O I n� n MQ W 0 Z O z Z Ld 0 ~ W H O 0 a o o ^ CC SHEET NO. 19 3 0 0 z d