HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180909 Stormwater Permit application 4112 Dr Martin Luther King Blvd SignedCITY OF NEW BERN STORMWATER PERMIT APPLICATION FORM (Form SW-004) Name of Developer Amerco Real Estate Company Name of Contact Person Lora Lakov Phone Number 6 02 --2 77 - 5824 Finail Address l ora lakovr�uhaul ,com Name of Development Uhaul Dr. MLK Blvd New Bern Location Of Development 4112 Doctor M1K Jr. Blvd New Bern NC 28562 Who will legally be responsible for or own the development after construction? Name Amerco Real Estate Company 2727 N Central Ave Suite 500 Phoenix Az 85004 Address 602-277-5824 Phone Number Email Address lora—lakov@uhaul _ com_ 1. Total area disturbed by development 12.0 2.0 acres 2. Is any part of the development within the limits of the Neuse Stormwater Rule riparian buffeO A copy of the Neuse Stormwater Rule Riparian Buffer Advisory Map (Riparian Buffer Map) is available in the office of the New Bern Stormwater Administrator. It is the responsibility of the Developer to verify the location of the development with respect to the most current Riparian Buffer Map. Yes - Development must comply with Neuse Stormwater Rule buffer requirements. Skip to Question 4.. No - Continue to Question 3. 3. Is the disturbed area of development greater than '/2 acre? Yes - Developer must have Stormwater plans reviewed by City for approval of a Stormwater Permit. Continue to Question 4. No - Development is exempt from storrnwater rules, unless it is within the limits of the Riparian Buffer. 4_ Is the development solely residential? Yes - Developer must use Residential Stormwater Permit Application Form (SW-002). No - Developer must use General Stormwater Permit Application Form (SW-003). Certification I, J.S. Jan o ki , PE rint name) hereby certify the information included an this and attached pages is true and co d to th of my kn wledge. Signature (�M-� A Date 9 - 9 -18 Official Use Only: Stormwater Permit No. Date M CITY OF NEW BERN GENERAL STORMWATI_R PERMIT APPLICATION FORM kw (Form SW-003, must be accompanied by completed Form SW-001) Name of Developer Amerco Real Estate Company Name of Contact Person Lora Lakov Phone Number 65-2-71-H24 Name of Development Uhaul Dr. MLK Blvd New Bern 1. Is the development solely residential? Yes - You may use the Residential Application Form (Form SW-002). X No - this is the correct form. Go to the next question. 2. What kind of residential development is this? Commercial Muni -family residential industrial Mobile home development Single lot with one single family Assisted livinWoongregate care facility residential structure Multi Use (Residents[ and Single family residential subdivision Commercial) y with multiple tots Other Commercial. Redevelopment 3. Calculate pre- and post -development store water runoff from the development for the 1-year, 24-hour storm with one of the approved methods specified in the City of New Bern Stommater Management Manual. Pre -development peak rune$ 12 . 9�ft (1-year, 24-hour storm) Post -development peak runoff 2 9 . 6 5 Cfa (1 year, 24-hour storm) 4. Does the past -development peak flow exceed the pre -development peak flow? (1-year, 24-hour storm) Yes - Implementation of an approved flow control Best Management Practice (BMP) is required to reduce peak flow to pre -development peak before continuing to next question. No -A flow control BMP is not required for this development. Continue to next question. S. Does the development meet one or both of the following criteria: 1) the posWevelopment peak woff is less than 10 percent greater then the pre -development peak runoff (for the 1 year, 24-hour storm) or 2) the overall impervious surface is less than fifteen percent and the remaining pervious portions of the site are utilized to the maximum extent practical to Convey and control the stormwater runoff? Yes - A flow control BMP is not required for this development but the New Bern Stormwater Administrator must approve a variance. Continue to next question. x No - Implementation of an approved flow control Best Management Practice (BMP) is required to reduce peak flow to pre -development peak before continuing to rid question. 6. Calculate pre- and post -development stormwater runoff from the development for the 10-yow, 24-hour storm with one of the approved methods specified in the City of New Ben Stormwater Management Manual. Pre -development peak runoff 2 7 . 67cfs (I0-year,24-hour storm) Post -development peak runoff 47. 55cfs (I 0-year, 24-hour storm) 7. Does the post -development peak flow exceed the pre -development peak flow? (10-year, 24-hour storm) x Yes - Implementation of an approved flow control Best Management practice (BMp) is required to reduce peak flow to pre -development peak before continuing to next question. No - A flow control BMP is not required for this development. Continue to next question. 8. Where the requirement that the 10-year, 24-hour storm post -development peak flow not exceed the Pre - development peak flow places an undue hardship upon a property owner, variances from the requirement may Form SW-003 General Stormwater Permit Application 2 be granted by the Stormwater Administrator if the development meets the following requirement: The proposed now development appropriately uses the parcel's total remaining total impervious area to the extent practical to convey and control the stormwater runoff, and it is demonstrated, to the satisfaction of the Stormwater Vj Administrator, that no damage to public or private propefffes, including to the City's stormwater facilities and to the quality ofthe public waters, will be caused by granting of the variance. Is this requirement met for the proposed development? Yes — A flow control BMP is not required for this development but the New Bern Stormwater Administrator must approve a variance- Continue to next question- x No - Implementation of an approved flow control Best Management Practice (BMP) is required to reduce peak flow to pre -development peak before continuing to next question. 9. Use Method 2, Form SW-005 for Total Nitrogen export calculations. From Step 8 of Form SW-005, the Total Nitrogen export load from the development is- 9 . 8 0 lb/acre/year. 10. Does the Total Nitrogen export from the development exceed 6.0 lb/acre/year? x _ Yes — Is this a solely residential development? Yes: Maximum allowable Total Nitrogen Export is 6.0 lb/acre/year. Developer must incorporate a single or combination of BMPs to reduce Total Nitrogen Load, and x recalculate 'total Nitrogen export with Method 1 or 2 until it is less than that amount. No: Maximum allowable Total Nitrogen Export is 10.0 lb/acre/year. Developer must incorporate a single or combination of BMPs to reduce Total Nitrogen' Load, and recalculate Total Nitrogen export with Method 2 until it is less than that amount. No — Continue to next question. 11. Does the Total Nitrogen export from the development exceed 3.6 lblacre/year? x Yes — The developer must either incorporate a single or combination of BMPs to reduce Total Nitrogen load or pay offset fees for difference between N export and 3.6 Iblacre/year. State offset fee is: $330/lb/year for each acre of disturbed area. City of New Sam offset fee is: $170/lb/year for each acre of disturbed area. No — No offset fee payments or additional BMPs are required. FEES The Developer m ust pay the Standard Stormwater fee plus any additional fees for Technical Review of Structural BMP designs and any offset fees to the City of New Bern. A fee schedule is available from the Office of the City of New Bern's Stormwater Program Administrator. $400 - p0 1. Standard fee: 2. Structural BMP Technical Review fee: 1 structural BMPs x $ 200 perBMP = $ 200.00 3. Structural BMP As -Built inspection fee: 1 structural BMPs x $ 200 per BMP = $ 200.00 4. State Offset fee: ( .. 80 lb/aciyr Total Nitrogen export - 3.6 lb/ac/yr) x 10 - 825acres x $850.50 Iblyr = offset payment to EEP = $ $ 5 7 , 0 81.31 5. City Offset fee: 9 . 8 91blac/yr Total Nitrogen export - 3.6 Iblaelyr) x 10,8acres x $! 70Ablyr = g 11, 4 0 9.5 5 Total Fee $ 69, 290.86 Is an application being submitted to the State of North Carolina Division of Land Quality for an Erosion and Sediment Control Permit for this development? X Yes — Approval of a City of New Bern stormwater permit is contingent upon approval of the State of North Carolina's Erosion and Sediment Control Permit. No -- What is the reason? Is development {1 acre? Yes — A City of New Bern Stormwater Permit is still required if the disturbed area of the development is greater than'h acre. No — Both and City of New Bern Stormwater Permit and a State Erosion and Sediment Control Permit are required. Form SW-003 General Stormwater Permit Application Other Reason: Form 5W-003 General Stormwater Permit Application CITY OF NEW BERN STORMWATER PROGRAM DRAINING REQUIREMENTS if Submit one mylar and 12 reduced 8.51, x I V copies of final site plan to the New Bem Stormwater Administrator prior to the regularly scheduled meeting of The Board of Aldermen in accordance with the subdivision review schedule. Following recording of the plan by the Craven County size copies for City distribution. Registrar of Deeds, the Planning and Inspoctions Department receives one mylar and three rdtl The final drawings must contain the following information: General information i. True it. Date W. Name of developer and contact information iv. Name Of Owner, Surveyor, and land planner v. Title block on each sheet Location Information, Vicinity Plan t. Project loon H. North arrow, true north point ill. Scale (Drawing scale: v = f OV or larger. Drawing sheet size. IS, x 24" or larger) iv. Al Paved Roads v. Adjoining takes. steams, or other drainage ways shown on either United States Geographical Society (USGS) quad maps or United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Soils maps Site Features i. North arrow vi. Names and locations of all adjoining subdivisions and streets, and the location and ownership of adjoining unsubdivided property. vim. Zoning classification of subdivision and adjacent properties. viii_ Reservations, easements, alleys, and any other areas to be dedicated to public use, conservation or other purposes. ix. Restricted access easement on limited access streets x. Boundaries of total tract xi. Property lines xii. Lot numbers and postal addresses, building numbers xiii. Lot owners' names )iv. Building envelopes in the case of Planned knit Developments (PUD). xv. Sufficient data to determine readily and reproduce an the ground, the location, bearing and length of every street, block line, building line, whether curved or straight, and including true north point. Include the radius, central angle, and tangent distance for the center line of curved streets and curved property lines that are not the boundary of curved streets. xvi. Existing and proposed water mains, sanitary sewers, storm sewers, transmission lines, and other relevant utilities. xvii. Site plan of existing conditions including wooded areas, marshes, wetlands, Neuse Riparian Buffer limits xviii. Existing topographic contours, one foot intervals based on sea level data xix. Proposed topographic contours, one foot intervals based on sea level data xx. Limit and acreage of disturbed area xxi. Planned and existing buildings location and elevations x)& Planned and existing roads location and elevations xxili. Land use of surrounding areas xxty. Rock outcrops xxv. Wetland limits - Written approval by Corps of Engineers with reference to wetlands, if applicable. ioMri Streams, lakes, ponds, drdinage ways, dams, seeps and springs xxvii. Borrow andtor waste areas xxvitl. Stockpiled topsoil or subsoil location City of New Bem Stormwater Program Drawing Requirements W F] rocnc. Location of structural Best Management Practices (BMPs) and their associated maintenance easements. d. Site Drainage Features k i. heisting and planned drainage patterns (include off -site areas that drain through project) ii. Size of areas (acreage) Ill. SFie of location of culverts and sewers iv. Soils information (type, special characteristics), including below culvert and storm sewer outlets v. Name of receiving watercourse or name of municipal operator (only where stomnuater discharges are to occur) e. Erosion Control Measures i. Legend I Location of temporary and permanent measures iii. Construction drawings and details for temporary and permanent measures iv. Maintenance requirements during and after construction f. Vegetative Stabilization I- Areas and acreage to be vegetatively stabilized li. Layout of planned vegetation with details of plants, seed, mulch and fertilizer g. Appropriate certificates and signatures City of New Bem Stormwater Program Drawing requirements Calculating Total Nitrogen Export from New Development For the purposes of the City of New Bern Stormwater Program, new development shall be defined as to include the Wo following: Any activity that disturbs greater than one-half acre of land in order to establish, expand or modify a single family or duplex residential development or a recreational facility. New development shall NOT include agriculture, mining or forestry activities, land disturbance is defined as grubbing, stump removal and/or grading. Property owners that can demonstrate that they have vested rights as of the effective date of the New Bern Stormwater Ordinance (expected April 10, 2001) will not be subject to the requirements for new development, Vested rights may be based on at least one of the following criteria: (a) substantial expenditures of resources (time, labor, money) based on a good faith reliance upon having received a valid local government approval to proceed with the project, or (b) having an outstanding valid building permit in compliance with G.S. 153A-3"A or G.S. 160A-385.1, or (c) having an approved site specific or phased development plan in compliance with G.S. 153A-344.1 or G.S. 160A-385.1. Projects that require a state permit, such as landfills, NPDES wastewater discharges, land application of residuals and road construction activities shall be considered to have vested rights if a state permit was issued prior to the effective date of the New Bern Stormwater Ordinance. The rule requires that all new developments achieve a nitrogen export of less than or equal to 3.6 pounds per acre Per year. If the development contributes greater than 3.6 Ibs/aclyr of nitrogen, then the options shown in Table 1 are available based on whether the development is residential or non-residential. 4 Tahlis I- Nifrnnon ry -" �: Residential Commercial / Industrial If the computed export is less than 6.0 lbslac/yr, then If the computed export is less than 10.0 lbs/ac/yr, then the owner may either: the owner may either: 1. Install BMPs to remove enough nitrogen to bring 1. Install BMPs to remove enough nitrogen to bring the development down to 3.6 lbs/ac/yr. the development down to 3.6 lbsfaclyr. 2. Pay a one-time offset payment of $850.5011b to 2. Pay a one-time offset payment of $850.50/lb to bring the nitrogen down to the 3.6 lbs/ac/yr. bring the nitrogen down to the 3.6 lbsfaclyr. 3_ Do a combination of BMPs and offset payment to 3. Do a combination of BMPs and offset payment to achieve a 3.6 lbs/acl r export. achieve a 3.6 Ibs/ac! r export. If the computed export is greater than 6.0 ibs/ae/yr, If the computed export is greater than 10.0 Ibs/aclyr, than the owner must use on -site BMPs to bring the then the owner must use on -site BMPs to bring the development's export down to 6.0 ibs/aclyr. Then, the development's export down to 10.0 lbs/aclyr. Then, the owner may use one of the three options above to achieve the reduction between 0.0 and 3.6 lbslac/ r. owner may use one of the three options above to achieve the reduction between 10.0 and 3.6 lbslac! r. 4 M rw Method 2 for Nitrogen Export Calculation (Form SW-005) Step 1: Determine area for each type of land use and enter in Column (2)_ Step 2: Total the areas for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (2)_ Step 3: Multiply the areas in Column (2) by the Total Nitrogen (TN) export coefficients in Column (3) and enter in Column (4). Step 4: Total the TN exports for each type of land use and enter at the bottom of Column (4). Step 5: Determine the export coefficient for site by dividing the total TN export from uses at the bottom of Coiumn (4) by the total and at the bottom of Column (2). (1) (2) (3) (4) Type of Land Cover Area TM export coeff. TN export from use acres Ibel 1 r Permanently protected undisturbed open space (forest, unmown meadow) 4-8 Permanently protected managed 2.693 1'2 open space (grass, lands . etc.) 3 .2316 Impervious surfaces (roads, parking 8.13 21.2 lots, driveways, roofs, paved storage 172.356 areas. etc.) TOTAL. 10.82 3 1 -- Step 6. Calculate Total TN export from use (Ibfyr) I Total Area (acre) ■ Existing Vested Impervious = 2.195 Certification 16.22 (Iblacre/year) J.S. Janowski, PE 1, (print Homey hereby certify the information included on this and attactred pages is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signa Date Rational Method Peak Flow Calculation Form (SW-006) The Rational Method may only be used for single-family residential developments where the final built -out development will impact less than 10 acres. Location: 4112 Dr MLK Blvd Drainage area (A): 13.02 acres Average slope: 0 . 3 o percent Maximum Slope Length: 76.9 feet pro-navalnnmabn4 r'_nnotiH.,..E T of Land Use C Area acre C x A TranSportataon 0,90 1.917 .7253 Buildings 95 0.2780 Unmanaged Perviou 0o e v.l 0,98 Total • !) 62 2- Area-weighted C: 0.42 Height of most remote outlet: 2-3 feet 6 6 0 Pre-dev. Peak flow for 1-year, 24-hour storm: Maximum Length of travel: feet q = CA = , 2 • 9 8 cfs Tc; 24.1 min. Pfe-dev. peak flow for 10-year, 24-hour storm: Intensity (i) for 1-yr, 24-hr storm: 2 - 3 2 infhr 27 6 7 q = CA = . Intensity (I) for 10-yr, 24hr storm: 4.96 inthr - ' I' � � � � • � - i • tl � n - 1 . 1 1 NO�s-• 1 1 1.• Area -Weighted C: 0.71 Height of most remote outlet: 2.7 feet Maximum Length of travel: 1190 feet Tc: 21.9 min. Intensity (i) for 1-yr, 24-hrstorm-. 3.23 inlhr Intensity (i) for 10-yr, 24-hr storm: 5.18 inlhr Certification Post-dev_ peak flow for 1-year, 24-hour storm: q=CiA _ 29.65 Cfs Post-dev. peak flow for 10-year, 24-hour storro: q = CIA = 7 . 5 cfs 14 4 -LA 6- i, _- i (print name) hereby certify the information included on this and attached pages is i e best of my knowledge, kliw Signature Data M M