HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-04105_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 i-ah 1619 06:43p Glearwaterwell Drilling 828-B22-724'( P 1 WEX.L�pN4T1�t�T�',fION RIs,COR>�(GwW', -For InicMal U4e v Y: 1•Well Q mtrartor Ion enatton; —=- 5Well Cotliralclor Name VRO." xn A .� �. _ to _... f� •- VC ail Cnntraaor c:atifiention Mttnt,Q �' R C INCU (I- y " � �' /� AmM mw rnewt. rr: �r CampnnY Nomn tb 6R C ING ttaorraull ptwrALTSI MAMay 2,1VeU Coaateuctieo Permit is- Tp "j6l all a/tpliMNd 1111 crmrrrnmWnpurmos(LA U/rr Cmrary.Ma/a Yar lone"err.) & itL 3.�YMt liTc(ehuatk well use): n' F sq�p(y gdell:cultural [IMutt(elpaNpubliet'"MI(Iiaating(Coolins supply) Residential Water Supply(single)trialiCommercial £�"�`(Residattial WaterSupply(shmvd) 1&��.lion rariter Supply Well:toring Rcwvmy tr. fr. n ell.erlteeltar#a C)(7roundwaterRcmediariinq. Rer StorRgt:lntd rtanvc �Sttlinity 13nniercrTr_gt 0Sttmnwatt;rDmIPAgc R- IL imental Teelloology E)Submdence Commtcnnal or Loop) E]Tcacrx 1t11 L LOG Cnxrutctmn! Heetin Cooli Rctum Ather laic tmdor#21 Remarks) I iT ERNIE= Oft .t.DAte Wdl(a)Completed: Well iDN �f —Sm..-W it Lorndino: 7 —ft_ �1_�� —� ( 1 In /Cv Facility"Ot.rret tlmna FActlity ID#(if:pplic 1ble) n' _ R, / ( rend Adrin se,City,end Zip ft. ItKXI 21.JtCMARW '`•�'nip 7 ay No. Cain Ynrce!Identification 5h-lAtitude and lonpjdtudc in d or decimal drgreas:WSW)rrcld,ancl9ftnuinaniflcicnt} D t�� 12,�errtt7ir551tiarr; -Is(wre)the well(a Pcrtoaosrd or OTempornrV Eigna of CkAirtrtlwdlContraator pate 1FY 1..M dine POMP.1 he+rhv cnrrlfl,chat IlIF wcil(e)"wY(wow)nmrrr and in aeg7MA7Ct 7.it tills A repair to An erirtiaR~yell: EIYos or 09 wid,W,tif..'AC 02(.'.U100 or•1SA NCAC 07f.0I00 Well Corwenixiun SVmwA%,lc and rhm,r 1fr/ri.ic;s.cpo/r.•(1Norv�tnwntiwrf/emur:furmr 16. ww".?r)hu aimiaflldahemrel(rosb►enpA7N*d1n1hdwC(/owner. rrwair under r,2►-MO) c-none m,00 fir.bark-aflhloamr. 1:3_Slue dlafirrm or additlotm!well demoi6t: 8-For Geoprobdt{pf or Cl(=d.i amp Geothermal Welia liming thcsantr 11nu may usa ilia tack or then page to proWde addlionul vAl site dt'tsils or well rxmsdnwMan,only i C:W.I is needed. lndionte TMAL NUMM orur.11s cmwintction drinils. You MAy a)$D attt b additional pager if omxslely. drillad: `t 7lotat well dCPM ilGfoW land Sutlttcc: V 103, IFOr AI! Willis: SUbMit Otis form within 30 days of complction or wall l�nrntah/plcwMle/itrrdld.:pNwifd(�eredr(azaa{ak-9�1b0'enat'rr1009 Conamlctim to The fbilm": In,StRtire water levo klaw top of casing --.___�_(ft) Dighton o(VYater Resources,Infiwautdon Pnmwiag Unit, (1"nmtcr(r:nl to uhrvu catYng•rnr~• a 1617 Mafl 8 MCe Cantor;Rglltgb,lYC7Y1f199-1bt9 1;.n„nenotraflAnteter: I � 1 on.) !' , 2tb.Fur aaMrNon Wdta: Tn addition tt isatding the tbtm lq Otc ttddt�r in 24n iZ Weti eonstraetltm nwilbod; r u 1 l,X '&nVe,abo submit one copy Of thka farm wilbin 30 days Of wmp11011CM of Wall (i c,m,gc,mtnrp,anNk,4lroct pled[,etc,) txwkne ion to the failoarit)g I Old WATER fif P17 V VNEI.1,5 ONLY- Divlslon ot"Fatsr Rtmwre%Underground Injection Cow-w Program, 763e ittlau t3ervtae ccam,Rnlcigtt.Mc27rPJ4•iGI6 131k.Yield(gym) VA Methoo of Test, 24c rer Mar Satrofr&t almlan W� is addition to sunning ft Ibrm M the wMmss(cs) above, also subunit osc 'copy of this form viddiln 30 days or t3A.Diainfectkrrt type. Ammar- o7mptation of.vdl constaaction Ao Lhe coney health department of the county wham coonttacted• i'nnn CV-I Afotth(Sorttinn r)apnmm�nt.rf rin.•Irtinmr�ml Qn;tlNy•1]tvicmnt�t Water Resaareac I2cviaed2 22.2a1 A