HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011381 Ver 1_Fax_20010709WATER & LAND SECTION Fax 919 -716 -6766 Jul 9 101 13 52 P 01 k .nay w'n R avlM State of North Carolina ROY v_ uc_x3I k Depam -rent of Justice Al I ONNVIA t . NFRAI 1' 0 LOX 629 RALEIGH 27602-0629 i FAx TRANSMISSION j ENVIRONMENTAL DIVISION � 9 19 -� 16 -seoo Fax 9 19-715-5766 ATTORNEY -CLIENT PRIVILEGED DOCUMENT AND ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT NOT A PUBLIC RECORD PURSUANT TO N C GEN STAT § 132-1 1 URGENT PLEASE DELIVER UPON RECEIPT II o: Derr T. Stevens, DWQ Date: July 9, 2001 Jahn Dorney, DWQ Larry Coble, WSRO, DWQ Jennifer Frye, WSRO, DWQ i -'ax #: (919) 783 -1075 Pages: 3 including this cover sheet Fj rom: .Aruta LeVeaux Subject; PTR v DENR 00 E14R 1378 i COMMENTS Please review and contact me you have any questions r WATER & LAND SECTION Fax 919 - 716 -6766 Jul 9 '01 13 53 P 02 S'A Stele of North Carolina Reply to L)epartrne.ni of _ ustice Anita I cVeaux 11 IUIt \L) t,I= \[1 -, \L P O Box 62c) EnvtrvnmcnralDivision RALEP-;H Tel 9191716.6600 Fax 919/716 -6767 27bo .3 -OG29 July 9, 2001 Tim Sullivan, Esq Thomas West, Esq P� Yner & Spruill, LLP 31300 Glenwood Avenue E-YFACSIHMP AND FIR. CLA.S4 II Rledeigh, North Carolina 27612 k; PTR vc_ DEN'R, 00 EHR 1378, For Settlement Putposer Onlj Di ar Mr Sullivan- My client has received and reviewed your draft settlement agreement While we continue to believe that this matter can be settled it is unfortunate that the consultant did not consult anyone here at DJ-"NR before the consultant's report was submitted Our goal is to settle this matter in a manner that will en,nir� compliance while not appearing to "rewaid" the alleged violator Accordingly, we tender the fbi lowing which my client believes are essential to settling this matter I Deduce the "culverting" of Leak Fork, Creek The proposed retention of 500 feet of pipe is unjustified Crossing of the creek for one (or possibly two, if justified) road crossings is fine but more than that is avoidable 2 On -site storm water management is needed for the new storm \eater from this commercial site. A wet Jetnntion pond would be acceptable 3 Relocation of the smallerbibutary (Iviy (,_.'Ilt',ad a nuinber of questions as it relates to this requirement, primarily because the map was not included, so, there was no reference point) )~our, immediate queries come to mind, First, whether there are any plans for the relocation? Second, will the design be based on a reference stlearri7 Third, will there be wooded buffers on both sides of the C,cck' Uso,,vl,at will be the wlctir, of the butters kinally, biological monitoring will be required for the stream relocation, have you made arrangements with water quality (DWQ), to review and approve the overall mitigation and monitoring plan? � • 1 WATER & LAND SECTION Fax 919 -716 -6766 Jul 9 '01 13 53 P 03 4 Of the two pipes installed in Leak Fork Creek, One trust be either raised or partially plugged so that low flow only goes through one pipe and the low flow is not so spread out as to remove the aquatic habitat 5 Delete sweet gum and sycamore from the proposed plantings 6 lnform DWQ of the proposed buffer width on the restored portion of Leal. Fort: Creek and whether n is to be planted with trees or shrubs? Finally, there is a reference to maps in the report, T couiu not locate the same Please feel free to call me at the number set out above if you have any questions_ V truly yo , Anita LeVeaux Assistant Attorney General N.0 State Bar No. 1 3667 C Kerr T Stevens John Dornery Jennifer Frye Ron Linville Dave Pc arose Larry Coble LP'-49185