HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8080822_APPROVED PLANS_20131122STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW8 G%0 4 22 DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE 2 o l3 \ \22 YYYYMMDD N 0 I r" I c O r} N r r 0 °C i n M CN c n c L i co a C 2 O L rn , k c 00 a T 3 _ ° 3 ° ooc o-1a 1 PROJECT l AREA 10 10 1430 OW ( 1_4.32 .76 ,fig .17 ChOW 49 Navassa .� 1435 POP.519 143 C mb f 1443 ' -°� o ' r e er�H'4 < Q\ce l b r t r , f 1 1435 r n$ is k <;�17? TOWN OF NAVASSA 2010 CDBG ER PROGRAM NAVASSA COMMUNITY CENTER BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA ��%Jjl111 r;n,,, I CERTIFY THAT THESE PLANS WERE PREPARED UNDER ♦♦♦`� (N„C„ 0<� MY SUPERVISION AND DIRECTION AND THAT THEY ARE ESS CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. 5718 S /7-0�2�/ NE'``2 F. CHARLES A. 40YNER, JR, PE A'i'J0�`�♦♦` NC REGISTRATION NO. 8718 AUGUST 20, 2013 ♦`` p5S0C1. ��� J�oRPORq f•Fif�'� Vim: SEAL 1972 INDEX OF PLANS GENERAL 1 COVER SHEET 2 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES 3 SURVEY PLAN 4 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY 5 SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN 6 EROSION CONTROL PLAN 7 DETAILS FOR CONSTRUCTION 8 DETAILS FOR CONSTRUCTION 9 DETAILS FOR EROSION CONTROL 1 /ao13 n CE11VE NOY 2 1 22013 020j3 k% ZI, ® N-6333 3L"C gl- B z WRip Wiz Q 3�3jr�o8 IaWa1 '0 C F LL 'A Q Z U � M O zv 5ti D y ar-4 EZOic�w waag,y�( If UM LL� r. H LL N o m 0 g j U g Q al o m m qm � m x � O a ro w o z m O Of U n Q x U m O 00 0 co 3 a o Z M 0 0 W ZW N ZZ W C w LL y S Ii p O C z z 7 U g O I- t9 Z Q U U U 2 d a N 01 x I.LI uj QQ N LLLL U W U z (n cn uj LL o U a W m p O U Q Z U Q CQ O N > Z 0 0 Z 7_ Z O U Y U z z m m SHEET 1 OF 9 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN OBJECTIVES 1. Work shall be inspected by McDavid Associates, Inc. as work progresses. Contact McDavid Associates, Inc. at 262-753-2139 three (3) days prior to starting construction. 2. All construction is on a UNIT PRICE basis as shown in the BID SCHEDULE. 3. Legend of abbreviations used in PLANS: A. Dashed Line = Existing. B. Solid Line = Proposed. C. W with Solid Line = Proposed Water Line. D. W with Dashed Line = Existing Water Line. E. V = Proposed Water Valve. F. 4 = Proposed Fire Hydrant. G. SA with Solid Line = Proposed Sanitary Sewer Line. H. SA with Dashed Line = Existing Sanitary Sewer Line. I. MH = Manhole. J. RCP = Reinforced Concrete Pipe. K. UE with Solid Line = Proposed Underground Electrical Conduit and Wire. L. OE with Dashed Line = Existing Overhead Electrical. 4. Individual plan sheets depicting proposed construction and detailed plan sheets should be used together. In the event that discrepancies exist between individual plan sheets and detailed plan sheets, such discrepancies shall immediately be brought to the attention of the ENGINEER The better quality or greater quantity Involved In any such discrepancy shall govem unless otherwise directed by the ENGINEER. All items necessary or Incidental for a complete and operational installation shall be provided and constructed although all such items may not be Included In or shown on the PLANS. 5. Each BIDDER is responsible for inspecting the site and for reading and being thoroughly familiar with the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. BIDDERS shall carefully examine and investigate the site of the WORK, including subsurface soil and groundwater conditions, the PLANS, geotechnical report and the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Submission of a BID shah be conclusive evidence that the BIDDER has investigated, knows, and is satisfied as to the conditions to be encountered; the quantities of pavements to be removed and replaced; the character, quality, and scope of WORK to be performed; the quantities of materials to be fumished; and the requirements of the PLANS and CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, and that the BIDDER has included all associated costs for the WORK within the prices shown in the BID. The failure or omission of any BIDDER to do any of the foregoing shall in no way relieve any BIDDER from any obligation in respect to his BID. 6. The OWNER is responsible for obtaining the following PERMITS or approvals associated with this PROJECT: A. Town Stonnwater Management Permit B. Land Quality Section Sedimentation and Erosion Control Permit C. Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) General Permit The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for all expenses Incurred associated with WORK required to comply with provisions of the above Permits or corrective actions necessary to achieve compliance with provisions of the above Permits to Include CONTRACTOR'S expenses associated with any and all WORK stoppages required or directed by government agencies to obtain compliance with Permit conditions or provisions of the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for properly notifying permitting agencies prior to start of construction. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for providing information to permitting agencies in accordance with the permit. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations and shall be responsible for obtaining any other federal, state or local permits as necessary to complete the WORK. 7. The Contractor shall post all required permits/posters/documents/certificates of approval on site accessible to employees and the public. 8. CONTRACTOR shall contact all utility companies prior to beginning work and shall fully coordinate and have all utilities flagged, protected and/or adjusted within the area of construction. Known utilities within the PROJECT area and their respective contacts are as follows: A. Electrical (1) Duke Energy Progress 800-632-4949 B. Water and Sewer (1) Town of Navassa 910-371-2432 C. Locator Service (1) North Carolina One Call Center 800-632-4949 9. The CONTRACTOR shall adhere to all DOT safety standards, rules and regulations. A "Work Zone Traffic Control Supervisor" is a trained and qualified individual who Is employed by the CONTRACTOR and is capable of identifying unsafe work zone conditions and Improper traffic control. DOT qualified "Work Zone Flaggers" shall be used for all flagging operations. 10. The CONTRACTOR shall not perform any construction or cleanup activities unless appropriate traffic control devices and/or flagmen are in place and functional. Traffic control devices and/or flagmen shall remain In place and be maintained by the CONTRACTOR as long as necessary to prevent any unsafe condition. 11. CONTRACTOR shall be responsible and liable for any damages to existing Items caused by the CONTRACTOR or resulting from the CONTRACTOR'S work associated with accomplishing the PROJECT. PLANS do not show all Items that exist in the PROJECT area. For those items shown on the PLANS, locations are approximate. The existence of these items will significantly impact the CONTRACTOR'S ability to install the proposed piping and accomplish the WORK required by the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The CONTRACTOR shall make his own pre -bid field determination and investigation regarding the existence and the exact location of all items within the PROJECT area. The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for judging and determining how and to what extent existing items will impact the CONTRACTOR'S ability to accomplish the WORK. The CONTRACTOR shall contact the owner of the respective utilities within the PROJECT area and coordinate the protection of the existing utility. All or any fees charged by the owner of the existing utility related to the protection, holding or relocation of the existing utility shall be paid by the CONTRACTOR. The CONTRACTOR shall repair, provide new or replace items damaged or destroyed during construction whether said items are shown on the PLANS or not. Damage repair, new or replacement of those items shall be included within the UNIT PRICE of the pipe. DOT owned or maintained items damaged or removed shall be replaced or reinstalled in conformance with NCDOT "Roadway Standard Drawings" latest revision by N. C. Department of Transportation and NCDOT "Standard Specifications For Road and Structures" latest revision by N. C. Department of Transportation. The cost associated with accomplishing the proposed WORK in the immediate vicinity of existing Items and the protection of these existing Items shall be included in the UNIT PRICE of the pipe. There shall be no additional payment to the CONTRACTOR for costs associated with temporary or permanent locating and/or relocating existing items necessary to accomplish proposed construction activities; holding existing items out of the way of construction activities; measures required for the protection of existing items; or, temporary repair, removal, providing new and/or replacement of existing items damaged by the CONTRACTOR. 12. Daily Cleanup and Maintenance of Ingress and Egress A. The PROJECT area requires continuous Ingress and egress facilities. The CONTRACTOR shall utilize any and all construction methods, including INCIDENTAL STONE BASE as necessary to maintain ingress and egress to all properties at all times during the construction period except during the time period. B. Incidental stone, grading, provisions for temporary drainage, and cleanup after each day's construction activities shall be completed Immediately following completion of excavation and backfflling operations each day. The CONTRACTOR shall not leave or abandon the work site until all daily cleanup, provisions for temporary drainage, and provisions for convenient Ingress and egress have been completed. C. Maintenance of all disturbed areas shall be provided on a daily basis as required to provide drainage and convenient ingress and egress to all properties, minimize threats for injuries associated with vehicular and/or pedestrian traffic. D. The CONTRACTOR shall initiate and continuously pursue unlit completion all specific cleanup, cleanup maintenance, and/or repair activities requested by the ENGINEER within four (4) hours of the ENGINEER's request. The ENGINEER may request such activities based upon his observations, citizen complaints, directions from regulatory agencies, and items brought to the ENGINEER's attention by others. E. The cost for providing temporary drainage, satisfactory ingress and egress, cleanup, and maintenance of disturbed areas shall be included within the price for the WORK. No additional payment shall be provided for these activities. 13. Erosion and Sedimentation Control A. Cost of all erosion and sedimentation control measures and devices shall be included in the price of the WORK. B. CONTRACTOR shall retain a copy of the latest approved erosion and sedimentation control plan on site to be made available upon request. C. Failure by the CONTRACTOR to adequately Implement the erosion and sedimentation control measures described in these PLANS and SPECIFICATIONS may result in the employment by the OWNER of an outside party to accomplish these activities. (1) The OWNER may employ an outside party at any time the CONTRACTOR Is not on the PROJECT site and unsatisfactory conditions exist regarding erosion and sedimentation control. (2) Payment for all costs incurred by the OWNER relating to the employment of an outside party shall be reimbursed to the OWNER on a monthly basis by the CONTRACTOR. (3) Failure to reimburse the OWNER shall result in the OWNER deducing payment for these costs from payments to the CONTRACTOR. D. Failure by the CONTRACTOR to comply with any part of the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan or with any Division of Land Resources Land Quality Section requirements may result In Civil penalty of up to $6,000 for the initial violation plus up to $5,000 per day for each day the site is out of compliance. Any violation penalties imposed upon the OWNER by the State shall be charged by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR and paid to the OWNER by the CONTRACTOR. E. Appropriate temporary and permanent measures shall be used to control erosion and sedimentation in accordance with all local, State and Federal regulations. Erosion and sedimentation control measures or devices shall be installed to safely prevent erosion from leaving the site resulting from a ten (10) year storm event (6.5 inches to 7 inches rain in twenty four hours or rein at a rate of 6.5 inches to 7 inches in one hour). F. CONTRACTOR shall schedule land -disturbing activities to minimize the area of exposure, the time between the land disturbances and the providing of ground cover. G. CONTRACTOR shall maintain a buffer zone, sufficient to restrain visible sedimentation between any land -disturbing activity and any adjacent property or watercourse. H. CONTRACTOR shall not begin construction until after all erosion control devices have been installed. 1. Temporary (1) Install silt fence. Silt fences shall be installed along all land disturbed areas where necessary to prevent sediment from leaving the PROJECT site. (2) Construct and maintain gravel construction entrances/exits. (3) All land disturbed areas shall be graded to minimize runoff. New or affected slopes shall be graded to an angle that can be retained by vegetative cover. (4) Protect storm pipe inlets from sediment runoff generated by land disturbing activities with sift fences and gravel fitter check dams. (5) Install Class 1 rip rap protection around disturbed storm pipe outlets within seven (7) days. (6) Construct and maintain detention basins, silt traps, check dams and barriers. Install erosion control devices as necessary to prevent sediment from leaving PROJECT area. (7) All land disturbed areas on the banks and approaches to ditches shall be graded not to exceed 2:1 ratio. Install bank stabilization. Surface water runoff shall be diverted from land disturbed areas. (8) All land disturbed areas on the banks and approaches to ditches shall be fertilized, limed, seeded and mulched within twenty-four (24) hours of completion of any land disturbing activity. (9) All other land disturbed areas other than approaches to ditches shall be graded, dressed, fertilized, limed, seeded and mulched within seven (7) calendar days of completion of any land disturbing activity phase of grading (rough or final). Rye grass is not an approved seeding for establishment of ground cover. (10) Mulching is to be applied at a minimum rate of 2 tonstacre to all seeded areas. For each square foot of seeded area, the mulch mush cover a minimum of 75% after it is tacked or crimped in place. (11) If other erosion control devices fail to stabilize and prevent erosion, CONTRACTOR shall install erosion control matting as necessary to prevent erosion. (12) Temporary ground cover (grass, mulching, matting, etc.) shall be established and effectively restraining erosion within seven (7) or fourteen (14) calender days of completion of any phase of grading (rough or final). J. Permanent (1) Final grading, soil preparation, fertilizing, liming, seeding and mulching of the PROJECT area shall be completed within fifteen (15) working days after completion of construction. (2) Mulching is to be applied at .a minimum rate of 2 tons/acre to all seeded areas. For each square foot of seeded area, the mulch must cover a minimum of 75% of the exposed ground after it is tacked or crimped in place. Mulching shall be applied in an uniform manner. (3) if other erosion control devices fail to stabilize and prevent erosion, install erosion control matting as necessary to prevent erosion. (4) Permanent ground cover (grass, mulching, matting, topsoil, etc.) shall be established and effectively restraining erosion within fifteen (16) working days or 90 calendar days after completion of construction whichever is less. K. Erosion Control Construction Sequence (1) Obtain and post copy of certificate of erosion control plan approval on PROJECT site. (2) Clear PROJECT area only as necessary to install erosion control devices. (3) Once approved erosion control devices and measures are in place, notify PROJECT engineer and NCDENR, Land Quality Section (910- 796-7302) for site inspection prior to commencing construction. (4) Begin construction. (5) Maintain erosion control devices as necessary during project construction. (6) As construction progresses, install additional erosion control devices as necessary to prevent erosion leaving the PROJECT area. (7) Temporarily seed and mulch disturbed area within prescribed time frames. (8) After disturbed areas are stabilized, permanently seed and mulch disturbed areas within prescribed time frames. (9) After CONSTRUCTION is complete, all erosion control devices are Installed and the PROJECT area Is stabilized, request a site Inspection from NCDENR, Land Quality Section and provide documentation that NCDENR is satisfied with Implementation of erosion control devices. (10) After the PROJECT area is stabilized, remove temporary erosion control devices, dress up area and seed and mulch any disturbed areas. 14. Minimum pavement design shall consist of six (6) inches of CABC stone followed by two (2) inches of S9.5A surface course. Contractor and Engineer to meet onsite and proofroii subgrade prior to placement of stone. Town of Navassa (Brunswick County, North Carolina) is in the process of expanding its community facilities by developing a Community Center. The purpose of the project is to continue meeting the needs and expanding economic opportunities to a growing community. The Navassa Community Center will utilize allocated funds from the federal Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) to construct the project. The site shall consist of a new Navassa Community Center with associated parking lot, entrance drives, utilities, etc. The proposed site Is approximately 3.66 acres located within the Town of Navassa, off of NCSR 1434-Main Street (see Vicinity Map). Erosion control measures are to be installed prior/during construction in order to prevent/minimize erosion from leaving the site. Areas disturbed during construction will be stabilized as soon as possible but not later than the guidelines set forth in the PLANS and/or in the regulatory PERMITS. Permanent vegetation will be established over the entire site upon completion of the project. Permanent vegetation will be routinely maintained as necessary to ensure proper vegetative growth of disturbed areas and swales. The sequence of construction should be followed to ensure compliance with the requirements of NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR). Town of Navassa shall be the responsible party for the routine observation and ensuring Contractor routine maintenance of the scheduled erosion control measures in accordance with the requirements of NCDENR. 1. Obtain NCDENR permit and all other permit approvals. 2. Schedule preconstruction conference at least one week prior to construction to review permitted PLANS. 3. Scheduled Erosion Control Measures a. Temporary Gravel Construction Entrances/Exits b. Silt Fence c. Skimmer Sediment Basin d. Inlet Protection (CMP storm sewer pipe and drop inlet) e. Outlet Stabilization Device f. Compost Sock Devices g. All measures to be checked and maintenance following every runoff -producing event. Needed repairs to be made Immediately. 4. Site Entrances a. Two (2) located off of Forest Hill Drive b. Install driveway tile (CMP storm sewer pipe) c. Install temporary gravel construction entrance/exit 5. Clearing and Grubbing of the site. Disposal of debris. Control measure may require replacement or adjustment once construction activity progresses. 6. Rough grading of site (necessary earthwork) as designated on PLANS 7. Temporary seed all disturbed areas where construction is not expected to take place within the next seven (7) days 8. Install CMP storm sewer pipe, drop inlets, stabilizations, etc. (install or re -install corresponding scheduled Erosion Control Measure identified above) 9. Cleanout roadside ditches to re-establish positive drainage to site outfall points. 10. Installation of building pad, Community Center structure, parking lot, entrance drives, underground utilities, etc. it. Temporary seeding to aft exposed ditch/swele slopes with twenty-four (24) hours of completing installation. 12. Final grading of site 13. After completion of grading, permanent seeding to be applied to all disturbed areas as outlined in the GROUND STABILIZATION requirements and time frames of the General Construction Notes. 14, Once the permanent seeding has been established (proper root growth), the skimmer sediment basin shall be filled -in, compacted, and properly graded. The remaining storm drainage piping and drop inlet shall be installed in accordance with PLANS. Permanent seeding shaii be applied to disturbed area once final grades have been established. Permanent seeding to be applied as outlined in the GROUND STABILIZATION requirements and time frames of the General Construction Notes, 15. After site inspection has determined site is stabilized, all temporary erosion control measures should be removedflled-in and re-establish any permanent vegetation in those areas. Af T/,$WATIOi��l1YIlEF :t..l Site Area Description Stabilization Timefreme Exceptions OPerimeter dikes, swales, ditches and slopes 7 days None Qa High Quality Water (HOW) Zones 7 days None Slopes steeper then 3:1 7 days If slopes are 10' or less in length and are not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed. p Slopes 3:1 or flatter 14 days 7 days for slopes greater than 59 in length. ra All other areas with slopes flatter than 4:1 14 days None, except for perimeters and HOW Zones. \�hNr u � u Hpq Q,�pFL 9jF%P -�: SEAL �3_0" 1972 = a -CEiVE 140Y 2 12013 's 21 0 N 0 71 d m 0 N 91 U 0 U Do m m m i m W 0 m W xl o r =) K > Z �' LL & 00 a o a W N U O Q Z w xX m 0 axo ' M Co 0 r 3 d J 2 M r) O N 5.: 5 a z 0 d U Z Z Of I N F- J E1 Le W 0 o vi Z Z h D W $ 0 J F5 CD Q 1Z o a W v U U M a o c0 Qni W Z LU W U Q Cl) (/) W Qo w LU a- W Co O N Z Q Q Q Q LL 0 Z Q Z Z O V o: O Z 7_ z O v Y U_ N Z M on m SHEET 2 OF 9 3 Q J a >- W N I 0 O o+ 3 v i c C) n: aS V) I V) Q 0 N 0 v z O m 1 N O E I a U) C V)1 N N N �I M m o N C CO N I iu 0 00 c z 0 T a J 6 ' I V) W 'j s 3 Of Bzunswic�ic City -Register of Deeds Robert J. Robinson CSX RAILROAD NAVASSA lost #6075 Book 3Wage 39 1432 I OLD MILL ROAD 1454 OLD MILL ROAD 44 S88103'3t"E 05/03/2006 10:26:49mm Rectlr''S3 9 _ 564.63'I0 �ffk +p(O p S�RO�O� REEK \ Q c � \ �h��/,�%i¢///�6E/I j FFT �� � \V°�V '7T VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE)__c'n Z Z a 9 / LLN�N�n \ z TOTAL \ Q zid UO o a o gp'� AREA a 4.0 ACRES [2 OFLL o C re C a b • z Q o F CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION \ Q a � �X�� 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I AM THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY SHOWN AND DESCRIBED HEREON WHICH IS \ J > yn LOCATED IN THE Q SUBDIVISION JURISDICTION OF THE TOWN OF NAVASSA AND c THAT I HEREBY ADOPT THIS PLAN OF SUBDIVISION WITH MY 0 W o FREE CONSENT AND ESTABLISH MINIMUM BUILDING SE ACK LINES AS NOTED. �{� °; o '0E N � / �.�.CARONo ��1 oFtissro!I��0�i� DATE o _ N =p, 's }� I. 2 5 O 6 ivtM lv- i UL DATE 0 `S ' L-3727 =o� o z d v a r 0 LL DATE NAVASSA COMMUNITY CENTER BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DB 980, PG. 793 / n N I, MARTIN R. STOUGHTON, PLS L-3727, M o CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY m SUPERVISION FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY MADE 0 0 c UNDER MY SUPERVISION FROM INFORMATION SHOWN IN DEED BOOKS AND (OR) MAPS REFERENCED ON THIS PLAT; THAT LINES NOT / EnU tai ACTUALLY SURVEYED APPEAR AS BROKEN LINES n AND WERE PLOTTED FROM INFORMATION AS NOTED LENA SPRINGS, LLC co> r } ON THE PLAT; THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS FIRE DEPARTMENT CALCULATED BY LATITUDES AND DEPARTURES WAS PID 02900131 m m o m GREATER THAN 1:10,000; THAT THE AREA IS / � z w � m COMPUTED BY COORDINATE METHOD; THAT THIS PLAT WAS x g � o � o PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. 47-30 AS AMENDED. \ MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE. GISTRATION m m So ¢ a WITNESS THIS THE W � a NUMBEaND SEAL DAY OF_yA -- A.D., � Uj STATE OF NORTH CAROLN4 \ Tit�% COUNTY OF u' _ GPS CONTROL #2001 X N I - m p c o Go l �' �7 Ss N. 186169.37 \ PROFESSIO AL LAND SURYE L-3727 I, trp ! '=- sREViEW OFFICER FOR �g3>• E. 2298841.62 THE TOWN OF NAVASSA, CERTIFY TO THE OF s>, S2, S �F i 3 o 0 a � o �o I z 0 o BEST MY oi• F C.F. 1.60002068 A9• THIS CER7IFlCATIONDGE AND EIS AFFIXED MELIEF THE /EiS ALL OF WHICH THE IS3A / RS? S�jF \ / 0 N 0 ZONING REQUIREMENTS OR THE TOWN OF NAVASSA. �•s�• o ¢ a z j c0v O THIS SURVEY CREATES A SUBDIVISION OF LAND ?). fit/ 3• F OF NqV� rt I- U z � M o ~ WITHIN THE AREA OF A COUNTY OR MUNICIPALITY �N 3 AN ORDINANCE TH�T REGULATES PARCELS REVIEW OFFICER, ME WALKER W�9 �� 0 Uj z z 11 ' OFALANDS yN �� OQ� Q� GPS CONTROL 12015 ��'' �p � b J U DATE: = Z� �� 9 v N. 185663.86 o a g i * �� / �y E. 2299188.22 EAL a a a � � C.)i a MARTIN R. STOUGHTON 1-3727 STATE OF NO CAROL! * Z�. C.F. 1.00002072 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEY R 1K �U v try COUN>`i WNSWjC / CLARENCE BROWN U U U S a U N C AOryA_�yl i;p WmW b' S REVIEW OFFlC REFERENCES Q� QJ off^ DB 1147, PG. 960 NORTH CAROLINA, BRUNSNACK COUNTY ' COUNnt—oc"R11FY TO THE BES T OF N 1 1603, PAGE z DEED BK. 1223 S (,MARTIN R. STOUGHTON. PLS L-3727, CERTIFY THAT THE KNOWLEDGt AND BELIEF THE MAP/PLAT TO WHICH ) S g0 GPS CONTROL FOR THIS SURVEY WAS PERFORMED TO CLASS THIS CERTIFICATION IS AFFIXED MEETS THE 2 MAP CAB. 23, PAGE 190 2-1I FGCC SPECIFICATIONS AND I USED STATIC GPS STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS FOR RECORDING. 3 MAP CAB. L, PAGE 134 Ns 9g ;,� Sg, 0: FIELD PROCEDURES AND COORDINATES WERE OBTAINED BY 4 MAP CAB. 0, PAGE 148 gapsb• F LEAST SQUARES ADJUSTMENT. THAT THIS GPS CONTROL SURVEY WAS - PERFORMED ON SEPTEMBER 12. 2001 USING 3 LEICA SR 9500 DUAL—rac+cs ---cb FREQUENCY RECEIVERS AND ALL COORDINATES ARE BASED ON NCGS REVIEW CER (V y 'GUARD". _ MONUMENT WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, LEGEND a �0 OPEN AREA "B\ LICENSE NUMBER. AND SEAL DATE: ; �� V� -�— O REBAR TON SET „�. p z �? IRON IPF IRON PIPE FOUNDg ^nj 1308 SQ FT \ \ THIS 1HE—_ DAY OF _—_— 2006. NOTES: CM CONTROL MONUMENT �V.4 1) ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE GROUND HORIZONTAL UNLESS / OTHERWISE NOTED. SCALE: 1 =50 0�0 \ MARTIN R. STOUGHTON L-3727 — 2j ALL DISTANCES ARE IN FEET UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. W PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR R a F- 3) THE TOWN OF NAVASSA DOES NOT PARTICIPATE IN THE /J FEMA FLOOD 25 g Q INSURANCE PROGRAM. 0 50 160 1 0 try IZ DATE REVISION INITIAL ♦ 4 ACRE TRACT LENA SPRINGS, LLC PROJECT If : 04339-0001 (9 U V 4e&NfXB4&cT= PROPOSES TO CONVEY TO THE TOWN OF NAVASSA PROJ. SVYR : MRS DRAWN BY : RDT CL O Q EL O- Z Q 3987 Bus. Hwy. 17 East FOR LENA SPRINGS, LLC FIELD BK. COMP. FILE VS103-012110013 a } W = Z W 2 Bolivia, North Carolina 28422 Phone: (910)253-6622. Fax: (910)253-6634 1630 MILITARY CUTOFF ROAD SHEET # : 1 OF 1 LU LL (9 O 0 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 � m Z DATE: APRIL 21, 2006 SCALE: 1" = 30' U Q Internet Site: http://www.mckimcreed.com DATE: TOWN OF NAVASSA BRUNSWICK COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA DWG. #1 : VS103-012110013 C ( '0 1Mo4Q � :� C E i V E N ¢ F-- mogr_ G iA� W0 'JS a�C 'yam I •'� � tea. HwEsr rw1P "�� <` NOV 2 1 2013 tsi':--- - -- -- z =O U Y U m z LAND SURVEY AND BOUNDARY SURVEY HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND CERTIFIED BY MCKIM & CREED DATED APRIL 21, 2006. MAI PLANS AND m DESIGN HAS BEEN DEVELOPED AROUND THIS BOUNDARY SURVEY PROVIDED ABOVE. SHEET 3 OF 9 oX 3 v a Q i a Q K 1, 0 a O, I 0 0 O• 3 G 0 EL ar In d v z 0 O OD N O E i a O N N r Q M 00 0 o N c c ar OD N 3 0 0 Z ai in I � v d 0 0) �J3 0. T� J EL Xz"EI R 2"AG CENTROID: N= 185900 E=2298900 1 NOTE: DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND MEASUREMENTS. 1 TAX PARCEL NO. 03000019 I I _!1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 VICINITY MAP LEGEND EIP = EXISTING IRON PIPE EIR = EXISTING IRON ROD EIA = EXISTING IRON AXLE NIP a NEW IRON PIPE SET EPK = EXISTING PARKER KALON NAIL NPK - NEW PARKER KALON NAIL RRS = RAILROAD SPIKE N&C - NAIL AND CAP NPS = NO POINT SET OR FOUND ECM = EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT NCM - NEW CONCRETE MONUMENT R/W = RIGHT-OF-WAY f = CENTERLINE CC = CONTROL CORNER MBL = MINIMUM BUILDING LINE AG - ABOVE GROUND BG = BELOW GROUND FWG = FLUSH WITH GROUND A - ELECTRIC POLE OE = OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINES F/0 = FIBER OPTIC PEDISTAL n = TELEPHONE PEDISTAL V = EXISTING WATER VALVE —w— = EXISTING WATER LINE = EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE -SA-= EXISTING SANITARY SEWER LINE NOTES• 1. DISTANCES SHOWN AREA HORIZONTAL GROUND MEASUREMENTS. 2. BOUNDARY TAKEN FROM A SURVEY BY MCKIM & CREED DATED APRIL 25, 2006. 3. ELEVATION BASED ON NAVD88 DATUM. SOURCE BENCHMARK NCGS "R 114 1963" ELEVATION = 25.55' SITE BENCHMARK IS NAIL IN UTILITY POLE ON SITE. ELEVATION - 26.08' `� yyc\OZ iO °0%0 �wmw05,00 �o P III 1 1 i )BUR 0 of a Os�AP �\ Nr11111 , 1 Zn81� N Np III 1 . WOODED - \ - 23--'' 1 •I 1'.II \ 1 ' \ 1 i Q --- > If) -- CLEARED ' I N 1 I I I 0. z ro ; 1 O N ; ; // m k ;; 1 I i /Z GO It of 11 -------- I ;; ;to ;I 11'; i of I EXISTING MH `\ 'st- ' 1 / \ , RIM.24.5T 21---- `, CLEARED 1 ` " 1 1 1/ I 1 INV-16.02' /� I ' ' / \\` \` I i, i 1 I I a+o• 37�,,1 `\ \ I ---' ----------- R/W LOW AREA - ',, +i ' - _--''-23 --- `I i'' iIli ' \ \ ' I\ II;; II, Ili Z 1 I //.b'20��`' +,'/,+ I -------- I \\ ;;I II I �1-+ I y,, / NAVA-5SA'COMMUNITY CENTER = I 'I, I I A p I I l-I ' ,9.2' DB 0980 PG 0793 `\ ,'+i'\ 1 �`:.`� ,' ,' +_ , I t I p 1;, III SMALL DITCH _ -' - 3.66t ACRES ry , II i CLEARED ' (BY COORDINATES) 1g/2� ++ +tea \ / , , , \ ` I I / ` 1 1 I + I, 11 14 D 1 1 •0' / 11 I I 1/) -_'___24 -1 - ,I II gri, I A RPZ WM / -------231 1I1 II'A G , 22---\ I iI '- -- --zz C/0 i Ij i m ; I SA `\ `\ +'' EXISTING MH I I 1 , RIM.25.49' / INV.15.29' -_ Ib/7,--27-\`\\ - `\ I I' I 1 I I INV SERVICE-18.33' /+ --- - -- 1 / / .+i 27 SPOIL itRtkl,; ;�� i -23- `\\ 1----24-,`\I ' ,1 1 IF ' I 24--'' �I it I I ' LENA SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT If i ; I �I (NEIGHBORHOOD)II I WOODED n3, 11 CLEARED j I Ill I I ; ; I EXISTING TOWN OF NAVASSA 1 / / \ / \ - 23 -' �• I , n l I , I 6' WATER LINE \ ' 23. _ NAw N OAATRW / \ ♦__-'- _ ' fill ' , EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD SIGNAGE ,.1A'�I,I I ---- "EIR `� ___- `---_--_____-_7 "EIR INV.=22.54II/ I EXISTING TOWN OF NAVASSA 1 2"BG 1 �` _____________ `___--_________ FW _ _ _ - 1 . SANITARY SE ______ I <�-' ________________ - ___INV.=19.69---______-_ 1 ` , I SEWER LINE ---W-'�=�=—W------W------w----=—w•--�—=--W------W-----'--W'�_�.. tt.0 •wJ=---W------W------W-- =��—W------W--T - L __---_- - ----------------- �.—y_________ia_ - ---------------- _ w _ FOREST HILL DRIVE _ -z2' "OlH- I �rI (60 R/W-19' ASP) - - - - - ----------- -------- - - - - -- -- 1--�= -- ----------------- -------—------------ - - - - —---------- �a 1 l-----------�- EXISTING INV..19.44 _ 8' NAVASSA WATER LINE -`, 1l i ,' CONCRETE EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD III , I DRIVEWAY VALLEY GUTTER R/W TOWN OF NAVASSA DB 2389 PG 501 McCAFFREY PROPERTY DB 3232 PG 1075 1 +- \1IINµV•• llot. I I / / 111 li I I o' gi Vol CONTROL IRON �`/.2 I I' ;I I fill 1 1; NC RTK VRS GPS I ( It; I N- 185867.5235 sFT I Il ryb' I I / E=2299185.3782 sFT NC GRID(2012) I CF:1.0000201 a II ELEVATION: 24.33' (NAVD 88 DATUM) �1r �NIII CONTROL IRON TO CONTROL R/R SPIKEI fl N 45'18' 26" W 452.89' I ; ;ill 1 I I I n 1 NAVASSA VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. I; I l; l l DB 0788 PG 0657 DRIVEWAY I I R/W it ; 1111'; I II I Ill" ii ' ;11I'll I 1 ii 1 if of C Iq I ' I N I I I I i 1 N I II ;;I I III I I 1111 I It, off fit R', I III / �11'11 i 'liltIf If I ; i, iliii 1111 III, I ' ,,:: I /� il ' ' -----_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- 11 t --'--'23-----`-- ------------__--=- /rill I I 1 1i� --'------21-------- -- I -- ---_-__--__---_--_--_--_ -- --- i -22-__-_:__- -- --- _ ___ __-- 21 ____ _-__ - _ --------------____ \\RjW \ R/W 7, ,,EE � I \ \ 4"R\G 1' \ t?J I III 2.30 1 I R/W I i 1 i I I I I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 I I 1 � I 1 1 1 I , I 1 I I I FtP Oh ' F% Q q _ g _ SEAL �- n 1972 c UEIVE NOV 2 1 2013 J ..\1111I I1u... VX 9 Ln w i 0 z 1n N O a m go N \ N U D U m a r DO GO� a m m o �r N U 41 m Y O a 0 / 0 on v e a y g w rn F m v 001 I M 00 m 3 C. z n o N K < < Z O cli 0 Z Z w I r w 11yy1 W W J .. .. p D _ In -1W M o w W f- K Z Z ell O J 3 O F (7 •- Q C-i O d tl z 0 0 U f d a N ol W w W Z � i 0- a W m of Z � > Q Z O O V c:)/ C\QO F- o N z i ri PAO z M U Y U z m SHEET 4 OF 9 I I i 1 1 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 1 I I I LEGEND EXISTING DRAINAGE SWALE - - PROPOSED DRAINAGE SWALE In W PROPOSED WATER SERVICE ; U3 > _SA- PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE i Z a PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL 1 � 0 n N EXISTING CONTOURS I ; mo --®-- PROPOSED CONTOURS I 1 25.0 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS I 1 / AP 25.0 PROPOSED ASPHALT SPOT ELEVATIONS h TW 25.0 PROPOSED TOP OF SIDEWALK SPOT ELEVATIONS Lc LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION (TYP) a PROPERTY BOUNDARY LENA SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT (NEIGHBORHOOD) TOWN OF NAVASSA DB 2389 PG 501 PROPOSED DROP INLET #6 FRAME: 23.00' INV (OUT): 20.00' PROPOSED 120 LF 18" CMP (0.42% SLOPE) PROPOSED DROP INLET #5 FRAME: 23.00' INV (IN): 19.50' INV (OUT): 20.00' PROPOSED 120 LF 18" CMP (0.63% SLOPE) PROPOSED DROP INLET #4 FRAME: 23.00' INV (IN): 19.25' INV (OUT): 20.00' PROPOSED 60 LF 18" CMP (0.25% SLOPE) \ \` \ .` ` R/W \4 ` � ` R/W PROPERTY BOUNDARY \\ �II \ � yyo :7, 4 I 2 % y� ,p 1 -LC LC LC LC LC y + �, .I A �� F \ I PROPOSED CONCRETE PARKING STOPS° 23.50 I i m (TYP) � 23.50 0 23.80 I I ® ® ® ® ® 23.80 PROPOSED I I �\ R=5' 200 LF DITCH CLEANOUT I I \ (ROADSIDE DITCH #11 g ; 23.70 24.00 GRASSEDD 24.00 LANDSCAPE ISLAND (TYP.) EXISTING MH `l ` 24.00 I , RIM-24.57' INV-16.02' ,�� O. �L1� �. 24.20 ` .30� e m m m 24.40� 24.30 ® 24.20 I I I I 1 `` 9�✓ `�. R/W 24.40 1� PROPOSED I i I'; ' I \ '9 ASPHALT PAVEMENT 24.50 (28,400.8 SF) I I ; n(q ' I RAW I I I 24.70 24.30 TW 25.00 .9 -9 24.20 I I I A 4' I I I 23.50 24.00 R-5' 1 24.20 24.60 AP 24.80 R=5 I I i WP 1 I I 1 ® 25.00 25.00 25.00 , I ( I i a I I PROPOSED i'•>, r •� 24.10 I I PROPOSED " ''' s' 'r� TW 25.00 1 EA. 1" WATER SERVICE PLANTING BED rr• ° w AP 24.70 tit SA W'-��-Br I RPZ WM I , I s CO I -{ ; I EXISTING yC; TW 25.00 SA CO I 1 I ZI I SITE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE AND CLEANOUT nS '. SA C/o 1 } } 248 -I_SA 24.60 1 1 -mI I I t1,r ? P POSED' TW 25.00 ..ti";'?'•;.�' 1 WIDE S EWALK 3r I E I I EXISTING MH ` I RIM-25 49' 24. I - 1 I ! S STOP SIGN EXISTING NEIGHBORHOOD SIGNAGE I i 22 23 23.00 1 L-------------<1 22.50 W --- W - - - - - - W - - - - - - W - - - - - - W W------W-- ---------------------------------------------------------- - -- ---------; 22.00 FOREST HILL DRIVE (60' R/W-19' ASP) I ------------------ DROP INLET #1 INV.-1 8" NAVASSA WATER LINE 9 EXISTINGFRAME: 22.5' EXISTING INV (IN): 19.85' NEIGHBORHOOD _ INV (OUT): 19.50' VALLEY CUTTER - R/W PROPOSED 45 LF 18" CMP (0.55% SLOPE) PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING 18" CPP PROPOSED DROP INLET #3 FRAME: 22.50' INV (IN): 19.25' INV (OUT): 19.50' McCAFFREY PROPERTY DB 3232 PG 1075 PROPOSED 190 LF DITCH CLEANOUT (OUTFALL SWALE) I I INV=13.29' •ryri „}f?4 SOr, CO '/- 24.10 INV SERVICE-18.3S 2460 1 PROPOSED AVASSA COMMUNITY CENTS ;'{3'r +:. PROPOSED I I 1 (7,591.1 SF) f,',:;Sy .;I .tir STRUCTURAL CANOPYI ' I I PROPOSED FFE 25.0' S I. 1 I I I I 1 EA. 4" GRAVITY SANITARY SEWER SERVICE 24.60 ' I I TW 25.00 I a PROPOSED 1 EA. 4" PVC WASTE LINE SERVICE 24.75 1 I f 1 I I (CONTRACTOR TO STUB -OUT 5' OUTSIDE OF CANOPY /WI FOR BUILDING/PLUMBING CONTRACTOR) 24.10 I I 1 I TW 25.00 TW 25.00 24.30 AP 24.50 PROPOSED I 1 I I 6' WIDE SIDEWALK I� I I I I EXISTING TOWN OF NAVASSA PROPOSED 6" WATER LINE DROP INLET #2 I 1 1 I FRAME: 23.0' 24.00 24.00 xu W unu r' I i ' a PROPOSED INV (IN): 20.25' AD " A I 130 LF DITCH CLEANOUT 23.50 INV (OUT): 19.75' 2380 23.95 Z4 • 24.20�I i i ; I i (ROADSIDE DITCH #2) 4 ---"OE---=-OE------DE-- -- --- _ R-30' -�_- F '-I I� s OTOWN OF NAVASSA INV.-19.69 INV- _�4 �� I 1 SANITARY SEWER LINE N 23.00 23.30 23.84 -W------W=--23-W----- -- -T W-- - - - -'LW "F-------------------- --- t-------- 22.30 22.60 22.85 23.72 D -------� I NOIES PROPOSED I --�----�`N\ ; (9(6LF 8"CMPCONCRETEINV: 21.25' WVDRIVEWAY 04% SLOPE) - _ OI I I 1 i I 1. EXISTING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE I A. ELEVATION OF EXISTING 4" SERVICE AND CLEANOUT ON PROPERTY SIDE INV.-22.30 I 1 1 B. (NORTHERN OUT AND SERVICELINE) IS LL ELEVATION WILL AS OF 10-2-2013. CLEANOUT NEED TO BE CAREFULLY EXAMINED AND INVESTIGATED PRIOR TO ANY WORK BY CONTRACTOR. 1 C. PROPOSED PLUMBING SANITARY SEWER SERVICE SHALL BE PROPOSED FOR 1 I I TIE-IN TO EXISTING LINE/CLEANOUT. CONTROL IRON 1 2. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE PROPOSED NC R71C VRS GPS I i 52 LF 18" CMP N- 185867.5235 9FT I A. ELEVATION OF 4" GRAVITY SS SERVICE AS LINE EXITS BUILDING FOUNDATION (1.0% SLOPE) E=2299185.3782 9FT I n IS UNKNOWN AS OF 10-2-2013. NC GRID(2012) B. EXIT ELEVATION WILL NEED TO BE CAREFULLY EXAMINED AND INVESTIGATED CF'1.0000201 ;; PRIOR TO ANY INSTALLATION BY CONTRACTOR. ELEVATION: 24.33' (NAVD 88 DATUM) " I i C. 4" GRAVITY SS SERVICE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT LEAST A TWO (2) PERCENT I! i MINIMUM GRADE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATIONAL BUILDING PROPOSED CONTROL IRON TO CONTROL R/R SPIKE I II 1 CODE/PLUMBING CODE. 10 LF 18" CMP N 45.18' 26" W 452.89' II ' i I D. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING CONNECTIONS AND INV- 19.40' I ELEVATION OF SERVICE WITH OTHER CONTRACTORS AND/OR BUILDING CONTRACTOR. E. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NOTIFYING ENGINEER/OWNER OF NAVASSA VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. ANY SERVICE CONFLICT DISCOVERED. CONCRETE 1 II I 1 DB 0788 PG 0657 DRIVEWAY I 11 1 I R/W ii I I i 1 I R/W " 1 I ii 1 1 " I I 1 I 1 1 rc EGUVE 11 I 1 11 I i 1 NOY 2 1 2013 I BY: i I 1 1 PISSOC/Z/" 0``�11111CA11� RPOR SEAL = tZi = _ A 1972 J�O�`���` I I i I 1 I 1 I I I I M O N w w 0 9 d Zm m2 p N tp I� n W -9 Q0 QWOB c52 U m W a so a£ 0 M c a 0. Q z Q E @ W 5 M N�N L U N N A L rL(A;if om Nnr 0m..� OZO" 09! Q. a CL A.9 1j 0 LLdm z �LL In N M 0 o D� N O N CaJ 0 0 I } 00 I. g z } Iz m m m o �2 m x -1 O O Do � w m ¢ m j O N U Q w rn to m v m I j 1n S M (no h 3 00 g z ,l.`I' O N of U Z Z I 6) N Lu 'J `� w -0 .. V) o f(K z z 0 "II O 3 � I c� 0 a w 0 a a a a 0 0 0 m a o uVi o IL W Z Z W U W o Q Z O W LL > m O o Lu V <^J 'w^ V/ O O N > Z E" J 0 U F K 0 z 9 z 0 U Y U z m m SHEET 5 OF 9 It It Lo of Mi C4 N E 0 Z y � eu o o 'a -3 0 a J a LEGEND EXISTING DRAINAGE SWALE — — PROPOSED DRAINAGE SWALE w PROPOSED WATER SERVICE —SA— PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER SERVICE ------- —UE PROPOSED UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL EXISTING CONTOURS 24.0 PROPOSED CONTOURS f 25.0 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS Lc LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION t SILT FENCE Q SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN B COMPOST SOCK 003 OUTLET STABILIZATION STRUCTURE ® RIP-RAP/GRAVEL FILTER CHECK DAM PIPE INLET PROTECTION TEMPORARY BLOCK & GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I I SILT FENCE (TYP) I 1 1 I I I( I I/ 1 1 PROPERTY BOUNDARY LENA SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT (NEIGHBORHOOD) �1 1 I 1 I 1 TOWN OF NAVASSA DB 2389 PG 501 PROPOSED SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN PROPOSED - 18" CMP PROPOSED DROP INLET #1 PROPOSED ' INLET #4 f � , \R/W , R/W PROPERTY BOUNDARY SILT FENCE (TYP) \ ', �\ ZZp0Z l \ 1 pip �l,p s� A ° o `moo' —LC LG lC LC L LO LC� ,y "I`` �p ` �° � c^ 3 to I j I � ® m o m ® ROADSIDE DITCH #1 2 , '•'1 l i I I r `� � �sP� EXISTING MH ` AAi I 1 RIM-24.57' I0. R/W � PROPOSED I + ASPHALT PAVEMENT R/W it N I I r I ' SA W—�Rr I RPZ wM I 1 t� j co co I I I I m 1 I (4' y •r" ,! i /�S. ,:i,r P/ ,—SA 1 '-1— -+SA— � 1 PROPOSED ; ' ,4;: / I 1 E I EXISTING MH AVASSA COMMUNITY CENTS 4: Sr. • i.; 1;5 I RXISTIN 49' I INV-16.29' 1 CO I f I � i I INV SERVICE-15.33' It ROADSIDE I I I •;�;: i I ROADSIDE DITCH #2 1 EXISTING TOWN OF NAVASSA I I I r WATER LINE I , 1 - 2 8' 1 1 1 I I 1 PROPOSED R wN u�raE i S DROP INLET #2 24 - ! - I i ' Proposed Site Desian Summary 0 ° I � , I Summary EXISTING ' ! 2 24 EIGHe0RH00D SICNAGE , .00 F �E--- -- �- - °d - OE- - - °°o�I -III 1) i II� EXISTING TOWN OF INAVASSANV. 2.54F SANITARY SEE L_____________ INV.=19.69 I 1 ---W — — — W------W------W------W------W------W-- — ----- W— -- W---2`i —W— - - —— ° °p — --- — w -- ' I I - �- ----------------------------------------- --- -- ---*------ ----------------------- - ------ -------- ----- - - - - —- — +, FOREST HILL DRIVE _ (60' R/W-19' ASP) { o w I I 1 il ' �N------------------- ------------------------ -- --1- - ------------------------- -------------------- -F---� ,I j I i I I --------------------------- PROPOSED EXISTING I INv.m19. 18" CMP PROPOSED I ti I , 8" NAVASSA WATER LINE PROPOSED CONCRETE 18" CMP WV I r EXISTING DRIVEWAY I NEIGHBORHOOD _ 18" CMP VALLEY GUTTER — — — — — — — — — — — — u ' I R/W Skimmer Sediment Basin., Dimensions = 66 ft x 32 ft Depth = 2.5 It (from bottom/crest of weir to basin bottom) Sideslope = 2 :1 Top (Embankment) Elev. = 23 ft Free Board Elevation = 22 ft (1' of Free Board depth below Embankment) Water Surface Elevation = 21.5 ft Bottom Elevation = 19.5 It Faircioth Skimmer. Skimmer Head Size = 2 In (per Manuel Table 6.64a) Orifice Diameter = 1.25 in Dewatering Time = 3 days Spillway: Top (Spill) Elevation = 22 it Weir Length = 7 it (per Manuel Table 6.60a) Weir Height = 1 ft PROPOSED DROP INLET #3 PROPOSED OUTLET PROTECTION APRON LENGTH: 8' APRON DEPTH: 12" MIN. APRON WIDTH: 7.5' MIN. STONE SIZE: 6" (SEE DETAIL H ON SHEET 10) McCAFFREY PROPERTY DB 3232 PG 1075 NOTE: 1. SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND REMAIN UNTIL CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A CONSTRUCTION TYPE FENCE AROUND BASIN. FENCE SHOULD NOT IMPEDE RUNOFF FROM ENTERING BASIN. 3. THE MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL OF BASIN SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH "SEQUENCE OF CONSTRUCTION" NOTES ON SHEET 2. 4. DROP INLET #4 AND REMAINING STORM DRAINAGE PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED ONCE PERMANENT VEGETATION HAS BEEN PROPERLY ESTABLISHED. INV..22.30 I I I PROPOSED TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION -PROPOSED ENTRANCE/EXIT (TYP) CONTROL IRON NC RTK VRS GPS I N- 185867.5235 aFT I E=2299185.3782 aFT NC GRID(2012) I I CF:1.0000201 ' ELEVATION: 24.33' (NAVD 88 DATUM) r II i 1 OUTFACE SWALE CONTROL IRON TO CONTROL R/R SPIKE I N 45'18' 26" W 452.89' I " I u I 1 I11 1 ii I 1 NAVASSA VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. DRIVEWAY I , DS 0788 PG 0657 I R/W R/W n I 1 II I 1 II I i I ii I I I it \1 Basin Information Drainage Area River Basin Cape Fear ReceivingStream Name Mill Creek Stream Class and Index Number C;Sw 18-77-1-1 Total Drainage Area ac 3.66 Total Drainage Area s 159,429.6 On -site Drainage Area s 159,429.6 Off -site Drainage Area s n/a El Proposed Im ervious* Areas 37,496.8 % Impervious* Area total 24% Impervious* Surface Area Drainage Area On -site Buildin s/Lots(SfI 7,591.1 On -site Streets/Entrances (so 9,114.8 On -site Parking (so 19,285.8 On -site Sidewalks (so 1,505.1 Other On -sites n/a Future (so 602.2 Off -sites n/a Existing BUA (s 0.0 Totals : 38,099.0 Total Proposed ac : 0.86 Total Proposed + Future ac : 0.87 Pervious* Surface Area Draina e.Area On -site Lawns (so 114,963.4 On -site Woods s 6,969.6 On -site Pastures n/a Other On -sites 0.0 Total s 121,933.0 Total ac : 2.80 Information Drainage Area NRCS Soil Mandarin - Ma Fine Sand Goldsboro - GoA Sand Loam Sofl Group Ma -- B/D I I I 1 1 I 1TTuulllu/r T\11111111/ SSOC/ r'iO �����` CA/? ` o� DEEP OR, %P ; of SEAL �=0= L I = ,%rj : N Q . JO'(���� rrr1111111111pT` ffrfIN 011 llll11110' I I i 1 , I I 1 I I I In 0 w U c�ju �Z V J C W V 3 CO am Q QQc m0 c,3+ 0 n � � b Q Z° Q Q c B w 0 o CULu G lianv°ii� O .S r LZ) %I f �ZO' c3 ff W UM v D: 1 IT2 ,� LL IY W g 0 a a Q x Z Z O W LL U � O Z O co �U O Q lj Lu o O ¢ N > Z G :10 EiVE o fJOV 2 1 2013 Y U Z m m SHEET 6 OF 9 CN 3' -o z a C: Of F- Z t O t 91 a I ti 0 0 IL o: oI 1%Y V) Q O rp 0 O Z It 0 0 OD I N rry o E rz 0 M N N N c S CD x D E 0 a � Z � T O RD 0J0_ 20041215 SD024220 SD 100611 - .. SD 21004 HAND PLACED BACKFILL SHALL CONSIST OF• . ASTM D 2487 US.C.S. SOIL TYPE GW, GP, SW, VARIES VARIES T 1,O3'v SP, GM, GC, SM OR SC. AST; C 33 NO. 67 GRADATION STONE., ZyZ O ASTM C 33 NO. 57 GRADATION STONE, fN OR A COMBINATION OF ANY OF THE ABOVE. 2-4 )/ 5 (MINIMUM COMPACTION 90% STANDARD PROCTOR) 4 OR 5 4 OR 5 irW 4 �t 9 1:33/4—•+ 61141 12" MINIMUM 0 TYPICAL SWALE SECTION B o m \ 0G \ {--7 2�4 1�2" RADIUS GRATE SHOWN. V >, 20091001 SD02423OR " •:. _�--� 4L30 AVAILABLE WITH Z •._;."..',:.,� SC/2 �— FLAT GRATE. V) w� jj BC/8 4'MINfMUM '\ ,. ./� ~ � � 1 �\Y �r//1: //�/. \ � /•S�� \ \ BN 4S/j 4! MINIFRAMEV 217GLB$EIGNT U ¢ o z Oa c m 'a: s t E VARIES DDTH VARIES 2-'0` GRATE 183 L BS. V C Fo u BEDDING MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF: co a.ASTM C33 NO.67 GRADATION STONE. CAST IRON FRAME Or GRATE ASTM- C 33 NO.57 GRADATION STONE. FOR 2419360DROP INLET Q z° ASTM D2487 U.S.C.S. SOIL TYPES GW, GP, BROTHERS - SW OR SP, OR A COMBINATION OF ANY NO. 0. CH-BN-I WITH BACK '�'" 0 OF THE ABOVE. (MINIMUM COMPACTION 90% STANDARD - PROCTOR.) 3 OR 4 3 OR 4 �, 1 3=0REMOVED. - 3-0' l�4. Q S o STORM SEWER .CORREGATED METAL PIPE "B° CLASS GRANULAR BEDDING TO PIPE CENTERLINE i `���lulunuu un CAR/'// _ �q 7 1-IB y W m 3 U N N /i ORgT c��, 9p .L_,_ o o m oP Opp = 0; = `ate w- _ Ti "� �!%z` $ds� a.E SEAL -�= SE L 4tr" 0- `F BOTTOM WIDTH SHALL BE THREE (3) FEET UNLESS �2- 1972 _ �g 1��` Z SHOWN OTHERWISE ON THE PLANS TO USE EXCELSIOR MATTING �'/ 9,Q'r rV / ' rrl ll,,.. , BEDDING FOR CORREGATED METAL PIPE A TYPICAL CHANNEL SECTION �' D DROP INLET FRAME E 04 o 0 STORM SEWER p a U U 0 U 1999MMDD REF SD042005R 20130909 SDO31503R 20041217 SD100543 VARIES SEE NOTE 2 A VARIES SEE NOTE 2 <1 % D z m m m FLOW Y p X U O p a } 1~ VARIES SEE NOTE 2 m 0 � m s a IL EXISTING I 1 SEWER MAIN ------------ 1 I V) 0 o a I I I I o 1 w C w J Y WYE FITTING OR X I I X x I „ n S go WYE SADDLE CLEANOUT STACK o rl K) I T HAND PLACED BACKFILL SHALL CONSIST OF: A 3 arl z M o I t CLASS I - ASTM D2321, ASTM C33 NO. 57 GRADATION STONE, CLASS 11 - ASTM D2321, ASTM D2487 U.S.C.S. SOIL TYPE GW, GP, SW, OR SP, I 1 i 1 w p a a o ,_ t II_______________�._fIc CLASS III - ASTM D2321, ASTM D2487 U.S.C.S. SOIL TYPE GM, GC, SM, OR SC, OR A COMBINATION OF ANY OF THE ABOVE. I o p a z z z W N F .. .. WATER METER /� 12" MIN. 1 1 REMOVABLE -------------- - - W W z z Eli : U MBX-1 CAST IRON AWWA C-700 PVC CAP 1 ! REMOVE PLUG 45' BEND VARIES SEE NOTE 2 W -i W~ 3 p J =r W U. r U z-C METER BOX (SUPPORT (NOT WELDED TO PIPE) OR CAP CEMENTED TO -" PIPE ''Q z g BOTTOM WITH BRICKS (IF NECESSARY) Y U U U a o vpi o FLOW t A = MINIMUM 3'-0" FOR 12" THRU 24" PIPE -� PIPE TO BUILDING'S PLAN VIEW / //\/\� A = DIA. PLUS 1'-0" FOR 30" THRU 72" PIPE REDUCED PRESSURE �� //� PLAN ZONE (RPZ) DEVICE �/ //% z ANGLE METER STOP CLEANOUT PLUG // / �\/ \ FRAME TO BE GROUTED/SEALED IN PLACE z O SUPPORT / \\� CONCRETE7 BRICK PVC SCH. 40 EXTENSION PIPE GROUND SURFACE ,. / /�� \\ N "14 ®6" OCEW CONTINUOUS NATURAL SLOPE 1 4 P R 1'-0" N = j /\ H PVC SCH. 40 ADAPTOR \ z p. ? A' , ' z 04 T DUAL CHECK VALVE I I 45' BEND `o z \ \\ iv SERVICE �V /\ LL1 SADDLE SERVICE LINE NPE 11 M 45' BEND b WYE FITTING W m ALL WALL Z F- O Z Q CWi (n TUBING o00000000 00000000 \ VARIES SEE NOTE 2 rn U U) ________________ i i I , ----------t ' 000000000 000000000`^S.•i O O O O O O D O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /\\ o 0 o e o 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 o e e o o /� /°°O°O°O°O°°°O°O°O°O°O°O°O°O°O°O°O°O°O°O°O° \\ � °O°O°O°O°O o°O°O°O°O°O°O°G°G°O°O°O°O°O°O°O /\ [�' M�"5,. W , t+. �.`�„•. ,• „;Y, c: .: -~ I � 'Y�•� ��. Q N } LLL � �, \ r / CORPORATION STOP _ Ile PER FOOT MINIMUM SLOPE / `//� //��\ �� ���\�\\/�\\��\�/\�\ /\��\` I I , rt VARIES F; Z � Z g LL ;./ 2 MIN. �- EXISTING p m a I r co O O O m WATER MAIN SEWER MAIN ELEVATION 57 STONE Q V Z BEDDING MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF: > ti .. ., ,,L.,a 1., FOUNDATION ,. V < CLASS I - ASTM D2321, ASTM C33 NO. 57 GRADATION STONE, Q NOTES: CLASS II - ASTM D2321, ASTM D2487 U.S.C.S. SOIL TYPE GW, GP, SW, OR SP, r (n O CLASS III - ASTM D2321, ASTM D2487 U.S.C.S. SOIL TYPE GM, GC, SM, OR SC, 0 p Q 1. INSTALL SERVICE LINE A MINIMUM OF THREE (3) FEET BELOW FINISHED NOTES: OR A COMBINATION OF ANY OF THE ABOVE. SECTION X-X SECTION Y-Y DOWEL N > GRADE AND A MINIMUM OF THREE (3) FEET BELOW DITCH GRADE. CONCRETE Q 1. TAPS SHALL BE 4" SIZE UNLESS SHOWN OTHERWISE. TAP MATERIAL TO BE AS SPECIFIED IN THE BID Z 2. ENCASE SERVICE LINE IN PVC PIPE WHEREVER SERVICE LINE SCHEDULE AND SPECIFICATIONS. NOTES: IS INSTALLED UNDER PAVEMENT. 2. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE EXISTING SITE CLEANOUT PLUG OR CAP. SERVICE LINE TO BE INSTALLED TO 1. ALL DROP INLET BOXES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 02721. BOXES MAYBE CONSTRUCTED yy Z 3. SET METER AND BOX FIVE (5) FEET BEYOND RIGHT-OF-WAY OR BUILDING CLEANOUT PER MINIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPES (IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATIONAL BUILDING CODE). FROM BRICK MASONARY, BLOCK MASONARY, PRECAST CONCRETE, OR CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE. ? �+`uE 0 3 FEET BEHIND TOP OF DITCH BANK, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. 2. ALL DROP INLET BOXES OVER 3'-0" IN DEPTH SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STEPS V-4" ON CENTERS. O 3. CL ARE REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED EVERY FIFTY (50) FEET IN ACCORDANCE WITH NATIONAL BUILDING S CODE BUILDING 3. FOR BOXES 8'-O" IN HEIGHT OR LESS USE 8" WALL. FOR BOXES OVER 8'-0" IN HEIGHT USE 12" WALL TO NOV 2 1 2013 U 6'-0" FROM TOP OF BOX AND 8" WALL FOR THE REMAINING 6'-0" TO A TOTAL MAXIMUM HEIGHT OF 12' - 3 4. SITE CONTRACTOR SEWER SERVICE INSTALLATION RESPONSIBILITY BEGINS FROM FIVE (5) FEET OUTSIDE OF FOR THIS STRUCTURE. DIMENSIONS AND QUANTITIES TO BE ADJUSTED ACCORDINGLY. (3Y. co BUILDING TO TIE-IN AT EXISTING CLEANOUT/CAR z m WATER SERVICE F SANITARY SEWER SERVICE G BEDDING FOR PVC SANITARY SEWER H STANDARD DROP INLET' SHEET 7 OF 9 i o+ 3 v Z O r C7 t� Z O U OLd W 0 a0 O O lLS rn 3 C O a2 U) i N FDA as p Z 0 0 I f"h M O11 1- 0 a O M CJ pr1 pl N M 0 N m � c X Do E Z 20130829 SD105002R 20130829 2" 1 4 5" SDO11100R 20040803 SDO10502 SIGNS SHALL BE REFLECTIVE ALUMINUM 13" BACKGROUNDS -WHITE LEGENDS AND BORDERS - GREEN WHITE FIGURES ON BLUE FIELDS . ..... i i •' ';• N VAN • °': ��•.... : •' '.:. 12" X 6" ACCESSIBLE OD 14 ° �. CONCRETE SIDEWALK (TYP.) CAR ACC SIGN HANDICAP SIGN CAR ACCESSIBLE (a 13" 2 EA. #3 REBAR t .' ; : ,'�'. RESERVED RESERVED VAN ACCESSIBLE 4' SOLID BLUE s STRIPES o in g^ PARKING PARKING 12" X 18" N 12" X 18" N F F F R7-8A ® o o R7-8A ® o a ' d CONCRETE PARKIN' •... '• 4 .a :. d ., m e , . a✓1 ^ <'. STOP pr.) F Q d 'a •e .. G e 7" 7" m Z Zp Z Z U V 0 0 0 -r- t N 6" MAXIMUM MAXIMUM 12" X 9" 12" X 9" R7-8D PENALTY R7-8D PENALTY $250 $250 e BLUE STRIPE _..I 12" 7' 7" N o STRAIGHT ARROW �O�y VL Pv N I C4 6' HANDICAP PAVEMENT SYMBOL (TYP.) < N Z Ji___ ,P WHITE �� + R O O O O I I I 1 coto \ PARKING LINE 4" 1. REBAR GRADE 60 SIZE #3 ^ ^ W m 5 J O W Z W I- = 3 se 9+ 2. 3000 PSI CONCRETE OR GREATER Q • Z p g m 'a 1 3. WEIGHT 200 POUNDS 12" Q c F LL 12' B' to' WH17E T 4-2 tO TYPICAL PARKING STOPS C d Q CENTER LINE COMBINATION STRAIGHT & RIGHT TURN ARROW VAN CAR %2"EXPANSION JOINT WITH m S ASPHALT IMPREGNATED Q FIBERBOARD 20 FT. O.C. FINISHED GRADE FINISHED GRADE W a WHITE (BROOM FINISH) D, �� • •• •..' •. •• ,.: •' ••..: • , ` �'` ' � •'... ;.• • ..' .... to •'. •.:'•.. . .. •• '�• ': CONDITION 1: PEDESTRIAN PATH DOES NOT PASS BY, UNDER, OR AROUND SIGN. O c � � • A'' t' ' "'•'' ' " '" CONDITION 2: PEDESTRIAN PATH PASSES BY, UNDER, OR AROUND SIGN. v� STOP BAR Zo p .> g ov 30.00 PSI coNCRETE7e STANDARD HANDICAP VAN ACCESSIBLE HANDICAP 01'a€nE z LL COMPACTED A MINIMUM DENSITY OF 9B% DENSITY O 9 PARKING SPACE SIGN PARKING SPACE SIGN NOTE,• NOTE: STANDARD PROCTOR. 1. USE THE COLOR WHITE FOR ALL PAVEMENT MARKING SYMBOLS. 1. SIDEWALK THICKNESS SHALL BE MINIMUM 6 INCHES, DEPTH FROM PROPOSED ELEVATIONS/GRADES TO VARY. n TYPICAL HANDICAP PARKING /� STANDARD PAVEMENT MARKING B TYPICAL SIDEWALK p HANDICAP PARKING SPACE SIGNS E b o 5,4 o N U 0 U U 20090211 SD071900 M Compost Sock Compost Sock 3 IN. 1. PRODUCTS 3. SEEDBED PREPARATION B. Anchor mulching material. % z m m m `-+I_._. AREA BE 31i.1-- AREA TO BE FLOW FLOW PROTECTED ~`-► A. Topsoil shall be capable of sustaining vigorous plant growth, not in A. Protect existing underground improvements from damage. 1. In areas with gentle slopes, crimp mulching material into soil. P P 9 °, 5 U m w PROTECTED frozen or muddy condition, containing not less than six (6) I O= o � o o .� _ ': ;; percent organic matter, and corrected to pH of 5.9 to 7.0. B. Clear the ground surface of stumps, stones, roots, cables, wire, 2. On steeper slopes such as the sides of swales, anchor mulch 4 M a a - 12 IN MIN. 12 IN MIN. -' grade stakes, and other materials that might hinder proper with netting or asphalt tack. % En En U o a �2 in x 2 in . 2 in x 2 in B. Lime shall be dolomitic agricultural -ground limestone containing grading, tillage, seeding or subsequent maintenance operations. a LU STAKES STAKES not less than ten (10) percent magnesium oxide. 3. On road shoulders, anchor mulch with asphalt tack if crimping o ' W C. Remove contaminated subsoil. is unsuccessful. 1 O m ov SECTION SECTION C. Fertilizer shall be commercial type 10-20-20 with fifty (50) x 0Do I o a0 percent of the elements derived from organic sources. D. Grade to eliminate rough spots and low area where ondin may 4. Use asphalt tack in lieu of crimping when required b P 9 9 P P 9 Y P P 9 q Y i m o m n occur. Maintain smooth, uniform grade. regulatory agencies or if directed by the ENGINEER. Typically, o ° I N M D. Seed. asphalt tack in lieu of crimping will be required in areas with 3 a Z t,t o E. Assure positive drainage awe from buildings. p 9 y g high traffic because of wind generated by the traffic, G 0 I N M 1. Seed shall be certified seed or equivalent based on North } � w � � N O o c aFT $ MPX Carolina Seed Improvement Association requirements for F. Finish ground level firm and sufficient to prevent sinkage pockets 5. On slopes steeper than 2:1, jute, excelsior, or synthetic or z z LU I N FRONT FACE OF CURB/END OF STALL certification. All seed shall be furnished in sealed standard when Irrigation is applied. matting may be required to protect the slope from erosion. 9 PP 9 Y 9 P P W t� I - to x containers. Seed which has become wet, moldy, or otherwise They should be Installed before mulch is applied to surrounding g LL w ,• Eli o CONCRETE PARKING STOP (TYP.) \Fo \O �Ojy �i. �+L damaged prior to seeding, will not be acceptable. G. Grades on the area to be seeded shall be maintained to a true areas, o a z z r o a and even condition. Maintenance shall Include any necessary J 3 o u� F z t/ 2• One 1 percent maximum weed seed content permitted. re airs to previously O P P P P Y graded areas. o o w TRENCH INTO) 6. WATERING 3. Seasonal mixtures for NC DOT right-of-ways: H. Uniformly apply lime at a rate of 4000 pounds per acre prior to < at < a Of o t GROUND preparation of seedbed. A. Lightly water to aid breakdown of fertilizer and to provide moist c g o tn o ., 41N. MIN. a. From September i to February 28 : soil for seed. 1v WOOD MULCH OR COMPOST I. Thoroughly till all graded areas to a depth of at least five (5) Fifty (50) pounds per acre of Kentucky 31 Fescue, Inches by plowing, disking, harrowing, or other approved methods • TO 112 HEIGHT OF LOG thirty-five (35) pounds per acre of Bermudagrose until the condition of the soil is acceptable. On sites where soil 7. MAINTENANCE PERIOD conditions are such that high Z UNTRENCHED INSTALLATION OR ENTRENCHED INSTALLATION* (unhulted), and five (5) pounds per acre of Centipede. clay content and excessive z' compaction cause difficulty in getting clods and lumps effectively A. Maintenance Period: until final acceptance. _a II-•- 'THIS APPLICATION MAY NOT BE USED b. From March 1 to August 31: pulverized, use rotary tillage machinery until soil mixture is O WITH COMPOST SOCKS SMALLER THAN 121N_ acceptable and no clods or clumps larger than one-half (1/2) Fifty (50) pounds per acre of Kentucky 31 Fescue, inch in diameter remain. 8. MAINTENANCE Q U ISOMETRIC VIEW twenty-five (25) pounds per acre of Bermudagrass (hulled), and five (5) pounds per acre of Centipede. J. Remove from site foreign materials collected during tilling. A. Maintain surfaces and supply additional topsoil where necessary, FOR USE IN DITCH/SWALE SLOPES Including areas affected by erosion. 4. Alternative seasonal mixtures outside NC DOT right-of-ways: K. Uniformly apply fertilizer at a rate of 500 pounds per acre of p Z 10' Mulch or Compost SPACING BETWEEN SOCKS (FT) 10-20-20 analysis. B. Water to ensure uniform seed germination and to keep surface of for Untrenche° Socks CHANNEL a. From November 16 to February 28: soil damp. � 8 " DIA. SOCK 12„ DIA. SOCK Incorporate the fertilizer in L.to the upper three (3) or four (4) AREA TOBE SLOPE(%) PROTECTED Twenty-five (25) pounds per acre of Rye Grain, Inches of prepared seedbed just prior to the last tillage operation. C. Apply water slowly so that surface of soil will not puddle and 1 67 100 seventy-five 75 Y- ( )pounds per acre of Tall Fescue, However, never apply fertilizer more than (3) days prior to crust. W Sheet flow --� Compost sock 2 33 50 Kentucky 31 or Alta Tall Fescue and fifty (50) pounds per seeding. Use fertilizer immediately after delivery or store it in a D. Except for first time Z Z Q 4" WHITE 3 22 33 acre of Bermudagrass (unhulled). manner that will not permit it to harden or destroy its rye grain, cut grass when it reaches height O STRIPE 4 17 25 effectiveness. of two and one-half (2 1/2) Inches (60 mm) and maintain to b. From March 1 to May 15: F_ LU (n Mork Area 5 13 20 M. The seedbed should be firm and compact. Prior to seeding, grade minimum of two (2) inches (50 mm). Do not cut more than 1/3 of blade at any one mowing. 0 Ur C-)U) Of Seventy-five (75) pounds per acre of Tall Fescue, the seedbed and lightly compact it with a land roller, such as a O Q Kentucky31 or Alta Tall Fescue and thirt flve 35 cuiti acker. E. If r ( ) P Ye grain is planted mow to maintain grass height between H FOR COMPOST PARTICAL SIZE DISTRIBUTION pounds per acre of Bermudagrass (hulled). three (3) and six (6) inches until Fescue matures enough to Z Q SIEVE SIZE % PASSING SIEVE MESH SIZE 4. SEEDING provide ground cover. c. From May 16 to September 15: Z O � Z PLAN 2" 99% (3" MAX. PARTICLE SIZE) A. Do not sow seed immediately following rain, when ground is too F. After first mowing water grass sufficient to moisten soil from W UL 3/8" 30-50% Fifty (50) pounds per acre of Bermudagrass (hulled) and dry, or during windy periods. Do not apply grass seed and three (3) inches to five (5) inches (76 to 127 mm) deep. W (' 2 forty (40) pounds per acre of Annual Lespedeza (Kobe or fertilizer at the same time in the some machine. O m O Korean). G. Apply weed killer when weeds start developing, during calm , 0 Z NOTES: B. Apply seed at specified seasonal rate. weather when air temperature is above fifty (50) degrees d. From September 16 to November 15: V Q 1. SOCKS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FROM 5 MIL THICK CONTINUOUS HDPE OR POYLPROPYLENE. MATERIAL SHALL 10tendegreesJ C. Rake seed in lightly. Fahrenheit ( ( ) Q p I;n BE A WOVEN, TUBULAR MESH NETTING MATERIAL WITH KNITTED MESH OPENINGS OF 1/8" - 3/8" (3-10mm). Seventy-five (75) pounds per acre of Tall Fescue, H. Replant damaged grass areas showing root growth failure, i j � 0 2. SOCKS SHALL BE FILLED WITH COMPOST MATERIAL. MATERIAL SHALL CONSIST OF WELL -DECOMPOSED Kentucky 31 or Alta Tali Fescue and fifty (50) pounds per D. Roll seeded area with roller not exceeding 112 pounds (50 kg). deterioration, bare or thin spots, and eroded areas. p O Q (- N l tlCAlr ORGANIC MATTER PRODUCED BY CONTROLLED AEROBIC (BIOLOGICAL) DECOMPOSITION AND PROCESSED THROUGH THERMOPHILIC COMPOSTING. acre of Bermudagrass (unhulled). E. Apply water with fine spray immediately after each area has been E. Mulchingmaterial shall be oat or wheat straw, in drycondition, sown. 9. RESTORATION Q Z TJ q,\ reasonaly free from weeds and foreign matter detriental to i,SS0C/,1/'% J� P /97 `� ( �/� ",, '' '' 3. COMPOST MATERIAL SHALL MEET THE US ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY- PROCESS TO FURTHER plant life. A. Restore grassed areas until accepted. ?Of? F " `� o�``" / :'off qT =s = REDUCE PATHOGANS" (40 CFR PART 503). 5. MULCHING PRACTICES O G (^c z= _ _ S 4. SOCKS MUST BE STAKED IN PLACE WITH 2"x2" OAK OR OTHER DURABLE HARDWOOD STAKES. STAKES SHALL BE 2• GENERAL CONDITIONS A. Apply one (1) to two (2) tons of mulching material per acre to 10. ACCEPTANCE E i V E o _ SEAL _ n = = = INSTALLED THROUGH THE CENTER OF THE SOCKS AND TO MINIMUM DEPTHS AS SHOWN ABOVE. seeded areas. Apply mulching material with mechanical type U 1972 _ 71 ;�� " c I 5. FOR INSTALLATION ON DITCH OR SWALE, SOCKS SHALL BE STAKED PERPENDICULAR TO SLOPE.permits A. When conditions are such by reason of drought, high winds, equipment and obtain a uniform distribution which sunlight A. Seeded areas will be accepted at end of maintenance period when Y f40V 2 1 2013 U excessive moisture or other factors where satisfactory results will to penetrate to the ground surface. Bare aa and areas with seeded areas are properly stabliahed and otherwise acceptable. V``�� (,(N\. II be stopped, and resumed only thick clumps of straw are not acceptable.°teas not be obtained, the WORK she to ed, a nl m sy �ILLE` A. JO when conditions are favorable. BY:- ���� rnnnitttt�� �urnnIWO m TYPICAL PARKING SPACE LF COMPOST SOCK G SEEDING CONSTRUCTION NOTES H SHEET 8 OF 9 1 920305 20041215 Z O 0 (r Lil 0 ti T ...s...s l+ SO 071500 upstream End Storm Drain Overflow " /3 Pipe - Diameter .a s Bury Bottom 3/4' Exterior of Plywood Plywood PLYWOOD INLET PROTECTION FOR STORM DRAIN UNDER CONSTRUCTION.' Steel Fence r— Upstream End. — of Storm Drain e II u Iware Cloth / Overflow I 3 Pipe ::ffiameter Washed Stone Filter Across Pipe Inlet STONE FILTER INLET PROTECTION FOR STORM DRAIN UNDER CONSTRUCTION INLET PROTECTION FOR STORM SEWER UNDER CONSTRUCTION 50' MINIMUM EXISTING GROUND I a ii oe i i_e e�eoee4oeo -I— TEMPORARY GRAVEL CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT PLAN 50' MINIMUM 10'f 4' 20080219 SD070505 20080201 0U O U O U O U O U p U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0°000000 00 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U 0 U OC �00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000°0°0°C 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 OOC 3000°0°0°000000000000000000000000000000000° 00 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C • D�0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 OOC 00000000000000oCOC0000000000000000000000OC DOpO( NC DOT o0p0p0p0p0p00000000000000o0O 00 O0000000000000000000000000000000C 30(#00000000 300 0U U U ,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 30000a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000C 3 00 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0C 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000c MIN 14 GAUGE 0000000000000000000000000000 O O O o O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O C WIRE FENCE O O O O 0 0 O O O 0 0 Oq Oo 000 OvO0o0 O O O O O O O O SD071000 PROVIDE SMOOTH TRANSITION BETWEEN STABLILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND PUBLIC ROAD. PUBLIC ROAD cry(L zfn EXISTING = z GROUND s z z � to r PROFILE CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS STONE SIZE - USE WASHED STONE 2" - 3" SIZE. LENGTH - AS EFFECTIVE, BUT NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET. THICKNESS - NOT LESS THAN SIX (6) INCHES. WIDTH - NOT LESS THAN FULL WIDTH OF ALL POINTS OF INGRESS OR EGRESS, MINIMUM 14 FT. WASHING - WHEN NECESSARY, WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITH CRUSHED STONE WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN. ALL SEDIMENT SHALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING ANY STORM DRAIN, DITCH, OR WATERCOURSE THROUGH USE OF SAND BAGS, GRAVEL, BOARDS OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS. MAINTENANCE: THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AS CONDITIONS DEMAND AND REPAIR AND/OR CLEAN OUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. 00000° 000 o0000C 300000000000000C DOOOOOOOOOO0000C 00000000000� 300000000000 -01 3000000000000 0C 30O00000000000 C J°O°O°O°O°O°O°OC 0 0 0 0 0 0 o C �oo°onono°o°o°oc D o C BOTTOM BLOCK D 0 TURNED SIDEWAYS O D U U U U U t J°O°O°O°O°O°O0 C J°O°O°O°O°O° O 00C D°OO °°00000,O°Cc, cc D°o°O°°°O°O°O°OC O O O O O O O C OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOC o°o°o°o°o°o°o°oc 0 0 0 0 0 0 o C o°o°o°o°o°o°o°C o°o°o,O°o°o°000� BOTTOM BLOCK o ° C TURNED SIDEWAYS po o o o o o o o c -0-0-0-0-0-0-0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C O O O O O O O C 00°O°O°O°O°O°OOC 00°O°O°O°O°O°O°C °o°o°O°o°O°O°oc 000000000000000C 0 0 0 0 0 0 o C 000000000000000C O O O O O O O G- U v v v U v v v v v v v�0°O°O°o 00000 0 C 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000C 300000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 OOC �0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000< 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 C o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o ono o c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 o 0 0 0 0 > o c 0 0 0 0 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000 NC DOT o 0 3 o 0 0 0 000000000000000000 > o c o O o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 57 STONE o 0 � o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 > o c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .. .. ., ., o 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O G O O O G O O O O O O O O G O O O O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J�O�O�O�O�O�OnO�OnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnOnO�OnOnC AT EACH END OF DROP INLET ORIENT ONE BLOCK WITH HOLES HORIZONTAL TO ALLOW WATER THROUGH 8" X 8" X 16" CONCRETE NC DOT # 57 STONE — TONE BLOCK (TYPICAL) 0 7,0 O MAX. SLOPE 1� 000°O°OH c. o°O°O°000 ------ °O°O o°o° °o HARDWARE CLOTH- 2 X 2 MESH, 20 GA. MIN. WIRE BURY BOTTOM ROW f CONCRETE BLOCKS 2" MIN. IN GROUND l� BLOCK & GRAVEL FILTER FOR DROP INLET DESIGN CRITERIA PRIMARY SPILLWAY: TRAPEZOIDAL SPILLWAY WITH IMPERMEABLE MEMBRANE MAX. DRAINAGE AREA: 10 ACRES MIN. VOLUME: 1,800 CF/AC OF DISTURBED AREA MIN. SURFACE AREA: 325 SF / CFS OF Qto PEAK FLOW MIN. L/W RATIO: 2 : 1 MAX. L/W RATIO: 6 : 1 MIN. DEPTH: 2 FEET EMBANKMENT WIDTH: 5 FEET (MIN.) DEWATERING MECHANISM: SKIMMER MIN. DEWATERING TIME: 2 DAYS BAFFLES REQUIRED: 3 inflow structure i Average Area* 'o% Width W L • Arm of basin water surface at top of principal spillway elevation Inflow structure Baffles Baffles /I\ PLAN VIEW r FreeboardT. 8'-0" MAXIMUM STEEL i5F WIRE e _ -- FENCE o= a ED I F FILTER 1 N W FABRIC a m 4 CONTINUOUS TRENCH" WIDE X 8" DEEP WITH WIRE FABRIC AND WIRE EXTENDED INTO TRENCH WITH COMPACTED BACKFILL SD070000 20080219 STEEL POST I m mW NOTES CE FABRIC SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF 32 INCHES IN NADTH AND SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM OF 6 LINE WIRES WITH 12" STAY SPACING. 2. SYNTHETIC FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 36 INCHES IN WIDTH AND SHALL BE SECURELY FASTENED TO THE WIRE. 3. STEEL POSTS SHALL BE 5'-0" IN HEIGHT AND BE OF THE SELF -FASTENER ANGLE STEEL TYPE. 4. SILT FENCES SHALL BE INSTALLED AROUND ALL CATCH BASINS AND DROP INLETS. 5. SILT FENCES SHALL BE PROVIDED AS NECESSARY TO PREVENT EXCESSIVE EROSION. 6. FILTER FABRIC AND WIRE FENCE SHALL BE PROPERLY SECURED TO POSTS WITH WIRE OR PLASTIC ZIP TIES. TIES SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM FIFTY (50) POUND TENSILE STRENGTH. B I TEMPORARY SEDIMENT FENCE I C 1� ._.........� Connection to CMP or Cored to Drop Inlet Enter+,ienf.Y L spillway EmbdninneM storage zone CROSS-SECTION VIEW `PVC Pipe, Seh.80 NOTES: 1. EXCAVATE BELOW THE PROPOSED INVERT OF STORM DRAINAGE PIPE IN ORDER TO FORM PROPER DEPTH REQUIRED FOR SEDIMENT BASIN. 2. TAPER INLET END OF SEDIMENT BASIN FROM STORM DRAINAGE PIPE TO PROPER DESIGN DEPTH. 3. SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL BE A TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURE. TRAP SHALL BE FILLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH PROJECT DESIGN SHOWN ON PLANS. 4. DESIGN LOCATION AND SIZE OF SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN SHALL BE AS SHOWN ON PLANS. Arne Assembly "Clinclosure erEntry PERSPECTIVE VIEW WntUnit PVC End PVC Vent g Schedule 40 PVC Elbow pi P PVC Pipe r4— PVC EndCap Schedule 40 PVC Tee e PVC bt PVC Tee Orifice de Flexible Plate Hose 62 END VIEW FROM VIEW SKIMMER SCHEMATIC Drape baffle material over wire strand and secure with plastic ties at posts and on win 9 Gauge Min High �/�� Temion Wire Strand Shall Be Secured To Post To Support same Material I 'u- Baffle Material -r--• _ __ e If the temporary sediment basin will be, converted to a permanent stormwater basin of greater depth. the baffle height should be based on the pool depth during use as a temporary sediment basin. Note: Install three (3) coir fiber baffles in basins at drainage outlets with a spacing of 1 /4 the basin length. Two (2) coif fiber baHias can be installed in the basins less than 20 it in length with a spacing of 1/3 the basin length. E#end 9 gauge wire to basin side or install T-post to anchor baffle to side of basin and secure to vertical post Variable Depth r Secure bottom of baffle to ground with 12'staples at 12-maximum spacing. Baffle Material should be secured to the bottom and sides of basin using 12- landscape staples BAFFLES LAYOUT SD070525 DITCH TREATMENT SHALL BE USED IN AREAS WHERE SLOPES COULD CAUSE DITCH EROSION. USE OF JUTE MESH, EXCELSIOR MATTING, OR FIBERGLASS ROVING IS ACCEPTABLE. DITCH TREATMENT SHOULD BE INSTALLED BEFORE MULCHING OPERATION. \ -T ANCHOR NETTING IN A JOIN STRIPS BY 6" TRENCH ANCHORING AND OVERLAPPING. NOTES: 1. EXCELSIOR MATTING WITH PHOTO DEGRADABLE PLASTIC WEAVING SHALL BE USED AS AUTHORIZED BY THE ENGINEER FOR SLOPE TREATMENT IN AREAS WHERE SLOPES MAY CAUSE EROSION. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ARE AS FOLLOWS: A. APPLY LIME, FERTILIZER AND SEED BEFORE LAYING THE MAT. B. START LAYING THE MAT FROM TOP OF THE SLOPE AND UNROLL IT DOWN THE GRADE. ALLOW MATTING TO LAY LOOSELY ON THE SOIL OR MULCH COVER BUT WITHOUT WRINKLES - DO NOT STRETCH. C. TO SECURE THE MAT, BURY THE UP SLOPE END IN A SLOT OR TRENCH NO LESS THAN 6 INCHES DEEP, COVER WITH SOIL, AND TAMP FIRMLY AS SHOWN. STAPLE THE MAT EVERY 12 INCHES ACROSS THE TOP END AND EVERY 3 FEET AROUND THE EDGES AND BOTTOM. WHERE 2 STRIPS OF MAT ARE LAID SIDE BY SIDE, THE ADJACENT EDGES SHOULD BE OVERLAPPED 3 INCHES AND STAPLED TOGETHER. EACH STRIP OF MATTING SHOULD ALSO BE STAPLED DOWN THE CENTER, EVERY 3 FEET. DO NOT STRETCH THE MAT WHEN APPLYING THE STAPLES. D. TO JOIN TWO STRIPS, CUT A TRENCH TO ANCHOR THE END OF THE NEW MAT. OVERLAP THE END OF THE PREVIOUS ROLL 18 INCHES, AS SHOWN, AND STAPLE EVERY 12 INCHES JUST BELOW THE ANCHOR SLOT. DITCH TREATMENT 891204 PIPE OUTLET TO FLAT AREA NO WELL-DEFINED CHANNEL U g42 6 b � I ro 12 9 i Z W I _ (I, V{m, Q * O a --. a Wa Oco w 6 Q z >� W U oo O M O CC W U 6 T� G A 1LLpWlc�wn� �•Z ig F-g N,�p �Zo ea 121 U o n UM LL2 as a F u. DaJ o 0 04 O 0 in U 0 U m o o to r } r o m m m rn W o m W xl OIrl o O t` rr M a 0- SDO70506 j ino a PIPE OUTLET TO WELL-DEFINED o is g CHANNEL o I s in m t7 I o I. to 3 CL g z MWM M 0 N M U O_ O 04 V z Z W I i W W J �'' U) o W o o c� z z j O J F z 6 O d ri yVl r U U U IL o (n o TYPICAL RIP -RAP SECTION Lo IS THE LENGTH OF THE RIP -RAP APRON. d _ 1.5 TIMES THE MAXIMUM STONE DIAMETER BUT NOT LESS THAN 6': IN A WELL-DEFINED CHANNEL EXTEND THE APRON UP THE CHANNEL BANKS TO AN ELEVATION OF 6" ABOVE THE MAXIMUM TAILWATER DEPTH OR TO THE TOP OF THE BANK, WHICHEVER IS LESS, A FILTER BLANKET OR FILTER FABRIC SHOULD BE INSTALLED BETWEEN THE RIP -RAP AND SOIL FOUNDATION. DEPTH OF RIP -RAP IS APPROXIMATELY 2.25 TIMES THE MEDIAN STONE DIAMETER BUT NOT LESS THAN 61NCHES. 111111111Illrrr \,,, p,SSOC/q��/rir ,,,,t,t,,,,r,, rF% J�o�pRpOR9T kP O� _ g : SEAL 11\c fZi = 1972 FILTER BLANKET A, JO'(`tk' rllllllll\I�t z J 2' U F- O z W F- p W U o a z Q Z Of LU W (9O LL O r U- V Z 0) U LU N Q 0 LU Q z z �s CEI `/ V 0 IOV 2 12013 14 0 (n z _... lY m TEMPORARY GRAVEL SKIMMER SEDIMENT BASIN CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT OUTLET STABILIZATION STRUCTURE GSHEET 9 OF 9 TOP 21.18' INV 14.47' EIP: A,11 01. NcP\Q ANDRE C. ANDREW5 BOOK 1 172, PAGE 3 \ EGR ( __ NAIL Ls CLARENCE BROWN rn GI BOOK 1 147, PAGE 9GO f n 4- 0 rn L PP I� I rn rn I I I I i ------ 18" CP —... -4 D z < I n OD I�� cR I J NAVA55A VOLUNTEER vi FIRE DEPARTMENT I �L BOOK 7G8, PAGE G5G _ Iz WV I E R L1.J PP CO I \ — C) 4� MAIN STREET - SR # 1 434 S50'50'56"E — EP EP�— 460.13' (50' R/W) CL CL o PK Site Plan. n--�� Scale 1' = 30' GENERAL 13APTI5T STATE CONVENTION OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. MAP CABINET 23, PAGE 190 N50'50'30"W A -1 356.80' N 7;t ,7 4� EIP �r DW z w CA Ui vL CA 0 lsiedag Topo Blevedon. (mNore) is _ EP C O'S0'30"ECL PK— EP _ _____ E---_ CL 370.26' CL E Site data table 0 sgft existing impervious area 36,134 SgFt New impervious area Existing drainage surface flow to existing pond Q =1.08 efs Existing (10 year storm) Q = 7.78 cfs New Impervious area (10 year storm) Q = 8.96 cfs Total Composite flow (10 year storm) Net Q increased by 12% Site slope to be graded to maintain the existing drainage pattern Parking area is Pervious Concrete Water supply is municipal Sewer service is Municipal Trash collection is private Parking 1 space per 100 sgft for largest use area 1 space per staff member 58 spaces required for largest use space 8 spaces required for staff 2 ADA Van Spaces 2 ADA Spaces 62 Spaces provided Site Lighting required to be provided by local Electric Utility Co. GENERAL BAPTI5T STATE CONVENTION OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. MAP CABINET 23, PAGE 190 Pervious Concrete Detail (NTS) r onivoven ile abnc A Permable Concrete surface (H520) BC Stone base O C ONM 5esonaly high water table ( > 3G" from base) / 2 / P / / qU O / / / CL /e EDGE OF PAVEMENT CL 1001j'- -- ---___ _ — — EP �g� �05 BASE -P EP / CONTRO% —�� POINT lhea draviinP are instn:mnents of service and i h n dnthe prcpen c i c Enginecr. No upiet. o± rep oduc6om cf these d.aevings a Permitted a thoa the C pon completon of the Work,,krork all t)h'.^nmin'ga excopt th-`- conmio cop -es are so be r; lwned it) ih (_'na" fionlcd �i x sabieci to ,ire 01,S1010,000 sparbrw®beUwuth.net 3par13engineerfrWWC.Com AL AMO _fdY NOM CAROUM ENYVMIRONMWAL MANAtiEMENT COMMISSION DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY ct cta Firm Name and Address 'Sparks Engineering, PLLC 206 North 13th St. Wilmington, NC28401-4312 910.232. 42781910. 762. 7646 fax SE AL �Q r1ul.r� Sheet C2 Nov°en ber 18. 2007 Ronald W. Sparks,. PE