HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-04141_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 -- -`� — 828-622-7241 P'1 Fels 1519 05:43p Clearwater Well Drilling WE&L CONSTRUCTION RECORD{GW�><1 For internal Use Only: 1,�y r�11CnntraetorInformation: �• - - , �( l �1 i W LONES c 1 �v rteoat o t►pBCRti'1 FON Well C:ontraclor Name 0. C WrIi Cnnhaclor Certification Number DjJTFR CASj(tlf' ff ff tnt ro D1Ad1ETLlt ( B83 PIATERIAL Z �( ��1 1 I( fr. % tfr�5 in. C.ompnnyNamc t6.INNER CAM NCOR-TItBING tkOttWttlCK1,IDQ T8A1AL iraoK To ouot tnIdaarsas 2.Well Constractinn Permit#: ft. in. i.i.ra all aNdicehle,veil ennrrnrminn parmas(1.ea U1C,Calarly,-9a1e,Yar t—,e10 Ee. in, 3.Wd'Il ltsc(cheek well list): 17. R8, N ntAtxertst 's �tcrorsss TaRua. WAterSapplyWell: rtotut To cultural DMunicipatlPuhlic () �• H 'n• Geothermal(licating(Cooline supply) E)Residential Water Supply(single) tr. (nAusirial/Cnmmerciutl �Residential Water Supply(shara) 1&GROUT q �.Ryt ooa�AMouMT N H MAIMR L atNrt.A phut^Dtlnn fl. j'�', 8Non Winer Supply Well: V fc hinnitaring Recovery 0. lniectinn Well: f/. R• Aquifer Reehar�e MGroundwater Rcmedialinn 19 SarmreR,ivB pp A Di We L Aquifer Storage and Recovery inity Barrier 10- d r4 M1OA u ffiNTt� nt>rl ES:d n°n Aquifer Test OStorinwater Drainage Eixperimental Technology []Subsidence Control �- n• Creothetmat(Closed Loop) DTrnccr 20.01i1f.i.INGL4G dtae4b 1 M1y,akt , Feu pR� ox To 1 Geothermal(Hearin Holing Return') Other(explain under021 Remarks) lr. r r ao !.IlatcLS'etl(s)Completed: n^st _ !Well II)tl fe , Su.Well l.nca �`rrJA n, fL � � O I--sciiih ourerrNmme Facility 1110(if a tiplieabne) X l _vi. ft' �� •1^Crr�v U Physiani Address,City,and Vp 21.REMARKS Cann . Pnrcal Identification No.(PiN) Sh.Latitude and tore itude in degrees/minutes/secnndsordceimal degrees: (io..clt field,one 1a0ang is suir%,icnt) 2 'iClrtifipt on: 6.Ware)tine wdl(s) Ptrmnuent ar D'I emporary Sipnamre of CQtlficdwell Ccmtrnetor Data By ar}'ring rhir fiorm.1 hrrrbv r,alrlfy char the nwllfap rrcur(wdm,)coin"nomwi in orzvardmrce i.1.4 this.a repair tonnc-Astiagwen: Ives or 1?SiNo td1h)sAW_-ACO2C.p1011or15ANCr1C4D2r.'.t121/0;ve11CnnsrrncnaarVandardamrd,hmrr ;''this ix:t repair.full ourkarouw ivr.N aoaslruclirnt irlfnrmalian as rsp><rma lha aannov a ahe eMrJ'nfrhrt rrrr rrl Nat Hearn prrvtdaadro nc�well owner. r•�oir r ndrr r?f rcllanrkt ac>Ilan nrearlrr bast nflhla jarna. 23_Site diagram or addltlo mal well di=11s: A-Pfar Geoprabe/IMT or Cursed-1 anp Gelrih m ermal Wells hAvinq the sae You may use ntc back of this page to provide additional well site details or well Consinrctinn,nnh t G%1.I is needed. indicate TOTAL NUMBER of"wills construction ddails. You may also attach addifuonal pages if necessary. drilled:___ nnpTAl,i ' UCTiQNS ?,Total well depth below land surface: 2r) _( •) M. »or ALfth: Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well Par nadliptr wens litedidiiia.ifnrvferrnr("mnplc-_1@200'ond2@1091 ennstivationto the fdlo►ving: 10.'SIR&water level below top of rasing: (ft.) Division of Water Resources.information Proeess;iu,'IAdi, l f e aler pear.!t tWw re carin&we 1617 hi1an Service Center,RYleigh.NC 276"-1617 t 1 i_llorehole diameter: V, ( :1 1 (in.) 7dh Far IniectioR Well in addition to sending the form to the addraas in 20 1�Well construction method: 1 -� abDve,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of eompletlon of well ct►nsltuctian to the following: (i c.auger,mtary.cable,direct posh,etc.) DiWslon of Water Resaureea.Underground injection Contral Program, r OR WATER St:PPI.V WEi.L3 ONLY: 1636 Moil Service COtrr,iRAtelgh,NC 27699-1636 1314.Yield(gpm) L method of test: %-01 11e. Ivor Witter Suably&iolecHon Webs: in addition to sending the form to the rAdress(cs) above, also sulmtit1011c copy of Wit form ufttltin 30 days of t3h.11ts1nfectian type: Amoral completion of tvdl construction to the county health depa..tnent of the county where Constructed. Farm M-t North ramlirmDapnnment of l:n imnmmtnl Qamlity-Division of WaW noaameec ' Revimid 2 22-2616 Well Driller Self-Grout Certification owner: I,, P"V'I �? New Well: L` Address: ,}M ,x 5 _f 2 L �Ct xe�air: Permit: ii5''I( Lz I NC I hereby certify that the above referenced well was grouted in appearance in accordance with all County Well rules. WellDaer• C L / S Signed: �-..-• ._----- .�. Certificate#: -�0 3 A Date Grouted: ..2V D 1 Construction: Grout: Total Depth• �1c� 1t- Casing Type: pvc- Thicimess. n1 i a_� d Casing Depth: Depth: Diameter: LV Weight/Thick- Height: Drive Shoe: GPM: 1 U