HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011715 Ver 3_Monitoring Reports_20050425C~j (7~ Channel Mitigation Monitoring Sheets I, II, III, AND IV ~~ ~~ 1~..~~' ~ ~~~~ Monitoring Data Record Project Title: R-2214A COE Action ID: 200330312 Stream Name: Mud Creek Tributary (Site 3) DWQ Number: 011715 City, County and other Location Information: Intersection of US 25 and Industrial Park Rd. in Hendersonville, NC Date Construction Completed: March 2005 Monitoring Year: (1) of 5 Ecoregion: 8 digit HUC unit: 06010105 USGS Quad Name and Coordinates: Rosgen Classification: Length of Project: 464' Urban or Rural: Rural Watershed Size: Monitoring DATA collected by: J. Wait Date: 4/25/05 Applicant Information: Name: NCDOT Roadside Environmental Unit Address: 1425 Rock Quarry Rd. Raleigh, NC 27610 Telephone Number: (919) 861-3772 Email address: ml rg een(a~dot.state.nc.us Consultant Information: Name: Address: Telephone Number: Email address: Project Status: Complete Monitoring Level required by COE and DWQ (404 permit/ 401 Cert.): Level 1 ~ Monitoring Level 1 requires completion of Section 1, section 2 and Section 3 Permit States: NCDOT shall perform the following components of Level I monitoring twice each year for the 5 year monitoring period (summer and winter): Reference photos, plant survival, and visual inspection of channel stability. If less than two bankfull events occur during the first 5 years, NCDOT shall continue monitoring until the second bankfull event is documented. The bankfull events must occur during separate monitoring years. In the event that the required bankfull events do not occur during the 5 year monitoring period, the USACE, in consultation with resource agencies, may determine that further monitoring is not required. Section 1. PHOTO REFERENCE SITES (Monitoring at all levels must complete this section) Attach site map showing the location and angle of all reference photos with a site designation (name, number, letter, etc.) assigned to each reference photo location. Photos should be provided for all structures and cross section locations, should show both banks and include an upstream and downstream view. Photos taken to document physical stability should be taken in winter. Photos taken to document vegetation should be taken in summer (at representative locations). Attach photos and a description of each reference photo or location. We recommend the use of a photo identification board in each photo to identify location. Total number of reference photo locations at this site: 3 reference points, 2 photos at each Dates reference photos have been taken at this site: 4/25/05 Individual from whom additional photos can be obtained (name, address, phone): Other Information relative to site photo reference: If required to complete Level 3 monitoring only stop here; otherwise, complete section 2. Section 2. PLANT SURVIVAL Attach plan sheet indicating reference photos. Identify specific problem areas (missing, stressed, damaged or dead plantings): There were very few bareroot seedlings noted on the streambank (type I) Estimated causes, and proposed/required remedial action: Division Roadside Engineer has been notified and the streambank planting will take place as soon as possible ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: The bareroot seedlings planted in the floodplain (type II) are doing well at this time and consisted of black willow silky doewood sycamore river birch black walnut and black chem. If required to complete Level 1 and Level 2 monitoring only stop here; otherwise, complete section 3. Section 3. CHANNEL STABILITY Visual Inspection: The entire stream project as well as each in-stream structure and bank stabilization/revetment structure must be evaluated and problems addressed. Report on the visual inspection of channel stability. Ph~ical measurements of channel stability/morphology will not be required. Include a discussion of any deviations from as-built and an evaluation of the significance of these deviations and whether they are indicative of a stabilizing or destabilizing situation. The stream is stabilized for Year 1 Summer evaluation. Date Station Station Station Station Station Ins ected Number Number Number Number Number Structure T e Is water piping through or around structure? Head cut or down cut resent? Bank or scour erosion resent? Other problems noted? NOTE: Attach separate narrative sheets to each monitoring report describing/discussing the overall monitoring results. Include the identification of specific problem areas/channel failures, estimated cause and proposed/required remedial action. This should include a brief discussion of any parameter that has changed significantly from as- built. r , Photo 1 d... ~... dj~" :des--" Tim f ~.. y Photo3 Mud Creek Tributary .....^ . ~..l. i ~'~ 1 s-f. 4~ *~w ~~ ~ i, c~ 1 . ~ . ~~~~. :W.~~ Photo 2 ~„ t ~u ~~ '~ .:~ ~ ,I _ r w ~ 4 ^' y _ ~. ~` , u 1 y ~,~~5 _ •~ ~ ,~ 'fir-1 r _~ Photo 4 '~a.~~ „~: s, i~~~ `:) r- ~~ Photo 6 5 f~;~ Photo 5 Year 1 -April 2005 ,. ~G ~' giam~~, p~~~„1~~Y W~I~' ~},~v'i ~,~„_ ~~~ ~. same d/~<. ~~ ~~ D _ ,~ ~- ~ , .. ~'~"-Q'~ ~,~1 die s~~"':,.~ ':~.~ r it hYat :nm< °~ c~ ~~ }~l \~;~~ c ~~+c~ +„S~~ s re ~u~~ ~Il 1_~.~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ (~~ ~ , /' S , ~ ~ i-' ~l ~-. 1 ~~ ~ ~,~y,~ J~~ P ~~ (~I~ 3~~ ~) ~~ ~eA',bl~~~ ~l~acJy ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~! ~~ ~`_ ~ as ~-~ o ~ w~ 11 ~, ~~ „AJ ~-~dSS ~~ ~~~~' 41 ~~7 yes ~ ~5 ;5 `'-~~" rn,~~-- `Ucnt) ~S U - ~~-- ~ ~ `~I ~~ ~-~ ~~ E~~~~. ;. 0 ~~ ~mf~+~~' sc~... l~les rv1~ ~« ~~ IJ ~ ~,~~ ~u SCD~ In~~e- ~~ ~ s) l~~s~ ~~ ~JL ~;~~i ~; ,~~'' - u (S c~- i s ~. ~~'°"7 ~,+~ ~~`~ ~~ ~~ l~v) ~~l~a g~,QttQv ~'ta~nm,7- bus ;s s~ ~O~t a~ ~~as,~,~ ~ „~ ~~- ~~c~~ ~~a~~ ~In /U~il~a~2 Y s ..