HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0048577_Lab Inspection_20121016INSPECTION REPORT ROUTING SHEET To be attached to all inspection reports in-house only. Laboratory Cert. #: #515 (changed to #5628, effective 9/26/2012) Laboratory Name: Robeson County WTP Laboratory Inspection Type: Municipal Maintenance Inspector Name(s): Jeffrey R. Adams, Dana Satterwhite, Gary Francies, & Tonja Springer Inspection Date: July 31, 2012 & (Follow-up) on September 13, 2012 Date Report Completed: October 16, 2012 Date Forwarded to Reviewer: October 16, 2012 Reviewed by: Dana Satterwhite Date Review Completed: November 5, 2012 Cover Letter to use: ❑ Insp. Initial ® Insp. Reg. ❑ Insp. No Finding ❑ Insp. CP ❑ Corrected Unit Supervisor: Dana Satterwhite Date Received: October 16, 2012 Date Forwarded to Linda: November 8, 2012 Date Mailed: November 8, 2012 Linda — please mail a separate copy to both Ms. Debbie Locklear's and Mr. Myron Neville's attention. Also, please file copies under both certification numbers: #515 and #5628. Tonia — please notify the regional office of our findings and the actions taken so far. Attach Instructions for DMR reporting and calculations. �- Cc`k e.c1 eCV�t lC/G�^�S 0tv4 33 6 SS 41/1V;& cow v� Sa15 6-2. asA(21 d ',,S J- c eu do you /.07:17 a,S On -Site Inspection Report LABORATORY NAME: Robeson County Water Department NPDES PERMIT # NC0048577; NC0086894; NC0084204; NC0085685; NC0086991 ADDRESS: 265 McGirt Road Maxton, NC 28364 CERTIFICATE #: 515 (changed to field lab #5628, effective 9/26/2012) DATE/TYPE OF INSPECTION: July 31, 2012 - Municipal Maintenance Inspection September 13, 2012 — Compliance Enforcement Investigation AUDITOR(S): July 31, 2012 — Jeffrey R. Adams September 13, 2012 - Jeffrey R. Adams, Gary Francies, Dana Satterwhite and Tonja Springer LOCAL PERSON(S) CONTACTED: July 31, 2012 - Katie Radford, Debbie Locklear and Myron Neville September 13, 2012 - Debbie Locklear and Myron Neville I. INTRODUCTION: This laboratory was inspected by a representative of the North Carolina Wastewater/Groundwater Laboratory Certification (NC WW/GW LC) program to verify its compliance with the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H ..0800 for the analysis of environmental samples. II. GENERAL COMMENTS: The laboratory was clean and well organized. The facility has all the equipment necessary to perform the analyses. During a routine municipal maintenance laboratory inspection on July 31, 2012, evidence of fraudulent activities was discovered. Laboratory fraud may be defined as the deliberate falsification of analytical and quality assurance results. As a result, a -Compliance Enforcement Investigation was performed on September 13, 2012 by the NC WW/GW LC Compliance Officer, Mr. Gary Francies, accompanied by Ms. Dana Satterwhite, Mr. Jeff Adams and Ms. Tonja Springer. During this visit, Mr. Myron Neville, the plant Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) and laboratory manager, immediately acknowledged that actions taken by Ms. Katie Radford were unacceptable and that falsification did occur. Those actions are detailed in Section III of this report. On September 26, 2012 the laboratory's certificate attachment was amended to delete Total Suspended Residue and certification status was changed from a Municipal Laboratory to a Field Laboratory. The laboratory is currently certified to analyze the following field parameters: pH and Total Residual Chlorine. Contracted analyses are performed by Environment One, Inc. (Certification #10) Page 2 #515 Robeson County Water Dept. III. FINDINGS, REQUIREMENTS, COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Documentation Comment: The laboratory submitted falsified benchsheets to the inspector. The North Carolina Administrative Code, 15A NCAC 2H .0807 (c) (7) (K) states: A laboratory that submits falsified data or other information may be decertified for all, parameters for up to two years. During the Compliance Enforcement Investigation on September 13, 2012, Mr. Myron Neville stated that the analyst responsible for submitting falsified information (i.e., Ms. Katie Radford) would have no involvement with the generation of compliance data including, but not limited to, sample preparation, monitoring of support equipment, instrument maintenance and calibration, quality control procedures, sample analysis, calculation of results, transcription of data, and reporting data. Ms. Debbie Locklear was designated as the Laboratory Supervisor on September 26, 2012. No further response is necessary for this finding. Recommendation: It is recommended that measures be taken to detect and deter fraudulent practices in the future. These measures may include implementing a technical data peer review system, developing a clearly defined and well communicated quality assurance document and/or standard operating procedures and implementing a personnel training program in laboratory procedures, as well as, laboratory ethics. Comment: The North Carolina Administrative Code, 15A NCAC 2H .0805 (a) (3) (C) prescribes the following: The supervisor shall provide personal and direct supervision of the technical personnel and be held responsible for the proper performance and reporting of all analyses made for these Rules. The supervisor must work in the laboratory or visit the laboratory once each day of normal operations. A. Finding: All original records are not retained. Requirement: Supporting records shall be maintained as evidence that these practices are being effectively carried out. All analytical records must be available for a period of five years. Ref: 15A NCAC 2H .0805 (a) (7) and (a) (7) (G). Requirement: Data pertinent to each analysis must be maintained for five years. Certified Data must consist of date collected, time collected, sample site, sample collector, and sample analysis time. The field benchsheets must provide a space for the signature or initials of the analyst, and proper units of measure for all analyses. Ref: 15A NCAC 2H .0805 (g) (1). Comment: During the initial municipal maintenance inspection performed on July 31, 2012, the laboratory field analyst, Ms. Debbie Locklear, provided records of her original observations for field analyses to the auditor for review. The inspector reviewed field data benchsheets for pH and Total Residual Chlorine on July 2 and July 3, 2012 for all five discharge monitoring locations. It was noted at that time, that this analyst was not performing required quality assurance. During the Paper Trail Investigation, it was found that the laboratory Supervisor, Ms. Katie Radford, was constructing secondary field sheets with the field data transcribed from Ms. Locklear's records and with the addition of fabricated sample duplicate and quality control sample data. The original field data sheets, completed by Ms. Locklear, could not be found for any days other than the July 2nd and 3`d data that Ms. Locklear provided during the audit. The environmental compliance data reported for these two days were transcribed accurately to the DMR. Further investigation and subsequent attestation by Ms. Locklear also revealed that Ms. Locklear's signature was forged on these secondary data sheets. B. Finding: Several instances of writing over a number and the use of a correction fluid as a means of error correction were observed. Page 3 #515 Robeson County Water Dept. Requirement: All documentation errors must be corrected by drawing a single line through the error so that the original entry remains legible. Entries shall not be obliterated by erasures or markings. Wite-Out®, correction tape or similar products designed to obliterate documentation are not to be used. Write the correction adjacent to the error. The correction must be initialed by the responsible individual and the date of change documented. All data and log entries must be written in indelible ink. Pencil entries are not acceptable. Ref: Quality Assurance Policies for Field Laboratories. Traceability Comment: The laboratory needs to increase the documentation of purchased materials and reagents, as well as documentation of standards and reagents prepared in the laboratory. The Quality Assurance Policies for Field Laboratories document states: All chemicals, reagents, standards and consumables used by the laboratory must have the following information documented: Date Received, Date Opened (in use), Vendor, Lot Number, and Expiration Date. A system (e.g., traceable identifiers) must be in place that links standard/reagent preparation information to analytical batches in which the solutions are used. Documentation of solution preparation must include the analyst's initials, date of preparation, the volume or weight of standard(s) used, the solvent and final volume of the solution. This information as well as the vendor and/or manufacturer, lot number, and expiration date must be retained for chemicals, reagents, standards and consumables used for a period of five years. Consumable materials such as pH buffers and lots of pre -made standards are included in this requirement. During the Compliance Enforcement Investigation on September 13, 2012, Ms. Tonja Springer designed benchsheets that included spaces to enter the required traceability information for pH and Total Residual Chlorine. The laboratory implemented these benchsheets on September 14, 2012. No further response is necessary for this finding. — Standard Methods, 4500 H+ B — 2000 Comment: The laboratory is not analyzing a check buffer on each analysis day. The NC WW/GW LC Approved Procedure for Field Analysis of pH document states: If compliance samples are analyzed throughout the day, a post calibration check (e.g., 7 buffer) must be analyzed mid -day and at the end of the run (i.e., roughly every 4 hours based on an eight hour day). For routine work, use a pH meter accurate and reproducible to 0.1 pH unit with a range of 0 to 14, equipped with a temperature compensation device. Follow all manufacturers' recommendations for the calibration of the meter each analysis day. The meter must be calibrated with at least two buffers. In addition to the calibration standards, the meter must be verified with a third calibration standard. The calibration and check standard buffers must bracket the range of the samples being analyzed. The check standard buffer must read within a range of ± 0.1 pH units to be acceptable. During the Compliance Enforcement Investigation on September 13, 2012, it was observed that the laboratory had implemented analysis of a daily check buffer. No further response is necessary for this finding. Comment: The laboratory reported unacceptable results on two consecutive proficiency testing (PT) samples for the 2012 proficiency testing calendar year. In addition, it was found that the laboratory. supervisor, rather than the analyst that regularly performs analysis of environmental samples, analyzed the PTs. The North Carolina Administrative Code, 15A NCAC 2H .0807 (b) (1) states: A laboratory may receive a parameter decertification for failing to: Obtain acceptable results on two consecutive blind or announced performance evaluation samples submitted by an EPA accredited vendor or the State Laboratory. The Proficiency Testing Requirements, February 20, 2012, Revision 1.2 document states: All PT samples are to be analyzed and the results reported in a manner consistent with the routine analysis and reporting requirements of compliance samples and any other samples analyzed according to the requirements of 15A NCAC 2H .0800. In lieu of issuing a parameter decertification, it was agreed (during the Compliance Enforcement investigation on September 13, 2012) that if the laboratory analyst, who analyzes the environmental compliance samples, obtained acceptable results on two consecutive PTs, Page 4 #515 Robeson County Water Dept. decertification would not be issued. The laboratory submitted acceptable results for two consecutive PTs (i.e., ERA WP-208 received on 9/4/2012 and ERA 091912L 2009 TNI received on 9/24/2012) which were analyzed by the analyst responsible for generating environmental compliance data. No further response if necessary for these findings. Total Residual Chlorine — Standard Methods, 4500 CI G — 2000 Comment: The laboratory is not documenting the proper units of measure on the laboratory benchsheets. The secondary benchsheets, created by Ms. Radford, list "mg/L" and "ug/L" in the column headers with the same sample data values recorded in each. In addition, "ug" were recorded with the sample value in the individual results spaces. The permit requires reporting in "pg/L". The North Carolina Administrative Code, 15A NCAC 2H .0805 (g) (1) states: Data pertinent to each analysis must be maintained for five years. Certified Data must consist of date collected, time collected, sample site, sample collector, and sample analysis time. The field benchsheets must provide a space for the signature or initials of the analyst, and proper units of measure for all analyses. During the Compliance Enforcement Investigation on September 13, 2012, Ms. Tonja Springer designed benchsheets that included proper units of measure for Total Residual Chlorine results. The laboratory implemented these benchsheets on September 14, 2012. No further response is necessary for this finding. Comment: The laboratory is not analyzing a daily midrange check standard. The NC WW/GW LC Approved Procedure for Field Analysis of Total Residual Chlorine document states: If compliance samples are analyzed throughout the day, a post calibration check (mid -range) must be analyzed mid -day and at the end of the run (i.e., roughly every 4 hours based on an eight hour day). The check standard concentration must be at mid range and recovery must be within 10% of the known value. It was observed during the Compliance Enforcement Investigation on September 13, 2012, that the laboratory had implemented analyzing a daily midrange check standard. No further response is necessary for this finding. C. Finding: The laboratory is reporting Total Residual Chlorine values below the lowest calibration verification standard concentration. Requirement: For analytical procedures requiring analysis of a series of standards, the. concentrations of those standards must bracket the concentration of the samples analyzed: One of the standards must have a concentration equal to the laboratory's lower reporting concentration for the parameter involved. Ref: NC WW/GW LC Approved Procedure for Field Analysis of Total Residual Chlorine. Please submit a copy of the Total Residual Chlorine meter calibration verification with the response to this report. Comment: The laboratory was reporting "0 pg/L" on the Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) and the lowest calibration verification standard is 20 pg/L. The laboratory analyzes- samples from 5 different locations. Four of the 5 facilities have permit limits of 17 pg/L. Recommendation: It is recommended that the laboratory verify the internal calibration using the concentrations: 15, 30, 50, 200 and 400 pg/L and report "less than" values as "<15 pg/L" in the daily cells of the DMRs. This will verify the analytical range used to measure Proficiency Testing (PT) samples as well as environmental samples. Comment: When calculating an arithmetic mean, you may consider a "less than" value as equal to zero. Therefore, if all monthly values are "less than" values, the monthly arithmetic average would be "zero". When calculating a geometric mean, you may consider a "less than" value as equal to one. Therefore, if all monthly values are "less than" values, the monthly geometric average would be "one". This procedure pertains only to the calculation of an average. You must report individual data values on the DMR exactly as reported to you by your Page 5 #515 Robeson County Water Dept. laboratory and with the "less than" sigh. Please see the attached documents (i.e., NC DWQ NPDES Permitting Guidance for DMR Calculations and Directions for Completing Monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports) for additional guidance. Comment: During the Compliance Enforcement Investigation, it was observed that the laboratory had obtained a new stock standard solution to verify the meter's factory -set calibration. D. Finding: The annual calibration curve verification does not always bracket the concentration of the annual Proficiency Testing (PT) samples. Requirement: For analytical procedures requiring analysis of a series of standards, the concentrations of those standards must bracket the concentration of the samples analyzed. Ref: NC WW/GW LC Approved Procedure for Field Analysis of Total Residual Chlorine. IV. PAPER TRAIL INVESTIGATION: The paper trail consisted of comparing laboratory benchsheets and contract lab reports to Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs) submitted to the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. Data were reviewed for the Maxton WTP Laboratory (NPDES permit #NC0048577), Raemon Well WTP (NPDES permit #NC0086894), Kenric Road WTP-I-95 (NPDES permit #NC0084204), Lumber Bridge (NPDES permit #NC0085685) and Sanchez Drive (NPDES permit #NC0086991) for April, May, June and July, 2012. Apart from the falsification issues noted in Section III of this report, it appears that the laboratory accurately transcribed the July 2 and July 3, 2012 data (which were the only original observations retained) and was accurately transcribing contract laboratory data. V. CONCLUSIONS: Ms. Locklear's candor during the initial audit and subsequent investigation, her swift attention to corrective actions and Mr. Neville's immediate action to remove Ms. Radford from any duties associated with generating compliance data have all contributed to the decision of this office not to take any enforcement action at this time. Correcting the above -cited findings and implementing the recommendations will help this lab to produce quality data and meet certification requirements. The inspector would like to thank the staff for its assistance during the inspection, data review process and Compliance Enforcement Investigation. Please respond to all findings. Report prepared by: Jeffrey R. Adams Date: October 16, 2012 Report reviewed by: Dana Satterwhite Date: November 5, 2012 A7A NCDENR lJ�I�I��rna FEB 1 2013 DWO North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Pat McCrory Charles Wakild, P. E. John E. Skvarla, Ill Governor Director Secretary February 5, 2013 5628 Ms. Debbie Locklear Robeson County Water Dept. 265 McGirt Road Maxton, NC 28364- Subject: Inspection Report Corrective Action Dear Ms. Locklear: Your correspondence, received November 26, 2012, concerning corrective actions taken in response to the laboratory inspection performed on July 31 and September 13, 2012 has been reviewed. The quality control measures, taken in reference to the Findings cited in the November 8, 2012, inspection report are acceptable with the following exceptions and comments: D. Finding: The annual calibration curve verification does not always bracket the concentration of the annual Proficiency Testing (PT) samples. Requirement: , For analytical -procedures requiring analysis of a series of standards, the concentrations of those standards must bracket the concentration of the samples analyzed. Ref: NC WW/GW LC Approved Procedure for Field Analysis of Total Residual Chlorine. Laboratory Response: No written response for this finding was noted by the laboratory in its response to the inspection report. Auditor Response: The laboratory did not state this finding in its response to the inspection report, but did include the requested calibration curve which does address the finding. The calibration curve concentrations for Total Residual Chlorine does bracket the Proficiency Testing (PT) samples. No further response is necessary. Please continue to follow all approved methods, rules and regulations. Thank you again for your cooperation during the inspection. Contact us at (919) 733 — 3908 Ext.249 if you have any questions or need additional information regarding our requirements. Sincerely, Jeffrey R. Adams Certification Auditor Laboratory Section cc: Dana Satterwhite Fayetteville Regional Office DENR DWQ Laboratory Section NC WastewaterffGroundwater Laboratory Certification Branch 1623 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1623 Location: 4405 Reedy Creek Road. Raleigh. North Carolina 27607-6445 Phone: 919-733-3908 FAX: 919-733-6241 Internet www.dwolab.oro 4r. Eaca' Opportunity'.:;" irrnatioe a.ctior. Emoloyer One NorthCarolina Naturally