HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-05313_Well Construction - GW1_20210615 I W CONMUCnON raw r-, For Iatemal Use OnIT. . L WenconaWtor rmftju .14.WATFdt.Z01'18S... FROM Tr] Wen Co Nina 1 R' R .113 R R i NC wenCoatcae Certi6carioaNeaaber LS.UUl'Ts8Q4MG yflikasid-*% p `����' l 2 � FROM 20 D1AMS188� 'ffiCJII'�9.4 I 1MA2EBiAl. CQUIF-Y 6 l+ A i.lPfl�=CAS1NG•"ORT=NG : . .. ... ,.:::� .:.. W rr To nreasr>a �asss ,••,�*•� 2.Wen ConWrucdoa PesIvit d: 3.Well Use(check well use): TIMIerSupply Wen: I I�D1AM81SB SIATSlZ$ ffiFS4 EtITJ�I pMrmkipsi� R R in (HCst vio0olIDB Supply) ORCMdentw Wells Supply(smwe) R R ObsfirsCiaUCommerraai OResidential Water Supply(SbWed) 1&.GltODT'..: ?; -':'r•',;. ::, .. tc=�:_'_ .' ::;`.E?. i3 , DWeUs>100.0D0GPD FFDM TO: :,.,.MA7MELet. 12"IACO vrUMMoD&AMOUN' AA Noa-Water Supply Well: R R pbfani lag OReoovery, R $ ,, Injection well: R R 0Agm£uReoharge OGmundwatarRemedisian OAq uSrr Storage and Recovery pSalinhyBanier FROM I TO I�ATEarA1 n OAq„ifer Ted o tormwffier Dr dnage pFxpeamaami Teehaology ❑Subsidence Coal IL R A ._ Dial(CI-ed Loop) DTraoer =12 'DW TSNP LOG dt'a i; FROM TO IDffi(EIP121r ete3 D CVWMMd PestingCooyngRettmm) E30dier(explain rmder#21Rematis) R R 4.Date Wens)Completed: - ' 2� well ID# R . s � 52.wez Locaflon: _ R R j er fS R R Nmne FacftS'IDP(rf ) e� d R R i R S phyyirslAddress,may.x�d2lp � 3L�R15MABHS: Ya<cel ldeoffmd-No.(PIN) i f t5b. &II.de and longnade in degrtts/miBlit-Isaoads ordecimal degrees: ,om> is ) 22.Certi6eadoa: — — ` 1 � seofCertified•�Veil<ornr Dane 6.U(are)the weH(s):Aermanent or DTemporary + r rl arrlaeve!!{s) l+�) a'�0,dm+oc,.n Bysigafom�1levebyeeaafy 7.1s this a repair to sa esisliag well' •GWs or I' o 15ANCAC 02C.0100 or 15ANC4C 02C.0200 iYrll °�F. If ails his a repair t ru n exi,.eft ov�arsu�avr mfordr�an a>d the Boa o�rl+e of Scs Teec�d har h w p owded to d6e veU owna roa9er¥21 rmmEs saetfon a,on the bdeYoftlrisfonv: 23.Site diagram or sdafioaal well detals: Yon may use the back of this page to provide info 8.For GeoprobrJDPT or Ciosed-Loop Geothermal Wens having the same (add See Ovee in Remarks Boxy You may also attach pages ifnecesm men. 1 GW 1 is needed.tndie'ete TOTAL NUMBER of sells dnIled 24.SUBMITTAL IxSTRUCTI01!iS 9.Total weII depth below Ind surface: 5 20 t (&) Submit this GW 1 within 30 days of well completion per the fenowhg: Forv-ftki elk&Ialldgdnif4%rewl�k-3@200'arm2®1� P 24a. For All Wells: Original form to Division JWater Resor. (DWR; 10.Static water levels below top of easing (�) hrfutmaiion Ptacessin$Unit,1617 MSC,Raleigh,NCI27699-1617 4rwaw kvdfsdbM=$ft'rse action Coatcal(IUC 24b.For Iniecdon Weis:Copy to DWR,tlaaagart�bu 1L Borehole diameter: ten) program,1636 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 12 we>f eoasaaetiea meth�odt: 24c.For Water SaDnl7�d DPe-��°n �W�Copy to th p-=8W ro my�dived vu*�) ommty enVII•cume�l beam Ortne COImLy1vhem mS0;LLed FOR WATER SMTLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For WaterWells orodu&C aver,ISO GPJ Copy to.DWR,CCPCUe permit pmgam,1611 MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-1011 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: I 13L DESaiftSon type: Amount: Z'✓ Rained 6�-zol Form OW-1 Now C rotma new of l Q�Iar-D;r;�of Water R ;