HomeMy WebLinkAbout20061839 Ver 1_Triage Check List_20061130Dw~~ ~ fg3°I Date I/~/~?~o Plan Detail7ncomplete ~ - ^ Phase provide a location map for the project. Who Reviewedr ~~~ ^ Please show all stream impacts including all fill slopes, dissipates, and bank stabilization on the site plan. ^. Please show ail wetland impacts including fill slopes on the site plan. P ease }pdicato all b impacts the site pl I ~~ ~py~c Z,r O v,~ -r- F~c,~ 1 c x shove lie s~rn,~t~ ~0~ Pleaso indicate YrYo~os~ed lot la out as ove~laye on the Bite p an. ^ P P Y ^ Pleaso indicate the location of the protected buffos as overlays on the site plan. ^ Pleaso locato all isolated. or non-isolated wetlands, streams and other waters of tho State as overlays on the site plan. ^ Please provide cross section details showing the provisions for aquatic life passage. ^ Please locato any planned-sower lines on the silo plan. • . ^ Pleaso provide the location of any proposed stormwater management practicoa as required by CiC ^ Please provide detail for the stormwater management practices ea required by t3C ^ Pleaso specify the percent of project imperviousness area based on the eadmated built-out conditions: ^ Please indicate all stormwat~o~}tfalla on the aitaptari. ^ Ploase indic~to the diflizso flow provision mcasuros do the alto plan. ^ Please indicate whethor or sot the proposed impacts already been conducted. Avoidance,and/or 1VIlninilzatton Not Providi+d • ^ ~ Tho Iaboled as on the plena does not appear to bo necessary. Pleaso eliminato the . or provide additional information ea to why it is accessary for this project.. • ^ This Office believes that the labelod on the plans as ~ can be movod. or reconfigured to avoid tho impacts to tho • . Ploase roviae the plena to avoid the iiripacts. ' ^. This'Offico bolievos that the labeled on tho plans as can be moved or recanfigurod to.nunimize tho impacts to'tho • . Ploaso ravine the plans to minimize the impacts. ^ The stormwator discharges at tho location on tho plans labeiod will. not provide diffpse flow through the buffer because . Ploase Fevise the plans cad provldq calculations to •show that dii~se flow will be achievod through the eatirebuil~. If it is sot poasiblo to achiove•diffuse flow through.the entiro buffar thon•it may bm nocessary to' provide stormwator management practices that ranovo nutrients bofore the stormwatea can be discharged through the. buffer. • Other ,~.. ^•. The application feo was iiisuf6ciont•becausoovcr 150 feet of stream aad/or.ovex 1 acro of wetland'impacts were requested. Pleaso provide S . This additional fee musf be received beforo your application can be roviewed. . ^ Please complete Section(s) on tho application. - ~' . ^ Pleaso provide a signed copy of the application. ^ Pleaso provide ~ copies of the application, . copies of •the site plans and other supporting information: _ ^ ~ Pleaso submit electronic C11D files showiztg ~ ; vis email to ian.mcmillan~ncanail.net and CD: ~ ~ . Mitigatlon • ^ of compensatory ~. mitigation is required for this projtct. ~ Pleaso provide~a compensatory mitigation plan.. The plan must conform to tharequireanents in 15 A NCAC 2H .0500 and must be appropriate to the type•of impacts proposed. ~ • ^ Pleaso indioato which 404 Peamit the USACE would use to authorize this project. ~ ~ ~ r~ ,l ~ i S (~- ~ ~rc~v~ '~ f,~. ~ i C~~~-~ IN~~-~'YU,r `tom S~12a~+~- (,~.~~~ ~~ ~~,' ~ 1~~ Ca-~S I ruc~cl h C~ ~ v~oY ~ Cures. ~1- n `~ ~ ~ ~ ~~- 1 } Q ~~ ~~ ,r~~e.~-s ~~.~ 5~-~a,~ ~1~ be ~ av~ c~ ~ ~ r~oY-I~ ate. ~ ~ ~- -~ ~ r 5~e.c~ ac~~cx~ i S ~ ~ C d~~ i r~ We~ wo/(~. cov~ i~iou~ r_ '(- ~~ ~' 1 Q