HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-04148_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 --------- --- --- 828-622 7241 P.1 Feb 1519 05:43p Clearwater Well Drilling W N1tECO M GW-X1 Fnr)ntamniUac nty: 1.71Contrattnr information: �. 1 1—W TO NE6 prsCwrrwrt %yell Contraaor Name tr, fu VC Weil Cnntnaoe Ceetifieation Nc"n6a- iS.Oil7'ER CASING r On a IYEATER1At. I� ' ' --�� irsasH To i t� �ll 1 X 1 1 1 i 1�� Tr. tt. i, ' in. C;ompnnv Name 16.LxNBR CA911YG t7R T1181NG dtprmU ettttteti Io0 [ TOouutcrsa •rnicensxss 2.1Ve11 Construction Permit#: tt, ft. In. IJA all"pplicah(a W11e"nrrntefd"rrParm It,get f(,,CaaMy,Slab Varla"ce,el-) !t. ft. in. 3.Well the(cheep wd)tise): 17.SCRe N �tctnt(esa •twrsaur. We ter SnpplyWell: traotut to soot Agricultural DMumicipalfthiic () R• a. in Geothermal(licating/Cooirng Supply) WResidential Water Supply(single) (L Industrial/CommercialResidcntiai Water Supply(shared) 18 CROlP1 .t•O MA'rb0. L BINrLAC Kr lttirStOD&AMOUNT lrti�otion ENon-Water R. t SuppiyWell: ff. f Munitoring Recovery r. fnlection Well: ft. iG Aquifer Recharge E3(iroundwater Rcmediation 19.SAN111GR+L�L PA AL CK 1AC�M Aquifer Storage.and Recovery U,S:dinity Barrier r_ ntef[ IL tiHr MLTitOD ft nnwatcr Drainage Aquifer Tcst �m Experimental Tecluiology Sultcidenre Control r iNG rtRheh t see. Geothermal(Closed Loop) �7[accr 20.11Rli LOG am" toRltetice In Gcotttermal Hearin voila Rearm) Other etc in under#21 Remarks) FROx A.Date K'e11(s)Completed: Weil 1D# tr. it.Well i MRIUM' GJ_ft. R, ' Fscilily`Clnmertiamc slily IDif(if:grplfeable) r4�le ��ICt�"1� � Y ' , �1ti 3 Physical Address,City,and Zip a1 Cani,By panel identiflention No.(PINI 8 a t V Srh.Latitude and rnnRitude in degreesimimucs/secondstwdecimnt degrees: 1 (ii avptl field one tatgong is su(Tcienf) t „2- e (ieatinn: Si@nNruc of Cenificti We11 Commetor pme &ls(arc)the wells) Permnnent or DiTemtorrr' rarXrv1 In oecmMmrcr i?u ate ling dits.'arm.1 berrhv tanrljr[lrut rhr,wcd►(xJ KM(Bras)condr ?.in this.a repair to an exisdag well: �Xcs or to v illl 15A r.tC•'07C V00"r 1SA NCAC MC.02(10 Wrll Cbrrsrr"cnon yyyrdarrte rral Thai a r lrYhir ist)repair.fRI makn"am mil eonsinrcrtan i*rmali"a and raphmr the non re gflhc cony"flirts rccard has.bm pmrHd&rn the wall twmer. r.,mir raider AN remark.waYlrm oronlde:bard oflhirform. 23-Site diagrain or additional wail details: 1'.xt may use tits back of this page to provide additional well site details or well R.For GeoprohelilPT or Clued-1,60p Geothermal'Wello having the came coastructinn(irtails. You may also attach additional pages if 110cco ry. constmetinn,only I M1.1 is needed. indicate TOTAL NUMBER orurclls drilled' ,_.�_ _--- cntenirrrAX iNiTRtIC'RQ[y$ 9.Tatar well dcp1A _below land surface: ft-) M.Fora Wslis: Submit this form,tdihin 30 days of epmpletitm of♦sell !%ar nevAiple aMllc liar rt(i d.:plrat jdi�ercnr(rsampla-3�Jd(t'aarui MOI eon Mmian to die fallowing: 10."Fitstie water Imes below top of casing: _ `si�% ot.) DiviRioo of Water Resources,Information Processing Uail, IJ"amtvr(cncllrrrlvrvscasing,we "•" 161711lafl Service Center,Ratdgh.NC2176"-1617 1 � k, 1i.Ronehotediameter:�l1 s _Ctn.) 24h.F�iaiectiog Well in addition to sending the form to the ttddtess in 240 alcove,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completion of well I I Well construction method: t �i� Wnstntetion to the following: (i c."age•,mrtry.sable,direc4 pnsb,sic,) Divislon ofWater Resourm Underground Injection Control Program, M, R WATER St:PPI V_WFLLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Centrr,RAteigh,NC 17699••1606 13a.Yield(gpm) _ _ Method of test=. C — -- 24c,I r Ytreter &Faiection Wdls: in addition to sanding the form to the nddress(cs) above, also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13h.Disinfection type: ,Amount. completion of well constriction t D the county health depanntent of the crntnty where constructed. I Form Gw-I Notch C.nmlimt TJePnrtmont of lenvininmcnmt Qrtality-f�iviston ot'1Vatcr Rasonteec 1 Revived 2 22-2a1(,