HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-07468_Well Construction - GW1_20211116 • • I NEU CONSTRUCTION RE!QQ�(GW 1 For Intern se 1.Well Contmetor Informatton: weaCoatraaorN®e ' O ��� I DOR' 6D ft • NC wait eo��yseaor e«cfiemoa Nnm�ba�,/ - OUM Wigs OR LnM N .r.�r•.. -. ,�W1/ 11/�/_f:J•b'U/ ►lip FROM TO D R R Compe�Neme i hL 2. it. G'►O Wen Comtevcdon Permit it. v� �' TWO: '.o ` FARM ' D7AMtlZs '• LttdauappNeabie,eraaaravrcrre„psrodta��tdG eere�s veae>Kx erg •{- R 2 2 ft I LIle m 7ht et vfi 3.wen Use(cheek well use): $ & m. Water Supply WeD: aJd;?""'L, i i .-sr• FROM I 0= YffiC1NISS MATfWAL DAViculturel OM ho }� {e, DGeod=W(Heapng/Coolmg Supply) MRewd WSW Supply(ewe) R R in. OladusbWCommercial Oitesidential Water Supply(shared) 000 GPD M To : Noh..water Supply welt: fLNeer t oM DRecovery fz on R h D Se DGrormdwater•Remadistion fZ DAquifer Storage and Recovery Mabity Barrier r19.SANDlG4RAYJit PA ri .' •' t •K, FAotrs ro MA �,� DAquderTest •OStormwaWDtainage tt R Dihtpafinentd Technology ❑Subsidence Control R fL OQeothamal(Closed ) DTracer xsQ`DRIIdaTG•LOG adkth'liaelittoirititti'if ". it 13Qwtbamal Return ❑Other under#21 Remarks FttAM TO vzxM?pT10N 4.Date well(a)Completed:ILL i L web M# fL fL 3a.Well Lotationt • R f l~U�v R (L FwftIQwe6 Name Fseft IN(� applicable) ft. y R i1• - j . R l dal Add Cio,Bald Zip fL 4 Pnoel idead&sdoa No.(YLd) ffwep Ud,tam btgo longitude ) minntes/aeconda or decimal d egreq: - `r J N 2Z CertIticatIoa: . 6.b(are)the wd(s); Drermanent or OTemporary t,��a 818moae ofCer$fied, ell 7.Is this a repair to as e=istlag weR� ❑Yes or tI �'a�+BJb►+►�I r r Due fJdua Lenpay,Fu p��w wau o ISANCAC 02C.0I00��0'c o700�jr ff 1J�w m �A ►Qpr toide,i�u 7 seeLlea Ot on a e. ." �d�,�l+s amo,V%%c o &* ,kv .amp 8.For Geo pcobrlDPT or Qosed-Loop Geothermal wells having the same you�, oralcdditl well details; drill construction, 1 GW l is•needed. Indicate T oTAL NUMBER ofwella (add'See Over'iri Reufarlcs this Page to ProVide,Box may mire t�'onal yell construction ho drilled: 9.Told well depth below hind SUBbIITpAI,]NSTRiJC1TONS �Pm if nexuary. For aaddpdcwAI140aUdeprlupr er (�, ( '1Q�o0�7(a)Itro� N Submit this GW 1 within 30 days;of weD completion 10.Statk water Level bdow top of eat 24a• For per the followhrg; d`110f17tfMerui�r. +-! Original form to Division of Water Rasotaotn 11.Borehole diameter; !Ji N �Unk 1617 MSC•R,eleiA NC 27699-1617 (DoVRX •(m) 24b.1z L*teeY�n Weller Copy to DwR,tJn 12.well eoastr Cdon method. Oka _ rn,1636 MSty Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 d ��(TUC) (La.a�r:lofty,abb,davapm6,efo) !— 24G For R'seerSu and O EFPPLY R'ELL3 ONLY. =Ja3' "EMe��aFY to fie M For water Weller rode over 100 00 GPD•Method of test; permit Arogram 1 :�Y toDWliy CCp(,'UA ype; Amount. w Pam Gw-i Nartb Caollaa Depart ofBnvi<o ( ,.miw.of wader•Reseraop