HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0081825_Annual Report_20000714Pig 0 ro- U. Performance Annual Report of the Ansonville Wastewater Tree L General Information Facility/system name: Ansonville Wastewater Treatment Plant Responsible Entity: Town of Ansonville Person in Charge/Contact: Daniel Wilson Applicable Pennit(e): 0081825 e-n 4 tt'`j �sr AUG 14 2000 DF.HR - CU. Tv Description of Treatment Process: POh'n. ; ;; p': `t;; The wastewater treatment plant uses what is known as an extended aeration type system The ® g U-1 extended aeration type system means the inflow is aerated far an extended amount of time usually 24 hours before enteringthe clarification zones. In this chamber aerobic bacteria decompose the or c solids in mP 8 W sue, , the sewage. 0 Biological waste treatment is a process which uses microorganisms to consume dissolved organic �J { contaminates in wastewater and convert them into additional microorganisms. Then these are mixed with l) incoming wastewater containing organics. The organics are aerated for n predetermined amount of time. After aeration, the mixture of microorganisms and water is channeled to clarification or settling zone where the solid organic contaminates and microorganisms settle, allowing the water to be removed through a baffle and weir trough arrangement. The organic contaminate (sludge) that settles by gravity to the bottom of the settling chamber is pumped back to the head of the aeration chamber for mixing with the incoming waste water. The water that is removed then goes through a disinfecting process.. This process uses a tablet chlorine feeder and an ultraviolet light system L Performance The WWTP had some problems this year, which we worked to correct by replacing the UV l.cnps and by using chlorine tablets. July 1999 -- All parameters were met. August 1999; Flow and fecal were out of compliance because of heavy rain September- 1999—On Sept. 28th the flow was over the limit and on Sept 8th and 28th the fecal was over the allowable limit because of heavy rains over several days. October 1999—The weeks of the 11a` and 15th the fecal was out of compliance due to heavy flow which was also non -compliant. Chlorine was used to correct these problems. November 1999—On Nov. 2nd and 5t the TSS and fecal were high due to turbid effluent. UV lights were replaced and chlorine was used to correct these problems. On Nov. 23'dthere was high flow because of heavy rain. December 1999—Dec 9th through Dec. 29'h flow registered high because of a malfunctioning meter. It was repaired and calibrated when the problem was determined. January 2000—During the week ofJan. 27"' the flow, BOD, TSS, and fecal were noncompliant because of the power outage caused by the snowstorm. Areceptacle was installed to operate the generator for future occurrences. February 2000—The power outage the last week ofJan. caused poor quality effluent and as a result a high level fecal the fast week of Feb. March 2000—To remedy the noncompliant fecal of March 7'h and 14th, the contact chambers and UV system were cleaned and disinfected to remove growth and solid build up. I 110 b I ' AUG 1 4 2000 t.1 Apri12000—A malfunctioning timer that caused repeated blolxler trip outs'caused'ttie'TSSto be out df compliance for three weeks in April. It took some time for the plant to recover from this after the_problem was found and fixed. May 2000—The town was noncompliant for BOD May 2°d ,9a' and 16th because of cloudy effluent created by old sludge. The cloudy effluent made the fecal noncompliant the 23`d and 30'h. We are removing twice as much sludge as previously to stop this problem., . . June 2000—BOD, TSS, fecal and chlorine exceeded limits during the month ofJune. Amilky substance is entering the plant has persistently been a contributing factor in these problems. NCDENR is looking into a pretreatment program for local industry, which will hopefully correct this. IL Notification --Copies of this report have been hand delivered to customers as they have paid. their bills. Those who paid their sewer bill by mail or who deposited payment in the night deposit were delivered a copy. — — — - - III. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that this report has been made available to the users of customers of the named system and that those users have been notified of its availability. Daniel Wilson Utilities Superintendent Ansonville Wastewater Treatment Plant 7-14 —6a Date