HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130576 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20131125Ar NCDENR North Carolina Department Of"Environinent,and. Natural; Resources Division of-Water Resources Water'Quality Programs Paf,McCrory, Thomas A. Reeder Governor ;Director November 25, 2013 Tony Brown,.County Manager 10 North King,Street ;Halifax, NC 27839 John E.,'Skvarlal,, III Secretary DWR # 13 -0576 Halifax County Subject: APPROVAL- OF 401 WATER,QUALITY CERTIFICATION WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE PER THE TAR - PAMLICO RIVER BASIN RIPARIAN' BUFFER PROTECTION RULES (15A NCAC,02B .0259)'WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS Halifax, County Sawmill 'Dear Me A'rown: You; have,our approval for the °,impacts listed h'elow`for thepurpose, describe'd:in your- application dated' April 29, 2013 and' received' by the Division of Water Resources (Divi'si'on) on-:May 29, 2013, with additional information, received on,S'eptember.3, 2013, October 21, 2013, and.Noverriber 22,,2013. These impacts are covered.'by, the attached Water,,Qua'lity, General Certification Numb'er-3890,and'the conditions listed, below. This eertifica`tion is associated with the use, of Nationwide Permit Number 39 once it is issued to you bythe U.S. Arrmy- Corpsof`Engiineers. Please note that you, should get any,other federal; state or local ipermits'before, proc eeding with your project, including�those'required `by (but,not limited to) °Sedimentand Erosion Control,, ,Non - Discharge, and Water Supply Watershed regulations,. This approval requires you to follow,the conditions listed in,the.enclos66certification and thefollowing additional conditions: 1. The following impacts are hereby,approved provided that all of the'oth'er specific,and general conditions,of the'Certifica`tion; General' Permit and %or -Buffer Rules'are�met. No,other impacts are approved, including incidental-impacts. Ooe No Carolina A tura!!ry North'.Carolina Division o(Water Resources 1628 Mad Service Center Raleigh,, NC 27699- 1626,Phone (919) 791 -4200' Internet,www nmvjatergualdy org Location 3800 "Barrett:Dnve Raleigh, NC 27609 Fax (919)788-7159- lk. An Equal,OppoRunitylAffirmabve' Action; Employer - 50 %`Recycled /10 °/a Post Con §umer Pape Hal_ifaxCounty Sawmill DWR, #13 -0576 401 AND BUFFER APPROVAL Page2 of,4 Type,of Impact �•Amount,Approved' '(units) Permanent '.Amount Approved (units) Temporary ''Wetland 0.062 (acres) 0 (acres) Stream, 79 (linear, feet) 0 (linear feet): Open,,Water' 0:159 (acres) tQ facres)'f - - - „ Buffers — Zone1 5,508 (square feet),�0 (square feet) Buffers —,Zone 2. 4,;896 (square feet) 0, (squareIeetf. I., Stormwater- Management Plan (SMP) Approval by the Division `for "High,Density 'Protects The Division, approves the''SMP, consisting, of "two wet;detention. ponds,and, all associated stormwater conveyances; inlet and outlet structures, a id'the;gr-adi"ng and d'rainage•patterns depicted on plan slieefs, dated,'Novernber 22, 2013'; wh'ichyare, incorporated !by�reference�and`are erfforceable by,the, Division'. The f6IIbwi'ng`conditio,ns also apply: a) ThelMaximum alloWablOArainage areas1or=th6 approved wet-detention ponds shall`be 1,698,840,and. ., 2;9,18,520,square,feef•and`the! maximum allowable.• 'built- upon,,areas,within those drainage areas shall: be.1;3931929 and,2,308,590 :square feet, respectively. Any changes °to these'rri'aAmum areas "shall require the`applicant to submit and, eeteive, approval for a revi"sed,stormwater management plan by the bivisiom, W, The footprin't_,of all -stormwater manageriient devices as well as, an additional 10-f•oot wide,arealon all sides of the;devices,shall be located in publicrigh'ts- ofevvay,; dedicated common, areas, or, recorded easement, areas. The finalplats,for the,project,showing all'such,ri ghts -of -way; coM, mcn aneas, aid, easement {areas shall,'be „in accordance'vvith the approved plans. c)� The approved SMP shall'be�constructed.and operational, before anypermanent bu'il'ding'or, other ,structure `is,occupied at the site. d) The MP,may-not be-modified Without pri'or,written authorizationfrom;the Division..A.copy of °the approval letter and the,modified.SMP,S'hall be,subm” itted'to the•DWR Webscape Unit prior t&the cornMencetnent•of the modifications. ,e) M'ainien lance activities forthe;wet detention,ponds,shall bei performed in accord'ance'with.,the hotatized, O &'M, agreements signed by,dVlr. Tony Brown (Halifax County `Manager) on August'30, 2011, TThe,O &M ,agreement shall transfer with the, sa'(e_of the land or transfer of'ownership /responsibilifiy for the BMPlaeility: TheD'ivision shall;be notified within thirty (,30) da,ys•�of'everyitr;ansfer: 2., 'DiffuseTlow All istormwater -'•shall''be,directed'and maintained,as�diffute,•flow atnori- erosive velocities - through the protectedstream buffers such that;itwill notre- concentrate'beforedischarging into,a stream. Ift`his "is,not ;possible,, it maybe necessary to provide an engineered level spread6r.or,stdr- ffwater faciliti'e!�,to� remove nitrogen and�hosphorus priio, .to,discharge. If deemed, necessary,, these�facilitiesWill ,reguife•ad °ditional approva'I'by the, D'i'A iph,of, Water- Resources: .4 ,Halifax County Sawmill D W R413', 0576 401 AND BLIOERAPPROVAL Page; lbf 4, 3. No Waste; =Spoil, Solids, or -Pill of Any, Kind �N'o waste;, °spoil, sojids; orfili�of`,any'kind,sHall occur,inme,flands, waters, or riparjan,areas beyo,ndfhg footpei'nt<o,'fthe impacts d'ep`icted.in'the Pre - Construction Notification. All construction,attivities,` h, cluding the design; installation,= operation,, and'rmainteriance.of.sedi'rnent and,erosiom'control Best.IVlanagerne it Practices ,,.shalf:bepgrformed'so tha"t,no•violations of state'water quality ,stantlards,'Statutes,or rules occur: 4: Protective Fencing, - The outside "buff er „wetl'and or water boundary and along- the- construction corridor' within these. ,boundaries :approved under `this” authorizatibn "shall be, clearly 'marked. with orange watning fencing ,(or ,similar high visibilitymaterial)for the, areasthat have'Ibeen approved to infringe within, the:.buffer,'wetland Pr waterilprior,to, any iland distur=bing activitiescto ensurercompliance With 15 N,CAC 0-2W.,6500. 5., 'This,approval is for the purpose, and design described' in your application. The ,plans- and'specificat'ions'for this project =are incorporated'by feferenceaspart oflthe�Ce'rtifi' cation ,and,Buffer'Authorizati'on: Ifyou ,change, your project; you must notify the'Division, and you may be,requ`ired to subMjt anew, application package with the ap,propriatefee. If the property, is sold, the new ownerfnu'tibe giVen 6, Copy of,tKis, `approval letter and General Certific?(fi'on. and Is _responsible fc r,cornp'Iyin&with,all conditions 6. This approval and;its.coriditions.are fin'al,and; 6in`di'ng.uriless3conteste'd. Thi's "Certification and Buffer'Authorizatiorncan- be.contested as, provided''in. Articles, 3 and,,4 of,General Statute,150B,'byfiling &'Wti,tten petitioriforan administrative hearing,tofh'e Office of,Ad'i7iinistrative Hearings (hereby'known-as OAH). A petition form may be obtained from t'he,'OAH ,at http. /%Www:ncoah:com[6r by, caIIing'the'OAH Clerk''s�Office,at (9= 19) .43'1 -3000 for information. `With in.sixty'('60) calendar days of receipt cf thi'snotice,,'a petitiorrrqust,'be ,,,filed w,,ith`the,OAH.,,A, petition is considered�filedmhen the original and onel(:1),copy along °vvith��any applicable OAWfil'ing feeais e6ceived in the OAH dui -ing-nor_ffal, office. hoursa,(Mcinday'th-toug'h „Friday between 8`'00arn and 5':OOpm„ excluding, official,state, holidays). The petition maybe faxed` to, the,OAH ;at.(919,,1431- 3100,;prdVided the original,arid.one copy °of .the petition along With any applicable OAH filing fee, is.received °by °the OAH' withi'n"five;'(5) business days•follow,ingthe faxed'transmission. Mailing address for the OAH: If sending.by. First,Class'Mail viathiEWS Pbstdl Service: Office ofAdministrative Hearings `6714 Mail'Service Center Raleigh, N,C "27699 6714 If•sendin via delivery service. (e.g. UPS, Fed Ex): .Office,of Administrative Hearings 1711, New "H'ope, Church Road Raleigh, NC 27609 -6285 Halifax.Couniy.Sawmill bWk #'13'057,6 401 AND BUFFER APPROVAL r_ Page'4 of,4'- One '(1)' copy of the; petition must also,be, served to DEN R': `Lacy Presnell, General Counsel, Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601,Ma il; Serviee Center Raleigh; NC 27699 =x1601 Please;sendone,• l) copy •of the,pe'titio ".n'to, DVVR If sending by F�rst,Class Mail' if sending vla;delivery service vid the'US Postal Service: (e:g: UPS; FedEx)- Karen Higgins .Karen Higgins NC'DENR-DWR — VVebscape Unit :NC DENR- DWR,— Webscape, Unit 1650 Mail Service Center Salisbury °Street t - Raleigh, NC'2,7699 --1650 'Raleigh, NC- 27604 This letter comp letes the review of the Division, under section 401 of the CI•ean Water Act and the Tar - Pamlico Rfparian� Buff er!Rules as descrlbed�in 15A NCAC 0213;0259., Please'contact Cher6Smith, at'919,- 791 -4251 or cherri:smith @,ned'enr-igov if you�have- anyquestionsior,concerns. nc rely, aq Danny Sm" ;,'Supervisor Water C1 ality Regional `Operations Section Enclosures: .GC 3890 r cc: M. Army Corps of Engineers; Raleigh Regulatory Field bffice;� 3331 HeritageiTrade Drive; St. 105;" Wake'Forest; ,NC 127597 W`a'lter',Cole ;,,S&ME; 3201,Spring•,Forest Road; Raleigh, NC,27616,