HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2021-04042_Well Construction - GW1_20210823 Feb 1519 O5;43p Clearwater Well Drilling -724� P.1 828-622 •• WELL CONls'TRT7�TION�2ECORIa(GW�l) Fnr lntcmnl Use only: 1.W.114rAn+tmeetnr lnformat n —�� i�'Y� !4.WATER f-)NES j J t ROM rn nescalrrtoty WrIl Contraclot Npme to #. VC Well Cnntmam co tiiSeatinn Nunn {�`1 �f, -l�OUTER 11M ING torm.1611 eel OR R r� 1 f:! 'V t L/ r nROM TO /(� D1&twrit Rnhjj MS MATERI(AL/' ft: J(� / n. : V�(/ t:nmp my Name ` , ~16,INNER CASING OR TRMMG et —al claseddoo 2.Well Construction Permit#: . t�l)Ii- 75, r O TO1se osAntcTER in. T"MICKESS MA1trR1AL i.(.rr ml(nn/rlim5lr 1tr/f CMtr+rndlnrilMrR7rta(L�IX County,stale,Var- o.rr-) h' 3.Well li (cheek well list): a' (� Water Snpply Weli: .SCRBSN Pa". 'r, Agricuulturat Mtmicipaflpuhlic in• t reothcrmal(t9cating/Cooiing Supply) aidaltial Water Supply(aingie) in industrial/Commercial DResidrntial Water Supply(shared) •T&GROUT lrrinotion u ROM 7b MATERIAL mvin AC-Y1GYrMMOo&AMOt1Nr Z `� �tnn-�'1'nter Sutpply wrjl: 9- l r. -r Rmvery u, fr- ll: charge QGroundwater Remediation ft. R I9•SA�VlIfGttAVBL PACK Io ble rngC Mel Rcctwcr E]Saunity Batticr B elm TO MA IAL tRVirLAcErtSNTMtrntoa t Dsoci mwiltcr Drainageal Teelmology []Suhsidenee Control ll R. Geother nal(Closed Loop) 13Treccr 20.DRIMAM LOG fatUtsch frm-M BR FM I TO 0doe.h1rdam,uroWreekt raln etc, Gcathcnnnl(Hearin oolin Baum1) 'Other( lain under N21 Rcmttrlcs r tt. � !e. S' �- `/� d.IlaacVY<n(s)Completed: "Z{ Well IDN - Se.Well Location: l-:teilityr(luvrcr?tame Facility iDiJ(ifappllcahlr.) 21.REMARKSAZA Cannty Pareel Iden6fleation No.(Ply 5h.Latitude rind longitude in degrees/mimates/secondsordecimnl degrees: (ii welt( gone tat9ang issucirntJ ;!Z Ce l ilea: z� � i o i tiv �,Z y,4 j b.ls(arc)the well(s) trmaRent or DTrzn tnrRry ::iannu c of0wiried Won r Doge �.�( l v.u1ming rinv.,rrm,1 herrhv veylif.,that lire twdl(A)rear firm--)a momtred M rteonrde77re i.le this itrepairm aft existing wen: Elves orp[JNo I•.tirlSA.tie_ACUC.O10Aor15AYCAC82C'.4200 Well Comfenrm)?MondorA;and Mina 1;tl,T 1�:>------tore fll mrtknnwn wrJl vvt,rnrrtrmr it nmrn(inn r pfnin rh,rurnnr nfrhr tap),nfthk rrrnrd har boar PMK&W la lit'Well nl ow, r vair tinder Of rrrmarkr wrllnn arm 111'c hurl•off)",fnmr. 13.Site tllagram or additional well details: R.Fir CmIlroheMPT or Closed-Limp Geothermal Wells having the came Tou may use the back of this page to provide adcriliona)wel)Silo details or well unnctmrlion,only 1 GW.1 is needed. Gtdicate TOTAL NUMBER of urlis construction details. You may also attach additional pages if nemssary. drillctl; 9.7rntat well depth irelow land surfilcs: _(D.► 2l19 col•i!1! Weillt; Stlbttlit this form Within 30 dabs of compleiion of well l rr"'Iftolr otear l:u mli d rprlu ifdljlerrmr fesmm�le-3�240'mtd 100� cungMtedDit10the follOITing; J 0.Sta6e wafter level beinn top of Iasi ng: (l1.} Division of Water Rewtrccs,Information Processing Unit, If"«•n(rrr+rtrtlsrrMrvtrnslnR.ur J/ 1617 Mall Scrvke Center,Raleigh.NC27491-I617 19-norcholediametcr: t � (in.j zah.For Iwieceion We0s: In addition to t;erlt[ing the form to the nddreas in 24a 12.Well construetlan method: 0 f/ nirove,also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of completieae of well (i C.Mrs¢-,mnrQ.r..><,k,SlirRt pt1511,9C,) construction m the following: "MR WATT R St:t'PL1'WELLS ONLY: Division of�i'ater Reliourmi.Underground Injection Contrail Program, 1636 Mail Service Cenirr,Raleigh,!VC 2709-1636 13a.Yield(gpm) method of teat: 24c, For Neater Supply&fakctlon'Wells: In addition ro sending the form to the address(cs) above, also subMit One ropy of this form within 30 days of tan.Monfeermn type: � ,Amount: compaction of wdl cmull action no the county health depawncill of the aminty where eonstracroet. !°ant(:1k'-1 North C-nminm DcTnrlment.irtin.•ir inmcnt:rl gaalitg-rhvisrnn of Water RasmuVen Re eixed�^-22 201 R I Well Driller Self.Gnmt Certification Owner. �,V S LI?OS�QV-6 New Well: Address: �U �I C�rcL!�, r 5� p : Pmnit•, I hereby certify that the above referenced weR was granted in appearance in accordance with all County Well rules. Well Driller: Aof) SOS' Certificate#:. � Date G �" Z Z�' Construction: Grout: Total Depth: q P, Casing Type:^, V� nAftess: M a 6 Casing Depth: 110-- Depth: Diameter: weight/Thick Height: Drive Shoe- GPM: