HomeMy WebLinkAbout02_Stormwater O&M PlanNew Bern North Carolina Stormwater Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance plan October 8, 2021 Rk NORTH CAROLI NA Table of Content Stormwater Infrastructure Operation and Maintenance 1. Introduction---------------------------------------------------- 2 2. Catch Basins ---------------------------------------------------- 2 3. Streets and Parking Lots ------------------------------------- 3 4. Storage and Disposal of Collected Debris ---------------- 4 5. Municipal Stormwater Control Measures --------------- 4 Appendices Appendix A — Stormwater Infrastructure Map ----------------------- 5 Appendix B — Stormwater Activity Form ------------------------------ 6 Appendix C — Inventory of Municipal Stormwater Control Measures---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 Appendix D — Structural Stormwater Control Measures Maintenance Report--------------------------------------------------------- 8 Appendix E — Litter Pick-up Tracking Form -------------------------- Page 11 13 I Introduction This Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Plan has been prepared by The City of New Bern to address stormwater infrastructure O&M requirements' of the United States Environmental Protection Agency's(USEPA's) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) hereafter referred to as the "MS4 Permit." This O&M Plan addresses Minimum Control Measure 6, Good Housekeeping and Pollution Prevention for the Permittee Owned Operations, by describing the activities and procedures the City of New Bern will implement so that the MS4 infrastructure is maintained in a timely manner to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the MS4. The O&M Plan outlines inspection and maintenance procedures for catch basins, municipally owned streets and parking lots, structural Stormwater Control Measures (SCMs) and litter pick-up. The Stormwater Division of the Public Works Department is responsible for inspection and maintenance of the stormwater infrastructure in New Bern. A map of the existing stormwater infrastructure in New Bern is provided in Appendix A. Catch Basins The Stormwater Division of the Public Works Department performs routine inspections, cleaning, and maintenance of the approximately 4000 catch basins that are located within the MS4 regulated area. The City of New Bern will implement the following catch basin inspection and cleaning procedures to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the MS4. • Catch basins should be cleaned such that the basins are no more than 50 percent fu112 at any time. The City of New Bern will initially inspect all catch basins within the regulated area within two (2) years of the effective date of the permit to evaluate sediment or debris accumulation and establish optimal inspection and maintenance frequencies to meet the "50 percent" goal. A Stormwater activity form is included in Appendix B. Page 2 1 13 • If a catch basin sump is more than 50 percent full during two consecutive routine inspections or cleaning events, the finding will be documented, the contributing drainage area will be investigated for sources of excessive sediment loading, and to the extent practicable, contributing sources will be addressed. If no contributing sources are found, the inspection and cleaning frequency will be increased. • Catch basins located near construction activities (roadway construction, residential, commercial,or industrial development or redevelopment) will be inspected and cleaned more frequently if inspection and maintenance activities indicate excessive sediment or debris loadings (i.e., catch basins more than 50 percent full). Priority will also be given to catch basins that discharge to impaired waters. • The following information will be included in each annual report: o Any action taken in response to excessive sediment or debris loadings o Total number of catch basins o Number of catch basins inspected o Number of catch basins cleaned o Total volume or mass of material removed from catch basins. 3 Streets and Parking Lots Streets and municipally owned parking lots are swept on a one -month rotation. The City of New Bern will implement the following street and parking lot sweeping procedures toreduce the discharge of pollutants from the MS4: • All streets with the exception of rural uncurbed roads with no catch basins or high-speed limited access highways will be swept and/or cleaned a minimum of once per year. • More frequent sweeping will be considered for targeted areas based on pollutant load reduction potential, inspections, pollutant loads, catch basin cleaning or inspection results, land use, impaired waters, or other factors. • More frequent sweeping is required for municipally owned streets and parking lots in areas that discharge to certain nutrient -impaired waters. Sweeping must be performed in these areas a minimum of two times per year, once in the spring and at least once in the fall (Sept 1 — Dec 1; following leaf fall). • For rural uncurbed roadways with no catch basins and limited access highways, the City of New Bern will either meet the minimum frequencies above, or develop and implement an inspection, documentation, and targeted sweeping plan outlining reduced Page 3 1 13 frequencies within two (2) year of the effective date of the permit and submit such plan with its year one annual report. • The following information will be included in each annual report: o Number of miles cleaned, or the volume or mass of material removed. 4 Storage and Disposal of Collected Debris Catch basin cleanings (i.e., solid materials such as leaves, sand and twigs removed from stormwater collection systems during cleaning operations) and street sweepings will be managed at the city's solid waste facility until it can be transported to the Craven County Government Landfill or suitable materials are use at the wood burning power plant in Craven County. 5 Municipal Stormwater Control Measures The City of New Bern has several facilities that were constructed after the implementation of the stormwater rules. An inventory of these facilities is listed in Appendix C. We have since contracted the maintenance of these SCMs. You find an example of the report provided by our contractor after routine maintenance in Appendix D. ll: Litter Pick-up The City of New Bern has a dedicated litter crew made up of a staff member and inmate labor. Their daily routine consists of emptying of municipal trash receptacles and cleaning of city rights -of -way. Progress is tracked using a simplistic track sheet, example in Appendix E Page 4 1 13 Appendix A Stormwater Infrastructure Map For a detailed view of our map visit https://www.newbemnc. ova/departments/public works/stormwater.php 5113 Appendix B Stormwater Activity Form Stormwater Daily Activity Log Date Location Task Being Performed Am R m �aab`'s Employee Name: Vehicle Type: The form above gives staff a simplistic method to track the cleaning of catch basins and any other maintenance activity that may arise throughout their daily routine. 6113 Appendix C Inventory of Municipal SCMs Name of Facility Location SCM Type Fire Headquarters 1401 Neuse Blvd. Wet Detention Basin and Grass Swale Fire Training Grounds 333 Glenburnie Drive Wet Detention Basin Public Utilities Facility 210 Kale Rd. Wet Detention Basin and Grass Swale New Bern Swim Complex 1155 Laura Lane Wet Detention Basin and Grass Swale Public Works Facility 1004 South Glenburnie Road Wet Detention and Bio- retention Cell Water Treatment Plant 521 HWY 55 West Wet Detention Basin West Thurman Road Fire Station 800 West Thurman Road Wet Detention Basin Page 7 1 13 Appendix D Stormwater Control Measure Maintenance Report drat nflx PON WORK Ni (iwr f,rrr�J Spr.. PO Box 1089 Apex NC 27502 919-851-0033 Client Log - Coastal Date: 01/29/2020 PROJECT DETAILS Dragonfly Maintenance Report Propertv NB FIRE HEADQUARTERS Client Name Avery Smith Client Email Address SmithA@newbern-nc.org Client Email Address 2 Client Email Address 3 Client Email Address 4 Number of Ponds & Pond Type 1 Wet Pond Service Type Standard Mowinq Schedule None Mowinq Service None Special Instructions Dye Pond Locations http://imageshack.com/... MAINTENANCE LOG Pond Name Access Address Service Date Trash Pickup Treat Invasives Inlet service Outlet Service Uncloq Drain Clean Riser/Trash rack Add Dye? Fountain/Aerator Condition Mow/Weed eat WPl (0.15ac) 1401 Neuse Blvd, New Bern, NC 28560 01/21/2020 SC= Service Completed NN= Service Not Needed NN= Service Not Needed NN= Service Not Needed NN= Service Not Needed NN= Service Not Needed SC= Service Completed N/A= Not Applicable NN= Service Not Needed Submitted by Crew Leader at 01/29/2020 12:31 LTC Page. 1 Ca tured at 01/2912020 12:31 UTC aocanvas.com Submission ID: 3B11897B-2162.435C•8098-A97C09AA2450 Page 8113 PO Box 1089 Apex NC 27502 dragonflx 919-851-0033 PON WORK Client Log - Coastal Date: 01/29/2020 overview of the pond Dam Submitted by Crew Leader at 01/29/2020 12:31 UTC Page: 2 Captured at 01/29/2020 12:31 UTC aocanvas.com Submission ID: 3B11897B-2162.435C-8098-A97C09AA2450 Page 9 1 13 PO Box 1089 Apex NC 27502 dragonflx 919-851-0033 P O N W O R K Client Log - Coastal Date: 01/29/2020 Riser Inlet Submitted by Crew Leader at 01/29/2020 12:31 UTC Page: 3 Captured at 01/29/2020 12:31 UTC aocanvas.com Submission ID: 3B11897B-2162.435C-8098-A97C09AA2450 Page 10 113 PO Box 1089 Apex NC 27502 dragonflx 919-851-0033 P O N W O R K Client Log - Coastal Date: 01/29/2020 Additional Notes Erosion at north inlet persists. (Image 1) Recommend addition of rip rap to prevent further erosion. Noted Imaqe 1 HANDOFF SCREEN Press next to upload submission Submitted by Crew Leader at 01/29/2020 12:31 UTC Page: 4 Captured at 01/29/2020 12:31 UTC aocanvas.com Submission ID: 3B11897B-2162.435C-8098-A97C09AA2450 Page 11 1 13 Appendix E Litter Control Tracking Form Date Location of Trash Receptacle or Litter Pick-up Type of Litter/Debris Retrieved. Was it Hazardous? Approximate Amount Retrieved 10/11/21 City Hall Trash Receptacle Bagged trash/no 60 Pounds 10/11/21 Simmons Street Household Garbage/Yes, several paint cans 30 pounds The above chart is a representation of the form used in the field by staff. Page 12 113