HomeMy WebLinkAbout20011381 Ver 1_Individual_20000121Mitchell ENVIRONM 113 West 3rd St. • Green, 3975 Market St. Bldg. D Suite A • December 13, 1999 Mr. John Thomas Raleigh Regulatory Field Office U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 6508 Falls of the Neuse Road, Suite 120 Raleigh, North Carolina 27615 AsAciates, Inc. PAYMENT Dear Mr. Thomas: RECEIVED NSULTANTS .4077 • Fax: 252.752.7380 910.254.0602 • Fax: 910.254.0603 �+ a Ia ,� �1� ®®® The purpose of this correspondence is for Mitchell and Associates, Inc., representing PTR, Inc., to submit an application for the placement fill material within Section 404 Department of the Army jurisdictional waters, Leak Fork Creek, and the relocation of an unnamed tributary, located on the west side of Patterson Avenue, approximately 1400 feet north of the intersection of Motor Road, northwest of the city of Winston Salem, in Forsyth County, North Carolina (General Location Map, Page 1 of 4; Specific Location Map, Page 2 of 4). The purpose of the fill and culverting was to facilitate the construction of an existing commercial mobile home showcase site. Enclosed is a map of Leak Fork Creek and the unnamed tributary before the fill, culvert, and redirection (Existing Conditions Map, Page 3 of 4). The construction allows commercial amenities to be developed that are essential to business needs. Without excavation, culverting, discharging of fill material, and the redirection of the tributary, the site would be unsuitable to support this business endeavor. The proposed plan to culvert Leak Fork Creek and to redirect the unnamed tributary are illustrated on map page 4 of 4. The applicant considered other alternatives to the placement of fill material in jurisdictional waters. However, the plan is the only practicable alternative available. Considering the applicant presently owns and operates a commercial business on the existing site, relocating the business to another area to avoid impacts was not an economically viable alternative. In addition, the applicant does not own any other properties suitable for the business that would also satisfy the plans for this commercial business operation. The facility on the existing site is the only practicable alternative available to the applicant. Only those areas essential to the expansion plan were included, and special care was used not to exceed these designated boundaries. All fill and culverted areas were stabilized immediately and prevented from effecting any wetland areas outside the permitted fill area. By copy of this completed Department of the Army Individual Permit Application and attached cover letter, I am requesting your consideration of this project and anticipate your response. Please contact me at your convenience should you have any questions regarding this matter. Thank you for your time and prompt attention to this request. cc: Rocky Carter, PTR, Inc. Post Office Box 1037 Kernersville, North Carolina 27285 APPLICATION V EPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PERMIT (33 CFR 325) OMB APPROVAL NO. 0710-003 Expires October 1996 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing searching the existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed,and completing and reviewing the collection of information Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Service Directorate of Information Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202 -4302; and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0710-0003), Washington, DC 20503 Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either of those addresses. Completed application must be submitted to the District Engineer jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Authority 33 USC 401, Section 10 1413, Section 404. Principal Purpose: These laws require permits authorizing activities in, or affecting navigable waters of the United States, the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States, and the transportation of dredged material for the purpose of dumping it Into ocean waters. Routine Users: Information provided on this form will be used in evaluating the for a permit Disclosure Disclosure of required information is voluntary. If information is not provided, however, the permit application cannot be processed nor can a permit be Issued One set of original drawings or good reproducible copies which show the location and character of the proposed activity must be attached to this application (see sample drawings and Instructions) and be submitted to the District Engineer having jurisdiction over the location of the proposed activity An application that is not completed in full will be returned. 5 APPLICANTS NAME 8. AUTHORIZED AGENTS NAME AND (an agent is not required) PTR, Inc. MITCHELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. 6 APPLICANTS ADDRESS 9. AGENTS ADDRESS Post Office Box 1037 Kernersville, North Carolina 27285 113 WEST 3RD STREET GREENVILLE, N.C. 27858 7. APPLICANT!S PHONE NOS. W/AREA CODE 7. AGENT'S PHONE NOS, WIAREA CODE a Residence See Agent a. Residence 252.752.4077 b Business See Agent b. Business 252.752.4077 11, STATEMENT OF AUTHORIZATION I hereby authorize to act in my behalf as my agent in the processing of this application and furnish, upon request, supplemental information In support of this permit application. SEE ATTACHED LETTER OF APPLICANTS SIGNATURE DATE NAME, LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT OR ACTIVITY 12 PROJECT NAME OR TITLE (see Instructions) Larry's Homes 13. NAME OF WATERBODY, IF KNOWN (Yapplicable) 14. PROJECT STREET ADDRESS (if applicable) Leak Fork Creek and unnamed 4060 North Patterson Avenue Winston Salem, North Carolina 27105 15 LOCATION OF PROJECT Forsyth NC COUNTY STATE 16. OTHER LOCATION DESCRIPTIONS, IF KNOWN (see Instructions) On the west side of North Patterson Avenue, approximately 1404 feet north of the intersection of Motor Road. 17. DIRECTIONS TO SITE Take highway 52 North out of Winston Salem, turn right on Patterson Avenue exit, and look for the street address. "Larry's Homes" is on the left side of Patterson Avenue North. - ENG FORM 4345, Feb 94 EDITION OF SEP 9113 OBSOLETE (Proponent. CECW -0R) 18 Nature of Activity (Description of projecf. Inc,uu. all features) Applicant excavated, culverted, and filled 1510 linear feet of jurisdictional waters of the United States. See map for linear assignment. 19 Project Purpose (Describe the reason or purpose of the project, see InstrucVons) Facilitate a commercial mobile home showcase site to allow for additional commercial amenities to be developed that is critical to applicants business needs. USE BLOCKS 20 -22 IF DREDGED AND /OR FILL MATERIAL IS TO BE DISCHARGED 20 Reason(s) for Discharge Fill area allowed for construction facility.' Without discharge of fill material, the site is unsuitable to support this commercial endeavor. 21 Type(s) of Material Being Discharged and the Amount of Each Type In Cubic Yards Approximately 3674 cubic yards of clean earthen fill material obtained from the upland site. 22 Surface area In Acres of Wetlands or Other Waters Filled (see Instructions) 0.35 acre 23 Is any Portion of the Work Already Completed? Yes X No IF YES, DESCRIBE THE COMPLETED WORK Site as shown is currently constructed. 24. Addresses of Adjoining Properety Owners, Lessees, Etc., Whose Property Adjoins the Waterbody (If more than can be entered here, please attach supplemental list). BMT Auto Sales Freedom Homes 4028 North Patterson Avenue 4120 North Patterson Avenue Winston Salem, N.C. 27105 Winston Salem, N.C. 27105 25 List of Other Certifications or Approvals/Denials Received from other Federal, State or Local Agencies for Work Described in this Application AGENCY TYPE APPROVAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER DATE APPLIED DATE APPROVED DATE DENIED USACOE 199920144 26. Application is hereby made for a permit or permits to authorize the work described application is complete and accurate. 1 further certify that I possess the authority t duly authorized agent of the applicant. SIGNATURE OF DATE The application must be signed by the person who desires to undertake authorized agent if the statement in block 11 has been filled out and sigi on. I certify that the information in this work described herein or am acting as the /01P 9 'DA YE activity (applicant) or It may be signed by a duly 18 USC Section 1001 provides that: Whoever, in any manner within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully falsifies, conceals or covers up any trick, scheme, or disguises a material fact or makes any false, fictitous or fraudulent statements or representations or makes or uses any false writing or documents knowing same to contain any false, flctitous or fraudulent statements or entry, shall be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than five years or both. . US GPO 1904.52047WS2018 Mitchell E N V I R 0 N 113 West 3rd St. • Gr 1121 South Front St. • V December 4, 1998 Mr. Rocky Carter PO Box 1037 Kernersv111e, NC 27285 Ws es, Inc. LTANTS • Fax, 252 752.7380 12 • Fax 910 254 0603 I, Rocky Carter, do hereby authorize Mitchell and Associates, Inc to act as my agent on the property off Patterson Avenue in Winston -Salem North Carolina. ZJ"��? ,,/, Signature Date 40 40 17 40 N A i a4—___ _______ —___ -- ___,� =� =.w .n _-- _�� —_— mac__ —___ _ —___ _____ ____ —__ - - -_• -_ _..� vATf,SONAVENUE �v 11 II _ r J EXISTING SITE PLAN p """ LEGEND P B SKETCH NOT TO SCALE �.�OSClence & e nology, PA Win.ion Salem NC 1.36996 -13001 = Leak Fork Creek — — — — — = Unnamed Tributary = Approx. Property Line Existing Leak Fork Creek & Unnamed Tributary Forsyth County, North Carolina Rocky Carter Lat N 36° 9 638' Long W 80° 15 272' SEDW"NTFENCE 11 11 iii — � —� • � "' � • . �o�w.~ � / i �•^ � J –' —_� -- Y� I'd � /.,u�.wn� « -i L . i . g SfTE PLAN SCALE 1' I11 l9 -- - - - -'a w GTCH BASw GENERAL NOTES, ••" • , w.w.sawroY. SEDIMEN7 amw :a •nERSPr.✓fa.d ,11 wMwYa�iu.a�K —1 iE9 PM «cTYPE A DITCH . «cTYPE 8 OITCH • «cTYPE C ORCH - DITCH TEFI~TgN " GeoSc7 Proposed Culvert of Leak Fork Creek & I Redirection of Unnamed Tributary Forsyth County, North Carolina " Rocky Carter Lat N 36e 9 638' Long W 80e 15 272' \ ` l