HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQCSD0027_Performance Annual Report_20020610F-go PSWSID #03.04.034 2001 ANNUAL QUALITY - REPORT FOR THE TOWN OF 'PEACHLAND: DRINKING WATER :..E. & WASTEWATER TREATMENT We're very pleased to provide,youwith this year's Annual Water Quality Report. We want to keep you informed about the excellent water and services we ' have delivered to you over the past year. Our goal is, and always has been, to provide to you a safe and dependable supply of drinking water. The Town of Peachland purchases its water from the Anson County Water System. Anson County's source of water is Blewett Falls Lake, on the Pee Dee River, part of the Yadkin -Pee Dee Basin. It is -pumped from the lake at the intake along the Smith Creek outlet to Blewett Falls Lake to the Water Filtration Plant almost 400 feet above the ANSON COUNTY TEST RESULTS Our supplier of water, Anson County Water System, must strictly monitor according to Federal and State laws, and treat the water that it in turn sells to us. On this page, you will find the County's test results and some definitions to help you understand the table and its abbreviations. Although there were some detects, all findings were in the allowable range. During 2001, the Anson County Water System met all of the standards for water quality that were required. lake. At the plant, the water is treated using four primary processes, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and disinfection. If you have any questions about this report or concerns about your water/sewer utility, please contact Sarah Burr or Becky Martin at 704-272-7781. We want our valued customers to be informed about their utilities. If you want to learn more, please attend any of our regularly scheduled meetings. They are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:00 pm in the Peachland Town Hall. Chemical Ik)cd Y/ Average Range Nail of Measurement Chloroform Y 37.5 9.1 - 59.2 ppb Ilronnxlichletonmethanc Y 14.5 5.1 - 18.5 ppb Ihamnfrmn Y <1.11 <1.11-<1.0 Illb Chtmmlihnm one hnnc Y 3.3 1.11- 6.7 pph In the table yin, will rind many rani';and not heMuil- rwill.Tohelp you Into undadondthese tuna wevepotidd the following •14,na per million ,ppml or.(Irllgroms per lifer )mg4) - mayn't per million itreq,auk henna mini de in lava goo, inn a single penny' in SIII.WO.' - • 'Pam per billion (ppb) or Alien/grains per h,rt - me rant per billion none . onds to one minute in 2.000 yews. m . single parry in 210.000.000 Slain level- the plIP-14 n,lm of. mdnmermn whid,. itesaoedda . trigga tr nnont or it her rup,iranrMs'which . wider syaan mud tonne. •7Yenmmenr ferhmque,771 - A Irmtmml lea pique is • requited prom. in. hanks] .n rsnh,00 the keel an contaminant in drinking watm. Ntphetonelric'I'u,hid'dv 1 'nit INIII) - ropheloux(riebnhidny ,nit is a measure of the drily of won". Turbidity in enema of 5 N11 m it jot* n *koo)de In the average pain. ••Alnsummt ('mminnnnm Level •'Ibc "b1a<i1,mm Allowed- (MCI.) is the highea level orscnlmnnnm that it slimed in thhding water. MCI s are sel as closet° the MCI (is ins feasible mng the host available ncaonmt tdnwlogv. t hn,mnm Contaminant Level Gnat - the "a,.,I`(M(I.(.y is the level of a an. (amino„ 1 in /holing wale, helm. whirl, there is 0017.001 or care 1d risk In hearth. 11ICId15 allow lie a nengirtofs,ftty. V,eucune, per liter on )d.) - piuuuias pa liter is a nxnsure of the radtoadi, ey in wMts. DETECTED SUBSTANCES IN ANSON COUNTY'S 1VATER Contaminant Violation YM Ina• Udcdd 1toil Moos Ban ,t MCLO MCI. Likely Source of Contamination Alpha emitters I99R N 1.5 pCi/I 11 15 Iraosima of natural deposits !Whim N .016 Mtn 2 2 Diet/large 14 t1illingwaa..: disshugc limn nodal rdh,ai c ateia, anginal thptmits ComMwt . " October 1999 _ N . --.. .123 .... .. pint 1.3 .... AI=1.3 Ctinosinn of household plumbing shs- Icons: erosion of untmal deposits: leaching from wood preservatives Fluoride N .92 pion '4 4 Erosion of natural dc)osilsf.wtiler addl. lava which promotes strong tech: dis- charge limn fertilizer and aluminum factories Irmo N .035 span No MCI(; 0.3 Erosion of natnnd deposits Water treatment additive I.,,nd Odnber I999 N 4 pph (1 AI: I5 Corrosion of hauschutd pl ling sys- lents. erosion of animal deposits Manganese N .1113 pin No MCI.0 0.05 lirosiun of natural deposits Nitrate (as Nitrogen) N .53 ppm 10 111 Runoff lion fcrlilicer use: leaching from septic tanks, setup'. erasion of natural deposits 'hnhidit) N Ayo.2a Rama NTU Ida 1T Soil runoff TI IIM (rMat rrihatnmeflmne.(/ N AVG.56 Range 11.4. 12.7 ppb II 100 nv.prtxlucl ofdrinking wafer chlorina- lion Rndir,m N 17.0 rpm der n a TOWN OF PEACHLAND TEST RESULTS The Town of Peachland routinely monitors for contaminants in your drinking water, according to Federal and State laws also. In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain contaminants in water provided by public water systems. , - FDA regulations establish limits for contaminants in bottled water which must provide the same protection for public health:' It's' important to remember that the presence of these contaminates does not necessarily pose a health risk. This report describes the monitoring for the period of January 1st to December 31st, 2001. We are proud to report that the Town of Peachland had no detects or violations and that your water meets or exceeds all Federal and State requirements. The following tests were performed: monthly Bacteriologicals, Lead & Copper series, and an annual Total Trihalomethanes. All results were negative, NO DETECTS were noted. • Some people may be .more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water than the general population. Immune - compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can be particularly at risk from infections. These people should seek 'advice about drinking water from their health care providers. More information about contaminants and potential health effects is available by calling the Environmental Protection Agency's Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 426-4791. i i Peachland's Wastewater System The Town= of Peachland has 242, water customers Of these, 67 also benefit :from • wastewater" (sewer):'- service.'' `A11 household wastewater graviy flows into one of two'lift tations:'. Station:#2'on Boston' Avenue' pumps . 'into Station # 1 on ' Steman Street which pumps into Anson County's connection at the edge of town on Passaic Street. All wastewater then gravity flows or is pumped to the Anson County Wastewater Treatment Plant located south of Wadesboro. To maintain these two lift stations, they are treated with a 2 pound Drain-Eze Bug Block. Suspended inside each station, these blocks contain a high count of bacteria that thrive on waste commonly found in drain lines arid waste collection systems. TOWN OF PEACHLAND Passaic Street P 0 Box 120 Peachland NC 28133-0120 (704) 272-7781 twnofpeachland@alltel.net As you- are probably' aware, the Town. of Peachland was awarded-, • a grant:that will 'be fused. to install: - • ; public' sewer • throughout 'the - Town. This grant was provided by the; NC :Dept:, of Environment, :, , &: Natural.:. Resources, utilizing state bond funds, that were: voted on and passed by residents of NC in 1998. The Town has also been awarded an additional grant known as a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), utilizing funds provided by the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). This grant will fund the installation of sewer connections to homes within a specified section ,of Town, referred to as the Target Area. Consultants working with \A) i • the Town are Hobbs; Upchurch & Associates.: The -Town,: ,of Peachland:is striving to improve .:-s .:,.• its services. in hopes of,improving ; . its economic • outlook. We .:. all . enjoy ':bur small-town feel. -but;:. realize that future growth from the Union County side, will involve the Town of Peachland first and we . want to be prepared as progress comes our way. To prevent line blockages, please do not dispose of grease, household refuse, personal sanitary items, etc. in the sewer system. These items can lock down the pumps and cause 1� maintenance costs to increase. Thank - you for y our cooperation. Current Water Bill Enclosed !!