HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC216184_FRO Submitted_20211108CUATf KAM CC)UK-F-V N l7 It 7 H C' A R" I. I N A Land -Disturbing Permit Application Please complete both pages of this form and return to: For Office Use: Physical Address Mailing Address 80 East St. PO Box 548 Pittsboro, NC 27312 Pittsboro, NC 27312 Phone: (919) 545-8268 Please see PERMITTING FLOW CHART to determine which permit and plan requirements apply to your project and then check one of the boxes below: ❑ Land -Disturbing Permit. The following items are required to obtain this permit: completed application, plans, and fees. Land -Disturbing Permit applications must include all parcels/lots on one application with the total amount of disturbance for all parcel/lots. All clearing and disturbance must be included when calculating disturbed area. Fee Requirements: Permit Fee: $250/disturbed acre Plan Review Fee: $250/disturbed acre Fees are rounded up to the next whole acre. Example: 1 acre or less is $500, 1.01-2 acres is $1,000, and 2.01-3 is $1,500. Plan Design Plan: submit (1) copy of an erosion control plan completed & sealed by a professional land surveyor, professional engineer, or registered landscape architect. This plan must meet the criteria of the Chatham County Erosion Control Plan Review Checklist and include all applicable construction details. These can be found on the Chatham County Watershed Protection website, on the Erosion Control webpage. This plan must satisfy all local, state, and federal minimum plan requirements. General Plan: submit (1) copy of site plan along with the Chatham County Residential General Plan. Site plan is not required to be completed by a design professional. The Residential General Plan can be found on the Chatham County Watershed Protection website on the Residential Construction webpage. Indicate lot drainage pattern(s) on sheet 1 of the Residential General Plan. ❑ Residential Lot Permit. The following items are required to obtain this permit: completed application, site plan, and fee. PAGE 3 "FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/OWNERSHIP FORM" not required. Fee Requirements: Plan Requirements: $100 flat fee Site Plan showing property boundaries. The site plan required by the Environmental Health or Central Permitting Departments is sufficient. ALL CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO CHATHAM COUNTY Page 1 of 3 1r--1 Land -Disturbing CI t. k I i C- Cc7- it N A Y Permit Application �i c)It � �i c-� unc-rNA **The mailing and street address of the principal place of business for the person/entity financially responsible and the land owner(s) must be provided. A P.O. box is NOT acceptable as an address. **If the financially responsible person/party is different from the current land owner, an agreement signed by both parties must be provided allowing the financially responsible party person to conduct the land -disturbing activity on the property. PROJECT NAME: Westfall Lot 101 DATE: 7/27/21 ADDRESS OF PROJECT: 277 West Beech Slope Ct., Chapel Hill, NC 27517 LATITUDE/LONGITUDE OF PROPERTY AT SITE ENTRANCE: 35.8252/-79.0572 PARCEL #(S): 93545 TOTAL DISTURBED ACRES or SQUARE FEET: 0.40 PURPOSE OF ACTIVITY: New SFD FEE AMOUNT SUBMITTED: $500.00 "LANDOWNER(S) OF RECORD (attach page to list additional owners) Please provide a complete list of partners, managing members and registered agents if the responsible entity or land owner is a group of individuals, corporate organization or entity. Name: Westfall Associates Phone: 919-876-5802 Address: 128 Yorkchester Way E-Mail: Jan@futrellproperty.com Raleigh, NC 27615 Jan Futrell Digitally 7.27 an Futrell g Signature: Date: 2021.07.27 14:44:05-04'00' "FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY (qpplicable only if different from property owner) Name: ICG Homes, LLC Phone: 919-876-5802 Address: 4020 Wake Forest Rd. Ste. 306 E-Mail: rperry@icghomes.com erry Raleigh, NC 27609 g Ryan Perry Daietal2021.07.277ned y14.44.Ryan 7 -04'00' g Signature: NORTH CAROLINA AGENT (applicable only if owner or financially responsible party does not reside in North Carolina) Name: Phone: Address: E-Mail: Signature: ENGINEER/SURVEYOR EROSION CONTROL Company Name: Taylor Land Consultants, PLLC Address: 1600 Olive Chapel Rd. Suite 140 Apex, NC 27502 Contact Person: Jeremy Taylor Phone: 919-801-1104 E-Mail: Jeremy@taylorlc.com Person to contact should erosion & sediment control issues arise during land -disturbing activity: Contact Person: Ryan Perry Company Name: ICG Homes, LLC Phone: 919-876-5802 E-Mail: rperry@icghomes.com Page 2 of 3 C'II I I11AN't C;( )11-%t Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Financial Responsibilite•/Oi� nership Form N0T1?A;0(II111:1) 1U) Bj; ('U:1J!'1l)1•'UI? PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFOMMATiW I ) This section must be signed in 111C presence of a Notan i All Land-Distnfiing permits are valid for up to (?) Nears from file dale of issuance. If circumstances %arrant. tlae permit may be extended for (2) scars per file corxiitions of the Chatlann Cotnatc Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. Uponxrriticn notice. the Land-Dislurbing permit may be revoked for failure to comph N ith the Orditutnce. (f the permit is revokcd. all other pemuts and approNals are aitlihcld until the propem is once main in compliance faith Chatham CouutN regulations. Also. upon x%ritteta notice. it ciN it penalh (fine) can be instigated against the propem 0%%ner and/or additiomil linanciall) responsible parr (if am ) for iolations of the C'halhana COntalN Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. This peiaiallN is tap to 'i0 oo.00 per \ iolation per da} and is assessed daily for everN da% the proper(\- is in violation. Interfering \\ ith or hampering an inspection can result in a cis it pcnaltN \1 ithout «ritien notice. a Tile infonnafion provided on this fonn is inre and correct to the best of nn knowledge and belief and was provided b\ nee Nchile under oath. 4 ) This forni must be signed b� the propcal\ 0\Cner if an indi\ idu al. If oi\ ned b\ a conlpam or corporation. this form must be signed b\ an officer. director. partner. attorney -in -fact, or other person midi authorih to execute instnunents for the corporation and accompanied b} a complete list of all parlr><rs, managing members and registered agents of the compam orcorpomtion. OWNER OF PROPERTY: Name and Title Jan Futrell, Manager Conapan\ (ifa )licablc) Westfall Associates ture: Signaa , / ----- — ADDITIONAL FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY (ifany): Name and Titl, Ryan Perry, Owner Compam : ICG Homes, LLC Signature NORTH CAROLINA AGENT (ifaii ): Name and Title: Company: Sig,nature 1 Holly W. Brazell North Carolina a Notan Public of Wake - cOlmtVni tl1C StaIC hereby certiA- that Jan Futrell personally appeared before me this day and under oath acknowledged reading the infornaation aboNc and acknrn,Ird�=cd that the abocc form \\as e%ccutcd b\ him or her. „�„�,,,,.,,,,,,,,. 27th Jul W • BR'' ��'itn.,� nn hand and official seal. this the da, of y 2021 s�'��l ��, ................. Nc�tar� Puh i;: - \1, commission c\hires 08/21/21 ,, C, '•V "Z,.,COUN�,��'` Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Financial Responsibility/ON` nership Form V'0%'Il/•;O1 '11U..) PLEASE READ THE FOLLMVi\Ci I\FORMATION: I ) This sect roll Inust be signed in I11C presence of it NolarN �) All Larxi-Disturbing permits arc Valid for up to (2) tears from file date of issuance. If circumstances iurrtnt. the permit maN be extended for (2) Nears per the conditions of the Challtalln CounIN Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Ordinance. Uponnritten notice. file Land -Disturbing permit maN be rooked for failure to comply with the Ordil>iulce. If the permit is reNokcd. all other permits and approvals are %aithllcld until the properiN is once agilin in conlpliallcc "ith C11Mharu County reg w ritten notice. a ciN it penalt} (fine) can be instigated against the propene owner and/or additional linanciall\ responsible tms(ifulpon for violations of the C'halham County Soil Erosion mid Sedimentation Control Ordinance. This pcnalt� is up to auu.ru► per iolation per da} slid is assessed daily for e\en &a the properlc is in Violation Inlerfcring kith or hampering an inspection can result in a civil pcnall� I%ithoul X%rinen notice. I) The information pro\ ided on this form is Ime and correct to file best of nn kno\\ ledge and belief and mas provided be the while tinder oath. 4) This form must be signed b% the proper\ 01%tier if an indh idual. If o%\ tied b% a conlpam or corporation. this form must be signed by an officer, director, partner. attortle\-in-tact. or other person kith aut}lorih to execute instruments for the corporation Illd accompanied b} a complete list of all partners. nuanagim members and registered agents of the conlpam orcorporltion. OWNER OF PROPERTY: Name and Title: Jan Futrell, Manager Compam (if applicable) Westfall Associates Signature ADDITIONAL FINAN('IAL.LY RESPONSIBLE PART) (ifany): Name and Title Ryan Perry, Owner C NORTH CAROLINA AGENT (if an-v): Name and Title. Company Signature: I Holly W. Brazell of North Carolina Wake Count\ in the state �rsonallv appeared before me this day and under oath acknowledged reading the information above and ackno\x lcdlocd thatthe abo\ e form \Na: � \Qcuted b\ him or her. _. a Notary Public do hereb, certifi tl Wimcss m\ hand and official seal. this the 27t ' da`. of July Notary 13116 u i M-% commission expires 08/21/21 Ryan Perry 2021 °'�- W . 81Z "'°,,, =rs� (SEAL) "%-qAU 8,.. n- -.- -3 -X