HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8090528_COMPLIANCE_20200601STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 09()52:8 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2020 owo\ YYYYMMDD Completed By: Donald L Safrit, P.E. Self -Assessment Program Post Construction Stormwater Systems Compliance Checklist Form Date: June 1, 2020 Facility/Area: Brunswick Nuclear- Capacitor Bank No. 1 Stormwater System (NC DEQ DEMLR SW8 090528) EHS Professional: Chuck Nelson Action Plan Owner: Chuck Nelson Note: Bolded answers require action. All corrective actions must be documented on the action plan, including actions completed at the time of the assessment. 1. Is there an identified person or organizational work unit who is responsible for 0 N/A FX YES F7NO maintaining the Post Construction Stormwater System? (sw.02.01.SA) Name & Title: Mark DeWire, Work Control Center 2. Are the Post Construction Stormwater System permit and/or approval F-1 N/A FX YES F—] NO documents on -site (including system design drawings/schematics)? (Sw.02.02.SA) 3. Do the Post Construction Stormwater System permit and/or approval have an F—] N/A FX YES 0 NO expiration date? (Sw.02.03.SA) If so, what is the expiration date? Note: Some permits and approvals may be issued "until rescinded" or are based q� �- Iupon city/county ordinances or regulations. JUN 17 2021 ' Expiration Date: December 30, 2021 (Renewal Package Due July 3 2021) By._� 4. Are there any components of the Post Construction Stormwater System which 0 N/A FX YES F__] NO need to be repaired or replaced? (sw.02.04.SA) Note: Significant findings or concerns may need to be evaluated by a stormwater specialist and may require regulatory review and approval prior to implementation. Such situations should be discussed with a support Water SME. 5. Is Post Construction Stormwater System vegetation being properly maintained D N/A FX YES F-] NO (no excessive or intrusive vegetative growth)? (Sw.02.08.SA) 6. Are there any potential environmental risks (transformers, chemicals, waste oil 0 N/A = YES FX NO containers, etc.) adjacent to the Post Construction Stormwater System? (Sw.02.08.SA) 7. Are Post Construction Stormwater System inspections being conducted on a 0 N/A FX YES NO semi-annual basis or other frequency as specified in the permit? (Sw.02.07.SA) 8. Have past Post Construction Stormwater System inspection 0 N/A FX YES NO recommendations/requirements been corrected and/or implemented? (SW.02.08.SA) 9. Is there evidence of accumulated silt or sediment within the Post Construction 0 N/A FX YES NO Stormwater System? (Sw.02.09.SA) 10. Is there evidence of silt or sediment leaving or being discharged from the Post N/A YES FX NO Construction Stormwater System (inspect outfall(s) and perimeter)? (sw.02.10.SA) 11. Do the Post Construction Stormwater System permit and/or approval require 0 N/A 0 YES FX NO semi-annual or annual reports to be submitted to the governing agency? (Sw.02.11.SA) 12. If required, are copies of such semi-annual or annual reports submitted to the governing agency maintained on -site? tsw.02.12.sAi 13. Do the Post Construction Slormwater System permit and/or approval require an annual compliance, monitoring or inspection fee to be submitted to the governing Defeciencies are noted below: Note No. 4 — Component repairs needed: N/A F—I YES 0 NO N/A = YES FX NO A. Erosion along forebay need repair; soil/vegetation substrate as opposed to gravel;•slope appropriately; see Appendix A, Figures 1 & 2. B. Vegetation on sand filter needs to be removed; top 3-6 inches of sand filter needs to be removed and replaced with 6-12 inches of fresh clean sand; see Appendix A, Figure 2. C. Vegetative buffer is not sufficient for stormwater management purposes; appropriate action should be taken to revegetate buffer strip accordingly; see Appendix A, Figures 3 & 5. D. Woody vegetation should be removed from stormwater control measures; see Appendix A, Figures 2 & 6. Note No. 9 —Accumulated silt or sediement within the system: A. Sediment capture capacity has been lost behind level spreader; needs to be excavated, reshaped and revegetated to provide a minimum of six (6) inches of sediement storage behind level spreader; see Appendix A, Action Plan: (0# - this should be the question number from above that the corresponding action addresses; Fact Description — details about the deficiency that was found; Owner — responsible person at the location; Date — target completion date; Corrective Action — planned or completed action to correct the deficiency.) Q# ;: Facf Descri'tion s`. .„ - .' Ownei-'; r'Date .. ;; .- :,:, Corrective Actiori�=; ,;s:; %< 4 Forebay Erosion Repair Nelson October Erosion along forebay needs repair; soil/vegetation 30, 2020 substrate as opposed to gravel; slope appropriately 4 Sand Filter Repair Nelson October Vegetation on sand filter needs to be removed; top 30, 2020 3-6 inches of sand filter needs to be removed and replaced with 6-12 inches of fresh clean sand 4 Vegetative Buffer Repair Nelson October Vegetative buffer is not sufficient for stormwater 30.2020 management purposes; appropriate action should be taken to revegetate buffer strip accordingly 4 Woody Vegetation Removal Nelson October Woody vegetation should be removed from '. 30.2020 stormwater control measures 9 Level Spreader Repair Nelson October Sediment capture capacity has been lost behind 30,2020 level spreader; needs to be excavated, reshaped and revegetated to provide a minimum of six (6) inches of sediement storage behind level spreader Donald L. Safrit, P.E. Senior Environmental Specialis Carolinas Permitting & Compliance Environmental Services 0-710, /Zp'L.O JUN 17 2021 Appendix A Brunswick Nuclear Steam Electric Plant NC DEQ DEMLR State Stormwater System —Capacitor Bank No. 1— SW8 090528 Observation conducted by Don Safrit, P.E. —June 1, 2020 Appendix A Brunswick Nuclear Steam Electric Plant NC DEQ DEMLR State Stormwater System — Capacitor Bank No. 1— SW8 090528 Observation conducted by Don Safrit, P.E. —June 1, 2020 I IRl II� r r, �I I • I i{i f� " u i p i Cd `` ^.f L 3.��•-irk(. � :� +7�^t.Tf�. r.6..•i \tlt,}.11.1 Page 2 Appendix A Brunswick Nuclear Steam Electric Plant NC DEQ DEMLR State Stormwater System — Capacitor Bank No. 1— SW8 090528 Observation conducted by Don Safrit, P.E.—June 1, 2020 Figure 6 —Woody vegetation removal Page 3 ri 1A STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 (910)796-7215 FILE ACCESS RECORD 0-04"tru TIME/DATE NAME A) REPRESENTING r (� Guidelines for Access: The staff of Wilmington Regional Office is dedicated to making public records in our custody readily available to the public for review and copying. 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