HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0081825_Annual Report_20050811Performance Annual Report of the Ansonville Wastewater Treatment Plant L General Information Facility/system name: Ansonville Wastewater Treatment. Plant. Responsible Entity: Town of Ansonville Person in Charge/Contact: Daniel Wilson Applicable Permit(s): NPDES NC0081825 `FRO �,.. 2 2 2005 oI Description of Treatment Process: The wastewater treatment plant uces what is known as an extended aeration type system. The extended aeration type system means the inflow is aerated for an extended amount of time usually 24 hours before entering the clarification zones. In this chamber aerobic bacteria decompose the organic solids in the sewage. Biological waste treatment is a process which uses microorganisms to consume dissolved organic contaminates in wastewater and convert them into additional microorganisms. Then these are mixed with incoming wastewater containing organics. The organics are aerated for a predetermined amount of time. After aeration, the mixture of microorganisms and water is channeled to clarification or settling zone where the solid organic contaminates and microorganisms settle, allowing the water to be removed through a baffle and weir trough arrangement. The organic contaminate (sludge) that settles by gravity to the bottom of the settling chamber is pumped back to the head of the aeration chamber for mixing with the incoming waste water. The water that is removed then goes through a disinfecting process. This process uses a tablet hypochlorite system and dechlorination system. I. Performance The WWTP experienced some problems this year. Most of these problems were very isolated and were corrected quickly and effectively. July 2004- — Three fecal colifonn tests were found to be non -compliant on the dates of July 8, 22, and 29 August 2004 — All of Ansonville's WWTP parameters were met and WWTP was compliant with state regulations. September 2001 On September 26", the Biochemical Oxygen Demand was found to be non -compliant. October 2001 On October 7th, the Biochemical Oxygen Demand was once again found to be non -compliant: November 2004 On November 11 ", the Total Suspended Solids were found to be non -compliant. December 2004— All of Ansonville's WWTP parameters were metand the WWTP was compliant with state regulations. January 2005—All of Ansonville's WWTP parameters were met and the WWTP was compliant with state regulations. February 2005— All of Ansonville's WWTP parameters were met and WWTP was compliant with state regulations. March 2005—All of Ansonville's WWTP parameters were met and WWTP was compliant with state regulations. April 2005—Due to mechanical problems with a blower, the Fecal Coliform and the Biochemical Oxygen were non- compliant on April 28'. May 2005—The fecal coliform was once again non -compliant on May 6". June 2005—The Biochemical Oxygen Demand was non -compliant on June 9th and the Total Suspended Solids were non -compliant on the 30t. Notification --Copies of this report have been made available to all customers. These copies are available at our office during normal office hours. Each customer was notified by mail of this. Il. Certification I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that this report has been made available to the users of customers of the named system and that those users have been notified of its availability. Daniel Wilson Utilities Superintendent Ansonville Wastewater Treatment Plant S/i1/05 Date **NOTICE** Ansonville Water Department's annual Waste Water report is now available at the Water Department during normal operating hours.