HomeMy WebLinkAbout20131167 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20131112Pat McCrory ,Governor /' WDENR North Carolina Departmen't,of,,,Environment and,Natural Resources Division ,ofMater Resources 1Nater- Quality P•rogra_ms, - Thomas A:, Reeder _John E:, Skvarla; III Director Secretary iNovernber 12,1013 DWR #'13 -1167 Wake• County Daniel Thar "rin,gton ' • .5801Old'Forgs`Ci�rcl'e _ gpleigh,_N,C 27609 Subject: AUTHOR'ZAT'ON'CERT'F'CAT' PER"THE',NEUSE RIVER BASIN, RIPARIAN BUFFER_ PROTECTICIN RULES (15A'NCAC 0213 .0233) WITH- ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS' Daniel'Tharrington Dear -Mr. _Tha- rririgton: You have our approval for the impacts li'sfpd' below for the purpose described in your, application,d'ated•_ Oatober 29; 201`3,and'reeeived' by'the;C`,Vision of-'Water R_eso,urces'(Divi`sion),on November'5,,2013. Plea -se, note,that;you =should get °an -,other federal,,,state or�local'permiis' including those required,,by (,but.not limited to,)Sediment and Erosion Control, Non, Discharge, and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This „ Authorization °Certificate,shall' expire five,(5) years- from,the,date of this letter. This ,,approval requires you to cothply -itWihb, f6flovving conditions: 1. Thefollovving ,irripacts'areihereby approved.pio`v,ided that,all'of °the other'.specific and general cond•itions,of• ath0,13-Liffer Rules are met N,0 other impacts'arel,approved, jncludingincidental!impacts: `Type'of1IJ pact ArYidurit•Approved AMou ht, Approved- (units) (units)' Permanent 'Temporary Buffers — Zone, 2 500 '(square'feet) - 0 '(square feet) 2'. No Waste; Spoil, S'olids,,or,Fill,o'f Any Kind No waste, 'spoil, solids; or'fill ;of anykind shall occur in Wetland's,waters;'or riparian areas beyond the. footprint of,•tli'e,irnpact-s•dep ded in tlie'Pre= CMistruction Notification: All c-onstr,uction a'ctivi'ties, including the'd'esign; install- ation, operation, an&mai'ntena -nce o, fsedi'ment and erosion control Best Man- agement One No Carolina - - - - _ - - - - •atura!!r� - North Carolina Divisiomof'Water Resources' 1628 Mail Service Center' Raleigh. NC 27699 =1628 Phone (919) 79174200 Internet wvvw ncwatera'uality org Location 3800'Barrett Dnve Raleigh, NC' 27609 Fax (9,19) 788 =71'59 Amy qual;Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer -;50 %, Recycled /10616 'Post Consumer, Paper Daniel'Tharnngton DWR, #1,34167 BUFFER'APPROVAL i Page 2.of 3, Practices, shall' be performed so'that °noviolations of �state'water quality,standards,,sta'tutes, or rules ;occur: Protective F'encin The eoutside buffer; wetland 'or water 'boundary and along the construction corridor within `these boundaries approved under this 'rauthoriiation shall be :clearly ,marked with' orange warning fencing (or similar hig'h•visibilityrnaterial) for°the�areas- that have been approved to infringe within the buffer, wetland ,or water prior10 any land;disturbing,activities,to ensure compliance With 15 NCACO2H .0500. 4. This approval is,for'the purpose and design, described in; your,application. The plans and specifications for thi's project are incorporated' by'reference;as �part,of the Buffer Authorization, If, you change your project, you must notify the Division and you maybe raqui_r =ed'to,,submit anew application package with the appropriate fee. If -the property is sold, the new owner must be given ,a copy okfiis- approval letter'and is responsible for complying >With�,all,conditions., 5: This approval and its conditions are final,andbinding unless contested. This Buffer,Authorization can be contested, as provided in Articles 3,and 4of General Statute 1,509 by, filing,a written petitiorrfo,r an ad'min'istrative hearing�to the Offi'ce,of Administrative- Hearings (hereby known as'OAH�), A petition form -may be obtained -from the OAH °at ht,tp: / /WwW.hcoah.com /_or by,calling the OAH Clerks Office at (919) 431 -3000 for information.. Within sixty'(60) calendar days' of;receipt*of this notice, a_ petition must be,filed with,the'OAH. -A_ petition is considered filed, when the original and one (1) copy along with any, applicable OAH filing fee is received In the'OAH during normal office hours (Monday through Friday, between 8 00am,and S,:OOpm; excluding official- state,holidays). The petition may beJaxed to- the. OAH,at (g19) 43'1 -3100, provided the original and one copy -of the, petition, along With any applicable OAH filing fee is received by the OAH within 'five, (5),business,days foll'owing'the faxed'transmission. JVlailing address for °the OAH: If sending by First Class- Mail via the US Postal Service - Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail,Service Center ,Raleigh, N,C,27699 =,6714 If'sending; via delivery service (e.g. -UPS, Fed6 ) Office of Administrative Hearings, 1711 New'Hope Church Road' Raleigh, NC 27609 -6285 "One (1) copy"of'the�petitiowmust also be,servedto 0ENR: Lacy Presnell, General Counsel' Department-of Environment,and Natural' Resources Daniel Tharrington DWR #13 -1167 BUFFER APPROVAL Page 3 of 3 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1601 Please send one (1) copy of the petition to DWR If, sending by First Class Mail If sending via delhvery,service via the US,P,ostalService: (e.g. UPS_Fedbz): Karen Higgins Karen Higgins, NC DENR -DWR — Webscape Unit NC DENR -DWR — Webscape Unit 1-650 Mail Service,Center 512'N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27699 =1650 Raleigh,, NC,27604" This letter-completes the review,ofthe Division under the 'Neuse Riparian Buffer Rules as described in 15A NCAC 0213.02,33. Please-contact Cherri'Smith at•919- 791 -4251 or cherei.smith @ncdenr.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Si erely, Danny,S th, Supervisor 'Water,Quality Regional Operations Section Cc: DWRER0 401 files